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AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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The TV tapings were in the books for February and AWA boss Verne Gagne was sitting at his office desk looking at the attendance and gates for the house shows in January. There were eight shows in all.
Verne got on the intercom and told his secretary to tell Greg to come to the office as soon as possible.
After just a few minutes, there was knock on Verne's office door.
Verne: Come in.
Greg opened the door and came in and sat down at the desk.
Greg had been very pensive because of Verne keeping the secret from Triumph Media Sports* about possibly opting out of the sale.
Greg was gaunt and had actually lost weight on his already thin frame. He had also becomce very tight-lipped, even when talking to his father.
Verne: Wanted to get your opinion on these.
Verne slid the January house show numbers over to Greg. Greg picked up the sheet of paper and looked it over.
ATTENDANCE (# - Spot Show)
Green Bay, WI - Brown County War Memorial Arena - 1,876
Milwaukee, WI - Mecca Arena - 2,069
Rockford, IL - Rockford MetroCentre - 1,622
Macomb, IL # - Western Hall - 1,374
Chicago, IL - UIC Pavilion - 1,517
Dultuh, MN - Duluth Auditorium - 2,302
St. Paul, MN - St. Paul Civic Center - 2,851
International Falls, MN # - Bronco Arena - 1,638
Greg shrugged and slid paper back over to his father.
Greg: I was there for six of the shows, remember? I saw what the houses looked like.
Verne: I know you were there. But what do you think of the overall numbers?
Greg: We're in the same holding pattern we've been in for a few months now.
Verne: But business is steady. That's what these numbers prove.
Greg: OK. So, business is steady. So what?
Verne: So what? We just need for a wrestler to get hot or hit on a hot angle or sign a major star and business will start spiraling upward again. Can't you see it?
Greg: Let me see that paper again.
Verne slid it back across the desk to his son. Greg briefly looked it over once more.
Greg: I'd hardly call 1,500 in Chicago a success, dad. 2,000 in Milwaukee is nothing to write home about, either. And less than 3,000 in our home arena. That means only 15,000 empty seats at the Civic Center*.
Verne: You know how cyclical this business is. Up and down. Peaks and valleys.
Greg: We've basically been operating in a crater since 1987. Then, you had a nice uptick in business for the Lawler-Sarge title program. After that ended, business fell back down to earth.
We're drawing a bit more than we did before Lawler-Sarge, but it's not enough right now to justify triggering the opt-out clause to feed your ego and selfishness for one last run as the boss in the hopes...the hopes...that business will one day catch fire again.
Verne: You're tone is very disrespectful right now. And there's nothing selfish about what I'm doing right now. I'm doing it for those who go out and bust their ass in that ring for the AWA.
Greg leaned in an lowered his voice.
Greg (intense): You've really disconnected from reality, dad. You have two men in Crockett and Watts who are working right down the hall preparing to take over the company on March 5th, dammit.
John Waters, Debbie Harry and Jerry Jarrett are expecting the same thing to happen on that day. Are you being selfish in hiding your possible intentions from them?
Verne was speechless.
Greg (intense): You've got a month to make your decision. Are you gonna walk away from over $3 million dollars because of some long-shot fantasy rolling around in your head that maybe, just maybe, you can turn this thing around and make it red hot again?
Chances are extremely slim, as slim as the side of that piece of paper that house show report is written on, that you'll turn this around with the very limited resources we have.
But the decision is up to you and you alone. I say it all the time: Think about mom and the rest of the family. You could go broke trying to salvage this.
Verne: Failure is one side of the coin in any business.
Greg (laughed in disbelief): Is it really with this business? The coin you're gonna flip most likely says 'failure' and 'broke' on both sides.
Verne: How dare you. I really thought you'd be a team player on this.
Greg: I would be 100 percent on your side if I really believed we were very close to turning business around. But you refuse to see the truth.
You need people in here who can bring fresh ideas to the table.
Verne (laughed and shook his head): How do Crockett, Watts and Jarrett bring 'fresh ideas' to the table? They're long-time promoters just like me.
Greg (flustered): You're missing the point, dad.
Verne (smarmy): Tell me, what is the point?
Greg: Crockett, Watts and Jarrett are not you.
This conversation is over.
Verne: Wait a minute...
Greg got up without saying another thing and walked out of the office and closed the door behind him.
Verne sat back in his desk chair and rubbed his forehead. Verne was angry. But was he angry because he was told a falsehood? Or because Greg was telling him the truth?
(* St. Paul Civic Center.)
Edited by piperrulz
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On 6/11/2023 at 9:55 PM, smartman said:

That's why I said it was completely understandable. And I think they could have done a really good invasion with the UWF stars if Magnum TA hadn't hydroplaned into that pole. That just derailed that entire promotion really for good. Vince's meddling with their PPV was just finishing them off. It was just hard as the Southeast that was their core hadn't really seen many of the UWF's top stars. It'd be a fun read.

Hydroplaned? I thought magnum got Ina car crash or something, same thing that happened to Brian pillman.

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There's still time to get your predictions in for round 1 of the tournament and the Kokina-Blackwell match if you haven't done so.
I'll be posting one more All-Star Wrestling and Zbyszko's decision on the WWF offer from Vince and then we'll move on to the the first round of the tourney.
Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament
ROUND OF 16 (Plus Kokina-Blackwell)
(Bracket match winners will face each other in the round of 8.)
Bracket 1
Tom Zenk vs. Mr. Saito
Col. DeBeers vs. Perro Aguyao
Bracket 2
Tully Blanchard vs. Ken Patera
Wahoo McDaniel vs. Chris Adams
Bracket 3
Carlos Colon vs. Larry Zbyszko
Jonnie Stewart vs. Riki Choshu
Bracket 4
Jake Milliman vs. The Iron Sheik
Greg Valentine vs. Bruce Hart


Jerry Blackwell vs. Kokina Maximus


BONUS PREDICTION: Does Larry Zbyszko jump to the WWF or stay in the AWA?

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I mean, you get into a car crash when you Hydroplane 


Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament
ROUND OF 16 (Plus Kokina-Blackwell)
(Bracket match winners will face each other in the round of 8.)
Bracket 1
Tom Zenk 
Col. DeBeers 
Bracket 2
Tully Blanchard
Wahoo McDaniel
Bracket 3
Carlos Colon
Jonnie Stewart
Bracket 4
Jake Milliman
Greg Valentine


Jerry Blackwell vs. Kokina Maximus


BONUS PREDICTION: Does Larry Zbyszko jump to the WWF or stay in the AWA?

I'll say Larry jumps ship to scare Verne into going through with the sale. 

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You don't necessarily crash when you hydroplane. That was the scariest moment of my life when I did a nice little spin out of nowhere (it hadn't rained in hours) on a country road heading towards a concrete drain, and I've been in 4 car wrecks in my life. Unlike Magnum, I knew not to turn the wheel when hydroplaning as that's what doomed him per the Dark Side of the Ring episode.


And I do like Son's idea of Larry leaving which cements the sale. Plus, we'd get more out of the ring stuff seeing Vince screw over Larry on everything he promised.

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1 hour ago, smartman said:

And I do like Son's idea of Larry leaving which cements the sale. Plus, we'd get more out of the ring stuff seeing Vince screw over Larry on everything he promised.


29 minutes ago, SonOfSharknado said:

I think Vince would be more likely to follow through, or at least to attempt to. It would send a message to anyone the new ownership was attempting to sign, just to really give them some trouble. 

Sounds exactly like what Vince would've done/would do now, whether IRL or ITTL.

