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(HYPE) Alternative History: Fighting the World 1987

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In New York, in early 1982

-Mr. McMahon(1)?

-Yes Arnold(2)?

-Do you still want to sell the Company to your son, if I’m aware?

-Yes, Vince Jr. is a fine young lad, with a lot of potential and vision… something wrong Arnold?

-Well, I’ve found something… troublesome. He left on the desk a memo about his plans about the future of the company.


-You should read it yourself, sir

(Five minutes later)

-Are you sure this is legit?

-100% sir

-This spoiled brat son of a …..

-Yes sir

-I’ve to phone him, and Arnold, if this piece of .. paper is true, I assure you that Vince Jr. will have not a snowball’s chance in hell to be the owner of the WWF.



(1) Vince McMahon Sr.

(2) Arnold Skaaland

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So… Another alternative scenario?




Well, I love the 80’s wrestling scene, but I don’t find the scenario that suits my gameplay. Too son with all the wrestlers in non-binding contract you can mount a superpower. Too late and the WWF is too big. So I decided to make a scenario more balanced. In the US there are 5(+1) big companies. All 5 have different starting points money, popularity etc. but all have a strong starting core of wrestlers (all contracts are written). Almost all the big names have loyalty, there are a few strong freelancers and there are even fewer names that you can snatch.


So the name of the game is stick to your guns, grown organically and wait others organizations to fold.


So this mod will be released?

Probably… maybe… well… The data is finished and I’m doing some long term savegames to see how it goes.

This is a Minimum viable product. It will have no title history, and will lack almost anything that it’s not basic. Anyway if when you find some glaring issues just tell me.

It’s no intended to be a perfect or accurate mod. But I hope that it will be a fun and somewhat challenging mod.

It will be centered in the US and Japan male wrestling scene. I’ve no clue about doing something with the female scene or Mexico/Europe.


Anyway it is a huge amount of work.

Well, a bit, but not really much. Most of the work was done but the amazing community that TEW has. The main data is based in the “Strive to Survive” mod of TsuMirren, but I’ve took things from the Jaysin/Matt “Risky Business” mod. I’ve also used the “Chronicles 92” by Fleisch, mostly for future workers. It has also ideas borrowed from OG Pistolpete “Wrestling at War” (mostly the surviving of JPWA and the merge of AWA/Stampede) and it uses NGO/Sticker Trading Card Pack by gazwefc83.Also using the JanS Broadcaster DB and the w4lru5 "Odobenus Angle Pack 3.0". Thanks everybody!

The work of all of them is wonderful and I’ve requested and received permission by all of them, unless is freeware, but giving the proper credit ;)



So, mostly of the nice things are from them. Most of the mistakes are mine.

I've requested all the permissions, anyway



So what is the divergence point?

Basically two.

In Japan Rikidozan survives the stabbing until the early 80’s. So in this world, JPWA survives leaded by the Momota Brothers, Giant Baba and Antonio Inoki.

In the US Vince McMahon Sr found a memo with the early plans of Vince. It will lead to a big confrontation and a world were Vince Sr. didn’t sell the WWF to Vince McMahon. This is main point of the “butterfly effect”


And now?

I will post my own "draft" of the events between 1982 and 1985. Next I hope to give some info/screenshots of the main companies, and then I hope in a few weeks I'll release the data.


I want to help

Thanks! As I've said it will be far from perfect! It's just the scenario I've dreamed to play to myself. If you can help surely we can find a way

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In 1963 Rikidozan survived the stabbing by a member of the Yakuza. His career begun to winding down, but kept the organization working. In September 1977, his health was beginning to deteriorate due to liver failure, dying in November 1977. The JPWA organization was inherited by the Momota Brothers, Giant Baba and Antonio Inoki. Rikidozan gave a substantial chunk of property to Giant Baba and Antonio Inoki to avoid that they left the organization.


In the early days of 1982, Arnold Skaaland found a draft wrote by Vince McMahon about his plans to buy the WWF and becoming a national powerhouse, changing his style and raiding the talent of other companies. Unsure of how react, Arnold informed Vince McMahon Sr about the draft. Vince Sr., enraged, confronted with his son, and the situation escalated to almost a physical confrontation. Both McMahons never talked again.


Instead of letting it go, Vince McMahon went public addressing the necessity of a global wrestling federation instead the “dying territorial system”.


In July, 28th, 1982 in the David Letterman show Vince confronted with Jim Crockett Jr. Vince was charming, persuasive and self-assured, While Jim was nervous and without a coherent message. The interview finished with Jim slapping Vince. This incident increased the notoriety of Vince, with the public opinion feeling that he was the “good guy”.


In October, 1st, 1982, the World Wrestling Enterprise (WWE) debuted his WWE Smackdown TV show in the MTV. Behind the scenes Vince convinced the MTV direction that a wrestling show will have great ratings, and they backed the WWE. He stole talent left and right, getting a talented roster but above all a very colorful roster with fighters like Roddy Piper, Sgt. Slaughter, The Iron Sheik, Ivan Koloff or Tito Santana. It was the first time that the fighters signed a written contract with clauses of non-competition.


Although not a smashing success the WWE Smackdown ratings are pretty good, making both (MTV and WWE) pretty happy. Specially, Roddy Piper is the star of the show, with his fire and charisma.


