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WWF 1993: Lets Put a Headlock on Hunger

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The week in WWF TV (March Week 3 1993)
Sponsored by WWF Royal Rumble: Coming Soon to Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo featuring a huge 12 wrestlers to play as.

Macho has Bret’s back?

A lot of interesting happenings this week as Monday Night Raw saw #1 contender Randy Savage take on Jim Neidhart as a part of a big double main event for the broadcast.

The match itself was a very one sided affair with The Anvil only getting a small amount of offense in before falling victim to the Flying Elbow.

During the match we had WWF World Heavyweight Champion Bret Hart on the telephone to announce desk. The Hitman spoke about his upcoming match on Superstars with Bam Bam Bigelow and also spoke about how impressed he was with what he was seeing from Savage and put him over as a good competitor.

Over on Superstars when the match came it was a tough one for the champion as he had to contend with Paul E Dangerously’s toughest monster as well as the presence on the outside of the Natural Disasters.

The match was a back and forth affair and just as it looked like Bret was setting up to slap on the Sharpshooter he was jumped by Earthquake and Typhoon leading to all 3 members of the Dangerous Monsters beating him down.

As all hope seemed lost for the champion out from the back holding a steel chair came Randy Savage as he hit the ring and all the bad guys bailed leaving Randy to help up Bret.

On Wrestling Challenge we got a special interview with Savage as he said he did it because he doesn’t want Bret to have any excuses as to why he loses come WrestleMania IX.

It was also announced that this week on Monday Night Raw the last one before the huge night in Las Vegas we would see a contract signing in the middle of the ring officiated by Jack Tunney. In addition Owen Hart will return ahead of his WrestleMania IX match with Bam Bam Bigelow and team with long Koko B. Ware as High Energy to take on Natural Disasters on Superstars.

Hulkamania Running Wild

In the second of the Monday Night Raw double main events we saw Mr. Fuji bring in his specially selected charge from Japan The Great Kabuki to take on Hulk Hogan.

The Hulkster was wrestling for the first time ever on Monday Night Raw and the fans loved it. All of his signature moves were used before he managed to deliver the Big Boot then Atomic Leg Drop.

Hogan posed to end the night with the fans going home happy and Vince and Brother Love argued about whether at WrestleMania IX Yokozuna can be dominated in this fashion.

It was announced later in the week during a routine Yokozuna victory over a local talent with the Banzai Drop that this coming week on Monday Night Raw we will see a weigh in ahead of WrestleMania IX with both men getting a chance to look each other in the eye live from Caesar’s Palace by video feed.

A slippery customer for Razor

On Monday Night Raw El Matador got the chance to face off with Razor Ramon and try to exact revenge from two weeks ago. The two men put on a solid match but there always only looked to be one winner and in the end that proved that case as a Razor’s Edge ended the contest.

After the match Razor Ramon got a microphone and started kicking at the downed Santana asking him to be a man and tell Razor who was going to face him at WrestleMania IX to represent all of the old guys who don’t belong here.

Just then Razor turns around and “BAM DDT!!” the man stands up and pulls down his hood to reveal Jake “The Snake” Roberts before looking down at the fallen Razor to end the segment.

Later in the week on Superstars during the WrestleMania report this match was officially confirmed as the final match added to the card. An interview taped with Jake has him talking about sitting at home hearing and seeing the actions of Ramon and it making him sick.

Jake says that out in the wild the old snakes are the most dangerous, the ones with the most experience, the ones that have shed the most skin and the ones with the biggest bite in them.

Roberts then goes on to say that in Las Vegas you don’t need to be a gambling man to know that “The Bad Guy will be bitten…Trust Me!!”

Not the Perfect Result

On Monday Night Raw the night opened with Dr. Diamond already in the ring alongside Bobby Heenan as we go a typically elaborate entrance from “The Narcissus” Lex Luger.

Diamond got the microphone and announced he had the results of his thorough investigation last week and was just about to announce them when he was cut off by the music of Mr. Perfect who came out to the entrance with a chair to sit and watch with a big smile on his face.

