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The League, Redux: Seasons 8 and Beyond Game Thread

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fTtB0pK.jpg UOpfoyB.jpg  (5) George Stevens (0-0, OVR 393)


(3) Scott Stevens (0-0, OVR 397) fYy1oxq.jpg fTtB0pK.jpg

The twelfth season of The League opened with a squash. Scott simply looked like he was bullying his brother for just under four minutes before ending the match with a swift and decisive low blow. Scott gets the opening win of the “Stevens Cup” (as dubbed by the fans in The League’s online forums) and wastes very little time in doing so.

Scott Stevens (1-0) def. George Stevens (0-1) via Pinfall (low blow) in 3:57.  Rating: *

Changes for Scott Stevens:  OVR + 2.10, XP + 441.74, no notable damage

Changes for George Stevens:  OVR – 3.23, XP + 110.43, no notable damage



uuVaRmi.jpg (7) Terra Harding (0-0, OVR 405)


(8) "Dirty" John Murdoch (0-0, OVR 405) dw4KJ41.jpg

A rematch of last season’s Omega Division, Terra looked to make a splash in her official League debut against a grizzled veteran in Murdoch. Unlike their encounter in Omega, however, Murdoch would be able to avoid Harding simply trying to throw her body at him to wear him down. A missile dropkick countered into a Boston crab was the beginning of the end for Terra, as Murdoch would finish things less than a minute later with his piledriver, the End of the Line, to avenge his Omega Division loss to Harding and start the season off right in this early Match of the Night contender.

"Dirty" John Murdoch (1-0) def. Terra Harding (0-1) via Pinfall (End of the Line) in 8:42.  Rating: ***

Changes for "Dirty" John Murdoch:  OVR + 3.08, XP + 524.52, no notable damage

Changes for Terra Harding:  OVR – 0.07, XP + 131.13, minor damage to head



6r4P9L8.jpg (1) Terrance Stevens (0-0, OVR 437)


(4) Mickey Steele (0-0, OVR 409) vC6SXqZ.jpg OndApuF.jpg

This was a first for the author—a sub-ten minute match that got four stars. In fact, said author had this penciled in as the Match of the Night for almost the entire card, and had been trying to figure out the meta narrative for the match for about a day before the actual MOTN was run. This was a lot of fast-paced striking and counters, with Steele managing to avoid some of Stevens’ best shots early and often. Steele was first to go for his signatures, hitting the Steele Scissor a couple of times but never quite managing to connect with the Mickey Finn. Stevens would have similar troubles hitting the Meltdown, and a sort of stalemate ensured for a minute or two. Finally, it would be Steele who managed to connect with his flavor of kick finisher, and Mickey Steele picks up a hard-fought opening victory in what was nearly the Match of the Night!

Mickey Steele (1-0) def. Terrance Stevens (0-1) via Pinfall (Mickey Finn) in 9:48.  Rating: ****

Changes for Mickey Steele:  OVR + 3.70, XP + 565.49, minor damage to head and body

Changes for Terrance Stevens:  OVR + 0.79, XP + 141.37, minor damage to body



zBWrwLg.jpg (7) Leon de Ramos (0-0, OVR 420)


(8) Nocturne (0-0, OVR 415) BEVGy0x.jpg

Leon swept the series last season against Nocturne, and proved it was no fluke as he controlled the vast majority of this one. Nocturne seemed to have no counter for de Ramos as he had his Lisbon Prayer answered for the pinfall victory in what was otherwise a rather dull bout.

Leon de Ramos (1-0) def. Nocturne (0-1) via Pinfall (Lisbon Prayer) in 10:43.  Rating: *

Changes for Leon de Ramos:  OVR + 2.77, XP + 511.42, no notable damage

Changes for Nocturne:  OVR -3.13, XP + 127.86, minor damage to head



E5dgVEm.jpg O63FjvG.jpg (6) Erick Gibson (0-0, OVR 418)


(2) Diamond (0-0, OVR 440) 0rDaDU8.jpg

Gibson’s first competitive match in about five months came against a familiar opponent in Diamond. This would be their seventh meeting, with each of them winning three times apiece coming in. It was a close match, and was in contention for Match of the Night honors. One of the major turning points came about halfway through the match, when Diamond was about to go for a top rope elbow, only to be shoved off the ropes by Karen McClure while Gibson had the ref distracted. Gibson would control most of the next few minutes after that, thwarting a Diamond comeback with a spinning elbow blow to win his return match!

Erick Gibson (1-0) def. Diamond (0-1) via Pinfall (spinning elbow blow) in 10:42.  Rating: ***

Changes for Erick Gibson:  OVR + 3.15, XP + 420.45, minor damage to head

Changes for Diamond:  OVR -0.09, XP + 131.39, minor damage to head



N0Y594C.jpg (4) Markus Clay (0-0, OVR 441)


(5) Lance Heartilly (0-0, OVR 431) 9q89H6M.jpg

A bout between a pair of underwhelming wrestlers last season went in favor of the Canadian this time out. Heartilly was never really in danger, and didn’t even need to go to his submission finisher as he kept Clay down a simple northern lights suplex with an inch-perfect bridge that kept Clay down for just long enough. Otherwise, not a very entertaining bout, but to Heartilly it doesn’t matter as he gets a win, something in short supply last season!

Lance Heartilly (1-0) def. Markus Clay (0-1) via Pinfall (northern lights suplex) in 7:50.  Rating: *

Changes for Lance Heartilly:  OVR + 2.70, XP + 509.96, no notable damage

Changes for Markus Clay:  OVR -2.96, XP + 127.49, no notable damage



5vWV1hg.jpg (6) Rock Sheridan (0-0, OVR 420)


(3) Indigo Rose (0-0, OVR 468) 2X2r9qf.jpg

In her entire career, Rose had never faced anyone the size of Rock Sheridan. No one would have faulted her for looking unsure as the bell rang to start this match, but Rose came out firing on all cylinders, keeping Rock off-balance with a variety of holds and clean dodges of his strikes. Sure, Rock got his share of offense in, but it seemed like Rose had a game plan from the jump. A knee plant followed by a new move to her arsenal, a knee plant DDT, was enough to keep Sheridan down for three in one of the faster Gamma Division matches on record. Afterwards, Rose let it slip that she had talked with her Tag Team Turmoil partner, Nocturne, during the offseason and garnered some tips on how to face a giant. Whatever Nocturne said seemed to have worked out well for Rose!

Indigo Rose (1-0) def. Rock Sheridan (0-1) via Pinfall (knee plant DDT) in 5:02.  Rating: *

Changes for Indigo Rose:  OVR + 2.63, XP + 508.55, no notable damage

Changes for Rock Sheridan:  OVR -2.79, XP + 127.14, no notable damage



VZFWcYa.jpg hAfQcot.jpg (1) Blood River (0-0, OVR 466)


(2) Daniel Simmons (0-0, OVR 449) zd1WDAc.jpg

Like Gibson earlier, this was Simmons’ first match back in The League in several months. Used to being the upper half of The League (with two seasons in Beta and one in Alpha he’d rather forget), Simmons’ first task was a newly-relegated Blood River. The change of environment, to a slightly quicker-paced match, was more to River’s liking as he simply outlasted Simmons here. Simmons was never able to put his opponent in grave danger, while River had fewer such issues thanks to his aerial arsenal. A slingshot moonsault would be all that River needed to match his entire Season Eleven win total in just the first week of the new season!

Blood River (1-0) def. Daniel Simmons (0-1) via Pinfall (slingshot moonsault) in 11:14.  Rating: **

Changes for Blood River:  OVR + 3.08, XP + 558.20, minor damage to head

Changes for Daniel Simmons:  OVR -1.67, XP + 139.55, minor damage to head



G4sbiHU.jpg (7) Diego Rodriguez (0-0, OVR 485)


(8) Kichi Hida (0-0, OVR 442) 4ZAKk1I.jpg

In the opening three minutes of this bout, it looked like Kichi was about to introduce herself to the Beta Division with a bang, leaving Rodriguez staggered early. But the technical grappler would claw his way back, finding eventual defenses to Hida’s array of strikes before chaining his Prelude to Dissonance into a stump puller to score the submission victory. A “painfully average” bout in the eyes of the critics, but one that Rodriguez will take on any given weekend as his season starts on the right foot!

Diego Rodriguez (1-0) def. Kichi Hida (0-1) via Submission (stump puller) in 8:58.  Rating: **

Changes for Diego Rodriguez:  OVR + 3.51, XP + 629.60, minor damage to head

Changes for Kichi Hida:  OVR -1.09, XP + 157.40, no notable damage



T7PlxOP.jpg (1) De'siree Mitchell (0-0, OVR 506)


(4) Angela Wassermann (0-0, OVR 447) aOXlwtV.jpg

In the red corner, a woman who had been in the Alpha Division each of the last four seasons. In the blue corner, a woman who had been barely managing to stay in the Beta Division. Most thought this was a foregone conclusion, that Mitchell was going to steamroll her way through this match. Aside from a little more Wassermann offense than many expected, the thoughts of the majority were what happened. Mitchell was in no real danger as she cut down Angela with the Blitz to earn an opening week win.

De'siree Mitchell (1-0) def. Angela Wassermann (0-1) via Pinfall (All Out Blitz) in 10:06.  Rating: **

Changes for De'siree Mitchell:  OVR + 3.54, XP + 630.30, minor damage to head

Changes for Angela Wassermann:  OVR -1.13, XP + 157.58, minor damage to head



VfA2MW8.jpg (5) Pulsar (0-0, OVR 476)


(3) Billy Norris (0-0, OVR 525) 6fYIC71.jpg

Despite some decent aerial moves from both men, the lack of any sustained bursts of offense hurt this one. Norris managed to hit more offense than he missed, which could not be said for Pulsar. Norris would not need to resort to either of his finishers to put the luchador away, as a springboard senton would do the deed en route to a Week One victory.

Billy Norris (1-0) def. Pulsar (0-1) via Pinfall (springboard senton bomb) in 10:44.  Rating: *

Changes for Billy Norris:  OVR + 3.27, XP + 578.14, no notable damage

Changes for Pulsar:  OVR -2.63, XP + 144.53, minor damage to head



vz0qqDp.jpg (6) Monty Dhillon (0-0, OVR 510)


(2) Yoshii Nakamatsu (0-0, OVR 498) xHVnvxD.jpg

On paper, this promised to be a good fight—the heir apparent to the Beta Division staring across the ring at The Hammer, only the second person to run the table in a season. In reality, though…if you blinked, you might have missed it. Monty wasted no time in decimating Nakamatsu, as the Japanese wrestler barely managed any offense at all. Much like Norris in the match prior, Dhillon would not need a finisher to win here, instead relying on a brainbuster to extend his winning streak into a third season.

Monty Dhillon (1-0) def. Yoshii Nakamatsu (0-1) via Pinfall (western brainbuster suplex) in 6:07.  Rating: *

Changes for Monty Dhillon:  OVR + 3.15, XP + 575.50, no notable damage

Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu:  OVR -2.36, XP + 143.87, minor damage to head



oYmq2Bu.jpg LG3TCXf.jpg (6) Lucas Molina (0-0, OVR 479)


(2) George Mastachas (0-0, OVR 560) FXyrc6C.jpg

Season Twelve’s Alpha Division action starts with a former champion and last season’s runner-up facing last season’s Beta Division champion. What followed nearly became a seven-minute demolition job were it not for the presence of Susana Reyes, who distracted Mastachas to thwart a Wrath of Zeus attempt. The official sent her back to the locker room, but that gave Molina the opening to fight back. And for a good three minutes, it looked like he might make a go of it, almost putting Mastachas into Humacao or Patillas territory. Unfortunately for Molina, George had delivered too much damage too early, and the Wrath of Zeus eventually landed to give Mastachas the duke in the Alpha Division opener.

George Mastachas (1-0) def. Lucas Molina (0-1) via Pinfall (Wrath of Zeus) in 11:31.  Rating: **

Changes for George Mastachas:  OVR + 4.09, XP + 728.29, no notable damage

Changes for Lucas Molina:  OVR -0.68, XP + 145.66, minor damage to head and body



hYlEAC2.jpg p1IFTGG.jpg (5) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-0, OVR 518)


(3) Brandy McDonald (0-0, OVR 547) gGexPKo.jpg

Surprisingly, no one had been busted open before this point in the show, so literal first blood for the season was about to be drawn here. Ouilette surprised quite a few people by managing to stay in Alpha for a second season, but one of those not surprised was his opponent tonight. McDonald took the Frenchman as a viable threat, and her plan of attack showed this as she focused almost exclusively on the head of Ouilette. JPO would manage to introduce his own offense in, and might have been looking for a Fleur de Lis to set up into his fist drop before McDonald cut him down with a spear, and followed it with a Brandy With a Twist. The impact was enough to open a laceration on Ouilette’s forehead, and the Season Eight champion draws first blood in Season Twelve with a victory!

Brandy McDonald (1-0) def. Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-1) via First Blood (Brandy With a Twist) in 13:29.  Rating: ***

Changes for Brandy McDonald:  OVR + 5.49, XP + 790.52, minor damage to head

Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette:  OVR + 1.88, XP + 197.63, minor damage to head



MZ2VDcB.jpg YICOeYe.jpg (7) Christian Priest (0-0, OVR 556)


(8) Reverend Johnny Gross (0-0, OVR 510) d7FEgH5.jpg

This was a match that, entering the last week of Season Eleven, fans were not expecting to see again for a while. Then injuries happened, and this heated rivalry gets to resume in the top flight this season. Despite the split series last season, one could be excused for giving the advantage to Gross, given that he has two seasons of Alpha Division experience. Priest took that so-called advantage and promptly beat Gross about the head and shoulders with it. While Gross did get some offense in, there were never any sustained bursts from him, and it was only a matter of time before Priest managed to land one of his finishers for the win as he passed his Judgement on the Right Reverend.

Christian Priest (1-0) def. Reverend Johnny Gross (0-1) via Pinfall (Judgement) in 15:13.  Rating: **

Changes for Christian Priest:  OVR + 4.19, XP + 730.96, no notable damage

Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross:  OVR -0.82, XP + 182.74, minor damage to head and body



KufawJO.jpg FqeSGy6.jpg (1) Nuclear Templeton (0-0, OVR 588)


(4) Brian Blackfield (0-0, OVR 555) Lp89uMT.jpg

Bob Sinclair: Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone else outside the binary, it’s main event time here at The Aerie, and this is going to be a fight!

Frankie Garnett: I’m not sure how much of a fight this will actually be, Bob. Nuclear seemed…bored…with Blackfield last season, and he wasn’t even the champion then.

Bob Sinclair: That may be, Frankie, but The Juggernaut’s gotten a full season of Alpha experience in. Now that he knows what to expect, I see this being a lot more competitive this season.

Frankie Garnett: Look, Nuclear’s the champ. I’m not going to doubt him until, or even if, I’m given a reason to.

Bob Sinclair: In any event, everyone has gotten into the ring, and senior official Jacob Smalls calls for the bell to get us underway in our main event!



(00:04) Nuclear hit a Face Rake

(00:07) Nuclear hit a Jab Punch

(00:11) Nuclear hit an Eye Poke

(00:15) Blackfield countered an Open Handed Chop with a Knife Edge Chop

(00:15) Nuclear wasn't fazed by it though

(00:22) Blackfield hit a Single Leg Trip

(00:36) Blackfield applied a Body Scissors

(00:50) Blackfield applied a Knee Bar

(00:54) Nuclear blocked a Rear Chinlock

(00:58) Blackfield hit a Slap To Chest

(01:02) Blackfield hit an Open Handed Chop

(01:16) Blackfield applied a Cravate

(01:25) Nuclear avoided a Forearm Blow.

(01:32) Nuclear hit a Toss To Corner

(01:50) Nuclear hit a Corner Ten Punch

(01:57) Nuclear hit a Corner Open Handed Chop

(02:15) Nuclear hit a Corner Ten Punch

(02:22) Nuclear hit a Corner Open Handed Chop

(02:29) Nuclear hit a Corner Forearm Blow

(02:36) Nuclear hit a Corner Open Handed Chop

(02:43) Nuclear hit a Turnbuckle Smash

(02:52) Brian Blackfield very easily moved out of the way from a Fist Drop.

(02:56) Blackfield hit a Stomp

(03:00) Nuclear broke a Knee Bar

(03:03) Nuclear hit a Jab Punch

(03:07) Nuclear hit an European Uppercut

(03:15) Nuclear picked up Blackfield

(03:19) Nuclear hit an Eye Poke

(03:23) Nuclear hit an Open Handed Chop

(03:27) Blackfield broke a Rear Chinlock

(03:43) Blackfield applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(03:51) Blackfield applied a Hammerlock

(03:55) Blackfield hit a Forearm To Back Of Head

(03:59) Nuclear blocked an Inverted Drop Toe Hold

(04:05) Nuclear avoided a Forearm To Back.