Even inside the NWA there are discording voices, Jim Crocket and Sam Muchnick enforce a politic of ignoring WWE, thinking that it will fall by itself. Instead it continued his growth, culminating in the WWE Starrcade (November, 24th, 1983) were Roddy Piper retained the WWE World Heavyweight against The Hulkster, Terry Boulder. This match is the starting point of the feud between The Hulkster and the Celtic Piper, a feud that will be a standard of the industry for years.


In February, 9th, 1984 David Von Erich suffered a stroke (some said it was a drug overdose, others it was an enteritis). He was personally drove to the hospital by Giant Baba who took care of all the situation. David was dry-dock for 9 months. This has two big results, the first is a strong bond between the Von Erichs and the JPWA. The second is that, counting that David was bound to win the NWA World HW, Fritz asked the NWA brass to pass the chance to Kerry. It was denied as they considered he was not ready. In response, the WCCW left the NWA.


Vince McMahon Sr died May 24, 1984. He left the WWF to his son Rod McMahon.


The Black Saturday-The July 14, 1984 the Brisco brothers sold their stock in GCW to Jim Crockett Jr for $900,000. In return Jim Crockett Jr received GCW's television time slots on WTBS, which he claimed for the JCP, very shortly following the purchase the decision was made to utilize the familiar "World Championship Wrestling" television show name, as the brand name for this new promotion. There is still controversial if the JCP left the NWA or it was expelled but anyway the NWA lost one of its biggest members.

In Agust, 1984 Riki Choshu leaded an exodus from JPWA, citing the lack of opportunities to the new generations. The initial members of the NJPW were Riki Choshu, Genichiro Tenryu, Nobuhiko Takada, Yoshiaki Yatsu, Kuniaki Kobayashi, Hiro Saito and Atsushi Onita. The WCCW talent helped the JPWA to fill the gaps. Anyway, the JPWA still was loaded with talent Jumbo Tsuruta, Akira Maeda, Hiroshi Hase, Tatsuji Fujinami or Vader. In exchange of the help of WCCW the JPWA quit the NWA, also feeling that this organization was in his last legs.


Seeing the writing in the wall the last meeting of the NWA as an alliance was in November, 1984. It was decided that the NWA as alliance was to be discontinued, merging most of the Territories around the Central States of Bob Geigel. Meanwhile the eastern territories (Maple Leaf, CW of Florida) decided to merge with WWF.

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1- WWE (Vince McMahon): Southwest

Pros: Rich. Strong main event scene. Strong tag team division

Cons: Lack of youngsters. Big egos?


2- WCW (Jim Crockett Jr): Southeastern

Pros: Good main event scene +good workers. Very deep tag teams

Cons: Weak farm system. Lack of star power


3- AWA (Verne Gagne): Great Lakes

Pros: Good mix of young and old. Good young new stars

Cons: Lots of Main events are freelancers. Not very deep


4- WCCW (Fritz Von Erich): MidSouth

Pros: Good overall talent + the best farm system

Cons: Habits + Bad atmosphere could derail the company


5- WWF (Rod McMahon): Northeastern

Pros: Loyal main eventers + Promising young core

Cons: The Main eventers are old. The youngs are biased to star quality


6- NWA (Bob Geigel): Central States

Pros: Not very much. Some good vets + a heterogenic mix of young talent.

Cons: It’s an upside battle. It will lack star power depth money….



In Japan:

1- JPWA (Yoshihiro Momota): Kanto

Pros: Big roster with strong veterans and quality youngs.

Cons: Some might say a too big roster. Best youngs could be in NJPW


2- NJPW (Riki Choshu): Kanto

Pros: Strong core of wrestlers. Great young stars

Cons: Maybe.. Competing with JPWA?

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My thoughts so far..

-I’m pretty happy with the overall results.

-I´m having problems to push talented youngster with small initial popularity, but I’m afraid it’s what it is.

-The high profile free agents are bombing. After the first contract they are mostly unemployed. So probably I will put a short first contract, but erasing the free agent tag.

- I was “generous” with the tv contracts, but everybody is making too much money. I will to reduce it a bit.


Two random screenshots of WWF and WCCW after a 2 year test( Jan89). C'mon Fritz, I'm giving you a Ferrari!






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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Chikbot" data-cite="Chikbot" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52664" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm actually super pumped for this. I love alternate history like this so I can't wait to check full rosters to see where certain people have ended up.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks. If you have curiosity just ask and I will tell you!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="AdarLowenheim" data-cite="AdarLowenheim" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52664" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>This looks fantastic! When can we expect a beta of this? I don't know which company I'll play as which probably means that I'll play this as my 1st ever 80s mod.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Well I'm in the mood of adjust some things, but the biggest things to do is to add relationships, add graduates (I want to give a fair share of talent to each company) and rebalance some things. As an example, I’ve nerfed some Japanese workers as the Japanese companies were giving too many 95+. </p><p> </p><p> I couldn’t make work the “freelances” so it will be very few big names without loyalties and these will have some drawbacks.</p><p> </p><p> So, I expect to release something the week between 22 and 28 feb.</p>
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Thanks. If you have curiosity just ask and I will tell you!


I appreciate the consideration, I however take no issue with waiting for either previews or the mod's release. All the names I want to ask about I feel are a bit prominent where spoiling the chess pieces would hamper people's self discovery and I would rather you as the mod maker "reveal your hand" when you want to.

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