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<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TNA Genesis 2004 - Official Card</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament final</em></p><p>

Jeff Jarrett vs. "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

"The Icon" Sting vs. "The Outsider" Scott Hall</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

<em>TNA Tag Team Championship tournament final</em></p><p>

America's Most Wanted vs. 3 Live Kru</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Raven's Rules match</em></p><p>

Raven vs. "The Monster" Abyss</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

"Hot Rod" Roddy Piper vs. CM Punk</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

"The Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy vs. ???</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bonus Question:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Who will be the "Special Enforcer" in the main event?</p>

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TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament final

Jeff Jarrett vs. "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles



"The Icon" Sting vs. "The Outsider" Scott Hall

Comment: I'm going with Jarrett as first Champion and keeping Sting ready to face him later on.


TNA Tag Team Championship tournament final

America's Most Wanted vs. 3 Live Kru

Comment: They've got legs as a group, provided you can keep Konnan.


Raven's Rules match

Raven vs. "The Monster" Abyss

Comment: Too soon for Abyss to get this kind of rub.


"Hot Rod" Roddy Piper vs. CM Punk

Comment: Punk probably should win but I'm not sure he's good enough for the sort of push beating Piper would give him.


"The Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy vs. ???



Bonus Question:


Who will be the "Special Enforcer" in the main event? Kevin Nash. And he screws Styles, joining Team Jarrett. :D

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TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament final

Jeff Jarrett vs. "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles

Comment: Creating a chase seems like the right thing to do here.


"The Icon" Sting vs. "The Outsider" Scott Hall

Comment: I wouldn't be upset with Hall winning, but I think you can only trust him so far, and Sting is a far safer choice.


TNA Tag Team Championship tournament final

America's Most Wanted vs. 3 Live Kru

Comment: Toss-up, but I'm a Konnan guy.


Raven's Rules match

Raven vs. "The Monster" Abyss

Comment: I don't think Abyss is quite there yet.


"Hot Rod" Roddy Piper vs. CM Punk

Comment: Not sure it'll be clean, but I think this is set up for Punk. Interference maybe?


"The Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy vs. ???

Comment: Jeff just debuted, he's not losing yet.


Bonus Question:


Who will be the "Special Enforcer" in the main event? I'm team Lex Luger forever!

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TNA Genesis 2004 - Official Card


TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament final

Jeff Jarrett vs. "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles



"The Icon" Sting vs. "The Outsider" Scott Hall



TNA Tag Team Championship tournament final

America's Most Wanted vs. 3 Live Kru



Raven's Rules match

Raven vs. "The Monster" Abyss



"Hot Rod" Roddy Piper vs. CM Punk



"The Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy vs. ???



Bonus Question:


Who will be the "Special Enforcer" in the main event? Nash

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TNA World Heavyweight Championship tournament final

Jeff Jarrett vs. "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles


"The Icon" Sting vs. "The Outsider" Scott Hall


TNA Tag Team Championship tournament final

America's Most Wanted vs. 3 Live Kru


Raven's Rules match

Raven vs. "The Monster" Abyss


"Hot Rod" Roddy Piper vs. CM Punk


"The Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy vs. ???


