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So here goes.. A story that has been told hundreds of times before by Fantasy Bookers and thought I would give my take on WWF 2001.


Open to any advice, feedback or questions/suggestions as this is my first diary/dynasty game I've ever posted.


Using the Genadi NewBlood MOD from TEW16, converted and tweaked the majority of the worker personalities due to the issues with converting.


Kicking off in January 2001, WCW are still broadcasting on TNT though contracts end in 3 months with TNT having no desire to renew. Already £1 million pound in debt, their excessive wages per month are likely to plunge them further into debt.


ECW are also struggling financially with no TV coverage, Paul Heyman and co plunder on with monthly shows in the Tri State area.


WWF are leading the way following an excellent 2000 which saw the return of figurehead Stone Cold Steve Austin towards the end of the year following neck surgery. He and the Rock are the major stars of the company with huge pop and insane entertainment skills, but this is a roster stacked with Stars including Triple H, current WWF Champion Kurt Angle, American Bad Ass Undertaker, Kane, Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit.


The midcard isn't bad either!


In development WWF expect big things from Brock Lesnar and Randy Orton who have excellent star quality!


Playing as Vince McMahon I first expanded coverage of Monday Night Raw and Thursday Night Smackdown! into Mexico and Japan on 52MX and Jsports2 respectively, as well as moving Smackdown! from taped to live shows.

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WWF RAW (Monday, Week 1 January 2001)


At the McKenzie Arena, Chattanooga, Tennessee


Show Rating: 80

Attendance: 10,000 SELL OUT!

TV Rating: 2.88

Viewers: 2,166,288


RAW kicks off with a recap of Edge & Christian regaining the Tag Team Titles on last Thursday’s Smackdown from The Rock and The Undertaker, following the assist from Special Referee Kurt Angle.


Stephanie McMahon heads out to the ring and tells the crowd that tonight the former Tag Team Champions will have the opportunity to show which of them is the best as she pitches a match between them both tonight as the Main Event.


Stephanie then brings out Kurt Angle and Edge & Christian who brag about their achievements last Thursday Night. Kurt Angle mentions that his family is in the crowd tonight as Chris Jericho’s music then hits. He comes out and berates the four occupants of the ring with obligatory name calling. Jericho then demands a shot at Angle’s WWF Championship which Stephanie refuses, instead setting up a 6 Man Tag Match, Angle, Edge and Christian against Jericho and two partners of his choosing.


We cut to the Hardy Boyz asking Lita to stay in the back for their match with the Radicalz. Lita tells Matt and Jeff she appreciates them looking out for her but insists on being in their corner tonight.


Recap of the Hardcore Holly v Regal match last Thursday on Smackdown which ended as a no contest following Kane’s attack on the Special Referee Austin.


Stone Cold arrives at the arena ahead of his bout with Kane later in the show.




While Benoit and Jeff fight outside the ring. A low blow from Lita leaves Malenko grounded for Matt to connect with the guillotine legdrop to pick up the pin over Malenko.


As Matt celebrates the win with Lita, Benoit takes them both down allowing Malenko to apply the Texas Cloverleaf to Matt. Lita tries to pull Malenko off Matt but is unsuccessful when Benoit pulls her off and puts her in the crossface. Finally a group of officials break the submissions and the two Radicalz head back up the ramp.


The Rock arrives at the arena as JR and Lawler hype the Main Event


The Kat makes her way to the ring to hand JR a copy of the new WWF Divas video. Giving Lawler and the fans in attention a cheeky flash before heading backstage.


Kurt Angle is seen showing his family around backstage as they bump into K-Kwik for some comical back and forth between the two as Kurt’s Brother watches on.




Hardcore and Raven decide not to wait for the champion and go at it before Blackman can make his entrance. As all 3 men battle the fight makes its way to the backstage area. Hardcore Holly slams Blackman into a car and swings at him with a 2x4 but misses and Blackman plants him onto the car with a bridge suplex. Raven breaks the 3 count and nails Blackman with an Evenflow DDT onto the concrete to become the new Hardcore Champion.


The camera cuts to Michael Cole who is with Steve Austin and asks his thoughts on his upcoming bout with Kane. Austin says his has a can of whoop ass with Kane’s name on it and that’s the bottom line.


