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Samson Sharpe: The Dream





Samson Sharpe: The Dream




A cow talked to me when I was 13. Told me I’m gonna do more spectacular things than anyone in my family. I had 3 brothers and two parents with crippling gout in their ankles. None of us had ever left our city of Anthony, Kansas. I was told I’d bring a girl home one day and take over this farm, and that’d be my life achievement, this farm I’ve worked on all my life. The same day that brown cow talked, I watched my first episode of SWF. I still hate Remo Richardson for that attack that night, brutally beating up Jack Bruce. I knew that this farm was not the end all be all for me and that one day, I’d get revenge for Jack Bruce against that bastard Remo.



I sent in my tape of me flexing hale bales and taking bumps on the mud. No gyms were in our city, so I had to go full experimental. Somehow, one of the Eisen's got a hold of the tape and loved it enough to buy me an all-expense trip to Hawaii to be trained at The Supreme Wrestling University. The conversation with my family was the hardest I’ve ever had, and I still feel awful. They are a lot more distant nowadays than I thought they would be, but they still allowed me to go.



I was definitely behind the 20 or so other trainees, as they all had minimal experience in the sport. I had to work my god damn ass off to get anywhere. Instead of enjoying Hawaii like some of the other trainees, I was working in the ring with Bryan Jewett, trying to maximize my potential. I did this for around 6 months, and watch nearly all the recruits be cut. Warwick Good was the star of the class, followed by Rocky Weatherfield and Bryan Jewett, who throughout the trip, became one of my closest friends. All 3 were approved for graduation before me. It came down to a few of us, all fighting for one spot. Future indy stalwarts such as Sasquatch McGraw and Domonic DeGraff somehow got cut before me, and I still sometimes think they are better than me when I’m feeling low. It came down to me and Maliek Chamberlain. Maliek had it all, star potential, an athletic body that I didn’t have, and a good backstory, being a former High School football standout before he tore his leg. Luckily it was healed by then, and I was more nervous than a sheep during the sheering time. He had every right to be in the position I'm in today yet the trainers saw me through and selected me.



Getting to RIPW was a whole nother whirlwind. I stayed with Jewett for most of my time there, a short stay with Hoss (though I left when he wouldn’t move his dirty socks out of the kitchen) and now I’m with Hank Whitman. Hank’s a real chill dude. He sits in his room and is either watching wrestling tape or reading his book. I already know he has more in-ring potential than me, so to see him already chill and mature is nice. I did have to teach him how to do a southern accent when I first moved in. Hoss got me up to his speed so I had to carry it down to my fellow Southern Comfort member. There’s some brotherly love between all three of us, even if I can’t stand Hoss’ socks.



Today, I go online to see people say “Samson can’t be a single's hit” or “He’s only a tag guy.” Though I would accept being pegged at this position, I also see that I am getting better and better. I am getting my first real “Singles” storyline against Whole Lotta Marvin and am now right behind the main crop at the top. It’s a glass ceiling that can become an elevator for me, wherever The Eisen’s or Mean Jean want me. I want to become flexible, to be potentially a main eventer as well as a tag guy with Hoss and Hank. My dream has been to make it here, and I’m thriving. So whatever happens, be that I succeed here and up in the Supreme, or if I get fired tomorrow, I know deep down that I lived the dream. And I got to thank a cow that talked to me for all of it.

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We don't usaully get signings sent down to us. I thought we were gonna have 1 for this year, but I won't reveal it now as he is making his debut on Friday. I did go to the airport to pick up the two new trainees. I guess Eric Eisen saw some clips of them when they were competing in India? Either way, they seem to have some talent. First up:




Parvan Kishan, a nice kid who looks like the star of the India scene.



"Hello Mr. Cattley, how are you this evening?"


"You can call me Mean Jean. Nice to meet you kid."


"I'm really excited to be apart of the Supreme Wrestling Federation!"


"Well, first you have to make it through Rhode Island."


"Rhode Island? But you picked me up in New York, the home of the supreme?"


"Wait how much do you know about pro wrestling?


"I have only been wrestling for 6 months, and I and my friends were never taught the history of the sport."


"Ahh, noted."


Kid's gonna need a lot more "Wrestling IQ" training. If the Eisen boys couldn't make it clear where he was going, then he probably has no idea how the company works. The second kid entered the car.





"Hello Prince Rupy.


"Hello Mr. Mean Jean, I've heard a lot about your great training."


"Thank you," I stated, realizing he seems to have better knowledge than his counterpart


"Parvin learns quickly, he'll understand the situation quickly."




I drove them to their apartment, was a long ass drive but we made it. It'll be fun to work with some international talent, something I don't usually do.


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RIPW Championship: Forrest Ratzloff © vs Deever Arnold


RIPW USA: Bryan Jewett © vs Willy LaRoux


SOUTHERN COMFRORT SERIES: Hank Whitman vs Whole Lotta Marvin


First Blood Tag Team Match: The Wrecking Balls vs The Sunshine Connection


Moriarty Schnell vs Zeke Cromstock


Hellion vs Roderick Flack


Barron Royal vs ??? (Open Challenge)


Son Of Vengeance vs Zap Powerson



Bonus 1: Who is ???: Parvan Kishan

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RIPW: Survival


Attendance: 138







Remmington: Welcome to RIPW Survival! I am Remmy


Smmoth: And I'm Smooth C, tonight we have a really great show as Mean Jean has put the monster of a main event together. Ratzloff vs Arnold


Remmington: But The Bad Man Warwick Good might make his challenge tonight, making it a triple threat match! Lets see what Warwick has to say.





