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Odd Match Ratings - bug or feature?

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Hi guys,


I'm kind of new to TEW2020 and I have a huge struggle with my match ratings. It almost feels like if there's a bug or calculation error. I can't really figure out, what is going on.


First of all: I'm playing with USPW and it's march 2023 ingame. I switched the product to "classic sports entertainment" and have an ongoing change to "ruthless aggression". Most of my "big matches" get heavily tanked overall-ratings, despite the fact that the individual scores are very high. Sometimes (on very rare occasions) it's the other way around. I collected some examples juts from the last few ingame weeks:


Fuyuko Higa vs Ernest Youngman: Match-Rating 90

Higa got an individual score of 100 (!), Youngman got a 92. The road agent gave me the "tendency to drift a little"-note - which is IMO kind of weird, because Higa got psychology 82, Hitman has 81. The road agent was Haruki Kudo (Psych: 98). Match went on for 12 minutes and was scripted. Dirt sheet was full of positives and one penalty (for psychology).


Jake Idol vs Leigh Burton: Rating 89

Idol got a 90, Burton got a 95. The only RA-Note was that they have great chemistry, which boostes their individual scores. Dirt sheet didn't mention a single penalty.


Jay Chord vs Paolo Gandalfini: Rating 92

This was a simple jobber-match from my weekly TV-show. Jay got a 99, Gandalf got a 61. There wasn't even an attached storyline.


Odd overall-ratings like this don't seem to happen in tag team matches, though. If I put my top-guys in these kind of matches, the overall-ratings and individual-ratings most of the times seem to be in line. Strange ratings like this don't occur in angles - when I put my mainplayers in angles they usually pull off 100 overall ratings.


My question is: Am I doing something wrong? Am I missing something? Has anyone some more in-depth insights about match-ratings?

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Somebody else may have a better answer but it seems to me it's pretty normal. First case is just the way the game works, they probably need to be in the 90s in psychology to not get that penalty or you could try to make the match shorter (not 100% sure on this, but i think i have read somewhere that psychology needs in a match increase the longer the match goes.) The second case is probably just a result of randomness and the third one it's just shows how good Jay Chord is.


All of this happened to me before and i don't think your doing anything wrong.

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Hm, as I'm not a native english speaker I probably didn't pinpoint my exact issue. Let me try again: I don't want to complain about these specific 3 matches. These are just examples from the last few shows. My actual sample size in general is MUCH bigger.


As I mentioned, I'm 3 years into the game. I tried a lot of things and booked a lot of shows. These odd match-ratings are pretty common. In a LOT of matches I book 1vs1 between my top-guys, they pull off individual ratings of 90+ but the overall rating dropps immensely. It happens all the time, sometimes alongside psychology- or selling-penalties (which have to be HUGE), sometimes even without any notable penalty.


As I said: when I'm booking tag team matches with these guys or sometimes 3-way singles-matches, the ratings usually don't drop.


Another strange thing: At a time I chose the "spectacle"-purpose in some of these mainevent-matches. These matches allways get the RA-Note "got the crowd buzzing" (which is a green note and so probably a good thing?) - and the overall rating crashes down to the 80s spectrum. I really don't understand what is happening here.


My best guess is, that there is probably some kind of calculation-error? So that the overall-rating dropps if the calculated rating is "too good"? Could that be the case? Something like this happens to the ingame-finances as well, If the number climbs above 999,999,999.

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Could it be a crowd management issue? If the Jay Chord vs Paolo Gandalfini match was in the middle of a TV show, with the crowd hot but not yet burned out, and the matches which achieved lower scores followed some exciting matches which had already tired out the crowd, you might expect to see that shift in scores.
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<p>Psychology acts as a "limit" to match quality. For example, a worker with 100 in pop and 100 in brawling, yet only 60 on psychology, will have their matches drift.</p><p> </p><p>

