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MLW: Underground Revolution by Blodyxe & Kanegan

Recommended Posts

1.*Open Challenge for the IWA Caribbean Championship: Mil Muertes vs. ???

--> Mil


2. El Hijo de L.A. Park and L.A. Park Jr. vs. Zenshi and Laredo Kid

--> Laredo Kid & Zenshi


3.*El Jefe's Choice Match: L.A. Park vs. Gringo Loco

--> LA Park


MLW Fusion #139 Card


1. Calvin Tankman vs. Slice Boogie

--> Tankman


2. TJP, EJ Nduka, and Lee Moriarty vs. Davey Richards, Bu Ku Dao, and Alex Kane

--> Really torn here... Let's go Richards, Kane & Dao


3. Low-Ki vs. Richard Holliday

--> Richard Holiday, and let me tell you the consumers are gonna love it

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MLW Azteca Episode #4 - Hola, Gringo!


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MLW Azteca




Episode #4 - "Hola, Gringo!"


Taped for El Rey Network in Puerto Rico

Aired on Week 4, September 2021




"From the open road, MATT CROSS... from Hormigueros, Puerto Rico... Mr. 450… MECHAWOLF!! That's officially three losses in a row for M-Dogg.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that… Gringo uses his low center of gravity to pin "The Underrated Superstar" for three!


I've been in this business for 36 years, and I have seen everything there's to see. Death is one thing I'm comfortable with now, because I had so many wars that felt worse.


Flatliner! One.. two.. three! Vega is out! "Kwang" leaves immediately after the bell! Aaaand stiiiil IWA Caribbean champion… KING MUERTES!"




Cesar Duran reads an old lucha libre magazine on the beach chair standing right in the middle of his office.


He does multiple things at once, probably looking for some inspiration from history records. Behind him is a tiny blackboard that has "Fightland" written on it with a few matches already pinned down. It has the tag team match and King Muertes defending his Caribbean gold against three mystery opponents. Before we can see the full picture, we hear a timid knock on the door. Duran's attention switches, and he tells someone to come in.


El Jefe is joined by Aramis, the talent promised by God. Like a stern teacher, the boss gives the luchador a scornful look and keeps swiping the pages. Aramis has his head down and judging by his body language, he feels guilty, even though he did nothing wrong.




"So nice of you to finally show up, Aramis. You must be so much busier than I am, right? You missed a show, then you came up late. Now, you want something from me?


No-no, I don’t need your excuses, keep those confessions to the priest. I know that LAX slashed the tyres of your rental car, that they took your passport, and now there’s rumors that Konnan holds up your pay for AAA shows. But guess what? The world is unfair, it is a cold place. And here, in my Temple, I won’t be able to lead you by the hand. You have to deal with your problems as soon as possible, but also pay down your debt to me. I smell money in your decisive match with Arez, so at Fightland you’ll have to work overtime.


Because it’s going to be a two out of three falls match!"




Duran points a finger at the thing he has been reading, a recap of Psicosis and Rey Mysterio’s battles. He wants to give the believers in Philly a new lucha revolution! He draws up the match on the board and tells Aramis to be ready for that sicko Arez and thrive under pressure.


"Let’s find out if you're a diamond, or just another piece of colorful chalk!"


Dramatic snap… Aramis nods and leaves the room, heading down the infested corridor. His path is blocked by Slice Boogie. who pushes Aramis like a high school bully. From the back, Rivera strikes the underdog's knee with a steel pipe! Dr. Julius Smokes is making weird noises and faces, barking up to the beatdown, and then Konnan shows up from the shadows.




"You can leave Triple A, but you can’t escape from me. I'm working eeeeeverywhere. After Fightland, you'll run to me like a lil perro. Adios!"


Konnan leaves to open the show, the rest of the LAX turns to the locker room. Aramis is staring at the lightbulb and sighs until Famous B pops up.


"Dayuum boi, you've got knocked the F out! Call me if you need an insurance plan! Gotta go, get fame!!"




Welcome back to The Island of Enchantment, renegades. Another week of Azteca violence is brought to you via El Rey Network, the revived king of gimmicky channels. Last week we had a violent and bloody brawl between Savio Vega and King Muertes, and now "Mr. TNT" is standing in the middle of the ring, with his back all sliced up from the cuts received after a glass panel bump.


As in tradition, the yellow subtitle gives people at home a guess what Savio has to say.




"Last week has not been good to me. I lost to King Muertes in the Caribbean Death match, and I failed to win back the gold that belongs here, in Puerto Rico! I’m not the man to make excuses. Muertes is a tougher son of a bitch than I am, but that doesn’t mean anyone can just play games with me! Some poor fool decided to pull a joke on me, and I don’t find that amusing. I dare that prankster to show up in front of me and try that Kwang crap one more time! Whoever you are, bring your wiseass out here!!"


Oh my, Savio is all fired up and he’s not in the mood for waiting. He keeps yelling at the entrance side for a few moments, when out from the bleachers a guy in a full Kwang costume flies out. He tries to sneak attack Vega, but gets swatted away with real martial art kicks and chops! Savio corners the impostor and goes after the mask, but gets hit low and sprayed with a green mist!


The impostor almost lost his mask, but now he readjusts himself and spikes Savio with a DDT. Giggling intensifies and the stranger rolls out of the way, being booed by the believers. He runs away in a funny way, it is a game for him.




Konnan: I don’t know who that mofo is, but he’ll get his trasero kicked by Savio sooner or later, simon!


Famous B: Sheesh, my name is not Seemon, it's Famous B! I'm famous! That guy is not! What's his name? Hwang? Is he from China?


Konnan: No dumbo, that’s the costume of Kwang with a K. Lotta weird gimmicks happened up north in the early nineties.


Famous B: Early nineties? Wow you old. Anyway, we still have a program to call, partna. Laredo Kid and Zenshi want to get it straight with Los Parks after they were ROBBED two weeks ago by that no good punk Big Bad Steve!


Konnan: His name is Steve Pain, and he ain’t your frein’, capiche? What an injustice... speaking of Injustice, my boy Rivera will beat that little fella Myron Reed and become the new MLW Middleweight champ this Sunday, so tune in, orale!


Famous B: And my man, Texano, is working hard to ensure that King Muertes will not hold that shiny IWA title for much longer!


Konnan: Ok, let’s give la raza what they tuned in fo'. Melissa, what it do?




"The following lucha is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico… LAREDOOOO KID!! And his partner, from the country of poets… ZEEEENSHIII!"


Both technicos were hard done by the trios match in Mexico City, but now they look ready to right the wrongs against the bone soldiers of L.A. Park!


"And their opponents... representing La Familia Real… from the Land of the Dead… El Hijo de L.A. Park and L.A. Park JuniorLOS PARKS!"


The younger skeleton has a bigger frame, but El Hijo is calling the shots out of seniority. He's the older brother, and has a reputation for being more strategic in his approach. The teams are ready, let’s go!




Tag Team Match




Zenshi and Laredo Kid vs. L.A. Park Jr. and El Hijo de L.A. Park


One man from the three is not like the other... Meaning L.A. Park is all brawny compared to others. His weight didn't stop him from challenging for the AAA Cruiserweight title just three weeks ago though.


Perhaps that was an oversight from the Mexican promotion which notoriously gives little significance to such nonsense. Or maybe Cesar Duran did that intentionally, as his allegiance to L.A. Park has not been a secret. This bout is a quick paced match with lots of tags and some snappy team maneuvers. Zenshi found himself on the receiving end of a Powerbomb turned into Crossbody from the brothers, but was saved by Laredo. Dives to the outside followed afterwards, with good guys taking the advantage. With no father in sight, Zenshi and Laredo struck Los Parks with stereo Missile Dropkicks, which got them a close near fall.


The ending was pretty surprising for the spectators, as Laredo planted El Hijo de L.A. Park with a Belly to Belly Moonsault, tagged Zenshi and knocked the younger skeleton off the apron, inviting "The Spirit Dragon" to end the job with an innovative Dragon Twist for the 3!!

Laredo Kid and Zenshi defeated Los Parks in 8:42 by pinfall when Zenshi pinned El Hijo de L.A. Park with a Dragon Twist. [40/100]




Instant Replay




Zenshi had an in-ring performance of 33.

Laredo Kid had an in-ring performance of 50.

L.A. Park Jr had an in-ring performance of 20.

El Hijo de L.A. Park had an in-ring performance of 36.


Zenshi’s music hits and Gringo Loco comes out to raise the hands of the winners! Long time coming for Zenshi, as his track record wasn’t too hot in MLW. Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet! But here’s a party pooper L.A. Park storming to the ring. He’s salty about the loss ahead of his big title defence this Sunday, and he gives the older son a cuff, since he's supposed to be the example for the younger one.


Gringo teases them about it with some La Parka dancing moves, but "The Chairman" stops chewing his own ‘flesh and blood’ to confront Loco.




"You think this is funny, you piece of trash? First you almost break my neck in a Trios match, now you trying to be witty with me? I eat shit like you for breakfast, gringo! And if you want a piece of this, let’s dance in the ring later TONIGHT, CABRON!"


Sons try to contain their father, Zenshi acts as a peacemaker. But Cesar Duran's word is the law…


"The first match was good, but this… this excites me more. The lucha libre legend who LOVES violence as much as I am, and a man who left Steve Pain in agony last week. That smells like a main event for me! And to make it more fun, Falls Count Anywhere!"


Gringo and Park butt heads and nod in anticipation, with a cut throat message being sent to Loco. He’s really crazy if he wants this!




Konnan: That sly dog likes to stir the pot and relishes backstage drama! This will get ugly.


Famous B: His name is Cesar Duran, K-Dawg! And nobody is more ugly than Big Bad Steve! I hope to never see him again here!!


Konnan: I wanted to say the same to you, B. Your free trial with Court Bauer is up yet?


Famous B: Ha! I’ve been doing such a great job promoting Azteca Underground on TikTok that Alicia Atout should worry about her place in the company, aight? Besides, I'm still waiting for my pay from El Jefe, and an explanation on why he didn't book Tey-hano tonight.


Konnan: You’ll make a weird "Interview Queen", word. But I’m not judging, as long as I never get to see you again.




Meanwhile Matt Cross is pacing back and forth in the restroom, he’s not been himself and he’s feeling the pressure getting to him. Even after all those years, his reputation alone won’t help him keep his spot. Three losses in a row… one more, and he will be kicked to the curb. Matt looks at the grimy mirror on the wall and almost gets to punch it out of frustration when he sees the reflection of Bestia 666 behind his back.




Matt quickly turns his head, but nobody is there. The stall nearby though has a mark of the beast written in blood, by the looks of it. Cross flings the stall open preparing to attack the son of the devil, but it’s also empty. He slams the door in frustration, telling the freak to show his painted face. As soon as he says that, Mechawolf kicks him as hard as a mechanized predator can, sending him flying through the flimsy door. The red eye of the hound twitches, and he gets away sooner than Cross can stand up.


Matt's momentum is in the toilet, quite literally…




We’re back at ringside, and a big-sized man is already running the ropes, getting ready for his match.


The following lucha is scheduled for one fall… Introducing first, from Ponce, Puerto Rico… APOLO!


A big name in this area, Apollo is an eight time IWA Puerto Rico champion! He throws his hand in the air and looks at the smoky entrance.


"And his opponent… from Beyond the Grave… he’s the reigning and defending IWA Caribbean champion… KIIIING MUERTES!"


"The Man of 1000 Deaths" is here to collect another soul! He has run through Texano, Savio Vega, and now he’s standing across a 6'4" lion. Unlike Cross, he's looking for his third consecutive win.


Title is up for grabs, ring the bell!




IWA Caribbean Title Match






Apolo vs. King Muertes ©


The combatants exchange some nasty words with each other and hit each other in the jaw.


They try to tackle each other down with shoulder blocks, until Muertes outsmarts Apolo with a Dagger Through The Heart! He stomps and bites the bigger man in the corner, almost getting caught in the Uranage...


But elbows Apolo as hard as he can and nails him with a Flatliner from the second rope! King motions 1-2-3 to the camera, easy pickings.

King Muertes defeated Apolo in 4:12 by pinfall with a Leaping Flatliner. King Muertes makes defence number 2 of the IWA Caribbean Heavyweight title. [42/100]



Muertes had an in-ring performance of 60.

Apolo had an in-ring performance of 25.


(+) Muertes looked excellent.

(-) The match was too short.


That was impressive! Muertes beats a man that big that quickly, what hopes could any other mortals have then? King now shows four fingers to the camera. Not the 4 Horsemen sign, but he'll surely bring apocalypse wherever he goes. He demands a mic from Melissa, and we once again get a yellow subtitle.




