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Your Favorite Experimental Booking Projects?

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So I've been playing around with trying a few new things in TEW lately, and I was wondering if any of you have ever tried to do something off-the-wall just for the sake of it. From booking a product you normally wouldn't to just trying to make something as weird as possible.


Recently, I started booking a deathmatch promotion in-character as Eddy from Ed, Edd n' Eddy, and I'm having so much fun booking this absolute disaster of a company that I'm honestly considering doing it again for a diary at some point. For an idea of how it's going so far, the first show had no matches with ratings higher than 20, and it opened with Noah Nadir breaking his forearm.


Anyone else just like to experiment sometimes just to see what happens?

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I've been booking a main event feud where basically my champion is refusing to bring the title back to the show. So I'm seeing how long I can build this with just him appearing on pre recorded segments every couple of weeks. This also means he doesnt wrestle at all. I'm seeing how I can get on with PPV's without my biggest couple of stars wrestling at all.
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i created a fed sort of based on Lucha Underground, we run for six months as a series but sometimes there is a three month series etc in the cverse 2005 mod


its heavily story based, if wrestlers get poached they are killed off screen etc, Madman Boone has been buried alive, i hired Champagne Lover he got poached by DAVE, i took over DAVE when they were in debt and now hes back with Amnesia and doesn't know whether to side with the DAVE invasion or his old friends


mostly cinematic matches or stupidly over booked, each character has a purpose and the story centres around them with little subplots that have an overall arc to them


usually i book hardcore promotions but this has totally taken over my game, i'm six years in and still enjoying it

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<p>Road Dogg and Hayabusa in the Rising Storm mod. I had then in a feud with each other and then the AI decided to book them together as a team when I got lazy and had it auto book, and then found out they have great chemistry tagging together.</p><p> </p><p>

Road Dogg was always the mouthpiece in New Age Outlaws because Billy Gunn never did anything on the microphone, I'm running the New Age Outlaws team with Hayabusa replacing Billy Gunn. They have become my favorite made up team to book.</p>

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