The doctor looked down at his clip board and smiled before announcing it was with great pleasure that he can announce that there is nothing suspicious about the forearm of Lex Luger and the only thing he noticed during the examination was how strong  and dare he say “perfect” of an arm it was.

Heenan then shakes the hand of Diamond before taking the microphone himself and shouting to Perfect that in less than two weeks as WrestleMania IX he will get to see first-hand true perfection as he falls victim to the Nemesis Curse.

Luger flexes in the background as the segment ends with an irate Perfect storming to the back.

Later in the week on Superstars a special interview with Mr. Perfect sees him talking to Sean Mooney about something being amiss and there being something strange and untrustworthy about this doctor who has appeared out of nowhere.

Perfect talks about Kamala going missing, Luger’s results and god knows what he keeps behind that door. The segment ends with Perfect alluding to needing this to be investigated more.

Doink isn’t worried

After the decree that The Big Top will be banned from ringside other than The Ringmaster at WrestleMania IX against Crush many would see it as a reason for Doink the Clown to worry.

In a special interview on Monday Night Raw the devious clown talked about how he is the greatest clown to ever live and will stop at nothing to entertain the children and destroy Crush.

Doink mentions that like any good clown he has a lot more tricks up his sleeve before pulling a never ending handkerchief from his pocket and laughing like a maniac.

Later on in the broadcast Crush wanted a piece of The Big Top and teamed with “1-2-3 Kid” Scott Taylor and Tatanka to face off with Doink, Strongman Hernandez and Kamikaze in six man tag team action.

The match was a solid match although to the frustration of Crush we saw Doink keep avoiding getting mixed up in the match and even after a while just left to do tricks in the crowd.

This turned it into essentially a handicap match and Crush got a modicum of revenge when he pinned Strongman Hernandez following a big power slam.

Crush then goes off into the crowd looking for Doink but the clown is long gone.

A Royal Appointment

Following the previously mentioned match we saw Jerry Lawler, Jeff Jarrett and Big Johnny Black jump Tatanka and Taylor inside of the ring and beat them down on Monday Night Raw.

Later in the week on Superstars Tatanka got some payback by defeating Big Johnny Black with a big Flying Tomahawk Chop in a solid match.

The on Wrestling Challenge we saw Jerry Lawler letting us all know that next week on Superstars he will be having a special segment known as The King’s Court with special guests the parents of Tatanka. He wants to know all about what makes Tatanka the man he is and he is throwing out the invite for Tatanka to join them.

Also on the show as a part of this we will finally get the long awaited live performance from Jeff Jarrett to show why he is a multiple gold record winner.

WrestleMania will be your resting place

On Wrestling Challenge this week we got a special inside the arena interview from Sean Mooney with Harvey Wippleman and Jorge Gonzalez. Wippleman spoke about how The Undertaker ruined Kamala at Survivor Series when he stuffed him inside of the casket so it will only be fitting that at WrestleMania IX The Undertaker is ruined for good as he will never be the same again once he gets stuffed inside his own creation.

As a rebuttal we went to a dingy workshop where we could see The Undertaker putting the finishing touches onto the casket in the background. Paul Bearer informed us that Gonzalez is referred to as a fixer but after WrestleMania he will be broken. His body will be broken, his mind will be broken and his soul will be broken as when he is placed inside of the casket and lid is slammed shut all he will see is darkness and the souls of those he has crossed before.

The Undertaker then turns around and says Las Vegas may be known as the City of Light but at Caesar’s Palace Jorge will see only darkness as he and Harvey Wippleman “Rest in Peace”

The Steiners are not down

Over on Superstars we saw the proper in ring debut of The Bounty Hunters as these two impressive big men followed on from laying waste to The Steiner Brothers last week by decimating The Bushwhackers in short order. The larger of the two dropping his massive weight from the second rope onto Butch with a Splash for the win.

The bigger story was during the match we got an inset interview with Rick and Scott informing us that they are battered and bruised but nothing will stop them from getting to WrestleMania IX and defeating Money Inc. for the WWF World Tag Team Titles.