"I defeated three men, and I can beat three more mortals at the same time. Texano, you want another bite? You got it. The Man of 1000 Deaths is coming to Fusion to choose two more mortals!!"


King Muertes drops the mic and gives Konnan a look full of hatred. It doesn't get to blows, but the tension can be cut with a dagger. Even Famous B quiets down. Now Cesar's blackboard makes more sense. The boss is talking to Bauer about Fightland on the phone, when Savio Vega barges in and takes him by the collar! He knows what Jefe is doing, first buying out his promotion and then playing mind games with him. Who's Kwang!??




"Hurting me will not give you anything!!"


Cesar knows nothing about that man, but he will find that Kwang guy so they could fight at Fightland! Vega is satisfied with that, he can be intimidating when he needs to. He warns Jefe not to play games with him and leaves. Duran spits in Savio's general direction and says he will pay for putting his hands on the boss. Maybe it's time he gets a security guard? Duran picks himself up and checks the letter left in his office.


It reads 'You left me for dead'...


And now, it's time for the main event of the evening.




The following lucha is a Falls Count Anywhere match!! Introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois… GRIIIINGO LOCOOOO!


Gringo comes out and hits some sweet dance moves for the fun-loving renegades. His fancy walk is rudely interrupted by a massive chairshot from L.A. Park, who's not paid by the hour.


He slams Gringo with a chair a few times and then the match officially begins.




Falls Count Anywhere Match




L.A. Park vs. Gringo Loco


Park is absolutely dominant in the beginning, throwing Gringo into the barricade and brawling with him through the crowd. "The Chairman" forces some fan to hold a chair for him, and shoves Loco into it. Poor believer fell on his rear end and got a death stare from the lucha libre legend.


Beer is thrown in the eyes of L.A. Park by Gringo, who's now climbing up the steel beams of the Azteca stage. He's really crazy, a madman! CROSSBODY FROM THE TOP!! Loco covers Park, but he kicks out at the last second! He tries to irish whip Park into Cesar's door, but gets kicked on his charge and splattered across the floor with Code Red! 'You still got it' chants break out, which pisses off the oldman, he never lost it!


Park puts two chairs up on the outside and prepares to hit a powerbomb on Gringo... OUCH!




Park dances around Gringo, throws him in the ring and is ready to hit another big move from the top rope, and Loco rolls out at the last second to avoid La Parkinator! Fans cheer for Loco, who lands a perfect Frog Splash, scoring a near fall! So close. He is riling up the fans and prepares a springboard leap, but someone gets his foot taken from under the ring. La Lanza through the ropes!! Nasty landing, and Park wastes no time, throwing Loco and a steel chair back into the ring.


Sunset Flip Powerbomb on the chair and the three count! Park rolled back the years and snuffed Loco out.

L.A. Park defeated Gringo Loco in 9:49 by pinfall with a Sunset Flip Powerbomb on the chair. [38/100]



L.A. Park had an in-ring performance of 43.

Gringo Loco had an in-ring performance of 30.


El Hijo de L.A. Park was the hand of death here, and now he's joining his family in the beatdown of Loco.


Laredo runs out to help his new friend, but gets struck with a flying chair! Zenshi is next, but he's tackled on his way to the ring by Steve Pain! It gets to the point when Gringo spits blood and has to be taken to hospital in the ambulance. With sirens wailing, Park takes the mic.




"This is what happens when you mess with La Familia Real, gringos! We rule Azteca Underground, and MLW, period! And this Sunday... Von Erichs will be sent to Mictlan!!"


Sons of Park laugh with their father, as we go off air. Good night everybody!


Final Show Rating



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Sorry friends, I missed that round of predictions. It dawned on me late last night that I hadn't gotten my picks in!


Los Parks pull in surprisingly low match performances. Is that down to overness or are they just not that great? I'd have picked Laredo Kid's team to win that match because the Kid is money.


Apolo! Straight out my diary and into yours :D "Mexican Batista", as my brother calls him, never stood a chance there did he? Easy work for the King.


Now you've mentioned them, I'd like to see what the Von Erichs could do in the temple. Two old school wrestlers with a tough as nails daddy, it would be fun to see them mix it up here. If Kanegan will let you have them, that is ;)


Looking forward to Fusion!

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Sorry friends, I missed that round of predictions. It dawned on me late last night that I hadn't gotten my picks in!


Los Parks pull in surprisingly low match performances. Is that down to overness or are they just not that great? I'd have picked Laredo Kid's team to win that match because the Kid is money.


Apolo! Straight out my diary and into yours :D "Mexican Batista", as my brother calls him, never stood a chance there did he? Easy work for the King.


Now you've mentioned them, I'd like to see what the Von Erichs could do in the temple. Two old school wrestlers with a tough as nails daddy, it would be fun to see them mix it up here. If Kanegan will let you have them, that is ;)


Looking forward to Fusion!

Maybe there should be a 24 hour notice notification, but that wouldn't be fair to other threads on the forum I think. If anyone would like to recieve personalized PMs for this type of thing... well, let me know :p


Los Parks are fine, it's just that they're in Puerto Rico. In Mexico they're hitting off very strong grades. Week two, for example - El Hijo de L.A. Park with 51, LA Park Jr. had an in-ring performance of 34 cause he's 21 and a big dummy, plus an impressive 79 from Papa Park. Laredo is indeed great, and is being protected, unlike in real-life MLW. He's a top technico on Azteca brand, and also doing well when booked in Mexico.


Apolo is not someone I've planned much for, he was just booked for his Puerto Rico overness. But we could dig up some history on him and his gravely ex-amigo... Thanks for 'Mexican Batista', I'll probably use that.


Me and Kanegan don't have much limitations on talent jumping here and there, so if the opportunity will be there - never say never. You'll see them on our Fightland card, so don't miss out on that one! ;)



P.S. Aw shucks, some of the links were broken in the recent post, my bad, that's on me

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MLW Fusion




Episode #139


Taped for Vice TV in Melbourne, Florida

Aired on Week 4, September 2021


The camera pans in the entrance area where we see InJustice members entering the building with the Middleweight champion, Reed leading the way. Suddenly they are jumped by LAX with Rivera getting some sick shots on Reed and Smokes adding further leverage with hits with a rusty crowbar. Tankman chases them out as we get the open to the Fusion theme song.










Bocchini and Saint- Laurent welcome us to what will be the final Fusion and final MLW show before Fightland which will feature the biggest fight of the company, Fatu vs Hammerstone. After hard selling that event, Bocchini also mentions that Bauer has an announcement to make later on and there are also rumors that King Muertes, the IWA Caribbean Champion can make an appearance as we go into our opening match featuring the feuding duo of Richards and TJP.


Six Man Tag Match




TJP/EJ Nduka/Lee Moriarty vs. Davey Richards/Bu Ku Dao/Alex Kane


While Alex Kane and EJ Nduka had an engrossing duel with Kane using multiplex suplex variations on the Judge while Nduka just plain killing Kane with hammer fists and a rib shattering spear. The hate between TJP and Richards built up to a fever pitch as Bu Ku Dao, going for a missile dropkick to Moriarty misses his mark as he hits Richards instead, who drops hard and TJP capitalizes with a Mamba Splash for the 1-2-3.


TJP/EJ Nduka/Lee Moriarty defeated Davey Richards/Bu Ku Dao/Alex Kane in 12:41 by pinfall with TJP over Richards via Mamba Splash. [37/100]



TJP had an in-ring performance of 49.

Moriarty had an in-ring performance of 36.

Nduka had an in-ring performance of 16.

Richards had an in-ring performance of 50.

Bu Ku Dao had an in-ring performance of 26.

Alex Kane had an in-ring performance of 33.



Richards is livid backstage and he catches hold of TJP who is smiling all the way from here to Manila.


“Hey TJ, what’s so funny? You got lucky due to that idiot disciple of yours. Come Fightland and i will kick your stupid smile out of your face.


“Hey Richards, relax. No need to get so worked up. I know an idiot when I see one so that’s why I kicked Dao out to the curb. It’s your fault that you recognize things late and by my watch, the end result is TJP pinning Richards in the middle of the ring so I don't need to face you anymore. Besides, I am heading over to NJPW for a massive payday, something which you can only dream off so until such time, good luck finding a PPV match.”


As TJP walks off, Richards is livid.


“Come back you piece of s*%#, you can’t walk out on my match!!”


Just then he sees Bu Ku Dao coming with folded hands. He wanted to apologize but Richards went berserk seeing him and slapped the spit right out of him which shocked Dao. He wanted to retaliate but better sense prevailed and he only muttered


“Davey, mistakes happen but it is only part of life. I considered you my big brother but this slap felt hard, right in my heart. You are no different from TJP, you are just the same. You want a match, you get to face my new mentor, who I can vouch for is 100 times better than you. At Fightland, it will be Davey Richards vs Bu Ku Dao’s mentor who you will not know until you are in the ring.








We catch up with our interview queen, Alicia Atout who is standing by with Court Bauer who is about to make a major announcement regarding Fightland.


Alicia: So, boss everybody is excited about the announcement that you will be making and ever since it dropped on Twitter, it has caught flame. So, without making us wait any further, if you can do the honours.


Bauer: First of all Alicia, you are looking gorgeous and I take this opportunity to thank every fan of MLW who has supported us so far. Now, I had always said before that it was my dream to kickstart a women’s division here in this company and after months of preparation and brainstorming and appointing Dave Prazak to spearhead our Women’s Division, we have officially got news from him. The Women’s Division Tournament will start after Fightland and will conclude in our next PPV, War Chamber where we get our 1st MLW Women’s Champion. And also as a preview of sorts, in Fightland we will get to see Team Sea Stars, our 1st ever signings for the division take on two of our newest members who will be a mystery.


Alicia: Well boss, you are packing the show with mysteries. First, Bu Ku Dao’s unknown mentor and now this. Fightland is promising to be big.


Bauer: Fightland is going to be big, I promise you that and in our main event, we will have the contract signing between Fatu and Hammerstone. So, guys enjoy the rest of the show and be sure to tune in this Saturday for the biggest PPV of this company.




Singles Match




Calvin Tankman vs. Slice Boogie


Slice Boogie tried to play mind games, teasing Tankman about the attack that they pursued earlier in the night but The Heavyweight Hustle would have none of it and although Boogie tried hard, Tankman was relentless and a Tankman Driver ended this match before we got the usual brawl between the members of LAX and InJustice.


Calvin Tankman defeated Slice Boogie in 13:17 by pinfall with a Tankman Driver. [39/100]



Tankman had an in-ring performance of 43

Boogie had an in-ring performance of 31







#1 Contenders Match for IWA Caribbean Title





Richard Holliday vs. Low-Ki




Holliday had used his rematch clause for the Caribbean title but now that it was under the purview of Duran and Muertes, so he would not get it that easy so he had to fight against Lawlor for the right.


There were a lot of quick counters and near falls and Lawlor kicked out of a Market Crash before locking in his Guillotine Choke but before he could tap, the lights went dim…..










King Muertes is here!!!!



He bashes Holliday and Low-Ki both before he picks up the mic and says that he wants both of them to feel the wrath of the king.




Low-Ki drew with Richard Holliday after Muertes interfered. [43/100]



Low-Ki had an in-ring performance of 47.

Holliday had an in-ring performance of 42.</summary></details></details></details>







Next up, we are in the ring for the contract signing for the biggest match of MLW.






Both signed the contract but they were staring daggers through each other. Before Bauer could play peacemaker, Fatu threw the table and then unloaded on Hammerstone. A running splash was avoided and then Hammerstone hits an overhead belly-to-belly suplex on the table.


He tears the Contra flag in the middle of the ring as the show closes.










Final Show Rating




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Fighter Spotlight: Alex Hammerstone & Jacob Fatu


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #dc143c; margin:15px;background: #ffffff; max-width:75%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">









Hometown: Phoenix, Arizona


Years of Experience: 8 years


Finishing Move: The Nightmare Pendulum


Alexander Hammerstone is not only the reigning MLW National Openweight champion. He is the chosen one, the last hope of the MLW roster and the undisputed number one contender for Jacob Fatu’s MLW World Heavyweight title.


One would be inclined to say that Hammerstone’s climb to the top was a long battle, full of obstacles and speed bumps, but that wouldn’t be true in the slightest. Alexander had an easy life, was privileged to have the best training, nutrition, and mentorship you could ever ask for. He is the golden boy of The Dynasty, top athlete, noted bodybuilder, all around powerful dude who has enjoyed his career as much as one can. That’s not to say he didn’t work hard for it!


