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PRO X: A Modern Day TEW Saga

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Thursday, Week 1, December 2023 - Walter Pyramid - Long Beach, CA



We open the show with Bad Bunny coming out. He starts in on how's he's observed for these first handful of weeks, competing when it's his time to compete, but also watching as a fan...as a peer to PRO X. There's all sorts of things that stand out, most for the good, but there are some things for the bad. The bad from what he's watched since the initial PRO X show is the overly annoying and large ego and stench the CM Punk brings with him week in and week out. He's sick of hearing him spew his self-congratulating promos, watching him and his buddies, FTR, prance around here like PRO X is there personal playground. Well it isn't, and Bad Bunny is going to prove it-...
"Cult of Personality" hits the sound system and out comes CM Punk who responds to Bunny from the entry. He tells Bunny that while he was in basically diapers, CM Punk has been proving he's the best in the wrestling world. That's no ego, that's fact. He verbally attacks Bad Bunny about the fact that he's not even a real pro wrestler, he's just a wannabe celebrity who got lucky enough to have a couple side gig matches to draw some of his fans into seats. Tonight, it's time for a reality check. CM Punk is going to bring Bad Bunny to reality and remind him he doesn't belong in this business, and while the ego is real and well deserved, that CM Punk is the best in PRO X and that Bunny can keep his nose out of CM Punk's business and company.


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The Gunn Club (w/ Angelina Love) vs KENTA, Wheeler Yuta, & Zack Sabre Jr.
The match showcased an intense back-and-forth, with Juice Robinson delivering impactful maneuvers and showcasing his charismatic in-ring style. As the action reached its peak...
...The Colons made a surprise entrance at ringside, tossing popcorn into the faces of The Gunns and Angelina Love, creating a distraction that turned the tide of the match. Seizing the opportunity, Wheeler Yuta capitalized on the moment and secured the victory for his team by rolling up Colten Gunn when he was distracted. The Gunn Club sat in the ring absolutely furious at what just happened. Carlito yelled "See you at Seasons Beatings!", seemingly accepting The Gunn clubs challenge from last week.
WINNER: KENTA, Wheeler Yuta, & Zack Sabre Jr.


Eva Marie is in the back and brings in Mandy Sacs. Eva informs her that due to Athena and Trinity both being out will illnesses this week, that both semi-final matches for the PRO X Womens World Title Tournament have been postponed for next week. Eva asks Mandy if she can carry her momentum into next week yet? Sacs responds that she was ready this week, she was ready last week, and she'll be ready next week. She has no time for sickness, she's not weak like some people in PRO X. Mandy tells Eva to pass along to Trinity that no matter if she's sick of not, Mandy is smack her b*tch ass around next week and get on step closer to that beautiful gold.


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Will Ospreay vs Tommy End (w/ CJ)
Will Ospreay clashed with Tommy End in a match that electrified the audience from start to finish. Both competitors showcased their incredible athleticism and technical prowess, leaving the crowd in awe with a series of jaw-dropping moves and near falls. The match reached its conclusion when Ospreay seemed on the verge of defeat after a devastating sequence from End. However, in a shocking turn of events, Tommy End's manager, C.J., who had been a constant presence at ringside, revealed her true colors. Seizing the opportune moment, C.J. executed a low blow on End from the side of the ring, unbeknownst to the referee and Ospreay. This betrayal opened the door for Ospreay to capitalize, securing the victory and leaving the audience in disbelief at the unexpected twist. Despite the controversy, the match will be remembered as a thrilling showcase of talent, marred only by the unexpected betrayal that altered the course of the contest.
WINNER: Will Ospreay


Marshall, Ross, and Lacey Von Erich are in back to help promote the new movie, Iron Claw, which talks about the legendary family at hand. Now that their family is in the Hollywood spotlight, that it's time for them to shine as well, and they're more than ready. Just then...
...Sister April comes into the picture. She informs The Von Erichs that they are right, it is time for them to shine. To shine as bright as all of the fireflies in the night sky. To shine and then suffer for the filth and sin they promote within Hollywood. "I am sorry" she says last, just as...
...Redbeard and Vincent attack Ross & Marshall from behind. Lacey screams as the attack looks to have busted both men open, the blood painted on Vincent and Redbeards hands. Sister April laughs and motions them to stop. "Good night, my dears...you will know where to find us..."


