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Warrior Queen MMXX: Legacy of Blood

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...three! She did it! She did it! New champion!


I slammed the screen of my laptop shut and stood up.


Sendai, Japan. First Friday of October 2019




"I've had enough of f**king Yuma Maruya and her f**king cat ears! Is that what joshi has really become?" I asked no one in particular.

"Always has been" Fujio snarled at me from the sofa she was laid out on.








She didn't even take her eyes off the screen of her phone as she answered me. By now she was probably used to my outbursts, plus she'd already watched Japan Slam yesterday and clearly did not share my feelings about Shiori Jippensha dropping the World title to Yuma Maruya again.

"It has not" I retorted. "Crusher Ichihara was a 6 time World champion! Now you got what, Unstoppable Tai as the All-Asian champion at best, when she's not doing tag matches. And don't get me started on Ishimura."

Fujio laughed, but still didn't take her eyes off the screen. "Ishimura can't move that fat ass of hers in time, anyone on that roster's bound to run around her five times before she takes a single step and you think she'd be a World champion?"

"That's my point!" I said in frustration. "They don't have to book Tai versus Ishimura or even put the World title on either, but why does the entire roster have to be full of tiny anime knock-offs screaming more than they actually wrestle? Jippensha can go, but noooo, she has to drop the gold to bubblegum pop Maruya again!"

She finally put her phone down, but the sigh as she let her head hang back wasn't encouraging. "You know why. Boys love their kawaii idols. And not just boys in Japan. Do you know of a thing called The Internet? That's the kind of shit that draws crowds the world over. Not a lot of people messed up in the head bad enough to wanna pay money to watch women mutilate themselves on light tube shards and thumbtacks."

I was just about to say she sounded just like her dad, but I immediately thought better and held the comment back. She was the only daughter of Yoshimi Musashibo and still he'd cut her off completely after that Five Woman Love Hotel Deathmatch. That had to sting, for both of them, but at least Fujio had the guts to take the hit and continue do what she loved to do. Her dad would call it "garbage wrestling" and wanted no association. My dad was synonymous with deathmatches and we still had a great ongoing relationship. Funny how we came from such opposite directions, yet still became friends working indy deathmatch shows around the country.

"Emphasis on women" she said as she rolled her head to the side to finally look at me, as if she'd read my thoughts. "What your daddy did was about guys. Let's face it, wrestling still mostly appeals to a mostly male demographic. They're fine watching guys kill each other, but all us women have to do is look pretty. Hell, we had to do an entire Women's Revolution just to be thought of as legitimate competitors who can brawl and grapple. But blood and barb wire? No no, that's for the few sick perverts who get a murderboner out of this kind of stuff."

It was now my turn to scroll about on my phone as I frantically searched for an old image, buried deep under a mountain of more recent selfies and photos of my cats. "You know what, now that you mention it, there's a good chunk of nostalgia for my dad's promotion" I said. "We could use it to grab some attention. Ride that wave. Then have our own revolution" I added, as I finally found the picture I'd been searching for and triumphantly showed the screen to her.







Author's Note: When willr0ck shared his Women's Revolution mod, I tried to do a diary as Warrior Queen 2020 but it was short lived. Back then, the "Gory Deathmatch" product that he company utilizes out of the box required that all of a show's matches had to be deathmatches. The only available women in the default CVerse who are willing to do a deathmatch in Japan are Monster Ishimura and Unstoppable Tai, barely enough to support such a roster and even with willr0ck's mod, it just wasn't possible. Ever since the game was patched though, deathmatch requirements have loosened up so I decided to try once more, this time with a Deathmatch-Junior product instead.




Edited by DarK_RaideR
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Sendai, Japan. Second Thurday of January 2020


I'd been to the venue for less than ten minutes and I was helping set up merch tables when Fujiko tapped my shoulder. "You better come to the locker room," she said, blowing out a bit of smoke from her cigarette "...boss". Clearly she enjoyed teasing me for that, but somehow I could feel she wasn't just ribbing me. I was needed in my official capacity.




One of the Assassins was being talked to by her partner, while a few of the girls were still struggling to hold Róisín Gross back. The fiery Irishwoman was shouting in her heavily accented language I couldn't quite understand, but it was clear that something had happened between the two. Conveniently enough, the Assassin understood English so she could translate for me while I asked her what the hell had happened here.


"Girl needs to know her place and show some respect" the Assassin told me, giving the side eye to Gross who was probably shouting some profanities at her. "No one cares what she was doing in her back yard for a couple of her friends and relatives. As far as I'm concerned, she's a young lioness and she's got dues to pay. I've been in this business for almost a decade and she will show me the proper respect."


I rolled my eyes at the petty ego and drama. Assassin had a reputation, but I wasn't expecting it to cause a scene already at our debut show. Couldn't tell if it was due to Gross coming from a different culture or her proving a stereotype, but she wasn't having any of this and according to the second Assassin, apparently some punches flew before the girls swarmed in to break it up. Great, and here I was looking biased in favour of one side just because I didn't speak the language.


"You save that sh*t for when you're in the ring" I told Assassin #1. "Both of you. I don't speak English, so you'll have to tell her. And shake hands." My tone made it clear this was non negotiable.


"And Fujio, backstage rules are clear enough, take that smoke outside" I added, making sure I wouldn't even show any favouritism towards her.




"I'm not jobbing out to a nobody, especially in my debut!"




I stared at Takami for a second too long. Pinky Perez smiled at me. Either it was a knee jerk reaction to her not knowing the language and what had just been said, or she knew all too well despite the barrier and she'd seen this a million times before already. She was one of the best luchadoras in the world, she'd taken some time off her schedule with CILL and QAW to fly in and work for us, and here was Takami refusing to be a professional. "We'll put the match together in a way that you're protected..." I began.




I tried to start over again. "You're gonna look strong bell to bell, it's just the finish that will go the other way." She didn't look convinced. "Gonna be a surprise roll up" I added, in a desperate last attempt.


