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TCW: The Legend Comes Home

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It's time to take a break from writing. The show bible for April-July will have to wait for at least an hour.


Town halls. Abandoned parking lots. Dog track basements. Now, I sit in this in this impressive office. Of course, there was a whole storied career in between there someplace.


I finally have that insane fire back! Never would have thought it would be lit behind a keyboard and not in the ring in front of a crowd.


It's hard to get my head around it. I have the book. Even the title pales in comparison. That little voice telling me I am just a dumb redneck gets louder and louder.


I turn back to my screen and type. Only one week until my first Total Wrestling as the boss.

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Tuesday, Week 1, January 2020, Denver, CO


Shawn Doakes: HELLO FROM DENVER! It's Total Wrestling Tuesday! I'm Shawn Doakes with Kyle Rhodes and Jasmine Saunders! Let's get right into the action.


"The Syndicate Sings" hits as Wolf Hawkins and Doc Hammond make way to the ring.

Edd Stone is waiting patiently with his manager, Vita.


Edd Stone (with Vita) vs. Wolf Hawkins (with Doc Hammond)


Doakes: The Alpha Wolf is trying to shake off his latest loss to Aaron Andrews last night at Psycho Circus.


Rhodes: Wolf is as tough as they come, he just had one for the ages for the World Title just two days ago!


Saunders: I am sure you would agree, Kyle, one in which he was seriously robbed...


The match is way more balanced affair than expected as the announcers mention that Stone has had Wolf's number with close matches in recent history. Stone sets up Wolf for a Party's Over, but Hammond holds his leg to prevent it. After taking a lot of offense, Wolf hits the Full Moon Rising off the ropes for a victory.


Wolf Hawkins over Edd Stone at 11:38, Match Score: 88




"The Destiny of Man" plays. Jay Chord makes his way to the ring to a chorus of boos.


Chord: After my utter humiliation of the corniest man on Earth at Psycho Circus, we can put the Fonz to bed. I want to speak to my old nemesis; Sammy Bach where are you?


Doakes: Jay knows Sammy is recovering from injury and did not make the trip to Denver.


Chord: The thing is, that awful Red Rocker wannabe would never face me. He's old. He's scared. He's never defeated me an never will...New music hits, but an old face comes out.


Mighty Mo: I'm sorry, I can't take your shrill whining. Did someone order a beatdown! the crowd erupts at his catchphrase


Chord: Mo? Mighty Mo? What a joke...


Mo Barrett: I'm Mo Barrett and you will call me that. I'll make you say "Mo Barrett is my daddy" after I pin your over-rated ass, tonight!


Chord looks shocked


Doakes: It's official! Mo "Don't call him Mighty" Barrett vs Jay Chord is tonight's main event!


Barrett stands up to Chord, segment rating: 82


One Man Army vs Eddie Chandler (With Nate Johnson)


Army and Chandler beat on each other in a slugfest, each drawing blood. Any time Army looks like he gets the upper hand, Nate interferes.


Saunders: That's just smart wrestling, you have to use numbers to your advantage.


Army overcomes the disadvantage and hits guided missile for the 1,2,3. before the winner is even announced, Nate Johnson jumps OMA and Chandler joins in.


Doakes: This is incorrigible! Two on one is cowardly!


Darryl Devine and Chance Fortune run to the ring as The Elite scamper away to the back.


Doakes: and here is the cavalry to show the Elite's true colors!


Rhodes: Two on one is cowardly, but three on two is ok? The math is the same.


One Man Army over Eddie Chandler at 9:38, Match Score: 68


Elite jump OMA, Devine Fortune save the day. Segment Rating: 62


Flying Jimmy Foxx (with Benny Benson) vs Freddy Huggins (with Laura Catherine Huggins)


Both workers do their share of classic crowd interaction. Laura Catherine grabs a chair from ringside, Benson throws himself in front of the chairshot meant for Foxx. Distracted from the confusion, Freddy turns around and Foxx is able to lariat Huggins and cover him for the 1..2..3. Laura Catherine grabs a mic.


