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Wrestling in the year 2100 - idea

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i had a idea, using real life data, going threw 94 years (as a blank player) so everything is happening automatic,and then i can do it up as a scanerio so it's real life (with the real life history) but all new as you won't know any of the guys their that you can use, so what do you guys think coz it will take alot of time so before i start wanted to know if anyone would be interested
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i like the idea but i think it would be better to go up by 10-15 years so the AJ-styles and randy Ortons of the world will be like the hulk hogans of modern day. So there are few familiar faces to pass the torch - will take a lot of work but its a great idea.
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A few of these ideas have popped up and I must say it does sound interesting. I think one set maybe 10-20 years in the future would be more playable as the workers would still be at least a little recognizable (You might as well play Cornellverse otherwise). Let me know if you are serious about this and I'll give you a hand.
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