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Monday, week 1, May

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Callis: Hello and welcome to the long-awaited return of ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Callis: Last week, on Blood Sweat and Beers, the shocking and quite brilliant plan that led to "The New Franchise" Paul Burchill leaving the Nest was revealed by the man himself and his new mentor and associate Shane Douglas.

Gertner: I can't believe how much planning they put into it, Don, and this is coming from someone who spends weeks writing his inuendos.

Callis: That's not something to be proud of, Joel, but, that aside, I agree with you. That revelation has to go down as one of the most incredible moments in ECW's long and storied history and do you know what?

Gertner: Not unless you tell us...

Callis: I can't wait for the fallout!



In her in-ring debut for ECW, Traci looks competent but not quite up to the task of defeating Jazz.

After enduring an STF, she has no choice but to tap.

Match Rating: B-


A video is shown to promote the World Heavyweight Champion.

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Before his match, Vito makes his entrance accompanied by an attractive young blonde.



Callis: Who's the blonde, Joel?

Gertner: I have no idea but I'd hit it!

Callis: Oh, for crying out loud.



Vito puts up an impressive showing in the first few minutes but, innevitably, he is doomed from the moment the match turns hardcore.

The Human Highlight Reel picks up the victory at 12:07 with an Arabian Facebuster.

Match Rating: B+


After the match, Sabu adds insult to injury by putting Vito through a table with a Moonsault, much to the crowd's delight. Vito's blonde female companion looks on, worried.


Callis: Shouldn't the Nest be helping him oyt by now.

Gertner: Well, I don't think Vito is Raven's favourite person at the moment. Y'know, what with his whole re-association with his brothers.

Callis: That's not enough for Raven to leave him stranded, though, is it? It's not like the Thomaselli brothers even accepted Vito's offer of friendship.

Gertner: No, but Vito was very hesitant to deliver the Vito Driver to Brandon last week...



The two teams go at it as you'd expect after the fierce rivalry that has built up.

In the thirteenth minute, Benoit locks in the Crossface on Dreamer. However, Cactus Jack breaks it up.

He picks up Benoit and sets him up for a Double Arm DDT.

The Sandman apprehends him, though, and he is set up for a Double Vertical Suplex.


Gertner: This could be the beginning of the end, Don.


But Cactus reverses it into a Double DDT.

He makes the cover on Benoit as Dreamer rolls onto The Sandman.


Match Rating: C+


Callis: You were right, Joel, but probably not in the way you were expecting.

Gertner: What the hell, Don? That's exactly what I thought would happen!


Jerry Lynn comes to the ring, mic in hand.



Lynn: I am out here to apologise for my actions last Saturday. As you know, Kurt Angle was taken away by EMTs after I attacked him...


Gertner: Wow... Lynn's apologising? It must be bad, Don!


Lynn: I want to make it clear to all of you that this is not a storyline; it's not an angle. This is not a work; this a real man with a wife and children who was involved in an entertainment segment that went horribly wrong. Kurt has a history of neck problems and it appears that, thanks to me, he may never wrestle again.


Callis: Woah!


Lynn: So, as it appears that I am no longer capable of performing safely in my working environment, I am here to announce my immediate retirement.


Gertner: What? No way...


A "Jerry, Jerry" chant starts as the crowd show their support for a true legend.


Suddenly, the proceedings are interrupted.



Hero: Hey, old man, if you ask me, it's about time you were retiring but not because of this; because you haven't got what it takes anymore!


Hero: You see, ECW is supposed to be the land of extreme but I don't see anything extreme about you, Jerry Lynn. You're out here apologising for your actions last week when a true "extremist" would revel in such an achievement. Is the whole ECW image a facade or are you just an over-emotional old waste of space?


Callis: Has this man got no respect?


Lynn: Who the f**k are you?


Hero: Chris Hero, the saviour of ECW! The man who will re-instill a pride in this company!


Lynn: Listen here, son. I know everyone wants to make an impression with their debut promo but, take it from a veteran like me, you chose the wrong f**king time! I don't think you understand; this isn't an angle for you to get involved in. A friend of mine may be crippled. A friend of mine may not be able to work again; he may not be able to support his family and, goddamn it, I will not let you exploit that!


Hero: Oh really? I'll tell you what then... how about I kick your arse so hard that, retirement or not, you'll join your "friend" in the unemployment line?



The match is surprisingly even, with Chris Hero putting on a good showing.

in the eighth minute, the young upstart rolls up Lynn and gets his feet on the middle rope.


