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PWC: From The Ashes [C-Verse 2020]

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PWC: Battered and Bloodied

Pittsburgh PA, 124 Attending



Announce Team: Rob L Miskovsky and Honest Frank






Charlie Corner vs Cip Conduit


Charlie has the size and power, but Cip has experience and the willingness to do whatever it takes to get one over on his larger opponent. A fast paced brawl incorperating some weapons and a table spot thrown in to get the crowd nice and rowdy. Cip starts to work at the knee at one point. Something that helps him out in the end. Charlie tries to heft Cip up for a slam, but the knee buckles. He is down on one knee and that allows Cip to come off the ropes and slam a big running boot into the side of Charlie's head.


Winner: Cip Conduit


Rating: 32 (Charlie Corner: 22, Cip Conduit 33)




Cip is being cocky while celebrating and doesn't notice Chip Martin sliding into the ring and coming after him. Chip gets a few good hits in before Cip manages to escape and run away with Chip chasing after looking for revenge.


Rating: 25





Henry Bennett vs Buzz Reid


A match no one wanted to see a second time yet here it is.* It isn't much of a deviation from the last match and the crowd is still wanting to never see Buzz Reid again if they can help it.** Another win for Henry Bennett clobbers Buzz over the head with a stiff chair shot.


Winner: Henry Bennett


Rating: 29 (Henry Bennett: 29, Buzz Reid: 26)


*: The booker was drunk from the hooch Henry was providing him. Oops.

**: Oh they will see him. Again and again and again and again.





Desert Storm vs Original Sinner


A giant all out brawl to try and hide the weaknesses of both men. Original Sinner is obviously green and while Desert Storm can put on a good match, it tends to be with people that are much more skilled than his opponent tonight. There is little to any wrestling here and Desert Storm is one of the few men that can match power with Sinner. This is proven when he manages to heft Sinner up and deliver the Ground Strike to pick up a hard fought win.


Winner: Desert Storm


Rating: 23 (Desert Storm: 29, Original Sinner 16)


Desert Storm gets on the microphone and admits he perhaps waited too long to live his dream. He is no longer going to waste his time. He came to PWC and make a name and he plans on doing that next month. He promises Acid is going to have to fight for his life and when the battle is over Desert Storm will be holding the PWC Championship.


Rating: 30





The Masked Mauler vs Chip Martin with Dharma Gregg vs Remmy Honeyman


A new face appears in this match and Remmy looks rather out of place and the fans aren't sure what to think of him at first. Once the match starts they soon find out Remmy is a very capable performer that manages to quell any boos that came his way from the start. While most of the prior matches were more focused on chaos, this becomes more of a regular match between two good workers and a rookie that is able to do his part to keep the match together. Mauler shows power, Remmy skill and Chip shows a relentless, never say die attitude. In fact when it looked like Mauler had both men down, Chip started to fight back and looked ready to overcome the odds until...



This jerk!


Cip Conduit comes from the crowd and clobbers Chip across the back with a chair. It is enough to give Mauler time to recover and then deliver the Iron Claw to Chip. Remmy tries to make the stop, but is too week and The Masked Mauler comes out on top as Cip just grins like the smug jerkface that he is.


Winner: The Masked Mauler


Rating: 41 (The Masked Mauler: 40, Chip Martin: 25, Remmy Honeyman: 46)





Main Event Tag Team Match



Art Reed and Ace Youngblood vs Acid and Mario Heroic


Once again the main event is easily the match of the night. Given perhaps the top four performers, or at least four biggest names, are all involved. The only downside is Art and Ace just don't work as a tag team. Ace might be well versed in the world of tag wrestling, Art always has been a singles guy and it shows in this match. Even so the four men are all good enough to overcome that obstacle. Acid is leery of his partner and seems ready for a sneak attack at any moment. One that surprisingly doesn't ever come. It actually turns out Mario helps with the match when Ace is focused on laying out the champ. Mario has Art down and out and sees Ace going up to deliver his flying Tomahawk Chop, but is fast enough to get to the corner and push Ace off. Acid recovers and picks up Ace to deliver the Acid Rain Bomb and pick up a win.