Frankie Garnett: A bit of a feeling out phase here, I think. There isn’t that sense of knowing your opponent like Nuclear would have with Brandy or Mastachas.

Bob Sinclair: Templeton seems a bit more reserved than I was expecting as well, Frankie. I was expecting a violent burst of offense but it almost seems as if Templeton is trying to bait Blackfield into some sort of false sense of security.

Frankie Garnett: Eh, I’m not buying that. Nuclear just hasn’t gotten warmed up yet, it took a while to get to this point in the show after all.



(04:19) Nuclear hit a Side Headlock Closed Fist

(04:23) Nuclear hit a Headbutt

(04:23) Blackfield started to bleed

(04:23) Blackfield became enraged by the blood


Bob Sinclair: And yet Nuclear seems unfazed by Blackfield’s anger!

Frankie Garnett: For all we know, Bob, Nuke did that on purpose.



(04:37) Blackfield applied a Cravate

(04:42) Nuclear blocked a Hammerlock

(04:49) Blackfield applied a Standing Arm Bar

(04:53) Nuclear wasn't fazed by a Slap To Chest

(05:00) Blackfield hit a Single Leg Trip

(05:04) Blackfield hit a Fist Drop

(05:08) Blackfield hit a Stomp

(05:12) Nuclear blocked a Body Scissors

(05:21) Nuclear Templeton moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(05:29) Nuclear picked up Blackfield

(05:32) Nuclear hit a Punch

(05:36) Nuclear hit a Knife Edge Chop

(05:44) Nuclear picked up Blackfield

(05:48) Nuclear hit an Eye Poke

(06:00) Nuclear hit a Power Bodyslam

(06:17) Nuclear hit a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry

(06:22) Blackfield fought back against being picked up from behind

(06:36) Blackfield applied a Front Facelock

(06:43) Blackfield hit a Single Leg Trip

(06:51) Nuclear Templeton moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(06:57) Nuclear picked up Blackfield

(07:09) Nuclear hit a Forearm Flurry

(07:17) Nuclear picked up Blackfield from behind

(07:22) Blackfield blocked a Russian Legsweep

(07:30) Blackfield avoided a Chop Block.


Frankie Garnett: Blackfield’s going to need to string some serious offense together soon, Bob. Nuclear’s just getting more and more confident with every second that passes.

Bob Sinclair: Nuclear’s proven that he’s the champion for a reason, Frankie. You’re absolutely right, The Juggernaut needs to get on track if he wants a shot at being a contender!



(07:37) Blackfield applied a Standing Arm Bar

(07:44) Blackfield hit a Single Leg Trip

(07:51) Blackfield hit a Knee Pull

(07:55) Blackfield hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(08:09) Blackfield applied a Body Scissors

(08:23) Blackfield applied an Arm Bar

(08:30) Blackfield hit a Legdrop To Arm

(08:37) Blackfield hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(08:46) Nuclear got a rope break to stop a Knee Pull

(08:54) Nuclear avoided a Discus Punch.

(08:57) Nuclear hit a Forearm Blow

(09:04) Nuclear hit a Toss To Corner

(09:11) Nuclear hit a Corner Forearm Blow

(09:18) Nuclear hit a Corner Forearm Charge

(09:28) Blackfield very easily avoided a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry.

(09:33) Nuclear broke a Piledriver

(09:38) Blackfield slipped out of the back of an Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop

(09:42) Nuclear blocked a Reverse DDT Neckbreaker

(09:46) Blackfield hit a Forearm To Back

(09:50) Nuclear broke a Neckbreaker

(10:06) Nuclear hit an Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop

(10:10) Nuclear got a one count

(10:26) Look out! Nuclear Templeton has deployed a Tactical Nuke!

(10:30) Blackfield fought back against being picked up

(10:35) Nuclear broke a Kneeling Cravate

(10:51) Nuclear hit a Strong Gut Buster

(11:01) Nuclear picked up Blackfield

(11:06) Blackfield blocked a Radiation Leak

(11:10) Blackfield countered an Armageddon Lariat with a Slap To Chest

(11:10) Nuclear wasn't fazed by it though


Frankie Garnett: Bob?  Is Nuclear…toying with Blackfield here?!

Bob Sinclair: Seems an awful lot like it, Frankie. I’m not sure that’s wise.

Frankie Garnett: Counterpoint? If he stops Blackfield while intentionally letting off the gas…no one in this company is safe.



(11:20) Blackfield hit a Fireman's Carry Takedown

(11:24) Blackfield hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(11:44) Blackfield applied a Rear Chinlock

(11:52) Nuclear Templeton moved out of the way from a Fist Drop.

(11:58) Nuclear picked up Blackfield

(12:01) Blackfield countered an Over Shoulder Backbreaker Rush with a Forearm Blow

(12:08) Blackfield hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(12:13) Nuclear broke a Knee Bar

(12:29) Look out! Nuclear Templeton has deployed a Tactical Nuke!

(12:38) Nuclear picked up Blackfield

(12:48) LAAAAAAAAARIATOOOOOOO!!!!! Armageddon has come for Blackfield!


Bob Sinclair: Templeton turns around to cover…and Blackfield is already on his feet!

Frankie Garnett: Wait! Is Nuclear…laughing?!

Bob Sinclair: Templeton delivers a one-fingered salute to Blackfield to spike his ire, and here comes The Juggernaut!



(13:02) Blackfield applied a Cravate

(13:16) Blackfield applied a Front Facelock

(13:23) Blackfield applied a Standing Arm Bar

(13:40) Blackfield applied a Kneeling Cravate

(13:58) Nuclear slipped out of the back of a Short Arm Back Elbow

(14:02) Blackfield blocked a Russian Legsweep

(14:07) Blackfield slipped out of the back of a Back Suplex Throw

(14:13) Blackfield hit a Blindside High Knee

(14:35) Blackfield almost got a count out

(14:45) Blackfield hit a Discus Clothesline

(15:00) Blackfield hit a Stomp Flurry

(15:06) Blackfield picked up Nuclear from behind

(15:13) Blackfield hit a Chop Block

(15:19) Blackfield picked up Nuclear

(15:34) Brian Blackfield makes Nuclear Templeton feel the full fury of the Tartan Effect!

(15:38) Blackfield got a one count


Frankie Garnett: A one! Not even two on that Tartan Effect!

Bob Sinclair: And it looks like the adrenaline has left Blackfield; has he done enough damage that the Highland’s Wrath is in play?



(15:54) Blackfield hit a Stump Piledriver

(16:02) Blackfield picked up Nuclear

(16:07) Nuclear blocked a Tartan Effect

(16:13) Nuclear countered a Flying Forearm with a Strong Open Handed Chop

(16:30) Nuclear hit a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry

(16:37) Blackfield very easily avoided a Stomp.

(16:44) Nuclear avoided a Running Forearm Blow after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(17:10) Brian Blackfield is caught in a Radiation Leak!


Frankie Garnett: Oh, that is dead center of the ring and Templeton is not budging!

Bob Sinclair: Blackfield trying to fight his way out of it, but Nuclear’s got the hold on too tight…I think Blackfield’s out!

Frankie Garnett: Yeah, Blackfield’s not moving, and the ref has called for the bell! Nuclear Templeton begins his defense of the League Championship with an exclamation point as he endured the full fury of The Juggernaut in the process!

The bell can be heard sounding again, as Templeton has refused to release the hold. The official is trying to forcibly break the hold with no luck, as more officials come from the back.

Frankie Garnett: You’ve made your point, Nuke, drop the hold already!

Bob Sinclair: Look at the expression on Nuclear’s face, Frankie. He is enjoying every second of this and he looks like he’s not going to drop the hold until permanent damage has been done!

It takes about four officials to finally pry Nuclear off of Blackfield, who simply collapses in a heap to the mat. Making some space by threatening to backhand the officials, Templeton leaves the ring and is handed his League Championship belt by Tony Mortis. The last images from the show this week are Nuclear shouting into the camera as it fades to black.

Nuclear Templeton: There lies Brian Blackfield, your icon of marketability. Not so marketable now, is he?!


Nuclear Templeton (1-0) def. Brian Blackfield (0-1) via Submission (Radiation Leak) in 17:21.  Rating: ****

Changes for Nuclear Templeton:  OVR + 5.55, XP + 1,004.57, minor damage to head

Changes for Brian Blackfield:  OVR + 2.32, XP + 363.64, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body

This was the Match of the Night (6 [1st this season] for Nuclear Templeton, 4 [1st this season] for Brian Blackfield)


(Author’s note—apologies to Derek for putting words in Nuclear’s mouth like that. When the literal final match of the week I ran came in as MOTN, and Nuke had won with a submission, that ending sequence immediately jumped in my head and I had to run with it.)







1.  George Mastachas:  1-0, ATV 11:31, (AMR 2.000), OVR 563.59

2.  Brandy McDonald:  1-0, ATV 13:29, (AMR 3.000), OVR 552.97

3.  Christian Priest:  1-0, ATV 15:13, (AMR 2.000), OVR 560.21

4.  Nuclear Templeton:  1-0, ATV 17:21, (AMR 4.000), OVR 593.84

5.  Brian Blackfield:  0-1, ATV 0:00, (AMR 4.000), OVR 557.12

6.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  0-1, ATV 0:00, (AMR 3.000), OVR 519.64

7.  Lucas Molina:  0-1, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.000), OVR 478.22

7.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  0-1, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.000), OVR 509.52



1.  Monty Dhillon:  1-0, ATV 6:07 (AMR 1.000), OVR 513.17

2.  Diego Rodriguez:  1-0, ATV 8:58 (AMR 2.000), OVR 488.14

3.  De'siree Mitchell:  1-0, ATV 10:06 (AMR 2.000), OVR 509.82

4.  Billy Norris:  1-0, ATV 10:44 (AMR 1.000), OVR 528.38

5.  Angela Wassermann:  0-1, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.000), OVR 445.96

5.  Kichi Hida:  0-1, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.000), OVR 441.09

7.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  0-1, ATV 0:00 (AMR 1.000), OVR 495.40

7.  Pulsar:  0-1, ATV 0:00 (AMR 1.000), OVR 473.00



1.  Indigo Rose:  1-0, ATV 5:02, (AMR 1.000), OVR 470.75

2.  Lance Heartilly:  1-0, ATV 7:50, (AMR 1.000), OVR 433.22

3.  Leon de Ramos:  1-0, ATV 10:43, (AMR 1.000), OVR 422.49

4.  Blood River:  1-0, ATV 11:14, (AMR 2.000), OVR 468.75

5.  Daniel Simmons:  0-1, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.000), OVR 447.13

6.  Markus Clay:  0-1, ATV 0:00, (AMR 1.000), OVR 438.04

6.  Rock Sheridan:  0-1, ATV 0:00, (AMR 1.000), OVR 417.68

6.  Nocturne:  0-1, ATV 0:00, (AMR 1.000), OVR 411.56



1.  Scott Stevens:  1-0, ATV 3:57 (AMR 1.000), OVR 399.06

2.  "Dirty" John Murdoch:  1-0, ATV 8:42 (AMR 3.000), OVR 407.96

3.  Mickey Steele:  1-0, ATV 9:48 (AMR 4.000), OVR 412.39

4.  Erick Gibson:  1-0, ATV 10:42 (AMR 3.000), OVR 420.71

5.  Terrance Stevens:  0-1, ATV 0:00 (AMR 4.000), OVR 438.28

6.  Diamond:  0-1, ATV 0:00 (AMR 3.000), OVR 439.75

6.  Terra Harding:  0-1, ATV 0:00 (AMR 3.000), OVR 404.81

8.  George Stevens:  0-1, ATV 0:00 (AMR 1.000), OVR 389.89



1. SeanMcG: 14

1. Croquemitaine: 14

3. Jman2k3: 13

4. Derek B: 12

5. Eternal Phoenix: 10




(2) Brandy McDonald (1-0, OVR 553) vs. (4) Nuclear Templeton (1-0, OVR 594) [Career: Tied 4 - 4]

(1) George Mastachas (1-0, OVR 564) vs. (5) Brian Blackfield (0-1, OVR 557) [Career: George Mastachas, 2 - 0]

(3) Christian Priest (1-0, OVR 560) vs. (7) Lucas Molina (0-1, OVR 478) [Career: Christian Priest, 4 - 2]

(7) Reverend Johnny Gross (0-1, OVR 510) vs. (6) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-1, OVR 520) [Career: Reverend Johnny Gross, 2 - 0]


(4) Billy Norris (1-0, OVR 528) vs. (3) De'siree Mitchell (1-0, OVR 510) [First Career Meeting]

(2) Diego Rodriguez (1-0, OVR 488) vs. (1) Monty Dhillon (1-0, OVR 513) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 2 - 0]

(7) Yoshii Nakamatsu (0-1, OVR 495) vs. (5) Angela Wassermann (0-1, OVR 446) [Career: Yoshii Nakamatsu, 4 - 0]

CAGE MATCH: (5) Kichi Hida (0-1, OVR 441) vs. (7) Pulsar (0-1, OVR 473) [First Career Meeting]


(1) Indigo Rose (1-0, OVR 471) vs. (5) Daniel Simmons (0-1, OVR 447) [Career: Daniel Simmons, 2 - 0]

(2) Lance Heartilly (1-0, OVR 433) vs. (4) Blood River (1-0, OVR 469) [First Career Meeting]

(6) Nocturne (0-1, OVR 412) vs. (6) Markus Clay (0-1, OVR 438) [First Career Meeting]

(3) Leon de Ramos (1-0, OVR 422) vs. (6) Rock Sheridan (0-1, OVR 418) [Career: Rock Sheridan, 2 - 0]


HARDCORE MATCH: (6) Diamond (0-1, OVR 440) vs. (3) Mickey Steele (1-0, OVR 412) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

(1) Scott Stevens (1-0, OVR 399) vs. (5) Terrance Stevens (0-1, OVR 438) [First Career Meeting]

(6) Terra Harding (0-1, OVR 405) vs. (4) Erick Gibson (1-0, OVR 421) [First Career Meeting]

(2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (1-0, OVR 408) vs. (8) George Stevens (0-1, OVR 390) [First Career Meeting]



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Nuclear Templeton

George Mastachas

Christian Priest

Reverend Johnny Gross


De'siree Mitchell

Monty Dhillon

Yoshii Nakamatsu

Kichi Hida


Daniel Simmons

Lance Heartilly

Markus Clay

Rock Sheridan


Mickey Steele

Scott Stevens (1-0, OVR 399)

Erick Gibson

George Stevens

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Quick Thoughts from Week 1

  • Nuclear & Mastachas still the two to beat in Alpha. Not expecting Molina to be down for long.
  • Monty Event Monty's still running wild and outside of maybe Mitchell, I don't see an answer for the Hammer in Beta this season.
  • The Heartilly redemption tour has began.
  • Speaking on Delta, could this be Scott Steven's best chance to escape?




(2) Brandy McDonald (1-0, OVR 553) vs. (4) Nuclear Templeton (1-0, OVR 594) [Career: Tied 4 - 4]

- One of the few wrestlers in the League to match up well against the Champ. Not going to be enough with the form he's in,

(1) George Mastachas (1-0, OVR 564) vs. (5) Brian Blackfield (0-1, OVR 557) [Career: George Mastachas, 2 - 0]

- There's levels to this and Blackfield's not there yet.

(3) Christian Priest (1-0, OVR 560) vs. (7) Lucas Molina (0-1, OVR 478) [Career: Christian Priest, 4 - 2]

- Two big rival match-ups in two weeks for The First Church to start Alpha Division. Molina's probably the premier "grinder" in the League - just turns any match into a slow grappling event and has 3-4 dangerous holds can get be chained out of no where. Unless you're able to complete with his grappling/ground game (Spoiler: Priest can not), able to out power or hit a blitz Molina within 10-15mins, then you're looking at a Molina submission win.

Hoping for a 12 minute demolition 4* MOTN, expecting a 27min 1-2* slog.

(7) Reverend Johnny Gross (0-1, OVR 510) vs. (6) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-1, OVR 520) [Career: Reverend Johnny Gross, 2 - 0]

Johnny's got Jean's number, despite his fortunes in Alpha.


(4) Billy Norris (1-0, OVR 528) vs. (3) De'siree Mitchell (1-0, OVR 510) [First Career Meeting]

- I've got Mitchell as the clear #2 behind Monty in Beta, let's see her put the work in early.

