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The League, Redux: Seasons 8 and Beyond Game Thread

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I can see the storms on the horizon. I know what’s coming, and I feel almost powerless to stop it.

I knew the chances I was taking by offering him a return back here. I thought time might have lessened his rage, would make him less of a liability to the health of others.

I was wrong. And then my error in judgment was compounded when he started bringing the Italians in. 

Cue the flashbacks to Elyssa, and the car bomb that detonated in front of our home here when she was going to work. All because she was in law enforcement and was looking into a family looking to expand into Maryland. A simple woman, doing her job with honor, and it cost three lives, two of whom weren’t even born yet, and nearly caused me to end my own. To this day, I still owe a life debt to Terrance Warder, though he claims we are even because I introduced him to Amelia.

Cue the flashbacks to the sudden dissolution of my first marriage, where my wife at the time was kidnapped, made pregnant against her will, and then mentally snapped. All because of another Italian family who thought I would be their meal ticket for a sudden cash influx so they could expand out of the Charlotte, North Carolina area. Another life close to me, snuffed out, a family left in ruins, and a member of that extended family denouncing them altogether to come work for me under a purple domino mask.

And now, he wants to bring his “friends” in to try to hamper my life. To try to break me again. All because he feels that I held him back for years, that I wrote the book, the rules to favor me and keep him suppressed because it was my company and I scripted what happened. Never mind, of course, that The League has no script. His failings fall directly at his feet. He needed to be better. He needed to not choke away wins as often. 

But he refuses to listen. So now he cries out into the void for anyone to hear, “Woe is me, for I was oppressed. Now I am the Oppressor, for I have finally learned to not give away matches to other people. Now I run the bully pulpit, and answer to no man or God.”

If I were to confront him directly over this, at this point in time, it would doom The League. No one wants to stay in a place where the boss will get into shouting matches with those who come to work for him. But I know morale is sinking as his grasp starts to tighten on everything I’ve spent years building.

There’s really only one way to confront a bully like him. A way I told my wife, my friends…hell, I told the entire world that I would never do again. It’s the only language a bully understands.

But can I do it, though it costs me The League?

Or am I really going to have a choice in the matter by the time everything is said and done?


Residence of William Prydor

Bel Air, Maryland

June 25, 2024, 9:48 AM local time


“Tori, I’m starting to worry about Will.”

“Then you’re only about two months behind me, Amelia,” Tori Montgomery-Prydor responded. “I’ve seen Will at his worst. He’s not quite that far down yet but I’ve been worried it’s only a matter of time.”

Frowning slightly, Amelia Warder looked at her boss’s wife. “Is it stress from running The League and still trying to keep the school going?”

Tori shook her head in the negative. “No. It’s not overwork stress. It’s more…uncertainty and second-guessing himself.”

The Aerie’s second-in-charge went to say something, paused for a moment as a thought struck her, then carefully said what she had been planning to. “Tori, before this goes too much further…you sure this isn’t breaking confidentiality with Will? I’m sure there’s some things he tells you that aren’t meant for my ears.”

“If I am, Amelia, he can get on my case later. But when Elyssa even tells me that she thinks Daddy’s sad, that’s when I know it’s serious.”

Amelia let out a low whistle. “All right. Now you have my undivided attention, Tori. Talk to me.”

“It’s Templeton.”

Amelia nodded at this. “Yeah, somehow that doesn’t surprise me. Is he worried about the mob taking over?”

“Kind of. It’s that plus something happening to his family and friends that lets The League and such fall into their hands. Remember, it’s not the first time Will’s had to deal with this sort of threat.”

“Just this time, no being the hero and going into one of their business fronts wired and wearing a bulletproof vest, right?”

“Preferably. His hero days are behind him.” Tori sighed, shifting her gaze for a moment to check on Will II, asleep nearby. Curled up next to him, seemingly content, was one of their two cats, a Russian Blue named Vil that Will had managed to coax inside several years ago when the cat was a stray. “I’m just not sure what I can suggest to him to try to ease his burden a little.”

The beginnings of an idea were forming in Amelia’s mind, and she looked over at Tori. “Correct me if I’m wrong on any of this, Tori. Will’s the principal owner and Chair of the Board, right?”

“For all that the board consists of three people, and two of them are in this room right now, you’re almost right. Will and I are joint owners, 50/50 split.”

The idea started to form a little more solidly in her head now. “Is it public knowledge that the venture is jointly owned?”

“Yes, but not the share of the ownership. Just that he and I both are owners.”

With that revelation, the idea crystallized in Amelia’s mind. “I…think I might have an idea, Tori. It’s going to be a bit sketchy in places, but…”

“Should I call Will over?”

“Let me run it past you, first. He might be a little too stuck in the middle to see outside things. So, here’s what I have in mind. First, you need to convince him to…”


“…and that’s as far as I’ve managed to think ahead.”

Tori sat, stunned at the thoughts that had just come pouring out of Amelia’s mouth. It was a damned risky idea. She nearly told her to stop a few times in describing it, but she kept quiet just to be sure…and in hindsight, she reflected, it was a good thing she had. The plan wasn’t fool-proof, since hardly any plan ever is, but for something just thrown out there, it was a solid one. It took her another few seconds to realize that Amelia was still talking.

“…don’t have any contacts that might be able to help, but—”

“Ames, let me worry about that part.”

“So you’ll—”

“Yeah. He’s due back in a few minutes for his usual lunch break and to peek in on the kids. We can run this past him then. It might let him feel better in the end, and if so I think that’s worth the cost even if I think it’s too high to bear and may disapprove.”

Amelia had to bite the inside of her cheek from saying the first thing that came to mind. Even the worst case scenario?

As if on cue, the front door of the house opened, and his baritone voice called out, “Lunch time!”

“Daddy!” came the call before the sound of footsteps on wooden floors closed in on his spot. Then, the sounds of a little girl’s laughter rang out as Elyssa was picked up by her father, and the pair walked in to the den where Tori and Amelia had been talking. Will seemed to sense something serious had transpired as he looked between his wife and his friend. “Either you two ladies have been talking about me, or I have a bruise somewhere I don’t know about.”

Tori nodded to Amelia. “It was your idea, Ames.”

Amelia sighed. “Will, you may want Elyssa to leave the room for a second while the grown-ups speak. She might not want to hear this…”



Tori Montgomery-Prydor, press liaison to The League

It was announced on social media moments ago that Will Prydor, Commissioner of The League, would be joining the commentary desk this week alongside Bob Sinclair and Frankie Garnett. This would not be Prydor’s first time behind the microphone, as he has sat in on commentary at a few points over The League’s past four seasons. In addition, he was the play-by-play announcer for New Legends of Wrestling in their final tour during the summer of 2015.

“Short of actually getting into the ring to compete once again, there’s no other way to experience it from my point of view,” Prydor said in a statement. “Admittedly, League fans are more used to my wife on the microphone at the desk, but Tori has graciously decided to let me handle the guest commentary duties for a change of pace. It’ll be good to get back out there and feel the energy in The Aerie when we go live this week.”

Prydor would provide no comment on the ongoing investigation into the ending of the Rock Sheridan/Daniel Simmons match last week, as he stated he would not comment on currently ongoing investigations.

The League will air on YouTube at 11:00 AM eastern US time on Saturday after being recorded on Friday night, as is their customary schedule.

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(4) Christian Priest (1-2, OVR 564) vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (3-0, OVR 603) [First Career Meeting]

You know, Priest might have the best shot at beating Nuke here in the first half. He's not gonna do it, barring Nuke coming out flatter than a pancake, but the opportunity is there.


(7) Brian Blackfield (1-2, OVR 564) vs. (3) Brandy McDonald (2-1, OVR 557) [Career: Brandy McDonald, 2 - 0]

Yeah, I agree. Blackfield hasn't managed to figure out Brandy yet.


(8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-3, OVR 520) vs. (1) George Mastachas (3-0, OVR 573) [Career: George Mastachas, 2 - 0]

Start taking odds on JPO being relegated, folks. This is going very poorly.


