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Week 3, January, 2004

Live from Tennessee State Fairgrounds in Nashville, Tennessee

Attendance: 1.500 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Don West







This week's show kicks off with all three members of Planet Jarrett coming down to the ring. Jarrett gets on the mic and brags about retaining the NWA World Heavyweight Championship last week against Dustin Rhodes. He says that Rick Steiner is a perfect example of the kind of man he wants in the new and improved Planet Jarrett; someone who has proven themselves, someone who knows what it takes to get the job done. Jarrett then hands the mic to Vince Russo, who says that last week was a nice little try by Dusty and Dixie but, as always, they both came up just a little bit short.






The taunting and mocking brings Dusty and Dustin Rhodes out from the back to stand at the top of the entrance ramp. Dusty doesn't waste any time here as he gets straight to the point and challenges Jarrett and Steiner to a tag team match later tonight; the two of them against Dustin and a mystery partner. In the ring, Russo confers with Jarrett and then accepts--on the condition that WHEN they lose, Dustin Rhodes will never get another World Title shot as long as Jarrett is the champion. Dustin agrees to the stipulation and we have a huge tag team match set up for our main event. (69)






We cut to the back where Goldylocks is standing by with Christopher Daniels, and she asks Daniels about the X-Division Title shot he earned for himself last week. Daniels keeps his words short and sweet here, saying that nobody in the X-Division is better than him. He proved that last week and he will prove it again next week when he gets his title shot against Michael Shane. (45)







Our first match of this week's show is a six man tag team match as 3 Live Kru faces off against Johnny Swinger, Legend and Julio Dinero. The makeshift trio of Swinger, Legend and Dinero put up a decent fight in this one and they manage to have a decent showing for themselves, but it doesn't stop them from coming up short anyway as Ron Killings hits the Truth or Consequences on Johnny Swinger for the three count and the pinfall victory.



3 Live Kru defeated Johnny Swinger, Legend and Julio Dinero at 8:48 by pinfall when Killings pinned Swinger with a Truth or Consequences (58)






Goldylocks is backstage with another interview and this time she's with the TNA X-Division Champion, Michael Shane, and Shane Douglas. Douglas is talking up Michael Shane as the X-Division Champion, saying that he heard what Daniels said earlier but he's in for quite the surprise next week when he steps into the ring with the Champion and the REAL number one guy in the X-Division.






AJ Styles then suddenly walks into the camera's view to confront Douglas and Shane. AJ eyes the X-Division title that is currently hanging on Michael Shane's shoulder, and then he puts them on notice that Daniels isn't the only one who has got his eyes on the big prize. As AJ walks off, Douglas mutters that AJ better just keep his focus on Low-Ki tonight, if he knows what's good for him. (41)






As CM Punk takes on Shark Boy, Mike Tenay and Don West hype up the fact that a huge announcement is going to be made later tonight and it's one that is going to go down in history. As they tease that that announcement will be made a little bit later, CM Punk has taken control of the match in the ring. Shark Boy tries to fight back and hits a couple of impressive high flying moves, including a back elbow smash from the top rope, but Punk is able to recover and apply the Anaconda Vise for the submission victory.



CM Punk defeated Shark Boy at 4:11 by submission with the Anaconda Vise (27)



The match is over and CM Punk is calling for a mic. Punk then begins to run down Roddy Piper, saying that Piper is nothing more than a relic of the past--and a useless relic at that. The crowd chants for Piper, but Punk says that he is sorry to disappoint them but he saw Piper earlier today when he was on his way to the building, and he was passed out drunk in the gutter. The crowd boos but then...






Roddy Piper's music hits and Piper emerges from the back as the boos turn to cheers. Mike Tenay notes that Piper looks quite sober. Piper gets a mic of his own and says that CM Punk really does live up to his name because while he talks a big game, when push comes to shove, he runs away like the scared little punk that he is! Piper says that he is more than happy to teach Punk a lesson in respect. The crowd cheers and Piper tosses the mic and heads for the ring, but for the second straight week Punk bails out of the ring when Piper enters, and Punk walks away from the confrontation, much to the frustration of both Piper and the crowd. (64)






America's Most Wanted face off against the Desciples of the New Church next and this one is almost entirely one-way traffic with Harris and Storm controlling the majority of the match. It's not a complete squash but pretty close to it, and the end comes when Storm and Harris hit the Death Sentence on Slash for an impressive pinfall victory.



America's Most Wanted defeated The Disciples of the New Church at 5:31 by pinfall when Harris pinned Slash following a Death Sentence (44)






After the match we cut backstage to Vince Russo's office where Jeff Jarrett Rick Steiner are talking to Vince Russo, with Jeff asking if Russo knows who Dustin Rhodes's tag team partner will be tonight. Russo, looking somewhat frustrated, says that he hasn't heard anything, so they'll probably just have to wait and see--an answer which Jarrett isn't too happy about. Russo assures Jarrett that whoever it is, it's nothing that he and Rick can't take care of. Russo then hypes Jarrett up, telling him that he's the World Heavyweight Champion for a reason and nothing that Dusty and Dustin Rhodes can come up with is going to be anywhere near Jarrett's level. (57)






We head to the announce table where Mike Tenay and Don West are seated as they are calling tonight's action. Mike Tenay looks at the camera and says that it's time for that big announcement they promised earlier. Mike announces that there isn't going to be a weekly TNA pay per view next week because, starting next Wednesday, a brand new TV show, TNA Impact, will debut on Bravo. Don West gets all hyped up, saying that TNA is taking things to the next level. Mike Tenay adds that it will indeed be a historic night one week from tonight, and Mike says that he and Don will announce a few matches for that historic show a little bit later tonight. Mike then sends us back to the ring because we are nowhere near done for tonight. (58)



Hardcore Match





Mike Tenay says that The Sandman is sticking up for his friend Raven here tonight, who was attacked for seemingly no reason by "The Monster" Abyss last week. Sandman starts off by beating the hell out of Abyss with a singapore cane. Sandman hits a bulldog and then brings a steel chair into the ring, which he promptly smacks across Abyss' back. Sandman then drops the chair on the floor of the ring and then proceeds to hit a DDT on Abyss onto the steel chair, but somehow "The Monster" is able to kick out after two. Sandman then goes for a diving legdrop off the second rope, but Abyss rolls out of the way. Having withstood Sandman's onslaught, "The Monster" is now finally able to inflict some damage of his own. Abyss crushes Sandman in the corner with a running body splash, and then he boots Sandman in the face to take him off his feet again. Sandman slowly gets back to his feet, but he ends up staggering right into a Black Hole Slam onto a steel chair! Abyss covers and this one is all over.



Abyss defeated The Sandman at 10:38 by pinfall with a Black Hole Slam onto a steel chair (56)






Raven hits the ring after the match and attacks Abyss as a wild brawl erupts while Mike and Don both talk about how they weren't sure if Raven was even here tonight after what happened last week. Raven keeps attacking, but Abyss is able to turn the tide and gain the upper hand, and for the second week in a row Abyss nails Raven with the Black Hole Slam and stands tall as the seemingly unstoppable "Monster" just destroyed both Sandman AND Raven on the same night! (47)






High-flying X-Division is up next as a stark contrast to the hardcore brawl we just witnessed as Low-Ki and AJ Styles square off in a battle between two crowd favorites. This is a fast-paced, evenly matched bout throughout, with neither man able to keep the advantage for very long, and with both men picking up a few near-falls along the way. Styles nearly picks up the win after hitting a perfectly executed 450 splash, and Low-Ki nearly does the same after hitting a corkscrew 450 splash of his own. In the end, AJ Styles picks up the win, hitting the Styles Clash for a hard-fought victory.



