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AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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(NOTICE! This will be the last AWA show posted before the press conference to announce the sale of the company.)

In-Studio Host: Larry Nelson

Match Commentator: Lee Marshall

Color Commentator: Lord James Blears
(# means aired on a previous AWA show.)
(2nd Taping Recap)
Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:
More from Sgt. Slaughter and Stan Hansen
TV MAIN EVENT: Jake Milliman vs. Akio Sato
Larry Zbyszko sees action
A look back at last week's non-match between the Top Guns and Badd Co. (w/ Mgr. DDP) PLUS! comments from the two sides
Sam Houston (w/ Coach Dick Murdoch) wrestles
Another Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update with PWI's Bill Apter
The Guerreros wrestle
And more!!!
Nelson sent it to the ring in Rochester.
Tommy Rich & Cactus Jack won a squash match over Jim Rockford & Tony Baretta via pinfall when Jack pinned Rockford with a double underhook DDT
Jack did his usual crazy moves.
Nelson: Cactus Jack and Tommy Rich, you two are a dangerous tag team because you're an unpredictable tag team.
Rich: You got that right, Nelson! Hahaha! Teams don't know how to handle us! Cactus will do anything to win a match!
Nelson: I can see that.
Rich: And if you think that established teams can't figure us out, what do you think a team's gonna do that has an announcer like Lee Marshall on it!
Rich pointed at Marshall over at the announce table.
Nelson: I shudder to think of the possibilities.
Marshall: Lord James, a man has to do what a man has to do and sometimes he has to face grave danger doing it.
Blears: Lee, right you are. And stepping into the ring with a wily veteran like Tommy rich and an unhinged wrestler like Cactus Jack is definitely dangerous.
Rich: How do you plan for a team like us? The answer is you can't! Hahaha!
You can watch all the video you want of me and Cactus and it still won't help you because you don't know what we'll do in a given match!
Nelson: Cactus.
Jack: Larry Nelson,  the former NWA World Champion just said it best. You cannot really prepare for a match against us because you don't know what could be coming at you.
A big advantage in this sport is keeping your opponent wondering what you're going to do next?! Mind games matter! You can't anticipate what we're going to do because you never know when we're going to do it!
There's no other tag team in wrestling like Tommy and Cactus today!
We can watch video of our opponents and figure out what they're going to do and when they're going to do it!
That's not the case with us!
It's like a good defensive coordinator in football totally keeping the other team's offense off-balance throughout a game because the defensive coordinator has created a game plan that the offensive coordinator on the other team didn't expect!
But I know one thing you can expect!
Nelson: What's that?
Jack: Lee Marshall is gonna experience a lot of pain at our hands! He's going to suffer like someone in a concentration camp!
After we're done with him, I don't know if I'd expect Lee Marshall to make it back to announcing!
The AWA might want to take an ad out in the classifieds of their local paper looking to hire an announcer for $8 bucks an hour or something!
Bang! Bang!
Nelson: Tommy Rich and Cactus Jack.
Video aired of the brawl from last week between Badd Co. and the Top Guns with the caption: NEXT... RAGE BOILS OVER!
In-Studio: Nelson intro'd video of the brawl from last week's non-match between the Top Guns and Badd Company on ASW PLUS! post-match comments from the two sides.


# Badd Co. came to the ring and were announced to loud boos and some cheers from the crowd.


Top Guns came charging down the face aisle, hit the ring and charged over and attacked Paul Diamond and Pat Tanaka as DDP bailed to the safety of the floor.


The two teams started brawling in the ring. Dukes and Tanaka spilled out onto the floor.


Ref left the ring and went over and talked with Larry Nelson.


Brawling continued.


Nelson: Referee Marty Miller has said that if the two teams don't get back to their respective corners that he will rule the match a no contest!


The warring factions didn't listen and now all four men were on the floor brawling with each other.


After about a minute more of the fighting, Marty Miller talked to Nelson again and Miller signaled for the bell.


Nelson: Referee Marty Miller has informed me that he has thrown the match out! It is a no contest!


While Rice and Tanaka brawled at ringside, Dukes and Diamond had spilled into the ringside seating area.


The fighting was raging out of control.


Marshall: Fans! We are out of time! We'll let you know what happens regarding this situation next week!


Fighting continued as the program went off the air.


Pic flipped and the Top Guns were standing in their locker room still in their ring attire. Rice had a mic.


Rice: For those expecting to see a match between us and Badd Company we would like to apologize.


Just seeing them standing there in that ring lit a fire under me and Derrick!


Dukes nodded in agreement.


Rice: You all saw what happened!


This fight with Badd Company and that snake manager of theirs is very personal for us!


This transcends normal wrestling standards!


I don't see how either team can win a normal rules wrestling match against the other because the hatred is so strong!


We need a match with Badd Company where we can just be unleashed! There needs to be a minimum of rules!


The match needs to be a survival of the fittest type of battle! Only the strong survive in the end!


Rice passed the mic to Dukes.


Dukes: Ricky just said what needs to be said!


Badd Company! Dallas Page! You just come at us, boys!


Let's see who can survive!


Pic flipped and DDP and Badd Company were in their locker room. Badd Co. were still in their ring attire. DDP had a mic.


DDP: The Pop Guns cheated those fans in the arena! They should be forced to refund every single fan their money because they took away a match the people wanted to see because of  their unprofessional behavior!


But nobody ever accused Rice and Dukes of being too bright.

Do they not realize that Badd Company can wrestle any style of match?! We can adapt to different situations like nobody's business.


So, Pop Guns, where do we go from here? Hmmm... Where do we go?


Because you can't treat Badd Company like you treated us out there in the arena and not think retaliation isn't coming because it is!


There's gonna be no end to this until one team cries surrender!


And I can tell you that team won't be Badd Company!




Pic aired of Sam Houston with the caption: NEXT... CAN HE STAY PERFECT?


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


Sam Houston (w/ Coach Dick Murdoch) def. Dr. Richard Kimball via pinfall with his bulldog finisher


During the match, Murdoch could be heard audibly coaching Houston and yelling encouragement to him.




Nelson: Sam Houston! You are still perfect in the ring! How does it feel?


Sam: It feels great, Larry. Right now, I feel like I can take on the world.


And it's this man standing beside me who's given me the confidence to think that way.


Nelson: Coach Dick Murdoch! Sam Houston thinks very highly of you.


Dick: I think highly of him, Larry.


Sam was already a great talent when I started to coach him. But he needed some work on his ring mechanics and on his ring psychology.


Nelson: Ring psychology?


Dick: Ring psychology is very important. Without good ring psychology you can't be a winner in wrestling.


You have to be able to size up your opponent mentally as well as physically.


If you can get into their heads a little then even if you're smaller than the guy you're wrestling, you can gain an advantage.


It's  a must if you want to be a consistent winner.


Sam: Coach Murdoch put me through Ring Psychology 101 soon after I started training with him.


This man knows the ins and outs of the game. He's had a very successful career. He knows what it takes to win and it's already paid off. I'm sticking with him.


Dick: The great thing about Sam is that he's always willing to learn new things. He's a great listener.


If a guy is stubborn and thinks he knows it all and won't listen to sound instruction, that guy needs to simply be left to his own devices. Guys like that don't have very good track records and don't last long in this business.


Fans cheered.


Nelson: Sam Houston and Dick Murdoch, everybody!


Pic aired of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship belt with the caption: NEXT... TOURNEY UPDATE!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd this week's Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tourney Update with PWI's Bill Apter.




Video opened with a shot of Bill Apter in a suit standing int front of the PWI logo with mic in hand.


Apter: Greetings, wrestling fans.


This is Bill Apter of Pro Wrestling Illustrated with this week's Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update.


The event will take place on Saturday, February 17, 1990, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, CA.


The tournament will take place over two sessions. The first session has a bell time of 12:30pm and will feature all the opening round tournament matches. The second session will take place that evening with a bell time of 7:30pm and will feature the quater-finals, semi-finals and the tournament final.


For tickets, contact Ticket Master or the Anaheim Convention Center Box Office at (714) 555-1812.


Last week, I revealed who the first two participants are gonna be in this tournament and they are huge names in wrestling.


They are Carlos Colon from Puerto Rico and Riki Choshu from Japan.


This will truly be an international tournament.


Our next entrant also comes from outside the USA.


He is a Mexican icon and fighter in every sense of the word, from the Universal Wrestling Association it's Perro Aguyao.


Let's take a look at Perro in action in a recent match that features 1936-style camera work. Perro is in the white tights.




(Just pretend the first 30-60 seconds you see are what airs on TV.)


Apter: As you can see, Perro's another fine addition to this historic tournament and he could be a favorite to win it all with his hard-nosed wrestling style.


Next week, I'll be revealing the first American participating in the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championsip Tournament and it's a major name in the sport!


Fans, tickets are still available and Anaheim is a wonderful place to visit in the winter.


Get out of the cold and come to this city that features lots to do: the beaches, excellent dining options, great golf courses, Disneyland and so much more! There are also lots of hotels to choose from in the area for your stay!


Enjoy the wrestling and enjoy Southern California.


One more time, the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament takes place over two sessions on one day at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California. For tickets, contact Ticket Master or the Anaheim Convention Center Box Office at (714) 555-1812.


I'm Bill Apter. See you again next week.




Pic aired of Larry Zbyszko with the caption: NEXT... LAW BREAKER!




Larry Zbyszko won a squash match over Stan Marsh via pinfall with his piledriver finisher


Before the match, Zbyszko walked around the ring carrying a sign on a stick that said: THE TROOPER = POLICE BRUTALTY!




Zbyszko picked up his sign and held it up to loud boos.


Nelson: Larry Zbyszko, the sign you've got is rather galling. Just listen to these people.


More boos.


Zbyszko: You know what the response of these fans means?


It means they support the police brutalizing innocent people!


More boos.


Zbyszko: They like police brutality! They like seeing people getting pulverized by the cops!


What kind of people did they let into this building?!


Nelson: You think a guy like The Trooper is out there beating up folks for no reason?


Zbyszko: By coming out here wearing that uniform, The Trooper is saying that he's a fan of police violence against the citizenry!


He's an awful human being! And these fans cheering The Trooper are awful people as well! Shame! Shame on you mindless pro-police morons! Think once in a while, you dimwits!


The cops are not your friends, man!


The Trooper is just sucking you fans in with his 'Obey the police' at all times jargon!


What he's really saying, and let me translate it for those slow on the uptake here, is that you're all suckers! The Trooper is saying that by supporting him, you support him assaulting people...


Nelson: That was Larry Zbyszko!


Zbyszko marched around in the ring holding up his sign to even more boos and some trash thrown in his direction.


In-Studio: Nelson said that he can't believe how extreme even a guy like Zbyszko has gotten on matters involving the police.


Nelson then sent it back to the ring in Rochester.


The Guerrero Bros. won a squash match over Eric Idle & Michael Palin via pinfall when Hector pinned Idle with a flying crossbody


Split-screen pic aired of Sarge and Stan Hansen with the caption: NEXT... CHRISTMAS CHAOS?!


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd comments from AWA WC Sgt. Slaughter and challenger Stan Hansen as they prepare for their title clash at Brawl In St. Paul 2 on Christmas night in Minneapolis-St. Paul.




Stan Hansen was in street clothes and cowboy hat with mic in hand standing in front of the AWA logo.


Hansen: Christmas night! Hohoho! Santa's comin'!


But this year, he ain't got no white beard or white hair! He's not wearin' a red suit! He's not ridin' in a sleigh!


Oh no!


This year, Santa's got perfectly straight hair and a well-trimmed mustache! He'll be carryin' a bullrope and cow bell and wearin' chaps and wrestlin' tights! And he's ridin' in on a thousand head of cattle!


And he's gonna leave that ring with one big present in hand! And that's the AWA World Heavyweight Championship!


St. Paul, Minnesota is freezing and snowy this time of year! That's not Stan Hansen country!


But I'm gonna make it Stan Hansen country for one night and that night is December 25th at Brawl In St. Paul 2!


Sgt. Slaughter! You better put a big red bow on that title belt, son! Because it's gonna be the best gift of all for the bad man from Borger, Texas!


Pic flipped and Sarge, in his camo and DI hat with the belt slung over his shoulder, was standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.


Sarge: After the presents have been opened and after all the Christmas dinners have been eaten...it comes down to this.


Sarge patted the title on his shoulder.


Sarge: Thousands of fans are giving the gift of wrestling this Christmas!


They're gonna be flocking to the St. Paul Civic Center for Brawl In St. Paul 2!


After eating all that turkey and ham, the fans are gonna want to gorge on wrestling!


And the biggest match of all on Christmas night is gonna happen between you and me, Hansen!


You've said that you've wanted to regain the AWA World Championship since you lost it three years ago!


Now you have your chance!


But there's one obstacle that stands in your way!


It's 6 feet, 6 inches tall and weighs 300 pounds!


And you're looking at that obstacle!


Stan Hansen, you're a tough guy! But so am I!


And you're gonna have to march onto the field of battle prepared for all-out war!


To win this belt from me, you better have one hell of a strategy, Hansen!


I have not yet even begun to fight!


But when that bell rings and our personal war begins...you're gonna have one tough time knocking down this one-man stronghold!


The Lariat vs. the Slaughter Cannon!


It may be cold outside in St. Paul! But on Christmas night, it's gonna be scorching hot in the Civic Center!


See you there, Hansen!




Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!




TV MAIN EVENT: Jake Milliman vs. Akio Sato


In a Wrestling Observer Match of the Year candidate, Milliman defeated Sato vis pinfall with his Pasteurizer finisher (flying leg drop) after Sato missed a knee drop off the top rope onto Milliman.