"I got a title shot on my mind! I get to show that first match against Ratzloff was a fluke! I get to have my truly fair win! But, I understand Mean Jean booked you in a match tonight against that small man Deever! Well, I couldn't care less who wins, as I'm challenging next month for the RIPW Championship! So you two can beat it out, but just know, The Bad Man is coming for that belt!" (35)



Remmington: Don't think The Bad Man is messing around anymore!


Smooth: See the Bad Man is so good because of his smarts. He knows he can just wait them out and they'll probably be sore next month.


Remmington: We will see if this plan works out for the better or worse!





In a bout that didn't have much heat and embarrassing wrestling, Zap Powerson defeated Son of Vengeance in 8:10 by pinfall with a Press Powerslam. During the match we also had Bryan Jewett distract SoVen. (11)




Remmington: Bryan Jewett got revenge for Son Of Vengeance's attacks!


Smooth: Feels like poking a bear. Willy now has a passionate psycho against Jewett.


Remmington: Zap Powerson has a mic and seemingly wants to speak.






"Over the past couple of months, I and Zephaniah have been going at it. I never had a problem with him, and he continued to poke at me, acting like he can get one over me. If he keeps these continuous attacks and interferences in my career up, then I will have to put him in hi-"







Remmington: Oh god Zharnel is now attacking Zap!


Smooth: Zharnel is one of the toughest son of a guns in all of RIPW, he's got MMA experience at heart and could probably kick Zap's ass in a singles match.


Remmington: Come on!






The Rhode Island Scholars come out for Barron Royal's open challenge



Barron: "As a former student of the honorable Yale with a 4.3 GPA, I can say firmly that I am the smartest man in all of RIPW. So to pass on my intellect, I offer an open challenge to anyone in the locker room who wishes to face me!







Remmington: DREADNOUGHT!


Smooth: Holy Hell! That is the son of Dread, he's the top rookie in all of wrestling!


Remmington: And Now he's here in RIPW!


Smooth: And look at this, Royal is forcing Curt Merrit to face the son of Dread!


Remmington: That coward!


Smooth: Nah that's smart by the kid, I wouldn't face that huge juggernaut. (29)






In a bout that had little heat and embarrassing wrestling, Dreadnought defeated Curt Meritt in 3:49 by pinfall with a Dread Bomb. (2)


(Notes: Jesus Christ that was a mess. But it’s a good debut for Dreadnought, so I’ll give him that.)



Remmington: Curt just froze, and Dreadnought was shocked!


Smooth: He has to be used to more offensive opponents, so a lackey like Curt just cowering must've startled him.


Remmington: Coming up next, Hellion takes on Roderick Flack


Smooth: May the Flack Attack's soul rest well.







In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Hellion defeated Roderick Flack in 5:20 by pinfall with a Short Arm Lariat. (14)



Remmington: Well, the young rookie tried his best


Smooth: Never piss off a demon Remmington. You'd think you'd have learned after the Scythe Incident


Remmington: Eughgh. Don't remind me.


Smooth: And look on the ramp!






Deever Arnold stares down Hellion who's in the ring. (41)



Smooth: I guess Deever never got my message


Remmington: He is 10 times better than Roddy Flack though, and it'd be a lot harder for Hellion


Smooth: Deever has a win over Hellion, but it's hard for me to see a way that he can do it again.


Remmington: Coming up next, a tag team first blood match! The Wrecking Balls and Sunshine Connection have been going at it for a few months now, and are both to finish this feud here!






In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, The Sunshine Connection defeated The Wrecking Balls in a First Blood match in 10:39 when Rocky Weatherfield made Crusher Ball bleed. (19)



Remmington: The Sunshine Connection get the win!


Smooth: The Wrecking Balls were really tough! And it seems The Connection found a way to get the Crusher to bleed, allowing them the win


Remmington: Looks like Rocky Weatherfield has a mic:





Rocky: heugh. That was a war Drew!


Drew: Hell yeah! Feels like we have reached a new high, a new peak in our skills


Rocky: You thinking what I'm thinking?


Drew: A spa day?


Rocky: No! A title shot! Against The Magic Boys as soon as possible! That is what we need, and what we deserve after that win!" (27)




Remmington: Don't know if you can argue against that!


Smooth: The Magic Boys have a lot of experience, and are a tough duo to beat, especially for a team as inexperienced as Rocky and Drew.







In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Whole Lotta Marvin defeated Hank Whitman in 11:25 by pinfall with a Running Powerslam. (18)



Remmington: One down for Whole Lotta Marvin


Smooth: Hank's the most inexperienced of Southern Comfort, and we know Hoss will be up next month


Remmingto: And Hoss is a former USA champ too, so it will be difficult for Marvin to get past him.


Smooth: Here comes Moriarty Schnell now with a Mic


Remmington: What the hell does this traitor have to say.






"The Pretty Boy of RIPW is back baby! And I know all the babes in the audience are loving what they are seeing! Now about last month. I saw an opportunity to get a title, a title that I can claim I won, even if that party animal would share the glory. But seeing that dude's performance just made me laughed. It's hilarious! He might be the worst wrestler I've ever seen. So yes, I left him in there. I couldn't let him ruin my reputation! I am the Sun Kissed Superstar for crying out loud, and that is a reputation I must uphold. So yes, I betrayed him, big woop." (26)






In a bout that didn't have much heat and embarrassing wrestling, Moriarty Schnell defeated Zeke Cromstock in 7:02 by pinfall with a Schnell Shock. (15)



Remmington: Seems Moriarty is back to his winning ways


Smooth: His momentum was stopped big time due to the pectoral injury, and he looks to be back to his old ways now.


Remmington: But wait! Marty is coming to the ring!





'Marty Simmons brawls with Moriarty Schnell' (20)



Remmington: Oh god they're going at it!