(2) Diego Rodriguez (1-0, OVR 488) vs. (1) Monty Dhillon (1-0, OVR 513) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 2 - 0]

- Monty's too big, too strong and almost an excellent Grappler. Another sub 10 minute Empire Bomb finish for The Hammer.

(7) Yoshii Nakamatsu (0-1, OVR 495) vs. (5) Angela Wassermann (0-1, OVR 446) [Career: Yoshii Nakamatsu, 4 - 0]

- This has to be one of the most one sided records surely?

CAGE MATCH: (5) Kichi Hida (0-1, OVR 441) vs. (7) Pulsar (0-1, OVR 473) [First Career Meeting]

- Facing Hida in a cage feels like cruel and unusual punishment. This will be ugly.


(1) Indigo Rose (1-0, OVR 471) vs. (5) Daniel Simmons (0-1, OVR 447) [Career: Daniel Simmons, 2 - 0]

- Picking against the record here, ring rust still a factor.

(2) Lance Heartilly (1-0, OVR 433) vs. (4) Blood River (1-0, OVR 469) [First Career Meeting]

- Roll on with the Heartily Revenge Tour

(6) Nocturne (0-1, OVR 412) vs. (6) Markus Clay (0-1, OVR 438) [First Career Meeting]

- Clay tends to struggle with Technicians and Nocturne is an excellent one,

(3) Leon de Ramos (1-0, OVR 422) vs. (6) Rock Sheridan (0-1, OVR 418) [Career: Rock Sheridan, 2 - 0]

- Love Leon, great grappler but still hasn't figured out a way to stop the Rock.


HARDCORE MATCH: (6) Diamond (0-1, OVR 440) vs. (3) Mickey Steele (1-0, OVR 412) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

- What's harder than Steele? HARDCORE STEEEEEEEEELE

(1) Scott Stevens (1-0, OVR 399) vs. (5) Terrance Stevens (0-1, OVR 438) [First Career Meeting]

- 2nd of 4 match-ups in the Stevens Invitational. Backing the Scorpion here

(6) Terra Harding (0-1, OVR 405) vs. (4) Erick Gibson (1-0, OVR 421) [First Career Meeting]

- Flipping a coin flip, plus Harding's an unknown quality currently.

(2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (1-0, OVR 408) vs. (8) George Stevens (0-1, OVR 390) [First Career Meeting]

Old technician vs a large bruiser with stamina issues? If it wasn't in Delta, would feel more confident for Murdoch.



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Posted (edited)

So initial edits are done; I’m going to try to run the bulk of the show tonight. As it presently stands I can run 13 out of the 16 matches, so this may serve as my excuse to put down Minecraft and/or Diablo IV for the evening.

Edit: 14 out of 16.

Edited by ShadowedFlames
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Sorry, not much available time this week so no promo.... guess Nukes is less marketable this week 😛




(2) Brandy McDonald (1-0, OVR 553) vs. (4) Nuclear Templeton (1-0, OVR 594) [Career: Tied 4 - 4]

(1) George Mastachas (1-0, OVR 564) vs. (5) Brian Blackfield (0-1, OVR 557) [Career: George Mastachas, 2 - 0]

(3) Christian Priest (1-0, OVR 560) vs. (7) Lucas Molina (0-1, OVR 478) [Career: Christian Priest, 4 - 2]

(7) Reverend Johnny Gross (0-1, OVR 510) vs. (6) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-1, OVR 520) [Career: Reverend Johnny Gross, 2 - 0]


(4) Billy Norris (1-0, OVR 528) vs. (3) De'siree Mitchell (1-0, OVR 510) [First Career Meeting]

(2) Diego Rodriguez (1-0, OVR 488) vs. (1) Monty Dhillon (1-0, OVR 513) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 2 - 0]

(7) Yoshii Nakamatsu (0-1, OVR 495) vs. (5) Angela Wassermann (0-1, OVR 446) [Career: Yoshii Nakamatsu, 4 - 0]

CAGE MATCH: (5) Kichi Hida (0-1, OVR 441) vs. (7) Pulsar (0-1, OVR 473) [First Career Meeting]


(1) Indigo Rose (1-0, OVR 471) vs. (5) Daniel Simmons (0-1, OVR 447) [Career: Daniel Simmons, 2 - 0]

(2) Lance Heartilly (1-0, OVR 433) vs. (4) Blood River (1-0, OVR 469) [First Career Meeting]

(6) Nocturne (0-1, OVR 412) vs. (6) Markus Clay (0-1, OVR 438) [First Career Meeting]

(3) Leon de Ramos (1-0, OVR 422) vs. (6) Rock Sheridan (0-1, OVR 418) [Career: Rock Sheridan, 2 - 0]


HARDCORE MATCH: (6) Diamond (0-1, OVR 440) vs. (3) Mickey Steele (1-0, OVR 412) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

(1) Scott Stevens (1-0, OVR 399) vs. (5) Terrance Stevens (0-1, OVR 438) [First Career Meeting]

(6) Terra Harding (0-1, OVR 405) vs. (4) Erick Gibson (1-0, OVR 421) [First Career Meeting]

(2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (1-0, OVR 408) vs. (8) George Stevens (0-1, OVR 390) [First Career Meeting]



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After claiming Season Twelve would be unpredictable... I went and had my best prediction week ever!

Enough of that, though. More guessing this week...




(2) Brandy McDonald (1-0, OVR 553) vs. (4) Nuclear Templeton (1-0, OVR 594)

- This is one of the few matches Templeton could lose this season, but I'm not betting against him.

(1) George Mastachas (1-0, OVR 564) vs. (5) Brian Blackfield (0-1, OVR 557)

- To be the (#2) Man, you gotta beat the (#2) Man!

(3) Christian Priest (1-0, OVR 560) vs. (7) Lucas Molina (0-1, OVR 478)

- Always a great match-up and one of the best rivalries in the League. Priest has had the edge. Can he keep it?

(7) Reverend Johnny Gross (0-1, OVR 510) vs. (6) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-1, OVR 520)

- History favours the Reverend.



(4) Billy Norris (1-0, OVR 528) vs. (3) De'siree Mitchell (1-0, OVR 510)

- I'm expecting Mitchell to steamroll Beta this season.

(2) Diego Rodriguez (1-0, OVR 488) vs. (1) Monty Dhillon (1-0, OVR 513)

- Monty should be able to take care of business here.

(7) Yoshii Nakamatsu (0-1, OVR 495) vs. (5) Angela Wassermann (0-1, OVR 446)

- There's never a sure thing in the League, but if you're looking for the best place to bet your house...

CAGE MATCH: (5) Kichi Hida (0-1, OVR 441) vs. (7) Pulsar (0-1, OVR 473)

- And now, your weekly reminder to donate blood to your local Red Cross!



(1) Indigo Rose (1-0, OVR 471) vs. (5) Daniel Simmons (0-1, OVR 447)

- I'm going against history on this one.

(2) Lance Heartilly (1-0, OVR 433) vs. (4) Blood River (1-0, OVR 469)

- Major clash of styles here.

(6) Nocturne (0-1, OVR 412) vs. (6) Markus Clay (0-1, OVR 438)

- Nocturne grounds the flier.

(3) Leon de Ramos (1-0, OVR 422) vs. (6) Rock Sheridan (0-1, OVR 418)

- History says Rock.



HARDCORE MATCH: (6) Diamond (0-1, OVR 440) vs. (3) Mickey Steele (1-0, OVR 412)

- Picking my guy.

(1) Scott Stevens (1-0, OVR 399) vs. (5) Terrance Stevens (0-1, OVR 438)

- Is this the Scorpion's year?

(6) Terra Harding (0-1, OVR 405) vs. (4) Erick Gibson (1-0, OVR 421)

- The bossman making up for lost time.

(2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (1-0, OVR 408) vs. (8) George Stevens (0-1, OVR 390)

- The old man's still got some fight in him!

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(2) Brandy McDonald (1-0, OVR 553) vs. (4) Nuclear Templeton (1-0, OVR 594) [Career: Tied 4 - 4]

(1) George Mastachas (1-0, OVR 564) vs. (5) Brian Blackfield (0-1, OVR 557) [Career: George Mastachas, 2 - 0]

(3) Christian Priest (1-0, OVR 560) vs. (7) Lucas Molina (0-1, OVR 478) [Career: Christian Priest, 4 - 2]

(7) Reverend Johnny Gross (0-1, OVR 510) vs. (6) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-1, OVR 520) [Career: Reverend Johnny Gross, 2 - 0]



(4) Billy Norris (1-0, OVR 528) vs. (3) De'siree Mitchell (1-0, OVR 510) [First Career Meeting]

(2) Diego Rodriguez (1-0, OVR 488) vs. (1) Monty Dhillon (1-0, OVR 513) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 2 - 0]

(7) Yoshii Nakamatsu (0-1, OVR 495) vs. (5) Angela Wassermann (0-1, OVR 446) [Career: Yoshii Nakamatsu, 4 - 0]

CAGE MATCH: (5) Kichi Hida (0-1, OVR 441) vs. (7) Pulsar (0-1, OVR 473) [First Career Meeting]



(1) Indigo Rose (1-0, OVR 471) vs. (5) Daniel Simmons (0-1, OVR 447) [Career: Daniel Simmons, 2 - 0]

(2) Lance Heartilly (1-0, OVR 433) vs. (4) Blood River (1-0, OVR 469) [First Career Meeting]

(6) Nocturne (0-1, OVR 412) vs. (6) Markus Clay (0-1, OVR 438) [First Career Meeting]

(3) Leon de Ramos (1-0, OVR 422) vs. (6) Rock Sheridan (0-1, OVR 418) [Career: Rock Sheridan, 2 - 0]



HARDCORE MATCH: (6) Diamond (0-1, OVR 440) vs. (3) Mickey Steele (1-0, OVR 412) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

(1) Scott Stevens (1-0, OVR 399) vs. (5) Terrance Stevens (0-1, OVR 438) [First Career Meeting]

(6) Terra Harding (0-1, OVR 405) vs. (4) Erick Gibson (1-0, OVR 421) [First Career Meeting]

(2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (1-0, OVR 408) vs. (8) George Stevens (0-1, OVR 390) [First Career Meeting]

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Heads up to folks:

Due to errands and household stuff that needs to be done tomorrow, Week Two is being posted on Sunday this week.

I’ve got laundry, some cleaning before a landlord inspection (ugh), and looking into replacement cat trees/towers for my middle-aged (9 year old) kitty who has been having issues jumping up into his usual spots.

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dw4KJ41.jpg (2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (1-0, OVR 408)


(8) George Stevens (0-1, OVR 390) UOpfoyB.jpg fTtB0pK.jpg

An above-average bout to open the second week of action, this was a Match of the Night contender in large part thanks to the tenacity of Stevens, who refused to stay down for the veteran Murdoch. Stevens had Murdoch in trouble first, and when a Texas Size Slam was thwarted by Murdoch shifting his weight to slip out of the larger man’s grasp, Murdoch quickly got to work. It only took about a minute after that for Murdoch to get a spinning toe hold locked on, which led to the submission victory in what many have called George Stevens’ best match to date.

"Dirty" John Murdoch (2-0) def. George Stevens (0-2) via Submission (Double Cross) in 13:49.  Rating: ***

Changes for "Dirty" John Murdoch:  OVR + 3.27, XP + 527.18, minor damage to body

Changes for George Stevens:  OVR -0.12, XP + 131.80, minor damage to head



uuVaRmi.jpg (6) Terra Harding (0-1, OVR 405)


(4) Erick Gibson (1-0, OVR 421) O63FjvG.jpg E5dgVEm.jpg

The author noted last week that he’d never seen a sub-ten-minute four-star match. WS3 then decided to give out another one this week. Gibson controlled most of the opening, keeping Harding close and not giving her room to get up to speed. However, Terra found some space and started to get her offense going, putting Gibson on the defensive around five minutes in. Harding would start getting to the turnbuckles, really getting into her element as she took to the skies. However, at one point she took too long taunting Gibson to get to his feet, and he simply shoulder-blocked her out of the air. That put a serious damper on Harding’s offense, and less than a minute later his finisher connected, giving Erick Gibson a second straight win to start the season in a true Match of the Night candidate!

Erick Gibson (2-0) def. Terra Harding (0-2) via Pinfall (Terminable Offense) in 9:59.  Rating: ****

Changes for Erick Gibson:  OVR + 3.71, XP + 565.59, minor damage to head

Changes for Terra Harding:  OVR + 0.79, XP + 141.40, minor damage to head



fTtB0pK.jpg fYy1oxq.jpg (1) Scott Stevens (1-0, OVR 399)


(5) Terrance Stevens (0-1, OVR 438) 6r4P9L8.jpg

A bit of a step down from the previous two matches, round two of the “Stevens Cup” went to the gentleman from Canada. This was a striker’s fight, plain and simple, as every time Scott tried to bring his size and power into the match Terrance would use various strikes to thwart the attempt. It only took Terrance three tries before he landed the Meltdown, connecting flush with Scott’s jaw after avoiding a Toxic Sting to even his record on the season.

Terrance Stevens (1-1) def. Scott Stevens (1-1) via Pinfall (Maple Leaf Meltdown) in 8:48.  Rating: **

Changes for Terrance Stevens:  OVR + 2.51, XP + 484.22, minor damage to head

Changes for Scott Stevens:  OVR -2.08, XP + 121.06, minor damage to head



zBWrwLg.jpg (3) Leon de Ramos (1-0, OVR 422)


(6) Rock Sheridan (0-1, OVR 418) 5vWV1hg.jpg

This match boiled down to one thing—could de Ramos get the Iberian Twist applied before Rock could take his head off with a lariat? Sheridan was slow to get started but once he did, he made de Ramos work for every bit of offense. Leon tried three times to get his submission locked in, but Sheridan fought it off every time. After an STF from de Ramos led to no joy, Sheridan had apparently been softened up enough that the Iberian Twist got applied, and Rock eventually tapped in a match that was closer than some would have given it credit for, even if not terribly exciting.

Leon de Ramos (2-0) def. Rock Sheridan (0-2) via Submission (Iberian Twist) in 14:06.  Rating: **

Changes for Leon de Ramos:  OVR + 3.16, XP + 559.78, minor damage to head

Changes for Rock Sheridan:  OVR -1.78, XP + 139.95, minor damage to head



BEVGy0x.jpg (6) Nocturne (0-1, OVR 412)


(6) Markus Clay (0-1, OVR 438) N0Y594C.jpg

This was a Match of the Night contender, though it came with a little bit of controversy. Near the end of the match, Clay went to whip Nocturne to the corner, only for her to reverse. There was plenty of space for Clay to avoid running into the ref, but from some camera angles it looked like he purposely swerved into the official to take him down. This was notable because a minute later, Nocturne had the ankle lock applied, and Clay was tapping out with no official to see it. Nocturne broke the hold a few seconds later, visibly upset as she turned to try to get the ref back to his senses, only for Clay to go low on her and then hit a slingshot legdrop. Naturally, this is when the ref recovered, and counted her down for the three. Clay picks up a win that he probably should not have gotten, and Nocturne has a legitimate reason to complain!

Markus Clay (1-1) def. Nocturne (0-2) via Pinfall (slingshot legdrop) in 13:19.  Rating: ***

Changes for Markus Clay:  OVR + 3.75, XP + 605.96, minor damage to head

Changes for Nocturne:  OVR + 0.39, XP + 151.49, minor damage to head



0rDaDU8.jpg (6) Diamond (0-1, OVR 440)


(3) Mickey Steele (1-0, OVR 412) vC6SXqZ.jpg OndApuF.jpg

There were only two reasons this one went nine minutes long. The first is the interference of Roxy Rose, who tripped up Diamond as she was looking to spear Steele. The second is that Diamond hit a 24 Karat Kiss, only to bust Steele open and send him into a rage (and thus avoiding a pin attempt). Two minutes later, Diamond would not be denied as she landed her top rope swanton and stared daggers at Steele’s manager as the official counted the pin, and the First Lady of the League gets back on track after a poor outing in Week One.

Diamond (1-1) def. Mickey Steele (1-1) via Pinfall (Diamond in the Sky) in 8:55.  Rating: **

Changes for Diamond:  OVR + 2.51, XP + 484.28, minor damage to head

Changes for Mickey Steele:  OVR -2.08, XP + 96.86, moderate damage to head



9q89H6M.jpg (2) Lance Heartilly (1-0, OVR 433)


(4) Blood River (1-0, OVR 469) hAfQcot.jpg VZFWcYa.jpg

It took Heartilly a good five minutes to get any sort of sustained offense in. Once he did, though, River was hard-pressed to find an opening to attack. The (alleged) cultist would find an opening, going to the ropes for a few higher-risk moves. Then, out of seemingly nowhere, River connected with a corkscrew kick, and that managed to keep Heartilly down for three…and then some, as the kick had totally knocked Heartilly out cold. Lance would eventually get to the locker room under his own power, but the records will show that River moved to 2-0 with a nasty kick to the head!

