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TNA 2004: Dutch's Way

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Chris Sabin vs. Samoa Joe

Comments: Debut win for Joe to let him hit the ground running in TNA. Sabin is also capable of making Joe look good in the process.


NWA World Tag Team Championship

The New Franchise (Shane Douglas & Michael Shane) © vs. America's Most Wanted

Comments: Torn between an underhanded victory for The New Franchise and a DQ win for AMW. Going with the DQ win.


The Amazing Red vs. Elix Skipper

Comments: I see Skipper getting the win here coming off that strong performance at Genesis.


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Sting © vs. Sonny Siaki

Comments: Like I've said, I'm definitely interested in seeing what you do with Siaki after his big win at Genesis, but I just don't see any other outcome here than the Stinger retaining.

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Chris Sabin vs. Samoa Joe



NWA World Tag Team Championship

The New Franchise (Shane Douglas & Michael Shane) © vs. America's Most Wanted



The Amazing Red vs. Elix Skipper



TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Sting © vs. Sonny Siaki


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<p>Chris Sabin vs. <strong>Samoa Joe</strong></p><p>

Comments: poor Sabin</p><p> </p><p>

NWA World Tag Team Championship</p><p>

The New Franchise (Shane Douglas & Michael Shane) © vs. <strong>America's Most Wanted</strong></p><p>

Comments: Maybe a win by DQ after Monty gets in? </p><p> </p><p>

The Amazing Red vs. <strong>Elix Skipper</strong></p><p>

Comments: Keep his momentum up, he showed that he can go</p><p> </p><p>

TNA World Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Sting</strong> © vs. Sonny Siaki</p><p>

Comments: Maybe Siaki will pick up some popularity from an open match</p>

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Chris Sabin vs. Samoa Joe

Comments: Big Sabin fan, but this is going to be a massacre.


NWA World Tag Team Championship

The New Franchise (Shane Douglas & Michael Shane) © vs. America's Most Wanted

Comments: Hmm...I'm actually gonna go with a DQ ending here I think. Douglas saves the belts for TNF. EDIT: I thought I was being original and it turns out like 3 other people said this before me hahaha. Whatever.


The Amazing Red vs. Elix Skipper



TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Sting © vs. Sonny Siaki

Comments: Sonny's time may be in the future, but it's not here yet. But good for him. I'm sure he gained a decent amount of pop with the win at Genesis and surely won't lose any by taking a loss to Sting here.

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Chris Sabin vs. Samoa Joe



NWA World Tag Team Championship

The New Franchise (Shane Douglas & Michael Shane) © vs. America's Most Wanted

Comments: If they are going to change hands, it should be at a PPV, not a weekly show. I imagine that AMW gets screwed, or loses due to some form of cheat by the champions.


The Amazing Red vs. Elix Skipper

Comments: Gotta Push Primetime Baby.


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Sting © vs. Sonny Siaki

Comments: Going with the contrarian vote.

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TNA iMPACT! #9 - Wednesday, Week 1, April 2004





Wednesday, Week 1, April 2004

Live from Allen Arena on ESPN

Attendance: 5,028


Announce Team: Mike Tenay & Don West


Timeline | Roster | Champions | Alliances




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Standard Singles Match

Chris Sabin vs. Samoa Joe



Mike Tenay introduces Samoa Joe as a former UPW Heavyweight Champion and brings up that for a year, he dominated Ring of Honor as their World Heavyweight Champion. Considering TNA crowned its first on Saturday, could Joe fast track himself into contention for our World Heavyweight Championship?


Any question of stage fright under the bright lights of 5,000+ in attendance are put to bed here in a relatively dominant display of striking prowess and a remarkable proclivity for inflicting punishment on another man. Sabin has his moments, though they are fleeting at best, an Enzuigiri staggering Joe enough for Sabin to springboard off the second rope into a Tornado DDT. However, Joe’s signature Urinage deflates any notion that there’s a comeback on the cards here and it’s all she wrote after the Back Elbow-Enzuigiri combo in the corner followed by the Muscle Buster.