"And look even more like an idiot? I'm not doing it" Takami snapped.


"Alright," I said, throwing up my hands in resignation. "you're going over, but we're flipping this all the way round. Perez gets to look strong for all of the match, so you better sell if want to get booked here again".


How the hell did dad manage to tackle sh*t like this for so long?

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Thursday, Week 2 of January 2020

Sendai, Tohoku Region, 546 fans in attendance


We did two dark matches for stuff I wanted to try out, a singles bout for a potential feud and a tag match to see if a certain team I wanted to put together would work. Not gonna get into too much detail about it, on with the show as the lights went out and an old familiar music came on the speakers...


Let's travel back to 1997...



The Icon of Insanity himself, DAVE and WEXXV legend, Henry Lee made his entrance to a great reaction from the audience. Things kicked off strong with that Warrior Engine nostalgia pop and Henry took the time to address the fans, welcoming them to what would be a great show. He should know, I hired him to help put our deathmatches together, while Umeko Hotta would do the same with the junior contests.

Rating: 46





Naoko Majima vs Piper Hale

Our first ever bout wasn't an all out deathmatch, but it sure set the tone right. Piper Hale came out almost marching to some hard guitar riffs imitating Five Finger Death Punch's style, then Majima's fast paced, high energy music announced her arrival and her fighting was just as frantic. Chairs, trash cans, trash can lids, tables, kendo sticks anything she could get her hands on, Majima used it to whack at her opponent in a fast and one sided match that ended with her Coiling Strike and a three count by "The Rabid Referee" Kyoko Okuda

Rating: 43

Individual performances: Majima 55, Hale 37





Lady San Juan vs Nami Genda vs Rika Tsujimura vs Romi Yamato

This four way was meant to introduce our junior division, but I also had a bit of personal stake in it as I wanted to prove that Romi is being so misused in 5SSW. The girls were told to turn this into a spectacular spotfest and they did just that, with some no-nonesense technical high flying on display. This is how you do it: no over the top yelling, no unbearable cuteness, just straight wrestling. Yeah, we're not just about the deathmatch and we can do this thing better than 5SSW. Anyway, Rika hit a spectacular Running Knee Bomb on Lady San Juan and won the match, introducing WQ2020's junior division with a bang.

Rating: 41

Individual performances: Genda 38, Tsujimura 34, Yamato 46, LSJ 35





The Assassins vs The Hooligan Sisters

This was the only tag team match in the main show and it took a good chunk of rebranding to make it work the way I wanted it to. I had Hannah and Helena presented as stereotypical English football hooligans, when in fact they're Canadian (fun fact I heard: they're dating one of the Gilbert brothers each) while The Assassins are obviously the Birds of Prey under a different name, mask and gimmick. While the first two matches involved different styles and divisions, this was the mashup part with the Assassins wrestling a cleaner junior style while the sisters went full on hardcore, complete with them taking a stereo double bump through tables. You could tell that damn Higa is on another level, but with her getting into a fight before the show, I had to let Oonishi score the pin in hopes of sending a message.

Rating: 51

Individual performances: Assassin #1 64, Assassin #2 51, Helena 33, Hannah 32





MACHINE Takami vs Pinky Perez

I wanted the show to go full circle, so the last two matches were suppposed to be the best that the junior and the deathmatch division had to offer respectively. Seeing these women make their entrances, I caught myself having second thoughts if it was the right call, but Takami delivered between the ropes, looking like a true machine as she dismantled her opponent with rock solid technical wrestling and super stiff strikes. Of course, since she'd be getting the fall, I made sure to tell Umeko Hotta about how this was now going to be a Pinky Perez spotlight match and her lucha high flying really was a hit with the fans. Takami sold it nicely too, though whether because she didn't want to look bad or because she was being true to her word, I could not tell.

Rating: 53

Individual performances: Takami 49, Perez 57






Fujiko Mushashibo vs Kitsune Danger

I mean, we just had to end with a title match. And it had to be a deathmatch. I didn't have to be in it, but let's face it, me and Fujiko are the best ones to do it. It's a damn shame our styles don't quite mesh when we're going head to head, but between the blood, splinters, tacks, glass and barb wire, you'd be hard pressed to notice the finer details. I trust her enough to kick me off the apron and through a barb wire table on the outside, she took a nasty bump when she let me piledrive her onto the ringpost, it was so crazy and it just hit that sweet spot we both wanted. And just so there's not criticism towards me about booking myself to go over, it was Fujiko who gave me the Fujiko Valentine for the pin onto some thumbtacks to become the first ever WQMMXX Queen of the Deathmatch.

Rating: 53

Individual performances: Mushashibo 43, Danger 56


After the match, I crawled out of the debris to shake Fujiko's hand as she was celebrating with the title. We hugged it out and it was a very emotional moment that had the audience cheer and clap, before she got to deliver the go-home speech with me reeling by her side. Fujiko welcomed fans to the era of the Warrior Queens, saying we're unlike any other women's wrestling company in the world and you can expect to see a lot more of us in the future.

Rating: 39


Show Rating: 48

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Sendai, Japan. Second Thursday of January 2020

Moments after the end of WQ2020 Unkillable


I stumbled through the curtain and grabbed a bottle of water, which I poured on my face to wash the blood off my eyes. Didn't care much for formalities or running a tight ship, so most of the girls were off showering and getting changed. ”Good job out there.” I heard Romi’s voice nearby. ”Not my thing, but the fans ate it up. Can’t argue with that.”



I nodded, sizing her up. Guess that should be taken as a compliment, coming from a “straight” wrestler who works for 5SSW, but her tone wasn’t patronizing or ironic. Romi had a reputation for being a professional, so I didn’t think she was trying to suck up to me. ”I talked to Mr. Lee about our pay” she continued. ”He told me he’ll round up the girls and sort it out”. Ah, yes, the flipside of being such a professional.



