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Inspiration/Ideas for Storylines Thread

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Search around for some of the old storyline megapacks too, those are always a compliation of ideas done in wrestling history that are good to look through laid out like they are.


This might be it:




And someone made a story browser using Liberty Basic that has storylines in a searchable format.

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Another one I remembered - this one requires at least 3 people: Veteran face, veteran (rival) heel, and new to the company monster.


Everyone’s got an RDJ retirement storyline. This was mine.


Remo Richardson was hired from SWF and came to TCW ready to prove to everyone that despite the two companies’ reputations he could still absolutely crush anyone who got in front of him. After a few squashes against guys I wanted to have “lose upward” (this obviously only works with an established outsider) RDJ confronts him and says he won’t allow Remo to run roughshod in HIS house.

First match - Remo v RDJ - close loss by RDJ

Second match - Remo v RDJ - complete loss by RDJ.

Angle - Remo is brutalizing RDJ when Tommy Cornell runs down to save -

* face turn for Cornell *

Angle- Cornell says that he and RDJ were rivals, but he and Remo are enemies

Angle- Cornell promises to make Remo bleed the same way Remo made RDJ bleed.

Third Match - Cornell v Remo (First Blood).


I had Cornell win their match due to RDJ assistance because I felt the three month build and payoff was right for what I wanted, but I think you could definitely either have a count out or close loss and keep the feud going another couple months.

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Another one I remembered - this one requires at least 3 people: Veteran face, veteran (rival) heel, and new to the company monster.


Everyone’s got an RDJ retirement storyline. This was mine.


Remo Richardson was hired from SWF and came to TCW ready to prove to everyone that despite the two companies’ reputations he could still absolutely crush anyone who got in front of him. After a few squashes against guys I wanted to have “lose upward” (this obviously only works with an established outsider) RDJ confronts him and says he won’t allow Remo to run roughshod in HIS house.

First match - Remo v RDJ - close loss by RDJ

Second match - Remo v RDJ - complete loss by RDJ.

Angle - Remo is brutalizing RDJ when Tommy Cornell runs down to save -

* face turn for Cornell *

Angle- Cornell says that he and RDJ were rivals, but he and Remo are enemies

Angle- Cornell promises to make Remo bleed the same way Remo made RDJ bleed.

Third Match - Cornell v Remo (First Blood).


I had Cornell win their match due to RDJ assistance because I felt the three month build and payoff was right for what I wanted, but I think you could definitely either have a count out or close loss and keep the feud going another couple months.


Good stuff. I think even having it your way - Remo losing without taking a pin and with outside interference is enough to get another match out of it.

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Another possible storyline (or at least the beginnings of one):


You have a rookie and a vet, both faces. The vet sees something of himself in the rookie so he takes him under his wing. But there is always something the rookie does that ultimately costs him the matches - maybe he takes unnecessary risks, maybe he gets sloppy, or makes lackadaisical pins out of overconfidence. So you have the veteran give him some tough love.


Maybe the rookie starts to go on a winning streak, in spite of himself, and figures he doesn't need the vet.


Maybe the rookie blames the vet for the losses, or resents the fact that he is trying to make him something he isn't. He could even frame it as the vet is scared that he is going to surpass him so he is keeping the rookie down.


If the vet is on the way out, don't tell the fans and build a retirement angle out of it.

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Another possible storyline (or at least the beginnings of one):


You have a rookie and a vet, both faces. The vet sees something of himself in the rookie so he takes him under his wing. But there is always something the rookie does that ultimately costs him the matches - maybe he takes unnecessary risks, maybe he gets sloppy, or makes lackadaisical pins out of overconfidence. So you have the veteran give him some tough love.


Maybe the rookie starts to go on a winning streak, in spite of himself, and figures he doesn't need the vet.


Maybe the rookie blames the vet for the losses, or resents the fact that he is trying to make him something he isn't. He could even frame it as the vet is scared that he is going to surpass him so he is keeping the rookie down.


If the vet is on the way out, don't tell the fans and build a retirement angle out of it.


That’s a pretty good option. Kind of like Brett vs Owen, while also giving you an excuse to put a newbie in with a veteran for a stats rub.


You can also do the reverse with the newbie babyface either being a former mentee from a previous promotion or former fan and the veteran being a lazy or cynical heel, with the newbie trying to return him to a serious competitor.

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