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TNA: The Quest For Glory

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TNA : The Quest For Glory Begins









It is January 2004--the beginning of a new year and a new era of TNA Wrestling. Following the debacle that was the Hulk Hogan signing that never happened, the TNA Board of Directors make what many would consider to be a controversial move; they rehire Vince Russo, the man who was fired in TNA's attempt to please Hulk Hogan and bring him to TNA. Now Russo is back with a vengeance and he vows to turn TNA upside down and make it "the best damned wrestling company in the world".





AJ Styles


BG James

Chris Harris

Chris Sabin

Chris Vaughn

Christopher Daniels

CM Punk

David Young

D'Lo Brown

Don Harris

Ekmo Fatu

Elix Skipper

Erik Watts

Glenn Gilberti

James Storm

Jeff Jarrett

Jerry Lynn

Johnny Swinger

Julio Dinero

Kevin Northcutt

Kid Kash




Michael Shane


Rick Santel

Roddy Piper

Ron Killings

Shane Douglas

Shark Boy

Simon Diamond



Sonjay Dutt

Sonny Siaki


The Amazing Red

The Sandman



The Women of TNA









Dusty Rhodes

Andrew Thomas

Armando Quintero

Dixie Carter

Don Callis

Don West

Dutch Mantell

James Mitchell

Jeremy Borash

Mark Johnson

Mike Tenay

Rudy Charles

Scott D'Amore

Scott Hudson

Terry Taylor

Vince Russo



NWA World Heavyweight Champion: Jeff Jarrett

NWA Tag Team Champions: 3 Live Kru (BG James and Konnan)

TNA X-Division Champion: Michael Shane



OOC: So I have finally decided to launch a 2020 diary. No idea what kind of following this will get, if any, but I'm having so much fun with this game that I just had to turn it into a diary.

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NWA:TNA Weekly PPV - Official Card



NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Jeff Jarrett © vs. D'Lo Brown


AJ Styles vs. Kid Kash


Hardcore Match

Raven and The Sandman vs. The Gathering (CM Punk and Julio Dinero)


Disciples of the New Church (Sinn and Slash) vs. America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris and James Storm)


3 Live Kru (BG James, Ron Killings and Konnan) vs. Black Shirt Security (Don Harris, Chris Vaughn and Rick Santel)

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NWA:TNA Weekly PPV - Official Card



NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Jeff Jarrett © vs. D'Lo Brown

Comments: It's time to get down with the Brown.


AJ Styles vs. Kid Kash

Comments: AJ is the better star, hands down.


Hardcore Match

Raven and The Sandman vs. The Gathering (CM Punk and Julio Dinero)

Comments: The younger guys should go over here.


Disciples of the New Church (Sinn and Slash) vs. America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris and James Storm)

Comments: AMW is the better team and are more liked by the crowd. The New Church just isn't championship material, nor really worth pushing to the top of the tag team division.


3 Live Kru (BG James, Ron Killings and Konnan) vs. Black Shirt Security (Don Harris, Chris Vaughn and Rick Santel)

Comments: The better stable should win.

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NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Jeff Jarrett © vs. D'Lo Brown


AJ Styles vs. Kid Kash


Hardcore Match

Raven and The Sandman vs. The Gathering (CM Punk and Julio Dinero)


Disciples of the New Church (Sinn and Slash) vs. America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris and James Storm)


3 Live Kru (BG James, Ron Killings and Konnan) vs. Black Shirt Security (Don Harris, Chris Vaughn and Rick Santel)

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NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Jeff Jarrett © vs. D'Lo Brown


AJ Styles vs. Kid Kash


Hardcore Match

Raven and The Sandman vs. The Gathering (CM Punk and Julio Dinero)


Disciples of the New Church (Sinn and Slash) vs. America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris and James Storm)


3 Live Kru (BG James, Ron Killings and Konnan) vs. Black Shirt Security (Don Harris, Chris Vaughn and Rick Santel)

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Happy to see somebody else giving TNA 2004 a go. :)


NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Jeff Jarrett © vs. D'Lo Brown

Oh, a clash of Russo's favourites! He would never have Jarrett lose. Ever.


AJ Styles vs. Kid Kash

Kash is decent, but he's not Phenomenal.