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- All-Star Wrestling (Final show before the tournament.)
- Zbyszko's decision on the WWF
- Results of the Round of 16 in the tournament plus Kokina vs. Blackwell
Match Commentator: Lee Marshall
Color Analyst: Lord James Blears
Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson
(# - Aired on a previous AWA program.)
(Earlier in the evening: Larry Nelson announced to the crowd off-air the controversial finish to The Trooper-Zbyszko qualifying match.)
(2nd Taping Re-cap)
Show Intro
In-Studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program.
AWA WORLD TITLE CONTRACT SIGNING: Stan Hansen (WC) vs. Sgt. Slaughter
Comments from Kokina's manager Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey and Jerry Blackwell before their match at the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament
The final Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update with PWI's Bill Apter
Greg Valentine wrestles
Comments from Sam Houston and Coach Dick Murdoch about Houston's first loss in the AWA to World Champion Stan Hansen
And more!
Nelson sent it to the ring in Las Vegas.
Larry Zbyszko won a squash match via pinfall over Red Ryder with his piledriver finisher
Nelson: Larry Zbyszko, the wrestling world is buzzing about the end of your match with The Trooper in which the winner earned a spot in the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament. Did you know who that masked man was who came to the ring and attacked The Trooper, causing him to lose the match?
Zbyszko: As Sgt. Schultz used to say on Hogan's Heroes: I know nothing! Absolutely nothing!
Loud boos from the crowd.
Nelson: These fans certainly don't believe you.
Zbyszko: Wrestling fans... the cancer of American society!
The two things that concern me the most about wrestling fans: They can vote and, worse, they can breed!
Boos grew louder at the 'Boat.
Nelson: You say you know nothing about the masked man who attacked The Trooper and cost him the match?
Zbyszko: How many times do I have to say this, man?! No! I didn't know anything about this man or the attack!
Nelson: What about Valerie? Do you know of any role she might have played in this?
Zbyszko: How would I know if Valerie had anything to do with it?! I've never even talked to her! I just know that she's a manager who comes to the ring to scout talent!
And shouldn't you be asking her that question, Nelson?!
Nelson: The whole situation just seemed very odd.
Zbyszko: Odd?! I don't care how 'odd' it was! I had nothing to do with it and that's final!
The bottom line is this!
I beat The Trooper in our qualifying match and I'm going to the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament in Anaheim!
And I have every intention of winning that belt for one reason!
Nelson: What's that?
Zbyszko: Because I love to see these fans out here suffer! I love it!
And imagine how much they're gonna suffer if I become the champion!
More boos.
Nelson: Larry Zbyszko, everybody!
In-Studio: Nelson discussed Zbyszko being in the tournament. Said Zbyszko claims innocence in the attack on the Trooper by the masked man, but Nelson's doubtful about Zbyszko's claim. Hyped the PWHC Tournament.
Pic aired of Sam Houston and Dick Muroch with the caption: NEXT... HOUSTON SPEAKS!
In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd comments from Sam Houston and Dick Murdoch about Houston losing his first match in the AWA in a World Title clash against WC Stan Hansen.
Eric Bischoff, in a suit with mic in hand, standing with Sam Houston and Dick Murdoch, both in street clothes, in front of the AWA logo.
Eric: This is Eric Bischoff with Sam Houston and Dick Murdoch.
Sam, you suffered your first loss since arriving in the AWA in a World Title match against Stan Hansen; a match that saw you give Hansen a real run for his money.
We're days removed from the match now. What are you thinking at this time?
Sam: Eric, I was really down right after the loss to Hansen. It was hard to take.
But, since I've had time to reflect the last few days, things have come into much clearer focus for me.
First, you're never going to go undefeated forever in any sport. I was disappointed the streak ended. But, the loss and losing the streak taught me a lesson.
You can learn from something like this. Stan Hansen is one of the best wrestlers in the world and that's why he's the AWA Champion.
He's a tough man to beat.
But I take solace in knowing that I gave the World Champion a battle. It was my first World Title shot in the AWA and I know there will be more to come in the future as long as I stay focused on the job at hand and take care of business.
When a horse throws you what do you do? You get back on the horse and ride it again.
I believe there's more wins and a championship in my future.
And with Dick Murdoch coaching me along the way brighter days are ahead for Sam Houston.
Eric: Dick, you prepared Sam really well for the title match. Your man just came up short in the end.
Dick: Preparing for a World Title match in wrestling is a lot like preparing for the Super Bowl in football. You lay out a game plan but know you're going to have to make adjustments on the fly during the game or match.
Sam fought hard and he made good adjustments. He came within in an eyelash of becoming new AWA World Champion.
But, Stan Hansen, you've got to give him credit, he came through in the end.
It's like when a defense stops an offense at the goal line to preserve the win in football. Stan Hansen was that defense.
Eric: What do you see moving forward for Sam?
Dick: I see a future that still ls very bright.
We take this loss, learn from it, make the necessary adjustments, and move on.
Sam Houston will be back.
Eric: Sam and Dick, thank you for your time.
Each man said a humble 'thank you' as the interview ended.
Pic aired of Tully Blanchard with the caption: NEXT... TULLY TIME!!!
Commercials/AWA Tour Update
Tully Blanchard won a squash match via pinfall over Reno Riggins with his slingshot suplex finisher
Tully was mainly booed coming down the heel aisle.
Tully put on a clinic in the 4-minute bout that he dominated from start-to-finish.
Nelson: Tully Blanchard, welcome to the AWA.
You are one of the non-AWA participants that will be taking part in the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament in a few days in Anaheim on February 17th.
You looked really impressive in your win over Reno Riggins. That was total domination.
Tully: First of all, let me  say that just my being here is a major upgrade for the AWA.
Crowd booed.
Nelson: But, we have a lot of excellent wrestlers here in the AWA.
Tully: Excellence is  in the eye of the beholder.
Every other wrestler participating in the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament is now on notice.
Tully Blanchard has arrived! And I'm leaving Anaheim with that belt in my possession!
More boos.
Tully: The Red Rocker* is bringing his A+ game on February 17th!
You have a lot of wrestlers coming in from around the world for this tournament!
Well, let me tell you foreigners something! It's gonna be a wasted trip for you! You'll travel thousands of miles for nothing! The only thing you guys are going home with are Mickey Mouse ears!
More boos.
Tully: And for the AWA wrestlers in the tournament, listen up and listen good! You guys are gonna look really bad in the eyes of your fans when a title created by the AWA winds up in the hands of a guy who's not in the AWA and who's taking the title back to Texas with him and defending it on his own terms!
Nelson: Tully Blanchard, everybody!
Jeering continued.
(* Red Rocker - A nickname Tully was known by in Southwest. Don't know if it was used anywhere else.)
Pic aired of Jerry Blackwell and Kokina Maximus with the caption: NEXT... FINAL WORDS!
In-Studio: Larry Nelson discussed the Blackwell-Kokina situation and said the contract had been signed and they'll be facing one another in just a few days at the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament in Anaheim on February 17.
Nelson intro'd comments from Blackwell and Kokina's manager Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey.
Shot of Jerry Blackwell stylin' and profilin' as only he can in street clothes. He was holdiong a mic and standing in front of the AWA logo.
Blackwell: It's finally gonna happen!
Kokina Maximus! When you and me collide in that ring in Anaheim on February 17th, California's gonna be shaken by another major earthquake!
I've had it as Kokina has punished wrestlers in the ring far more than he's had to! This man likes to torture people!
Well, that stops when we meet, Kokina! You're not going to punish me! You're not gonna torture me!
If you win the match, then you will have earned the victory! I'm not someone you can just push around in the squared circle!
Kokina, you are a bully! And I hate bullies! But, there won't be any bullying on February 17th! Oh no! That's not gonna happen!
I'm a big man just like you are, Kokina! You're not throwing me around like a rag doll in that ring! This will truly be a clash of the titans!
The irresistible force is about to meet the immovable object!
We're gonna find out what you're really made of, Kokina! Are you the real deal or just a paper tiger who can only beat on guys he's much bigger than?!
It all comes down to this! Be ready, Kokina! A 'Stone Mountain' wrecking ball is about to swing in your direction on the 17th!
Pic flipped and it was Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey, Kokina and The Masked Doctor standing in front of the AWA logo. Sheik had a mic.
Kaissey: Jerry Blackwell! When you signed the contract to face Kokina on February 17th in Anaheim, you signed up for the destruction of your career!
We are bringing an extra large stretcher to the ring to carry you out of the arena after Kokina devastates you!
And there will be no mercy from Kokina! You hear me, Blackwell! Are my words clear to you, infidel?!
Look at this man! Look at the intensity on his face! You can feel the violent energy radiating from him!
And that violent energy is going to be poured out all over you Blackwell! Kokina's energy burns so hot that when poured out upon you, you will think someone is pouring scalding lava on you!
There is no stopping Kokina Maximus! It's an impossible task! He's afraid of neither man nor beast!
Jerry Blackwell, listen carefully! This is the match where Kokina cements himself as the #1 threat to the entire AWA! If there are still any scoffers out there, they won't be scoffing when Kokina crushes the legend Jerry Blackwell!
See you in Anaheim, Blackwell! I hope you have good health insurance!
Pic aired of Bruce Hart with the caption: NEXT... CANADIAN HERO!
Bruce Hart won a squash match via pinfall over Moose Morowski with a flying clothesline
Bruce got a decent cheers coming down the face aisle to the ring.
Nelson: Bruce Hart, welcome to America!
Crowd cheered. Hart acknowledged the fans.
Nelson: You are a member of the legendary Hart wrestling family from Calgary, Canada. It was obvious just by watching that match that you were trained well by your father, Stu Hart.
You're here for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament taking place on February 17th in Anaheim, California.
What are your thoughts heading into this historic event?
Hart: First off, it's great to be here in the USA!
Fans started chanting: USA! USA!
Hart: The bond between our nation's is strong and unbreakable.
Yes, Larry, my father trained me to wrestle. But being trained by Stu Hart is no easy task. To become a successful wrestler under my father you are pulled through the wringer.
His training could be brutal at times. But it made us Hart boys mentally and physically tougher.
I can't wait for the tournament on the 17th. It's gonna be a tough mountain to climb to get to the top and emerge the winner.
And, while I love America, I want to win the belt for my home country of Canada!
Crowd politely cheered.
Hart: It's an honor to be in the tournament. It's an honor to be in the AWA. And it's an honor to be in the USA!
More chants of: USA! USA!
Nelson: Bruce Hart, everybody!
More cheers from the fans.
Pic aired of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship belt with the caption: NEXT... FINAL UPDATE!
Video intro for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update with PWI's Bill Apter.
Shot of PWI's Bill Apter in a suit with mic in hand standing in front of the PWI logo.
 Apter: Greetings, wrestling fans.
This is Bill Apter of Pro Wrestling Illustrated with the final Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update.
The historic event takes place this Saturday, February 17th, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California.
The tournament will take place over two sessions in one day. The afternoon session will feature the opening round of the tournament plus the special feature match of Jerry Blackwell battling Kokina Maximus. The afternoon session has a bell time of 12:30pm. The evening session will feature the quarter-finals, semi-finals and final of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament plus the second special feature match of the day: Stan Hansen defends the AWA World Championship against Sgt. Slaughter. And! Sgt. Slaughter has vowed that if he doesn't beat Hansen in this match and regain the AWA World Title, he will retire. Everything, and I mean everything, is on the line for Sgt. Slaughter here.
Tickets are stiil available through Ticket Master or by calling the Anaheim Convention Center Box Office at (714) 555-1812.
One ticket gets you into both sessions.
Here is your final look at the opening round match-ups. The winner of the matches in each bracket will go on to face each other in the round of eight.



