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The Wrestling Revolution [CWA, C'Verse 2020]

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Call to Arms Preshow

The Griffin Family vs.
The German Machine

Erik Strong, David Stone, Donte Dunn, Diablo Duvak, & Sonny Wildside
vs. Antonio Del Veccio, George Wolfe, Jared Johnson, Chucky Dorrance, & Princeton Pryce


Main PPV Card

Skip Beau & Generation Z
vs. Mr. Impact, Johnny Bloodstone, & Lee Rivera

Lauren Easter, Claire Winters, & Ariel Breaks vs.
Brooke Tyler, Demelza Wade, & Laura Flame

Aaron Knight & The DeColt Boys vs
Cameron Vessey & The Montreal Mafia

Amber Allen, Sally Anne Christianson, & Zoe Ammis vs.
The Queen’s Court

Sean McFly and Thunder & Lightning
vs.The Elite

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Quick Predictions for Total Elimination III

Call to Arms Preshow

The Griffin Family vs. The German Machine

Erik Strong, David Stone, Donte Dunn, Diablo Duvak, & Sonny Wildside vs. Antonio Del Veccio, George Wolfe, Jared Johnson, Chucky Dorrance, & Princeton Pryce


Main PPV Card

Skip Beau & Generation Z vs. Mr. Impact, Johnny Bloodstone, & Lee Rivera

Lauren Easter, Claire Winters, & Ariel Breaks vs. Brooke Tyler, Demelza Wade, & Laura Flame

Aaron Knight & The DeColt Boys vs Cameron Vessey & The Montreal Mafia

Amber Allen, Sally Anne Christianson, & Zoe Ammis vs. The Queen’s Court

Sean McFly and Thunder & Lightning vs.The Elite

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The Griffin Family vs. The German Machine

Erik Strong, David Stone, Donte Dunn, Diablo Duvak, & Sonny Wildside vs. Antonio Del Veccio, George Wolfe, Jared Johnson, Chucky Dorrance, & Princeton Pryce

Main PPV Card

Skip Beau & Generation Z vs. Mr. Impact, Johnny Bloodstone, & Lee Rivera

Lauren Easter, Claire Winters, & Ariel Breaks vs. Brooke Tyler, Demelza Wade, & Laura Flame

Aaron Knight & The DeColt Boys vs Cameron Vessey & The Montreal Mafia

Amber Allen, Sally Anne Christianson, & Zoe Ammis vs. The Queen’s Court

Sean McFly and Thunder & Lightning vs.The Elite

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Call to Arms Preshow

The Griffin Family vs. The German Machine

Erik Strong, David Stone, Donte Dunn, Diablo Duvak, & Sonny Wildside vs. Antonio Del Veccio, George Wolfe, Jared Johnson, Chucky Dorrance, & Princeton Pryce


Main PPV Card

Skip Beau & Generation Z vs. Mr. Impact, Johnny Bloodstone, & Lee Rivera

Lauren Easter, Claire Winters, & Ariel Breaks vs. Brooke Tyler, Demelza Wade, & Laura Flame

Aaron Knight & The DeColt Boys vs Cameron Vessey & The Montreal Mafia

Amber Allen, Sally Anne Christianson, & Zoe Ammis vs. The Queen’s Court

Sean McFly and Thunder & Lightning vs.The Elite

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CWA Total Elimination III

Saturday, Week 2, January 2020

Kelowana Stadium, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

30,000 Fans in Attendance for a Sell Out!

.31 Buy Right for 156,391 Buys



Call to Arms [Pre Show]


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit




The Griffin Family versus The German Machine


In a poor pre-show match, The German Machine defeated The Griffin Family in 5:46 when Lars Brecher submitted Robby Griffin with a Brecher Stretch after blatantly cheating. In terms of in-ring work, Mark Griffin was head and shoulders above everyone else. 58




Ten Man Tag Team Match

Fifteen Time Minutes




Erik Strong, David Stone, Donte Dunn, Diablo Duvak, & Sonny Wildside versus Antonio Del Veccio, George Wolfe, Jared Johnson, Chucky Dorrance, & Princeton Pryce


In a decent pre-show match, Erik Strong, David Stone, Donte Dunn, Diablo Duvak and Sonny Wildside defeated Antonio Del Veccio, George Wolfe, Jared Johnson, Chucky Dorrance and Princeton Pryce in 9:57 when Sonny Wildside pinned Princeton Pryce with a Fear Factor. 64






Opening Match

Six Man Tag Team

No Time Limit

Elimination Match




Skip Beau & Generation Z w/ Hailey Hunter versus Mr. Impact, Johnny Bloodstone, & Lee Rivera w/ Jenny Playmate


The Pay Per View officially started with Skip Beau, the Flow himself, leading his team of three against the World Television Champion, Mr. Impact’s team. Beau and Impact are no strangers to each other and both grabbed teams they thought would help them be successful. Beau went with the young team of Generation Z with Flip and Alyx having impressed Skip in recent months. Mr. Impact went with veterans Johnny Bloodstone and Lee Rivera. Lee Rivera and Flip Simpkins started the match off against eachother and Flip got some shine early on. He and Alyx made several quick tags back and forth and showcased some slick teamwork before Rivera cut off Flip. Rivera hit a big enzugari that he followed up with his Daredevil Drop, the springboard senton bomb, that he has used for years and Flip was eliminated. Quickly Alyx came in like a house afire. Lee took a bunch of bumps for Alyx and both Johnny and Mr. Impact came in and took several big bumps for him as well. Alyx went for a springboard cutter but Lee caught him for a German Suplex and then Johnny Bloodstone got the tag and came in. Bloodstone put out Alyx Winters and suddenly Skip Beau found himself with a three-on-one situation. Beau came in with out fear and went to work. All three heels really worked to make Beau look good and Beau put out Lee Rivera. He almost had Johnny Bloodstone out, but Mr. Impact was the legal man and snuck in and got the elimination in a solid Pay Per View opening match.


