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Are TEW dynasties dying?

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I was a long time lurker before signing up for the forums. Traffic has decreased, surely. Many of the older posters have grown out of the site or straight away migrated to other places. While it's normal to have people grow out of hobbies and new people join in, it's just that wrestling isn't growing much and relying on its existent fan base, which is shrinking every day. Now, when you consider wrestling is a niche hobby and TEW is an even more niche game, it's understandable that the user base is shrinking.


Also, I don't know what happened, but forums aren't accessible to outsiders now. I was searching WWE/ROH results and stumbled upon one of the diaries (Michgs or TheLloyd or TFC not sure) here, hence got introduced to the game. I thought this was one of those creepy role-playing forums, read a bit more, found that it was a game.


Now, forums aren't that easily accessible nowadays. Even searching specific thread titles won't show any links to thread or images. (which let me just say were working fine till 2018/19)Nowadays, the best we get is the forum homepage, and the site stopped letting people peeking in without having an account. Growth is muffled.


Second part is, messaging forums itself are dying. There is Reddit, there is discord which provide same services but better.


Other part about dynasties - write for yourself, but it's okay to stop if no one is reading, or you feel you are shouting in the void. On the other hand, if people like something, they will comment and tell you about it. Even if they don't, check monthly DOTM's, someone will have mentioned your name. People also need to like your content too. You said you feel someone's work is inferior to yours, but maybe people like his/her stuff, maybe they think he/she is better and worth their time. It's subjective.


At the end of the day, no matter how you phrase it, it's a hobby. You aren't getting paid, nor you will publish this anywhere and earn money by putting it on Patreon or somewhere. If you feel like stopping, stop. If you like it or having fun writing, keep at it!


Spam bots are why forums were relegated to users only.

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TEW 2020 also doesn't seem to be quite as popular as the previous iterations of the game. On other forums and on YouTube I see many people who have stuck with the 2016 version. I skipped 2016 myself. Is there an easy answer to why it's so popular? I like 2020 just fine personally, I think it's the best TEW I've played - albeit I missed out on 2016.
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TEW 2020 also doesn't seem to be quite as popular as the previous iterations of the game. On other forums and on YouTube I see many people who have stuck with the 2016 version. I skipped 2016 myself. Is there an easy answer to why it's so popular? I like 2020 just fine personally, I think it's the best TEW I've played - albeit I missed out on 2016.


This is the case with any game series that brings out several, non yearly game titles. Fanbases will often split over new games in a series, unless the older game is (almost) literally unplayable or the sequel does something extremely different.


When the Skyrim Remastered edition came out (and was free for people owning the original on the PC) many players and modders stuck to the normal version for years.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Vinsmoker" data-cite="Vinsmoker" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53331" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>This is the case with any game series that brings out several, non yearly game titles. Fanbases will often split over new games in a series, unless the older game is (almost) literally unplayable or the sequel does something extremely different.<p> </p><p> When the Skyrim Remastered edition came out (and was free for people owning the original on the PC) many players and modders stuck to the normal version for years.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It happens with other things, too - most tabletop RPG players I know, for example, have stuck with the old <em>Vampire: The Masquerade</em> version and basically ignore the reboot. That said, the Thunderverse seems to be for TEW what Kaiserreich is for HoI, most activity is focused on the mod rather than the base game.</p><p> </p><p> I'd make an IWF diary myself, if I weren't horrible at making diaries. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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I think it's an element of forums in general are dying off and attention spans are getting shorter which with the great detail that people put into diary's would be a factor.


It's not just forums though. Yes they are pretty dead (EWBattleground has slowed down dramatically, the german EWBattleground actually is closing now after nearly 2 decades due to a lack of interest) but the topic doesn't interest a lot of people. r/fantasybookers is just as dead and the Youtube fantasy bookers don't attract any interest as well - especially not in comparison to al the Let's Plays for other video games out there.


I think Fantasy booking in general is just dying. For the creators it takes too long and most people don't want to read that much (same reason why books aren't as popular as they were, say, 50 years ago when books sold huge numbers)

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<p>I will say one thing for this thread: it has inspired me to start an in-progress diary for my current focus.</p><p> </p><p>

I also realized that, for me, it's about my own enjoyment of writing and creating. I have no idea if anybody's following, and nobody's commenting, but I'm intending to keep going just because I want to. I honestly feel like this is the reason for me to do a diary rather than for the acclaim or the interaction with others (although I'm certainly not against comments or interaction from my fellow TEW fans). That's just me, though.</p><p> </p><p>


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