(* Non-AWA participant.)
Bracket 1
Tom Zenk vs. Mr. Saito*
Col. DeBeers vs. Perro Aguyao*
Bracket 2
Tully Blanchard* vs. Ken Patera
Wahoo McDaniel vs. Chris Adams*
Bracket 3
Carlos Colon* vs. Larry Zbyszko
Jonnie Stewart vs. Riki Choshu*
Bracket 4
Jake Milliman vs. The Iron Sheik*
Greg Valentine vs. Bruce Hart*
This is really gonna be a fantastic tournament, fans.
And let's hear from two of the competitors one final time before the tournament.
First, Jake Milliman.
Pic flipped and Milliman was standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand wearing his new 2% Forever! t-shirt.
Jake: The tournament is upon us!
I need my 'Milk-A-Maniacs' in Anaheim to be loud and stand proud for 2% milk and Jake Milliman!
With you cheering me on I'm gonna be a hard man to stop!
The 'Milk-A-Maniacs' need to show up in full force on February 17th! Let me know you're out there!
You feed off my energy and I feed off yours!
So, let's jump in a rocket ship together that's powered by 2% white milk and ride it to victory!
And if I win the title, we'll celebrate with what else....milk!
Jake struck a pseudo-bodybuilder pose.
Apter: Now, let's hear from Jonnie Stewart.
Pic flipped and Stewart was standing in street clothes with mic in hand in front of the AWA logo.
Stewart: The Wrestler of the 90's is gonna set the tone for the decade by walking out of the ring in Anaheim on February 17th as the first Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion in history.
Jonnie Stewart's gonna be remembered forever in the history books for this magnificent accomplishment.
There are 16 men in this tournament. And you can go ahead and forget the names of the other 15 because I'm the only one you'll need to remember.
And I promise you people that I will be a champion that never runs from a challenge and I will fight with honor and integrity or my name isn't Jonnie Stewart.
And I don't want you fans who recognize me in when I'm in Anaheim to come up to me and ask for an autograph because you won't be getting one.
For the 15 other wrestlers in the tournament: Step aside boys, a real man, the Wrestler of the 90's, is coming through to claim what's rightfully his.
Pic flipped back to Bill Apter.
Apter: Fans, the excitement is building! We are now just days away from this historic pro wrestling event going down.
The last few months of build-up come to a climax on February 17th at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California.
It's the tournament to decide the first-ever Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion. PLUS! Kokina Maximus finally clashes with Jerry Blackwell in a battle of the big men! That special feature match will take place during the afternoon session which has a bell time of 12:30pm
And, during the evening session, which features the quarter-finals, semi-finals and final of the tournament, the other special feature match has Stan Hansen defending the AWA World Title against Sgt. Slaughter in their re-match from Christmas night at Brawl In St. Paul 2. If Sgt. Slaughter fails to regain the AWA World Title, he has vowed to retire from the sport. The evening session has a bell time of 7:30pm.
Tickets are still available through Ticket Master or by calling the Anaheim Convention Center Box Office at (714) 555-1812.
And Anaheim is a great place to visit in the winter. There's lots to do in Anaheim. From the great beaches to Disneyland and everything in between, fun abounds in Anaheim. Also, Anaheim has great restaurants and plenty of fine hotel accommodations for your stay.
Well, that's it. The tournament is finally upon us.
I'm Bill Apter. Hope to see you there.
In-Studio: Nelson said time is running out for fans to get their tickets for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament on Feb. 17.
Told fans to stick around because the contract signing between Sarge and Hansen (WC) for the AWA World Title was still to come.
Pic aired of Greg Valentine with the caption: NEXT... THE HAMMER!
Greg Valentine won a squash match via submission over The Italian Stallion with his figure 4 finisher
Greg was mainly booed coming down the heel aisle to the ring but also had his fans.
Nelson: Greg Valentine. I have to admit that you're looking really impressive heading into the 16-man tournament to decide the first Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion on February 17th. You just dominated The Italian Stallion.
Valentine: 'Hammer Time' is coming to Anaheim!
February 17th is going to be a day to remember in this sport!
I am feeling good and I'm at the top of my game right now! But, let's be honest, I am always at the top of my game!
I'm going into the tournament flying high right now! Whoever steps in the ring with me better be at the top of their game, too, or they stand no chance!
And my figure four, the most devastating finisher in the sport, I'm applying it with such ferocity that I don't think any man I put in it in the tournament will be able to escape it!
So, the thousands of fans headed to the Anaheim Convention Center on February 17th are in for a real treat!
Because 'The Hammer' is gonna show them what being a real man and a real wrestler is all about!
And you ladies looking for a night with 'The Hammer' need to know this!  Don't call me in the middle of the night at my hotel before the tournament expecting a night of passion with me!
We can enjoy that kind of wrestling after I've wrestled my last match in the tournament! And my last match will be the last match of the night!
I'm Greg Valentine and I have approved this message!
Crowd booed.
Nelson: Greg Valentine, everybody!
Pic aired of the AWA World Title with the caption: NEXT... CONTRACT SIGNING!!!
Video opened with a shot of Larry Zbyszko standing at a speaker's podium in the middle of a long table that had been set up in the middle of the ring at the Showboat Sports Pavilion.
The arena was empty.
Nelson: Welcome to the contract signing for the AWA World Heavyweight Championship match taking place on Saturday, February 17th, at the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament at the Anaheim Convention Center.
I'm Larry Nelson.
Let me first introduce the participants in this contract signing.
First, he is the lawyer who will oversee the contract signing, Gustav B. Schirach III.
Schirach came down the face aisle in an expensive lawyer suit and sunglasses and carrying a multi-page document. Schirach stepped into the ring and shook hands with Larry Nelson and then Schirach took a seat towards the end of the table.
Nelson: Now, AWA President Stanley Blackburn.
Blackburn came down the face aisle and was also wearing a suit. Blackburn climbed into the ring and shook hands with the other two already in the squared circle. Blackburn sat down next to Schirach.
Nelson: Next, AWA promoter Verne Gagne will come to the ring.
Verne, also in a suit, made his way down the face aisle and climbed in the ring and, like the others, shook hands with the other men and took his seat towards the end of the other side of the table..
Nelson: Now, I will introduce the two participants in the match.
Introducing first, the challenger. He is Sgt. Slaughter.
Sarge came down the face aisle to the ring in his ring gear and DI hat.
Sarge climbed in the ring and shook hands with everyone and took his seat at the table next to the podium and removed his DI hat and placed it in front of him on the table.
Nelson: Finally, he is the reigning AWA World Heavyweight Champion, Stan Hansen.
Hansen was making his usual boorish, gutteral noises as he walked to the ring. Hansen was in street clothes, cowboy boots, cowboy hat, carrying the World Title in one hand and a bottle of beer in the other.
Hansen stepped in the ring and made a public declaration.
Stan: I'm not shakin' hands with any of you rattlesnakes!
Hansen took his seat next to Verne on the other side of the podium opposite Sarge.
Hansen put his belt and beer on the table.
Nelson: And now, Verne Gagne will speak.
Nelson stepped back as Gagne got up and walked to the podium.
Verne: Thank you, Larry.
We are here today for the official contract signing between World Champion Stan Hansen and challenger Sgt. Slaughter.
The match will take place Saturday, February 17th in Anaheim, California as a special feature match during the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament.
There is a stipulation that has been added to this match. Let me be clear, the AWA did not want to include this  stipulation. But the challenger, Sgt. Slaughter, demanded it so, with much hesitation and discussion, we agreed to Sarge's stipulation request.
Quick shot of Hansen taking a swig of his beer.
Verne: The stipulation is: If Sgt. Slaughter does not beat Stan Hansen and regain the AWA World Title on February 17th, he must retire from wrestling.
This is not a position we in the AWA like to be in. But we were stuck between a rock and  a hard place.
There is really nothing left to say. Sgt. Slaughter's career is on the line. And we'll just have to see what happens in Anaheim on the 17th.
Thank you.
Verne sat back down and Nelson approached the podium.
Nelson: That was AWA promoter Verne Gagne.
And now, we will have the official contract signing.
Gustav, you have the contract.
Gustav handed the contract and a pen to Larry Nelson and Nelson placed it on the podium.
Nelson: Would Sgt. Slaughter please step to the podium and sign the contract.
Sarge stood up and walked to the podium He briefly looked over the contract, flipped to the back page and signed the contract. Sarge then sat back down in his seat.
Nelson: Stan Hansen will be the next to sign.
Hansen got up, walked to the podium, didn't even bother to quickly go over it, and signed the contract and walked back and sat in his seat.
Nelson: President Stanley Blackburn, please sign as a witness.
Blackburn up and walked to the podium and signed the contract. Blackburn then walked back to his seat and sat down.
Nelson: I will be signing as the second witness.
Nelson signed the contract.
Nelson then handed the contract to Schirach, who briefly looked over the signatures and nodded in approval.
Nelson held up the contract.
Nelson: It is official! Stan Hansen will defend the AWA World Title against Sgt. Slaughter on February 17th in Anaheim, California.
If Sgt. Slaughter does not beat Stan Hansen and regain the AWA World Title in the match, he MUST retire from wrestling!
And now, we'll hear from the two combatants in the match.
First, the challenger Sgt. Slaughter.
Sarge up and stepped to the podium.
Another quick shot of Hansen taking a drink of beer.
Sarge: You go ahead and keep drinking that beer, Hansen! You might need lots of brewskis after our match on February 17th to mellow you out!
People ask me why I'm putting my career on the line in this match!
The answer is simple: If I cannot beat Stan Hansen and regain a belt I should have never lost on Christmas night, then I don't deserve to be a professional wrestler anymore!
Hansen! You're attack on me at Brawl In St. Paul 2 before our match that evening tilted the match, when we had it later in the night, heavily in your favor!
People told me not to go out there and wrestle you after you bloodied me during your Pearl Harbor* job! Verne Gagne told me that because of what happened that I didn't need to go back out there and defend the World Title! He said I would not be stripped of the belt because of your attack on me! I could defend the belt against you another day!
But, those people in the St. Paul Civic Center Christmas night paid to see us clash over the World Title! I owed it to those fans who supported me in the arena to defend the belt! If I could walk, I was going out to that ring! I promised the people I was going to be a fighting champion! And sometimes champions have to fight through great adversity!
I fought with honor and integrity!
You won the belt, Hansen! But look what it took you to do it!
You beat me this time... my career is over! It's dead and buried! Gone with the wind!
But, I know the people will be backing me in the Anaheim Convention Center that night! I cherish their support! It motivates me to do better! Their support makes me fight harder and fight through the pain and tough times!
The fans are the engine that drives the Slaughter tank!
An army is coming to Anaheim on February 17th, Hansen! And we're coming for you! You better be prepared!
Sarge sat back down next to the podium. Nelson back to the podium.
Nelson: We will now hear from the World Champion Stan Hansen.
Hansen stood up and placed the AWA World Title on the podium. He then took another swig from the beer bottle and placed that on the podium as well.
Hansen (unusually calm): As you people well know, I am a man of very few words.
Larry Nelson rolled his eyes in the background.
Hansen (still calm): Sgt. Slaughter, I sincerely want to say one thing to you. Enjoy your retirement. Enjoying going RV-ing around the country and wishing you were still in this great sport of ours.
The good news is you'll still be able to buy a ticket to the arena to watch wrestling. You won't be able to participate in it anymore. But you can always watch and wish you had not put your career on the line against me.
Sarge: Don't get cocky, Hansen.
Hansen (calm): Cocky? Me? No, sir. No, sir.
Sarge looked down to write a note and then...
Hansen smashed the beer bottle over Sarge's head. Sarge fell out of his chair to the floor.
Verne quickly stood up.
Verne: Jesus Christ! What the hell is the matter with you!
Hansen: You're done, Sarge! Your career ends on February 17th! And ol' Stan Hansen will be the man who finishes you!
Verne: Get out of here!
Hansen grabbed the title belt.
Hansen: You owe me for that beer, Verne!
Verne: Go! Just (bleeped) go!
Hansen left the ring and headed back up the heel aisle and disappeared to the back.
Sarge, now a bloody mess, was sitting up in the ring being checked on by the others. Sarge made it to his feet under his own power.
Sarge angrily stepped to the podium and grabbed the mic out of its stand.
Sarge: Stan Hansen! You have set in motion something that can now not be stopped!
I'm coming to Anaheim on the 17th and now this match is about more than just  a title and a career!
It's about vengeance! I'm gunning for you, Hansen!
I will crawl over rusty nails and broken glass if I have to to make it to the ring!
When I get my hands on you... I will not be responsible for what I do!
You're gonna reap the whirlwind of what you just did to me, Hansen!
And if I'm gonna be finished in Anaheim, I promise you this - I will drag you into the abyss with me, Hansen!
See you on the 17th, you bastard!
Stan Hansen – Online World of Wrestling
Edited by piperrulz
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On 6/4/2023 at 9:29 AM, Saffir said:
Bracket 1
Tom Zenk vs. Mr. Saito
Col. DeBeers vs. Perro Aguyao
Bracket 2
Tully Blanchard vs. Ken Patera
Wahoo McDaniel vs. Chris Adams
Bracket 3
Carlos Colon vs. Larry Zbyszko