He has been a champion for close to 850 days, beating all competition that wanted a shot at the secondary title. Davey Boy Smith, Savio Vega, Kotto Brazil, Brian Pillman Jr, Aerostar, T-Hawk, Laredo Kid, L.A. Park, King Muertes, and finally Mads Krugger - all failed to topple “The Muscle Mountain”. When he’s not kicking ass in the ring, he probably lifts some weights or looks for more beef in the supermarket. He has the power of Superman, and the wealth of Batman.


He is a force to be reckoned with, a genetic beast that can bench press 565 pounds and squat-press 830 pounds! With hobbies including realizing the perfect tan, and remaining at optimal vascularity, Hammerstone is determined to be the new franchise of MLW and prove his alpha male status in the promotion.


“Your Boy Hammer” knows that to beat Fatu, he will have to put everything he has on the line, and even more. And he’s damn ready to do that! Alex is the confident team captain who doesn’t have to put down others to rise above everyone else.


But this Sunday, he will look to put down Jacob Fatu with a Nightmare Pendulum, to free the league of Contra’s kingpin’s reign of terror!








Hometown: Samoa


Years of Experience: 9 years


Finishing Move: Moonsault


The longest reigning MLW World Heavyweight champion is undoubtedly the most dominant man to ever hit the doors of the promotion.


He's a sudden, brutal, scarily agile 300 pound samoan that has claimed gold and destroyed careers with ease. Whenever Fatu is in the ring, he brings total destruction and a unique brand of violence - mixing an aerial assault with power and viciousness.


The experts agree that Facob Fatu is the most gifted member of Samoan family, which says a lot, given who sits at the top of the table in the biggest company of the world. And you better believe that people are absolutely serious when they say that. Jacob is so good even the members of his family got jealous and distanced him from the spotlight. He’s not a pretty boy, he’s a grown ass man who has been through some real shit.


He took a different path in life, seeking out a riskier, more nefarious journey than his brothers. The choice took Fatu around the world, where Jacob’s violent voyage would see him learn various fighting styles. Be it his tenure as an enforcer in Shanghai or the muscle for Japanese underbosses, the stories are endless… and most supposedly true. Allegedly Fatu has spent some time behind the bars - the only explanation why the top companies are not tripping over to signing him to their lucrative contracts. Or could it be that Fatu does not want to play games with children?


A global dealer in violence, Jacob Fatu is a force within the CONTRA Unit, an international organization cloaked in mystery but driven to gain power, disrupt leagues and conquer all in their path by any means necessary. They have connections to the dangerous and shadowy underworld, which make Jacob even more intimidating than he already is. Fatu is just a monster who’s hungry for more gore…


At Fightland he will channel all his energy to beat the guy who didn’t have to go through hell to become tougher than nails. Per Josef Samael, the entire world will witness the greatness of Fatu and all the infidels will HAIL CONTRA!


Champion vs. Champion... Fightland... Winner Takes All!


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Prediction Contest




1) Mootinie - 9/13


2) tobin834 - 5/6


3) BigJ - 4/6


Good to see BigJ join the contest! Full Fightland card with hype and prediction sheets will likely be posted tomorrow. Good luck!</div>

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Due to real life situations I haven't been online in a few days. I come back to pick up this and it's going great still. The focus on Hammerstone and Fatu's match in the journal is really good, I like the build up. Cannot wait for more from you guys.


Thanks man. The preview for the Fightland will be up shortly. It was quite an event in-game and we are so excited to share it with you guys.

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MLW Embedded: Fightland


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We’re just a few short hours away from Fightland: Hammerstone vs. Fatu! To hype this grandiose event we have a panel of four experts and "The Interview Queen" Alicia Atout as the anchor.




Atout: It is my absolute pleasure to present the first ever Embedded episode alongside Rich Bocchini, Jared Saint-Laurent, Famous B and Konnan! Welcome gentlemen, how excited are you for tonight’s big event?


All four are ready for the show, taking turns in previewing the most anticipated battles of the pay-per-view.




Konnan: Listen up, ‘Radioactive Papi’ Danny Rivera will show that no good punk Myron Reed what the latino nation is all about, word. By the end of the night Tankman and Jordan Oliver will be calling the cops, and my dogs will be celebrating with the gold, you feel me?


Famous B: Oh K-Dawg, I feel you! But don’t underestimate ‘The Young GOAT’ - he has moves for days. Even though he’s not as famous as me, he has all the tools necessary to retain tonight!


Bocchini: It’s going to be a great match to call, and not the only one in the Middleweight division! According to Cesar Duran the show will kick off with a ⅔ falls match between Arez and Aramis, and everytime we saw them go against each other we witnessed a show stealing performance!


Konnan: That’s what lucha libre is all about, high octane action, unique moves, infectious energy and crazy athleticism. My money is on Arez, Aramis doesn’t have the killer instinct to win here without a mentor.


Saint-Laurent: Funny you should mention that, Konnan! Everybody knows by now that you have soured on Aramis. My question is… why? Do you feel disrespected by his rejection?


Konnan: What in the mariachi hell are you talking about, ese? Stop reading the dirt sheets, you tripping mad balls!




Atout: Ok, this is not going as expected. Shall we change the topic, gentlemen? What are your thoughts on the women’s featherweight division spotlight match? Cesar Duran has made a late addition to the Fightland card, pitting Sea Stars against the unknown tag team. All I could get out of the boss is a hint that they were featured on TV not so long ago…


Saint-Laurent: No idea who that can be, but you have to imagine these women will have a chip on their shoulder, trying to prove their worth to their former employer!


Bocchini: Wrestling fans with experience should know the name Dave Prazak - he’s helping MLW attract premier athletes, so we shouldn’t doubt the quality of fighters entering the newly formed Women’s Featherweight division!


Atout: And it’s not the only mystery match we have for tonight! Davey Richards faces a mystery opponent, following a dismissive response from TJ Perkins. TJ had the gall to directly acknowledge that his priorities lie with New Japan and not MLW!


Saint-Laurent: Yes, he is not the shy one. It’s not good news for the league, but we have such a deep roster that El Jefe will have no trouble finding a fitting replacement. If we believe Bu Ku Dao, someone dangerous is ready to tussle with “The American Wolf”! That someone is Dao’s mentor too!


Famous B: I know some of you will be disappointed, but it’s not going to be me, I only play with the big boys!


Konnan: Yeah, we already know that you play with boys, B. You swing both ways, it’s in the name!


Saint-Laurent: Oh, so that’s what B means...


Famous B: Stop it, this is a defamation of character! Not that there’s anything wrong with being B, but I’m just being famous, that’s all. And I make other people famous, just look at Tey-hano! He’s fighting for the IWA Caribbean title because of my business acumen!




Konnan: Business acumen my culo, cabron. Muertes is simply a mad man, he demanded three guys in that ring at the same time to prove that he’s the top dog. My take on this is simple - he bit off more than he can chew, and he’s going to lose his shiny title tonight!


Atout: Richard Holliday has confirmed that his father/lawyer recommended against the rematch, but the former champion is not taking that advice. Poor judgement?


Bocchini: It certainly looks that way! Richard doesn’t need to fight Muertes, but he wants to. And what Holliday wants, he usually gets! The x-factor in that fatal 4-way is undoubtedly Low-Ki. He thrives in multi-man matches such as this one!


Konnan: We may not be on the best of terms, but Ki is a real deal. I would put my money on ‘The Professional’ to take the W and claim the title!


Saint-Laurent: I think I know who Famous B will choose, so my pick is King Muertes. I don’t see him losing the title, even knowing that he doesn’t have to be pinned or submitted to lose the title.


Atout: Guys, we have some breaking news! The loser of the fatal 4-way match will feel the repercussions from El Jefe himself! No comments on what the punishment may be, but that only adds fuel to the fire!


Famous B: Better pray for your boyfriend's well being, baby girl, cause my man TEYHANO will not be messing around!


Bocchini: You know who really won't be messing around? Savio Vega! He is all fired up for his battle with 'Kwang' - an impostor of sorts. It's not a secret that Savio Vega and Kwang are the sa--


Konnan: Vega is a legit tough guy, he survived the wrath of Muertes and outlived that bruja Salina de la Renta. He'll kick Kwang around and show the world who's hiding behind that mask! Orale!




Saint-Laurent: And that leaves us with two HUGE championship matches. First of all, Los Parks will defend their gold against the hard-working Von Erichs! Some rather tasteless words were dropped by Park in the build up, don't you think, Rich?


Bocchini: Yes, L.A. Park may be a living legend, but nobody should cross that line, joking about the unfortunate fates of Von Erichs... I'm with Ross and Marshall all the way here!


Famous B: Pff, of course you are! You want to see the MLW world tag team titles on Fusion, no need to sugarcoat it and play the white night, Richie boy!


Konnan: Wow, I actually agree with B on this one. Von Erichs may be the so-called good boys, but Parks are born winners. Tag titles stay with Azteca, and heading straight to LAX after this show, you heard it here first!


Saint-Laurent: Hold your horses, K-Dawg. Don't count the chicken before they hatch!


Atout: I feel like the atmosphere is becoming increasingly tense in this room... But we wouldn't have it any other way! Court Bauer has requested to talk about the main event of Fightland himself. Court, the floor is yours!


The CEO of MLW joins us via Zoom, he looks excited.




Court Bauer: Good evening Alicia, gentlemen, MLW fans. This is a big night. The biggest fight in the history of our great league is almost here, and I can't wait to see who's going to be the last man standing when the fog of war settles. This is not just a play of words! After consulting with Cesar Duran, I decided to make the main event a Last Man Standing match! We've been preparing for this collision for two years, so there must be a winner!


Atout: Wow! This is big! Alexander Hammerstone against Jacob Fatu just got spicier! The stakes couldn't be any higher - the winner takes all! Gentlemen, who are you picking??


The studio descends into chaos, and not because the panel is divided in their opinions, but because CONTRA Unit has hacked the feed, giving us Josef Samael. He's staring right into the camera...




"MLW office doesn't call the shots! I do! I control the fate of the world championship! My soldiers will be lurking in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment! This is the stipulation WE wanted and now that we have it... we will ABUSE it! Fatu is going to break your golden boy, and all you'll be hearing after the bell is... HAAAAAIL CONTRAAAA!!!"


The feed is restored, but our time is up. Alicia tells us to turn Vice TV on and get ready for Fightland!




MLW Fightland 2021


Two out of Three Falls Match

Arez vs. Aramis


Grudge Match

Savio Vega vs. Kwang


MLW Middleweight Championship Match

Danny Rivera w/LAX vs. Myron Reed © w/Injustice


Women's Featherweight Division Spotlight Match

Sea Stars vs. ???


Mystery Opponent

Davey Richards vs. ???


IWA Caribbean Championship Fatal 4-Way Wager Match

Richard Holliday vs. Texano vs. Low-Ki vs. King Muertes ©


MLW World Tag Team Championship Match

Von Erichs vs. Los Parks ©


Winner Takes All, Last Man Standing

Alexander Hammerstone © vs. Jacob Fatu ©


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Two out of Three Falls Match

Arez vs. Aramis


Grudge Match

Savio Vega vs. Kwang


MLW Middleweight Championship Match

Danny Rivera w/LAX vs. Myron Reed © w/Injustice


Women's Featherweight Division Spotlight Match

Sea Stars vs. ???


Mystery Opponent

Davey Richards vs. ???


IWA Caribbean Championship Fatal 4-Way Wager Match

Richard Holliday vs. Texano vs. Low-Ki vs. King Muertes ©


MLW World Tag Team Championship Match

Von Erichs vs. Los Parks ©


Winner Takes All, Last Man Standing

Alexander Hammerstone © vs. Jacob Fatu ©

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MLW Fightland 2021


Two out of Three Falls Match

Arez vs. Aramis


Grudge Match

Savio Vega vs. Kwang


MLW Middleweight Championship Match

Danny Rivera w/LAX vs. Myron Reed © w/Injustice


Women's Featherweight Division Spotlight Match

Sea Stars vs. ???


Mystery Opponent

Davey Richards vs. ???


IWA Caribbean Championship Fatal 4-Way Wager Match

Richard Holliday vs. Texano vs. Low-Ki vs. King Muertes ©


MLW World Tag Team Championship Match

Von Erichs vs. Los Parks ©


Winner Takes All, Last Man Standing

Alexander Hammerstone © vs. Jacob Fatu ©

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Two out of Three Falls Match

Arez vs. Aramis


Grudge Match

Savio Vega vs. Kwang


MLW Middleweight Championship Match

Danny Rivera w/LAX vs. Myron Reed © w/Injustice


Women's Featherweight Division Spotlight Match

Sea Stars vs. ???