Smooth: Marty should just wait for his friend to return! There's no way he could succeed on his own.


Remmington: You see how good he can be when he's in the ring! He can do it solo I'm telling you!


Smooth: Ahh whatever.


Remmington: Coming up is the USA title match. Jewett defends against the tough hustler, Willy LaRoux!







In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Willy LaRoux defeated Bryan Jewett in 11:03 by pinfall with a Reverse DDT. During the match we also had Son of Vengeance distract Jewett. Willy LaRoux wins the RIPW USA title. (23)



Remmington: Willy wins the belt! Son Of Veangence interfearces again!


Smooth: Why would Jewett interfere in SonVen's match if he didn't want him to get revenge!


Remmington: It's always constant paybacks and revenge in this company! Someone needs to stop this!


Smooth: Here is Willy with a mic:






Willy: (Starts off with a manic like laugh) "I've done it! My first title! This is only the beginning! I will remain champion for as long as humanly possible! Bow down to your king of the U.S.A baby!" (45)



Smooth: Still crazy.


Remmington: Dude is mad in the head honestly.


Smooth: Well the RIPW Championship is on the line for this next one. Who do you have winning this one Remmy?


Remmington: Both are really tough competitors, I got Deever though. Think his all roundedness will help more against the more powerful Forrest


Smooth: I guess I'll take Forrest then. Let's see what happens.





In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Forrest Ratzloff defeated Deever Arnold in 16:12 by submission with an Universe Backbreaker. Forrest Ratzloff makes defence number four of the RIPW Championship title. (25)



Remmington: The power of Forrest Ratzloff was on display there! What a match!


Smooth: He will have to deal with The Bad Man next month though, a bad man who looks to prove himself better


Remmington: Thank you to everyone for watching! See you next month!




Show Rating: 28

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RIPW: Destiny Match Card



RIPW Championship: Forrest Ratzloff © vs Warwick Good


Deever Arnold and Zap Powerson vs Hellion and Zharnel Zephinah


RIPW USA Championship: Willy LaRoux © vs Parvin Kishan


RIPW Tag Team Championships: The Magic Boys © vs The Sunshine Connection


Bryan Jewett vs Son Of Vengence


Prince Ruby vs Barron Royal


SOUTHERN COMFORT SERIES: Hoss Handley vs Whole Lotta Marvin




Herrbear: 3/8


You can send me who you want a profile on in the next reply. Thank you for putting in predictions now 4 shows in a row!




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RIPW Championship: Forrest Ratzloff © vs Warwick Good


Deever Arnold and Zap Powerson vs Hellion and Zharnel Zephinah


RIPW USA Championship: Willy LaRoux © vs Parvin Kishan


RIPW Tag Team Championships: The Magic Boys © vs The Sunshine Connection


Bryan Jewett vs Son Of Vengence


Prince Ruby vs Barron Royal

SOUTHERN COMFORT SERIES: Hoss Handley vs Whole Lotta Marvin

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Wait a minute I won? How did that happen haha. Well, I love to hear a profile about Dreadnought please.


Tournaments are hard to predict in general, as if you get one wrong it could mess up your whole thing. You having TBA (Warwick) going all the way to the finale got you the edge I think to win it.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Martel123" data-cite="Martel123" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53840" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Tournaments are hard to predict in general, as if you get one wrong it could mess up your whole thing. You having TBA (Warwick) going all the way to the finale got you the edge I think to win it.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> haha better to be lucky than good. Thanks</p>
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RIPW: Destiny:


Attendance: 148






In a pre-show bout that didn't have much heat and embarrassing wrestling, Dreadnought, Roderick Flack and Moriarty Schnell defeated Marty Simmons, Zeke Cromstock and Curt Meritt in 10:55 when Moriarty Schnell pinned Zeke Cromstock with a Schnell Shock. (13)


(Notes: Want to bring up how much better Dreadnought did here. The kid has a lot of potential, and is already doing better then most people who have been here for a minute.)


Main Show






Remmington: "Welcome everyone to RIPW Destiny. Tonight we look at multiple wrestlers attempting to make their destiny in the wrestling world!"


Smooth: The biggest one, Warwick Good, is aiming for the RIPW Championship. A win here would put him in the record books, along with SWF superstars Rogue, Valiant, and more!"


Remmington: You also have The Sunshine Connection, attempting to become tag champions with a win over The Magic Boys giving them the belts.


Smooth: But first, the brash-


Remmington: You mean the always positive!


Smooth: Screw off Remmy. The...."Loud" Whole Lotta Marvin will get his rematch with Samson Sharpe if he beats Hoss Handley right now!






In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Whole Lotta Marvin defeated Hoss Handley in 11:24 by pinfall with a Running Powerslam. (23)



Remmington: And Marvin beats the second bruiser!


Smooth: Though I'll admit, I do hope Samson shuts Marvin up, he is a great wrestler nonetheless


Remmington: Samson Sharpe, who was at ringside for Hoss, now has a mic!







"You sly dog...congratulations on beating my two friends here. Got to have a discussion with those two. But we both know I'll beat you again. See, I have evolved this year. I ain't a tag wrestler anymore brother, I'm fully singles. I could go on about the random girth spots around your arms and how I know that ain't natural. I could go on about you trying to learn more stylish moves and now forgetting the basics. What I will talk about is how Southern Comfort is all the things you're not. We are all-natural. We are all masters of simple wrestling, no thrills, just victory. We are Southern Comfort, and though you have won some battle, we will win the war come July." (33)



Remmington: Damn


Smooth: Scathing mic drop by Samson there. How will Marvin react in the coming months?