”Go split the gate and we’ll be right with you” I heard Mirai’s voice from behind me. She was done celebrating and had just walked through the curtain herself. Romi spun on her heel and left, while I passed the water to Mirai. She didn’t look all too eager to wash the blood off her face. ”You should give a speech to the girls” she told me. That hurt me more than any of the moves she hit me with during the match and I bet it showed on my face. ”Do I really have to?” I whined, but I knew she’d talk me into it without much effort. Ugh, people. Maybe I shouldn’t have washed the blood off my face either. That would have been one hell of a scene. How many lines of work are there where your boss or HR manager assesses your performance with their face busted open?



Henry Lee had everyone paid and in line by the time I joined the rest of the locker room. He also spoke both English and Japanese, so he was kind enough to translate everything I said for the gaijin. This man did all this while also putting deathmatches together, teaching young wrestlers and commanding massive respect from us all. Getting him to work for us had already paid off in so many ways.


I told everyone how we were going to be so much more than just bloody deathmatches and how despite our main event, tonight was all about establishing our junior division and showing people how we are legitimate technical wrestlers. Pinky Perez had her praises sung for her performance like the international star she is and although I did not outright say it, I wanted this to be a reminder in hindsight that on this night, she outperformed Takami and still had enough class to not argue about losing the match. I also spoke of the four way showcase of the division, taking particular note of Romi Yamato’s solid performance holding it all together, then encouraged Black Widow for her dark match;if that was what she could do as a nobody fresh off the plane suffering from jet lag, she clearly had a bright future with us.





Thursday, Week 2 of February 2020


WQ2020 Queens Heart title match

MACHINE Takami vs Rika Tsujimura


Tag Team Mad Dog Collar Deathmatch

Fujiko Mushashibo and Dr. Yumaniac vs The Cannibals (Etelka The Hun and Maneater)


Junior Singles match

Mizucore vs The Black Widow


Tables Deathmatch

Naoko Majima vs Róisín Gross


Casket Deathmatch

Kitsune Danger vs "The Spirit of Vengeance" Onryo

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Sendai, Japan. Second Thursday of February 2020


"She put a diaper in my duffel bag. A used diaper!"


"Goes to show what a baby you are. Full of shit too, hahaha"




I think my eyes blinked a few times while I literally felt some of my brain cells die. It's stuff like this that messes with your head, not getting piledrived through a table or something. How on earth Assassin #1 thought anyone was going to get a laugh out of her rib was beyond me, but at least the Hooligan sister (still couldn't tell those two apart) had been held back and the fight was avoided this month.


"Listen, I have no time for this crap," I started, before realizing what I'd said and quickly adding "no pun intended. You, I know Thunder Hike trained you and everything, you think you're so much better than everyone, but that doesn't give you the right to bully rookies. Hell, you're disrespecting all your coworkers here when the entire locker room smells like shit because of you. Two shows, two incidents. I don't want to start every time by having to deal with your shenanigans. Straighten up or get the hell out before dealing with you is no longer worth your pay and what you bring to that ring, get it?"


To my surprise, maybe even a few others, she hung her head low. "You are right" she said, while I was still trying to gauge if she was messing with me or pretending to be sorry in order to get away with this. "I stepped out of line. I should have kept this between us and not make everyone else here feel like they're preparing for the show in some unclogged toilet..."


"No, you should have held yourself back from doing it altogether" I immediately cut off her misguided apology. "You should have behaved better in general, for the sole reason of being a better person and a professional. No one likes the drama you bring and I sure as hell don't need to deal with your tricks before a show, when there's so much else to take care of. So I'll say it again, as clear as I can. You stop giving everyone trouble backstage, or I'll stop giving you bookings."

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WQ2020 Queens Heart title match

MACHINE Takami vs Rika Tsujimura


Tag Team Mad Dog Collar Deathmatch

Fujiko Mushashibo and Dr. Yumaniac vs The Cannibals (Etelka The Hun and Maneater)


Junior Singles match

Mizucore vs The Black Widow


Tables Deathmatch

Naoko Majima vs Róisín Gross


Casket Deathmatch

Kitsune Danger vs "The Spirit of Vengeance" Onryo

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Hell yeah, the show goes on! I love that you using Little Kajihara's alter ego Kitsune Danger. I wasn't sure anyone would actually use that when I was working on the mod. I think it's cool that she's all business with the mask off then crazy dearhmatch stuntwoman with the mask on. As always I'll lay off predictions since so many of my babies are in this diary. I can't go and pick favorites, that would be unfair.
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I figured she wouldn't want to draw attention to her last name, at least not yet (unmasking angle in the future?) so that the rest of the roster and the promotion itself can get over first. Other than that, no one's asking you to pick favourites, hell, I'm not even doing a proper prediction contest, just hyping up the card of the next show, but I do appreciate any sort of comment or interaction regardless.
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WQ2020 Queens Heart title match

MACHINE Takami vs Rika Tsujimura


Tag Team Mad Dog Collar Deathmatch

Fujiko Mushashibo and Dr. Yumaniac vs The Cannibals (Etelka The Hun and Maneater)


Junior Singles match

Mizucore vs The Black Widow


Tables Deathmatch

Naoko Majima vs Róisín Gross


Casket Deathmatch

Kitsune Danger vs "The Spirit of Vengeance" Onryo

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Attempted Murder

Thursday, Week 2 of February 2020

Sendai, Tohoku Region, 518 fans in attendance


Casket Deathmatch


"The Spirit of Vengeance" Onryo vs Kitsune Danger

Me and Onryo kicked off the show with a Casket Deathmatch. You know, her being a spirit of vengeance from beyond the grave, me being the unkillable deathmatch machine that I am... not sure if that came across or if it's too deep of a connection for our audience to make. Anyway, we kicked each other's butts around for about ten minutes and it's a good thing I wrestle in a mask because given how sloppy my partner was being, when she took that DDT onto the bed of nails and landed in the angle she did, I was legitimately scared some spike might have impaled her brain. Not to be outdone of course, I had placed some barb wire on the casket's lid, some light tubes inside it and Onryo on them, then hit a no hands flip over the top rope onto the lid for what I'd call "a death sandwich" to win the match. It was a huge moment that popped the crowd and I won the match to get some heat back after my main event title loss to Mushashibo last month, all is well in Warrior Queen land.