In a decent match, Mr. Impact, Johnny Bloodstone and Lee Rivera defeated Skip Beau and Generation Z in an Elimination match in 9:50; Flip Simkins was eliminated first, then Alyx Winters, then Lee Rivera, and finally Skip Beau.


Match Rating







Cameron Vessey is backstage in what appears to be his private locker room area. When you’re a former World Champion,you don’t have to share a locker room. Vessey is partially dressed to wrestle. He’s got his trunks and knee pads on but looks like he is in the process of lacing his boots. His hands are not yet taped up. He looks up at the camera and smiles.


Vessey, “In just a little while, we write another chapter in the Book of Vessey – because that is what we are writing. My story. This is not the story of a great rivalry. This isn’t the story of Aaron Knight and Cameron Vessey. This isn’t the story of the DeColts and their attempt to recapture the glory they had in Vancouver for all those years. This is the story of the MVP. This is the story of Cameron Vessey featuring a cameo by the Montreal Mafia. This is the story of greatness evolving in front of your eyes. You are witnessing the greatest story ever told. You are witnessing the greatest wrestler to ever live continue to show why he is the greatest alive. Tonight, Aaron Knight and Jack and Ricky DeColt. You get a chance to stand across the ring from me. You get a chance to be a part of my story. Do not waste your chance. Do not squander it. Bask in your opportunity. It won’t last long.”


Angle Rating





Six Man Tag Team

No Time Limit

Elimination Match




Lauren Easter, Claire Winters, & Ariel Breaks versus Brooke Tyler, Demelza Wade, & Laura Flame


In another installment of the ongoing feud between Lauren Easter and Brooke Tyler, we saw both women captain teams here. Unlike the opening contest that was mostly one sided except for Skip Beau, this was a far more open affair. All six women got the opportunity to shine and got the opportunity to showcase what they were capable of. Lauren Easter’s team went down early – Winters and Breaks were eliminated right after each other and left Easter with a 3 on 1. Easter, seeing the odds were against her, kicked it up a notch. She was violent and fast and brought all of her skills with her. She hit a series of dropkicks on everyone and suddenly she eliminated Wade. Flame came in and went ballistic with kicks but Easter fought throught them and suddenly hit a superkick on Laura Flame and eliminated her and it was one on one. The crowd was really buzzing here because Lauren Easter had some how evened the odds. And then Brooke Tyler happened. Any positive feeling the crowd was feeling just moments before was knocked out of them as Brooke Tyler took apart the wounded Easter. She hit a series of Rolling Brainbusters that were very innovative and then Brooke Tyler got the pinfall victory for her team and was the Sole Survivor.


In a decent match, Brooke Tyler, Demelza Wade and Laura Flame defeated Lauren Easter, Claire Winters and Ariel Breaks in an Elimination match in 15:08; Claire Winters was eliminated first, then Ariel Breaks, then Demelza Wade, then Laura Flame, and finally Lauren Easter. In terms of in-ring work, Brooke Tyler was head and shoulders above everyone else.


Match Rating







We are thrown back to a locker room that says Golden, but inside it is Aaron Knight and the DeColts. They are all dressed to wrestle in matching red and gold gear – looking like they walked right out of the CGC. They look up at the camera.


Knight, “We are moments away now, MOMENTS away, baby, from the match of the night. We are moments away from Jack and Ricky proving they should be in World Tag Team Title contention again. That they are still one of the finest teams in all of pro wrestling – if not the finest – and from me getting my hands on Cameron Vessey again. And Cam, I know you think this is just your story, but brother, it ain’t. This is our story. It’s me and you. It’s the Canadian Wrestling Alliance. It’s pro wrestling. Me and you, brother. We’re going to solve this thing between us.”


Jack, “Montreal Mafia. We know you. We’ve had our battles in the past and Ricky and I respect the hell out of you. You guys are great wrestlers. A great tag team. One of the best. But tonight, you stand in Ricky and I’s way. You’re the roadblock to what we want and what we want is a match with the Dynamite Express for the World Tag Team Titles.”


Ricky, “That’s right baby. We want those World Tag Team Titles again. We want to prove that the DeColts never die. We want to be on the top of the mountain and the only way to get there is to win and that’s what we’re going to to do… Right now. Let’s go guys.”


Match Rating





Six Man Tag Team

No Time Limit

Elimination Match




Aaron Knight & The DeColt Boys versus Cameron Vessey & The Montreal Mafia


The third six man elimination match of the night was a star studded affair. Cameron Vessey was the first CWA World Champion, The DeColts were the first World Tag Team Champions. Aaron Knight was the second CWA World Champion. The Montreal Mafia were the final CGC Tag Team Champions. The experience was on full display as the six men, with plenty of time, took the crowd on a roller coaster ride. It started with a heat spot on Ricky DeColt. The heels working tags quickly to isolate Ricky. Ricky’s selling was a masterclass – he realy is a great babyface. He even ate The Montreal Mafia’s Manhattan Drop/Drop Kick combo that has been so effective over the years, but he kicked out. Ricky made his big comeback and countered a clothesline into the famous DeColt 45 to eliminate Dermott Ayers. Quickly, Vessey came in and before Ricky knew what hit him, we were back into the heat, this time with Marc Raisin and Cameron Vessey continuing to isolate Ricky. The crowd badly wanted to see Ricky make a tag and he came close several times, but Vessey and Raisin showed some excellent team work. Vessey hit the Vessey Driver, not his normal version but the classic version, on Ricky and Ricky was eliminated.