Blood River (2-0) def. Lance Heartilly (1-1) via Pinfall (corkscrew kick) in 9:27.  Rating: **

Changes for Blood River:  OVR + 3.03, XP + 557.22, no notable damage

Changes for Lance Heartilly:  OVR -1.60, XP + 139.30, minor damage to head



2X2r9qf.jpg (1) Indigo Rose (1-0, OVR 471)


(5) Daniel Simmons (0-1, OVR 447) zd1WDAc.jpg

Simmons’ return to The League was not made easier this week, facing the preseason favorite to promote out of the Gamma Division in Indigo Rose. Both wrestlers delivered their share of offense, though Simmons still seemed a step slower than normal—as evidenced when Rose countered his Working Man’s Dropkick with a single leg grapevine—but he had an opening about eleven minutes in to end things with a Blue Collar Driver. Rose would escape it, have her attempt at the Vite d’Indaco thwarted, but find success again with a knee plant DDT. Much like last week, her opponent was unable to kick out, and Rose moves to 2-0 on the season behind a pair of pinfall victories. (And if you had THAT parley, then I want to know the winning lottery numbers ASAP!)

Indigo Rose (2-0) def. Daniel Simmons (0-2) via Pinfall (knee plant DDT) in 14:06.  Rating: **

Changes for Indigo Rose:  OVR + 3.16, XP + 559.78, minor damage to head

Changes for Daniel Simmons:  OVR -1.78, XP + 139.95, minor damage to head



4ZAKk1I.jpg (5) Kichi Hida (0-1, OVR 441)


(7) Pulsar (0-1, OVR 473) VfA2MW8.jpg

For the second week running, The League got a second four-star match from its roster. The fact that you’re not reading the opening commentary from the usual two-man booth should tell you that something better came along later in the card…but let’s not take anything away from these two. This was a great match in and of itself. The cage really served no advantage to anyone, as there were no managers to keep locked out of the ring. It could be argued that Pulsar was at a slight disadvantage due to the cage hampering some of his springboard moves, but if this was the case he never seemed to show it. He took the fight to Hida, who gave it right back in return. This kept going for about eight or nine minutes until Pulsar missed a slingshot legdrop, and that seemed to open the floodgates. Bumper Cars, the UFO Spin Elbow, the Funhouse Stomp…all came, in rather quick succession, and was then capped off by Eternal Violence. Hida simply strolled out of the cage after that, and in the eyes of some may have just scored a bug upset!

Kichi Hida (1-1) def. Pulsar (0-2) via Cage Escape (Eternal Violence) in 12:36.  Rating: ****

Changes for Kichi Hida:  OVR + 5.31, XP + 737.17, minor damage to head

Changes for Pulsar:  OVR + 2.04, XP + 184.29, moderate damage to head



xHVnvxD.jpg (7) Yoshii Nakamatsu (0-1, OVR 495)


(5) Angela Wassermann (0-1, OVR 446) aOXlwtV.jpg

This was a squash, no more and no less. Nakamatsu was never in any danger as he actually got to bring out the Nakamatsu Driver to put the smaller Wassermann away in just under ten minutes. There’s not really much else that can be said about this contest.

Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-1) def. Angela Wassermann (0-2) via Pinfall (Nakamatsu Driver) in 9:30.  Rating: *

Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu:  OVR + 3.24, XP + 577.43, no notable damage

Changes for Angela Wassermann:  OVR -2.55, XP + 144.36, moderate damage to head



G4sbiHU.jpg (2) Diego Rodriguez (1-0, OVR 488)


(1) Monty Dhillon (1-0, OVR 513) vz0qqDp.jpg

Diego had a chance to make an impact here. He lost that chance just under four minutes in, as Dhillon got tired of waiting for Rodriguez to do something worthy of his attention. It was then, as once described by Queen, time for the Hammer to Fall. Four minutes of sustained Dhillon offense was all that Monty needed to put Diego away, capping things off with a brainbuster. (Author’s Note: Yes, I normally “fictionalize” real world references in The League/C-Verse adjacent areas…but Freddie Mercury is the GOAT and is allowed to cross over the dimensional border.)

Monty Dhillon (2-0) def. Diego Rodriguez (1-1) via Pinfall (western brainbuster suplex) in 7:10.  Rating: **

Changes for Monty Dhillon:  OVR + 3.46, XP + 628.47, no notable damage

Changes for Diego Rodriguez:  OVR -1.02, XP + 157.12, minor damage to head



d7FEgH5.jpg (7) Reverend Johnny Gross (0-1, OVR 510)


(6) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-1, OVR 520) p1IFTGG.jpg hYlEAC2.jpg

This was a competitive match, no doubt. But it was missing that extra gear to push it into Match of the Night contender territory. Ouilette had the advantage for the majority of the contest, but let a golden opportunity waste away as Gross fought back from behind to at first draw even, and then later pull ahead in the contest. JPO would attempt a desperation Se Soumettre, but Gross was having none of it and quickly powered Ouilette into a brainbuster. And just like the previous match, that was enough to score the pinfall on this occasion.

Reverend Johnny Gross (1-1) def. Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-2) via Pinfall (western brainbuster suplex) in 18:48.  Rating: **

Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross:  OVR + 4.30, XP + 733.54, minor damage to head

Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette:  OVR -0.96, XP + 183.38, minor damage to head



6fYIC71.jpg (4) Billy Norris (1-0, OVR 528)


(3) De'siree Mitchell (1-0, OVR 510) T7PlxOP.jpg

The last match in the Beta Division this week saw Norris simply outlast the former nose tackle. Mitchell had an early advantage, but she was unable to use her power advantage in this one, as Norris seemed to be a step ahead of her power game. His speedy attacks and the equivalent of one-and-a-half blows to her one eventually softened Mitchell up as her stamina slowly waned. Norris still had plenty in the tank as he delivered a Bonzer Splash to Mitchell that kept her down for three.

Billy Norris (2-0) def. De'siree Mitchell (1-1) via Pinfall (Bonzer Splash) in 13:23.  Rating: **

Changes for Billy Norris:  OVR + 3.64, XP + 632.35, minor damage to head

Changes for De'siree Mitchell:  OVR -1.25, XP + 158.09, minor damage to head



MZ2VDcB.jpg YICOeYe.jpg (3) Christian Priest (1-0, OVR 560)


(7) Lucas Molina (0-1, OVR 478) LG3TCXf.jpg oYmq2Bu.jpg

Bob Sinclair: Our next bout features the two men who earned promotion to the top flight last season before injuries plagued The League.

Frankie Garnett: Oh, hell, Bob. Is this European Rules again?

Bob Sinclair: No, Frankie. Just a straight match.

Frankie Garnett: That’s a relief. I was afraid this was going to be another 40-minute marathon.

Bob Sinclair: These two men have promoted together since Season Nine, with Priest holding the career edge at four victories to two. Molina’s coming in as an underdog in this one, in the eyes of many.

Frankie Garnett: Counterpoint, Bob. This is not European Rules. Molina only needs to get lucky once with one of his various submission holds, instead of twice.

Bob Sinclair: A fair point. Both men are in the ring, their seconds in their respective corners, and there’s the bell to get us underway!



(00:04) Priest hit an Eye Poke

(00:13) Priest hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(00:16) Priest hit a Forearm Blow

(00:20) Priest hit an Eye Poke

(00:23) Priest hit a Punch

(00:27) Priest hit an Eye Poke

(00:31) Molina broke a Front Facelock

(00:40) Priest got a rope break to stop a Front Facelock

(00:47) Molina applied a Standing Arm Bar

(01:03) Molina applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(01:08) Priest broke a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(01:12) Molina blocked a Cravate

(01:15) Priest hit a Punch

(01:19) Priest hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(01:23) Molina blocked a Punch

(01:27) Priest hit an Eye Poke

(01:41) Priest applied a Cravate

(01:48) Priest hit a Running Clothesline

(01:56) Lucas Molina moved out of the way from a Knee Drop.

(02:00) Molina hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(02:14) Molina applied a Body Scissors

(02:18) Molina hit a Knee Drop

(02:25) Molina hit a Knee Pull

(02:30) Priest blocked a Rear Chinlock

(02:35) Priest broke a Fireman's Carry Takedown

(02:40) Molina blocked a Jab Punch

(02:43) Priest hit a Forearm Blow

(02:50) Priest hit a Running Clothesline

(03:04) Priest applied a Choke Hold

(03:04) The referee gave Priest a stern warning

(03:08) Priest hit a Legdrop

(03:18) Priest picked up Molina

(03:21) Priest hit a Punch

(03:35) Priest applied a Front Facelock

(03:39) Priest hit an Open Handed Slap

(03:43) Molina broke a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(03:47) Priest broke a Side Headlock

(04:01) Priest applied a Front Facelock

(04:11) Susana Reyes tripped Priest to prevent a Running Clothesline

(04:11) The referee sent Susana Reyes back to the locker room


Frankie Garnett: I’m not sure that was needed this early, Bob. Molina’s not even in any sort of trouble yet!

Bob Sinclair: Reyes apparently thought otherwise, Frankie. But now Molina’s left all alone, and still has to watch out for Pastor Richards on the other side of the ring!



(04:15) Molina hit a Legdrop

(04:29) Molina applied a Knee Bar

(04:33) Molina hit a Knee Drop

(04:37) Molina hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(04:41) Priest blocked a Body Scissors

(04:48) Molina applied a Standing Arm Bar

(04:51) Molina hit a Forearm Blow

(04:56) Priest broke a Standing Arm Bar

(04:59) Priest hit a Begging Off Sucker Punch

(05:13) Priest applied a Front Facelock

(05:18) Molina blocked a Punch

(05:32) Priest applied a Cravate

(05:46) Priest applied a Side Headlock

(05:50) Priest hit an Eye Poke

(05:59) Priest hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(06:02) Priest hit a Jab Punch

(06:06) Molina blocked a Knee Plant

(06:16) Molina avoided a Strong Open Handed Chop.

(06:32) Molina applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(06:36) Priest broke a Top Wrist Lock

(06:46) Priest hit a Samoan Drop

(06:56) Lucas Molina very easily moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(07:05) Priest got a rope break to stop a Rear Chinlock


Bob Sinclair: Priest using his long reach to keep Molina from some of these wear-down holds, not too bad a strategy.

Frankie Garnett: I’ve seen worse, but Christian’s best strategy is a simple one.

Bob Sinclair: Burst of violence?

Frankie Garnett: Burst of violence. It got him this far!



(07:12) Molina hit a Single Leg Trip

(07:17) Priest broke a Legdrop To Arm

(07:23) Priest hit a Roundhouse Punch

(07:33) Priest picked up Molina

(07:39) Christian Priest extracts a Tithe of Pain from Lucas Molina!

(07:43) Priest hit a Seated Back Kick

(07:47) Priest hit a Running Knee Drop

(07:51) Priest hit a Seated Back Kick

(08:01) Priest picked up Molina

(08:04) Molina countered a Begging Off Low Blow with a Forearm Blow

(08:14) Molina hit a Fireman's Carry Takedown

(08:20) Priest got a rope break to stop a Knee Bar

(08:34) Molina applied a Top Wrist Lock

(08:38) Priest broke an Inverted Drop Toe Hold

(08:44) Molina broke a Penance by falling on top of Priest

(08:49) Molina got a one count

(09:03) Molina applied a Front Facelock

(09:10) Molina applied a Standing Arm Bar

(09:24) Molina applied an Arm Wringer

(09:28) Priest broke a Side Headlock

(09:38) Molina broke a Penance by falling on top of Priest

(09:42) Molina got a two count

(09:46) Priest broke a Front Facelock

(09:53) Priest hit a DDT

(10:02) Priest picked up Molina

(10:12) Lucas Molina is seeing the stars of Heaven after that Rite of Might!

(10:17) Molina fought back against being picked up

(10:22) Priest broke a Snap Mare Takedown

(10:32) Molina countered a Strong Charging Forearm with a Fireman's Carry Takedown

(10:46) Molina applied an Arm Bar

(11:00) Christian Priest is feeling the squeeze of the Puerto Rican Pinch!


Frankie Garnett: Ref doesn’t seem too worried about a submission here, Bob.

Bob Sinclair: Because this move isn’t designed to end matches, or even really to cause damage. It’s Molina’s way of sapping an opponent’s stamina and will since it’s a body scissors but with a sort of bear hug added in.

Frankie Garnett: And that’s supposed to wear down someone of Priest’s size?

Bob Sinclair: You try fighting out of a hold with an extra two hundred-plus pounds clamped to you, Frankie, and see how much you’re exhausted by the end of it.

Frankie Garnett: …fair point.



(11:25) Molina applied an Arm Wringer

(11:32) Molina hit a Single Leg Trip

(11:36) Molina hit a Measured Knee Drop

(11:50) Molina applied a Single Leg Grapevine

(12:11) Molina hit a Knee Plant

(12:14) Molina hit a Forearm Blow

(12:28) Molina applied a Front Facelock

(12:33) Priest broke a Side Headlock

(12:39) Priest hit a Low Blow

(12:39) The referee gave Priest a serious telling off

(12:46) Priest picked up Molina

(12:50) Molina slipped out of the back of an Iconoclasm CP

(13:04) Molina applied an Arm Wringer

(13:11) Molina hit a Knee Plant

(13:15) Molina hit an Open Handed Chop

(13:19) Priest broke a DDT

(13:26) Molina broke a Penance by falling on top of Priest

(13:30) Molina got a two count

(13:40) Christian Priest just received some cold Greetings from San Juan!

(13:48) Priest got a rope break to stop a Single Leg Boston Crab

(14:14) Lucas Molina with a trademark Patillas Leglock, and Christian Priest has to fight to get out if it!


Bob Sinclair: Priest is nowhere near the ropes, but at the same time Molina doesn’t have that hold fully locked in.

Frankie Garnett: It’s still causing damage, and quite a bit of it. If a man can’t stand, he can’t fight back after all!

Bob Sinclair: Priest with a kick back, and a second one is enough to jostle himself free. But has enough damage been done here?

Frankie Garnett: I doubt it. Molina needs another few holds to really get Priest in danger of that Bodylock.



(14:39) Christian Priest just received some cold Greetings from San Juan!

(14:53) Christian Priest is feeling the squeeze of the Puerto Rican Pinch!

(15:14) Christian Priest just received some cold Greetings from San Juan!

(15:18) Priest rolled through a Molina Bodylock

(15:34) Lucas Molina is forced to pay Penance as Christian Priest shows off his strength!

(15:40) Molina very easily avoided a Seated Back Kick.

(15:45) Priest blocked a San Juan Buster

(15:49) Priest broke a DDT

(15:53) Priest hit an Open Handed Slap

(15:56) Molina countered an Iconoclasm CP with a Forearm Blow

(16:01) Priest broke a DDT

(16:07) Molina avoided a Running Forearm Blow.

(16:11) Priest broke a Patillas Leglock

(16:17) Christian Priest extracts a Tithe of Pain from Lucas Molina!

(16:26) Priest picked up Molina

(16:40) Christian Priest sends Lucas Molina to the mat with a definitive Iconoclasm!


Bob Sinclair: Trademark, after trademark! All the big guns are being brought out here!

Frankie Garnett: And naturally the last shot that lands is what’s going to be the decider!



(16:44) Molina fought back against being picked up

(16:49) Priest blocked a Single Leg Trip

(16:53) Priest countered a Patillas Leglock with an Eye Poke

(17:01) Molina avoided a Canonized after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(17:06) Priest broke a Greetings from San Juan

(17:11) Molina slipped out the front of a Powerbomb

(17:27) ¡Ay caramba! Lucas Molina just dropped Christian Priest with a San Juan Buster!


Bob Sinclair: Molina immediately into the cover…one, two, three! Lucas Molina gets his first win of the season after an all-out war in the final four minutes of this match!

Frankie Garnett: You can’t say he didn’t earn that one, Bob. But I still think that Susana Reyes jumped the gun early on. If she had waited a bit, Molina might not have been in serious jeopardy by the end of it!

Bob Sinclair: Her reasons are her own, Frankie. Nonetheless, Lucas Molina narrows the deficit in the lifetime series as he picks up his third victory against Christian Priest in seven tries!