Remmington: Willy LaRoux is up next though, making his first defense of his USA title. Parvin Kishan will be the challenger, and this will also be his debut match!


Smooth: No pressure kid, a championship match in your debut pssh, it'll be easy!







In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Willy LaRoux defeated Parvin Kishan in 7:37 by pinfall with a Reverse DDT. Willy LaRoux makes defence number one of the RIPW USA title. (21)


(Notes: Didn’t have good chemistry, felt like both had different ideas of how the match was gonna go)



Smooth: I am shocked, I tell you!


Remmington: Well, Parvin at least gave the best effort he could've given. But that doesn't matter now, as just in a few minutes fellow debutee Prince Rupy faces "Ivy League" Barron Royal







Dreadnaught is shown training, lifting up enormous weights and running at tip top speeds. (31)







In a bout that had little heat and embarrassing wrestling, Barron Royal defeated Prince Rupy in 6:48 by submission with a Yale Lock. (14)



Remmington: Royal is approving quickly!


Smooth: Even if it's against a rookie like Rupy, Royal showed why he's in this company


Remmington: He has a mic now




"Color me shocked! The Ivy League Supppppppppperstar has got his first win. I know you all love to see me-





Remmington: UH OH!


Smooth: The son of Dread is here!


Remmington: Barron's running, as Dreadnought marches down to the ring surprisingly quickly!


Smooth: Wait why is Barron coming to us


Remmington: Hey-


Barron: Sorry Remmington, love your work. Smooth, can I borrow your car keys real quick?! Kinda got to run


Smooth: Yeah sure, blue Hyundai outback


Barron: Your the best commentator man love you!


Remmington: And now Barron is running through the crowd, with Dreadnought following him!


Smooth: It Seems Dreadnought really wanted to accept that challenge! (31)



Remmington: Well while that goes down, we remain on schedule!


Smooth: It's a finish to a sub-plot of the USA title feud, Son of Vengeance vs







In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Bryan Jewett defeated Son of Vengeance in 8:39 by pinfall. (21)



Remmington: Jewett gets the win!


Smooth: Another one of those goody positive kids, he needs to be more rounded when it comes to personality


Remmington: Well he might give you that, as he now has a mic!






"Willy! I have a rematch clause, and I want it! I want it come Ultimate Showdown! You will not see my positive self there! I will be fiery, I will be determined, I will be everything you wish me not to be! I will become the first 3 time USA champion, and make RIPW history!" (24)




Remmington: "There you go Smooth, that's more strong for you!


Smooth: I'll admit he showed a lot more pride and grit in that speech there than usual.


Remmington: Next up are the tag titles. Can the Sunshine Connection become champions? Or will the Magic Boys nearly 1 year long reign continue...






In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, The Magic Boys defeated The Sunshine Connection in 11:29 when Newquay Brown pinned Rocky Weatherfield, illegally using the ropes for leverage. The Magic Boys make defence number seven of the RIPW Tag Team Championship titles. (24)



Remmington: Not like this!


Smooth: The Magic Boys just pulled off some magic right there, it looked like Rocky had Newquay!


Remmington: Just a ridiculous cheating affair right there! Horrible!


Smooth: Ay, as I say, any means necessary!






We head backstage to see Powerson and Arnold training, with Arnold basically motivating Zap through weights and cardio. (35)









In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Hellion and Zharnel Zephaniah defeated Deever Arnold and Zap Powerson in 10:41 when Zharnel Zephaniah pinned Zap Powerson with a Knock Out Left Hook. (32)



Remmington: Really important win for the momentum of Hellion and Zharnel.


Smooth: Hellion will always have momentum, due to how scary he is. Zharnel is the real beneficiary here. He beats "Mr. Perfect" Zap Powerson and gets a lot of momentum.


Remmington: Plus, after Ultimate Showdown where he presumably faces Zap Powerson, Zharnel will go to the MMA cage and test his worth in that sport once more!






We head backstage and see a party of some sorts, hosted by Marty Simmons who after talking to a couple of people, faces the camera.


Marty: Hey Mori! I know what your punkass did to me, and I ain't very fond over it. That's why when Mean Jean came to this Marty raver, I had one request! Me, you, at Ultimate Showdown. Also, you ain't getting in this party, already blacklisted your sorry ass. (13)




Remmington: As we come back from intermission, we enter the match we have all waited for! Ratzloff vs Good! Who you got Smooth.


Smooth: Gotta go with my man Warwick good. Kids just too good!


Remmington: I will stay with Ratzloff then, here we go!









The Match, 11 Minutes In:



Remmington: Ratzloff remains on the ground, Good knows what he has to do!


Good picks up Ratzloff and slings him up for the Face First Suplex, but Ratzloff at the last possible second tilts his body weight and slams Good down with a reverse DDT!




Ratzloff goes for the cover. 1. 2. Kickout!


Remmington: Kickout at the last second by Good, and Ratzloff right away goes for the Universe Backbreaker! This could be it!


The Universe Backbreaker, Ratzloff's feared submission, locks in hard. Good wails around, trying to find some sort of energy or rope. He knows how much trouble he is in. He looks like he is about to tap, but bites down on his knuckle, and starts nudging to the rope.


Remmington: No one has ever broken out of The Universe Backbreaker, but a few have gotten to the rope! Can Good do it?!


Good nudges, inch by inch, grasping on to the hope, the crowd cheers on Ratzloff as he tries to crank it harder! But Good makes it to the rope to a chorus of boos! Ratzloff lets go!


Smooth: The Bad Guy is pulling out every reserve he has left! Put his back must be destroyed!


Ratzloff picks up Good and gives him a forearm. Good stay upright, as Ratzloff bounces off the ropes for an attempted running clothesline, but Good gets under the moving man, and slams him over his head!


