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AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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3 hours ago, Old School Fan said:

Why do I get the feeling after reading the latest chapter that Watts, Crockett et al. are Charlie Brown, Verne is Lucy and the AWA is the football?  😲

After laughing like Ed McMahon when I read this, I envisioned Verne Gagne's head on Lucy's body with the blue dress, pulling the AWA logo out of the way of a 2-headed Crockett and Watts in that classic Charlie Brown attire and them  getting airborne after missing kicking the logo. 🙃


12 hours ago, DHK1989 said:

Yeah, AWA is screwed...

AWA may be screwed by more than just Verne. Wait until you read my next post! 😁

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WWF chief Vince McMahon was concerned. Or was it nervous?

Vince was sitting in his office at Titan Towers. He was worried that in five weeks another money player was about to throw their hat in the wrestling ring to try and save the AWA. He had no knowledge of Verne Gagne's possible plan to trigger the opt-out clause and most likely bring the AWA to ruin due to lack of money to seriously compete against the WWF and NWA/WCW.

Vince was deep in thought.

Vince (thinking): Verne was a fool to turn down my offer to buy his company. He gave up $300,000 more dollars to sell to people who he thinks can keep the AWA alive and make the AWA a major player once again. Who in their right mind walks away from that kind of money? I could have made the AWA greater than it's ever been with my plan for an inter-promotional war.

Verne's main reason for not selling to Vince was because he thought Vince would botch the AWA/WWF feud or sabotage it on purpose and bury his roster while making the WWF look even more like the top dog wrestling promotion in the eyes of fans.

Vince was already up against the Turner empire, which now ran the NWA/WCW. Now, he could be facing a double-barreled assault on his dream of making the WWF the only major game in wrestling. Deep down, he feared that he could lose top talent to one or both of the other promotions.

Vince (thinking): Dammit! I may not be able to buy the AWA! But I'm still in a position to seriously hurt them by picking off some of their wrestlers! I'm the only one who could make them bigger stars than they every dreamed! And I know I could make them more money!

But Vince knew he had to launch a strike before Triumph Media Sports* took over on March 5th (if Verne doesn't trigger the opt-out clause). Like in 1983-84, Vince needed to hurt Verne Gagne one last time. And the only way to do that was to pick off some of Verne's wrestlers.

Vince (thinking): I'll show them. I'll cripple the AWA beyond belief. They won't recover. They need to just die or continuing hobbling along as a former member of the Big 3 promotions in North America.

And another thought entered Vince's mind...

Vince (thinking): And there's one person I need to take from the group buying the AWA. I need to try and pry Bill Watts away from them. That would really hurt them! If they lost his money in the purchase, they could sink faster than the Titanic!

I'm gonna be a raider once again! This is f***ing business! And the man who dies with the biggest cash cow wrestling promotion wins!

And I know who I'm going to target first! He's been a mainstay there for years! Taking him would be a sign that I'm serious about dooming the AWA before they can even start to try and turn things around!

And I'm calling him right now!



It was an off-day for the AWA as the wrestlers prepared to head to Vegas in a couple of days for their next round of tapings. (Most days for the AWA at this time were an off-day even when working.)

Larry Zbyszko was relaxing sitting in his recliner with his feet up, watching some TV and also reading Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea.

Zbyszko's phone rang. Zbyszko seemed annoyed that his concentration was  broken.

Two rings and Zbyszko had yet to pick up the phone.

Third ring...

Zbyszko irritated by the ringing.

Fourth ring...

Fifth ring...

Zbyszko finally picked up just to stop the phone from ringing.

Zbyszko: Hello.

Vince (in an upbeat voice): Larry?!

Zbyszko: Yes. Who is th... Wait! Is this Vince?!

Vince let out a hearty laugh.

Vince: Yes, it is. How are you, my friend?

Zbyszko: I'm doing fine. Haven't heard from you in years.

How are you?

Vince: Doing good.

Listen, Larry, I'm gonna cut right to the chase. How would you like to come back and work for the World Wrestling Federation?!

Zbyszko: Sounds like it might be an intriguing possibility. What are we looking at?

Vince: Well, I'd push you as a main event heel right from the start. You'd be in the World Title picture in a few short months.

Zbyszko: Mind if I ask about money?

Vince: As you know, Larry, I don't give contracts. But I will give you my word. You will get a main event push right away and I will make you more than you could ever dream of making in the AWA.

Zbyszko: Gotta admit you have a helluva sales pitch. Things in the AWA are up in the air right now as I'm sure you know. There's no guarantee of a major turnaround even when the new owners take over.

Vince: You'll have a guarantee here, Larry. Bigger crowds mean more money for the boys. Our top guys are being paid very well. We're the number one promotion on pay-per-view. I'll make you more money than you've ever made in your career. And I want you to be one of the top guys making big money in the near future.

Zbyszko: Can you give me some time to think about it?

Vince: Sure. But I've got a better idea. Why don't we meet at an airport bar at LaGuardia* and discuss things face-to-face. It'll be just you and me there. I'll pay for your plane ticket.

Zbyszko: I'm open to listening to you, Vince. I'm in the later years of my career. A big money run in the WWF would certainly be something I'd like for financial security.

Vince: I can see you headlining some pay-per-views, Larry. You'll be a bigger star than you've ever been. And you would deserve it, pal.

The national exposure you'll receive in the WWF will make you a household name. Just think! Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Ultimate Warrior, Roddy Piper and Larry Zbyszko will be on the tips of the tongues of WWF fans around the globe. More exposure equals more money.

Zbyszko: Let me think about it. We've got tapings coming up in Vegas. And then we'll have our syndicated taping a couple of days after that.

Vince: Tell you what. Go ahead and do the tapings and let's plan to meet here in New York a few days later.

Zbyszko: I'll get back to you after the tapings.

Vince: Fine. Just fine. I believe we can make a deal over a few drinks at the airport lounge.

Zbyszko: We'll see. A guaranteed big run is hard to pass up.

Vince: I agree.

Larry, it's time to come home to the WWF. Let me make you not just a star...but a true superstar!

Zbyszko: Thanks for calling, Vince. I'm looking forward to the meeting with you.

Vince: Same here. Let's work together in making you a lot more money. Talk with you soon.

Zbyszko: I like the sound of that. Talk to you in a few days.

Vince: Good talking with you again. Take care.

Zbyszko: Thank you, Vince. You take care, too. Bye.

Vince: Goodbye. Until we talk again.

Zbyszko hung up the phone and was in deep thought. Vince McMahon made Zbyszko an offer he'd be hard-pressed to turn down if Vince is being on the level with him. The national exposure. Top heel main eventer. Challenging for the World Title. Main eventing pay-per-views. And lots more money. Larry Zbyszko had a huge decision to make...and soon.

In Stamford, after Vince hung up the phone, he thought to himself:

Vince (thinking): We'll see how Verne feels when he loses one of his most loyal employees.


(* LaGuardia -  Airport in Queens, New York.)