(5) Lucas Molina (1-2, OVR 486) vs. (6) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-2, OVR 513) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

Gross won with a non trademark move before. A bit lucky, plus different division. Plus gotta back my guy when I believe in him, right?



(2) Diego Rodriguez (2-1, OVR 492) vs. (3) De'siree Mitchell (2-1, OVR 513) [First Career Meeting]

This is, arguably, the battle for #2 here in the first half. I am backing De'siree, but this is the match this week I would not be at all surprised to see the other one win.


(1) Monty Dhillon (3-0, OVR 521) vs. (5) Kichi Hida (2-1, OVR 451) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 4 - 2]

Just like Molina and Priest, Monty and Kichi seemed to be bound together forever. There is no escape. With that said, I don't believe Kichi will be promoted again, and if Monty doesn't have double digit wins I'll be extremely shocked.


(8) Angela Wassermann (0-3, OVR 444) vs. (4) Billy Norris (2-1, OVR 533) [Career: Billy Norris, 6 - 2]

The League's longest running "rivalry" gets another chapter. In quotes because Norris has owned her quite thoroughly. This ought to continue.


(7) Pulsar (0-3, OVR 476) vs. (6) Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-2, OVR 500) [Career: Yoshii Nakamatsu, 4 - 0]

Another butt kicking for Pulsar. Yoshii's dominated him at times the last two seasons.



HARDCORE MATCH: (6) Markus Clay (1-2, OVR 442) vs. (1) Indigo Rose (3-0, OVR 477) [Career: Indigo Rose, 4 - 2]

It's Rose's division to lose.


(3) Leon de Ramos (3-0, OVR 429) vs. (2) Blood River (3-0, OVR 476) [First Career Meeting]

I think Leon ought to keep rolling here. He could get swarmed, but I think River doesn't have quite enough off an advantage to pull off the W.


(4) Daniel Simmons (1-2, OVR 448) vs. (5) Lance Heartilly (1-2, OVR 430) [First Career Meeting]

I just...I dunno. It feels right.


(8) Rock Sheridan (0-3, OVR 414) vs. (7) Nocturne (0-3, OVR 410) [Career: Nocturne, 2 - 0]

Hate to say it, but Rock seems like this seasons basement jobber.



FIRST BLOOD MATCH: (7) Terra Harding (0-3, OVR 406) vs. (3) Terrance Stevens (2-1, OVR 443) [First Career Meeting]

Brawler vs. any other type in a First Blood match? Gosh. Also Terra hasn't impressed yet.


(4) Erick Gibson (2-1, OVR 424) vs. (6) "Dirty" John Murdoch (2-1, OVR 412) [First Career Meeting]

Yes, I have caught the Terry Funk vibes. Let's go Murdoch. Show me what you're made of.


(8) George Stevens (0-3, OVR 388) vs. (5) Diamond (2-1, OVR 446) [Career: Diamond, 2 - 0]

...look, George's career record speaks for itself at this point, and Diamond almost promoted last season.


(2) Mickey Steele (2-1, OVR 413) vs. (1) Scott Stevens (2-1, OVR 400) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

Steele Justice trying to make his promotion case after a poor first season in the League. Scott's not about to make it easier, but I think he takes this one.

Edited by Eternal Phoenix
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5vWV1hg.jpg (8) Rock Sheridan (0-3, OVR 414)


(7) Nocturne (0-3, OVR 410) BEVGy0x.jpg

Whatever Nocturne told Indigo Rose earlier in the season, it did her no favors here. Sheridan won this one in a squash, needing less than seven minutes to get his first win of the season and put Nocturne in real jeopardy of having a “lost” season before even getting to the midpoint of said season.

Rock Sheridan (1-3) def. Nocturne (0-4) via Pinfall (Tacoma Choke Slam) in 6:27.  Rating: *

Changes for Rock Sheridan:  OVR + 2.66, XP + 509.26, no notable damage

Changes for Nocturne:  OVR -2.88, XP + 127.32, no notable damage



OndApuF.jpg vC6SXqZ.jpg (2) Mickey Steele (2-1, OVR 413)


(1) Scott Stevens (2-1, OVR 400) fYy1oxq.jpg fTtB0pK.jpg

The Delta Division continues to put out sub-ten-minute bangers this season. The trend continued here with Steele getting out to an early advantage, seeming to hit the Steele Scissor at will on the Scorpion. He only got one shot at the Mickey Finn, though…and missed. Stevens made his comeback from there, and though he didn’t manage to land a Toxic Sting, Scott did deliver the piledriver on the second effort. Unlike Terra Harding last week, Stevens only needed the one piledriver to put away Steele in this early Match of the Night runner-up.

Scott Stevens (3-1) def. Mickey Steele (2-2) via Pinfall (Deep in the Heart of Texas) in 9:35.  Rating: ****

Changes for Scott Stevens:  OVR + 3.69, XP + 565.37, minor damage to head

Changes for Mickey Steele:  OVR + 0.79, XP + 141.34, minor damage to head

In order to prove that the author is not a filthy liar and that this match went under 10 minutes, below is the context of the match in its entirety.



Mickey Steele vs. Scott Stevens


(00:00) *** The match began

(00:05) Steele blocked a Jab Punch

(00:12) Steele easily avoided a Punch.

(00:16) Steele hit a Slap To Chest

(00:19) Steele hit a Forearm Blow

(00:19) Scott shrugged off the blow

(00:23) Scott hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(00:30) Steele easily avoided a Punch.

(00:37) Steele hit a Monkey Flip

(00:44) Steele picked up Scott from behind

(00:48) Steele hit a Forearm To Back Of Head

(00:57) Scott avoided a Kick To Knee Rush.

(01:00) Scott hit a Begging Off Sucker Punch

(01:03) Scott hit a Punch

(01:07) Steele slipped out of the back of a Side Headlock

(01:14) Steele hit a Chop Block

(01:27) Steele hit a Running Half Senton

(01:31) Steele hit a Seated Back Kick

(01:38) Scott avoided a Stomp Flurry.

(01:41) Scott hit a Punch

(01:44) Scott hit a Forearm Blow

(01:58) Scott applied a Front Facelock

(02:02) Scott hit a Slap To Chest

(02:06) Steele blocked a Samoan Drop

(02:09) Steele countered a Roundhouse Punch with a Punch

(02:16) Steele hit a Running Forearm Blow

(02:20) Steele hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(02:27) Steele hit a Half Senton

(02:34) Scott Stevens moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(02:41) Scott hit a Knee Pull

(03:00) Scott applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(03:00) The referee gave Scott a stern warning

(03:08) Mickey Steele very easily moved out of the way from a Posing Elbow Drop.

(03:18) Scott avoided a Stomp Flurry.

(03:25) Scott hit a Running Knee Lift

(03:29) Scott hit a Running Knee Drop

(03:33) Scott hit a Seated Back Kick

(03:42) Mickey Steele very easily moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(03:51) Scott Stevens moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(04:01) Mickey Steele very easily moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(04:08) Steele hit a Seated Dropkick

(04:13) Scott fought back against being picked up

(04:19) Scott hit a Roundhouse Punch

(04:23) Scott hit a Seated Back Kick

(04:33) Mickey Steele very easily moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(04:39) Scott avoided a Running Seated Dropkick.

(04:46) Scott hit a Strong Charging Forearm

(05:09) Scott almost got a count out

(05:13) Steele broke a Toxic Sting

(05:19) The impact of that Steele Scissor just cut right through Scott Stevens!

(05:27) Scott Stevens moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(05:44) Scott hit a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry

(05:48) Steele fought back against being picked up

(05:56) Scott avoided a Spear after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(05:59) Steele countered a Low Blow with a Throat Thrust

(06:05) The impact of that Steele Scissor just cut right through Scott Stevens!

(06:12) Steele hit a Seated Dropkick

(06:22) Steele picked up Scott

(06:28) The impact of that Steele Scissor just cut right through Scott Stevens!