Jack came in and now we went into a big babyface sequence with Jack and Aaron tagging and Marc Raising being isolated from Vessey – though Vessey did take his fair share of bumps. It was the reversal of the heat sequence and the crowd was really rocking with Jack and Aaron. Marc really took some great bumps – getting a lot of air on Jack and Aaron’s moves, making them look even deadlier. Cameron came in illegally and blindsided Jack DeColt and we went back into a heat spot with Marc and Cameron working over Jack. Aaron was great on the outside trying to will Jack to make the tag and Cameron and Marc went for several pinfall attempts for near falls. Jack couldn’t be kept down. Marc Raisin hit a big Tornado DDT on Jack and then hit his Raisin D'etre, the second rope Moonsault he has used for years. Jack was almost eliminated, but he powered out at the last second. Marc was up on his knees complaining to official Eugene Williams when Jack pulled Raisin back into the End of Days and Raisin was forced to submit.


Cameron Vessey came right in and before going after Jack, he blindsided Aaron off the apron. Aaron flew into the guard rail and looked like he was knocked silly as Cameron turned and went right after Jack. They had a realy good exchange with Jack firing up and making a comeback on Cameron but when Jack went for the DeColt 45 that his brother Ricky has used for years, Cameron reversed it and pulled Jack up onto his shoulders and hit the Vessey Driver II and suddenly Jack DeColt was eliminated and it was down to Aaron Knight and Cameron Vessey.


Aaron was still laying on the floor and Eugene Williams was forced to start the count. Aaron barely beat the ten count. He was covered in blood from colliding face first with the guard rail and Cameron went on the attack. He was like a shark who smelled blood in the water. He threw several kicks into Aaron’s face to get the blood to really flow. Vessey went for the Vessey Driver II but Aaron slid off of his shoulders. Cameron had his back to Aaron and Aaron fell back against the ropes and came roaring back and drove Cameron face first into the mat with Steve DeColt’s trademark DeColt Stampede. It got a two count. Aaron pulled Cameron up and motioned that it was over – he went for the Knight Fall, the Arrow Suplex he has made famous but Cameron slipped out. Cameron straight-jacketed Aaron’s arms and drove him down into the mat, instantly recognizable as Alex DeColt’s DeColt Driver which got a lot of boos for using Alex, who is persona-non-gratis’ move. It only got a two count and Cameron looked stunned. There was a flurry of offense before Aaron hit the Knight Fall and got the pinfall victory for his team in an incredibly competitive match.


In a superb match, Aaron Knight and The DeColt Boys defeated Cameron Vessey and The Montreal Mafia in an Elimination match in 17:08; Dermott Ayres was eliminated first then Ricky DeColt, then Marc Raisin, then Jack DeColt, and finally Cameron Vessey.


Match Rating







We get a hype video for the upcoming Women’s Match. It mostly features Amber Allen and the Queen’s Court, but SAC and Ammis both get some shine in the video as well. It was a solidly produced video to build some drama for the next match as well as let the crowd down from the previous match.


Angle Rating





Semi Main Event

Six Man Tag Team

No Time Limit

Elimination Match




Amber Allen, Sally Anne Christianson, & Zoe Ammis versus The Queen’s Court


It was incredibly hard to follow the previous match and the six women worked very hard to try, but they struggled. The crowd needed to come down from the drama and blood in the previous match and these women were tasked with the unenviably position of being the ones in that spot. They worked hard, particularly Amber Allen to help tell the story of the match. They went back and forth with eliminations until it was Amber and Nadia left. Nadia got referee Jonathan Taylor out of position and used a pair of brass knuckles to knock Amber out and get the pinfall to win the elimination match up.


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, The Queen's Court (Nadia Snow, Deborah Young and Jessica Conroy) defeated Amber Allen, Sally Anne Christianson and Zoe Ammis in an Elimination match in 14:13; Jessica Conroy was eliminated first, then Zoe Ammis, then Deborah Young, then Sally Anne Christianson, and finally Amber Allen. Jessica Conroy was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.


Match Rating







The Elite, in their matching black and gold gear with their championship titles are all preparing to leave their locker room. We stick with them, watching them walk through the backstage area. It is a simple production really, just watching one team – but the one with all of the gold – preparing for their main event match. They all carry themselves like stars and with Drake Young walking them to the ring in his gaudy Elite PPV suit, it made for a good, short segment filled with star power.


Angle Rating





Main Event

Six Man Tag Team

No Time Limit

Elimination Match




Sean McFly and Thunder & Lightning versus The Elite w/ Drake Young


The main event was a good affair, but it had difficulty living up to the earlier match with Aaron Knight, the DeColts, Cameron Vessey, and the Montreal Mafia. This match relied more on storytelling than it did on any sort of physical action. This was the story of challengers against champions. Building the drama for what are sure to be future championship matches. It started with the tag teams doing all the work. Thunder & Lightning and The Dynamite Express and the two teams showed hints of what could come if they meet in a regular tag match. Lots of good tagging and double team moves and the two teams took turns in eliminating each other until Christian Price was forced to eliminate Lightning Lomas – and then we got Sean McFly versus Christian Price. The crowd was really into this as Price worked over McFly. Price is younger, bigger, faster, stronger but McFly is smarter, more experienced and they told the story in a masterclass of pyschology. In the end, McFly hit his Delorean Driver on Price and got the pinfall victory and got a standing ovation as Total Elimination III went off the air.