Match Rating: C-


Callis: Damn it, Hero stole one!

Gertner: Yeah but, one way or another, that's one hell of a debut!


Vito an his female companion enter the Nest's locker room backstage.




Raven: Well, what do we have here?


The World champ stands up and kisses the girl's hand.


Vito: Boss, I know I haven't exactly been in your good books lately. So, I have brought you a present.


Raven: Okay, who might this fine creature be?


Vito: This is my sister, Kelly.


Goliath: Your sister?


Vito: Yeah.


Punk: Kelly?


Vito: Yeah.


Punk: sarcastically Kelly Thomaselli?!


The Nest burst out laughing.

Kelly puts her finger on Raven's lip to stop him laughing.


Kelly: That's right, babe.


She jumps into the World Champion's arms and the two kiss as the camera cuts back to ringside.


Gertner: Wow...

Callis: Joel?

*no response*

Callis: Joel?

*no response*

Callis: JOEL?!

Gertner: Oh, what?

Callis: You're drooling...


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Callis: Woah, what the hell was that about?

Gertner: I have no idea.



The Iron Saints win with a Spike Powerbomb at 12:26

Match rating: C+


After the match, the Thomaselli brothers offer to shake their opponent's hands. Lyger and Ultimo Dragon duly accept as the crowd applauds.


Callis: Now, we go backstage to our new broadcast colleague.

Gertner: New broadcast colleague? I wasn't informed of this... is she hot?

Callis: How do you know it's a woman?

Gertner: Well, is it?

Callis: Maybe...

Gertner: F**k yeah!


Francine is backstage with the Whole F**kin' Show.




Francine: So, boys, the Candian Connection are the new Number One Contender's to your tag titles. Are you intimidated?


Michaels and RVD laugh.


Traci: When the boys get their hands on those punks, they'll wish they never got Raven to put them in that Three Way Dance.


Francine: So, your confident that you'll keep your titles.


Traci: Oh, we're more than confident!


Francine: Now, to you, Rob. It's rumoured that the challenger for your TV Title at Hardcore Heaven will be the indie sensation AJ Styles. What are your thoughts?


Traci: I've known AJ a while now. He's a lovely guy and one hell of a talent but Robbie can take him.


Francine: Damn it Traci, I was talking to RVD but, seeing as you can't shut up, how did it feel getting your ass kicked by Jazz tonight?


Traci: Hey, watch it...


Francine: And another thing, how did a hunk like the TV Champ, here, end up with a no-talent whore like yourself.


Michaels and RVD take a deep breath in shock as Traci jumps Francine and a brawl ensues.


Michaels: Do you want to go first or shall I?


RVD: How about we both go together?


Michaels: Okay, cool.


They both clear their throats.


RVD & Michaels: CATFIGHT!!!!!!!!!


Suddenly, a large percentage of the locker room gather round as Traci and Francine still go at it.



After a while, The Sandman cracks open some beers for everyone.


Callis: Joel, you're drooling again.


The New Franchise makes his way to the ring.



They do so in darkness, followed by a spotlight.

In something reminiscent of a boxer's entrance, Shane Douglas leads the way as Burchill follows behind in a striking black hooded ring robe that reads "Paul Burchill" on the left breast and "New Franchise" across the back in gold.

As they enter the ring, Burchill flicks back the hood and removes the robe.


Douglas: This is the most promising young talent in the history of the sport. He is strong, quick, athletic and cool-headed. Hell, he's even better than I was at his age! So if anyone wants to test their worth, now's the opportunity.



Burchill dominates, an impressive feat against someone like Chris Daniels.

In only the seventh minute, he hits a Standing Shooting Star Press.


Callis: Wow... the athleticism.


He then follows up by borrowing a move from his new mentor.

The Franchiser!


Match Rating: A*


After the match, the Nest runs in.



Douglas throws a chair to paul Burchill who uses it to clean house.


Gertner: Man, Burchill is on fire!


Eventually, just Kelly is left in the ring with The New Franchise.

Burchill drops the chair and raises his eyebrows at the young blonde as several members of the crowd wolf whistle.

However, Monsters Inc re-enter the ring and take out the Number One Contender from behind.

Shane Douglas enters with another chair and sends the monsters packing again.


Paul Heyman appears at the entrance-way.



Heyman: Woah, woah, woah! Let's get some order out here.


He makes his way to the ring.