(06:38) Steele picked up Scott

(06:52) Steele hit a Running Knee Strike

(06:59) Steele picked up Scott

(07:08) Scott avoided a Mickey Finn.

(07:11) Scott hit a Forearm Blow

(07:14) Scott hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(07:17) Scott hit a Jab Punch

(07:24) Scott hit a Running Clothesline

(07:28) Scott hit a Legdrop

(07:32) Scott hit a Seated Back Kick

(07:51) Scott applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(07:51) The referee gave Scott a stern warning

(07:58) Scott hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(08:08) Scott picked up Steele

(08:15) Steele easily avoided a Spinning Elbow Blow.

(08:19) Scott blocked a Thrust Kick

(08:25) Scott countered a Spinning Back Fist with a Roundhouse Body Punch

(08:30) Steele blocked a Toxic Sting

(08:35) Steele blocked a Deep in the Heart of Texas

(08:39) Steele hit a Thrust Kick To Corner

(08:44) Scott broke a Corner Forearm Flurry

(08:48) Steele slipped out the front of a Powerbomb

(08:54) Scott countered a Spinning Elbow Blow with a Roundhouse Punch

(09:01) Scott picked up Steele

(09:05) Steele countered a Hammerlock Powerbomb with an Open Handed Slap

(09:15) Scott avoided a Hard Knee Strike.

(09:31) Scott Stevens lands that piledriver from Deep in the Heart of Texas!

(09:35) *** Scott got a three count on Steele




fTtB0pK.jpg UOpfoyB.jpg (8) George Stevens (0-3, OVR 388)


(5) Diamond (2-1, OVR 446) 0rDaDU8.jpg

George’s woes continue in the Delta Division, as Diamond utterly dominated this one. While Stevens managed some offense, it was nowhere near enough to threaten the First Lady of the League. The top rope swanton bomb was enough to do the trick as Diamond continues to show that she perhaps is ready to get back into the Gamma Division.

Diamond (3-1) def. George Stevens (0-4) via Pinfall (Diamond in the Sky) in 5:13.  Rating: *

Changes for Diamond:  OVR + 2.13, XP + 442.30, no notable damage

Changes for George Stevens:  OVR -3.30, XP + 110.57, minor damage to head



E5dgVEm.jpg O63FjvG.jpg (4) Erick Gibson (2-1, OVR 424)


(6) "Dirty" John Murdoch (2-1, OVR 412) dw4KJ41.jpg

Will Prydor: Ah, yes. The limbo match.

Frankie Garnett: Come again?

Will Prydor: Simple, Frankie. “How low can you go?” Two men who think nothing of breaking every rule they know, and even a few they make up on the fly, facing off. Who’s going to outcheat the other?

Bob Sinclair: I’m actually surprised you allow this in The League, Will.

Will Prydor: A wrestler far greater than I once said that if you can’t win, cheat. It’s a part of professional wrestling, after all. As long as you’re not looking to permanently injure someone, it’s good.

Bob Sinclair: That’s a concept I never thought I’d hear from you, Will. We’ll have to talk more about that later, because right now this Delta Division contest is underway!



(00:04) Gibson blocked a Begging Off Sucker Punch

(00:11) Murdoch applied a Standing Arm Bar

(00:18) Murdoch hit a Single Leg Trip

(00:22) Murdoch hit an Elbow Drop

(00:26) Murdoch hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(00:34) Murdoch hit a Stomp To Groin

(00:41) Murdoch used a Face Rub Taunt

(00:45) Murdoch hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(00:55) Murdoch hit a Headbutt To Groin

(00:55) The referee gave Murdoch a stern warning

(01:02) Murdoch hit a Knee Pull

(01:16) Murdoch applied a Body Scissors

(01:24) Murdoch hit a Stomp To Groin

(01:28) Murdoch hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(01:35) Murdoch used a Face Rub Taunt

(01:45) Murdoch picked up Gibson

(01:50) Gibson broke an One Foot in the Grave

(01:54) Gibson hit a Face Rake

(02:08) Gibson applied a Side Headlock

(02:11) Gibson hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(02:14) Gibson hit a Handshake Kick To Gut

(02:28) Gibson applied a Top Wrist Lock

(02:36) Gibson applied a Hammerlock

(02:42) Gibson hit a Blindside High Knee

(02:48) Gibson failed to get a count out

(02:58) Gibson hit a Discus Clothesline

(03:24) Gibson applied a Raised Bow And Arrow Lock

(03:40) Murdoch countered a Strong Open Handed Chop with an Open Handed Chop


Frankie Garnett: So much for strength being the deciding factor.

Will Prydor: Strength is never the be-all and end-all, Frankie. It was never my forte, after all, and I still won two Tag Team Turmoils and a League Championship.

Frankie Garnett: And in the process alienated The Oppressor.

Will Prydor: We’re talking about this match, Frankie, not him.

Bob Sinclair: Will, I would be careful with some of my words…

Will Prydor: I’m not a hard guy to find, Bob. That’s all I’ll say on the matter.



(03:44) Gibson blocked an One Foot in the Grave

(04:00) Murdoch hit a Standing Spinebuster

(04:04) Gibson broke a Legdrop To Groin

(04:11) Gibson hit a Knee Plant

(04:17) Gibson hit a Strong Open Handed Chop

(04:43) Gibson applied a Surfboard Bow And Arrow

(04:59) Murdoch broke a DDT

(05:04) Gibson slipped out of the back of a Stump Piledriver

(05:11) Murdoch countered a Chop Block with a Cheating Roll Up

(05:11) The referee warned Murdoch

(05:17) Murdoch picked up Gibson

(05:22) Gibson blocked a Stump Piledriver

(05:33) Murdoch manages to land a Dirty Combination!

(05:37) Gibson countered a Sit-Out Face First Suplex with an Eye Poke

(05:44) Murdoch countered a Begging Off Low Blow with a Side Headlock Takedown

(05:49) Gibson broke a Headbutt To Groin

(05:55) Gibson hit a Spinning Back Fist

(05:58) Murdoch countered a Spinning Elbow Blow with a Throat Thrust

(06:08) "Dirty" John Murdoch just told Erick Gibson that he has One Foot in the Grave!

(06:28) Murdoch applied a Boston Crab


Will Prydor: Oh, now that was a clean sequence. Legwhip right into the crab. Good chain wrestling there, pretty much expected from the veteran.

Bob Sinclair: Will, I’ve heard rumors about this, so I want to ask you on record.

Will Prydor: As long as I’m allowed to not comment if necessary, go ahead.

Bob Sinclair: Did you seriously at some point in your career consider the spinning toe hold for a finisher?

Will Prydor: (laughs) No, Bob. I can categorically deny that one. I admit, I geek out a little at a properly applied spinning toe hold, but no. I wanted the ankle lock from day one.

Frankie Garnett: Hands just a little too big, Will?

Will Prydor: That, and the ankle lock is a bit quicker and just as painful.



(06:45) Gibson broke a Stump Piledriver

(06:52) Gibson hit a DDT

(07:11) Gibson applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(07:11) The referee gave Gibson a stern warning

(07:25) Gibson applied a Single Leg Grapevine

(07:45) Murdoch broke a Powerbomb

(07:49) Murdoch hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(07:49) The referee warned Murdoch

(07:52) Murdoch hit a Punch

(07:59) Murdoch hit a Single Leg Trip

(08:04) Gibson fought back against being picked up

(08:08) Murdoch slipped out the front of a Powerbomb

(08:15) Murdoch hit a Strong Charging Forearm

(08:30) Murdoch failed to get a count out

(08:34) Gibson slipped out the front of a Powerbomb

(08:50) Gibson hit a Piledriver

(08:54) Gibson hit a Measured Knee Drop

(09:01) Murdoch countered a Posing Elbow Drop with a Small Package

(09:06) Murdoch got a two count

(09:13) Gibson countered a Strong Charging Forearm with a Running Cheating Roll Up

(09:17) Gibson got a two count

(09:23) Gibson hit a Begging Off Low Blow

(09:27) Murdoch stopped a Slit Throat Motion by rushing Gibson

(09:37) "Dirty" John Murdoch just told Erick Gibson that he has One Foot in the Grave!