I like Vox & Exo quite a bit, good to see them here.


Mystery Opponent

Davey Richards vs. ???

I figure that Bu Du Kao's mentor is gonna be a relatively big deal; so having them go over Davey seems the right move.


IWA Caribbean Championship Fatal 4-Way Wager Match

Richard Holliday vs. Texano vs. Low-Ki vs. King Muertes ©

I guess that Muertes can drop the belt here without being pinned, but I still think pushing him strongly is the way forward so I have him winning.


MLW World Tag Team Championship Match

Von Erichs vs. Los Parks ©

Is it just me or does your tag team division start out quite thin? I feel like you're going to need to add more established tag teams to the ranks and it will be easier to do that with the Von Erichs as babyface champions.


Winner Takes All, Last Man Standing

Alexander Hammerstone © vs. Jacob Fatu ©

I'll be contarian and root for Fatu. I have no problem with you carrying on his reign of dominance until you build somebody else up to dethrone him. Hammerstone winning feels like the end of a story you haven't had the time to tell yet.

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MLW Fightland 2021


Two out of Three Falls Match

Arez vs. Aramis


Grudge Match

Savio Vega vs. Kwang


MLW Middleweight Championship Match

Danny Rivera w/LAX vs. Myron Reed © w/Injustice

Young GOAT


Women's Featherweight Division Spotlight Match

Sea Stars vs. ???

My money's on Jessamyn Duke & Marina Shaffir to debut, I think they'll fit well with MLW


Mystery Opponent

Davey Richards vs. ???

Can Bu Ku Dao's mentor be someone from Davey Richards' past? :D


IWA Caribbean Championship Fatal 4-Way Wager Match

Richard Holliday vs. Texano vs. Low-Ki vs. King Muertes ©

His name is TE-HA-NO


MLW World Tag Team Championship Match

Von Erichs vs. Los Parks ©

LA Park costs too much, and the Von Erichs are good boys


Winner Takes All, Last Man Standing

Alexander Hammerstone © vs. Jacob Fatu ©

Hammerstone is MLW's Hulk Hogan, right... But I think Fatu's just a better champ right now

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  • 2 weeks later...

MLW Fightland 2021


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MLW Fightland 2021


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This is Fightland 2021: Hammerstone vs. Fatu! Konnan and Famous B greet us from the comfort of their announcing positions, running through the card. They will be doing commentary for the first two matches of the show, then Rich Bocchini and Jared Saint-Laurent will take the headsets. And now we're heading straight into the two out of three falls battle!




Two out of Three Falls Match




Aramis vs. Arez


Melissa Santos introduces the luchadores and the bell rings! This feels big already, what a way to open up Fightland.


"The King of Strange Style" and "The Musketeer" lockup and show the Philly crowd a plethora of unique chain wrestling sequences never seen before in the United States. You really can't keep up calling out how they twist each other and use the ring to their advantage, trying to find the opening for a strike. It's all smooth and crisp! Both luchadores find themselves in a stalemate, pausing for a second and giving the hungry Philly fans a moment to chant "This Is Lucha!" and "This Is Awesome!"


It surely is... Really incredible what they are showing us here. The crowd is glued to the dance of two of the very best luchadores today. All this rolling and tumbling leads to a series of flash pinfall maneuvers. The battle continues and more innovative offence follows, spliced up with flawless Roundhouse Kicks! They’re going toe to toe, until Arez catches technico for a variation of the Pentagon Driver!! He goes for cover... One, two, three! Wow!




"Arez - 1, Aramis - 0!" - confirms Melissa Santos.


Now Aramis needs to pin "The King of Strange Style" twice to come out of this battle as the winner. Arez slows down and starts to work the knee of Aramis, as it was the target of LAX's attack past Monday. Arez wants to make Aramis tap, using some unique offence... Aramis is in pain, but gets out of the holds and hits a couple of high flying moves to up the tempo of the match and swing the bout in his favor. High flyers end up the apron and have a violent dance off there, kicking each other in the head, until Aramis executes Arez with a Spanish Fly on the apron!! They catch their breath and simultaneously jump back to beat the ten count!


Arez retakes the advantage after a sneaky low blow, but Aramis literally swings the match around and hits his rival with a Reverse Suplex for two!!




"DAAAAMN they can go! They’ll be famous in no time!" - comments Famous B.


This move almost gives him the victory, Arez kicks out at the last moment! He readjusts and strikes Aramis with Meteora into the corner, then climbs up for a Double Foot Stomp... Aramis avoids it and sends rudo into the turnbuckles with a Dragon Suplex! Dizzy Arez stays near the ropes, and Aramis equalizes the score after a No Look 450!!


"Arez - 1, Aramis - 1!" - clarifies Melissa.


Arez rolls out to take a breather, he's smarter than he looks.




Aramis needs no rest and wipes out Arez with a Tope Con Hilo, fans love that! He's throwing caution to the wind, and feeling the tide of momentum. He climbs the ropes but Konnan rises from his chair to distract the lucha star! Arez pounces on the opportunity and tries to plant Aramis from the top with a Powerbomb... Aramis hits a Hurricanrana in mid air!!


They are in the opposite corners and on the collision course... Standing Moonsault Fallaway Slam!! One, two, Arez puts his foot on the rope! Aramis pumps himself up, crashes Arez with a Buckle Powerbomb and puts this bout to bed after a Spinning Torture Rack Powerbomb - La Desnucadora del Mosquetero!!


What a way to kick this night off! Lucha libre fans will rewatch this match again and again!

Aramis defeated Arez by two falls to one in 13:42 by pinfall with La Desnucadora del Mosquetero. [42/100]



Aramis had an in-ring performance of 38.

Arez had an in-ring performance of 46.


(+) Aramis and Arez have pretty good chemistry and it lifted the match.


Fans clap to both men. Some even throw money in the ring, which makes Famous B jealous!


Aramis bows to his believers and offers a hand to Arez, who rejects the offer and crawls back to the hole where he came from. And here comes Laredo Kid with a AAA Cruiserweight championship! He politely enters the ring, shakes the hand of Aramis and compliments the opener. He lays a simple challenge too!




"Aramis, you're a great luchador! One of the best in the world. That's why I want to give you a title shot for this title!"


Aramis nods and shakes the hand of Laredo, while Konnan, the AAA booker is talking about he's calling all the shots, and that match is not happening. K-Dawg is seething that Aramis got the victory without him and now gets a title match for the championship belonging to his company!


Meanwhile 'El Jefe' Cesar Duran is walking around backstage, talking on the phone. He's followed by a masked man, probably a new lackey of sorts. Matt Cross comes up to the boss and says he wants to face both Bestia 666 and Mechawolf in a match tonight! Cesar ends the call and asks why would he want to do that?




"They are jumping me from the back! If they face me in the open, I know that I can beat them, Duran!"


Cesar takes a second to think and says no, he's been losing a lot lately and doesn't deserve a pay-per-view spot. Cross says that he will call them out anyway! The masked lackey puts his hand on Matt as if to tell him his time is up, and M-Dogg walks out irritated. We're ready for our next match! "Kwang" and Savio Vega are heading to the ring.




Grudge Match




Savio Vega vs. "Kwang"


No feeling out process needed here. Savio goes straight after the impostor, chasing him around the ring!


Kwang rolls in and stomps Vega on his way back, putting rabbit punches to the scar-heavy forehead of Savio. This Kwang impersonator is also a rather big guy, and he has some weird mannerisms. He drapes Vega over the ropes and nails a Neckbreaker, with Borricua kicking out at two! Kwang gets mad and gets in the face of the ref, then turns right into a Crescent Kick. Vega lands an elbow drop and goes after the mask! Instead he gets to tear off the piece of Kwang's costume.


CHOP! The impostor covers his chest, which is when Savio takes the guy's mask off... hair whip, and oh God.






Shocked Vega eats a DDT! The former Lucha Underground champion starts giggling and flapping his wings. Marty The Moth finishes Savio with a Curb Stomp!! And this one is over...

Marty "The Moth" defeated Savio Vega in 04:05 by pinfall with a Curb Stomp. [29/100]



Vega had an in-ring performance of 24.

Marty had an in-ring performance of 31.


(-) The match was too short for people to care.</summary></details></details></details>

Melissa Santos announces the winner with a trembling voice, as Marty waves over to her. "The Creepy Bastard" is in MLW!


Low-Ki is preparing for his title match against Richard Holliday, Texano and King Muertes. Judging by his body language he doesn't want to be disturbed, but L.A.X don't seem to care. They walk into the room, with K-Dawg at the helm. The tension is in the air, but 5150 show that their hands are empty.




"Ki, we need to talk. Lotta sh*t happened between us, but we go waaay back. We may not like each other, but we have common enemies right now. Cesar Duran, or whatever he calls himself now, is getting too comfortable here. Besides, I have an unresolved issue with Muertes, who is in cahoots with that sly dog... So how about we bury the hatchet and help each other out? Salina is no longer around, but LAX is hasta la muerte y después!"




Low-Ki steps up close to K-Dawg and says he is his own man, and he will not be controlled by anyone. Muertes may be in cahoots with Cueto, but it's a temporary alliance. Tonight he will execute "The Man of 1000 Deaths" and take his Caribbean title. Only then he will deal with El Jefe. Professionally. Hot headed Slice Boogie, Danny Rivera and Julius Smokes look ready to strike, but Konnan stops them. He reminds his gang that they have to deal with Injustice now, and give Ki some time.


L.A.X music hits and the group makes their entrance, acting like they own the place. Myron Reed gets to cut a pre-match promo with Alicia Atout. Jordan Oliver and Calvin Tankman are here too!




"Rivera! The Young GOAT is like a slingshot... The more you pull me back, the harder I hit! We ain't scared of you, L.A.X, we've been through worse! And tonight, I prove once again that I'm the greatest MLW Middleweight champion ever!"


Tankman and Oliver fist bump their bro and accompany him to the ring. A real gangbang brawl is on the cards...




MLW Middleweight Championship




Danny Rivera vs. Myron Reed ©


There was a lot of bad blood between Injustice and L.A.X. in recent months and things exploded here!


Rivera and Reed start with some wild kicks, resulting in a stand-off. As the match goes on, Myron proves he's quicker than Rivera, but Danny undercuts Reed with a shameless eye poke. Things go south for the champ, and "Radioactive Papi" capitalizes with a Springboard Facebuster for a close near fall!


Reed doesn't shy away from the dirty tricks, then answers with a Captain Crunch for two. Both fighters up the ante, giving their stablemates a good reason to get physical on the outside. It doesn't take too long for Reed and Rivera to join them, with Myron knocking Danny down and taking the brawling crowd out with a Swanton!!




Reed grabs Rivera, as all the other members are sent backstage, and hits him with a running shoulder tackle to set up a No Cap Splash. The field is clear, but Danny puts his knees up to knock the wind out of Myron's sails! Rivera flashes a shit-eating grin and jumps from the second rope to deliver a devastating Tornado DDT! That's only good for a two count!


Reed keeps fighting and tries to hit the challenger with a Springboard Cutter, but gets caught in the Armbar! Fans get behind "The Young GOAT", giving him the energy to get to that bottom rope and break the hold. Rivera gets too cocky, blinded by the limelight and is blocked from hitting a Backstabber. One swift jump, and Reed hits a Culture Cutter!


Protective vest gets thrown into the first row, and Myron Reed hits Danny with a No Cap Splash to end this spicy match!

Myron Reed defeated Danny Rivera in 15:05 by pinfall with No Cap Splash. Myron Reed makes defense number one of his MLW Middleweight championship. [38/100]



Reed had an in-ring performance of 39.

Rivera had an in-ring performance of 37.


(-) Myron Reed and Danny Rivera didn't click, and it affected the match.</summary></details></details></details>

Reed yanks the title out of the referee's hands and shows the MLW fans who's the champ. Myron poses for the fans with his back turned on the man in the upper deck of the arena... Announcers are too distracted to spot the guy, who leaves immediately after being spotted by the cameraman.




Rich Bocchini and Jared Saint-Laurent discuss Myron's title defence and preview the showcase match for the newly formed women's division.


Announcers run through the list of signed fighters: Willow Nightingale, Holidead, Brittany Blake, Zoey Skye, Nicole Savoy, plus Ashley Vox and Delmi Exo, collectively known as The Sea Stars. Current SHIMMER tag team champions make a bubbly entrance, looking happy to make their MLW debut.


