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AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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(PREVIOUS STORYLINE POST: Jake Milliman article.)
(NOTE: All matches in the first round of the tournament will be re-caps. The Blackwell-Kokina match will be laid out from start to finish.)
AFTERNOON SESSION DARK MATCHES (Not taped for the VHS home video.)
Greg Gagne def. Akio Sato via pinfall with a flying crossbody
Cactus Jack (w/o Tommy Rich) def. Tommy Jammer via pinfall with a double underhook DDT
Ring announcer Larry Nelson welcomed the fans to the tournament. Relatively small crowd for the afternoon session.
Your announcers for the event are Lee Marshall and Lord James Blears.
The national anthem was tastefully sung by Roseanne Barr...
Roseanne Barr National Anthem: https://youtu.be/ls1YVhcLD2c
(Winners of each of the bracket matches will face each other in the round of 8.)
ROUND OF 16 (All matches have a 20-minute time-limit.)
Tom Zenk vs. Mr. Saito
Saito came to the ring down the heel aisle and was strongly booed by long-time AWA fans who remembered him.
Zenk came to the ring down the face aisle to a decent ovation and slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring.
Before the match, Saito did his Japanese ceremonial thing where he throws salt in the air.
Ref called for the bell.
There was a feeling out period between these two before the match got going. Saito dominated with amateur-style wrestling moves before Zenk was able to make a comeback. Match turned into a see-saw affair and then Saito gained the advantage once more but could not put Zenk away.
End of the match saw Saito working over Zenk. Saito blasted Zenk three stiff German suplexes. Saito for the cover. 1...2...thr... Zenk kicked out. Crowd cheered. Zenk down holding the back of his neck. Saito snapped Zenk up and slammed Zenk's head into the top buckle. Zenk spun around and Saito whipped Zenk into the opposite buckles. Saito charged in on Zenk but Zenk moved and Saito slammed front-first into the buckles. Zenk briefly shook out the effects of three German suplexes. Saito separated himself from the buckles, turned and walked into a punch barrage from Zenk. Zenk whipped Saito into the ropes and caught Saito coming off with a dropkick. Saito crashed to the mat. Zenk briefly grabbed the back of his neck, which is where he landed courtesy of the German suplexes. Saito to his feet and Zenk charged at Saito and caught Saito with a flying crossbody for the pin. 1...2...thr... Saito kicked out Crowd groaned. Both men up and Saito caught Zenk with a kick to the gut followed by a side headlock and a trio of open hand jabs into Zenk's throat out of the view of the ref. Saito grabbed Zenk around the waist and prepared to blast Zenk with another German suplex but Zenk caught Saito with elbow strikes to the side of the head to escape the hold. Zenk grabbed the stunned Saito from behind, ran Saito into the ropes and rolled up Saito for the pin. 1...2.. Saito reached up and grabbed a handful of Zenk's tights and reversed the pin try. Ref counted. 1... Saito held onto Zenk's tights. ...2...three. Zenk kicked Saito off. Crowd into it. Both men to their feet and Zenk looked to catch Saito with a double sledge but Saito caught Zenk with a series of kicks to the gut. Saito went to whip Zenk into the ropes but Zenk reversed and caught Saito coming off with a dropkick. Saito crashed back down to the mat and rolled out on the apron. Zenk went to go after Saito but the ref intercepted Zenk and ordered him back. Saito to his feet on the apron facing the crowd. Zenk went to go after Saito again but the ref intercepted him again and Zenk and the ref exchanged words. While Zenk and the ref were distracted with one another, out on the apron, Saito brandished a handful of Japanese throwing salt. Saito slowly climbed back into the ring with the salt hidden in his hand down by his side. Zenk broke away from the ref to go after Saito when Saito went to throw the salt in Zenk's face but Zenk blocked the salt throw and nailed Saito with a couple of head shots and the salt spilled harmlessly to the mat as the crowd popped. Zenk whipped Saito into the ropes and caught Saito coming off with a nasty clothesline. Saito slammed to the mat. Zenk went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Saito made it to his feet. Saito up and turned and Zenk came off with his missle dropkick finisher. Crowd popped as Saito crashed to the mat. Zenk for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Crowd popped pretty big-time for Zenk.
And ecstatic Zenk got to his feet the ref raised his hand in victory.
WINNER: Zenk - Pinfall - 12:32
Col. DeBeers vs. Perro Aguyao
Aguyao came to the ring down the face aisle to pretty strong cheers from the Hispanic fans in attendance. Most fans had no real response because they did not know much about him.
DeBeers came down the heel aisle to loud boos  but also had about 10-15% of the crowd behind him.
DeBeers tried to jump Aguyao from behind to start the match but Aguyao thwarted the Pearl Harbor job and pummeled DeBeers with punches. Aguyao then whipped DeBeers into the ropes and caught DeBeers coming off with a high backdrop. DeBeers crashed to the mat. DeBeers up near the ropes and Aguyao charged in and hit DeBeers with a flying dropkick that sent DeBeers tumbling back through the top and middle rope down to the floor. Crowd quickly getting into Aguyao. Aguyao left the ring for the floor and battered DeBeers and then went to whip DeBeers into the ring post but DeBeers reversed and sent Aguyao slamming head-first into the post. Aguyao went down and came up bleeding. Ref counting. Fighting continued a little longer on the floor with DeBeers in charge before DeBeers threw Aguyao back into the ring, DeBeers dominated the next couple of minutes and went for his face-first piledriver finisher but Aguyao twice blocked the move and backdropped DeBeers to the mat, The match turned into a brief see-saw affair. DeBeers quickly regained the advantage and worked Perro over and whipped Perro into the ropes and looked to catch Perro coming off with a backdrop but Perro instead kicked DeBeers in the chest, DeBeers shot up and stumbled back and Perro caught DeBeers with a boot to the face. DeBeers crashed to the mat, rolled out of the ring and crashed to the floor as most of the crowd popped. Aguyao left the ring for the floor. This time, Aguyao held serve on the floor and punished DeBeers, twice rolling in and out of the ring to break the 10-count. Aguyao threw DeBeers back into the ring and followed him in. DeBeers to his knees and begged off as he backed himself in the corner. Aguyao stunned DeBeers with more head shots and then reached down to pull DeBeers to his feet when DeBeers caught Aguyao with an eye poke and then pulled Aguyao's legs out from under him for the pin try. 1... DeBeers placed his feet on the middle rope. ...2...thr... Aguyao got a shoulder up. DeBeers removed his feet just before the ref looked over. DeBeers went for the pin again. 1... DeBeers again placed his feet on the middle rope for illegal leverage. ...2...thr... Ref looked over and saw DeBeers' feet on the ropes and ordered a break. DeBeers took his feet off the middle rope and Aguyao immediately rolled DeBeers up in a small package for the pin. 1...2..thr... DeBeers kicked out. Fans groaned except for the 10-15% pro-DeBeers crowd; they cheered DeBeers. Both men up and DeBeers caught Aguyao with a kick to the gut followed by some punches. DeBeers grabbed Aguyao and DeBeers placed his foot on the top buckle to slam Aguyao's head into it but Aguyao stiffened up and twice blocked the move, caught DeBeers in the side of the ribs with a couple of elbows. DeBeers lost his grip on the hold and Aguyao placed his foot on the top buckle and slammed DeBeers' head into his boot. DeBeers staggered away stunned as Aguyao followed him. DeBeers turned and was met with a kick to the gut that doubled over DeBeers and then Aguyao blasted DeBeers with a knee lift that sent DeBeers crashing to the mat. Fans cheered. Aguyao went out on the apron and mounted the top rope as DeBeers got to his feet. DeBeers up and Aguyao came off the top rope and went to hit DeBeers with a flying clothesline from the top rope but DeBeers fell out of the way and Aguyao crashed to the mat. Crowd buzzing. Both men down.
Ref counting.The two men made it to their knees and engaged in a punch exchange as they rose to their feet. Aguyao gained the advantage and went to whip DeBeers into the ropes but DeBeers reversed and caught Aguyao coming off with a knee to the gut. Aguyao crashed to the mat. DeBeers stomped the downed Aguyao and then snapped up the Mexican legend and nailed him with a doubled underhook suplex. DeBeers then hit Aguyao with a fist drop to the head and went for the pin. 1...2.. Aguyao kicked out. Most of the crowd popped. DeBeers snpped up Aguyao and went to hit Aguyao with a standard suplex but Aguyao twice blocked the move and nailed DeBeers with a suplex of his own, Both men down. Ref counting. Both men to their feet and DeBeers walked into another boot to the face from Aguyao. DeBeers crashed to the mat. Aguyao quickly re-gathered himself, snapped DeBeers up and blasted DeBeers with a piledriver. Crowd popped thinking this was it. Aguyao for the cover. 1...2...thr... DeBeers got his foot on the bottom rope. Ref patted Aguyao on the back. Aguyao got up thinking he'd won and started walking aroundwith his fists raised in victory. Ref came over and yanked Aguyao's hand down and waved off the pin. Aguyao had words with the ref. DeBeers rolled out of the ring and dropped to his feet on the floor and was holding the back of his neck. Aguyao went to go after DeBeers but the ref intercepted him and ordered him to stand back. Aguyao had words with the ref. While that was going on, DeBeers reached into the ring and pulled Aguyao's feet out from under him and Aguyao crashed to the mat. Time-limit getting close. DeBeers climbed back into the ring and stomped Aguyao. DeBeers briefly grabbd the back of his neck. Aguyao to his knees and DeBeers reached down to pull him to his feet and Aguyao caught DeBeers with a series of gut punches as he got to his feet. Aguyao hit DeBeers with a series of head shots and then DeBeers stunned Aguyao with a punch, pulled Aguyao's legs out from under him and went for the pin. 1... Aguyao got his foot out under the bottom rope. ...2...3! Ref called for the bell as several fans went ballistic. Some trash tossed at the ring. DeBeers to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory. DeBeers didn't stick around and quickly left the ring for the floor, looked out at the largely pissed crowd before disappearing back up the heel aisle.
Aguyao argued with the ref and gestured his foot was under the bottom rope but the ref pointed at his own eyes signaling and shook his head 'No' that he didn't see the foot..
Some in the crowd chanted: Bullshit!    
Aguyao threw his arms in the air in victorious defiance before leaving the ring.
WINNER: DeBeers - Pinfall - 16:25
ROUND OF 8 MATCH-UP: Col. DeBeers vs. Tom Zenk
Tully Blanchard vs. Ken Patera
Patera came to the ring down the face aisle to a decent ovation.
Blacnhard came down the heel aisle to pretty strong boos but also had his fans, many of whom were making the four fingers sign.
Tully climbed in the ring and walked around for a moment and then, out of nowhere, threw up the four fingers with both hands and most of the fans popped big-time.
Patera dominated the match early, putting Tully in a series of amateur wrestling moves before Tully used a knee to the nuts to get back in the match. Tully held serve for a time and appeared to have taken control of the match. Tully worked over Patera in the corner with punches and whipped Patera into the opposite buckles. Valerie came to ringside down the heel aisle and the fans booed her appearance. She had her notepad and pen with her and immediately started taking notes as she stood at ringside.Tully moved in and Patera charged out of the corner and pulverized Tully with a big running clothesline. Tully crashed to the mat. Most in the crowd popped. Patera snapped Tully up, hoisted Tully in the air and press slammed Tully to the mat. Patera circled around behind Tully as Tully got to his feet facing away from Patera. Patera came up behind Tully and, after a brief struggle, locked Tully in the full nelson but Tully was able to get one leg out over the middle rope to force a break. Patera let go of Tully and Tully quickly climbed out on the apron. Tully yelled for the ref to keep Patera away from him. Crowd booed. Ref ordered Patera back. Ref counting. Patera ignored the ref and went after Tully and leaned in through the top and middle rope and caught Patera with a shoulder to the gut. Tully repeated the move. Patera stumbled back holding his gut and turned away. Tully back in and clubbed Patera in the back with a forearm to the gut.  Tully caught Patera in a front facelock and prepared to hit Patera with his slingshot suplex finisher but Patera twice blocked the move and suplexed Tully to the mat. Crowd cheered. Both men to their feet and Tully went to kick Patera but Patera caught Tully's foot. Tully tried to beg off. Patera caught Tully with a head shot, spun Tully around away from him and nailed Tully with an atomic drop. Tully dropped to his knees holding the goods. Patera distraced by Valerie for a moment. Patera reached down to pull Tully to his feet and Tully eye raked Patera. Patera grabbing at his eyes. Tully with shots to the side of the ribs. Tully looked over and blew a kiss to Valerie. Tully slammed Patera's head into the top buckle multiple times. Tully then choked Patera on the top rope and broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Tully neck snapped Patera on the top rope. Patera  crashed to the mat. Tully again looked out at Valerie.
Tully picked up on a mic.
Tully: Watch this, baby!
Tully snapped Patera up and went to whip Patera into the ropes but Patera reversed and caught Tully coming off with a shoulder tackle. Tully crashed to the mat as the fans cheered. Tully up and charged at Patera and Patera caught Tully in a bodyslam. Patera then hit a jumping elbow smash on Tully and went for the cover. 1...2...thr... Tully kicked out. Patera snapped Tully up, whipped Tully into the ropes and bent over looking to catch Tully with a high backdrop but Tully instead caught Patera in a front facelock, hoisted Patera up, spun around and nailed Patera with his slingshot splash finisher. Tully for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and probably 40-50% of the crowd cheered for the victorious Texan. Ref raised his hand in victory. Valerie looked up smiling at Tully and Tully looked back at her and nodded.  Valerie then left ringside and headed back up the heel aisle.
WINNER: Tully - Pinfall - 10:11
Wahoo McDaniel vs. Chris Adams
Adams came to the ring down the heel aisle to strong boos. Once in the ring, Adams briefly played to the crowd to more booing.
Wahoo came down the face aisle to the ring to a strong ovation; the strongest response of the night for any face.