Rating: 52

Individual performances: Danger 60, Onryo 31




Tables Deathmatch


Naoko "Mad Dog" Majima vs Róisín Gross

Ross nearly killed herself as a backyard wrestler when she jumped off a roof and went through a table, so of course I introduced her in a deathmatch where you could only win by putting your opponent through a table. Majima was a sight to behold here, an avatar of fury, blood and death as she unloaded everything she had, including a literal kitchen sink, on her opponent. Gross had her own big moment when she had Majima hung over the barricade, trapped her head in a chair and flew off the top rope to the outside with a guillotine leg drop. Looked nasty, but I bet it didn't feel as bad as Róisín's ass hitting the unprotected floor after the move. She was clearly stumbling about after that spot and Majima eventually tackled her against a table set up on a corner to win the match.

Rating: 51

Individual performances: Majima 55, Gross 43





Remember how I hate all that idol kawaii crap that joshi wrestling has become? Well so does a good chunk of our audience, so putting a member of the divisive J-pop/metalcore group Kawaiicore out there to perform a song was a sure-fire way to get Mizucore some heat before her match.

Rating: 47



Mizucore vs The Black Widow

You can imagine how, by this point, fans wanted to see The Black Widow absolutely murder Mizucore and this didn't even have to be a deathmatch to achieve it. The booking obliged, making this an absolute squash to satisfy the audience while also introducing The Black Widow as an absolute killer, but I'd told the girls to take it a step further and turn this into a spotfest. Which was great for getting a pop out of the crowd, not so great for Mizu who completely blew her quad in the process. Had to rush to the finish of her getting her head kicked in, but other than that it was a solid match.

Rating: 22

Individual performances: Widow 26, Mizucore 33




Tag Team Mad Dog Collar Deathmatch


Fujiko Mushashibo and Dr. Yumaniac vs The Cannibals (Etelka The Hun and Maneater)

With Fujiko winning the title last month, she couldn’t do another singles match without the gold on the line so I used her as a familiar touchstone in order to introduce the rest of the characters here. Dr. Yumaniac does have a following already, just not in wrestling, thanks to her progressive neoclassical jazz-infused black metal band Gasp (note to self: consider a music-based feud between her and Mizucore) but clearly what she’ll never have is the proper timing with Fujiko as a team. Which isn’t bad because I never meant to have them team up regularly anyway, my gamble was with The Cannibals, they do sort of have a common visual theme going on already. If you’re wondering how a dog collar match works with tag teams, each person gets chained to their partner. I guess this makes sense if partners don’t get along, which wasn’t the case here, but at least Fujiko and the doc were smart enough to play that up when they realized how strange bedfellows they made. Etelka and Maneater on the other hand worked in unison, using the chain to choke and whip opponents or stretching it out to clothesline a running target. There was a spot where Fujiko hit Manhunter with a C4 onto a table on the outside and that must have hurt for both, seeing as the damn thing did not break. There was another moment where Etelka placed the doctor face first onto the metal steps and threw her full weight on her with a senton, causing a face-shaped dent on them, then there was a recovered doc later who put the maniac in Yumaniac by hanging Etelka over the ropes to choke on the collar while she hit her Purgatorium finisher on Maneater for the pin. Great stuff.

Rating: 31

Individual performances: Yumaniac 36, Mushashibo 35, Maneater 43, Etelka 35





WQ2020 Queens Heart title match


MACHINE Takami vs Rika Tsujimura

So the trick here is, I loaded the card with deathmatches and by the time the main event rolled around, people were not only excited, but also the straightforward wrestling here served as a palate cleanser and it looked even more awesome after all the chaos that preceded it. Having won the four way match last month, Rika was the only candidate to take on Takami and despite her relative inexperience, she rose to the occasion big time.The girls told a simple story here as Rika used those long legs of hers to kick and exploit her reach advantage, while Takami went for the takedowns, sometimes taking a hit if it meant she had a chance to hook in a leg, in order to eliminate her opponent’s height advantage. We didn’t have to turn this into a 40 minute snoozefest like it’s PGHW or Burning Hammer, short and sweet at about twelve minutes but wrestled at a blistering pace to keep the action flowing and fans excited as if it were a shoot fight. And once Takami finally got her chance, she hit the Takami Bomb for the three count to end it.

Rating: 37

Individual performances: Takami 38, Tsujimura 34


Show Rating: 37

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I had a street fight in my QAW diary recently and they hit each other with everything but the kitchen sink but that isn't how Warrior Queen rolls :eek: I love this promotion! I have to ask because these things bug me but is The Black Widow a regen of the original?
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I had a street fight in my QAW diary recently and they hit each other with everything but the kitchen sink but that isn't how Warrior Queen rolls :eek: I love this promotion! I have to ask because these things bug me but is The Black Widow a regen of the original?

The Black Widow character (not to be confused with Black Widow) is played by Zofia Jankovich. I'm using a different portrait though, not sure if it's originally supposed to be Karen Killer or Karen Bilous.

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Sendai, Japan. Second Thursday of February 2020

Moments after the end of WQ2020 Attempted Murder


Having worked the opening match this time, I had the luxury of hanging out backstage and watching the rest of the matches from there. While doing so, I couldn't help but think this was a bad case of "beware what you name your show". Deathmatch wrestling comes with its fair share of injuries on top of the overall wear and tear, but I had two bad ones in my hands and it felt especially bad after being spared of any major damage during our big show.