WINNER: Milliman - Pinfall - 5:18


Split-screen pic of DeBeers and Zenk with the caption: NEXT... CONTRACT SIGNING!





Shot of  a conference table and the AWA logo on the wall in the background.
Seated at the table were AWA boss Verne Gagne (the head of the table), Col. DeBeers and Tom Zenk.
AWA lawyer Gustav B. Schirach III was standing off to Gagne's right and Larry Nelson was standing off to Gagne's left. Nelson had a mic.
There were mics in front of Gagne, DeBeers and Zenk.
Gagne was in a blue sport coat and white dress shirt. Zenk was in street clothes. DeBeers was in his military garb and beret.
Nelson: Welcome to our viewers watching across the U.S. and Canada.
I'm Larry Nelson.
We are here at the AWA headquarters in Minneapolis, Minnesota to witness the contract signing for the coal miner's glove match between Col. DeBeers and Tom Zenk.
With us is AWA lawyer Gustav B. Schirach III to witness the signing. Also with us are AWA promoter Verne Gagne and the participants in the match: Col. DeBeers and Tom Zenk.
Shot of Zenk and DeBeers staring down each other across the table.
Nelson: And now, Verne Gagne will speak.
Verne: Thank you, Larry.
We are here today for the contract signing for the coal miner's glove match between Tom Zenk and Col. DeBeers.
The feud between these two has been burning red hot for months now and the dangerous, violent coal miner's glove match is another chapter in this ordeal.
We will now have Col. DeBeers sign the contract.
Verne slid the contract and pen over to DeBeers.
DeBeers briefly looked over the contract and signed it and slid it back to Verne.
Verne: Now, Tom Zenk will add his signature.
Verne slid the contract over to Zenk and Zenk quickly looked it over and signed it.
Verne: Attorney Gustav B. Schirach III will now sign the contract as the witness to make it official.
Gustav quickly leaned over and signed the contract.
Verne held the contract aloft.
Verne: It is now official. It will be Col. DeBeers vs. Tom Zenk in a coal miner's glove match.
The match will be held at Brawl In St. Paul 2 on Christmas night, December 25, at the St. Paul Civic Center in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Now, Zenk and DeBeers will speak.
DeBeers: Tom Zenk, you're a good wrestler and a good athlete. But you're not very smart.
What kind of a man challenges a man to match that is his opponent's specialty?
What do you expect to gain in this match, Tom? Because you're sure not gonna gain a victory.
I'm the master of the coal miner's glove match. Never lost one before and that won't change on Christmas night at the St. Paul Civic Center.
If you think it was bad when I drilled you in the face one time wearing a coal miner's glove before, imagine what it's going to be like when we have the match where, if you get a hold of the glove, you can hit your opponent with it as many times as you like. That could be one time or 100.
Maybe your mind has been wrecked by all the racial pollution in this country. I don't know.
But you just made the biggest mistake, not only of your career, but also your life, when you signed that contract a moment ago.
When the match is over, sorry Zenk, but you're not gonna be paraded around in the ring in victory by some American made multi-racial nightmare.
No! You're going to be a laid out, bloodied, battered mess who might have to have his dental records checked just to make sure you're really Tom Zenk because that pretty face of yours is gonna pounded to jelly when I get that glove.
I am gonna show you no mercy.
And I'll get the greatest Christmas gift of all...smashing a decadent American into the ground on his home turf.
Zenk: I have sat here and listened to you ramble on about what you're gonna do to me and how you hate America, Colonel.
Frankly, I'm getting sick of it and so are the fans.
When you hit me in the face with that coal miner's glove a few months ago I had to wear that special mask just to wrestle. I've never forgotten that. Nor will I forgive it.
I challenged you to this coal miner's glove match, the match that is your specialty, because I know that I can beat you at your own game. This is gonna be payback for the things you've done to me over the last few months.
DeBeers guffawed.
Zenk: Oh! You laugh, Colonel! But just remember that he who laughs last laughs loudest!
I can, check that, I'm winning the coal miner's glove match at Brawl In St. Paul 2!
And I'm gonna give the fans the greatest gift of all, DeBeers...kicking your ass in your specialty match on Christmas night!
DeBeers quickly stood up and Zenk followed suit. The two men glared at one another as Verne made it to his feet.
Verne: Gentlemen, save it for the ring on Christmas night!
Pic froze with DeBeers and Zenk glaring at one another.
The following caption came up on the screen:




Colonel DeBeers - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia

Edited by piperrulz
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3 minutes ago, piperrulz said:

Tommy Rich & Cactus Jack won a squash match over Jim Rockford & Tony Baretta via pinfall when Jack pinned Rockford with a double underhook DDT

I think the two jobbers might want to stick to something safer than facing Cactus Jack, like, oh...chasing crooks in the streets?


5 minutes ago, piperrulz said:

Sam Houston (w/ Coach Dick Murdoch) def. Dr. Richard Kimball via pinfall with his bulldog finisher

I wonder if the Doc possibly got distracted by seeing a one-armed fan in the front row at ringside?  😆


7 minutes ago, piperrulz said:

Zbyszko: By coming out here wearing that uniform, The Trooper is saying that he's a fan of police violence against the citizenry!


He's an awful human being! And these fans cheering The Trooper are awful people as well! Shame! Shame on you mindless pro-police morons! Think once in a while, you dimwits!

Yep, the self-professed "New Living Legend" at his loudmouthed, obnoxious and crowd-riling best.


10 minutes ago, piperrulz said:

The Guerrero Bros. won a squash match over Eric Idle & Michael Palin via pinfall when Hector pinned Idle with a flying crossbody

And of course, that was "something completely different"...  🙃

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6 minutes ago, Old School Fan said:

I think the two jobbers might want to stick to something safer than facing Cactus Jack, like, oh...chasing crooks in the streets?


I wonder if the Doc possibly got distracted by seeing a one-armed fan in the front row at ringside?  😆


Yep, the self-professed "New Living Legend" at his loudmouthed, obnoxious and crowd-riling best.


And of course, that was "something completely different"...  🙃

To show you how evil Jack and Rich are, Jack actually lit Baretta's cigarette!! 🤣

My two fave detectives of the '70s...along with Frank Cannon!

The one-armed man might have been sitting next to the one-footed Kerry Von Erich!

Thanks for the compliment. Try to get Larry over as the great obnoxious heel he was back in the day.

Maybe Idle and Palin should just join the Ministry of Silly Walks.



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Thursday - December 14 - 1:00pm CST
Main floor of Chicago Stadium
A stage was set up with a long table, several chairs and a speaking podium on it. Mics and drinking glasses sat in front of each seat with three pitchers of water on the table. A large AWA logo was on a black temporary wall behind the table.
The media stood on the floor in front of the stage.
A small group of fans who had shown up for the signing was sitting in one section of permanent seats on the sideline where center court would be for hoops.
There was a buzz in the air.
Then, all those involved in the contract signing made their way out from the back and took their seats at the table on the stage.
AWA ring announcer/interviewer Larry Nelson stepped up to the podium and placed the contract on it.
Nelson: Good afternoon, everyone.
Some of the press/fans responded in kind.
Nelson: We are here today to announce the sale of the American Wrestling Association to a group of five buyers, known collectively as Triumph Media Sports, Incorporated.
Here are the sale participants and other distinguished guests seated on the stage.
First, seated to my right, are AWA attorney Gustav B. Schirach III and Ivar Haglund. They are here to witness the contract signing.
Flashbulbs going off in the press area and fan area.
Nelson: Now, for the participants seated at the table.
At the end of the table to my left is Jerry Jarrett.
Seated next to Jerry is Jim Crockett. Seated to the right of Jim Crockett is Bill Watts. Seated to my immediate left is AWA promoter Verne Gagne.
Seated at the end of the table to my right is AWA wrestler Greg Gagne. Seated next to Greg is AWA President Stanley Blackburn. For the record, President Blackburn and Greg are not part of the selling team.
To the left of President Blackburn is John Waters. And to my immediate right is Deborah Harry.
What we are going to do is have all the people directly involved in the sale come up to the podium and sign the contract.
Attorney Schirach III and Mr. Haglund will then sign the contract as witnesses.
Our first signer will be the seller, AWA owner and promoter, Verne Gagne.
Verne stood and moved to the podium and was handed a pen by Larry Nelson.
Verne signed his name on the dotted line as camera bulbs were a poppin'.
Verne handed the pen back to Nelson and Nelson stepped back to the podium.
Nelson: Our next signer will be the first buyer to sign from Triumph Media Sports.
That will be Jerry Jarrett.
Jarrett stood and went over and signed the contract as the flash bulbs again went off.
Nelsons stood again at the podium.
Nelson: The next signer will be Jim Crockett.
Crockett went through the same drill as Jarrett and Verne.
Nelson: Our next signer is Bill Watts.
You know the drill by now.
Nelson: The next person to sign will be John Waters.
Same drill. The four wrestling personalities that had signed got a decent response from the fans. Waters himself got a good response from the crowd.
Nelson: And now, Deborah Harry will sign the contract.
Nice pop for Harry from the fans in attendance. Ditto the drill.
Nelson: And finally, Gustav B. Schirach III and Ivar Haglund will sign the contract as witnesses.
Same drill.
Nelson held the contract up.
Nelson: There you have it, everyone! The American Wrestling Association has officially been sold to Triumph Media Sports!
Cheers from the fans and some members of the media.
Nelson: Now, the new owners and current owner Verne Gagne will speak.
Verne stepped to the podium.
Verne: Thank you, Larry.
It is a bittersweet day for me.
There's a sadness because I'm walking away from the sport that has been my whole adult life. I don't think things will really hit me until I leave my office and shut the door behind me that one final time.
But, I'm excited about the future of the AWA and you fans should be, too.
The AWA is being left in good hands.
The people you see sitting on this stage with me are dedicated to keeping the AWA a wrestling-first promotion. The AWA will continue to strive to be the true alternative to the WWF.
And I wanted to say a special thank you to John Waters and Deborah Harry.
Your willingness to take a chance on this business and keep the AWA legacy alive means a lot to me.
And you've got three solid wrestling minds working with you who can help make the AWA great again.
The future looks bright. I'm confident the AWA will return to it's rightful place in the pro wrestling pantheon.
Thank you.
Nice response from the fans and many in the press corps.
Nelson stepped back to the podium.
Nelson: And now, Jerry Jarrett.
JJ to the podium.
Jerry: I'll be brief with my comments here.
I want to thank Bill Watts and Jim Crockett for talking me into investing in this project.
I only own a small percentage of the company, but I believe my four co-owners all have a vision for the AWA moving forward and I like where it's headed.
To Deborah and John, I say thank you for taking the risk and buying the majority of the promotion.
All business ventures have risks...but wrestling can be one helluva roller coaster ride. You two might want to strap yourselves in because it's gonna be wild.
Lots of laughter.
Jerry: Anyway, I'm looking forward to this opportunity.
Thank you.
Nelson: Thank you, Jeff.
And now, Jim Crockett will speak.
JC to the podium.
Crockett: Like Jerry, I'll be brief.
The chance to be back in the wrestling business is exciting.
Little over a year ago, my family and I sold Jim Crockett Promotions to the Ted Turner Corporation. I thought that was gonna be the end of my involvement with wrestling. I'm glad I was wrong.
To be here with Jerry, Bill, Deborah and John is indescribable.
We face some real challenges coming in.
But, with this team you see assembled on the stage, I am very confident we will bring the AWA completely back and make it a major player once more.
There's really not much else to say.
It's about time for us to roll our sleeves up and get to work.
Thank you.
Good response from the fans.
Nelson: Bill Watts will speak next.
Good response from the fans for Watts.
Watts: Like Jim, I never expected to return to wrestling after I sold the Universal Wrestling Federation in 1987.
But when Jim contacted me about this opportunity I was intrigued.
Let me just state for the record the AWA is already rising again.
I think us at Triumph Media Sports are coming in at the perfect time.
It will be our job to complete a turnaround that's already started under Verne.
And John and Deborah, let me also give you a tip of the cap for taking a chance on this wild, crazy, wonderful sport.
Jim, Jerry and I will work hard on the wrestling side of things to make your investments worthwhile.
Thank you.
Cheers for Watts from the fans.
Nelson: Now would you please welcome to the podium, John Waters.
Fans cheered Waters. It was flashbulb city in the press area.
Waters: Thank you, Larry Nelson.
I first heard the AWA was available a few months ago from a friend of mine.
I called Deborah to see if she might be interested in trying to buy it.
Well...here we are.
Before I go any further, let me just thank Verne Gagne for his insight and guidance during all of this. Verne's been very gracious in our dealings and, while new owners may be coming to the AWA, Verne will always be the heart and soul of it.
It's been a great ride on the road to this sale.
Pro wrestling is filled with many unique characters and we're looking forward to working with them anyway we can.
Jim, Bill and Jerry will be in charge of the day-to-day wrestling operations.
But Deb and I hope our names can help when it comes to things like TV contracts, merchandising, booking arenas. Things like that.
I can't believe I'm now the part-owner of a wrestling company. A legendary wrestling company at that.
I am definitely looking forward to this opportunity.
Can't wait to see what the future holds for the AWA.
Thank you.
Fans cheered and licked each other joyfully.
Nelson: Now, for our final speaker, I give you Deborah Harry.
Biggest pop by the fans for any of the new owners.
Deb: Thank you for the response.
The first thing I'd like to do is thank Verne Gagne for his 40 years of service to professional wrestling. Thank you, sir.
Your help and honesty during these last few months has been tremendous.
Nice ovation from the fans and some in the press corps.Verne stood and waved to the fans.
Deb: My ex-boyfriend and  Blondie bandmate Chris Stein got me into watching pro wrestling.
I started watching on WTBS on cable and it grew from there.
I love professional wrestling. This is a dream come true.
It's easily one of the most exciting things I've ever done.
More crowd cheers.
Deb: When the opportunity presented itself to possibly own an established wrestling company, I sat up and took notice.
There were some twists, turns and unexpected surprises during the period of exploring buying the AWA.
The most unexpected and pleasant surprise was being able to bring on three great wrestling minds like Jim Crockett, Bill Watts and Jerry Jarrett.
These three men are gonna make sure that the word 'wrestling' in American Wrestling Association means just what it says.
The fans are going to get quality wrestling action. We intend to give them their money's worth every time they buy a ticket for an AWA show at their local arena.
Our goal is, simply, to continue to carry the banner of the AWA well into the future as one of the top promotions in the country.
Thank you.
More cheers from the fans.
Nelson: We will  open up the floor to questions from the reporters in a moment.
But I did want to say that if you haven't had Ivar Haglund's white clam chowder, do yourself a favor and get a bowl. Best chowder on the planet and that's not an exaggeration!
Let the questioning begin.
For the next 30 minutes, reporters asked the buyers and seller questions. The mood was largely pleasant and jovial except for a couple of questions directed at Bill Watts and Verne Gagne where the exchange with reporters got a little heated.
During the Q&A session, Waters did clear up one thing.
Waters: Just so people know, we originally were going to assume control of the company on February 19th. But we've decided to push the transfer back two weeks and the AWA will change hands on Monday, March 5th.
At the end of the press conference, Verne Gagne and the new owners stood in front of the AWA logo on the stage and posed for a group photo.
The sale was complete.
Or was it?
A reporter at the Wrestling Narc Newsletter named Lonnie Frisbee was about to bring something to light that might dampen the mood of the fans.
AWA American Wrestling Association logo | 411MANIA
Ivar Haglund exhibit to open at the Nordic Heritage Museum – My Ballard
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Still time to get predictions in for Brawl In St. Paul 2,