We see a video that shows highlights of the first Kliq This that was on PRO X with Kevin Nash, only for him to have been assaulted by Black Tauraus and his mentor, Dave Bautista. We get the announcement that Kevin Nash returns next with the newest Kliq This segment on Xcellence. What will happen?


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Legion of Pain (w/ Stokely Hathaway) vs Chris Hero & James Storm
Right from the opening bell, the Legion of Pain asserted their dominance with an overwhelming display of strength and aggression. Sunny and Gzim showcased their tag team synergy, isolating Hero and Storm with a relentless onslaught. The Legion of Pain's teamwork proved too much for their opponents as they executed a series of devastating double-team maneuvers. Despite Hero and Storm's resilience, the Legion of Pain made quick work of the vets, securing a decisive victory and leaving an indelible mark as a force to be reckoned with in the tag team division, lead by Stokely Hathaway.
WINNER: Legion of Pain


Kurt Angle leads Tessa Blanchard and Chris Bey out to the ring. Angle introduces Chris Bey as the newest member, but no one should be surprised because he's obviously GOLD standard, as Bey raises his PRO X Cruiserweight title belt into the air. Angle opens up  the Gold Standard challenge for either Ms. Blanchard or Mr. Bey, first come first serve. In a shock...
...Brie Danielson comes out to answer the Gold Standard Challenge. The crowd can't believe it. Brie comes out and snags the mic first. She says everyone knows who she is, but many are wondering why she's here. Easiest answer is to shut down this Gold Standard and to shut Angle up permanently just as she slaps his face. Angle stares down Danielson with intensity and anger from the disrespect. He shakes his head from side to side and gives a thumbs-down to Brie Danielson. Immediately, Blanchard attacks her from he blindside and starts a beatdown. Angle and Bey slide out of the ring as to leave the women at it, Blanchard kicking and punching Brie on the ground. Angle slides in a chair and tells Tessa to put Brie's ankle in there, she listens. While Brie's ankle sits within the metal chair, out rushes...
...her twin sister Nikki Garcia. Seeing Nikki enter the ring, Tessa quickly rolls out and stands with Angle and Bey, whom all seem to be laughing. Nikki attends to her sister, saving her from a broken ankle.


We see Goldberg walking the hallway in back dead set concentration and heading towards the arena as his tournament match against PAC is up next!


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PAC vs Bill Goldberg
PAC faced off against the legendary Bill Goldberg in a PRO X Universal Title Tournament match. Right from the opening bell, Goldberg showcased his unparalleled strength, dominating PAC with his powerful intense offense. Goldberg demonstrated why he's considered a force to be reckoned with in the squared circle. However, just when it seemed like he was on the verge of victory, the unexpected occurred. Just as PAC was able to dropkick Goldberg out of the ring, while the ref was checking on PAC in the ring, the arena erupted a...
... Ryback, came from the crowd and ran a devastating spear right through Goldberg and rolled him back into the ring causing a sudden turn of events. Seizing the opportunity, PAC capitalized on what just happened, and connected on a quick Black Arrow to get the upset and advance!


Eva Marie is in back with Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz, The Rascalz. She says it was a surprise for them to make their PRO X debut last week as surprise opponents against the PRO X Tag Team Champions, FTR. They got the win, but not the titles. Miguel talks about how she is correct, they would've made quite the impact and debut by winning the tag belts last week. Clearly the results would've been different if others didn't resort to scumbag tactics. Wentz adds in that they are well aware of the tag team division here in PRO X and they are happy to be a part of it. Doesn't matter whoever has those titles on their shoulders, the world better know that The Rascalz are here, and they are here for gold.