Who will be the "Special Enforcer" in the main event? Randy Savage

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Week 2, February, 2004

Live from Donald L. Tucker Center in Tallahassee, Florida

Attendance: 15.100 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Don West






TNA's first monthly pay per view, Genesis, kicks off with Jeff Hardy's first match in the company as he takes on an opponent hand-picked by Vince Russo in Christopher Daniels. There is a brief feeling-out process early on, but the pace soon quickens as both men show off their speed and agility, eventually coming to a stand-off in the middle of the ring. Hardy acknowledges Daniels' abilities, but Daniels tells Hardy that he neither wants nor needs his approval. As Mike and Don talk about the disrespect Daniels is showing Hardy, Daniels is able to hit the first big moves of the match as he nails a standing enzuigiri and a tornado DDT. Daniels continues to be on offense, scoring a two count with a northern light suplex and another two count after hitting a death valley driver. Daniels then goes for the Arabian Press, but Hardy is able to get his knees up and he quickly rolls Daniels up for a two count of his own. Hardy begins firing back with some right hands, a sitout jawbreaker and a mule kick for a near-fall. Sensing this is his opportunity, Hardy gets Daniels back to his feet as Don West speculates that Hardy is thinking Twist of Fate, but Daniels catches Hardy by surprise with a crossface submission! Daniels has the move locked in but Hardy refuses to give up and, after a heroic fight, Hardy does manage to get to the ropes for the break, but Daniels keeps the hold locked in for as long as possible, finally releasing it a split second before the five count. Daniels slams Hardy in the middle of the ring and it's time for the BME...but Hardy rolls out of the way! Both men stagger to their feet and Hardy kicks Daniels in the gut and...TWIST OF FATE! Hardy nails the move and then heads up to the top rope as quickly as his tired and hurting body allows him, leaping off and hitting a picture perfect Swanton Bomb for the three count and a huge win in his debut match here in TNA.



Jeff Hardy defeated Christopher Daniels at 14:21 by pinfall with a Swanton Bomb (79)


Jeff Hardy celebrates in the ring by climbing all four ringposts and pointing and clapping at the fans in attendance as Mike Tenay and Don West talk about how this match probably didn't go the way Vince Russo wanted it to, but what a debut victory for "The Charismatic Enigma" against someone as talented as Christopher Daniels, who was clearly on his game tonight.






Once the ring has cleared out, Glenn Gilbertti and David Young make their way out from the back, much to Mike and Don's surprise as they weren't scheduled to be out here tonight. Gilberti gets on the mic and issues an open challenge for anyone to step up and face David Young, because Young is hungry and eager to prove himself here on this big night for TNA. A few moments pass and then Dustin Rhodes makes his way out from the back to accept the challenge, and that match is taking place right now! (36)






It looks like David Young might have gotten more than he bargained for here as he immediately bails out of the ring once the bell rings, and he spends a few moments strategizing with Gilbertti at ringside. It's all Dustin once Young gets back in the ring, the tide of the match only turning when Glenn Gilbertti distracts Dustin to allow Young to finally get some offense in. Young hits a few nice moves, including an impressive looking powerslam. But Dustin is simply the better of the two men here, and he proves that as he retakes control of the match and puts Young away with a Lone Star State of Mind.



Dustin Rhodes defeated David Young at 8:30 by pinfall with a Lone Star State of Mind (47)



Raven's Rules match





Mike Tenay says that this match not only can get ugly--it WILL get ugly, and as soon as he has said that Raven attacks Abyss during Abyss' entrance and the two men begin brawling their way down the entrance ramp as Don West explains that Raven's Rules basically means that there are no rules. Raven nails Abyss with a trash can lid, but "The Monster" comes right back and nails Raven with a steel chair as "Father" James Mitchell applauds and encourages Abyss. The two men finally make their way inside the ring after several minutes of brawling outside the ring, and Abyss sets up a table in the corner. He goes to whip Raven into the table, but Raven reverses and it's Abyss who goes head and chest-first into and through the table. Raven finds a pair of kendo sticks under the ring and he proceeds to beat the hell out of Abyss with them, showing "The Monster" absolutely no mercy. Raven brings another table into the ring, but when he goes back to Abyss, "The Monster" grabs Raven by the throat, lifts him high in the air and drops him chest-first onto the mat with a press slam. Abyss sets up the table and then he powerbombs Raven through the table. It looks like Abyss wants to make the cover, but "Father" Mitchell instructs Abyss to inflict even more punishment. Abyss then brings a chair into the ring and sets up for the Black Hole Slam, but Raven is able to counter by kicking Abyss in the gut and dropping him head-first onto the steel chair with a Raven Effect! Raven then covers "The Monster" and this brutal battle is finally over, at least for now.