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As Mike Tenay and Don West remind us of AJ Styles and America’s Most Wanted picking up a victory in the trios match at Genesis to transition into our next match, suddenly a man jumps over the security railing, hops in the ring and demands the microphone from JB.








”Hey yo so you just thought you could come into our territory, hold your little show and my promotion, the IWA, would just stand to one side?”


It’s none other than
Savio Vega
and he orders Commissioner Piper to come down to the ring right now because there’s no way he’s letting TNA Wrestling come into his backyard without a little negotiating first!





”Here comes ‘Hot Rod’ and I don’t think he’s used to other men making demands of him...”






Roddy Piper
tells Savio that he doesn’t have time for a whole lot of talk and asks him what he wants. Fortunately for him, Savio is far from a verbose speaker himself and says that he will stand aside provided his IWA guys get a crack at title belts and an opportunity to show they belong in TNA Wrestling. He thinks a little interpromotional warfare is best for business and Piper agrees.


”Bring your best guys and let’s have us some REAL Caribbean Combat!”







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NWA World Tag Team Championship

The New Franchise (Shane Douglas & Michael Shane w/ Monty Brown) © vs. America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris & James Storm)



With Savio having taken his place back at ringside now his demands have been satisfied, we go to the next match as Mike Tenay brings up Banderas & Apolo, Bison Smith & Jablonski and Thunder & Lightning, three teams from IWA that could make serious claims to face the winners of this match. For the vast majority of this contest it looks as though Douglas & Shane have picked the worst possible night to have a day off and AMW are much the superior team, working together in quick tag exchanges and using their experience to their advantage.


It does seem as though The New Franchise have been dodging them but they are bailed out when the ‘Alpha Male’ Monty Brown rolls under the bottom rope and takes down James Storm with the POUNCE!, leaving referee Andrew Thomas no choice but to call for the disqualification, a lucky escape courtesy of the “insurance policy”.







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As our commentary team laments what could have been if not for Monty Brown, we jump to the
Team Jarrett
locker room.







There is an inquest going on over Genesis. All things told, it was an awful night for the alliance. Jeff Jarrett asks why nobody was on hand when Callis called for help, he could be TNA World Heavyweight Champion right now if not for them. Glenn Gilbertti is the only one to talk, bringing up their tag team defeat earlier in the night but Jarrett tells him he doesn’t care about that “little piss ant” Simon Diamond nor that “face painted oddball” Jeff Hardy.


”The only thing about Team Jarrett that matters is Jeff Jarrett, you all seem to have forgotten that.”


Gilbertti agrees with Jarrett’s lecture and apologises but he’s the only one to do so, the rest of the group remain eerily and suspiciously quiet. Trying to save the situation and defuse the tension, Don Callis tells Double J that he’s got their legal team going over the match contract with a fine-toothed comb, there might be time yet to see if he has grounds for a rematch!







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Standard Singles Match

The Amazing Red vs. Elix Skipper



Despite a long lay off with an injury and a formidable test straight out the gate, Red skips no beats early on here, landing on his feet out of an attempted hip toss and an attempted German Suplex. He kicks out Skipper’s leg and hits a Standing Shooting Star Press, all in the same motion, classic Amazing Red with the Red Star Press.


‘Primetime’ does assert his size advantage, close to 50lbs according to Mike Tenay, letting the blood rush to Red’s head before dropping him with a Brainbuster for a close two. But just as Skipper seems to believe he’s got this one closed down, he ducks his head to set up the Kryptonite Krunch only to get caught with the Code Red! Try as he might, after Red’s repeated kicks to the head throughout the match, Skipper is too disoriented to get his shoulder up before the three.







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Returning from a commercial break, we find The Gathering already in the ring...




Father Mitchell
says they welcomed
‘The Monster’ Abyss
into their brotherhood on Saturday. It was their master plan all along. Raven thought he was getting the better of them when he cracked
Julio Dinero’s
skull in the parking lot. He thought he was getting the better of them when he pinned Julio Dinero in the middle of the ring and watched them walk away.


But instead he was being lured into a false sense of security...


