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3rd Brand Developmental?

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Hey everyone, I was hoping someone might be able to shed some light on this subject for me. If I put a 3rd brand with the setting of Developmental, does this mean that less will be expected in terms of ratings etc?


For example; I want to have NXT as a 3rd brand instead of it's own Developmental territory. I don't want to have NXT on Wednesday rated as a 'B' show but I'm afraid that because I'll be using lesser known wrestlers on the show that it will fall short of broadcasters expectations. By changing its function to a Developmental brand on the brand split screen, will this be taken into account?



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From what I remember the setting mainly applies to what sort of wrestlers/workers end up being drafted to that brand. It doesn't change expectations or ratings. It only changes the limits of worker perceptions appearing on the brand.


Your ratings expectations will still be the same as if it was a normal A Show.

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