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Bringing back people who left the business

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I've seen this suggested elsewhere, but I no one used this example, so I figure it is a good justification to be able to talk to someone who has left the business in an effort to try and get them back.


Tony Schiavone left the business in 2002. He did one TNA appearance and then he was done. He said multiple times over the years that he was thankful for the fans but never wanted to come back to wrestling.


Then he started his podcast with Conrad, continued to insist he didn't want to come back, until MLW needed a commentator for their first show back. Then AEW happened, and here we are, Tony Schiavone is back in the business.


I think there should be an option to talk to someone who has left to try and bring them back mainly because Tony was definitely not on hiatus for all that time. He was done. Then the right opportunity came around, and he came back, and is happier than he has ever been (which has honestly been wonderful to see, as WCW ended so badly.)


I would think that a situation like that should justify it. Tully Blanchard is another one, where he was essentially retired in 1992. Yet, here we are, and he is back as a manager.


It can be something that is extremely rare and not common, but under the right circumstances, it could be fun to let that happen.

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