AWA WORLD TITLE: Sgt. Slaughter (WC) vs. Stan Hansen

AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Mgr. Valerie) vs. Wendi Richter

AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES: Destruction Crew (WTTC) vs. Brad Rheingans & Ken Patera

COAL MINER'S GLOVE MATCH: Tom Zenk vs. Col. DeBeers


Pick one of these 4:


The Trooper vs. Larry Zbyszko

OPEN CONTRACT MATCH: Don Muraco & Wahoo McDaniel

Top Guns vs. Badd Co. (w/ Mgr. DDP)

DARK MATCHES (No predictions here please)

Greg Valentine

Sam Houston (w/ Coach Dick Murdoch)

Kokina Maximus (w/ Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey)





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According to Wrestling Narc writer Lonnie Frisbee, the sale of the AWA, even though they had the press conference to announce it, is not set in stone.

Frisbee: Lost in all the hype, hoopla and happiness at Chicago Stadium on December 14 was the fact that the sale of the AWA still might not go through.

You see, there's an opt-out clause in the contract.

Until 11:59pm on Sunday, March 4 (Triumph Media Sports original takeover date was February 19 but it was pushed back two weeks), either side can walk away from the deal with no financial penalties incurred for backing out.

So, while it looks like there will most likely be a changing of the guard at the AWA there is the chance, however small, one party might decide to bail out for whatever reason without losing a dime.

And according to inside sources, Verne Gagne has been waffling on the sale lately. He thinks that the AWA is turning around and he can be the man to pull it off and bring the AWA back off of life support. Verne said all the right things at the press conference. But it appears he's not wanting to go quietly into the night. It's the burden of ego.

We'll keep you updated on the situation if anything happens regarding the triggering of the opt-out clause.

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Announcers: Lee Marshall & Lord James Blears
Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson
(In the Minneapolis market, ads were airing for Brawl In St. Paul 2 taking place on Christmas night in Minneapolis-St. Paul.)
(# - Aired on a previous AWA program.)
 3rd Taping Re-cap
Show Intro
Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:
Nelson hyped that it was the last edition of AWA on ESPN before the big Brawl In St. Paul 2 show in St. Paul on Christmas night.
Since it's almost Christmas, Nelson said they had a big show for the fans.
6-MAN ELIMINATION TAG MATCH: Larry Zbyszko & Badd Company (w/ Mgr. DDP) vs. The Trooper & The Top Guns
Final comments from Sgt. Slaughter (AWA WC) and challenger Stan Hansen before their title clash at Brawl In St. Paul 2
NON-TITLE MATCH: Magnificent Mimi (Women's WC w/ Mgr. Valerie) vs.  Brandi Mae
Col. DeBeers vs. Mando Guerrero
Greg Gagne & Jake Milliman vs. Manny Fernandez & Jonnie Stewart
Another Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tourney Update from PWI's Bill Apter
Also! An announcement about  another match just added to Brawl In St. Paul 2
And more!
Nelson sent it to the ring in Las Vegas.
Greg Valentine won a squash match over Sal Bellomo via submission with his figure 4 finisher
Nelson: Greg Valentine, you made quick work of the veteran Bellomo.
You kept the figure four on for several seconds after the bell rang before letting go. Why was that?
Greg: I was thinking.
Nelson: Thinking about what?!
Greg: Whether or not I should have broken Bellomo's leg.
Nelson: What?! Break his...
Greg: As you could see, I did not do it.
It's Christmas time and I made the decision to let Mr. Bellomo have the gift of walking for the holidays.
Fans booed.
Nelson: How very generous of you, Hammer.
Greg: Tell me about it, Nelson.
The great thing for all these fans out here is that I'm just getting started in the AWA.
My rise to the top will be lightning fast.
And 'The Hammer' will be a champion very soon.
Nelson: Greg Valentine, everybody!
Pic aired of AWA Women's Champ Magnificent Mimi w/ Mgr. Valerie with the caption: NEXT... ALL GIRL ACTION!
NON-TITLE MATCH: Magnificent Mimi defeated Brandi Mae via pinfall with her missle dropkick finisher - TIME: 2:28
Before the match, Mimi strutted around the ring holding the belt in the air to mainly boos.
Brandi Mae came out fast but could not maintain the momentum. Once Mimi took control it was all but over.
Nelson: Magnificent Miimi and Valerie. You two have made quite a quick impact together here in the AWA.
Mimi, there are those who question the validity of your title win.
Mimi: Let them question it, Nelson! The fact is I've got the belt right here which means I defeated Wendi Richter and took this from her!
So, go ahead and wonder if I won it fair or square because I don't care! I'm the champ and that's all their is to it!
Valerie: This woman is truly magnificent!
She came! She saw! And she conquered!
Crowd booing.
Valerie: You people boo all you like! Boo until you can't breath anymore!
Because at the end of the day, like Mimi said, she's the champ and that is all that matters! Engage in all the conspiracy theories you like! It changes nothing!
And we're already making a lot of money together because she's the champ.
And Wendi Richter, the re-match is coming! But for you, the only thing you're gonna win is deep-seated frustration! Mimi's not letting the title go anytime soon!
Nelson: We've heard you're looking to build a stable.
Valerie: That's right.
I'm looking to build the best stable in all of this sport.
I've got some people I'm already looking at to become part of this elite group.
Nelson: Any names you can give us?
Valerie: Ha! I'd be a fool to tell you who's on my radar!
You and these fans out here will know who they are when I reveal them!
Until then...all you people out here need to mind your own damn business!
Fans booed.
Nelson: World Champion Magnificent Mimi and her manager Valerie, everybody!
More boos.
Pic aired of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship with the caption: NEXT... TOURNEY UPDATE!
AWA Tour Update
In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd the lateest Pro Wrestling Heritage Championsip Tournament Update with PWI's Bill Apter.
Apter was standing in front of the PWI logo in a suit and tie with mic in hand.
Apter: Greeting, wrestling fans!
This is Bill Apter from Pro Wrestling Illustrated with this week's Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update.
We'll be telling you  in a moment about the newest entrant into the tournament and he's a major wrestling star.
The Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament will take place on Saturday, February 17th, 1990, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California.
The tournament will take place over two sessions on the 17th. The afternoon  session, which will feature the eight opening round matches of the tournament, has  a bell time of 12:30pm. The evening session will feature the quarter-finals, semi-finals and tournament final and has a bell time of 7:30pm.
We already have three declared entrants into the tournament. They are: Riki Choshu from Japan, Carlos Colon from Puerto Rico and Perro Aguyao from Mexico.
Now, we have our first American entrant into the tournament.
He hails from the great state of Texas. He's been a champion as both a single and in tag teams many times over. He was also one of the original Four Horseman.
He is...Tully Blanchard!
Tully's coming to the AWA and he's gunning for the sport's newest championship.
Now, let's take a look at Tully in action.
(Just pretend the first minute-plus that you see is what you'd see on TV.)
APTER: The Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship is shaping up to be an exciting, historic event.
We'll announce another entrant during next week's update.
For tickets, contact Ticket Master or the Anaheim Convention Center Box office at (714) 555-1812.
Anaheim is a great place to be in the winter and there are lots of fun things to do. From visiting the Pacific Ocean to visiting Disneyland, to good food and top-notch hotel accommodations, Anaheim has it all.
Get your tickets now, wrestling fans, and be a part of history in-person. Be the guy who tells his friends: I was there when they crowned the first-ever Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion.
I'm Bill Apter. Until next time.
Pic aired of Col. DeBeers: NEXT... COL. DANGEROUS!
Col. DeBeers defeated Mando Guerrero via pinfall with the face-first piledriver - TIME: 0:44
AFTER THE MATCH: As Guerrero struggled on the mat trying to recover, DeBeers reached into the right pocket on the outside of his camo pants and brandished a coal miner's glove.
Marhsall: He's gonna hit Mando with that coal miner's glove!
Blears: Someone needs to put a stop to this or it will end badly for Mando.
Crowd buzzing.
Ref tried to order the Colonel out of the ring but the Colonel responded by knocking the ref down. Ref rolled out on the apron and was hurt.
Mando slowly getting to his feet as Colonel prepared to drill him with the glove.
Mando up. Crowd popped as Tom Zenk, in his ring attire and wearing his own coal miner's glove, charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. The fan reaction caused the Colonel to look over and see Zenk. DeBeers started to bail from the ring and Zenk charged over and took a swipe at with his coal miner's gloved hand and barely missed striking the Colonel as DeBeers made it to the safety of the floor.
The two engaged in a brief staredown as the segment ended.
In-Studio: Larry Nelson hyped the DeBeers- Zenk coal miner's glove match for Brawl In St. Paul 2 on Christmas night.
BISP 2 MATCH UPDATE: Nelson intro'd the final match for the show and it is:
Some of the participants: Larry Zbyszko, The Trooper, Badd Company, Top Guns, Jake Milliman, Greg Gagne, Don Muraco, Wahoo McDaniel, Manny Fernandez, Jonnie Stewart, Jerry Blackwell and more!
Nelson also announced that next week on AWA on ESPN, Kokina Maximus returns to action.
Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... TAG TEAM ACTION!
In-Studio: Nelson intro'd video from last week of the end of the Greg Gagne - Jonnie Stewart re-match where Stewart was banned from wearing knee pads because of concerns he was loading one of the pads to use on his opponents.
# Stewart snapped Greg up and went to whip Greg into the ropes but Greg reversed and caught Stewart coming off with a flying dropkick. Stewart crashed to the mat. Stewart up and Greg hit Stewart with another dropkick and Stewart slammed into the buckles, staggered out and was blasted by a third dropkick. Stewart crashed down near the ropes. Greg for the cover. 1...



Marshall: What's this?! That's Manny Fernandez!


Manny charged down the heel aisle. ...2... Manny at ringside and put Stewart's foot on the bottom rope. ...thr...