Heyman: In my hand I have the official main event contract for Hardcore Heaven. So, if you, Raven and you, Burchill, sign it you can kick the crap out of each other for the gold!


The crowd erupts!


Raven: No, way, man. I don't care about the Baptism Of Fire match and who won it. I'm still the commissioner around here. So, what I say goes and, trust me, I'm not facing Burchill for the title.


The fans jeer.


Bret Hart walks to the ring.



Bret: I couldn't agree more! You see, I won a match on Friday night at Cyberslam that guaranteed me a title shot. Remember that, Paul E?


Heyman: Yeah but I didn't mean that it would...


Bret: But nothing! I want my shot at Hardcore Heaven!


Owen Hart comes out just like his brother.



Owen: Hey, screw that, bro. I've been wanting to get my hands on Raven since November.


Heyman: So, you want a title shot as well, I guess?


Owen: A little more than that, actually... I want this sorry son of a bitch as well.


He points to Douglas.


Owen: He's the one that cost me the Number One Contender's tournament!


Bret: Hey, calm it little bro. Let the big boys talk.


Owen turns to face Bret with a look of sheer anger on his face.


Owen: What did you say?


Bret: You heard.


Owen: Yeah, I heard. I was just giving you chance to backtrack.


Bret: Backtrack? Do I need to remind you who beat you at Summerslam last year?


Owen drops his mic in annoyance and goes nose to nose with his brother.


Heyman: Hey, cool it; cool it!


Just when things seem as though they can't get anymore chaotic, the Manbeast charges to the ring.



His arrival sparks a huge wild brawl between all parties, forcing Heyman to escape to safety.


Gertner: Oh, man... how is Paul E gonna sort this one out?

Callis: Your guess is as good as mine, Joel.


Show Rating: A*

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Saturday, week 1, May

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Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles alongside former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

Taz: Joey, my man, it's a great time to be a fan of ECW. There are four guys who all want a shot at the strap and, frankly, I don't care which one gets it 'cos they're all awesome competitors.

Joey: I couldn't agree more, Taz, and let's not forget that there is an awesome contest between the Whole F**kin' Show and the Canadian Connection to look forward to at Hardcore Heaven.

Taz: Yeah, that plus the debut of "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles tonight but do you know what I want to see most?

Joey: Go on.

Taz: More of that Kelly chick... Damn!

Joey: Haha, yeah, that was quite an appealing aspect of Monday Night Revolution. I really want to know what that weird video was about, though.

Taz: Oh yeah... the one with that "Nate Hatred", dude. I don't know who the hell he is but he sure looked freaky!



Traci has a chance to get her own back on Jazz for Monday night.

Alas, Jazz's experience shows and Traci is pinned after a Powerbomb at the eight minute mark.

Match Rating: C+


Francine is backstage for another interview with the Tag Champs.




Francine: Well, boys, seeing as Traci's only just finished in the ring, it looks like I have you all to myself.


RVD: Haha, always a pleasure.


Michaels: You can say that again.


Francine feins a blush as the tag champs laugh.


Francine: So, I'll be interviewing your opponents at Hardcore Heaven later in the programme. Is there a message you want to give them?


RVD: Yeah, don't get your hopes up.


Michaels: See it goes like this: since they're facing the Showstopper...


RVD: ...and Mister P-P-V...


Michaels: ...they don't have a hope in hell!


Francine: And, Rob, are you gonna be closely watching AJ Styles' debut tonight?


RVD: Yeah, I will be. Trace tells me that he's he pretty f**kin' good. So, I'm gonna have to step my game up but I'm more than ready for the challenge.


Francine: Sounds like little miss Traci might have straying eyes for this AJ Styles. Do I detect a hint of unrequited love?


Michaels winces.


RVD: What? No... she's happy with what she's got. They call me Mister Friday Night for a reason, y'know.


Francine: Oh, I'm sure.


RVD: Sorry, Franny, you'll have to wait your turn.


Michaels coughs.


RVD: Oh, sorry, dude. You feeling left out?


Michaels: Oh, no. Don't mind me...



Rhino continues his run of impressive form.

He pins the King Of Old School after only five minutes, utilising the customary Rhino Driver.

Match Rating: B-


Backstage, the Iron Saints burst into the Nest's locker room.




Sal: Hey, Vito...


Brandon: What the f**k do you think your doing, fratello?


Vito: What?


Sal: Bringing Kelly into ECW like this,man...


Brandon: This is no place for our little sister!