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Tay Wyatt vs Samoa Joe
The match showcased a riveting blend of technical prowess and brute strength, with both competitors exchanging punishing blows and near-falls. As the intensity escalated, the atmosphere thickened when Sister April slithered her way onto the apron. With the referee momentarily distracted with her, Tay Wyatt seized the opportunity to resort to underhanded tactics. However, the plot took an unexpected turn when...
...Rob Van Dam sprinted down the ramp, wielding a steel chair. With a thunderous crack, RVD delivered a decisive blow to Wyatt's skull, leaving Sister April in shock. Seizing the moment, Samoa Joe shrugged his shoulders to what just took place and pinned Tay Wyatt for a triumphant victory. Sister April death stares her craze at RVD who laughs from the top of the entrance.
WINNER: Samoa Joe


The Motor City Machine Guns come out to the ring and snag a mic. They call out FTR, but no one comes out, just as they figured. Cowards. Just like last week they knew they couldn't handle a debuting tag team. Just like they cowardly hired the LoP to attack them to send a message. The message is clear, FTR are cowards and punks. They say that they are challenging Dax and Cash to a match at Seasons Beatings. If they think they are the best tag team in the world, then prove it, put the belts on the line, take on the Motor City Machine Guns with no extra bull cr-...
...out come FTR. They tell Shelley and Sabin to shut up already. If you ain't cheating ya ain't trying and that there's a reason why these boys have the belts around their waists right now, and they will never go anywhere else. That's a fact. They tell the Shelley and Sabin that they are feeling graciously tonight, they accept their challenge. But after the beat them, Shelley and Sabin can head down the totem poll because that's it. FTR are sick of dealing with them. Looks like we have a PRO X World Tag Team title match set for Seasons Beatings!


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Bad Bunny vs CM Punk
From the opening bell, Punk took charge, both physically and vocally, mercilessly taunting Bunny with a barrage of verbal jabs. The Grammy-winning artist, however, showcased surprising resilience, countering Punk's taunts with a few impressive athletic maneuvers himself. The match reached its climax when Punk, living up to his reputation as a master strategist, lured Bunny into a false sense of security before executing his devastating finishing move, the GTS (Go To Sleep). The crowd booed as Punk secured the pinfall, proving that in the ring, experience and strategy can outshine even the flashiest of entrances. CM Punk blows a kiss to Bad Bunny who lies in the ring yet and motions his hands around his waist and signify he's coming for the PRO X Universal Title, and is moving on one step closer to the final four.


We hear 'Cult of Personality' playing still and see back into Stephanie McMahon's office. She clearly looks distraught and mad. Stressing out she grabs a pencil that was on her desk and snaps it in half and throws it against the wall as we see CM Punk celebrating in the background on the monitor.





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Thursday, Week 2, December 2023 - HEB Center - Cedar Park, TX



Elon Musk and Stephanie McMahon come out. Elon welcomes everyone to Xcellence and hope they are ready for an amazing night. No better way to start this night off with an announcement in regards to PRO X's first live premium event, Seasons Beatings. He hands the mic to Stephanie who talks about how the tournaments for the PRO X Universal Title and the PRO X Womens World Title are coming along phenomenally...for the most part...and we're reaching the conclusion of awarding the prestigious championships at Seasons Beatings. On top of those, that's not where it'll stop at gifting championships at Seasons Beatings. Musk and Stephanie announce that the two competitors from each tournament whom miss out on the final of their tournament, will be placed into matches to battle for PRO X second tier gold. For the mens, it'll be for the PRO X Global X Title. And then for the womens, it'll be for the PRO X North American title! Look for tons of gold to be up for grabs at Seasons Beatings.

Eva Marie is in back with PRO X Cruiserweight Champion, Chris Bey. Bey goes on about how due to his fellow Gold Standard mate, Tessa Blanchard, having her tourney match tonight there will be no Gold Standard challenge. However, let it be known that next week, yours truly will be holding the challenge. Anyone in the back wanting a piece of this golden primate? Meh, good luck. He'll be out in that ring waiting...