Before that however they are challenging The Bounty Hunters to a match next week on Monday Night Raw where they plan to show Ted and Irwin just what will happen to them in Las Vegas.

A Storied Rivalry comes to a head in a ladder match

Over on Monday Night Raw we got treated to a special video package that recapped the time of Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty as The Rockers all the way up to their split and Barbershop window incident which put Marty out.

The video then comes to more recent times between the two with the Royal Rumble match, Sherri’s loyalties and now Tamara. The video package did a great job of putting over the rivalry between the two men and how it has to come to an end in the ladder match with one man walking away with the WWF Intercontinental Title.

We were then informed that they would both be in action next week with a tune up match ahead of Las Vegas.

James Arthur Harris

Following on from last week we got another video on this individual over on Superstars. The video began with seemingly the same child as last week this time up a ladder cleaning the gutters on a suburban house.

The same voice from last week chimed in with “Chop Chop lad this needs to be done before sundown”. The scene then moved on to the child having seemingly finished and knocking on the door for his payment.

We saw the door open and the voice say “This is more valuable than money, read it” and slam the door. The child looked down at a book and read “You are a man by James Arthur Harris” as we never got to see the cover the segment faded to black.

Taking Care of Business

Over on Wrestling Challenge we got treated to a vignette. The segment began with two louts causing trouble in a club when a big stocky man in a trilby hat came and grabbed one each of them by their belts and threw them out.

We saw the man from behind as he dodged attempted blows from both of them before sparking them out cold with a right hand each.

The man then dusted off his gloved hands and walked back in as we got a voiceover stating “Mr. Hughes: Taking Care of Business Soon

Then there was one

Over on Superstars this week we saw Jim Duggan in fine form as he took on Fatu of the Headshrinkers and picked up a big victory with an Old Glory Kneedrop.

The real story was in an inset video during the match as we saw Jacques Rougeau all alone as he spoke about how Les Gendarmes came to show America real men but last week Pierre Wallace his esteemed friend was cruelly and unfairly put on the shelf by a stinking American scum.

Jacques says that he is tired of American scum and next week that man Red Tyler who injured Pierre will get what is coming to him on Superstars as “Les Gendarmes always get their man

What is behind the door?

On Wrestling Challenge we Reverend Slick still on the lookout for Kamala to find out where he has gone as he retraced the steps at the hospital.

Running into Dr. Diamond we saw the doctor try to escape into the room labelled “Authorised Personnel Only, Highly Dangerous, Enter at your own risk” but he was caught by Slick.

After Diamond evaded questions around Kamala we saw Slick start to ask him about what is behind the door.

This made the doctor a little uncomfortable as he stumbled over his words a little before saying that when a man is so full of rage sometimes they become that rage. This type of man needs to keep away from society as the intense rage melts the brain and makes them very dangerous.


On Wrestling Challenge Jorge Gonzalez, Rick Martel, El Matador and The Headshrinkers all picked up wins against enhancement talent.



The Wrestling Observer Notes

March Week 3 1993

Written and edited by Dave Meltzer


There is a lot of intrigue within the company around where exactly things are going with a number of stories that intertwine, especially those involved the Dr. Diamond character. The company is said to be open to a number of possible scenarios on these.

With Pierre on the shelf it looks like the company is going with Jacques on his own for now. There was consideration to Rick Martel due to his French Canadian heritage coming in to keep a tag feud going but right now that is not the plan.

There is a lot of consideration right now going into who or what is behind the door but assurances have been made that this is not Kamala and some are already guessing as to where Kamala is.

Mr. Hughes vignettes started airing this week and this will of course be Curtis Hughes who is a good hand albeit limited so it will be interesting to see where he fits into what is becoming a quite heel dominated roster to some.

The Bounty Hunters are being played by independent tag team The Harlem Knights with the large Nelson Frazier and the slightly smaller Bobby Knight both being given what looks like a silent try out before possibly taking on a different gimmick when this runs its course.