”I knew Raven had taken this personally enough that he would call for the rules to be relaxed and when he did, he played right into my hand. I held him like a little bug and I squeeeeeezed the life out of him. Quote the Gathering, nevermore.”




Instead of the music for the group hitting, the song “Beware” plays over the P.A. and that brings out
BG James
Ron Killings...




They sorted out their issue between one another on Saturday and now they have a new problem. Cults. That’s all The Gathering are, impressionable men who have fallen for James Mitchell’s persuasive poison. BG knows how this works, they have to take them down now before they grow too strong.


Mitchell challenges them to come to the ring. Three versus two, he likes those odds. But Ron Killings isn’t falling for that, they’ll fight them next week and it won’t be no handicap scenario - because Dustin Rhodes will be here to back them up and this cult is gonna get GOT!







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TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Sting © vs. Sonny Siaki



Explaining why this match is happening so soon after Siaki won Gold Rush, Don West postulates that perhaps the thinking is that Sting will be feeling the effects of his match on Saturday and the fresher, younger Samoan can take full advantage of that. He aims to brawl and beat ‘The Icon’ down, hitting him with an authoritative clothesline before a Belly to Belly, a Pumphandle Suplex and the Samoan Pop, his signature Scoop Slam into a Cutter. But the Stinger has resilience in spades, turning the tables on a Superplex to flatten Siaki on his chest before diving off the top with a Flying Scorpion!


From here, Sting plays the greatest hits and Siaki senses this one is slipping away from his grasp. He rushes into the Siakalypse Now but the Stinger escapes from the Pumphandle position out the back door, hooking Siaki from behind immediately and snapping him to the canvas with the Scorpion Death Drop in one smooth motion. Shortly thereafter, the Scorpion Deathlock is applied and Siaki decides to fight another day.







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A strong effort from Siaki in his first iMPACT main event but ‘The Icon’ just had too much for him. This isn’t the Stinger’s first rodeo, this man’s body has miles on it and he’s used to weathering storms and bouncing back inside that squared circle. As Andrew Thomas raises
hand and the customary celebration begins, the lights dim slightly and the big screen shuts down altogether. This catches the Champion’s attention but a graphic flashes up and prepares him for his next obstacle...




















Clad in blue jeans but topless, the impressive
Mike Awesome
emerges from behind the entrance tunnel and makes a beeline for the ring. He and Sting exchange a flurry of right hands, neither man conceding any ground before the Champion rebounds off the ropes. Whatever he was looking to do we’ll never know because Awesome catches him coming back to center with an authoritative Lariatooo!


With a handful of hair, Awesome brings Sting back up, hoisting him over his head in a display of raw power before planting him on the canvas with the Awesome Bomb. With his back surely in pieces after that impact, Sting writhes and grimaces in pain. But his night isn’t over yet because Mike Awesome ascends to the top turnbuckle and comes off with the Awesome Splash, planting all his body weight down on the Stinger’s ribs.


Facing the hard camera, Awesome raises his fist in cool poise, standing over ‘The Icon’ as we fade to black.







TV Rating

0.76 (575,865 viewers)


Final Show Rating



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Prediction Contest Results


Kijar: 4

DHK1989: 3

Rampaaage: 3

Satyr24: 3

TheBigBad1013: 3

Crackerjack: 3

Blodyxe: 3

RKOwnage: 3

Kanegan: 2

IronWarrior22: 1 (however, you did call that AMW would be screwed)

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Strong show. The main event had the right outcome in my opinion. Siaki shouldn't be beating Sting at this point, but like I've said before, really looking forward to seeing what you do with Siaki. Mike Awesome is a cool surprise. I'm a little surprised that you are shooting him straight to the top of the card, but it was a hell of a strong debut and I like it. Oh and I IWA stuff is an interesting wrinkle in things as well.
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Legit, Mike Awesome over the last couple of months has become one of my all-time favourites. I liked him when he was with us, and the Tanaka matches are legendary. So having him be highlighted here in such a way warms my heart. Great dynasty.
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Great show! Interested to see where the Savio/IWA stuff goes. And the debut at the end is a shock - just when I thought Sting didn't have any challengers, here's a really interesting one.

