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User Preference Suggestion: Way to turn off Crowd being turned off from a match

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Specifically the Unimportant thing where if you put a match full of unimportant wrestlers the crowd gets turned off from it. Personally I think it is unrealistic from the real world as shows like AEW Dark build up some of there midcarders (The Acclaimed, Will Hobbs, etc) by putting them in "Unimportant vs Unimportant" matches but that's just my opinion. Unless me and a few others who I have discussed this with have missed something, there doesn't seem to be a way to turn off this penalty and the suggestion is basically just an option to turn it off.
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The penalty is very minimal though to the point of putting on an 'unimportant vs unimportant' is still beneficial for pop gains for the workers involved (Depending on product and exposure)


In a 6 match card for example, 1 match of 'Unimportance' in the middle of all the rest of matches really wouldn't put much of a ding on your overall show rating, if any at all.


I get wanting it from a sandboxing point of view but Vinsmoker makes a fair point. Just because AEW Dark built up stars through those means doesn't mean people were interested in them in the beginning. Every AEW Dark card still has a few matches where the grand majority of people are probably like, 'meh'.

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