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ROH 2010: With Glory Comes Honor

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on HDNet


Attendance: 418


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We start this week's show at the announce desk, where Dave Prazak is once again joined by Don Callis. Both men put over the main event for tonight, which will see ROH Television Champion Davey Richards defending his title against Kevin Steen. Callis mentions that Jim Cornette 'laid down the law' earlier today on social media, when he said any unauthorized guests who pop up at ringside during the title match tonight will be released from their contract effective immediately. This of course, is in response to a few incidents over the past couple of weeks relating to championships and championship opportunities, in particular Chris Hero's attack on Todd Sinclair and The Temple forcing their way into a #1 contender's match.


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Prince Nana w/The Embassy vs. Alex Payne


As training for his upcoming match against Erick Stevens, Prince Nana has requested this match tonight as an opportunity to 'warm up'. Standing across from him is Alex Payne, who hasn't found much of any form of success so far in his ROH career. This is a golden opportunity for him though, as Nana hasn't wrestled in ROH more than a handful of times. It's a good showing from Payne early on, who works at a pace Nana just doesn't have the gas tank to keep up with. It's never by the book with The Embassy though, and as Payne appears to be setting up for the finish, Ernie Osiris jumps onto the apron to get the attention of ref Paul Turner, which allows Jimmy Rave to sneak in and wrap a chain around his manager's fist. A big shot to the face on Payne follows, and all Turner has to do is count to three once he turns back around.


Winner by pinfall: Prince Nana


Match Rating: 32


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When we return from our first commercial break of the evening, Austin Aries is already waiting in the ring. After his loss in the championship match at The Big Bang, Aries claims to have a lot to get off his chest. He says that he has taken some time to think about his recent actions and how the match played out. He says that awhile back he promised himself to be more honest, even if the truth is hard to swallow sometimes. That's why he feels the need to come out here and confess to the crowd that there is only one man who can be blamed for him not regaining his title. And that man, of course, is... Jerry Lynn. Aries runs down the former world champ, calling him washed up, geriatric, and overrated. "Didn't anyone ever tell you Jerry, quality is more important than quantity, and you've been curtain jerking for 20 odd years now."




Lynn doesn't take long to react to Aries bad mouthing, and quickly storms down the aisle looking to get his hands on the former champ. Never looking to fight a battle on someone else's terms, Aries rolls to the outside and heads for the back. Mouthing 'not today' as he leaves.


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Ahead of their match tonight, Jimmy Jacobs' of the The Temple takes the time to address being the new #1 contenders for the tag titles. Jacobs makes it clear that they have no desire for such material possessions that serve no purpose other than feeding the human ego. The only reason that he and Brodie Lee did what they did, was because nobody is heeding their warning. He claims that they have made it clear from the moment of their arrival, that those who do not seek to reform and ask for redemption will continue to be cleansed of their sins. And yet, nothing has changed here. Jacobs reminds everyone that 'His' arrival is getting oh so close... the man who showed all four men here in the ring the light, and who will do the same for everyone else. He pleads one final time before putting the mic down, please... consider this your final warning.


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The Temple (Jimmy Jacobs & Brodie Lee) vs. The Super Smash Bros.


The Smash Bros look terrified through their masks as they head into this one, and their fear is proven to not be out of place once Brodie Lee gets his hands on them. Tossing them both around the ring as if he was wrestling a handicap match as Jacobs just smiles and watches from the apron. A big clothesline sends Player Dos to the outside, while Jacobs tags himself in to finish of Player Uno with the End Time.


Winner by submission: The Temple


Match Rating: 43


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Backstage Shane Hagadorn is approaching Jim Cornette's office. He hears a voice coming from inside, and slowly pushes the door ajar. Inside, Jim Cornette is engaged in an tense phone call. He tells his superiors that he understands the gravity of the situation with The Temple, but repeats that he cannot simply strip them of the number one contendership. He points out this is a wrestling show, not a morality test, and it doesn't really matter how they act elsewhere because they're dominating between the ropes. It seems his answers did not go over well with those on the other end of the call, as the executive producer apologizes and promises to sort the problem out.