Lucas Molina (1-1) def. Christian Priest (1-1) via Pinfall (San Juan Buster) in 17:32.  Rating: ****

Changes for Lucas Molina:  OVR + 5.55, XP + 803.78, minor damage to head

Changes for Christian Priest:  OVR + 2.32, XP + 363.68, minor damage to head

This was the Match of the Night (2 [1st this season] for Lucas Molina, 12 [1st this season] for Christian Priest)

(Author’s notes: First off, Susana Reyes claimed about 201 XP for her four minutes of service—Molina was slated to get 1,004.73 XP otherwise. I will let the readers individually decide if that was worth it given the end result some thirteen minutes later.  Secondly—the past two seasons, EP had purposefully put these two in a European Rules match specifically for hunting a MOTN. It shows up instead without any prompting here. The Cornellverse works in mysterious ways….)



FXyrc6C.jpg (1) George Mastachas (1-0, OVR 564)


(5) Brian Blackfield (0-1, OVR 557) Lp89uMT.jpg

Blackfield looked a little worse for wear after the assault by Templeton to end last week’s show, and came in to this contest incredibly wary of Mastachas. Mastachas went on the attack early and often, putting Blackfield in real danger somewhere around the ten-minute mark. Blackfield would claw back into it, hitting a Tartan Effect and countering the Wrath of Zeus on a couple different occasions. A piledriver had Mastachas in prime position for the Highland’s Wrath, but he never got a chance to go for it. Mastachas shoved Blackfield away, and seemed to set his feet for another Wrath of Zeus attempt. Blackfield went to avoid it and walked right into a Siren’s Call instead. Unlike last week, though, he tapped out before he could pass out, and Mastachas immediately dropped the hold as he moves to 2-0 on the young season.

George Mastachas (2-0) def. Brian Blackfield (0-2) via Submission (Siren’s Call) in 20:01.  Rating: ***

Changes for George Mastachas:  OVR + 5.00, XP + 795.61, minor damage to head

Changes for Brian Blackfield:  OVR + 1.33, XP + 198.90, minor damage to head



gGexPKo.jpg (2) Brandy McDonald (1-0, OVR 553)


(4) Nuclear Templeton (1-0, OVR 594) FqeSGy6.jpg KufawJO.jpg

The main event wasn’t all that competitive, unfortunately (especially given last week’s main event was the Match of the Night). McDonald seemed a bit sluggish coming out of the gate, and Nuclear made her pay for it a few times over. He was never really in danger as he hit a couple of Radiation Spikes, a couple of Tactical Nukes, a high knee to the back of the head, and finally locked in the Radiation Leak to score the clear submission victory over the former League Champion. Unlike last week, however, he dropped the hold only a few seconds after the bell, leaving McDonald gasping for breath in the ring. The sneer on Templeton’s face said everything that words didn’t need to as he left the ring, League Championship held in the air as if daring someone, anyone, to come and take it from him.

Nuclear Templeton (2-0) def. Brandy McDonald (1-1) via Submission (Radiation Leak) in 17:37.  Rating: **

Changes for Nuclear Templeton:  OVR + 4.26, XP + 732.68, no notable damage

Changes for Brandy McDonald:  OVR -0.91, XP + 183.17, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body







1.  George Mastachas:  2-0, ATV 15:46, (AMR 2.500), OVR 568.59

2.  Nuclear Templeton:  2-0, ATV 17:29, (AMR 3.000), OVR 598.11

3.  Brandy McDonald:  1-1, ATV 13:29, (AMR 2.500), OVR 552.06

4.  Christian Priest:  1-1, ATV 15:13, (AMR 3.000), OVR 562.53

5.  Lucas Molina:  1-1, ATV 17:32, (AMR 3.000), OVR 483.78

6.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  1-1, ATV 18:48, (AMR 2.000), OVR 513.82

7.  Brian Blackfield:  0-2, ATV 0:00, (AMR 3.500), OVR 558.45

8.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  0-2, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.500), OVR 518.69



1.  Monty Dhillon:  2-0, ATV 6:38 (AMR 1.500), OVR 516.63

2.  Billy Norris:  2-0, ATV 12:03 (AMR 1.500), OVR 532.02

3.  Diego Rodriguez:  1-1, ATV 8:58 (AMR 2.000), OVR 487.12

4.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  1-1, ATV 9:30 (AMR 1.000), OVR 498.64

5.  De'siree Mitchell:  1-1, ATV 10:06 (AMR 2.000), OVR 508.57

6.  Kichi Hida:  1-1, ATV 12:36 (AMR 3.000), OVR 446.40

7.  Pulsar:  0-2, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.500), OVR 475.04

8.  Angela Wassermann:  0-2, ATV 0:00 (AMR 1.500), OVR 443.40



1.  Indigo Rose:  2-0, ATV 9:34, (AMR 1.500), OVR 473.91

2.  Blood River:  2-0, ATV 10:20, (AMR 2.000), OVR 471.78

3.  Leon de Ramos:  2-0, ATV 12:24, (AMR 1.500), OVR 425.65

4.  Lance Heartilly:  1-1, ATV 7:50, (AMR 1.500), OVR 431.62

5.  Markus Clay:  1-1, ATV 13:19, (AMR 2.000), OVR 441.79

6.  Daniel Simmons:  0-2, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.000), OVR 445.35

6.  Nocturne:  0-2, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.000), OVR 411.95

8.  Rock Sheridan:  0-2, ATV 0:00, (AMR 1.500), OVR 415.90



1.  Erick Gibson:  2-0, ATV 10:20 (AMR 3.500), OVR 424.42

2.  "Dirty" John Murdoch:  2-0, ATV 11:15 (AMR 3.000), OVR 411.22

3.  Scott Stevens:  1-1, ATV 3:57 (AMR 1.500), OVR 396.98

4.  Terrance Stevens:  1-1, ATV 8:48 (AMR 3.000), OVR 440.79

5.  Diamond:  1-1, ATV 8:55 (AMR 2.500), OVR 442.26

6.  Mickey Steele:  1-1, ATV 9:48 (AMR 3.000), OVR 410.31

7.  Terra Harding:  0-2, ATV 0:00 (AMR 3.500), OVR 405.60

8.  George Stevens:  0-2, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.000), OVR 389.78



1. Derek B: 26 [this week: 14]

2. SeanMcG: 24 [this week: 10]

3. Croquemitaine: 23 [this week: 9]

4. Jman2k3: 21 [this week: 8]

5. Eternal Phoenix: 19 [this week: 9]




HARDCORE MATCH: (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-2, OVR 519) vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (2-0, OVR 598) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 2 - 0]

(3) Brandy McDonald (1-1, OVR 552) vs. (4) Christian Priest (1-1, OVR 563) [First Career Meeting]

(1) George Mastachas (2-0, OVR 569) vs. (6) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-1, OVR 514) [Career: George Mastachas, 3 - 1]

(7) Brian Blackfield (0-2, OVR 558) vs. (5) Lucas Molina (1-1, OVR 484) [First Career Meeting]


FIRST BLOOD MATCH: (2) Billy Norris (2-0, OVR 532) vs. (3) Diego Rodriguez (1-1, OVR 487) [First Career Meeting]

(7) Pulsar (0-2, OVR 475) vs. (5) De'siree Mitchell (1-1, OVR 509) [Career: Tied 2 - 2]

SUBMISSION MATCH: (8) Angela Wassermann (0-2, OVR 443) vs. (1) Monty Dhillon (2-0, OVR 517) [First Career Meeting]

(4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-1, OVR 499) vs. (6) Kichi Hida (1-1, OVR 446) [First Career Meeting]


(5) Markus Clay (1-1, OVR 442) vs. (2) Blood River (2-0, OVR 472) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

(1) Indigo Rose (2-0, OVR 474) vs. (6) Nocturne (0-2, OVR 412) [First Career Meeting]

(4) Lance Heartilly (1-1, OVR 432) vs. (3) Leon de Ramos (2-0, OVR 426) [First Career Meeting]

(6) Daniel Simmons (0-2, OVR 445) vs. (8) Rock Sheridan (0-2, OVR 416) [First Career Meeting]


(5) Diamond (1-1, OVR 442) vs. (2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (2-0, OVR 411) [First Career Meeting]

(6) Mickey Steele (1-1, OVR 410) vs. (1) Erick Gibson (2-0, OVR 424) [First Career Meeting]

(8) George Stevens (0-2, OVR 390) vs. (4) Terrance Stevens (1-1, OVR 441) [First Career Meeting]

(3) Scott Stevens (1-1, OVR 397) vs. (7) Terra Harding (0-2, OVR 406) [First Career Meeting]



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Nuclear Templeton

Christian Priest

George Mastachas

Brian Blackfield


Billy Norris


Monty Dhillon

Kichi Hida


Blood River

Indigo Rose

(Leon de Ramos

Rock Sheridan


"Dirty" John Murdoch

Mickey Steele

Terrance Stevens

Scott Stevens

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Scheduling update:

As normal, initial edits are tonight.

The change comes tomorrow—normally, I’d start running matches on Tuesdays. However, this week is different.

I (and all my coworkers) am off from work on Wednesday. It’s my intention to get the bulk of the show done on Wednesday during the morning and early afternoon since I’ll be at home and, you know, not engaging in capitalism.

So if I don’t already have standing or active orders on file for your characters, theirs will be the only matches skipped on Wednesday, to be revisited at the weekend as is the norm.

Carry on!

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Wild finishing sequence for the Molina/Priest match, could of gone either way. What a banger.




HARDCORE MATCH: (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-2, OVR 519) vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (2-0, OVR 598) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 2 - 0]

- "Nothing personal, it's just business" - RIP JPO

(3) Brandy McDonald (1-1, OVR 552) vs. (4) Christian Priest (1-1, OVR 563) [First Career Meeting]

- Hopefully a bounce back here for Priest to keep up with the pack. Dangerous matchup here.

(1) George Mastachas (2-0, OVR 569) vs. (6) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-1, OVR 514) [Career: George Mastachas, 3 - 1]

- Mastachas too strong here.

(7) Brian Blackfield (0-2, OVR 558) vs. (5) Lucas Molina (1-1, OVR 484) [First Career Meeting]

- My personal MOTN here. Molina's the one I've been intrigued on how he'll fare against Blackfield. Got a feeling this will be a dull one, but a win for Molina.


FIRST BLOOD MATCH: (2) Billy Norris (2-0, OVR 532) vs. (3) Diego Rodriguez (1-1, OVR 487) [First Career Meeting]

- Surprise packet, but technicians in a First Blood? Probably not likely.

(7) Pulsar (0-2, OVR 475) vs. (5) De'siree Mitchell (1-1, OVR 509) [Career: Tied 2 - 2]

- Still expecting Mitchell to be the best of the rest.

SUBMISSION MATCH: (8) Angela Wassermann (0-2, OVR 443) vs. (1) Monty Dhillon (2-0, OVR 517) [First Career Meeting]

- Interesting match up, but Monty's a monster on the roll of a lifetime.

(4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-1, OVR 499) vs. (6) Kichi Hida (1-1, OVR 446) [First Career Meeting]

- More likely to be MOTN, should be brief & violent,


(5) Markus Clay (1-1, OVR 442) vs. (2) Blood River (2-0, OVR 472) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

- Picking the more popular flyer.

(1) Indigo Rose (2-0, OVR 474) vs. (6) Nocturne (0-2, OVR 412) [First Career Meeting]

- Nocturne is quality, but Rose runs the division this season.

(4) Lance Heartilly (1-1, OVR 432) vs. (3) Leon de Ramos (2-0, OVR 426) [First Career Meeting]

- Big test for Leon here against the from Delta darling. Homer pick.

(6) Daniel Simmons (0-2, OVR 445) vs. (8) Rock Sheridan (0-2, OVR 416) [First Career Meeting]

- Rough start for Rock, expecting Simmons to find some form soon.


(5) Diamond (1-1, OVR 442) vs. (2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (2-0, OVR 411) [First Career Meeting]

- John's been great, but he hits the wall here

(6) Mickey Steele (1-1, OVR 410) vs. (1) Erick Gibson (2-0, OVR 424) [First Career Meeting]


(8) George Stevens (0-2, OVR 390) vs. (4) Terrance Stevens (1-1, OVR 441) [First Career Meeting]

- Stevens Cup Part 3. Picking the more experienced one.

(3) Scott Stevens (1-1, OVR 397) vs. (7) Terra Harding (0-2, OVR 406) [First Career Meeting]

- I still believe in Scott Stevens for now

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It should come as little surprise that, after today’s marathon of match running (that seemed iffy on even happening given my PC crashed three different times yesterday!), the clubhouse leader is a four-star match.

Once again, there are three **** bouts on the card and the lowest rated is only **. 

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22 hours ago, ShadowedFlames said:

 and the lowest rated is only **. 

Found Monty's match!





HARDCORE MATCH: (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-2, OVR 519) vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (2-0, OVR 598)

- The champ does champion stuff.

(3) Brandy McDonald (1-1, OVR 552) vs. (4) Christian Priest (1-1, OVR 563)

- This may be the first season where Brandy needs to worry about relegation. This match will be a strong indicator either way.

(1) George Mastachas (2-0, OVR 569) vs. (6) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-1, OVR 514)

- Mastachas takes care of business.

(7) Brian Blackfield (0-2, OVR 558) vs. (5) Lucas Molina (1-1, OVR 484)

- Molina shouldn't have to worry about an adrenaline rush. Also, when in doubt, pick the PC.



FIRST BLOOD MATCH: (2) Billy Norris (2-0, OVR 532) vs. (3) Diego Rodriguez (1-1, OVR 487)

- Norris appears to be on a roll, but... let's just say I'm not putting money on this pick...

(7) Pulsar (0-2, OVR 475) vs. (5) De'siree Mitchell (1-1, OVR 509)

- History says even match-up, but I gotta believe Mitchell's extra two seasons in Alpha has given her an edge.

SUBMISSION MATCH: (8) Angela Wassermann (0-2, OVR 443) vs. (1) Monty Dhillon (2-0, OVR 517)

- I don't expect another undefeated season, but I don't see Wassermann as the one to break it.

(4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-1, OVR 499) vs. (6) Kichi Hida (1-1, OVR 446)

- Former tag-team implodes! Also, when in doubt, pick the PC.



(5) Markus Clay (1-1, OVR 442) vs. (2) Blood River (2-0, OVR 472)

- Can the river flow back up? I'm betting it can.

(1) Indigo Rose (2-0, OVR 474) vs. (6) Nocturne (0-2, OVR 412)

- Senior beats junior.

(4) Lance Heartilly (1-1, OVR 432) vs. (3) Leon de Ramos (2-0, OVR 426)

- When in doubt, pick the PC.

(6) Daniel Simmons (0-2, OVR 445) vs. (8) Rock Sheridan (0-2, OVR 416)

- Time's running out for Simmons to get back in gear.



(5) Diamond (1-1, OVR 442) vs. (2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (2-0, OVR 411)

- I think Diamond's had her fill of Delta.

(6) Mickey Steele (1-1, OVR 410) vs. (1) Erick Gibson (2-0, OVR 424)

- Total homer pick.

(8) George Stevens (0-2, OVR 390) vs. (4) Terrance Stevens (1-1, OVR 441)

- Experience and speed.

(3) Scott Stevens (1-1, OVR 397) vs. (7) Terra Harding (0-2, OVR 406)

- Experience and cruelty.

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Croquemitaine said:

When in doubt, pick the PC.

I think you’re trying to tell me something…. Maybe you should repeat this another three or four times so I get it right. 😂

(for clarity’s sake: this is a joke.)

Edited by ShadowedFlames
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Still stupid busy here, so once again no Nuclear promo.  He is pretty angry though and hasn't gotten around to watching his favourite show, The Boys, yet.  His favourite is Homelander.