Jake Roberts return has been met with trepidation and we hear it is just a short term contract likely just through to the summer as his demons can make him very difficult to work with but the company felt they needed a big name for Razor at the event.




Preview for Monday Night Raw

An action packed final Monday before WrestleMania IX will see Randy Savage and Bret Hart officially sign the contract for the event inside of the ring.

In addition Hulk Hogan and Yokozuna will be having a live weigh in from Caesar’s Palace which will see them go nose to nose for the first time.

The Steiner Brothers will take on The Bounty Hunters, Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty will both be in action and we will be hearing from Razor Ramon after the return of Jake Roberts last week.




In Game Ratings

Monday Night Raw #11 - 68

Superstars #340 - 71

Wrestling Challenge #344 - 46

Match of the Week: Bret Hart over Bam Bam Bigelow/Razor Ramon over El Matador (74)

Worst Match of the Week: Jorge Gonzalez over Red Tyler (14)

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The week in WWF TV (March Week 4 1993)
Sponsored by Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III – Heroes in a Half-Shell in theatres now.

Respect is Shown

This week Monday Night Raw closed out with one of the biggest contract signings ever in the company. Bret Hart and Randy Savage signed on the dotted line for their huge WrestleMania IX main event.

The signing was presided over in the centre of the ring by President Jack Tunney as Brother Love made a barb that it was one of the few times we ever saw him in person.

Macho Man was in true hype mode here as on the microphone he spoke about how everyone thinks that he is washed up and doesn’t stand a chance but he needs this, he doesn’t just want the title he needs it with every fibre of his being. Savage puts over The Hitman as a fighting champion and exclaims around how impressed he has been with the Canadian’s willingness to fight any and all challengers.

Savage once again goes back into a little bit more of a crazy voice and talks about how once they do get in the ring the respect means nothing and the Macho Man needs this more than he has ever needed anything to prove to himself and everyone else he is still the top of the business. Savage says he is willing to do anything to achieve this.

The microphone then moves over to the WWF World Heavyweight champion as Hart talks about his respect for Savage and how he has shown time and time again since winning the belt he is not afraid of anyone. Hart says that this Sunday at Caesar’s palace he is guaranteeing everyone that he is walking in to one hell of a tough match but will be ending the night still the champion.

The two men then signed the contracts on the table and shook hands as an official held up the title between them for a photo opportunity as the show came to a close.

Ambush at the Weigh In

In a segment on Monday Night Raw we were shown footage of the weigh in for the second of our double main events for WrestleMania IX. Out first came Yokozuna flanked by Mr. Fuji as the master of ceremonies Gene Okerlund put over how huge the Japanese superstar looked.

As Yoko was taking off his robe we got “Real American” hit and out to the stage along with his best friend Brutus Beefcake came The Immortal Hulk Hogan as the small gathered crowd of press went crazy. Hogan ripped open his t-shirt to show off his impressive physique showing he is not intimidated by the big man.

First up onto the scales was Yokozuna literally eating handfuls of boiled rice out of a bowl as he stepped on as we were informed that ahead of the match he is weighing in at a huge 560 pounds which brought a big grin to the face of Fuji as Yoko shouted “Banzai”.

We then got the Hulkster stepping onto the scales and being announced at a lean 280 lbs as Mean Gene informed us he has done it for speed and agility against the Sumo.

All of a sudden in a literal flash things changed. One of the photographer’s cameras seemed to explode in the face of Brutus Beefcake which distracted Hogan to be jumped from behind by Yokozuna.

The big behemoth delivered a massive Savate Kick to the back of the head of Hogan who fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Gene was motioning to get security out there as the segment ended with Yokozuna standing over his fallen opponent as Fuji shouted “Hulkamania will die”. Over in the back of the shot we saw doctors including Dr. Diamond taking away Brutus.

All set for the Ladder Match

On Monday Night Raw we saw both men from the WWF Intercontinental Title ladder match at WrestleMania IX in action as Marty Jannetty defeated Skinner first up in the night with a Flying Fistdrop. It almost did not go so well as Shawn Michaels came out to alongside Tamara to try and distract Marty by getting into an argument with Sensational Sherri.