AJ Styles defeated Low-Ki at 11:53 by pinfall with a Styles Clash (67)



It is almost main event time and the question still remains; who is Dustin Rhodes' partner tonight? Mike and Don talk about this as well, with Tenay saying that the wait is almost over and we are about to find out who the mystery partner is. Don West says he can't wait to see who it is. Jeff Jarrett and Rick Steiner make their entrance, and the Dustin Rhodes makes his, though he stops just short of entering the ring. He then milks the moment for a bit before turning back toward the entrance ramp and.....









<iframe width="100" height="100" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ukrL1xwnpsQ" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Mike Tenay does his best Tony Schiavone impression as he exclaims that "IT's STING!!!!" "The Icon" makes his way out from the back as Mike and Don are hyped about the fact that Sting is back in TNA. Jarrett can't believe what he's seeing as he stares wide-eyed as Sting and Dustin Rhodes shake hands at ringside--what a main event this is going to be!!! (84)






The match kicks off with Sting pointing directly at Jarrett, wanting him to start the match. Jarrett wants no part of Sting, however, and he sends "The Dog-faced Gremlin" into the match to kick things off. Dustin Rhodes then enters the ring and it's Steiner and Dustin to kick things off here. Dustin is on his game early on, taking Steiner down with a series of clotheslines and a snap powerslam before Steiner rolls out of the ring to regroup. Steiner gets back in the ring and gains the upper hand with the help of a cheap shot from behind by Jeff Jarrett, and Steiner begins to impose his will upon Dustin. Jarrett then tags in and starts off by taunting Sting before putting the boots to Dustin. Jarrett goes for the Stroke, but Dustin is able to push his off and catch him with another snap powerslam, leaving both men down. Dustin makes the hot tag to Sting, who absolutely cleans house. Repeated clotheslines to both Jarrett and Steiner sees Jarrett and Steiner end up in opposite corners of the ring, and Sting then charges at Steiner, hitting a Stinger splash. He then runs across the ring and delivers one to Jarrett as well. Then another on Steiner! But when he goes for a second Stinger Splash on Jarrett, the NWA World Champion is able to move out of the way and Sting goes chest-first into the turnbuckle. The referee restores order and the two Planet Jarrett members try to isolate Sting, but Sting fights back and makes his way to Dustin in the corner, and now it's his turn to clean house. After a flurry of offense, Dustin tags Sting back in and then Dustin is sent flying out of the ring by Jeff Jarrett. Sting clotheslines Jarrett and then he sets up for the Scorpion Deathdrop, but Steiner blasts Sting from behind to stop him. Steiner begins unloading on Sting, but Sting no-sells the punches. With Steiner in disbelief, Sting pounds his chest, lets out a loud "WOOOO!" and then he unleashes a flurry of punches and kicks on Steiner, and a dropkick on Jarrett that sends Jeff out of the ring. Sting then hooks Steiner and delivers a devastating Scorpion Deathdrop and it's one, two, three!



Sting and Dustin Rhodes defeated Jeff Jarrett and Rick Steiner at 17:57 by pinfall when Sting pinned Steiner following a Scorpion Deathdrop (78)



And with that Sting is successful upon his return to TNA and he stands tall in the ring with Dustin Rhodes as Mike and Don talk about the amazing return of Sting. Mike then signs off by reminding everyone to tune into the first ever TNA Impact! next wednesday live on Bravo!



Final Show Rating: 78

PPV Buyrate: 0.19 (96.592 buys)

Show increased popularity in 30 regions

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On this historic night for TNA Wrestling, Vince Russo will be on hand to discuss TNA's status as a member of the NWA, the X-Division Championship will be on the line and rumors swirl that a special guest has been invited to attend the first ever edition of TNA Impact!


TNA Impact - Official Card


Jeff Jarrett vs. Dustin Rhodes


TNA X-Division Championship

Michael Shane © vs. Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles


No Disqualification Match

Abyss vs. Raven


America's Most Wanted vs. XXX (Elix Skipper and Low-Ki)


Legend vs. D'Lo Brown


Bonus Question: Who is the "special guest" who has been invited to Impact?


OOC: I'll let the first prediction contest run through the first non-weekly PPV, and a prize will then be awarded to whoever wins. That means there are three Impacts and a PPV left to go in the first contest.
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Jeff Jarrett vs. Dustin Rhodes

I just don't see Rhodes getting his win back here.


TNA X-Division Championship

Michael Shane © vs. Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles

This should be the main event if we're being honest about it. I see Daniels pinning Shane to set him on a collision course with AJ.


No Disqualification Match

Abyss vs. Raven

I like Abyss I really do, but I'm not convinced he's ready for a victory of this magnitude.


America's Most Wanted vs. XXX (Elix Skipper and Low-Ki)

I figure that 3LK need contenders and AMW shouldn't be too hurt by losing here.


Legend vs. D'Lo Brown

The only match I am actually 100% sure about on this card. :p It's probably this one I'll get wrong!


Bonus Question: Who is the "special guest" who has been invited to Impact? It's me, it's me, it's DDP :D

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Jeff Jarrett vs. Dustin Rhodes


TNA X-Division Championship

Michael Shane © vs. Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles


No Disqualification Match

Abyss vs. Raven


America's Most Wanted vs. XXX (Elix Skipper and Low-Ki)


Legend vs. D'Lo Brown


Bonus Question: Who is the "special guest" who has been invited to Impact? Randy Savage

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Jeff Jarrett vs. Dustin Rhodes


TNA X-Division Championship

Michael Shane © vs. Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles


No Disqualification Match

Abyss vs. Raven


America's Most Wanted vs. XXX (Elix Skipper and Low-Ki)


Legend vs. D'Lo Brown


Bonus Question: Who is the "special guest" who has been invited to Impact? Randy Savage

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Week 4, January, 2004

Live from the Elma Roane Fieldhouse in Memphis, Tennessee

Attendance: 2.276

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Don West




The first ever edition of TNA Impact! on Bravo kicks off with Mike Tenay and Don West welcoming everyone to a monumental night in the history of TNA Wrestling. They are both very excited to have TNA wrestling on Bravo and they promise the viewers that they are going to be in for quite the ride--both tonight and with TNA in general.



TNA X-Division Championship







We then go to our very first match of the evening as Michael Shane defends the TNA X-Division Championship against Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles. The pace is lightning quick right off the bat in this one, and Mike Tenay says on commentary that the X-Division is what TNA is all about, with some of the absolute best athletes in the entire world. The match then turns into a two on one handicap for a few moments as Shane and Daniels decide to work together to get rid of AJ and then settle things between themselves, but their teamwork is short-lived as Daniels turns on Michael Shane and rolls him up from behind, almost picking up the win and the X-Division Championship, but Shane manages to kick out just before the three count. Shane comes back with a superkick that connects perfectly with Daniels' jaw, but AJ Styles prevents Shane from getting a three count by breaking up the pin at two and a half. Styles then catches fire, hitting a Pelé Kick on Shane and then one on Daniels as well. Styles then hits the Phenomenal Forearm on Shane, a frankensteiner on Daniels, and then finally the Styles Clash on Shane, capping off his impressive series of offense by pinning Shane for the one, two, three.