As the girls gathered round for the debrief, I noticed several accusing stares directed towards Widow. Mizucore had already been helped out of the building and sent to the hospital, so as much as I wanted to praise her for being a trooper and completing her match, I couldn't. Instead, damage control was in order.


"I wanna make one thing clear" I began, after I'd congratulated everyone for their night's work. "Mizu deserves mad props for finishing her match, but we all know she still sucks at wrestling. Widow here is a pro with a decade of experience to her name. She carried that match and she is not the one to blame for the injury. I don't want any of you to give her a hard time because of tonight and I certainly don't want to hear you come up to me in the future and refuse to work with her on grounds of safety concerns, alright?"



I then motioned Fujiko to step forward. Maneater was still seated nearby and checked on by the doctor, who was doing that weird thing of shining a light into her eye and asking her questions.


"I'm told we have a possible concussion in our hands. If Mizucore deserves praise for working her match with a blown quad, Maneater does too for taking the bumps she did despite the brain injury, because she's that awesome. I know that table spot wasn't the fault of either of you, so I hope there's no hard feelings between you, okay? I'll see you all next month."





Thursday, Week 2 of March 2020


Sendai Deathmatch for the WQ2020 Queen of the Deathmatch title

Fujio Mushashibo © vs Naoko "Mad Dog" Majima



Kitsune Danger vs Piper Hale


Tag Team Deathmatch

Unstoppable Monsters (Unstoppable Tai & Monster Ishimura) vs The Hooligan Sisters


5 vs 5 Elimination Match

MACHINE Takami, Pinky Perez, The Assassins & Lady San Juan vs Rika Tsujimura, Romi Yamato, The Black Widow, Nami Genda & WARRIOR Koiso

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Sendai Deathmatch for the WQ2020 Queen of the Deathmatch title

Fujio Mushashibo © vs Naoko "Mad Dog" Majima



Kitsune Danger vs Piper Hale


Tag Team Deathmatch

Unstoppable Monsters (Unstoppable Tai & Monster Ishimura) vs The Hooligan Sisters


5 vs 5 Elimination Match

MACHINE Takami, Pinky Perez, The Assassins & Lady San Juan vs Rika Tsujimura, Romi Yamato, The Black Widow, Nami Genda & WARRIOR Koiso

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Sendai Deathmatch for the WQ2020 Queen of the Deathmatch title

Fujiko Mushashibo © vs Naoko "Mad Dog" Majima



Kitsune Danger vs Piper Hale

I think Piper will lose but I just like her...


Tag Team Deathmatch

Unstoppable Monsters (Unstoppable Tai & Monster Ishimura) vs The Hooligan Sisters

Great minds because I paired these up in my QAW diary [in the future!]


5 vs 5 Elimination Match

MACHINE Takami, Pinky Perez, The Assassins & Lady San Juan vs Rika Tsujimura, Romi Yamato, The Black Widow, Nami Genda & WARRIOR Koiso

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Sendai, Japan. Second Thursday of March 2020


"I'm a stranger in a foreign land, how the hell do you expect me to just 'sort things out' you idiot?"




The noise of the arguing greeted me before the visual itself did. Widow was furious but Takami seemed indifferent, almost as if testing her patience. This could come into blows quick if I did not intervene.


"She scratched her rental car while trying to park and won't pay up for the damage" Assassin #1 briefed me in, always one to circle drama like a vulture. Being bilingual was a blessing as much as it was a curse with this one.


"Alright, that's pretty damn easy to fix, you caused the damage, you pay for it. Why the hell do I need to get involved in this, you're not children" I said, already sounding like a defeated parent.


"Car's in her name, so if she doesn't give it back same as she picked it up, it's her they'll ask to fix things" I immediately got Takami's nonchallant response. The nerve on this one! Already I was starting to think if putting the strap on her was a good idea, if it was going to inflate her ego like this.


"Well guess what, if you're not diving into your pockets, I am" I snapped back at her. "It's coming out of your pay tonight and I'll hand you the difference."


"Like hell I am!" Takami said standing up to get in my face. I'd take that fury over her indifference, if I'm honest.


"Not up to you, I'm afraid" I retorted. "You'll get what you're given and if you want to continue getting paid, I'd suggest you drive more carefully and own up to your shit." Over Takami's shoulder, I could see Widow smile. Can't have everyone be happy, but at least I felt like I'd made the fair call here.


"Well at least if she's gone, you know you have a reliable worker to fall back as your champion" I heard Rika's voice from my left side.




I turned around and stared daggers at her. As if I hadn't been wound up enough. Was she truly that oblivious at reading situations?


"Not to take anything away from Takami, she's solid in that ring, but the attitude... tsk tsk tsk." she continued. "This place needs people who can actually wrestle. Barb wire stunts will lose their shock value sooner or later and when that happens, you can't rely on spot monkeys like Naoko here..."




Majima was already frothing at the mouth, an apt reaction for someone bearing the "Mad Dog" moniker. Sometimes I'd wonder if she even had a gimmick or she was being her actual self inside the ring. Either way, I had to shut this down, fast.


"Did I make you booker?" I asked Rika. "Must have taken a real nasty hit to the head if that happened, because I don't seem to remember putting you in such a position." Pretty sure she was going to miss the irony there, thick headed as she was. "If I need your opinion, I'll ask for it, Rika. Till then, your default mode should be 'shut up and respect the coworkers' alright?"



What'd I miss?"


"****ing hell, Fujiko!" I was, officially, fed up by this point. "I have enough shit to deal with already, can you at least try to be a pro and show up on time?"


"Roger that, boss." She gave me a wink and a thumbs up. I threw my hands in the air and walked away. I had a show to do and a match to prepare, but as I walked away, I barely overheard one last parting comment, directed towards no one in particular...



"Hammer's swung lighter if you're the boss' pal, I guess, huh?"

