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Haha, cheers boys. You never know, though, I might screw the whole thing up :p.


When I get some time, the last few shows before Hardcore Heaven should arrive.


Oh, and, by the way, props to game face who has, once again, excelled himself on the graphics front as the rest of you shall soon see.


Quote The Raven


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Monday, week 3, May

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Callis: Hello and welcome to the long-awaited return of ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Callis: We're only a week and a half away from Hardcore Heaven, Joel, and the title pictures are really heating up.

Gertner: Absolutely, Don. The Tag Champions are gonna face some stiff competition from the Canadian Connection who have, so far, succesfully got inside the heads of The Whole F**kin' Show.

Callis: Yeah, and speaking of getting inside heads, RVD seems thoroughly wound up by AJ Styles' presence in ECW.

Gertner: You can say that again, Don. I'm not sure if I've ever seen the TV Champ so agitated.

Callis: And, of course, despite the fact that the World Title will not be on the line next Friday, "The New Franchise" Paul Burchill will face Raven for the first time in singles competition for the right to Kelly's managerial contract.

Gertner: I actually think there's a little more on the line than that, if you know what I mean, Don.

Callis: I do but let's not go there. The other big announcement, of cousre, is the ECW Wrestling World Cup coming July.

Gertner: Yeah but do you know what that actually entails.

Callis: I don't think anyone does, Joel, but I'm sure we'll find out.



The match is an even contest and, for the first time, Traci gets the upset.

She wins with a DDT at 8:04

Match Rating: C


Backstage, Francine is with the tag team champions.




Francine: Boys, last week, the Canadian Connection knocked you both out cold. Do you have any response?


Michaels: Oh, you can bet your arse we do but, see, the thing is that I've always believed in actions speaking louder than words. So, Jericho and Christian, you better bring your best at Hardcore Heaven 'cos I'm gonna let me feet do the talking when you taste some SWEET CHIN MUSIC!


Francine: Rob, it's been quite clear that AJ Styles is at the top of your priorities at the moment. Do you think such a distraction might disadvantage you in your World Tag Team Title defence?


RVD: Of course not. Come on, Franny, we're talking about Mr PPV!


Michaels: Yeah but, Robbie, you really have gotta get your head in the game for Friday.


Francine: That's exactly what I m...


RVD interrupts.


RVD: Hang on. What do you mean by that?


Michaels: Oh, come on Rob you know what I mean. If you hadn't have been so concerned with AJ last week, we might have seen those Canadian bastards coming.


RVD: Oh, so you're blaming me for that assault?


Michaels: No, not at all. I just think that you're not exactly focussed right now.


Francine decides to subtley leave the crossfire.


RVD: Focussed? Are you kidding me Shawn? This Styles sh*tbag is moving in on Traci; I've never been more focused on kicking someone's arse in my life!


Michaels: I meant you're not focused on the tag belts. Besides, Traci would never do the dirty on you.


RVD: She already did once... with you!


Michaels: Oh, grow up! That was just a big misunderstanding and you guys weren't even an item back then.


RVD: Look, Shawn, I'm sorry if this is hard for you to grasp but I've got a World TV Title defence at Hardcore Heaven too. My opponent is younger than me, possibly quicker than me, everyone's saying how f**king great he is and there's every chance that my girlfriend may run off with him!


Michaels: No, Rob. Bullsh*t! You've got no worries with Styles in the ring. You're one of the best in the world! This all comes down to one thing.


RVD: What?


At this moment, unbeknown to the tag champs, Traci walks into shot, returning from her match.



Michaels: Do you think you can trust Traci?


RVD hesitates.


RVD: No, I don't think I can! Is that what you want to hear?


Traci makes her presence known.


Traci: It's not what I want to hear!


RVD looks shocked.


RVD: Sh*t, Traci, wait. That's not what I meant.


It's no good, Traci storms off as Michales shakes his head at his tag partner.


Michaels: Get your f**king head together Rob! In case you'd forgotten, you're not the only one who has to defend a title next Friday and my title defence depends on you being as ready as I am. Don't let me down!


With that said, Michaels leaves the TV Champion looking distraught.



The match is fairly even.

However, Christian gets the pin on Dreamer after an Unprettier, following interference from Chris Benoit and The Sandman.

Match Rating: C


Gertner: Well, score one to Benoit and Sandman, I guess.

Callis: What for interfering? I doubt they'll find things so easy at Hardcore Heaven.


Raven is backstage with his Nest.



Raven: I've got a message for both the Iron Saints and Paul Burchill and that is start warming up 'cos you've both got matches tonight. Brandon and Sal, I would love to make you face my Monsters tonight but, seeing as you will suffer that fate at Hardcore Heaven, I think I'll give that pleasure to the "New Franchise" tonight. You two can face your brother Vito and the International All Action Champion, CM Punk!


The champion thinks for a second.


raven: Oh, and Douglas, just so you don't mess up my plans. You are banned from the ringside area for the entire night. Contradict that order, and you'll be out of a job!


The camera cuts to the Iron Saints' locker room, where a backstage official clearly passes on the news.



Sal: Thank you for the message my friend.


The official leaves.


Brandon: Hey, fratello, we got nothing to sweat. We had Vito and Punk's number a few weeks ago. Tonight will be no different!


Sal: Si, accosento.


There is a knock at the door.