Following Kurt Angle and Edge & Christians entrances, Jericho comes on stopping on the stage to introduce his Tag Partners…. THE DUDLEY BOYZ!!




A back and forth match which sees all participants involved comes to a head when Jericho is shoved in the face by Eric Angle after whipping Kurt into the barricade. With the referee dealing with the brawl between the other 4 combatants the opposite side of the ring, Jericho tosses Kurt back into the ring while Eric Angle jumps the barricade and slams Jericho into the ring post and rolls him in alongside Kurt. The referee returns to the ring just as the two legal men are making their way to a standing position. Kurt ducks a swing by Jericho and lands the Angle Slam for the victory.


Eric, Edge & Christian join Kurt in the ring to celebrate the win.


The camera cuts backstage to see Kane making his way to the ring, he slows as The American Badass comes into shot for a brief stare down between the Brothers of Destruction.


William Regal makes his way out to join for Guest Commentary.




Austin rushes the ring and goes straight to work on Kane as Jerry Lawler sides with Regal on Commentary against JR. An open match with each man gaining two counts looks like its coming to a conclusion when Kane grabs Stone Cold by the throat, but Austin counters and hits the stunner. As Austin drops for the pin, Regal rushes in and breaks up the count causing the disqualification.


Regal beats down on Austin who manages to recover and hits a stunner but turns into a recovered Kane who lands the chokeslam.

Backstage Kevin Kelly interviews the Rock and asks if he’s afraid of taking the Last Ride tonight, Rock cuts him short and makes fun of Kelly before saying the millions… (and millions) of the Rocks fans will witness Rock laying the Smackdown on Taker tonight. If you smell what the Rock is cooking.




Test and Albert dominate the early stages of the match but Too Cool fight back until all 4 men are in the ring. Grandmaster Sexay is standing groggy following an attack by Albert who has now thrown Scotty 2 Hotty from the ring. Test goes for the big boot but Grandmaster ducks and Test plants Albert. Sexay rolls up a devastated Test for a flash pinfall and soon escapes the ring with the victory.


Albert confronts Test for the mix up and after some pushing and shoving Test turns away, Albert quickly spins him round and plants the Baldo Bomb. As Albert departs Trish tends to a floored Test.


JR and LAWLER talk through a recap of Benoit putting Lita in the crossface earlier in the show. Following this we see Lita being stretchered to a waiting Ambulance earlier.




Both men have a staredown to start when Taker gets the first shots in before knocking Rock over the ropes. Taker continues the assault outside of the ring dropping Rock on the barricade, Rock tries to fight back but Taker rams him into the announce desk before throwing him back into the ring. Rock again tries to fight back but Taker stops this and whips him across the ring, but Rock comes back with a flying clothesline. Rock gets in more offense and goes for the whip but Taker counters into a swinging neckbreaker. Both men exchange blows with each getting near falls following DDT’s. Rock is in the ascendence and grabs Taker for the Rock Bottom but Taker fights out of it and hits Rock with the Chokeslam instead. As Taker readies Rock for the Last Ride, Rikishi makes he was down the ramp returning for the first time since being chokeslammed off the top of the Cell at Armageddon. Taker greets Rikishi on the apron and nails him with a fist before he is able to enter the ring. As Taker turns back Rock has recovered to his feet and lands the Rock Bottom. As Rock sweeps from either the side of the ring for the People’s Elbow he falls over the ropes after Rikishi pulls them down. Rikishi stomps away on the Rock before tossing him back into the ring. A slowly recovering Taker is hit by Rikishi with the superkick and then a superkick to the Rock too. Both are dragged to a corner each as Rikishi performs a sitdown splash on them.


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WWF Smackdown (Thursday, Week1, January 2001)


At the Nashville Auditorium in Tennessee.


Show Rating: 83

Attendance: 15,000

TV Rating: 2.47

Viewers: 1,855,810


Stephanie McMahon makes her way to the ring to open this evening’s show in the absence of Vince, condemning the action of Chris Jericho and the Dudley Boyz on RAW last Monday Night, in particular Bubba Ray Dudley who will tonight face Kurt Angle in a Non Title Match at Kurt’s request. Chris Jericho will also be in action in a handicap match against the WWF Tag Team Champions Edge & Christian, and she also has a treat in store for The Rock and Undertaker which she will reveal later in the show.