Sherri herself was showing her feelings against Michaels as much as being for Jannetty as she accompanied Marty to the ring for this one. She may well have wished that she hadn’t however as she was blindsided and pushed into the post by the vicious vixen Tamara meaning that before the match was even over she was taken away by medical personnel.

Later in the night as Shawn defeated veteran Bob Backlund in a non-title match with a Super Kick we were informed that Marty had followed on to a local hospital so would be watching Monday Night Raw from there with a keen eye.

On Wrestling Challenge we then got a promo from Marty Jannetty stating that Sherri may well not make it to WrestleMania IX to be in his corner which some would say put him at a disadvantage but what he says is that this means he can concentrate on climbing the ladder and winning that title.

There is no Escape from your Destiny

On Superstars this week we heard one last time before WrestleMania IX and his huge match with Jorge Gonzalez from The Undertaker.

The promo was once again from the workshop and began with Paul Bearer talking about counting down the days until the return of his Undertaker. The twisted mortician goes on to speak about how the caskets are finished and extra comfortable ready for Gonzalez and Wippleman and on Sunday they will find their forever resting place.

The Undertaker then cuts into the picture and says on Sunday he will gain retribution and then send the casket of Jorge Gonzalez back to Argentine for San La Muerte to deliver to the afterlife to “Rest in Peace”.

The Perfect setting to prove you are a fraud.

On Wrestling Challenge we heard from Mr. Perfect as he once again spoke about injustice and corruption being rife as there is clearly something up with the arm of Lex Luger. Perfect talks further about how he will get to the bottom of this one day or another but bionic arm or no bionic arm at WrestleMania IX he will prove just how perfect he is and that Narcissus and Bobby Heenan are no more than “a wannabe and a weasel”.

Later that night in the main event of the show we saw Mr. Perfect taking on I.RS and we got a promo from Lex Luger and Bobby Heenan during it as Heenan claimed Perfect was just jealous that he has came face to face with true perfection. Luger is stronger, faster and more perfect than he will ever be and after WrestleMania IX maybe Mr. Perfect will be too ashamed to show up again and do us all a favour.

Perfect won the match by disqualification in the end as Irwin used the briefcase and he and DiBiase began beating down Perfect until they were run off by their WrestleMania Ix opponents The Steiner Brothers.

Fighting fit after a failed bounty

The previous mentioned match was the end of a big week for the Steiner Brothers. On Monday Night Raw they got their chance to get hold of the Bounty Hunters in tag team action and despite taking a beating from the two big men it looked like Rick and Scott were starting to get the better of things until Money Inc. showed up.

I.R.S. and The Million Dollar Man got into the ring and started joining in a now 4 on 2 assault on the challengers for their WWF World Tag Team Titles. The referee called the match as a disqualification but after Monday the status of Rick and Scott for WrestleMania IX was very much up in the air.

Later in the week by the time Superstars rolled around we got an impassioned promo from Rick and Scott talking about how nothing will stop them from being in Las Vegas and taking the titles away from those crooks. At Headlock on Hunger they took away some of their money and come Sunday they will be taking away their belts.

The time for jokes is over

With WrestleMania IX on the horizon we got to see Crush in action for a successful victory over Rick Martel with the Cranium Crunch on Monday Night Raw. Vince McMahon on commentary speculated what would happen in Las Vegas when Crush gets a hold of Doink The Clown and crushes his head like a Coconut.

Later in the week on Wrestling Challenge we saw Doink himself in action defeating Brian Knobbs in singles action with the Stump Puller. During this match we saw a pre-taped video interview with him speaking about how he came to the World Wrestling Federation to entertain the children and make them laugh and he has only tried to do this the whole time. People may think that the fun is over as his Big Top are not able to be at ringside but really the fun never stops and at WrestleMania IX Crush will find out laughter can hurt.