Who would want to fight them?


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/wnpoLaMi8pA" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke step up! Former NXT stars are in MLW!!!


Women's Division Showcase




Sea Stars vs. Jessamyn Duke & Marina Shafir


Exo and Duke lock it up to start and Exo uses her long legs to steer clear of the takedowns.


A roundhouse kick from Jessamyn connects though, and Shafir is tagged in. She goes for the triangle choke straight away, but Exo somehow manages to wriggle free and tag in Vox. Ashley fights at a much faster pace and rattles Shafir a couple of times. She goes for the Vader Bomb, but is caught in the air... Shafir slams her down with a bone-rattling Powerslam!


Marina locks in the Triangle Choke, Duke takes down Delmi on the outside, and it's lights out for Team Sea Stars!


Marina Shafir & Jessamyn Duke defeated Sea Stars in 06:27 when Marina Shafir submitted Ashley Vox with a Triangle Choke. [45/100]



Vox had an in-ring performance of 49.

Exo had an in-ring performance of 47.

Shafir had an in-ring performance of 38.

Duke had an in-ring performance of 36.


Impressive showing from the former Horsewomen! They have arrived to MLW with malicious intent, and they just proved they are not playing well with others. Four women leave, Sea Stars are disappointed. People find out it is intermission time, a good moment to refill the drinks and buy some merch...


Suddenly a very frustrated Matt Cross rolls into the ring and asks for a mic from Melissa Santos. He's here to address La Rebellion Amarilla!




"How about you attack me now? I'll not leave until your ugly faces appear here, do you understand?"




Matt doesn't have to wait for long, as Mechawolf and Bestia 666 prompt a blackout, now standing in the opposite sides of the ring! Cross nails Bestia with a Pump Kick and Back Elbows the mask of Mechawolf! He's looking for a Springboard Cutter, but the attack is blocked and La Rebellion Amarilla takes the numbers advantage! They are beating M-Dogg and stomp the living hell out of his body. When suddenly... a woman with a bandana on her face hops the barricade and climbs the ropes behind rudos.




Ivelisse tears the mask off and takes down Bestia with Flying Headscissors!! She ducks the lunge of Mechawolf and plants him with Code Red!! "The Baddest Bitch In The Building" has forced the villains to retreat! Cross is in slight shock, he didn't expect to see her here. He doesn't get a hand from "La Sicaria'', only an order to get up and go with her.




Los Parks refuse to give Alicia Atout a pre-match interview, but she’s stubborn, and follows them around with a mic, catching all kinds of spanish profanities along the way.


Poor "Interview Queen" sighs and gives up, when Bu Ku Dao pops up and says he has an inside scoop. He whispers something in Atout’s ear and leaves with a shit-eating grin. Alicia wants to immediately share the secret, but she’s hushed by the ever present Cesar Duran. At the same time, Matt Cross and Ivelisse appear in the corridor.


The red-headed Sicaria crosses her arms and addresses the boss.




Ivelisse: Cueto, I came here to compete with the best, but I don’t see anyone on my level!


Duran: Ah, Ivelisse! How have I missed you! I have a spot just for you in the Featherweight division! You will get a chance to become a singles star, just like you always wanted!


Ivelisse: EXCUSE ME? I AM A STAR. Real star, not a joke like those "Sea Stars"!


Cross tries to calm her down, but gets chewed out instead, she’s a handful. A fresh face jogs into the screen, she is beaming and looks very excited to be a part of the women’s division! She introduces herself as Willow Nightingale, she shakes everyone’s hand. Ivelisse is pissed!




"Ha! You? In the featherweight division!? Is this some kind of joke!? Besides, don’t stick your nose where it doesn’t belong, grown ups are talking! Now get out of my face!" - barks Ivelisse.


Willow acts all shocked, what did she do? Her bubbly personality bursts real quick when Ivelisse smacks her in the face!! WOAH! Cesar gets in between the girls and tells them to settle their differences in the ring, next week!


And now, let’s get to the second part of Fightland!




Davey Richards is given an honor to get the crowd back into the show. He makes a quick entrance, pacing up and down in the ring with a look of disdain on his face.


Bu Ku Dao walks out, all smiles, and it drives Davey crazy. He has no patience for mind games, he’s here to wrestle!


Ask, and you shall receive… "The Japanese Buzzsaw" Yoshihiro Tajiri is here!


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/zLfpD3zbsbo" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


The rumors are true, Tajiri has returned to the United States! Bu Ku Dao bows to the living legend, who gets a hot reception from the Philly fans. Richards is taken aback by the emergence of Tajiri, this is a dream match!


Singles Match




Davey Richards vs. Tajiri


The sight of seeing a living legend startled Richards a little, but Davey still offered Tajiri a handshake. Tajiri accepted it, but it wasn’t long before things turned ugly!


Tajiri might be in his fifties, but his kicks are as crisp as ever. What he lacks in athleticism, Tajiri compensates with stellar mat work and joint manipulations. Davey bridges out of a few predicaments and stiffly sends his opponent into the corner. Richards is in prime physical condition, even after being away from the wrestling ring for so long. His Brainbuster attempt is blocked by a knee kick, Tajiri lights “The American Wolf” with the strikes and gets a close near fall after the Roundhouse Kick to the head!


Richards slows the opponent and locks him in various submission holds, without forgetting to add a stiff soccer kick into the mix! Davey howls and goes for the kill… Tajiri rolls out of harm's way and almost catches Richards with La Magistral cradle, which transitions smoothly into the Fujiwara Armbar. Davey reaches the ropes and escapes the ring.




Kick to the arm, Tajiri rolls back the years and busts out a Tarantula! Let’s go on the 4 count, and adds a Hesitation Dropkick into the corner for good measure. Richards now finds himself in the Tree of Woe, but uses his impressive core strength to avoid the dropkick. Davey teased a Shooting Star Press, but Bu Ku Dao grabbed him by the ankle… Tajiri with a deep Arm Drag from the third rope! Into the armbar!! Richards digs deep to control the hold. He smacks Tajiri with a Powerbomb and plays kip ups with his head! Tajiri has awakened a wolf! Tajiri’s lip is busted and he sprays it in the face of Davey!


That’s not going to blind him, but the fight is on! Forearm strikes, elbow shots, and question mark kicks! Richards catches the leg and transitions it into the Ankle Lock, but this time it’s the japanese veteran who grabs the rope! He flips out of the German Suplex attempt and goes for a Backslide. Davey rolls through and rocks the legend with a Buzzsaw Kick of his own, he calls it Creeping Death! DR Driver II, but Bu Ku Dao distracts the ref! He’s trying to help his mentor, but Richards knows what’s to expect, ducking the Green Mist! Bu Ku Dao drops off, blinded.


Davey hits Tajiri with the Alarm Clock move and finishes the job with a Folding Powerbomb, with his legs propped up on the second rope. He gets the victory. Not the cleanest one, but a victory.


Davey Richards defeated Tajiri in 13:59 by pinfall with a Folding Powerbomb. [35/100]



Richards had an in-ring performance of 47.

Tajiri had an in-ring performance of 26.


Bu Ku Dao blindly returns to the ring, saying he’s so sorry. Tajiri wipes his mouth and gives Dao a cuff. This is nothing compared to what TJP did to Dao, they have an interesting dynamic here.


King Muertes is preparing for his Fatal 4-Way match backstage. He’s approached by Cesar Duran and his masked lackey… El Jefe says that “The Man of 1000 Deaths” has to appease the God of Death tonight, it’s not only about the title. If he makes him happy, well, Duran has something special! Cesar unveils a little box, saying that it contains something magical, an item that will help Muertes become as powerful as ever! But he will only get it if he wins!


Jefe walks off, leaving Muertes deep in thought. His match is next!






Fatal 4-Way Match for the IWA Caribbean Championship




Richard Holliday vs. Low-Ki vs. Texano vs. King Muertes ©


Muertes demanded three opponents, and he got them. He might have regretted that decision when all three have turned their heads in one direction and combined their forces to dump the champion out of the ring.


A running smashing elbow from Ki sent "The Man of 1000 Death" flying, and that's when the first pinfall attempts started happening. Holliday looked to win the title back in record time, rolling "The Professional" from behind, but got booted in the head! The blue collar brawler Texano took joy in slapping all that rarified air from Richard, turning his chest beet red.


A snug exchange between him and Ki finished in the Mexican's favor, then he leapt over the top rope to keep Muertes outside. Sasuke Special Special from Low-Ki! Holliday smartly doesn't follow suit, instead waiting for someone to get back into the ring. Texano experiences a Market Crash for the first time ever, but Ki breaks up the cover with a Flying Double Foot Stomp!


Tidal Wave from Ki is denied by a simple straight right hand of death, BOOYA! Muertes nails a Twisting Chokeslam on Texano and finally takes down Holliday with The Reaper's Trident!




He doesn't go for the cover, he bites "The Most Marketable One"! Texano inadvertently saves the high roller with a strike of his trusty bull rope! Muertes turns in rage as his back welts up! Texano ducks the lariat and executes a Neckbreaker that gives us a close near fall! Famous B freaks out and yells 'that was three!!'


Texano looks to end this with a Leg Lariat from the top rope, but is blocked by Low-Ki! Holliday springs back, joins the action... until Muertes destroys this Tower of Doom with a Powerbomb!! He picks Texano for a Flatliner, but Low-Ki smacks him behind the ear with a Roundhouse. Stiff kicks follow, King asks Ki to bring it to him, ducks, almost gets his head taken off with a Switchblade Kick! Cover! One, two, Holliday saves the day. Great action so far!


Holliday throws Ki into Texano and looks over the crowd. They cheer for him... Ok, the consumers WANT this. Figure 4 on unconscious Muertes! Meanwhile Texano ties up Low-Ki's legs on the outside, he's trapped! Ref checks on the champion, who's unresponsive. Could it be? MUERTES SITS UP AND GROWLS!! That scares Holliday who nopes out of the ring and runs backstage. Texano gets a lucky horseshoe from Famous B, preparing to strike death... this is it. Holliday ran away, Ki is having a temper tantrum trying to free himself. Muertes reverses the lunge into a Powerslam!


It gets him a near fall, and also a horseshoe! BAM! Texano is drunkenly hitting the ropes. FLATLINER!! Victory. Ki looks on in disbelief, as Muertes celebrates. Still your champion, "The Man of 1000 Deaths"!

King Muertes defeated Texano, Low-Ki and Richard Holliday in 11:26 when he pinned Texano after Flatliner. King Muertes makes defence number three of his IWA Caribbean championship. [42/100]



King Muertes had an in-ring performance of 45.

Low-Ki had an in-ring performance of 45.

Texano had an in-ring performance of 30.

Richard Holliday had an in-ring performance of 40.


While King is posing with his title, Konnan throws a butterfly knife to Low-Ki. Now he's free... Low-Ki grabs the rope and chokes Muertes with it from behind, like it's a piano wire! "The Professional" manages the unthinkable - he chokes out the champion and drops the belt on his chest. Konnan looks happy with his assist! Famous B is frustrated, as his client loses once again and faces an uncertain future.




We're minutes away from the third title match of the night, as Von Erichs stand with Alicia Atout near the interview stand.


They talk about all the training they had for this match, and the pressure of coming up short. Given how long they were denied their rightful rematch, it's obvious that this is perhaps their only chance to win the gold back. Knowing that Los Parks always have a trick up their sleeve, they had to bring someone with them, to keep an eye on La Familia Real. Kevin Von Erich joins his sons and gives them some encouraging words in a very soft-spoken tone.




"Los Parks might be one of the strongest families in the business, but we're Von Erichs - and there's no quit in us! My boys are ready, and I hope the champions are ready too, because Ross and Marshall will fight for the family, pour their guts off, and do their absolute best to make skeletons dance in the Iron Claw. Stay on it, work hard!"


Ross and Marshall say 'yes, sir' and make their entrance. They may not be in Texas, but they still get the fans behind them. Same could be said about the reigning champions, but L.A. Park quickly works that around by insulting some gringos in the front row. L.A. Park Jr comes out with his father and brother, it's a big occasion for both families. Ring the bell!




MLW World Tag Team Championship Match




Von Erichs vs. Los Parks ©


Von Erichs are all fired up and start the match on the front foot! All that pent up anger is unleashed on El Hijo de L.A. Park who needs an assist from his father to avoid a quick loss. He ate one loss this week, and looks stressed already.