As Steph departs the ring, the camera cuts backstage to find the Undertaker arriving and Coach grabs a quick word with him about Stephanie’s plans for he and the Rock. Taker hopes the plans involve Rikishi who interfered in his match with Rock last Monday Night as he will show that payback is a Bitch!

Jericho comes out to the ring for his upcoming match and cuts a scathing promo on Stephanie and her minions Edge & Christian.


Chris Jericho v Edge & Christian


With Jericho in charge of the charge, Stephanie McMahon makes her way down to the ring, Jericho meets her on the apron and Stephanie falls to the floor at ringside, Jericho watches from the ropes as the referee tends to Steph, but as Jericho turns he walks straight into the Edgexecution, Christian the legal man then picks up Jericho as the legal man and performs the unprettier and gets the 1,2,3.


A recovered Stephanie makes her way into the ring and demands Edge and Christian punish Jericho. Grabbing a chair each they position themselves either side of a groggy Jericho who stumbles to his feet but is hit by the conchairto.


As Steph, Edge and Christian look over the floored Jericho the camera cuts back stage to see the arrival of The Rock to tonight’s show.


Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler then talk us through a video recap of the deplorable actions of Benoit Monday Night, showing Lita frantically tapping to the Crippler Crossface.


Stephanie is back in her office beaming from ear to ear re-watching the beating Jericho took as Matt Hardy bursts in and demands a match with Benoit tonight. Stephanie agrees and also says the IC Title will be on the line.


Back to the ring and Right to censor members Steven Richards, Ivory, the Goodfather and Bull Buchanan cut a promo on the APA, stating that their beer drinking exploits are everything that is wrong with modern day culture.


Right to Censor v APA & Jacqueline


In a pretty uneventful match Ivory gets the pin on Jacqueline for the win for her team following a distraction from Steven Richards.


Steve Austin is shown arriving at the building.


Back in Stephanie’s office, William Regal enquires as to what the plans are for Steve Austin after he was the victim of a stunner last Monday Night, Steph tells Regal he will soon see.


Chris Benoit © v Matt Hardy – Intercontinental Title


Matt wastes no time in running in to the ring to enact his revenge on Benoit but Benoit soon regains the advantage. An open back and forth match looks to be drawing to a conclusion as Matt Hardy lands the Twist of Fate but Benoit’s Radicalz teammate Dean Malenko distracts Matt allowing Benoit enough time to recover and take Matt down with the Crippler Crossface. Matt taps out as Benoit gets the win.


Kurt Angle is backstage reviewing the footage of his brother Eric being put through a table last Monday Night when a jubilant Edge & Christian enter. Kurt tells them both that he will make Bubba Ray pay for his actions as he heads out for his match.


Stone Cold comes down to the ring demanding a rematch with Kane having taken two choke slams in as many shows. Stephanie’s music hits and she joins Austin in the ring, offering him, no insisting he takes the rest of the night off as he will not be getting a rematch with Kane tonight.


Austin has a change of mind and a wry smile appears on his face, he graciously thanks Steph for the night off and ask her to join him for a beer. With a smile on her face Steph goes to take a sip but watches as Stone Cold pours his two cans all over her leaving her soaked as he departs.


Backstage Bubba Ray is warming up for his match with Angle as D-Von comes in a wishes him luck.


Camera cuts to the parking lot where Austin jumps in his truck and leaves.


Kurt Angle © v Bubba Ray Dudley - Non Title Match


An open contest between Bubba Ray and the WWF Champion is interrupted part way through as Edge and Christian make their way to ringside. As Edge attempts to enter the ring the referee holds him back, the distraction allows Christian to enter the ring and strike Bubba Ray with his Tag Title Belt. Angle is then able to land the Angle Slam and pick up a tainted victory.


At the conclusion of the match Angle, Edge and Christian continue to wail on Bubba Ray as the Tag Champions grab a chair each. D-Von Dudley rushes to the ring to chase off the three before any further damage is done.