Jonnie Stewart vs. Riki Choshu

Bracket 4
Jake Milliman vs. The Iron Sheik
Greg Valentine vs. Bruce Hart


Jerry Blackwell vs. Kokina Maximus

Now that we have a bonus question, I say that Larry does sign with Vince. Larry would be loyal enough to do the right thing and go out on his back, losing to Colon. Plus, there should be some outsiders winning the early rounds, at least. He wraps up the Trooper feud, puts him over, and go gets paid as his career winds down.

Edited by Saffir
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On 6/14/2023 at 3:28 PM, piperrulz said:

Bruce Hart won a squash match via pinfall over Moose Morowski with a flying clothesline

And speaking of Moose Morowski (who's made a few match appearances in Rise of a Star, both under his real name of Stan Mykietovich and as Stan the Moose)...

Moose Morowski vs. Verne SIebert (from All-Star Wrestling in Vancouver, c. 1983)

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12 hours ago, Old School Fan said:

And speaking of Moose Morowski (who's made a few match appearances in Rise of a Star, both under his real name of Stan Mykietovich and as Stan the Moose)...

Moose Morowski vs. Verne SIebert (from All-Star Wrestling in Vancouver, c. 1983)

Fans wouldn't care for it today, but I like the old school finish. Two slams in a row IRL would drain the fight out of almost anybody. basic but effective IMHO.

