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WCW 1992 : A New World of Sport

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JUNE 92, WEEK 3 : EPISODE 92.20

““Welcome one and all, to wrestling’s Sabbath.” It’s the second week of Round 7, and the panel of Harley Race, Paul E Dangerously and Dusty Rhodes run through tonights card. After a wonderful Clash of the Champions, Sting and Luger have established quite a cushion at the top of the Premier Division ahead of their huge three way title match at Great American Bash. Paul doesn’t want to take away from tonight’s action, but he wants to take a second to praise Dusty Rhodes and the WCW team for the innovative solution to the World Heavyweight Championship situation. Despite weeks of controversy and difficult decision making, being able to come up with a must see situation for the WCW fanbase turned Great American Bash into the must-see event of 1992. Harley talks about how this is officially the half-way point of the 1992 season, and we are starting to see the standings fully define and we are starting to separate the champions from the challengers. Tonight is a huge example of that, as we have several matches tonight with clear favourites emerged. But on the flip side, we also have matches that mean more now than ever before. The Rock and Roll Express and The Shooters Club are tied in the rankings and vying for second place in the tag division. Tonight, either a contender will be established above the other, or a draw will move both teams further behind the coveted top spot. And between Pillman and Rhodes, one wrestler will maintain a competitive spot as they vie for promotion while the other will fall into a spot that makes it more unlikely that they’ll be able to achieve promotion. After we get through the predictions, analysis and chatter, Harley sends things down to Eric Bischoff, who apparently has a surprise to share with WCW.

Eric Bischoff is at ringside and sends out a final thank you to Lance Russell for his years of service and entertainment. Bischoff then announces that Russell was an integral part of his production team, and replacing him was no easy task. With that said, he’s proud to announce WCW’s newest signing to the broadcast team, The Italian Strongman Bruno Sammartino! Sammartino thanks Bischoff for the warm welcome and says that being in WCW reminds him how back home in Italy, the entire population is currently still celebration the Italian National soccer team’s victory over the USA in the World Cup, and are getting ready for the knockout stage while the Americans are back on the putting greens. He then proceeds to introduce our officiating staff for tonight. It’s the A-Team, Mike Atkins, Hiroyuki Unno and senior official Nick Patrick. Randy Anderson is manning the time keepers table.


trfdq2G.gif Our opening contest tonight is Premier league action as Ricky Steamboat makes his way to the ring with Jushin Liger as well as The Steiner Brothers. Schiavone talks about how The Steiner’s earned the advantage for War Games this weekend and they’ll get to hold a one-man advantage over The Dangerous Alliance at 4 points in the match. Steamboat’s opponent tonight is Nikita Koloff, who’s been heavily involved on the peripheral of the World Heavyweight title match, but his poor record has left him as the odd man out and Schiavone speculates that Nikita has a chip on his shoulder and may not have the loyalty to Sting that he claims to have. The two shake hands to start the match and jockey each other, both men are conservative as they know how important a win is at this point. Koloff gets the initial advantage when he catches an errant strike and throws Steamboat with ease. Koloff with a succession of pin attempts, and JR comments that he’s looking to force Steamboat to exert energy with each kick out. Schiavone comments about how Steamboat’s age has been brought up several times regarding the format of WCW, but he’s proven week in and week out that his stamina is at an elite level, and only Sting and Rick Rude appear to rival the Dragon’s stamina. Koloff grasps a bear hug, knowing that this will drag on, and he needs to do whatever he can to ensure Steamboat’s stamina is neutralized.

Surprisingly, as we pass the 10 minute mark, Nikita has been in complete control for the duration. Every time that Steamboat fights back, Koloff strikes the ribs and barrages Steamboat into a corner. Nikita goes for the Sickle, but Steamboat reverses with an arm drag, and then explodes with a series of offence! The pace turns lightning quick on a dime, and Nikita can’t keep up with Steamboat. The Dragon has full advantage and ascends to the top rope for the Flying Crossbody! But Nikita rolls through the impact of it for a near fall! Koloff goes for the Sickle again, but it’s ducked and Steamboat grabs Nikita for a small package and it keeps Koloff down! Koloff is disappointed, but accepts a handshake from Steamboat.

Ricky Steamboat (3-1-3) def. Nikita Koloff (1-5-1) in 18:07.


PW83Usm.gif In the second contest of the evening, it’s Division Two action as Dustin Rhodes and Brian Pillman are both sitting at 500 records and looking to leap frog to the upper part of the rankings. Dustin has Barry Windham in his corner and Pillman has Tom Zenk in his. Rhodes is coming off of a very close match against current Light-heavyweight champion, Jushin Liger, while Pillman had a hard fought contest against Television champion Nobuhiko Takada last round. Before this one kicks off, Steve Austin enters and joins Schiavone and JR at the commentator’s booth. JR tells him he better not get involved, and Austin says that he’s just here to watch two guys from his division prove why they are below him on the rankings. He’s already beat Dustin and he’s going to beat him again at war games this weekend. Dustin and Pillman shake hands to start this off and they start off with a sequence of hold for hold quick moves and Pillman appears to have the technical advantage, but every time things break down into a striking match, Dustin’s size gets him the advantage back.

This goes back and forth, and Pillman takes a few high risks, flying to the outside floor to knock Dustin down to size, but in the ring an attempt off the top rope is dodged, allowing Dustin to take control and he body drops Pillman over the top rope. Austin leaves the broadcast booth and starts making his way down the ramp. Dustin turns his attention to Austin, and they jaw jack. Dustin invites Austin to come get some, but Austin yells he’ll wait until War Games. Pillman recovers and climbs back onto the apron. Dustin turns around and eats a Flyin Brian Forearm, and that’s all she wrote!

Brian Pillman (4-3-0) def. Dustin Rhodes (3-4-0) in 18:29.




Magnum TA runs through the results from last night’s Main Event action, which saw The Journeymen def. The Heavenly Bodies and Samoan Savage def. Van Hammer . In additional exhibitions, Norman Smiley and Johnny B Badd def. Tony Anthony and Bull Gantner, Jeff Jarrett def. Rocky King, Mike Rapada and Sledgehammer Anderson def. Billy Jack Haynes and Pat Rose, and DDP and Konnan def. Solar and Blue Panther. JR’s indie spotlight showcased the Great Sasuke. The young masked star has been putting on some of the hottest undercard matches in all of WCW. And lastly, as part of the Main Event broadcast panel, Alexandra York struck a chord with the audience with a hot new catchphrase about it being ‘smokin in the Southeast’.

A press conference is held with Player Enterprises. They are celebrating the championship win from Bam Bam Bigelow, stating that they are collecting belts left, right and centre and at Great American Bash, Nobuhiko Takada becomes WCW’s only double champion. The two champions pose with Terrence Taylor and Teddy Long as the press camera flicker, taking pictures of the highly decorated group. In the background, The Diamond Mine is seen. Vegas is looking very different as he’s in jeans and a black shirt and seems to be out of character. Studd is wearing chains and throws his toothpick at Diamond Dallas Page in disagreement with him. No clue what is going on there.



Back from intermission, it’s time for our only tag team match of the night, and boy is it a big one! The Shooters Club come out with Johnny B Badd, Norman Smiley and Steve Williams. Their opponents are accompanied by Jeff Jarrett, Scotty Flamingo, and Alexandra York. York is smoking a cigar, playing off her new catchphrase. It looks like she may be altering her finance based gimmick to fit in better with the rest of the Southeast Stronghold. The two teams just start brawling, Hiroyuki Unno has absolutely zero control to start this one off as each time he tries to step in, he’s got to deal with the guys on the outside jumping up onto the apron and arguing with him. This is a wild match as Schiavone comments that this will be Severn’s last week with WCW for a little while as he begins training for an MMA bout next week. Schiavone comments that it must be frustrating for Ken Shamrock that his partner is taking on other responsibilities while they are so hot, and could take them out of a massive promotion opportunity by causing a shake up to the chemistry that they have. JR mentions that it’s great to see Steve Williams with this group - he’s a perfect fit for them and can guide them towards greater success. Schiavone mentions that he’s seen Dr. Death hanging out quite a bit with Ken Shamrock, looks like they have become training buddies and have formed a really strong friendship.

Severn shows off his beast abilities by tossing around the Rock N Roll Express with ease - completely negating their attempt to exploit a 2 on 1 advantage. This is still out of control and Shamrock hits a hurricanrana off the apron on Ricky Morton, sending him flying onto all the ringside support. On the opposite side of the ring, the pride of Tennessee Jeff Jarrett jumps up on the apron and clocks Severn with a cowbell. Gibson rolls up Severn from behind and gets the victory for his team. The Southeast Stronghold establishes themselves as a top tag team, joining the three way tie for the second place in WCW’s Tag Team Division.