The match started out as a back-and-forth battle with some close calls that had the fans on the edges of their seats. The match then settled into a see-saw affair. Wahoo did his usual chop offense during the match, opening up a small cut on Adams' chest.
End of the match saw Wahoo on the offensive. Wahoo worked over Adams with chops and then whipped Adams into the ropes and looked to catch Adams coming off with a backdrop but Adams leapfrogged Wahoo, spun around and locked Wahoo in the sleeper. Crowd urging on Wahoo. Wahoo started to fade in the hold and dropped to a knee. The ref lifted Wahoo's arm twice and it dropped back by his side. Ref lifted Wahoo's arm a third time and Wahoo kept it in the air to the delight of the crowd. Wahoo got to his feet still locked in the hold. Wahoo maneuvered around and backed Adams hard into the turnbuckles to free himself from the sleeper. Wahoo laid into Adams with brutal open-hand chest chop, the slap of flesh heard throughout the arena. Wahoo whipped Adams into the opposite buckles and Adams slammed hard into them, bounced out of the corner and crashed to the mat. Wahoo moved in on the downed Adams and Adams surprised Wahoo by kicking Wahoo with both legs while still on his back. Wahoo crashed to the mat. Adams and Wahoo both up. Adams hit Wahoo with a series of forearms shivers to the side of the head and then suplexed the Indian star. Adams  nailed Wahoo with a diving headbutt. Adams for the cover. 1...2...thr... Wahoo kicked out. Crowd popped. Adams up and caught Wahoo with a boot to the side of the ribs. Wahoo in pain. Adams pulled Wahoo  to his feet and whipped Wahoo into the buckles and Wahoo slammed front-first into them. Wahoo turned and walked out of the corner and was greeted by a series of stiff chest chops from Adams. Wahoo stunned and staggering around. Adams then hit another chest chop and Wahoo started to stiffen. Adams hit another chest chop with less effectiveness. Adams then chopped Wahoo again and Wahoo no sold it and started walking around in the ring. Adams was shocked. Adams hit Wahoo with another chop and then Wahoo tore into Adams with a blistering series of chest chops, which opened up Adams' earlier chest wound even more. Wahoo popped Adams with a chop to the top of the head, whipped Adams into the ropes and caught Adams coming off with his big chop finisher as the crowd exploded. Wahoo for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Loudest pop of the afternoon so far. Wahoo up feeling at his chest from all the chops.and the ref raised his hand in victory.
WINNER: Wahoo - Pinfall - 12:47
ROUND OF 8 MATCH-UP: Wahoo McDaniel vs. Tully Blanchard
Carlos Colon vs. Larry Zbyszko
Zbyszko came to the ring first to strong boos but also had some fans.
Colon came to the ring to a fair ovation but received good support from the Hispanics in the crowd.
Zbyszko played cat-and-mouse with Colon early in the match and at one point Zbyszko did his legendary bolt the ring and stall (TM) to the ire of the fans. As Zbyszko argued with hecklers at ringside, Colon left the ring for the floor, spun Zbyszko around and started pummeling Zbyszko with punches to the delight of the crowd. Colon slammed Zbyszko's head into the top of the steel barricade which was around ringside (that barricade works better than plastic posts and chains). Zbyszko staggered off. Colon grabbed Zbyszko and slammed Zbyszko's head into the top ring step. Ref counting. Colon quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the 10-count. Colon caught Zbyszko with a punch and went to whip Zbyszko into the ringside barricade but Zbyszko reversed and sent Colon crashing into the barricade. Colon crumpled to the floor. Ref counting. Zbyszko moved in and stomped away on Colon and then Zbyszko quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Colon getting up and Zbyszko kicked Colon and slammed Colon's head into the ring apron twice and threw Colon back into the ring. Colon made it to his feet and Zbyszko caught Colon with punches and then started biting Colon's forehead. Ref counting and Zbyszko broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Zbyszko then repeated the chomping party and once again broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Zbyszko whipped Colon into the ropes and caught Colon coming off with a spin kick to the chest. Colon crashed to the mat. Zbyszko for the cover. 1... Colon kicked out. Crowd cheered. Zbyszko snapped Colon up and whipped Colon into the ropes and looked to catch Colon coming off with a clothesline but Colon ducked the move and came back with a flying bodypress for the pin. 1...2... Zbyszko kicked out. The two men up and Zbyszko punched Colon and Colon started getting angry. Zbyszko hit Colon again only further fueling Colon's anger. Colon shaking. Zbyszko punched him a third time. Colon then taunted Zbyszko with a couple of cartwheels. Zbyszko looked confused but fans of Colon's WWC knew what he was doing.  Zbyszko went to punch Colon again but Colon blocked the punch try and fired away on Zbyszko with a blistering set of punches that drove Zbyszko into the corner. Colon then repaid Zbyszko by biting Zbyszko's forehead as the fans (especially the Hispanic ones) ate it up. Colon broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4.
Colon repeated the biting party and once again broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Colon grabbed Zbyszko by the hair, walked around the ring and slammed Zbyszko's head into each of the four top turnbuckles.Colon grabbed Zbyszko and nailed Zbyszko with a bridging belly-to-back suplex for the pin. 1...2... Zbyszko kicked out. Fans groaned. The two men got to their feet and Zbyszko swung wildly at Colon and missed and Colon caught Zbyszko in a sleeper. Larry in big trouble as the fans popped like fried eggs on a hot skillet.Zbyszko was able to move around in the hold and catch Colon with a back of the leg to the groin. Colon lost his grip on the hold and was standing and grabbing his goods. Zbyszko briefly regained his bearings, kicked Colon in the gut and nailed Colon with swinging neckbreaker. Zbyszko rolled up Colon and grabbed a handful of tights. 1...2...thr... Colon kicked Zbyszko off and Zbyszko slammed into the turnbuckles. Colon slow to get to his feet as Zbyszko moved out of the corner. Zbyszko went to punch Colon and Colon blocked the punch try and nailed Zbyszko with a jumping headbutt that sent Zbyszko crashing to the mat. Colon briefly played to the cheering fans who were really taking a shine to the Puerto Rican. Colon snapped Zbyszko up and nailed Zbyszko with a running powerslam,. Colon quickly positioned Zbyszko, mounted the middle rope in the corner and came off with a senton. Colon for the pin. 1...2...3! Fans roared as the ref called for the bell. Colon up and the ref raised his hand in victory.
Colon walked around in the ring and saluted the fans at ringside. Zbyszko recovered during this celebration and came up behind Colon, spun Colon around and had a brief convo with Colon and then shoved Colon. Colon responded by popping Larry with another jumping headbutt that sent Zbyszko crashing back to the mat. rolling out on the apron and crashing to the floor to the delight of the fans.
WINNER: Colon - Pinfall - 8:34
Riki Choshu vs. Jonnie Stewart
Choshu came down the face aisle to the ring to a modest ovation because most of the people in the crowd did not follow Japan wrestling.
Stewart came down the heel aisle to the ring to strong boos but had his fans.
Stewart climbed in the ring and took the ring mic from ring announcer Larry Nelson.
Fans already booing.
Stewart: The 'Wrestler of the 90's' begins his march into history.
Riki Choshu! Prepare to be my victim #1! You're the first step on my way to the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship!
More boos.
Choshu dominated early and made Stewart look foolish with a series of amateur-style wrestling moves and takedowns. Stewart eventually fought his way back into the match and took control. Stewart took a couple of shortcuts to maintain the advantage. Match then turned into a see-saw battle with some exciting near falls.
End of the match saw Stewart with the advantage. Stewart worked over Choshu with head and body shots. Stewart whipped Choshu into the buckles and charged in and nailed Choshu with a jumping back elbow smash to the chest. Stewart popped Choshu with a series of forearms strikes to the side of the head. Choshu staggered out of the corner. Stewart clubbed Choshu in the back with a forearm smash and then raked Choshu's eyes across the top rope, breaking the illegal move before the ref could count 5 and DQ Stewart. Stewart whipped Choshu into the ropes and caught Choshu coming off with a dropkick. Choshu crashed to the mat. Stewart stomped away on Choshu, picked Choshu up and bodyslammed him. Stewart went out on the apron and mounted the top rope in the corner and came off with a flying elbow smash but Choshu rolled out of the way and Stewart slammed to the mat. Crowd cheering. Both men down. Ref counting. Both men to their feet and Stewart slapped Choshu across the face and Choshu responded with a rapid-fire slap attack to the face of Stewart that ignited the crowd. Stewart stunned and Choshu caught Stewart in a crucifix and took Stewart over for the pin. 1...2... Stewart kicked out. Crowd groaned. Choshu stomped Stewart, snapped Stewart up and went to whip Stewart into the corner but Stewart reversed and sent Choshu crashing into the buckles. Stewart briefly shook out the effects and caught Choshu with a left jab to the chest. Stewart then mounted the middle rope and popped Choshu with a series of three deliberate head shots. Choshu then grabbed Stewart around the waist and charged out of the corner and popped Stewart with an inverted atomic drop Stewart crashed to the mat holding the jewels. Choshu moved in and caught Stewart in a leglock and, after a brief struggle, turned Stewart over into the move Choshu innovated, the sharpshooter. Stewart writhing in pain and trying to not submit. Crowd cheering on Choshu. Stewart inched towards the ropes still locked in the hold. Stewart slammed his fists on the mat in agony and then continued moving towards the ropes. Stewart finally made it close enough to get his right hand on the bottom rope to force a break. Choshu snapped Stewart up and went to whip Stewart into the ropes but Stewart reversed, caught Choshu coming off, stepped back, dropped down and hit Choshu with a hot shot across the top rope.  Choshu snapped back and crashed to the mat holding his throat. As the ref  checked on Choshu, Stewart turned and placed his left foot on the middle buckle and adjusted his left knee pad. A piece of what looked like metal was sticking out at the top of the pad. Crowd yelling for the ref to turn around. Choshu got to his hands and knees and Stewart moved in and stomped Choshu in the back of the head, snapped Choshu up, whipped Choshu into the ropes and caught Choshu coming off with a his questionable flying knee to the gut finisher. Choshu crashed back to the mat. Stewart for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans booed. An exhausted Stewart rolled off of Choshu as Choshu grabbed his gut. Stewart to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory. Stewart raised one finger in the air signaling that's one win before leaving the ring and heading back up the heel aisle.
WINNER: Stewart - Pinfall - 11:18
ROUND OF 8 MATCH-UP: Jonnie Stewart vs. Carlos Colon
SPECIAL FEATURE MATCH: Jerry Blackwell vs. Kokina Maximus
Jerry Blackwell came down the face aisle to the ring to a strong ovation. Blackwell didn't slap hands with any fans on the way. Blackwell stepped into the ring and did not acknowledge the crowd. The look on his face was all business.
Loud rumbling noise followed by an explosion filled the arena and Kokina, manager Adnan El-Kaissey and the Masked Doctor, medical bag in hand, made their way dow the heel aisle to the loudest boos of the afternoon. Kokina was pulling an extra large stretcher behind him.
The trio got to ringside and Kokina rolled the stretcher over by the ringside barricade and the three then made their way into the ring.
Larry Nelson stood center ring with mic in hand.
Nelson: This is a special feature match and is schduled for one-fall with a 30-minute time-limit!
Crowd buzzing.
Nelson: Introducing first...weighing in at 460 pounds...from Stone Mountain, Georgia...'Crusher' Jerry Blackwell!
Crowd cheered loudly as Blackwell just remained locked in on the behemoth across the ring.
Nelson: And his opponent!
Cheers melted into loud boos.
Nelson: Weighing in at 448 pounds...from Samoa...he is Kokina Maximus!
Louder boos as Kokina showed no reaction and just glared across the ring at Blackwell.
Nelson: Kokina is seconded to the ring by his manager Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey and the Masked Doctor!
More non-stop boos.
Kaissey walked up to Nelson and snatched the mic out of Nelson's hand.
Kaissey pointed at the stretcher.
Kaissey: Jerry Blackwell! You see that stretcher over there! Prepare to be carried out of the arena on it when this match is over and you are destroyed!
More boos and an anger rippled through the crowd as Kaissey shoved the mic into Nelson's chest.
Nelson: You referee is Mick Karch!
Kaissey had final words for Kokina who kept his sights locked on Blackwell.
Kaissey and the Masked Doc then left the ring for the floor.
Ref called for the bell.
Crowd buzzing as Blackwell and Kokina made their way out of their corners and walked right up to each other center ring. The two were talking to each other off-mic. Suddenly, Kokina slapped Jerry as the crowd let out a collective gasp. Jerry hardly sold it. Jerry then stunned Kokina with a head shot. Jerry laid into Kokina with a few more head shots and Kokina was staggered. Jerry then delievered his famous standing dropkick and Kokina fell back against the ropes but did not go off his feet. Jerry moved in and popped Kokina with a headbutt followed by a second one. Kokina staggered and wobbling. Jerry picked up Kokina for a bodyslam but Kokina shifted his weight and Jerry crashed to the mat with Kokina on top of him for the pin. 1...2... Jerry kicked out. Kokina up and stomped on Jerry, snapped Jerry up and whipped Jerry into the corner. Kokina charged in for an avalanche but Jerry moved and Kokina slammed front-first into the buckles so hard it shook the ring. Crowd popped for the shaking. Jerry moved in with a kick to the side of the ribs and then slammed Kokina's head into the top buckle multiple times as the crowd counted along. Kokina spun around in the corner and Blackwell hit Kokina with a trio of deliberate shoulder blocks to the gut. Jerry nailed Kokina with a head shot and Kokina staggered out of the corner. Jerry grabbed Kokina and went to whip Kokina into the ropes but Kokina reversed and caught Jerry coming off with a savate kick. Jerry fell back against the ropes. Kokina moved in and caught Jerry with a series of punches of his own. Kokina then grabbed Jerry and slammed Jerry's head into the top buckle. Jerry spun around and Kokina started choking Jerry with his foot. Kokina broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Kokina then started choking Jerry with his hands and broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Kokina whipped Jerry into the opposite buckles and Jerry crashed front-first into them. Jerry leaned against the buckles facing the crowd and Kokina charged in and avalanched Jerry from behind. Jerry stumbled backwards out of the corner and crashed to his  back on the mat. Kokina went for the leg drop on Jerry but Jerry rolled out of the way and Kokina crashed to the mat. Crowd popped big-time. Both men down. Ref counting the 10-count. Both men up at the count of 8. Kokina and Jerry stood and Kokina caught Jerry with a punch and Jerry returned fire. The two engaged ina deliberate punch exchange with the fans reacting to each punch. Jerry got  the upper hand in the exchange.