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Sendai Deathmatch for the WQ2020 Queen of the Deathmatch title

Fujio Mushashibo © vs Naoko "Mad Dog" Majima



Kitsune Danger vs Piper Hale


Tag Team Deathmatch

Unstoppable Monsters (Unstoppable Tai & Monster Ishimura) vs The Hooligan Sisters


5 vs 5 Elimination Match

MACHINE Takami, Pinky Perez, The Assassins & Lady San Juan vs Rika Tsujimura, Romi Yamato, The Black Widow, Nami Genda & WARRIOR Koiso

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Too Hot For TV

Thursday, Week 2 of March 2020

Sendai, Tohoku Region, 519 fans in attendance


5 vs 5 Elimination Match




MACHINE Takami, Pinky Perez, The Assassins & Lady San Juan vs Rika Tsujimura, Romi Yamato, The Black Widow, Nami Genda & WARRIOR Koiso

Show opened in chaotic fashion, with ten women in a match and a ton of spots to get the crowd going right out the gates. Koiso's daughter made her debut here, she goes by HEART but I figured it's only fair to continue the family tradition of her dad changing his first name depending on which promotion he was working for, so I turned her into WARRIOR Koiso. That's about all there is to say though, she's green as grass and most likely lost her head in there because she was all over the place. I'm pretty sure Takami went off script and forcibly held Widow down for the first pin, just to give me the middle finger, then Romi hit the Yamatotal on Pinky Perez to level the playing field. Rika Tsujimura was the next to go when the Assassins hit their tag finisher on her, Genda got a quick roll up over Lady San Juan, Takami cleaned house to pin Koiso. The Assassins picked up the scraps when they eliminated Yamato but their double splash on Genda missed and she scored two quick pins on their fallen bodies to take them out. In the end, it came down to Takami and Genda, I guess people expected the champion to easily win this but Genda was on fire after the double pin and she pushed through to score the winning fall over Takami, winning the match to set her up for a title match next month.

Rating: 49

Individual performances: Perez 58, Takami 26, San Juan 37, Assassin #2 52, Assassin #1 47, Koiso 24, Widow 32, Yamato 48, Tsujimura 37, Genda 42




Tag Team Deathmatch


Unstoppable Monsters (Unstoppable Tai & Monster Ishimura) vs The Hooligan Sisters

Unstoppable Monsters made their debut next with a quick squash over the Hooligan Sisters, who were kind enough to take stereo spinebusters over barb wire boards in a spot that got a great reaction. Ishimura seemed a bit sloppy out there, but she did get to hit the Big Butt Avalanche and score the pin in the end, strong debut for our resident monster team.

Rating: 35

Individual performances: Tai 45, Ishimura 22, Helena 38, Hannah 42






Kitsune Danger vs Piper Hale

Piper gave me a pretty good match and I had it booked right down the middle to keep things exciting. She's still paying her dues and wasn't supposed to ever win here, but I made sure she got plenty of offence in to look good even in defeat, including a DDT to the floor outside that she hit on me. Of course, I got the last laugh with a corner Cradle Piledriver off the top rope.

Rating: 52

Individual performances: Danger 55, Hale 46





Naoko Majima had some time on the mic next, which she used to praise Etelka the Hun for what she saw of her last month and challenge her to a singles match. Might give her something to do until Maneater recovers.

Rating: 33





Sendai Deathmatch for the WQ2020 Queen of the Deathmatch title


Fujiko Mushashibo © vs Naoko "Mad Dog" Majima

In light of her victorious performances so far, Majima got to work the main event for the title against Mushashibo and what a performance they put on. Sure, it wasn't a masterclass in in-ring psychology, but the two of them seem to have great chemistry in the ring and that elevated everything they did, including Majima's leg drop that Mushashibo barely rolled away from to have her land on a chair. That was the beginning of the end, the shift of the tide as Mushashibo zoned in on the leg and Majima tried to sell it as best as she could. After trapping the limb on that chair and stomping it more than a few times, Mushashibo left her opponent reeling and took a trip to the venue's balcony for a jaw dropping dive. Ref started the count, Mushashibo used the ropes to pull herself up by the count of eight and Majima stayed down for the full ten count to end their epic battle with the champion retaining.

Rating: 54

Individual performances: Mushashibo 46, Majima 59


Show Rating: 47


Fan Predictions

Herrbear: 4/4

Rhysrob: 3/4

KyTeran: 3/4

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Sendai, Japan. Second Thursday of March 2020

Moments after the end of WQ2020 Too Hot For TV


I waited behind the curtain like I always do, so I was the first to congratulate Majima for that killer main event. Mushashibo was the winner, so she had to spend some more time celebrating and getting cheered before she joined us backstage. I ushered her into what we were using as a locker room, then flipped a crate of beer to stand up on. At the time, I was too hyped to wonder where that had come from, since drinking wasn't allowed backstage.


"Alright ladies, I know I'm being a hardass sometimes, but tonight you hit a home run and I have nothing but praise for you" I began. Smiles spread out like an infection in my audience. Some even cheered or clapped for a bit. "When we held our first show in January, the pundits said people only showed up out of curiosity and a bit of nostalgia. After last month, they said the novelty has already worn off. They buried us in reviews and said fans would be better off spending their time and money on a SAISHO show, or watching those clowns at WLW. But we were never out to please the experts. We're out for the fans, and they've stuck with us despite the bashing. We're doing our thing because this is the wrestling we want to do, not toil away in 5 Star being cute and praying for a push that we know we deserve. And tonight, you hit the ball out of the park!" More clapping and cheers followed. I motioned for Perez, Majima and Hale to step forward.