AJ Styles defeated Michael Shane and Christopher Daniels at 15:28 by pinfall when Styles pinned Shane following a Styles Clash. AJ Styles wins the TNA X-Division Championship (79)



As AJ celebrates in the ring, we go the Mike and Don at the announce table, who put all three men over for their performance in that last match, with Don West saying that all three men left it all in the ring. Mike Tenay then changes the topic as he addresses the rumor that a "special guest" has been invited to Impact! tonight. Mike says that they have no idea who this "special guest" is, nor do they know who exactly invited them, so we'll all just have to wait and see.






Jeff Jarrett's music then hits as Jarrett and Vince Russo make their way down to the ring where a table has been set up, but we can't see what's on the table because it is covered entirely by black cloth. Vince Russo announces that as of a few days ago...TNA Wrestling is no longer a part of the NWA. Russo says that TNA is going places and, honestly, the NWA would only hold them back. Russo says that the NWA is old news while TNA is the hot new thing. He then removes part of the cloth covering the table, revealing the brand new TNA Tag Team Championship title belts. Russo announces that a tournament will be held to crown the first ever TNA Tag Team Champions, and he says that the match later tonight between America's Most Wanted and Triple X will be a Tag Team Title tournament match.


Russo then removes the rest of the cloth, revealing the equally brand new TNA World Heavyweight Championship title belt. Russo says that as far as the TNA World Championship is concerned, it is important to have the right kind of person leading the way for a company, especially a growing company like TNA. Russo says that they need a true champion to lead them into the future and who could possibly be more of a true champion than the man currently standing in the ring with him? As Russo appears ready to award the TNA World Heavyweight Championship to Jeff Jarrett...






They are interrupted by Dusty Rhodes, who walks out to his music. Dusty says that he is out here, as Dixie Carter's representative, to stop Russo from handing the title to Jarrett. Dusty announces that a tournament will be held for the World Championship as well, and that Jarrett will compete in that tournament starting tonight in main event against Dustin Rhodes! Jarrett and Russo are both livid in the ring, but Dusty says that Dixie Carter has already signed off on it, so there's nothing they can do about it. (65)






With the arena still buzzing after the series of big announcements we just had in the ring moments ago, we cut to the building's parking lot area where Jeremy Borash is anxiously pacing back and forth as he awaits the arrival of the "mystery guest". Mike Tenay then says that he has just gotten word from the back that, apparently, the "mystery guest" has arrived! After a few more seconds of JB pacing, the "mystery guest" does indeed show up on camera and it's...






None other than Scott Hall! JB approaches Scott and asks him what he is doing here on Impact tonight? Hall just smiles at JB and says that he's here to discuss some business. JB asks who Hall is here to discuss business with, but Hall tells him that he'll find out when everyone else does. Hall then heads off into the building as Mike and Don hype up the surprising fact that Scott Hall is here on Impact! (70)






As D'Lo Brown and Legend lock up in the ring, Mike and Don are still buzzing about the arrival of Scott Hall, but Don can't help but wonder who Hall is here to discuss business with. Tenay says that hopefully JB will stay on the case and we can get some answers about that later tonight. This is a pretty basic match with Legend getting enough offense in so as to not be a complete squash match, but the outcome of the match is never truly in doubt. D'Lo picks up the win here after hitting the Sky High and securing the pinfall.



D'Lo Brown defeated Legend at 8:10 by pinfall with a Sky High (50)






We head back to Mike Tenay and Don West at the announce table where Tenay tells us that the No Disqualification battle between Raven and "The Monster" Abyss is coming up next. We then get a brief recap of the events of the past two weeks with Abyss attacking Raven and laying him out with the Black Hole Slam, and footage of this plays while Mike and Don catch everyone up. Mike then says that Raven and Abyss will go one on one tonight, and Don wonders if we'll get any answers as to why Abyss chose to attack Raven? (44)




No Disqualification Match







It is No Disqualification and Raven takes advantage of that immediately as he runs down the entrance ramp and attacks "The Monster" Abyss during his entrance, smacking Abyss several times with a kendo stick. Raven whips Abyss into the guard rail, then grabs a trash can from under the ring and cracks Abyss over the head with it. Raven then goes for the Raven Effect outside the ring, but Abyss drives Raven back-first into the side of the ring. Abyss then whacks Raven with the trash can lid, and finally the match goes inside the ring as Abyss rolls Raven under the bottom rope. Raven is able to recover and get to his feet, and he bounces off the ropes looking for...something, but Abyss catches him with a sidewalk slam. Abyss then brings a table into the ring and sets it up in one of the corners of the ring. He then goes to irish whip Raven into the table, but Raven reverses it and Abyss gets a taste of his own table. Mike Tenay comments that this match is absolutely brutal, and Don asks if he expected anything less from these guys. Abyss then suddenly grabs Raven by the throat, but Raven delivers a swift kick between the legs of "The Monster" to counter whatever move Abyss was planning. Raven then hooks Abyss and hits the Raven Effect, bringing an end to this brutal matchup.



Raven defeated Abyss at 11:26 by pinfall with a Raven Effect (56)







Once the ring has cleared out, Roddy Piper's music hits and the "Hot Rod" makes his way to the ring. Piper gets on the mic and addresses CM Punk, saying that he is getting to damn old to be chasing little punks like CM all around buildings across America. Piper says that rather than chasing after Punk, he's going to issue a challenge instead. Piper says that he heard from a little birdie that TNA is going to hold a big PPV called Genesis in a few weeks, and Piper challenges Punk to show up at the event and face him in the ring. Piper says that he'll be there, but will Punk? Or will he prove himself to be the coward that he already seems to be? (74)






Before the next match, which we now know is a TNA Tag Team Championship tournament match, 3 Live Kru make their way down to ringside as Mike Tenay confirms that he has be informed that the former NWA Tag Team Champions are entered into the TNA Tag Team Championship tournament as well, and that they will be in action next week against the Samoan Connection. Mike and Don also talk about the fact that 3 Live Kru could be the favorites to win the tournament given that they were the NWA Tag Team Champions until very recently. (40)






Skipper and Storm kick things off in this one and they go back and forth, which proves to set the stage for how the entire rest of the match goes; back and forth and incredibly even. Both teams work well together and it is hard for either team to hold the advantage for any length of time. Mike and Don talk about the importance of becoming the first ever TNA Tag Team Champions and earning a place in history, and no doubt that is something that is on the minds of all four people in this match. 3 Live Kru remain at ringside throughout the match, but they never make any kind of attempt to get involved in the match; they seem to be out here purely to scout the competition. The finish to this very competitive match comes when America's Most Wanted hits the Death Sentence on Low-Ki, and then James Storm makes the cover while Chris Harris prevents Elix Skipper from breaking up the pin.



America's Most Wanted defeated XXX at 12:42 by pinfall when Storm pinned Low-Ki following the Death Sentence. America's Most Wanted advance in the TNA Tag Team Championship tournament (59)






After the match we cut to the back where Goldylocks is standing by with CM Punk, and she asks Punk about Roddy Piper's challenge earlier tonight for Punk to face Piper in the ring at Genesis. Punk says that the last thing he is, is a coward. He calls Piper a has-been who doesn't know when to let go and leave the spotlight. Punk says that Piper won't have any choice but to leave the spotlight after he gets through with him at Genesis. Goldylocks asks if this means that Punk is accepting the challenge, and a condescending CM Punk tells her to figure it out for herself before walking off. (50)






Elsewhere in the back, JB and a camera man are still on the case in regards to the question of who Scott Hall is here on Impact to discuss business with, as JB is seen lurking around the backstage area with the camera firmly focused on a closed locker room door. The door to the room then opens and out walks...