Sal: Yeah... come in.


Shane Douglas and Paul Burchill enter.



Douglas: Good evening boys.


Brandon: Shane, Paul, ciao.


Douglas and Burchill give each other a slightly sarcastic look.


Douglas: Yeah... ciao.


Burchill: Listen, I know I didn't get your permission to challenge Raven for Kelly's contract last week but I want you to know that...


Sal: Woah, woah, woah... get our permission?


Brandon: There is no need to get our permission, my friend.


Sal: In fact, we are most grateful.


Brandon: We hope you kick that scumbags ass!


Burchill laughs.


Sal: We trust you one hundred perecent, amico but, now, you must excuse us... we have our own demons to face.


Brandon and Sal exit as the camera cuts back to the ring.



The mathc is an even contest but The Saints' experience in teaming together shows.


In the ninth minute, Monsters Inc run to the ring.



Goliath pulls Brandon off the apron as Abyss climbs onto it.

In response, Sal hits a flying dropkick to the masked monster that sends him tumbling to the floor.

He turns around but Punk is waiting. GTS!


Match Rating: C+


Kurt Angle's music hits and the Olympic Hero akes his way to the ring wearing a surgical neck collar.



Callis: Woah... it's Kurt Angle.

Gertner: Man, I wasn't expecting to see him for a while.


Angle takes a mic from ringside and steps through the ropes as the fans go nuts.


Angle: Thank you for the kind response.


He pauses, waiting for the noise to subside.


Angle: Now, as I'm sure you have heard and as the neck brace gives away, I did suffer a broken neck whilst shooting an angle with Jerry Lynn two weeks ago. The doctors say that I'm not gonna be able to wrestle for at least a year.


Gertner: Oh, man, that sucks.


Angle: However, I am out here tonight for two reasons. First of all to assure you that I will still be taking a very active on-screen role and, without giving too much away, it's do with a little something that's happening in July.


Gertner: Does he mean the World Cup?

Callis: I guess so but I don't see how he can compete with a broken neck.


Angle: The second reason is not actually about me. It's about a friend of mine who I have invited to the arena tonight. Jerry, come out here.


Jerry Lynn makes his way to the ring.



Angle: As you probably know, Jerry is retiring from in-ring competition because he doesn't think he can do his job safely anymore.


The fans boo.


Angle: Exactly! I've spent the last week trying to convince Jerry over the phone that accidents happen and that his retiring is a bad idea. But, he won't take my word for it. So, I need your help.


Angle clears his throat.




Soon enough the ten thousand sellout capacity is chanting Lynn's name along with Kurt Angle.

Lynn looks embarrased.


Angle: You see, Jerry, I don't blame you for what happened, it's a sad possibilty of this business. Moreover, the company doesn't blame you and, most importantly, Jerry, not a single one of the thousands of ECW fans blames you!


The crowd, again, erupts.


Angle: So, what do you say about reconsidering this retirement crap?


Angle hands the mic to Lynn.


Lynn: The fact is Kurt...


Before he can continue, Chris Hero runs in with a chair.



The young upstart nails Lynn from behind as the jeers from the crowd ring out.

He then approaches Kurt Angle.


Callis: Oh, come on... don't do it, Chris! He's got a broken neck!


Hero drops the chair, shoves Angle to the floor and laughs as the Olympic Hero writhes in pain.

However, Lynn rises to his feet and approaches Hero from behind.

As the rookie turns around, he is met with a thundering super kick.


Callis: Yeah... get him, Jerry!


Lynn throws Hero from the ring and, after helping Angle to his feet, picks up a mic.

He points at Hero.


Lynn: Hey, you c0cky little bastard, I may not be sure of where my head's at in terms of this whole retirement thing but I am sure of something. You and me are gonna have a rematch at Hardcore Heaven and I'm gonna teach you to have some f**king respect for your elders.!


Callis: Oh, yeah! Chris Hero has decided to systematically stick his nose in Jerry Lynn's business and, now, he's goona pay for it.

Gertner: Let me tell you, Don... Retirment or not, Jerry Lynn is gonna take Chris Hero to school next Friday!


As Hero makes his way to the back looking embarrased, Angle applauds Lynn's decision.



The match is very even but, after a decent technical display, Storm picks up the victory witha Single Leg Crab.

Match Rating: C+


While Storm is catching his breath, a sinister laugh is heard over the sound system.


The Sinister Minister steps out and mockingly applauds.



Minister: Hahahahaha... very well done, Lance. Most impressive but, let me assure you, come Saturday night, you'll face a much tougher challenge.


He again lets out his blood curdling laugh before heading to the back.


Callis: What the hell does that mean?

Gertner: I guess he's got a new client.



In typically frustrating wrestling fashion Bret sees very little ring-time against Owen and the same can be said for RVD against Styles.

However, both teams seem to gel reasonably well and the match is the best of the evening so far.

Owen picks up the win when he forces RVD to tap to the Sharpshooter at 13:27.

Match rating: B-


After the match, Bret Hart pushes his brother through the ropes and out of the ring.

However, Owen grabs Bret's arm and both men go tumbling to the floor, leading to a brawl that goes all the way to the back.

Meanwhile, AJ Styles helps RVD up but the TV champ refuses his assistance.

For the second time in as many shows, the two men go nose-to-nose and a huge argument starts.