Hardcore Match

Raven and The Sandman vs. The Gathering (CM Punk and Julio Dinero)

I followed real life, I'm curious if you'll do the same. I expect a big swerve.


Disciples of the New Church (Sinn and Slash) vs. America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris and James Storm)

So much more upside in AMW.


3 Live Kru (BG James, Ron Killings and Konnan) vs. Black Shirt Security (Don Harris, Chris Vaughn and Rick Santel)

Curious about this Face vs. Face match, but Black Shirt Security are pretty wack so the Kru should take this one.

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Happy to see somebody else giving TNA 2004 a go. :)


Thanks man! I'm currently catching up on yours and it seems I've got a lot to live up to. I'll be predicting on yours as soon as I'm all caught up.


And thanks to everyone else who have predicted as well. I'm genuinely excited to see this drawing some interest because I wasn't sure it would. First show is almost written so it will be up pretty soon.

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Okay, so the first show is ready to go. Fair warning; the first couple of shows might be a little rough as it took me a little while to really figure out what I wanted to do. I'm trying to cover for it as best I can in the writing of the shows, so hopefully it's not too bad.





Week 1, January, 2004

Live from Tennessee State Fairgrounds in Nashville, Tennessee

Attendance: 1500 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Don West








We open this week's NWA:TNA weekly PPV with Vince Russo coming down to the ring, making his official return to the company. Russo gets on the mic and cuts a scathing promo on Dixie Carter for firing him, calling Hogan an old fart and Dixie a dumb bitch for trying to make a deal with Hogan and firing Russo in the process. Russo says that he's back and things are going to be different around here--






Russo is then interrupted by Dusty Rhodes, who tells Russo to shut his trap for once in his life. Dusty says that Dixie isn't here tonight, but he isn't going to allow Russo to run his mouth like that. Russo calls Dusty a fat piece of sh!t and just when it looks like Dusty might head to the ring to confront Russo face to face...




The ring suddenly fills up from all sides with members of Planet Jarrett, including the man himself, who hugs Russo in the middle of the ring. Russo says that, as everyone can see, he has friends in high places. Russo then announces one more time that he's back and there isn't a damn thing that anyone can do about it! (64)






Before our first match of the night gets underway match, we cut backstage where Father James Mitchell cuts a short promo promising that his the Desciples will take care of America's Most Wanted tonight and when they do, they will position themselves for a shot at the NWA Tag Team Championships. (34)



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With both teams looking to position themselves for a future NWA Tag Team Championship title shot, this is an important match for both sides. The Disciples gain the advantage early on by attacking before the bell sounds. With Father James Mitchell directing traffic at ringside, Sinn and Slash do a decent job of isolating James Storm and keeping him away from Chris Harris. This only works for so long, however, as Storm eventually fights back and makes the tag to Chris Harris. Harris begins cleaning house and pretty soon all four men are in the ring. The brawl ends with Storm and Harris hitting the Death Sentence on Slash, and it's America's Most Wanted who picks up the win here tonight.


America's Most Wanted defeated Disciples of the New Church at 8:30 when Harris pinned Slash following a Death Sentence (47)



We join Mike Tenay and Don West at the announce table who hype up the fact that we've got a huge main event coming up later tonight as Jeff Jarrett defends the NWA World Heavyweight Championship against D'Lo Brown. Will Jeff Jarrett's reign as champion continue? Or will D'Lo Brown find a way to knock off the champion and claim the coveted NWA World Championship for himself? (49)






Six man tag team action is up next as 3 Live Kru take on Black Shirt Security. It is a pretty fast-paced match with lots of frequent tags and with the momentum swinging back and forth throughout. Despite putting up a decent fight, 3 Live Kru is just too much to handle for Black Shirt Security as the match progresses, and when the match finally breaks down into an all out six man brawl, we end up with Konnan and Rick Santel in the middle of the ring. Konnan applies the Tequila Sunrise and Santel has no choice but to submit.