Cheers buddy. I wanted to use the IWA working agreement and since Dutch has worked plenty in Puerto Rico it just made sense that we would tap up that market. I've been itching to get away from the South East and grow my popularity in other regions, hopefully Caribbean Combat is just the beginning of that.


Strong show. The main event had the right outcome in my opinion. Siaki shouldn't be beating Sting at this point, but like I've said before, really looking forward to seeing what you do with Siaki. Mike Awesome is a cool surprise. I'm a little surprised that you are shooting him straight to the top of the card, but it was a hell of a strong debut and I like it. Oh and I IWA stuff is an interesting wrinkle in things as well.

Thank you! As you well know, Siaki isn't quite the finished article in terms of his talent between the ropes but that charisma and star quality is an asset. I happened upon a period where Ekmo was going to be gone for a few weeks so it seemed like the perfect time to give Siaki a bit of the spotlight. I'm happy with how it all turned but I do wish he had benefited more overness wise. Might just have to use the editor and give him a little cheeky bump. :p





*metal hands*

One of the all time great wrestling themes, no doubt about it. :D


MIKE FREAKIN' AWESOME! I was not expecting that, what a great show, I wonder how this is gonna turn out in the next PPV. Keep doing the good work, mate.

Thank you! Much appreciate the kind words, thank you for reading and following along. :)


Legit, Mike Awesome over the last couple of months has become one of my all-time favourites. I liked him when he was with us, and the Tanaka matches are legendary. So having him be highlighted here in such a way warms my heart. Great dynasty.

Thank you for the kind words and following along. I agree about him and Tanaka, the match they had at One Night Stand 2005 is one of my all time favourites. I do feel sad about how he was used in WCW, I think it was ill timed more than anything. Scott Steiner was being pushed as a killer and you can't exactly push two guys in that spot so Awesome was sidelined. He still had a brilliant match with Lance Storm, I love their Canadian Rules match. :D I'm grateful to bring him in with a prominent spot where his strengths can be maximised and I think he'll have a good place within my TNA going forward.


As a personal aside, I just wanted to say thank you to everybody reading, commenting and predicting. We reached 10 predictions on the last show which was something I never thought I would reach when I started and I noticed that 3 people were kind enough to vote for this diary in May's DOTM poll. The support is appreciated. Xplosion and the predictions for the next Impact are coming tomorrow.

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TNA Xplosion & iMPACT #10 PREVIEW!




TNA Xplosion!

Friday, Week 1, April 2004

Taped before iMPACT! at Allen Arena


Announce Team: Scott Hudson & Jeremy Borash


Timeline | Roster | Champions | Alliances




Kenny King vs. Elix Skipper

After defeat on Saturday in the X-Division title Three Way Shootout and on Wednesday against the returning Amazing Red, Skipper was keen to get back to winning ways. He didn’t have too much difficulty here, shutting down King’s springboarding move by leaping to the top rope from a standing position to hit a Hurricanrana. After New School, the Play of the Day locked this one down for ‘Primetime’.




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The Sandman vs. Fred Sampson

This is the first time we’ve seen Sandman in quite some time. Even
Shark Boy
is surprised to see him, he comes down to ringside and is most perplexed and curious about the ECW alumni. He obliges when asked to pass the kendo stick, which Sandman uses for the White Russian Legsweep to pick up the W.




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NWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship

Scoot Andrews © vs. Chicano

Coming to us from IWA, Chicano turns this into a fight and bests Scoot in a slugfest early on. Once Andrews tries to out-wrestle his opponent, he does catch him with a Tilt-a-Whirl Facebuster but it unfortunately isn’t enough to capture the victory. He tries to follow up with the Rolling Cutter but Chicano swivels out, dropping him with a Urinage before capturing the title with a Senton Bomb.




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In the dressing room,
Kid Kash
Elix Skipper
and offers his commiserations on his last two defeats. He sympathises with ‘Primetime’, he feels all he does recently is help others and receive nothing in return. Maybe it’s time the two of them started helping themselves?