Edited by piperrulz
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Match Commentator: Lee Marshall
Color Analyst: Lord James Blears
Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson
(# - Aired on a previous AWA program.)
(1st Taping Re-cap)
Show Intro
In-Studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program.
MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT! Two special feature matches added to the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament in two weeks in Anaheim!
* Bill Apter will reveal one of the new matches on the weekly PWHC Tournament Update later in the program
* Verne Gagne will reveal the other match, also later in the program
The match-ups for the Round of 16 of the PWHC Tournament will be revealed by Bill Apter on the weekly tournament update segment
A look back at Stan Hansen defending the AWA World Title against Sam Houston on last week's program
A look at the controversial end to the Trooper vs. Larry Zbyszko PWHC qualifying match from last week's All-Star Wrestling
NON-TITLE: The Destruction Crew (WTTC) vs. The Guerrero Bros.
Jake Milliman sees action
Wahoo McDaniel wrestles
Don Muraco laces 'em up
And more!
Nelson sent it to the ring in Las Vegas.
Cactus Jack (w/ Tommy Rich) won a squash match via pinfall over Eugene Levy with his double underhook DDT finisher
Jack did the usual crazy stuff during the match, including the clothesline that took both men over the top rope to the floor and the running elbow smash off the apron to the floor on his prone opponent
Nelson: Cactus Jack, an impressive win for you over Eugene Levy.
But one question. Are all the high risk moves necessary? They are obviously very dangerous.
Jack: Larry Nelson, in this sport, a man needs to be a sadist and a masochist to be successful. I read that in a book once. But I live by that philosophy. You have to dish it out and be able to take it. I just do things at an extreme level.
I love the gift of pain; both giving and receiving.
Nelson: That's quite obvious.
Tommy Rich, we hear you have something to say.
Rich: Yes. I needed to announce a name change.
Nelson: You're changing your name? To what.
Rich: No, you idiot! Me and Cactus as a team were gonna be known as the Brothers of Destruction. But I came up with a better name for our team.
Nelson: Is it Five Days a World Champion?
Rich shot a glare at Nelson as those in the audience who got it cheered.
Rich: Tread lightly, Nelson.
Our name team is...are you ready for this...the Brothers of Mayhem! Because we are the epitome of mayhem in pro wrestling!
Nelson: Tommy Rich and Cactus Jack, everybody!
Mostly boos but some cheers for Rich and Jack.
Video aired from the Trooper-Zbyszko qualifier with the caption: NEXT... LAW & DISORDER!
In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd the ending of the Trooper-Zbyszko PWHC qualifier from last week's All-Star Wrestling.
# Trooper moved in and Zbysko caught Trooper with a quick eye gouge and then went to run Trooper to the corner and slam his head into the buckle but Trooper got a boot up on the middle buckle and blocked the head slam try and Trooper instead slammed Zbyszko's head into the ring bolt that connects the top rope to the post. Zbyszko fell off the apron and crashed to the floor. Ref tried to order Trooper back but Trooper ignored the ref and left the ring for the floor. Trooper pulled Zbysko up and Zbyszko now  bleeding. Trooper grabbed Zbyszko and rammed Zbyszko back-first into the apron. Trooper repeated the move. Zbyszko down to a knee in pain next to the apron. Trooper quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count.
Zbyszko up and Trooper grabbed Zbyszko and went to whip Zbyszko into the post but Zbyszko reversed and sent Trooper crashing into the post head-first. Trooper went down on the floor. Zbyszko fell back against the apron in pain from earlier back rams. Ref counting. Zbyszko made it it up on the apron and rolled back into the ring. Trooper stirring on the floor. Zbyszko got to his feet and started having words with the ref. While those two were distracted with each other, a fat blond guy in a cowboy shirt, blue jeans, fingerless gloves and cowboy boots, yellow and white mask and carrying a 2x4 (How come masked mystery men can have them but the fans can't?!) made his way down the heel aisle. Zbyszko still arguing with the ref. Just as Trooper got to his feet, the masked man snuck up behind him and drove the head of the 2x4 into his lower back. Trooper crumpled back to the floor and the masked man escaped through the crowd.
Marshall: Who the hell was that?!
Blears: Was he working for Zbyszko or, perhaps, Valerie? Does he have some sort of grudge against the Trooper?
Zbyszko suddenly stopped arguing with the ref and screamed at the ref to count. Ref counting. Trooper struggling just to get to his feet on the floor. ...8... Trooper to his feet and briefly grabbed the middle rope and tried to climb up on the apron but the pain was too much and he lost his grip on the rope and dropped to a knee on the floor. ...9...10. Ref called for the bell and raised Zbyszko's hand in victory as the crow booed. Valerie immediately left ringside after the match. Zbyszko ecstatic in victory. Trooper still down on a knee next to the apron as the program ended.
In-Studio: Nelson said they had no idea who the masked man was and wondered if he was working for Zbyszko or possibly Valerie, who was at ringside once again scouting wrestlers. Nelson wondered if she and Zbyszko were in cahoots.
Nelson said that next week on the program they would have comments from both men.
Nelson sent it back to the ring in Vegas.
Don Muraco won a squash match via pinfall over Lee Majors with his inverted piledriver finisher
Nelson: Don Muraco, it appears that you and Wahoo McDaniel have taken a break from tag team action. Or, have you two broken up as a team?
Don: Just to let the fans know, Larry, Wahoo and I are still a tag team. We've just been concentrating on singles' wrestling lately because of the upcoming tournament for the new belt.
Nelson: You didn't advance to the tournament but Wahoo did. Is there any animosity between the two of you because of that?
Don: Absolutely not! Wahoo knows that I'm in his corner 150 percent! I want him to go all the way and capture the new championship on February 17th in Anaheim!
No one, and I mean no one, will be happier if he wins than me.
Nelson: If Wahoo were to win the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship he would obviously have to devote most of his time and energy to defending the title. Any chance you may look for another tag team partner, at least temporarily, to get into the tag team title picture?
Don: I don't think that will be necessary. I know Wahoo's main priority will be the new championship if he wins it. We can still make a run at the tag belts. But, never say never. Things can always change in a heartbeat in this sport.
Nelson: Don Muraco, everybody!
Fans cheered.
Pic aired of Jake Milliman with the caption: NEXT... 2% POWER!!!
Commercials/AWA Tour Updates
Jake Milliman won a squash match via pinfall over David Brinkley with his Pasteurizer (flying legdrop) finisher
Before the match, Milliman tore off his 'Milk-A-Mania' t-shirt and threw it into the crowd and briefly played to them as well. After the match, Jake struck some post-match poses.
Nelson: Jake Milliman! 'Milkmania' is indeed running wild in the AWA!
Fans (who were not drinking milk, believe me) cheered the Jakester.
Nelson: In just two short weeks, you will be competing for the new Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship in a 16-man tournament.
How are you feeling right now?
Jake: Larry, I'm feeling better...and stronger...with each passing day!
I'm going into the tournament on a hot streak! And I think it will continue on February 17th in Anaheim, California!
Fans cheered.
Jake: I know I can win this thing! I believe in myself and the power of the white stuff!
But I also need all these 'Milk Maniacs' to support me in this quest!
With Milk-A-Mania runnin' wild in Anaheim, I should be an unstoppable force!
More cheers.
Jake: And if I win, Larry, guess what I'm gonna celebrate with?
Nelson: A stripper?
Fans, and even Jake, laughed at that comment.
Jake: No! While that's not a bad idea, I'm gonna celebrate with some of the finest white milk in country and it will be imported from
America's Dairyland to Anaheim and sitting on ice waiting for me in the locker room if I win it all on the 17th!
2% forever!
Fans popped.
Nelson: Jake Milliman, everybody!
In-Studo: Larry Nelson said that while Milliman is a long-shot to win the PWHC tournament, he's pulling for Jake to win it and for 'Milk-A-Mania' run wild over the AWA.
Pic aired of the PWHC Title with the caption: NEXT... TOURNAMENT UPDATE!
In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd the latest PWHC Tournament Update and said PWI's Bill Apter would have a major announcement about a match just signed for the PWHC Tournament and the reveal of the first round match-ups for the tourney.
Intro video for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update with PWI's Bill Apter.
Shot of Bill Apter standing in front of the PWI logo in a suit with mic in hand.
Apter: Hello, wrestling fans.
This is Bill Apter of Pro Wrestling Illustrated with this week's Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update.
Stick around, fans, because I've got some major news about a new match added that will take place at the tournament. And we'll be looking at the first round match-ups for the tournament.
The Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament will be taking place in just two weeks on Saturday, February 17th, in Anaheim, California at the Anaheim Convention Center. The tournament will be held over two sessions in one day. The afternoon session will feature the opening round matches of the tournament and has a bell time of 12:30pm. The evening session will feature the quarter-finals, semi-finals and final of the tournament and has a bell time of 7:30pm.
For tickets, contact Ticket Master or the Anaheim Convention Center Box Office at (714)555-1812.
One ticket gets you into both sessions.
Here are the 16 wrestlers who will be competing in this historic tournament.
They non-AWA participants are:
Riki Choshu (Japan)
Carlos Colon (Puerto Rico)
Perro Aguyao (Mexico)
Tully Blanchard (United States)
Chris Adams (England)
Bruce Hart (Canada)
The Iron Sheik (Iran)
Mr. Saito (Japan)
The AWA participants are:
Jonnie Stewart
Greg Valentine
Wahoo McDaniel
Jake Milliman
Ken Patera
Larry Zbyszko
Col. DeBeers
Tom Zenk
And here are the first-round math-ups for the tournament. There will be four brackets with two first-round matches in each bracket. The winners of the two respective bracket matches will then face each other in the round of eight.
(Bracket match winners will face each other in the round of 8.)
Bracket 1
Tom Zenk vs. Mr. Saito
Col. DeBeers vs. Perro Aguyao
Bracket 2
Tully Blanchard vs. Ken Patera
Wahoo McDaniel vs. Chris Adams
Bracket 3
Carlos Colon vs. Larry Zbyszko
Jonnie Stewart vs. Riki Choshu
Bracket 4
Jake Milliman vs. The Iron Sheik
Greg Valentine vs. Bruce Hart
This promises to be a very exciting, unpredictable tournament for the newest title in professional wrestling. The different styles make for some very interesting match-ups. Any one of the 16 men participating can walk out of the ring the champion that night.
And a new match has been added to the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament.
It is a Special Feature Match that will take place in addition to the tournament.
The match was signed just a few days ago. It's finally gonna happen.
It is: Kokina Maximus vs. Jerry Blackwell!
The match will take place during the afternoon session of the tournament.
Fans, the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament is shaping up to be one for the history books.
And the addition of Kokina Maximus vs. Jerry Blackwell only adds to the excitement of the event.
Anaheim is a great place to visit in the winter. From the beaches to great restaurants to fine hotels to Disneyland and everything in between, Anaheim has it all at affordable rates.
Once again, the tournament takes place on Saturday, February 17th, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California.