Remmington: He still has it in him! Can he get the suplex!?


Good picks up Ratzloff and hits a normal suplex. He knows he is in a great spot, and he snarls to the crowd as they boo him. Even in pain, Good finds a way to stay brash. Good picks up Ratzloff again, and his the Face first suplex!


Remmington: Is that it? One, two, three!!! We have a new champion!



In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Warwick Good defeated Forrest Ratzloff in 14:10 by pinfall with a Face First Suplex. Warwick Good wins the RIPW Championship title. (34)






We see good sitting by the turnbuckle. He tries to get up using the ropes but the adrenaline dumped quickly, and he couldn't stand up due to his back. As boos chorused around him, Referee Wilson Carlisle, who has been in the ring for nearly every title change, gives the belt to The Bad Man. Victory. A sitting Good gets his arm raised by Wilson, and he shows off a strong grin of victory along with it. (44)



Remmington: The Bad Man becomes champion!


Smooth: Ratzloff will most certainly get his rematch, but for now, this is a celebration for Good.


Remmington: In two months, Warwick will have to defend that title! Who will he defend it against! We will find out next month! See you then, and congratulations to Warwick Good!




Show Rating: 34

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53840" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;">RIPW Driven!</span></p><p> </p><p> <img alt="p2GzVqw.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/p2GzVqw.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53840" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>4v4 Elimination Match: Deever Arnold, Whole Lotta Marvin, Forrest Ratzloff, and Zap Powerson vs Hellion, Samson Sharpe, Warwick Good, Zharnel Zephaniah<p> </p><p> Tag Team Championships: The Magic Boys vs The Wrecking Balls</p><p> </p><p> Bryan Jewett vs Roderick Flack </p><p> </p><p> Marty Simmons vs Prince Rupy </p><p> </p><p> Hank Whitman vs Parvin Kishan </p><p> </p><p> Zeke Cromstock vs Barron Royal</p><p> </p><p> Bonus 1: Who will be the last survivor('s) in the main event?</p><p> </p><p> Bonus 2:What do you think the match card for Ultimate Showdown will be? </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Sorry for the delay of posts, just got the Covid Vaccine booster and that rocked me for a minute there. Anyway, for predictions:</p><p> </p><p> Dinokea: 5/6</p><p> </p><p> Congrats! Please tell me who you want to see a profile about next, profiles on Dreadnought and Willy LaRoux will be out in the coming days as well as the results for RIPW Destiny? All the replies fuel me to write! So I thank you all for those predictions and comments!</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> ...</p>
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<p>4v4 Elimination Match: Deever Arnold, Whole Lotta Marvin, Forrest Ratzloff, and Zap Powerson vs <strong>Hellion, Samson Sharpe, Warwick Good, Zharnel Zephaniah</strong></p><p><strong>


Tag Team Championships: <strong>The Magic Boys</strong> vs The Wrecking Balls</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bryan Jewett</strong> vs Roderick Flack</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Marty Simmons</strong> vs Prince Rupy</p><p> </p><p>

Hank Whitman vs <strong>Parvin Kishan</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Zeke Cromstock</strong> vs Barron Royal</p><p> </p><p>

Bonus 1: Who will be the last survivor('s) in the main event? <strong>Ratzloff and Good</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Bonus 2:What do you think the match card for Ultimate Showdown will be?</p>

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<p>4v4 Elimination Match: Deever Arnold, Whole Lotta Marvin, Forrest Ratzloff, and Zap Powerson def. Hellion, Samson Sharpe, Warwick Good, Zharnel Zephaniah</p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Championships: The Magic Boys def. The Wrecking Balls</p><p> </p><p>

Bryan Jewett def. Roderick Flack</p><p> </p><p>

Marty Simmons def. Prince Rupy</p><p> </p><p>

Hank Whitman def. Parvin Kishan</p><p> </p><p>

Barron Royal def. Zeke Cromstock</p><p> </p><p>

Bonus 1: Who will be the last survivor('s) in the main event? Deever Arnold</p><p> </p><p>

Bonus 2:What do you think the match card for Ultimate Showdown will be? Not a clue</p><p> </p><p>

Profile: Deever Arnold</p>

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Dreadnought: Son Of A Legend





Dreadnought: Son Of A Legend




“Kid, your dad was the best!”


“Kid, Dread revolutionized how to be a large wrestler.”


“Kid, I know you did football as a kid and looked to go to college, but you got to go to your dad’s camp!”


“Kid, did you see this match of your dad’s against Haruki Kudo??”










Since I was a kid, I heard “Kid” more times then I could count. A Kansas boy who’s amongst the top living due to his dad’s success. Due to that same success, I was forced to talk to a bunch of greasy wrestling legends almost every night. Sure, looking back on it now, it’s cool, but it got disheartening after awhile. I saw Rip Chord become excessively more alcoholic even after his success in MAW. I remember getting into freeze tag matches with Jay Chord and The Keith brothers, and seeing Matt and Greg somewhat pick on my older brothers. But no, don’t pick on big ol’ Sam! I knew for a while now I’ve been groomed since I was 5 or so to become a wrestler. I was bigger then all my brothers, and was stronger then most of them by the time I was 9. Kind of knew what was coming.


I did football for all my high school years and was the best Offensive tackle in all of Kansas. I was going to Georgia, and almost certainly going to make the NFL. But I knew I had to follow my Dad’s camp. I knew I had to at least try it, and let him attempt to make me become a great wrestler. So I signed up, and quickly became the only student my Dad had for the year.


