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AEW: Changing The Culture

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So, update time! Guess who has two thumbs and a broken hard drive containing this dynasty? This guy!


So yeah, this is probably dead. If y'all want, I can go over some things that I had in mind, but for now, this is over thanks to my hard drive sucking.


Once I get a new one up and running and reinstalling TEW and all that jazz, I'll be back to writing but with a new dynasty. I hope to start it before Christmas!


that sucks, great work on this it was really good and entertaining

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So, update time! Guess who has two thumbs and a broken hard drive containing this dynasty? This guy!


So yeah, this is probably dead. If y'all want, I can go over some things that I had in mind, but for now, this is over thanks to my hard drive sucking.


Once I get a new one up and running and reinstalling TEW and all that jazz, I'll be back to writing but with a new dynasty. I hope to start it before Christmas!


That's a shame, I was really enjoying this.


Will definitely be keeping an eye out for your next project.

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