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Announcers: Lee Marshall & Lord James Blears
Ring-Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson
(# - Previously aired on another AWA program.)
(2nd Taping Re-cap)
Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:
AWA WORLD TITLE CONTRACT SIGNING: Stan Hansen (WC) vs. Sgt. Slaughter
Comments from Jerry Blackwell and Kokina's manager Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey before their match at the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament
The final Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update with PWI's Bill Apter
Col. DeBeers wrestles
Comments from Sam Houston and Coach Dick Murdoch about Houston's first loss in the AWA, to World Champion Stan Hansen
Special announcement about next week's show
And more!
Nelson sent it to the ring in St. Cloud.
Wahoo McDaniel won a squash match via pinfall over Jose-Luis Rivera via pinfall with his big chop finisher
Nelson: Wahoo, it is about to go down. You're gonna be stepping in the ring in Anaheim, California, on February 17th with a chance to become the first-ever Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion.
How are you feeling heading into this big tournament?
McDaniel: I'm a little banged up; that's part of being a professional athlete. But overall, I feel good and I'm ready to go.
I've really been working on my cardio to prepare to wrestle possibly four matches in one day. Endurance, stamina will be a major factor in who wins the new title.
Nelson: As a long-time veteran of the sport, do you have any special things you do to prepare for something like this?
McDaniel: You need to be mentally prepared. That's the most important thing.
Usually, we wrestle one match a night and then it's on to the next town. But it takes a different kind of mentaltiy to wrestle four matches in one night. Especially when the four matches will be against top level competition from around the world.
Nelson: What does Wahoo McDaniel think his chances are in a tournament like this?
McDaniel: If I wrestle my match and stay mentally tough, then I like my chances. But, you can never let yourself get discouraged during a tournament like this. You let doubt and frustration creep into your mind then you're gonna be gone very early in this tournament.
Nelson: Any final words before heading to the tournament?
McDaniel: I'll see you all in Anaheim on the 17th.
Fans cheered.
Nelson: Wahoo McDaniel, everybody!
Fans cheered.
Pic aired of Sam Houston with the caption: NEXT... HOUSTON SPEAKS!!!
In-Studio: Nelson intro'd comments from Sam Houston and Coach Dick Murdoch after Hopuston's first loss in the AWA challenging Stan hansen for the AWA World Title.
# Eric Bischoff, in a suit with mic in hand, standing with Sam Houston and Dick Murdoch, both in street clothes, in front of the AWA logo.
Eric: This is Eric Bischoff with Sam Houston and Dick Murdoch.
Sam, you suffered your first loss since arriving in the AWA in a World Title match against Stan Hansen; a match that saw you give Hansen a real run for his money.
We're days removed from the match now. What are you thinking at this time?
Sam: Eric, I was really down right after the loss to Hansen. It was hard to take.
But, since I've had time to reflect the last few days, things have come into much clearer focus for me.
First, you're never going to go undefeated forever in any sport. I was disappointed the streak ended. But, the loss and losing the streak taught me a lesson.
You can learn from something like this. Stan Hansen is one of the best wrestlers in the world and that's why he's the AWA Champion.
He's a tough man to beat.
But I take solace in knowing that I gave the World Champion a battle. It was my first World Title shot in the AWA and I know there will be more to come in the future as long as I stay focused on the job at hand and take care of business.
When a horse throws you what do you do? You get back on the horse and ride it again.
I believe there's more wins and a championship in my future.
And with Dick Murdoch coaching me along the way brighter days are ahead for Sam Houston.
Eric: Dick, you prepared Sam really well for the title match. Your man just came up short in the end.
Dick: Preparing for a World Title match in wrestling is a lot like preparing for the Super Bowl in football. You lay out a game plan but know you're going to have to make adjustments on the fly during the game or match.
Sam fought hard and he made good adjustments. He came within in an eyelash of becoming new AWA World Champion.
But, Stan Hansen, you've got to give him credit, he came through in the end.
It's like when a defense stops an offense at the goal line to preserve the win in football. Stan Hansen was that defense.
Eric: What do you see moving forward for Sam?
Dick: I see a future that still ls very bright.
We take this loss, learn from it, make the necessary adjustments, and move on.
Sam Houston will be back.
Eric: Sam and Dick, thank you for your time.
Each man said a humble 'thank you' as the interview ended.
Pic aired of Carlos Colon with the caption: NEXT... CARLOS COLON!!!
Commercials/Promos for AWA house show cities/Generic promos for now-house show cities
Carlos Colon won a squash match over Tom Stone via pinfall with a senton off the middle rope
A modest response from the fans when Colon came down the face aisle to the ring.
Colon won the fans over with hie fiery ring style.
Nelson: Carlos Colon, welcome to the AWA!
These fans really liked your style of wrestling and that's what has to make you a favorite to win the tournament on February 17th in Anaheim to become the first-ever Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion!
You wrestle in the rough-and-tumble World Wrestling Council in your native Puerto Rico! Brawling is a way of life down there! It's wild to say the least!
Colon: It's great to be here in the AWA, Larry!
I am fired up for the tournament! The fans down in Puerto Rico are also fired up as well!
Fans cheered.
Nelson: That finisher of yours is positively devastating. What do you call it?
Colon: It's called a senton and it is a move that, when done right, drives the life out of your opponent!
Our style in Puerto Rico is a little different from America! Sometimes, the wrestling takes a backseat to fighting... sometimes fighting for your survival!
Nelson: I've seen some matches from the WWC, and this man is telling it like it is.
You might have an advantage over some opponents in the tournament with your brawling style.
Colon: This tournament has a good mix of wrestlers from all over the world! Lots of different styles!
The challenge is great! And I'm looking forward to testing my skills against some of the best wrestlers the world has to offer!
Nelson: Do you have a prediction for the tournament?
Colon: I'm not gonna predict or guarantee anything, Larry! That would be a foolish thing to do! There are no guarantees in this sport!
When that bell rings to start my match, I'm just gonna keep fighting and fighting and fighting!
This a chance to make history! And like 15 other men, I hope to win the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship on February 17th!
More cheers.
Nelson: Carlos Colon, everybody!
More cheers.
In-Studio - SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT NEXT WEEK'S ASW: Larry Nelson said that next week on the program, AWA promoter Verne Gagne is gonna give Badd Co. manager Dallas Page an ultimatum about returning the $50 grand he stole from Christmas night Battle Royal winner Ricky Rice of the Top Guns.
Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... FINAL WORDS!
In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd final comments from Kokina's manager Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey and Jerry Blackwell as the two big men prepare to clash in a special feature match at the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament on Feb. 17.
# Shot of Jerry Blackwell stylin' and profilin' as only he can in street clothes. He was holdiong a mic and standing in front of the AWA logo.
Blackwell: It's finally gonna happen!
Kokina Maximus! When you and me collide in that ring in Anaheim on February 17th, California's gonna be shaken by another major earthquake!
I've had it as Kokina has punished wrestlers in the ring far more than he's had to! This man likes to torture people!
Well, that stops when we meet, Kokina! You're not going to punish me! You're not gonna torture me!
If you win the match, then you will have earned the victory! I'm not someone you can just push around in the squared circle!
Kokina, you are a bully! And I hate bullies! But, there won't be any bullying on February 17th! Oh no! That's not gonna happen!
I'm a big man just like you are, Kokina! You're not throwing me around like a rag doll in that ring! This will truly be a clash of the titans!
The irresistible force is about to meet the immovable object!
We're gonna find out what you're really made of, Kokina! Are you the real deal or just a paper tiger who can only beat on guys he's much bigger than?!
It all comes down to this! Be ready, Kokina! A 'Stone Mountain' wrecking ball is about to swing in your direction on the 17th!
Pic flipped and it was Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey, Kokina and The Masked Doctor standing in front of the AWA logo. Sheik had a mic.
Kaissey: Jerry Blackwell! When you signed the contract to face Kokina on February 17th in Anaheim, you signed up for the destruction of your career!
We are bringing an extra large stretcher to the ring to carry you out of the arena after Kokina devastates you!
And there will be no mercy from Kokina! You hear me, Blackwell! Are my words clear to you, infidel?!
Look at this man! Look at the intensity on his face! You can feel the violent energy radiating from him!
And that violent energy is going to be poured out all over you Blackwell! Kokina's energy burns so hot that when poured out upon you, you will think someone is pouring scalding lava on you!
There is no stopping Kokina Maximus! It's an impossible task! He's afraid of neither man nor beast!
Jerry Blackwell, listen carefully! This is the match where Kokina cements himself as the #1 threat to the entire AWA! If there are still any scoffers out there, they won't be scoffing when Kokina crushes the legend Jerry Blackwell!
See you in Anaheim, Blackwell! I hope you have good health insurance!
In-Studio: Nelson said Blackwell-Kokina promises to quite the battle and that the match will take place during the afternoon session of the tournament which starts at 12:30pm.
Pic aired of Chris Adams with the caption: NEXT... BRITISH INVASION!
Chis Adams won a squash match via pinfall over Mike Boyette with his superkick finisher
Adams got a mixed crowd reaction coming down the heel aisle to the ring.
Nelson: Chris Adams, I think the people over there in England felt that superkick you just delivered! The sound of that kick was a loud, sickening thud to Boyette's jaw.
Adams: Before this interview goes any further I want say one thing: The USA owes England everything for its greatness.
Crowd tuned firmly against Adams.
 Adams: And this Mike Boyette fellow. Did you see him?! Did you see all that busy hair and scraggly beard. Looks like he walked out of a cave somewhere. Is his preferred type of written communication cuneiform or something? Maybe he just communicates in grunts and groans.
He has to be an American because an Englishman would never allow themselves to look so repulsive.
Boos grew.
Adams: Now, we've got this big tournament coming up for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship.
It would be wonderful if you fans going to the event could proudly wave the Union Jack and wear hats and t-shirts that are pro-England.
And the staff at the Anaheim Convention Center needs to deck out the arena in Union Jacks.
Stronger boos.
Adams: We once had the greatest empire in the world! Britain is still great and will be even greater when I return with the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship!
The booing would not stop.
Adams: This will be my shining moment wrestling on American soil! I will be crowned a king in my own right! And when I win the title, I might just have a special crown made just for me and that will be my title and I will throw the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship belt in the Thames River and let it sink to the bottom and rust!
Just think, when England's heroes are spoken of in the future, they will mention: Queen Elizabeth, Margaret Thatcher, The Beatles, Winston Churchill, Benny Hill and... 'Gentleman' Chris Adams!
Put that in the newspaper your fish and chips are wrapped in and smoke it!
Boos and a few pieces of trash rained down on the ring.
Nelson: Chris Adams, everybody! He'll be in Anaheim on the 17th! Don't miss him!
More boos as Adams walked to the corner and stood on the middle buckle and soaked in the negative crowd reax.
Pic aired of the PWHC Title with the caption: NEXT... FINAL UPDATE!
# Video intro for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update with PWI's Bill Apter.
Shot of PWI's Bill Apter in a suit with mic in hand standing in front of the PWI logo.
 Apter: Greetings, wrestling fans.
This is Bill Apter of Pro Wrestling Illustrated with the final Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update.
The historic event takes place this Saturday, February 17th, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California.
The tournament will take place over two sessions in one day. The afternoon session will feature the opening round of the tournament plus the special feature match of Jerry Blackwell battling Kokina Maximus. The afternoon session has a bell time of 12:30pm. The evening session will feature the quarter-finals, semi-finals and final of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament plus the second special feature match of the day: Stan Hansen defends the AWA World Championship against Sgt. Slaughter. And, Sgt. Slaughter has vowed that if he doesn't beat Hansen in this match and regain the AWA World Title, he will retire. Everything, and I mean everything, is on the line for Sgt. Slaughter here. The evening session has a bell time of 7:30pm.
Tickets are stiil available through Ticket Master or by calling the Anaheim Convention Center Box Office at (714) 555-1812.
One ticket gets you into both sessions.
Here is your final look at the opening round match-ups. The winner of the matches in each bracket will go on to face each other in the round of eight.