I had a weird relationship with my dad. Saw him leave months at a time for PGHW and I still got a grudge on them for taking him away for them early years of my childhood. He did help me learn football as I grew older though, which was fun. Love him to death still, and I’m thankful of all the work he’s put in to me. But I still wish I got to experience him more as a child.


I bring all this up as he recently helped me out even more. After a while on the indies, Dad got into contact with The Eisen’s, who as a favor from his stint there nearly 40 years ago, brought me to Rhode Island. I love him so much for giving me every opprotunity he can, and even if I wasn’t born wanting to become a wrestler, I do still wish to do as good as I can to make him proud, and showing him the lineage he wanted.

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Willy LaRoux: A Man Born To Wrestle


I already can tell I’m born for this! I can make the youngest baby in the audience cry just from my words. I can make the biggest know-it-all in the audience feed into my work. I can make the purist of wrestling fans say that I’m the best in the ring. I am all that, and I know it too!


See, even outside of the show, I have hustled my ass up the wrestling world. Got into MAW and looked to be their next multi time champion before the Supreme swooped me up. Imagine me, a boy from New Orlense becoming succesful like this so quickly! My family would be so gosh darn proud. Forget about them though, I’m in the land of the Supreme! I don’t even need to think about those shmucks anymore!


Mean Jean told me word for word the first time he saw me: “Willy, you’re happy I get it, but please just shut up for a minute.” And since then I have done the exact opposite! Don’t be telling Wild Willy how to be?! It’s me, and I just can’t really control that can I? Of course moving in with Mr. Jewett was fun! Me and him would would pull some of the best pranks on the roster man. Almost got my ass beat by Zharnel for one of them! Ahh. Good times. We got a third roomate almost a year ago now with Son Of Vengeance. Kid keeps to himself a little too much for my liking, but I think me and Jewett are starting to warm him up a bit. Love the work he puts in though.


I know sooner rather then later I’m gonna be called up. I’m just doing THAT good for my level. I’m defiently excited though to show everyone just how good I am, and how I was born for this!

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RIPW Driven


Attendence 155







In a pre-show bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, The Sunshine Connection defeated Dreadnought and Son of Vengeance in 7:45 when Rocky Weatherfield pinned Son of Vengeance with an Implant DDT. (21)


(Mean Jean Notes: Dread is already better than Son Of Vengeance, the hell did his father give him?)








Remmington: Tonight we have a new champion!


Smooth: And tonight, Ratzloff announces his plans for Ultimate Showdown! Hellow I'm Smooth C


Remmington: And I'm Remmington. Ratzloff starts off the show in the ring. We already know he is in the 4v4 Main event tonight, and we will see if he will use his rematch clause for Ultimate Showdown.







"I've done some soul searching since my loss last month. Watched the loss against Warwick over and over man. Felt like I saw every single move both of us did around hundred times. I see my mistakes, not training up my back enough for Warwick's Suplexes, not prepared for Warwick's attacks on my legs. So I've trained. I'm more then ready for Warwick Good, and I want him. I want to face him at Ultimate Showdown! I want to fight him to the bitter end, and win back that title! I know I can, and I will!" (34)


(Notes: Ratzloff has improved his mic work tremendously during his time here. Kid has become a real natural at it.)



Remmington: Impassioned speech there by the former champ


Smooth: It's an evolving game Remmy, where both men try to out improve the other


Remmington: In anycase, we head to our first match. Barron Royal, who has been going through some Dreadnought problems, faces Zeke Cromstock!






In a bout that didn't have much heat and embarrassing wrestling, Barron Royal defeated Zeke Cromstock in 8:11 by submission with a Yale Lock. (12)



Remmington: A decent display there by Royal


Smooth: Kid showed true ivy league potential, and that's impressive


Remmington: Curt Meritt is now in the ring with Barron, and both men have mics.






Curt: "You need a towel?"


Barron: Nah, I never need one!...oh what, now you are booing me? Come on! I represent the good of this country, the good to succeed with just a small loan of 1 college scholarship! Oh come on!"


Curt: "At least these suckers don't have to deal with a monster like Dreadnought terrosing them!"


Barron: You are correct! Mean Jean! I wish to speak to you about that newest signing of yours right this instant!





Mean Jean Cattley appears on stage looking already sick of Royal's shtick.


Barron: "As you have seen in the past, Dreadnought has been randomly, and with bad intent been attacking me, and I've had it! He should be suspended, if not fired from this company right this instant!"


Jean: "....but you called for an open challenge, and he accepted...."


Barron: "And?? He still does this stuff! That was a one time thing and you know."


Jean: "Alright...I know how to fix this."


Barron: "See Curt, the man's getting it!"


Jean: "..You two will fight at Ultimate Showdown!"


Barron: "What?!?"


Jean: "Now get out of my ring! I have a show to run..." (28)



Remmington: Well there you have it! Dreadnought vs Barron Royal, added on to the ever increasing Ultimate Showdown card!


Smooth: These two finally get to finish it off, and I'm excited!


Remmington: This would be the biggest match in both men's careers!


Smooth: But up next though, you have Marty the Party Simmons taking on rookie Prince Rupy, who is looking to make an impression on the RIPW faithful.






In a bout that didn't have much heat and embarrassing wrestling, Marty Simmons defeated Prince Rupy in 9:06 by pinfall with The Hangover. (14)




Remmington: A win here for the Party Animal!


Smooth: And the Sun Kissed Superstar Moriarty Schnell is now out here!




Moriarty Schnell comes down to the ring and both men come face to face, staring each other down. Referee Carlsie prepared to jump in, but Schnell gives a sharp smile before leaving. Simmons continued to stare at him as he walked up the ramp. (25)



Remmington: These two will definitely face off at Ultimate Showdown!