"You know I don't play favorites," -Maneater rolled her eyes at that bit- "but I give praise where praise is due. Ms. Perez here is doing us all a favor flying in from Mexico and risking her image with much larger promotions employing her." As I said that, I thought to myself that I really had no idea why she was taking our bookings. The money wasn't great, at least compared to what she was already making, she had way more to lose than to gain yet still she showed up whenever I booked her. "And not only that, she's consistently putting on clinics out there. Tonight she stood out among ten competitors in the opening match, which is no small feat. She's putting her back into this thing, when she could simply be coasting through on autopilot. I think you'll agree with me when I say she's simply awesome and someone to look up to for all of us." Most clapped, some rolled their eyes. Takami stood with her arms crossed in front of her chest, probably worried about her presentation and how long she'd still get to hold onto that title.


"Then there's Mad Dog. Damn, girl. You blew us all out of the water tonight in that main event, Fujiko included. Three shows in and I'm pretty sure that was the best individual performance we've seen to date. People talk about me and Fujiko as the main feud of the deathmatch division, but they're wrong to be sleeping on you. Keep it up and they will see you for what you are, a hardcore wrestling legend in the making!" Majima smiled that very Majima shark smile, the kind you were pretty sure deranged killers had on their face before doing their thing.


"Last but not least, Piper Hale. Everything I've asked her to do, she's done it without question. She's taken her losses without complaint and still gave 100% in all of her matches. I know she's still paying her dues, but the way she's doing it should be an inspiration for all youngsters. Also, I'd like to personally thank her for giving me a great match tonight."


I hopped down and gave Piper a hug, which apparently caught her by surprise. Such shows of affection would usually fire up gossip about me favoring someone, but with Hale being so low on the totem pole, it was alright. I then turned to the others again. "Never forget to thank your opponent for your match. Hug them if you feel like you want to. This is a collaborative effort and we trust them with our bodies. Now go treat yourselves, just don't do anything too stupid, alright? I'll see you next month!"




Buckets of Blood

Thursday, Week 2 of April 2020


Four Way Tag Team Ladder Deathmatch for the Blood Sisters titles

Cannibal Crew vs The Assassins vs The Hooligan Sisters vs Unstoppable Monsters


Tag Team match

MACHINE Takami & Romi Yamato vs Nami Genda & Pinky Perez


Tag Team Deathmatch

Fujiko Mushashibo & Kitsune Danger vs Dr. Yumaniac & Onryo


Three Way Dance of Death

Naoko Majima vs Róisín Gross vs Piper Hale

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Four Way Tag Team Ladder Deathmatch for the Blood Sisters titles

Cannibal Crew vs The Assassins vs The Hooligan Sisters vs Unstoppable Monsters


Tag Team match

MACHINE Takami & Romi Yamato vs Nami Genda & Pinky Perez


Tag Team Deathmatch

Fujiko Mushashibo & Kitsune Danger vs Dr. Yumaniac & Onryo

Three Way Dance of Death

Naoko Majima vs Róisín Gross vs Piper Hale

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Four Way Tag Team Ladder Deathmatch for the Blood Sisters titles

Cannibal Crew vs The Assassins vs The Hooligan Sisters vs Unstoppable Monsters


Tag Team match

MACHINE Takami & Romi Yamato vs Nami Genda & Pinky Perez


Tag Team Deathmatch

Fujiko Mushashibo & Kitsune Danger vs Dr. Yumaniac & Onryo


Three Way Dance of Death

Naoko Majima vs Róisín Gross vs Piper Hale

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Buckets of Blood

Thursday, Week 2 of April 2020

Sendai, Tohoku Region, 518 fans in attendance


Sometimes this gig makes you feel like you're stuck in a loop. There was another case of rental car shenanigans this month, this time with Dr. Yumaniac messing up Maneater's vehicle. As if that hadn't been settled in the past, I laid down the law and paid for damages from the good doctor's wage for the night, yet still Maneater somehow was surprised enough to be hyped about my call. Hope that makes her eat her words for my judgement last month. Other than that, Majima again found herself facing open criticism of her in-ring work by the ever shit-stirring Assassin #1, who I simply told to shut up. Feels like I'm up to my neck already micromanaging all this drama, I should talk to Henry and Umeko, see if they can deal with these cases so I don't have to bother before each show.



Even on a crutch, Mizucore would not be held back and she opened the show with her best dance attempts while singing, a sure-fire way to piss off our fans and get them hounding for blood from the get go. This time I decided to up the ante and had a "superfan" girl from the crowd jump the barricade and join her for the performance. If Mizu sounds unbearable, you should see the heat this girl got for doing her act with the most terrible singing you could imagine. Of course, that superfan was a plant, Petra Fosberg, who I'd signed in the meantime for our roster. Not sure about her wrestling skill, but she played the part here and from the looks of it, a lot of our feuds down the line will involve musical taste, so why the hell not.

Rating: 26




Three Way Dance of Death


Naoko Majima vs Róisín Gross vs Piper Hale

Majima beat Gross in that Tables Deathmatch on February to earn a title shot she couldn't convert to a title win, so all three girls in the opening match were looking to rebound from their recent individual losses. This was also our first ever three way match, which means it had to be heavily scripted so that everyone knew what to do at all times to avoid a mess. Gross had a great moment that popped the crowd when she did a moonsault off the entrance light rig with a chair held in front of her chest, but the air was sucked out of the bout when Majima dropped an elbow onto a trashcan on the outside and landed at an awkward angle to very clearly pop her shoulder out of its socket. Fortunately she wasn't involved in the planned finish, but things still had to get a little rushed to make up for her reeling on the ringside floor, so Gross put Hale through a table with a Battery Driver and got the win.

