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Using another company's title

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  • 4 weeks later...

That would be nice considering the deals with NWA and Impact and AAA and NJPW and AEW all working together. Advertising different title on other promotion it should be a filter in the alliance area or in the working relationship.



I think a company should be able to be apart of more then 2 alliances or something.


Most mods I play NJPW is already in one but it would be nice to have an option to like maybe do a 3 months deal with them in alliance angle without any backlash or something.


Especially right now with the Forbidden door option with AEW.


It should be an option like I mention before but a short time. Impact and AEW worked for like 3 or 6 months then nothing. Same with AEW and NWA without actually being or creating an alliance and titles should be involved depending on the talents. Maybe a storyline sync up like the NWA Women's Title with an AEW challenger and vice versa with a AEW Title in a storyline .


If anyone is involved then you get credit good or bad to help move a storyline or something.

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