Bell time for the afternoon session of the tournament is 12:30pm. Bell time for the evening session is 7:30pm.
Tickets are available through Ticket Master or by contacting the Anaheim Convention Center box office at (714) 555-1812.
One ticket gets you into both sessions.
Be a part of pro wrestling history, fans! Come to Anaheim for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament!
I'm Bill Apter. See you next week.
Larry Nelson discussed the Blackwell-Kokina match at the PWHC Tournament. Said that they would both have comments on next week's show, which is the final show before the tournament.
Pic aired of Wahoo McDaniel with the caption: NEXT... THE CHIEF!!!
Wahoo McDaniel won a squash match via pinfall over Rick Danko  with his big chop finisher
Nelson: Wahoo McDaniel, you're looking in top form as you head into the big Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament in a couple of weeks in Anaheim.
Wahoo: It's important to be at your best when heading into something as big as a tournament in any sport. You've got to be ready to go no matter what. If you're injured or ill, it doesn't matter. If you can walk that aisle and climb into that ring, then you're ready enough.
Sports is about playing through pain. Nagging injuries are a part of wrestling. Deal with them or get out.
There are 15 other excellent wrestlers in this tournament from all around the world.
It's gonna be a great challenge. But I think I can win this thing. The key is to keep fighting and know your opponent.
Fans cheered.
Nelson: Wahoo McDaniel, everybody!
Video aired of Stan Hansen finishing off Sam Houston with the lariat and pinning Houston with the caption: NEXT... UNDEFEATED NO MORE!!!
In-Studio: Larry nelson intro'd footage from the end of last week's title match between Stan Hansen (WC) and Sam Houston for the AWA strap.
# Hansen snapped Sam up and whipped Sam into the corner. Hansen charged in and Sam managed to get his feet up and Hansen slammed face-first into them. Hansen turned away from Sam. Sam mounted the middle rope in the corner.
Marshall: Sam's about to use the second rope bulldog that he beat Stewart with last week!
Sam came off the middle rope and nailed Hansen with his flying bulldog from the middle rope. Crowd went into orbit. Murdoch let out a loud 'YES'. Sam briefly grabbed at his lower back, still feeling the effects of the earlier Boston Crab. Sam rolled Hansen over. Crowd rose to its feet. Sam for the cover. 1...2...thr... Hansen kicked out. Super loud groan from the crowd. Sam popped Hansen in the head with a couple of head shots, snapped Hansen up and went whip Hansen into the ropes but Hansen reversed and caught Sam coming off with a scoop powerslam. Sam down and hurting. Hansen to a knee. Hansen snapped Sam up by the hair, whipped Sam into the ropes and caught Sam coming off with his Lariat finisher. Sam crashed to the mat. Hansen for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as most in the crowd booed but some were happy.
Marshall: Houston's undefeated streak in the AWA is over.
Blears: But what a fight from young Sam Houston. Sometimes, you can learn a lot more in defeat than you can in victory, Lee. We'll be hearing more from him in the future.
Shot of Murdoch helping Sam out of the ring.
Nelson climbed up on the ring apron with mic in hand. Ref went over and talked to Nelson and Nelson handed the ref the title as Hansen got to his feet in the ring. Ref went over and handed the title to Hansen and raised Hansen's hand in victory to more boos.
Nelson: In a time of 10 minutes, 15 seconds, your winner...and STILL AWA World Heavyweight Champion...Stan 'The Lariat' Hansen!
In-Studio: Nelson told fans to stay tuned because AWA promoter Verne Gagne would have a major announcement concerning Stan Hansen a little later in the program.
Nelson then sent it back to the ring in Las Vegas.
NON-TITLE: Destruction Crew (WTTC) vs. The Guerrero Bros.
During the match, Valerie again came to ringside and did more scouting of talent.
Short, explosive bout between the two teams. The Guerreros almost upset the champs. But in the end, the champs again found a way to win when Bloom pinned Hector Guerrero with the Wrecking Ball (Doomsday Device) - 6:18
Pic aired of the AWA World Title with the caption: NEXT... VERNE'S DECISION!
In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd the shocking post-match incident involving World Champion Stan Hansen after he beat undefeated Sam Houston to retain the title.
Nelson: Stan Hansen, you retain the AWA World Title. But what a fight Sam Houston gave you.
Hansen: He may have given me a battle, Larry Nelson! But I won the match! I retained the title and will be taking home the winner's share of the purse!
Sam Houston, how does it feel knowing that you now have a one in the loss column, son!
Shot of Murdoch helping Houston back up the face aisle. They did not turn to look back at Hansen.
Hansen: I waited too damn long to win the AWA Championship a second and there's no way I'm letting go of it this soon!
So, all you pretenders line-up! Stan Hansen's coming to knock you down and keep you in a state of permanent contender status!
Crowd suddenly popped as Sgt. Slaughter, in his ring attire and DI hat, made his way down the face aisle to the ring. Roar got louder as Sarge walked up the steps and stood on the apron. Hansen and Nelson were facing the camera as Sarge climbed into the ring behind them.
Hansen: This title reign is gonna be even better than my first one! This one will be for the...
Nelson suddenly saw Sarge out of the corner of his eye and was shocked. Nelson inadvertently pulled the mic away from Hansen.
Hansen: What are you doin', Nelson?! Do your job and keep that mic where the fans can hear me!
Hansen then turned to see what Nelson was looking at. Hansen flinched when he saw Sarge standing behind him.
Sarge got face-to-face with Hansen.
After a brief staredown, Nelson held the mic up between the two wrestlers.
Sarge: Stan Hansen! I want my re-match! And I want it February 17th in Anaheim!
Crowd roared as the two ring combatants stood glaring at one another.
In-Studio: Nelson sent it to a special announcement with AWA promoter Verne Gagne.
Verne Gagne and Eric Bischoff were standing in front of the AWA logo. Both men were in suits and Eric had a mic.
Eric: This is Eric Bischoff with AWA promoter Verne Gagne.
Verne, we hear you have a major announcement regarding a new match added to the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament on February 17th in Anaheim.
Verne: That's right, Eric.
As you know, Sgt. Slaughter is back and wants the re-match he's entitled to. Sarge made it clear to us that he wants the match to take place at the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament in two weeks.
Well, I can tell the fans that we now a have second special feature match taking place at the tournament.
Eric: Kokina Maximus will battle Jerry Blackwell in the other special feature match at the tournament. Kokina vs. Blackwell will take place during the afternoon session.
Verne: That's right.
And Stan Hansen will defend the AWA World Heavyweight Championship against Sgt. Slaughter during the evening session of the torunament.
And, there's a major stipulation involved in this match.
Eric: What is it?
Verne: First, let me be clear. Sgt. Slaughter demanded this stipulation and we have, with much hesitancy, decided to grant Sarge what he wants in this case.
If Sgt. Slaughter loses the match...he must retire from pro wrestling.
Eric: So, Sarge is still sticking by his retirement demand.
Verne: We begged him to re-consider. But Sarge is his own man. He wasn't going to give up the retirement stipulation.
Eric: Sgt. Slaughter, risking everything in his World Title re-match against Stan Hansen on February 17th at the Anaheim Convention Center.
Verne: The official contract signing for the match will take place next week and will air on AWA programming.
Eric: Thank you for your time, Verne.
Verne: My pleasure, Eric.
In-Studio: Nelson intro'd comments from World Champion Stand Hansen and challenger Sgt. Slaughter about the re-match on Feb. 17th in Anaheim.
Shot of Stan Hansen in a cowboy shirt, blue jeans and cowboy hat holding the AWA belt in one hand and mic in the other while standing in front of the AWA logo.
Hansen: Sgt. Slaughter! The re-match is gonna happen in Anaheim, California on February 17th!
But you made a foolish move, Sarge! On that night, you will officially, in front of thousands of people, commit career suicide!
The result's gonna be the same as it was Christmas night in St. Paul, Minnesota! You're not winning this belt back, son!
Stan Hansen is sending you to the glue factory!
February 17th is gonna be the final night of Sgt. Slaughter's  professional wrestling career!
You fans out there, buy your tickets to see the end of an era in this sport!
I'll say it right now!
Hansen removed his cowboy hat and placed it over his heart.
Hansen: Here lies the career of the Sgt. Slaughter! Killed dead on Saturday, February 17th by Stan Hansen!
But take solace, Sarge! At least you can tell everybody you died with your boots on!
Pic flipped and Sgt. Slaughter, in his ring attire, DI hat and sunglasses, was standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.
Sarge: I don't think I have to tell anyone that this is the most important match of my career.
Not only is it World Title or Bust for me. But it will also be My Career or Bust.
February 17th. Anaheim, California. The Anaheim Convention Center.
Either I regain the World Title from Stan Hansen that day or my career comes to an end.
And I need you fans there to support me with everything you've got! It's good to have the people behind you! It ups your intensity level and momentum when you hear those cheers! The cheers of the fans can play a major role in winning or losing!
So, I'm asking you to come to the Anaheim Convention Center on February 17th and give me your support!
Let's take Stan Hansen down together! Let's end his title reign right there in Southern California!
I know you fans are with me! But I need to hear it in the arena in Anaheim on February 17th!
image.jpeg.231b04c3a720278bf58a04811bcead18.jpegJerry Blackwell Death - Wrestler Deaths
Edited by piperrulz
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Announcers: Lee Marshall & Lord James Blears
Ring-Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson
(# - Previously aired on another AWA program.)
(Before the taping began: Announcer Larry Nelson ran down the PWHC Tournament brackets and announced Blackwell-Kokina as a special feature match for the tournament for the fans in the arena.)
Show Intro
Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the show:
A look back at last week's match from AWA on ESPN between World Champion Stan Hansen and undefeated Stan Hansen for the title and Hansen's unexpected surprise after the match.
AWA promoter Verne Gagne has a major announcement
TV MAIN EVENT: Jake Milliman & Greg Gagne vs. Badd Co. (w/ Mgr. DDP)
A look back at Larry Zbyszko's controversial win over The Trooper in the PWHC Tournament Qualifying round. on ASW last week
Jerry Blackwell wrestles
Another PWHC Tournament Update with PWI's Bill Apter. He has a major announcement about a new match signed for the event plus the first-round brackets. Tournament happens in two weeks!
Manny Fernandez sees action
Tom Zenk steps in the ring
And more!
Nelson sent it to the ring in St. Cloud.
Jonnie Stewart won a squash match via pinfall over James T. Kirk with his controversial flying knee to the gut finisher
Stewart came to the ring down the heel aisle to pretty strong boos
During the match, announcers discussed whether or not Stewart loaded the knee pad and said video evidence from other matches appeared to show he did.
Nelson: Jonnie Stewart, you are headed to Anaheim in two weeks to participate in the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament on February 17th.
What are you thinking heading into this historic event?
Stewart: What I'm thinking is this...
The Wrestler of the 90's is gonna start the 90's off with a big bang when I become the first Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion in history.
Crowd booed.