3 Live Kru defeated Black Shirt Security at 9:02 by submission when Konnan forced Rick Santel to submit to the Tequila Sunrise (53)






We cut backstage where Dusty Rhodes is being interviewed by Goldylocks, who asks him about the return of Vince Russo and Dusty's confrontation with Russo earlier. tonight. Dusty says that he's not sure how Russo managed to crawl his way back to TNA since it seems that Dixie Carter isn't the one who hired him back, but Dusty says that he's not gonna let Russo run wild in TNA. Dusty reveals that Dixie Carter will be here next week to address Russo, but he adds that he is going to have a trick of his own up his sleeve as well. (51)






AJ Styles faces off against Kid Kash next and things pick up right away as both men start off fast, expertly countering each other's moves. This continues until Kash counters an AJ Styles hurricanrana attempt into an impactful powerbomb, putting himself in control of the match. Kash goes up top and hits a frog splash, but it's only enough for a two count. Styles fights back into it with a pair of dropkicks and a snap suplex. Styles hits a fireman's carry facebuster for a two count, and a high angle belly to back suplex for another two count. Kid Kash then turns the match back in his favor by raking AJ's eyes and hitting a fisherman buster. Kash goes up top again for another frog splash, but Styles moves out of the way. Kash gets to his feet first and kicks AJ in the gut and then sets up for the Dead Level, but Styles fights out of it and hits the Pelé Kick. Styles quickly follows up with the Styles Clash and this one is over.



AJ Styles defeated Kid Kash at 8:56 by pinfall with the Styles Clash (78)



Hardcore Match


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Quite the contrast from the previous match, this one is contested under hardcore rules and Raven and Sandman waste no time in taking full advantage of that, taking the fight to the youngsters with a steel chair and a singapore cane. Punk and Dinero take beating in the early parts of this one, but to their credit they are able to survive the early onslaught and fight their way back into the match, proving themselves quite capable in their own right when it comes to the use of weapons. CM Punk hits a brutal DDT on The Sandman onto a steel chair and it probably would have been the end of the match, but Raven is able to break up the pinfall attempt before the three count. Raven throws Punk out of the ring and the Sandman follows after to brawl with Punk at ringside. In the ring, Julio Dinero catches Raven with a surprise roll-up and almost gets the three, but Raven manages to kick out. Raven then nails Dinero with a steel chair and hits the Raven Effect DDT on Dinero onto the steel chair and it's one, two, three.



Raven and The Sandman defeated The Gathering at 9:46 by pinfall when Raven pinned Dinero following a Raven Effect onto a steel chair (55)






Goldylocks is backstage with the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Jarrett, and she asks him about his upcoming title defense against D'Lo Brown. Jarrett says that he isn't concerned about the match because he knows that even though D'Lo is good--Jarrett is that much better. Jarrett says he has proven that time and time again, and he'll prove it again tonight. Goldylocks then asks Jarrett about the return of Vince Russo, and Jarrett says that he and Russo have got big plans for TNA and they aren't about to let Dixie Carter or anyone else get in their way. (48)



NWA World Heavyweight Championship







Mike Tenay calls this the biggest match of D'Lo Brown's career as he has the opportunity tonight to be crowned the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion, but he faces an uphill battle against the reigning champion. The match starts off slow with a bit of a feeling out process, which D'Lo ultimately gets the better of. This frustrates Jarrett, who resorts to poking D'Lo in the eye to gain control of the match. The Champion controls the next several minutes of the match, slowly wearing D'Lo down by focusing the majority of his offense on D'Lo's right leg. Jarrett then goes for the figure four leg lock, but D'Lo is able to fight him off and avoid potential disaster. D'Lo begins firing back but every time he builds a little bit of momentum, Jarrett cuts him off by going back to work on the leg again. Tenay says that he may not agree with a lot of Jarrett's antics, but it's hard to deny that the NWA World Heavyweight Champion has put a great strategy together for this match. Don West says that, love him or hate him, Jarrett is the Champion for a reason. D'Lo mounts another comeback, hitting a pair of clotheslines, a back body drop and finally an impactful spinebuster that keeps Jarrett on the mat. D'Lo then signals that the end is near and he starts climbing to the top rope...






But Vince Russo suddenly runs down to the ring. Russo yells at D'Lo, who hesitates on the top rope because of Russo's appearance. D'Lo then finally jumps, looking to hit the Frog Splash, but Jarrett rolls out of the way. As Jarrett gets back to his feet, Russo gets up on the apron and draws the referee's attention, allowing Jarrett to hit a low blow. Jarrett then hits the Stroke as Russo directs the referee's attention to what's going on in the ring, and this one is all over.