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Tessa Blanchard (w/ Kurt Angle) vs Athena
The match was a rollercoaster of momentum swings, with both competitors showcasing their athleticism and technical prowess. Athena's resilience and high-flying maneuvers kept Tessa on her toes, but the crafty heel managed to turn the tide with underhanded tactics and strategic attacks on Athena's limbs. The audience roared as each near-fall intensified the drama. As the bout reached its climax, Tessa seized the moment, countering one of Athena's high-risk moves into her devastating finisher, the Buzzsaw. The thunderous impact echoed through the arena, securing Tessa Blanchard the victory and a spot in the PRO X Womens World Title Match at Seasons Beatings against Trinity. Kurt Angle stood outside the ring and applauded with a grin on his face.
WINNER: Tessa Blanchard

Kevin Nash comes out and let's the fans know it's good to be back. Last time he was here, he was caught off guard with what had happened. He'll address that at another date but the point of tonight is to bring another great addition of Kliq This. So furthermore, let's bring out the next guest!
Austin Aries theme music hits as he makes his way to the ring. Nash welcomes Aries to the ring and they talk about how things are going. We haven't seen much of Aries since the loss in the 6-way PRO X Cruiserweight Title match back last month. Aries says he knows, he's been dealing with a lot personally and-...
...out comes Dave Bautista and Black Tauraus. Nash looks annoyed by ready and waiting, expecting this to take place. Bautista and Tauraus stand at the entry way and ask Nash how he's doing? Takes awhile for old men to recover. Obviously that point was not made clear last time. Bautista tells him they didn't want him back, he's not supposed to be back. Maybe it's time for them to come down and finish the job. Nash cuts them off and tells them while he appreciates their want to be on the show, consistently, that they will just need to wait their turn. Nash tells them that he's been in talks with the powers at be, and he deserves payback for what they did to him. Seasons Beatings seems like a good place for them to get the beating that they deserve. Bautista laughs and asks Nash if he's serious? An old man at his age going against the likes of a beast like Black Tauraus? Give me a break. Nash tells Bautista that just like him, he can get someone else to represent himself and he'll let them know who that'll be, next week...

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Trinity vs Mandy Sacs
From the opening bell, the match unfolded as a seesaw battle, both women showcasing their impressive array of holds, strikes, and creative maneuvers. Trinity's resilience and Mandy's devious tactics kept the audience on the edge of their seats as the momentum shifted continuously. As the match approached its finale, Mandy Sacs, desperate for a shortcut to victory, attempted to do a quick roll-up and grab a hold of Trinity's tights. However, Trinity some how kicked out, and fueled by the cheers of her adoring fans, quickly went on the offense. With lightning reflexes, Trinity sent a shocked and angry Mandy into the ropes and delivered her trademark finisher—the Rear View. The running butt-to-the-face maneuver connected flawlessly, leaving Mandy Sacs sprawled on the canvas as Trinity secured the hard-fought, well-deserved victory and clinched her spot in the PRO X Womens World Title Match at Seasons Beatings.
WINNER: Trinity

The Family come out to the ring as Sister April leads Wyatt, Redbeard and Vincent. Tay Wyatt snags the mic and begins addressing his thoughts. He can't get the tension out of his brain, the anger and stress that has been placed upon him since last week. How dare anyone take away his opportunity to fulfill his championship destiny. But...he shouldn't have been surprised. Rob Van Dam has been a victim of medicine that poisons the brain, that weakens the soul. Doesn't make one think straight. RVD seems to have gotten too laxed to understand the epitome of lack of coolness that he truly is. Tay talks about the proposal he give to Rob Van Dam in the past, it's quite apparent he has made his choice.
Rob Van Dam's music hits and he comes out and stops at the entry way. He tells Wyatt that what comes around goes around. The Family took his chance away at gold so it was only fair that he does the same. It's just a shame there's so many of you stooges around to mess with. Sister April grabs the mic and scolds RVD, letting him know that for weeks they've tried sending messages to him and for him to understand the depths of despair they are trying to repair in this world. He was their first piece to the puzzle. Since he won't comply, then at Seasons Beatings, he will be forced to comply. She tells RVD his weeks used to be numbered, but now she can start talking in days. He should fear what happens at Seasons Beatings. All the fireflies glow in the dark, Rob Van Dam's light is about to dim...forever.