Elix says he’s not sure about alliances right now, Triple X has kinda turned him off the whole deal. But he might come to ringside on Wednesday when Kash gets his iMPACT rematch against AJ Styles.




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Danny Doring & Roadkill vs. Joe E. Legend & Kenny Omega

Scott D’Amore
is ringside again for the Canadian duo and although Roadkill gets going with the Barn Burner on Omega, D’Amore grabs his ankle when he runs the ropes and he falls into a Cutter from Legend. The Canadians take full advantage from here, Legend hitting a Roaring Elbow into Omega’s Dragon Suplex for the pinfall victory.




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After the match,
Scott D’Amore
runs off with
and they celebrate together. On commentary, Scott Hudson and Jeremy Borash question what this development could mean for TNA Wrestling and their relationship with BCW.




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C.W. Anderson vs. Abyss (w/ James Mitchell)

Hudson explains that C.W. felt compelled to fight for Raven’s honour against the newest child of The Gathering. His heart was in the right place but he barely lays a glove on ‘The Monster’ here and Abyss puts him away definitively with the Black Home Slam.




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TV Rating

0.04 (33,892 viewers)


Final Show Rating









TNA iMPACT! #10 Preview


Wednesday, Week 2, April 2004


The road to Caribbean Combat goes through the Americraft Expo Center with the X-Division taking center stage in our bumper main event, ‘Fallen Angel’ Christopher Daniels defending his Championship against the ‘American Dragon’ Bryan Danielson. Savio Vega has said he’ll be on hand to address that particular Championship, with word circulating that he’ll announce the IWA’s challenger for the Division that has so far defined TNA Wrestling in the eyes of many fans.


Elsewhere, we mark iMPACT! #10 with a rematch from iMPACT! #1 when AJ Styles meets Kid Kash and Dustin Rhodes will make his debut, evening up the numbers for The Kru against The Gathering. The imposing, impressive Mike Awesome will look to follow up on his shocking debut last week by putting down D’Lo Brown and sending another message to the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, ‘The Icon’ Sting.


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TNA iMPACT! #10 Quick Picks


D’Lo Brown vs. Mike Awesome



BG James, Ron Killings & Dustin Rhodes vs. The Gathering (Abyss, CM Punk & Julio Dinero)


For a bonus point, predict the finish:


AJ Styles vs. Kid Kash



TNA X-Division Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. Bryan Danielson



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<p>D’Lo Brown vs. <strong>Mike Awesome</strong></p><p>

Comments: After that amazing debut there's no way I see Awesome losing here, nor should he I think.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>BG James, Ron Killings & Dustin Rhodes </strong>vs. The Gathering (Abyss, CM Punk & Julio Dinero)</p><p>

Comments: </p><p>

For a bonus point, predict the finish: <strong>I'm going to say a DQ finish here.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles</strong> vs. Kid Kash</p><p>

Comments: Much bigger upside to AJ, though I do like Kash.</p><p> </p><p>

TNA X-Division Championship</p><p>

<strong>Christopher Daniels © </strong>vs. Bryan Danielson</p><p>

Comments: Should be a great match</p>

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<p>D’Lo Brown vs. <strong>Mike Awesome</strong></p><p>

Comments: Poor D'Lo is getting squashed here <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

BG James, Ron Killings & Dustin Rhodes vs. <strong>The Gathering (Abyss, CM Punk & Julio Dinero)</strong></p><p>

Comments: DQ win after Raven interferes? </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles</strong> vs. Kid Kash</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

TNA X-Division Championship</p><p>

<strong>Christopher Daniels ©</strong> vs. Bryan Danielson</p><p>

Comments: Classic battle of Daniels versus Daniel's Son <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>D’Lo Brown vs. <strong>Mike Awesome</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

BG James, Ron Killings & Dustin Rhodes vs. <strong>The Gathering (Abyss, CM Punk & Julio Dinero)</strong></p><p>