Backstage the Rock is interviewed by Kevin Kelly regarding Stephanie McMahon’s plans for he and the Undertaker. As well as belittling Kevin Kelly, Rock says It Doesn’t Matter what her plans are. The Rock also invented a new catchphrase during this segment.


Raven © v Steve Blackman – Hardcore Title


Steve Blackman has the opportunity to win back the Hardcore Title he lost Monday Night on RAW. In a match filled with various usage of weapons, Blackman thrashes Raven with his kendo stick numerous times, but Raven turns the tide when he plants Blackman with a road sign. Raven follows this up with a DDT onto the road sign and covers to retain his Hardcore Title.


A graphic is shown of Undertaker and The Rock both walking to the ring in different directions, followed by a recap of Stephanie being drenched by Austin and Stone Cold subsequently leaving the building.


Stephanie comes out to the stage still furious from the events earlier and informs the crowd that Rock and Undertaker will team up tonight in a handicap match against Rikishi. The bad man makes his way to the ring when Stephanie comes back onto the mic to explain that Rikishi will have two Partners and introduces William Regal and Kane!


Rock & Undertaker v Rikishi, Kane & William Regal


Each of the participants of the match take turns to face each other with the Brothers of Destruction eventually coming face to face. After some fierce blows Kane whips Undertaker to the ropes with Rock leaning over and making the blind tag, on his way back Taker ducks a Kane clothes line but Rikishi pulls the rope down and Taker tumbles out of the ring. The refer exits the ring to try and break up the two men brawling outside as they fall over the barricade and into the crowd, this allows Regal to jump into the ring and low blow Rock from behind as he sets Kane up for the Rock Bottom. Kane and Regal beat down the Rock when Steve Austins music hits. The rattlesnake rushes to the ring delivering a stunner to Kane and throwing him from the ring, Austin then stunners Regal and departs allowing a recovered Rock to hit the Rock Bottom on Regal just in time for the referee to return to the ring and count the 1,2,3.


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WWF Sunday Night Heat (Sunday, Week1, January 2001)


At the Nashville Auditorium, Tennessee (Recorded Thursday)


Show Rating: 62

Attendance: 15,000 (SELL OUT!)

TV Rating: 0.10

Viewers: 79,659



K-Kwik raps his way to the ring ready to face Albert in tonight’s opening contest.


K-Kwik v Albert


Albert dominates the early stages of the match however Test & Trish make their way to the stage causing a distraction and K-Kwik manages to get a fast roll up pin fall on the big man for a shock win


Cameras cut backstage to see Too Cool warming up and discussing their upcoming match against Lo Down.


Brock Lesnar v Brian Knobbs


A short dominating win for OVW's Brock Lesnar over the former nasty boy Brian Knobbs who was hired as a local worker.


Kevin Kelly and Coach talk us through a recap of the events last week involving Chris Benoit & Lita and also provide an update on the status of Lita who is currently recovering in Hospital following the Crippler Crossface.


Dean Malenko © v Bryan Danielson – Light Heavyweight Championship


Kelly and Coach wax lyrical about the young Danielson who is currently in Developmental with HWA (he was actually at Memphis Championship Wrestling but that company does not exist on the MOD so I put him at Heartland). A brave effort by Danielson who gets a couple of near falls but is foiled by Malenko who steals the win while holding the ropes.


A recap of the past week’s events involving Kurt Angle, Edge & Christian, Chris Jericho, the Dudley’s and Stephanie McMahon is shown.


Too Cool v Lo Down


Scotty Too Hotty picks up the win in this bout between two lower midcard Tag Teams who don’t look like troubling the title picture anytime soon.


As Scotty and Grandmaster Sexay prepare to dance following the win they are taken down by D’Lo and Chaz of Lo Down.


A recap of the past week’s events involving Stone Cold, Rock, Taker, Kane, Rikishi, Regal and Steph.


Val Venis and Ivory are in the ring cutting a self promo about the righteousness of the Right to Censor group and how all the fans in attendance should be following their example.


Val Venis v Crash Holly


A fairly uneventful match, though there was some interference from the respective manager’s ivory and Molly Holly. Val picks up the win in this one.