Scott Hall, so it appears that JB is on the right trail. As Scott walks off down the hallway, JB tries to sneak up to the locker room door, which has been left slightly ajar, to get a peak inside the room and see who Scott Hall was meeting with. Unfortunately, the door is quickly and violently pushed shut in JB's face before he can get a look inside. So the question still remains; who was Scott Hall meeting with? (68)






It's main event time and what a main event it is as Jeff Jarrett faces Dustin Rhodes in a TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament match. This is a classic old school babyface vs. old school heel match, with Jarrett playing the role of the old school heel, stalling for time any chance he gets. Dustin is smart enough to not let Jarrett's antics get under his skin, however, but Jarrett still manages to get the upper hand by sticking a thumb in Dustin's eye. Jarrett focuses the majority of his attack on Dustin's legs, particularly his left leg, and Mike and Don both agree that Jarrett is trying to soften Rhodes up for the Figure Four leglock. Dustin fires back with some big time punches and a snap powerslam which earns him a two count. Dustin hits a bodyslam, a vertical suplex, and then he goes big and hits a superplex from the top rope, but Jarrett again manages to kick out. Jarrett goes back to work on Dustin's legs, eventually managing to apply the Figure Four leglock as well. Dustin is clearly in a lot of pain, but he manages to fight through it and he makes it to the ropes, forcing Jarrett to release the hold. Jarrett waits for the referee's count to get to four before doing so, however, and when the referee admonishes him for it, Jarrett tells the referee that he's got five seconds to break, and to shut the hell up. Jarrett drags Rhodes back to the middle of the ring and goes for the Figure Four again, but Rhodes is able to kick Jarrett off. Rhodes fights his way back to his feet and, after a flurry of offense, he hits the running bulldog! Rhodes covers Jarrett and this one appears to be over...1...2..........what the hell? The referee stops counting as someone yanks him halfway out of the ring...






It's Vince Russo! Russo and the referee are face to face outside the ring, with the referee asking Russo what the hell he is doing while Russo is telling the referee to shut the hell up. As Russo reminds the referee that he is in charge around here...






"The Dog-faced Gremlin" Rick Steiner enters the ring and blasts Rhodes across the back with a steel chair. Jarrett then grabs his guitar and smashes it across the head of Dustin Rhodes, and as Jarrett makes the cover, Rick Steiner leaves the ring and Russo orders the referee to pay attention to what's going on in the ring. One, two, three follows and Planet Jarrett just screwed Dustin Rhodes!



Jeff Jarrett defeated Dustin Rhodes at 19:11 by pinfall following a Guitar Shot after Rick Steiner and Vince Russo got involved. Jeff Jarrett advances in the TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament (68)



The match is over and Jeff Jarrett, Vince Russo and Rick Steiner stand tall in the ring, all smiles as they just robbed Dustin Rhodes of his opportunity to become the first ever TNA World Heavyweight Champion.






The smiles on their faces quickly fade, however, as Sting's music hits and "The Icon" makes his way out from the back with his trusty black baseball bat in hand. Sting hits the ring and Jarrett, Russo and Steiner immediately scatter as they want no part of Sting and his baseball bat here tonight. The first ever edition of TNA Impact! then comes to an end as Sting stands in the ring pointing his baseball bat at the three members of Planet Jarrett, who are retreating back up the ramp. (81)



Final Show Rating: 72

TV Rating: 0.60 (455.848 viewers)

Show increased popularity in 11 regions

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That was a banger of a first Impact, good stuff.


AJ winning the X-Division title is a strong call. He's absolutely brilliant so you can push that division straight to the main event now.


I'm not surprised you're dropping the NWA titles and I'm interested in who you make the first TNA champions. I imagine the tournament final will be Jarrett vs. Sting but I could be surprised and I have no idea who wins that encounter. The reinvigorated Planet Jarrett probably gets Double J to the crown so Sting can chase? But I'm not 100% sure.


Scott Hall is a good signing too, an immediate star power boost for you which you're going to need. Hopefully he stays out of trouble though!

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That was a banger of a first Impact, good stuff.


AJ winning the X-Division title is a strong call. He's absolutely brilliant so you can push that division straight to the main event now.


I'm not surprised you're dropping the NWA titles and I'm interested in who you make the first TNA champions. I imagine the tournament final will be Jarrett vs. Sting but I could be surprised and I have no idea who wins that encounter. The reinvigorated Planet Jarrett probably gets Double J to the crown so Sting can chase? But I'm not 100% sure.


Scott Hall is a good signing too, an immediate star power boost for you which you're going to need. Hopefully he stays out of trouble though!



Yeah I wanted to gey away from the NWA as soon as possible, just as I wanted to get a weekly TV show as soon as possible, so that I can more easily make TNA its own thing.


Glad you liked the first Impact. I was pretty happy with it myself, and I do feel that it's around this point that everything began to come together in my game so hopefully that's evident in the shows. Fingers crossed on Scott Hall. If he can keep it together he's still got something left in the tank.


Oh and you were spot on about how the X-Division Championship match should have been the main event, easily match of the night. :)

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The World Heavyweight Championship and Tag Team Championship tournaments continue on Impact!


TNA Impact - Official Card


TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament match

Sting vs. Rick Steiner


TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament match

Konnan vs. AJ Styles


TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament match

Abyss vs. D'Lo Brown


TNA Tag Team Championship tournament match

The Samoan Connection vs. 3 Live Kru


Johnny Swinger vs. Dustin Rhodes


The Sandman vs. Julio Dinero


CM Punk vs. Sonjay Dutt


Apolo vs. Glenn Gilbertti

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Holy moly, that is one stacked card!


TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament match

Sting vs. Rick Steiner

Just don't see you having Sting to lose to anybody but Jarrett.


TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament match

Konnan vs. AJ Styles

He has more upside and he's more over, I would expect him to go far here.


TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament match

Abyss vs. D'Lo Brown

I'm not 100% sure but I've picked AJ and Sting, so we need a heel to balance it out.


TNA Tag Team Championship tournament match

The Samoan Connection vs. 3 Live Kru

Killings and BG should go far and I don't know if Siaki and Ekmo are ready for such a big rub yet.


Johnny Swinger vs. Dustin Rhodes

Swinger is basically fodder.


The Sandman vs. Julio Dinero


CM Punk vs. Sonjay Dutt


Apolo vs. Glenn Gilbertti

I hope you're ready for the penalty you're going to get for putting two Unimportants against one another haha. Unless Gilbertti is Recognisable for you of course...

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TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament match

Sting vs. Rick Steiner


TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament match

Konnan vs. AJ Styles


TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament match

Abyss vs. D'Lo Brown


TNA Tag Team Championship tournament match

The Samoan Connection vs. 3 Live Kru


Johnny Swinger vs. Dustin Rhodes


The Sandman vs. Julio Dinero


CM Punk vs. Sonjay Dutt


Apolo vs. Glenn Gilbertti

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TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament match

Sting vs. Rick Steiner


TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament match

Konnan vs. AJ Styles


TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament match

Abyss vs. D'Lo Brown


TNA Tag Team Championship tournament match

The Samoan Connection vs. 3 Live Kru


Johnny Swinger vs. Dustin Rhodes


The Sandman vs. Julio Dinero


CM Punk vs. Sonjay Dutt


Apolo vs. Glenn Gilbertti

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Like the Punk/Piper program!


TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament match

Sting vs. Rick Steiner


TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament match

Konnan vs. AJ Styles


TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament match

Abyss vs. D'Lo Brown


TNA Tag Team Championship tournament match

The Samoan Connection vs. 3 Live Kru


Johnny Swinger vs. Dustin Rhodes


The Sandman vs. Julio Dinero


CM Punk vs. Sonjay Dutt


Apolo vs. Glenn Gilbertti

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Week 1, February, 2004

Live from the Centennial Sportsplex in Nashville, Tennessee

Attendance: 2.000 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Don West




TNA Tag Team Championship tournament match





After Mike Tenay and Don West briefly welcome everyone to the second ever edition of TNA Impact! here on Bravo! we head straight to the ring for our opening match as the Samoan Connection take on Ron Killings and BG James of 3 Live Kru in the TNA Tag Team Championship tournament. It's an even opening but Ekmo and Siaki eventually take control of the match by isolating BG James. They maintain the advantage for several minutes before BG James makes a heroic comeback and he manages to tag in Ron "The Truth" Killings. Killings takes the fight to both Samoans, but a Samoan drom from Ekmo puts an end to that. The match spills outside as all four men brawl, and amidst the confusion "The Truth" and Sonny Siaki end up in the ring together where "Truth" picks up the win after hitting his Truth or Consequences.



3 Live Kru defeated the Samoan Connection at 11:01 by pinfall when Killings pinned Siaki following a Truth or Consequences. 3 Live Kru advance in the TNA Tag Team Championship tournament (61)



Ron Killings and BG James are joined by Konnan in the ring as the trio celebrate their big win here to open this week's edition of TNA Impact!






We cut to the back where Goldylocks is standing by with Vince Russo, but Goldylocks doesn't even get her first question out before Russo starts talking. Russo says that forcing someone like Jeff Jarrett to fight through an entire tournament for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, when he's clearly already deserving of the title, is a complete joke. Russo says that Dixie and Dusty are doing everything they can to keep him and Jarrett down, but Russo vows that he and Jarrett will get the last laugh because all the shenanigans in the world, all the BS in the world, won't change the simple fact that Jeff Jarrett is the greatest wrestler in the world today. And if they want to disrespect Jarrett by making him go through this tournament...well, Russo thinks that's quite frankly disgusting. But it's not gonna change the fact that, when it's all said and done, the first ever TNA World Heavyweight Champion is going to be Jeff Jarrett. (55)






Back in the ring, Dustin Rhodes takes on Johnny Swinger in singles competition. As Dustin dominates most of the match, Mike Tenay and Don West talk about how Dustin has been screwed over twice now by Planet Jarrett, most recently last week. Dustin picks up the win here, putting Swinger away with the Lone Star State of Mind for a nice bounce back victory.



Dustin Rhodes defeated Johnny Swinger at 6:07 by pinfall with the Lone Star State Of Mind (57)






After the match we cut to the back where 3 Live Kru are making their way through the backstage area, still celebrating their victory from earlier tonight, when they suddenly come face to face with America's Most Wanted. After a brief staredown between the five men, Harris and Storm congratulate Killings, James and Konnan on their win tonight. Storm then says that the Kru better hope they don't end up facing Storm and Harris in the next round because then it'll be all over. BG James tells them "right back at ya" at the two teams head off in opposite directions without coming to blows. (47)



TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament match





This is the first of three matches in the TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament that will take place tonight on Impact! as "The Monster" Abyss takes on D'Lo Brown. This quickly becomes an uphill battle for D'Lo as Abyss dominates the early parts of this one, using his size and strength to overpower D'Lo. D'Lo isn't one to quit, however, and he keeps fighting back at every opportunity. As D'Lo misses a top rope frogsplash, Mike Tenay notes that the winner of this match will go on to face Jeff Jarrett in the semi-final next week. Abyss whips D'Lo into the ropes and tries to put him away with the Black Hole Slam, but D'Lo manages to reverse it into a tornado DDT and now both men are down in the middle of the ring.






Raven then suddenly runs down the ramp and slides into the ring, steel chair in hand, and he proceeds to blast D'Lo with the steel chair, leaving the referee with no other choice but to call for the disqualification.



D'Lo Brown defeated Abyss at 8:06 by disqualification when Raven interfered and attacked D'Lo (61)



Having cost Abyss the match and his chance at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, Raven hits the Raven Effect on "The Monster" and then he poses in the ring with his arms out to his sides in classic Raven fashion. (49)






Before we get to our next match, Roddy Piper's music hits and the "Hot Rod" makes his way out from the back. Piper doesn't head for the ring, however, but instead he makes his way to the announce table where he is apparently joining Mike and Don on commentary for the next match, much to the duo's surprise.






As CM Punk and Sonjay Dutt lock up in the ring, Roddy Piper says on commentary that CM Punk is a very disrespectful young man and Piper is looking forward to putting Punk in his place at Genesis. Punk dominates the match early on, but he soon takes his eyes off Sonjay to exchange words with Piper at the announce table, which gives Sonjay the opening he needs to get back into the match. Dutt unleashes a flurry of offense, ending with the Calcutta Cutter and a standing shooting star press, but Punk just barely kicks out before the three count. That's as close as Sonjay gets here as the close call seems to serve as a wake-up call for CM Punk, who refocuses on the match and eventually puts Sonjay away with the Anaconda Vise.



CM Punk defeated Sonjay Dutt at 6:27 by submission with the Anaconda Vise (47)



As Punk celebrates in the ring, Piper acknowledges on commentary that Punk's win was impressive, but he adds that the "Hot Rod" is going to have a few tricks up his sleeve at Genesis that Punk has never even heard of.






We cut to the back where Jeremy Borash is standing by with Jeff Jarrett, and Borash asks Jarrett about Sting and the ending to last week's Impact. Jarrett says that Sting's always had a bad habit of sticking his nose in other people's business, but he's making a big mistake getting involved in Jarrett's business. Jarrett reminds Sting that TNA is his world and, one way or another, he always gets what he wants. Borash then asks Jarrett about the TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament and the fact that we now know Jarrett will face D'Lo Brown next week on Impact. Jarrett says that it doesn't matter who he faces, he'll beat them all. Jarrett says that he is not going to let anyone stand in the way of him becoming the first ever TNA World Heavyweight Champion--not Sting, not D'Lo Brown, not anyone! (57)






Glenn Gilbertti and Apolo square off in the ring next and Mike and Don talk about the fact that both men could really use a win here tonight to start making their way up the ladder here in TNA. This is an even, back and forth match with both men getting roughly the same amount of offense in. In the end, it's Glenn Gilbertti who picks up the win after David Young appears at ringside to distract Apolo, which allows Gilbertti to roll Apolo up from behind and, using the ropes for leverage, Gilbertti secures the three count.