Hagadorn, still standing in the door way, shows a sly grin as he walks off with something clearly on his mind.


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As we prepare for the main event of the evening, Dave Prazak reminds us there is one more person who wants some time on the mic...




It's Tyler Black! The crowd erupt and a tornado of streamers is unleashed as he makes his way to the ring. He thanks the fans for the reception, and says he can proudly announce that the rehab is going well and it's looking like he will be back just in time for Supercard of Honor next month! He says he's aware that there's a new champion in Ring of Honor now, but he's also aware that same man owes him a little something after sabotaging his last match against Austin Aries. That's why at Supercard of Honor Tyler Black wants a title match against Roderick Strong so he can finally take what is rightfully his...


As Black finishes his sentence, the lights go out in the arena. Everyone seems to know what is coming, and of course, once the light is restored, The Temple are back in the ring, surrounding Tyler Black.




Jacobs has a mic in hand, and asks if he may politely request Tyler Black not to make any plans for the first weekend of May. Black looks confused, as Jacobs adds that he has someone who is just dying to meet him. He continues, stating that Black is exactly the type of person they will eradicate from this company. A man who is so obsessed with gold that he won't even bother to look for revenge against those who tried to destroy him. "You're a sad, weak man Tyler... you always have been... and no championship can ever change that."


Jacobs and Black come face to face, but before the assault can begin, support comes from out back.




It's the ROH Champion Roderick Strong, and he has brought some back up! Prazak is ecstatic to see the cavalry, "Tyler Black said the world champ owed him something, I think they might be even now!" With the numbers now evening up, The Temple retreat through the crowd. Tyler Black is left in the ring, contemplating what Jimmy Jacobs has just said.


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Ring of Honor Television Championship Match

Davey Richards © vs. Kevin Steen


It's main event time, and Don Callis quickly reminds us of Jim Cornette's ruling earlier tonight. There will be no interfering in this title match! Shane Hagadorn accompanies Richards' to the ring, but returns to the back before the bell rings. Steen stares daggers into his opponent, and as things kick off, it's clear we're in for

a hard hitter. Some stiff strikes and painful holds break the ice, before a superkick from Steen leads to the first pin attempt of the match. Richards is quick to lift his shoulder and back to brawling they go. They head to the outside, where Steen retains control, sending Richards back first into the ring apron and the steel steps. The champion is overwhelmed and seems to be in danger, but a crafty bit of impromptu offense sees him wrap Steen's left arm around the guardrail and deliver a nasty running knee to the lodged arm as the challenger attempts to free himself. From this point on, the match becomes a story of the injured arm, as Steen looks to protect it while Richards looks to inflict as much damage as possible. Once they are back in the ring, Steen fights through long enough to head to the top rope and look for the senton from up high, but it's a telegraphed attempt and Richards sees it coming, allowing him to roll out of the way. Steen comes up shaking his injured arm, and the champ smells blood. Richards wrenches it back into the kimura and the ref has no choice but to stop the match before Steen's arm is broken.


Winner by submission: Davey Richards


Match Rating: 60


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Kevin Steen is furious and begins screaming at Paul Turner for stopping the match. The ref calls for the medical team to be dispatched to the ring to check on the challenger's clearly damaged arm, but Steen pushes past them and heads to the back, refusing any treatment. They try their hardest to explain to him he needs to be looked at, but the anger in his eyes stops them from pushing any further as he disappears behind the curtain to the back.


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DGenerationMC: 17pts

Mootinie: 13pts

Kijar: 13pts

kanegan: 8pts

Blodyxe: 3pts

scottk1983: 3pts

TheBigBad1013: 2pts

JaCeLo3: 1pt

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Ring of Honor Wrestling on HDNet #56


Rumored Match Card


Kevin Steen vs. Delirious


Prince Nana vs. Brent Albright


Six Man Tag Match

ROH World Champion Roderick Strong, PAC & Jack Evans vs. The Temple (Brodie Lee, Moxley & O'Reilly w/Jimmy Jacobs)


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Kevin Steen vs. Delirious

Back on track.