Laura: I call BS! Foxx had help from his make out partner!


Freddy: (Livid) No need to slut shame, sis. You are so bad, huh? How about you two soy boys take on me and a buddy next week?


Doakes: It's official! Huggins and mystery man take on Benny and the Foxx next week on Total Wrestling!


Flying Jimmy Foxx over Freddy Huggins at 12:30, match score: 69 (up top!)


The Huggins siblings challenge Benny and the Foxx, segment rating: 70


"The Sinner Society Death Song" hits. Eddie Peak, Floyd Goldworthy and The world tag champion Behemoths make way to the stage. Nick Booth trails from behind.


Rhodes: Killer Shark and Titan are gods among men! Just look at those monsters!


Booth hands Floyd a mic


Floyd: First off, let's congratulate the Behemoths for their successful title defense last Sunday!


Peak: Yes, we all love the Behemoths! I hear someone dropped the Mighty?


Floyd: Mo dropped the Mighty.


Peak: Mo dropped the Mighty?


Floyd: He did. Fat boy Tana is the only Mighty now.


Peak: He sure likes to eat!


"Tana Trouble" plays, Tana the Mighty arrives with mic in hand


Tana: You are in luck, scary fellas! Mo has his hands full or else we would take those tag belts off your brainless thugs over there right now!


Tana and the Sinner Society trade barbs, to everyone's delight (kind of)


Tana stands up to the Sinner Society, Segment rating: 63


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Matt Hocking


"Diamond Memories" plays as Dazzling Dave Diamond comes out to a loud pop. Before he gets to the ring, Matt Hocking hits him with his signature blow dryer and they brawl up the ring.


DDD takes control and pins Hocking as the crowd gets snacks and goes to the bathroom


Dazzling Dave Diamond over Matt Hocking at 9:38, match rating: 58


Doakes: Jason Azaria is backstage with a mic and is standing with Benny Benson.


Azaria: Those were some fighting words from Freddy and Laura, do you have any idea who Huggins' partner will be? Benny doesn't have a chance to reply as Greg Gauge hits him from behind, they brawl as Azaria heads for cover.


Saunders: Is this wise? Isn't Gauge defending his belt tonight?


Doakes: He is, and we have it next!


Gauge breaks up Benson interview, Segment rating: 64


Bart Biggins vs Greg Gauge (TV Title)


Gauge, ever the fighting champion, defends his belt easily after forcing Bart Biggins to submit. Gauge flexes and plays to the crowd, who boo wildly.


Greg Gauge retains the TV Title over Bart Biggins at 12:31, match score: 67


"It's All Aces" plays as the crowd erupts the World Heavyweight Champ is here!


Andrews: Oh, it's good to be in Denver (crowd pops) It's good to beat the Syndicate! Wolf, I never get sick of beating you...


"The Syndicate Sings" hits and Wolf comes out, crowd going crazy with a mix of boos and cheers


Wolf: Oh, your cheating ass isn't finished with me. I am a force of nature and have the greatest group of men ever assembled behind me. I won't give up until you are a crippled mass of bones."


Andrews drops the mic and runs for Wolf, Chris Flynn (in an arm sling) and the Elite walk out and the evil stable beat on Andrews until some back stage workers and refs break it up.


The Syndicate confront Andrews and beat him down. Segment rating: 90


Doakes: The main event is at hand and these two young pillars have a serious past.


Rhodes: Mo Barrett has a win over Jay Chord, and you know that pisses him off.


Jay Chord have a lovely back and forth in which both men have time to shine. Mo has Chord set up for a plunging spinebuster, when Josh Taylor rolls out from under the ring with kendo stick in hand. Mo hits his move, but Referee Ray Johnson is distracted by Taylor and his mighty stick. Chord recovers, rakes Mo's eyes and hits a cradle piledriver. Referee Johnson finally turns around and Chord hits the 1...2...3! Taylor runs over to Chord and the men embrace.