In a good match, Sean McFly and Thunder & Lightning defeated Elite (Christian Price, Cam Jones and Syd Collier) in an Elimination match in 28:49; Jason Thunder was eliminated first, then Syd Collier, then Cam Jones, then Lightning Lomas, and finally Christian Price.


Match Rating





Overall Show Rating





Quick Results for Total Elimination III

Call to Arms Preshow

  1. The German Machine def. The Griffin Family
  2. Erik Strong, David Stone, Donte Dunn, Diablo Duvak, & Sonny Wildside def. Antonio Del Veccio, George Wolfe, Jared Johnson, Chucky Dorrance, & Princeton Pryce

Main PPV Card

  1. Mr. Impact, Johnny Bloodstone, & Lee Rivera def. Skip Beau & Generation Z
  2. Brooke Tyler, Demelza Wade, & Laura Flame def. Lauren Easter, Claire Winters, & Ariel Breaks
  3. Aaron Knight & The DeColt Boys def. Cameron Vessey & The Montreal Mafia
  4. The Queen’s Court def Amber Allen, Sally Anne Christianson, & Zoe Ammis
  5. Sean McFly and Thunder & Lightning def.The Elite

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PREVIEW for CWA Championship Wrestling

Wednesday Week 3, January 2020

Quebec Stade Uniprix



Total Elimination III is in the books and we are on the march towards Clash Classic. This week's Championship Wrestling is the first stop on the journey to Clash Classic -- where we know there will be several big championship matches. This show is can't miss though, with two big titles matches this week, this show could change the landscape of CWA moving forward.


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


“The Natural” David Stone versus Mountie Mann


Veteran Mountie Mann wants to teach the young David Stone a lesson. Will he be able to? Or will the Natural continue his surge?




Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


“The Boss” Lauren Easter versus “Red Hot” Laura Flame


At Total Elimination III, Lauren Easter almost overcome all of the odds to be the sole survivor. Laura Flame wants a chance at Amber Allen's World Women's Title. A win over Lauren Easter would go a long way in getting her a title shot, but Lauren Easter wants to prove that one on one there is no one better than she is.




Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit




The DeColt Boys versus George Wolfe and Jared Johnson


The DeColts' team lost at Total Elimination III and the brothers need a win to get back in the World Tag Title hunt. George Wolfe and Jared Johnson are not normally a tag team, but the two men are hungry to break out of the middle of the pack of CWA and a win over the former World Tag Team Champions could go a long way in getting them future opportunities.




Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit



Mr. Lucha III versus Mr. Impact ©


Luchadore Mr. Lucha III is coming up from OLLIE to answer Mr. Impact's social media challenge for a challenger for the World Television Championship. Can one of the top luchadores in all of wrestling capture the Television Title and take it back to Mexico? Or will Mr. Impact continue his dominant reign as World Television Champion?




Main Event

Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining





Thunder & Lightning versus The Dynamite Express © w/ Drake Young


In the main event, Thunder & Lightning get their World Tag Team Title shot when they challenge The Dynamite Express for the World titles. The Express held the World Tag Team Titles for a year. They've been unbeatable in tag team action, but Thunder & Lightning won the 2019 Tag Team Grand Prix and were part of the winning team from Total Elimination III. Can they capture the World Tag Team Titles? Or will the Dynamite Express find a way to keep the titles they have held for a year?




Quick Predictions for Championship Wrestling

“The Natural” David Stone vs. Mountie Mann

“The Boss” Lauren Easter vs. “Red Hot” Laura Flame

The DeColt Boys vs. George Wolfe and Jared Johnson

TV Championship Mr. Lucha III vs. Mr. Impact ©

Tag Team Championship Thunder & Lightning vs. The Dynamite Express © w/ Drake Young

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CWA Championship Wrestling

Wednesday Week 3, January 2020

Quebec Stade Uniprix with 7,659 people in attendance



Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


“The Natural” David Stone versus Mountie Mann


The experienced veteran Mountie Mann was able to mount some early offense. He came out right from the beginning trying to put David Stone away but was unable to. As the match wore on, David Stone was able to take control and really showcase some of his skills. He hit Mountie with several big suplexes and some really stiff forearms and a hard knee strike right to the face. Ultimately, David Stone hit the Stone Cutter to Mountie Mann to get the pinfall victory.


In a decent match, David Stone defeated Mountie Mann in 10:20 by pinfall with a Stone Cutter.


Match Rating







We cut to a highlight package from the past several months of Nadia Snow and Amber Allen. It is interspliced with both women talking about agreeing to a singles match at the upcoming Clash Classic Pay Per View in February. There are added clips from Total Elimination III of the two women going at it. We see The Queen’s Court, with Nadia standing in front of them and then Amber Allen holding the World Women’s Championship. We are clearly headed towards these two women in a big singles contest.