Smooth: And Remmy I see a win here for Schnell, he's the one who instigated this and seems to have the upper hand in the mental game.


Remmington: Well we will find out if you're right next month. But up next we have member of Southern Comfort, Hank Whitman, taking on Pravin Kishan!







In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Parvin Kishan defeated Hank Whitman in 11:24 by pinfall with a roll up. (18)


(Notes: Wanted to give the crowd a surprise upset. Plus Parvin has shown decent ring work so far, making up for his lack of wrestling IQ)




Remmington: Wow! Pravin just shocked the world!


Smooth: In his second match here he defeats a regular in Hank Whitman! Incredible


Remmington: Hank looks livid in the ring, as Pravin celebrates up the ramp in victory!








We head backstage seeing Zharnel getting training in on a punching bag, preparing for tonights main event.




We then see Roderick Flack sneak up, in his usual cartoonish style. He makes sure to give a little wave to Zharnel to not scare him, before he started talking.


Roderick: "So...I head you are a prize fighter...right?"


Zharnel continued punching, paying no mind to Flack.


Roderick: "Well, I am look to hire a bodyguard of sorts, someone to help watch my back as I begin to climb. See I have to money to pay you for this and for you to come out with me every show just to ensure I win these matches. Are you up?"


Zharnel stops, grunts at Roderick, then begins the punching bag.


Roderick: "Is...is that a no? Huuph. See where that gets you!" (31)





In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Bryan Jewett defeated Roderick Flack in 10:56 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. (20)


(Notes: Though Roderick is entertaining, he is inconsistent to the point he sometimes has the worst performances of his class. Key to improving that is the fundamentals, and mastering those down to increase his floor.)



Remmington: Well it seems Roderick really needed Zharnel for this match.


Smooth: Kid was shown the levels to this business, and Jewett shows just how good he is.


Remmington: He now has a mic.






Jewett: "LaRoux! Get your ass out here!"





Willy LaRoux comes out, looking excited too see Jewett in the ring. He stays on the entrance ramp though and has a mic.


LaRoux: "Hehe. Whatcha want Jewett?"


Jewett: "You already know that we are gonna go to blows at Ultimate Showdown. But I want you to understand this. I'm gonna make you feel the pain. The pain of a man who will do whatever it takes to become a champion once again. You might think you are better then me Willy, but you haven't seen this version of me. I am prepared to beat you in every way!


LaRoux: "...Alright. Do all that. Come into my ring and try to destroy me like you say you will. See what happens! You know deep down that you have nothing for me! You hear me! NOTHING!" (38)



Remmmington: Both men are insanely prideful over this feud, and both feel like they deserve this belt


Smooth: It's definitely become more heated between the two, and both are going crazy for this belt.


Remmington: We have the tag belts up next. The Wrecking Balls make their first career attempt at the tag titles here in RIPW!






In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, The Magic Boys defeated The Wrecking Balls in 11:22 when Kingsley Christopher pinned Crusher Ball with a Magic Marker. The Magic Boys make defence number eight of the RIPW Tag Team Championship titles. (20)




Remmington: And that is The Magic Boys' 8th defense of the Tag Team Titles!


Smooth: They have become legends in the RIPW Tag Division, and it seems no one can get one over on them.


Remmington: But before they go up the ramp, here is Mean Jean Cattley!







Mean Jean: "Hold on boys hold on. Before you go, I want to make a coupla match announcements! First off, if you couldn't by the main event tonight, Whole Lotta Marvin will finish his Southern Comfort Conquest at Ultimate Showdown against Samson Sharpe! Not only that, but Zap Powerson will face Zharnel Zephiniah, and Hellion will fight Deever Arnold. BUT! That leaves one more spot on the card. And boys, I think you know where this is going! After the cheating you did to get one over the Sunshine Connection, I have decided to go with a rematch at Ultimate Showdown! Now let's get to the main event!" (36)



Remmington: Lots there by Mean Jean!


Smooth: I don't see how the Sunshine Connection deserve a rematch!? They lost fair and square!


Remmington: The wrestlers for the Main event are coming down, lets get ready to rumble!







The Match: 6 Minutes In



Zharnel is laying blows on a downed Zap Powerson. He grabs Zap by the hair and lifts him up, and prepares for a powerbomb. But before Zharnel can get anything going, Zap reverse, flipping Zharnel over! He then gives a flatliner to Zharnel, and gets the 3! Zharnel shoots up right away livid!


Zharnel Zephaniah has been eliminated!


Remmington: Holy hell!


Smooth: Zharnel just got shocked, and he ain't happy.



Zharnel shoots up, and starts landing blows on Zap, the referee tries to stop him to not avail. He hits the knock out left hook and leaves the ring. A smiling Warwick Good enters the ring, and jogs up to a downed Zap. One, Two, Three.


Zap Powerson has been eliminated!



Remmington: Come on!


Smooth: Warwick is able to get one over for his team!





The Match: 8 Minutes In


Deever Arnold and Whole Lotta Marvin double team on Hellion on the outside, but the Demon just overpowers them, and sends them back to the ring. Deever, being the legal man, is his target, and Hellion hits him with a hard facing lariart, getting the elimination.


Deever Arnold Has Been Eliminated!



He then grabs Whole Lotta Marvin by the throat, and chokeslams him to the ground, eliminating him from the match in the process.



Whole Lotta Marvin has been eliminated!



Smooth: "And just like that, Ratzloff is down 1v3 against Warwick Good, Hellion, and Samson Sharpe."


Remmington: "We will truly see if he put that training to the best of use!"