The Rock N Roll Express (6-1-0) def. Shooters Club (5-2-0) in 15:42.



Big Van Vader comes out next with Cactus Jack and Greg Valentine for our second of three Premier Division matches, against the only wrestler left in the 1992 WCW season who doesn’t have a single point, One Man Gang. Gang comes out with his partner this weekend, Dan Spivey, and the legendary Wahoo McDaniel. These two behemoths face off and Gang offers a handshake. Vader scoffs at him and slaps him in the face… and haymakers reign supreme. The two giants wail on each other and the crowd pops, which grows as the giants keep on beating each other without reprieve. Gang finally staggers Vader and they trade shoulder blocks, but neither man topples until a double crossbody puts both big body on the mat! They are slow to get to their feet, and One Man Gang hits a scoop slam for a near fall and the place nearly explodes for it. Vader rolls to the outside and JR and Schiavone put over that One Man Gang might pull off the upset tonight! Vader with a spinning backlist and it drops Gang like a sack of potatoes. Vader goes for a Vader bomb in the corner, but Gang jumps up quickly and hits an avalanche back suplex for yet another near fall! JRs yelling for Gang to keep going and get that W, but Gang is frustrated. Vader with another vicious back fist and a third and Gang is out on his feet. Vader with a power bomb and gets the victory. Schiavone and JR applaud Gang’s effort tonight, saying that he showed up finally.

Big Van Vader (4-1-2) def. One Man Gang (0-7-0) in 12:39.






It’s time, for Inside the Squared Circle with Jesse Ventura and Magnum TA. Magnum immediately tees up Ventura with “Well, V, whudya see?“ and Jesse turns and says he finally sees One Man Gang. Tonight was the first time he felt like the big man showed up, even though unfortunately he was unable to pick up his first win. Jesse talks about how Gang came out hard, took risks, and fought for a victory. Magnum counters by asking if he thought that Gang failed to incorporate any defensive tactics, to which Jesse flipped out, saying that the guy is pointless past the halfway point of the season, and needs to be all in. If it’s the fourth quarter and you are down by 2 touchdowns, do you go conservative to get 6 yards on a 3rd and 9, or do you shoot for the end zone, knowing that an interception is a strong possibility? One Man Gang has to go for broke at this point in order to collect a few wins and position himself in a spot where he could potentially avoid relegation. Magnum tries to debate that Gang burnt himself out and wasn’t able to keep his guard up for three vicious spinning back fists that ended his night, but Ventura says that Gang had two near falls where he almost defeated Vader, a heavy favourite. Those two falls don’t happen if Gang is waiting for the right spot. Magnum says that is the same kind of mentality that Dusty Rhodes should be considering, as he’s been too busy defending his own spot to be able to identify opportunities for his friends, even if those opportunities are a risk to his own spot. Jesse calms Magnum down and sends things to JR.


A skit airs featuring The Killer Bees, Chaos By Nature, and The Young Pistols. The Bees take on the Pistols next week, and hope they can successfully defend their belts against the Fantastics at Great American Bash. Chaos By Nature shows up all intimidating, but don’t say anything. Then the Southeast Stronghold appears, celebrating their big win tonight, and say they agree with the Bees, they hope that the Pistols hold the US Tag Belts for one more round, so that in Round 8, The Rock and Roll Express can claim the gold and put the Pistols in their spot.


Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone introduce us to a video package recapping the events of the Sting/Simmons/Luger rivalry that have gotten us to this point, hyping Great American Bash. From Luger’s contract running out with WCW as a defending champion who didn’t care too much, to the time limit draw between Simmons and Luger, to Simmon’s chip on his shoulder and Sting defeating Simmons to earn the title shot. Truly a captivating chapter in the history of the WCW World Heavyweight to help define the belt after WCW moved away from the NWA, and that chapter comes to a close at the Great American Bash.



Back from intermission, and it is time for some more Division Two action. Austin Idol makes his way to the ring, beaming after he picked up his first win of 92 last round when he defeated Shane Douglas. He’s got Roaring Rip Rogers in his corner, and they are riding high despite still being at the bottom of the division. Austin Idol is playing to the crowd when out comes his opponent, the still yet-to-be-defeated Jushin Liger who’s accompanied by Ultimo Dragon. Idol laughs at his smaller opponent and lariats Liger’s head off right away. Austin Idol plays it up to the crowd and then eats a dropkick from Liger. Liger hits a sequence of high flying moves and Austin Idol hides on the outside as Liger plays to the crowd now. Liger with a DDT and he goes up top. Shooting Star Press! Schiavone shouts that Jushin Liger is for real!

Jushin Liger (4-0-3) def. Austin Idol (1-6-0) in 7:44.



It’s time for our main event, as Terry Gordy makes his entrance with the Freebirds and Butch Reed. His opponent tonight is Rick Rude, who one week ago lost his United States Championship to Bam Bam Bigelow of Player Enterprises and looks dead focused tonight on redeeming himself after slipping 8 points behind top spot in the Premier Division. He’s accompanied by the Dangerous Alliance of Steve Austin, Paul E Dangerously, Larry Z, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard. Schiavone comments that once again The Alliance is without Beautiful Bobby, who lost again at Clash of the Champions, and it seems that Eaton is no longer a part of the Dangerous Alliance. Rick Rude talks with Paul E over the ring ropes as the opening bell rings, and Terry Gordy jumps him behind with full speed. Gordy is quick on the offensive and looks for an early victory, but Rude fights from his back and attacks the ankle of Gordy. After a scary start, Rude takes control of Gordy, focusing on the foot and ankle and he jumps to the ringside floor where he slams the foot against the corner post. Gordy screams in pain and Rude pulls Gordy to the floor and stomps on the ankle viciously, before retreating into the ring and asking referee Nick Patrick to count out Gordy. Gordy pulls himself back into the ring to break the count and Rude kicks him back to the ringside floor, and then jumps from the apron for a double sledge, but Gordy catches him and tosses him over his head and into the guardrail. JR comments that this is bowling shoe ugly as the two beat the hell out of one another around the ringside area.

They finally get back in the ring and Gordy is hobbling around on his injured foot, but the brawl stays even between the two. Gordy lands a double sledge off the middle rope, but lands on his hurt ankle and goes down like a sack of bricks. Both men are on the mat, and Rude rises to his feet first. Rude with three consecutive Rude Awakenings before he covers Gordy for the clear victory. The Alliance and him march straight to the back with zero interest in playing to the crowd as JR comments that the group is determined to win War Games at Great American Bash.

Rick Rude (4-1-2) def. Terry Gordy (1-5-1) in 14:14.




Jesse Ventura announces this weeks three stars:

3. Rick Rude

2. Dan Severn

1. Ricky Steamboat (wins $10,000 wrestler of the night bonus).


Back at the broadcast panel, they run through highlights of tonights broadcast. They also run through the card for Great American Bash, which happens tomorrow night and we’re proud to announce that the Bobby Dodd Stadium is sold out for the event. Bruno Sammartino joins the panel and there’s a bit of discussion about his thoughts on the first half of the 1992 season. Bruno talks about the competitive approach that the WCW has taken, saying that the structure means that no talent can afford to take a single match lightly. He praises the organization and thanks Dusty Rhodes and co for the warm welcome. The group look at the updated rankings and with that, Dangerously signs off with his touted quote, “It’s Saturday night, folks - Stay Dangerous!”

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- Lance Russell officially retires from his role in wrestling. The WCW held a quiet dinner event to celebrate his career and retirement.
- British Promotion Reslo continues to bleed money, and announced the sale of their dojo to remove some of their monthly losses. British wrestling continues it’s decline and it’s likely that several top talents will look to other areas for more stable work.
- WWF announced that is intending on extending Virgil’s contract for another 3 years, taking him through to 1995. The 31 year old continues to improve his skills.
- The WWF successfully extended Hacksaw Jim Duggan to another 2 years.
- Col DeBeers, only really known for his time in UWF, had a highly charged rant on a local radio station, stating that the company is a joke and the backstage environment is in shambles. The promotion, run by Herb Abrams, has been on the upswing this year and is coming off a successful Beach Brawl PPV. Whether this rant has any substance or not begs to be seen.
- Pacific Northwest Wrestling has appointed Jim Crocket Jr as the CEO after the retirement of Don Owen.
- The IWCCW continues it’s decline as reports have come out that it’s financial pit has gotten so large that the company will officially close it’s doors at the end of the month.
- LPWA star Akira Hokuto won the 1992 AJW Japan Grand Prix, defeating Kyoko Inoue in the finals.