Winners: Acid and Mario Heroic


Rating: 49 (Art Reed: 43, Ace Youngblood: 34, Acid: 52, Mario Heroic: 40)


Mario looks to add insult to injury as Acid bails with his title. He starts to heft up Ace and starts to mock him only for Ace to get a second wind and he starts to lay into Mario. Ace chucks Mario from the ring and he starts to go up to the top turnbuckle. Mario escapes before Ace can jump and Ace shouts 'You can't run forever!' to the fleeing not so Heroic guy.


Rating: 31




Final rating: 43

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Another month and it would look like yet another success for PWC after their third show. While they have a thin roster and low budget they managed to turn a profit for a third month straight and in doing so is allowing them to fill out the roster here and there. They are doing so well in fact there is rumblings they might have something of a big debut lined up in April, but they have done well to hide who or what it may be. It is known the two are not keen in spending too much for a talent, but if it gets more eyes on their shows while still letting them make some profit the are willing to work out at least one big contract.






Maybe there was a reason why Buzz Reid faced off with Henry Bennett for a second show in a row. According to reports Buzz Reid skipped out on paying his share of a bar tab the night prior to the show and was taken before Judge Acid. Henry is known to run his own bar as his normal job and probably wasn't a fan of Buzz's bad decision. This is hopefully a lesson learned for Buzz Reid and he won't do it again.






One new face that debuted this past show was that of Remmy Honeyman. Apparently The Idaho Punisher had been keeping tabs and thought bringing Remmy in as a reliable hand would do the company good. Remmy proved he could get the crowd not to boo him as well with the fact he can brawl pretty well while also prove he can do the technical side of wrestling well and even bust out some high risk offense. A lack of personality may hold him back, but fans are known to take to good workers so it remains to be seen how far Remmy can go in PWC.






Charlie Corner has apparently been hitting the gym harder than normal as of late. The young wrestler already had an impressive physique, but he has recently shown off post workout pics that show he is building more muscle mass. Charlie already had the look and this only imrpoves it. Now it is up to him to get his ring skills to match and he might be a name we see in the big three years from now.

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Acid survived a tag match last month only to find himself facing off Desert Storm at Shock to the System. Desert Storm has shown to be a tough as nails brawler that has notched a few impressive wins in the early months of PWC. Now he faces his biggest challenge in the mysterious and tricky Acid who has toppled larger foes over his long career. Can he do it again or will his reign come to an end after just a few short months?




Ace Youngblood shouted at a fleeing Mario Heroic that he couldn't run forever. It looks like Ace was right because these two will meet in a cage match at Shock to the System. Ace got what might be considered a surprise win the first time they fought, but Mario obviously has wanted revenge. He gets his chance even though it might not be the way he had planned. It should be a brutal match between two men who do not like one another.




Speaking of men that don't like one another, it will be Chip Martin and Cip Conduit facing off again. Chip won the first one, but Cip has been looking to get one one over the rookie and this is the perfect chance to do so. These three matches and many more are coming to you as PWC Presents: Shock to the System.

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PWC: Shock To The System

Philadelphia PA, 127 Attending



Announce Team: Rob L Miskovsky and Honest Frank






Buzz Reid vs Remmy Honeyman


After an impressive debut, Remmy gets to face off against the most hated man in PWC in Buzz Reid. Poor Buzz is getting booed out of the building once again and this time it is Remmy who gets to showcase his skills and control most of this match. He even breaks out some high flying as he goes up top to deliver a flying legdrop to put away Buzz and pick up the win.


Winner: Remmy Honeyman


Rating: 42 (Buzz Reid: 25, Remmy Honeyman 48)





Cip Conduit vs Chip Martin with Dharma Gregg


The two young talents go at it again and it is a messy brawl with the occassional wrestling move thrown in among the hard strikes. It is a back and forth through a lot of the match, but eventually Chip starts to get momentum. He has Cip reeling and everything looks to be going his way until...



Who dis?


