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Billy Spitfire is a kid from Bristol, UK, with dreams of one day making it to 21CW. But it's a long road to the top. Sometimes dreams never come true, and life takes you in a totally different direction, but when you believe enough, and put in the work, things might turn out even better than you can imagine.




----- What is this diary?


This diary is different to all the others on this forum (at least the ones I've seen) in that it doesn't follow the life of a booker/owner, and it isn't about a particular company. Instead, it records the journey of one worker - the matches and angles he takes part in, and the backstage interactions he has with other wrestlers, bookers, as well as friends and family.


----- How does that work?


It's essentially a watcher save, with an inactive user character. Billy Spitfire is a worker I created and put into the game world at the age of 18, and signed him to a few contracts to get things going. Then I've followed all of the events he's been a part of where he's wrestled and/or cut promos, taking note of his opponents and tag partners, and created a story around it all.


----- What's the database?


I chose the Alternative CornellVerse 2018 Mod created by lavelleuk, so all credit and endless gratitude for their work in constructing such a great, alive database. Also, massive thanks to all the artists (too many to name) who created renders for that mod. You are all heroes.


The reason I chose this mod instead of the default data is there are a bunch of small UK promotions in an alliance that provide a perfect place for Billy Spitfire's career to begin. The small/indie scene in the default CVerse is pretty sparse, so options would be limited.


----- Can I make predictions?


At the moment, no. As I'm not booking any of the companies, I think predictions would be a bit meaningless. However, I'm hoping to come up with some ways to include reader interaction (see below).


----- How often will chapters be posted?


Twice a week. At the moment, the idea is Tuesdays and Saturdays, although that could change.


----- How long will this diary last?


I have written up 12 episodes for the first chapter of this diary. That's 8 months of the first year. I've simmed much further (4 years), but I'm reluctant to start writing any more without getting ideas and input from you lovely people on the forum.


I believe this is a new type of diary, at least I haven't seen one like it before. As a result, I'm kind of making it up as I go along, so feedback is very much encouraged and appreciated. With your help, I'll know how to approach the second chapter with ideas like:

- Should it include more watcher style information (e.g. championship reigns in the different companies, major news stories etc.)?

- Should there be more focus on in-ring action?

- Should there be more focus on backstage interactions and character development?

- Should the diary whizz through his career, or take it slowly and explore all the people he meets?

- What kind of reader participation can be included?

- Is this all a terrible idea and I should just stick to a normal promotion-based diary?


Thanks to everyone for reading - I hope you enjoy it!

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So I just found this and honestly it seems quite interesting, particularly since I'll get to see companies I may never have heard of otherwise. Since you wanted feedback:


Should it include more watcher style information (e.g. championship reigns in the different companies, major news stories etc.)?

I'd say yeah, help make the world feel slightly more alive, even if it's just a once a month thing or on a specific few thing.


Should there be more focus on in-ring action?

I think your currently level is pretty good, particularly while it's mainly jobbing and indie shows.


Should there be more focus on backstage interactions and character development?

Again I like the current level.


Should the diary whizz through his career, or take it slowly and explore all the people he meets?

Probably don't be afraid to whizz through some of the time spent just jobbing around. Slow it down maybe when the wins starting coming or with the first storyline


What kind of reader participation can be included?

Honestly can't help you here. Since it's a watcher not much you can do. Maybe people can help out if you need names for things?


Is this all a terrible idea and I should just stick to a normal promotion-based diary?

I don't think it's a bad idea. Watcher diaries can definitely be really interesting.

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So I just found this and honestly it seems quite interesting, particularly since I'll get to see companies I may never have heard of otherwise. Since you wanted feedback:


Should it include more watcher style information (e.g. championship reigns in the different companies, major news stories etc.)?

I'd say yeah, help make the world feel slightly more alive, even if it's just a once a month thing or on a specific few thing.


Should there be more focus on in-ring action?

I think your currently level is pretty good, particularly while it's mainly jobbing and indie shows.


