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Have you ever buried a wrestler on purpose?

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Whether in the C-Verse or in a real-life mod. Have you ever, by any special circumstance or on purpose, buried a wrestler?


In my case, every mod I play from 1998, I make sure to bury Hollywood Hogan, not that he loses every match because he has creative control, but I make him lose his championship at Starrcade in 1997, and make sure he never wins the world championship again. And I make way to give the title to Sting for a while and then to Bret Hart.

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Oh absolutely. I don't do it often as I try to be a decent human being as a promoter. But whenever I'd had guys I wanted to fire for being toxic backstage, I've buried them sixteen feet under instead. What I do is I take what would otherwise be a random show and have every single last member of my roster squash the offender one after the other. All in succession and culminate the show in the offender jobbing to my UC. After this show is over, the offender ends up fleeing my promotion screaming and hating my UC for life. Thereby saving me the trouble of firing them and never having reason to come back.
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I was running a real-world save set in the early 2000's and Reno was on my roster. For whatever reason, he got really toxic backstage and picked a fight with my biggest up-and-comer (a random gen who got one hell of a destiny roll), so I buried the shit out of him before releasing him (he was on a Handshake deal; I was trying to get him to quit/walk out, but he just kept coming back and bitching about me putting Unimportant guys over him when he was rated as Well Known).



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Greg Black. I don't dislike him, but he had pop and my top guys (in CZCW) didn't. Three matches and he lost them to Frankie Perez, Aldous Blackfriar, who was a midcarder, and someone else. He left and when Elmo Benson became available, he had no intention of coming back. I wouldn't even have buried him that time: the matches with the Cobras and Rich and Famous (and much later, Natural Storm, the Bumfholes, James Diaz and Logan Wolfsbaine and Matt and Greg).


I also did it to Lassana Makutsi too. He came in and within a fortnight got popped by my random drug testing. He went off to rehab for 7 months or so, came back and, when I tested him, he failed again. Next four shows, he lost to my jobbers in dominating fashion, gave him another test and fired him. He was picked up three weeks later by USPW, but his attributes have him down as a former user, so maybe it was for the best?

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Yesterday I had CWA poach Leftie Wilkes so I maximised the month I had left with him and had him job out to a new guy with no pop who I wanted to be big 4 weeks in a row. I tend to bury older wrestlers whenever I nab them so I can transfer their popularity to good younger guys.


Also, even though I feel bad about it, I always bury the Rock City Stars. I always sign them, I love them, but they job week after week to nobodies to give them the rub.

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  • 2 weeks later...
If there's a worker with great stats but a bad personality, I will hire them on a handshake deal and job them out until they ask to leave or I fire them. It means I get decent matches that I can use to put over my long term guys.
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