Manny: The foot! The foot!
Ref looked over and saw the foot on the rope and  ordered a break.
Greg up and glaring down at Manny on the floor. The two had words as Stewart recovered enough to sneak up behind Greg and roll Greg up for the pin. Ref counted. 1... Stewart grabbed a handful of tights. ...2...3! Ref up and called for the bell as the crowd booed.
Stewart up and the ref raised Stewart's hand in victory.
Crowd cheered as Jake Milliman made his way down the face aisle and hit the ring.
Stewart bailed to the safety of the floor and was standing with Manny.
Greg up and both Greg and Milliman were discussing the finish with the ref. Greg pulled on the back of his tights to show Stewart held the tights but the ref didn't see it. The two kept having an animated chat with the ref.
In-Studio: Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas.
Jake Milliman & Greg Gagne vs. Manny Fernandez & Jonnie Stewart
In a short, explosive bout, the two teams battled it out in a slugfest.
End of the match saw Greg and Jonnie in the ring as the legal men. The two were battling it out when Greg managed to hit Jonnie with a flying dropkick that sent Jonnie crashing into the buckles. Greg went for another dropkick in the corner but Jonnie moved out of the way and Greg crashed to the mat. Jonnie put the boots to Greg, snapped Greg up and whipped Greg into the corner. Jonnie charged  in and blasted Greg with a running elbow to the side of head. Greg crashed to the mat. Jonnie for the cover. 1...2... Greg kicked out. Jonnie up and stomped Greg in the back. Jonnie snapped Greg up and hoisted Greg up for a suplex but Greg wriggled out of Jonnie's grasp, dropped down behind Jonnie, ran Jonnie into the ropes and rolled up Jonnie for the pin. Manny hit the ring to break up the pin. 1...  Jake charged in and tackled Manny to the mat and the pair rolled out on the apron as the crowd popped. ...2... Greg returned last week's favor to Jonnie by grabbing a handful of Jonnie's tights. ...3! Crowd popped big-time as Greg and Jake won.
Ref raised Greg's hand in victory as Jonnie immediately started complaining in animated fashion to the ref about Greg grabbing his tights. Ref pointed at his own eyes and shook his head 'no' signaling that he did not see the tights held.
WINNER: Greg & Milliman - Pinfall - 4:05
Pic aired of Stan Hansen and AWA WC Sgt. Slaughter with the caption: NEXT... FINAL WAR OF WORDS!
In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd footage of the confrontation between Stan Hansen and AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter from AWA on ESPN two weeks ago.
# Hansen: Sgt. Slaughter! I know you're here! And if you don't come out right now I'm gonna lariat this son of a gun over and over again until you do!
I might just knock his head into the third row!
Get out here, Sarge! Or this guy gets it!
Hansen tossed the mic aside and stomped around the ring waiting for Sarge but there was no sign of the champ.
Hansen picked up on a mic.
Hansen: OK! I warned you, Sarge! You call yerself the World Champion?!
Hansen quick stomped Squier, snapped Squier up, whipped Squier into the ropes and blasted Squier coming off with another lariat.
Squier crumpled to the mat,
Hansen waited a few seconds and pulled Squire to his feet.
Crowd popped as Sarge in his ring attire and carrying the belt, charged down the face aisle, dropped the belt on the apron, climbed into the ring and nailed Hansen from behind. Hansen lost his grip on Squier who crumpled to the mat and disappeared like jobbers do in these situations.
Sarge hammered away on Hansen before Hansen fought back and the two were brawling  in the ring as the fans cheered the battle.The two were slugging it out when several face and heel wrestlers and AWA officials hit the ring and separated the two. The warring factions were kept apart by the wall of wrestlers and officials.
The two exchanged heated words over the wall before Sarge broke through the barrier and jumped on Hansen and started hammering Hansen to the delight of the crowd. Hansen fought back and the wrestlers and officials  once again separated the pair and again did the wall thing to keep them apart.
Hansen and Sarge jawed at each other over the wall as the program ended.
In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded final comments from Stan Hansen and AWA World Champeen Sgt. Slaughter as they get ready to battle for the belt at Brawl In St. Paul 2.
Video opened with Stan Hansen in street clothes and cowboy hat with mic in hand standing in front of the AWA logo.
Stan: These are the last words you're gonna be hearin' from me before my match with Sgt. Slaughter for the World Title at Brawl In St. Paul 2 on Christmas night!
On that night, Stan Hansen is becoming a repo man!
Because I'm gonna repossess that World Championship belt and become the AWA World Champion for the second time!
It will be a glorious moment in AWA history when the referee raises my hand in victory!
I've come back here on a mission, dammit, and I intend to complete that mission!
I aim to turn America's Hero into America's Zero in the span of three seconds!
And to all you Sgt. Slaughter fans out there, get ready!
Because on Christmas night at the St. Paul Civic Center I'm gonna leave one big lump of coal in everybody's Christmas stockings when
I walk out of the ring with that belt around my waist one more time!
Pic flipped and Sgt. Slaughter was standing in his camo gear, DI hat and sunglasses with the World Title slung over his left shoulder with mic in hand in front of the AWA logo.
Sarge: Wrestling on Christmas night has had a long and glorious tradition.
And it continues this year with Brawl In St. Paul 2.
Stan Hansen. you've come out and run your mouth for weeks now.
You were gonna break a guy's neck if I didn't come out and confront you in the ring!
And the people saw what happened!
I came! I saw! I fought!
The people who saw us brawl got just a small taste of what's going to happen in St. Paul December 25!
Our match may be for this World Title! But it's gonna be anything but a wrestling match!
Hansen! You're one of the best brawlers in all of wrestling! But so am I!
We're both tough as nails! We know what it takes to fight and win! We've both been World Champions!
But now, as we enter a new decade, change is in the air!
The world is changing around us!
But I aim to keep one thing the same!
And that's keeping this belt around my waist as we head into 1990!
See you in St. Paul, Hansen!
Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... SEASON'S BEATINGS!
Larry Zbyszko & Badd Company vs. The Trooper & The Top Guns
(Since I'm tight for time, there will be no full match layout here.)
1 & 2 - Larry Zbyszko and The Trooper fought to a double countout - 3:13

3 - Paul Diamond pinned Derrick Dukes with a small package - 5:08

4 - Ricky Rice pinned Pat Tanaka after a dropkick - 7:22
After Rice pinned Tanaka, Diamond hit the ring and stomped away on Rice. A stunned Rice made it to his feet and Diamond nailed Rice with a punch barrage. DDP feeling confident on the floor. Diamond whipped Rice into the ropes and caught Rice coming off with a scoop powerslam. Diamond yelled: It's over! and then covered Rice. 1...2...thr... Rice kicked out. Fans cheered. Diamond up and clubbed Rice in the back as he was getting up. Diamond whipped Rice into the ropes and looked to catch Rice coming off with a clothesline but Rice ducked the move and came back and blasted Diamond with a clothesline of his own. Crowd popped. Rice briefly regained his bearings as Diamond slowly made his way to his feet. Rice moved in and nailed Diamond with punches, whipped Diamond into the ropes and caught Diamond coming off with a dropkick. Diamond crashed to the mat. Diamond up and Rice nailed Diamond with a second dropkick. Diamond crashed back to the mat. Diamond slow to get to his feet as Rice prepared to hit Diamond with a third dropkick when DDP suddenly jumped up on the apron. Ref went over and ordered DDP off the apron and DDP argued with the ref. Rice looked over and saw what was going on went over and had words with DDP. Rice grabbed DDP and started shaking him. DDP dropped his cane on the floor. Rice with his back turned to Diamond. Tanaka came charging back down the heel aisle and tossed a foreign object to Diamond that everyone but the two most important people, the ref and Rice, could see. Tanaka fled the scene. Fans yelling for Rice to turn around. Rice let go of DDP and DDP was now down on his knees on the apron. Ref trying to get DDP off the apron. Rice turned and walked right into a foreign object shot to the head from Diamond. Rice crumpled to the mat. DDP miraculously recovered and dropped off the apron back to the floor as Diamond quickly dropped the object in his tights behind the ref's back. Ref turned back to the match and saw Diamond covering Rice. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as most of the fans booed but Badd Co. had their fans. Diamond up and the ref raised his hand in victory. Rice still dazed and confused on the mat. Diamond dropped to the floor and hugged his boss as the two headed back up the heel aisle.
5 - Diamond pinned Rice after a foreign object shot - 9:31
WINNER: Larry Zbyszko & Badd Co.
Stream episode Tully Blanchard - Four Horsemen/WWE Hall of Famer (1999) -  Tuesday Wrestling Tuesday by TuesdayWrestlingTuesday/GKW podcast | Listen  online for free on SoundCloud
Edited by piperrulz
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On 2/20/2023 at 3:42 PM, DHK1989 said:


AWA WORLD TITLE: Sgt. Slaughter (WC) vs. Stan Hansen

AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Mgr. Valerie) vs. Wendi Richter

AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES: Destruction Crew (WTTC) vs. Brad Rheingans & Ken Patera

COAL MINER'S GLOVE MATCH: Tom Zenk vs. Col. DeBeers


Pick one of these 4:


The Trooper vs. Larry Zbyszko

OPEN CONTRACT MATCH: Don Muraco & Wahoo McDaniel

Top Guns vs. Badd Co. (w/ Mgr. DDP)

Your predictions are blurred.

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2 hours ago, Theheel said:

Gotta Love old Ivar in there.  Back to my Seattle area roots!  Keep Clam!

Ivar died just a few months before I moved up here in 1985. But I still remember those ads.

Remember Clam TV? Or the clams with legs?

Even though I applied the words to Larry Nelson, I meant it when I said it's the best clam chowder I've ever tasted.


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On 3/14/2023 at 3:17 PM, piperrulz said:

Ivar died just a few months before I moved up here in 1985. But I still remember those ads.

Remember Clam TV? Or the clams with legs?

Even though I applied the words to Larry Nelson, I meant it when I said it's the best clam chowder I've ever tasted.


Yes I remember all of those.  He was one of those local icons that wasn’t easily forgotten.  Sort of like a JP Patches for adults although I admit I was a Patches Pal and a Boris Buddy!  We will see if anyone gets those references.

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I gotta say I really like the signing of Tully.  Was always a fan of his as he’s that cocky arrogant heel that isn’t too big.  But smart and cagey in the ring.  Underestimate Tully and he will make you pay.  Blanchard helped make the NWA TV title important and he could do the same with this belt.

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In-Studio Host: Larry Nelson

Match Commentator: Lee Marshall

Color Commentator: Lord James Blears

(# means aired on a previous AWA show.)


(3rd Taping Recap)

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers to a special Christmas edition of ASW:

TV MAIN EVENT: MIXED TAG MATCH: Jerry Blackwell & Wendi Richter vs. Jonnie Stewart & Magnificent Mimi (AWA Women's WC - w/ Mgr. Valerie)

ONE-ON-ONE: Ken Patera vs. Wayne Bloom (1/2 WTTC)

ONE-ON-ONE: Brad Rheingans vs. Mike Enos (1/2 WTTC)

Final words from Sgt. Slaughter (WC) and challenger Stan Hansen before they clash for the World Title at Brawl In St. Paul 2

Another Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update with PWI's Bill Apter

An announcement about the final match added to BISP 2

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Rochester.

Tom Zenk won a squash match over Stan Laurel via pinfall with a missle dropkick


Nelson: Tom Zenk. The day is rapidly approaching when you will be facing Col. DeBeers in a coal miner's glove match.

Zenk: Larry, Col. DeBeers thinks he's got this match locked up because it's his specialty match because he's from South Africa and that's where the coal miner's glove match originated!

But I know...I know...with every fiber of my being that I can beat him at his own game!

When we have our coal miner's glove match...I'm gonna make a Joe Namath-like guarantee right now! I am winning!

Nelson: Whoa, Tom! That's an awfully big burden to place on your shoulders! DeBeers has never lost a coal miner's glove match!

You beating DeBeers in this match would indeed be like the Jets upsetting the Colts in Super Bowl 3!

Zenk: People can think I'm crazy if they want to! They think it was insane to challenge DeBeers to a coal miner's glove match in the first place!

But I want to beat that racist pig at his own game! I am gonna be the one who finally puts him down for the count in his own specialty match!

When I get my hands on that glove, DeBeers, I will show you no mercy!

Most fans cheered.

Nelson: Tom Zenk, everybody!

Pic aired of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship with the caption: NEXT... TOURNEY UPDATE!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd the latest Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update with PWI's Bill Apter.


Apter was standing in front of the PWI logo in a suit and tie with mic in hand.

Apter: Greeting, wrestling fans!

This is Bill Apter from Pro Wrestling Illustrated with this week's Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update.

We'll be telling you  in a moment about the newest entrant into the tournament and he's a major wrestling star.

The Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament will take place on Saturday, February 17th, 1990, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California.

The tournament will take place over two sessions on the 17th. The afternoon  session, which will feature the eight opening round matches of the tournament, has  a bell time of 12:30pm. The evening session will feature the quarter-finals, semi-finals and tournament final and has a bell time of 7:i30pm.

We already have three declared entrants into the tournament. They are: Riki Choshu from Japan, Carlos Colon from Puerto Rico and Perro Aguyao from Mexico.

Now, we have our first American entrant into the tournament.

He hails from the great state of Texas. He's been a champion as both a single and in tag teams many times over. He was also one of the original Four Horseman.

He is...Tully Blanchard!

Tully's coming to the AWA and he's gunning for the sport's newest championship.

Now, let's take a look at Tully in action.

(Just pretend the first minute-plus that you see is what you'd see on TV.)


APTER: The Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship is shaping up to be an exciting, historic event.

We'll announce another entrant during next week's update.

For tickets, contact Ticket Master or the Anaheim Convention Center Box office at (714) 555-1812.

Anaheim is a great place to be in the winter and there are lots of fun things to do. From visiting the Pacific Ocean to visiting Disneyland, to good food and top-notch hotel accommodations, Anaheim has it all.

Get your tickets now, wrestling fans, and be a part of history in-person. Be the guy who tells his friends: I was there when they crowned the first-ever Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion.

I'm Bill Apter. Until next time.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... GREAT AWA ACTION!

Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities

Mike Enos (1/2 WTTC) vs. Brad Rheingans

Brad came out to a decent amount of cheers and Enos to pretty strong boos but he had his fans.

Ref called for the bell.