Raven defeated Abyss at 12:13 by pinfall with a Raven Effect onto a steel chair (65)






We cut to the backstage area where AJ Styles is seen warming up as Mike and Don hype up the fact that AJ Styles is one of two men who has the chance later tonight to become the first ever TNA World Heavyweight Champion. AJ is then suddenly approached by Sting, who wishes AJ good luck tonight. Sting says that he wishes he could serve as the enforcer himself tonight, but Sting assures AJ that he made sure the special ringside enforcer is someone that Sting both knows and trusts, so AJ will be able to put all of his focus on Jeff Jarrett and the match. Mike and Don then wonder who this special enforcer might be as we cut back to the ring. (82)



TNA Tag Team Championship tournament final







It's time to crown the first ever TNA Tag Team Champions as America's Most Wanted face off against Ron "The Truth" Killings and BG James of 3 Live Kru. With two fan-favorite teams going up against each other here, the fans are unsure who to cheer for and it seems that support is split right down the middle between the two teams. BG James scores the first near-fall after hitting a massive powerbomb on James Storm, but America's Most Wanted get a near-fall of their own when Storm surprises BG with an inside cradle. From here it is a back and forth match, with both teams showing exactly why they are one of the premier tag teams in wrestling today. "The Truth" hits a front suplex on Chris Harris for a two count, and while it didn't secure the three count, the move does swing the match in favor of 3 Live Kru for the time being. As BG and Killings keep control of the match, Mike Tenay notes how nice it is to see a match without any kind of cheating or interference--just two teams going at it and leaving it all in the ring.


Harris finally makes the hot tag to James Storm, who comes in on fire as he immediately swings the match back in his team's favor. Storm hits a spinebuster on Killings for a two count, and then Storm tags in Chris Harris and they signal for the Death Sentence, but BG James enters the ring to break it up. This draws some boos from the fans, who seemingly just wanted a clean match, but Don West defends BG James, saying that he had to do it to keep his team in the match. Amidst the confusion, Ron Killings rolls Chris Harris up from behind and secures the three count while BG James prevents Storm from making the save.



3 Live Kru defeated America's Most Wanted at 17:04 by pinfall when Killings pinned Harris with a roll-up. 3 Live Kru win the TNA Tag Team Championships (60)



The match is over and Konnan joins BG James and Ron Killings in the ring for the celebration as 3 Live Kru are officially the first ever TNA Tag Team Champions, but it doesn't look like America's Most Wanted are entirely happy with how things went down here. (42)






We cut to the back where Goldylocks is standing by with Jeff Jarrett and Rick Steiner and she asks Jarrett about his chance to become the first ever TNA World Heavyweight Champion later tonight. Jarrett says that he has said all along that TNA is his world and tonight he has every intention of proving that again by putting his name into the history books of TNA--AGAIN--by becoming the first ever TNA World Champion. Goldylocks asks Jarrett about the mystery enforcer that Sting is bringing in for the main event, but Jarrett says that it doesn't matter who the enforcer is because he's got an enforcer of his own in Rick Steiner, "The Dog-faced Gremlin", and when it's all said and done tonight, Jeff Jarrett WILL be the NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion! (53)






Back at ringside Roddy Piper's music starts playing and the "Hot Rod" slowly makes his way out from the back to a big reaction from the crowd. Mike Tenay says that Piper looks ready to go here tonight, but unfortunately Piper only gets about halfway down the entrance ramp before...






CM Punk suddenly attacks his from behind! Punk carries out a swift and brutal assault on Piper, showing a side of him that we have never seen before, and he finishes off the attack by placing Piper's foot inside a steel chair, and then he starts smacking that chair with another chair as Don West yells out that Punk is trying to break Piper's ankle here. Punk continues his vicious attack with shot after shot until finally security arrives to force Punk away from Piper, but it looks like the damage has clearly been done here. Both Mike and Don express major concerns for Piper's well-being as he is attended to by EMT's while CM Punk returns to the back. (53)






Following that brutal attack, we cut to somewhere in the backstage area where Vince Russo is seen confronting Dusty Rhodes. Russo says that he is sick and tired of Dixie Carter running interference through Dusty. Russo says that he wants Dixie to show up on Impact! because he's done playing her games and he's going to do something about it now! Russo says that he wants to settle this thing with Dixie once and for all. Dusty reminds Russo that TNA is Dixie's company and that doesn't change just because Russo and Jarrett worked out some kind of deal with the TNA Board of Directors behind Dixie's back. Russo tells Dusty to give Dixie his message, and Russo then walks off saying that he's "gonna take care of some things here tonight". Mike and Don both wonder just what exactly that means as we cut back to ringside. (64)