Prediction Grid:

JR’S Indie Spotlight (Blue Panther, Brad Armstrong, Brian Lee, Bull Gantner, DDP, Great Sasuke, Konnan, La Parka, Mike Rapada, Mr. Hughes, Norman the Lunatic, Scotty Flamingo, Sgt Buddy Lee Parker, Sledgehammer Anderson, Solar, Tony Anthony, Tony Norris, Ultimo Dragon, Vampire Warrior)
The Young Pistols vs The Fantastics for the US Tag Team Championships
Dan Spivey & One Man Gang vs Butch Reed & Terry Gordy
Jerry Lawler, Jeff Jarrett & Robert Gibson vs Dan Severn, Ken Shamrock & Johnny B Badd
Wahoo McDaniel vs Cactus Jack in an Indian Strap Deathmatch
Rick Rude, Steve Austin, Arn Anderson, Larry Zybyzsko & Tully Blanchard vs Ricky Steamboat, Dustin Rhodes, Barry Windham & The Steiner Brothers in War Games
Nobuhiko Takada vs Jushin Liger for the US Television Championship & The Light Heavyweight Championship
Ron Simmons vs Lex Luger vs Sting for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

::: Prediction Contest Leaderboard :::
The Lariat : 2/8 25%
monrapi3 : 18/46
40% Egoshiha : 4/8 50%
Blodyxe : 8/14 58%
Satyr24 : 95/156 61%
Jaysin : 5/8 63%
ElectricX : 30/48
63% Hollywood : 48/76 64%
Dawn (TAFKA Smasher1311): 61/96 64%
chasep197 : 25/38 66%
SonOfSharknado : 109/164 67%
Helginho : 31/46 68%
The Blonde Bomber : 80/118 68%
Lord Byron : 112/164 68%
smw88 : 85/124 69%
DHK1989 : 113/164 69%
Old School Fan : 39/55 71%
Purotastic : 23/32 72%
Dalton : 6/8 75% mmaaddict : 36/47 77%
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JR’S Indie Spotlight (Blue Panther, Brad Armstrong, Brian Lee, Bull Gantner, DDP, Great Sasuke, Konnan, La Parka, Mike Rapada, Mr. Hughes, Norman the Lunatic, Scotty Flamingo, Sgt Buddy Lee Parker, Sledgehammer Anderson, Solar, Tony Anthony, Tony Norris, Ultimo Dragon, Vampire Warrior)
The Young Pistols vs The Fantastics for the US Tag Team Championships
Dan Spivey & One Man Gang vs Butch Reed & Terry Gordy
Jerry Lawler, Jeff Jarrett & Robert Gibson vs Dan Severn, Ken Shamrock & Johnny B Badd
Wahoo McDaniel vs Cactus Jack in an Indian Strap Deathmatch
Rick Rude, Steve Austin, Arn Anderson, Larry Zybyzsko & Tully Blanchard vs Ricky Steamboat, Dustin Rhodes, Barry Windham & The Steiner Brothers in War Games
Nobuhiko Takada vs Jushin Liger for the US Television Championship & The Light Heavyweight Championship
Ron Simmons vs Lex Luger vs Sting for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

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JR’S Indie Spotlight (Blue Panther, Brad Armstrong, Brian Lee, Bull Gantner, DDP, Great Sasuke, Konnan, La Parka, Mike Rapada, Mr. Hughes, Norman the Lunatic, Scotty Flamingo, Sgt Buddy Lee Parker, Sledgehammer Anderson, Solar, Tony Anthony, Tony Norris, Ultimo Dragon, Vampire Warrior)
The Young Pistols vs The Fantastics for the US Tag Team Championships
Dan Spivey & One Man Gang vs Butch Reed & Terry Gordy
Jerry Lawler, Jeff Jarrett & Robert Gibson vs Dan Severn, Ken Shamrock & Johnny B Badd
Wahoo McDaniel vs Cactus Jack in an Indian Strap Deathmatch (Wahoo was a master at the Indian Strap match in his day, but Cactus' time is coming)
Rick Rude, Steve Austin, Arn Anderson, Larry Zybyzsko & Tully Blanchard vs Ricky Steamboat, Dustin Rhodes, Barry Windham & The Steiner Brothers in War Games (It doesn't matter how good Rude and Austin think they are, there's no stopping the Steiners at this point)
Nobuhiko Takada vs Jushin Liger for the US Television Championship & The Light Heavyweight Championship
Ron Simmons vs Lex Luger vs Sting for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

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JR’S Indie Spotlight (Blue Panther, Brad Armstrong, Brian Lee, Bull Gantner, DDP, Great Sasuke, Konnan, La Parka, Mike Rapada, Mr. Hughes, Norman the Lunatic, Scotty Flamingo, Sgt Buddy Lee Parker, Sledgehammer Anderson, Solar, Tony Anthony, Tony Norris, Ultimo Dragon, Vampire Warrior)
The Young Pistols vs The Fantastics for the US Tag Team Championships
Dan Spivey & One Man Gang vs Butch Reed & Terry Gordy
Jerry Lawler, Jeff Jarrett & Robert Gibson vs Dan Severn, Ken Shamrock & Johnny B Badd
Wahoo McDaniel vs Cactus Jack in an Indian Strap Deathmatch
Rick Rude, Steve Austin, Arn Anderson, Larry Zybyzsko & Tully Blanchard vs Ricky Steamboat, Dustin Rhodes, Barry Windham & The Steiner Brothers in War Games
Nobuhiko Takada vs Jushin Liger for the US Television Championship & The Light Heavyweight Championship
Ron Simmons vs Lex Luger vs Sting for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

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JR’S Indie Spotlight (Blue Panther, Brad Armstrong, Brian Lee, Bull Gantner, DDP, Great Sasuke, Konnan, La Parka, Mike Rapada, Mr. Hughes, Norman the Lunatic, Scotty Flamingo, Sgt Buddy Lee Parker, Sledgehammer Anderson, Solar, Tony Anthony, Tony Norris, Ultimo Dragon, Vampire Warrior)
The Young Pistols vs The Fantastics for the US Tag Team Championships
Dan Spivey & One Man Gang vs Butch Reed & Terry Gordy
Jerry Lawler, Jeff Jarrett & Robert Gibson vs Dan Severn, Ken Shamrock & Johnny B Badd
Wahoo McDaniel vs Cactus Jack in an Indian Strap Deathmatch
Rick Rude, Steve Austin, Arn Anderson, Larry Zybyzsko & Tully Blanchard vs Ricky Steamboat, Dustin Rhodes, Barry Windham & The Steiner Brothers in War Games
Nobuhiko Takada vs Jushin Liger for the US Television Championship & The Light Heavyweight Championship
Ron Simmons vs Lex Luger vs Sting for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

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Dusty Rhodes welcomes the world watching at home to a sold out crowd at the Bobby Dodd Stadium of 53,000! This is the biggest event WCW has hosted in the United States to date, and we are proud to present to you the biggest night of action possible. Harley says that tonight features a major triple main event, featuring the rematch between Jushin Liger and Nobuhiko Takada for both the WCW TV Championship and the WCW Light Heavyweight Championship, plus the War Games match between the Dangerous Alliance and the team of Ricky Steamboat, The Steiner Brothers, Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham, and last but not least the epic main event three way match between Lex Luger, Sting and Ron Simmons for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Will Ron Simmons overcome the odds and claim his destiny? Paul E Dangerously is buzzing as he says tonight, his Alliance asserts their dominance over WCW by claiming victory in War Games. The panel provide analysis on the card for tonight, but they are taken aback by the extremely loud sold out crowd, who are cheering for the show to begin. Dusty says there’s no point in predictions tonight, the crowd has spoken, it’s time to start the show!


trfdq2G.gif The thunderous ovation to start the show parlays into a warm welcome for the legendary Wahoo McDaniel, who is accompanied by Brian Pillman and Tom Zenk. Wahoo plays to the crowd and eyes the plunder lying around the ring for Cactus’ deathmatch spin on his classic signature match. Cactus Jack makes his entrance with Big Van Vader and Greg Valentine in his corner, and Cactus is carrying a bag with him, which Schiavone speculates on it’s contents. Referee Mike Atkins tethers the two men together using the Indian Strap. The two men start brawling immediately and Wahoo gets the upper hand when he lashes Cactus with the Strap. Cactus tries to bolt out of the ring, but Wahoo tugs the strap, trapping Cactus who is dangling from the ropes, allowing Wahoo to lash him several more times as he hangs, and the crowd is loving this so far. Cactus grabs a 2x4 and breaks it over Wahoo’s head, busting him open early and giving Cactus a chance to go through the ringside plunder. He breaks a wooden folding chair on Wahoo and then goes for an apron diving elbow drop, but splats hard on the concrete when Wahoo moves out of the way. Wahoo scoop slams Cactus through a table at ringside and rips one of the wooden legs from the broken pieces, exposing a nail in the process. He lifts it and plays to the crowd, before grating Cactus Jack’s head with it, splitting him wide open.