The two men came out of their corners and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Rheingans drove Enos into the corner and the ref ordered a break. Enos raised his hands in a clean break. The two men circled one another and engaged in another collar-and-elbow tie-up and Brad drove Enos into the corner again. Ref ordered a break and it was clean once again. The two up and engaged in a third collar-and-elbow tie-up and Enos got the advantage and caught Brad in a hammerlock. Brad tried to escape but Enos cinched up on the hold. Brad finally reversed and caught Enos in a hammerlock and drove Enos to the mat with the hammerlock still on. Brad cinched up on the hold and then drove a series of knees into Enos' back with the hold still applied. Brad up and now had Enos locked in an arm bar. Enos to a knee. Brad cinched up on the hold and Enos winced in pain. Enos slowly to his feet locked in the arm bar. Enos tried maneuvering his way out of the arm bar but Brad kept it firmly locked in. Enos maneuvered around and got his foot briefly on the middle rope before Bard yanked Enos away from the ropes still locked in the hold, Enos back down to a knee. Brad shifted to a wristlock on Enos. Enos to his feet Brad flipped Enos over onto his back while still locked in the hold. Enos responded with a kick with both feet from his back into Brad's gut. Brad lost his grip on the hold and fell back against the ropes holding his gut. Enos up and moved in with an uppercut on Rheingans. Enos then slammed Brad's head into the top buckle. Brad spun around in the corner. Enos nailed Brad with a rapid-fire series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Enos pulled Brad out of the corner and nailed Brad with a suplex followed by and elbow smash to the chest and the cover. 1...2... Brad kicked out. Both men to their feet and Enos caught Brad with a kick to the gut, whipped Brad into the ropes and caught Brad coming off with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Brad down and hurting. Enos over and stomped on Brad, snapped Brad up and raked Brad's eyes across the top rope. Enos broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Brad in a bad way holding his eyes. Enos came up behind Brad and hit Brad with a trio of deliberate double sledges to the back. Enos whipped Brad into the buckles and charged in and looked to blast Brad with a running clothesline but Brad moved and Enos slammed front-first into the buckles. Crowd cheered. Brad up as Enos extracted himself from the buckles. Enos turned and walked right into a series of punches from Rheingans. Brad went to whip Enos into the ropes but Enos reversed and looked to catch Brad coming off with a backdrop but Brad instead caught Enos in a front facelock and turned it into a swinging neckbreaker. Crowd cheered. Brad for the cover. 1...2... Enos kicked out. Brad up and snapped Enos up into a side headlock. Brad worked over the headlock. Enos in pain trying to figure out how to escape. After a brief struggle, Enos countered with a belly-to-back suplex. Enos up and Brad was sitting up and Enos booted Brad in the back. Enos snapped Brad up, whipped Brad into the ropes and caught Brad coming off with a scoop powerslam for the pin. Brad kicked out. 1...2...thr... Crowd cheered. Enos up and argued with the ref and Enos slapped his hands together quickly three times signaling it was three count but the ref waved it off. While that was going on, Brad recovered enough to crawl up behind Enos and roll Enos up from behind for the pin. 1...2... Enos kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both men to their feet. Enos swung wildly at Brad and missed and Brad caught Enos with a gut punch followed by a speedy gutwrench suplex. Enos down and hurting. Brad snapped Enos up and slammed Enos head-first into the top buckle. Brad pulled Enos out of the corner and whipped Enos into the ropes but Enos caught the top rope, dropped down and rolled out of the ring to the floor. Enos walking around on the floor.

Brad went to leave the ring to go after Enos but the ref intercepted Brad and ordered Brad to stand back. Brad had words with the ref. While they were arguing, Enos reached into the ring and pulled Brad's legs out from under him. Brad crashed to the mat. Enos pulled Brad out of the ring down to the floor. Enos punched Brad and slammed Brad's head into the apron and then threw Brad into the ring post. Brad went down on the floor. Ref counting the 10-count. Enos quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the ref's count. Brad getting up on the floor. Enos grabbed Brad and threw him back into the ring. Enos followed Brad in and punched Brad and went to whip Brad into the ropes but Brad reversed and stunned Enos coming off with a belly-to-belly suplex. Crowd popped. Brad for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans had a nice reaction to the finish. Rheingans up and the ref raised his hand in victory. Enos rolled out of the ring and dropped to his feet on the floor.

As Brad stood in the ring catching his breath, Enos decided to come back into the ring. Enos was sneaking up behind Rheingans when Rhenigans turned and saw Enos at the last minute and Enos walked right into another belly-to-belly suplex from Rheingans to the delight of the crowd. Rheingans up and glared down at Enos as the segment ended.

WINNER: Rheingans - Pinfall - 7:14

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... PATERA VS. BLOOM!


Wayne Bloom (1/2 WTTC) vs. Ken Patera

Announcers hyped the clash for the World Tag Team Titles at Brawl In St. Paul 2 on Christmas night at the St. Paul Civic Center.

Patera came to the ring to a solid ovation.

Bloom charged down the heel aisle, hit the ring and went right at Patera.

Ref called for the bell as the the two engaged in a punch exchange. Bloom gained the upper hand and whipped Patera into the ropes and looked to catch Patera coming off with a clothesline but Patera ducked the move and came back and pulverized Bloom with a clothesline of his own that sent Bloom crashing to the mat as the crowd roared. Patera dropped down on Bloom's chest and started pounding Bloom with head shots. Patera off of Bloom and Bloom rolled over and Patera stomped Bloom.

Blears: Lee, Patera may have made a mistake. He might have been able to pin Bloom right after that devastating clothesline. I know he wants to inflict maximum punishment but you also want to win the match.

Patera snapped Bloom up and slammed Bloom's head into the top buckle 10 times as the crowd counted along. Bloom leaned against the buckles facing the crowd. Patera spun Bloom around and whipped Bloom into the opposite buckles and charged in on Bloom but Bloom got a foot up and Patera slammed into it face-first and crashed to the mat. Bloom left the ring and dropped to the floor. Bloom regaining his bearings. Bloom grabbed an empty steel chair, folded it up and threw it into the ring as Patera was getting up. Bloom climbed back into the ring as the ref picked up the chair. Bloom tried to grab the chair from the ref but the ref held it up and away from Bloom. Patera came up behind Bloom, grabbed Bloom and ran Bloom forward and Bloom's head hit the chair and Patera rolled up Bloom for the pin as the crowd popped. Ref tossed the chair. Crowd popped like a bad appendix.  1...2... Bloom kicked out.  Crowd groaned. Patera reached down to pull Bloom up when Bloom caught Patera with a punch to the groin area. Patera fell back against the ropes. Ref admonished Bloom. Bloom moved in and nailed Patera with a series of punches. Bloom whipped Patera into the ropes and blasted Patera coming off with a clothesline. Patera crashed to the mat. Bloom knelt down on top of Patera and started blatanly choking Patera with his hands. Bloom broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Bloom released the hold and stood up with his hands in the air signaling the break. Bloom held his hands in the air as he proceeded to choke Patera out with his boot. Once again, Bloom broke the illegal move at the count of 4.  Patera rolled over on his side holding his throat and Bloom stomped away on Patera's back. Patera draped his arm out over the bottom rope and the ref forced Bloom to step back. Ref started the 10 count. Barely into the count, Bloom went over and stomped Patera in the head. Bloom yanked Patera up and whipped Patera into the ropes and caught Patera coming off with a high backdrop. Patera rolled out on the apron. Bloom went over and booted Patera off the apron down to the floor. Ref tried to order Bloom to stand down but that went over like a fart in church. Bloom left the ring, dropped to the floor, snapped Patera up and rammed Patera twice back-first into the ring apron. Bloom grabbed Patera and slammed Patera's head into the ring steps. Patera back down on the floor. Bloom climbed into the ring threw his fists in the air to loud boos. Bloom climbed out on the apron as Patera slowly made it to his feet. Patera up and Bloom came off with a double axe handle to the head but Patera instead caught Bloom with a shot to the gut. Ref counting. Bloom went to hit Patera but Patera blocked the punch try and nailed Bloom with punches and threw Bloom into the ring steps. Bloom down. Patera quickly rolled in and out of the ring just before the ref's count hit 10. Bloom getting up by the steps and Patera came over and slammed Bloom's head into the top ring step a couple of times. Bloom staggered off. Ref counting. Patera came up behind Bloom and caught Bloom with a double sledge to the back and threw Bloom back into the ring. Bloom to his feet as Patera climbed back in the ring. Bloom backed up and tried to beg off but backed himself into the buckles. Patera blasted Bloom with a trio of forearms to the chest and laid into Bloom with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Patera pulled Bloom out of the corner, whipped Bloom into the ropes and caught Bloom coming off with a bearhug. Crowd roared like the engines at Daytona. Bloom struggling not to submit in the hold. Patera cinched up on the hold. Bloom mounted the strength clap the sides of Patera's head with his arms. Patera lost his grip on the hold. Bloom dropped to a knee. Patera snapped Bloom up whipped Bloom into the ropes and looked to catch Bloom coming off with a high backdrop but Bloom caught Patera with a kick to the chest. Patera shot up, stumbled back and Bloom blasted Patera with a running clothesline. Patera down. Bloom grabbed the top rope and nailed Patera with a series of jumping stomps. Ref counting. Bloom broke the illegal move at the count of 4.

Bloom snapped Patera up and whipped Patera into the buckles. Bloom charged in and went for a running shoulder block but Patera moved and Bloom slammed shoulder-first into the post. Bloom welded to the post. Patera rolled Bloom up from behind for the pin. 1...2...thr... Bloom kicked Patera off. Patera moved in to grab Bloom, who was on his knees, but Bloom grabbed Patera's legs and pulled them out from under the Olympian. Bloom for the pin. 1... Bloom placed both feet on the middle rope for leverage. ...2...3! Ref called for the bell as most in the crowd booed. Ref raised Bloom's hand in victory as Patera glared at him. Bloom laughed at Patera and Bloom raised his hands in defiant victory right in front of Patera. Patera went after Bloom but Bloom was able to bail to the safety of the floor just as Patera took an angry swipe at him and barely missed Bloom.

Bloom looked up at Patera from the floor and Patera glared down at Bloom as the segment ended.

WINNER: Bloom - Pinfall - 9:29

Pic aired of the AWA World Title with the caption: NEXT... FINAL WORDS!

Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities

In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd footage of the confrontation between Stan Hansen and AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter from AWA on ESPN two weeks ago.


# Hansen: Sgt. Slaughter! I know you're here! And if you don't come out right now I'm gonna lariat this son of a gun over and over again until you do!

I might just knock his head into the third row!

Get out here, Sarge! Or this guy gets it!

Hansen tossed the mic aside and stomped around the ring waiting for Sarge but there was no sign of the champ.

Hansen picked up on a mic.

Hansen: OK! I warned you, Sarge! You call yerself the World Champion?!

Hansen quick stomped Squier, snapped Squier up, whipped Squier into the ropes and blasted Squier coming off with another lariat.

Squier crumpled to the mat,

Hansen waited a few seconds and pulled Squire to his feet.

Crowd popped as Sarge in his ring attire and carrying the belt, charged down the face aisle, dropped the belt on the apron, climbed into the ring and nailed Hansen from behind. Hansen lost his grip on Squier who crumpled to the mat and disappeared like jobbers do in these situations.

Sarge hammered away on Hansen before Hansen fought back and the two were brawling  in the ring as the fans cheered the battle.The two were slugging it out when several face and heel wrestlers and AWA officials hit the ring and separated the two. The warring factions were kept apart by the wall of wrestlers and officials.

The two exchanged heated words over the wall before Sarge broke through the barrier and jumped on Hansen and started hammering Hansen to the delight of the crowd. Hansen fought back and the wrestlers and officials  once again separated the pair and again did the wall thing to keep them apart.

Hansen and Sarge jawed at each other over the wall as the program ended.

In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded final comments from Stan Hansen and AWA World Champeen Sgt. Slaughter as they get ready to battle for the belt at Brawl In St. Paul 2.


Video opened with Stan Hansen in street clothes and cowboy hat with mic in hand standing in front of the AWA logo.

Stan: These are the last words you're gonna be hearin' from me before my match with Sgt. Slaughter for the World Title at Brawl In St. Paul 2 on Christmas night!

On that night, Stan Hansen is becoming a repo man!

Because I'm gonna repossess that World Championship belt and become the AWA World Champion for the second time!

It will be a glorious moment in AWA history when the referee raises my hand in victory!

I've come back here on a mission, dammit, and I intend to complete that mission!

I aim to turn America's Hero into America's Zero in the span of three seconds!

And to all you Sgt. Slaughter fans out there, get ready!

Because on Christmas night at the St. Paul Civic Center I'm gonna leave one big lump of coal in everybody's Christmas stockings when I walk out of the ring with that belt around my waist one more time!

Pic flipped and Sgt. Slaughter was standing in his camo gear, DI hat and sunglasses with the World Title slung over his left shoulder with mic in hand in front of the AWA logo.

Sarge: Wrestling on Christmas night has had a long and glorious tradition.

And it continues this year with Brawl In St. Paul 2.

Stan Hansen. you've come out and run your mouth for weeks now.

You were gonna break a guy's neck if I didn't come out and confront you in the ring!

And the people saw what happened!

I came! I saw! I fought!

The people who saw us brawl got just a small taste of what's going to happen in St. Paul December 25!

Our match may be for this World Title! But it's gonna be anything but a wrestling match!

Hansen! You're one of the best brawlers in all of wrestling! But so am I!

We're both tough as nails! We know what it takes to fight and win! We've both been World Champions!

But now, as we enter a new decade, change is in the air!

The world is changing around us!

But I aim to keep one thing the same!

And that's keeping this belt around my waist as we head into 1990!

See you in St. Paul, Hansen!


Pic aired of the AWA logo surrounded by a Christmas wreath with the caption: MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM THE AWA!



MIXED TAG TEAM MATCH: Jerry Blackwell & Wendi Richter vs. Jonnie Stewart & Magnificent Mimi (AWA Women's WC - w/ Mgr. Valerie)

Announcers pointed out that the men could only be in the ring with each other and the women could only fight each other.

Blackwell and Richter were heavily cheered and Stewart, Mimi and Valerie were heavily booed.

The men started the match for their teams.

Announcers briefly discussed Blackwell's situation with announcer Lee Marshall.

Ref called for the bell.