(* Non-AWA participant.)
Bracket 1
Tom Zenk vs. Mr. Saito*
Col. DeBeers vs. Perro Aguyao*
Bracket 2
Tully Blanchard* vs. Ken Patera
Wahoo McDaniel vs. Chris Adams*
Bracket 3
Carlos Colon* vs. Larry Zbyszko
Jonnie Stewart vs. Riki Choshu*
Bracket 4
Jake Milliman vs. The Iron Sheik*
Greg Valentine vs. Bruce Hart*
This is really gonna be a fantastic tournament, fans.
And let's hear from two of the competitors one final time before the tournament.
First, Jake Milliman.
Pic flipped and Milliman was standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand wearing his new 2% Forever! t-shirt.
Jake: The tournament is upon us!
I need my 'Milk-A-Maniacs' in Anaheim to be loud and stand proud for 2% milk and Jake Milliman!
With you cheering me on I'm gonna be a hard man to stop!
The 'Milk-A-Maniacs' need to show up in full force on February 17th! Let me know you're out there!
You feed off my energy and I feed off yours!
So, let's jump in a rocket ship together that's powered by 2% white milk and ride it to victory!
And if I win the title, we'll celebrate with what else....milk!
Jake struck a pseudo-bodybuilder pose.
Apter: Now, let's hear from Jonnie Stewart.
Pic flipped and Stewart was standing in street clothes with mic in hand in front of the AWA logo.
Stewart: The Wrestler of the 90's is gonna set the tone for the decade by walking out of the ring in Anaheim on February 17th as the first Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion in history.
Jonnie Stewart's gonna be remembered forever in the history books for this magnificent accomplishment.
There are 16 men in this tournament. And you can go ahead and forget the names of the other 15 because I'm the only one you'll need to remember.
And I promise you people that I will be a champion that never runs from a challenge and I will fight with honor and integrity or my name isn't Jonnie Stewart.
And I don't want you fans who recognize me in when I'm in Anaheim to come up to me and ask for an autograph because you won't be getting one.
For the 15 other wrestlers in the tournament: Step aside boys, a real man, the Wrestler of the 90's, is coming through to claim what's rightfully his.
Pic flipped back to Bill Apter.
Apter: Fans, the excitement is building! We are now just days away from this historic pro wrestling event going down.
The last few months of build-up come to a climax on February 17th at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California.
It's the tournament to decide the first-ever Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion. PLUS! Kokina Maximus finally clashes with Jerry Blackwell in a battle of the big men! That special feature match will take place during the afternoon session which has a bell time of 12:30pm
And, during the evening session, which features the quarter-finals, semi-finals and final of the tournament, the other special feature match has Stan Hansen defending the AWA World Title against Sgt. Slaughter in their re-match from Christmas night at Brawl In St. Paul 2. If Sgt. Slaughter fails to regain the AWA World Title, he has vowed to retire from the sport. The evening session has a bell time of 7:30pm.
Tickets are still available through Ticket Master or by calling the Anaheim Convention Center Box Office at (714) 555-1812.
And Anaheim is a great place to visit in the winter. There's lots to do in Anaheim. From the great beaches to Disneyland and everything in between, fun abounds in Anaheim. Also, Anaheim has great restaurants and plenty of fine hotel accommodations for your stay.
Well, that's it. The tournament is finally upon us.
I'm Bill Apter. Hope to see you there.
Pic aired of Col. DeBeers with the caption: NEXT... COMBAT READY!

Commercials/Promos for AWA house show cities/Generic promos for now-house show cities
Col. DeBeers won a squash match via pinfall over Terry Daniels with his face-first piledriver finisher
DeBeers came down  the heel aisle to the ring to loud boos,
DeBeers dominated the match and toyed with Daniels, though Daniels got minimal offense in, before putting Daniels away.
DeBeers walked across Daniels' gut after the match in a show of disrespect.
Nelson: Col. DeBeers, you're looking strong heading into the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament on February 17th in Anaheim.
In one of the more interesting brackets in the tournament, if you win your opening round match you could be facing Tom Zenk in the round of eight.
DeBeers: In the first round I'm facing Mexican wrestling legend Perro Aguyao. I hope that Tom Zenk wins his opening match because, when I dispatch of the wildman Aguyao I want to face Tom Zenk again.
Nelson: Really? After what happened in the coal miner's glove match between you and Zenk on Christmas night? I would have thought you'd want to face anyone but Zenk.
Some cheers from the crowd.
DeBeers: Let me be perfectly clear with everyone. Tom Zenk's win in the the coal miner's glove match was a fluke.
Crowd boos.
Nelson: A fluke?
DeBeers: That's right. Anyone who saw that match knows I dominated Zenk. I let my guard down for a second and he scores the biggest upset in wrestling history.
More boos as Nelson shook his head in disbelief.
DeBeers: Tom Zenk is a man who represents everything wrong with America. He upholds decadence and filth. And so do these people in this crowd tonight.
Boos got louder. USA! USA! chants. DeBeers looked around at the crowd.
DeBeers: By chanting 'USA!', you people are proving my point. You love the debauchery this country stands for. You would not be welcome in the great nation of South Africa.
I'm hoping... I'm praying for one more match with Zenk. Because I will get my revenge. It would make my night on the 17th, more than winning the championship itself, to put Zenk down like the sick puppy he really is at heart.
You won't catch me off-guard this time, Zenk. There will be no surprises coming from you. I am a determined man. And through an iron will I will take Zenk down and advance in the tournament.
DeBeers twirled his 'stache as the fans booed even more.
Nelson: Col. DeBeers, everybody! He's gunning for Tom Zenk and the new Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship on the 17th!
Pic aired of the AWA World Title belt with the caption: NEXT... CONTRACT SIGNING!!!
# Video opened with a shot of Larry Nelson standing at a speaker's podium in the middle of a long table that had been set up in the middle of the ring at the Showboat Sports Pavilion.
The arena was empty.
Nelson: Welcome to the contract signing for the AWA World Heavyweight Championship match taking place on Saturday, February 17th, at the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament at the Anaheim Convention Center.
I'm Larry Nelson.
Let me first introduce the participants in this contract signing.
First, he is the lawyer who will oversee the contract signing, Gustav B. Schirach III.
Schirach came down the face aisle in an expensive lawyer suit and sunglasses and carrying a multi-page document. Schirach stepped into the ring and shook hands with Larry Nelson and then Schirach took a seat towards the end of the table.
Nelson: Now, AWA President Stanley Blackburn.
Blackburn came down the face aisle and was also wearing a suit. Blackburn climbed into the ring and shook hands with the other two already in the squared circle. Blackburn sat down next to Schirach.
Nelson: Next, AWA promoter Verne Gagne will come to the ring.
Verne, also in a suit, made his way down the face aisle and climbed in the ring and, like the others, shook hands with the other men and took his seat towards the end of the other side of the table..
Nelson: Now, I will introduce the two participants in the match.
Introducing first, the challenger. He is Sgt. Slaughter.
Sarge came down the face aisle to the ring in his ring gear and DI hat.
Sarge climbed in the ring and shook hands with everyone and took his seat at the table next to the podium and removed his DI hat and placed it in front of him on the table.
Nelson: Finally, he is the reigning AWA World Heavyweight Champion, Stan Hansen.
Hansen was making his usual boorish, gutteral noises as he walked to the ring. Hansen was in street clothes, cowboy boots, cowboy hat, carrying the World Title in one hand and a bottle of beer in the other.
Hansen stepped in the ring and made a public declaration.
Stan: I'm not shakin' hands with any of you rattlesnakes!
Hansen took his seat next to Verne on the other side of the podium opposite Sarge.
Hansen put his belt and beer on the table.
Nelson: And now, Verne Gagne will speak.
Nelson stepped back as Gagne got up and walked to the podium.
Verne: Thank you, Larry.
We are here today for the official contract signing between World Champion Stan Hansen and challenger Sgt. Slaughter.
The match will take place Saturday, February 17th in Anaheim, California as a special feature match during the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament.
There is a stipulation that has been added to this match. Let me be clear, the AWA did not want to include this  stipulation. But the challenger, Sgt. Slaughter, demanded it so, with much hesitation and discussion, we agreed to Sarge's stipulation request.
Quick shot of Hansen taking a swig of his beer.
Verne: The stipulation is: If Sgt. Slaughter does not beat Stan Hansen and regain the AWA World Title on February 17th, he must retire from wrestling.
This is not a position we in the AWA like to be in. But we were stuck between a rock and  a hard place.
There is really nothing left to say. Sgt. Slaughter's career is on the line. And we'll just have to see what happens in Anaheim on the 17th.
Thank you.
Verne sat back down and Nelson approached the podium.
Nelson: That was AWA promoter Verne Gagne.
And now, we will have the official contract signing.
Gustav, you have the contract.
Gustav handed the contract and a pen to Larry Nelson and Nelson placed it on the podium.
Nelson: Would Sgt. Slaughter please step to the podium and sign the contract.
Sarge stood up and walked to the podium He briefly looked over the contract, flipped to the back page and signed the contract. Sarge then sat back down in his seat.
Nelson: Stan Hansen will be the next to sign.
Hansen got up, walked to the podium, didn't even bother to quickly go over it, and signed the contract and walked back and sat in his seat.
Nelson: President Stanley Blackburn, please sign as a witness.
Blackburn up and walked to the podium and signed the contract. Blackburn then walked back to his seat and sat down.
Nelson: I will be signing as the second witness.
Nelson signed the contract.
Nelson then handed the contract to Schirach, who briefly looked over the signatures and nodded in approval.
Nelson held up the contract.
Nelson: It is official! Stan Hansen will defend the AWA World Title against Sgt. Slaughter on February 17th in Anaheim, California.
If Sgt. Slaughter does not beat Stan Hansen and regain the AWA World Title in the match, he MUST retire from wrestling!
And now, we'll hear from the two combatants in the match.
First, the challenger Sgt. Slaughter.
Sarge up and stepped to the podium.
Another quick shot of Hansen taking a drink of beer.
Sarge: You go ahead and keep drinking that beer, Hansen! You might need lots of brewskis after our match on February 17th to mellow you out!
People ask me why I'm putting my career on the line in this match!
The answer is simple: If I cannot beat Stan Hansen and regain a belt I should have never lost on Christmas night, then I don't deserve to be a professional wrestler anymore!
Hansen! You're attack on me at Brawl In St. Paul 2 before our match that evening tilted the match, when we had it later in the night, heavily in your favor!
People told me not to go out there and wrestle you after you bloodied me during your Pearl Harbor* job! Verne Gagne told me that because of what happened that I didn't need to go back out there and defend the World Title! He said I would not be stripped of the belt because of your attack on me! I could defend the belt against you another day!
But, those people in the St. Paul Civic Center Christmas night paid to see us clash over the World Title! I owed it to those fans who supported me in the arena to defend the belt! If I could walk, I was going out to that ring! I promised the people I was going to be a fighting champion! And sometimes champions have to fight through great adversity!
I fought with honor and integrity!
You won the belt, Hansen! But look what it took you to do it!
You beat me this time... my career is over! It's dead and buried! Gone with the wind!
But, I know the people will be backing me in the Anaheim Convention Center that night! I cherish their support! It motivates me to do better! Their support makes me fight harder and fight through the pain and tough times!
The fans are the engine that drives the Slaughter tank!
An army is coming to Anaheim on February 17th, Hansen! And we're coming for you! You better be prepared!
Sarge sat back down next to the podium. Nelson back to the podium.
Nelson: We will now hear from the World Champion Stan Hansen.
Hansen stood up and placed the AWA World Title on the podium. He then took another swig from the beer bottle and placed that on the podium as well.
Hansen (unusually calm): As you people well know, I am a man of very few words.
Larry Nelson rolled his eyes in the background.
Hansen (still calm): Sgt. Slaughter, I sincerely want to say one thing to you. Enjoy your retirement. Enjoying going RV-ing around the country and wishing you were still in this great sport of ours.
The good news is you'll still be able to buy a ticket to the arena to watch wrestling. You won't be able to participate in it anymore. But you can always watch and wish you had not put your career on the line against me.
Sarge: Don't get cocky, Hansen.
Hansen (calm): Cocky? Me? No, sir. No, sir.
Sarge looked down to write a note and then...
Hansen smashed the beer bottle over Sarge's head. Sarge fell out of his chair to the floor.
Verne quickly stood up.
Verne: Jesus Christ! What the hell is the matter with you!
Hansen: You're done, Sarge! Your career ends on February 17th! And ol' Stan Hansen will be the man who finishes you!
Verne: Get out of here!
Hansen grabbed the title belt.
Hansen: You owe me for that beer, Verne!
Verne: Go! Just (bleeped) go!
Hansen left the ring and headed back up the heel aisle and disappeared to the back.
Sarge, now a bloody mess, was sitting up in the ring being checked on by the others. Sarge made it to his feet under his own power.
Sarge angrily stepped to the podium and grabbed the mic out of its stand.
Sarge: Stan Hansen! You have set in motion something that can now not be stopped!
I'm coming to Anaheim on the 17th and now this match is about more than just  a title and a career!
It's about vengeance! I'm gunning for you, Hansen!
I will crawl over rusty nails and broken glass if I have to to make it to the ring!
When I get my hands on you... I will not be responsible for what I do!
You're gonna reap the whirlwind of what you just did to me, Hansen!
And if I'm gonna be finished in Anaheim, I promise you this - I will drag you into the abyss with me, Hansen!
See you on the 17th, you bastard!
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Kings Crown with Faux Fur - 15598 - Medieval Collectibles