This causes a fracas with the ringside workers, and it ends up with Vader, Pillman and Zenk all crashing through a table and Greg Valentine ending up in the ring with Wahoo. Wahoo Tomahawks Valentine and then locks in a leg lock, and there is no one to stop it. Wahoo leans back and Valentine wails in pain as JR screams that he’s breaking his leg! Cactus Jack flies off the top rope with an elbow drop, breaking up the hold. Jack with a pile driver for a near fall. He grabs his bag and opens it, pouring a sea of thumbtacks onto the mat. Cactus Jack goes for another pile driver, but gets back body dropped onto the thumbtacks. Wahoo covers him for a near fall. Cactus takes a Tomahawk and falls onto the thumbtacks yet again, and he’s laughing! JR screams that Cactus is sick and Jack gets up and hits a double armed DDT onto the thumbtacks, getting the victory over the legend. After the match, Wahoo gets to his feet and the two men, soaked in blood, shake hands.

Cactus Jack def. Wahoo McDaniel in 10:11 in an Indian Strap Deathmatch.


trfdq2G.gif As the crew cleans up all the ringside plunder, the participants for JR’s indie spotlight battle royal make their way to the ring. JR talks up how fantastic these men have been on main event and the independent scenes, stating that they are all chasing for the right to be a part of the 1993 WCW roster. This is a standard battle royal, just a cluster fuck of action. Solar, Blue Panther and Ultimo Dragon hold the action together - they are clearly the ring generals in this match. Konnan is showcased as especially impressive here, as he is making the most eliminations. It’s pretty much a chance for the guys to each hit their signature spots and have JR put them over quickly. The final four come down to Konnan, DDP, Bull Gantner and Mr. Hughes. Being the most well known, and having been on TV the most consistently, DDP is getting the positive crowd reaction here. Konnan shocks the group by eliminating the giant Mr. Hughes. DDP overcomes the other two men, eliminating both with a double clothesline to win the battle royal.

Diamond Dallas Page won the 20 man indie Spotlight Battle Royal in 13:15.



The match is over and DDP is celebrating in the ring, raising his Indie Spotlight trophy as Vinnie Vegas and The Diamond Studd join him in the ring, both wearing street clothes. They raise his hand in victory, only to turn on him, hitting him from behind. Both Studd and Vegas hit their finishers on DDP and then break his trophy. Vegas grabs a mic and says the Diamond Mine is dead and the stupid schticks are dead with it. Vinnie Vegas and the Diamond Studd are no more, and then they leave. Schiavone and JR wonder what this means for their spot in the tag team division, they are supposed to have a match this coming week? Schiavone plays up the hard fought victory and sympathy that DDP has built up with the crowd here, turning him into a babyface.


trfdq2G.gif As JR and Schiavone discuss their disdain for Vegas and Studd’s actions, The Fantastics make their way to the ring for the first of three title matches tonight. Out next is The Young Pistols, and despite them being the heels here and The Fantastics being the faces, the crowd support is in favour of the Pistols. Things start off with Steve Armstrong and Bobby Fulton and they tie up with Fulton getting the early advantage and trying to rally the crowd in support of The Fantastics, but it’s futile. Tommy Rogers tags in and tosses Armstrong from the ring where Smothers goes and checks in on him. He throws his arms up, pleading that an injury has occurred and Tommy needs to be disqualified for his actions. Rogers gets frustrated and gets in Smothers face, who pokes him in the eye and Armstrong rolls up Rogers for a near fall. Smothers comes in and they Pistols take quick turns beating on Rogers in their corner. Fulton gets in to break it up and referee Jimmy Jett restrains him. Meanwhile, The Young Pistols are both in the ring, taking advantage of Jett dealing with Fulton, and they hit a diving Hart Attack-like move that Schiavone calls the Colt 19 (because it’s half the age as a Colt 38…) and pick up the win to retain. Wasn’t anything special, but the crowd loves the Pistols.

The Young Pistols retained the WCW US Tag Team Championships against the Fantastics in 6:37.


trfdq2G.gif Up next is Reed and Gordy’s open challenge against Spivey and One Man Gang. As Reed and Gordy make their entrance, JR recaps the awesome match against each other these two had, focusing on the huge bulldog off the ramp spot that resulted in a double count-out. Gordy is joined by the Freebirds. As expected, this is a brawl right from the start. Butch Reed and Dan Spivey start things off and it’s clear that Spivey has a score to settle here, as Schiavone reminds us all that in Round One, Reed defeated Spivey after the use of a foreign object. Reed gets walloped and tags in Gordy in retreat. Spivey is mouthing off Reed and Gordy takes advantage with a sucker punch. Gang tags himself in and cleans house, and JR talks about how good he looked on Saturday Night, hoping that he’s going to turn his 92 around starting tonight with a win. All four men are brawling and the action spills out onto the floor. Spivey chases Reed around the ring and double clotheslines the Freebirds, but then Reed catches him with a slam on the floor. One Man Gang is brawling with Gordy on the ramp when Butch Reed grabs him from behind and bulldogs him off the ramp and through the timekeeper’s booth at ringside! JR yells that at least Simmons won’t have to worry about that booth come the main event and the ringside staff check to see if Gang is okay, but he pushes them away, wanting to continue. Gang is rolled into the ring but kicks out of a pin attempt! Spivey is in the ring and destroys Gordy with a big boot and then runs at Reed, who ducks, and Spivey accidentally boots Gang in the face. Reed throws Spivey over the ropes and then pins One Man Gang.

Butch Reed and Terry Gordy def. Dan Spivey and One Man Gang in 9:59.


trfdq2G.gif Out comes The South Atlantic Stronghold, and Flamingo has a microphone, much to Schiavone’s chagrin. Flamingo says that he may have come up short in the battle royal earlier, but he doesn’t need a shitty trophy to get more air time, all he has to do is pay for more commercial time. He says that the Stronghold is still recruiting, and tonight is just another example of why all the young talent should be looking into joining them. Alexandra York grabs the microphone and says that for only $100 a month, you can join the Stronghold training program and it’ll only be a matter of time before you are smokin’ in the Southeast. They are finally cut off by the Shooters Club, who are accompanied by Steve Williams and Norman Smiley. Jeff Jarrett and Ken Shamrock start this off, and the Tennessee Prodigy takes a punch straight to the mush and retreats to his corner to tag in Gibson. Gibson and Shamrock go back and forth and Shamrock gets the upper hand and tags in Johnny B Badd. Gibson suckers Badd into his corner and Lawler gets in. Lawler toys with Badd, dominating him for a bit until Badd is able to make a hot tag to Dan Severn. Things break down completely and all 6 men get involved as Severn tosses his opponents like rag dolls and is red hot. Shamrock and Lawler tangle to the floor and Severn dominates Jarrett and Gibson for a bit. Richard Morton jumps up and throws powder in Severn’s face. Severn squints through and clotheslines Gibson over the top rope, but then he accidentally clotheslines Ken Shamrock. Lawler takes advantage and hits Severn with the Piledriver and gets the victory for the South Atlantic Stronghold.