Stewart: You people, and I use the word 'people' loosely in this case. can't stand the idea of me being a champion.
Well, you better start preparing for the inevitable!
When the smoke clears and all is said and done, the new championship belt will be resting firmly around this gorgeous waist!
More boos.
Nelson: You're making a very confident prediction.
Stewart: A prediction is guessing someone's gonna win. It's not a prediction when you know you're gonna win!
But, I'm gonna show true sportsmanship after I win the title. I want every other wrestler to come to the ring, get on their knees and bow down before the Wrestler of the '90s!
Even louder boos.
Nelson: Now, about the knee pad. It seems like you load it before you hit your opponent with your flying knee to the gut before pinning...
Stewart: Enough, Nelson! Stop the baseless conspiracy theories right now!
Nelson: But...
Stewart: You know what? Why don't you trim that bird's nest that you call a beard! It looks awful! I'm outta here!
Stewart stormed out of the ring and headed back up the heel aisle to loud boos.
Marshall: Lord James, Stewart absolutely will not answer the question about the knee pad.
Blears: Lee, Stewart acts like a man who is hiding something. It's obvious there's something in that knee pad.
Video aired from the PWHC Qualifier between Zbyszko and The Trooper with the caption: NEXT... LARRY STEALS ONE!!!
In-Studio: Larry Nelson introi'd the controversial ending to the Trooper-Zbyszko qualifier from last week's ASW.
# Zbysko caught Trooper with a quick eye gouge and then went to run Trooper to the corner and slam his head into the buckle but Trooper got a boot up on the middle buckle and blocked the head slam try and Trooper instead slammed Zbyszko's head into the ring bolt that connects the top rope to the post. Zbyszko fell off the apron and crashed to the floor. Ref tried to order Trooper back but Trooper ignored the ref and left the ring for the floor. Trooper pulled Zbysko up and Zbyszko now  bleeding. Trooper grabbed Zbyszko and rammed Zbyszko back-first into the apron. Trooper repeated the move. Zbyszko down to a knee in pain next to the apron. Trooper quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count.
Zbyszko up and Trooper grabbed Zbyszko and went to whip Zbyszko into the post but Zbyszko reversed and sent Trooper crashing into the post head-first. Trooper went down on the floor. Zbyszko fell back against the apron in pain from earlier back rams. Ref counting. Zbyszko made it it up on the apron and rolled back into the ring. Trooper stirring on the floor. Zbyszko got to his feet and started having words with the ref. While those two were distracted with each other, a fat blond guy in a cowboy shirt, blue jeans, fingerless gloves and cowboy boots, yellow and white mask and carrying a 2x4 (How come masked mystery men can have them but the fans can't?!) made his way down the heel aisle. Zbyszko still arguing with the ref. Just as Trooper got to his feet, the masked man snuck up behind him and drove the head of the 2x4 into his lower back. Trooper crumpled back to the floor and the masked man escaped through the crowd.
Marshall: Who the hell was that?!
Blears: Was he working for Zbyszko or, perhaps, Valerie? Does he have some sort of grudge against the Trooper?
Zbyszko suddenly stopped arguing with the ref and screamed at the ref to count. Ref counting. Trooper struggling just to get to his feet on the floor. ...8... Trooper to his feet and briefly grabbed the middle rope and tried to climb up on the apron but the pain was too much and he lost his grip on the rope and dropped to a knee on the floor. ...9...10. Ref called for the bell and raised Zbyszko's hand in victory as the crow booed. Valerie immediately left ringside after the match. Zbyszko ecstatic in victory. Trooper still down on a knee next to the apron.
In-Studio: Nelson wondered who the masked man was and wondered who he might be working for. Said that next week they would have comments from both Zbyszko and Trooper on AWA programming.
Pic aired of Tom Zenk with the caption: NEXT... RED-HOT ZENK!!!
Commercials/Promos for upcoming house shows in certain cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities
Tom Zenk won a squash match over Dennis Stamp via pinfall with his missle dropkick finisher
During the match, Valerie once again came out and took notes. Announcers briefly discussed her scouting. When the match was over, Valerie disappeared back up the heel aisle.
Nelson: Tom Zenk, an impressive win heading into the tournament to decide the first Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion on February 17th in Anaheim. You look ready for the challenge.
Zenk: Larry, I'm feeling really good right now. I'm in a groove, if you will.
I am cautious but confident heading into the tournament in two weeks. There are so many great wrestlers from around the world participating in this event. It's exciting on many levels.
I've got my work cut out for me. I know that wrestling four matches in one day and overcoming 15 other wrestlers is a tough task.
But, since I defeated Col. DeBeers in our coal miner's glove match on Christmas night, I am really energized. I've been on a roll. The iron is hot and I'm ready to strike.
From here, it's on to Anaheim and I'm looking to make wrestling history.
Nelson: You mentioned Col. Debeers. What if you have to face him in the tournament?
Zenk: Every time I see Debeers I see pure hate. He hates America and its freedoms for all people, no matter who they are. He has a serious superiority complex.
I would look forward to facing him again.
Say what you will about DeBeers, he's a helluva wrestler. He's tough and smart inside the ropes.
But now I know what it takes to beat him and I'll look to do it again if our paths cross in the tournament.
Most of the crowd cheered.
Nelson: Tom Zenk, everybody!
Pic aired of the PWHC Title belt with the caption: NEXT... TOURNEY UPDATE!
In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd the latest PWHC Tournament Update and said PWI's Bill Apter would have a major announcement about a match just signed for the PWHC Tournament and the reveal of the first round match-ups for the tourney.
Intro video for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update with PWI's Bill Apter.
Shot of Bill Apter standing in front of the PWI logo in a suit with mic in hand.
Apter: Hello, wrestling fans.
This is Bill Apter of Pro Wrestling Illustrated with this week's Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update.
Stick around, fans, because I've got some major news about a new match added that will take place at the tournament. And we'll be looking at the first round match-ups for the tournament.
The Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament will be taking place in just two weeks on Saturday, February 17th, in Anaheim, California at the Anaheim Convention Center. The tournament will be held over two sessions in one day. The afternoon session will feature the opening round matches of the tournament and has a bell time of 12:30pm. The evening session will feature the quarter-finals, semi-finals and final of the tournament and has a bell time of 7:30pm.
For tickets, contact Ticket Master or the Anaheim Convention Center Box Office at (714)555-1812.
One ticket gets you into both sessions.
Here are the 16 wrestlers who will be competing in this historic tournament.
The non-AWA participants are:
Riki Choshu (Japan)
Carlos Colon (Puerto Rico)
Perro Aguyao (Mexico)
Tully Blanchard (United States)
Chris Adams (England)
Bruce Hart (Canada)
The Iron Sheik (Iran)
Mr. Saito (Japan)
The AWA participants are:
Jonnie Stewart
Greg Valentine
Wahoo McDaniel
Jake Milliman
Ken Patera
Larry Zbyszko
Col. DeBeers
Tom Zenk
And here are the first-round math-ups for the tournament. There will be four brackets with two first-round matches in each bracket. The winners of the two respective bracket matches will then face each other in the round of eight.
(Bracket match winners will face each other in the round of 8.)
Bracket 1
Tom Zenk vs. Mr. Saito
Col. DeBeers vs. Perro Aguyao
Bracket 2
Tully Blanchard vs. Ken Patera
Wahoo McDaniel vs. Chris Adams
Bracket 3
Carlos Colon vs. Larry Zbyszko
Jonnie Stewart vs. Riki Choshu
Bracket 4
Jake Milliman vs. The Iron Sheik
Greg Valentine vs. Bruce Hart
This promises to be a very exciting, unpredictable tournament for the newest title in professional wrestling. The different styles make for some very interesting match-ups. Any one of the 16 men participating can walk out of the ring the champion that night.
And a new match has been added to the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament.
It is a Special Feature Match that will take place in addition to the tournament.
The match was signed just a few days ago. It's finally gonna happen.
It is: Kokina Maximus vs. Jerry Blackwell!
The match will take place during the afternoon session of the tournament.
Fans, the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament is shaping up to be one for the history books.
And the addition of Kokina Maximus vs. Jerry Blackwell only adds to the excitement of the event.
Anaheim is a great place to visit in the winter. From the beaches to great restaurants to fine hotels to Disneyland and everything in between, Anaheim has it all at affordable rates.
Once again, the tournament takes place on Saturday, February 17th, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California.
Bell time for the afternoon session of the tournament is 12:30pm. Bell time for the evening session is 7:30pm.
Tickets are available through Ticket Master or by contacting the Anaheim Convention Center box office at (714) 555-1812.
One ticket gets you into both sessions.
Be a part of pro wrestling history, fans! Come to Anaheim for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament!
I'm Bill Apter. See you next week.
Larry Nelson discussed the Blackwell-Kokina match at the PWHC Tournament. Said that  Kokina's manager Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey and Blackwell would both have comments on next week's show, which is the final show before the tournament.
Pic aired of Jerry Blackwell with the caption: NEXT... STONE MOUNTAIN MAN!
Commrcials/Promos for upcoming house shows in certain cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities
Jerry Blackwell won a  squash match via pinfall over Lee Trevino with his diving splash finisher
Nelson: Jerry Blackwell! The day is drawing closer when you and Kokina Maximus will finally collide, and I stress the word 'collide', in a match!
This is a match that fans have been waiting for since before Kokina even arrived here in the AWA!
Jerry: Larry Nelson, let me tell you something! The day is coming sooner rather than later when me and Kokina will square off in the ring!
And it won't be a wrestling match! You're not gonna see many holds exchanged! It's gonna be a war!
Fans cheered.
Jerry: Kokina doesn't just beat opponents... he tortures them! He brutalizes them and sends them out on a stretcher!
Kokina's the most dangerous man in wrestling right now! But I can't wait to fight him!
There's so much at stake here! Kokina's also a bully! I hate bullies!
More cheers.
Jerry: Now, Kokina is gonna face someone who can stand up to him; a man who can go blow-for-blow with him!
We're gonna find out if he's ready for that kind of test on February 17th in Anaheim!
Kokina needs to be taught a lesson and I intend to be the teacher!
More cheers.
Nelson: Jerry Blackwell, everybody!
Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: MORE TO COME!
In-Studio: Nelson told fans to stick around for a major announcement from AWA boss Verne Gagne. Also said the tag team main event was still to come.
Nelson also announced the following non-AWA wrestlers who are in the tournament would be appearing on AWA programming next week:
AWA on ESPN: Tully Blanchard and Bruce Hart
All-Star Wrestling: Carlos Colon and Chris Adams
Nelson then sent it back to St. Cloud.
Manny Fernandez won a squash match via pinfall over Willard Scott with his flying burrito (double flying forearm smash) finisher
Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!
TV MAIN EVENT: Greg Gagne & Jake Milliman vs. Badd Co. (w/ Mgr. DDP)
Badd Co. and DDP came to the ring down the heel aisle to strong boos from the crowd.