Prince Nana vs. Brent Albright


Six Man Tag Match

ROH World Champion Roderick Strong, PAC & Jack Evans vs. The Temple (Brodie Lee, Moxley & O'Reilly w/Jimmy Jacobs)

I don't imagine The Temple care about winning...

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<p><strong>Kevin Steen</strong> vs. Delirious</p><p> </p><p>

Prince Nana vs. <strong>Brent Albright</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Six Man Tag Match</p><p>

ROH World Champion Roderick Strong, PAC & Jack Evans vs. <strong>The Temple (Brodie Lee, Moxley & O'Reilly w/Jimmy Jacobs)</strong></p>

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on HDNet


Attendance: 394


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Kevin Steen vs. Delirious


Kevin Steen makes his way to the ring to kick off the show, and he's still clutching the injured left arm that Davey Richards nearly broke in their title match last week. Dave Prazak mentions despite the pleas from medical experts, Steen has still refused to seek treatment, and will be wrestling next Saturday alongside Kenny Omega as they take on Jay Lethal & El Generico in a tag team match. Don Callis calls him the toughest SOB in the business and says he has a feeling as rough as Steen may be looking now, it won't matter when he's standing across the ring from Generico.


From the second the bell rings, Delirious makes his opponent's ailment his focus, wrenching painful holds that leave Steen nursing his injured arm in the corner. Callis' comments regarding the Montreal native's toughness are proven correct here though, as he fights back with one arm and manages to put Delirious away with the sharpshooter.


Winner by submission: Kevin Steen


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As Steen is left alone in the ring following his victory, El Generico heads towards him looking to get some revenge. He taunts Steen to his feet, and challenges him, desperate to face off right here, right now! Steen takes a step forward, as if to signal he is also ready to fight... but then instead opts to shrug his shoulders and head towards the exit. To his surprise, the exit has already been cut off.




Jay Lethal may not be at 100% yet, but neither is Kevin Steen. And right now, Steen is in a world of trouble! As Generico and Lethal close in on him, Kenny Omega is quick to intervene.




Omega blasts Lethal in his injured shoulder, but security is already on their way break the fight up before much more damage can be done. All four men are pulled apart and separated, as tensions continue to rise heading into their match next weekend.


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A pre taped promo from Jerry Lynn is shown after returning commercial. Lynn calls out Austin Aries after their run in last week. He says despite Aries ego he can't help but respect him as a performer. But he's seen that arrogance from many men just as talented as him in the past, and it's always that same ego that stops them from ever amounting to much of anything. The veteran challenges either of Aries' goons to a match next week, before adding that afterwards he wants A Double himself. "If your balls are half as big as your mouth is, maybe you'll meet me in the ring next weekend at Supercard of Honor.


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Prince Nana vs. Brent Albright



Nana's second warm-up match in as many weeks sees him facing a significantly tougher opponent than last time out. Albright, who hasn't featured for the company in close to a year now, is as rough and tough as they come, and Nana's initial attempts to take him down are less than convincing. This continues for a few minutes, as Albright lets Nana get in his best shots, but it just isn't enough to bring his opponent to the ground. Albright, having had enough, decides it's time to start dishing out some offense of his own. A big belly to belly suplex kicks it off, and from there Nana spends the majority of the match just trying to run away from his opponent. Shortly after a big knee sends the Prince to the ground, and the Crowbar fujiwara armbar is locked in. Before Nana even has the chance to tap, the rest of The Embassy hit the ring and start laying the boots to Albright.


Winner by disqualification: Brent Albright


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Long after the bell has rung Rave & Osiris continue to lay into Albright, who tries as hard as he can to fight back, but stands no chance with the numbers disadvantage. Luckily for him, someone out back is watching closely...




