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Stop fast advance if another company is trying to sign our workers

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I just wanted to explain a problem quite anoying that occurs in my game.


I advanced multiples days, and when the game resumed I saw that while the game was advancing days, another company had signed one of my most important worker to an exclusive deal.:eek:


I could have done something if I had been warned.


I also tried to use the recovery save to prevent it but... it was sunday in game time so the recovery file bring me to the very same day. No cheat possible this time !


Now I only use fast advance to Saturdays to make sure nothing bad happened before advancing to Sundays.


It would be great if the fast advance is stoped when another company is trying to sign one of the player's worker to an exclusive deal.

After all, trying to keep a worker or not is a decision to make just like payrises request...

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