Announcers said Verne Gagne was still pondering what to do in terms of a punishment if DDP hasn't returned the $50 grand he stole from Ricky Rice of the Top Guns after Rice won the Christmas Night Battle Royal at Brawl In St. Paul 2.
Once in the ring, the trio played to the fans to more boos but also some cheers.
 Jake Milliman and Greg Gagne came out to a strong ovation from the crowd.
Before the match, Jake did his 'Milk-A-Mania' t-shirt shredding routine and tossed the shirt into the crowd. He also cupped his hand to his ear and leaned over to hear the cheers of the fans.
Exciting bout between the two teams with some close call pins for both sides.
End of the match saw Milliman and Tanaka the legal men in the ring. Tanaka had gained the advantage and worked over Jake and dropped Jake with a big roundhouse kick. Tanaka for the cover. 1...2... Jake kicked out. Fans cheering on Jake. Tanaka snapped Jake up and whipped Jake into the corner. Tanaka moved in and choked Jake out with his foot. Ref counting. Tanaka broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Jake staggered out of the corner next to the ropes holding his throat when Tanaka popped him with forearm smash to the back. Jake spun around and Tanaka dropped Jake with a headbutt by the ropes. Tanaka for the cover. 1...2...thr... Jake got his foot on the bottom rope and the ref saw it and patted Tanaka on the back. Tanaka got up thinking he'd won and Paul Diamond jumped in the ring to celebrate. Ref yanked down Tanaka's arm and informed him he had not won the match. Diamond got in the ref's face. Greg Gagne hit the ring and dropkicked Diamond.  Crowd popped as Diamond crashed to the mat and rolled out of the ring and crashed to the floor and Greg followed Diamond out. Jake getting up and Tanaka caught Jake with a back-fist to the face. Jake fell back against the ropes. Greg and Diamond fighting on the floor. Tanaka went to whip Jake into the ropes but Jake reversed and caught Tanaka coming off with a powerslam. Crowd exploded for Jake. Jake quickly regained his bearings and ran and hit the ropes for his Pasteurizer (flying leg drop) finisher but DDP, from the floor, clubbed Milliman in the back with his cane. Jake crashed to the mat. Ref saw it and immediately called for the bell. DDP climbed into the ring and stomped away on Milliman as Tanaka got to his feet.
Greg Gagne had gained the upper hand on Diamond, saw what was happening and started to climb back into the ring when he was attacked by Tanaka. Diamond quickly recovered on the floor and climbed into the ring. Ref tried to restore order by calling for the bell a second time to no avail. Tanaka left Greg to return to Jake as Diamond ratcheted up the pounding of Greg. DDP ordered Tanaka to hold Milliman up from behind. Tanaka snapped Milliman up and was holding him from behind as DDP prepared to smash his cane over Jake's head. Crowd buzzing like a fat gal at Golden Corral. Crowd popped as the Top Guns, in their ring attire, charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Tanaka let go of Jake and Diamond stopped his assault on Greg Gagne and all three members of Badd Co. bailed to the floor. Top Guns in the ring daring Badd Co. and their slimy manager to get back in the ring but Badd Co. was having none of it.
Larry Nelson quickly climbed into the ring with mic in hand.
Rice: Badd Company! Get in this ring right now and let's finish this thing between us once and for all!
Crowd cheered.
On the floor, DDP gestured for Larry Nelson. Nelson left the ring for the floor as the Top Guns checked on Jake and Greg.
DDP: I just want to let the Pop Guns know that this was none of their business and we'll finish you guys off on our terms!
Crowd boos.
DDP and his men then left the ringside area and headed back up the heel aisle to boos.
WINNER: Milliman & Gagne - DQ - 7:49
Pic aired of the AWA World Title with the caption: NEXT... 1 IN THE LOSS COLUMN!!!
In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd footage from the end of last week's title match between Stan Hansen (WC) and Sam Houston for the AWA strap.
# Hansen snapped Sam up and whipped Sam into the corner. Hansen charged in and Sam managed to get his feet up and Hansen slammed face-first into them. Hansen turned away from Sam. Sam mounted the middle rope in the corner.
Marshall: Sam's about to use the second rope bulldog that he beat Stewart with last week!
Sam came off the middle rope and nailed Hansen with his flying bulldog from the middle rope. Crowd went into orbit. Murdoch let out a loud 'YES'. Sam briefly grabbed at his lower back, still feeling the effects of the earlier Boston Crab. Sam rolled Hansen over. Crowd rose to its feet. Sam for the cover. 1...2...thr... Hansen kicked out. Super loud groan from the crowd. Sam popped Hansen in the head with a couple of head shots, snapped Hansen up and went whip Hansen into the ropes but Hansen reversed and caught Sam coming off with a scoop powerslam. Sam down and hurting. Hansen to a knee. Hansen snapped Sam up by the hair, whipped Sam into the ropes and caught Sam coming off with his Lariat finisher. Sam crashed to the mat. Hansen for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as most in the crowd booed but some were happy.
Marshall: Houston's undefeated streak in the AWA is over.
Blears: But what a fight from young Sam Houston. Sometimes, you can learn a lot more in defeat than you can in victory, Lee. We'll be hearing more from him in the future.
Shot of Murdoch helping Sam out of the ring.
Nelson climbed up on the ring apron with mic in hand. Ref went over and talked to Nelson and Nelson handed the ref the title as Hansen got to his feet in the ring. Ref went over and handed the title to Hansen and raised Hansen's hand in victory to more boos.
Nelson: In a time of 10 minutes, 15 seconds, your winner...and STILL AWA World Heavyweight Champion...Stan 'The Lariat' Hansen!
In-Studio: Nelson intro'sd the post-match interview with Hansen and the surprising turn of events.
Nelson: Stan Hansen, you retain the AWA World Title. But what a fight Sam Houston gave you.
Hansen: He may have given me a battle, Larry Nelson! But I won the match! I retained the title and will be taking home the winner's share of the purse!
Sam Houston, how does it feel knowing that you now have a one in the loss column, son!
Shot of Murdoch helping Houston back up the face aisle. They did not turn to look back at Hansen.
Hansen: I waited too damn long to win the AWA Championship a second and there's no way I'm letting go of it this soon!
So, all you pretenders line-up! Stan Hansen's coming to knock you down and keep you in a state of permanent contender status!
Crowd suddenly popped as Sgt. Slaughter, in his ring attire and DI hat, made his way down the face aisle to the ring. Roar got louder as Sarge walked up the steps and stood on the apron. Hansen and Nelson were facing the camera as Sarge climbed into the ring behind them.
Hansen: This title reign is gonna be even better than my first one! This one will be for the...
Nelson suddenly saw Sarge out of the corner of his eye and was shocked. Nelson inadvertently pulled the mic away from Hansen.
Hansen: What are you doin', Nelson?! Do your job and keep that mic where the fans can hear me!
Hansen then turned to see what Nelson was looking at. Hansen flinched when he saw Sarge standing behind him.
Sarge got face-to-face with Hansen.
After a brief staredown, Nelson held the mic up between the two wrestlers.
Sarge: Stan Hansen! I want my re-match! And I want it February 17th in Anaheim!
Crowd roared as the two ring combatants stood glaring at one another.
In-Studio: Nelson sent it to a special announcement with AWA promoter Verne Gagne.
Verne Gagne and Eric Bischoff were standing in front of the AWA logo. Both men were in suits and Eric had a mic.
Eric: This is Eric Bischoff with AWA promoter Verne Gagne.
Verne, we hear you have a major announcement regarding a new match added to the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament on February 17th in Anaheim.
Verne: That's right, Eric.
As you know, Sgt. Slaughter is back and wants the re-match he's entitled to. Sarge made it clear to us that he wants the match to take place at the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament in two weeks.
Well, I can tell the fans that we now a have second special feature match taking place at the tournament.
Eric: Kokina Maximus will battle Jerry Blackwell in the other special feature match at the tournament. Kokina vs. Blackwell will take place during the afternoon session.
Verne: That's right.
And Stan Hansen will defend the AWA World Heavyweight Championship against Sgt. Slaughter during the evening session of the torunament.
And, there's a major stipulation involved in this match.
Eric: What is it?
Verne: First, let me be clear. Sgt. Slaughter demanded this stipulation and we have, with much hesitancy, decided to grant Sarge what he wants in this case.
If Sgt. Slaughter loses the match...he must retire from pro wrestling.
Eric: So, Sarge is still sticking by his retirement demand.
Verne: We begged him to re-consider. But Sarge is his own man. He wasn't going to give up the retirement stipulation.
Eric: Sgt. Slaughter, risking everything in his World Title re-match against Stan Hansen on February 17th at the Anaheim Convention Center.
Verne: The official contract signing for the match will take place next week and will air on AWA programming.
Eric: Thank you for your time, Verne.
Verne: My pleasure, Eric.
In-Studio: Nelson intro'd comments from World Champion Stand Hansen and challenger Sgt. Slaughter about the re-match on Feb. 17th in Anaheim.
Shot of Stan Hansen in a cowboy shirt, blue jeans and cowboy hat holding the AWA belt in one hand and mic in the other while standing in front of the AWA logo.
Hansen: Sgt. Slaughter! The re-match is gonna happen in Anaheim, California on February 17th!
But you made a foolish move, Sarge! On that night, you will officially, in front of thousands of people, commit career suicide!
The result's gonna be the same as it was Christmas night in St. Paul, Minnesota! You're not winning this belt back, son!
Stan Hansen is sending you to the glue factory!
February 17th is gonna be the final night of Sgt. Slaughter's  professional wrestling career!
You fans out there, buy your tickets to see the end of an era in this sport!
I'll say it right now!
Hansen removed his cowboy hat and placed it over his heart.
Hansen: Here lies the career of the Sgt. Slaughter! Killed dead on Saturday, February 17th by Stan Hansen!
But take solace, Sarge! At least you can tell everybody you died with your boots on!
Pic flipped and Sgt. Slaughter, in his ring attire, DI hat and sunglasses, was standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.
Sarge: I don't think I have to tell anyone that this is the most important match of my career.
Not only is it World Title or Bust for me. But it will also be My Career or Bust.
February 17th. Anaheim, California. The Anaheim Convention Center.
Either I regain the World Title from Stan Hansen that day or my career comes to an end.
And I need you fans there to support me with everything you've got! It's good to have the people behind you! It ups your intensity level and momentum when you hear those cheers! The cheers of the fans can play a major role in winning or losing!
So, I'm asking you to come to the Anaheim Convention Center on February 17th and give me your support!
Let's take Stan Hansen down together! Let's end his title reign right there in Southern California!
I know you fans are with me! But I need to hear it in the arena in Anaheim on February 17th!
(Below the pic of gorgeous Valerie is the prediction chart for the first round of the tournament. If you feel so inclined, please make your picks! 🙂)
Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament
ROUND OF 16 (Plus Kokina-Blackwell)
(Bracket match winners will face each other in the round of 8.)
Bracket 1
Tom Zenk vs. Mr. Saito
Col. DeBeers vs. Perro Aguyao
Bracket 2
Tully Blanchard vs. Ken Patera
Wahoo McDaniel vs. Chris Adams
Bracket 3
Carlos Colon vs. Larry Zbyszko
Jonnie Stewart vs. Riki Choshu
Bracket 4
Jake Milliman vs. The Iron Sheik
Greg Valentine vs. Bruce Hart