Angle Rating





Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


“The Boss” Lauren Easter versus “Red Hot” Laura Flame


Coming off of her disappointing loss at Total Elimination III, Lauren Easter was looking to get a measure of revenge against Laura Flame. Easter came out of the gate outwrestling Flame – really showcasing her technical skills that often get overlooked because of how well-rounded Lauren Easter is. Flame took a powder to the outside of the ring to catch her breath. Easter went for a tope suicida but Flame managed to get out of the way. The miscalculation from Easter allowed Staten Island’s Favorite Daugher to go to work. Flame sent Easter into the guardrail and began her barrage of strikes. The twenty-six-year-old Flame came off the second rope with a spinning wheel kick for a near fall. Flame sent up for her Flame Fire Kick but Easter moved out of the way. Flame landed hard on her knee. When she got up, Easter dropkicked that same knee and went to work taking the knee apart before and locking in the Figure Four Leglock. Flame tried to get out of the hold but she couldn’t and was forced to submit.


In a decent match, Lauren Easter defeated Laura Flame in 10:24 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock.


Match Rating







“A-Game” Aaron Knight came down to the ring. The Quebecers in attendance were excited to see the former World Champion. Aaron Knight just has it. The twenty-seven-year-old protege of Steve DeColt has all of the qualities it will take to be a top star for a long time and with Aaron having effectively ended Steve DeColt’s career, he wants the World Title back. Aaron takes the microphone when he gets in the ring.


Aaron, “Before I get started, I want to thank everyone for all the positive words you’ve said coming out of the victory that myself and The DeColt Boys had this past Saturday night against Cameron Vessey and the Montreal Mafia. It was the fight of a lifetime. The Montreal Mafia and Cameron Vessey are three excellent wrestlers and they really brought everything they had on Saturday night. Cameron Vessey even made me bleed. After I survived, I sat on the trainer’s table getting my head stapled shut I realized something. Cameron Vessey has done things to me that no one else has been able to do. Not Steve DeColt. Not Christian Price. No one but him. Cameron Vessey has made me go to places inside of myself that I didn’t know I had. He’s made me have to look into the mirror and question who I am. And who I am is The A-Game. Who I am is the next CWA World Champion. Cameron Vessey can write his book all he wants but the truth is, he’s just a supporting character now…”


Before Aaron can continue, he’s cut off by…




Cameron Vessey comes marching out with a microphone in his hand.


Cameron, “A supporting character? You have the temerity to stand out in front of these people and this awful stench and say that I’m a supporting character? The nerve of you.”


Cameron climbs up the steel steps and into the ring.


Cameron, “You made me come out here in front of these people knowing full well I hate Quebec. I hate you for that. You got lucky on Saturday night. Lucky.”


Aaron, “Oh I got lucky?”


Cameron, “Yeah, that’s right. You got lucky. It was a fluke.”


Aaron “Well then let’s run it back.”


Cameron looks around at the crowd. They want to see them go at it again.


Cameron, “Not here. I wouldn’t give these people the satisfaction of seeing me wrestler.”


Aaron, “Just look your daddy and uncle. A coward.”


Cameron turns away from Aaron and Aaron shakes his head in disappointment. He wants a fight. Suddenly Cameron turns around and blasts Aaron with the microphone and suddenly the two men are in a full-fledged brawl. It escalates quickly and security and the referee core hit the ring, much to the displeasure of the crowd. They pull Cameron and Aaron apart and we go to commercial break.


Angle Rating





Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit




The DeColt Boys versus George Wolfe and Jared Johnson


George and Jared immediately jumped Jack and Ricky. They were on them from the moment the DeColts entered the ring. They wasted no time and didn’t even let Jack and Ricky get their ring jackets off. They dumped Jack to the outside and isolated Ricky. The younger DeColt went into full sell mode – taking the beating from George and Ricky. They hit Ricky with a series of double team moves and showed some good chemistry as a duo. George hit Ricky with a suplex and Jared came off the second rope with a knee drop. They hit a double slingshot suplex. Ricky sold without dying, he kept trying to get up, but George and Jared stayed on him. They kept making quick tags up until Ricky ducked under a double clothesline and made a diving tag to Jack. Jack came in like a house afire. The bigger DeColt came in with rights and lefts and elbows and George and Jared bumped all over for him. Jack hit a big Press Slam on Jared Johnson and Johnson rolled out of the ring. George came charging at Jack and Jack hit him with a big spinebuster and then transitioned into the End of Days submission that forced George to submit.


In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, The DeColt Boys defeated George Wolfe and Jared Johnson in 9:42 when Jack DeColt submitted George Wolfe with an End Of Days.


Match Rating





Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit



Mr. Lucha III versus Mr. Impact ©


The World Television Title match was next. Mr. Lucha III was visiting from OLLIE as a way to build a bridge between the two companies. The crowd wasn’t sure how to take Mr. Lucha III but Mr. Impact did a great job of building a great match with him. It had drama and near falls and made Mr. Lucha III look like a real threat to win the World Television Title before Mr. Impact used a roll-up with a deep handful of tights to secure the eighteenth defence of the World Television Championship.


In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Mr. Impact defeated Mr. Lucha III in 12:57 by pinfall with a handful of tights. Mr. Impact makes defence number eighteen of the CWA Television title.


Match Rating







We go to a standup backstage promo where the World Tag Team Champions are standing with their manager. Drake Young just looks sleazy. He looks every bit the motormouth asshole that he is.


Drake, “Tonight’s the night, Thunder & Lightning. Tonight’s your chance. Your chance to take these from the best tag team in the world. Because make no mistake. That’s what the Dynamite Express is. They are the best tag team in wrestling. That’s why they’ve been the World Tag Team Champions for a year. That’s why they are Elite. Because Syd and Cam are the best tag team in the world and tonight they prove it, once again, when they beat Thunder & Lightning.”