South Atlantic Stronghold (Lawler, Jarrett and Gibson) def. Shooters Club (Severn, Shamrock & B Badd) in 11:27.



trfdq2G.gif Steamboat and Arn are the first two individuals representing their teams. They make their entrances as Dusty and Schiavone go over the rules for a War Games match. The opening 5 minute period remain between the two starters, and then each team alternates sending in another competitor after two minute periods. Only after all 10 men have entered the ring, does the match officially begin. At this point, it’s submit or surrender, no disqualifications, no time limits, no pins, no count outs. First submission wins. This year, thanks to the Steiner’s, Team Steamboat will get the advantage to begin each period. Steamboat and Anderson lock up and start this off slow, Arn gets the advantage and backs Steamboat into a corner. Dustin is the participant #3 and is getting into the cage, when he gets pulled off the ramp and thrown over the railing by two men in hoods. The one man assaults Dustin with a lead pipe in the crowd while the other guards the guard railing with another pipe from his three partners who are trying to help him out. Officials run down but the damage is done as the two assailants retreat into the crowd, revealing to be Bobby Eaton and his recent partner on Main Event, Dave Finlay. In the ring, Steamboat has rallied and has the advantage, but the period has expired and Steve Austin enters the cage, giving the Alliance the two on one advantage as him and Arn beat down Steamboat. Meanwhile, Dustin is a bloody mess and is being helped to the back by medics. Finally, Rick Steiner jumps in as the next competitor to balance the action, cleaning house and regaining some momentum for Team Steamboat.

Dustin is gone now and JR wonders if this means War Games will start with a 4 on 5 advantage, as Schiavone explains that he guesses Bobby Eaton is still aligned with the Alliance. From here, we get the typical War Games match structure of heels with the advantage, and the faces being a house of fire each time they even the odds. Tully is the last guy in the match, but as he enters, Dustin Rhodes returns down the walkway, bandaged at the head and carrying a lead pipe of his own. He enters the ring and clears house with the pipe before regrouping with his team and JR yells that War Games has officially begun as both teams reconvene in one ring each. They strategize (although the faces seem more about checking on Dustin) and a brawl ensues in the middle of the ring and results in the faces pulling Larry Z to their side and isolating him with a Steiner double team while the other three guard the centre! Dustin gets pulled onto the other side though and Austin locks in the Hollywood and Vine and the babyface team charge to break it up

The brawling continues and Rude gets a hold of Dustin’s lead pipe and busts open Windham. The heels isolate Dustin between the ropes and the cage and handcuff him to a turnbuckle and start savagely beating him with the lead pipe. Dusty leaves commentary and throws in the towel and Steamboat looks heartbroken as he turns to Randy Anderson and surrenders. The Steiner’s and Steamboat argue as Barry and Dusty check in on Dustin and the Dangerous Alliance celebrate their way up the ramp. Eaton and Finlay join them on the ramp and at commentary Schiavone comments that the Alliance has never looked more dangerous.

The Dangerous Alliance (Rude, Tully, Arn, Larry, Austin) def. Steamboat, Steiner’s, Dustin and Windham in 24:31 in the War Games.


trfdq2G.gif Out comes the television champion, Nobuhiko Takada, with Player Enterprises as it’s time for the War of Japan double title match. After Player Enterprises gets to the ring, WCW light heavyweight champion Jushin Liger makes his grand entrance accompanied by Ultimo Dragon. The two show a sign of respect as the opening bell rings. Takada goes for a kick right off the bat, but Liger dodges and initiates a hold for hold sequence where they both achieve takedowns and get quick submissions started, but both men are able to escape. Takada gets the advantage with sleeper hold and his legs wrapped around Liger’s waist, but Liger fights out and goes to work with kicks. Schiavone mentions that these two men have met prior to their WCW 20 minute draw back in Japan 3 times in singles competition, where Takada one twice and a double count-out draw occurred once. Liger has an awesome sequence of strikes, but is halted by a spin kick to the gut, followed up by a snap mare and a guillotine choke that Takada cinches deep and Liger has to get the ropes. Takada with a series of suplexes now, each one followed by a quick pin attempt. The last suplex is a german, but Liger flips through it and catches Takada in a pinning situation, followed up by a dragon sleeper his own that Takada gets to his feet slowly on and pushes Liger to the ropes - however Liger uses the momentum to turn his move into a tornado DDT for another near fall!

Liger takes control with a surfboard stretch, and while Takada is able to get out of the move, it seems to have done some damage to his knee. They have another strike fest, trading rapid shots back and forth, but Takada’s knee distracts him, allowing a moment hesitation that gives Liger the opportunity to hit an abisegeri kick. Takada rolls to the outside, but Liger isn’t having it as he races after him, flying to the floor with an Asai Moonsault - as his corner man Ultimo Dragon is mentioned as the innovator of that move. Liger with a couple release german suplexes, that send Takada flying around the ring - JR comments that due to his full body attire, many people don’t realize that the light heavyweight Liger has an incredibly impressive physique.

Liger is in the corner and lifts Takada for a piledriver, walking with him in a cradle position to the centre of the ring - amazing ring awareness and strength if he wants to try a pin! The piledriver takes place in the centre of the ring and JR criticizes Liger for not going for the pin as he goes straight to the top rope and attempts to hit the shooting star press, but eats Takada’s knees. Takada gets up and catches Liger with a Roundhouse Kick but somehow, perhaps purely just instinct, Liger gets his shoulder up! Takada is in disbelief. Takada stomps on Liger’s head repeatedly and then locks in a crossface chickenwing hold and referee Jimmy Jett checks on Liger and decides to call the match as Liger is unresponsive. Teddy Long climbs into the ring with both championships and presents them to Takada who is now a double champion in WCW! JR says that these two men gave it their all, and on this night, Takada was the better man. His WCW run so far has been undeniable.

Takada def. Liger by referee stoppage after 25:17 to win the WCW Light Heavyweight Title and retain the WCW Television Title..


Schiavone says he needs a smoke break after that war. They agree that match was about as good a singles match as you could ever witness, as the technical abilities of Liger and Takada are second to none. JR says that the final match of the night won’t have the same technical proficiency however, as for the first time in WCW, we will witness a three way match for the World Championship. He leads into a video package focusing on the build up to Lex Luger versus Sting versus Ron Simmons, the marquee match of Great American Bash 1992. The story all began with Lex Luger’s contract with WCW running out and curiosity on whether he’d leave the company with the championship, much like Ric Flair before him had, and what was considered as a weak string of challengers leading up to the expiry date. Ron Simmons stepping up as a challenger and winning the support of the crowd with a valiant effort against Luger, where he won but the result was over-turned. From there, the crowd was torn as they wanted to see Ron Simmons get his shot, but Sting decisively defeated Simmons and claimed the top contender spot as a result. It’s been an epic road to get to this point, and here we are. All three men provide soundbites for why they believe tonight will be their night.

trfdq2G.gif It’s been an amazing night of wrestling, and it’s all built up to this moment as Sting makes his entrance to a thunderous ovation. He makes his way to the ring with a red, white and blue outfit and face paint, a throwback to his 1990 Great American Bash career-defining victory over Ric Flair when he won the NWA World Championship. JR wonders if that will be the story tonight again. Out next is Ron Simmons, who two years ago at the same event, retained the tag team championships in the penultimate match of the evening. But unlike Sting, he’s chosen to wear the tights from a loss, the maroon from his Halloween Havoc 1991 loss to Halloween Havoc. Then, the champion makes his entrance with massive pyro sparklers - he’s wearing the yellow trunks from Great American Bash 1991, when he won the world championship for the first time in what was supposed to be a match against Ric Flair. Dusty provides the official ring announcements. The match starts with a three way pose off, where Luger ends up trying to convince Sting for a little tag team reunion, and Sting and Simmons and up double teaming Luger to start the action. All three men take turns being in peril and being the focal point for a while - no slow build here, and lots of early call backs to their prior matches.

Simmons hits a power bomb and gets a near fall on Sting, but Luger breaks it up. Simmons chases Luger up the ramp and Luger hides behind the timekeeper, teasing that they should run out the full 60 minutes tonight. Luger with a cheap shot and he smashes Simmons head against the ramp several times. Luger poses, but Simmons recovers and deathstares Luger. Simmons spine busters Luger through the timekeepers table, spits on him, and returns to the ring where he squares off with Sting. They stare down and the crowd raises to their feet as Luger is nowhere to be seen, and a title change is now destined to happen. They start to brawl and Sting gets the upper hand, but the crowd is rallying for Simmons. Simmons tries to mount a comeback, but Sting hits the scorpion death drop!