Following the victory Billy Gunn rushes to the ring seeking revenge on Val and Ivory after causing injury to Chyna last month but the RTC guys manage to escape away up the ramp before they are caught.


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Weekly News


Breaking News!


WWF and ECW have reached an agreement that will see ECW able to accept workers on development from WWF.


The move comes as NJPW began a talent raid on ECW attempting to lure the likes of Jerry Lynn, James Maritato and Yoshihiro Tajiri to the Asian promotion.


WWF have countered these and should the signings prove successful are likely to return the workers to ECW with the option of calling them up to their own roster at any time.


John Cena signs for WWF


WWF have moved to add 23 year old John Cena to their ranks. The worker who had been working for the likes if UPW since his debut in February 2000 will be sent to WWF's development territory Ohio Valley Wrestling to hone his excellent potential.

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WWF Raw (Monday, Week 2, January 2001)


At Frank Erwin Centre, Austin, Texas


Show Rating: 84

Attendance: 15,000 (SELL OUT!)

TV Rating: 2.89

Viewers: 2,174,267


Mr McMahon opens the show, firstly thanking Stephanie for looking after things here while he was away tending to other business (the XFL, which is a guaranteed success surely?)


McMahon states that whilst the upcoming Royal Rumble (Sunday Week 4) will determine the challenger for the Title at Wrestlemania, we do need a No 1 Contender in the meantime and proposes a mini tournament starting tonight which will see The Rock v Kane and Undertaker v Rikishi.

No mention of Stone Cold as the segment ends and the cameras cut to see the Undertaker arriving.


Chris Jericho comes out to the ring saying he wouldn’t be here tonight if Lt Commissioner Debra hadn’t granted him a shot at Chris Benoit’s Intercontinental Title, and Benoit wouldn’t be here if Mrs Benoit has managed to keep her legs closed for just a second. The promo is cut short by the arrival of Benoit.


Chris Jericho v Chris Benoit © - Intercontinental Title


A solid match between the two is brought to a premature end when Jericho is attacked by Benoit’s Radicalz run in buddies Malenko and Perry Saturn which results in disqualification. As the Radicalz continue the beat down following the bell.


Jeff and Matt Hardy rush to the ring to make the save.


Backstage The Undertaker is walking to the ring ahead of his match with Rikishi.


The cameras catch the tail end of a conversation in Mr Mahon’s office where Trish is thanking him seductively and saying it’s great that he is back, as she leaves the office she bumps into a recently arrived Stephanie McMahon who scowls as Trish walks past.


Undertaker v Rikishi (No 1 Contender Qualifying Match)


Rikishi is hesitant to enter the ring where Taker is already waiting having ridden in on his bike which prompts Taker to meet him on the stage and bring him to the ring for the match to begin. Taker seeks revenge for the attack by Rikishi last Monday Night but is still feeling the effects of the sit down splash he suffered which allows Rikishi to get some offense in. Rikishi whips Taker into the corner and runs at him for the butt splash in the corner but Taker sidesteps this and hits Rikishi with a clothes line. Taker attempts to set up Rikishi for the last ride but is unable to lift him due to his sore ribs and Rikishi counters. Another whip to the ropes by Rikishi but Taker ducks on the way back and lands a DDT and positions himself for the choke slam as Rikishi makes his way to his feet groggy. Taker manages the choke slam in obvious pain and takes the win to progress to meet either Kane or The Rock on Smackdown.


Backstage Trish tells Test Mr McMahon has granted him a Hardcore title match against Raven thanks to her. Test gives Trish a warning about getting involved with the McMahons, speaking from experience.


The Rock is interviewed ahead of his match with Kane. Rock congratulates Undertaker on his victory and guarantees that he will lay the Smackdown on Kane tonight to meet Taker Thursday Night and become No 1 Contender. If you smelllllllll.........


Cameras cut to see Stone Cold arriving.


Raven © v Test – Hardcore Title


An open match to begin with, but Test looks to be in the ascendency and on course for the Hardcore Title when Albert runs into the ring. After a few blows from each man Raven nails Test from behind allowing Albert to hit the Baldo Bomb on Test and leave Raven to the pin.