Stewart and Blackwell came out of their corners and walked up to each other and engaged in a brief staredown before Stewart struck a muscleman pose to the boos of the crowd. Big boy Blackwell then flexed himself and the crowd cheered wildly. Stewart turned and started to walk away from Blackwell in disgust at the fan reaction. Stewart then quickly hooked a u-turn and went to punch Blackwell but Blackwell blocked the punch try and fired away on Stewart with punches of his own. Blackwell picked up the stunned Stewart and bodyslammed Stewart. Blackwell went for an elbow smash but Stewart rolled out of the way and Blackwell crashed to the mat. Both men up and Stewart nailed Blackwell with a kick to the gut. Stewart moved in with punches.  Stewart whipped Blackwell into the corner. Stewart moved in and choked Blackwell out with his boot. Ref counting. Stewart broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Stewart repeated the move and broke again at the count of 4. Stewart started strutting around in the ring to the boos of the crowd. Stewart turned and moved in on Blackwell in the corner but Blackwell stunned Stewart with a headbutt  and Stewart crashed to the mat. Blackwell stomped Stewart, snapped Stewart up and whipped Stewart into the ropes but Stewart caught the top rope and dived over and  tagged in Mimi. Mimi stepped in the ring and walked up to...Blackwell.

Mimi picked up on a mic

Mimi: Come on, big boy! I'll take you on!

Blackwell chuckled and tagged in a revved up Wendi Richter to a large pop from the crowd.

Richter and Mimi tore into each other with a wicked punch exchange. Mimi got the upper hand and went to whip Wendi into the ropes but Wendi reversed and blasted Mimi coming off with a dropkick. Mimi crashed to the mat. Mimi up and Richter grabbed Mimi by the hair and slammed Mimi's head into the top buckle. Mimi spun around in the corner and Richter pounded her with forearms to the chest, grabbed Mimi by the hair and whipped her out of the corner and down to the mat. Valerie jumped up on the apron and yelled at the ref that Wendi fouled Mimi. Ref came over and ordered Valerie off the apron but Valerie continued to argue with the ref. Richter came over and had words with Valerie and Valerie slapped Richter and Richter grabbed Valerie by the front of her jacket and was shaking her. Mimi recovered and  came up behind Richter and clubbed Richter in the back. Richter lost her grip on Val. Valerie dropped back to the floor. Mimi spun Richter around and caught Richter with an open hand chop to the chest and then hit Richter with a suplex into a float over for the pin. 1... Wendi kicked out. Mimi up and Wendi on her hands and knees and Mimi grabbed Richter by the hair and slammed Richter's head into the mat a couple of times. Mimi snapped Richter up and whipped Richter into her team's corner. Mimi hit Richter with a series of knees to the gut and tagged in Stewart. Stewart climbed in the ring and feigned like he was gonna hit Wendi. Blackwell climbed into the ring to go after Stewart but the ref intercepted Blackwell. Stewart started mouthing off to Blackwell. Behind Stewart's, Blackwell's and the ref's back, Mimi took the opportunity to strangle Richter with the tag rope. Crowd yelling for the ref to turn around. Ref ordered Blackwell back out on the apron. Blackwell back out and Stewart continued needling Blackwell since, as pointed out by the announcers, Richter had to tag Blackwell in. Ref turned just as Mimi stopped the strangling party. Richter holding her throat and staggered out of the corner. Stewart yelling at Wendi in the ring and telling her to hurry up and make the tag. Wendi tagged in Blackwell. Stewart drove a knee into the side of Mount Blackwell as he was climbing through the ropes. Stewart started pounding away on Blackwell. Stewart whipped Blackwell into the ropes and caught Blackwell coming off with a dropkick. Blackwell fell back against the ropes and bounced forward. Stewart then did a sweep of Blackwell's leg Kobra Kai-style and Blackwell crumpled to the mat. Stewart ran and hit the ropes and came off with a running elbow smash that connected. Stewart for the cover. 1...2... Blackwell kicked out. Crowd cheered. Stewart up as Blackwell was getting up and Stewart moved in with punches to the rib cage. Stewart then caught Blackwell with a kick to the gut. Stewart then grabbed Blackwell and after failing once to get Blackwell up, mounted every ounce of strength he had and suplexed Blackwell.

Blears: Wow!

Marshall: That was incredible! That took every last ounce of strength Stewart had to pull it off.

Stewart got up and everything looked fine.

And then...


Blears: Well, looks like that suplex tore up his back.

Stewart grabbed his lower back and crashed down to the mat as the fans cheered. Blackwell made it to his feet as Stewart was sitting up in the ring. Blackwell pulled Stewart to his feet and blasted Stewart with a headbutt but held Stewart up and blasted Stewart with a second headbutt. Blackwell let go and Stewart toppled to the mat. Blackwell  nailed Stewart with a leg drop from the standing position. Blackwell for the cover. 1...2...thr... Stewart got a shoulder up. Crowd did not groan because they knew it was not the finish. Blackwell stood up, looked out at the crowd and then at Richter and back at the crowd and then pointed at Richter as the crowd cheered. Blackwell tagged in Richter as a hurting Stewart crawled over and tagged in Mimi. Mimi lunged at Richter and missed and Richter came back with a series of punches. Richter whipped Mimi into the corner and charged in and monkey flipped Mimi out of the corner. Mimi up and Richter charged over and leveled Mimi with a running clothesline. Richter down on top of Mimi. Richter started pounding the back of Mimi's head into the mat to the delight of the crowd. Richter for the cover. 1...2... Mimi kicked out. Richter snapped Mimi up by the hair and charged over looking to slam Mimi's head into the top buckle but Mimi pushed Richter off and Richter slammed front-first into the buckles. Richter walked away holding her chest and Mimi quickly regained her bearings and came up behind Richter and caught her three times with the dreaded back scratch of doom. Richter in pain. Richter spun around and Mimi nailed Richter with a savate kick to the gut. Richter crashed to the mat. Mimi then brazenly  stepped on Richter's stomach with both feet. Richter on her side holding her gut. Mimi then dragged Richter around the ring by the hair as Stewart applauded her. Mimi then rubbed her boot laces across the side of Richter's face. Mimi briefly soaked in the negative crowd reaction. Richter had crawled over by the ropes and her head and shoulders* hanging out over the middle rope. Mimi went to grab Richter, but the ref orderede Mimi to stand back. As Mimi had words with the ref, Valerie came over and punched Richter hard in the face. Mimi suddenly ignored the  ref and peeled Richter off the middle rope. Mimi snapped Richter up and nailed her with a side breaker across the knee. Mimi then went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Richter slowly made it to her feet. Richter up and turned and Mimi went for her missle dropkcik finisher but Richter fell out of the way and Mimi crashed to the mat. Both women down. Stewart hit the ring to attack Richter but Blackwell charged in and steamrolled Stewart. Crowd went nuts. Stewart crashed to the mat, rolled out of the ring and crashed to the floor as Blackwell followed him out. Ref started the 10-count. Both women to their feet before 10 and Richter stunned Mimi with a big boot to the face Mimi crumpled to the mat. Richter snatched Mimi up and blasted Mimi with a powerbomb for the pin. 1...2...3! Crowd popped like a lanced boil as the ref called for the bell. Valerie in shock at ringside as the program ended.

WINNER: Blackwell & Richter - 10:25


Wendi Richter – Online World of Wrestling


(* Head and Shoulders reminded me of an old joke.

Q: How did the paramedics know Vic Morrow had dandruff?

A: They found his head and shoulders in the bushes!

I know most here probably won't get it. Just look up Vic Morrow and you'll understand it.

But it made me laugh thinking about it so I posted the joke! 😂)

Edited by piperrulz
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For predictions for Brawl In St. Paul 2!

Show will be posted this Friday, March 24!

AWA World Title: Sgt. Slaughter (WC) vs. Stan Hansen

AWA Women's Championship: Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Mgr. Valerie) vs. Wendi Richter

AWA World Tag Team Titles: Destruction Crew (WTTC) vs. Ken Patera & Brad Rheingans

COAL MINER'S GLOVE MATCH: Tom Zenk vs. Col. DeBeers

BATTLE ROYAL WINNER: Ricky Rice (Top Guns), Derrick Dukes (Top Guns), Pa tTanaka (Badd Co.). Paul Diamond (Badd Co.), Wahoo McDaniel, Don Muraco, Greg Gagne, Jake Milliman, Akio Sato, Jerry Blackwell, Manny Fernandez, Jonnie Stewart. The Trooper, Larry Zbyszko, Tommy Rich, Cactus Jack


Could be a wrestling video or music video or comedy, horror or action video!


Edited by piperrulz
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Before we get to Brawl In St. Paul 2...

This is Stan Hansen's last AWA World Title defense. The next night he would be stripped of the belt in Denver (he makes mention of the Denver match in his post-match interview here) because of a business disagreement with Verne Gagne.

Will he win the title a second time at Brawl In St. Paul 2?