Jeff Jarrett defeated D'Lo Brown at 17:23 by pinfall with a Stroke following a distraction by Vince Russo. Jarrett retains the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (68)



The match is over and Russo enters the ring and raises Jarrett's hand in victory as this week's show comes to an end.





Final Show Rating: 67

PPV Buyrate: 0.23 (118.900 buys)

Show increased popularity in 30 regions

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<p>First few shows were difficult for me too but I think you're off to a strong start. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> The Russo and Jarrett alliance is a very good call.</p><p> </p><p>

I like Goldylocks as the backstage interviewer, I know she did that in real life at one point but I think TNA had taken her off that to be Erik Watts' on-screen girlfriend and that's a role that only has so much mileage. It's a good move putting her back in that seat and using her talents properly.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm interested in what you do with Raven and James Mitchell. I'm assuming it's the end of the chapter with him and The Gathering now he's pinned them in the tag match? But I suppose we'll see.</p>

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First few shows were difficult for me too but I think you're off to a strong start. :) The Russo and Jarrett alliance is a very good call.


I like Goldylocks as the backstage interviewer, I know she did that in real life at one point but I think TNA had taken her off that to be Erik Watts' on-screen girlfriend and that's a role that only has so much mileage. It's a good move putting her back in that seat and using her talents properly.


I'm interested in what you do with Raven and James Mitchell. I'm assuming it's the end of the chapter with him and The Gathering now he's pinned them in the tag match? But I suppose we'll see.


Thanks for the kind words man.


Yeah, Goldylocks will be one of the backstage interviewers along with Jeremy Borash. Certain angles and storylines will be dropped or quickly wrapped up as I'm treating Russo's return as sort of a "reboot" of the company and the Erik Watts one is one of them.


As for Raven and James Mitchell...let's just say I have plans for that.

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Dixie Carter will be on hand to confront Vince Russo, Dusty Rhodes reveals the "trick up his sleeve" and no less than three title matches and one number one contender's match will take place!


NWA:TNA Weekly PPV - Official Card



NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Jeff Jarrett © vs. ???


NWA World Tag Team Championships

3 Live Kru © vs. Glenn Gilbertti and David Young


TNA X-Division Championship

Michael Shane © vs. Low-Ki


TNA X-Division Nr.1 Contender's Match

Chris Sabin vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Jerry Lynn


Kid Kash, Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger vs. AJ Styles and America's Most Wanted


Hardcore Match

Legend vs. Raven

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NWA:TNA Weekly PPV - Official Card



NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Jeff Jarrett © vs. Dustin Rhodes

It would be good to have both Dusty and Dustin on screen against Jarrett & Russo.


NWA World Tag Team Championships

3 Live Kru © vs. Glenn Gilbertti and David Young


TNA X-Division Championship

Michael Shane © vs. Low-Ki

I just don't think Shane is right for the title at this point, I didn't think so in my diary anyway.


TNA X-Division Nr.1 Contender's Match

Chris Sabin vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Jerry Lynn


Kid Kash, Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger vs. AJ Styles and America's Most Wanted


Hardcore Match

Legend vs. Raven

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NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Jeff Jarrett © vs. ???

Note: I doubt Jarrett will lose to anyone in TNA, at this time, not named AJ Styles.


NWA World Tag Team Championships

3 Live Kru © vs. Glenn Gilbertti and David Young

Note: 3 Live Kru is a great Stable and tag team. Russo might love Disco, but 3LK should retain.


TNA X-Division Championship

Michael Shane © vs. Low-Ki

Note: I'm torn between Shawn Michaels cousin and Kaval. I'm gonn go with the latter.


TNA X-Division Nr.1 Contender's Match

Chris Sabin vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Jerry Lynn

Note: I think Daniels is the perfect X-Division champion, not named AJ Styles. I think he wins this match and wins the title.


Kid Kash, Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger vs. AJ Styles and America's Most Wanted

Note: This seems almost too cruel for Swinger, Diamond and Kash.


Hardcore Match

Legend vs. Raven

Note: Raven will get to his destiny, someday.

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NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Jeff Jarrett © vs. ???