A new face comes from the crowd and starts to go after Dharma. It causes Chip to have to leave Cip alone and try to save his manager. He and the new face start to slug it out and a super kick downs whoever the stranger is. It was just too much time to let Cip recover and he blindsides Chip and throws him back in the ring. He waits for Chip to get to his knees then delivers the running boot.


Winner: Cip Conduit


Rating: 32 (Cip Conduit 37, Chip Martin: 18)



Cip urges the stranger to get in the ring after he recovers and the two begin to lay the beatdown onto Chip Martin while Dharma can do little to stop it. The two raise their hands in victory and leave Chip a beaten mess in the ring as they leave.


Rating: 20





Charlie Corner and Henry Bennett vs The Masked Mauler and Original Sinner


The tag match ends up breaking into a big weapons filled brawl for the most part. A good way to hide just how green Charlie and Sinner both are. Henry isn't looking too good this match either and it comes down to Mauler holding the match together and easily being the best performer in this match by a mile. Charlie gets a few times to shine, but Bennett takes a majority of the beating and it is Mauler who gets the win by slapping the Iron Claw on Bennett and getting him to submit.


Winners: The Masked Mauler and Original Sinner


Rating: 33 (The Masked Mauler: 41, Original Sinner: 20, Charlie Corner: 21, Henry Bennett: 23)






Mario Heroic comes out as the cage is being set up for his match against Ace Youngblood. He claims this is what he wanted the entire time. A way for Ace to have no excuses when he loses. Tonight he defeats Ace and then he can soley focus on becoming the PWC champion.


Rating: 46




Cage Match!



Mario Heroic vs Ace Youngblood


Mario jumps Ace when he is getting into the cage and the match starts off quickly. Mario is unloading on Ace and throwing him into the cage which busts open Ace early on. It looks like an easy win for Mario at this point, but Ace finally starts to find his footing and fights back. Ace's momentum is quickly stopped by a thumb to the eye, but he just can't keep Ace down. Youngblood continues his come back and bounces Mario off the cage a few times. Mario is dazed and Ace starts to climb as if he is going to escape. He pauses and then watches Mario start to get up. A bit of a crazed look comes across Ace's face and he leaps from the top of the cage and delivers his flying tomahawk chop. Both men are down, but Ace recovers enough to crawl over and make the cover.


Winner: Ace Youngblood


Rating: 39 (Mario Heroic: 38, Ace Youngblood: 37)





PWC Championship



Acid © vs Desert Storm


Desert Storm has his biggest match to date and he does well. The big brawler overpowers Acid easily which leads to the champ having to use what weapons he can get ahold of to his advantage to wear Desert Storm down. The problem is Storm seems to shrug off a lot of the offense and Acid is left trying to rethink how to handle this. Acid has the experience though and eventually he starts to pick apart the challenger and try to take the legs out from the bigger man. Something that works and in a nice show of Acid's strength he manages to eventually heft Desert Storm up and deliver the Acid Rain Bomb.


Winner and STILL Champion: Acid (Defenses: 2)


Rating: 49 (Acid: 52, Desert Storm: 31)


The champ gets little time to recover and celebrate his win. Some unfamiliar music begins to play and the confused Acid looks about towards the entryway.



Big fish, small pond


Sammy The Shark appears with a big, cocky grin on his face. He shuffles a deck of cards as he steps forward to stare down the champion before asking for a microphone. Sammy has arrived and he makes it known he has come to PWC to find his more violent and primal side. He lets Acid know to enjoy holding onto that title, because he is here to take it and usher PWC into a new era. Acid doesn't look too pleased, but Sammy leaves without any fists being thrown and Acid left realizing his time with the title might be short lived.


Rating: 48




Final Rating: 46

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Greg Ford, better known as Sammy Smoke or Sammy the Shark never expected to be in this position. He was elated to be signed by SWF five years ago and was expecting to take a big step forward in his career. He worked hard to get there and even though he tried his best he admittedly could not make headway in such a star studded company. He floundered and he could never get the fans behind him as either a face or heel. Five long years he did what he could and tried to be a team player, but eventually his contract came up and he was informed it would not be renewed.