Glenn Gilbertti defeated Apolo at 6:24 by pinfall with a roll-up while using the ropes for leverage following a distraction by David Young (50)






Once the ring has cleared out, The Sandman's music hits and Sandman makes his way out from the back and down to the ring. Once in the ring, Sandman gets on the mic and says that he's got some frustrations that he needs to work out of his system tonight, so he challenges anyone in the back to come down to the ring and fight him in a hardcore match right here, right now. (38)



Hardcore Match






It is Julio Dinero who answers the Sandman's challenge and Julio starts off hot with a flurry of offense, but Sandman soon takes control as he starts beating Julio with a kendo stick. Julio shows some toughness here as he fights back, though both Mike and Don point out that it is obvious that Julio is nowhere near as proficient in the use of weapons as The Sandman is, which means that Julio wrestles this match more as a regular match than a hardcore match. Sandman continues using weapons, however, especially his trusty kendo stick, which he also utilizes when he puts Julio away with the White Russian Legsweep.



The Sandman defeated Julio Dinero at 7:41 by pinfall with a kendo stick-assisted White Russian Legsweep (41)



After the match we briefly swing by the announce table as a graphic pops up on screen hyping up the fact that "The Icon" Sting will be in action later tonight against "The Dog-faced Gremlin" Rick Steiner in our main event. Mike and Don hype up the match, saying that the winner of the match between Sting and Steiner will go on to face the winner of this next match next week on Impact in the other semi final match. (79)



TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament match





Konnan faces off against the TNA X-Division Champion, AJ Styles, in a match that will determine who advances to the semi final match next week. This match features quite the contrast in styles as AJ is constantly looking to pick up the pace and make use of his high-flying abilities, while Konnan wisely tries to keep the match on the mat, which Mike Tenay calls great strategy when going up against someone like AJ Styles. Konnan establishes control with a spinning heel kick, an overhead belly to belly suplex and a DDT, but when he goes for the Tequila Sunrise, AJ is able fight back and keep the move from being locked in, but he pays for this as Konnan hits a release german suplex and covers AJ, but it only get a two count. AJ then starts firing back with chops, punches, kicks and finally a Pelé Kick, but when he goes up top for a frog splash, Konnan manages to roll out of the way, leaving both men down in the ring.


Both men slowly get back to their feet and AJ catches Konnan by surprise with an inside cradle, but Konnan kicks out. Konnan tries to hit AJ with a gorilla press slam, but AJ pulls off an impressive counter as he turns it into a hurricanrana for another two count. Konnan may have kicked out but he's in trouble as AJ hits the Phenomenal Forearm and then immediately follows it up with the Styles Clash for the one, two, three.



AJ Styles defeated Konnan at 15:01 by pinfall with the Styles Clash. AJ advances in the TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament (68)






As AJ Styles celebrates his big win in the ring, we cut backstage where "The Icon" Sting is standing in front of the camera. Sting says that he's known Rick Steiner for a long time and he used to hold him in high regard. Sting says that allying himself with Jeff Jarrett is a big mistake for Rick and one that he is going to pay for tonight. "Are you ready, Rick? Because it's SHOWTIME!" (78)



TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament match





We cut back to the ring where Sting's music hits and "The Icon" makes his way out from the back to a great ovation from the crowd. Mike Tenay notes that the winner of this match will face AJ Styles next week on Impact. However, about halfway down the entrance ramp, Sting is suddenly jumped from behind by...






Scott Hall! As Hall continues to beat Sting down, Jeff Jarrett and Rick Steiner intimidate the referee in the ring, forcing him to ring the bell and start the match. Despite Sting still being attacked by Scott Hall, in plain view of the referee, the referee still counts to ten and awards Rick Steiner the match on a countout, much to the crowd's displeasure. Jarrett and Steiner celebrate in the ring while Hall poses over and fallen Stinger, and Mike Tenay notes that we all know now who Scott Hall was meeting with last week on Impact--what a despicable plan here by Planet Jarrett! (75)



The crowd continues to boo as Jarrett tells Hall to bring Sting into the ring. Hall rolls Sting into the ring, then enters the ring himself, and now Jarrett, Hall and Steiner are all putting the boots to Sting here as both Mike and Don are calling for security to come out here--somebody, ANYBODY! And then.....










<iframe width="150" height="150" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/QV9PhyU-Gmw" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>




An unfamiliar music hits and JEFF HARDY runs down the entrance ramp and slides into the ring. Hardy takes the fight to all three members of Planet Jarrett, and when Sting joins in as well, Jarrett, Hall and Steiner soon retreat from the ring and make their way back up the ramp, with Jarrett yelling at Hardy that he just made a big mistake.


And with that, this weeks Impact! comes to an end with a shot of Sting and Jeff Hardy standing tall in the ring. (59)



Final Show Rating: 71

TV Rating: 0.61 (458.297 viewers)

Show increased popularity in 11 regions

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Haha, you got me with the main event, very good stuff. Great show, Hardy is a given for TNA in this era but I like Scott Hall in Planet Jarrett, that's a smart move. Both sides are gaining numbers, I wonder if there's a Lethal Lockdown on the horizon... <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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Haha, you got me with the main event, very good stuff. Great show, Hardy is a given for TNA in this era but I like Scott Hall in Planet Jarrett, that's a smart move. Both sides are gaining numbers, I wonder if there's a Lethal Lockdown on the horizon... :)


The battle lines are definitely being drawn, but I guess time will tell :D


Glad you liked the show, and thanks for the comments. It's nice with a little feedback :)

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The semi final matches in the TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament will take place, the TNA Tag Team Championship tournament continues and a huge challenge will be made for Genesis!


TNA Impact - Official Card


TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament semi final

D'Lo Brown vs. Jeff Jarrett


TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament semi final

AJ Styles vs. Rick Steiner


TNA Tag Team Championship tournament match

3 Live Kru vs. The New Franchise


Simon Diamond vs. Dustin Rhodes


Jerry Lynn vs. Chris Sabin


Julio Dinero vs. The Sandman


CM Punk vs. Chris Vaughn

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TNA Impact - Official Card


TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament semi final

D'Lo Brown vs. Jeff Jarrett


TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament semi final

AJ Styles vs. Rick Steiner


TNA Tag Team Championship tournament match

3 Live Kru vs. The New Franchise


Simon Diamond vs. Dustin Rhodes


Jerry Lynn vs. Chris Sabin


Julio Dinero vs. The Sandman


CM Punk vs. Chris Vaughn

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I count 3 men on each side... excited to see if Planet Jarrett gets anybody else soon!


TNA Impact - Official Card


TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament semi final

D'Lo Brown vs. Jeff Jarrett

I love D'Lo but Jarrett is going all the way now Sting is out the way.


TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament semi final

AJ Styles vs. Rick Steiner

I'm not sure how this works out, but AJ vs. Jarrett to decide the first Champion would be a brilliant final. I think he gets the job done here thanks to Sting and/or Jeff Hardy.


TNA Tag Team Championship tournament match

3 Live Kru vs. The New Franchise

I'm pretty sure it's 3LK vs. AMW in the final of this but I am curious if you'll push TNF as much as I have.


Simon Diamond vs. Dustin Rhodes

This should be a rock solid match.


Jerry Lynn vs. Chris Sabin


Julio Dinero vs. The Sandman


CM Punk vs. Chris Vaughn

Good to see Chris Vaughn on the main show. I'm sure he's losing but I think he's got serious blue chipper potential and Punk should get a decent match out of him.