Jerry caught Kokina with another headbutt that further staggered Kokina. Jerry then went to suplex Kokina but Kokina twice blocked the suplex try and nailed Jerry with a suplex. Kokina up and went to nail Jerry with an elbow smash but Jerry rolled out of the way and Kokina crashed to the mat, Jerry quickly covered Kokina. 1...2... Kokina kicked out. Crowd on a roller coaster ride. Both men up and Jerry moved in on Kokina but Kokina caught Jerry with a kick to the gut, grabbed Jerry in a side headlock and caught Jerry with an open hand throat-thrust out of the ref's view. Kokina released the headlock as Jerry grabbed at his throat. Ref reprimanded Kokina. Kokina moved in and caught Jerry with a double chop to the sides of the neck. Jerry hurting. Kokina went to whip Jerry into the ropes but Jerry reversed and caught Kokina coming off with a clothesline that staggered, but didn't knock over, Kokina. Jerry ran and hit the ropes and came off with a second clothesline. Kokina on wobbly leg street. Crowd roar rising. Jerry ran and hit the ropes again and came off and popped Kokina with another running clothesline. Kokina wobbled and then crashed to the mat. Crowd exploded. Jerry quickly re-gathered himself, ran and hit the ropes and came off with his diving splash finisher that connected. Crowd into orbit. Jerry for the cover. 1...2...thr... Kokina kicked out. Really loud groan from the crowd. Blackwell snapped Kokina up. Kaissey looked to be in a full-blown panic at ringside. Jerry went to whip Kokina into the buckles but Kokina reversed and sent Jerry crashing into them. Kokina quickly re-gathered himself as he backed up. Kokina charged in and hit Jerry with another avalanche. Jerry stumbled out of the corner. Kokina picked up Jerry and bodyslammed him. Kokina then hit the ropes and came off with a diving splash on Blackwell. Kokina for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans booed loudly. Kokina slowly made his way to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory.
WINNER: Kokina - Pinfall - 8:07
POST-MATCH: Kaissey jumped up on the apron and ordered Kokina to inflict more damage on Jerry. Kokina stomped on Jerry, hit the ropes and came off with another diving splash on Jerry. Ref tried to intercede but Kokina tossed the ref aside like a ragdoll. Kokina then nailed Jerry with a leg drop, got up and dragged the helpless Jerry to the corner. Kokina mounted the middle rope in the corner facing the crowd and came off with his Bonzai Drop (ass drop to the chest). Kaissey and the Masked Doctor stepped in and the pair had to cool the hot Kokina off. Jerry laid out and barely moving. As the Masked Doc checked on Jerry, a couple of EMT's came to the ring to help. Kokina intercepted them and laid them both out in short order. Kaissey rolled the over-sized stretcher next to the ring. Doc finished checking on Jerry and shook his head 'yes'. Kokina dragged Jerry over by the ropes and Kokina dropped to the floor and pulled Jerry out of the ring and onto the stretcher built for a big man. Kokina got a few more headshots in. Security had to rush over and tackle a fan who had jumped the railing in an attempt to get at Kokina and/or Kaissey. Kokina wheeled the defeated Jerry back up the heel aisle with Kaissey and the Masked Doc in tow to howls of outrage from the crowd as well as some trash and ice cold bevs tossed in their direction.
Greg Valentine vs. Bruce Hart
Hart came down the face aisle to the ring to a decent response from the crowd because of Hart's last name. Hart slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. Once in the ring, Hart acknowledged the fans.
Valentine came down the heel aisle to pretty strong boos but also had his supporters.
The two spent the first couple of minutes feeling each other out before Valentine was able to catch Hart in a side headlock. Valentine worked over the headlock as Hart tried to escape. Hart then caught Valentine with a belly-to-back suplex to escape from the hold. The two men made it to their feet and Hart popped Valentine with a dropkick. Valentine went down and got up and was met wih another Hart dropkick that sent Valentine down a second time. Valeintine up and Hart moved in and caught  Valentine with a series of forearm blows to the chest, whipped Valentine into the ropes and looked to catch Valentine coming off with a dropkick but Greg grabbed the top rope and Hart crashed to the mat. Valentine pointed at his head signaling how smart he is. Hart up and Greg grabbed Hart around the waist and drove Hart hard into the corner. Greg then peppered Hart with a series of forearms to the chest. Hart staggered out of the corner holding his chest. Greg clubbed Hart in the back with a forearm smash that drove Hart down to a knee. Greg then snapped Hart up and raked Hart's eyes across the top rope but broke the illegal move before the ref counted 5. Greg whipped Hart into the ropes and looked to catch Hart coming off with a clothesline but Hart ducked the move and came back and hit Greg with his flying clothesline finisher. Crowd cheered. Hart for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2... Greg kicked out. Hart popped the downed Greg in the head with a series of head shots, snapped Greg up, whipped Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with a high backdrop. Greg crashed to the mat and scooted next to the ropes. Hart moved in on Greg and Greg stunned Hart with a kick to the gut. Hart stumbled back holding his gut. Greg up and popped Hart with a series of elbow smashes to the back of the neck and then suplexed Hart. Greg grabbed Hart's left leg and yanked on it a few times and started to apply the figure 4 but Hart kicked Greg off and Greg slammed back-first into the buckles. Fans buzzing. Hart up as Greg came out of the corner. Greg went to punch Hart but Hart blocked the punch try and fired away on Greg with punches. Fans into it. Hart went to whip Greg into the ropes but Greg reversed and looked to catch Hart coming off with a high backdrop but Hart instead grabbed Greg and rolled Greg up in a small package for the pin. 1...2... Greg kicked out. Most in the crowd groaned. Hart went to snap Greg up but Greg caught Hart with a series of gut punches and whipped Hart into the buckles. Hart slammed hard, front-first into the buckles. Greg waited behind Hart as Hart extricated himself from the buckles. Greg came up behind Hart and nailed Hart with shoulder block to the back of the left knee area. Hart crumpled to the mat grabbing his knee. Greg up and stomped on Hart's injured knee, grabbed Hart's left leg and yanked on it and this time succeeded in putting Hart in his figure four leglock. Hart fought with everything he had not to submit. Crowd urging Hart on. Alas, the pain was too much and Hart shook his head 'Yes' and the ref called for the bell. Greg kept the hold on for several seconds after the bell to add to the torture before releasing the hold. Greg up and the ref raised his hand in victory.
WINNER: Valentine - Submission - 6:32
Jake Milliman vs. The Iron Sheik
Iron Sheik came down the heel aisle in his trademark ring attire and waving the flag of Iran. He was roundly booed.
Once in the ring, Sheik took the mic from ring announcer Larry Nelson. He had the mic in one hand and the Iranian flag on a pole in the other.
Sheik: Iran #1! Down with the USA! Ach! Pooey!
Sheik spat on the mat which was good for hygenic reasons.
Crowd booed lustily,
Sheik handed the mic back to Larry Nelson and placed the flag upright in the corner. Sheik dropped to his knees in front of the flag and did a combination bowing to the flag/bowing towards Mecca,
Fans now more livid.
A brief pause...
Fans roared as they saw Jake Milliman, the longest-shot in the tournament, made his way down the face aisle to the ring. It was the loudest reaction of the afternoon for any wrestler.
Jake stepped in the ring and walked around the and cupped his hand to his ear as the fans continued to roar for the scrappy journeyman.
Jake then tore off the '2% Forever t-shirt he was wearing and tossed it into the crowd.
Sheik jumped Jake from behind and pounded away on 'The Milkman'.
Ref called for the bell.
Sheik dominated the match and it looked like Jake's run in the tournament would end here.
Sheik put on a clinic. He worked over Jake with amateur-style wrestling moves and treated Jake like, well, a jobber. Sheik whipped the over-matched Jake into the ropes and caught Jake coming off with a headbutt to the chest that dropped Jake. Sheik for the over. 1...2... Jake kicked out. Fans popped. Sheik stomped on Jake and yelled at Jake to get to his feet. Crowd chanting Jake's name. Jake made it to his feet and Sheik went to kick Jake but Jake caught the former WWF World Champion's foot. Sheik tried to beg off but Jake caught Sheik with head shots as the fans continued roaring. Jake spun Sheik all the way around and nailed Sheik with a clothesline. Sheik crashed to the mat. Jake snapped up Sheik, whipped Sheik into the ropes and caught Sheik coming off with a headbutt  to the chest and Sheik crashed to the mat. Jake for the cover. 1...2... Sheik kicked out. Fans groaned. Jake grabbed the Sheik and slammed Sheik's head into the top buckle. Sheik spun around and Jake whipped Sheik into the opposite buckles and moved in and popped the Sheik with a rapid-fire series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Fans reacting to everything Jake does. Jake pulled Sheik out of the corner and nailed Sheik with a suplex. Jake pointed at the ropes. Crowd to its feet. Jake ran and hit the ropes and came off with his Pasteurizer (flying leg drop) finisher but Sheik rolled out of the way and Jake crashed to the mat. Jake down. Sheik to his feet and stomped away on Jake. Sheik snapped up Jake and nailed him with a gut drop over the knee. Jake in a bad way. Chants for Jake continued. Sheik then snapped Jake up and nailed Jake with a gutwrench suplex. Sheik for the cover. 1...2... Jake kicked out. Fans loved Jakes scrapiness. Sheik kept up the assault by choking the downed Jake and broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Sheik up and told the ref to step back. Sheik stomped on Jake and told Jake to get to his feet. Jake struggled to get to his feet. Once up, Sheik grabbed Jake, whipped Jake into the ropes and caught Jake coming off with a pointed toe boot to the gut. Jake stumbled forward and went down by the ropes.Sheik moved in as Jake was getting up and caught Jake in the abdominal stretch. Fans urging Jake not to submit. As the ref checked on Jake, Sheik grabbed the top rope for leverage. Fans yelling at the ref to look over. Sheik let go of the rope just as the ref looked over and the rope was shaking. Ref looked over at Sheik, still with Jake in the hold and Sheik shook his head 'No!' that he didn't grab the rope. Ref went back to checking on Jake and Sheik again grabbed the top rope for leverage to put extra pressure on the hold. Ref looked over and caught Sheik holding the top rope and ordered a break. Sheik let go of Jake and Jake went down in pain. Sheik had a few choice words for the ref. Jake got on all fours and Sheik booted Jake in the top of the head. Sheik grabbed Jake, whipped Jake into the ropes and looked to catch coming off with a backdrop but Jake leapfrogged Sheik. spun around, grabbed Sheik around the waist and ran Sheik into the ropes for a roll-up for the pin. 1...2...thr... Sheik kicked Jake off. Loud crowd groan. Both men up and Sheik went to punch Jake but Jake blocked the punch try and fired away on Sheik with punches as the fans ate it up.
Jake whipped Sheik into the ropes and caught Sheik coming off with a kick to the gut and rolled Sheik up in a small package for the pin. 1...2... Sheik kicked out. Another loud groan from the fans. Both men up and Sheik caught Jake with a series of kicks to the gut. Sheik grabbed Jake, placed his pointed-toe boot on the top buckle and slammed Jake's head into it. Jake staggered off Sheik clubbed Jake in the back with a double sledge (aka, two-fisted backsmash, double axe handle). Jake spun around and Sheik nailed Jake with some punches and then caught Jake and took him over with a hip toss. Sheik stomped on Jake's head. Crowd all in for Jake. Jake to his feet and Sheik hit Jake with a dropkick that sent Jake crashing back to the mat. Jake struggling. Crowd urging him on. Sheik picked up Jake and popped him with another gut drop across the knee. Jake front-down on the mat. Sheik moved in for the kill and stomped Jake in the back and then caught Jake in the Camel Clutch. Crowd really loud now. Jake not giving up. Jake fighting through the pain. Suddenly, Jake's body language changed. He started to shake in the hold. Jake waved his finger at the ref signaling he was still fighting. Jake suddenly started to make his way his feet with Sheik holding on for dear life now. Jake to his feet with Sheik still on his back. Fans going crazy. Jake backed into the corner and Sheik slammed back-first into the buckles, lost his grip on the hold and crashed on his back in the ring. Jake found the strength to run, hit the ropes and come off with his Pasteurizer (flying leg drop) finisher that connected. Crowd exploded. Jake covered Sheik and hooked the leg as the fans counted along. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans let out a roar you wouldn't believe. Jake up and the ref raised his hand in victory. Jake grabbed at his back, still feeling the pain from the Camerl Clutch. Jake stood in the ring for a moment recovering and he also saluted the fans.
Nelson: In a ime of 11 minutes, 8 seconds....your winner...Jake 'The Milkman' Milliman!
Crowd going crazy with joy.
Jake took the mic from Larry Nelson.
Jake: I dedicate this win to all you 'Milk-A-Maniacs' out there! 2% Forever!
Jake then struck some bodubuilder poses.
More roaring from the crowd as Jake handed off the mic, left the ring, slapped hands with some of the happy fans at ringside and made his way back up the face aisle as the fans cheered their conquering hero.
ROUND OF 8 MATCH-UP: Jake Milliman vs. Greg Valentine
WINNER:  Milliman - Pinfall - 11:03
(NEXT STORYLINE POST: Round of 8 of the PWHC Tournament.)
Edited by piperrulz
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After I finish writing the tournament results I'm going to take a break because I'm burning out.

