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Internet ppv vs Internet supscription

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I've reached the point in my save where I've essentially surpassed EILL in Mexico. I'm winning the monthly battles, have more over stars, and am gaining ground on them in America.


I have my ppvs on Demand TV Mexico, and they also show on my small network, which I set as being a commercial internet network. My network is currently showing my ppvs outside Mexico to help boost my popularity in other regions and airing my b-show.


Canal Uno has a contract with me for 6 more months to air my main television program. I was thinking of phasing out my contract at LEAST with Canal Uno, and transferring coverage of my main show to the commercial network and setting up a a 2nd to run either a internet ppv or internet subscription for the ppvs and possibly ditching Demand TV Mexico.


What would be the better option to roll with as far as profitability?


I'm currently the 6th richest promotion in the world sitting at 19 million, but it would cost me 7 million to get out of my current broadcasting contracts. I don't really want to spend the money and would rather finish my contracts with both before jumping into this expansion. I'm just curious about which method of broadcasting would be better.

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I think Commercial is better than subscription. I’ve got a large commercial broadcaster everywhere. Due to a recent patch, I have to not run PPVs on it otherwise I don’t get any PPV revenue (why pay if it’s free). I’m going to launch my own PPV broadcaster too, to see whether I make more money that way.


I would say if you are setting up your own broadcaster, take a look at how much it costs to go that extra size. The cost to upgrade is far greater than an initial cost, so going from big to very big at creation may be 6mil, but upgrading later costs 20mil.

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