Papa chews out his older son and tells him to move faster, and Hijo obliges, catching Marshall with a few springboard moves. The dirty tactics begin early, Parks mastered the art of subtle cheating and cheap shots, getting their hands dirty at every opportunity. Kevin Von Erich points that out to the ref, and riles the fans behind his sons. They are feeling the support and endure the onslaught of the skeletons, working together to land a Double Dropkick on the champs and knock them out of the ring with Lariats. The brawl spills to the outside, and bodies tackle the guardrails. Protect your knees, front seats!


Hijo climbs up top and executes a risky Sky Twister Press to the outside, catching Ross by surprise. He whacks him with the weightlifting belt, while ref is distracted by L.A. Park Jr! Hijo has the audacity to gyrate his hips too.




"Oh come on!" - drops appalled Bocchini.


L.A. Park throws a chair in the face of Marshall, making him bleed! Somehow this is not a DQ, the referee understands that Von Erichs wouldn't take that and are ready to grind their way back into this contest. Couple of near falls, Texas boys are still in it! Kevin Von Erich's presence makes the difference here, without saying much. One look is enough to get Von Erichs back into it, and a fiery comeback is on the cards! Ross applies the Iron Claw on Hijo and the mask almost comes off!!


Park distracts the ref and the youngest skeleton lines up for a chairshot to the back, until Kevin stops him in his tracks and strikes the chunky skeleton with a right hand! Papa Park also has to interfere to save his other offspring! He prepares to strike Ross with a Spear, but Marshall blocks it with a Dropkick, Park knocked out of the ring! Iron Claw slam on Hijo, the tag...


MOONSAULT! Marshall gets the one, the two, and the three to make Von Erichs the first two-time MLW tag team champions!

Von Erichs defeated Los Parks in 12:15 when Marshall Von Erich pinned El Hijo de L.A. Park with a Moonsault. Von Erichs win the MLW World Tag Team titles. [42/100]



Ross Von Erich had an in-ring performance of 35.

Marshall Von Erich had an in-ring performance of 39.

El Hijo de L.A. Park had an in-ring performance of 39.

L.A. Park had an in-ring performance of 50.


At last Lady Luck smiled to Von Erichs! They avenge their loss to Parks and take the belts back to Kauai! Kevin hugs his sons, they have earned it. The feel good moment is interrupted by the familiar music.


"I have come to kill you!" echoes through the PA system - Kevin Ku, Dominic Garrini and 'Filthy' Tom Lawlor jump the new champs from behind and beat up the family, ruining the celebration! Lawlor basks in the heat and puts Kevin in the Ankle Lock as his sons are held down!! The old man is in a world of pain, referees trying to stop the carnage.


Lawlor drops the hold and leaves with his team, satisfied with what he has done. That will get Cesar's attention!




Tom can try all he wants to get some attention, but this night belongs to Alexander Hammerstone and Jacob Fatu. MLW National Openweight champion is standing with Alicia Atout, answering how he feels ahead of the career-defining match against the kingpin of CONTRA?


"Alicia, this is a big night for me, and all the hammers. I’ve trained like a mad man, I’ve eaten like a wild man, and boy, am I ready to drop Fatu with a Nightmare Pendulum! It’s been almost two years since CONTRA invaded MLW, and toni--!"


Hammerstone’s speech is interrupted by Josef Samael, CONTRA has hacked the feed once again.




"Alexander… your name means 'Defender of the People', but all I can see is a gym rat in a red and yellow shirt!!


Eat your vitamins, say your prayers, consume the American propaganda, because nothing will help you against the most dominant MLW champion in history - JACOB FATU! WE WILL RAVAGE MLW AND SHUT THE WHOLE EMPIRE DOWN!




The feed is restored, and Hammerstone is done with his interview. Beaten up Richard Holliday hugs his best friend and tells him to make all the consumerninos proud, and more importantly, bring the gold back to The Dynasty!




And now, it’s time for the main event of the evening!


Alexander Hammerstone against Jacob Fatu, champion versus champion in a Last Man Standing match - there must be a winner. Before the match we get to see the lineage of the MLW World Heavyweight title: Satoshi Kojima, Mike Awesome, Steve Corino, Shane Strickland, Low-Ki, Tom Lawlor, Jacob Fatu!


Tale of the tape follows, highlighting that Fatu has a 30 pound weight advantage.




Hammerstone makes his entrance first! Alex is wearing white colors for this match, and of course, carries the MLW National Openweight on his torso. Hammer gives his sunglasses to the ring announcers and fires up the crowd, who support their boy loudly. And here comes “The Samoan Werewolf” and MLW World Heavyweight champion, Jacob Fatu!


He’s accompanied by Josef Samael, and the CONTRA henchmen, who wave black flags for champ’s entrance. Samael chews out all the infidels in the front row, competitors stare each other down, the ring announcer runs through the rules of the match and lifts both titles in the air… The most anticipated battle of the year is underway!


Last Man Standing Match, Winner Takes All






Alex Hammerstone vs. Jacob Fatu


Fatu offers Hammer a lock up, a test of strength! Alex takes on the challenge, and proves that his training for this match was not in vain. Hammerstone holds his ground against Fatu and pushes him to the corner! Break up, Jacob charges with a lariat, but Hammer ducks and once again pushes the top dog into the corner!


Shoulder charges, a couple of chops, Alex not wasting any time here! He irish whips the samoan into the ropes and tries to slam him down, but gets fingers jammed into his eyeballs! Fatu feels the need to cheat, very early into the match. That simple trick helps CONTRA’s kingpin take the advantage. Vicious punches, snug headbutts and incredible wheel kicks are designed to slow down Hammerstone, who takes the punishment and picks the right moment to run Fatu out of the ring with a Lariat!


Samael tells Fatu to focus, fans nearby tease CONTRA. Jacob takes a walk, frustrated that Hammerstone makes him look weak. Josef yells at Hammerstone, distracting him for a second. Bam! Fatu uses the distraction to nail Hammer from behind, another cheap shot! Now Alex is the one who ends up on the floor, Samael immediately puts his shiny boots to work. Hammerstone gets thrown back first into the steel barricades, and now people who teased Fatu shut up and back away from the scary samoan. Crouched Alex sucks in the air, and Jacob Fatu does a freakishly athletic Moonsault from the barricade!!




"A 300 pound man just did a backflip, barefoot, off the guardrails that were shaking!" - Saint-Laurent heaps praise on Fatu.


The fans are now chanting “HOLY SH!T”, and Jacob drives Alex back first into the apron. He is relentless, teasing a Piledriver on the hardest part of the ring… Hammer tries to muscle him over, but Fatu executes the Piledriver nonetheless!! This could be it, really. The ref starts counting and Samael hurls insults at the last hope of MLW. The poster boy is not looking so powerful now!


We get a few replays of this devastating move, and the count is up to 7 as Hammer uses the guardrail to prop himself up.




Jacob discovers a steel chair under the ring and SLAMS it into Hammer’s huge back! The chair is all dented now, but it ends up in the ring. Alex is thrown back into the ring, where Fatu once again shows us what a freak athlete he is!


A Split-Legged Moonsault on Hammerstone, what does this man have for breakfast!??


Hammerstone is not looking good right now, he now uses a chair to pick himself up. Fatu takes the chair from his opponent and kicks in the jaw with his foot. Humiliating, to say the least. CONTRA throws more steel chairs into the ring, and Fatu jams them in between the ropes. Hammerhead goes for the ride, Fatu just hurls him head first into the corners. On the third time Alex just drops down midway, he’s taking so much punishment in this match. The lights are on, but there’s nobody home.


Jacob asks if that’s the best MLW has to offer? Slaps glassy-eyed Hammerstone on the cheek and executes a flawless Handspring Moonsault and a Swanton Bomb! Will this be enough!?


The count follows, it’s 8 and only now Alex is attempting to stand up.He springs up and rests in the corner, pissing CONTRA off. He refuses to stay down! “The Samoan Smashing Machine” bumps into “The Muscle Mountain” in the corner, Samael has something on his mind! He tells Fatu to go Coast 2 Coast! Oh, he really goes for it… CONNECTS!


He can really do it all! Fans can’t help but appreciate the greatness of their world champion!




The question is, how does Hammerstone rise after that move? Will the roar of the crowd be enough to get him up? Fatu takes the chair and sits down, mocking the hero, who’s spitting blood.


Jacob growls and telegraphs a Samoan Spike to end Hammerstone, but Alex ducks the thumb strike and sends Jacob flying with a monstrous Overhead Belly to Belly into the corner!! Rough landing for the samoan. Alex sucks in the air and smashes the undefeated monster with a forearm, connects with a Bicycle Kick into the corner and grounds the super heavyweight with an Exploder Suplex! Fatu is trying to kip up immediately, but eats a gigantic Missile Dropkick!


Fatu flies across the ring!




Awkward landing for Hammer, who immediately clutches his ankle!


The referee checks on Alexander and goes for another count, both men are struggling. They finally stand up and share a 1000 yard death stare. Samael tells Fatu to go over the ankle, Hammer is clearly hurt! He listens to the advice and charges into the corner, but misses and crashes into the ring post! Through the pain, Hammer drops Fatu with a German Suplex and prays to the Lord that this will be enough. It is not! Fatu is back on his feet, and Samael grabs Alex by his hurt ankle!


Superkick square on the chin, he might be out! Fatu ain’t having that, he orders his manager to give him a table! He wants to end this match in some fashion. While the table is prepared by Josef, Fatu stomps the ankle of his opponent. Alex is placed on the table and is now covered by the red flag of CONTRA!


The champion goes for the emphatic Moonsault, this is the end of Hammermania! He won’t be able to stand up after that!




Fatu is spent, Hammer has the red cloth on his face. Five… six… seven… Fatu is up! Eight… nine… HAMMERSTONE PULLS THE FLAG OUT OF HIS FACE AND RISES ON ONE LEG! HOW IN THE WORLD!?


Fatu is shocked, frustrated and bewildered! Samael loses his marbles, taking his anger off on CONTRA soldiers near the ramp. HAMMER HULKS UP! He is rocking back and forth, feeling the power, shaking his head and blocking every shot Fatu throws at him. YOU! Fatu is twisted inside out with a Lariat, Hammer flexes his muscles!! Can he pick him up for a Nightmare Pendulum on one leg though? Fatu is groggy, Alex puts all his manliness into the career-defining NIGHTMARE PENDULUM!!




The referee winces, he just witnessed a 300 pound man land right on his neck! The count follows, and MLW locker room is unleashed to scare away CONTRA and give Hammer a round of applause... But wait a second. Ref counts to nine and Fatu kips up back to his feet! He clutches his neck and roars at Hammerstone to bring it! Discuss Punch followed by a...




The crowd and MLW roster are counting together, and this time Hammer gets a 10! He's the double champion!!!

Alexander Hammerstone defeated Jacob Fatu in 32:15 when Fatu couldn't beat the 10 count following a Burning Hammer. Alexander Hammerstone wins the MLW World Heavyweight championship. [50/100]



Fatu had an in-ring performance of 56.

Hammerstone had an in-ring performance of 38.


(-) Hammerstone's injury took a big toll on the match.




Red and yellow confetti falls from the rafters, the locker room claps to their new heavyweight champion!


Hammer collapses and cries as Richard Holliday and EJ Nduka help him to his feet! They put Hammer on the shoulders to help him live through this amazing moment... What a night this has been for MLW! Fatu is carried away on a stretcher by defeated CONTRA soldiers, and Samael yells that the war is not over! His battle cry is drowned in



For now, Hammerstone is on top of the world, holding two titles! Good night everybody!


Final Show Rating




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My word, the work that has gone into this!


I love how you incorporate gifs, pics and videos into the write-up. It shows an extra level of effort but brings fantastic detail to your story.


I'm not familiar with MLW but see lots of familiar names. Very happy to see Tajiri even if he didn't win (which makes sense really at 50-odd).


Great work.

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My word, the work that has gone into this!


I love how you incorporate gifs, pics and videos into the write-up. It shows an extra level of effort but brings fantastic detail to your story.


I'm not familiar with MLW but see lots of familiar names. Very happy to see Tajiri even if he didn't win (which makes sense really at 50-odd).


Great work.


We tried to get the show done faster, but real life is the biggest heel to ever exist. Constant distractions with work and other outside interferences!


MLW is a great company to discover new people and find some established stars. Your last sentence about Tajiri not winning is actually funny, because it goes against what MLW does in real life :p


They'll have a loaded show this Wednesday, give them a try. They'll upload the show on their YouTube channel.


Thanks for the kind words!