(09:43) Murdoch picked up Gibson

(09:47) Gibson broke a Knife in the Back

(10:03) Gibson hit a Stump Piledriver

(10:07) Murdoch blocked a Terminable Offense

(10:12) Murdoch slipped out of the back of the Rear Crossface Blows


Will Prydor: Now we’re starting to get serious. The big guns are coming out.

Frankie Garnett: So who has the advantage?

Will Prydor: Honestly? Gibson.

Bob Sinclair: How so?

Will Prydor: Because of Karen McClure. It’s hard to wrestle with an eye in the back of your head. If Karen sees an opening to interfere, you know she’ll take it. But Murdoch has to give her that opening first.



(10:22) Murdoch hit a Backbreaker

(10:37) Murdoch hit a Stomp Flurry

(10:47) Gibson got a rope break to stop a Double Cross

(10:57) "Dirty" John Murdoch just told Erick Gibson that he has One Foot in the Grave!

(11:01) Gibson stopped a Get Up Taunt by rushing Murdoch

(11:15) Gibson applied a Side Headlock

(11:31) Gibson hit a Stump Piledriver

(11:42) Gibson hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(11:46) Murdoch blocked a Terminable Offense

(11:51) Murdoch blocked a Terminable Offense

(12:01) Murdoch hit a Short Arm Knee Lift

(12:12) Murdoch manages to land a Dirty Combination!

(12:28) That has to be the End of the Line for Erick Gibson, the piledriver connects!

(12:33) Murdoch got a two count

(12:37) Gibson countered a Begging Off Low Blow with a Slap To Chest

(12:41) Gibson hit an Eye Poke

(12:48) Gibson hit a Knee Plant

(12:53) Murdoch broke a Piledriver

(13:00) Murdoch hit a Strong Charging Forearm

(13:23) Murdoch almost got a count out


Frankie Garnett: Not sure I agree with that. Either go out there and inflict more punishment and then get the countout, or don’t even send him out there at all.

Will Prydor: I’m with Frankie on this one. You’re near the end of the match. You have the opponent reeling, why allow him a chance to catch his breath? We’ll see if that haunts Murdoch.



(13:27) Gibson blocked a Stump Piledriver

(13:43) Murdoch hit a Stump Piledriver

(13:49) Murdoch picked up Gibson

(13:54) Gibson broke an End of the Line

(13:58) Murdoch broke a Knee Plant

(14:09) Murdoch manages to land a Dirty Combination!

(14:15) Murdoch hit a Low Blow

(14:15) The referee furiously berated Murdoch

(14:19) Murdoch got a two count

(14:23) Gibson blocked an End of the Line

(14:39) Murdoch hit a Stump Piledriver

(14:53) Murdoch used a Get Up Taunt

(15:09) Murdoch hit a Sit-Out Face First Suplex

(15:18) Murdoch picked up Gibson

(15:23) Gibson blocked an End of the Line

(15:39) That has to be the End of the Line for Erick Gibson, the piledriver connects!


Bob Sinclair: Cover by Murdoch…one, two, three! Murdoch lands the piledriver, and picks up a win to continue his track record from the Omega Division!

Will Prydor: We’ve seen from our two Omega graduates this season that it’s sometimes hard to transition to the main roster. Murdoch’s had a better time of it, and at this rate he could be in line to move to Gamma next season!

Frankie Garnett: And that transition is also dangerous. Just ask Nocturne!

Will Prydor: Trust me, Frankie. I’ve been talking with Nocturne. She knows all too well.


"Dirty" John Murdoch (3-1) def. Erick Gibson (2-2) via Pinfall (End of the Line) in 15:43.  Rating: ****

Changes for "Dirty" John Murdoch:  OVR + 3.97, XP + 668.80, moderate damage to head

Changes for Erick Gibson:  OVR + 0.82, XP + 242.20, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body

This was the Match of the Night (1 [1st this season] for "Dirty" John Murdoch, 2 [1st this season] for Erick Gibson)



uuVaRmi.jpg (7) Terra Harding (0-3, OVR 406)


(3) Terrance Stevens (2-1, OVR 443) 6r4P9L8.jpg

A very good match, but not to the level of half of the Delta Division on this night, this was a First Blood match that actually spilled to ringside and managed to stay there for a fair portion of the contest. Harding had no issues with using a steel chair to try to take out Stevens’ leg, perhaps to avoid the superkick, but Stevens simply would not be denied. No fewer than three Maple Leaf Meltdowns were hit in this contest, and try as he might he simply could not put Harding through a table with a DDT. Harding was equally unable to drill Stevens with a seated face plant onto a chair. In the end, a simple spinning elbow blow was enough for Stevens to bust open Harding, and the rookie is still denied her first main roster victory as Stevens picks up a hard-fought victory here.

Terrance Stevens (3-1) def. Terra Harding (0-4) via First Blood (spinning elbow blow) in 11:14.  Rating: ***

Changes for Terrance Stevens:  OVR + 3.88, XP + 525.84, moderate damage to head

Changes for Terra Harding:  OVR + 0.38, XP + 131.46, minor damage to head



zd1WDAc.jpg (4) Daniel Simmons (1-2, OVR 448)


(5) Lance Heartilly (1-2, OVR 430) 9q89H6M.jpg

This match was Daniel Simmons’ to lose…and somehow he did exactly that. Readers may be asking how, if Simmons had such a sizable advantage, and the answer comes in Simmons’ choice of finishers. At no point did Simmons attempt a Blue Collar Driver, opting instead to try to submit the technician with his ankle lock. Naturally, Heartilly did not fall into that trap and only needed one shot at the figure four to get it applied and earn a submission of his own. Otherwise, not a very exciting match given the matches in the Delta Division earlier on.

Lance Heartilly (2-2) def. Daniel Simmons (1-3) via Submission (Hellacious Leglock) in 14:14.  Rating: **

Changes for Lance Heartilly:  OVR + 3.17, XP + 559.86, minor damage to head

Changes for Daniel Simmons:  OVR -1.78, XP + 139.96, minor damage to head



zBWrwLg.jpg (3) Leon de Ramos (3-0, OVR 429)


(2) Blood River (3-0, OVR 476) hAfQcot.jpg VZFWcYa.jpg

Another decent bout, if a little shy of Match of the Night candidacy, this was a fast-paced bout despite de Ramos’ technical mien. He managed to keep pace with River’s speedy offense, and at one point seemed to even be a step ahead of the alleged cultist which really seemed to throw River for a loop. The De Ramos Driver made a rare appearance here, as Leon landed flush with it to put River down and out for the three. Leon is guaranteed at least a share of the best record in the division with his fourth win in as many weeks!

Leon de Ramos (4-0) def. Blood River (3-1) via Pinfall (De Ramos Driver) in 12:22.  Rating: ***

Changes for Leon de Ramos:  OVR + 3.71, XP + 605.40, no notable damage

Changes for Blood River:  OVR + 0.40, XP + 151.35, minor damage to head



N0Y594C.jpg (6) Markus Clay (1-2, OVR 442)


(1) Indigo Rose (3-0, OVR 477) 2X2r9qf.jpg

On paper, this seemed to favor Clay. Rose is a technical wrestler, after all, what good is she in matches where the rulebook is just another weapon to use? She was fine until she allowed Clay to get some momentum in the latter third of the match. Despite her working on the legs of Clay, once he finally got his offense up to speed Rose had little chance to fend all of it off. Even her knee plant DDT that she’s used to great effect so far this season went for naught, but Clay’s springboard senton kept Rose down just long enough to hand the Italian her first loss of the season. Clay scores a minor upset in a match that realistically he was favored in anyway.