Saturday - February 17

Anaheim Convention Center

Anaheim Convention Center, | Anaheim convention center, Googie, Anaheim

Anaheim, California

Tickets still available through Ticket Master or calling the Anaheim Convention Center Box Office at (714) 555-1812.

One ticket gets you into both sessions!

Afternoon Session Bell Time: 12:30pm

(Special Afternoon Session Feature Match: Jerry Blackwell vs. Kokina Maximus)

Evening Session Bell Time: 7:30pm

(Special Evening Session Feature Match: Stan Hansen defends the AWA World Title against Sgt. Slaughter. If Slaughter cannot regain the title he MUST retire!)

Tickets range in price from $45.00 ringside to $15.00 reserved



I also have a non-wrestling BTB/diary about the California Angels' 1979 season  using the Strat-O-Matic baseball board game for game results

'79 Angels: https://wrestlingsmarks.com/threads/1979-california-angels.217190/

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The hour of decision had come...
Larry Zbyszko was pacing in his den and waiting for the phone to ring. It seemed like an eternity.
Finally, after about an hour of anxious waiting, the phone rang.
Larry Zbyszko was about to make the biggest decision of this career.
Zbyszko picked up after the third ring.
Zbyszko: Hello.
The booming, upbeat voice was unmistakable.
Vince: Larry, this is Vince McMahon. How are you?
Zbyszko: I'm fine. How about you?
Vince: Can't complain.
Well, it's been two days. I hope you have an answer for me.
Zbyszko: I do.
Long pause.
Zbyszko: I've decided to take your offer and return to the WWF.
Vince let out his trademark hearty laugh.
Vince: That's great news! I've already got some big plans for you on the drawing board, my friend!
Zbyszko: Sounds great, Vince. But there's something I wanted to talk to you about.
Vince: OK.
Zbyszko: My wife Kathy is on board with my decision. It wasn't an easy decision for us and if I was seven to 10 years younger, I might have tried to stick it out here in the AWA to see what the new management team brings to the table.
But, as things stand right now, I'm not 10 years younger and the risk is still very high for the new owners. I'd put their chances of succeeding right now at 50/50 at best.
You're the best established game in town and that's why I'm going with the WWF.
Vince (speaking in a conciliatory voice): I know it could not have been an easy decision for you and your wife. But, I truly believe you're making the right move career-wise. You will succeed here just like you did the first time around and with much better pay.
Zbyszko: Kathy and I also agreed that I need to tell Verne about my decision.
Vince: No problem. Let him know and finish up your dates there. We aren't going to need you until April as things stand right now.
Zbyszko: I'm glad you understand.
You said you already had some plans for me?
Vince: I do. This stays between you and me
We'd have you come in in April and cut vignettes to introduce, or in some cases re-introduce you, to our fans. As you know, we do things a little differently here in the WWF.
Zbyszko: I know. I've seen some WWF TV over the years and keep in contact with some of the boys working there.
Vince: Well, we'll tape the vignettes to hype your arrival. I've noticed that you've done a martial arts gimmick in the past. I saw the angle with Nick Bockwinkel where you attacked him with your nunchuks and struck Greg Gagne with them as well. I want to bring that martial arts gimmick here complete with the nunchuks.
After we finish filming the videos of you to air on WWF programming, we'll send you out on the road to the houses. You, of course, will wrestle squash matches until you're ready to start appearing on TV.
You'll do squashes and promos on TV. We'll also have you in a match at Summer Slam '90 in Philadelphia just a couple of months after you start. That match will most likely be against a wrestler like Jimmy Snuka ot Koko B. Ware and they will put you over.
Then, in the fall, we'll put you in your first major angle.
You'll have a war of words with Jake Roberts. After a few weeks of verbiage, you will violently attack Jake with the nunchucks and Jake will be stretchered out. Your first major pay-per-view match will be at Survivor Series where you will captain one team and Jake will captain the other. Your second major pay-per-view match will be as a participant in the Royal Rumble. Jake will be in it, too, to further the program. You two will then have a blow-off match at Wrestlemania in Los Angeles.
At the house shows, you'll be facing Roberts in matches that have no clean finish. We will then move to a stipulation match at the house re-matches. I haven't decided on the stipulation match. It might be a stretcher match or a nunchuks on a pole match. Jake's snake might also be involved in the stipulation.
Zbyszko: This is really laid out. Have to admit that I like it.
Vince: I'm excited about your return, Larry. I can't wait to see you back in WWF rings.
Now, go take care of that business with Verne and let's start the ball rolling on your WWF comeback.
How you feeling right now?
Zbyszko: It's mixed emotions. I'm excited to be starting this new chapter in my career. But, I'm also sad to be leaving the AWA.
Vince: Totally understandable. Change is never easy. But you'll fit right in here and you can rest easy knowing that the WWF is not going anywhere.
Zbyszko: Thank you, Vince.
Vince: Welcome home, Larry.
Talk with you soon and we'll start putting everything together.
Zbyszko: Sounds good.
Vince: Bye for now.
Zbyszko: Goodbye.
Zbyszko hung up the phone. He breathed a sigh of relief because the decision, one way or the other, had been made.
Now, he had to tell his father-in-law that he was leaving to work for Vince.
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19 hours ago, sonny912 said:

Ohohoho, if his own son in law Larry leaving ain't enough to convince Verne to sell then he must be delusional.

Larry Zbyszko stars in: My Dinner With Verne! Next post from me.

My Dinner With Verne is a spoof of a spoof gleaned from this all-time classic:

My Breakfast With Blassie starring Freddie Blassie and Andy Kaufman!


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Final chance to make your predictions for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament!