Sal: Particulary with this piece of sh*t!


Sal points at Raven.


Raven: Excuse me? You've got some f**king nerve! Vito, you gonna let 'em talk to me like that?


Vito: Boys, cool it down.


Brandon: Hey, f**k you!


Raven: Vito, assert yourself!


The Iron Saints start to snicker, clearly in response to the master-slave dynamic.


Raven: Right then, I will. You two little greaseballs are going to pay for your insolence. You can face Punk and Vito later!


Vito: But boss...


Raven: Shut the f**k up!


The Saints laugh again.


Sal: Haha, no problem. You're going down, bro!



The match proves to be much better than the last time the two teams met.

In the fourteenth minute, kicks Dreamer somewhat below what is considered decent and follows up with a White Russian Legsweep.


Match Rating: B


The Whole F**kin' Show are talking backstage.



Traci: Were you flirting with her?


Michaels: Guilty as charged.


RVD: What? No! Shut up, Shawn!


Michaels laughs.


Traci: You were! I knew it! Honestly, is it too much for me to expect you to restrain yourself around other women?


Michaels: Trace, calm it, darlin'. I was only joking.


Traci: Yeah, well I'm not! Anyway, this has nothing to do with you Shawn.


Michaels: Damn... is there gonna be a single conversation I'm included in tonight?


AJ Styles walks into shot.



Traci runs over to him.


Traci: AJ, great to see you, babe!


Styles: Hey, you too, Trace. Wow, you look stunning!


Traci: Why, thank you!


RVD puts on a very indignant face.


Styles: ...and you must be the famous Rob Van Dam. It's a pleasure to meet you and it'll be a privilege to face you at Hardcore Heaven!


RVD: Isn't your match up next?


Styles: Yeah, why?


RVD: Well, see you later, then.


Styles, although shocked, takes the hint.


Traci: Rob, was there any need to be rude?


RVD: Look, for someone who was having a go at me for flirtin, you seem pretty friendly with him.


Traci: Oh come on... you've been listening to that whore Francine too much. AJ's just a friend. Besides, if anyone has a screwed sense of loyalty around here, it's you!


Traci storms off.


RVD: What do ya reckon, man, is she telling the truth?


Michaels: Oh, I think you can trust Traci. The question is if you can trust this AJ Styles.


RVD nods in agreement.



Styles puts on one hell of a debut.

After a stellar cruiserweight bout he pins Juvi after a Styles Clash.

Match rating: C+


Joey: Wow, you've got to class that as an upset/

Taz: Oh, no doubt! Go AJ!


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Taz: Man, what is that all about?

Joey: I honestly have no clue.


Chris Hero comes to the ring to a chorus of boos.



Hero: I am Chris Hero, your one and only personal saviour and I am here to save ECW from the sorry state that it is currently in. I beat Jerry Lynn on Monday and I'm here to tell you that my performance then will set the standard for my matches to come.


Joey: What, you'll win by using illegal pinfalls?

Taz laughs.


A "New F**kin' Show" chant begins.


Hero: Go ahead, chant for Jerry Lynn. I'll happily kick his ass again tonight.


However, despite the chants, Lynn does not appear.


Hero: Come on, Jerry. You must be dying to kick my teeth in. Well, now's your chance.


Still no answer.


Hero: There ya go folks. Jerry Lynn is too damn scared and come face the saviour of ECW. Let that be a lesson to everyone else in the back!



The match is a very even contest.


In the thirteenth minute, the Nest interferes.



However, as the monsters climb onto the apron, Brandon catapults Vito into them, knocking them back to the floor.

Sal follows up with a Thomaselli Driver (Death Valley Driver - identical to the "Vito Driver").


Match Rating: B-


Taz: Oh, man, Raven looks pissed!


The rest of the nest enter the ring and lay into the Iron Saints.

Kelly, of course, is the only one who seems remorseful.

As Brandon and Sal get the beating of their lives, she exits the ring and turns away, unable to watch her brothers being assaulted.


Thus, cue the heroic entrance.



Burchill runs down the aisle-way and takes Kelly in his arms, seemingly comforting her.

He then tells her to go to Shane Douglas who hugs her, ensuring that she is facing away from the ring.

Burchill then enters the ring and cleans house much like on Monday.

Franchiser to Vito!

He then grabs him and Punk and throws them to the outside.

Goliath is clotheslined over the top rope and, as Abyss charges at The New Franchise, he ducks, causing the monster to go crashing to the floor after his partner.