Jerry Blackwell vs. Kokina Maximus

Winner of this round of predictions earns the right to fight Jerry Blackwell for a half dozen Arby's giant roast beef sandwiches!
Edited by piperrulz
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Bracket 1
Tom Zenk vs. Mr. Saito
Col. DeBeers vs. Perro Aguyao
Bracket 2
Tully Blanchard vs. Ken Patera
Wahoo McDaniel vs. Chris Adams
Bracket 3
Carlos Colon vs. Larry Zbyszko

Jonnie Stewart vs. Riki Choshu

Bracket 4
Jake Milliman vs. The Iron Sheik (via DQ)
Greg Valentine vs. Bruce Hart


Jerry Blackwell vs. Kokina Maximus


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Bracket 1


Tom Zenk vs. Mr. Saito

Col. DeBeers vs. Perro Aguyao


Bracket 2


Tully Blanchard vs. Ken Patera

Wahoo McDaniel vs. Chris Adams


Bracket 3


Carlos Colon vs. Larry Zbyszko

Jonnie Stewart vs. Riki Choshu


Bracket 4


Jake Milliman vs. The Iron Sheik

Greg Valentine vs. Bruce Hart


Jerry Blackwell vs. Kokina Maximus

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Bracket 1
Tom Zenk vs. Mr. Saito
Col. DeBeers vs. Perro Aguyao
Bracket 2
Tully Blanchard vs. Ken Patera
Wahoo McDaniel vs. Chris Adams
Bracket 3
Carlos Colon vs. Larry Zbyszko

Jonnie Stewart vs. Riki Choshu

Bracket 4
Jake Milliman vs. The Iron Sheik
Greg Valentine vs. Bruce Hart


Jerry Blackwell vs. Kokina Maximus

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Bracket 1

Tom Zenk vs. Mr. Saito

Col. DeBeers vs. Perro Aguyao


Bracket 2

Tully Blanchard vs. Ken Patera

Wahoo McDaniel vs. Chris Adams


Bracket 3

Carlos Colon vs. Larry Zbyszko 

Jonnie Stewart vs. Riki Choshu 


Bracket 4

Jake Milliman vs. The Iron Sheik

Greg Valentine vs. Bruce Hart



Jerry Blackwell vs. Kokina Maximus

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Vince McMahon had gotten word of when the Vegas and St. Cloud, MN, TV tapings and recent house shows were taking place for the AWA.
The tapings for the month of February were now done.
Vince picked up his phone and called to see if Larry Zbyszko was home.
The phone rang twice at Zbyszko Manor before it was picked up by...
Larry: Hello.
Vince: Larry! This is Vince!
Larry: Hey, Vince.
Vince: I got word the AWA TV tapings were done for the month.
So, you ready to meet?
Larry: When do you want to do it?
Vince: I was thinking a couple of days from now.
Larry: I've got a couple of house shows coming up. What do you suggest I do?
Vince: Well, if you're gonna miss a couple of shows, just call the office and give them some excuse or just blow the shows off and meet with me.
Remember, Larry, the biggest payday of your career is coming if you agree to work for me. Losing a couple of house show dates in the AWA won't be that big of a deal in the long run.
Deep down, Larry knew Vince was right about missing a couple of AWA houses.
Larry: We'll meet at LaGuardia*, right?
Vince: Yep. And I will have a ticket for you later today.
Larry: Is this an overnight thing or...
Vince: We'll just meet in an airport lounge and have our pow-wow and then you'll be headed back to Minnesota the same night. You won't need any luggage. I'd say you'll be in New York for no more than three hours.
Larry: OK. Let me know when you've purchased the ticket.
Vince: I sure will. Looking forward to seeing you again, Larry. Love for you to be part of the WWF family once again.
Larry: Thank you, Vince. Looking forward to seeing you as well.
Vince: Take care, Larry.
Larry: Bye, Vince.
Zbyszko hung up the phone. He was in deep thought. Was Vince being honest with him about the push and the money? Was it worth the risk? What if he is being 100% straight with Larry? Even if he doesn't wind up a main eventer, he believes he'll still be in a solid position on the card and the money will be a lot more than he's making now. It would be the greatest exposure of his career.This might be Larry's last chance to make that one huge score in his career.
Play it safe and stay home? Or bet it all on black, spin the proverbial roulette wheel and see what happens in the WWF?
(* LaGuardia - Airport in Queens, NY.)
Edited by piperrulz
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23 hours ago, Old School Fan said:

Never thought I'd be rooting for him in a case like this, but - say no, Larry!  🫢

If you were in that situation, what would you do? Seriously.

New owners (at least to LZ's knowledge) are coming in and they'll be bringing $$$ with them. But that's no guarantee they can turn it around.

With the WWF, you'd at least have something that's firmly established an not in danger of going under.

If it was me IRL, I'd take Vince's deal.

But we shall see with LZ...

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1 hour ago, piperrulz said:

If you were in that situation, what would you do? Seriously.

New owners (at least to LZ's knowledge) are coming in and they'll be bringing $$$ with them. But that's no guarantee they can turn it around.

With the WWF, you'd at least have something that's firmly established an not in danger of going under.

If it was me IRL, I'd take Vince's deal.

But we shall see with LZ...

But Vince is making him fly into LaGuardia. I'd tell the guy to pick any other airport on the planet outside of Chicago to meet or absolutely no deal.

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21 hours ago, smartman said:

But Vince is making him fly into LaGuardia. I'd tell the guy to pick any other airport on the planet outside of Chicago to meet or absolutely no deal.

Is LaGuardia that big of a sh*thole?

Or, is it because there's a high likelihood Vince would be noticed bc of how busy it is?