Rating: 32

Individual performances: Majima 47, Gross 43, Hale 42




Tag Team Deathmatch


Fujiko Mushashibo & Kitsune Danger vs Dr. Yumaniac & Onryo

I will not lie, Dr. Yumaniac gave me some receipts here, working extra stiff to pay me back for taking her pay to make up for damages caused. It didn't help that Fujiko seemed to have a bad night so I had to put in extra work and make up for her mistimings. To her credit though, she still took that double foot stomp onto a barb wire board and sold it like a champ. Not to be outdone, I had Onryo chokeslam me off the apron and through the announce team's table, with her following it up with a suicide dive onto me and the splinters. Dr. Yumaniac only agreed to eat an unprotected chair shot to the head and only if Fujiko was going to promise she wouldn't swing full on. Which is weird for me, since she was booked to pin the champion and set up a title match. Would expect her to go the extra mile when she's given a shine like that.

Rating: 44

Individual performances: Danger 61, Mushashibo 38, Onryo 39, Yumaniac 43





MACHINE Takami & Romi Yamato vs Nami Genda & Pinky Perez

I figured I've been rushing to set up title matches and immediately cash in on the match promised, so I decided to take some more time with Nami and Takami. Yeah she pinned her in that 5 vs 5 match, but that involved a lot of people so here was a tag match to further build up Genda. Since this wasn't going to be a deathmatch, I had the girls set up an absolute spotfest to highlight the athleticism of our junior division, though I feel that caused Takami to get lost in the rapid fire pace of things. Didn't help that she and Yamato seemed to have communication issues and kept getting in each other's way. Not a great showing for the champ, but she escaped with some credibility as it was Yamato who ended up taking the Flying Double Knee from Genda for the pin.

Rating: 45

Individual performances: Yamato 37, Takami 17, Perez 54, Genda 43



After the match, Genda grabbed a mic and stated the obvious: She pinned Takami last month, she won the match tonight and she wants a shot at the title!

Rating: 33





Four Way Tag Team Ladder Deathmatch for the Blood Sisters titles


Cannibal Crew vs The Assassins vs The Hooligan Sisters vs Unstoppable Monsters

I was hoping the main event would be a big deal, and don't get me wrong it was, but the participants lacked the popularity of those in the semi-main event, so it was as good but not better. Also, while technically a deathmatch, I made sure the Assassins would only be involved in flashy high flying spots and taking the safest of bumps, no crazy hardcore stuff for them. Lot of protection if you ask me, but they weren't willing to do an all out deathmatch, so this was the compromise in order to get them on board. In all the chaos, the Hooligan sisters had a few chances to show glimpses of offence before they took a double powerbomb through a table. Etelka and Maneater were the ones who held things deadly with the big monsters, even agreeing to get powerslammed onto a structure of ladders and chairs to put Unstoppable Monsters over. Of course, it took too much time for the slow moving powerhouses to get back up and set up a ladder, so the Assassins came in to dropkick the ladder and knock a climbing Tai off of it. Ishimura punished them for their actions, but a chop block from Etelka clipped her just long enough for Maneater to climb up and retrieve the belts, making Cannibal Crew the first ever WQ2020 Blood Sisters champions!

Rating: 45

Individual performances: Maneater 30, Etelka 35, Assassin #1 68, Assassin #2 51, Helena 39, Hannah 37, Tai 42, Ishimura 32


Show Rating: 39


Fan Predictions

KyTeran: 1/4

Rhysrob: 0/4

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sendai, Japan. Last Monday of April 2020


"Okay, get in touch with this guy and bring in his camera crew, but make sure they understand the vibe we're going for. I wanna keep up with the competition, but I don't want to glam it up for TV. It has to stay gritty, alright?"


There was a knock on my door. I could see Fujiko's head pop out, so I waved her in and ended the call. She wouldn't take a seat though.


"I want you to be the first to know. I want you to hear it from me and I wanted to tell you in person. Ogiwara made me an offer and I accepted."



Apparently this is going to be a thing. Oddest pairing ever?


We both screamed with glee and hugged. Most bookers would be furious to have their star join "the opposition" but I was genuinely happy for my best friend making progress in her career.


"Okay, so it's a handshake deal. Non exclusive." she began, "They obviously won't be aknowledging that I'm wrestling for Warrior Queens, but I'm still allowed to take bookings here."


"But you're still getting exposed to a much wider audience, so maybe we can reel some of them in to also check you out in your natural environment" I picked up from where she left off.


"Oh for sure! I've even heard they're close to signing a broadcast deal, if that happens it'll be huge" she said with genuine excitement.


"And even if it doesn't, you can be our agent on the inside. Lord knows 5 Star could use some genuine badassery"


We both chuckled.


"I'm gonna hold off your title match though." I said once I was able to regain my composure. "A deathmatch can be rough, but it was still a case of once a month. Throwing a full-on touring schedule on top of that..."


"I won't injure myself, if that's what you're getting at" she cut me off.


I smiled and shook my head. "No one ever plans to get injured. And even if you don't, that's still added wear and tear on your body. We're not doing ballet here, but I'm still worried about your well being. Let's not rush into things just yet. Last show we crowned tag champs. Can go with Genda and Takami for May, that one's been brewing for a while and needs to be paid off before people lose interest. I'm not taking the title off of you" I threw that last part in quick when I saw her raise an eyebrow "I'm just delaying the defence. Let's give it some time, see how this new schedule works out for you first. No need to make any rash decisions just yet, yes?"


Her eyebrow was still raised. Even after all these years of friendship, I genuinely couldn't tell if she was unconvinced or just keeping up appearances to mess with me.


"Woman, if you screw me out of my title, I'm siging an exclusive contract!" she hammed it up, shaking a fist for extra over-the-topness.


"If you do, Warrior Queen's probably going down the drain so I might just call and ask you to put in a good word for me with Ogiwara and Karube" I answered.


We laughed again. We hugged again.


"I'm so proud of you."




Cry of War

Thursday, Week 2 of May 2020


WQ2020 Queens Heart title match

MACHINE Takami vs Nami Genda


Tag Team Deathmatch

The Hooligan Sisters vs Dr. Yumaniac & Onryo



Kitsune Danger vs Róisín Gross


The Assassins vs Lady San Juan & Pinky Perez



Etelka the Hun vs Naoko Majima

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