Back at ringside "Marvelous Me" starts playing as Scott Hall makes his way out from the back. Hall confidently makes his way to the ring, and once inside the ring, he calls for a mic...."Hey Yo!" Hall says that tonight he's going to do things the old fashioned way, and Hall then proceeds to announce that it's time for a survey. Hall asks how many of the fans came here tonight to see Sting? The fans cheer big time for "The Icon", which seems to annoy Hall somewhat. Hall then asks how many of the fans came to see Scott Hall? Some fans do cheer for Hall, but the majority respond with boos. Nevertheless, Hall concludes by stating that it's "one more for the bad guy". (73)






The crowd is hugely into this one right from the get-go and they are all over Scott Hal, who uses just about every stall tactic in the book to kick this one off as he first hides between the ropes and then outside the ring. When the two men finally come face to face in the ring, Hall throws his toothpick in Sting's face which, as always, amuses Hall greatly. Sting isn't as amused, however, and he unloads on Hall with rights and lefts and kicks until Hall escapes from the ring again. This time Sting follows after Hall, however, and the two men begin brawling all around the ring. The match goes back in the ring and Hall is able to gain control as he starts kicking Sting as "The Icon" slides into the ring. Hall continues building momentum with some big time right handed punches and finally a discus punch that takes Sting off his feet. Hall hits a belly to back suplex, a big time fallaway slam and then he locks Sting in an abdominal stretch, grabbing the top rope for added leverage when the referee isn't looking. This continues a couple of times until the referee finally catches Hall cheating and forces him to release the hold, but Mike Tenay wonders if the damage hasn't already been done here?


With the crowd rallying behind him, Sting begins mounting a comeback as he hits a pair of clotheslines, a vertical suplex and a DDT. Hall rolls out of the ring for a breather, but Sting follows by vaulting himself over the top rope and hitting a slingshot crossbody. Sting quickly gets Hall back in the ring and hits a body slam, and then "The Icon" heads up to the top rope! Sting comes off the top rope with a diving crossbody, but Hall kicks out after two. Hall turns the tide of the match again with a thumb to the eye and then he whips Sting into the corner and follows close after with an impactful clothesline! He tries to do the same in the opposite corner, but Sting charges out of the corner after hitting the turnbuckle and it's a double clothesline, leaving both men down. Both men get back to their feet and start exchanging punches in the middle of the ring, with Hall getting the upper hand. Hall whips Sting into the ropes looking for a clothesline, but Sting ducks and hits an inverted atomic drop. Sting hits another, and then he takes Hall to the mat with a one handed bulldog. Sting gets Hall back to his feet and Hall takes a wild swing at Sting, which Sting avoids, and Sting then grabs Hall and plants him with the Scorpion Death Drop for the one, two, three!



Sting defeated Scott Hall at 14:55 by pinfall with a Scorpion Death Drop (85)



As Sting gets his hand raised in victory in the ring, Mike and Don wonder why there was no interference from Planet Jarrett in this one, with Mike speculating that Planet Jarrett's focus is probably more on the World Title main event matchup coming up next.






Speaking of the main event, we cut backstage to see AJ Styles walking toward the entrance area as Mike Tenay notes that Styles, the X-Division Champion, has the opportunity tonight to become a double champion if he can beat Jeff Jarrett and win the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. As AJ walks he is approached by Vince Russo, who informs AJ that he can't both be the World Champion and the X-Division Champion at the same time, so if Styles wants to face Jarrett tonight, he'll have to vacate the X-Division Championship. Russo asks Styles if he really wants to risk everything he's worked so hard for on the off chance that he might get lucky against Jarrett tonight? Styles seems to consider it for a moment, but then he says that if that's how it's got to be, then so be it. But right now...he's got a match to get to. AJ walks past a frustrated looking Vince Russo, whose desperate last-ditch effort seems to have failed here tonight. (57)



It is almost main event time, but first it's time to finally find out who Sting has hand-picked to serve as "Special Enforcer" for the World Title main event. Mike and Don can barely contain their excitement as they note that all the speculation, all the wondering and guessing, is about to come to an end. But WHO is it?!?

