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mootinie" data-cite="Mootinie" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53604" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Awesome show mates, especially the main event.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thank you so much! Just read No Surrender, and I can say the same about your show <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> The match was fun to write, I took a lot of parts from the real life bout. If some of you haven't seen it - I strongly recommend it! Here's a </p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/TVOBAUqVInM?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Jacob Fatu vs. Alex Hammerstone | Title vs. Title | FULL MATCH"></iframe></div></div>.<p> </p><p> I have also finished the preview for two fighters (who are no longer with MLW in reality), so you can expect an update soon <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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Fighter Spotlight: Laredo Kid and "Filthy" Tom Lawlor


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Hometown: Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas


Years of Experience: 18 Years


Finishing Move: Laredo Fly


Laredo Kid is one of the most talented luchadores going, but for some reason "The Phoenix Bird of Lucha Libre" has failed to crack the glass ceiling.


It has been the story of his entire career that started back in 2003. Laredo, as do many other stars of Mexican wrestling, comes from a big family of luchadores. Trained by his uncle Muerte Subita, El Albañil, El Hechicero, and Marvik, Laredo perfected his craft from the tender age of sixteen, performing under different identities. Just two years after starting out, Laredo was picked up by AAA - one of the biggest lucha libre companies in the country. Laredo quickly became a regular fixture on the undercard, competing in multiman matches alongside other young stars such as Rey Cometa, Super Fly, Nemesis, Pegasso and Aero Star - all part of the group called Real Fuerza Aérea.


Everything went pretty well, until Laredo's career was postponed by two heavy injuries. First one happened in a match against Ron Killings at the Antonio Peña Memorial Show. Hurricanrana off the top rope went wrong and Killings landed on Laredo Kid's leg, breaking it. The injury sidelined the young prospect until early 2008, and he rushed his return back to the ring. Fast forward a few months and Laredo Kid re-injured his leg during a Lucha de Apuestas match - the steel rod in his leg had not been inserted properly. In that match Sangre Chicana had to sacrifice his hair in order to save the injured Laredo Kid from losing his mask. A new set of exciting prospects stepped up in Laredo's place, who soon found himself unwanted by AAA. He had to start from scratch on the indies.




These setbacks could break a lot of people, but not Laredo. Lucha libre has always been his passion, the meaning of his life. His unique mask and gear signifies the eagle of the Bravo River. It represents force, speed, and power - a real source of inspiration for an underdog that wasn't taken seriously for most of his life. Many promoters told Kid that he could only be a star at home, but Laredo proved all the doubters wrong, and earned the admiration of American and Japanese fans. Laredo is always working for multiple companies, citing how exciting it is for him to mix it up with workers of different styles. Some say that his freelance approach held him back from being a bigger star. This might not be far away from the truth...


Laredo has a reputation of a guy who can steal the show on any given night, but will never be a top star. To this day he has to prove people wrong, and work twice as hard to get noticed. Laredo Kid rolled all around the US and worked his way back into AAA, where he is treated as a much bigger deal now. Laredo is a current AAA Cruiserweight champion, he has appeared on AEW television shows alongside bonafide lucha stars Penta El Cero Miedo and Fenix, and also battled "The Belt Collector" Kenny Omega at Triplemania XXVIII. Recently he also won the Rey de Reyes sword, solidifying his place as one of the main AAA attractions. Laredo sits at a respectable 22nd place in PWI 500 and looks to make a splash in MLW's lucha friendly brand.


Perhaps Azteca Underground will be the home where Laredo Kid can become the main man? The late bloomer might have missed on Lucha Underground, but now the stars have aligned to witness the meteoric rise of a humble kid from Nuevo Laredo! He has promised Aramis a title match this week, and we're in for a MOTY contender if the bout goes through. One influential man behind the desk might be against it though...






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Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA


Years of Experience: 5 Years


Finishing Moves: Rear Naked Choke


"Filthy" Tom Lawlor may be one of the most unique, complicated, and controversial figures in all of MLW.


Mostly known for his UFC career, Tom is much more than an MMA guy who found himself in the squared circle. He is a disgustingly good pro wrestler! Tom's journey to the world of pro wrestling can be described simply as a 'wild ride'. He won his first amateur fight via first round knockout, then went on to represent the University of Central Florida as a wrestler. He won three NCWA national championships in the 235lb weight class in 2003, 2004, and 2005. Not content with his success, Tom dipped his toes into the Florida independent scene where he wrestled a few matches for fun, before turning pro MMA fighter in 2007.


His first fight was a memorable one! It ended in a no contest, when both fighters fell through the cage door. A truly chaotic start was followed by three straight wins by KO, TKO and submission - proving that Lawlor is not a one trick pony. His fifth match was perhaps his most controversial, as Lalwor blasted his opponent with an illegal knee to the head. Tom managed to bounce back with a technical submission victory, and shortly after got a spot in season eight of The Ultimate Fighter. Although Lawlor didn't win the whole thing, he represented Team Mir well. He also showcased his boyish personality,

to teach thiefs from rival team a sour lesson. Another highlight of that season is an episode where
after he goaded Tom to punch him as hard as he could. To this day David Kaplan claims that he wasn't knocked out... Ok pal, you just took an emergency nap.




Despite his elimination from the Ultimate Fighter, Lawlor soon found himself back in the octagon, picking up wins over Kyle Kingsbury and C.B. Dollaway at UFC 100! Tom felt untouchable, but soon was hit with a controversial judging decision. From there Lawlor had a stop-and-go progression, losses mixed with victories, lots of injuries,

and plenty of show-stealing performances. It all went south in 2016, when Lawlor was provisionally suspended from the UFC after a failed USADA drug test. Not content with sitting out his 2 year suspension, Tom set his sights on pro wrestling and faced the likes of Davey Richards, Kyle O'Reilly, Dan Severn, Eddie Kingston, Chris Dickinson and Bobby Fish. All that prepared Lawlor for Major League Wrestling!


Tom's crossover really put the revived company on the map. Lawlor worked his way to the top and won the first Battle Riot in MLW in 2018 by eliminating Jake Hager. He continued to build his reputation with wins over Sami Callihan, Shane Strickland and Simon Gotch. Finally, on February 2, 2019, Lawlor won the MLW World Heavyweight Championship from Low Ki at MLW's live SuperFight event. He would hold the title for 154 days, losing it to unstoppable Jacob Fatu at Kings of Colosseum 2019. After being unable to best "The Samoan Smashing Machine" Tom showed his true colors and betrayed his then friends Von Erichs, with whom he still feuds with. Make no mistake about it, Tom is a bad guy and one of the most dangerous fighters in the league.


Nowadays Lawlor dedicates more time to his Team Filthy brethrens, but still has plenty to offer. His latest achievement is an Opera Cup victory in 2020, which Tom puts on the same level as winning the world title. Lawlor is determined to prove all his doubters wrong, just as he did this summer, when he won in his retirement MMA fight. Maybe another world title is on the cards, now that Alexander Hammerstone toppled Jacob Fatu? Everything is possible.


Prediction Contest


Kanegan and I are very pleased to see new faces joining this thread! No clean slates for Fightland, but good scores nonetheless. BigJ was on the money predicting Shafir and Duke, which was really awesome. Mootinie has a comfortable lead, but the table is tight underneath.




1) Mootinie - 13/21


2) BigJ - 8/14


3) tobin834 - 5/6


4) CGN91 - 5/8


5) Hollywood - 4/8


MLW Azteca #5 Card


1) Steve Pain vs. Zenshi


2) Texano vs. Apolo


3) Matt Cross and Ivelisse vs. Bestia 666 and Mechawolf


MLW Fusion #140 Card


1) Team Sea Stars vs. Willow Nightingale and Ivelisse


2) L.A.X. vs. Alex Kane and EJ Nduka


3) Tag Team #1 Contender's Match: Violence is Forever vs. Dirty Blondes vs. Tajiri and Bu Ku Dao


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<p>MLW Azteca #5 Card</p><p> </p><p>

1) <strong>Steve Pain</strong> vs. Zenshi</p><p>

<em>Just a hunch more than anything else.</em></p><p> </p><p>

2) <strong>Texano</strong> vs. Apolo</p><p> </p><p>

3) Matt Cross and Ivelisse vs. <strong>Bestia 666 and Mechawolf</strong></p><p>

<em>I think this result keeps the story going.</em></p><p> </p><p>

MLW Fusion #140 Card</p><p> </p><p>

1) <strong>Team Sea Stars</strong> vs. Willow Nightingale and Ivelisse</p><p>

<em>REEL THEM IN!</em></p><p> </p><p>

2) <strong>L.A.X.</strong> vs. Alex Kane and EJ Nduka</p><p> </p><p>

3) Tag Team #1 Contender's Match: Violence is Forever vs. Dirty Blondes vs. <strong>Tajiri and Bu Ku Dao</strong></p><p>

<em>|Go on Taggers.</em></p>

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MLW Azteca Episode #5 - Left For Dead


<div style="width:1000px;padding:5px;border-top: 5px groove #bd0012;border-right: 5px ridge #bd0012;border-bottom: 5px ridge #bd0012;border-left: 5px groove#bd0012;margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:90%";">

MLW Azteca




Episode #5 - "Left For Dead"


Taped for El Rey Network in South West

Aired on Week 1, October 2021




"Daaamn Arez and Aramis can go! They’ll be famous in no time... IT'S MARTY 'THE MOTH'... If they face me in the open, I know that I can beat them, Duran... Ivelisse saves Matt Cross from La Rebellion Amarilla, she's back!.. Ki, Salina is no longer around, but LAX is hasta la muerte y después... Still your champion, "The Man of 1000 Deaths" King Muertes... Low-Ki chokes out the champion and drops the belt on his chest!!"


Cesar Duran is laughing with Marty 'The Moth' in his office, they are having a jolly time!




Cesar: Have you seen his face? He looked like he saw a ghost!


Moth: I know right!? Gotta give it to you, Jefe, the Kwang costume trick was genius! And we have only started!


Cesar: Well, you know me, I'm full of brilliant ideas. Actually, I have one for your next match!


Moth: Please, Dario, do tell! I’m all ears! You want to put me against Fox?


Cesar: First of all, my name is Cesar Duran now. You of all people should understand that I no longer want to be associated with my family.


Moth: I understand that, Jefe. Sorry! Hahaha, so what about that match?


Cesar: Yes… Savio Vega will try to get his hands on you, but this shouldn’t be a problem, because next week you will help King Muertes against Low-Ki! This will be an amazing tornado tag ma--




Duran can't finish his sentence because Los Parks enter the room. L.A. Park is mad after losing the MLW World Tag Team titles and he wipes Jefe's desk with one swift move of a hand. Kwang mask and the mysterious parcel end up on the floor, Marty is spooked. The patriarch of the family demands a rematch against Von Erichs! He wants them to get here immediately!


El Jefe says that Team Filthy attacked the Von Erichs, so they are not able to be here tonight. If L.A. Park wants to take his frustrations on someone - he might go for Tom and his goons! Then again, if it wasn't for Lawlor, they wouldn't be tag team champions in the first place...


This cuts deep, Park slams his fist on the table, all he cares about is the gold!




"Well, how about this? You and your sons will get a title opportunity... for Azteca Underground Trios titles! I'm starting the tournament next week, and let's just say you will get a favorable draw. Sounds good?"


L.A. Park exhales heavily and says fine. They will go after the Trios titles, but Von Erichs should not think that this is over between them. Because the hand of death will reach them when they least expect it! Finally, Park looks down on Marty and asks about how his back is feeling? Moth smiles creepily and says he feels much better now, then makes it look like he has to run.


As Moth flees, Park asks why Duran is still talking to other tribes. Cesar just displays a fat envelope. They're paying to stay safe...




We are back on the West Coast, and it's time for another edition of Azteca Underground! Konnan and Famous B say that they're pretty close to Boyle Heights, and it almost feels like Azteca is back where it belongs.




Konnan: What it do, believers? K-Dawg in the house, back in L.A! Back with me is Famous B, who apparently passed the trial and will stick around for some time.


Famous B: I wouldn't leave you short-handed, Konnan! And you're right - yours truly has signed an exclusive deal with Court Bauer! I have my manager license, I have my place behind this table, heck, if I wanted, I would take Melissa's spot too! I can do it all!


Konnan: Aight, shut your trap! We're days removed from Fightland, and the scenery has changed quite a bit. New faces coming in, unexpected results and title changes - we saw lots of fun shit!


Famous B: Konnan, you're not gonna like what you see next! In the opening contest for tonight we have Laredo Kid defending his AAA Cruiserweight title against Aramis, who defeated Arez in a firecracker two out of three falls match! How does that work for you, brotha?


