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Company popularity increasing by less than 1 per show

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99% sure it's not a bug and you were already told the possible reason the first time you posted about this.


You’re probably overness-capped. The game disincentives small companies from running multiple shows each month by reducing popularity gains for each show.


If you still think it's a bug, you should be posting any tech support issue in the tech support forum here

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My company's popularity is going up by 1 every six shows exactly regardless of the grade the show receives. I've tested with multiple companies and it's always the same. I get the message that my popularity increased but it doesn't, not until the sixth consecutive show, every time.


Small companies are capped at how much their popularity can increase per show and per month. If you're only able to gain 0.2 per show and 0.8 per month, for example, then it's going to take you at least five shows in two different months to reach a full percentage point irrespective of how high the show's grade was. Note that that doesn't mean your final grade is not being taken into account, it just means that after a certain level you can't gain any more of an advantage than you already have.


The message that your popularity has increased is working correctly too - it is telling you that you have gained some popularity, not that your visible popularity level has gone up. Moving from 5.2 to 5.4, for example, is an increase, but you'd still see it as "5" on the popularity screen as you do not see decimal places.

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