Traci and Shawn Michaels come running out.



Traci tries to calm Styles down as Michaels restrains RVD.

Styles clearly pushes Traci away harder than he had intended and she falls to the floor.

Despite his immediate shock and guilt, this action turns RVD into a raging bull.

The TV Champ floors AJ with a haymaker.

Michaels pulls RVD away but gets an elbow in the face from his partner for his effort.

Realising what he has done, RVD turns to apologise and checks if his partner is okay.

Michaels pulls away, though, and for the second time tonight, shakes his head in disgust.

RVD clearly shouts "I'm sorry" but Michaels ignores him and just helps Traci to the back.

AS RVD calls after his partner, Styles rises to his feet.

The challenger for the TV title turns his opponent around, kicks him in the gut and hits the Styles Clash.

RVD is left out cold in the ring.


<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="




Burchill does a surprisingly good job of combatting the monsters.

However, their size and numbers advantage starts to take a heavy toll.


In the tenth minute, Vito and Punk run in to return the earlier favour.



A four-on-one assault proves too much.

The New Franchise is pinned after a Double Chokeslam.

Match Rating: A


After the match, Raven forcibly drags Kelly to the ring.



He pulls her, by the hair, into the ring and forces her to watch Burchill be picked apart by the Nest.


Callis: Damn it... and Shane Douglas is banned from ringside!


The Iron Saints come running out to a huge ovation.



However, without any asistance, they are soon overpowered by the superior numbers.

Raven takes a microphone from ringside.


Raven: Do you know the great thing about humans? They're so f**king predictable! Now, boys, you know the plan.


As Raven says this, Punk picks up a forlorn Brandon and sets him up for a GTS.

Vito picks up his brother Sal and sets him up for a Vito Driver.

And the monsters both grab Burchill by the throat.


Callis: Oh, what the hell now?


Raven restrains Kelly and makes her watch both of her brothers and Burchill suffer a devestating finisher.

As all three lay out cold, Kelly falls to her knees, tears in her eyes, and crawls over to them to check if they are okay.

Raven merely laughs.


Callis: This is disgusting!


After letting Kelly suffer a little, Raven tells Monsters Inc to drag her to the back.

They duly oblige as the rest of the Nest follow.


Show Rating: B+

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  • 2 weeks later...

Saturday, week 3, May

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Bloodsweatbeers.flv"></embed>




Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles alongside former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz. We are just six days away from Hardcore Heaven and the card is looking like it could be spectacular!

Taz: Damn right, Joey. Damn right! Hardcore Heaven 2-K-7 is gonna be one for the ages, no doubt. For the first time ever in an ECW ring, the Hart brothers, Bret and Owen, will throwdown and, in the main event, the World Heavyweight Champion, Raven, and his former Protégé, "The New Franchise" Paul Burchill, will face off for the first time in nearly a year! What could be better than that?

Joey: And don't forget that it's Kelly's managerial services that are on the line in the main event, Taz.

Taz: Just as well, too... can you believe what he put her through on Revolution? That ain't no way to treat a lady!

Joey: Before any of that, though. We have an action-packed evening ahead of us tonight. The Tag Team Champions will face their opponents at Hardcore Heaven along with the number one contender to Van Dam's TV Title, AJ Styles. On top of that, Owen Hart will team up with Jerry Lynn to take on his brother, Bret, and the arrogant rookie, Chris Hero!

Taz: In which case, there's no point in wasting anymore time...



True to recent form, the Man Beast dominates.

Yoshihiro Tajiri is pinned after only four minutes and a Rhino Driver.

Match Rating: C+


Raven is backstage with his Nest.



Abyss and Goliath restrain Kelly as Raven gets up in her face.


Raven: Now, then, princess, I think we taught you what happens if you misbehave.


He takes a sip from his water bottle.


Raven: On Friday night, I'm gonna take great pleasure in maming your little love interest. So, you better get used to the fact that you will never fly the nest. You are a part of this group and you are here to stay!


Raven takes her chin in his hand and kisses her.

She tries to pull away but, of course, cannot.


Raven: Now, as for the rest of you, you did a damn fine job on Monday and I'm expecting no less tonight! The four of you are gonna face The Iron Saints and the traitor, Burchill. Kick their asses tonight and it'll mean less work on Friday. Understood?


They all nod as Raven downs what is left in his water bottle.

He then chucks it to CM Punk.


Raven: Hey, Punk, fill this up.


The camera follows Punk out of the locker room and down the corridor.

He fills up the bottle at a water cooler and heads back the way he has come.


Lance Storm passes.



Punk flashes him a snide glance.

Storm clearly takes offence, grabs Punk by his t-shirt and slams him against the wall.


Storm: If I were you, I wouldn't be so damn c0cky! The only reason I lost to you last month was because those circus freaks decided to interfere and, the fact is, someone, very soon, is gonna wipe that smile of your face and I'm gonna love watching them do it!


Punk laughs derisively.


Punk: Really? Well, if I were you, Storm, I'd be concentrating on the match that James Mitchell had planned for me 'cos, if your opponent has any skill whatsoever, there's a very good chance you'll get your ass handed to you.


The All Action champion takes a sip from the water bottle and goes to spit it in Storm's face.

However, Storm pushes his head to the side so that the spray misses.

The Veteran then rips the bottle from Punk's hand and pours it over the brash youth's head.

