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Tew 2070? A Futuristic take on Pro Wrestling

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I've always been intrigued by the idea of a DB Mod set in the distant future.

Say 2071.. 50 Years from now with intriguing characters and cyberpunk-ish trends that can impact the buisness of Pro Wrestling. I think the future timeline lends to alot of open creativity and story options with re-generation of Current Real world characters. Things like Company lore, TV Broadcasters being dead, to implementing narratives could make for a real immersive game world.


Im using this as a gauge of interest on such project, as well as a offer to anyone who would like to work on it on a light schedule of course. I would especially need help in the graphic department, with worker renders and company logos.

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I was thinking about a cyberpunk type setting for a mod. I was going to set it in the Cyberpunk 2077 universe so would have narratives relating to things like Arasaka but then realised I could not be arsed creating worker pics. It would have been original characters, not actual people from the game.


Hopefully you come up with something great as I'd like to play a future mod.

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There was a project similar to this for TEW 2016, but sadly never finished.




Ahhhh was looking all over for this! This is where my inspiration was drawn from. I remember being so excited for this and then broken when it never was updated. Like I stated i think the concept has a lot of potential to be fun and different from the usual mods we have out now.

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I was thinking about a cyberpunk type setting for a mod. I was going to set it in the Cyberpunk 2077 universe so would have narratives relating to things like Arasaka but then realised I could not be arsed creating worker pics. It would have been original characters, not actual people from the game.


Hopefully you come up with something great as I'd like to play a future mod.


That’s another muse I have as well. Definitely would love to somehow implement lore and locations from the game. That’s the overall vibe i’de love the mod to take

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