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Need some Ideas/Inspiration

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So I’m looking to get back into TEW with a new save since I’ve been having a craving and just got a 2nd monitor, but I need some help deciding what to do.


Product: I think I want to go with Tres Ring Circus so I can toy with Lucha de Apuestas and play with some more dangerous match types.


Company: I like playing a custom company or at with least some custom workers, I’m just not sure what size to go with. Part of me wants to start small with a couple custom workers and build from there, but I worry it might get stale. On the other hand a medium size is nice since you have some money to play with for tv etc., but then you can’t really deal with exclusive contracts or bigger events or playing with other companies. Any ideas would be great!


Location: Finally I can’t seem to decide where to play. I liked Canada but it lacks companies and local workers to play around with, and I’m not sure if autogens could fix that or not.


tl:dr, picked a product, but need some ideas for what size and location company to run. Any ideas or fun rules to play with are also welcome!

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Actually, I really like that idea. Start a company around 40 pop, get some lucha workers in and see if it can take off. Could open a women's division with Pinky Perez too, I know she'll go like anywhere at the start.


Does Canadian Dragon have any direct disciples? I know he runs the Dragon Academy, but don't think he has any direct disciples like Acid I/II kinda thing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I planning to add and set Toby Keith as Astonishing World Wrestling founder in Genadi's 2001 database and can anyone help me with setting his popularity/attributes?


And do you have ideas for championship titles for this promotion or someone make belts for this company in the past?

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