Prepare for a Royal beating come WrestleMania

On Superstars this week we got the special “King’s Court” segment as Jerry Lawler wheeled out two Native Americans in fat suits he claimed to be Tatanka’s parents. Lawler made a number of cruel and unnecessary jokes at the expense of them before forcing them to get on their knees and kiss his Royal feet.

The music of Tatanka then hit but out from the back came a midget dressed as the formerly undefeated superstar. The King then continued the mocking until out from the back came The 1-2-3 Kid himself to defend the honour of his friend and mentor only to be taken out quickly by Lawler.

As the mocking continued and a huge piledriver was delivered to The Kid we eventually got the entrance of Tatanka who looked like he wanted to kill Jerry.

As Tatanka shot down to the ring we saw Lawler wisely getting out of dodge but the Native American got a microphone and laid out a clear message.

Tatanka spoke about how Lawler has disrespected him, ruined his undefeated streak, disrespected 1-2-3 kid, and disrespected his family and the whole Lumbee Indian tribe. At WrestleMania IX he will pay for all of these wrongs and when all is said and done and Tatanka is stood victorious Lawler can kiss his feet to see how he likes it.

Rip the head from a snake it can no longer bite.

On Monday Night Raw we heard from Razor Ramon ahead of his massive match with Jake Roberts. The Bad Guy spoke about how he wants to show everyone why those from the past need to stay in the past. Jake Roberts decided to get into his business and where Razor is from in Miami they know how to take care of a problem when someone gets in your business.

Ramon says that to kill a snake you remove the head and it can no longer bite and on Sunday in Las Vegas he will knock the head of Jake clean off before putting that old man down for good.

Over on Wrestling Challenge we then got a biographical piece on Jake speaking of his own personal struggles and how happy is to get the chance to be back on the big stage after a tumultuous year. Roberts talks about how he could not sit by idly whilst Razor Ramon tore down everything he fought for and at WrestleMania IX he will show that this snake still has some bite.

Will Owen even make it to Sunday

On Superstars we saw plucky underdogs High Energy facing off against a newly resurgent Natural Disasters accompanied by Paul E. Dangerously. Owen was looking to prove a point ahead of his huge match at WrestleMania IX against the other member of the Dangerous Monsters in Bam Bam Bigelow.

Early on in the contest Typhoon delivered a splash right onto the knee of Koko B. Ware leaving this match to be a handicap match or just a beating.

Earthquake and Typhoon decimated poor Owen Hart and despite his best efforts the match was ended with a big Earthquake Splash.

It was not over there however as the two monsters delivered a number of splashes to the downed Hart brother leaving the announce team speculating as to what condition he will be in to face Bam Bam Bigelow on Sunday.

Cancelled Concert

On Superstars as we got set for Jeff Jarrett to finally deliver his much promised live performance the fans were duped once again.

Flanked by Cass Golden and Big Johnny Black and armed with a guitar everything looked good to go until Jarrett plucked a few strings and then said something to Golden.

She then announced to boos from the crowd that unfortunately there was an issue and the guitar was out of tune so we would not get a concert tonight.

As much as it annoyed the crowd this seemed to annoy Virgil more as he hit the ring and was in the mood for a fight so we got an impromptu match which Jarrett controlled from start to finish and ended with the Southern Swing.

Quebec Fury

This week on Superstars we saw Jacques look for revenge for Pierre against the unlucky Red Tyler. A one sided contest was ended by submission with a Quebec Crab as one half of Les Gendarmes picked up an easy win.

After the match was over he would not release the hold wrenching back on the single leg crab constantly until out from the back with his 2x4 came Jim Duggan to run off the man from Quebec.

Later in the week on Wrestling Challenge Duggan challenged Jacques to meet him in the ring next Monday on Monday Night Raw.

James Arthur Harris

It was time for another vignette with Mr. Harris and this week we saw the house from last week’s vignette but this time at night with the child from last week along with a few friends remonstrating on the lawn.