With that, Storm walks off, leaving Punk soaked and looking very pissed.



The match is an even contest. However, The Dudleys look in top form.

D-Von gets the pin after Chavo suffers the 3D at 12:04

Match Rating: C


Backstage, Traci and Shawn Michaels are sitting in their locker room.



Michaels: I know, Trace. He's been a wreck recently!


Traci: It's not like him, though. He's usually so laid back.


Michaels: Well... as much of an ass he's been of late, I wouldn't take it to heart. I think it's just the stress of having to defend two titles getting to him.


Traci: Well, fair enough, I guess, but surely he knew what he was getting himself into when he challenged Jericho. I mean it's obvious that he wou...


RVD enters and Traci quickly silences herself.



RVD: My ears burning?


Traci: What, like mine were on Monday?


Michaels quickly interjects to diffuse the situation.


Michaels: Woah... don't take it personal, man. We were just saying that you haven't exactly been yourself recently.


RVD looks shocked.


Michaels: By which I mean that you haven't... er... been quite so considerate as...


Van Dam frowns.


Michaels: ...no, not considerate. You've just been less headsmart, y'know?


RVD: So, I'm stupid, now?


Michaels is clearly out of his depth.


Michaels: No, not quite. You're usually so laidback, though, and right now you are... er... how can you say?


RVD: Uptight?


Michaels: Kinda...


RVD: Stressed?


Michaels: Well, yeah...


RVD: Agitated?


Michaels: That too.


RVD: About ready to kick your ass?


Michaels: Exactly...


Michaels realises.


Michaels: What? No!


Van Dam laughs.


RVD: Take it easy, dude. I'm hear to apologise.


Michaels: Well, I'm not backing down, man! It was you who hit me last week!


Michaels again hesitates.


Michaels: What... Oh, right... cool.


Traci smiles.


RVD: Fact is, I know I've been a dick these past few weeks but that's gonna stop tonight! Shawn, I'm sorry I decked you, man. I was wound up; it was a mistake; it won't happen again.


Michaels nods.


RVD: And, Trace, babe, of course I trust you. I was an idiot for saying that last week. AJ had me all flustered and I just panicked.


Traci: Whatever...


Michaels: Come on, love. He's offering an olive branch here.


RVD: Trace, we got through that whole sh*t when I thought you and Shawn were an item. I've never done wrong by you and you never have by me. Can we just chalk this one up to experience? Besides, the only reason I lamped Shawn was because Styles hurt you.


Michaels nods at Traci as if to emphasise his partner's point.


Traci: Oh, fine. Come here you.


RVD picks up Traci and spins her around.


Traci: But pull any more sh*t like that and The Candain Connection and AJ will be the least of your worries!


All three laugh and touch fists.


Lance Storm enters the ring and awaits his opponent.



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The Sinister Minister makes his way to the ring with his new client, Nate Hatred.



Hatred carries an iron pentagram wrapped in razor wire.


Taz: Wow... how intimidating is this dude?

Joey: Err... extremely!


Minister: Lance Storm, prepare yourself to become the first victim of Nate Hatred, the most extreme psycopath in the history of ECW!


Joey: Well, that's a fairly contentious statement.



Hatred places his evil looking weapon in the corner as Storm charges at him.

However, the veteran is powerslammed straight into the pentagram.


Taz: Jeez... that's gonna sting!


From here on Hatred flat out dominates.

However, in the eighth minute, he starts to tire and Storm takes the opportunity by quickening the pace.

He stuns Hatred with a series of chops and a back elbow.

He then rebounds of the ropes but only to be taken out by the cane of James Mitchell.


Joey: Damn!




Taz: Storm ain't done yet, Joey!


Hatred lifts Storm but is met with a kick to the gut.

The beastly looking rookie is whipped to the ropes.

He goes for a huge lariat but Storm rolls underneath.


Taz: Oh, man, Storm nearly got his head taken off.


The Candian quickly springs to his feet.

Superkick! The beast is down!

Storm ascends the turnbuckle.


CM Punk runs in.



As Storm reaches the top rope he is pushed straight back down by Ounk and falls to the canvas.

After regaining his feet, he, this time, cannot avoid Nate Hatred's thunderous Lariat!


Match Rating: C+


As Punk enters the ring and gets in the face of Storm, Hatred lifts his pentagram high above his head and James Mitchell picks up a mic.


Minister: Let this be the first stage in proving to each of you ignorant reprobates that this physical specimen, blessed by the dark lord himslef, is the most extreme athlete in the history of ECW!


Paul Heyman appears at the entrance-way.



Heyman: The most extreme athlete in the history of ECW? Get the f**k out of here!


The fans erupt.


Heyman: So, you got a pentagram, some barbed wire and you wear gothic war paint or whatever that sh*t is... big deal! If you want to know what extreme really is have a look around the locker room.


An "ECW" chant begins.


Heyman: So, with that in mind, it gives me great pleasure to announce your first Pay-Per-View opponent , Nate... Masato Tanaka!


Joey: Wow!

Taz: he wasn't kidding, Joey. The ECW locker room is the mass personification of extreme and youi don'ty get much tougher than Masato Tanaka!


Heyman: Oh, and before I go, since you've clearly got a bit of spare time on your hands Punk, let's put it to good use. On Friday night, at Hardcore Heaven, you can face the man you just screwed over: Lance Storm!