Konnan: It doesn't. The match ain't approved by me, but Duran thinks he's all that. Let me tell you - I have a plan on how to deal with this.


Famous B: Fine! Now let's get to the action. Melissa, baby girl, do your thing!




"The following lucha is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the AAA Cruiserweight championship. Introducing first, the challenger... from Mexico City, Mexico... ARAAMIIIS!"


Aramis looks a bit banged up after his match with Arez, but still light on his feet. He's building himself quite a reputation here in MLW, getting a title match against all odds. One would assume he would be in line to challenge Myron Reed for the Middleweight title, but Laredo Kid made him an offer that was too good to turn down.


"Introducing his opponent, from Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico… he's the AAA Cruiserweight champion... LAREDOOOO KID!!"


And here's the champion. Competitors pose for a photo with the championship, ready to get the show going, but the ceremony is interrupted by L.A.X! Danny Rivera and Slice Boogie sprint to the ring and attack the luchadores! "Radioactive Papi" is frustrated about his loss at Fightland, and takes his anger off on the mexican stars. Assisted Double Stomp on Aramis, and a big slam from Boogie to Laredo!




Dr. Julius Smokes marks out and barks in the mic.


"You skinny boys don't get to call the shots in K-Dawg's house, ya dig? L.A.X is runnin' roughshod on your monkey asses, brrrrap!!"


Cesar Duran leaves his office and stops the fight. He tells Smokes to stop being a clown, and then turns to Konnan. He tells the mastermind of this assault to pat himself on the back, because now his unit is banned from competing for the Azteca Underground Trios titles! He recommends Rivera and Boogie to get out before Los Parks run them off with the chairs!




La Familia Real steps out to back Cesar's words. Two units are ready to explode right here and right now, and before you know it, the factions are brawling all over the arena! Jefe enjoys this a lot and adds that now that his exciting opener is ruined, he will give someone else a chance.


"Texano, I'm talking about you! You've lost the wager match and now you have to face the consequences. Come on, don't make these people wait!"


The blue collar brawler shows up and rolls into the ring. Despite having some massive welts on his back, Texano looks ready to fight. But the boss is not finished yet. He grins and drops a bombshell on the former AAA Mega champion.


"As a result of your loss in the Fatal 4-Way, I have the power to trigger the clause in your contract. One that reads that you will not be paid for your matches until you get a pay-per-view victory!! Probably had to read the paper before you signed it, hahaha. Have fun!"


Famous B looks like he expected this to happen, yelling 'I told you so!' a few times. Konnan says that's just karma catching up with Texano for screwing another man in a similar fashion a few years ago. Anyway, he has a match booked!




Singles Match




Texano vs. Apolo


Wrestling Texano when he's in a good mood is quite a rough night. But when his blood is boiling from anger - you want for the match to end fast.


Apolo is not a man that can be scared easily though! He has a great build, and natural boldness, he's an animal. Two beefy men slap each other's meat, and the chop fest transitions into the war of insults and a competition on who can hit harder. Texano brings up Apolo's mother in a tasteless remark and finally brings the big man down! Knee Lift into a Jumping Neckbreaker yields the brawler a two count.


Famous B tells his man to finish the job with a Leg Lariat, which almost backfires, as Apolo reverses the attack into the Powerbomb!! He shakes the ropes and prepares to hit his finish, but Texano heabutts his opponent and delivers a Tornado Texas Backbreaker for three!

Texano defeated Apolo in 05:13 by pinfall with Tornado Texas. [31/100]


<details><summary></summary></summary>Texano had an in-ring performance of 33.

Apolo had an in-ring performance of 26.</summary></details></details></details>

Texano got the win, but he is not getting the money. Famous B stops Texano from inflicting more damage to Apolo, and drops the Puerto Rican powerhouse his card, as a sign of good intentions. We can expect to see more of Texano this month, since his services are free now.


After that graphic display of latino violence we switch to a more peaceful scenery. White bird flying near the waterfall that is breathtakingly beautiful. Zenshi narrates the video, showing us how great the world can be.




"I don't find the answers, I lose the questions. I expect nothing, seek nothing, grasp nothing. I do not engage in meaningless arguments, I do not fight with a heavy heart, and I will not judge Steve Pain for what he did to me last week. Violence is only a cowardly escape from the problems of peace. There's no violence in this mind, and no intention to hurt another soul. All I want is to bring zen to Azteca Underground..."


Zenshi closes his eyes and continues his meditation session. It doesn't look like he's angry at his attacker, he has already forgiven Steve Pain. A man of superior wisdom or a spiritual weirdo? Who's to say... but his match is next!




Singles Match




Zenshi vs. Steve Pain


Steve is talking a lot of trash here, and sends his greetings to Gringo Loco, who's been put on the sidelines by L.A. Park one week ago. Steve is looking to bully Zenshi, who Gringo tagged with in the first Azteca episodes.


"The Spiritual Dragon" uses his agility and creativity to duck the shots thrown at him. Quite frankly, he makes Steve look like a lumbering fool. Zenshi uses Steve's anger against him, and tries to catch the bigger man off guard, trying multiple quick covers. Pain kicks out, he won't be caught like that again! Eventually "The Underrated Superstar" slams Zenshi with an F5 Cutter, which gets him a close two count! Zenshi has a big heart and mounts a comeback, delivering a Dragon Twist... He's ready to hit his finishing move! What The 450 is blocked, Zenshi lands on Steve's knees!


The underdog clutches his back and he's in no condition to block the Pain Killer Powerbomb, which looks devastating when hit on someone of Zenshi's size! It's a clean victory for Steve Pain, he doesn't need the services of Famous B to get the "W"!

Steve Pain defeated Zenshi in 06:35 by pinfall with Pain Killer Powerbomb. [28/100]


<details><summary></summary></summary>Zenshi had an in-ring performance of 26.

Steve Pain had an in-ring performance of 35.</summary></details></details></details>

Zenshi and Gringo now have one thing in common - their backs are all messed up. Pain is not done yet though! He lifts Zenshi and forces him to scream in a Torture Rack! Will somebody stop this? Referees and road agents try to help Zenshi, but Steve only stops when a familiar face jumps the barricade. Cargo pants, scarred back, and hungry eyes... "The One Man Army" is here and Pain decides to leave the ring for good.




The intruder gets a mic, looking down on Zenshi.


"Zenshi... What you said earlier today is wrong. To secure peace is to prepare for war. You have not seen the world I was a part of. It is an ugly place, where fathers bury their sons, and heroes turn into numbers on the sheet. I threw myself into the breach to give you people a chance to see another day... and what do I get in return? NOTHING! I fought for the politician that started the war of the millenia, and he left me for dead! Now I shall make you a favor and save you from being corrupted by that back-stabbing snake..."


AR Fox grabs Zenshi and drops him down with a Foxcatcher! He sends a message to the politician who left him for dead, presumably the man in charge of this place? Fox also tells Zenshi to seek peace in some other place, because he knows what kind of man Cesar Duran really is.


After Fox drops a bomb on the believers we go to the backstage ring, where Matt Cross can be seen talking to Ivelisse. She helped him fight off La Rebellion Amarilla at Fightland, but they're not in a jolly mood right now.




Cross: I heard that you're making an appearance on Fusion this week? A tag match with Willow Nightingale?


Ivelisse: You didn't think I came all this way for you, right!? I'm here to become the first MLW Featherweight champion, and that tag match... I don't know what Cueto is plotting there, probably wants to play on my nerves putting me in the same corner with those chubby cheeks!


Cross: I don't know what's the matter between you two, but I hope this will not get in the way of our fight tonight!


Ivelisse: I'll gun them down on my own. Don't get in my way, and I'll get you your first win, partner.


Cross: Seriously? They are not some schmucks! We barely stayed alive last time that we fought them! My friends died fighting the Gods, and I don't want to lose more people I care for!


Ivelisse: Then you have to relax, cause we're not that close, friend. Remember, I'm not only "The Baddest Bitch In The Building"... I'm La Sicaria!


Ivelisse fixes her cap and walks off, leaving disheartened Cross to stumble right behind her. Our main event of the evening is next!




Tag Team Match




Matt Cross and Ivelisse vs. La Rebellion Amarillla


Matt Cross has fought Bestia 666 and Mechawolf in singles action and lost twice due to distractions. Here he has a mean Ivelisse on his side, who also has some beef with La Rebellion Amarilla! It always helps to have someone looking over you, someone you can count on.


Cross starts the bout first and fares pretty well. There's still a lot of spring in his movement, he takes rudos down with Japanese Arm Drags and smacks them with Handspring Elbows when the opportunity presents itself. Cross shines here, but his patented neck-first bounce off the ropes is blocked by a Gamengiri from Bestia! Mechawolf tries to roll up dazed Cross, but Ivelisse breaks the cover and lights up the hound with snug kicks to the chest! Bestia jumps in and drags Ivelisse away by the hair, and she almost gets dropped with a tag team move, before Cross fights the freaks away with a Dropkick! Action spills out on the outside, and fan favorites hit stereo Suicide Dives! Believers want Team Havoc to raise some hell!


Ivelisse brings Mechawolf back into the ring and goes for Code Red! Mechawolf kicks out at two and finds his arm locked in a submission. He uses his power to slam Ivelisse in the corner... hits her with a Release Belly-to-Back Suplex followed by a kick to the back of the falling Sicaria! One, two, Ivelisse kicks out! Tag made to Bestia, he drives his knee right under her chin, being extra hard on the woman. He elbows the unsuspecting Cross from the ropes and prepares to hit his finishing move on Ivelisse. La Valagueza is reversed into a Tornado DDT! Ivelisse tags Cross and hits Mechawolf with a Vertigo Kick! The path is clear for Matt, he preps his Shooting Star Press... but Arez pops out and pushes him down!


Ref has no choice but to disqualify the rudos! Cross got his first win, but not in the way he envisioned it!

Matt Cross and Ivelisse defeated La Rebellion Amarilla in 10:49 by disqualification when Arez made an interference. [42/100]


<details><summary></summary></summary>Cross had an in-ring performance of 40.

Ivelisse had an in-ring performance of 42.

Bestia 666 had an in-ring performance of 41.

Mechawolf had an in-ring performance of 39.


(+) Matt Cross and Ivelisse have great chemistry.</summary></details></details></details>

What's his problem, and why is he attacking Matt Cross? "The King of Strange Style" wiggles his feet and rolls around the canvas, then he uses his facepaint to draw the numbers '666' on the mat! He shares a moment with Bestia and Mechawolf, who then promptly beat the fan favorites to the ground. The new trio team is formed in Azteca Underground, and it's safe to say that we will see them in the Trios tournament for the gold!




This is not the last thing we see though. Cesar Duran chose a different place to talk business with "The Man of 1000 Deaths".


Cesar congratulates him on a hard fought victory at Fightland, he showed the world why they should be scared of The Death Tribe... but. The post match development did not sit well with the overlords of the underworld. Muertes grunts, fixing his tie, and unveiling the mark from the bullrope that Low-Ki used to suffocate him with. Duran says he has the promised prize in his possession, and he will give it to Muertes. But only when he beats "The Professional"! Boss hands over the mysterious parcel to Muertes, which shines like a briefcase from Pulp Fiction...


Next week he will tag with Marty 'The Moth' against Savio Vega and Low-Ki.




Final Show Rating



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MLW Falls To Cesar Duran


<div style="width:1250px;padding:15px;border-top: 5px groove #bd0012;border-right: 5px ridge #bd0012;border-bottom: 5px ridge #bd0012;border-left: 5px groove#bd0012;margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:60%";">Veni, Vidi, Vici!




Azteca Underground’s emerging power in Major League Wrestling has been one of if not the hottest stories of 2021.


From introducing the likes of King Muertes to acquiring IWA Puerto Rico, as well as violent consequences for those who failed him, Cesar Duran has been a force to reckon with. And now "El Jefe" has become the sole authority of Major League Wrestling, reportedly purchasing his way up the food chain by financially helping Court Bauer to keep the promotion afloat.


Cesar has some deep pockets and we can expect for business to pick up with Cesar Duran’s ruthless approach and newfound ability to book every MLW show! Bauer called for help, now he must prepare for consequences!




<details><summary></summary></summary>As many of you probably understand, it's a busy time of the year! Me and kanegan have a lot on our plates, but the diary will continue. For the time being, I will fill in booking Fusion shows, hence the news item you can see above. That pretty much sums it up, and I hope some readers will re-join this diary and enjoy what's about to follow next! See you soon!</summary></details></details></details></blockquote></blockquote></div>

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