The child was shouting about he didn’t want this stupid book he wanted money for the jobs he’s done. We then saw the curtain twitch as a wind chime of moon and stars in the window moved gently and gave a little tinkle before we heard a thud.

The thud was the book hitting the window as we cut to the inside of the house from behind a bald black man with a purple jumper and grey slacks walking back towards his chair. We did not get a clear look but the man we could hear say “Savages, I cannot abide savages” as the camera panned to the table below and a letter addressed to James Arthur Harris then faded to black.

Taking Care of Business

On Wrestling Challenge we got another vignette for Mr. Hughes. This time we saw a rock concert with Hughes acting as security whilst people were starting to mosh around a push each other getting into the songs.

Hughes calmly put the trilby hat on the side of the stage and then laid out 10 or so men with right hands to thin out the herd. He then walked back over and picked up his hat and put it on as we got the voiceover from last week stating Mr. Hughes: Taking care of business very soon.

The Doctor’s Office

Once again this week on Wrestling Challenge we paid a visit to Dr. Diamond.

The doctor was not in a good mood as he spoke about how for a long time now Rage has been contained but Reverend Slick had to try and stick his nose in medical business. The door will soon open and the World Wrestling Federation needs to be ready for pure Rage to be unleashed.

Just then we saw a commotion around the doctor as someone asks him an inaudible question and the reply is to put the hairdresser over there as the vignette fades to black.


Over on Wrestling Challenge 1-2-3 Kid managed to put his beating from Jerry Lawler behind him and pick up a hard fought victory with an inside cradle on Terry Taylor whilst The Beverly Brothers and Big Bossman both picked up victories.




The Wrestling Observer Notes

March Week 4 1993

Written and edited by Dave Meltzer


All the television is now in the books for WrestleMania IX with the event a mere couple of days away.

The only real note coming out of TV is Sensational Sherri being seemingly written off TV. There was said to be an incident backstage at Monday Night Raw this week involving her and she was not looked upon favourably. It has been known for a while that Sherri was unhappy that the company has gone a different direction with Shawn Michaels in bringing in the younger Tamara and many wonder when we will actually see Sherri back if at all.

Other that it has been noted that Scott Taylor has seemingly dropped his original name and is now going by just 1-2-3 Kid.

Moving on from this it is now time for the full WrestleMania IX card.





WrestleMania IX — Wikipédia

World Wrestling Federation Presents: WrestleMania IX

Sponsored by Warheads: Dare to be Sour

Live from Caeser’s Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada

Sunday Week 4 March 1993


Double Main Event #1

WWF World Heavyweight Title

Bret “The Hitman” Hart© defends against “Macho Man” Randy Savage


Double Main Event #2

International Challenge

Yokozuna w/Mr. Fuji vs. “The Immortal” Hulk Hogan


Ladder Match

WWF Intercontinental Title

The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels w/Tamara© defends against “The Rocker” Marty Jannetty


Casket Match

The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer vs. “The Giant” Jorge Gonzalez w/ Harvey Wippleman


WWF World Tag Team Titles

Money Inc. (“Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase & “The Taxman” Irwin R. Schyster) w/”The Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart© defend against The Steiner Brothers (“The Dogface Gremlin” Rick Steiner and Scott Steiner)


The Perfect Challenge

Mr. Perfect vs. “The Narcissus” Lex Luger w/Bobby Heenan


No More Clowning Around (Big Top banned from ringside)

Crush vs. Doink the Clown w/The Ringmaster


Old Generation vs. New Generation

Jake “The Snake” Roberts vs. “The Bad Guy” Razor Ramon


Grudge Match #1

The Native American” Tatanka vs. “The King” Jerry Lawler


Grudge Match #2

The Beast from the East” Bam Bam Bigelow w/Paul E. Dangerously vs. “The Rocket” Owen Hart

Predictions Welcome

Bonus Questions for anyone who does predict:

1.     Which match will be the opener?

2.     Which match will be closer out of the two double main events?

3.     Will all matches end clean?

4.     Will there be any debuts or returns?

5.     Will Hogan slam Yokozuna?



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