NWA World Tag Team Championships

3 Live Kru © vs. Glenn Gilbertti and David Young


TNA X-Division Championship

Michael Shane © vs. Low-Ki


TNA X-Division Nr.1 Contender's Match

Chris Sabin vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Jerry Lynn


Kid Kash, Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger vs. AJ Styles and America's Most Wanted


Hardcore Match

Legend vs. Raven

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Week 2, January, 2004

Live from Tennessee State Fairgrounds in Nashville, Tennessee

Attendance: 1.500 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Don West









We kick this week's weekly pay per view off with the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Jarrett, coming down to the ring alongside Vince Russo. Jarrett gets on the mic and announces that the old Planet Jarrett has been disbanded and a new and improved version will take its place. Jarrett says that he and Russo hold the real power in TNA and they are just getting started making things the way they want them to be and...






And that's as far as Jarrett gets before he is interrupted by Dusty Rhodes and Dixie Carter, who walk out from the back and make their way to the ring. Dixie says that she doesn't know what kind of strings Jarrett and Russo pulled with the TNA Board of Directors to get Russo back, but she is prepared to fight him tooth and nail. Dixie then makes a stunning announcement; Jeff Jarrett will defend the NWA World Heavyweight Championship later tonight. Jarrett and Russo are both livid, but Dusty Rhodes grabs the mic and reminds them about what he said last week, about how he would have a surprise up his sleeve...Dusty then brings out his surprise and it's...






DUSTIN RHODES! Dusty tells Jarrett that THIS is his opponent for tonight and the crowd are on their feet for the debut of Dustin Rhodes here tonight! (53)



TNA X-Division Championship








The X-Division Championship is on the line in our first match of the night as Michael Shane defends the title against Low-Ki. In true X-Division fashion this is a fast-paced encounter with the action flying all over the ring. Both men give as good as they get here, and Low-Ki comes close to picking up the win on several occasions as he catches Shane off guard with some lightning quick roll-ups. In the end, Shane catches Low-Ki with a superkick, and then he puts him away with a Picture Perfect elbow drop from the top rope to secure the pinfall and retain the X-Division title.



Michael Shane defeated Low-Ki at 8:39 by pinfall with a Picture Perfect elbow drop. Shane retains the X-Division Championship (51)






As Michael Shane celebrates in the ring, we cut to the back where Goldylocks has caught up with Jeff Jarrett, and she asks Jarrett about the announcement made by Dusty Rhodes ealier tonight that Jarrett will defend the NWA World Heavyweight Championship against Dustin Rhodes. Jarrett says that this company may officially belong to Dixie Carter, but this is HIS world and even though he will admit that Dustin Rhodes was a bit of a surprise, Jarrett says that he's always three steps ahead of his enemies, which is why he's the World Champion, and he'll prove that again tonight when he beats Dustin Rhodes in the middle of the ring. (48)



Hardcore Match





Mike Tenay points out that this match is far more in Raven's wheelhouse than Legend's, but Don West thinks that Legend just might be able to create an upset here tonight. While he does put up a decent fight, Legend isn't much of a match for Raven in the long run as Raven starts to dominate the match using whatever weapons he can get his hands on. Raven smacks Legend over the back with a steel chair, and then Raven drops the chair on the mat and hits the Raven Effect on Legend onto the steel chair for the decisive pinfall victory.



Raven defeated Legend at 7:28 by pinfall with a Raven Effect onto a steel chair (55)






The match is over and Raven has picked up the win, but he doesn't get much of a chance to celebrate at all as "The Monster" Abyss suddenly hits the ring and attacks Raven with a steel chair of his own. Abyss then whips Raven into the ropes and hits a Black Hole Slam on Raven onto the steel chair! As Abyss stands tall in the ring, Mike and Don are left wondering what on earth could possible have motivated this attack by "The Monster" Abyss here tonight? (47)



NWA Tag Team Championships







Mike and Don kick things off by talking up the fact that this is a huge opportunity for Glenn Gilbertti and David Young, who are both apparently now former members of Planet Jarrett, and what better way to start their new post-Jarrett lives then by picking up the NWA Tag Team titles? The match is a solid, albeit somewhat basic, tag team match with Gilbertti and Young doing their best to isolate BG James and wear him down. It works until it doesn't, and BG makes the hot tag to Konnan, who cleans house. BG rejoins the action as well, and the match ends when Konnan manages to apply the Tequila Sunrise on David Young in the middle of the ring, and Young has no choice but to submit.