Nikita Koloff appears at the stage and makes his way to the ring, holding the russian chain, recalling the Chain match from last years Bash, where he defeated Sting. Schiavone comments on how much changes over one year, as Sting is competing for gold, while Koloff is competing to avoid relegation. He motions to Sting, showing his support! Sting locks in the Deathlock on Simmons and Koloff cheers Sting on, but Simmons yells he’ll never give up. He’s fading, but he crawls to the ropes! Luger grabs the bell from the timekeepers table and is making his way back to the ring, but Koloff stands in front of him. He pries the bell out of Lugers hands and hands it back to the timekeeper, but Luger pulls the russian chain and wraps it around his fist, clocking Koloff and knocking him out. Nick Patrick jumps out of the ring and calls for medics, tending to Koloff. Luger goes back to the ring where Sting and Simmons are squaring off and Sting is bewildered as to how he can put down Simmons. Simmons eats a ton of strikes and then spine busters Sting! No referee to count the pin and he is livid, but turns into a chained fist from Luger, busting him wide open and knocking him out! Luger hoists him up into the Torture Rack and he’s spilling blood everywhere. Nick Patrick returns and calls for the bell, as Simmons is unresponsive! Luger retains and JR screams not like this! Luger soaks in the boos, waving a giant American flag with the championship around his waist as Great American Bash goes off the air.

Lex Luger def. Sting and Simmons in 24:53 to retain the world championship.
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Quick Results:
Broadcast Panel: Ole Anderson, Jim Cornette, and Nick Bockwinkel.
Bull Nakano def. Kat LeRoux in 15:04
Madusa def. Magnificent Mimi in 15:30
Susan Sexton def. Lioness Asuka in 15:14
Akira Hokuto def. Reggie Bennett in 13:14
Denise Storm def. Misty Blue in 9:40
Candi Devine def. Bambi in 15:39
Judy Martin def. Leilani Kai in 17:28
Wendi Richter def. Rocken Robin in 17:29


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- After his hard fought final match, Wahoo McDaniel is suffering from Chronic Back Pain. His contract with WCW has expired and he is moving on to retirement with a little bit of pain.
- Virgil successfully renewed his contract with the WWF.
- In a radio interview, Matt Borne (known in WCW as Big Josh) announced that he’s focusing on adapting a comedy wrestler approach in order to further his career.
- Johnny Saint has announced his retirement plan at the age of 49. This continues the streak of blows to the British Wrestling scene.
- Antonio Inoki renewed his contract with NJPW, signing for a massive 6.7 million over 18 months. The 49 year old is currently the highest paid athlete in all of wrestling.



dHwMbLd.giftxO9MPz.gifBBgtM4t.gifZsA695P.gifplR0u7X.gif9kX9THV.gifQri8bnx.gif8zSoWR1.gif Prediction Grid:
American Males vs The Fantastics
Tom Zenk vs Kevin Von Erich
The Young Pistols vs The Killer Bees for the US Tag Team Championships
Shane Douglas vs Cactus Jack
Samoan Swat Team vs The Outsiders
Tully Blanchard vs Kevin Sullivan
Steve Williams vs Butch Reed
Bam Bam Bigelow vs Ron Simmons for the WCW US Championship

::: Prediction Contest Leaderboard :::
The Lariat : 2/8 25%
Bigelow Cartwheel : 2/8 25%
monrapi3 : 18/46
40% Egoshiha : 4/8 50%
Blodyxe : 8/14 58%
Satyr24 : 99/164 61%
Jaysin : 5/8 63%
ElectricX : 30/48
Dawn (TAFKA Smasher1311): 65/104 63%
63% Hollywood : 48/76 64%
chasep197 : 25/38 66%
Old School Fan : 42/63 67%
SonOfSharknado : 114/172 67%
Lord Byron : 115/172 67%
Helginho : 31/46 68%
The Blonde Bomber : 80/118 68%
smw88 : 85/124 69%
DHK1989 : 119/172 69%
Purotastic : 23/32 72%
Dalton : 6/8 75% mmaaddict : 36/47 77%
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American Males vs The Fantastics
Tom Zenk vs Kevin Von Erich
The Young Pistols vs The Killer Bees for the US Tag Team Championships
Shane Douglas vs Cactus Jack
Samoan Swat Team vs The Outsiders
Tully Blanchard vs Kevin Sullivan
Steve Williams vs Butch Reed
Bam Bam Bigelow vs Ron Simmons for the WCW US Championship

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SN Ron Simmons def. Bam Bam Bigelow in 15:25 to win the US Heavyweight Championship. Sting on commentary.


JUNE 92, WEEK 4 : EPISODE 92.21

““Welcome one and all, to wrestling’s Sabbath.” It’s the final week of Round 7, and the panel of Harley Race, Paul E Dangerously and Dusty Rhodes recap an amazing WCW Great American Bash, talking about the major matches that occurred, and capping it off by mentioning that the crowd hero Ron Simmons walked away empty handed but tonight he’s going to war with the red hot Bam Bam Bigelow in a match for the US Heavyweight Championship - this will be his shot at some form of gratification. Dusty runs through tonight’s card from top to bottom, and the group go through predictions, which leads to heat between Dusty and Dangerously as they discuss Tully’s match. Dangerously riles up Dusty over the fact that he had to throw in the towel for his son at Great American Bash and Dusty calls the Alliance a bunch of punks for resorting to an outside interference and cheating their way to victory. Dangerously says that Dusty was at ringside - maybe he should have jumped into the ring to defend his son like a man. They bicker a bit and Harley jumps in to be the voice of reason, but it’s clear that there is still animosity between Dusty and Dangerously. After we get through the predictions, analysis and chatter, Harley sends things down to WCW’s newest broadcast colleague, the legendary Bruno Sammartino.

Sammartino thanks the broadcast team for the introduction. He then proceeds to introduce our officiating staff for tonight. Sammartino talks about the wild action tonight ahead of us, talking about how WCW has the running momentum of a Formula 1 racer, and much like one of his hero’s, back home in Italy, Italian Formula 1 racer Riccardo Patrese (currently in second place in the 1992 Formula 1), WCW is lapping the competition with it’s quality and talent. Tonight’s officiating team is the A-Team, Mike Atkins, Bill Alfonso and senior official Nick Patrick. Randy Anderson is manning the time keepers table.


trfdq2G.gif We head to the ring where Cactus Jack is making his way to the ring, fresh off sending Wahoo McDaniel to retirement with a loss and injury. Jack has a few bandages on his head. Vader makes his way to the commentary booth to sit in on this match. Jack’s opponent tonight is the clean cut Shane Douglas, who is still looking for his first win of the 1992 season. Douglas takes the first strikes at Cactus, but they don’t seem to do anything but fire up Cactus - he looks crazed here and proceeds to punch himself where he’s bandaged until he reopens his own wounds and Douglas looks like he’s in over his head now. Cactus attacks, taking both of them over the ropes with a Cactus clothesline. Cactus beats up Shane Douglas all around the ring side, slamming him into everything and anything. Vader comments that the size difference here is important - a good small wrestler can never beat a good big guy, but his comments are clumsy and awkward and JR has to explain what he meant. He charges at Douglas, but Douglas back body drops him over the railing and onto the audience’s chairs in a nasty looking spill.

Douglas tries to get the match back in the ring, and Cactus pulls him back out, tossing him into a ton of production equipment at ringside. Cactus starts choking him with a cord and referee Mike Atkins pulls him off, threatening to disqualify him if he doesn’t bring this back in the ring. So Cactus brings him back into the ring and starts choking him with his bare, bloody hands in the corner and Atkins pulls him off again. Douglas attempts to mount a comeback here, striking Cactus from behind and following up with an enziguri and multiple drop kicks. Douglas with a suplex for a near fall, but Cactus sits up and laughs at Douglas, who’s face screams ‘f*ck’ this. Cactus Jack with a double armed DDT, and a second one for fun as Vader comments that he’s excited at the idea of facing his student in 1993.

Cactus Jack (4-3-0) def. Shane Douglas (0-6-1) in 10:22.


PW83Usm.gif Out next is ‘Hacksaw’ Butch Reed, who’s had an extra edge to him ever since his draw with Terry Gordy. Butch is looking to claw his way out from a relegation spot and has fire in his eyes tonight. His opponent tonight is Dr. Death, Steve Williams, who enters with Norman Smiley and makes a stop at ringside where the rest of the Shooters Club are watching. They chat briefly, and JR comments that Dan Severn has started his 5 month training regime for his MMA bout and it is his understanding that during his absence this season, Johnny B Badd will be teaming with Ken Shamrock. The two men jockey as the bell rings, striking each other early. Dr Death shoots for a takedown, and grounds Butch Reed, but Butch elbows Dr Death on the forehead until the hold is released and Reed with a snapmare followed up by a headlock coupled with a knee to the spine. Steve Williams spins out of it and grasps Reed around the waist, tossing him with a side slam. The two men continue to trade advantages here, with Dr. Death looking to keep things ground based, and Reed continuing to try and create separation, looking to turn the match into a fist fight.