Rhodes: Joshua Taylor and Jay Chord are united and the world rejoices! Sammy Bach should stay under what ever opium den he is hiding at if he has any brains.


Saunders: He doesn't.


Chord and Taylor hold up each other's arms as the camera fades to black.


Jay Chord over Mo Barrett at 17:38 match score: 84


Final Show Score: 85

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<p><strong>Card Announced for Total Wrestling:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Predictions welcome!</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Sammy Bach vs. Josh Taylor (with Jay Chord)</p><p> </p><p>

Roderick Remus vs. Aaron Andrews (if Remus wins, he gets a future title shot)</p><p> </p><p>

Benny and The Foxx vs Freddy Huggins and Greg Gauge (With Laura Catherine Huggins)</p><p> </p><p>

Devine Fortune and One Man Army vs The Syndicate (The Elite and Doc Hammond) </p><p> </p><p>

Human Arsenal vs. Marc Speed</p>

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<p>Sammy Bach vs. <strong>Josh Taylor (with Jay Chord)</strong></p><p><strong>


Roderick Remus vs. <strong>Aaron Andrews </strong>(if Remus wins, he gets a future title shot)</p><p> </p><p>

Benny and The Foxx vs <strong>Freddy Huggins and Greg Gauge (With Laura Catherine Huggins)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Devine Fortune and One Man Army vs<strong> The Syndicate (The Elite and Doc Hammond)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Human Arsenal vs. <strong>Marc Speed</strong></p>

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Sammy Bach vs. Josh Taylor (with Jay Chord)


Roderick Remus vs. Aaron Andrews (if Remus wins, he gets a future title shot)


Benny and The Foxx vs Freddy Huggins and Greg Gauge (With Laura Catherine Huggins)


Devine Fortune and One Man Army vs The Syndicate (The Elite and Doc Hammond)


Human Arsenal vs. Marc Speed

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Sammy Bach vs. Josh Taylor (with Jay Chord)


Roderick Remus vs. Aaron Andrews (if Remus wins, he gets a future title shot)


Benny and The Foxx vs Freddy Huggins and Greg Gauge (With Laura Catherine Huggins)


Devine Fortune and One Man Army vs The Syndicate (The Elite and Doc Hammond)


Human Arsenal vs. Marc Speed

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Tuesday, Week 2, January 2020, Albuquerque, NM


Jason Azaria: HELLO FROM ALBUQUERQUE! It's a Total Wrestling Tuesday! I'm Jason Azaria with Kyle Rhodes and Jasmine Saunders! Let's get right into the action.


The following non-title match has a twenty minute time limit...


"Solid as a Rod" plays as Roderick Remus comes out to a chorus of...not much...


Rhodes: Good to have my long-time partner back in the booth with us tonight. Welcome back to the big chair, Jason!


Azaria: Hoping this gets you out of that grumpy mood you've been exhibiting, Kyle, and you can get back to being the fun-loving jokester we all love.


Saunders: We know that Remus got this match after he threatened to release mysterious "Chicken Photos" featuring my boss and colleague, Kyle Rhodes.


Rhodes: Damn it, Jasmine...that whole unfortunate saga can be put to bed after Remus gets this shot.


Azaria: Let us never speak of it again...and here comes our World Champion!


"It's All Aces" plays as a bright-eyed, energetic and smiling Aaron Andrews struts to the ring with the world championship belt around his waist. The crowd cheers heartily and chants "ACE! ACE! ACE!"


Roderick Remus vs. Aaron Andrews


Much like Hawkins vs. Stone last week, this one is a surprisingly balanced affair with multiple near falls both ways. Andrews gains focus and it's all offense for him in the last two minutes as he hits an impressive flying body press for the victory.


Aaron Andrews over Roderick Remus at 16:09, Match Score: 82


Post match, Andrews grab a mic


Andrews: I love winning and I loooove being your champion, Albuquerque! (Cheers) The Ace has risen to the top of the deck and has become the face of TCW. It's a role I don't take lighty...