Markus Clay (2-2) def. Indigo Rose (3-1) via Pinfall (springboard senton bomb) in 12:06.  Rating: ***

Changes for Markus Clay:  OVR + 3.70, XP + 605.24, minor damage to head and legs

Changes for Indigo Rose:  OVR + 0.40, XP + 151.31, minor damage to head



Aria of Thorns—Indigo Rose & Nocturne

Angela Wassermann & Diamond

Baptism of Violence—Reverend Johnny Gross & Brian Blackfield



(read as: not being made official until I receive agreement from all parties)

The First Church—Christian Priest & Monty Dhillon (defending champions)

The Stevens Dynasty—Scott and George Stevens


More teams to be announced next week.



VfA2MW8.jpg (7) Pulsar (0-3, OVR 476)


(6) Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-2, OVR 500) xHVnvxD.jpg

This was one of Pulsar’s better showings of the season so far.  It still wouldn’t be enough, though. Despite dropping Nakamatsu into finisher territory, Pulsar could not get enough time to get to the top rope to attempt his Zodiac Implosion. He barely had time to go to the ropes at all, as Yoshii had him well scouted. It’d only take two attempts for Nakamatsu to land the Emperor’s Fall and notch his second win of the season.

Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-2) def. Pulsar (0-4) via Pinfall (Emperor’s Fall) in 14:17.  Rating: ***

Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu:  OVR + 4.29, XP + 685.66, minor damage to head

Changes for Pulsar:  OVR + 0.88, XP + 171.41, moderate damage to head



aOXlwtV.jpg (8) Angela Wassermann (0-3, OVR 444)


(4) Billy Norris (2-1, OVR 533) 6fYIC71.jpg

Readers may be familiar with a saying, “any given Sunday.” In this case, it’s “any given Friday” (as canonically The League tapes shows on Friday night to air on Saturday mornings on YouTube) given what just happened here. By three minutes in, Wassermann had Norris in deep trouble, but Norris found a way to fight back, picking up speed with rope-assisted offense. He’d miss a top rope splash, and later have his Bonzer Splash broken up by shaking of the ropes, while Wassermann missed a roundhouse kick that would have knocked Norris clean out. She did not, however, miss the opening at her cross arm breaker, and within short order Norris tapped out to the submission hold. Wassermann gets her first win of the season in what is most assuredly an upset in the Beta Division!

Angela Wassermann (1-3) def. Billy Norris (2-2) via Submission (Wassermann Cross Arm Breaker) in 12:51.  Rating: ***

Changes for Angela Wassermann:  OVR + 4.23, XP + 684.69, minor damage to head

Changes for Billy Norris:  OVR + 0.89, XP + 171.17, moderate damage to head



vz0qqDp.jpg (1) Monty Dhillon (3-0, OVR 521)


(5) Kichi Hida (2-1, OVR 451) 4ZAKk1I.jpg

If someone asked fans of The League who would give Monty Dhillon the most trouble in Beta this season, it would likely be a close race between De’siree Mitchell and Kichi Hida. This match started out with heavy blows from the start and never really let up from either side. Dhillon kept trying to force his Hammer Press, only for Hida to counteract it every time. Glory in Violence led into a UFO Spin Elbow, and Hida tried to whip the much larger Monty into the ropes. Dhillon naturally reversed it, and Hida went flying into the official instead. Dhillon looked for the Blockade Lock, even if the ref was down, to try to weaken Hida into being helpless against his other finishers, but she avoided the hold and chained Glory in Violence into the UFO Spin Elbow once more, and then connected with Eternal Violence. She went for the cover, but the ref was still out. Kichi once again shouted something in Japanese that is probably not safe to transcribe here, as cameras caught that Dhillon was busted open from the knee strike. Hida landed a Funhouse Stomp, and then a second Eternal Violence to further worsen the laceration on Monty’s head. Before going for the cover, though, she physically hauled the ref over and slapped him once or twice in the face. This got the ref aware enough to make a count…and he got to three. The streak ends at 26 as Kichi Hida gives The Hammer his first taste of singles defeat since Season Ten!

Kichi Hida (3-1) def. Monty Dhillon (3-1) via Pinfall (Eternal Violence) in 13:08.  Rating: ***

Changes for Kichi Hida:  OVR + 4.24, XP + 684.88, moderate damage to head

Changes for Monty Dhillon:  OVR + 0.89, XP + 171.22, moderate damage to head



oYmq2Bu.jpg LG3TCXf.jpg (5) Lucas Molina (1-2, OVR 486)


(6) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-2, OVR 513) d7FEgH5.jpg

The opening match in the Alpha Division this week was nowhere near the spectacle that last week’s Alpha opener was. This was a slow, deliberate match that saw Gross outwrestle the technician for the most part. Sure, Molina got his licks in when he could, but even Susana Reyes preventing a brainbuster wouldn’t be enough to save Molina—Gross hit said brainbuster less than twenty seconds later, after Reyes was removed from ringside—and in short order Gross clamped on the dragon sleeper that led to the eventual submission victory. For the fourth week running, Susana Reyes has attempted to play a role in Molina’s matches, with mixed results. (Author’s note: yes, I made sure her rating was 0. It’s still happened four weeks running. I am unable to figure out the odds of this happening with a 0 OVR manager doing this four weeks in a row!)

Reverend Johnny Gross (2-2) def. Lucas Molina (1-3) via Submission (Come to Jesus) in 11:39.  Rating: **

Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross:  OVR + 4.09, XP + 728.39, no notable damage

Changes for Lucas Molina:  OVR -0.69, XP + 145.68, minor damage to head



G4sbiHU.jpg (2) Diego Rodriguez (2-1, OVR 492)


(3) De'siree Mitchell (2-1, OVR 513) T7PlxOP.jpg

Poor Diego. He got out of the starting blocks very late, and by the time he had gotten enough offense in to avoid this match being considered a squash, Mitchell was already eyeing him for the Blitz. One of the faster Beta Division matches out there, this ended in abrupt manner as Rodriguez got cut down in authoritative fashion, and Mitchell sets her eyes on Kichi Hida and the no-longer-unbeaten Monty Dhillon for the division lead.

De'siree Mitchell (3-1) def. Diego Rodriguez (2-2) via Pinfall (All Out Blitz) in 8:40.  Rating: **

Changes for De'siree Mitchell:  OVR + 3.50, XP + 629.41, minor damage to head

Changes for Diego Rodriguez:  OVR -1.08, XP + 157.35, moderate damage to head



hYlEAC2.jpg p1IFTGG.jpg (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-3, OVR 520)


(1) George Mastachas (3-0, OVR 573) FXyrc6C.jpg

Moving back to the Alpha Division for the remainder of the evening, this one was never in any doubt. Ouilette still seems to be suffering from last week’s dismantling at the hands of Nuclear Templeton, and Mastachas took every advantage he needed to. Despite the length of the match, Mastachas looked like he had barely broken a sweat before he applied his finishing submission for the quick tap from Ouilette. Mastachas remains perfect in the division so far, and now casts his eyes to the main event to see if his primary challenger for the division lead (and his opponent next week) can do likewise.

George Mastachas (4-0) def. Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-4) via Submission (Siren’s Call) in 15:33.  Rating: **

Changes for George Mastachas:  OVR + 4.20, XP + 731.20, no notable damage

Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette:  OVR -0.83, XP + 182.80, minor damage to head



Lp89uMT.jpg (7) Brian Blackfield (1-2, OVR 564)


(3) Brandy McDonald (2-1, OVR 557) gGexPKo.jpg

Dueling chants of “Let’s Go Brandy”/”Jug-ger-naut!” echoed in The Aerie before the opening bell, and there was a quick shake of hands between the two fan favorites. The match itself was nothing to write home about, really, just a standard competitive match. No long, sustained bursts of offense made the match feel a bit stifled as neither wrestler could establish a period of control. At one point, McDonald got so desperate to try to create an opening that she went to the top rope, something she rarely does, to connect with the Hang Over somersault leg drop. In the end, though, Blackfield had no remedy for the Hair of the Dog, and had to tap as Brandy managed to keep him from the ropes. It’s still early, but McDonald seems to have had a resurgence and could still prove to be a threat for the League Championship.