Will also be concentrating on my '79 California Angels diary/BTB on another site as it as not as time consuming as this one.

Thanks for understanding.

(PREVIOUS STORYLINE POST: Round of 16 for the PWHC Tournament.)

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22 hours ago, TC Dale said:

You get recharged, and I will enjoy when you come back. Hopefully you get that break, and get some downtime. :)

Thanks for the kind words. You know how it goes. You crank out a lot of stuff for here in a short period of time and it gets to be a little much. Just wanted to get through the tournament before slowing things down and taking a breather.

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(PWHC Tournament Round of 16 + Kokina-Blackwell match final prediction results listed below the current prediction list.)







Tom Zenk vs. Col. DeBeers



Tully Blanchard vs. Wahoo McDaniel



Carlos Colon vs. Jonnie Stewart



Jake Milliman vs. Greg Valentine


ROUND OF 16 PREDICTION RESULTS (Winner highlighted in bold.)

Missed predictions listed in brackets.

DHK - 6/9 (Larry Zbyszko, Riki Choshu, Jerry Blackwell)

Saffir - 8/9 (Riki Choshu)

Aboard The Ark - 5/9 (Mr. Saito, Larry Zbyszko, Iron Sheik, Riki Choshu)

OSF - 6/9 (Larry Zbyszko, Riki Choshu, Jerry Blackwell)

Lord Byron - 6/9 (Larry Zbyszko, Riki Choshu, Jerry Blackwell)

Son Of Sharknado - 9/9

Good round for everybody as everyone finished above .500 in their predictions!

Son of Sharknado... congrats on the perfect score! Your video reward is below.

Son of Sharknado and DHK also correctly guessed the bonus prediction question (this was added later).

Bonus prediction was: Does Larry Zbyszko jump to the WWF? Both said he would and they were right.

Son of Sharknado! Here is you video reward! Enjoy! Don't forget to give an acceptance speech to all us little folk out here.

Dusty Rhodes-Tully Blanchard contract signing:

(PREVIOUS STORYLINE POST: Round of 16 for the PWHC Tournament.)

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Tom Zenk vs. Col. DeBeers



Tully Blanchard vs. Wahoo McDaniel (It'd be interesting to see a DeBeers-Wahoo matchup and see what kind of shtick the Colonel tries to pull on the Chief)



Carlos Colon vs. Jonnie Stewart



Jake Milliman vs. Greg Valentine (The Milkman pulls off the upset here)


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Tom Zenk vs. Col. DeBeers



Tully Blanchard vs. Wahoo McDaniel



Carlos Colon vs. Jonnie Stewart



Jake Milliman vs. Greg Valentine



I'd just like to thank all the little people out there. Without you, there'd be no one to valet my cars! Hahahahaha! 

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4 hours ago, SonOfSharknado said:


Tom Zenk vs. Col. DeBeers



Tully Blanchard vs. Wahoo McDaniel



Carlos Colon vs. Jonnie Stewart



Jake Milliman vs. Greg Valentine



I'd just like to thank all the little people out there. Without you, there'd be no one to valet my cars! Hahahahaha! 

Great speech! Bravo! Very heartfelt!😁 Long live the prediction king!