(Bracket match winners will face each other in the round of 8.)
Bracket 1
Tom Zenk vs. Mr. Saito
Col. DeBeers vs. Perro Aguyao
Bracket 2
Tully Blanchard vs. Ken Patera
Wahoo McDaniel vs. Chris Adams
Bracket 3
Carlos Colon vs. Larry Zbyszko
Jonnie Stewart vs. Riki Choshu
Bracket 4
Jake Milliman vs. The Iron Sheik
Greg Valentine vs. Bruce Hart
Special Feature Match: Kokina Maximus vs. Jerry Blackwell
(Previous Storyline Post: Larry Zbyszko's decision.)
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(Previous Storyline Post: Larry Zbyszko's decision.)
Verne Gagne and wife Mary had been invited to Larry and wife Kathy's home for a nice dinner.
The four dined on a delicious dinner cooked by Kathy.
A nice green salad with choice of dressings followed by a pot roast with all the trimmings. For dessert... cherry cheesecake.
After dinner, the group made pleasant conversation.
But there was more to this dinner. Much more.
After dinner, Kathy and Mary stayed at the table and continued talking and Verne and Larry went into the den to talk.
Verne: What did you need to talk to me about, Larry?
Larry: This isn't easy to say but I need to just come right out with it.
I'm leaving the AWA.
Verne was taken aback and left speechless for a moment.
Verne: Well, where are you going?
Larry: Vince McMahon contacted me a few days ago about returning to the WWF.
Verne: And you accepted his offer.
Larry: I did.
This was not an easy decision, Verne. I've loved working for the AWA over the years. But, this was about financial security for Kathy, myself and the family we want to have.
Verne: So, when do you leave for New York?
Larry: In the spring. Vince was on board with me telling you about my plans.
Verne: So, you're here until...
Larry: April. Early April.
Verne: Is there anything I can do to make you stay?
Larry: I wish I could say there was. But the AWA is a risk right now even with new owners coming in.
The WWF provides a sure thing for Kathy and me. It's a stability thing. If I knew the AWA was on a serious upswing, I never would even have considered Vince's offer. But there's just too much up in the air here right now and I'm not getting any younger. This is probably my last chance to make serious money.
Verne: I'm sure ol' Vince promised you the world. But I'm sure he promised a guy like Dick Slater the world, too. And look how that turned out for Dick.
Larry: Just talking to Vince, I feel he was being completely on the level with me.
Verne sighed.
Verne: I certainly could not match Vince in the pay department right now. But, business can always boom again here.
Larry: I hope it does. Having competition from multiple promotions is a good thing. It forces promotions to stay on their toes or possibly go under if they get complacent.
Verne: What if I put the World Title back on you? I could give you a long run with the belt.
Larry: That sounds nice. But titles don't necessarily pay the bills.
Verne: Does my daughter Kathy know about this?
Larry: Yes. We've talked about it quite a bit. She doesn't want to go. But she understands this is business at the end of the day.
Verne sighed again.
Verne: I'll have to tell Mary.
Larry: Kathy's talking  to her about it right now.
Verne: I see.
Well, since you've given me notice, you'll have to put over The Trooper on the way out the door.
Also, I had not made up my mind yet, but you can't win the tournament.
Larry: I understand. No hard feelings, dad?
Verne: No hard feelings, son. You've been a good, loyal employee over the years and I thank you for your service to the promotion.
Larry: I'm glad you understand. I've been nervous about telling you all day.
Verne: You're family now. We may have our squabbles from time-to-time. But, in the end we're there for each other and we'll still have that bond even with you in New York.
Larry: We certainly will.
Verne: If you change your mind just know there's always a place for you here in the AWA. The door is always open for a return if you wish to come back.
Larry: If it doesn't work out in New York I hope the new owners here will welcome me back.
Verne: Wouldn't worry about that. Remember, they're supposed to keep me on as a consultant. I'll make sure you can return if you wish.
Larry: Nice to know that. Gives me piece of mind.
Verne: It feels like the end of an era.
I just have one more question.
Larry: Shoot.
Verne: Do you know if Vince is talking to any of our other guys?
Larry: Fair question in this business. But I haven't heard anything about Vince talking to others here about coming over to the WWF.
Verne stood up and Larry followed suit.
Verne: You've been great for Kathy. It's hard for me. But I understand your decision and thank you for being man enough to tell me to my face.
Larry: There was no way I was just gonna leave you, dad. I knew you had to know.
Verne: Thank you, Larry.
The two men hugged and left the room together.
The pair re-joined the ladies at the dinner table. Mary and Kathy had both been crying while discussing the matter.
The four talked a little about the situation and then made small talk over coffee before Verne and Mary left for the evening.
On the drive home, Verne and Mary were quiet and it was clear both were in deep thought.
And something finally... finally...clicked in Verne's mind.
With his limited financial resources, if the WWF and NWA started coming after his wrestlers there would be nothing he could do to stop the hemorrhaging. If the AWA's key players all left, Verne would be sunk like the Titanic.
You can't build a promotion around someone like Tom Zenk or Jake Milliman.
Verne had three weeks left to decide: Let the sale go through and let Triumph Media Sports* group take over. Or, trigger the opt-out clause and pray that he can hold things together on his own and desperately try to hold on to key grapplers moving forward with his last ditch plans to turn things around on his own.
The pendulum was swinging. The question was: Which way would it swing in the end?
(NEXT STORYLINE POST: Article on Jake Milliman.)
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Nice episode. not sure ol' Verne will let the sale go through, but, you would think maybe he might see things are not going his way, and time to sell the company. Plus really want to see how the new owners (if they get to take over) will do with AWA. Nice leadup , I appreciate it. Can't wait to see more, of course.

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On 6/23/2023 at 5:26 PM, DHK1989 said:

If this doesn't convince Verne to keep on with the sale, nothing will.

Just remember this. Sometimes 'stubborn' equals 'stupid'. And Verne is stubborn.

On 6/23/2023 at 7:09 PM, TC Dale said:

Nice episode. not sure ol' Verne will let the sale go through, but, you would think maybe he might see things are not going his way, and time to sell the company. Plus really want to see how the new owners (if they get to take over) will do with AWA. Nice leadup , I appreciate it. Can't wait to see more, of course.

The good news is, after first posting this thread four years ago, we are finally about to have a conclusion. Well, if Verne keeps the AWA maybe that's not good news. 😛

Thanks for the kind words of support.

Both DHK and TC Dale, thanks for the comments.

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(PREVIOUS STORYLINE POST: Larry tells Verne he's leaving the AWA.)
Bill Apter LIVE Fan Q & A with Hannibal - YouTube
By Bill Apter
Award Winning Wrestling Journalist
The AWA's Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament is now upon us.
16 wrestlers, several from around the world, will be competing for this new, coveted title.
And the line-up of wrestlers in the tournament is impressive.
Wrestlers in the tournament: Riki Choshu, Chris Adams, Tully Blanchard, Bruce Hart, Carlos Colon, Mr. Saito, The Iron Sheik and Perro Aguayo are the non-AWA participants.
The AWA participants: Greg Valentine, Wahoo McDaniel, Tom Zenk, Col. DeBeers, Ken Patera, Jonnie Stewart, Jake Milliman and Larry Zbyszko.
The winner of this tournament is gonna have to win four matches in one day to claim the new title.
But, there's one wrestler who stands out in this tournament for me.
That wrestler is Jake Milliman.
Milliman is a journeyman wrestler from the Dairy State of Wisconsin. He stands only 5 feet 6 inches tall. He's built low to the ground with a sturdy, unspectacular physique and is a feisty, scrappy wrestler who can give virtually any wrestler a battle inside the ropes. Jake's been a guy who, throughout his career, has fought hard but often comes out on the losing end. But lately, he's been on a roll.
It's great to see a guy like Milliman finally having regular ring success and getting his well-deserved due. Once he adopted a gimmick similar to the WWF's top star Hulk Hogan, he started winning. He even uses Hogan's flying leg drop finisher to put his ring foes down for the count. We're seeing the rise of 'Milk-A-Mania' in the AWA and the fans have taken to him even more than before. Always a beloved figure for his tenacity in the squared circle, Jake seems to have struck gold recently with the new gimmick and change in attitude.
I have to admit that even I bought the new '2% Forever' t-shirt that the AWA sells for Milliman.
He's a hero to the working class set because of his hard-working ethic. Jake is a guy who doesn't pout; doesn't make excuses and just looks to go out there and fight as hard as he can and, hopefully, pull out the occasional win.
His 2 percent milk diet is something else that seems to have invigorated him.
I've been to some shows in other promotions and have seen wrestlers drinking milk backstage before their match. The wrestling world is paying attention to Jake!
Jake is the longest of long-shots to win the tournament. His first match in the tournament is against former WWF World Champion and Olympic wrestler from Iran, the dreaded Iron Sheik.
If you talk to wrestling experts, they give Jake virtually no chance to beat the Sheik. They believe the Sheik will overwhelm Jake with his smooth amateur wrestling moves, power wrestling and, of course, his finisher the Camel Clutch.
Even I have to admit that if the Sheik locks Milliman in the camel clutch that it's going to be all over for the 'Milkman'.
But this is a tournament and anything can happen. Just look at college basketball's March Madness. The only thing you can expect in this tournament, like March Madness, is the unexpected.
If Milliman stays out of the camel clutch and withstands the Sheik's withering assault... I believe he can pull off the huge upset.
If Milliman can defeat a former WWF World Champion and amateur Olympian, who's to say he won't march to the final and grab the brass ring known as the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship?
All 16 of the men in the tournament have a shot to win it all. It won't be easy for any of them to reach the mountain top.
Jake Milliman is one of those 16 men and he defeated a former NWA World Champion in Tommy Rich in his qualifying match to get here.
Fans are turning into true believers of a man who was, until recently, known primarily as an under-card guy who sometimes won but usually lost; especially to the bigger stars in the promotion. That appears to be changing.
If Jake Milliman defeats the Iron Sheik then you have to believe that the sky's the limit for him.
The people are becoming  believers in 'Milk-A-Mania' and are thinking Jake is headed for bigger and better things.
I'm proud to say I'm one of the believers in Jake. And while he still has his detractors their numbers are growing smaller with each passing Milliman match.
Jake Milliman takes nothing for granted. He's a realist. But he knows if he fights the way he's capable of he can beat the Iron Sheik and possibly win the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship.
Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Jake Milliman. I like the sound of that and am hoping it happens on February 17 in Anaheim, California. It would be a victory for us little guys and a victory for those who work many hours at often non-glamorous, thankless jobs.
So, let's see 'Milk-A-Mania' run wild. The fans will be 100 percent behind Jake Milliman. He's the scrappy wrestler that could.
Fans, in Anaheim be loud and be proud to support a wrestler who is the sport's newest rising working class hero.
2% Forever!
(NEXT STORYLINE POST: Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Round of 16 and Kokina Maximus vs. Jerry Blackwell.)
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