Brandy McDonald (3-1) def. Brian Blackfield (1-3) via Submission (Hair of the Dog) in 14:34.  Rating: **

Changes for Brandy McDonald:  OVR + 4.17, XP + 730.49, minor damage to head

Changes for Brian Blackfield:  OVR -0.80, XP + 182.62, minor damage to head



MZ2VDcB.jpg YICOeYe.jpg (4) Christian Priest (1-2, OVR 564)


(2) Nuclear Templeton (3-0, OVR 603) FqeSGy6.jpg KufawJO.jpg

On commentary, Will Prydor said that this was the match he was looking forward to the most on the card. The way it played out, it would have been right at home in a pre-determined promotion like the SWF. There was overbooking galore (Pastor Abe Richards interfered twice, “Rigor” Tony Mortis did once and was quickly tossed, which led to Templeton nearly punching the ref in anger), there was a fair bit of back-and-forth, and a lot of both men seeming to shrug off the other’s best blows. The finish came right after Templeton had managed to bust Priest open with some seated knuckle punches. He went for a Radiation Leak, only for Priest to go to the eyes. A knee plant dropped Templeton, but when Nuclear avoided the follow-up kick to the back, he got back to his feet in a hurry and blasted Priest with an old-school, no-ripcord Armageddon Lariat. That kept Priest down for three, and Nuclear remains perfect on the season after a hard-fought win. Prydor mentioned to Bob and Frankie that Nuclear may have earned that one, but he still had Mastachas to come and that wasn’t going to be an easy match either.  Templeton apparently head this and stormed out of the ring, moving to the commentary position as both Frankie and Bob got out of danger, and shouted in Prydor’s face that Mastachas had nothing on him. The cameras caught Will shrugging, saying that he needed to prove that to George, not Prydor himself. Templeton seemed tempted for a moment, just a moment, to take a swing at Prydor, but settled instead for just shoving the Commissioner back into his seat before storming away from the commentary position. As the cameras faded to black on the sight of Templeton taunting the fans as he headed back to the locker room, the audio feed caught Will Prydor clearly on the mic:

“You’ve chosen violence. Then so be it.”

Nuclear Templeton (4-0) def. Christian Priest (1-3) via Pinfall (Armageddon Lariat) in 22:13.  Rating: ***

Changes for Nuclear Templeton:  OVR + 5.08, XP + 637.86, moderate damage to head

Changes for Christian Priest:  OVR + 1.31, XP + 159.47, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body







1.  George Mastachas:  4-0, ATV 14:56, (AMR 2.250), OVR 576.91

2.  Nuclear Templeton:  4-0, ATV 18:56, (AMR 3.000), OVR 608.14

3.  Brandy McDonald:  3-1, ATV 14:50, (AMR 2.500), OVR 561.10

4.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  2-2, ATV 15:13, (AMR 2.000), OVR 517.18

5.  Christian Priest:  1-3, ATV 15:13, (AMR 3.000), OVR 565.21

6.  Brian Blackfield:  1-3, ATV 19:43, (AMR 3.250), OVR 563.31

7.  Lucas Molina:  1-3, ATV 17:32, (AMR 3.000), OVR 485.42

8.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  0-4, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.500), OVR 519.20



1.  Monty Dhillon:  3-1, ATV 8:41 (AMR 2.250), OVR 521.75

2.  De'siree Mitchell:  3-1, ATV 10:40 (AMR 2.250), OVR 516.32

3.  Kichi Hida:  3-1, ATV 13:05 (AMR 3.250), OVR 455.52

4.  Diego Rodriguez:  2-2, ATV 11:06 (AMR 2.250), OVR 491.02

5.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  2-2, ATV 11:53 (AMR 2.250), OVR 504.73

6.  Billy Norris:  2-2, ATV 12:03 (AMR 2.250), OVR 534.30

7.  Angela Wassermann:  1-3, ATV 12:51 (AMR 2.250), OVR 448.53

8.  Pulsar:  0-4, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.750), OVR 476.81



1.  Leon de Ramos:  4-0, ATV 13:18, (AMR 2.000), OVR 432.59

2.  Indigo Rose:  3-1, ATV 10:09, (AMR 2.000), OVR 477.39

3.  Blood River:  3-1, ATV 11:31, (AMR 2.500), OVR 475.95

4.  Lance Heartilly:  2-2, ATV 11:02, (AMR 1.750), OVR 432.93

5.  Markus Clay:  2-2, ATV 12:43, (AMR 2.500), OVR 445.87

6.  Daniel Simmons:  1-3, ATV 6:32, (AMR 2.000), OVR 446.50

7.  Rock Sheridan:  1-3, ATV 6:27, (AMR 1.500), OVR 417.07

8.  Nocturne:  0-4, ATV 0:00, (AMR 1.750), OVR 407.40



1.  Scott Stevens:  3-1, ATV 8:02 (AMR 2.500), OVR 403.82

2.  Diamond:  3-1, ATV 9:18 (AMR 2.500), OVR 448.27

3.  Terrance Stevens:  3-1, ATV 9:49 (AMR 2.750), OVR 447.20

4.  "Dirty" John Murdoch:  3-1, ATV 12:45 (AMR 3.500), OVR 416.00

5.  Mickey Steele:  2-2, ATV 9:02 (AMR 3.250), OVR 414.16

6.  Erick Gibson:  2-2, ATV 10:20 (AMR 3.500), OVR 425.16

7.  Terra Harding:  0-4, ATV 0:00 (AMR 3.250), OVR 405.89

8.  George Stevens:  0-4, ATV 0:00 (AMR 1.750), OVR 384.37



1. Derek B: 48 [this week: 10]

2. SeanMcG: 45 [this week: 8]

3. Croquemitaine: 44 [this week: 9]

4. Jman2k3: 42 [this week: 10]

5. Eternal Phoenix: 41 [this week: 10]




(2) Nuclear Templeton (4-0, OVR 608) vs. (1) George Mastachas (4-0, OVR 577) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 5 - 3]

(6) Brian Blackfield (1-3, OVR 563) vs. (5) Christian Priest (1-3, OVR 565) [Career: Brian Blackfield, 2 - 0]

(3) Brandy McDonald (3-1, OVR 561) vs. (4) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-2, OVR 517) [Career: Brandy McDonald, 3 - 1]

(8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-4, OVR 519) vs. (7) Lucas Molina (1-3, OVR 485) [First Career Meeting]


LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (2) De'siree Mitchell (3-1, OVR 516) vs. (5) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-2, OVR 505) [First Career Meeting]

(6) Billy Norris (2-2, OVR 534) vs. (3) Kichi Hida (3-1, OVR 456) [First Career Meeting]

(8) Pulsar (0-4, OVR 477) vs. (1) Monty Dhillon (3-1, OVR 522) [First Career Meeting]

(7) Angela Wassermann (1-3, OVR 449) vs. (4) Diego Rodriguez (2-2, OVR 491) [First Career Meeting]


(3) Blood River (3-1, OVR 476) vs. (2) Indigo Rose (3-1, OVR 477) [First Career Meeting]

(6) Daniel Simmons (1-3, OVR 447) vs. (1) Leon de Ramos (4-0, OVR 433) [First Career Meeting]

(5) Markus Clay (2-2, OVR 446) vs. (7) Rock Sheridan (1-3, OVR 417) [First Career Meeting]

(4) Lance Heartilly (2-2, OVR 433) vs. (8) Nocturne (0-4, OVR 407) [Career: Nocturne, 2 - 0]


(3) Terrance Stevens (3-1, OVR 447) vs. (2) Diamond (3-1, OVR 448) [Career: Terrance Stevens, 2 - 0]

CAGE MATCH: (1) Scott Stevens (3-1, OVR 404) vs. (4) "Dirty" John Murdoch (3-1, OVR 416) [First Career Meeting]

(5) Mickey Steele (2-2, OVR 414) vs. (7) Terra Harding (0-4, OVR 406) [First Career Meeting]

LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (8) George Stevens (0-4, OVR 384) vs. (6) Erick Gibson (2-2, OVR 425) [First Career Meeting]



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(2) Nuclear Templeton (4-0, OVR 608) vs. (1) George Mastachas (4-0, OVR 577) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 5 - 3]

Alpha's #1 reasserts himself over #2.