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Larry Zbyszko's flight was an hour late in arriving because of bad weather in Minneapolis.
Larry walked towards the airport lounge closest to the gate he exited from.
Zbyszko walked in.
The lounge had low, ambient lighting.
Zbyszko looked around and saw a shadowy figure wave him over. Larry knew immediately who it was.
Vince McMahon was sitting back against the far wall in the corner, which also happened to be one of the darkest spots in the lounge.
McMahon's choice of seating made sense as he and Zbyszko were both known in New York. Vince was known because he's Vince. And Zbyszko was well-known to long-time WWF fans for his first WWF  stint that lasted for almost a decade. The two men needed anonymity to talk business.
McMahon stood up as Larry got to the table. Larry went to shake his hand but Vince eschewed that and gave Larry a big bearhug.
Vince: Welcome home, Larry.
Larry laughed.
Larry: Great to be here. This airport brings back memories.
Vince: I bet it does.
Earlier today, I was thinking about the feud between you and Bruno. Man, that was the stuff of legend. And big box office, as well.
And why don't we go to work on a deal that will mean even more big box offices and bigger paydays for you.
Have a seat.
The two men sat down and the waitress came to the table.
Waitress: Hello, gents? Anything to drink?
Vince: Scotch on the rocks, please.
Waitress: And you, hon.
Vince: Drinks are on me, Larry.
Larry: Sounds good to me. I'll have a rum and coke, please.
Vince: Larry, you want anything to eat? I've got it covered.
Larry: I am a little hungry. Can I get a basket of fries with ketchup, please?
Waitress: And you, hon?
Vince: Nothing to eat for me, thank you.
Waitress turned and left the table and headed to the bar.
Vince: It's really good to see you again.
So, are you missing a house show tonight?
Larry: Yeah. I was supposed to face The Trooper in the semi-main on the show.
Vince: Did you let them know you weren't coming?
Larry: No. I just missed the show.
Vince: They'll understand. You've been a good employee for them like you were for us all those years. You should be allowed the occasional unexplained absence if something comes up.
Larry thought to himself: I bet Vince doesn't put up with his wrestlers missing dates without an explanation.
Vince: Have you told anyone about this meeting?
Larry: No. It's just between you and me.
Vince: That's good to hear. We need to keep this as quiet as possible for right now. Especially need to keep it out of those damn dirtsheets*.
The waitress came back with the drinks and leaned over and placed the drinks on the table. Larry's and Vince's eyes all shifted to one body part.
Waitress: Anything else, guys?
Vince: We're fine right now.
Waitress looked at Larry.
Waitress: Your fries will be up in a minute, hon.
Larry: No hurry.
Waitress smiled and walked away.
Vince: The two things needed to be a successful barmaid...a low-cut top and huge tits. Did you see those babies? Wow!
Larry: Big tits equal big tips.
McMahon let out that hearty McMahon laugh.
Vince: Well, since you're flight was delayed by an hour and you didn't arrive until 9:20, we've only got an hour or so to talk so let's get down to business.
Larry: Sounds good.
Vince: I made you an offer, Larry, and I intend to stick to it. I'll make you more money than you've ever made before. I'll give you the biggest push of your career. You'll be in main events shortly after arriving. You'll be in a top spot on pay-per-views. You'll be a top heel. You'll have the greatest exposure of your career.
It's all there for the taking, my friend. All you have to do is say 'yes'.
Larry: Gotta admit the offer is real tempting. I believe you, Vince. You're a great salesman.
Waitress dropped off Zbyszko's plate of fries.
Zbyszko went to grab a fry and immediately dropped it.
Vince: Hot, huh?
Larry: Very.
Vince (smiling): Maybe that's a metaphor for what's happening here tonight. Don't play hot potato with this offer, my friend. Turning it down could burn you in the end.
Larry: You paint a helluva word picture.
Zbyszko dipped a couple of fries in ketchup and carefully ate the hot spuds.
Vince: Larry, I want you back in the WWF family. I believe it's where you belong at this stage of your career. You've got a good run left in you. Might as well have that run before several thousand fans a night in major arenas rather than a thousand fans in some dinky arena with a low gate.
I've really said all I can say on the matter. The ball is now in your court. I've made it crystal clear how you'll be used if you come to work for me and I will live up to my end of the bargain.
Larry: If I agree to come to the WWF, how should we handle my leaving the AWA.
Vince: Right now, I'd just keep working for them.
My plan right now is, starting in the spring, we'd start filming and airing vignettes touting your arrival.
At the same time, you'd start working house shows in squash matches to re-introduce you to older fans who remember you and introduce you to new fans to get to know your character. Then we'd build from there.
Larry thought for a moment.
Larry: I feel I'd need to inform Verne about this.
Vince: I would not recommend that. Just work for them until we give you the call to come up here and just leave.
Larry: That's a tough one. I'll have to talk to my wife.
Vince: I totally understand that since it's obvious she'd be coming with you. The office could find you a nice house to rent in Connecticut. And if you need money for a move, call them and let them know I'm OK with the loan.
Larry: I'm leaning in the direction of coming back.
Vince: That's good to hear. If we agree tonight on a  deal, then we'll get to work on planning your return tomorrow.
Larry: There's just one thing standing in the way at the moment.
Vince: What's that?
Larry: I married my wife, Kathy, two years ago.
Vince: I never heard anything about your wedding. But that really doesn't matter. She'll be part of the WWF family as well.
Larry: Her full maiden name is Kathy... Kathy Gagne.
Vince was speechless for a moment.
Vince: One of Verne's daughters.
Larry: She is. We'll have to talk.
Can I get back to you in 48 hours with a decision?
Vince: Sure. She's as welcome as you are. There should be no problem.
At the end of the day, Larry, it's all about business. And this is where you belong.
Waitress came back to the table.
Waitress: How you doing? Can I get you guys another drink or anything?
Vince: Another scotch on the rocks, please.
Larry: Think I'll go with a Corona this time.
Waitress: You got it.
Waitress walked away.
The tone of the conversation became casual and Vince and Larry chatted for another 30 minutes or so before the two men got up and shook hands.
Vince: 48 hours, pal, until the biggest decision of your career.
Larry: You'll have my decision in that time-frame, Vince. I promise.
The two said their goodbyes, Vince paid the bill and included a nice tip for the waitress. The two went their separate ways.
But were they about to be re-united very soon?
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On 6/7/2023 at 5:19 PM, piperrulz said:

Is LaGuardia that big of a sh*thole?

Or, is it because there's a high likelihood Vince would be noticed bc of how busy it is?

NYC comedians have made fun of that airport for a good 30 years. As I've only flown a few times in my life, I've never been, but it is always rated as one of the worst airports in the US.