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The crowd are on their feet as none other than DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE makes his way out from the back! Mike and Don are also going absolutely crazy on commentary as the former WCW World Heavyweight Champion makes his way to the ring. Page slides into the ring and throws up the Diamond Cutter sign, which the fans do right along with him, and....BANG! Diamond Dallas Page is the special enforcer--what a huge moment for TNA Wrestling! (72)




TNA World Heavyweight Championship







The stage is set for this historic match to crown the first ever TNA World Heavyweight Champion, and the anticipation is thick in the air as AJ Styles and Jeff Jarrett come face to face in the ring. Jarrett tells AJ to just lie down and save himself the humiliation, but AJ's only response to that is a loud slap that brings the fans to their feet again as it is clear the crowd is firmly behind AJ Styles in this one. Furious, Jarrett charges at AJ, but AJ is too quick and he catches Jarrett with a drop toe hold, sending Jarrett face-first into the mat. Jarrett quckly gets back to his feet as his frustrations build, but this time AJ goes on the offensive first with a series of kicks that ultimately drive Jarrett from the ring. As Jarrett tries to catch his breath and regroup outside the ring, he turns around and finds himself face to face with Diamond Dallas Page, and the crowd eats it up as Jarrett's eyes go wide in horror. Page tells Jarrett to get back in the ring and Mike Tenay says that, for once, it looks like Jeff Jarrett will have to compete on a level playing field. Back in the ring, Jarrett is able to use his veteran experience to gain the upper hand, and he immediately begins focusing his attacks on AJ's legs, which Mike Tenay admits is smart strategy because if you can ground AJ Styles and keep him from utilizing his high-flying offense, you're a lot closer to beating him. Jarrett's offense remains on point as he works the legs of AJ, eventually locking in the Figure Four Leg Lock, but AJ, showing the heart of a true champion, refuses to give up and he eventually does make it to the ropes, but Don West notes that AJ was in that Figure Four for a long time.


AJ's legs are clearly weakened as he struggles to stand when Jarrett pulls him back to his feet, and Jarrett hits a swinging neckbreaker for a two count. Jarrett then hits a suplex and then, feeling comfortably in control, Jarrett does his signature strut, much to the displeasure of the crowd who shower him with boos. Jarrett applies a sleeper hold in the middle of the ring and looks to be firmly in control, but the crowd rallies behind AJ and sure enough AJ starts trying to make it back to his feet. AJ fires off a couple of elbows to the midsection of Jarrett, and then AJ bounces off the ropes and hits a spin kick, a dropkick and finally a tornado DDT that absolutely plants Jarrett! AJ isn't able to capitalize on his spurt of offense, however, as his legs still bother him, but Mike Tenay notes that AJ at least bought himself a little bit of time. Both men are back to their feet at the same time, but AJ catches Jarrett completely by surprise with a Pelé Kick that has Jarrett seeing stars! AJ then climbs to the top turnbuckle, bad legs and all, and hits the Spinal Tap! The crowd counts along with the referee, but Jarrett is just barely able to kick out at two and a half. Styles follows up with the Phenomenal Forearm, and then he signals for the Styles Clash!






Rick Steiner emerges from the back and runs toward the ring, but soon finds himself face to face with DDP. After a short staredown, Steiner tries a cheap shot on DDP, but Page blocks it and hits a huge punch of his own instead. The two men brawl for a little bit, but the brawl comes to an abrupt end when Page hits the Diamond Cutter on Steiner, much to the crowd's delight! Back in the ring, AJ tries to set up for the Styles Clash, but with the referee distracted by the action outside the ring, Jarrett is able to save himself from certain doom by hitting a low blow. Jarrett follows up by hitting The Stroke and he confidently covers AJ Styles, but somehow, some way, AJ kicks out just before the three count. Jarrett is in total disbelief in the ring, and he signals to the back for...well, something. And that something quickly becomes apparent as...






Scott Hall, who is still showing the effects of his loss to Sting earlier tonight, slowly makes his way out from the back, but he doesn't get far before he is confronted by DDP, who tells Hall to go back where he came from. Unsurprisingly, Hall isn't going anywhere and a brawl breaks out between DDP and Scott Hall. Rick Steiner also joins the brawl, even though he still looks a little out of it after taking the Diamond Cutter earlier, and now it's a two on one battle, one that Page is slowly losing.






