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Noob Question - graduates

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Hello. Please have mercy, I am still pretty new about the game.


I have couple questions about the worker generation system regarding the worker bio (Name, Nationality)


1. Is there an option to hmmm.... "restrict it" a bit?

I tried multiple times to build a training facility in Central Europe, yet for some reason out of 100 graduates I've got only 7 Central European workers. Most of the graduates were Iberian or Medditerranean despite AI companies having multiple dojos in that region. Was my academy so appealing that they rejected their local ones? :o


I would like to find a way for one of two things:

- have majority of my graduates from the region my academy is located in

- have bigger impact regarding nationality of graduates. For example, sometimes I would like to focus solely on workers from one specified country to make it appear on a scene.


As far as I understand, this "problem" happens for sure in Europe. I am not sure if it happens in other regions.


2. Is there an option to have a non-wrestler graduate? Eventually, how to "force" the worker to be counted in a non-wrestler role? Can it be that my initial contracts are prepared in a wrong way?

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1. The graduates are always a bit random. You can get obese super-heavyweights with very high athleticism scores, along with other discrepancies. I don’t think there is any way to fix this.


I kinda don't think about that as discrepancy - that "obese" describing looks may just suggest a character like Bob from Tekken. The only thing that makes a bit awkward feeling for me is that nationality situation. And for most people it's a trivial issue - dojos in the US give mostly Americans, Japan give mostly Japanese...


...Europe is a "problem", because it's the only region in which almost each subregion itself consists of multiple nationalities. And randomness regarding nationalities can be crazy, because it gives a feeling that most workers loathe schools in their "birth region" and train as far from it as possible within Europe. Russians graduating in Spain, Italians in Iceland, French in Eastern Europe, Norwegians in Greece.... It kind of breaks the immersion of "making a regional promotion in Europe" when chance to get a worker born (not stationing) in your subregion is very thin...


There would be probably ways to solve it like implemeting a chance for workers nationality:

80% - Random from your subregion

15% - Random from your region

5% - Random from anywhere


2. I know that non-wrestlers only graduate from performance centers. You would have to use that type of facility to generate your own announcers and referees.

Got it. So hope some non-wrestlers will appear soon, because turning my character as ref + road agent is problematic for the start, when there is no other available workers around

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I decided to do a small test regarding Europe region and looks like the list of nationalities a graduate can get is... very restricted...


France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Russia, Greece, Netherlands...

Only ten nationalities appear in European graduates.


That shows one thing: there is no chance for maaany nationalities to appear, despite data being in the db. Names are used though - I saw a Swedish-born graduate named with Polish first name.


I noticed that situation like this also happens in Puerto Rico subregion of USA. I had put a 20 year simulation and got zero generated Puerto Rican workers...


But because I don't want to just drop a problem, I am looking for a way, how it could be fixed.


I guess, each subregion has a list of its "home" nationalities. First - how about expanding that list to include each country in a region?


Next, RNG usage while creating a graduate.

- 80% for graduate being from a random nationality from the subregion the school is located

- 15% for graduate being from a random nationality from the region his school is located

- 5% for graduate being from any nationality


So for example, a random graduate created in current region of Eastern Europe would be more likely Ukrainian, Georgian, Kazakh than German, Italian. This also gives a chance for more unique nationalities to start appearing.


That way graduate generation will become more realistic, which may be a good thing, according to TEW changelist.


Then, there is always an option to revamp the languages list to increase realism even more, but... well, that may be a story for another topic.

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1. The graduates are always a bit random. You can get obese super-heavyweights with very high athleticism scores, along with other discrepancies. I don’t think there is any way to fix this.


If you're using the free picture system and only allowing graduates with pictures then in the editor (before starting a game) you can set this on an individual free picture basis.


Set their size and set unathletic only for all your super heavyweights and giants.

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