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By Matt Brock
Writer - Pro Wrestling Illustrated & Related Magazines
Grizzled Pro Wrestling Journalist
The recent attack on The Trooper by a masked man during Trooper's qualifying match for the right to go to the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament is shrouded in mystery.
The Trooper was wrestling his nemesis Larry Zbyszko, who has been on an anti-police crusade of late, when the action spilled out to the floor. Zbyszko made his way into the ring and immediately distracted the ref by arguing with him. Arguing and stalling are Zbyszko's specialties. While the two were having words with each other, The Trooper got to his feet and was preparing to climb back in the ring when the masked man came down to ringside with 2x4 in hand and drove the end of the board into the small of The Trooper's back. Trooper crumpled to the floor in dire pain. The masked man fled through the crowd and disappeared.
Looking at their positioning, Zbyszko was facing the site of the assault while the referee had his back turned. Referees need to be better trained to not let wrestlers distract them with arguments. 
Right after the board attack, Zbyszko immediately yelled for the the referee to turn around and start the 10-count. The Trooper, because of his injury, could not make it back into the ring before the count of 10 and was counted out and the match was awarded to the self-proclaimed 'Living Legend'. Zbyszko advanced to the Pro Wrestling Heritage Tournament in Anaheim on February 17.
This is all very suspicious.
Zbyszko is most likely the man who orchestrated the attack, This has his fingerprints all over it. But you bet denials will be coming from him fast and furious. Zbyszko will yell and whine, whining being another Zbyszko specialty, that he had nothing to do with it. But I'm skeptical.
But someone else may actually be responsible for costing The Trooper the match.
You see Valerie, formerly known as Sunshine, is now managing in the AWA and she was at ringside scouting the wrestlers during the match. It's obvious she's trying to build a stable of top talent in the sport and I think she will ultimately succeed in doing so.
So, it begs the question: Was the masked man her newest acquisition and we'll eventually find out their identity? Who was the masked man paid to carry out this attack and just disappear into the night, never to be heard from again?
Could Zbyszko and Valerie have been in cahoots with one another on the assault of The Trooper that night in Las Vegas? We just don't know as things stand right now..
As things stand, this attack is like a jigsaw puzzle with several missing pieces. The AWA may never get to the bottom of the matter. It's a mystery that may never be solved.
We know there was blond hair sticking out from under the back of the mask and the man was heavy unless he distorted his physical appearance in some fashion.
I'm sure Valerie will never fess up to having a hand in the attack. She'll claim she was just out at ringside scouting The Trooper and Zbyszko to see if either fits into her future plans. You won't get a straight answer from her or the Stalling King.
But there is one thing that is not a mystery. The next time Zbyszko and The Trooper clash it's gonna be quite the battle. The Trooper now has even more reasons to try and tear apart Zbyszko. The Trooper's been insulted and denigrated by Zbyszko because he's a representative of the law. What we saw that night in Vegas in that qualifying match could be considered felony assault. But this is wrestling. Wrestlers would rather fight it out in the ring like gladiators than look to press charges against the perp. Besides, as I said earlier, we may never even find out who this guy was so who do you charge? Pretty hard to arrest a masked guy that was around for 30 seconds.
The mystery only deepens here.
Another question is: Is someone bankrolling Valerie? Is she being paid handsomely to come in and cause disruptions in the AWA. Does someone have an axe to grind with the promotion? Could it be a former wrestler? Could it be some sworn enemy of Verne Gagne? Is the goal to try and take control of the AWA through building a strong stable of wrestlers who win the belts and protect them at all costs, create mayhem and bring the promotion to its very knees. Is this really why Valerie is in the AWA? We just don't know.
But, I know this, I'm going to be in Anaheim on February 17 for both sessions of the tournament. It promises to be an exciting, full day of wrestling. As usual, I'll be sitting in the cheap seats up in the rafters. Those are the best seats in the house. Drink a few brews and watch wrestling. Does life get any batter than that?
Also, since a city like Anaheim is certainly not my style, I have a question: Does anybody know a good dive bar in Anaheim? I'm gonna need to kill time in between the two tournament sessions and I damn sure am not going to Disneyland.
Weston Publications News Media Service
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HOUSE SHOW RESULTS (Same in each city)
AWA WORLD TITLE MATCH: Stan Hansen (WC) def. Tom Zenk via pinfall with the lariat
AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Destruction Crew (WTTC) def. Jake Milliman & Greg Gagne when Bloom pinned Greg after a powerslam
AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH: Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Mgr. Valerie) def. Wendi Richter by pinning Richter while holding her tights
The Trooper made Larry Zbyszko submit to his double trap nerve hold - Loudest pop of the night most nights
The Top Guns def. Badd Co. via pinfall when Derrick Dukes pinned Pat Tanaka after a running clothesline - Badd Co. manager Dallas Page was handcuffed to The Crusher at ringside. When Page tried to interfere at the end of the match, The Crusher knocked him out to the delight of the crowd
Greg Valentine def. Tommy Jammer by submission with the figure 4
Ken Patera def. Akio Sato by submission with the swinging full nelson
SPOT SHOW RESULTS (Same in each city)
The Trooper made Larry Zbyszko submit to his double trap nerve hold
The Top Guns def. Badd Co. (w/ Mgr. DDP) via pinfall when DDP's interference backfired and Dukes pinned Tanaka (The handcuff stip was not advertised for these shows. Standard match.)
AWA Women's World Title: Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Mgr. Valerie) def. Wendi Richter by pinning Richter while holding her tights
Ken Patera made Akio Sato submit to the swinging full nelson
Sam Houston (w/o Coach Murdoch) pinned Jonnie Stewart with his running bulldog finisher
ATTENDANCE (# - Spot Show)
Green Bay, WI - Brown County Veterans Memorial Arena - 1,876
Milwaukee, WI - Mecca Arena - 2,069
Rockford, IL - Rockford MetroCentre - 1,622
Macomb, IL # - Western Hall - 1,374
Chicago, IL - UIC Pavilion - 1,517
Dultuh, MN - Duluth Auditorium - 2,302
St. Paul, MN - St. Paul Civic Center - 2,851
International Falls, MN # - Bronco Arena - 1,698
Edited by piperrulz
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Larry Zbyszko arrived home from the airport after his meeting with Vince McMahon around 1am Central time.
He came in quietly. As he quietly moved through the house a voice called out.
Kathy: Where the hell have you been?!
It was Larry's wife Kathy, aka, the former Kathy Gagne.
Larry: I was out.
Kathy: Out where? You sure as hell weren't at the show you were supposed to be wrestling on against Del* in North Dakota!
Larry hemmed and hawed for a moment and then sat down at the kitchen table with his wife of almost two years.
Larry (softly): Kathy, I was in New York.
Kathy: New York?! Oh! That's a good one, Larry! A real beaut!
Just be honest with me. Are you screwing someone else?
Larry: I am not cheating on you. I was in New York. Look.
Larry reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out his plane ticket and slid it across the table to his wife.
Kathy read the details of the ticket in astonishment.
Kathy: Why were you in New York?
Larry: I had a meeting.
Kathy: A meeting?! Please! Larry, do I have 'stupid' written across my forehead?! Huh?! You see the word 'stupid' anywhere up there?!
You left here today at 2:30 like you were driving to Fargo for tonight's show. Instead, you go to the airport, catch a plane and go to some secret meeting in New York? Unbelievable!
What was the meeting about? Pus*y!
Larry let out an uneasy laugh.
Larry: Once again, I am not cheating on you. Jeez!
Kathy: Then tell me what the meeting was about.
Larry let out a big sigh.
Larry: I met with...
Kathy (agitated): Come on! Spit it out! Let's hear this!
Larry: I met with Vince at LaGuardia Airport.
Kathy: Vince? Wait! You mean Vince McMahon?!
Larry: Yes. Vince McMahon.
Kathy: Oh no! Please don't tell me you're thinking of jumping ship to the WWF.
Larry: Kathy, he called me out of the blue the other day and made me a good offer.
Kathy: Good offer? You mean guaranteed money?
Larry: He gave me a guarantee that I'd make a lot more money working for him. Plus, he's planning on pushing me immediately as a top heel.
Kathy: And you believe him?! Larry, he's a wrestling promoter. Bullshit is second nature to these people. Exhibit A is my father.
You could get there and he turns you into a low card laughing stock. I can see it now: Bushwhacker Larry! God!
Larry: Look at it through my eyes.
The AWA is dying. Sure, the promotion is about to be turned over to new owners with pretty deep pockets. But even they might not be able to save the promotion. It's an extremely risky venture for them.
The WWF is firmly established. We know they're gonna be around for a long time to come.
As Vince pointed out: with the WWF, I'll usually be wrestling in front thousands of fans a night rather than a thousand or so.
Even though the AWA has seen a bump in business, thanks to Lawler vs. Sarge, there's always a chance things will crumble rapidly around here. I hope not.
This is my last chance to have a major run. Think about it, Kathy? Vince said he'll make me more money than I ever have made and I believe him.
Let's say my run at the top is short in the WWF and then I get bumped down to terminal mid-card status. I'll still make more money there than as a main event guy here.
Again, the WWF is a sure bet. Staying in the AWA, even with new owners, will be a huge gamble.
Kathy took in a deep breath and exhaled.
Kathy (softly): My dad was climbing the walls trying to find you earlier. He called here several times wondering where you were. He thought you might have had an accident on the highway or something. You need to let him know you're OK first thing in the morning.
Larry: I will, Kathy. I will. I'll let him know I'm alright.
But Vince told me to keep things quiet for now.
Kathy: So, you and I have to keep this a secret from my father? How long will that be for?
Larry: I told Vince I'd have an answer for him in two days. Even if I agree to jump to the WWF, Vince said he would not need me until spring. He said do the houses and TVs here and keep quiet about it.
Kathy: Wow! So you're gonna screw my dad?!
Larry: When I talk to Vince next time I will discuss telling Verne and how it should be handled.
An uneasy silence filled the room.
Kathy: I'm gonna have to walk around pretending everything's fine when in reality we might pull up stakes and leave for New York on a moment's notice.
Larry, it's like  you've forgotten Vince's raid here in 1983.
Larry: I don't think that's what we're dealing with here.
If we're honest, the AWA roster, even with some additions, is still pretty slim compared to the WWF and NWA.
Kathy: But there's always the chance the new buyers will bring in some big names to make us competitive again.
Larry: But will it be enough to make the AWA a big deal again?
Larry gently placed his hand on Kathy's and looked her right in the eyes.
Larry: Let's sleep on this and then we'll think about it for the next two days.
Kathy: Alright. I love you, Larry.
I just hope the decision made is the right one.
Larry (softly): Me too, Kathy. Me, too.
Now, Kathy Gagne has to carry a secret around and pretend she doesn't know what her husband might do.
Sound familiar...
So, two Gagnes (Greg & Kathy) have to keep secrets and possibly lie to others about things that might happen so others are kept out of the loop about what's really going down.
I dedicate this song to Verne, Greg, Kathy, Vince and Larry:
Tell Me Lies - Fleetwood Mac:
Edited by piperrulz
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It's Little Lies aka my favorite Fleetwood Mac song though I can definitely see why anyone would think that's the title. RIP Christine.


We have a family full of secrets that could ruin everything. Quick, someone recut the Dallas theme song with Minneapolis landmarks behind it. And given 2 of the would-be-new-owners, they'd know how to hire the woman that played the completely insignificant role that became huge when she shot J.R. Ewing. Maybe have her come in to tour the offices with those 2 just to scare the idiot.😆

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6 hours ago, smartman said:

It's Little Lies aka my favorite Fleetwood Mac song though I can definitely see why anyone would think that's the title. RIP Christine.


We have a family full of secrets that could ruin everything. Quick, someone recut the Dallas theme song with Minneapolis landmarks behind it. And given 2 of the would-be-new-owners, they'd know how to hire the woman that played the completely insignificant role that became huge when she shot J.R. Ewing. Maybe have her come in to tour the offices with those 2 just to scare the idiot.😆

You are correct about the song title. I always though it was Tell Me Lies because that's the line I remembered from the song.

Since this would be a John Waters production, maybe we could have a woman shoot Verne while he's sitting on the can at home taking his morning poop, smoking a cigar reading the sports page of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune and the mystery shooter would be revealed as ... Divine*!

(The actor who played Divine died in 1988. So, we'll have John Candy play Divine like he did on an SCTV skit. 😄)

Edited by piperrulz
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That's why I said it was completely understandable. And I think they could have done a really good invasion with the UWF stars if Magnum TA hadn't hydroplaned into that pole. That just derailed that entire promotion really for good. Vince's meddling with their PPV was just finishing them off. It was just hard as the Southeast that was their core hadn't really seen many of the UWF's top stars. It'd be a fun read.

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19 hours ago, smartman said:

That's why I said it was completely understandable. And I think they could have done a really good invasion with the UWF stars if Magnum TA hadn't hydroplaned into that pole. That just derailed that entire promotion really for good. Vince's meddling with their PPV was just finishing them off. It was just hard as the Southeast that was their core hadn't really seen many of the UWF's top stars. It'd be a fun read.

The what if with Magnum is interesting. He was clearly gonna be the promotion's next top face. Would Dusty have grown jealous and undermined him with intentionally shaky booking? Not sure if this is accurate, but did read once that they were gonna put the world title on him at SC '86 and then the accident happened. We know he'd have eventually won it; the only question is when? On a side note, the Flair-Nikita match from SC '86 was a good match. Surprised they never put the big belt on a face Nikita.


15 hours ago, sonny912 said:

Oh yes! Do that! Do that as soon as possible!

Right now it's an idea rolling around in my head. If I do it, then the I'll have to close out my AWA '89 thread. Just thinking about it right now. Will have to do my research even though I watched all this unfold at the time. From what I've read, Dusty booked the UWF guys to basically look inferior to the NWA guys and it showed... mainly at SC '87. Crockett sometimes let Dusty get away with too much, IMO. This could have been a great storyline for a year or two and eventually there would be a climax with the NWA winning the promotional war (a War Games finale?). Fast-forward 14 years, ol' Vince screwed up royally with the WCW/WWF promotional war.

If I do this, it's all about, in a fantasy realm, booking the invasion as I believe fans really would have liked to have seen it.

It will take a few months to get this up and riunning if I do it.

I've thought about doing other promotions before like Portland or Stampede but never pulled the trigger and stuck with the AWA.

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