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<p>TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament semi final</p><p>

D'Lo Brown vs. <strong>Jeff Jarrett</strong></p><p> </p><p>

TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament semi final</p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles</strong> vs. Rick Steiner</p><p> </p><p>

TNA Tag Team Championship tournament match</p><p>

<strong>3 Live Kru</strong> vs. The New Franchise</p><p> </p><p>

Simon Diamond vs. <strong>Dustin Rhodes</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jerry Lynn</strong> vs. Chris Sabin</p><p> </p><p>

Julio Dinero vs. <strong>The Sandman</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>CM Punk</strong> vs. Chris Vaughn</p>

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Week 2, February, 2004

Live from Moran Theater in Jacksonville, Florida

Attendance: 2.557

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Don West






Mike Tenay kicks off this week's edition of TNA Impact! by welcoming everyone to the show and reminding us that we are just four days away from the monumental TNA Genesis pay per view, which will be taking place this Sunday night live in Tallahassee, Florida at the Donald L. Tucker center. Tenay says that it will be a historic night, but before we get to that, we've got a brand new edition of TNA Impact! right here tonight! Don West shares his excitement, but then he is suddenly cut off as Sting's music hits and "The Icon" makes his way out from the back.


Once in the ring, Sting gets on the mic and says that the one and only reason why he is in TNA is because he cares about the company and he wants to help it succeed. Sting says that there is nothing he wants more than to be the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, but that opportunity was taken away from him--STOLEN FROM HIM--last week by Jeff Jarrett, Vince Russo and Scott Hall. Sting says that he sees Jarrett and his cohorts stacking the deck in his favor, but The Stinger's got a little surprise for them later tonight! Sting then calls out the man who attacked him last week, and after a few moments of waiting...(100)






..."Marvelous Me" starts playing in the arena, bringing Scott Hall out from the back. Hall remains at the top of the entrance ramp as he gets on the mic and says that what he did last week was nothing personal, it was just business. He says that he's got nothing against Sting, but Jarrett and Russo made Hall an offer he couldn't refuse. Sting then says that he's got an offer for Hall as well, one that he also can't refuse, in fact. Sting then issues a challenge; Sting vs. Scott Hall this Sunday night at Genesis! Sting says that he knows Planet Jarrett wants him gone, so he's sure Jarrett and Russo will pay Hall extra for taking him out. Hall thinks on it for a bit and then says that if Sting wants a fight at Genesis...he'll give him one! Hall officially accepts the challenge and we've got a HUGE match set for this Sunday night! (91)



TNA Tag Team Championship tournament match





The entire arena, and Mike and Don, are still buzzing from the huge announcement that Sting and Scott Hall will face off at Genesis, but now it's time for a major match in the tournament to crown the first ever TNA Tag Team Champions as The New Franchise face off against 3 Live Kru. Mike Tenay notes that, due to injuries, the tournament has been shortened a bit and the winner of this match will face America's Most Wanted for the titles at Genesis this Sunday. The action is back and forth throughout in this one, with Shane Douglas and Michael Shane bending and outright breaking the rules to turn the match back in their favor whenever necessary. They can never maintain control for long, however, and in the end the match breaks down completely with all four men fighting it out at the same time. Amidst the chaos, "The Truth" is able to hit Shane Douglas with a spinning heel kick that sends Douglas staggering backwards, right into a roll-up by BG James and it's one, two, three!



3 Live Kru defeated The New Franchise at 11:54 by pinfall when BG James pinned Douglas with a roll-up. 3 Live Kru advances in the TNA Tag Team Championship tournament (63)



As 3 Live Kru celebrate in the ring, Mike and Don hype up the fact that the tournament final will take place this Sunday at Genesis and it will be 3 Live Kru taking on America's Most Wanted.






We then cut to somewhere in the back where Raven is sitting by himself. Raven says that even though he got the better of Abyss last week on Impact, he knows this thing between them isn't over just yet. Raven says that he also doesn't want it to be over between them just yet, and that he wants it to be over once and for all at Genesis. Raven then issues a challenge for Abyss to face him in a Raven's Rules match at Genesis. Raven says that Abyss calls himself a monster, but at Genesis...they'll find out who the real monster truly is--"Quote the Raven...nevermore"! (60)






Back at ringside, Julio Dinero music hits and Julio makes his way out from the back with a mic in hand, and he starts talking as he approaches the ring. Julio talks about The Sandman beating him last week, and then he challenges Sandman to a rematch right here, right now! Only this time, it'll be a proper wrestling match and not a hardcore match, so tonight we'll find out who the better man really is. (30)





The Sandman is out to accept the challenge and we get a rematch from last week's Impact as Mike Tenay wonders if Julio Dinero's courage outweighs his wisdom in challenging the Sandman. Julio holds his own for a little while against the veteran, but even though this is NOT a hardcore match, The Sandman still finds a way to blast Julio with a steel chair when the referee is accidentally knocked down. Sandman then hits the White Russian Legsweep and covers Julio for the pinfall victory.


The Sandman defeated Julio Dinero at 5:42 by pinfall with a White Russian Legsweep (50)






We cut to the back where Abyss is standing menacingly in front of the camera when suddenly "Father" James Mitchell walks into the camera's view with a sinister grin on his face. "Father" James Mitchell announces that he is Abyss' manager and suddenly Abyss' attacks on Raven makes a lot more sense. Mitchell says that as his first official act in his new position...he is here to announce that "The Monster" Abyss accepts Raven's challenge. Mitchell says that Raven should have taken his lucky win two weeks ago and been happy with that, because now he is going to learn that you should be careful what you wish for. Mitchell says that this Sunday at Genesis, "The Monster" Abyss is going to tear Raven apart! Mitchell then starts laughing as we cut back to ringside. (52)






Dustin Rhodes faces Simon Diamond next and Diamond attempts to strike first as he charges at Rhodes as soon as the bell rings, but Rhodes is ready for him and catches Diamond with a snap powerslam. Rhodes picks up a two count and then Diamond rolls out of the ring to recompose himself after almost losing the match right off the bat. Diamond plays a cat and mouse game with Rhodes outside the ring until both men finally get back in the ring and Diamond takes control of the match by raking the eyes of Dustin Rhodes. Diamond dominates for several minutes, including hitting a pair of snap suplexes and a nothern light suplex, which Mike Tenay calls the Simon Series, but Dustin is able to kick out. That is as close as Diamond gets in this one as Rhodes mounts his comeback and eventually puts Diamond away with the Running Bulldog.



Dustin Rhodes defeated Simon Diamond at 8:58 by pinfall with a Running Bulldog (64)






Goldylocks is backstage with "The Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy, who made his surprising debut at the end of last week's episode of Impact. Goldylocks asks Jeff about coming to TNA and getting involved in the fight against Planet Jarrett, but before Jeff can share his thoughts on those matters...








Vince Russo shows up and he does not look like a happy man tonight. Russo says that he sure as hell didn't sign Jeff Hardy, and Jeff confirms that Russo didn't, but Dixie Carter did. Russo says that Jeff picked the wrong side last week, but Jeff doesn't think so. A clearly frustrated Vince Russo then tells Jeff to make sure his ass shows up this Sunday at Genesis because he's sure as hell going to have a match. Russo then storms off as Mike Tenay notes that it looks like Jeff Hardy's first match in TNA will take place this Sunday at Genesis. (47)






CM Punk spends most of this match multitasking as he beats down Chris Vaughn while simultaneously taunting Roddy Piper by looking into the camera and saying that this is what awaits Piper at Genesis. Finally, Punk applies the Anaconda Vise for a dominant victory just four days before facing Roddy Piper at Genesis.