Burchill then turns to face his nemesis as the Iron Saints groggily leave the ring to check on their sister.

Raven, unsurprisingly, backs away.

It's no good, though, Burchill grabs his hair and drags him, on his knees, into the centre of the ring.

The number one contender lifts the champion to his feet... no, lowblow!


Joey: Man, Raven is one slimy bastard!

Taz: Unfortunately, that's why he's the champ, Joey.


The Nest re-enter the ring and decimate The New Franchise.

Shane Douglas tries to help but he is taken out too.

Despite her brothers' attempts to stop her, Kelly runs into the ring.

She immediatley bends down to check on Burchill' condition as Raven reacts in disgust.

He grabs her by the hair, drags her through the ring ropes and towards the back as the Nest take out the Iron Saints for the second time.


Raven: Burchill, it's about time you learnt not to stick your nose in my business! So, tonight you'll face my monsters in the main event in a handicap match! Oh, and Douglas, you're banned from ringside!


Backstage, francine is with the Canadian Connection.




Francine: Jericho... Christian, earlier tonight, The Whole F**kin Show said that you didn't have a hope in hell come Hardcore Heaven. What's your response?


Jericho: No hope in hell? NO HOPE IN HELL?!?


He goes red with annoyance.


Jericho: Let me tell you something, Franny. RVD and Michaels don't have a hope in...


He hesitates.


Jericho: ...a hope in... er... heaven!


Francine looks bemused.


Jericho: Haha, see what I did there?


Francine: No...


Jericho: Y'know, heaven's better than hell. So, there chances should be better... but... er... there not because... er...


Christian: I get it, man... very clever!


Francine: Not really.


Jericho: Oh, screw you! Come on Christian, let's go some place we're apprciated!


After they've left, Francine calls after them.


Francine: Well, I hear there's a gay bar just down the street.



London and kendrick put up a good fight but they are no match for the Hart Foundation.

In the tenth minute, Owen hits a a Piledriver on Kendrick.

1...2...Bret pulls Owen off.


Taz: What the hell?

Joey: I think I detect a note of sibling rivalry.


After arguing for a minute, the brothers are approached by London.

However, Bret snaps round and quickly hits a Spinebuster.

1...2...Owen now pulls Bret out of the cover.


Taz: Oh, man...


After some more arguing, Owen locks in the Sharpshooter on Kendrick.

Bret follows suit, applying the manouvre to London.

Both victims tap out simultaneously.

Match Rating: B-


After the match, both brothers refuse to release the hold.

They stare each other out while continuing to apply the manouvre.


A video is shown to hype Paul Burchill

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Burchill puts up a good fight but is slowly picked apart.


Halfway through the match, Raven, accompanied by his companions, drags Kelly to the ringside area to watch Burchill get destroyed.



After a few more minutes, Burchill is in real trouble.

Double Chokeslam!


The masked man runs out with a chair.



He takes out the members of the Nest on the outside and then enters the ring.


Taz: Don't get me wrong, Joey, I'm glad Burchill's getting some help but who does Douglas think he's kidding?

Joey: Yeah, I don't think that mask will be enough to fool Raven anymore.


A crunching chairshot to Goliath!

And then to Abyss!

Burchill rolls across to make the cover.


Match Rating: A


Burchill and the mask man head to the back and the mask man picks up Kelly in his arms as they go.

As Raven comes to, he picks up a microphone and enters the ring.


Raven: you f**king idiot, Shane! Did you honestly think that stupid disguise would fool me again? I warned you to stay. Now take that mask off so I can fire your ass!


Burchill reaches across and pulls the mask off his companion.


It's Salvatore Thomaselli!



Kelly, clearly not wise to what has happened looks extremely pleased and hugs her older brother.


Brandon and Shane Douglas join Burchill and Sal at the entrance-way.



As the crowd goes crazy Raven looks extremely pissed off!


Taz: Oh, man, Raven just got played... again!


Show Rating: B+

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Really good show, didn't expect Iron Saints/Franchise to become a stable, like Astil said I was hoping for a manager/client type thing...but a fued vs Nest could be good, and no doubt will be with your booking. I'm also really enjoying the Hart Foundation storyline lol.
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Welcome back man. Two great shows, although I was hoping Burchill Franchise would be a manager-wrestler relationship and not another stable.


Aha, it might just be that... don't forget that Shane's still banned from wrestling. As for the Iron Saints' involvement, my lips are sealed.


Quote The Raven


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