3 Live Kru defeated Glenn Gilbertti and David Young at 9:35 by submission when Konnan forced Young to submit to the Tequila Sunrise. 3 Live Kru retain the NWA Tag Team Championships (55)






As the Tag Team Champions celebrate in the ring, we cut backstage to Vince Russo's office where Russo is seen talking on the phone to someone, though we do not hear the person's name. Russo seems to be getting confirmation that the person he is talking to either is here or is going to be here tonight, which brings a huge smile to Russo's face. Mike and Don wonder who it could be that Russo is talking to, and just what is this person planning on doing here tonight? (51)






Six man tag team action is up next as Kid Kash, Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger take on AJ Styles and America's Most Wanted. Styles and America's Most Wanted start off strong, fighting off an attempted sneak attack by Kash, Diamond and Swinger and sending them out of the ring to regroup. As they do, Tenay brings up the fact that Styles defeated Kid Kash in a singles match last week, and that Kash is no doubt looking for some payback tonight. The heel are able to take control of the match after Simon Diamond gets a cheap shot in on James Storm when Storm hits the ropes, and Storm is now in big trouble as Kash, Diamond and Swinger utilize quick tags to wear Storm down. AJ Styles finally get the hot tag and then the match breaks down completely with all six men going at it. In the middle of the chaos, Styles is able to hit the Styles Clash on Johnny Swinger and pick up the pinfall victory for his team.



AJ Styles and America's Most Wanted defeated Johnny Swinger, Kid Kash and Simon Diamond at 9:55 when Styles pinned Swinger following a Styles Clash (67)






CM Punk comes down to the ring for a promo, looking pissed off. Punk says that he's done with Raven, done with Julio Dinero, done with everything because it's time for him to go it alone. Punk reminds everyone that he is straight edge and that, by definition, makes him better than every single drunken fan in attendance tonight. This not only draws a chorus of boos from the fans, but it also brings none other than....






"Rowdy" Roddy Piper out from the back to a great ovation from the crowd. Piper says that Punk must be a real fun guy to have around at a party. Punk is about to respond to Piper, but Piper says that he was wrestling when Punk was still wearing diapers, so he needs to keep his mouth shut and listen to what he has to say! Piper says that if Punk wants to run down these great people of Nashville, then he's running down the "Hot Rod" as well and, as far as Piper is concerned, them's fighting words! Piper looks like he's ready for a fight here tonight, but Punk backs down and leaves the ring, much to the crowd's, and Piper's, disappointment. (68)






Goldylocks is backstage with Dustin Rhodes, who will be competing for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship later tonight, and she asks him about his decision to come to TNA. Dustin says that where he's from, family matters more than pretty much anything else. So when his dad asked him to come to TNA and help him out, he wasn't about to turn him down. Dustin says that he is all too familiar with the likes of Jarrett and Russo and he knows exactly what kind of backstabbing situation he might be walking into tonight. But Dustin says that he's walking in with his eyes wide open and he's coming for that NWA World Heavyweight Championship! (43)



Winner gets an X-Division Championship title shot





X-Division action is up next as Chris Sabin, Christopher Daniels and Jerry Lynn all compete to earn a shot at the X-Division Championship. It is almost a match of contrasts as both Sabin and Daniels look to pick up the pace whenever possible, while the veteran Jerry Lynn goes for a more ground-based attack for the most part and picking and choosing his moments to go high risk a little more carefully. Mike and Don both agree that, regardless of who wins here tonight, Michael Shane will be facing quite a tough challenge. In the end it's Christopher Daniels who walks out of this one victorious, though perhaps somewhat surprisingly not following some impressive high risk maneuver, but rather he is able to catch Jerry Lynn by surprise with a roll-up for the three count and the victory.