CM Punk defeated Chris Vaughn at 3:46 by submission with the Anaconda Vise (32)






After the match, "Hot Rod" Roddy Piper comes out onto the stage with a mic in this hand. Piper asks if that display was supposed to impress him? Intimidate him, maybe? Piper says it did neither, and if Punk thinks his little antics will do anything to change what will happen this Sunday night...he's once again wrong. Piper says that he wasn't planning on wrestling anymore, but he can't stand by and allow someone like CM Punk to insult and disrespect him. Punk challenges Piper to get into the ring right now, but Piper responds that while he would gladly kick Punk's ass right here, right now...they both know that Punk is gonna run away as soon as Piper enters the ring. Piper tells Punk to save his energy for Sunday night because he's going to need it! (57)






We then cut to the back where Jeff Jarrett and Vince Russo are with "The Dog-faced Gremlin" Rick Steiner, trying to get Steiner in the right frame of mind for his match against AJ Styles later tonight. Jarrett says that he and Russo brought Rick in because they know they can trust him to get the job done and tonight it's time for him to come through for them. Russo says that Rick's "got this" and says that once Rick beats AJ and Jarrett takes care of D'Lo, nothing can stop them from taking home the gold at Genesis. (58)






X-Division action is up next as Chris Sabin faces off against Jerry Lynn. As the match gets under way, Mike and Don talk about what the surprise that Sting mentioned earlier tonight is going to be. Don West says that, knowing Sting, it's going to be one hell of a surprise and Don can't wait to find out what it is. Mike and Don then turn their attention to the action in the ring where Sabin and Lynn are going back and forth, with the younger Sabin holding his own against the veteran Jerry Lynn. Sabin gets close a few times with a couple of near-falls, but in the end it's Jerry Lynn who picks up the pinfall win after hitting the Cradle Piledriver.



Jerry Lynn defeated Chris Sabin at 8:22 by pinfall with a Cradle Piledriver (45)






After the match we head backstage where "The Icon" Sting is standing in front of the camera. Sting says that he promised a big surprise for Planet Jarrett earlier tonight, and The Stinger is a man of his word. Sting says that he was planning to act as a special enforcer during the main event of Genesis to make sure that we got a deserving winner, regardless of who makes it there. But since he's now facing Scott Hall at Genesis, he feels he can't very well do the job himself anymore. Sting says not to worry, however, because he made a few phone calls and as it turns out...he's got JUST the guy ready to step up and take his place at Genesis as the special enforcer. So, who is it? Well, THAT part of the surprise The Stinger will keep to himself until Sunday night! (85)



Mike and Don immediately start talking about who this special enforcer could be, but they quickly conclude that we will all just have to wait until Genesis to find out.



TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament semi final match






Surprisingly Rick Steiner makes his way down to the ring by himself, but Mike and Don both agree that it's only a matter of time before other members of Planet Jarrett show up. Steiner doesn't bother to wait for the bell to ring as he attacks AJ as soon as he gets into the ring with some brutal, clobbering blows as Mike Tenay rightly notes that Steiner has the power and strength advantage in this match. AJ Styles, however, has speed and quickness on his side and he uses both expertly to turn the match around and put Steiner on the defensive. AJ looks to hit a home run with the Styles Clash, but Steiner is able to power out of it with a back body drop. Steiner then clotheslines AJ down and begins pummeling him with right hands. Steiner tries to follow up by whipping AJ into the ropes, looking for a spinebuster, but AJ kicks Steiner in the chest and then hits a Pelé Kick for a two count. Steiner seemingly regains control with a belly to back suplex, but when he goes for a powerbomb, AJ is able to slither and catch Steiner by surprise with a roll-up from behind and it's just barely enough for AJ to secue the three count and the huge win.



AJ Styles defeated Rick Steiner at 9:30 by pinfall with a surprise roll-up. AJ advances to the TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament final (67)




Mike and Don are absolutely shocked that Rick Steiner went at it alone without any help from Planet Jarrett, and they speculate if perhaps Jarrett and company underestimated AJ Styles a little bit here tonight. Don says that you should never underestimate AJ Styles and he just proved that here tonight. Mike Tenay then begins to ponder the question as to who AJ will be facing at Genesis, Jeff Jarrett or D'Lo Brown, but he is suddenly interrupted as...






Vince Russo makes his way out from the back, and he looks pissed off as he starts making his way down to the ring as Mike Tenay notes that Vince Russo clearly isn't a happy man right now. Once in the ring, Russo demands, as the BOSS of TNA, that Sting tell him right now who this mystery enforcer is. Russo says that he's in charge of TNA and he hasn't approved any such thing, so he wants some answers and he wants them RIGHT NOW!







Sting then goes a bit old school as he appears high up in the rafters, and "The Icon" starts out by correcting Russo as he points out that both Russo and Dixie Carter are in charge of TNA, and Dixie has already signed off the mystery enforcer. As for who the mystery man is? Sting says it's like he said earlier, everyone will find out on Sunday--but Sting promises that people won't be disappointed. Russo is furious at this, but there is seemingly nothing he can do and he leaves the ring and storms back up the ramp as Mike and Don gets us refocused and ready for tonight's main event. (87)



TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament semi final match





Mike Tenay notes that Jarrett is suddenly under a lot of pressure here after Rick Steiner lost earlier tonight against AJ Styles, leaving Planet Jarrett's plans in a precarious position. Jarrett tries to get the upper hand early on, but D'Lo quickly fights back and he repeatedly takes Jarrett off his feet with a trio of dropkicks before Jarrett rolls out of the ring to regroup. Jarrett gets into a yelling contest with the referee, which allows D'Lo to approach Jarrett from behind and get him back in the ring. In the ring, Jarrett turns the tide of the match by sticking his thumb in D'Lo's eye and taking him down with a swinging neckbreaker. Jarrett begins to build momentum as he focuses his attacks on D'Lo's right leg, working the leg over for several minutes before D'Lo starts mounting another comeback. D'Lo hits a huge spinebuster, but as he starts climbing to the top rope...






Rick Steiner makes his way down the ramp, and Steiner's presence immediately distracts D'Lo. Seeing this, the referee decides to eject "The Dog-faced Gremlin" from ringside, and Steiner is absolutely livid as he argues with the referee. While all this is going on, however...






Vince Russo sneaks down to the ring with Jarrett's guitar in hand, and Russo proceeds to blast D'Lo across the back with it, sending D'Lo crashing from the top rope to the ring. Jarrett then hits the Stroke as Russo and Steiner quickly retreat from ringside, and just like that Jeff Jarrett has stolen another victory.



Jeff Jarrett defeated D'Lo Brown at 13:09 by pinfall with a Stroke following interference from Vince Russo. Jarrett advances to the TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament final (73)



As Jeff Jarrett stands tall in the ring, Mike Tenay notes that it will be Jeff Jarrett versus AJ Styles for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship this Sunday at Genesis--and the show comes to an end with Don West asking the question; "Who's the mystery enforcer going to be?"



Final Show Rating: 82

TV Rating: 0.69 (524.752 viewers)

Show increased popularity in 11 regions

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