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PAC vs Samoa Joe
In an electrifying clash of powerhouse versus high-flier, the squared circle witnessed a thrilling semi-final showdown between PAC and Samoa Joe. The match unfolded with Joe asserting his dominance, unleashing raw power that left the crowd in awe. However, PAC, ever the technical wizard, countered with a dazzling array of precise moves, seamlessly blending ground-based holds with breathtaking aerial assaults. The momentum swung back and forth as both men showcased their prowess. As the tension peaked, Samoa Joe seized the opportunity to cinch in his signature Coquina Clutch. Despite PAC's valiant efforts to escape, the relentless submission proved too much. The arena fell silent as PAC succumbed to the hold, fading into unconsciousness, and the referee declared Samoa Joe the victor as PAC's arm fell for it's third and final time. Samoa Joe moves onto the the PRO X Universal Title Match at Seasons Beatings.
WINNER: Samoa Joe

The Gunn Club come out and Juice Robinson starts spewing how enough is enough. They are so sick of The Colons, they are ready to send them back to two decades ago. They are old news and they are glad that the didn't crap out and that they accepted the trios challenge for at Seasons Beatings.
The Colons come out and atop the entry way, Carlito let's Juice and his friends know that they just really suck if a few guys from two decades ago get under their skin and get more cheers from a modern day crowd. If that's the case, it's clear who the number one threesome is in PRO X, and they're cool if their threesome doesn't even include Ms. Love...
...Elon Musk live streams in and tells the teams that he loves the energy and excitement. If he could feed off of it for just one second, he'd like to add some more fuel to this fire. Not only will it be The Gunn Club taking on The Colons at Seasons Beatings, but it'll also be for the PRO X World Trios championship title belts. Let's see what threesome comes out solid at the end of this climax!

We see Eva Marie in back and she brings on C.J. to the interview set. She asks C.J. to please explain her actions last week, as she betrayed Tommy End and costed him his match against Will Ospreay to go to the PRO X Universal Title Tournament finals. C.J. says she has nothing to explain to anyone, but she will because she knows it was all for the better. You see, Tommy End to her was never really anything to bank on. He's low class, and well, she's high class. He can lay amongst the shadows all he wants, incase anyone hasn't noticed, she shines bright. Brightness will always outshine the darkness. So, she decided to put an 'end' to the slim chance her ever had at winning that Universal Title belt. The fans won't thank her now...but in the future, oh they will...as she walks away, we see a silhouette in the background dark spots that looks to be...
...Tommy End who watched and heard her words from the shadows.

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Will Ospreay vs CM Punk
In the second and last semi-final match for the PRO X Universal Title Tournament, Will Ospreay and CM Punk delivered a wrestling spectacle that kept fans on the edge of their seats. The back-and-forth action was relentless, with neither competitor gaining a clear advantage. As the match reached its climax, Ospreay summoned his last ounce of strength to execute his devastating finisher, the Hidden Blade, only for Punk to miraculously kick out at the last possible moment. Undeterred, Ospreay rallied and attempted to lift Punk, but the wily vet seized the opportunity to lock in his signature submission, the Anaconda Vise. Ospreay, refusing to succumb, displayed incredible resilience and reached the ropes, prompting the referee to intervene. With both warriors visibly drained, they struggled to their feet and engaged in a final exchange of punishing blows. In a shocking turn of events, Punk capitalized on a momentary lapse from Ospreay, countering into the Go To Sleep (GTS) and securing the hard-fought victory. CM Punk celebrates as it appears to be CM Punk taking on Samoa Joe for the PRO X Universal Title at Seasons Beatings!





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