(6) Brian Blackfield (1-3, OVR 563) vs. (5) Christian Priest (1-3, OVR 565) [Career: Brian Blackfield, 2 - 0]

Don't let that record fool you. This one's been a lot time coming, folks. That was three whole seasons ago. Priest has evolved considerably, adding much to his game. Blackfield...well, he kept on refining what brought him to the dance, choosing not to mess with success. As last season showed, this was not the best idea he's ever had. He can't even rely on adrenaline anymore, as Priest can simply tap him out. So yeah, I think Priest has surpassed him.


(3) Brandy McDonald (3-1, OVR 561) vs. (4) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-2, OVR 517) [Career: Brandy McDonald, 3 - 1]

Brandy is clearly setting herself up as Alpha's #3 this season, and I think the record speaks for itself.


(8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-4, OVR 519) vs. (7) Lucas Molina (1-3, OVR 485) [First Career Meeting]

Surely Lucas can beat JPO at least. Everybody's doing it. Surely...



LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (2) De'siree Mitchell (3-1, OVR 516) vs. (5) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-2, OVR 505) [First Career Meeting]

Beta's now established #2 gets to establish exactly why she has that status by spearing Yoshii in half.


(6) Billy Norris (2-2, OVR 534) vs. (3) Kichi Hida (3-1, OVR 456) [First Career Meeting]

Kichi what are you doing you're supposed to be mid this season

Ahem. This could go either way, but Norris doesn't have a submission finish and Kichi has adrenaline. So y'know. 


(8) Pulsar (0-4, OVR 477) vs. (1) Monty Dhillon (3-1, OVR 522) [First Career Meeting]

Monty redeems himself from the inescapable Kichi Hida by beating the absolute hell out of poor Pulsar.


(7) Angela Wassermann (1-3, OVR 449) vs. (4) Diego Rodriguez (2-2, OVR 491) [First Career Meeting]

Diego would like to get back into the early promotion race, please.



(3) Blood River (3-1, OVR 476) vs. (2) Indigo Rose (3-1, OVR 477) [First Career Meeting]

Time for Rose to reassert herself. If Leon can do it, so can she.


(6) Daniel Simmons (1-3, OVR 447) vs. (1) Leon de Ramos (4-0, OVR 433) [First Career Meeting]

Oh, Danny boy. The meta's changed while you've bee away. Being an all rounder doesn't quite cut it anymore it seems.


(5) Markus Clay (2-2, OVR 446) vs. (7) Rock Sheridan (1-3, OVR 417) [First Career Meeting]

Based on nothing but hope. Come on, Rock. Don't let me down all season, now.


(4) Lance Heartilly (2-2, OVR 433) vs. (8) Nocturne (0-4, OVR 407) [Career: Nocturne, 2 - 0]

I was about to bet on Nocturne repeating what she managed in Delta, but then I remembered Heartilly updated his moveset to match his improved skills in the offseason.



(3) Terrance Stevens (3-1, OVR 447) vs. (2) Diamond (3-1, OVR 448) [Career: Terrance Stevens, 2 - 0]

On paper, Diamond should win this. Which is exactly why I'm picking against her, because this is the exact type of match she loses.


CAGE MATCH: (1) Scott Stevens (3-1, OVR 404) vs. (4) "Dirty" John Murdoch (3-1, OVR 416) [First Career Meeting]

Round 1 of the Piledrivers Cup. I like Murdoch more. I just do. He's cool.


(5) Mickey Steele (2-2, OVR 414) vs. (7) Terra Harding (0-4, OVR 406) [First Career Meeting]

Harding is just disappointing so far. Steel may have something going here.


LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (8) George Stevens (0-4, OVR 384) vs. (6) Erick Gibson (2-2, OVR 425) [First Career Meeting]

Gonna need to mop the sweat off the canvas after this one. I don't actually care who wins here. Gibson has a better overall record.

Edited by Eternal Phoenix
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Big week coming in Alpha, I'm sure the hugely marketable main event is going to be a big one for fans ;) And in case you are wondering... Nuclear will always choose violence, it's been super effective for him so far!




(2) Nuclear Templeton (4-0, OVR 608) vs. (1) George Mastachas (4-0, OVR 577) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 5 - 3]

(6) Brian Blackfield (1-3, OVR 563) vs. (5) Christian Priest (1-3, OVR 565) [Career: Brian Blackfield, 2 - 0]

(3) Brandy McDonald (3-1, OVR 561) vs. (4) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-2, OVR 517) [Career: Brandy McDonald, 3 - 1]

(8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-4, OVR 519) vs. (7) Lucas Molina (1-3, OVR 485) [First Career Meeting]


LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (2) De'siree Mitchell (3-1, OVR 516) vs. (5) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-2, OVR 505) [First Career Meeting]

(6) Billy Norris (2-2, OVR 534) vs. (3) Kichi Hida (3-1, OVR 456) [First Career Meeting]

(8) Pulsar (0-4, OVR 477) vs. (1) Monty Dhillon (3-1, OVR 522) [First Career Meeting]

(7) Angela Wassermann (1-3, OVR 449) vs. (4) Diego Rodriguez (2-2, OVR 491) [First Career Meeting]


(3) Blood River (3-1, OVR 476) vs. (2) Indigo Rose (3-1, OVR 477) [First Career Meeting]

(6) Daniel Simmons (1-3, OVR 447) vs. (1) Leon de Ramos (4-0, OVR 433) [First Career Meeting]

(5) Markus Clay (2-2, OVR 446) vs. (7) Rock Sheridan (1-3, OVR 417) [First Career Meeting]

(4) Lance Heartilly (2-2, OVR 433) vs. (8) Nocturne (0-4, OVR 407) [Career: Nocturne, 2 - 0]


(3) Terrance Stevens (3-1, OVR 447) vs. (2) Diamond (3-1, OVR 448) [Career: Terrance Stevens, 2 - 0]

CAGE MATCH: (1) Scott Stevens (3-1, OVR 404) vs. (4) "Dirty" John Murdoch (3-1, OVR 416) [First Career Meeting]

(5) Mickey Steele (2-2, OVR 414) vs. (7) Terra Harding (0-4, OVR 406) [First Career Meeting]

LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (8) George Stevens (0-4, OVR 384) vs. (6) Erick Gibson (2-2, OVR 425) [First Career Meeting]



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Posted (edited)



(Nuclear Templeton

Brian Blackfield

Brandy McDonald

Lucas Molina


De'siree Mitchell

Kichi Hida

Monty Dhillon

Diego Rodriguez


Blood River

Leon de Ramos

Rock Sheridan

Lance Heartilly


Terrance Stevens

Scott Stevens

Mickey Steele

George Stevens

Edited by Jman2k3
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With next week's big Cage Match involving Scott Stevens and John Murdoch, an email was sent by the Texan to the League headquarters and William Prydor, with the subject line: FOR MURDOCH.

When opened it had a link and this is what the link went to.

For Murdoch




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Minor scheduling changes for The League over the next two weeks, and a possible larger one on the horizon…

This week: I will be running all matches I can on Thursday, as I will be off from work for the holiday. Normally tonight would be the bulk of the match running, but it’s being changed for the day off. Show still gets posted on Saturday.

Next week: will be done similar to this week, as I am off both Thursday and Friday of next week for a long-overdue extended weekend.

LONG TERM: As mentioned before, some of this is going to depend on how the expected rent increase goes. I’ll know by the beginning of September, maybe even August. The rough plans the roomie and I have for the MD Renaissance Festival are scheduled for the week after this season ends, so I don’t expect a delay on week fourteen or the like.