Edited by piperrulz
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A much larger crowd was on hand for the evening session than the afternoon session even though one ticket got you into both sessions. Some fans must have been taking advantage of the warm February California sun during the afternoon session.
The crowd was amped even for the dark matches.
EVENING SESSION DARK MATCHES (Matches that will not appear on the tape of the event.)
Sam Houston (w/o Coach Murdoch) defeated  'Mean' Mike Miller (from Portland Wrestling) via pinfall with his bulldog finisher
AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH: Wendi Richter def. Magnificent Mimi (w/ Valerie) via DQ when Valerie attacked Richter just before Richter could powerbomb Mimi
ROUND 2 - BRACKET OF 8 (All matches have a 30-minute time-limit.)
Tom Zenk vs. Col. DeBeers
Zenk came to the ring to a strong ovation from the hot pro wrestling-centric crowd.
Zenk made his way down the face aisle and slapped hands with fans along the way. Once in the ring, Zenk briefly played to the crowd.
Col. DeBeers made his way down the heel aisle to the ring and the crowd was loudly booing.
DeBeers walked up the steps to the ring apron and turned and looked out at the booing throng and some garbage was thrown in his direction.
DeBeers then climbed into the ring and twirled his 'stache.
Ref called for the bell.
The two men came out of their corners and circled one another. Crowd buzzing. Zenk and DeBeers engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and struggled to gain the advantage. Zenk drove DeBeers next to the ropes and the ref ordered a break. Break was clean. The men circled one another again and engaged in another collar-and-elbow tie-up and this time DeBeers drove Zenk against the ropes and the ref ordered another break. Break was clean. The two men danced with each other again and engaged in a third collar-and-elbow tie-up and DeBeers gained the advantage and caught Zenk in a side headlock. DeBeers tightened up in the side headlock as Zenk struggled to escape. Zenk countered with a belly-to-back suplex to free himself from the hold. Both men up and DeBeers swung at Zenk and Zenk dodged the punch try and fired away on DeBeers with punches of his own. Zenk whipped DeBeers into the ropes and caught DeBeers coming off with a dropkick. DeBeers crashed to the mat. DeBeers up next to the ropes and Zenk charged at DeBeers and blasted the Colonel with a running clothesline that sent DeBeers head-over-heels over the top rope and crashing to the floor. Crowd roared. Zenk didn't bother with the ref's order to stay in the ring and Zenk dropped to the floor. DeBeers to his knees on the floor and Zenk grabbed DeBeers and slammed his head into the top ring step. Ref counting. Zenk then whipped DeBeers into the steel ringside barricade and charged at DeBeers and DeBeers caught Zenk with a boot to the gut. DeBeers grabbed Zenk and slammed Zenk's head twice into the top of the barricade. DeBeers then threw Zenk into the ring apron and Zenk crashed into the apron and went down on the floor. DeBeers quickly rolled in and out of the ring (ever notice that 10 counts in wrestling are never actually 10 seconds?) to break the count.. Zenk still down on the floor as DeBeers stepped out on the apron and jumped off and stomped Zenk in the gut. Ref counting. DeBeers snapped up Zenk, grabbed Zenk around the waist and drove Zenk back-first into ring apron. DeBeers threw the hurting Zenk back into the ring.DeBeers climbed to the top rope int he corner as Zenk got to his feet and DeBeers came off with a punch to the head that connected. Zenk crumpled to the mat. DeBeers covered Zenk for the pin. 1...2... Zenk kicked out. DeBeers up and stomped Zenk in the head. DeBeers snapped Zenk up and whipped Zenk into the buckles. Zenk in a bad way. Crowd urging on Zenk. DeBeers moved in and caught Zenk with punches and then whipped Zenk into the opposite buckles. DeBeers charged in and Zenk got a boot up and DeBeers crashed face-first into it and stumbled back. Zenk found the strength to charge out of the corner and pulverize DeBeers with another running clothesline. DeBeers crashed to the mat. Zenk for the cover. 1...2... DeBeers kicked out. Crowd groaned. Zenk up and reached down and started to pull DeBeers up and DeBeers caught Zenk with an eye rake. Zenk stumbled off holding his eyes. Ref reprimanded DeBeers. DeBeers came up behind Zenk and popped him with a forearm smash to the back. Zenk spun around. DeBeers whipped Zenk into the ropes and looked to catch Zenk coming off with a clothesline of his own but Zenk ducked the move and came back and caught DeBeers with a flying bodypress for the pin. 1...2...thr... DeBeers kicked out. Crowd groaned again. Lots of crowd groaning at these shows.
Zenk grabbed DeBeers and whipped DeBeers into the buckles. Zenk followed DeBeers into the corner, mounted the middle buckle and popped DeBeers in the head with a rapid-fire series of 10 punches as the crowd counted along. Zenk off the middle rope and backed up and DeBeers staggered out of the corner and dropped to his knees and then fell on his face in the ring to the delight of the crowd. Zenk pulled DeBeers to his feet and went to whip DeBeers into the ropes but DeBeers reversed and caught Zenk coming off with a back elbow to the chest that killed Zenk's momentum. Crowd on the edges of their seats. Zenk bent over and moved in and hit Zenk with a trio of elbow smashes to the back of the neck and then slammed Zenk's head into the top buckle twice. DeBeers pulled Zenk out of the corner and bodyslammed Zenk and then hit Zenk with a knee drop to the head. DeBeers for the cover. 1...2... Zenk kicked out. Crowd buzzing now and not groaning. DeBeers snapped Zenk up and whipped Zenk into the ropes and caught Zenk coming off with a gut punch that doubled Zenk over. DeBeers then went for his face-first piledriver finisher but Zenk twice blocked the move and backdropped DeBeers to the mat. Crowd cheered. Zenk stumbled forward. DeBeers made it to his feet and Zenk moved in on DeBeers as DeBeers backed into the corner. Zenk moved in on DeBeers as DeBeers begged off and then DeBeers stunned Zenk with a kick that was a little below the belt. Zenk stumbled back holding his jewels. DeBeers nailed Zenk with a suplex followed by an elbow smash. DeBeers up and stomped Zenk in the head. Zenk down holding his noggin and rolled over by the ropes. DeBeers moved in and and grabbed the top rope and and stomped away on Zenk. Ref counting the 5 count. DeBeers broke the illegal move at the count of 4 and then choked the down Zenk with his boot. DeBeers broke the illegal move again at the ref's count of 4. Zenk struggling to breath. Ref reprimanded DeBeers and DeBeers had words with the ref. DeBeers reached down and pulled Zenk to his feet. DeBeers whipped Zenk into the buckles. DeBeers moved in and caught Zenk with punches and forearms. Zenk staggered out by the ropes and DeBeers choked DeBeers on the top rope but broke the illegal move at the count of 4. DeBeers clubbed Zenk in the back, whipped Zenk into the ropes and looked to catch Zenk coming off with a backdrop but Zenk leapfrogged DeBeers and spun around. DeBeers turned and...WHAM!... Zenk blasted DeBeers with a superkick. DeBeers stumbled back and crashed down by the ropes. Crowd exploded. Zenk for the cover. 1...2...thr... DeBeers got his foot on the bottom rope and the ref saw it and ordered a break. Crowd groaned. Zenk up and had words with the ref. Zenk grabbed DeBeers as DeBeers was getting up, whipped DeBeers into the ropes and caught DeBeers coming off with a dropkick. DeBeers crashed to the mat. Crowd buzzing. Zenk snapped DeBeers up and DeBeers caught Zenk with an elbow to the mid-section, whipped Zenk into the ropes and caught Zenk coming off with a knee to the gut. Zenk crashed to the mat holding his gut. Zenk got to a knee and DeBeers moved in with a vicious kick to the side of Zenk's head. Zenk toppled over holding his head. DeBeers for the cover. 1...2...thr... Zenk got a shoulder up. Crowd cheered. Ref ordered DeBeers back so he could check on Zenk. As the ref checked on Zenk, DeBeers turned his back to them and reached in his right camo pants pocket and pulled out a foreign object. Crowd yelling for the ref to turn around. Zenk made it to his feet and was unsteady. Ref ordered the match to resume.
Zenk moved in as DeBeers faced away from him, grabbed DeBeers' shoulder, spun DeBeers around and the Colonel let Zenk have it with a foreign object-laden right hand. Zenk crashed back to the mat. As the ref checked on Zenk, DeBeers turned facing the corner and dropped the weapon back in his pocket. DeBeers then went for the pin. 1...2...thr... Zenk kicked out. Crowd roared. DeBeers stunned. DeBeers snapped Zenk up, whipped Zenk into the ropes and went to clothesline Zenk but Zenk ducked the move and came back and popped DeBeers with a flying shoulder tackle. DeBeers crashed to the mat as the fans popped like a ballon. Zenk on wobbly legs. DeBeers up and walked right into Zenk's arms and Zenk nailed DeBeers with sidebreaker across the knee. A shaky Zenk made his way out onto the apron and briefly grabbed his head. Zenk slowly started climbing to the top rope in the corner for his missle dropkick finisher but each step up to the top was painfully slow. DeBeers stirred and made it to his feet just as Zenk got to the top rope. DeBeers charged over and fell against the ropes. Zenk lost his balance and crotched himself on the top buckle and fell helplessly back into the ring. DeBeers pulled Zenk out of the corner, hoisted Zenk up and nailed Zenk with his hit face-first piledriver finisher. DeBeers turned Zenk over and covered Zenk for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans booed lustily. DeBeers to his feet and some trash hit the ring as the ref raised his hand in victory. DeBeers left the ring and dropped to the floor and went over to Larry Nelson, who had just announced DeBeeers as the winner.
DeBeers pointed at the ring.
DeBeers: Look at your hero! Look at him! Tom Zenk embodies the gutter country that is America!
And he just lost to a superior man!
More boos and garbage tossed in DeBeers' direction as he left and headed back up the heel aisle and disappeared to the back as the ref checked on Zenk.
WINNER: DeBeers - Pinfall - 13:37
Tully Blanchard vs. Wahoo McDaniel
Tully came to the ring down the heel aisle to strong boos from the fans but Tully also had his loyalists, around 20% of the crowd.
Blanchard climbed in the ring and threw his hands in the air holding up the four fingers. Lots more than 20% of the crowd cheered Tully's gesture.
Wahoo came to the ring down the face aisle to a solid response from the fans.
Announcers pointed out that these two had a long history together in the NWA.
As Wahoo climbed into the ring Tully pounced and attacked Wahoo.
Ref called for the bell.
Tully pounded away on Wahoo and whipped Wahoo into the buckles. Tully moved in and went to punch Wahoo but Wahoo blocked the punch try and fired away on Tully with open hand chest chops. Tully staggered back and Wahoo moved in and nailed Tully with a series of knife-edge chops to the chest and then hit Tully with a tomahawk chop to the top of the head. Tully crashed to the mat, rolled out of the ring and dropped to his feet on the floor as the fans roared. Tully walking around on the floor. Ref ordered Wahoo back and Wahoo obliged. Ref started the 10-count. Tully climbed up on the apron and started to step into the ring and Wahoo moved in on Tully and Tully scurried back to the floor. This time, Wahoo followed Tully out. Tully backing away from Wahoo around ringside as Wahoo stalked Tully. Ref counting. Tully quickly rolled back into the ring and got to his feet and Wahoo rolled back in the ring and Tully stomped away on Wahoo. Tully snapped Wahoo up and whipped Wahoo into the buckles. Once again, Valerie came down the heel aisle to ringside with notepad and pen in hand. Announcers believed she was scouting Tully since both matches she came out to observe were Tully's matches. Tully drove a series of knees into Wahoo's gut in the corner and then hit Wahoo with a couple of chest chops before Wahoo got fired up and again struck Tully with a series of knife-edge chops to the chest. Valerie scribbling on her notepad. Wahoo reversed position in the corner and fired away on Tully with more chest chops. Wahoo pulled Tully out of the corner by the hair, did his war dance and blasted Tully with a tomahawk chop to the top of the head. Tully crashed to the mat and Wahoo went for the kill. Wahoo covered Tully. 1...2... Tully kicked out. Fans groaned. Wahoo grabbed Tully and whipped Tully into the ropes and looked to nail Tully with his big chop finisher but Tully grabbed the top rope and  held on. Tully carefully moved away from the ropes and Wahoo. The two men circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Wahoo drove Tully against the ropes and the ref ordered a break. As Wahoo cautiously backed away, Tully stunned Wahoo with a kick to the gut. Tully moved in and popped Wahoo with punches. Tully suplexed Wahoo and then delivered a series of rapid-fire elbow smashes to Wahoo's chest. Tully for the cover. 1...2... Wahoo kicked out. Wahoo rolled over on his side and Tully dropped an elbow in Wahoo's rib cage. Wahoo hurting and Tully briefly looked over at Valerie.
Tully picked up on a mic.
Tully (to Valerie): Watch this, baby!
Tully pulled Wahoo to his feet and went to whip Wahoo into the ropes but Wahoo reversed and caught Tully coming off with his big chop finisher, Tully crashed to the mat and the fans erupted. Tully near the ropes and quickly rolled out of the ring and crashed to the floor. More cheers. Valerie looking on from ringside. Wahoo left the ring for the floor and caught Tully with more chops. The staggered Tully then reached down and grabbed the front of Wahoo's singlet, dropped down and yanked Wahoo forward and Wahoo crashed into the post. Wahoo leaned against the post. Ref counting the 10-count. Tully rolled in the ring to break the count. Tully climbed out on the apron as Wahoo extricated himself from the post and Tully jumped off the apron and nailed Wahoo with a double sledge to the top of the head. Wahoo stunned. Tully moved in and caught Wahoo with punches and threw Wahoo into the steel ringside barricade. Wahoo crumpled to the floor. Valerie watching intensely and taking notes. Tully climbed back into the ring and ordered the ref to count. Ref started the 10-count. Wahoo stirred on the floor and Tully yelled for the ref to speed up the count. ...7...8... Wahoo to his feet. ...9...te... Wahoo rolled into the ring and broke the count. Tully went to work, grabbed the top rope and drove a couple of knees into the side of Wahoo's rib cage. Tully broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Tully snapped up Wahoo and went to piledrive Wahoo but Wahoo twice blocked the moved and backdropped Tully to the mat as the fans reacted (Hot crowds back in the day added to the fun and excitement of the matches). Wahoo went back down holding the side of his ribs. Ref started the 10-count. Both men slowly made it to to their feet and Tully went to punch Wahoo but Wahoo blocked the punch try and fired away on Tully with a blistering series of chest chops. Valerie watching closely and scribbling on her notepad. Wahoo whipped Tully into the ropes and caught Tully coming off with his big chop finisher and caught Tully coming off with his big chop to the chest finisher. Tully crashed to the mat and Wahoo went down to a knee.
Blears: Wahoo can't waste time making the cover.
Wahoo slowly covered Tully for the pin. 1...2...thr... Tully got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned loudly. Wahoo snapped Tully up and threw Tully into the corner. Wahoo moved in with more chops and then Tully reached down and pulled Wahoo's legs out from under him and went for the pin. 1... Tully got his feet on the middle rope in the corner. ...2... Ref looked up and saw Tully's feet on the ropes and the ref knocked them off. Tully put the boots to Wahoo, snapped Wahoo up and went to his Wahoo with his slingshot suplex finisher but Wahoo blocked the move and suplexed Tully to the mat instead. Both men down. Valerie still watching and scribbling. Ref again started the 10-count. Both men slowly to their feet and Tully caught Wahoo with a kick to the gut that doubled Wahoo over. Tully clubbed Wahoo in the back and Wahoo went down again. Tully put the boots to Wahoo. Just before Tully snapped Wahoo up, he looked over at Valerie.
Tully picked up on a mic.
Tully: This is for you, Valerie!
Tully picked up Wahoo for a bodyslam but Wahoo stunned Tully by catching him in a small package for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans exploded like Mt. St. Helen in 1980 in Washington State.
Tully in stunned disbelief. Wahoo still down. Tully left the ring as Wahoo slowly made it to his feet feeling the effects of the stiff match. Tully grabbed a folding steel chair at ringside from next to the announcer's table and folded it up. Wahoo facing away from Tully, Tully climbed back in the ring with the steel chair and smashed Wahoo in the outside of the left knee area with the chair. Wahoo crumpled back to the mat in agony holding his left knee. Tully tossed the chair. Valerie quickly left ringside and headed back up the heel aisle. Tully looked down at Wahoo as the ref stepped in to stop the violence and increase the peace. Tully tossed the chair, climbed out on the apron and raised his fists in the air facing the crowd. Before dropping to the floor and heading back up the heel aisle to loud boos from the crowd as the ref checked on the downed Wahoo in the ring.
Marshall: I don't know the reason why Tully did that. But if the final is Wahoo vs. Greg Valentine, if Wahoo can even continue, Valentine would have a major advantage because of his figure four leglock.
WINNER: Wahoo - Pinfall - 11:24
FINAL 4 MATCH-UP: Col. DeBeers vs. Wahoo McDaniel
Carlos Colon vs. Jonnie Stewart
Colon came down the face aisle to a strong ovation. Fans had taken to him. Once in the ring, Colon acknowledged the fans.
Stewart came down the face aisle to the ring to strong boos.
Stewart climbed into the ring and took the mic from Larry Nelson.
Stewart: Carlos Colon! You can catch your ride to the airport very soon! Because the 'Wrestler of the 90s' is about to take his second step up the ladder to becoming the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion!
More boos.
Ref called for the bell and Stewart charged out of his corner and went to punch Carlos but Carlos blocked the punch try and fired away on Stewart with punches. Stewart stunned. Carlos picked Stewart up and blasted Stewart with a running powerslam. Colon positioned Stewart in the ring, mounted the middle rope in the corner and came off with his senton finisher that connected. Crowd popped. Colon for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans let out a loud roar.
Colon to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory.
Colon left the ring and slapped hands with fans at ringside and as he headed back up the face aisle.
WINNER: Colon - Pinfall - 0:31
Greg Valentine vs. Jake Milliman
Valentine came down the heel aisle to the ring to strong boos but also had his fans. Valentine climbed into the ring and was all business.
Brief pause...
Crowd roared as soon as Jake Milliman made his way down the face aisle to the ring. Jake slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring and climbed in. Jake again shredded his '2% Forever' t-shirt and tossed it  into the crowd and soaked in the strong, positive crowd response.
Ref called for the bell.
Crowd already buzzing.
Greg and Jake circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Greg gained the advantage and caught Jake in a hammerlock. Jake escaped the hold, maneuvered behind Greg, grabbed Greg and threw Greg down with an amatuer-style takedown. Crowd still popping. Greg to his feet and had a look on his face that registered somewhere between shock and intensity. The two men engaged in another collar-and-elbow tie-up and again Greg gained the advantage and caught Jake in a side headlock. Greg worked over the headlock as Jake looked to escape. Jake then shoved Greg off into the ropes and Greg came off and Jake caught Greg with a hip toss. Greg up and moved in on Jake and Jake caught Greg with an arm drag and locked Greg in an arm bar. Crowd responding to everything Jake does. Greg on a knee locked in the hold. Jake cinched up on the hold. Greg to his feet still in the hold. Jake pounded on Greg's left shoulder with his right fist and re-applied the hold and cinched up on it tighter and Greg dropped back to a knee. Greg quickly up still locked in the hold. Greg maneuvered around and was able to get close enough to the ropes to drape his right arm out over the top rope to force a break. Greg quickly shook out the effects of the hold. The two men circled one another and Greg held up his right hand and Jake grabbed it. Greg held up his left hand and Jake grabbed it and a test of strength ensued. Greg gained the advantage and started driving Jake to his knees but Jake started to reverse the momentum, rose to his feet and started to gain the advantage as the fans ate it up. Jake drove Greg to his knees and Greg's hands to the mat. Jake stomped Greg's hands and Greg shot up grabbing at his hands. Greg kicked the bottom rope in frustration. Fans loving it. Greg again raised his right hand in the air and Jake clasped it. Greg then slowly raised his left hand in the air and Jake clasped it and the two engaged in another test of strength. After a brief struggle, Jake again started to gain the advantage when Greg stunned Jake with a kick to the gut. Greg moved in and caught Jake with a series of elbow smashes to the back of the neck. Crowd started chanting Jake's name. Greg suplexed Jake and went for an elbow smash on Jake but Jake rolled out of the way and Greg crashed to the mat. The two men were down on the mat and Jake grabbed Greg in a front facelock and the two suddenly started grappling on the canvas amateur-style and both men fought for an advantage but neither could get it. Both men to the feet  and started circling each other and Greg stunned Jake with a kick to the gut and whipped Jake into the ropes and looked to catch Jake coming off with a back elbow to the chest but Jake ducked the move and came back and tackled Greg to the mat and started hammering away on Greg as the crowd roared. Jake for the quick cover. 1... Greg kicked out. Jake snapped Greg up and went to whip Greg into the ropes but Greg reversed and sent Jake crashing into the buckles. Greg charged in on Jake but Jake moved and Greg slammed front-first into the buckles, bounced back and crashed to the mat. Jake grabbed Greg's legs and flipped over on top of Greg for the pin. 1...2... Greg kicked out. Both men up and Jake caught Greg with a gut punch. Greg responded with a head shot that spun Jake around. Greg quickly rolled Jake up from behind for the pin. 1... Greg grabbed a handful of tights. Fans yelling. ...2...thr... Jake kicked Greg off. Fans cheered. Both men up and Jake grabbed Greg and the two struggled for position and Jake backed Greg into the ropes. Ref ordered a break. Break was clean and then Greg struck Jake with a quick head shot. Jake stumbled back. Greg with a series of bionic elbows to the top of Jake's head. Greg then hit Jake with a clubbing smash to the back that drove Jake facedown to the mat. Greg up and dropped an elbow smash on Jake's back. Jake rolled over and Greg stomped Jake in the head, ran and hit the ropes and came off with a running elbow smash that connected. Greg for the cover. 1...2... Jake kicked out. Crowd cheered.
Greg quickly up and Jake sat up and Greg caught Jake with a snap mare. Jake down holding his neck. Greg stomped on Jake's left knee area and then grabbed Jake's left leg and yanked on it a few times and went for the figure four but Jake grabbed Greg's straight leg and kept Greg from completely locking in the hold. Greg released the hold and got to his feet as Jake started getting up and Greg caught Jake with another bionic elbow to the head. Greg went to whip Jake into the ropes but Jake reversed and caught Greg coming off with an inverted atomic drop. Greg crashed to the mat as the fans roared. Jake quickly moved in and grabbed Greg's left leg, yanked on it and wrapped Greg up in the figure four. Fans going nuts. Greg fighting through the pain of a move he's the master of but Greg would not submit. Greg was able to lean in and catch Jake with an eye rake to break the hold. Both men up and Greg slammed Jake's head into the top buckle. Jake spun around. Greg popped Jake with a series of forearm smashes to the chest. Jake staggered out of the corner holding his chest. Greg whipped Jake into the ropes and looked to catch Jake coming off with a backdrop but Jake caught Greg with a sunset flip attempt. Greg struggling not to go over. Greg inched towards the ropes as the crowd urged Jake on. Greg grabbed the top rope with one hand. ref saw it and kicked Greg's hand off and Jake completed the sunset flip try of the pin. 1...2... Greg clapped his legs together against the sides of Jake's head to escape the pin try. Crowd groaned. Both men up and Greg lunged at Jake and missed and Jake fired away with punches on Greg. Jake whipped Greg into the ropes and hit Greg with a dropkick. Greg crashed to the mat. Fans roaring. Greg up and Jake grabbed Greg and whipped Greg into the buckles. Jake backed up into the opposite corner. Fans going crazy, Jake charged at Greg and went to hit Greg with a flying knee to the chest but Greg moved and Jake slammed knee-first into the top buckle and crashed to mat holding his left knee in pain. Greg quickly shook out the effects of the match and then moved in on Jake, snapped Jake up and nailed Jake with a shin breaker across the knee. Jake crashed to the mat with Valentine still holding his left leg. Greg yanked on Jake's leg three times and then locked Jake in the figure four. Crowd urging on the journeyman turned mat hero. Jake fought with everything he had not to submit but the pain was just too much. After putting up a brief fight in the devastating hold for several seconds, Jake furiously shook his head 'Yes' and the ref called for the bell. Greg, who normally likes to make his opponents suffer a little longer in the hold after the match, immediately released the hold. A sign of respect from a man not known for showing much of it? Ref raised Greg's hand in victory and Greg left the ring and dropped to the floor and headed back up the heel aisle to more boos.
In the ring, the ref checked on Jake. Jake made it to his feet on his own and painfully hobbled around in the ring. Fans chanted Jake's name one more time. Jake soaked in the crowd response for a moment and then painfully left the ring, dropped to the floor and headed back up the face aisle as the cheering continued.
WINNER: Valentine - Submission - 7:49
(NEXT STORYLINE POST: The Final 4, Final and AWA World Championship match.)
Edited by piperrulz
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(Winning picks listed in brackets.)