HARDCORE MATCH: (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-2, OVR 519) vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (2-0, OVR 598) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 2 - 0]

(3) Brandy McDonald (1-1, OVR 552) vs. (4) Christian Priest (1-1, OVR 563) [First Career Meeting]

(1) George Mastachas (2-0, OVR 569) vs. (6) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-1, OVR 514) [Career: George Mastachas, 3 - 1]

(7) Brian Blackfield (0-2, OVR 558) vs. (5) Lucas Molina (1-1, OVR 484) [First Career Meeting]


FIRST BLOOD MATCH: (2) Billy Norris (2-0, OVR 532) vs. (3) Diego Rodriguez (1-1, OVR 487) [First Career Meeting]

(7) Pulsar (0-2, OVR 475) vs. (5) De'siree Mitchell (1-1, OVR 509) [Career: Tied 2 - 2]

SUBMISSION MATCH: (8) Angela Wassermann (0-2, OVR 443) vs. (1) Monty Dhillon (2-0, OVR 517) [First Career Meeting]

(4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-1, OVR 499) vs. (6) Kichi Hida (1-1, OVR 446) [First Career Meeting]


(5) Markus Clay (1-1, OVR 442) vs. (2) Blood River (2-0, OVR 472) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

(1) Indigo Rose (2-0, OVR 474) vs. (6) Nocturne (0-2, OVR 412) [First Career Meeting]

(4) Lance Heartilly (1-1, OVR 432) vs. (3) Leon de Ramos (2-0, OVR 426) [First Career Meeting]

(6) Daniel Simmons (0-2, OVR 445) vs. (8) Rock Sheridan (0-2, OVR 416) [First Career Meeting]


(5) Diamond (1-1, OVR 442) vs. (2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (2-0, OVR 411) [First Career Meeting]

(6) Mickey Steele (1-1, OVR 410) vs. (1) Erick Gibson (2-0, OVR 424) [First Career Meeting]

(8) George Stevens (0-2, OVR 390) vs. (4) Terrance Stevens (1-1, OVR 441) [First Career Meeting]

(3) Scott Stevens (1-1, OVR 397) vs. (7) Terra Harding (0-2, OVR 406) [First Career Meeting]



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HARDCORE MATCH: (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-2, OVR 519) vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (2-0, OVR 598) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 2 - 0]

We all know Nuke's winning again this year, right? Right? Good.


(3) Brandy McDonald (1-1, OVR 552) vs. (4) Christian Priest (1-1, OVR 563) [First Career Meeting]

This is my coin flip of the week. On paper, I think Priest can do this. But it's a damn narrow lead, and Brandy's produced bigger surprises. So while I have to pick one, I would not be at all surprised if she won.


(1) George Mastachas (2-0, OVR 569) vs. (6) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-1, OVR 514) [Career: George Mastachas, 3 - 1]

A smart guy once said there's levels to this. The Rev isn't close to being there yet.


(7) Brian Blackfield (0-2, OVR 558) vs. (5) Lucas Molina (1-1, OVR 484) [First Career Meeting]

This match and the upcoming with JPO will define how Molina's season is going to be. Unlike some, I don't believe he's quite ready for just how vigorous Alpha competition can be. That OVR disparity is going to haunt him all season.



FIRST BLOOD MATCH: (2) Billy Norris (2-0, OVR 532) vs. (3) Diego Rodriguez (1-1, OVR 487) [First Career Meeting]

Norris becoming one to watch in the early going.


(7) Pulsar (0-2, OVR 475) vs. (5) De'siree Mitchell (1-1, OVR 509) [Career: Tied 2 - 2]

Her, Diego, and Norris will be fighting for the number two slot at this rate.


SUBMISSION MATCH: (8) Angela Wassermann (0-2, OVR 443) vs. (1) Monty Dhillon (2-0, OVR 517) [First Career Meeting]

Only person I see beating Monty this season is De'siree.


(4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-1, OVR 499) vs. (6) Kichi Hida (1-1, OVR 446) [First Career Meeting]

This is gonna be bowling shoe ugly. Side note, I don't include Kichi in the fighting for promotion category because I don't believe she's quite ready to be in Beta, let alone Alpha.



(5) Markus Clay (1-1, OVR 442) vs. (2) Blood River (2-0, OVR 472) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

River may have washed out of Beta last season like a total loser, but Clay's been struggling to stay in Gamma since he entered it. Again, there's levels to this.


(1) Indigo Rose (2-0, OVR 474) vs. (6) Nocturne (0-2, OVR 412) [First Career Meeting]

Nocturne is very unprepared for the very likely division winner. Lucking into promotion is not the same as being a top talent in the division for two straight seasons.


(4) Lance Heartilly (1-1, OVR 432) vs. (3) Leon de Ramos (2-0, OVR 426) [First Career Meeting]

I'm calling this the Delta technician-off. Honestly? I like Leon a little more.


(6) Daniel Simmons (0-2, OVR 445) vs. (8) Rock Sheridan (0-2, OVR 416) [First Career Meeting]

Probably the best chance Rock has to grap a W all season. 4 technicians and 2 flyers. Oy. Simmons has missed a season of XP and lost a lot of his OVR.



(5) Diamond (1-1, OVR 442) vs. (2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (2-0, OVR 411) [First Career Meeting]

She almost got out last season, and Murdoch just got here.


(6) Mickey Steele (1-1, OVR 410) vs. (1) Erick Gibson (2-0, OVR 424) [First Career Meeting]

Two strikers fighting in Delta? Well, this will be violent. And y'all know how I feel about Stamina. Steele has a massive advantage there.


(8) George Stevens (0-2, OVR 390) vs. (4) Terrance Stevens (1-1, OVR 441) [First Career Meeting]

I have no faith in either of these two, but at least Terrance has experience at higher levels. Even if it's been mostly jobbing experience, he's still grabbed a few wins here and there.


(3) Scott Stevens (1-1, OVR 397) vs. (7) Terra Harding (0-2, OVR 406) [First Career Meeting]

Harding has done nothing to impress so far despite winning Omega, and she's simply not fast enough to run over Scott like past division flyers El Tornado and Sterling Siler have.

Edited by Eternal Phoenix
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fTtB0pK.jpg fYy1oxq.jpg (3) Scott Stevens (1-1, OVR 397)


(7) Terra Harding (0-2, OVR 406) uuVaRmi.jpg

We hadn’t seen much to write about “Twilight” Terra Harding in the first two weeks of the season. Against her toughest test to date, in the grizzled League veteran Scott Stevens, she showed the League fans two things. One: her style of offense is simple—throw herself at the opponent and try to batter them down with her entire 125-pound weight. Two: if one doesn’t work, show tenacity in kicking out of finishers. She kicked out of two (yes, TWO) Deep in the Heart of Texas piledrivers and missed her 630 senton finisher before Cary Stevens interfered, leading directly to a third piledriver that finally kept Harding down for three. A Match of the Night contender to open the show, this was probably a lot closer than the Scorpion would have liked.

Scott Stevens (2-1) def. Terra Harding (0-3) via Pinfall (Deep in the Heart of Texas) in 10:35.  Rating: ***

Changes for Scott Stevens:  OVR + 3.15, XP + 420.40, no notable damage

Changes for Terra Harding:  OVR -0.09, XP + 131.38, minor damage to body and head



fTtB0pK.jpg UOpfoyB.jpg (8) George Stevens (0-2, OVR 390)


(4) Terrance Stevens (1-1, OVR 441) 6r4P9L8.jpg

Round Three of the “Stevens Cup,” with Terrance the overwhelming favorite in the eyes of the pundits. George put up his best fight of the season to date, at one point manhandling Terrance with Everything is Bigger in Texas and a hammerlock powerbomb in rapid succession. However, Terrance was too quick for George to handle, and eventually got rocked with a Maple Leaf Meltdown that put the larger man down for three. The first half of the Stevens Cup is in firm favor of Terrance, having beaten both of the Stevens brothers in the first three weeks of the season and getting out to a solid start in the Delta Division as a whole.

Terrance Stevens (2-1) def. George Stevens (0-3) via Pinfall (Maple Leaf Meltdown) in 9:26.  Rating: **

Changes for Terrance Stevens:  OVR + 2.53, XP + 484.53, minor damage to head

Changes for George Stevens:  OVR -2.10, XP + 121.13, minor damage to head



OndApuF.jpg vC6SXqZ.jpg (6) Mickey Steele (1-1, OVR 410)


(1) Erick Gibson (2-0, OVR 424) O63FjvG.jpg E5dgVEm.jpg

Gibson looked to have this match won in just over three minutes, as he had Steele in prime Terminable Offense territory. Steele kept avoiding the knee, though, and Gibson instead hit a stump piledriver that busted Steele open and gave him a new lease on life in this match. The detective would not let that go to waste, as over the course of the next five minutes he fought back from a huge deficit to eventually connect with a Mickey Finn. Steele earns a shocking victory, one he didn’t look anywhere near having just ten minutes ago, and in the back of his head Erick Gibson has to be asking just what exactly went so wrong so fast?

Mickey Steele (2-1) def. Erick Gibson (2-1) via Pinfall (Mickey Finn) in 8:16.  Rating: ***

Changes for Mickey Steele:  OVR + 3.06, XP + 524.30, minor damage to head

Changes for Erick Gibson:  OVR -0.07, XP + 131.07, minor damage to head



zd1WDAc.jpg (6) Daniel Simmons (0-2, OVR 445)


(8) Rock Sheridan (0-2, OVR 416) 5vWV1hg.jpg

After struggling the last two weeks, Sheridan looked to bounce back this time out against the everyman’s wrestler, Daniel Simmons. If not for the whims of the third man in the ring, he might have stood a chance, too. Sheridan took an early advantage, but the official seemed to be a bit harsher on his questionable tactics than normal. Simmons would fight back, sensing the potential bias in the referee, and just past six minutes in he connected with a three-point stance tackle that drove some of the wind out of Sheridan. Daniel went for the immediate cover, and the official’s count was a bit fast, leading to a three right as Rock’s shoulder came up. Said referee immediately called for the bell and declared Simmons the winner…and then he quickly bailed as Sheridan got to his feet looking irate. After the show, League Commissioner Will Prydor said that the official had been placed on indefinite suspension pending investigation, and seemed to implicate that there were other factors behind his decision. Regardless, it goes in the record books as a win for Simmons, though not without controversy!

Daniel Simmons (1-2) def. Rock Sheridan (0-3) via Pinfall (three point stance) in 6:32.  Rating: **

Changes for Daniel Simmons:  OVR + 2.94, XP + 555.61, no notable damage

Changes for Rock Sheridan:  OVR -1.50, XP + 138.90, no notable damage

(Author’s note: While yes, the match ended on “the ref’s count looked slightly faster than usual” event, I’m choosing to loop this into the overarching narrative for the season as well, hence the extra narrative bits. There is a method to the madness here.)



0rDaDU8.jpg (5) Diamond (1-1, OVR 442)


(2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (2-0, OVR 411) dw4KJ41.jpg

A Match of the Night contender and then some, this was a close match throughout. Murdoch had an early advantage, having no qualms in fighting the First Lady of the League with every dirty trick in the book that he knew. Diamond returned in kind, but was the first to have to fend off a finisher attempt—namely the spinning toe hold of Murdoch. She’d take to the skies to wear Murdoch down to the point that he had to avoid the 24 Karat Kiss, and one memorable spot saw her top rope flying forearm countered into a sleeper hold that looked like it could have caused some serious damage to Diamond. She’d fight out of it, though, avoid another attempt at a piledriver, and manage to apply the Florentine in the center of the ring. Murdoch was simply too far from the ropes and had to tap, suffering his first defeat on the main roster as Diamond wins an instant classic in the Delta Division!

Diamond (2-1) def. "Dirty" John Murdoch (2-1) via Submission (Florentine) in 13:45.  Rating: ****

Changes for Diamond:  OVR + 3.88, XP + 567.70, moderate damage to head

Changes for "Dirty" John Murdoch:  OVR + 0.81, XP + 141.93, minor damage to head



9q89H6M.jpg (4) Lance Heartilly (1-1, OVR 432)


(3) Leon de Ramos (2-0, OVR 426) zBWrwLg.jpg

Another technical match in the Gamma Division, this is one that Heartilly would love to have back. At nine minutes into the contest, he had de Ramos in position for the Hellacious Leglock, but could not seem to get it applied. Leon would slowly fight back, utilizing a variety of wear-down holds, before surprising Lance with a Lisbon Prayer that managed to hold on for three. Leon had to work to get it, but earns his third win of the season in a match that by all rights he should likely have lost!

Leon de Ramos (3-0) def. Lance Heartilly (1-2) via Pinfall (Lisbon Prayer) in 16:03.  Rating: **

Changes for Leon de Ramos:  OVR + 3.22, XP + 560.86, minor damage to head

Changes for Lance Heartilly:  OVR -1.85, XP + 140.21, minor damage to head



2X2r9qf.jpg (1) Indigo Rose (2-0, OVR 474)


(6) Nocturne (0-2, OVR 412) BEVGy0x.jpg

This match of last season’s Tag Team Turmoil partners (as well as the upcoming version) had many expecting the veteran Rose to show Nocturne that, favored pupil of the Commissioner or no, the youngster still had a lot to learn. That’s…pretty much what happened here. Sure, Nocturne got more offense than many expected in thanks to her branching out into more of a speed-based offense, but Rose was still too much on this day. The Vite d’Indaco did the trick for the first time this season, as Nocturne continues to struggle outside of the Delta Division. The two women did shake hands after the bout, showing no hard feelings ahead of their teaming together at the midseason tournament.

Indigo Rose (3-0) def. Nocturne (0-3) via Submission (Vite d’Indaco) in 11:20.  Rating: **

Changes for Indigo Rose:  OVR + 3.08, XP + 558.26, minor damage to head

Changes for Nocturne:  OVR -1.68, XP + 139.56, minor damage to head



N0Y594C.jpg (5) Markus Clay (1-1, OVR 442)


(2) Blood River (2-0, OVR 472) hAfQcot.jpg VZFWcYa.jpg

From one end of the spectrum in the Gamma Division to the opposite end, this was a fast-paced match throughout that bordered on Match of the Night territory. Clay had to fight from behind early and often, but still gave River a full run for his money. Neither man seemed to want to head to the top rope for their big finishing move, instead electing to stick to the ropes and springboard moves that would end things in a hurry. It seemed a sort of gentlemen’s agreement had been reached by these two that the match would end using the ropes instead of the turnbuckles, until River went low out of sight of the official. The hapless ref never even knew what happened as he dropped into a cover, and made the count of three. River remains undefeated on the season, at the expense of Markus Clay!

Blood River (3-0) def. Markus Clay (1-2) via Pinfall (low blow) in 13:52.  Rating: ***

Changes for Blood River:  OVR + 3.77, XP + 606.29, minor damage to head

Changes for Markus Clay:  OVR + 0.38, XP + 151.57, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body



xHVnvxD.jpg (4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-1, OVR 499)


(6) Kichi Hida (1-1, OVR 446) 4ZAKk1I.jpg

It was rumored that Kichi Hida had this match marked on her calendar as soon as the schedule was made official. After all, these two had teamed before in Tag Team Turmoil, with Hida denouncing the team afterwards due to the lack of violence that Nakamatsu showed during the event. Yoshii, for his part, seemed to treat this contest as just another step on his long road to the Alpha Division…at least at first. About eight or nine minutes in, he sensed that he had Hida in trouble, following a reverse DDT/Japanese power DDT sequence. Snap decision made, he pulled Hida to her feet and then absolutely floored her with a Nakamatsu Driver…only for Kichi to immediately pop to her feet, shouting something in Japanese that probably is not safe for a professional wrestling review site. The next sixty seconds were a Greatest Hits medley of Hida’s, with Bumper Kars in abundance scattered with some helpings of UFO Spin Elbows and a Funhouse Stomp or two. The adrenaline faded as Hida missed an Eternal Violence, and the two would trade shots back and forth for another minute or so, each trying to stun the other. Eventually it was Hida who managed it, managing to land Eternal Violence and score the pinfall victory that she had to fight to earn in this Match of the Night runner-up.

Kichi Hida (2-1) def. Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-2) via Pinfall (Eternal Violence) in 13:32.  Rating: ****

Changes for Kichi Hida:  OVR + 4.87, XP + 737.85, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body

Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu:  OVR + 1.81, XP + 184.46, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body



aOXlwtV.jpg (8) Angela Wassermann (0-2, OVR 443)


(1) Monty Dhillon (2-0, OVR 517) vz0qqDp.jpg

Some might have been thinking this would be the first true test in the Beta Division for The Hammer. After all, Wassermann is known to utilize a cross arm breaker as a submission finisher. If she was ever going to get a quality win in the division, it would be here. Dhillon, naturally, had other ideas. This ended up being a Match of the Night contender, that was a lot closer than Dhillon would have liked. Yes, he ended up getting his twenty-sixth singles victory in a row (the author had to look this up to make sure the numbers were right—Season Ten, Week Five against Jun Onoo was the last time Monty lost a singles match), but not without Wassermann doing some damage to Monty’s head in the process. In payment for that, Dhillon not only drilled Wassermann with an Empire Bomb first, but actually walked around the interior of the ring with Angela while the Blockade Lock was applied. It was near the end of the second lap that Wassermann finally verbally submitted.