As Albert leaves the ring, Trish grabs him and pulls him back seemingly wanting an explanation for the interference but instead she demands Albert go back in the ring to finish Test off as she stands ring side gleaming.


Backstage Rock can be seen walking to the ring for his upcoming match.


A recently arrived Austin bursts into Vince’s office demanding his title shot! Vince tells him after his recent actions he doesn’t deserve a title shot but in the spirit of the New Year tonight he will face William Regal, with the winner added to the No 1 Contender match on Smackdown as a Triple Threat.


Kurt Angle makes his way down to join the commentary team for the forthcoming match.

The Rock v Kane (No 1 Contender Qualifying)


Both men go straight at it exchanging blows but Rock is still feeling the effects of Rikishi’s splash last Monday. Kurt Angle berates the Rock during the opening minutes of the match. Eventually Rock clothes lines Kane outside of the ring and jumps down to ringside aiming a warning Angle’s way. Kane recovers and goes to whip Rock into the ring steps but Rock reverses sending Kane into them instead. As the referee checks on Kane’s condition, Angle waffles Rock from behind with the Championship belt and throws Rock back into the ring. Kane makes his way back into the ring as a groggy Rocky makes his way into the ring and walks straight into a chokeslam as Kane picks up the win and joins his brother Undertaker in the Triple Threat on Smackdown.


Back in Vince’s office, Stephanie is angrily questioning her Father’s relationship with Trish Stratus which Vince remarks is purely business. Steph goes on to question why Vince caved so easily to Austin’s demands after she was humiliated by him on Smackdown. Vince remarks that he has a plan for Austin, grinning as he hands Stephanie a referee jersey.




With Jacqueline and Ivory ringside supporting their respective teams, both cause distraction at some point during the match. The culmination of the match sees Ivory attempting to enter the ring while Steven Richards sneaks in and plants a Steven Kick on Farooq allowing The Goodfather to take the win for the RTC.


Steve Austin is interview backstage by Coach as he gives his thoughts on Vince appointing Stephanie as the special referee for the match against Regal.


Back to Vince’s office and the Dudley Boyz enter demanding a title shot against Edge & Christian. Vince tells the Dudleyz much like Austin they will have to earn their title shot and will therefore face RTC Thursday Night on Smackdown for the right to face the Tag Team Champions at the Royal Rumble.


Steve Austin v William Regal (No 1 Contender Qualifying)


Stephanie makes her way to the ring as the special referee.


Stone Cold dominates the early part of the match, taking time to warn Stephanie that she better call this down the middle, however Steph does not heed the warning as Stone Cold goes for his first pin and Steph slow counts. Austin is up in Steph’s face allowing Regal a low blow and a flash pinfall quickly counted but Austin kicks out. With both men back to their feet, Regal attempts a clothes line on Austin who ducks and Regal plants Stephanie who was stood right behind. Regal is distraught and attempts to aide Stephanie before turning round right into a Stunner. Austin goes for the pin as the crowd chant the 3 but with Stephanie down, Earl Hebner rushes to the ring to count the win for Austin who progresses to face Undertaker and Kane Thursday Night to be named the No 1 Contender.


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WWF Smackdown (Thursday, Week 2 January 2001)


At the San Antonio Coliseum, Texas


Show Rating: 89

Attendance: 10,000 (SELL OUT!)

TV Rating: 2.50

Viewers: 1,881,559


Kurt Angle opens the show firstly by insulting the San Antonio Spurs. He explains the reasons for his interference Monday Night on RAW saying Rock does not deserve another shot at his title, reminding all those in attendance that he pinned the Rock in the 6 man Hell in a Cell match last month at Armageddon.


Rock comes out to the stage demanding a match tonight for the title. Kurt agrees to the match but refuses to put the title on the line.


Backstage Trish Stratus is seen entering Mr McMahons office flirting with the Chairman as she requests a favour before Albert’s match with Test tonight. The cameras cut before we hear the request.