It hurt. For a week he didn't leave his house and just took the time to wonder if he really wanted to continue life as a wrestler. He had time on his hands. He has been relatively injury free too so it wasn't feeling the wear and tear some might. Of course working for NYCW for so many years which had a very low impact style helped with that. He even considered going back to his old stomping ground and was expecting a call from Vessey. That call never came.


The one that did come through was not from Vessey, but from The Wolverine. Sammy knew of The Wolverine, but the formation of Phoenix Wrestling Company flew under his radar. He had been too busy working for SWF and it wasn't like PWC was even close to being a name outside of a small fanbase. The conversation was simple. Wolverine wanted him to come in, bring some eyes to the product and get featured as a star and be protected. The money was pretty good too. Nothing like what he was making for SWF, but from his understanding he would be making almost as much as the rest of the roster combined.


It wasn't a bad offer. If anything he sees it as a cup of coffee in a small pond that allows him to keep his skills sharp and maybe catch the attention of someone like TCW or USPW. He took a day or two to think it over and next thing he knew he was making travel plans to the first show where he only had to talk for a few minutes while getting paid well. How long will it last? It is hard to say, but if anything he figures this is just the first of many small companies looking for Sammy's services and he will make SWF regret letting him go.

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A solid show with a good main event and a rather big surprise to close the night continues a string of decent shows for PWC who has managed to make money for four months straight. Even with a high cost signing it is said the company has managed to earn a decent profit for a company their size. The roster continues to grow and allow for a more variety of matches. They are very much looking for other signings for the future, but they also want to keep from letting the roster get too bloated. The goal is to continue to build funds and if they run into trouble in the future they will have money to fall back on.




Of course the biggest surprise is the signing of Sammy Smoke who has been with SWF for the past five years. Sammy made a name for himself as Sammy the Shark in NYCW managing two tag title runs and two runs as the Tri-State Regional champion. While a good worker and a big name for NYCW, he was often overshadowed by his partner, Roger Cage and never managed to win the big one before leaving in 2015. His time in SWF saw him get a good push to start, but he never seemed to be able to get the fans behind him. From there he fell to the lower reaches of the card before his contract ran up in early April. It wasn't long before PWC came calling and set him up to make an appearance to close the show.


Sammy may have not done much in SWF, but in the end he is a bigger name than he was when he left NYCW. Not only that he is a familiar face to the Tri-State area and that alone make him a solid hire for PWC. Many figure he will make a return to NYCW as well before too long and his time in SWF should make him a name several smaller companies might want to bring in to get some extra eyes on them.




The other new face was a much more low key signing for the company. Mostly unknown in the US, Preston Fuller started his wrestling career in late 2014 where he worked for 4C up until its closer in 2019. His time in 4C was mostly spent in the midcard where he was a one time hardcore champion before its closure. It looks for the time being he is going to be used as an enforcer style character for Cip Conduit and possibly if a tag division ever forms they could be one of the premier teams given ownership is high on Cip. What Preston Fuller can achieve in PWC remains to be seen, but he at least is used to the hardcore environment.

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Night of Rage in all honesty is all about the main event. Art Reed was already expected to get a rematch against Acid, but the arrival of Sammy the Shark has now changed the match into a three way. Acid has not had an easy reign as champion and it doesn't seem like it will only get worse with each passing month. Both challengers are capable of taking the title away and even worse for Acid he doesn't even have to be the one pinned or submitted to lose his title. This match and more will occur so be sure to show up as PWC presents Night of Rage this May.


PWC Night of Rage


PWC Championship Triple Threat


Acid © vs Art Reed vs Sammy The Shark


Also Featuring


The Masked Mauler vs Ace Youngblood


Mario Heroic vs Henry Bennett


Cip Conduit and Preston Fuller vs Desert Storm and Remmy Honeyman


Charlie Corner vs Buzz Reid



Was refraining from posting cards until a few shows went down. Roster was small and wanted to at least give people an idea of the pecking order in the roster. Might not post cards consistently, but for now expect them for the next few shows at least.

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