The Match: 12 Minutes In



Samson Sharpe lands several clubbing blows to Ratzloff, with both Good and Hellion on the ring apron grinning. Samson picks Ratzloff up, looking for a brainbuster, but Ratzloff turns the momentum around, flipping Samson on his stomach. He gets on his back and locks in the Universe Backbreaker! Samson taps immediately!



Samson Sharpe has been eliminated!



Both Warwick Good and Hellion stare at each other for a second, before they start arguing. Well, Warwick argues, Hellion seemingly just makes noises. They both get off the apron and look to go to blows but Ratzloff follows both of them and gives them a double lariet! He then picks Hellion up and flips him over his head, onto the announcers table! Hellion is out cold! Ratzloff rushes to the ring, as Good looks on in awe.



Hellion Has Been Eliminated!


Remmington: We're down to 2!




The Match: 16 Minutes In


Good has the upperhand on the now tired Ratzloff. He picks him up and slams him down for a face first suplex, the move that won him the title. 1. 2. NO. Kickout. Good looks stunned. He picks Ratzloff up again. He puts him in the air, but no! Ratzloff reverses into a reverse DDT. He then hits the Atomic Lariert! But that's not all! He moves Ratzloff to the middle of the ring and put in the Universe Backbreaker! Good is fading, before passing out! Ratzloff wins!


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Deever Arnold, Whole Lotta Marvin, Forrest Ratzloff and Zap Powerson defeated Hellion, Samson Sharpe, Warwick Good and Zharnel Zephaniah in an Elimination match in 17:17; Zharnel Zephaniah was eliminated first, then Zap Powerson, then Deever Arnold, then Whole Lotta Marvin, then Samson Sharpe, then Hellion, and finally Warwick Good. (27)



Remmington: Ratzloff has done it! He has come from a 3-1 deficit to win! Incredible!


Smooth: At first I didn't think he had made those improvements, but after this showing here tonight, he definitely has.


Remmington: And next month is Ultimate Showdown XI! Join us for the biggest event of the year!



Show Rating: 28

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RIPW: Ultimate Showdown 11!







RIPW Championship: Warwick Good © vs Forrest Ratzloff


RIPW USA: Willy LaRoux © vs Bryan Jewett


RIPW Tag Team Championships: The Magic Boys © vs The Sunshine Connection


Hellion vs Deever Arnold


Samson Sharpe vs Whole Lotta Marvin


Marty Simmons vs Moriarty Schnell


Zap Powerson vs Zharnel Zephaniah


Dreadnought vs Barron Royal


Bonus Question: What Will Be The Match Of The Night:





Prediction Results:


Dinokea: 5/6


Herrbear: 5/6 (Got The Bonus Right)



A TIE! Thats a first for these. You both can submit a profile to be done, for future ties you can only pick follow-up profiles for characters already done (more stories in growing up, training for RIPW, etc.) Thank you for all the predictions and comments!



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RIPW Championship: Warwick Good © vs Forrest Ratzloff


RIPW USA: Willy LaRoux © vs Bryan Jewett


RIPW Tag Team Championships: The Magic Boys © vs The Sunshine Connection


Hellion vs Deever Arnold


Samson Sharpe vs Whole Lotta Marvin


Marty Simmons vs Moriarty Schnell

Zap Powerson vs Zharnel Zephaniah


Dreadnought vs Barron Royal


Bonus Question: What Will Be The Match Of The Night: Hellion v Arnold


Profile: Zephaniah

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Deever Arnold: An American Rampage







Been working all my life. Everyday during my childhood I ran faster and faster. Im the only son of my mother, and I can't let her down. I went to Rockwell High School, right in downtown Brooklyn, and quickly became the best WR in all of New York. 1,250 Yards in my Junior year, offer accepted to Alabama. 1,420 yards, and 15 Touchdowns, a school record that earned me the nickname "The Rampage," a nickname I still use today. First game in college, I'm 18 and half right? Get put in during garbage time. 42-6 against god damn Vanderbilt. First play, simple wheel route, get the catch, and tear my knee in 3 different places.


Son of a....


My career is over and now I have to find something else to do. Turns out American Machine is a huge fan of Alabama, and I guess wanted me to try the wrestling thing out. So how the hell do I show ability to learn pro wrestling when my leg is screwed? Well, I got lucky. The Machine got me set up at The Piledriver School Of Wrestling instead of almost certainly getting cut by the Supreme Univeristy. Lee Wright, bless his soul, helped me out more then I can ever thank him. He set me up in an apartment and basically became my personal physical therapist. I literally became his sole student for a minute, just because he felt I had potential. Then Ray Diaz came and help for the basics, and in just under a year, I was ready to go pro. My knee was still hurt, and still sometimes buckles on occasion, but I learned to live with it. Had a tryout match for NYCW, and though I got a contract offer from them, I also had one from Rochard Eisen, who saw my tape due to American Macine's recommendation.


And now...I've kicked some ass. Became a champion in under two years,

and now I'm on the precipice of the land of the Supreme. And I get to do that all with my Momma driving to Rhode Island every month just to see me wrestle, and Im proud of that. Sure, this wasn't the original goal, but I am proud of what I accomplished. The Rampage has overcome it all, and The Rampage will come for all in it's path.

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RIPW Championship: Warwick Good © vs Forrest Ratzloff


RIPW USA: Willy LaRoux © vs Bryan Jewett


RIPW Tag Team Championships: The Magic Boys © vs The Sunshine Connection


Hellion vs Deever Arnold


Samson Sharpe vs Whole Lotta Marvin


Marty Simmons vs Moriarty Schnell


Zap Powerson vs Zharnel Zephaniah


Dreadnought vs Barron Royal


Bonus Question: What Will Be The Match Of The Night: RIPW Tag Team Championships


Profile on Moriarty Schnell

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