Angle Rating





Main Event

Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining





Thunder & Lightning versus The Dynamite Express © w/ Drake Young


The main event felt like it could have been a Pay Per View match and it could have been. A World Tag Team Title match on CBN for the entire CWA fanbase to see without paying anything extra? And not just a World Tag Title match, but a match between the 2019 and 2018 winners of the Grand Prix. The match started off hot with Thunder & Lightning coming right out of the gate and taking control. Syd and Cam did a great job of feeding for Thunder & Lightning during the opening shine. T&L got to show why they won the 2019 Grand Prix – the slick team work that won them tag titles in 4C and in PSW. They went for an early Thunderstruck on Syd Collier, but he he slipped out of the grip and rolled out of the ring to take a break. TDE discussed strategy with Drake Young and slowed the pace down. They isolated Lightning Lomas and began the heat segment. Syd and Cam are one of the finest units pro wrestling has seen and their tag team work is flawless. They just understand each other. Everything they do is just smooth. Lomas sold well throughout and when he finally made the hot tag to Jason Thunder the crowd got really excited. Thunder came in with big rights and lefts and dropkicks and Cam and Syd bounced around for him. Jason Thunder looked excellent and he hit a huge running/leaping knee to the jaw of Cam Jones and then Lightning Lomas rolled in and they hit the Thunderstruck, Big Rig, on Cam. The crowd held their collective breaths as senior official Eugene Williams slid into position for the count. But suddenly Eugene Williams wasn’t in the ring anymore.




Blockbuster pulled him out of the ring and rolled in. He immediately clotheslined Jason Thunder while Eugene Williams called for the bell.


In a decent match, Thunder & Lightning defeated The Dynamite Express in 18:45 when Cam Jones was disqualified when Blockbuster ran in and attacked Jason Thunder.


Match Rating







The Dynamite Express and Blockbuster and Drake Young put the boots to Thunder and Lightniing. They were all over them and the crowd was booing heavily until suddenly they start to cheer.




Sean McFly is coming! And he has a steel chair! Despite having the numbers advantage, the members of The Elite decide to take the powder and not risk getting hit by a chair. As Championship Wrestling goes off the air.


Angle Rating









Quick Results

David Stone def. Mountie Mann

Lauren Easter def. Laura Flame

The DeColt Boys def. George Wolfe & Jared Johnson

TV Title: Mr. Impact © def. Mr. Lucha III to retain

Tag Team Titles Thunder & Lightning def. The Dynamite Express © by DQ. The Express retain.

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PREVIEW FOR CWA Championship Wrestling

Wednesday, Week 4, January 2020 with

Ottawa Rams Stadium, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada



CWA finishes up the first month of 2020 with a big show. Sean McFly wrestles in the main event, plus the World Television Title is on the line and so much more.


Opening Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


Mabuchi Furusawa versus Antonio Del Veccio


Mabuchi Furusawa made his CWA debut at the beginning of the year when he was unsuccessful in challenging for the World Television Title. The Japanese wrestler returns to CWA television here with a match against experienced wrestler Antonio Del Veccio. A win over someone Furusawa's caliber could go along way it getting Antonio's 2020 rolling while Furusawa looks to rebound from his debut loss.




Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


Zoe Ammis versus “The Franchise” Brooke Tyler


Zoe Ammis has a great chance to get into the World Women's Title picture if she can score a victory over the Franchise. Brooke Tyler is looking to continue to build her momentum after her win at Total Elimination III.




Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit




Generation Z w/ Hailey Buck versus The Brothers Cain


There is no love between Generation Z and The Brothers Cain who finally meet in tag team action. The veteran, crazy cultist Brothers Cain are looking to sacrifice Generation Z.




Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit



“The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside versus Mr. Impact ©


Mr. Impact has been a dominant TV Champion, making defences each and every week. He has a big challenge this week when Sonny Wildside looks to win his first championship in CWA by becoming the World Television Champion.




Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


“The Barbadian Barbarian” Donte Dunn versus “Shooter” Sean Deeley


Two great wrestlers who both would like to be in the hunt for the World Title. To get there, they need to string together some victories and for one of them that could start tonight.




Main Event

Singles Match

TV Time Remaining Time Limit


Sean McFly versus Blockbuster


Last week, Sean McFly chased off Blockbuster with a steel chair. This week, The Elite's Muscle steps into the ring with the Living Legend. Can Blockbuster take out Sean McFly before he's able to go one on one with Christian Price? Or will Sean McFly dig deep and find a way to slay another dragon?



Quick Predictions

Mabuchi Furusawa vs. Antonio Del Veccio

Zoe Ammis vs. Brooke Tyler

Generation Z vs. The Brothers Cain

TV Title: Sonny Wildside vs. Mr. Impact ©

Donte Dunn vs. Sean Deeley

Sean McFly vs. Blockbuster

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CWA Championship Wrestling

Wednesday, Week 4, January 2020 with 8,646 in attendance

Ottawa Rams Stadium, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada



Opening Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


Mabuchi Furusawa versus Antonio Del Veccio


Furusawa completely controlled this contest. This was a spectacle of getting Furusawa over by showing just how physical he could be. Veccio took big bumps for Furusawa – including a teardrop Backdrop Driver that looked wicked. Furusawa locked in the Furusawa Armbar and got the submission victory.


In an extremely short match, Mabuchi Furusawa defeated Antonio Del Veccio in 4:37 by submission with a Furusawa Armbar.