Monty Dhillon (3-0) def. Angela Wassermann (0-3) via Submission (Blockade Lock) in 12:46.  Rating: ***

Changes for Monty Dhillon:  OVR + 4.23, XP + 684.63, minor damage to head

Changes for Angela Wassermann:  OVR + 0.89, XP + 171.16, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body



VfA2MW8.jpg (7) Pulsar (0-2, OVR 475)


(5) De'siree Mitchell (1-1, OVR 509) T7PlxOP.jpg

Another Match of the Night contender, this one could have been over about five minutes earlier if Mitchell had decided to press the attack on the badly lacerated forehead of Pulsar. Busting him open after a knee drop, Mitchell seemed determined to win by blood stoppage as she went to the head at every opportunity to try to make the luchador lose blood faster. In a twist, she would have her All Out Blitz countered into a rana pinfall, shifting the momentum entirely in Pulsar’s favor for a minute or two. Mitchell was not to be denied, however, and after a new wrinkle in her offense—a release German suplex she dubs Unnecessary Roughness—it managed to stun Pulsar enough to set him up for a Blitz that connected, and led to her victory a few scant seconds later.

De'siree Mitchell (2-1) def. Pulsar (0-3) via Pinfall (All Out Blitz) in 13:13.  Rating: ***

Changes for De'siree Mitchell:  OVR + 4.25, XP + 684.93, minor damage to head and body

Changes for Pulsar:  OVR + 0.89, XP + 171.23, major damage to head



6fYIC71.jpg (2) Billy Norris (2-0, OVR 532)


(3) Diego Rodriguez (1-1, OVR 487) G4sbiHU.jpg

A technician and an aerialist in a First Blood match were never going to put butts in seats, as the old expression goes. Yet these two still managed to put together a Match of the Night contender despite having arsenals that did not really account for bloodletting. Norris may have had the best chance, as he followed up a Bonzer Splash with an attempt at the Down Under Disaster, only for Rodriguez to avoid it. Diego would consistently try for inverted Russian legsweeps or full nelson legsweeps, but Norris seemed ready for those as he countered every time. Finally, a desperation DDT from Rodriguez opened enough of a cut on Norris’s forehead that the ref called the match in favor of the Spaniard. Diego remains in contention in the early part of the season in a match that had no right to be as decent as it was.

Diego Rodriguez (2-1) def. Billy Norris (2-1) via First Blood (DDT) in 13:14.  Rating: ***

Changes for Diego Rodriguez:  OVR + 4.98, XP + 684.95, minor damage to head

Changes for Billy Norris:  OVR + 1.38, XP + 171.24, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body



Lp89uMT.jpg (7) Brian Blackfield (0-2, OVR 558)


(5) Lucas Molina (1-1, OVR 484) LG3TCXf.jpg oYmq2Bu.jpg

Bob Sinclair: It’s time for Alpha Division action as Lucas Molina squares off against Brian Blackfield in the first of four Alpha Division matches on tap.

Frankie Garnett: Bob, I have a feeling this match is going to be better than most expect. Yeah, Molina is a technical wrestler and as such should be the bane of The Juggernaut, but I think Blackfield will find a way to handle his business with ShooterTech tonight.

Bob Sinclair: What makes you think so, Frankie?

Frankie Garnett: I just have a hunch. Something about this screams “perfect storm” of events to me.

Bob Sinclair: We’re about to find out, as the bell rings to get this one underway!



(00:09) Molina got a rope break to stop a Cravate

(00:17) Molina avoided a Jab Punch.

(00:33) Molina applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(00:40) Molina applied a Standing Arm Bar

(00:48) Molina applied a Hammerlock

(00:52) Blackfield broke an Arm Wringer

(00:59) Blackfield hit a Running Clothesline

(01:13) Blackfield applied a Knee Bar

(01:23) Lucas Molina moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(01:28) Blackfield broke a Knee Pull

(01:35) Blackfield hit a Running Clothesline

(01:55) Blackfield applied a Rear Chinlock

(02:09) Blackfield applied a Knee Bar

(02:16) Blackfield hit a Knee Pull

(02:21) Molina blocked an Elbow Drop On Knee

(02:31) Molina got a rope break to stop a Body Scissors

(02:35) Molina blocked a Single Leg Trip

(02:44) Molina avoided a Forearm Blow.

(02:52) Molina applied a Hammerlock

(03:06) Molina applied an Arm Wringer

(03:20) Molina applied a Front Facelock

(03:24) Molina hit an Open Handed Chop

(03:38) Molina applied a Top Wrist Lock

(03:41) Molina hit a Forearm Blow

(03:48) Molina applied a Standing Arm Bar

(03:53) Blackfield broke a Side Headlock

(03:56) Blackfield hit a Jab Punch

(03:59) Blackfield hit a Punch

(04:06) Blackfield applied a Standing Arm Bar

(04:15) Blackfield hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(04:18) Blackfield hit a Forearm Blow

(04:21) Blackfield hit a Punch

(04:28) Blackfield applied a Standing Arm Bar

(04:32) Blackfield hit a Slap To Chest

(04:39) Susana Reyes tripped Blackfield to prevent a Running Clothesline


Bob Sinclair: Reyes gets involved early once again, and just like last week the ref is kicking her out immediately!

Frankie Garnett: Honestly, Bob, I’d rather see these two at it without seconds. Let there be no doubt!

Bob Sinclair: Molina going back to work here as the ref finishes making sure Reyes leaves the ringside area, but part of me wonders if she pulled the trigger too early again, Frankie.



(04:59) Molina applied a Rear Chinlock

(05:04) Blackfield blocked a Knee Bar

(05:11) Molina hit a Single Leg Trip

(05:15) Molina hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(05:24) Brian Blackfield very easily moved out of the way from a Rope-Assisted Knee Drop.

(05:38) Blackfield applied an Arm Bar

(05:42) Blackfield hit an Elbow Drop

(05:56) Blackfield applied a Body Scissors

(06:03) Blackfield hit a Knee Pull

(06:10) Molina got a rope break to stop a Knee Bar

(06:20) Blackfield hit a Short Arm Knee Lift

(06:24) Molina broke a Stomp To Groin

(06:29) Blackfield blocked a Fireman's Carry Takedown

(06:32) Blackfield countered an Arm Wringer with a Bell Clap

(06:39) Blackfield hit a Running Forearm Blow

(06:54) Blackfield hit a Stomp Flurry

(06:58) Blackfield hit a Measured Knee Drop

(07:13) Blackfield hit a Stomp Flurry

(07:27) Blackfield applied a Knee Bar

(07:31) Blackfield hit a Measured Knee Drop

(07:41) Molina got a rope break to stop a Knee Bar

(07:51) Blackfield hit a Discus Clothesline

(08:05) Blackfield applied a Knee Bar

(08:10) Molina stopped a Stalk Grounded Enemy by rushing Blackfield

(08:17) Molina hit a Single Leg Trip

(08:24) Molina hit a Knee Drive To Arm

(08:28) Blackfield broke a Knee Pull

(08:44) Blackfield hit a Stump Piledriver

(08:49) Molina stopped a Get Up Taunt by rushing Blackfield

(08:56) Molina applied a Standing Arm Bar

(09:10) Molina applied a Side Headlock

(09:14) Blackfield stopped a Single Leg Trip by rushing Molina

(09:19) Molina blocked a Tartan Effect

(09:29) Molina countered a Flying Forearm with a Fireman's Carry Takedown


Frankie Garnett: Oh, man, Molina made that look clean!

Bob Sinclair: Agreed, Frankie. That was a simple move, done cleanly and was it ever effective!



(09:36) Molina hit a Knee Pull

(09:41) Blackfield blocked a Legdrop To Arm

(09:46) Blackfield rolled through a Standing Arm Bar

(09:56) Blackfield hit a Kneeling Jaw Breaker

(10:02) Blackfield picked up Molina

(10:12) Blackfield hit a Screw Legwhip

(10:21) Lucas Molina moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(10:25) Molina hit a Knee Drop

(10:39) Molina applied a Body Scissors

(10:43) Blackfield broke an Arm Bar

(10:48) Molina slipped out of the back of a Stump Piledriver

(11:04) Molina applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(11:08) Blackfield broke a Knee Breaker

(11:13) Molina broke a Tartan Effect

(11:23) And Brian Blackfield gets sent to the canvas courtesy of a Puerto Rican Legsweep!

(11:43) Molina applied a Boston Crab

(12:01) Blackfield blocked an Inverted Atomic Drop

(12:11) Molina hit an Inverted Atomic Drop

(12:21) Molina hit a Kneeling Jaw Breaker

(12:47) Brian Blackfield gets taken down, and Lucas Molina has that Juey de Tierra locked in...

(13:08) Molina hit a Kneeling Jaw Breaker

(13:24) Molina hit a Swinging Neckbreaker

(13:30) Blackfield got a rope break to stop a Molina Heel Hook

(13:56) Lucas Molina with a trademark Patillas Leglock, and Brian Blackfield has to fight to get out if it!


Bob Sinclair: Molina is firing on all cylinders now, and Blackfield is in dire straits!

Frankie Garnett: Lucas doesn’t have that hold on as tight as he should, Bob. Blackfield’s already finding a way out of it.

Bob Sinclair: That may be, Frankie, but it’s only going to take so many holds to wear you down before you get caught in a hold you can’t escape, and Blackfield of all people should know this!



(14:18) Molina hit a DDT

(14:27) Blackfield got a rope break to stop a Puerto Rican Pinch

(14:37) Brian Blackfield just received some cold Greetings from San Juan!

(14:43) Blackfield got a rope break to stop a Molina Heel Hook

(14:47) Blackfield broke a DDT

(15:01) Blackfield applied a Cravate

(15:10) Blackfield hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(15:15) Molina broke a Front Facelock

(15:41) Lucas Molina with a trademark Patillas Leglock, and Brian Blackfield has to fight to get out if it!

(15:53) Molina got a near submission

(15:57) Blackfield blocked a San Juan Buster

(16:23) Molina with the judo takedown on Blackfield, and he has the Humacao Armlock on tight here!

(16:37) Molina got a near submission

(17:03) Lucas Molina with a trademark Patillas Leglock, and Brian Blackfield has to fight to get out if it!

(17:16) Molina got a near submission


Frankie Garnett: Ref, I think Blackfield tapped there!

Bob Sinclair: The ref had a better view than either of us, Frankie. I’d say he’d know better.

Frankie Garnett: And what of the ref who screwed Rock Sheridan over earlier tonight?

Bob Sinclair: There’s blatant, egregious behavior and then there’s simple human error, Frankie. Besides, I’m looking at the same feed you are. Blackfield never made any motion anywhere close to tapping out.



(17:23) Molina hit a DDT

(17:28) Blackfield slipped out of the back of a Molina Bodylock

(17:32) Blackfield hit a Forearm To Back

(17:36) Blackfield hit a Forearm To Back Of Head

(17:43) Blackfield applied a Standing Arm Bar

(17:53) Blackfield hit a Short Arm Knee Lift

(18:08) Blackfield hit a Stomp Flurry

(18:12) Blackfield hit a Measured Knee Drop

(18:16) Blackfield hit a Running Knee Drop

(18:31) Blackfield hit a Stomp Flurry

(18:37) Blackfield picked up Molina from behind

(18:42) Molina blocked a Highland's Wrath

(18:52) Blackfield hit a Sleeper Hold Neckbreaker

(19:02) Blackfield picked up Molina

(19:17) Brian Blackfield makes Lucas Molina feel the full fury of the Tartan Effect!

(19:21) Blackfield got a two count

(19:39) Good Lord!  Lucas Molina just got rocked by the Scotland Destroyer!


Bob Sinclair: Cover by Blackfield…one, two, three! A vicious ending sequence is enough for The Juggernaut to get his first win of the season!

Frankie Garnett: He may not have gotten his usual adrenaline rush, Bob, but it’s hard to argue with the last two minutes of the bout. Blackfield’s still dangerous, even against a technical master like Molina!

Bob Sinclair: And to think, Frankie…if Susana Reyes hadn’t interfered early, if she’d stuck around until the end…maybe she could have derailed Blackfield’s offense and given Molina a way back in.

Frankie Garnett: That’ll be something the two of them will have to discuss, Bob, but I think you’re on to something there….


Brian Blackfield (1-2) def. Lucas Molina (1-2) via Pinfall (Scotland Destroyer) in 19:43.  Rating: ****

Changes for Brian Blackfield:  OVR + 5.65, XP + 1,006.56, minor damage to head and legs

Changes for Lucas Molina:  OVR + 2.33, XP + 291.31, minor damage to head

This was the Match of the Night (5 [2nd this season] for Brian Blackfield, 3 [2nd this season] for Lucas Molina)



FXyrc6C.jpg (1) George Mastachas (2-0, OVR 569)


(6) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-1, OVR 514) d7FEgH5.jpg

Not the most entertaining of matches after the Match of the Night, and certainly not one of the most competitive. Gross got just enough offense in to avoid it being a squash before Mastachas drilled the Right Reverend with the Wrath of Zeus. Beyond that, nothing really to write about in this match. It was mostly one-sided and quick (for Alpha Division rules).

George Mastachas (3-0) def. Reverend Johnny Gross (1-2) via Pinfall (Wrath of Zeus) in 12:41.  Rating: **

Changes for George Mastachas:  OVR + 4.12, XP + 729.13, no notable damage

Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross:  OVR -0.73, XP + 182.28, minor damage to head and body



gGexPKo.jpg (3) Brandy McDonald (1-1, OVR 552)


(4) Christian Priest (1-1, OVR 563) YICOeYe.jpg MZ2VDcB.jpg

Full disclosure: the author had to run this match twice. Why, you ask? Because the author is a dimwit who forgot to move Pastor Abe Richards’ contract to the Alpha Division during the offseason. Thus when the Pastor tried to interfere in an Alpha Division rules match with a Beta Division contract (while Priest was a fair bit behind in the match, mind you), the game crashed.


After fixing the above oversight, the match was run a second time. While Richards did not interfere in this one, it might have been better for Priest if he had. Sure, Priest managed to bust Brandy open with some seated knuckle punches. Yes, Priest may have hit several of his trademarks in this match. But he was fighting from behind throughout, and Priest could only avoid so many attempts at either of Brandy’s finishers before she finally landed one. The twisting face crusher did the job, and Priest drops his second straight match in what was a Match of the Night contender after the author’s foul-ups to begin the thing.

Brandy McDonald (2-1) def. Christian Priest (1-2) via Pinfall (Brandy with a Twist) in 16:26.  Rating: ***

Changes for Brandy McDonald:  OVR + 4.87, XP + 792.82, minor damage to head

Changes for Christian Priest:  OVR + 1.36, XP + 198.20, minor damage to head



hYlEAC2.jpg p1IFTGG.jpg (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-2, OVR 519)


(2) Nuclear Templeton (2-0, OVR 598) FqeSGy6.jpg KufawJO.jpg

Ouilette’s plan in this match was simple. Strike early, strike often, and whatever you do, do not let the match go outside of the ring. The first two, he managed with no problem. Sure, he was taking more Templeton offense than he might have liked, but he was still in the fight as the match reached the thirteen-minute mark.  Ouilette went to whip Templeton into the corner, but Nuclear reversed and JPO took the ref out instead. A minute later, Nuclear sent Ouilette to the outside by way of a strong charging forearm. This spelled disaster for JPO, as he took a Power Surge through a table, but also had camera cable wrapped around his throat before being put in a Radiation Leak that the ref missed due to still recovering. A low blow followed, and a slow two-count meant Ouilette could barely get a shoulder up. With the cable still loosely around his neck, Ouilette had little defense as Nuclear tightened up the cable and then applied a second Radiation Leak. Ouilette was out on his feet and it took Cecile Corine having to grab a towel from under the ring and throw it in front of the ref for the official to call the match. Templeton held the submission for a few more seconds, seeming to revel in the screams of Corine, before dropping the hold. Medical staff checked on Ouilette as, once again, the show ended with Templeton looking nigh unstoppable while another opponent lay in a heap before him.