Christopher Daniels defeated Jerry Lynn and Chris Sabin at 11:58 by pinfall when Daniels pinned Lynn with a roll-up. Daniels earns a shot at the TNA X-Division Championship (68)



NWA World Heavyweight Championship







As soon as the bell rings, Jeff Jarrett bails out of the ring to regroup on the outside as Mike and Don speculate that apparently Jarrett still isn't quite sure how to deal with Dustin Rhodes. Jarrett eventually re-enters the ring and the two men lock up, with Dustin getting the better of Jarrett and backing him into the corner. Dustin gives a clean break, but Jarrett uses this opportunity to jam a thumb into Dustin's eye and just like that Jarrett is on the attack. Jarrett maintains control for the next several minutes, but Rhodes never stops fighting back and every time it looks like he's down and out, he manages to dig down deep and find the strength to mount another comeback. Jarrett then goes for the Stroke, but Dustin fights his way out of it and hits an inverted suplex. Both men get back to their feet and both men have the same idea in mind; clothesline--which means that both men are now down in the ring. Just then something else seems to grab the crowd's attention as someone makes his way toward the ring...






IT'S RICK STEINER! Mike and Don both wonder what the heck Rick Steiner is doing here as "The Dog-faced Gremlin" lurks around ringside. Jarrett gets up first in the ring and he hits a swinging neckbreaker on Dustin. As Jarrett then leaves the ring, Steiner gets up on the apron and starts arguing with the referee. This allows Jarrett to grab his guitar from under the ring and blast Dustin with it. Jarrett then gets rid of the evidence, Steiner gets down off the apron, and Jarrett hits the Stroke and covers Dustin to pick up the victory, much to the crowd's displeasure.



Jeff Jarrett defeated Dustin Rhodes at 14:18 by pinfall with a Stroke following interference by Rick Steiner and a guitar shot. Jarrett retains the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (64)




And as Jeff Jarrett and Rick Steiner celebrate in the ring, this week's weekly pay per view comes to an end.



Final Show Rating: 64

PPV Buyrate: 0.20 (101.200 buys)

Show increased popularity in 30 regions

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Good show. I'm happy to be right on Dustin and excited to see what you do with him going forward. Rick Steiner is also a good hire, especially alongside Jarrett and Russo as part of a new group. They're already better than the old Team Jarrett on week one. :D
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Good show. I'm happy to be right on Dustin and excited to see what you do with him going forward. Rick Steiner is also a good hire, especially alongside Jarrett and Russo as part of a new group. They're already better than the old Team Jarrett on week one. :D


Glad you liked it. Dustin was a very good call on your part and I'm excited to have him.

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NWA: TNA Weekly PPV - Official Card


Dustin Rhodes and a mystery partner do battle with Planet Jarrett, "The Monster" Abyss faces The Sandman in a hardcore match and a groundbreaking announcement will be made!



Jeff Jarrett and Rick Steiner vs. Dustin Rhodes and ???


AJ Styles vs. Low-Ki


Hardcore Match

Abyss vs. The Sandman


3 Live Kru vs. Johnny Swinger, Legend and Julio Dinero


The Disciples of the New Church vs. America's Most Wanted


Shark Boy vs. CM Punk

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Jeff Jarrett and Rick Steiner vs. Dustin Rhodes and ??? (Diamond Dallas Page)


AJ Styles vs. Low-Ki


Hardcore Match

Abyss vs. The Sandman


3 Live Kru vs. Johnny Swinger, Legend and Julio Dinero


The Disciples of the New Church vs. America's Most Wanted


Shark Boy vs. CM Punk

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Jeff Jarrett and Rick Steiner vs. Dustin Rhodes and Kevin Nash

I just figure that you need more star power and to offer Planet Jarrett a serious threat.


AJ Styles vs. Low-Ki


Hardcore Match

Abyss vs. The Sandman


3 Live Kru vs. Johnny Swinger, Legend and Julio Dinero


The Disciples of the New Church vs. America's Most Wanted


Shark Boy vs. CM Punk

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Jeff Jarrett and Rick Steiner vs. Dustin Rhodes and ???


AJ Styles vs. Low-Ki


Hardcore Match

Abyss vs. The Sandman


3 Live Kru vs. Johnny Swinger, Legend and Julio Dinero


The Disciples of the New Church vs. America's Most Wanted


Shark Boy vs. CM Punk

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Jeff Jarrett and Rick Steiner vs. Dustin Rhodes and ???


AJ Styles vs. Low-Ki

Hardcore Match

Abyss vs. The Sandman


3 Live Kru vs. Johnny Swinger, Legend and Julio Dinero


The Disciples of the New Church vs. America's Most Wanted


Shark Boy vs. CM Punk

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