(Winners highlighted in bold.)

Old School Fan - 2/4 (CD, WM)

Lord Byron - 3/4 (CD, WM, GV)

Saffir - 0/4

Son Of Sharknado - 2/4 (CC. GV)

Aboard The Ark - 2/4 (CC, GV)

DHK - 3/4 (CD, CC, GV)

Congrats to DHK and Lord Byron for winning this round of predictions! Speeches, please!

Here is you video award!

Hulk Hogan-Mean Gene Okerlund Workout video:




(This is the big one! The winner gets two video awards!)


Col. DeBeers vs. Wahoo McDaniel

Carlos Colon vs. Greg Valentine

FINAL (Pick your tourney winner.)

??? VS. ???

AWA WORLD TITLE MATCH (If Sarge doesn't regain the title, he MUST retire!):

Stan Hansen (WC) vs. Sgt. Slaughter


Tried to post the Flair-Nikita match from Bash 85 for July 4 but couldn't.

Rasslin' History 101 on Twitter: "The December,1985 issue of ...

From July 4, 1985: Magnum T.A. vs. Kamala:



Edited by piperrulz
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Col. DeBeers vs. Wahoo McDaniel

Carlos Colon vs. Greg Valentine

FINAL (Pick your tourney winner.)

Wahoo McDaniel vs. Greg Valentine

AWA WORLD TITLE MATCH (If Sarge doesn't regain the title, he MUST retire!)

Stan Hansen (WC) vs. Sgt. Slaughter

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Col. DeBeers vs. Wahoo McDaniel

Carlos Colon vs. Greg Valentine

FINAL (Pick your tourney winner.)

Wahoo McDaniel vs. Greg Valentine (Sweet revenge for the Chief for getting his leg broken by Greg back in Crockett country)

AWA WORLD TITLE MATCH (If Sarge doesn't regain the title, he MUST retire!):

Stan Hansen (WC) vs. Sgt. Slaughter (Sarge gets the belt back and soldiers on, Hansen goes back to Japan to do what he does best)

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Still time to get your predictions in!!!

PWHC Final 4, Final and AWA World Championship match will be posted Friday, July 7.


- PWHC Final 4, Final & AWA World Title Match

- AWA boss Verne Gagne after the show

- Watching the tournament in secret

- Bill and Jim spring a surprise on Verne

- AWA On ESPN (3rd Taping)

- All-Star Wrestling (3rd Taping)

Edited by piperrulz
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14 hours ago, AboardTheArk said:


Col. DeBeers vs. Wahoo McDaniel

Carlos Colon vs. Greg Valentine

FINAL (Pick your tourney winner.)

Col. DeBeers vs Greg Valentine

Still time to get your World Title match prediction in: Hansen (WC) vs. Sarge.

12 hours ago, Old School Fan said:

Hmm, methinks this is going to get interesting... 🤔

Only thing I can say is we are right near the finish line. It's the home stretch. After all these years, you guys will finally have a clear-cut conclusion.