Punk picks up a microphone.


Punk: No, you can't do that!


Heyman: I just did and d'ya know what? It'll be for that International All Action Championship!


Taz: Hell yeah!


A "Paul E" chant can be heard as the Chief Talent Official heads to the back.



The match is very even and The Whole F**kin' Show do a great job of neutralising the numbers advantage.

In the thirteenth minute, Traci jumps up onto the apron and starts to remove her zip-up jumper distracting the illegal men in Christian and Styles.

Inside the ring, Jericho is floored and falls victim to the 4:20 Splash.

Michaels makes the cover.


Traci zips her jumper back up and jumps off the apron.


RVD runs to the ropes and nails both Christian and AJ, sending them to the concrete floor below,


Match Rating: B


After the match, the Whole F**kin' Show celebrate as the Canadian Connection slink off to the back along with AJ Styles.

The camera follows them backstage.


Jericho: What the hell were you two playing at?


Christian: Hey, it wasn't our fault. She made us...


Jericho: Never mind. The fact is, I think it's been made abundantly clear that all three of us could have problems this Friday.


Christiabn and AJ nod.


Jericho: Don't worry, though, I've got an idea. That is if, AJ, you are willing to do us a favour.


Styles: What would that be?


Jericho: Let's just say we'll scratch your back if you scratch ours. You see RVD has a weakn...


The three men walk out of shot of the camera in deep discussion.



The match is extremely even with both teams geling well and seeing much offense.

By the fourteenth minute, a four-man melee is occurring in the ring.

Both Hart brothers simultaneously hit Piledrivers on Hero and Lynn.

Owen covers Hero.

Bret covers Lynn.


Match Rating: C+


Joey: What the hell does that mean?


Paul Heyman makes his second appearance.



Taz: I think Paul E's here to answer the question, Joey.


Heyman: We're on a bit of a tight schedule tonight thanks to Raven's impromptu main event. So, seeing as you're all gonna get another chance to prove yourself on Friday, I think we'll have to call this a draw.


The announcement is greeted by a chorus of boos.


Heyman: No, you're right, you're right; that does suck. I'll tell you what... to compensate for that, Bret and Owen, I'm making your match at Hardcore Heaven for the number one contendership to the World Heavyweight Title!


This announcement is greeted much more amicably.


Taz: Oh, man, that's gonna be off the hook!

Joey: I couldn't agree more Taz! Bret versus Owen for the number one contender's spot? I can't think of much better than that!





The match is another even display.

Paul Burchill's recent top form and occasional assistance from his mentor, Shane Douglas, seems to even the odds.

By the fourteenth minute, though, the numbers advantage starts to prove too much.


Raven drags Kelly out to ringside to watch her loved ones be picked apart.



However, after a short while, she catches the champion unaware and knees him in the groin.

As Raven falls like a sack of potatoes, Kelly runs up to the ring, grabs a chair and throws it to Paul Burchill.

He promptly uses it to take out Vito and Abyss who both fall through the ropes.

He then lays out Punk.

However, Goliath floors The New Franchise with a huge clubbing blow but The Iron Saints double team the giant, clotheslining him to the outside.


Taz: Man, this is crazy!


Raven, now recovered, runs to the ring to apprehend Kelly.

Burchill sees this, rebounds off the ropes and runs towards the opposite set.

He springboards off the top rope and hits a stunning Shooting Star Plancha onto the Champion.

Meanwhile, The Iron saints pick up Punk for a Spike Powerbomb.

Sal covers.


Match Rating: A


The Iron Saints quickly make their escape before an assault can ensue.

Brandon takes Kelly by the arm and rushes her to safety.

She tries to stay behind to check if Burchill is okay.

However, her brothers, wisely won't allow her.

As they head to the back and Burchill and Douglas battle the Nest, the show goes off air.


Show Rating: B+

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Great show as always my man. I still find it mind boggling you can be so consistently good at a diary you've had for so long.


I like Nate Hatred in this. The idea that he's gonna get challenged into seeing if he really is the most extreme of the extreme is a great idea... and so ECW.


And of course, the Whole F***ing Show are showstealers as ever. The beautiful thing is in the back of mind I know you're going to have them feud, and it is going to be so sweet after so much teasing and twisting. While the Burchill slow turn was undoubtedly brilliant, this slow build is just incredible. To actually give me the sense they could turn on each other at any time (and the fact that I care) when the only connection I have with them is through my computer screen is just incredible.


So yeah, this diary's pretty good. ;)

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Monday, week 4, May

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Callis: Hello and welcome to the long-awaited return of ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Callis: Four days, ladies and gentlemen... that's all it is until the ECW pay-per-view spectacular, Hardcore Heaven 2007!

Gertner: And I can't wait, Don. Do you know how long I've been waiting to see Raven and Burchill finally square off.

Callis: I can only imagine, Joel, and don't forget how much is riding on that match.

Gertner: What? Kelly's managerial contract, you mean?

Callis: Absolutley but not just that. If Burchill doesn't pick up the win on Friday night, he will never agin be able to challenge for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship!

Gertner: What a price that is! Here's hoping he'll finally be the person to knock Raven off his high horse!

Callis: That's uncharacteristically sensible of you, Joel.

Gertner: I try...