Match Rating





Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


Zoe Ammis versus “The Franchise” Brooke Tyler


Zoe Ammis looked really good at the start of the match. She looked a step faster than Brooke Tyler and Brooke looked very uncomfortable in the contest. Zoe went after Brooke’s knee and it look like Brooke might have tweaked her knee, but she was able to power through it and lock in her Brooke Breaker for the submission victory.


In a decent match, Brooke Tyler defeated Zoe Ammis in 8:27 by submission with a Brooke Breaker.


Match Rating







Brooke Tyler gets the microphone after her victory. She is a little winded and out of breath.


Brooke, “I want to be the World Women’s Champion again. I’m the best women’s wrestler in the history of this sport. I’m better than anything down in America. I’m better than Ogiwara and the Magic Three. I’m the greatest. I’m the Franchise and I’m tired. I’m tired of Lauren Easter. I’m tired of people standing in the way of getting back what is mine. What belongs to me. So Lauren. At Clash Classic in two and a half weeks, I want you. I want you one on one. Winner gets a World Women’s Title shot. Loser does not. That simple. Let’s solve this thing so I can get my belt back.”


Angle Rating







We got a video package for “The Natural” David Stone that highlights all of his skills and how he is definitely one to watch for the future, because he’s almost assured to be CWA World Champion in his career. It was a fine package but not spectacular.


Angle Rating





Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit




Generation Z w/ Hailey Buck versus The Brothers Cain


Two underneath tag teams both trying to earn a little bit. Generation Z, the talented but inexperienced, young babyface tag team against the veteran, weird, crazed heels. This match wasn’t particularly good but it was advancing Generation Z and The Brothers Cain ongoing story. In the end, Eli got the pin on Alyx after the Mark of Cain


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, The Brothers Cain defeated Generation Z in 8:24 when Eli Cain pinned Alyx Winters with The Mark Of Cain.


Match Rating







We go into a hype package for Aaron Knight and Cameron Vessey. It showed highlights of Aaron in CGC – including his crowning moment of being the final CGC World Champion. It showed Cameron Vessey in NOTBPW and his moment as the final NOTBPW Canadian Champion. It showed them meeting to crown the first CWA Champion. A video that has told their story and by and large the story of the end of their respective companies and the foundation of CWA. It was masterfully done as far as hype packages go and it ends with The Next Chapter Will Be Written at Clash Classic.


Angle Rating





Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit



“The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside versus Mr. Impact ©


Mr. Impact has held the World Television Title since April of 2019 and has made eighteen defences of the championship going into this match. He has looked fantastic in his title defences and this was no different. He came out of the gate trying to work holds with Sonny, but Sonny was just a smidge faster. He kept a head of Mr. Impact for several minutes until finally Impact went to the eyes and a hairpull and took control. Mr. Impact was doing everything he could to keep Sonny from taking to the sky and pulling off a high risk move, but eventually Sonny was able to make a comeback and hit a springboard moonsault that caught Mr. Impact flush. Mr. Impact went into full sell mode. He bounced around as Sonny picked the pace up. Impact tried to slow him down but Sonny couldn’t be slowed down. He hit his Fear Factor, Cradle Piledriver, to get the pinfall and we have a NEWTelevision Champion.


In a good match, Sonny Wildside defeated Mr. Impact in 12:29 by pinfall with a Fear Factor. Sonny Wildside wins the CWA Television title.


Match Rating







Sonny Wildside was presented with the World Television Championship. He raised it high above his head. This is his third championship in his career. As he is celebrated, he is jumped by Mr. Impact, who drives the Television Title into Wildside’s head before security pulls him away and off.


Angle Rating





Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


“The Barbadian Barbarian” Donte Dunn versus “Shooter” Sean Deeley


Donte Dunn is wildly believed to be a future CWA World Champion and Sean Deeley is a former CGC World and NOTBPW Canadian Champion who is looking to reclaim a spot at the top of the card. This had all the makings for a match that would have the fans investment, and it did. Sean Deeley controlled most of the match with his superior technical wrestling ability. Deeley hit a series of suplexes on Donte Dunn, including the German Suplex that Sean Deeley has used to win many matches, but Donte Dunn was able to kick out. Dunn went into his comeback – which included several body slams. Deeley sold great and then Dunn hit a piledriver. Dunn made the cover and got the three count.


In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Donte Dunn defeated Shooter Sean Deeley in 12:48 by pinfall.


Match Rating







We go backstage to where Blockbuster is getting into his ring gear and Christian Price, the CWA World’s Champion is standing fully suited. Christian Price is all smiles.


Christian, “Sean-y-boy, in just a few minutes, you’re going to walk down that aisle and step into the ring with this man behind me. The Perfect Athlete. Look at him. Blockbuster is unlike anything you’re used to, Sean. He’s bigger, stronger, faster. Everything about him is superior. You’re a great wrestler. An absolutely phenomenal wrestler. One of the all time greats, but you’re not the Perfect Athlete. Blockbuster is. Just look at his arms. They’re bigger around than most people’s thighs. He is just superior and in just a few minutes, live on CBN, Blockbuster is going to put you down and put you out Sean. You had a great career. It’s time for it to end.”