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(NOTE: I will not be posting the resuls for the Slaughter-Hansen or DeBeers-Zenk match here since they will be airing on the AWA cable show in the two weeks following BISP2.)
DARK MATCHES (Took place in the 7:00 hour.)
Greg Valentine won a squash match over Cal Worthington via submission with his figure 4 leglock finisher - TIME: 5:17
Sam Houston (w/ Coach Dick Murdoch) won a squash match over George Carlin via pinfall with his bulldog finisher - TIME: 6:03
Kokina Maximus (w/ Sheik Adnan El- Kaissey but not the Masked Doctor) won a squash match over Tom Stone via pinfall with his  butt drop to the chest from the middle buckle finisher - TIME: 5:28
(After the match: Kokina stretchered Stone to the back.)
PARTICIPANTS: The Top Guns, Badd Company, Wahoo McDaniel, Don Muraco, Jake Milliman, Greg Gagne, Akio Sato, Tommy Rich, Cactus Jack, Jerry Blackwell, Manny Fernandez, Jonnie Stewart, The Trooper, Larry Zbyszko
Shot of a briefcase on the timekeeper's table containing the $50 grand
1 - Fernandez - Eliminator: Milliman - 1:33
2 - Greg Gagne - Eliminator: Zbyszko - 2:08
3 - Muraco - Eliminator: Badd Company - 2:56
4 - Stewart - Eliminator: Blackwell - 3:29
5 - Milliman - Eliminator: Rich - 4:03
6 - Cactus Jack - Eliminator: The Trooper - 5:11
7 - The Trooper - Eliminator: Larry Zbyszko - 5:17
8 - Akio Sato - Eliminator: Wahoo - 5:59
9 - Blackwell - Eliminators: Badd Co. & Rich - 7:02
10 - Zbyszko - Eliminator: Ricky Rice - 7:23
11 - Wahoo - Eliminator: Paul Diamond - 8:06
12 - Rich - Eliminator: Dukes - 8:24
13 - Dukes - Eliminator: Badd Co. - 9:37
This left Rice of the Top Guns and Badd Company...
14 - Tanaka - Eliminator: Rice - 10: 48
15 - Diamond - Eliminator: Rice - 12:01
WINNER: Rice - 12:01
DDP was livid about Rice of the Guns winning the match.
Rice was handed the briefcase in the ring during a post-match interview by ring announcer Larry Nelson. As Rice and Nelson faced the camera, DDP snuck back down the aisle into the ring and came up behind Rice and struck Rice in the back with his cane. Rice went down and lost his hold on the briefcase. DDP shoved Larry Nelson out of the way and swiped the briefcase, bolted the ring and beat a hasty retreat back up the heel aisle.
Announcers Lee Marshall and Lord James Blears wondered what was going to happen to that money now that it was in DDP's possession.
Graphic came up on the screen that read: COMING UP! AWA WORLD TITLE MATCH!
AWA WORLD TITLE MATCH: Sgt. Slaughter (WC) vs. Stan Hansen
Hansen came to the ring to strong boos but had his fans. Hansen was wearing his ring attire, chaps, and black cowboy hat. He had his bullrope and cowbell with him and thrashed the bullrope around on his way down the heel aisle to the ring. Once in the ring, Hansen continued the bullrope thrashing and started the loud cowbell waving and let out a gutteral yell.
Sgt. Slaughter came out to the Marine Corps Hymn to a solid ovation. He was in his ring attire, DI hat and had the World Title slung over his shoulder. Sarge handed out little American flags on the way to the ring, Sarge climbed into the ring and walked to two different sides of the ring and saluted the fans. When Sarge went to the third side of the ring to salute the fans, Hansen struck.
Hansen came up behind Sarge and struck Sarge in the back of the head with his cowbell. Sarge crashed down to the mat. Hansen grabbed the top rope and stomped away on Sarge. Referee Marty Miller tried to get Hansen to back off but Hansen raised his hand to strike Miller and Miller backed away. Hansen snapped up Sarge and threw Sarge over the top rope and Sarge crashed down to the floor. Ref Miller called for the bell to try and restore order to no avail.
Hansen followed Sarge to the floor. Sarge getting up and Hansen moved in and pounded away on the champ. Hansen then slammed Sarge head-first into the post. Sarge went down. Hansen looked out at the crowd and yelled. A tasty beverage flew in Hansen's direction courtesy of a fan. Hansen then went over and yanked the timekeeper out of his chair at the timekeeper's table and grabbed the steel chair and folded it up. A bloody Sarge made it to his feet as Hansen came over. Sarge turned and Hansen brought the chair down on top of Sarge's head sending Sarge crumpling back to the concrete floor.
Fans cheered as AWA face wrestlers and officials came rushing down the face aisle to defend Sarge. Fans popped as Sam Houston shoved Hansen away from Sarge and the two got into a brief scuffle before wrestlers and officials separated the two. Sarge down as the wrestlers and officials checked on him.
Announcers said they would have more on this situation after the break.
RESULT: No Match
Graphic appeared on the screen: COMING UP! AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH!
Back from commercial: Sarge was being helped back up the face aisle by the other face wrestlers. Sarge had his arms draped over the shoulders of two wrestlers to keep him steady because of the heavy bleeding.
Announcers said they would keep fans apprised of the situation throughout the remainder of the program.
Announcers pointed out that Richter had pinned Mimi on the last All-Star Wrestling in a mixed tag match where the belt was not on the line.
AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH: Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Mgr. Valerie) vs. Wendi Richter
Richter came to the ring to a solid ovation from the crowd. Mimi and Valerie came out to a strong negative reaction.
Mimi held serve early in the match until Richter fought her way back into the battle. Richter had control for a time before the match turned into a fast-paced see-saw affair with some exciting near falls.
End of the match saw Mimi on the offensive. Mimi worked over Wendi and then dropped Wendi with a savate kick. Mimi for the cover. 1...2... Wendi kicked out. Both women up and Mimi kicked Wendi in the gut and then picked up Wendi for a bodyslam but Wendi surprised Mimi and caught her in a small package for the pin try. 1...2...thr... Mimi kicked out. Crowd loudly groaned. Both women up and Mimi caught Richter with a kick. Mimi hammered on Richter, whipped Richter into the ropes and looked to catch Richter coming off with a clothesline but Richter ducked the move and came back and caught Mimi with a flying crossbody for the pin. 1...2...thr... Mimi again barely kicked out to the frustration of the crowd. Both women up and Richter grabbed Mimi and Mimi caught Richter with a trio of elbow shots to the side of the ribs. Mimi free from Wendi's grasp. Mimi caught Richter with a series of forearm shivers followed by an inverted atomic drop. Richter crashed to the mat. Mimi rolled up Wendi  for the pin. 1... Mimi grabbed a handful of tights. ...2...thr... Wendi kicked Mimi off and Mimi crashed back-first into the buckles. Valerie looking concerned at ringside. Richter up and moved in and popped Mimi in the head with a punch. Richter mounted the middle buckle over Mimi.Richter then looked out at the crowd as she raised her fist to strike Mimi again. Crowd egged Wendi on and Wendi hit Mimi in the head with five punches as the crowd counted along. Wendi whipped Mimi into the opposite buckles and charged in but Mimi got her foot up and Wendi slammed face-first into it. Wendi crashed to the mat. Wendi up as Mimi made her way out of the corner. Mimi reached down and grabbed Richter's legs and pulled them out from under the challenger. Wendi back down. Mimi held Wendi's legs and flipped over on top of Wendi for the pin. 1...2... Wendi bridged out and, after a brief struggle, caught Mimi in a backslide for the pin. 1...2...thr... Mimi kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both women up and Mimi walked right into a boot to the face from Richter. Mimi crashed to the mat.
Marshall: Shades of the end of the mixed tag team match, eh, Lord James?
Blears: We're about to find out if the finish will be the same as last time.
Richter snapped Mimi up and was hoisting the champ up for a powerbomb when Valerie hit the ring and clubbed Richter from behind. Richter lost her grip on Mimi. Valerie hit Richter from behind a couple of more times and threw Richter down to the mat. Ref called for the bell as the fans booed. Ref went over to where Larry Nelson was standing with the belt and took the title from him.
Just as soon as the ref turned around, Valerie snatched the belt from the ref's hands and she and Mimi bolted for the floor as Richter made it to her feet in the ring. Valerie handed the belt to Mimi  who defiantly hoisted the title in the air with one hand as most of the fans booed but some cheered the champ.
Richter was livid in the ring and wanted to go after Mimi and Val but the ref intercepted her. Mimi and Val turned and started walking back up the heel aisle as Valerie turned, smiled and waved back at Wendi in a mocking fashion before the diabolical pair started their journey back up the aisle.
Nelson: In a time of 8 minutes, 52 seconds, your winner by disqualification...Wendi Richter!
Crowd cheered.
Nelson: However, because Richter did not win the match by pinfall or submission, Magnificent Mimi remains the champion!
Cheers turned to boos.
Richter walked over to where Nelson was and pulled the mic in her direction.
Richter: Larry Nelson! Everyone saw it! I had Mimi dead to rights! I had her beat! And then her manager interferes once again to save the belt for Mimi! I've had it!
I'm frustrated! The AWA needs to do its job and make it so my next match with Mimi is me vs. her and not Mimi and Valerie! This is bullcrap!
Crowd cheered as Richter stormed out of the ring and headed back up the face aisle to a good amount of cheers.
WINNER: Richter - DQ - 8:52
Announcers said they'd have an update on Sgt. Slaughter after the break.
Graphic aired with the caption: COMING UP! WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH!
Back from commercials: Shot of announcers Lee Marshall and Lord James Blears. The team said Larry Nelson had an update on the status of Sgt. Slaughter.
Larry Nelson was in-ring with mic in hand.
Nelson: Ladies and gentlemen. Sgt. Slaughter was examined backstage by medical personnel and they suggested Sgt. Slaughter not wrestle tonight.
Vociferous crowd boos.
Nelson: However, Sgt. Slaughter has demanded to defend the title tonight against Stan Hansen.
Boos turned to loud cheers.
Nelson: The state athletic commission has said they will not stand in the way of Slaughter's request but will not be responsible for any injuries sustained by Slaughter in the match.
AWA officials have also decided to let the match go forward even though they think that Sgt. Slaughter should not wrestle.
But, it will be Slaughter defending the World Title against Stan Hansen in the match following the upcoming World Tag Team Title match.
Marshall: Lord James, do you think Sgt. Slaughter has made a bad decision here tonight?
Blears: Lee, even if the Sarge successfully defends the belt tonight, the further punishment inflicted by Stan Hansen, and he will inflict more punishment, could wind up costing Sgt. Slaughter down the line.
AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Destruction Crew  (WTTC) vs. Brad Rheingans & Ken Patera
Brad and Ken came to the ring to a good response from the crowd.
The Destruction Crew (Wayne Bloom & Mike Enos) came out to overwhelming boos but also had their fans.
Match started out on fire with Bloom and Patera slugging it out. Match turned into and exciting see-saw affair with both teams coming close to winning. The Destruction Crew took a couple of shortcuts during the bout to gain the upper hand.
End of the match saw Rheingans and Enos the legal men in the ring.Rheingans was on the offensive and whipped Enos into the ropes and looked to catch Enos coming off with a backdrop but Enos dropped to a knee and caught Rheingans with an upper cut. Rheingans staggered off. Enos hammered away on Rheingans, whipped Rheingans into the ropes and looked to backdrop Rheingans coming off but Rheingans caught Enos in a  sunset flip try. After a brief struggle, Rheingans flipped Enos over in the sunset flip for the pin. 1...2...thr...  Bloom hit the ring and booted Rheingans in the back to break the pin try. Patera hit the ring and charged over and pounced on Bloom to the delight of the crowd. Ref trying to restore order and get Patera and Bloom out of the ring. Enos stomped on Rhengans, snapped Rheingans and pulverized Rheingans with a short-arm clothesline. Rheingans down and hurting. Patera got the upper hand on Bloom and threw Bloom out of the ring through the top and middle rope down to the floor. Ref still distracted with Bloom and Ken and trying to get them back to their respective corners. Enos took the opportunity behind the ref's back to choke out Rheingans. Crowd yelling for the ref to turn around. Enos released the illegal hold. Enos snapped up Rheingans and whipped Rheingans into the buckles and Enos looked to hit Brad with a running clothesline in the corner but Rheingans moved and Enos slammed front-first into the buckles. Bloom had gained the advantage fighting with Patera on the floor and Bloom threw Patera into the ring steps Patera down on the floor.  Bloom started to climb back up on the apron. Enos extricated himself from the buckles and walked right into a kick to the gut by Rheingans and Rheingans hit Enos with his cradle suplex into a bridgeout finisher for the pin. Crowd yelling for the ref to turn around. Ref over having words with Bloom and telling Bloom to get to his corner. Bloom was defiant and he and the ref kept arguing with one another. Crowd going crazy wanting the ref to turn around.
Marshall: Enos has been pinned for at least 12-15 seconds! The ref needs to get back to paying attention to the match!
Marshall: Wait a minute! What's Valerie doing coming back to ringside?!
Blears: I don't like this one bit.
Valerie standing at ringside and watching the match.
Rheingans released Enos after what would have easily been a pinfall win and got up and walked over to the ref and Bloom. Rheingans reached over and grabbed Bloom and the ref was caught in between the two. Enos to his feet behind the trio. After a brief struggle, Brad released Bloom and turned back to Enos. Enos charged over and almost decapitated Brad with a running clothesline. Brad slammed to the mat. Patera had recovered and yanked Bloom off the apron down to the floor. Enos covered Brad and hooked the leg as the ref turned around. Ref counted. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans booed. Valerie immediately turned and walked to the back. Fighting between Patera and Bloom quickly petered out on the floor.
Ref went over and took the belts from Larry Nelson and briefly talked with him.
Bloom climbed into the ring and congratulated his partner. Ref took the belts and handed them to the defending champs and raised their hands in victory to hearty boos from the crowd.
Nelson: In a time of 15 minutes, 21 seconds, your winners...and STILL AWA World Tag Team Champions...The Destruction Crew!
More boos.
Patera back in the ring and talked with the ref briefly before checking on his partner.
Graphic aired that read: COMING UP! AWA WORLD TITLE MATCH!
(Results for the last two matches of the show will be posted on AWA on ESPN.)
Edited by piperrulz
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Deborah Harry had bveen thinking about something...a lot.
She finally picked up the phone to call John Waters to discuss what it was.
Waters' housekeeper answered the phone and buzzed Waters on his intercom to let him know who it was.
Waters: Hello, hon.
Deb: Hi, John.
Waters: Are you calling just to say hi or do you have something on your mind?
Deb: The latter.
Waters: Shoot.
Deb: I know we discussed with Bill (Watts), Jim (Crockett) and Jerry (Jarrett) the possibility of keeping the AWA offices in the Minneapolis area for the foreseeable future.
But, the more I think about it, the more I believe we need to move to a warmer climate as soon as possible. I really believe it would help with signing top talent if their home base is sunny and mild to warm most of the year.
Waters: I was thinking along those lines, too.
We need to to have a pow-wow with Jim, Bill and Jerry and discuss the matter with them.
Since we own the majority of the business, we need to tell them we're going to seriously explore moving our base of operations as soon as possible.
Deb: I also think we need to keep the promotion out West.
Waters: So, pull Florida off the table?
Deb: No, I'm just giving my two cents.
Waters: Los Angeles? Vegas? Phoenix?
Deb: Well, Vegas has no state income tax. Arizona has a very low state income tax. California would be more of a burden tax-wise.
But we can sell the nice weather in all three.
Waters: Nevada.
Deb: What?
Waters: You said Vegas has no state income tax. It's Nevada.
Deb: Oh! Haha! Sorry. Maybe Vegas should be a state of its own.
Waters: Welcome to the state of heavy money losses, hookers, cheap shows, even cheaper buffets and assorted hijinks. Welcome to the state of Las Vegas! Leave your wallet with us!
Deb: Haha!
Waters: Well, let's set up a  conference call with the other owners and let them know of our plans.
Deb: How do you think they're gonna deal with it?
Waters: Don't know. But since we own 60% of the company we really hold all the cards on this.
Deb: Just need to be tactful.
Don't want to piss off any of them and possibly have one try and pull out of the deal. We need those three for their wrestling expertise.
Waters: Maybe we should hold future in-person meetings with them at strip clubs. It will be easier to push things through that we want done if they're distracted by getting lap dances.
Deb: Brilliant!
Waters: Tell me about it.
Love, let's talk about this more later. My ride is here and we're going to dinner at Haussner's*.
Deb: Yummmmmmm.... I love their soft-shell crab. My mouth waters just thinking about it.
Waters: Their crab cakes are to die for.
Deb: I hear you.
Alright. Enjoy your dinner, John.
Waters: Talk with you later, hon. Ciao.
Deb: Bye.
Harry and Waters were going to start looking to pack up the AWA headquarters and move it to a warmer climate.
But they better not get ahead of their skis...
There's still that pesky op-out clause in the contract they signed to buy the company with no penalty incurred if the opt-out occurs before the official transition date.
The official transition to new owners is supposed to take place on March 5, 1990.
Will either party opt out of the deal at 11:59pm March 4?
Edited by piperrulz
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(UPDATE! This show was taped BEFORE Brawl In St. Paul 2.)

Announcers: Lee Marshall & Lord James Blears

Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# - Aired on a previous AWA program.)

 4th Taping Re-cap

Show Intro

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

Kokina Maximus (w/ Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey) sees action

A major, major announcement about next week's show

AWA 1989 Year In Review video

Another Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update with PWI's Bill Apter

Sam Houston (w/ Coach Dick Murdoch) wrestles

Tommy Rich and Cactus Jack see tag team action

The Trooper wrestles

And more! Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas where everyone is a virgin until marriage.

Tommy Jammer won a squash match over Phil Knight via pinfall with the Jammer Slam


Nelson: Tommy Jammer, an impressive victory here tonight.

We're heading into 1990. What are your plans for the new year and new decade?

Jammer: I'm looking to continue improving in the ring, Larry. You can always learn more and get better.

And I'm definitely looking to win more. '89 has been a year of ups and downs in the ring for me. I'm looking to be more consistent.

Nelson: Looking to get into the championship picture?

Jammer: I am. But I can only do that by putting bigger and bigger numbers in the win column.

I'm also looking for a tag team partner. So, if anyone out there is interested in teaming with Tommy Jammer just let me know and let's talk.

Nelson: Tommy Jammer, everybody!

Pic aired of Cactus Jack and Tommy Rich with the caption: NEXT... WILD & CRAZY!!!


Cactus Jack and Tommy Rich won a squash match over Peter Tork and Davey Jones via pinfall when Jack pinned Jones after a double underhook DDT

Jack and Tommy toyed with their opponents before defeating them.