Should there be more focus on backstage interactions and character development?

Again I like the current level.


Should the diary whizz through his career, or take it slowly and explore all the people he meets?

Probably don't be afraid to whizz through some of the time spent just jobbing around. Slow it down maybe when the wins starting coming or with the first storyline


What kind of reader participation can be included?

Honestly can't help you here. Since it's a watcher not much you can do. Maybe people can help out if you need names for things?


Is this all a terrible idea and I should just stick to a normal promotion-based diary?

I don't think it's a bad idea. Watcher diaries can definitely be really interesting.


Thanks for your comments! Good to know at least someone is interested, and judging from the number of views the docdroid pdfs have got, plenty of people have had a look.


I think a fun idea might be to combine the watcher information with some reader participation. I'll of course say anything out of the ordinary that happens, and say who the end-of-year awards go to etc. But for each show, instead of predictions, I'll ask any readers to submit one question they'd like to know about the game world e.g. Who's the SWF World Heavyweight champion? Or, what companies have gone out of business? Or, what's Tommy Cornell doing right now? This way, I won't get overwhelmed trying to tell you everything, and you also get a chance to find out about your favourite promotion/worker etc. It'll get better the longer the save goes, because more time will have elapsed for crazy things to happen.


In terms of pace, the first eleven episodes are all one show each, then the 12th (the last of chapter 1) has two shows. From then, I'm intending to do it monthly, as he gets booked 2-3 shows a month, that way it doesn't go too slowly.

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So far so good, less is more and I think the style is working.

Enjoyed it so far, especially as the main character is just jobbing out :D

I used to run English insignificant games so a lot of these characters like Liam Lutz, Dylan Drama, Lenny Mochin and Glen Ward are all names i know well :)

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So far so good, less is more and I think the style is working.

Enjoyed it so far, especially as the main character is just jobbing out :D

I used to run English insignificant games so a lot of these characters like Liam Lutz, Dylan Drama, Lenny Mochin and Glen Ward are all names i know well :)


Thanks for the kind comment! Everyone's got to start somewhere - and it's cool to see him grow over time. He's also been almost exclusively in tag matches which is interesting.


Gotta love the British indie guys. Glen Ward is always the guy I go after, maybe because he's an Arsenal fan, which instantly makes him awesome ;)

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Yeh man, i always used to use him as a main eventer for the first few years of a save before others out grew him. I had him in a pretty decent Tag Team with James Diaz in my TEW2016 save.


Im about to post up a dynasty myself, hope you dont mind im going to use the docdroid as a way of posting it up as well as this forum seems to not like pictures and my dynasty is snipe heavy.

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Im about to post up a dynasty myself, hope you dont mind im going to use the docdroid as a way of posting it up as well as this forum seems to not like pictures and my dynasty is snipe heavy.


No worries. I wasn't the first one to do it or anything - I don't have any claim to that method at all. You've got to use the tools to make your dynasty the best. The only think I'd advise is use a second hosting service (I use pdfhost.io) with an alternative link. It takes a few extra seconds, but some people couldn't get docdroid to work when I first started using it. Looking forward to reading what you put out!


This is definitely a different approach, I'll have to get caught up on it!


It's an experiment for now, but thanks for commenting as it lets me know people are interested in it and may want it to continue past the first 12 shows.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:24px;">Chapter 1: Episode 9 - CU Vital Signs</span></p><p> </p><p>

<a href="https://docdro.id/v99CyfK" rel="external nofollow">DocDroid Link</a></p><p>

<a href="https://pdfhost.io/v/rjmmdHATG_PowerPoint_Presentation.pdf" rel="external nofollow">Alternative Link</a></p><p> </p><p>

Embedded version</p><p>

<iframe width="70%" height="600" src="<a href="https://docdro.id/v99CyfK" rel="external nofollow">https://docdro.id/v99CyfK"</a> frameborder="0" allowtransparency allowfullscreen></iframe></p><p> </p><p>


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