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***15-minute intermission after the Round of 8****
(Both matches have a 45-minute time-limit.)
Wahoo McDaniel vs. Col. DeBeers
DeBeers came down the heel aisle to the ring to loud boos and some trash tossed in his direction.
DeBeers stepped in the ring and took the ring mic from Larry Nelson. Most fans booed mightily but some wanted to hear what the Colonel had to say.
Fans threw trash at the Colonel in the ring.
DeBeers: This so fitting. Trashy American fans throwing thrash at a noble South African.
More boos  and trash.
DeBeers: We don't know if Wahoo's going to be able to wrestle this match against me tonight after his unfortunate accident with Tully Blanchard.
Wahoo could show us he's a noble American by not bothering to come out here and suffer even more damage to his...
Crowd popped as Wahoo, limping and with his left knee area taped up, came hobbling to the ring. Wahoo made his way up the steps and climbed into the ring.
DeBeers: Wahoo McDaniel! You're a Native American! Do the right thing for all Americans and put your ego to the side and forfeit this match to me! Don't be like the red, white and blue flag waving  fools in this crowd!
More boos.
Wahoo told the ref to grab the mic. Ref took the mic from DeBeers and walked over and handed it off to Wahoo.
Wahoo: Col. DeBeers! I owed it to these fans out here; these hard-working Americans you loathe so much, to continue the fight for them!
Crowd cheered.
Wahoo: I'll deal with Tully Blanchard on another day for what he did to me!
But I just wanted to say that while America isn't perfect it's still the best country on earth!
More cheers.
Wahoo: And the best thing about this country is we have free speech! And that means even you can spew your vile garbage without punishment because that speech is protected!
And since I'm talking about free speech...
DeBeers! You're a Nazi! And I hate Nazis!
Big pop from the crowd.
Wahoo handed the mic off to the ref who handed it off to Larry Nelson.
Ref called for the bell.
The two men came out of their corners and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. DeBeers drove Wahoo against the ropes and the ref ordered a break. DeBeers started to back up and then stunned Wahoo with a kick to his left knee. DeBeers kicked the knee again. DeBeers drove Wahoo into the corner and kicked Wahoo in the knee once more and it lit a fire under Wahoo. Wahoo fired away on DeBeers with a blistering series of open hand chest chops that echoed through the crowd. DeBeers staggered bacwards from the effects of the blasts. Wahoo grabbed DeBeers and went to suplex DeBeers but struggled to lift DeBeers because of his injured left knee. Wahoo then found the strength to hoist DeBeers up and suplex him to the mat. Wahoo rolled over and grabbed his left leg.  Ref checked on Wahoo as DeBeers up and stomped Wahoo on the outside of Wahoo's left knee area. DeBeers grabbed Wahoo's left leg and grapevined it. Wahoo in serious pain.
Blears: The grapevine not only affects the knee; it also affects the entire leg. The possible damage being done to Wahoo's leg right now is incalculable.
Wahoo not giving up. DeBeers cinched up on the hold. Wahoo found the strength to maneuver just enough while locked in the hold to grab the bottom rope and force a break in the hold. Wahoo in bad shape. DeBeers released the hold and snapped up Wahoo and slammed Wahoo's head into the top buckle. Wahoo spun around in the corner. DeBeers caught Wahoo with a head shot and then, in a move many would find extremely offensive today because people can't handle anything anymore, DeBeers did a loud Indian war whoop (patting your hand on your mouth and going Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!). DeBeers then belted Wahoo with a series of deliberate chest chops. Between the chops and the shaky knee, Wahoo not in a good way. Ref ordered DeBeers back and briefly talked with Wahoo to see if the Indian star could continue. Wahoo said 'yes' and the ref ordered the match to continue. DeBeers grabbed Wahoo's left leg and placed it out over the middle rope area. DeBeers grabbed Wahoo's foot and yanked on it with Wahoo's leg now wrapped around the left rope. Ref order a break and DeBeers obliged and stepped back. Wahoo hobbled out of the corner. DeBeers moved and caught Wahoo with a gut kick and then bodyslammed Wahoo to the mat. DeBeers then popped Wahoo with a knee drop to the head. DeBeers for the cover. 1...2... Wahoo kicked out. Fans cheered. Wahoo for the cover again and this time rolled Wahoo up while grabbing Wahoo's tights. 1...2...thr... Wahoo kicked DeBeers off. DeBeers crashed to the mat to more cheers from the fans. Wahoo to his knees. DeBeers moved in to grab Wahoo but Wahoo caught DeBeers with shots to the gut that stunned DeBeers. Wahoo rose to his feet and belted DeBeers with a series of chest chops. Wahoo grabbed DeBeers' hair, did the war dance and popped DeBeers in the head with a tomahawk chop. DeBeers crashed to the mat. Wahoo for the cover. 1...2... DeBeers kicked out. Wahoo up as DeBeers getting to his feet and Wahoo drove a knee into DeBeers' gut. Wahoo whipped DeBeers into the ropes and looked to backdrop DeBeers coming off but DeBeers caught Wahoo with a club to the back. Wahoo shot up and staggered back, and in a move most had never seen before, DeBeeds dropped to a knee and clotheslined the back of Wahoo's left knee area. Wahoo crumpled to the mat. DeBeers stood up and further infuriated fans by doing the Florida State Tomahawk Chop. Wahoo down grabbing at his left knee and DeBeers took the opportunity to stomp Wahoo in the head. Wahoo in serious pain and rolled over on his front side and DeBeers grabbed Wahoo's leg and violently slammed it into the mat three times. Things getting worse. Wahoo down and the ref checking on him. DeBeers left the ring and went over to Larry Nelson at ringside.
DeBeers: Wahoo! This can only end very badly for you! Be like the typical American and just quit right now!
Loud boos.
DeBeers: There's no shame in quitting, Chief! Quitting is the decadent American way!
And one more thing! After I finish you off here tonight, Wahoo, could I ask you a favor?! Could you get me a carton of cheap smokes and some M-80s?!
That really set the crowd off. DeBeers climbed back into the ring as the ref cleared Wahoo to continue. Wahoo getting up and DeBeers again struck Wahoo with some chest chops and Wahoo couldn't fight back. DeBeers reached down and grabbed Wahoo's left leg and held it up as Wahoo jumped around to maintain his balance. DeBeers held the leg and punched the knee area in deliberate fashion on three occasions.DeBeers let out an Indian war cry to mock Wahoo then Wahoo suddenly struck Wahoo in the head with a punch and DeBeers lost his grip on Wahoo's leg. Wahoo found the strength to catch DeBeers with rapid-fire series of chest chops, whip DeBeers into the ropes and catch DeBeers coming off with his big chop to the chest finisher. DeBeers crashed to the mat. Wahoo for the cover and hooked the leg. Crowd counted along. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans let out one of their loudest roars of the tournament. Wahoo released DeBeers and rolled off of DeBeers and sat up and the ref raised Wahoo's hand in victory to the delight of the crowd. Wahoo slowly made it to his feet and was hobbling. Wahoo made it out of the ring and walked  back up the face aisle under his own power.
But what kind of shape would he be in in the final?
WINNER: Wahoo - Pinfall - 10:24
Carlos Colon vs. Greg Valentine
Colon came down the face aisle to the ring to a strong ovation after his win over Jonnie Stewart in less than a minute.
Valentine made his way down the the heel aisle to loud boos after defeating the crowd's favorite, Jake Milliman.
Ref called for the bell.
Colon tore out of his corner and tackled Greg to the mat and started hammering away on Greg with punches as the fans roared. Greg fought back and the two rolled around on the mat exchanging blows. Ref got the two separated and both men made it to their feet and Greg went to punch Colon but Colon blocked the punch try and nailed Greg with a jumping headbutt. Greg crashed to the mat and quickly rolled out of the ring and dropped to his feet on the floor as Colon stood in the ring at the ready. Greg staggering around on the floor as the ref started the 10-count. Greg made his way up the stairs and when he got to the top step, waved off Colon with a blow-off gesture, walked down the steps and started to head back up the heel aisle. Colon bolted the ring and chased Greg down in the heel aisle, spun Greg around and popped Greg with another punch and grabbed Greg by the hair and walked Greg back to ringside and slammed Greg's head into the ring apron. Ref counting the 10-count. Colon whipped Greg into the steel ringside barricade and then quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the ref's count. Colon grabbed Greg in a side headlock and went to ram the top of Greg's head into the post but Greg shoved Colon off and Carlos slammed shoulder-first into the post and staggered off grabbing his left shoulder. Greg regained his bearings and came up behind Colon and smashed Colon in the back with a forearm blow. Greg then threw Colon into the ring steps. Colon crashed into them and went down on the floor. Ref counting. Greg quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the 10-count. Colon getting to his feet and Greg went over and caught Colon with an elbow smash to the back of the neck and then grabbed Colon's hair, walked Colon over to the announcer's table and slammed Colon's head into the top of one of the TV monitors. Colon crumpled to the floor. Ref counting  Greg looked out at the crowd who serenaded him with mostly boos but also some cheers. Greg pulled Colon up by the hair and Colon was bleeding. Ref counting. Greg slammed Colon's head three times into the top of the ringside barricade. Colon spun around next the barricade. Greg rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Greg moved in on Colon and Colon stunned Greg with a kick to the gut. Colon caught Greg with a couple of head shots, grabbed Greg around the waist and drove Greg back-first into the ring apron as the crowd cheered. Colon rolled back into the ring to beat the count. Greg on his feet facing the crowd. Colon reached down over the top rope, grabbed Greg's hair and pulled Greg up to the apron. Colon hoisted Greg up horizontally and pulled Greg back over the top rope into the ring for a bodyslam but Greg grabbed the top rope and a struggle ensued. Colon finally yanked Greg hard enough that Greg lost his grip on the rope but Colon stumbled back and crashed to the mat with Greg on top of him for the pin. 1...2... Colon kicked out. Both men up and Greg kicked Colon in the side of the ribs and then nailed Colon with three bionic elbows to the top of the head, the third sent Colon crashing to the mat.
Greg reached down and grabbed Colon's left leg, yanked on it a few times and went for the figure four but Colon snatched Greg in a small package for the pin. 1...2... Greg kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both men up and Colon grabbed Greg and went to whip Greg into the buckles but Greg reversed and sent Colon slamming into them so hard that Colon crashed on his ass in the corner. Greg moved in and stomped Colon in the chest and then started choking Colon out with his boot. Greg broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Greg repeated the foot choke and again broke at 4. Greg pulled Colon to his feet, pulled Colon out of the corner and nailed Colon with a suplex. Greg then hit Colon with a pointed elbow drop to the mid-section and went for the cover. 1...2... Colon kicked out. Fans cheered. Greg snapped Colon up, whipped Colon into the ropes and looked to catch Colon coming off with a backdrop but Colon instead caught Greg in a front facelock and nailed Greg with a swinging neckbreaker. Crowd popped. Both men down. Ref counting. Colon up just before Greg. Colon nailed Greg with a running punch to the head that dropped Greg. Colon then clinched his fists and started running in place and slammed his fists on the mat as Greg got up. Crowd into it. Greg up and started backing up as Colon slowly moved in on him. Greg tried to bolt the ring but Colon grabbed Greg by the tights and pulled Greg back into the ring. Colon caught Greg with a bridging belly-to-back suplex for the pin. 1...2...thr... Greg kicked out. Crowd groaned. Colon snapped Greg up and slammed Greg's head into the top buckle three times. Greg spun around in the corner and Colon whipped Greg into the opposite buckles.. Colon charged in on Greg and Greg got a boot up and Colon slammed face-first into the boot and crashed into the mat. Greg came out of the corner and stomped away on Colon. Greg snapped Colon up, whipped Colon into the ropes and caught Colon coming off with a back elbow to the chest that sent Colon back down. Colon got to all fours by the ropes and Greg took the opportunity  to grab the top rope and drive a series of knees into the side of Colon's ribs. Greg broke the illegal move at the counr of 4. Greg the raked his boot laces across the side of Colon's face. Colon grabbed his face. Greg snapped up Colon and bodyslammed him. Greg mounted the middle rope in the corner and came off with an elbow smash to the chest that delivered. Greg for the cover. 1...2...thr... Colon kicked out. Crowd cheered. Greg snapped Colon up and went for a suplex on Colon but Colon wriggled free, dropped down behind Greg and caught Greg in a sleeper. Fans cheered. Greg trying to free himself from the hold. Colon cinched up on the hold as Greg started to weaken. In desperation, Greg lunged towards the ropes and he and Colon toppled through the top and middle rope and crashed down to the floor. Ref counting. Announcers pointed out that if both men were counted out then Wahoo would become the PWHC Champion. Both men stirred as the count grew. Greg managed to get to his feet and roll in first at the count of 8 and Colon just barely beat the 10-count. Greg reached down to grab Colon and Colon caught Greg with a trio of gut shots as he got to his feet. Colon then blasted Greg with punches as the fans were on their feet cheering for him. Final punch doubled Greg over and Colon blasted Greg with a knee lift. Greg snapped back and crashed to the mat. Colon did a quick cartwheel and then grabbed the stunned Greg, hoisted Greg on his shoulder and nailed Greg with a running powerslam. Greg laid out in the ring. Colon went for a diving headbutt but Greg rolled out of the way and Colon slammed head-first into the mat killing his momentum. Colon holding his head. Both men down. Ref counting. Both men slowly made it to their feet and Greg stunned Colon with a kick to the gut. Greg then hoisted Colon up and blasted Colon with a piledriver. Greg for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans booed but Greg also had his fans.
Greg to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory.
'The Hammer' had made it to the finals.
WINNER: Valentine - Pinfall - 12:36
FINAL MATCH-UP: Wahoo McDaniel vs. Greg Valentine
***15-minute intermission. Ring announcer Larry Nelson made some announcements during the break and told the fans the AWA was coming back to the Anaheim Convention Center in April and tickets would go on sale Monday, February 26 at 10am. Many fans cheered the news.***
AWA WORLD TITLE MATCH (If Sarge does not regain the title, he MUST retire!)
Stan Hansen (WC) vs. Sgt. Slaughter
Larry Nelson stood center ring with mic in hand.
Nelson: Ladies and Gentlemen! Would you please welcome the guest ring announcer for our next match.
You know him from Pro Wrestling Illustrated! He is Bill Apter!
Many fans cheered as Apter, in a suit and tie, came down the face aisle to the ring, Apter slapped hands with some fans on the way to the ring and climbed in.
Apter took the mic from Larry Nelson.
Apter: Thank you for that wonderful response. How about I walk back up the aisle and down to the ring once more because I enjoyed the reaction so much?
Nelson, chuckling, shook his head 'no'. Fans cheered.
Apter: I guess that's a no, Larry?
Nelson shook his head 'yes' and was picked up on the mic.
Nelson: That's correct.
Nelson left the ring.
Apter: Oh, well. I tried, fans.
Brief pause...
Marine Corps Hymn filled the arena and the fans popped big-time as a determined Sgt. Slaughter made his way down the face aisle to the ring, Sarge climbed into the ring and saluted the crowd on all four sides of the squared circle.
Sarge went to a neutral corner.
Boos started rising as soon as the fans saw World Champion  Stan Hansen start making his way down the heel aisle to the ring. Hansen was power-walking with purpose and thrashing his bullrope around, Hansen had his bullrope and bell in his hands and was wearing the soon-to-be defunct version of the World Title around his waist, Hansen let out a gutteral yell at ringside. AWA had brought back the classic silver World Title belt, aka, the license plate* that the winner of the match would be getting. Hansen climbed in the ring and continued the bullrope thrashing and Bill Apter scurried out of the way so as not to be stung by the rope. Hansen then waved his cowbell in the air and threw up the 'Hook 'Em Horns' sign and went to his corner and handed off his rope and bell and removed his cowboy hat, vest and chaps.
(* Belt was called the 'license plate' as an inside reference to the big silver belt being made in a Colorado prison.)
Crowd buzzing.
Apter: This contest is scheduled for one fall with a 60-minute time-limit and is for the AWA World Heavyweight Championship!
More buzzing.
Apter: If Sgt. Slaughter does not regain the title in this match then he must retire!
Fans into it.
Apter: Introducing first, the challenger! He hails from Parris Island, South Carolina and weighs in at 305 pounds... Sgt. Slaughter!
Nice pop from the crowd. Sarge stayed in his corner and did not react to the crowd response. He was all business.
Apter: And his opponent!
Cheers turned to mostly boos but Hansen had his fans in the crowd.
Apter: He is the reigning AWA World Heavyweight Champion! From Borger, Texas! Weighing in at 321 pounds... Stan 'The Lariat' Hansen!
Boos grew louder.
Apter: Your referee is Marty Miller!
Miller held  up the new/old belt for all to see before handing it off to Larry Nelson on the floor.
Miller called Hansen and Sarge out to the middle of the ring. As Hansen and Sarge locked eyes, Miller laid down the ground rules and patted each man down. Hansen and Sarge were talking to each other.
Miller called for the bell and it was on!