Lee Marshall talked about preparing for the match with Jerry Blackwell. Said Blackwell has been a great teacher as they prepare for their match with Rich and Cactus.


Nelson: Tommy Rich. Cactus Jack. You two tortured those two men before beating them. Why do that? You dominated the match. You did not have to take liberties with them.

Jack: Larry Nelson, the liberties we took with these two was to send a message...to that man over there at the announcer's table.

Jack pointed at Lee Marshall.

Nelson: What you just did, then, was send a not so subtle threat directed at Lee Marshall?

Jack: Take it however you wish, Nelson. We're gonna make life a living hell for Lee Marshall when we step into the ring together.

He's gonna wish he'd never been born when me and the former NWA World Champion get through with him. And there's nothing that human mountain Jerry Blackwell will be able to do about it.


Rich: The fans...and Lee Marshall...need to remember something.

If me and Cactus win the match...I get 5-minuters alone in the ring with Lee Marshall.

It'll be just me and him. And that doesn't bode well for you, Marshall! Hahaha!

I'll make it the worst five minutes of his entire life!

He'll already be battered and bruised from the match!

And I'll be the man who finishes him off in our five minutes after the match! He'll be ashamed to ever show his face around here again, Nelson!

Lee Marshall! You should have known your place was at the announcer's table and not in the ring!

No amount of training, Marhsall, is gonna save you from the thrashing that's to come!

Nelson: They are Tommy Rich and Cactus Jack.

Pic of the AWA logo aired with the caption: NEXT... 1989 YEAR IN REVIEW VIDEO!\

Pic flipped to Sam Houston and Dick Murdoch with the caption: ALSO... STUDENT & TEACHER!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update

In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd the AWA 1989 Year In Review video.

Three minute video aired of AWA highlights for the year.

Music for the video was Classic Battle from NFL Films Music:

Sam Houston (w/ Coach Dick Murdoch) won a squash match over Gary Burghoff via pinfall with his bulldog finisher

During the match, Dick Murdoch coached Sam from ringside.


Nelson: Sam Houston, the victories just keep coming.

Sam: They do, Larry. But, as you saw, Burghoff gave me a tough fight.

Sometimes, it's the guys you expect to  beat handily who are the ones who can catch one on you.

Coach Murdoch's constantly telling me that I need to remain laser-focused no matter who I wrestle. Whether I'm facing the World Champion or a guy like Burghoff, it's important never to overlook or underestimate any opponent.

Nelson: He's right on that. And it's working for you right now. Dick?

Dick: Larry, I've said it before; Sam is an excellent student of the sport. He does his homework on whoever he's stepping in the ring with. He takes no one lightly.

Nelson: Where do you see all this headed with Sam? How long do you think the undefeated streak can continue?

Dick: Looking into my crystal ball, I see big matches in Sam's future. And that includes title matches. He's on such a hot streak right now that the inevitable is bound to happen and Sam's star will continue to rise here in the AWA.

Sam : A good coach is so important in any sport. I'm lucky to be coached by Dick Murdoch. It's like being coached by Bill Parcells of the Giants. The man's a proven winner who gets positive results.

Nelson: Sam Houston and Dick Murdoch, everybody!

Fans cheered.

Pic aired of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship with the caption: NEXT... TOURNEY UPDATE!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd this week's Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update with PWI's Bill Apter.


Bill Apter was standing in front of the PWI logo with mic in hand.

Apter: Hello, wrestling fans.

I'm Bill Apter from Pro Wrestling Illustrated and this is your Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update.

The tournament takes place on Saturday, February 17 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California and will be a one day, two-session event. The afternoon session will  feature all the opening round matches of the tournament and has a bell time of 12:30pm Pacific Time. The evening session will feature the quarter-finals, semi-finals and final of the tournament to decide the first-ever Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion. The evening session will have a bell time of 7:30pm Pacific Time.

For tickets to this historic event, contact Ticket Master or the Anaheim Convention Center Box Office at (714) 555-1812.

We have a new entrant into the tournament this week.

We already know that Ricki Choshu from Japan, Carlos Colon from Puerto Rico, Perro Aguyao from Mexico and Tully Blanchard from the United States are in.

Now, you can add to that list a wrestler from Europe.

He hails from England. He is 'Gentleman' Chris Adams.

Let's take a look at Chris in action.

(Just pretend the first 45 seconds to one minute are what you see on TV.)

Apter: The list of participants in the tournament just gets better and better. It's going to be a very exciting day of wrestling at the Anaheim Convention Center on February 17.

Anaheim is a great place to go to get out of the cold in February. The weather's great. And there's lots to do in Anaheim. From the beaches to Disneyland and everything in between, to plenty of restaurant choices to lots of hotels to pick from for your stay, Anaheim has it all.

So, be a part of pro wrestling history and join the AWA in Anaheim, California for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament on Saturday, February 17.

I'm Bill Apter. See you next time.


In-Studio: Nelson hyped the tournament and said he was really looking forward to the event and hoped the fans could get to nice, sunny Anaheim for the event.

Nelson told fans to stick around because after the break, major news regarding the next week's AWA on ESPN program.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... MAJOR AWA NEWS!

Pic flipped to a shot of The Trooper with the caption: ALSO... THE LAW IN ACTION!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson said that Brawl In St. Paul 2 has come and gone and he talked about the night in a generic sense. (IRL, his comments would have been taped before BISP 2 so you know how it goes.)

Nelson then had a major announcement.

Hyped for next week on the show:

From Brawl In St. Paul 2!

AWA WORLD TITLE MATCH: Sgt. Slaughter (WC) vs. Stan Hansen

COAL MINER'S GLOVE MATCH: Col. DeBeers vs. Tom Zenk

Highlights from the other big matches at BISP 2.

Nelson also announced for next week:

The first AWA qualifying match for a spot in the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament

PLUS!  A rundown of all the AWA qualifying match-ups

Nelson said it would be one of the biggest episodes of AWA on ESPN ever.

Nelson then sent it back to the ring in Vegas.

The Trooper won a squash match over Bill Cosby with his double trap submission hold that made Cosby pass out

During the match, Larry Zbyszko came to the ring holding a sign on a stick that read: THE TROOPER = POLICE BRUTALITY!

Zbyszko marched around the ring with the sign to the ire of the fans during the bout.

The Trooper at one point was distracted by Zbyszko and he almost lost the match to felon Cosby.

After the match, The Trooper woke Cosby up from the submission hold with a slap to the back of the neck and some Jell-O pudding.

Zbyszko still standing at ringside and The Trooper looked down at him. The two had words and The Trooper gestured for Zbyszko to get in the ring.

Larry Nelson climbed into the ring with mic in hand.

Nelson:  Trooper...

Trooper: Zbyszko! Put the sign down and get in this damn ring and face me like a man!

Crowd cheered.

Zbyszko, sign in hand, climbed up on the apron and gestured for Nelson.

Trooper went to move on Zbyszko and Zbyszko picked up on the mic

Zbyszko: Keep him away from me! I got something to say!

Crowd booed loudly. Nelson stood in between the two.

Zbyszko: You people out here cheering for this animal are cheering for police brutality! The Trooper represents all that's wrong with policing today!

More boos.

Zbyszko: It's amazing how stupid people are these days! You people in this audience want to be violated by a cop! That's just brilliant!

Boos grew louder.

Trooper wanted a crack at Zbyszko but Larry Nelson kept him at bay.

Zbyszko: So, Trooper, did you beat somebody to a bloody pulp today for...I don't know...breathing?

That was enough for The Trooper as he lunged at Zbyszko but Zbyszko was able to jump from the apron to the floor with sign in hand.

Nelson was with The Trooper.

Trooper angrily glared down at Zbyszko.

Trooper: Zbyszko! I've had it! Let me tell you something, son! One day  we're gonna collide in this ring! And I intend to make you respect law and order and the American way!

I'm gonna shut you down, Zbyszko! And most importantly, I'm gonna shut that big mouth of yours!

Crowd cheered.

Trooper: Suspects don't deserve to be brutalized by police! But I'll tell you this...you sure do!

Crowd popped big-time as Zbyszko looked out in shock at what he just heard at the fans and then back up at The Trooper.

Zbyszko picked up on a mic.

Zbyszko: You're nothing but a jackal with a badge! Abuse of power!

The two then looked at each other as the segment ended.

Pic aired of Kokina Maximus with the caption: NEXT... DEVASTATION!


Johnny Rodz was in the ring and announced

Sound of the earth rumbling poured through the cheesy Showboat Sports Pavilion sound system as Kokina came out pushing a stretcher down the aisle. He had Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey and the Masked Doctor, in a suit and carrying his medical bag, with him. The trio was strongly booed.

Kokina wheeled with the stretcher down and parked it at ringside.

Kokina climbed into the ring. Kaissey and the Masked Doc climbed in with him. Kaissey had words with Kokina and then he and the Masked Doc left the ring.

Kokina facing Kaissey and the Doc on the floor when Rodz charged up behind Kokina and jumped on the behemoth's back and struck Kokina in the side of the head with punches to the delight of the fans.

Ref called for the bell.

Rodz riding Kokina like a wild bull. Kokina turned around and maneuvered backwards into the corner, slamming Rodz hard into the buckles. Rodz lost his grip on Kokina and crumpled to the mat. Kokina stomped Rodz once in the head and then stepped on the side of Rodz' face. Rodz writhing in pain. Kokina broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Kokina snapped Rodz up, whipped Rodz into the ropes and caught Rodz coming off with a belly-to-belly suplex. The life drained out of Rodz. Kokina wasn't done. Kokina snapped up Rodz and threw him into the corner like a ragdoll. Kokina moved in and pulverized Rodz with a deliberate series of shoulder blocks to the gut.

Blears: All that weight going into Rodz' mid-section is not good for that area of the body. A lot of soft tissue there that can be damaged by a man of Kokina's size.

Rodz limp in the corner like he's at an impotence convention.

Kokina pulled Rodz out of the corner and dropped Rodz with a big headbutt. Rodz down and rolled over on his side holding his head. Kokina stomped Rodz in the back multipe times. Kokina snapped Rodz up and bodyslammed Rodz. Kokina dropped a big elbow across the chest. Rodz out of it. Kokina for the cover. 1...2...thr... Kokina pulled Rodz head and shoulders off the mat. Ref reprimanded Kokina to no avail.

Marshall: Kokina is a sadist. He loves torturing people before finishing them off.

Blears: You can bet some of that meanness was instilled by his manager Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey. A merciless man of Kokina's size is an extremely dangerous man.

Kokina pulled Rodz to his feet, hoisted Rodz across his shoulders and blasted Roidz with a Samoan Drop.

Marshall: This is just hard to watch now.

Kokina up and gesturing for Rodz to get to his feet. Rodz slowly sat up and was shaking out the effects of the torture inflicted on him. Kokina got tired of waiting and reached down to pull Rodz up. Rodz to a knee and Rodz suddenly started punching Kokina in the gut. Rodz to his feet and stunned Kokina with a few head shots. Crowd getting behind Johnny. Rodz went to whip Kokina into the corner but Kokina reversed and sent Rodz slamming into the buckles. Kokina charged in and avalanched Rodz. Rodz staggered out of the corner and crumpled to the mat. Ref again talking to Kokina. Kokina blew the ref off, dragged Rodz to the corner, mounted the middle buckle facing the crowd and came off with his Banzai Drop (ass drop to the chest) finisher on Rodz. Kokina placed his foot on Rodz' chest for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as most fans booed. Ref raised Kokina's hand in victory. Kaissey and the Masked Doctor climbed in the ring. Doctor went over and knelt down and checked on Rodz. After a brief look-over, Doctor shook his head in the affirmative that Rodz was OK, at least by Team Kokina standards. Masked Doc and Kaissey left the ring.

Marshall: Who in the world is this doctor?

Blears: That's what everybody wants to know, Lee. Is he even a licensed doctor?

Kokina dragged Rodz over by the ropes. Kokina dropped to the floor where Kaissey and the Masked Doc were now standing. Kokina pulled Rodz onto the apron. Masked Doc grabbed the stretcher and pulled it over by the ring. Kokina pulled Rodz onto the stretcher and the evil trio made their way back up the heel aisle to boos as Kokina wheeled the devastated Rodz to the back as the program ended.

WINNER: Kokina - Pinfall - 5:46



Larry Zbyszko and The Trooper fought to a double countout - 10:23

FIRST BLOOD MATCH: Col. DeBeers defeated Tom Zenk when he busted Zenk open  after he struck Zenk in the head with the military helmet he wore to the ring while the ref was down. Zenk had busted DeBeers open just before that with a series of head shots but the ref was down. DeBeers put his military helmet on to cover his cut. Woozy ref to his feet saw the bleeding Zenk and DeBeers wasn't bleeding thanks to the helmet hijinks. Crowd was furious.  - 8:44 -  DeBeers and Zenk bled

AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE RE-MATCH: Wendi Richter def. Magnificent Mimi (WC) via DQ when Mimi's manager Valerie attacked Richter as Richter was preparing to powerbomb Mimi. - 9:01

NON-TITLE TEXAS TORNADO MATCH: Ken Patera & Brad Rheingans def. The Destruction Crew (WTTC) when Patera pinned Enos when the Destruction Crew went for the Doomsday Device and Bloom came off the top rope for the clothesline but Patera ducked forward and caught Enos (Patera was on his shoulders) for the victory roll for the pin. - All four men bled - 14:33






Mat Men Pro Wrestling Podcast 🎙 в Twitter: „A rare view of Yokozuna during  a dark match in WWE. He was wrestling as "Kokina" at the time Also, his  Hair is majestic. #



Edited by piperrulz
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