On the other hand, worker with a 60 in popularity and 60 in braw, yet 100 in psychology, will have much less, if *any* drifting.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Necron-MG" data-cite="Necron-MG" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53148" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hm, as I'm not a native english speaker I probably didn't pinpoint my exact issue. Let me try again: I don't want to complain about these specific 3 matches. These are just examples from the last few shows. My actual sample size in general is MUCH bigger. <p> </p><p> As I mentioned, I'm 3 years into the game. I tried a lot of things and booked a lot of shows. These odd match-ratings are pretty common. In a LOT of matches I book 1vs1 between my top-guys, they pull off individual ratings of 90+ but the overall rating drops immensely. It happens all the time, sometimes alongside psychology- or selling-penalties (which have to be HUGE), sometimes even without any notable penalty. </p><p> </p><p> As I said: when I'm booking tag team matches with these guys or sometimes 3-way singles-matches, the ratings usually don't drop.</p><p> </p><p> Another strange thing: At a time I chose the "spectacle"-purpose in some of these main event-matches. These matches always get the RA-Note "got the crowd buzzing" (which is a green note and so probably a good thing?) - and the overall rating crashes down to the 80s spectrum. I really don't understand what is happening here.</p><p> </p><p> My best guess is, that there is probably some kind of calculation-error? So that the overall-rating dropps if the calculated rating is "too good"? Could that be the case? Something like this happens to the ingame-finances as well, If the number climbs above 999,999,999.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> So i run the same product but consistently pull great score. Here is the breakdown:</p><p> </p><p> freestyle segment: 7 mins with guys that can pull an 80 or above (USPW guys should be pulling 90's)</p><p> </p><p> opener 10 min match: feature two high charisma guys and make it Storytelling</p><p> </p><p> freestyle segment: 7 mins with guys that can pull an 80 or above (USPW guys should be pulling 90's)</p><p> </p><p> 2nd match 11 min match: pick either High Spots, Wild Brawl or Steal the Show book accord to match type you pick.</p><p> </p><p> 3rd Match 11 min match: regular match, this should be rated higher cause of the boost of previous match. it also helps cool the crowd</p><p> </p><p> freestyle segment: 7 mins with guys that can pull an 80 or above (USPW guys should be pulling 90's)</p><p> </p><p> 4th match 11 min match: steal the show and make it no lower than Stars but this should be booked to impress.</p><p> </p><p> freestyle segment: 7 mins with guys that can pull an 80 or above (USPW guys should be pulling 90's)</p><p> </p><p> 5th match 15 mins: regular main event. try to have one wrestler with 90 or above selling and psychology. Cameron Vessey is a God. Also believe Jay Chord should work or Nelson Callum too. </p><p> </p><p> Tell me how it works out, ive been pulling 100's and usually no worse than 95</p>
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Could it be a crowd management issue? If the Jay Chord vs Paolo Gandalfini match was in the middle of a TV show, with the crowd hot but not yet burned out, and the matches which achieved lower scores followed some exciting matches which had already tired out the crowd, you might expect to see that shift in scores.


I thought about that in the past. I always start my shows with 2 great angles (90+) to get the "crowd got hotter"-bonus and after that I don't do any kind of crowd management to keep the crowd at +2 hotness. I don't place matches after the magic mark of 2.5 hours to avoid the "burned out crowd"-penalty. But is there possibly some kind of hidden penalty that is not displayed in the dirt sheet?


I just got another "good" example in my game: I booked Running Wolfs vs Hurakan vs Steve Frehley. Individual ratings: 91/83/89. Not a single red road agent note. Overall-rating: 81. The dirt sheet mentions 24 bonusses (!) including "done to a hot crowd" and "increased due to storyline's high heat" (which dropped of course because the overal-rating is so low). Not a single penalty. It's driving me crazy...

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I thought about that in the past. I always start my shows with 2 great angles (90+) to get the "crowd got hotter"-bonus and after that I don't do any kind of crowd management to keep the crowd at +2 hotness. I don't place matches after the magic mark of 2.5 hours to avoid the "burned out crowd"-penalty. But is there possibly some kind of hidden penalty that is not displayed in the dirt sheet?


I just got another "good" example in my game: I booked Running Wolfs vs Hurakan vs Steve Frehley. Individual ratings: 91/83/89. Not a single red road agent note. Overall-rating: 81. The dirt sheet mentions 24 bonusses (!) including "done to a hot crowd" and "increased due to storyline's high heat" (which dropped of course because the overal-rating is so low). Not a single penalty. It's driving me crazy...


What were the match aims? Most of the time anything outside of normal will have the match be lower than expected. Spectacle and Epic for sure are essentially useless in that regard.


1 minute “works backstage” angles before the main event can help as well, if you have a great semi main that might be too good. It wouldn’t be highly rated like a full promo (which could burn out the crowd) but won’t kill the crowd either.

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