Yoshihiro Tajiri is no pushover but there is no doubt that Tanaka controls the match up.

After involving some trusty metalwork, moulding a chair nicely into the shape of Tajiri's skull, he finishes the match with a Roaring Elbow.

Match Rating: B-


Raven is backstage with his nest.



Punk: Boss, how do you want us to go about getting Kelly back?


Raven laughs.


Raven: As much as I admire your determination, Punk, there's a reason why I make the plans. You see, it's all about timing at this stage and, if we're sensible, we can use Kelly's disappearing act to our advantage.


Vito: Howso?


Raven: Leave that to me, for now. As for tonight, Vito, you've got Burchill in the main event.


Vito: Again? Why me?


Punk frowns disapprovingly at the young Italian.


Raven: Because the others are gonna team up to take on The Iron Saints and Lance Storm in a six-man tag match. Kill three birds with one stone, if you will.


Vito: Okay... and, in the meantime, what will you be doing.


Punk grabs Vito by the collar of his t-shirt and raises his fist.


Raven: It's okay, Punk.


The All Action champion drops Vito.


Raven: I'll pretend I didn't hear that but you better be extra impressive against Burchill tonight to compensate.


The camera cuts to the Iron Saints' locker room.



Brandon: Hey, sis, we've just heard that we've got a match against the nest tonight.


Sal: That means that you're gonna have to come to the ring with us but if anyone so much as looks at you twice, do your best to make yourself scarce.


Kelly shrugs.

Sal takes her face in his hands.


Sal: Hey, this is important! You understand.


Kelly: Yeah, I've got it.


Brandon: What the hell's up with you?


Kelly: You two.


Brandon: What have we done?


Kelly: That's the point; you didn't do anything.


Kelly's brothers look puzzled.


Kelly: You left Burchill to face the Nest alone last week.


Sal: Hey, sis, I admire your loyalty but there's helping a friend out and then there's suicide. You understand?


Kelly shakes her head in disgust.


Sal: Besides... I didn't know you were so hooked on this guy.


Kelly blushes.


Kelly: Oh, shut up!



Nate Hatred dominates from start to finish and Steve Corino is thrown like a rag doll.

In the ninth minute, Corino suffers the vicious looking lariat that Hatred debuted last week.


Match Rating: C-


Gertner: Wow, that was impressive!

Callis: Yeah... I hear that he calls that lariat "The Decapitator".

Gertner: Uh huh, that sounds like a fair description.


After the match, The Sinister Minister picks up a microphone on behalf of his client.



Minister: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Nate Hatred, the most extreme persona in the history of ECW and, in four days time, he will prove just that by taking Masato Tanaka to the depths of human despair! The fact is...


Mitchell is cut off by Paul Heyman.



Heyman: You know what? Everytime I hear you make that unfounded, outlandish f**king comment, I get a little more pissed off! So, I'm gonna make sure that, come Friday night, it's put up or shut up time. You're match with Tanaka is gonna revisit a little spectacle in ECW that we call a Barbed Wire Deathmatch!


The crowd explodes at the announcement.

However, rather than looking intimidated, Nate Hatred's face sports a sadistic looking smile.


Backstage, The Candian Connection and AJ Styles are talikng.



Jericho: So, we all know the plan?


Christian & Styles: Yeah.


Jericho: And we're all in?


All three nod.


Jericho: For both stages?


Styles: No doubt.


Christian: You bet.


Callis: What the hell was that bout?

Gertner: I have absolutley no idea but I assume it somehow involves the Whole F**kin' Show.



Perhaps surprisingly, no threat is posed to Kelly.

The match is a fairly even contest.

However, the size of Punk's partners obviously poses problems for their opponents.

In the twelfth minute, Punk rolls up Storm and is able to get his feet on the middle ropes.


Match Rating: C


Callis: Damn, the Nest steal one heading into Hardcore Heaven!


Backstage, Tommy Dreamer approaches Cactus Jack.



Dreamer: You ready for Friday?


Cactus: Ready? I'm gonna kick their f**king heads in!


Dreamer laughs.


Dreamer: Y'know what, man?


Cactus: What?


Dreamer: I think we got a tag title shot in the bag!


The two men smile and slap hands.



Despite Daniels' technical proficiency, Hart faces little challenge.

He controls the match and wins with a Sharpshooter at 12:17

Match Rating: B


Bret hart appears at the entrance-way.



Bret: Hey, good job, little bro.


Owen frowns at his brother.


Bret: No, I'm serious... It's good that you've had some success tonight 'cos on Friday night your gonna be staring up at the arena lights as the ref counts "1, 2, 3" just like you were at Summerslam!


Bret heads to the back, leaving Owen to follow behind looking pissed.



RVD and Jerry Lynn clearly re-engage in their famous phenomenal chemistry.

Along with Michaels, there is no question that they control the match.


In the thirteenth minute, AJ Styles runs in with a chair.



He enters the ring and, in quick succession, wraps the chair around the skulls of Michaels, Lynn and RVD.


Callis: What the hell?


Jericho quickly makes the cover on Van Dam.


Match Rating: C+


Callis: I don't get it. AJ is supposed to be an amicable challenger for Van Dam's title... and a friend of Traci's don't forget!

Gertner: I guess he realised that his shot at the TV Title is more important.


Styles lays the boots into Van Dam as the Canadians and Chris Hero celebrate.