"The Syndicate Sings" plays and out comes Wolf Hawkins, alone.


Hawkins:The Alpha Wolf is back and that belt belongs back around my well-defined waist...


Azaria: Now here is a little fact that everyone knows, Andrews cleanly defeated Hawkins at Psycho Circus at the end of last year. It's my humble opinion that he's faced Andrews for the title for the last time.


"The Destiny of Man" plays, Jay Chord and Josh Taylor arrive to the scene.


Chord: Relax, relax, Jay Chord is in your presence. It's a forgone conclusion that I will be world champion for a thousand years. Let's go ahead and start the second Chord era of TCW...


Taylor grabs his mic


Taylor: Bro, we have this new bromance and I have this big match with Sammy tonight, bro. When I...we...beat him, I have my eyes on the main prize.


"Bach's #9" plays, Sammy Bach hits the now crowded ring with Andrews, Hawkins, Chord and Taylor.


Bach: Woooo-hoooo....it's Sammy time!!!! crowd pops, chants "Sammy Time! Sammy Time!" Bach is back in Albuquerque! You know what I always wanted and dare I say, deserved, but never have gotten? A world...title...run...


Kyle Rhodes stands up from the announcer's table and joins the men in the ring.


Rhodes: This is a mess...all of you need structure...I present to you...desperately needed structure!


The familiar music of "Rick, Rick, Ricky Dale!" plays. Ricky Dale Johnson has returned to TCW after a three year absence.


RDJ: It's damn good to be back! We can all have our love-in some other time, but I got here to do a job and when the RDJ symbol flashed in the sky, I answered its call to shovel all this crap. Yup fellas, I am the man in charge. The new Sheriff of TCW. Andrews, Bach, Taylor, Chord and Hawkins are in shock, eyes wide open and mouths agape. I may be a simple country 'rassler, but I know what these fine folks want. (crowd cheers, RDJ! RDJ! chants arise) Josh, Sammy...tonight your match just became part of a four man tournament...the winner of tonight's main event will take on the winner of next week's Texas-sized main event...YOU Wolf Hawkins fightin' YOU Jay Chord..."


Ricky Dale Johnson returns to set up the contender's tournament for the world title. Segment rating: 78


Azaria: I can't catch my breath! You knew about this Rhodes?


Rhodes: Guilty, I am a naughty little scamp.


Saunders: If we could chill our nuts, gentlemen, we have an actual wrestling match to call.


Human Arsenal vs Marc Speed


Marc Speed and Human Arsenal have a spirited affair. Arsenal has Speed up and set up for the Ammo Dump when "Spinning Wind" plays and Troy Tornado hits the ring. Arsenal loses focus and Speed is able to reverse the move and get the pin. Tornado enters the ring and he and Speed embrace.


Marc Speed defeated Human Arsenal at 9:45, Match Score: 62


Tornado: Scream for me Albuquerque! What we got here is the newest Power Duo in TCW. Get in our way and get swept up in our speedy winds...


"The Bright Stuff" plays and T-Bone Bright appears from the tunnel.


Bright: (laughing) You did NOT just say speedy winds! Your corny ass BS was hasn't been entertaining since 1998 and it needs to end. You Troy, you need to end. Speed, you are a talented dude, but if you want some too, hell, I'll fight you, Troy, your mama, your doggies, your little kittens. I'll fight all y'all! Bright drops the mic and walks backstage.


Tornado: (yelling to nobody in particular) I'M RELEVANT...I'M NOT CORNY. I'M WAY COOL! Speed pats his friend on the back and tries to calm Tornado down.


Tornado and Speed align and get confronted by T-Bone Bright Segment Rating: 60


Video is shown from the previous week of the Elite beating down One Man Army and Devine Fortune coming to their aide.


Azaria: This is a grudge match for sure as the relationship between the former New Wave has sunk to another new low.