The two men were still talking to each other when Hansen suddenly pushed Sarge. Sarge responded by pushing Hansen back. The two men circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Sarge drove Hansen against the ropes and the ref ordered a break, Break was clean. They engaged in another collar-and elbow tie-up and Sarge gained the advantage and caught Hansen and took Hansen over in a side headlock takedown. Sarge still with the hold locked in on Hansen. Sarge working over the headlock. Hansen was able to grab a handful of tights and turn Sarge over into a pin. 1... Sarge shifted and regained control with Hansen still in the headlock. Hansen again grabbed Sarge's tights and turned Sarge over for a pin once more while holding the tights. 1...2... Sarge shifted and regained the upper hand with Hansen still in the side headlock. As Sarge worked over the headlock, Hansen once again grabbed a handful of tights and turned Sarge over for a pin. 1...2... Sarge once again shifted and regained the advantage.  Sarge made it to a knee with Hansen, now also to knee, still locked in the hold. Sarge and Hansen to their feet with Hansen still locked in the hold. Hansen tried to escape but Sarge had the headlock firmly locked on. Hansen was finally able to counter with a belly-to-back suplex to free himself from the hold.  Both men up and Hansen moved in and pounded away on Sarge. Hansen whipped Sarge into the corner and charged in on Sarge but Sarge moved and Hansen slammed front-first into the buckles. Sarge immediately took advantage and rolled Hansen up from behind for the pin. 1... Hansen kicked Sarge off, Sarge grabbed Hansen as Hansen was getting up and slammed Hansen's head into the top turnbuckle. Hansen leaned face-first against the buckle. Sarge went to grab Hansen from behind and Hansen  low-blowed Sarge by driving his lower leg into Sarge's groin.  Sarge stumbled back holding the goods. Hansen moved in and caught Sarge with some punches and then nailed Sarge with a suplex followed by an elbow smash to the chest. Hansen covered Sarge. 1... Sarge kicked out. Hansen snapped up Sarge  and whipped Sarge into the buckles. Hansen backed up and charged in and blasted Sarge with a running shoulder block to the gut. Sarge hurting in the corner. Hansen pulled Sarge out of the corner and threw Sarge through the top and middle rope out of the ring and Sarge crashed to the unforgiving concrete floor, Ref ordered Hansen back and Hansen obliged. Ref started the 10-count. Count grew. Sarge slowly to his feet on the floor. Hansen broke the count by going over and reaching over the top rope, grabbing Sarge by the hair and deliberately slamming Sarge's head multiple times into the ring apron. Sarge down to a knee on the floor. Hansen left the ring and went over and shoved Larry Nelson out of his chair at the timekeeper's and folded up the unforgiving steel weapon. Ref counting.
Hansen slowly moved in on Sarge and raised the chair over his head as Sarge got to his feet. Hansen went to hit Sarge with the chair but Sarge caught Hansen with a kick to the gut that stunned Hansen. Hansen still holding the chair. Sarge caught Hansen with a second kick to the gut and Hansen dropped the chair. Ref counting. Crowd into it. Sarge grabbed Hansen and threw Hansen into the steel ringside barricade. Sarge quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Announcers said the referee was letting them fight because of what's at stake. Sarge moved in on Hansen and Hansen kicked Sarge in the gut and moved away from the barricade and caught Sarge with some punches. Ref counting. Hansnen grabbed Sarge and whipped Sarge into the far barricade and charged in looking to clothesline Sarge over the barricade but Sarge moved and Hansen slammed front-first into the barricade. Crowd popped. Sarge grabbed Hansen and slammed Hansen's head into the ring post and Hansen went down on the floor. Sarge quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Hansen got to his knees and was bleeding. Sarge pulled Hansen up by the hair and slammed Hansen's head into the ring apron three times and Hansen went down to a knee. Sarge grabbed Hansen and went to whip Hansen into the steel barricade but Hansen reversed and Sarge slammed hard into the barricade and went down. Ref counting. Hansen quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Hansen went over and grabbed the chair that was laying on the floor. Sarge up and staggered away from the barricade. Hansen moved in on Sarge and blasted Sarge with a couple of chair shots in the back, tossed the chair and grabbed Sarge and slammed Sarge head-first into the ring post. Sarge went down on the floor. Ref counting. Hansen climbed back in the ring to break the count. Hansen had words with the ref as Sarge got to his knees by the ring apron. Sarge bleeding. Hansen out on the apron and stomped Sarge in the head. Hansen went and grabbed the chair once again and raised it over his head to strike Sarge as Sarge was getting up. Hansen started to bring the chair down on Sarge's head but Sarge caught the chair and a struggle ensued for control of the chair. Ref counting. Sarge was able to catch Hansen with a couple of kicks to the gut and Hansen lost his grip on the chair. Sarge raised the chair over his head and brought it down on Hansen's head as the crowd roared. Hansen stunned. Sarge tossed the chair and threw Hansen back into the ring.  Sarge followed. Hansen got up and Sarge stunned Hansen with punches, grabbed the shaky Hansen by the hair, spun his right arm around and blasted Hansen with a roundhouse right to the jaw. Hansen crashed to the mat. Crowd roared. Sarge for the cover. 1...2...thr... Hansen kicked out. Crowd groaned. Sarge snapped Hansen up and whipped Hansen into the buckles. Sarge charged at Hansen and looked to hit Hansen with a running shoulder block of his own but Hansen moved and Sarge crashed shoulder-first into the ring post. Hansen down to a knee next to the ropes. Intense crowd buzzing. Sarge started to extract himself from the post as Hansen got up and clubbed Sarge in the back, pulled Sarge back into the ring and hit Sarge with a snap suplex followed by a series of brutal stomps. Crowd rooting on Sarge. Hansen grabbed Sarge's legs and, after a brief struggle, turned Sarge over into the Brazos Valley backbreaker (Boston Crab). Sarge fighting not tot submit as Hansen tightened up on the hold. Sarge started inching towards the ropes. Fans urging Sarge on. Sarge in great pain but not giving up. Sarge inched closer top the ropes and they were just out of reach. Finally, Sarge moved close enough to get his hand on the bottom rope. Hansen still had Sarge in the hold as the ref ordered a break but Hansen wouldn't let go. Ref started the 5 count. Hansen let go of Sarge at the count of 4.. Sarge in a bad way.
Hansen stomped Sarge in the back, snapped up Sarge and bodyslammed Sarge. Hansen went for a knee drop to the head that connected. Hansen for the cover. 1...2...thr... Sarge got a shoulder up. Fans popped. Hansen whipped Sarge into the ropes and looked to catch  Sarge coming off with a clothesline but Sarge ducked the move and came back and nailed Hansen with a flying shoulder tackle. Hansen crashed to the mat as the fans roared, Both men down and wearing the crimson mask. Ref counting the 10-count. Both men stirred as the count rose. Both men to their feet and Hansen went to punch Sarge but Sarge blocked the punch try and punched Hansen and the punch spun  Hansen around and Sarge locked Hansen in the Cobra Clutch submission hold as the fans roared. Hansen fighting not to pass out in the hold. Hansen getting weaker and weaker. Hansen going limp. Ref raised Hansen's arm and it dropped by Hansen's side. Ref raised Hansen's arm again with the same result. Ref grabbed Hansen's arm a third time, lifted it and let it go and it started to drop but Hansen was able to stop his arm from falling to his side. In desperation  Hansen was able, while still locked in the hold to move over by the ropes to grab the top rope and force a break in the hold. Hansen fell out through the top and middle rope to the apron. Ref ordered Sarge to stand back and Sarge did and ref started the 10-count. Hansen dropped to his feet on the floor, went over and grabbed the chair and tossed it into the ring. Ref counting. Sarge picked up the chair and unfolded it and sat down in it and gestured for Hansen to get his ass back in the ring. Fans cheered. Hansen up on the apron and slowly climbed back in. Sarge stood up and the ref quickly grabbed the chair, folded it and tossed it out of the ring. The two men walked up to one another, butted heads and had more words with one another. Hansen pie-faced Sarge. Sarge responded with a punch flurry on Hansen. Sarge whipped Hansen into the ropes and caught Hansen coming off in a bearhug. Hansen fighting  not to  submit again. Sarge cinched up on the hold but Hansen not giving up. Hansen raked Sarge's eyes and and Sarge lost his grip on the hold. Sarge grabbed his eyes and Hansen grabbed Sarge and slammed Sarge's head into the top turnbuckle. Sarge spun around in the corner and Hansen caught him with a series of gut punches, grabbed Sarge and threw Sarge down on the mat by the ropes. Crowd urging Sarge on. Hansen grabbed the top rope and stood on Sarge's back and broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Hansen grabbed Sarge, hoisted Sarge up and blasted Sarge with a powerbomb.
Marshall: I don't see how Sarge gets out of this.
Hansen for the cover. 1...2...thr...
Marshall: He got out of it.
Sarge got a shoulder up. Fans popped. Hansen snapped Sarge up and went to suplex Sarge but Sarge twice blocked the move and nailed Hansen with an inverted suplex slam (think gourdbuster). Crowd roared. Sarge fell back against the ropes. Sarge dropped to his knees as Hansen rolled over on his back and Sarge covered Hansen. 1...2...thr... Hansen kicked out. Crowd groaned. Sarge started to pull Hansen up when Hansen caught Sarge with shots to the gut. The two men engaged in a  violent punch exchange. Sarge gained the advantage and went to whip Hansen into the ropes but Hansen reversed and caught Sarge coming off with a scoop powerslam. Crowd let out a collective gasp, groan. Hansen up and adjusted his elbow pad.
Marshall: He's adjusting the elbow pad. We know what's coming.
Sarge down and hurting. Hansen let out his gutteral yell. Most fans booed the hell out of him.
Blears: Here it comes, Lee. One of the most devastating finishers in wrestling.
Hansen snapped Sarge up, whipped Sarge into the ropes and went to hit Sarge with his lariat finisher but Sarge ducked the move, hit the ropes and came back with the...
Crowd exploded like a bomb at the test site in Mercury, Nevada.
Hansen crashed to the mat. Sarge covered Hansen, hooked the leg and rolled over on his back on Hansen's chest. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as a deafening roar rippled all the way from the arena through Disneyland.
Sarge rolled off of Hansen.
Apter up on the apron with the new belt in hand and a mic. Ref went over and briefly talked with Apter and took the belt from him.
An exhausted Sarge made it to his feet.
Apter: In a time of 19 minutes, 19 seconds, your winner... and for the second time AWA World Heavyweight Champion... Sgt. Slaughter!
Crowd roared for the announcement.
Ref handed Sarge the belt and raised Sarge's hand in victory to more crowd approval.
Sarge held the belt up above his head with both hands as the fans ate it up/
Sarge then sluing the belt over his shoulder and did a fist pump with his left hand. Sarge left the ring, dropped to the floor and held the belt aloft with one hand at ringside to more cheers. Sarge held the belt aloft with one hand all the way back up the face aisle.
WINNER: Sarge - Pinfall - 19:19
Greg Valentine vs. Wahoo McDaniel
Greg Valentine came down the heel aisle to loud boos from the crowd and made his way into the ring.
Greg was all business and walked around in the ring not acknowledging the crowd.
Long pause...
Announcers wondered if Wahoo was even going to be able to wrestle in the final.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Wahoo came hobbling down the face aisle to the ring. Wahoo carefully made his way up the ring steps into the ring and climbed in to a strong pop from the crowd.
His left knee area was still taped up.
An AWA official came to the ring with a black bag and climbed into the ring.
Larry Nelson standing center ring with mic in hand.
Nelson: This contest is scheduled for one-fall with a 60-minute time-limit and is the final of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament!
Crowd worn out from the last match but still had some buzzing in them.
Nelson: The winner will become the first-ever Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion!
Introducing first! He hails from Seattle, Washington and weighs in at 251 pounds... Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine!
Loud boos but Valentine had his fans.
Valentine remained in his corner but showed no reaction to the negative crowd response.
Nelson: And his opponent!
Roar started to ripple through the crowd.
Nelson: He hails from Midland, Texas and weights in at 263 pounds... 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel!
Nice pop for Wahoo, but fans still a little fried from the previous match.
Nelson: Gary DeRusha is your referee!
Not much love shown from the crowd for Gary.
AWA official removed the new PWHC Title from the black bag and handed it to the referee.
Ref held the belt aloft and walked to all four sides of the ring showing it to the crowd.
Ref handed the belt off to Larry Nelson who took it over to the timekeeper's table.
Ref called for the bell and it was on!
The two men came out of their corners and circled one another. Valentine swung at Wahoo and Wahoo dodged the punch try and fired away on Greg with knife-edge chest chops. Wahoo whipped the stunned Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with his big chop to the chest finisher. Greg crashed to the mat but Wahoo suddenly crumpled to the mat grabbing his left knee. Crowd urging on Wahoo to cover Greg. Wahoo made an extremely slow cover. 1...2... Greg kicked out. Massive groan from the crowd. Wahoo up as Greg was getting up. Wahoo grabbed Greg and went to whip Greg into the ropes but Greg reversed and caught Wahoo coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Wahoo fell back against the ropes. Greg caught Wahoo with a bionic elbow to the top of the head. Greg pulled Wahoo away from the ropes and bodyslammed Wahoo. Greg mounted the middle rope in the corner and came off with an elbow smash but Wahoo rolled out of the way and Greg slammed to the mat. Fans cheered. Both men getting to their feet and Greg caught Wahoo with an elbow smash to the back of the neck. Greg went to whip Wahoo into the buckles but Wahoo reversed and Greg slammed into them. Greg hit the buckles, staggered out of the corner and was greeted by a series of chest chops from Wahoo. After the last chop, Greg took a couple of steps forward and crashed on his face in the ring. Fans cheered. Wahoo hobbling. Wahoo reached down and started to pull Greg up when Greg grabbed Wahoo's legs and pulled them out from under Wahoo and Wahoo crashed to the mat. Greg up and grabbed Wahoo's left leg and started dropping elbows into the left knee area. Wahoo hurting.  Greg let go of the leg and stomped Wahoo and dragged Wahoo by the legs over by the ropes. Greg left the ring for the floor and pulled Wahoo's legs out to the knee area  so they were hanging over the apron. Greg then violently slammed Wahoo's leg into the ring apron multiple times. Ref counting the 10-count. Wahoo scooted back in the ring holding his left knee. Greg back in the ring. Ref asked Wahoo if he was OK and Wahoo waved off the ref. Wahoo down and Greg stomped the knee, grabbed Wahoo's left leg and wrapped Wahoo up in the figure four. Wahoo writhing in pain in the hold but not giving up. Crowd cheering for Wahoo to keep fighting. Wahoo struggled for a bit and the found the strength to try and reverse the hold. After a brief struggle, Wahoo turned Greg over. Fans went wild. Greg now the one in pain but Greg was close enough to be able to grab the bottom rope and force a break. The two men untangled their legs and slowly made it to their feet. Greg booted Wahoo in the left knee and Wahoo fell against the ropes. Greg caught Wahoo with a couple of punches, pulled Wahoo away from the ropes and went to bodyslam Wahoo but... in a repeat of the Wahoo/Tully finish... Wahoo caught Greg in a small package for the pin. Fans popped and rose to their feet. 1...2...thr... Greg kicked out. Fans groaned. Both men up and Wahoo laid into Greg with a blistering series of open-hand chest chops that drove Greg into the corner. Greg stunned and dropped to  a knee. Greg draped his arm out over the middle rope and the ref ordered a break. Wahoo broke and started to back off when Greg again punched Wahoo in the side of the left knee. Wahoo turned away from Greg and started hobbling in the other direction when Greg came up behind Wahoo and nailed Wahoo with a kick to the back of the knee area and Wahoo crumpled to the mat. Greg grabbed Wahoo's left leg, yanked on it a few times, and once again locked Wahoo in the figure four. Once again, the crowd urged Wahoo on in the hopes the Indian star wouldn't give in to the hold. Wahoo kept fighting and fans kept yelling for him. Wahoo then started to reverse the hold. Fans whooping it up. Wahoo had the hold turned half way over when Greg shifted his weight and regained control of the hold. Wahoo kept fighting but was clearly weakening. Wahoo's shoulders fell to the mat. 1...2...thr... Wahoo sat back up. Fans cheered. Wahoo struggling but not quitting. After another minute in the hold, Wahoo now started to strongly fade. The pain was becoming too much. Wahoo's shoulders fell back to the mat. Ref counted. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as most in the crowd booed but some also cheered. Greg held the hold on a little longer before releasing it and getting to his feet. Ref raised his hand in victory.
Ref went over and talked with Larry Nelson,
Nelson: In a time of 8 minutes, 27 seconds, your winner... and first-ever Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion... Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine!
More boos as Greg threw his fists victoriously in the air and strutted around the ring.
Nelson: And now, coming down the aisle to present the belt to the new champion is AWA promoter Verne Gagne.
Gagne came down the face aisle to the ring in a suit and tie and climbed in the ring, took the belt from the ref and handed it to Greg and shook Greg's hand to more crowd boos.
Greg slung the belt over his shoulder as the Nelson went up to interview him.
Nelson: Greg Valentine! You just defeated Wahoo McDaniel in a tough match to become the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champ0ion! Do you have anything to say?
Greg: I do, Nelson! To a more deserving guy this couldn't have happened!
More boos as Greg went and stood on the middle rope in the corner and held the belt aloft with both hands. Greg then walked to the other side of the ring and repeated he gesture. Most fans not appreciative. Shot of a limping Wahoo being helped to the back by a couple of referees.
WINNER: Valentine - Pinfall - 8:27
Ring announcer Larry Nelson thanked the fans for coming to the tournament and once again hyped the AWA returning to Anaheim in April and tickets would go on sale Monday, February 26 at 10am through Ticket Master and the Anaheim Convention Center Box Office.
One ticket got you into both sessions.

- AWA boss Verne Gagne after the show

- Watching the tournament in secret

- Bill and Jim spring a surprise on Verne

- AWA On ESPN (3rd & 4th Feb.Tapings)

- All-Star Wrestling (3rd & 4th Feb. Tapings)


Edited by piperrulz
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