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Playing as NOAH in a RW database and midway through the year for maybe 6 months my attendance will drop massively, I'm talking a drop from 75,000 expected to 25,000 expected. This is despite the wrestling industry and economy both being on the rise and with no attendance penalties being noted on the screen? Is there some hidden factor that I'm missing here or could this just be random?
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Are you sure you're booking the shows in the same area and not one where your company's popularity is lower?


Yes this is in all areas, through the power of the owned broadcaster I've got the pop to run roughly 40,000 seaters in Mexico and USA as well as Japan and the problem occurs whether i'm running shows in my home region of Kanto or over in the USA.

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As you've specified NOAH who I'd imagine have a large number of shows, you're probably burning out your fans with the amount of content. Attendance will drop significantly once the fans start to think you're over-saturating them.


I did think that was likely to be the case is it possible I’m burning out my fans and not seeing the warnings about having oversaturating the regions because it’s a whole game world issue. I.e with the shows being broadcast in all these regions I’m burning out the fans regardless of if I’m holding shows there? I’ll move some of my round robin dates back over to touring and hope that my workers don’t hold back too much and my ratings stay somewhat steady. Thanks for the reply.

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That is correct. If you're running a ton of shows and they're being broadcast then they're all counting towards the total as it's still content your fans 'need' to see. If you're pounding out show after show, especially when they're not official touring shows, the fans are going to grow bored or resentful of how much you're stuffing down their throats. See: WWE.
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You can run 4 events in a month with full attendance. After that the game starts to consider them TV shows instead of events because they're happening too often. If you're running more than 4 shows a month some of them either need to be TV or Tour shows. It's all in the handbook.
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