The action rises and gets more intense and the frequency of holds slows down as the match drags on. The two men brawl back and forth as the action continues to escalate. All of the sudden, Butch rakes Dr. Death’s eyes and rolls him up, gripping the tights and the bottom rope for extra leverage, and Dr. Death can’t get out in time! Butch Reed scores the upset victory as Dr. Death complains to Randy Anderson. Shamrock and B Badd jump the railing and talk to Dr. Death, but Dan Severn shakes his head in disbelief and leaves. Shamrock looks unhappy with Severn, who seems eager to step out on his own.

Butch Reed (2-4-0) def. Steve Williams (2-2-3) in 15:16.




Magnum TA runs through the results from last night’s Main Event action, which saw The Fantastics def. American Males and Tom Zenk def. Kevin Von Erich . In additional exhibitions, La Parka def. Kid Kash (Previously known as David Tyler Morton Jericho), Dave Finlay & Bobby Eaton def. Ultimo Dragon & Great Sasuke, and Sledgehammer Anderson and Mike Rapada def. Norman the Lunatic & Tony Anthony. JR’s indie spotlight showcased Steven Regal, an english gentleman with a mean streak who has been tearing it up in Britain for the past year. Footage aired of Steven Regal being offered a WCW contract by Eric Bischoff at a Reslo show.

Footage airs showing the locker room meeting that took place after Great American Bash for Team Steamboat. The Steiner Brothers are arguing with Barry Windham and Ricky Steamboat over the choice to throw in the towel and surrender. Dustin is icing his head and his father Dusty Rhodes is present. Steamboat is trying to make peacemaker here but Scott flips out that Dusty and Steamboat made the decision, not the guy getting beat down and not the team as a collective. Dusty lashes out at Scott, saying damn right he threw in the towel for his son. Dusty gets confrontational with Scott and when Barry tries to calm him down, Dusty shoves him into a locker. Dusty apologizes immediately and The Steiners choose to leave, clearly at odds with Dusty, Dustin and Barry.

A press conference is aired from the winning team of War Games, The Dangerous Alliance. Paul E Dangerously talks about refocusing and getting more gold around the waists of his team. Arn and Larry comment that they still feel like they have unfinished business with The Steiner Brothers, as the Steiners are the only team to beat them this year, and it would feel great to get their win back. They also provide an excessive reintroduction to the Alliance for Bobby Eaton, who says that it’s good to be home. Finally, they introduce Dave Finlay to the WCW audience, saying that he’s a dangerous brawler from Ireland, who’s looking for exposure to the American audience. Finlay says that WCW is a new challenge for him, and he’s ready to beat up all the punks that think they are tough.



Back from intermission, it’s time for our first of two tag team matches tonight. Diamond Dallas Page makes his way to the broadcast booth, where Schiavone and JR congratulate him on winning JR’s Indie Spotlight Battle Royal. JR comments that while not an automatic win into the 1993 season, it’s definitely poised DDP as the front runner for joining the league. Out first is the Samoan Swat Team, joined by Samoan Savage, who are in a low position, with only one win so far. Out next are their opponents, The Outsiders. Vinnie Vegas and Diamond Studd make their way to the ring wearing street clothes rather than their Diamond Mine gimmicks and they are only announced as The Outsiders, while DDP says that Scott and Kevin turned their backs on him at Great American Bash. He thought they were tight, ride or die, brothers - but instead Scott and Kevin are so self-centred that they couldn’t share spotlight with him. JR comments that it’s strange they aren’t wearing their ring attire and only refers to them as The Outsiders. The two teams go back and forth and while they are both heel teams, the recent developments of The Outsiders has made them more interesting to the crowd. The Outsiders have a strong size advantage and are utilising it here and they heel up to the crowd a lot too. The Diamond Studd steals a cup from a fan at ringside and throws the drink in Samoan Savage’s face, before laying him out with a big boot. The Outsiders decisively win after both men hit power bomb variations.

The Outsiders (4-2-1) def. Samoan Swat Team (1-6-0) in 10:14.



Kevin Sullivan is out next with the mysterious Woman following him. Sullivan’s been all head games with his opponents, trying to find ways to defeat bigger opponents as the 5’9 headcase is typically at a height disadvantage, but tonight he faces Tully Blanchard who is only one inch taller. Schiavone mentions that this is the first time these two men have faced off and WCW is always proud to be providing fresh matches. Tully makes his way out with Dave Finlay and Bobby Eaton in his corner tonight. The two slimy heels start off with a lot of jaw-jacking and posturing, both taking turns to refuse contact. Finally, after quite a bit of jeering the crowd, the two lock up with a test of strength and Sullivan gets the advantage and Tully’s knees buckle on him, but he thumbs Sullivan in the eye and then stomps on Sullivans foot and hits a shin breaker. Tully mounts Sullivan and talks trash while he paintbrushes him. Schiavone comments that it’s like watching a three stooges routine. Sullivan grabs Tully’s hand and starts snapping fingers and Tully retreats in pain and tries to get Atkins to DQ Sullivan. As he pleads his case, Dave Finlay pulls Sullivan out of the ring and feeds him punches before tossing him back in the ring.

Tully with some knee drops on Sullivan’s head, and he follows up with a few suplexes. Sullivan retreats and Eaton and Finlay circle him, but then Woman steps in and wards them off. Tully gets in her face and she doesn’t back down. Sullivan with a poke to the eye from behind her and Sullivan bounces Tully’s head off of the ring a few times before bringing him back into the ring. He goes for a pin with his legs blatantly on the ropes, and Atkins refuses the count. Sullivan is busy arguing and Tully rolls him up, grabbing the tights right in front of Atkins, who again refuses to count. Both heels stand up and start arguing with Atkins, and they are actually agreeing with each other… Atkins flips out and shoves both men back. Woman jumps up on the apron, and Tully goes over to her - allowing Sullivan to roll him up! But Tully rolls through and steals the pin! Tully wins and Woman looks at Sullivan in disappointment.

Tully Blanchard (3-3-1) def. Kevin Sullivan (2-5-0) in 18:02.






It’s time, for Inside the Squared Circle with Jesse Ventura and Magnum TA. Magnum immediately tees up Ventura with “Well, V, whudya see?“ and Jesse says he sees their special guest tonight, the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Lex Luger! Luger thanks Ventura for the introduction and is happy to join him as the still reigning and defending world champion. Ventura says that Great American Bash was filled from top to bottom with major matches, but at the top of the card it was the main event that stole the show. Ventura asks Luger to walk us through the main event, and Luger talks about dominating two men at the same time and retaining his title with ease. Luger thinks that all of his title matches should be in these three way matches, as at least it gives his opponents a chance to taste gold, because it means they don’t even need to beat him. Magnum asks about how Luger felt when he was a million miles away, laid out at the timekeepers table while Sting had Simmons in the Deathlock, and the only reason Luger didn’t lose his belt right then and there was because Simmons has no give in his body. Luger gives Simmons some props for his drive and determination, but Sting’s hold just wasn’t good enough. If you can’t get a guy to tap, it’s simple. You knock them out. Magnum calls Luger a coward and Luger takes a shot at Magnum, saying he’d knock him out too if he doesn’t watch it. Ventura stands up for Magnum though and has security escort Luger off the set.


Bruno Sammartino is standing by with One Man Gang and Dan Spivey. The duo talk about how they may have lost at Great American Bash, but Spivey felt good working with Gang. He apologizes for turning him down previously, and agrees to be in Gang’s corner going forward. They will work together to get Gang his first win. They walk away, and Bruno is about to send it back to the ring, when The Freebirds walk into the picture.


The Fabulous Freebirds congratulate Gordy on the tag team win at Great American Bash, and Garvin says that the group needs to get back to their winning ways in the regular season. Bruno says he may be new to the promotion, but don’t all three Freebirds have losing records? They bicker as Hayes says next week they’re going to win, so watch that, Bruno. Garvin shouts “No Lie, Freebirds Fly High” super comically, and it gets a lot of laughs - even Bruno corpses. The Freebirds walk off as their next opponents appear menacingly behind Bruno. Bruno nervously looks at Haku and Abdullah and sends the broadcast back to the ring.