Saunders: Look at Devine Fortune, so phony...just irritating and just sooo joyful.


Rhodes: Devine Fortune has been trying to send a message to the Elite for months now, with limited success.


Devine Fortune and One Man Army vs The Syndicate (The Elite and Doc Hammond with Chris Flynn)


One Man Army truly shines in this match, getting most of the offense in. A big pop erupts when Army and Hammond get in the ring together. Wolf Hawkins arrives in the tunnel, which distracts referee Ray Johnson and gives Chris Flynn a chance to pass a roll of sliver dollars from his arm sling over to Eddie Chandler. Chandler gets the tag and knocks out Army with the roll of coins then pins him for the 1...2...3.


Azaria: A pitiful display from a group of cowards. One Man Army looked like he could have taken on the whole Syndicate alone.


Saunders: Alliances are part of the business, One Man Army just needs some allies that don't completely suck.


The Syndicate (The Elite and Doc Hammond) over Devine Fortune and One Man Army at 9:35 Match Score: 63


Backstage, The full Syndicate stable parties in their private locker room. They have streamers, balloons set up and are drinking champange.


Hawkins: Eddie, so impressed with you tonight! You got the pin back from One Man Swarmy and restored us to our glory. Hawkins stands and addresses the Syndicate I dare to dream, fellas. I imagine a Syndicate World. A Syndicate World where the little worker bees of TCW all do all our bidding. Gold is a precious metal that always has value. We will all seize it all. I imagine a Syndicate World where Chris Flynn isn't wearing an arm sling but IS wearing the Television Title. I imagine a Syndicate World where the best Tag Team in the history of the world, The Elite, stand rightfully on top of the division with beautiful shiny gold on their collective waists. A world where the heart and soul of the syndicate, Dr. Doc Hammond, enables his true destiny... by helping ME get MY world title back. When this corporate takeover occurs (and by God, it will), it will be truly be a Syndicate World! The rest of the Syndicate stands up and applauds. Nate Johnson and Eddie Chandler hoist Wolf on their shoulders in celebration.


Hawkins imagines a Syndicate World, Segment Rating: 75


Azaria: We now go backstage with Shawn Doakes and Dazzling Dave Diamond.


Doakes: Triple D, you have been on some kind of winning streak lately. What's next for the Dazzling One?




Dazzling Dave Diamond puts the Sinner Society on notice. Segment Rating: 65


Video is shown from last week's Total Wrestling; The Huggins siblings challenged Benny and the Foxx and Greg Gauge attacked Benny Benson during last week's interview segment.


Azaria: No love lost between these two teams...


Benny and The Foxx vs Freddy Huggins and Greg Gauge (With Laura Catherine Huggins)


Pre-match Gauge and Huggins jaw with the fans in the first few rows and flex. Flyin' Jimmy Foxx uses that opportunity to dive off the top rope and hit them both with a flying cross body outside the ring. As the match proceeds, Gauge and Huggins are clearly not getting along. There are multiple shouting matches over who gets the tag. Laura Catherine yells at Gauge. Gauge gets in Laura Catherine's face. Huggins turns around and tags Gauge in to get him away from his sister. Gauge, distracted from the chaos doesn't see Benny Benson coming from the top rope. Benson hits the Shockwave from Next Year and gets the 1...2...3. The Huggins siblings leave the ring before the three count ends. Benson grabs a mic.

Benny and the Foxx over Huggins and Gauge at 15:01, match score: 74


Benson: That's an example of two men who will not stay in the present moment. Two men whose egos get the best of them. Two talented men who can't see outside their own minds. I digress...look what we accomplished, Jimmy! Foxx nods I've pinned the television champ! Logically, I should be in line for title shot...


Foxx: True, true, king. But ummm, ya know...we did just beat a super good team...and ya know...tag titles are neat???


"The Sinner Society Death Song" hits. Eddie Peak, Floyd Goldworthy and the frightening tag champs, The Behemoths, appear at the tunnel. Nick Booth lags behind, once again carrying Eddie Peak's luggage.


