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The Official Suggested Moveset Thread


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I decided to start this thread to help scenario makers in their quest to adapt everything for WresSpi 2. I am in the process of converting the 1993 TEW scenario for WresSpi 2, but I dont know a lot about Japan or Mexico, or the UK for that matter, and this thread will surely help. The basic premise: Name of worker and suggested moves for him. It does not need to be a full move list, but some moves he commonly uses and perhaps a little insight into his style and how he works to determine the rest of the moves. I have only done full move sets for around 8 people, but here are some pointers: Hulk Hogan: I created a new "Hogan Legdrop" and "Hogan Big Boot" that are far more damaging than the real moves and are utilized to mimick his finishing sequence. The rest of his moveset is basically a bunch of strikes and low impact moves, like bodyslams, neckbreaker, back rake, hip toss, snap mare and the like. I added some dirty tricks for those looking for an "nWO" like Hogan, so low blows, eye gouge and chair shots are in there. The Warrior: I added the "Warrior Press" and "Warrior Splash" that mimick his finishing routine and are more damaging than the normal moves. His move set consists of the rope shake taunt, strikes, like clotheslines and shoulder blocks, a normal gorilla press, hip toss, bear hug, snap mare, bodyslam, an avalance in the corner and several other low impact moves. Ric Flair: I created a new Figure Four that I have used for guys like Flair, Carlos Colon, Bret Hart among others that is more damaging than the other two versions already in the game. Knife Edge Chops, lots of moves that work the leg and a lot of technical takedowns and amateur moves. Low Blows, Eye Gougues, Tights assisted roll ups and chair shots are in there for dirty Ric. Bret Hart: I created a new version of the Sharpshooter, given to Bret, Owen and Sting. He also has the Figure Four, and I plan on adding the ring post figure four as well. The five moves of doom, neckbreaker, russian legsweep, second rope elbow, backbreaker, Knee breaker and so on. Several technical takedowns and other moves that work the legs. Owen Hart: It has Bret's moveset basically, but I added other stuff common to him like Enzugiri's, Spinning Heel Kicks, Sunset Flips, Flying Crossbody and the like. Abdullah the Butcher: I created the Sudanese Elbowdrop, added a ton of strikes like headbutts and throat uppercuts, chairshots are a must here and created the fork strike, that causes instant bleeding and instant DQ. Carlos Colon: The Figure Four, created a Jumping Headbutt that is exclusive to him since it is a big part of his comebacks, technical takedowns, moves that work the legs, lots of low impact strikes and of course, chairshots and illegal moves for the many No DQ matches that WWC does. So, reply here with any suggested moves for anybody.
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Ric Flair should also have the chopblock as one of his moves if you haven't given it to him yet. Might even consider it a signature move. Also, there are three versions of the Figure Four in the CV data, European, Americana, and Japanese. Bret and others who don't use the Figure Four as a primary finisher (but still use it AS a possible finisher) should probably have the Japanese Figure Four Leglock version (A high level move), while those who just use the move as a warm up to their own finish should have one of the other two..
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Bret Hart - Hart Attack clothesline (running neckbreaker drop), kicks to the thigh while opponent is on the ground (where he lifts one of the opponents legs and then kicks them in the hamstring) Ric Flair - stalling suplex, knee driver (opponent on stomach, bends leg 90 degrees and then lifts it up, slams the knee back down into the mat)
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