Back in the ring, out comes the Killer Bees who are competing for the US Tag Team Championships. Out next comes the reigning, undefeated champions, The Young Pistols. Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong come out to and play to the crowd like they are super heroes, and Schiavone says that these two guys may be a bit goofy, but they have gotten the job done over and over again, as they remain the only competitors with perfect records coming into this match. The Killer Bees are pissed off, because it appears that The Pistols are wearing the same tights as them… All four men end up brawling to kick this one off, with the Bees sending The Pistols from pillar to post. After a couple minutes of chaotic brawling, referee Bill Alfonso finally gets it to one-on-one between Smothers and Blair. Smothers ends up being the victim of some early double teaming, until he grabs Blair by the mask, twisting it sideways and disorientating him. The Young Pistols then go on the offensive, with quick double teams and a lot of showboating.

Blair makes the hot tag to Brunzel and things break down completely after he cleans house. Tracy brawls with Brian B Blair on the outside, and is getting lit up all around the ring. He crawls under the ring and Brian follows him under. Blair emerges from under the ring, getting back to his corner while Tracy is still nowhere to be seen. Steve is getting the better of Jim in the ring, until Jim mounts a comeback and goes for the tag. Brian B Blair jumps over the ropes and hits a springboard super kick to Jim though! Armstrong immediately hits a DDT and pins him, while Blair whips his mask off, revealing of course that it’s actually Smothers and Jim is still legal. Bill Alfonso makes the pin and the Young Pistols retain again, by any means necessary!

The Young Pistols (7-0-0) def. The Killer Bees (3-4-0) in 17:53.



As the Young Pistols exit the ring, they cross paths with Teddy Long and Bam Bam Bigelow who are entering for the main event. The Pistols let Teddy know that he missed his chance at hiring greatness and there is tension. Takada and Taylor get in the Pistols’ faces, sending them to the back. Meanwhile, Sting joins Tony and JR at the commentary booth. JR asks what he’s doing here, and Sting says that at Great American Bash, he saw Simmons the Powerhouse grow into the mega star that he wanted to become, and he’s here tonight to get a close look at him compete for gold one more time. Ron Simmons comes out and he looks like a man possessed as he mutters to himself while he makes his way to the ring. Sting keeps referring to him as “Powerhouse Simmons” and Schiavone says he likes that. Simmons stands toe-to-toe with Bam Bam and this is going to be a war, everyone can tell before the bell rings. Teddy Long and Simmons have words as the bell rings, and Bam Bam blindsides the distracted powerhouse. Bigelow with a fast start, beating Simmons into the corner, hitting a cannonball and then a moonsault immediately for a near fall. Simmons gets his bearings and gets sent to the outside where he and Bam Bam brawl around the ring and into the crowd. Randy Anderson decides he’s going to count them out and so they return to the ring. Long grabs Simmons’ ankle as he’s entering, again distracting Ron and allowing Bigelow to blindside him. Bam Bam is now all over Ron.

Bam Bam beats on Simmons, but he is just absorbing each strike, seemingly gaining power from the pain. Bam Bam goes for a lariat, but Simmons ducks under and runs the ropes, taking Bigelow down with a shoulder block. He gets right up and eats another one. Simmons with a weak spinebuster and Bigelow is trying to get back up, but Simmons grasps him and lifts him up over his head and powers him down with an inverted front powerslam! Simmons wins the United States Heavyweight Championship! He lifts it up and the crowd goes wild! Teddy Long is furious that Bam Bam’s lost his gold so quickly.

Ron Simmons (5-1-1) def. Bam Bam Bigelow (4-3-0) in 15:25 to win the US Heavyweight Championship.




Jesse Ventura announces this weeks three stars:

3. Ron Simmons

2. Cactus Jack

1. Bam Bam Bigelow (wins $10,000 wrestler of the night bonus).


Back at the broadcast panel, they run through highlights of tonights broadcast. This concludes Round 7, next week we kick off Round 8! Lot’s of high praise for Bam Bam Bigelow for his efforts, but tonight, Ron Simmons would not be denied. The group discuss who they believe the next challenger to Lex Luger’s gold will be, and wonder whether Simmons winning the US championship will satisfy his thirst for gold. Dusty comments that it’s still mind-blowing that The Young Pistols are the only wrestlers across all WCW divisions that have maintained a perfect record. Of course, they still have 8 matches to go to claim a perfect season. The group look at the updated rankings and with that, Dangerously signs off with his touted quote, “It’s Saturday night, folks - Stay Dangerous!”

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- Blue Panther suffered a broken leg during a dark match on Main Event, and will be out of action for 6 months.
- Jerry Sags is underwent contract negotiations with the WWF, and was able to renew the contract for 3 additional years, just like his partner Brian Knobbs.
- The decline of British wrestling continues it’s nose dive as All Star Wrestling sells it’s training school in an effort to cut costs and recoup some cash.
- Jeff Jarrett broke his nose during a dark match on Saturday Night.
- Dan Severn has officially left WCW for his training for an MMA bout and won’t return for 5 months.
- Ivan Koloff has announced his plan to retire.
- Brad Armstrong has left WCW for NJPW.
- Nobuhiko Takada’s UWFi promotion has grown to Medium size. The star’s commitment to WCW is for another 2.5 years and concerns are already been voiced that if his promotion continues to grow, he will not remain with WCW.
- “Rowdy” Roddy Piper has ended his run with the WWF. The world-renowned bad guy’s string of personal issues leaves him as a difficult hire for any company, coupled with his current desire to maintain a freelance schedule and take film roles.
- Jose Luis Feliciano captured the WWF Light Heavyweight Championship. For those unaware, the WWF Light Heavyweight championship is owned by UWA as part of a business partnership with the WWF. This is Feliciano’s first reign.
- Jackie Fulton and Carl Stiles captured the vacant SMW Tag Team Championships for the first time.
- After his disappointing title loss in America, Jushin Thunder Liger claimed the IWGP Junior Heavyweight championship against El Samurai. This is his third reign.
- Dutch Mantell made waves in SMW with a new catchphrase playing into his chickenshit heel character. Dutch has been drifting down the card there due to his age, and this may result in a little bit of a career renaissance.
- In Ultimate Warrior’s first media appearance since suffering a torn meniscus, it was apparent that the already massive star has put on even more muscle mass. Warrior stated that his time off has allowed him to focus on recovery and working on his body as he hope to reclaim his world championship upon his return.
- In major news, All Japan pro wrestling has seen a drop in size, falling to a medium sized promotion. Unfortunately, the recent performances have seen the company begin to haemorrhage cash. There are rumblings that several major stars may end up as free agents in the wrestling world.
- The following wrestlers have entered the world: Nobutaka Araya, Tatsuhito Takaiwa, Johnny Swinger, El Latino, Katsuhiko Matsuzaki, and Kazunori Yoshida.


Week 22


Prediction Grid:
Nobuhiko Takada vs Jerry Lawler for the TV Title
The Southern Rockers vs The Killer Bees
The Fabulous Freebirds vs Chaos By Nature
The Fantastics vs The Enforcers
Jushin Liger vs Cactus Jack
Dustin Rhodes vs Bobby Eaton
One Man Gang vs Barry Windham
Big Van Vader vs Sting

::: Prediction Contest Leaderboard :::
The Lariat : 2/8 25%
Bigelow Cartwheel : 2/8 25%
monrapi3 : 18/46
40% Egoshiha : 4/8 50%
Blodyxe : 8/14 58%
Satyr24 : 106/172 62%
Jaysin : 5/8 63%
ElectricX : 30/48
Dawn (TAFKA Smasher1311): 65/104 63%
63% Hollywood : 48/76 64%
chasep197 : 25/38 66%
Old School Fan : 47/71 67%
SonOfSharknado : 114/172 67%
Lord Byron : 120/180 67%
Helginho : 31/46 68%
The Blonde Bomber : 80/118 68%
smw88 : 85/124 69%
DHK1989 : 126/180 70%
Purotastic : 23/32 72%
Dalton : 6/8 75% mmaaddict : 36/47 77%
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Nobuhiko Takada vs Jerry Lawler for the TV Title [DRAW]
The Southern Rockers vs The Killer Bees
The Fabulous Freebirds vs Chaos By Nature
The Fantastics vs The Enforcers
Jushin Liger vs Cactus Jack
Dustin Rhodes vs Bobby Eaton
One Man Gang vs Barry Windham
Big Van Vader vs Sting [DRAW]

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Nobuhiko Takada vs Jerry Lawler for the TV Title
The Southern Rockers vs The Killer Bees
The Fabulous Freebirds vs Chaos By Nature
The Fantastics vs The Enforcers
Jushin Liger vs Cactus Jack
Dustin Rhodes vs Bobby Eaton
One Man Gang vs Barry Windham
Big Van Vader vs Sting

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