Comments: Picking against CM Punk did not help me at all.</p><p>

For a bonus point, predict the finish: Uhm, Dustin Rhodes low blows BG James and leaves. I dunno</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles</strong> vs. Kid Kash</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

TNA X-Division Championship</p><p>

<strong>Christopher Daniels</strong> © vs. Bryan Danielson</p><p>

Comments: Daniels has a strong reign, why end it on a regular show</p>

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<p>D’Lo Brown vs. <strong>Mike Awesome</strong></p><p> </p><p>

BG James, Ron Killings & Dustin Rhodes vs. <strong>The Gathering (Abyss, CM Punk & Julio Dinero)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

For a bonus point, predict the finish: DQ</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles</strong> vs. Kid Kash</p><p> </p><p>

TNA X-Division Championship</p><p>

<strong>Christopher Daniels</strong> © vs. Bryan Danielson</p>

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<p>D’Lo Brown vs. <strong>Mike Awesome</strong></p><p>

Comments: Poor D'Lo.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>BG James, Ron Killings & Dustin Rhodes </strong>vs. The Gathering (Abyss, CM Punk & Julio Dinero)</p><p>

Comments: There could be a turn on the face side - maybe Dustin joins The Gathering, but my money's on Raven getting involved somehow.</p><p>

For a bonus point, predict the finish: Raven screws The Gathering.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles </strong>vs. Kid Kash</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

TNA X-Division Championship</p><p>

<strong>Christopher Daniels ©</strong> vs. Bryan Danielson</p><p>

Comments: The fantasy booker in me says Danielson but I just don't see it right now. Maybe in a few months.</p>

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<p>D’Lo Brown vs. <strong>Mike Awesome</strong></p><p> </p><p>

BG James, Ron Killings & Dustin Rhodes vs. <strong>The Gathering (Abyss, CM Punk & Julio Dinero)</strong></p><p>

For a bonus point, predict the finish: <strong>Abyss pins Ron Killings</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles</strong> vs. Kid Kash</p><p> </p><p>

TNA X-Division Championship</p><p>

<strong>Christopher Daniels ©</strong> vs. Bryan Danielson</p>

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<p>D’Lo Brown vs. <strong>Mike Awesome</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>BG James, Ron Killings & Dustin Rhodes</strong> vs. The Gathering (Abyss, CM Punk & Julio Dinero)</p><p>


For a bonus point, predict the finish: <strong>Rhodes pins Dinero</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles </strong>vs. Kid Kash</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

TNA X-Division Championship</p><p>

Christopher Daniels © vs. <strong>Bryan Danielson</strong></p><p>


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D’Lo Brown vs. Mike Awesome



BG James, Ron Killings & Dustin Rhodes vs. The Gathering (Abyss, CM Punk & Julio Dinero)


For a bonus point, predict the finish: DQ finish


AJ Styles vs. Kid Kash



TNA X-Division Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. Bryan Danielson


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D’Lo Brown vs. Mike Awesome

Comments: Bet on D'Lo last time, failed. Awesome just beat Sting up. So it looks like a match to establish him


BG James, Ron Killings & Dustin Rhodes vs. The Gathering (Abyss, CM Punk & Julio Dinero)

Comments: Abyss murder


AJ Styles vs. Kid Kash

Comments: AJ wins, but the real winners are the fans.


TNA X-Division Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. Bryan Danielson

Comments: Time Limit or no contest, something. Bryan only lost to AJ if i remember correctly. This has to be the build to a bigger match .

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D’Lo Brown vs. Mike Awesome

Comments: Mike's gotta pick up some momentum if he's gonna fight Sting.


BG James, Ron Killings & Dustin Rhodes vs. The Gathering (Abyss, CM Punk & Julio Dinero)

Comments: Maybe it will end in a DQ finish, maybe in a shenanigan in part of Mitchell.

For a bonus point, predict the finish:


AJ Styles vs. Kid Kash

Comments: AJ needs more momentum to be picked up as a mega star.


TNA X-Division Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. Bryan Danielson

Comments: Maybe Danielson winning is gonna be a "Holy Sh*t! moment" but I want Daniels to keep the title for a little bit longer.

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