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Repetitive Booking

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I've noticed when two wrestlers have their 4th match with one another in too short a period of time it incurs a "repetitive booking penalty". This penalty takes place when 4 matches happens within ________ time period? I try to spread out matches in a feud with angles and tags but still find myself getting dinged by the penalty when I want to have the final payoff match.
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It is indeed 6 months. When you have a 4th singles match in that period it will trigger almost always unless it was the best match.


You can turn this off. I assume it's made to keep players from exploiting chemistry effects or something. I personally turn it off, but I only book the same match 4x in extreme circumstances, like a best of 7 series. Imo the final 3 shouldn't be penalised if a writer makes it interesting.

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Yes, repetitive booking is a thing and I'm glad it's in the game. It gives me a challenge to get the best out of a feud before the 3 match mark. My only issue with it is when it's a dark match like a pre-show match because at that point the only people seeing it are in a house show like setting. So the next region wouldn't know it is repetitive.


If I have a 4th match with the repetitive booking a possibility I make sure the match has a stipulation to elevate the match a bit and make the match usually a blow off match to end the feud.


Other suggestions are to simply turn off repetitive booking or book them in multiple man matches to build feud even more. Or do the old (WWE)wrestling trope of having those feuding tag together to build on the storyline. (That is more so for storyline feds than competste feds).

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