Erick Stevens, chair in hand, runs off The Embassy who are sent scrambling towards the aisle. Stevens grabs a microphone and tells Albright an enemy of his enemy is his friend! The newly acquainted cohorts are left standing tall as their rivals scramble to the back.


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Tyler Black is backstage in the locker room rehabbing his back, when Ring of Honor World Heavyweight champion Roderick Strong enters. While Black is initially cautious of Strong's presence, Roddy is quick to ask for forgiveness for his actions over the past few months. He tells Black the reason he came down to the ring last week was to show him he has his back. After all, actions speak louder than words, right? Strong adds that while he understands they were planning on having a title match at Supercard of Honor, he thinks dealing with The Temple should be their priority right now. Black thanks Strong for having his back last week, but reassures the champion that there isn't anything in the world that could stop him from competing for that championship next weekend. "And Roddy, I need you to understand. Nothing, and I do mean nothing... will stop me from taking that title from you once that bell rings..." The two men stare each other down, before the camera cuts as we head to our main event of the evening.


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Roderick Strong, PAC & Jack Evans vs. The Temple (Brodie Lee, Jon Moxley & Kyle O'Reilly w/Jimmy Jacobs)


The three men who stopped The Temple's attempted beatdown of Tyler Black last week now stand across from the assailants in six man tag action tonight. Roderick Strong insists he starts things for his team, while Jon Moxley enters on the opposite side. The ROH champion maintains control of the flow of the match for his side, but once Jack Evans enters Moxley finds a way to the corner and gets the tag off to Brodie Lee. From there, the typical momentum shift we have come to expect from the big bruiser entering the ring plays out. PAC tries to help his partner, but they're both flung aside with the greatest of ease by the mountain of a man that is Lee. Evans scurries to the corner, and Roderick Strong tags himself in. The champion comes face to face with his opponent, and immediately the pair start trading blows. For the first time since we've seen him as a member of The Temple, Brodie Lee is actually staggered by the shots he's receiving, but Strong is reeling too. With a sudden burst of energy Strong hits the rope, perhaps looking for a sick kick to drop the giant, but Jimmy Jacobs pulls his leg and brings him down to ringside. Jacobs starts clubbing the champ with big forearms to the back and the bell is called for shortly after.


Winner by disqualification: Roderick Strong, PAC & Jack Evans



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Despite the match being over, there's no end to the brawling at ringside. It isn't long before all seven men become involved, but with the numbers against them, the side of Strong, PAC, and Evans stand no chance. It's clear the issues The Temple have are with the world champ, and PAC & Evans are quickly dispatched of as the focus turns to Roderick Strong. That is until Tyler Black, returning the favor for Strong's save last week, heads down to ringside and stands across from Jacobs and his goons. Jim Cornette is quick to follow behind him.




Cornette calls for an end to this nonsense right now. He tells Jacobs and co. if they lay a finger further on Black or Strong, they will be forfeiting their title match at Supercard of Honor. He also states if they have any plans for showing up and interrupting the world title match next weekend, they should start to reconsider, because he promises there will be consequences if they interfere during the match. Jacobs calls off the attack, and The Temple retreat for now.


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As Cornette heads back to his office, he's interrupted by Shane Hagadorn who hands him a document on a clipboard. Cornette looks confused, before asking what the hell he's looking at. Hagadorn, with a wide smile on his face, says it's a letter of reinstatement for The Kings of Wrestling. They stand in silence for a moment, before he continues. He highlights the issues caused by The Temple over the past few months, and says if his clients were able to attend Supercard of Honor they might be able to ensure a positive outcome for the tag team championship match. Cornette shakes his head, and takes a deep breath, Hagadorn passes him a pen and the show comes to a close as the executive producer signs off at the bottom.


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DGenerationMC: 19pts

Mootinie: 15pts

Kijar: 13pts

kanegan: 11pts

Blodyxe: 3pts

scottk1983: 3pts

TheBigBad1013: 3pts

Hollywood (welcome aboard :)): 1pt

JaCeLo3: 1pt

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