Radicalz (Benoit, Malenko & Saturn) v Chris Jericho & the Hardy Boyz


Lita returns to accompany the Hardy Boyz to the ring for tonight bout. An open back and forth match which sees involvement from all sides as well as distraction from Terri as she attempts to gain the advantage. Lita soon deals with Terri who is up on the apron. As Saturn comes to Terri’s aid, the Hardy Boyz pull out a ladder and take down Saturn. Benoit comes to the aid of his Radicalz running mate while in the ring Jericho lands the lionsault on Dean Malenko and gets the pin for his team.


Outside the ring Benoit has managed to dispose of the Hardy Boyz with the ladder as Jericho looks to rescue his team mates Benoit violently crashes the ladder into Jericho several times leaving him fallen outside the ring.


Stone Cold is seen arriving at the building as Cole and Lawler hype the Triple Threat Main Event.


A recap of Monday Nights events involving Albert beating down Test as ordered by Trish.


Trish and Albert come out to the stage to inform Test, who is waiting for revenge in the ring that there has been a change to tonight’s match and his opponent instead will be Rikishi.


Rikishi v Test


Test looks to be in control of the match but Albert and Trish at ringside offer a constant distraction. As Test looks to put the match to bed Trish jumps to the apron to distract the referee and Albert hits the Baldo Bomb on Test. As both Trish and Albert leave the ring, Rikishi is able to hit the sit down splash and pins for the victory.


Albert continues the assault on Test post match to the delight of Trish.


Dudley Boyz can be seen heading to the ring ahead of their No 1 Contender Match with RTC for the Tag Titles.


Rock is interviewed backstage by Kevin Kelly, after the obligatory belittlement of Kevin Kelly, the Rock says he will emerge victorious tonight as the first step on his road back to becoming the WWF Champion!


RTC v Dudley Boyz – Tag Title No 1 Contender Match


Edge and Christian join for commentary as the Dudley Boyz take the match to RTC always with an eye on the Tag Champions. Despite distraction from Christian, Bubba Ray and D-Von manage to hit the 3D on Bull Buchanan as D-Von picks up the win.


Edge and Christian rush the ring and take down the victors, Bull Buchanan and the Goodfather assist them as Edge and Christian set up a two tables allowing the RTC members to powerbomb Bubba Ray and D-Von through each table as Edge and Christian watch on.


Rock is walking to the ring ahead of his match with Kurt Angle


Backstage Trish is seductively thanking Vince McMahon for the favour earlier in the night as she leaves him with a present (a small red box) and a kiss before leaving.


Just in time too as the cameras show Stephanie McMahon arriving at the building.


Rock v Kurt Angle


Both men exchange blows in the early moments of the match but Angle gains the advantage with a take down. Rocky fights back but Angle again counters and attempts a submission that sees Rock fading but he fights back at the last second. The fight moves to the outside of the ring and Rock attempts to whip Angle into the steps but Angle counters. Both men make it back into the ring before the referees ten count and Angle goes for the Angle Slam as a groggy Rock makes his way to his feet. Rock counters landing a DDT and stands poised ready for the Rock Bottom which Angle succumbs too, allowing Rock a victory over the WWF Champion.


Backstage Steve Austin is interviewed by Coach. Austin says it has been his mission to return to the top of the WWF since returning from injury late last year, and tonight he will emerge victorious and go on to win the Title Monday Night on RAW. And that’s the bottom line….


Vince is seen in his office opening the package from Trish which contains some red panties, as his office door opens he quickly manages to hide the knickers down the sofa.


Steph enters querying who the package is from as Vince quickly skirts over the subject. A puzzled Steph asks what her Dad’s plans are for Austin tonight after their failed attempt to derail his title pursuit Monday Night. Vince assures his daughter he has a plan.


Val Venis v Billy Gunn – Lumberjack Match


The Lumberjacks file out to ringside ahead of this match including Bradshaw, Farooq, the RTC members and a few other members of the roster. Val and Billy take it in turns to throw each other out the ring as each side of the lumberjacks beat on the men before tossing them back in.


Val gains the advantage as a ringside brawl ensues between the APA and RTC with other guys throwing their weight in, with the referee distracted by the melee outside the ring, Steven Richards is able to land the Steven kick on Billy Gunn allowing Val to pick up the win.


Each member of the Triple Threat Match Main Event can be viewed walking to the ring.