Angle Rating





Main Event

Singles Match

TV Time Remaining Time Limit


Sean McFly versus “The Perfect Athlete” Blockbuster


The main event pit forty-six-year-old, twenty-eight year pro Sean McFly against thirty-one-year-old nine-year pro Blockbuster. While McFly had the advantage in experience and overall wrestling ability, Blockbuster is younger, stronger, more explosive, and significantly larger athlete. It was that size that was the story early on. Blockbuster controlled the match with his size and power, working slowly. He specifically focused on the lower back of McFly with several body slams, backbreakers, and each time going back to the bear hug. He used his big, strong arms to try and squeeze the life out of McFly. McFly kept finding a way to use his experience and knowledge to get out of the bear hug and stay alive, but Blockbuster kept on him. McFly was really going out of his way to make Blockbuster look good, to probably make him look better than he should otherwise. Blockbuster hit a ring-rattling spinebuster on McFly for a near fall and it was a very dramatic near fall, McFly only barely got his shoulder up. Blockbuster set up for the BusterBomb – his buckle bomb that he has had a lot of success with. McFly was able to get up and over Blockbuster so that Blockbuster stumbled away from him. Blockbuster turned back to face McFly and ate a boot to the guy and then the wiley veteran hit his Delorean Driver, the spinning Northern Lights Bomb, that he has won so many matches with. The crowd counted along as McFly got the three and the hard-fought victory.


In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Sean McFly defeated Blockbuster in 12:27 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver.


Match Rating









Quick Results

  1. Mabuchi Furusawa def. Antonio Del Veccio
  2. Brooke Tyler def. Zoe Ammis
  3. The Brothers Cain def. Generation Z
  4. TV Title: Sonny Wildside def. Mr. Impact © to WIN the TV Title
  5. Donte Dunn def. Sean Deeley
  6. Sean McFly def. Blockbuster

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PREVIEW for CWA Championship Wrestling

Wednesday, Week 1, February

Saskatoon Bowl, Saskatchewan, Canada.



We are just over two weeks away from the 2020 installment of the Clash Classic and it is shaping up to be one of the biggest cards in CWA history. With just two Championship Wrestling episodes left before the Pay Per View, you don't want to miss a moment of CWA action.


Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit



“Double J” Jared Johnson versus “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside ©


Last week, Sonny Wildside became the fourth World Television Champion in CWA's history when he managed to defeat Mr. Impact. Championship Wrestling starts off with Wildside looking to make his first defence against former (and original) CWA World Television Champion, Jared Johnson. Can Jared make Sonny Wildside the shortest champion in CWA history while also becoming the first two-time champion of any kind in CWA? Or will Sonny Wildside begin to make his own legacy in CWA?




Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


Sally Anne Christianson versus “Red Hot” Laura Flame


There isn't a big story going into this contest. This is just two women looking to impress and rise in the rankings in the Women's Division here in CWA.




Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Non Title Match


“The Amazing” Amber Allen versus “Dangerous” Deborah Young


Nadia Snow has a title shot at Amber Allen's World Women's Title at Clash Classic. She's sent her enforcer, The head of the Queen's Guard, Deborah Young to soften Amber Allen up in this non-title contest. Can the World Women's Champion survive the monster?





Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


“A Game” Aaron Knight versus “The Submission Demon” Johnny Bloodstone


Aaron Knight and Cameron Vessey both got to choose opponents for each other on tonight's episode. They're warm up matches for their big clash at Clash Classic 2020. Vessey chose former four time NOTBPW Canadian Champion, the Submission Demon, Johnny Bloodstone. While Bloodstone isn't the man that was a terror for the Stones in NOTBPW, he is still a very dangerous submission wrestler who could really damage Aaron Knight. Can "A-Game" weather what the "Submission Demon" is going to bring to the table?




Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


Skip “The Flow” Beau versus “The MPV” Cameron Vessey


In a surprising move, Aaron Knight chose his former tag team partner Skip Beau to challenge Cameron Vessey. Beau has the size and skill to have an upset here. Especially as motivated as he has to be. He wants to prove that Aaron Knight isn't the only talented member of that former team while also earning more championship opportunities. Cameron Vessey is going to be very careful with this match or Skip Beau could flow right over him for a victory.




Main Event

Singles Match

TV Time Remaining Limit

Non-Title Match


“The Shooting Star” Erik Strong versus “The Stud” Christian Price


Last week, Sean McFly had to take on Christian Price's muscle in Blockbuster. This week, Christian Price has to take on the close personal friend of Sean McFly, the explosive Erik Strong. Strong has yet to be able to take the next step in his career and a win, even in a non title setting, over the World Champion, could immediately elevate him into the upper echelon of talent.




Quick Predictions

  1. TV Title“Double J” Jared Johnson versus “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside ©
  2. Sally Anne Christianson versus “Red Hot” Laura Flame
  3. “The Amazing” Amber Allen versus “Dangerous” Deborah Young
  4. “A Game” Aaron Knight versus “The Submission Demon” Johnny Bloodstone
  5. Skip “The Flow” Beau versus “The MPV” Cameron Vessey
  6. “The Shooting Star” Erik Strong versus “The Stud” Christian Price

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“Double J” Jared Johnson versus “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside ©

Sally Anne Christianson versus “Red Hot” Laura Flame

“The Amazing” Amber Allen versus “Dangerous” Deborah Young

“A Game” Aaron Knight versus “The Submission Demon” Johnny Bloodstone

Skip “The Flow” Beau versus “The MPV” Cameron Vessey

“The Shooting Star” Erik Strong versus “The Stud” Christian Price

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TV Title“Double J” Jared Johnson versus “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside ©

Sally Anne Christianson versus “Red Hot” Laura Flame

“The Amazing” Amber Allen versus “Dangerous” Deborah Young

“A Game” Aaron Knight versus “The Submission Demon” Johnny Bloodstone

Skip “The Flow” Beau versus “The MPV” Cameron Vessey

“The Shooting Star” Erik Strong versus “The Stud” Christian Price

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