Nuclear Templeton (3-0) def. Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-3) via Submission (Radiation Leak) in 18:33.  Rating: ***

Changes for Nuclear Templeton:  OVR + 4.95, XP + 794.47, moderate damage to head

Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette:  OVR + 1.35, XP + 198.62, minor damage to head and body








1.  George Mastachas:  3-0, ATV 14:44, (AMR 2.333), OVR 572.71

2.  Nuclear Templeton:  3-0, ATV 17:50, (AMR 3.000), OVR 603.05

3.  Brandy McDonald:  2-1, ATV 14:58, (AMR 2.667), OVR 556.92

4.  Christian Priest:  1-2, ATV 15:13, (AMR 3.000), OVR 563.89

5.  Lucas Molina:  1-2, ATV 17:32, (AMR 3.333), OVR 486.11

6.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  1-2, ATV 18:48, (AMR 2.000), OVR 513.09

7.  Brian Blackfield:  1-2, ATV 19:43, (AMR 3.667), OVR 564.11

8.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  0-3, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.667), OVR 520.03



1.  Monty Dhillon:  3-0, ATV 8:41 (AMR 2.000), OVR 520.86

2.  Diego Rodriguez:  2-1, ATV 11:06 (AMR 2.333), OVR 492.10

3.  De'siree Mitchell:  2-1, ATV 11:39 (AMR 2.333), OVR 512.81

4.  Billy Norris:  2-1, ATV 12:03 (AMR 2.000), OVR 533.40

5.  Kichi Hida:  2-1, ATV 13:04 (AMR 3.333), OVR 451.27

6.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  1-2, ATV 9:30 (AMR 2.000), OVR 500.44

7.  Pulsar:  0-3, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.667), OVR 475.93

8.  Angela Wassermann:  0-3, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.000), OVR 444.30



1.  Indigo Rose:  3-0, ATV 10:09, (AMR 1.667), OVR 476.99

2.  Blood River:  3-0, ATV 11:31, (AMR 2.333), OVR 475.55

3.  Leon de Ramos:  3-0, ATV 13:37, (AMR 1.667), OVR 428.87

4.  Daniel Simmons:  1-2, ATV 6:32, (AMR 2.000), OVR 448.29

5.  Lance Heartilly:  1-2, ATV 7:50, (AMR 1.667), OVR 429.77

6.  Markus Clay:  1-2, ATV 13:19, (AMR 2.333), OVR 442.17

7.  Nocturne:  0-3, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.000), OVR 410.28

8.  Rock Sheridan:  0-3, ATV 0:00, (AMR 1.667), OVR 414.41



1.  Scott Stevens:  2-1, ATV 7:16 (AMR 2.000), OVR 400.13

2.  Mickey Steele:  2-1, ATV 9:02 (AMR 3.000), OVR 413.37

3.  Terrance Stevens:  2-1, ATV 9:07 (AMR 2.667), OVR 443.32

4.  Erick Gibson:  2-1, ATV 10:20 (AMR 3.333), OVR 424.35

5.  Diamond:  2-1, ATV 11:20 (AMR 3.000), OVR 446.14

6.  "Dirty" John Murdoch:  2-1, ATV 11:15 (AMR 3.333), OVR 412.03

7.  Terra Harding:  0-3, ATV 0:00 (AMR 3.333), OVR 405.51

8.  George Stevens:  0-3, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.000), OVR 387.67



1. Derek B: 38 [this week: 12]

2. SeanMcG: 37 [this week: 13]

3. Croquemitaine: 35 [this week: 13]

4. Jman2k3: 32 [this week: 11]

5. Eternal Phoenix: 31 [this week: 12]




(4) Christian Priest (1-2, OVR 564) vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (3-0, OVR 603) [First Career Meeting]

(7) Brian Blackfield (1-2, OVR 564) vs. (3) Brandy McDonald (2-1, OVR 557) [Career: Brandy McDonald, 2 - 0]

(8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-3, OVR 520) vs. (1) George Mastachas (3-0, OVR 573) [Career: George Mastachas, 2 - 0]

(5) Lucas Molina (1-2, OVR 486) vs. (6) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-2, OVR 513) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]


(2) Diego Rodriguez (2-1, OVR 492) vs. (3) De'siree Mitchell (2-1, OVR 513) [First Career Meeting]

(1) Monty Dhillon (3-0, OVR 521) vs. (5) Kichi Hida (2-1, OVR 451) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 4 - 2]

(8) Angela Wassermann (0-3, OVR 444) vs. (4) Billy Norris (2-1, OVR 533) [Career: Billy Norris, 6 - 2]

(7) Pulsar (0-3, OVR 476) vs. (6) Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-2, OVR 500) [Career: Yoshii Nakamatsu, 4 - 0]


HARDCORE MATCH: (6) Markus Clay (1-2, OVR 442) vs. (1) Indigo Rose (3-0, OVR 477) [Career: Indigo Rose, 4 - 2]

(3) Leon de Ramos (3-0, OVR 429) vs. (2) Blood River (3-0, OVR 476) [First Career Meeting]

(4) Daniel Simmons (1-2, OVR 448) vs. (5) Lance Heartilly (1-2, OVR 430) [First Career Meeting]

(8) Rock Sheridan (0-3, OVR 414) vs. (7) Nocturne (0-3, OVR 410) [Career: Nocturne, 2 - 0]


FIRST BLOOD MATCH: (7) Terra Harding (0-3, OVR 406) vs. (3) Terrance Stevens (2-1, OVR 443) [First Career Meeting]

(4) Erick Gibson (2-1, OVR 424) vs. (6) "Dirty" John Murdoch (2-1, OVR 412) [First Career Meeting]

(8) George Stevens (0-3, OVR 388) vs. (5) Diamond (2-1, OVR 446) [Career: Diamond, 2 - 0]

(2) Mickey Steele (2-1, OVR 413) vs. (1) Scott Stevens (2-1, OVR 400) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]



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Nuclear Templeton

Brandy McDonald

George Mastachas

Lucas Molina


De'siree Mitchell

Monty Dhillon

Billy Norris

Yoshii Nakamatsu


Indigo Rose

Blood River

Lance Heartilly

Rock Sheridan


Terrance Stevens

"Dirty" John Murdoch

George Stevens

Scott Stevens

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Initial updates are in; I’m hoping to get at least the GMPC bouts done tonight. No promises as I’ve been awake since 4:15 am local on only 5 hours of sleep. GMPC match running is likely to run into Wednesday or even Thursday.

Show this week is likely being posted a little later in the day on Saturday if everything works out. I have early morning laundry to do on Saturday and I like to get it done before everyone else wakes up and crowds the laundromat. (Because ewwww, people.) So last-minute touches are going to be done later than normal. I’m still aiming for Saturday but if things go pear-shaped and I need to push it to Sunday I’ll drop a line in here to let y’all know.

I’ll have one more post before the show this week regardless as a part of the overarching season plot line.

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The wrestling ring is illuminated from above, lights pointing down onto the one man standing in the ring, a man we all recognise,  The Nuclear Bunker is his home, a place where he can train, a place where he can hone his craft, a place he can put The League Championship when it's time to rest his knuckles.  The old warehouse has seen it's share of blood, with rumours that much has been spilled even after it was decommissioned as a slaughterhouse.  Nuclear stands alone in the ring, though the shadows hint at more people being present, perhaps in fine Italian suits.

"As we pass the longest day of the year, a time where there is more light in the life of those in the north, I feel that it is time to do something I rarely do.  To give credit to others."

Nuclear almost sounds like he's trying to be nice, and it doesn't fit him at all.  The words are his but for every nice thing said there is something sharp hidden, unseen and ready to catch the unsuspecting.

"A long time ago, I was a boxer.  I got to punch people in the face, but that sport doesn't like when you get too rough.  I want to thank them for refusing my boxing license, and giving me the anger that fuels me"

"To make ends meet I became a Las Vegas bouncer.  A lot of money to be made there, but hard to make a living by the book.  I made a lot of friends there, who offered me opportunities.  And even when I said no, they gave me their patience"

"As my reputation for taking no bullshit grew, I was spotted by the Firebird himself, and I became a wrestler.  I learned that there is money to be made if you can get people to cheer you.  I thank The League, for the opportunity, and for stacking the deck so that I could see how the game was rigged"

Nuclear's tone is no longer trying to be friendly, malice hangs on every sentence, the words being aimed like a gun at their target

"I was never meant to be the champion, I was always meant to be the popular bridesmaid who got so close.  A marketable story of close, but no cigar.  But then the gift of patience from my friends paid off.  They showed me how the house always wins, how the game is always rigged, how The League sold the story so that they could make money off me while I fought for them.  The Firebird told his own story, wrote himself to win and fly off into the sunset to be born as a fatcat commissioner, and it was time for me to fight again.  Only now, I wasn't playing the game."

Nuclear stomps forward, violently shakes the ropes in front of him and glares down the camera

"I'm not a story to be told, I can't be bought or sold, and I damn sure can't be controlled.  I am "The Oppressor".  I am the main event.  I am the League champion.  And if anyone thinks they can stop me, I will break you and add you to the pile of broken bodies that the Firebird has thrown at me so far.  And I thank him, for the fun I have, for the anger he gives me, and for the money I make every time his marketable toys break in my hands"





(4) Christian Priest (1-2, OVR 564) vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (3-0, OVR 603) [First Career Meeting]

(7) Brian Blackfield (1-2, OVR 564) vs. (3) Brandy McDonald (2-1, OVR 557) [Career: Brandy McDonald, 2 - 0]

(8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-3, OVR 520) vs. (1) George Mastachas (3-0, OVR 573) [Career: George Mastachas, 2 - 0]

(5) Lucas Molina (1-2, OVR 486) vs. (6) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-2, OVR 513) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]


(2) Diego Rodriguez (2-1, OVR 492) vs. (3) De'siree Mitchell (2-1, OVR 513) [First Career Meeting]

(1) Monty Dhillon (3-0, OVR 521) vs. (5) Kichi Hida (2-1, OVR 451) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 4 - 2]

(8) Angela Wassermann (0-3, OVR 444) vs. (4) Billy Norris (2-1, OVR 533) [Career: Billy Norris, 6 - 2]

(7) Pulsar (0-3, OVR 476) vs. (6) Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-2, OVR 500) [Career: Yoshii Nakamatsu, 4 - 0]


HARDCORE MATCH: (6) Markus Clay (1-2, OVR 442) vs. (1) Indigo Rose (3-0, OVR 477) [Career: Indigo Rose, 4 - 2]

(3) Leon de Ramos (3-0, OVR 429) vs. (2) Blood River (3-0, OVR 476) [First Career Meeting]

(4) Daniel Simmons (1-2, OVR 448) vs. (5) Lance Heartilly (1-2, OVR 430) [First Career Meeting]

(8) Rock Sheridan (0-3, OVR 414) vs. (7) Nocturne (0-3, OVR 410) [Career: Nocturne, 2 - 0]


FIRST BLOOD MATCH: (7) Terra Harding (0-3, OVR 406) vs. (3) Terrance Stevens (2-1, OVR 443) [First Career Meeting]

(4) Erick Gibson (2-1, OVR 424) vs. (6) "Dirty" John Murdoch (2-1, OVR 412) [First Career Meeting]

(8) George Stevens (0-3, OVR 388) vs. (5) Diamond (2-1, OVR 446) [Career: Diamond, 2 - 0]

(2) Mickey Steele (2-1, OVR 413) vs. (1) Scott Stevens (2-1, OVR 400) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]



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My extra post will have to be done tomorrow—I just lost power at the apartment due to a thunderstorm, and I’m not about to try to format what I have written on my phone.

I’d just finished the last of the matches I could run, too, before the power died—I mean that literally, the match ended, I got the times and rating in the laptop database and saved it, and the power went out.

Clubhouse leader with two matches left to run is another 4* match, this time in the lower half of The League.

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(4) Christian Priest (1-2, OVR 564) vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (3-0, OVR 603)

- Hate to pick against my partner, but Nuke is a literal monster.

(7) Brian Blackfield (1-2, OVR 564) vs. (3) Brandy McDonald (2-1, OVR 557)

- Brandy's been able to deal with the Juggernaut so far.

(8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-3, OVR 520) vs. (1) George Mastachas (3-0, OVR 573)

- Mastachas still has a lock on the #2 ranking.

(5) Lucas Molina (1-2, OVR 486) vs. (6) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-2, OVR 513)

- Molina may not be ready to contend, but he's more than a match for the Reverend.



(2) Diego Rodriguez (2-1, OVR 492) vs. (3) De'siree Mitchell (2-1, OVR 513)

- I have Mitchell pencilled in to dominate this division, but... I'm very nervous about this pick.

(1) Monty Dhillon (3-0, OVR 521) vs. (5) Kichi Hida (2-1, OVR 451)

- Monty is just never going to get away from Hida, is he?

(8) Angela Wassermann (0-3, OVR 444) vs. (4) Billy Norris (2-1, OVR 533)

- This is a winnable match for Wassermann, but Norris seems to have something extra going on this season.

(7) Pulsar (0-3, OVR 476) vs. (6) Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-2, OVR 500)

- Yoshii has owned Pulsar.



HARDCORE MATCH: (6) Markus Clay (1-2, OVR 442) vs. (1) Indigo Rose (3-0, OVR 477)

- This is Rose's division to lose.

(3) Leon de Ramos (3-0, OVR 429) vs. (2) Blood River (3-0, OVR 476)

- A match with far more relevance than one might have expected when first reviewing the schedule.

(4) Daniel Simmons (1-2, OVR 448) vs. (5) Lance Heartilly (1-2, OVR 430)

- Two wrestlers who probably expected to contend for the division championship trying to get their seasons back on track.

(8) Rock Sheridan (0-3, OVR 414) vs. (7) Nocturne (0-3, OVR 410)

- Nocturne has had Sheridan's number.



FIRST BLOOD MATCH: (7) Terra Harding (0-3, OVR 406) vs. (3) Terrance Stevens (2-1, OVR 443)

- Is it possible for a First Blood Match to end in a draw?

(4) Erick Gibson (2-1, OVR 424) vs. (6) "Dirty" John Murdoch (2-1, OVR 412)

- Murdoch's going to be the Face for a night.

(8) George Stevens (0-3, OVR 388) vs. (5) Diamond (2-1, OVR 446)

- Diamond is not the kind of rock that George can beat...

(2) Mickey Steele (2-1, OVR 413) vs. (1) Scott Stevens (2-1, OVR 400)

- Homer pick

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(4) Christian Priest (1-2, OVR 564) vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (3-0, OVR 603) [First Career Meeting]

- Big match here for Priest to decide if he's a contender this season or making up the numbers

(7) Brian Blackfield (1-2, OVR 564) vs. (3) Brandy McDonald (2-1, OVR 557) [Career: Brandy McDonald, 2 - 0]

- Blackfield's yet to figure out Brandy

(8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-3, OVR 520) vs. (1) George Mastachas (3-0, OVR 573) [Career: George Mastachas, 2 - 0]

- Looks like JPO's on the decline this season :(

(5) Lucas Molina (1-2, OVR 486) vs. (6) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-2, OVR 513) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

- Picking Molina but this is a massive match up for both. Contender or making up numbers?


(2) Diego Rodriguez (2-1, OVR 492) vs. (3) De'siree Mitchell (2-1, OVR 513) [First Career Meeting]

- Mitchell's still the clear No.2 in the Division

(1) Monty Dhillon (3-0, OVR 521) vs. (5) Kichi Hida (2-1, OVR 451) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 4 - 2]

- Too big, too bad. Unstoppable atm

(8) Angela Wassermann (0-3, OVR 444) vs. (4) Billy Norris (2-1, OVR 533) [Career: Billy Norris, 6 - 2]

- Picking the lopsided record

(7) Pulsar (0-3, OVR 476) vs. (6) Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-2, OVR 500) [Career: Yoshii Nakamatsu, 4 - 0]

- The somehow much lopsided record


HARDCORE MATCH: (6) Markus Clay (1-2, OVR 442) vs. (1) Indigo Rose (3-0, OVR 477) [Career: Indigo Rose, 4 - 2]

- Hardcore makes this spicy, but this is Rose's Div to lose.

(3) Leon de Ramos (3-0, OVR 429) vs. (2) Blood River (3-0, OVR 476) [First Career Meeting]

- Expecting Leon to fall off a cliff after the TTT, but we're here for the ride now

(4) Daniel Simmons (1-2, OVR 448) vs. (5) Lance Heartilly (1-2, OVR 430) [First Career Meeting]

- Coin flip

(8) Rock Sheridan (0-3, OVR 414) vs. (7) Nocturne (0-3, OVR 410) [Career: Nocturne, 2 - 0]

- Rough season for both but Nocturne's got the history


FIRST BLOOD MATCH: (7) Terra Harding (0-3, OVR 406) vs. (3) Terrance Stevens (2-1, OVR 443) [First Career Meeting]

- Going with the vet

(4) Erick Gibson (2-1, OVR 424) vs. (6) "Dirty" John Murdoch (2-1, OVR 412) [First Career Meeting]

- Backing the Outlaw with a homer pick

(8) George Stevens (0-3, OVR 388) vs. (5) Diamond (2-1, OVR 446) [Career: Diamond, 2 - 0]

- Diamond rolls on

(2) Mickey Steele (2-1, OVR 413) vs. (1) Scott Stevens (2-1, OVR 400) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

- I want to see Stevens do well, but he's against a STEEEEEEEEELE Wall



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