A video is shown of Triple H training his way back to full fitness.


Mr McMahon’s music hits as everyone expecting the 3 competitors for the Triple Threat Match. Vince comes out and announces he will be the Special Referee for the match.


Stone Cold v The Undertaker v Kane


Taker and Kane are first out and start going at it as Austins music hits and he rushes the ring and starts taking it to the Brothers but the odds are too much. Taker and Kane double team Austin leaving him down then go back to fighting each other.


Taker goes for a whip on Kane but its reversed and Taker is thrown out of the ring. Austin is back up and hits a Lou Thesz press and goes for the pinfall which is slow counted by Vince mush to Austin’s anguish as he gets in the face of the Chairman.


Taker is back in the ring and nails Austin with a big boot. A recovered Kane is on the top turnbuckle and hits Taker with a flying clothesline. Austin goes for the Stunner on Kane but is countered and Kane grabs Austin by the throat,


Taker makes the interception as Rikishi’s music hits and the bad man walks down the ramp. Taker climbs over the top rope and meets him on the ramp, back in the ring Kane turns into Austin who hits the Stunner and pins.. 1, 2, 3.


Vince counts the pin for Austin who seems surprised along with everyone else.


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<p>WWF Sunday Night Heat (Sunday, Week 2, January 2001)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">At the San Antonio Coliseum, Texas </span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em><span style="color:#FFA500;">Show Rating: 62</span></em></strong></p><p><strong><em><span style="color:#FFA500;">

Attendance: 10,000 (SELL OUT!)(Recorded Thursday Week 2)</span></em></strong></p><p><strong><em><span style="color:#FFA500;">

TV Rating: 0.10</span></em></strong></p><p><strong><em><span style="color:#FFA500;">

Viewers: 80,094</span></em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Trish and Albert open the show, with the former explaining the reasons she turned her back on Test. Trish explains it was clear to see that Albert was the hot property in T&A and she knows a little something about hot property herself.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>Albert v Crash Holly</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Despite Crash’s best efforts to take Albert down, this match is over almost as soon as it begins as Albert hits the Baldo Bomb and gets the pin.</p><p> </p><p>

Backstage Kai En Tai are playing cards in the APA office when TAKA doesn’t take defeat too well as Bradshaw wins the hand of poker. The Japanese Duo challenge APA to a match.</p><p> </p><p>

Jacqueline is interviewed backstage about her forthcoming match with Lisa Marie Varon</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>APA v Kai En Tai</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

APA easily dispose of Kai En Tai when Faarooq hits Funaki with the Dominator</p><p> </p><p>

Lillian Garcia interviews Mark Henry backstage who will challenge William Regal for the European Title in tonight’s Main Event.</p><p> </p><p>

We then get a recap of the weeks events involving the Radicalz, Chris Jericho, the Hardy Boyz and Edge & Christian.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>Jacqueline v Lisa Marie Varon</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

An open match as the young Varon puts up a brave effort against Jacqui, but the veteran picks up the win.</p><p> </p><p>

A recap of the weeks events which saw Stone Cold become the Number One Contender to face Kurt Angle Monday Night on RAW.</p><p> </p><p>

In the ring William Regal cuts a promo on etiquette and insulting the crowd in attendance.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>William Regal © v Mark Henry – European Title</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Henry looks set to emerge victorious in this European Title bout as he takes the match to Regal, however the tide turns when Henry whips Regal towards the corner where the referee is sandwiched and knocked down. As Henry approaches Regal, the Champion is able to rake the eyes, followed by a low blow and manages to take down the Worlds Strongest Man. Regal them obtains the European Title from ringside and clocks Henry with it just as he was getting back to his feet. The referee comes round just in time to count the pinfall as William Regal retains.</p><p><a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2021_03/SD2.jpg.b7a06fed7e03cba0059c2e707fa79677.jpg" data-fileid="3794" data-fileext="jpg" rel=""><img data-fileid="3794" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="SD2.jpg.b7a06fed7e03cba0059c2e707fa79677.jpg" data-src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2021_03/SD2.jpg.b7a06fed7e03cba0059c2e707fa79677.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></a></p>


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