Sting then comes out from the back to even the odds and Mike and Don call what's going on "absolute chaos". The brawl continues at the top of the entrance ramp, but back in the ring Jeff Jarrett goes for another Stroke, but AJ is able to fight him off and both men collide in the middle of the ring for a double down.






Vince Russo is then seen making his way through the crowd, carrying Jeff Jarrett's "Acoustic Equalizer". Russo slides the guitar to Jarrett, and then he climbs onto the apron of the ring to get the rerefee's attention. With the referee distracted, Jarrett smashes his "Acoustic Equalizer" across AJ's head, and then he makes the cover as Russo makes the referee aware of the cover.






Not like this!?!?!





Jeff Jarrett defeated AJ Styles at 21:44 by pinfall with an "Acoustic Equalizer" following a distraction by Vince Russo. Jarrett wins the TNA World Heavyweight Championship (84)




And with that, the last shot we get from TNA Genesis is a shot of Jeff Jarrett and Vince Russo standing tall in the ring, with Jarrett raising the TNA World Heavyweight Championship title belt high above his head, as Mike Tenay is heard on commentary saying that Planet Jarrett has screwed AJ Styles out of the World Championship!



Final Show Rating: 82

PPV Buyrate: 0.79 (397.771 buys)

Show increased popularity in 30 regions

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Haha, classic Russo style main event, love it. :D Best of luck with Jarrett on top, I really hope his creative control doesn't bite you in the ass. And I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with 3LK, I smell a heel turn and that could be very interesting indeed. Great show!
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mootinie" data-cite="Mootinie" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53263" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> </p><p> Who will be the "Special Enforcer" in the main event? <strong>Kevin Nash. And he screws Styles, joining Team Jarrett.</strong> <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> This is a great idea! I have to admit, I almost wished this is what I'd done when I read this. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="RKOwnage" data-cite="RKOwnage" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53263" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I]<p> </p><p> Who will be the "Special Enforcer" in the main event? <strong>I'm team Lex Luger forever!</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Glad to see another Luger fan. Too many people underrate him. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mootinie" data-cite="Mootinie" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53263" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Haha, classic Russo style main event, love it. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Best of luck with Jarrett on top, I really hope his creative control doesn't bite you in the ass. And I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with 3LK, I smell a heel turn and that could be very interesting indeed. Great show!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> To be honest, Jarrett's creative control already has become a problem. I originally wanted AJ to be the first TNA World Heavyweight Champion, but I couldn't get Jarrett to put him over no matter what I tried. So, change of plans.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> I'll have a post up soon to get everyone up to date with what the roster currently looks like. I've lost and/or cut a few people along the way, so I'll do a News post and then the next Impact card will follow.</p><p> </p><p> Edit: Almost forgot, the prize for the prediction contest will also be sent out to the winner in the near future.</p>
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<p>As promised, here's a quick rundown of releases so far;</p><p>


Traci Brooks and Trinity</strong> were both hired by WWE pretty much immediately so I just decided not to use them on my shows. It's a bit of a shame as I would have preferred to keep both around, but such are things.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kevin Northcutt</strong> was released in February after appearing a couple of times on Xplosion. Simply a case of not having anything for him and not really seeing much potential there either.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>April Pennington</strong> was released around the same time as Kevin Northcutt. Couldn't find a role for her.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Scott Hudson and Armando Quintero</strong> were both released in March. I had put them on commentary for Xplosion but they kept losing morale due to not being on Impact, so I decided to cut them and put Mike Tenay and Don West back on Xplosion as well.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Erik Watts</strong> was released in March as well. I only used him once on Xplosion but I kept him around for a bit thinking I might do something with him, but ultimately cut him because nothing really came of it.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>I'm putting Hudson, Quintero and Watts on the list here even though the diary hasn't quite gotten there yet, but they aren't used on Impact anyway and we're only talking a couple of weeks. </strong></p><p> </p><p>