Peak: You guys...youse guys again!!! Youse guys all 'tay away from us at the Sinner Society. We are broken...you know, on the inthide?


Benny and the Foxx make the universal belt on waist sign


Goldworhy: You know what? I am feeling charitable today...


"Dare to be Meaty" plays, Giant Tana and Mo Barrett come up behind the Behemoths and go straight to brawling. Benny and the Foxx run up to fight Peak and Booth as Goldworthy cheers on. They brawl to the backstage area.


Benny and the Fox, Mighty Meaty jabber and brawl with the Sinner Society, segment rating: 70


The ring is clear and the music of "Rick, Rick, Ricky Dale!" plays. RDJ arrives up the tunnel to the ring, mic in hand.


RDJ: I've come back here to make sure there are no monkey shines at good ole TCW. I am makin' it my business to be at this ring and make sure this fight be on the up and up!


Saunders: The new...Sheriff, I guess, is already disturbing the

natural order of things and inserting himself in the world title picture. Mark my words, he'll be fighting for the world title come March.


Azaria: Oh no, he is very retired from in-ring completion. I, for one, am glad RDJ has made himself the enforcer of sorts for the main event as we all know, slimy Jay Chord will interfere in this match.


Rhodes: Summon the soy boys...


Sammy Bach vs. Josh Taylor (with Jay Chord)


Bach pretty much controls the match from the bell as RDJ effectively keeps Jay Chord from interfering. Bach lays Taylor on a table outside the ring and hits him with a nice move off the top rope to put them both through the table. Chord is able to get a chair shot in on RDJ as Chord beats him up the aisle to the back. Taylor is able to poke Bach in the eye in all the confusion and turns the tide off the match. Taylor is able to apply the Butterfly Lock on Bach, who passes out from the pain. Referee Johnson calls the match for Josh Taylor.


Josh Taylor over Sammy Bach via submission at 19:45, Match Score: 81


Azaria: And Josh Taylor wins a slot in the number one contender's match! Next we will find out who he will face as Jay Chord takes on Wolf Hawkins! Good bye from Albuquerque!


Show Rating: 79

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TCW Saturday Night Showcase to Return


TCW announced a deal with internet content subscription service, OnDem to air TCW Saturday Night Showcase.


"This will be a great opportunity for die hard wrestling fans to catch a glimpse of some of the best independent wrestlers working today as well as some talent that may get overshadowed on Total Wrestling." TCW CEO Kyle Rhodes stated.


This sounds to us like it will be a minor show, used to showcase lesser used talent and to give workers without contracts a chance to strut their stuff.


The first new episode of Saturday Night Showcase will be available for streaming this coming Saturday.

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Saturday Night Showcase, Saturday, Week 2, January 2020, Arlington, TX


Shawn Doakes and Jasmine Saunders at the announce table


Maverick over Simon Flemingway


Flemingway makes his TCW debut


Elliot Thomas over Paul Steadyfast


Steadyfast with first TCW appearance in 14 years


Interview with Akima Brave and Kyle Rhodes, Brave makes his TCW debut tonight


Human Arsenal and Kip Keenan over Crockett Tubbs and Ant-Man


Debuts for Keenan, Tubbs and Ant-Man, Arsenal announces Keenan is his new project


Akima Brave over Remmy Honeymoon

Debut for both workers


Darryl Devine and Nick Booth brawl backstage an into the ring


Darryl Devine (with Chance Fortune) over Nick Booth (with Floyd Goldworthy)


Sammy Bach interview


Show Score: 64

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Card Announced for Total Wrestling:


Predictions welcome!


Jay Chord vs. Wolf Hawkins (winner faces Josh Taylor in the mini-tournament finals)


Mighty Meaty vs. The Behemoths for the TCW Tag Titles


Sammy Bach vs. Maverick


T-Bone Bright vs. Troy Tornado


Edd Stone vs. Chris Flynn

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