Traci enters the ring to stop AJ.

However, in a shocking move, Styles throws her to the canvas and laughs.

He takes a microphone as the Whole F**kin' Show lay out cold.


Styles: Oh, I'm sorry, Traci... did I hurt you?


Callis: Of course he did... what the hell is he playing at?


Styles: You see, Trace, this has been a long time coming. I just used your influence to get me a paycheck and a titleshot here in ECW and, now that's taken care of, there's no need for me to continue this façade. On Friday night, the four men you see before you...


He points at Jericho, Christian and Hero.


Styles: ...are gonna introduce these three sorry son of a bitches to the new world order. So, take a good look at your future World Television Champion... AJ STYLES!


With that, Styles, the Canadians and Hero make their exit.



Somewhat unsurprisingly, Burchill dominates.

Vito puts up a fair fight but the New Franchise is on fire.

In the eighth minute, he hits a Forward Rolling Firemans Carry Slam.

He filps straight up onto the turnbuckle and hits a Moonsault!


He lifts Vito and hits the C-4.


However, as he plays to the crowd, Raven runs in.



The world champ floors Douglas at ringside with one punch, enters the ring and gives Burchill the same treatment.

The camera zooms in to show knuckle dusters on his right hand.


Callis: Damn... that explains it!


Raven then hits the Evenflow DDT and drags Vito's lifeless body onto Burchill.


Match rating: A


After the match, Raven lifts up Vito and unceremoniously throws him through the ropes to the outside.

He then grabs a microphone.


Raven: Burchill, I want to make you a promise going into Hardcore Heaven. You may have had a bright young career so far but, after Friday night, you will never, ever be able to challenge for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship... MY World Heavyweight Championship!


The show goes off air as Raven stands with one foot on the chest of the New Franchise and his title raised high above his head.


Gertner: One has to wonder if this is an omen for Hardcore Heaven.

Callis: I damn sure hope not!


Show Rating: A

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NB: The last TV show of the month is posted above.


<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/HHeaven.flv"></embed>







Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn





ECW International All Action Championship Match

Lance Storm vs. CM Punk©





Monsters Inc vs. The Iron Saints





Barbed Wire Deathmatch

Nate Hatred vs. Masato Tanaka





For The Number One Contendership to the World Tag Team Titles

Tommy Dreamer & Cactus Jack vs. Chris Benoit & The Sandman





ECW World Tag Team Championship Match

The Canadian Connection vs. The Whole F**kin' Show©





A "Hart To Hart" For The Number One Contendership to the ECW World Heavyweight Championship

Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart





ECW World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles vs. Rob Van Dam©





Arguably the most anticipated matchup of the year...

Young Lion versus Wise Veteran

Future Superstar versus Future Legend

Protégé versus Mentor

The New Franchise versus The World Heavyweight Champion!

If Burchill wins, he will gain the right to Kelly's managerial contract

If Raven wins, Burchill will never be able to challenge for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship

Paul Burchill vs. Raven





All predictions welcomed.

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Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn

Lance Storm vs. CM Punk ©

Monsters Inc vs. the Iron Saints

Nate Hatred vs. Masato Tanaka

Tommy Dreamer and Cactus Jack vs. Chris Beniot and Sandman

The Canadian Connection vs. The Whole F**kin' Show ©

Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart

AJ Styles vs. Rob Van Dam ©

Paul Burchill vs. Raven

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Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn

Lance Storm vs. CM Punk ©

Monsters Inc vs. the Iron Saints

Nate Hatred vs. Masato Tanaka

Tommy Dreamer and Cactus Jack vs. Chris Beniot and Sandman

The Canadian Connection vs. The Whole F**kin' Show ©

Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart

AJ Styles vs. Rob Van Dam ©

Paul Burchill vs. Raven


I think the last choice was obvious for me since i have been rooting for Burchill since the beginning. cant wait for the next show. :)

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Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn

I think Hero could be a major player down the line, and a victory here progresses that.


Lance Storm vs. CM Punk ©

Punk takes this, hands down.


Monsters Inc vs. the Iron Saints

Monsters Inc sort of flounder about and are more muscle than anything. With as much buildup that the Saints have received, it'd suck to see them lose here.


Nate Hatred vs. Masato Tanaka

Hatred could quite possibly be the most dangerous guy to go into a barbed wire match with. That guy is twisted as f*ck.


Tommy Dreamer and Cactus Jack vs. Chris Beniot and Sandman


The Canadian Connection vs. The Whole F**kin' Show ©

Gut feeling.


Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart

Owen by clean Sharpshooter.


AJ Styles vs. Rob Van Dam ©

Gut feeling.


Paul Burchill vs. Raven

Burchill's ready, but at the same time... Raven's chasing the title more than he is holding it. It'd be nice to see him defend a few more times.

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Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn

Win for the rookie here.


Lance Storm vs. CM Punk©

Punk wins, with a little help from his friends


Monsters Inc vs. The Iron Saints

Iron Saints score the upset here.


Nate Hatred vs. Masato Tanaka

No-brainer, Hatred's getting a monster push.


Tommy Dreamer & Cactus Jack vs. Chris Benoit & The Sandman

Just because I like them better, lol.


The Canadian Connection vs. The Whole F**kin' Show©

Kind of pains me to go against the Show, but I sense something's brewing here.


Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart

Bret won at Summerslam, time to even it up.


AJ Styles vs. Rob Van Dam©

Unless the Show split up, I can see RVD retaining here.


Paul Burchill vs. Raven

The storyline possibilities are huge either way, but you're pushing the crap out of Burchill, and I don't see losing the right to challenge to the ECW title helping that much (although, I'm sure you'd find a way)... Also, I can see a swerve at the end, with Kelly Kelly turning on Burchill after the match.

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Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn

I'd love to see the master teach the youngster a lesson, but Hero has great potential and a win would set him in the right direction


Lance Storm vs. CM Punk©

Punk to retain in a brilliant technical encounter... but only just


Monsters Inc vs. The Iron Saints

The Monsters are just too big and too strong with the right connections. But the Saints aren't gonig down without a fight.


Nate Hatred vs. Masato Tanaka

Part of me thinks Tanaka will win, which angers Hatred into a psychopathic streak like we've never seen, but Hatred gaining momentum seems most likely


Tommy Dreamer & Cactus Jack vs. Chris Benoit & The Sandman

They're hardcore. Simple as.


The Canadian Connection vs. The Whole F**kin' Show©

The show retain, just, but RVD is more concerned with the TV Title and AJ Styles. HBK does not like that


Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart

Owen loses and gets frustrated, but doesn't turn on his brother, yet.


AJ Styles vs. Rob Van Dam©

AJ gets the snidey win to p*ss RVD off further and cause an even bigger crack in the Show.


Paul Burchill vs. Raven

Burchill loses the chance to be champion for nowbut finds a way into the title scene, a la Stone Cold, and Raven gets to be even more evil with Kelly. Perfick


Looks great my man, can't wait.



What made you hire Kelly out of interest?

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Thanks for the predictions, boys. Much appreciated ;).


What made you hire Kelly out of interest?


Aha, well... long story cut a little short, I hope :D.


I imported her into the gameworld aaages ago, expecting WWF to hire her; they didn't. Then, as you probably know, I tend to get the "big ideas" for stories months in advance. So, I knew that I would, at some point, run with this "Romeo and Julietesque" main event love triangle thing.


Then, it dawned on me that it could be the sister of someone in the Nest (Vito seemed the most appealing because he has other siblings on the roster) and, finally, I realised "Kelly/Kelli Thomaselli" is the sought of dumb wrestling valet name that I find far too amusing :p. She had semi-decent charisma and great looks. So, I signed her to a developmental and she was mooching around CZW for a few months.


Out of curiosity, I get the feeling that I should have intoduced her a little more slowly. Did anyone find her immediate "push" a little unbelievable?


Answers on the back of a postcard...


Quote The Raven


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Thanks for the predictions, boys. Much appreciated ;).




Aha, well... long story cut a little short, I hope :D.


I imported her into the gameworld aaages ago, expecting WWF to hire her; they didn't. Then, as you probably know, I tend to get the "big ideas" for stories months in advance. So, I knew that I would, at some point, run with this "Romeo and Julietesque" main event love triangle thing.


Then, it dawned on me that it could be the sister of someone in the Nest (Vito seemed the most appealing because he has other siblings on the roster) and, finally, I realised "Kelly/Kelli Thomaselli" is the sought of dumb wrestling valet name that I find far too amusing :p. She had semi-decent charisma and great looks. So, I signed her to a developmental and she was mooching around CZW for a few months.


Out of curiosity, I get the feeling that I should have intoduced her a little more slowly. Did anyone find her immediate "push" a little unbelievable?


Answers on the back of a postcard...


Quote The Raven



Not at all, I think it worked fine.


It all makes snse now, just wondered why you used her in particular (as she strikes me as being devoid of any talent (except the obvious!) but the "Kelly Thomaselli" explanation clears it up. You can't turn down opportunities like that...

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Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn

Lance Storm vs. CM Punk ©

Monsters Inc vs. the Iron Saints

Nate Hatred vs. Masato Tanaka

Tommy Dreamer and Cactus Jack vs. Chris Beniot and Sandman

The Canadian Connection vs. The Whole F**kin' Show ©

Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart

AJ Styles vs. Rob Van Dam ©

Paul Burchill vs. Raven Kelly to Turn!

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It all makes snse now, just wondered why you used her in particular (as she strikes me as being devoid of any talent (except the obvious!) but the "Kelly Thomaselli" explanation clears it up. You can't turn down opportunities like that...


Exactly! Besides, her mic skills aren't too bad now. With a bit more time she could be a valuable member of the non-active roster.


EDIT: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


Quote The Raven


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Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn

Lance Storm vs. CM Punk ©

Monsters Inc vs. the Iron Saints

Nate Hatred vs. Masato Tanaka

Tommy Dreamer and Cactus Jack vs. Chris Beniot and Sandman

The Canadian Connection vs. The Whole F**kin' Show ©

Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart

AJ Styles vs. Rob Van Dam ©

Paul Burchill vs. Raven

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Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn

Lance Storm vs. CM Punk ©

Monsters Inc vs. the Iron Saints

Nate Hatred vs. Masato Tanaka

Tommy Dreamer and Cactus Jack vs. Chris Beniot and Sandman

The Canadian Connection vs. The Whole F**kin' Show ©

Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart

AJ Styles vs. Rob Van Dam ©

Paul Burchill vs. Raven

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