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TCW- The Peter Michaels Redemption Story

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Early December 2019


We fade in to show a conference table with the Brico logo right in the center. Kyle Rhodes, Brent Hill, Sam Keith, and Peter Michaels are the only known wrestling faces in the room. The CEO of Brico, a smaller man dressed in a nice suite is wrapping up a meeting. Kyle Rhodes looks to be in shock, Brent Hill seems like the weight of the world has been lifted off his shoulders, Sam Keith looks pleased and Peter Michaels has a look of determination on his face. The Brico suites fly out of the room leaving the 4 industry legends in the room alone. Kyle breaks the silence. “So just like that my life's work is gone.” Sam looks over at Kyle with pity etched on his face. Keith Speaks “ Look Kyle, you didn’t do anything wrong. You got dealt a bad hand, RDJ retiring, Having Rocky leave you high and dry like he did. You have done a great job keeping the company a float and are have a solid foundation for the future I won’t **** this up. You will also stay on until the end of December, But, I have an offer for you. I can’t leave Maw in just anyone’s hands, and I want Maw and TCW to even become closer, I want MAW to become TCW’s official developmental company and I want you to run it.” Kyle looks shocked as he looks over at Sam Keith. Rhodes speaks, “I need time to digest everything before I give you an answer. I assume if I don’t take that then I am unemployed, you don’t need me with Michaels, Saunders, and Azaria now?” Sam just nods his head there is no reason to sugar coat it Kyle is a grown man.


Kyle stands up and shakes Sam Keith’s hand. “I will be in touch with my answer in a couple of days.” Keith says, “Take your time Maw isn’t going anywhere.” Rhodes nods his head. Brent Hill stands up as well. Hill “ I assume I am given my walking papers then? Sam shakes his head and lets out a slight chuckle. “You aren’t getting out of this war that easily Brent. I need you to be there right beside us helping the boys and being a damn fine road agent. Besides, You are already building to Malice in Wonderland. You know the roster, the stories, everything. We have kept up sure, but you know more of the long term goals. I’m not saying we are going to use all of them, but I’m not the type of man not to listen to good laid out ideas.” Brent Hill responds “I will gladly accept that. I have a lot of respect for you Sam and you Peter. I don’t think the boys will have a hard time adjusting to this. Hill walks out of the door. Peter Michaels is still in his chair and leans back.


Peter begins speaking “So you drag me back into the business, to fill a seat at ringside and that alone? I don’t buy it.” Keith “Nor would I expect you to Peter. This is your redemption story. You will have the book. Don’t get me wrong I plan to be a big part of your meetings, and my input will be weighted higher than anyone else on the team you assemble. I will be too busy keeping these businessmen at bay. You saw how they were. We need someone here. I will be at the shows whether you can use me or not, that will be up to you. However, the rest of the week when you are running house shows, scouting, hiring, firing, that will be on you. I will set rules for you granted. You will follow them. But for the most part this is your saga.


Now it is Peter’s face to turn into shock. “This is not what we talked about.” Keith “If I talked about it you would have said no Peter. Look you got unjustly blamed for a lot of things that weren't your fault the whole business knows it too. You have now looked at this roster, you can see the potential it has. Not to mention you have free reign to bring in young talent. Look, they will keep my hands tied on how much we can spend it’s true. However, I will make sure you can be competitive even if I have to get my ass in a bit of trouble here at the corporate level. That doesn’t mean we have an unlimited slush fund either. We won’t be hiring SWF, or USPW Main Eventers anytime soon… but that doesn’t mean we can’t make those companies pay for keeping them.” Sam gives him a wink. Keith begins once more. “Um I suggest you get to work. I am sure there are some young indy talents you have already had your eyes on. Don’t take everyone, I poured my heart and soul into the COTT I don’t want it decimated.” Peter nods his head. The two men walk out of the room as a new age for TCW begins.

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