And finally, <strong>Roddy Piper</strong> was released after Genesis. This one hurts a bit because I apparently had a bit of a short fuse when booking Genesis (I'm booked a couple of months ahead in the game). I was frustrated that I couldn't get Jarrett to agree to lose to AJ, so when Piper made a fuss about losing to CM Punk I ended up doing the segment instead of firing Piper after the show. I actually do regret that decision now because I could easily have kept the feud going and tried again a month or two down the road. Not much I could do about it afterwards though, as Piper now hates me (Russo) <img alt=":o" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/redface.png.900245280682ef18c5d82399a93c5827.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Now I also have a question for those who follow this diary. I have been doing the absolutely bare minimum with Xplosion so far, reducing the show to 30 minutes and literally just booking it with two matches and some kind of interview or promo in between. My question is; is there any interest in seeing the Xplosion results posted as part of the diary? Obviously I would put a little more effort into those shows going forward if that's the case, but it wouldn't be anywhere near as detailed as Impact.</p><p> </p><p>

Let me know if you have a preference on the matter. The card for Impact will be up shortly.</p>

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The new TNA World Heavyweight Champion speaks, two Championships are on the line and a huge match is set for Against All Odds!


TNA Impact - Official Card


TNA X-Division Championship

AJ Styles © vs. Michael Shane


TNA Tag Team Championships

3 Live Kru © vs. Glenn Gilbertti and David Young


Hardcore Match

The Sandman vs. Abyss


Konnan vs. CM Punk


Ekmo Fatu vs. Sonjay Dutt

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TNA Impact - Official Card


TNA X-Division Championship

AJ Styles © vs. Michael Shane


TNA Tag Team Championships

3 Live Kru © vs. Glenn Gilbertti and David Young


Hardcore Match

The Sandman vs. Abyss


Konnan vs. CM Punk


Ekmo Fatu vs. Sonjay Dutt

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TNA X-Division Championship

AJ Styles © vs. Michael Shane - I like Shane, but this isn't his night.


TNA Tag Team Championships

3 Live Kru © vs. Glenn Gilbertti and David Young


Hardcore Match

The Sandman vs. Abyss - Should be fun.


Konnan vs. CM Punk - Justice for Konnan!


Ekmo Fatu vs. Sonjay Dutt


As for Xplosion, whatever makes you more likely to keep putting out content!

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It's up to you as to whether you want to cover Xplosion or not. I don't think your diary is necessarily missing it but it can be useful as a vehicle for developing storylines and characters before they appear on Impact.


TNA X-Division Championship

AJ Styles © vs. Michael Shane

I'll eat my shoes if Shane wins here.


TNA Tag Team Championships

3 Live Kru © vs. Glenn Gilbertti and David Young


Hardcore Match

The Sandman vs. Abyss

Needs to bounce back from the Raven defeat.


Konnan vs. CM Punk

I am curious as to whether you'll keep Konnan, but this would be a good rub for Punk and I think he needs it if the Piper programme is over.


Ekmo Fatu vs. Sonjay Dutt


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TNA X-Division Championship

AJ Styles © vs. Michael Shane - I like Shane, but this isn't his night.


TNA Tag Team Championships

3 Live Kru © vs. Glenn Gilbertti and David Young


Hardcore Match

The Sandman vs. Abyss - Should be fun.


Konnan vs. CM Punk - Justice for Konnan!


Ekmo Fatu vs. Sonjay Dutt

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<p>So this really, REALLY sucks but I unfortunately won't be able to continue this diary as I have had to reset my entire system and thus have lost all my files. I'm kinda heartbroken because I was really enjoying the game and there were a lot of cool things coming up in the next few months.</p><p> </p><p>

I was really enjoying finally having gotten back into writing a diary, and I figure the only thing I can do is start a new one. I am currently considering a couple of different options but, after having looked through the mods that are currently available, I'm leaning toward starting a TNA 2013 game. Either that or just restarting a new TNA 2004 game with the same mod.</p><p> </p><p>

I really want to jump back into things as quickly as possible, so expect to see my new project go up in the very near future. I also want to thank those who followed and supported this diary. It's much appreciated and I hope to see you on the next one!</p>

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Yeah that blows, you had a good thing going on here. But I'll be following TNA 2013 for sure if you go in that direction. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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