The big change comes to possibly when I start up Season 13. In the OP I state late October to early November as a possible start date, which would mean the season runs through the first week of February. I am toying with the idea of actually pushing Season 13’s start until the beginning of 2025, so I’m not trying to conduct League business with folks during the myriad holidays at the end of a year. If I also have to schedule a move in September, it may take me until January to be settled enough to finally resume League business, as well.

Plus…well, I’m gonna be frank. It’ll let me recover a bit from possible burnout, and after almost two years straight of running The League, having a bit longer down time to recover and just focus on things not related to The League may be what the doc ordered. I recognize the symptoms forming already, and while I can power through for a while it wouldn’t lead to a good long-term future. I’d like to get through at least 8 seasons in this format, to best the original run that combined WS2 and the launch of WS3.

I managed six seasons in just over 2 years to start back in the WS2 days, and then got so burned out that it took over a year, and a new game, to bring it back for Season Seven. This season is going to end the week before the two-year anniversary of Season 8, Week 1. So for the long-term health of this game thread, I may need to take a step back after September and let myself recover so that Seasons 13 through 15(+?) do not suffer.

This may or may not also be tied in to this season’s overarching plot line…just saying. 😉

I figured I would be transparent throughout all of this, so there it is.


Season 12 will continue as scheduled. 13 and beyond may be pushed back until next January, jury’s still out on that.

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(2) Nuclear Templeton (4-0, OVR 608) vs. (1) George Mastachas (4-0, OVR 577)

- The only man with a chance to stop Nuke... is not going to stop Nuke.

(6) Brian Blackfield (1-3, OVR 563) vs. (5) Christian Priest (1-3, OVR 565)

- Priest finally passes judgement on the juggernaut.

(3) Brandy McDonald (3-1, OVR 561) vs. (4) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-2, OVR 517)

- Both are having better than expected seasons, but Brandy was always expected to be better than Gross.

(8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-4, OVR 519) vs. (7) Lucas Molina (1-3, OVR 485)

- Molina's best chance to exit the relegation zone.



LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (2) De'siree Mitchell (3-1, OVR 516) vs. (5) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-2, OVR 505)

- Still backing Mitchell for a top-two position.

(6) Billy Norris (2-2, OVR 534) vs. (3) Kichi Hida (3-1, OVR 456)

- Last week's blip aside, Norris has been looking good this season.

(8) Pulsar (0-4, OVR 477) vs. (1) Monty Dhillon (3-1, OVR 522)

- Pulsar needs a change in fortune. I don't think this is going to be it.

(7) Angela Wassermann (1-3, OVR 449) vs. (4) Diego Rodriguez (2-2, OVR 491)

- Diego will outlast her.



(3) Blood River (3-1, OVR 476) vs. (2) Indigo Rose (3-1, OVR 477)

- Weird that this is their first meeting.

(6) Daniel Simmons (1-3, OVR 447) vs. (1) Leon de Ramos (4-0, OVR 433)

- Simmons looking a little lost this season. De Ramos is on a roll.

(5) Markus Clay (2-2, OVR 446) vs. (7) Rock Sheridan (1-3, OVR 417)

- You may be a flier Clay, but can you leap over tall buildings?

(4) Lance Heartilly (2-2, OVR 433) vs. (8) Nocturne (0-4, OVR 407)

- Going with history over recency. Could be a mistake on my part.



(3) Terrance Stevens (3-1, OVR 447) vs. (2) Diamond (3-1, OVR 448)

- Stevens has had Diamond's number.

CAGE MATCH: (1) Scott Stevens (3-1, OVR 404) vs. (4) "Dirty" John Murdoch (3-1, OVR 416)

- Old-school dream match! Could go either way.

(5) Mickey Steele (2-2, OVR 414) vs. (7) Terra Harding (0-4, OVR 406)

- Dark match justice!!!

LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (8) George Stevens (0-4, OVR 384) vs. (6) Erick Gibson (2-2, OVR 425)

- Gibson needs to shake off the ring-rust and show everyone who's, literally, boss.

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Quick one from me this week, been a busy schedule.




Nuclear Templeton

Christian Priest

Brandy McDonald

Lucas Molina


De'siree Mitchell

Kichi Hida

Monty Dhillon

Diego Rodriguez


Indigo Rose

Leon de Ramos

Rock Sheridan



Terrance Stevens

"Dirty" John Murdoch

Mickey Steele

Erick Gibson



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It has become something of a tradition in recent seasons that at some point in the first half of a season, I take a week and simply let the matches speak for themselves (Match of the Night aside, of course). This lets the players read through whichever matches they want without my biases thrown in to skew opinions, and lets them see how a particular wrestler is faring in a match environment. This week will be that week for Season Twelve, and I am writing this at 9:45 am local on July 4th, before I have begun to run matches as all training is in at this point in time for the week, so I cannot put any foreshadowing into this part of the post.

The spreadsheet has been wrestled with to get all the new moves showing up (and ones that I thought I’d added but missed…looking at the De Ramos Driver and Dirty Combination, specifically), tracking down a display error (for Monty, his training last week never showed up and a different mistake was found elsewhere, to much more swearing on my end), and generally trying to browbeat myself into sitting down on my day off and seeing what sort of chicanery The League would get up to this week.

Oh, and we have new teams for Tag Team Turmoil to add to the list too, so keep an eye out below for those announcements.






fTtB0pK.jpg UOpfoyB.jpg (8) George Stevens (0-4, OVR 384)


(6) Erick Gibson (2-2, OVR 425) O63FjvG.jpg E5dgVEm.jpg



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:04) Gibson hit an Eye Poke

(00:11) Gibson hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(00:15) Gibson hit a Knee Drop

(00:19) Gibson hit a Fist Drop

(00:23) Gibson hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(00:34) Gibson hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(00:47) Gibson hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(00:55) Gibson picked up George from behind

(01:05) Erick Gibson looks to mete out some discipline here, as he calls George to a Probationary Hearing!

(01:15) Gibson hit a Headbutt To Groin

(01:20) George broke a Mounted Punch Flurry

(01:23) George hit a Handshake Kick To Gut

(01:26) George hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(01:33) George hit a Running Clothesline

(01:39) Gibson avoided a Stomp.

(01:44) George broke a Knee Plant

(01:48) George hit a Slap To Chest

(01:52) George hit a Face Rake

(02:02) George hit a Samoan Drop

(02:06) Gibson blocked a Headbutt To Groin

(02:13) Erick Gibson moved out of the way from a Snap Driving Elbow.

(02:20) Gibson picked up George from behind

(02:24) George blocked a Probationary Hearing

(02:34) Erick Gibson looks to mete out some discipline here, as he calls George to a Probationary Hearing!

(02:38) Gibson hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(02:42) Gibson hit a Running Knee Drop

(02:47) George broke a Mounted Punch Flurry

(02:51) George hit a Slap To Chest

(02:58) George hit a Running Clothesline

(03:02) George hit an Elbow Drop

(03:06) George hit a Seated Back Kick

(03:16) George hit a Big Man Stand-On

(03:23) George used a Face Rub Taunt

(03:27) George hit a Seated Back Kick

(03:31) Gibson stopped a Power Taunt by rushing George

(03:38) Gibson hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(03:42) Gibson hit an Elbow Drop

(03:46) Gibson hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(04:01) Gibson hit a Stomp Flurry

(04:06) George fought back against being picked up from behind

(04:16) George hit a Samoan Drop

(04:23) George hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(04:30) George used a Slit Throat Motion

(04:34) Gibson stopped a Stalk Grounded Enemy by rushing George

(04:41) Gibson hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(04:48) Gibson hit a Knee Pull

(04:52) Gibson hit an Elbow Drop

(04:57) George slipped out of the back of the Rear Crossface Blows

(05:04) George hit a Chop Block

(05:11) George picked up Gibson

(05:15) Gibson slipped out of the back of an Everything Is Bigger in Texas

(05:25) Erick Gibson looks to mete out some discipline here, as he calls George to a Probationary Hearing!

(05:30) George blocked a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(05:44) Gibson hit Rear Crossface Blows

(05:51) Erick Gibson just knocked George Stevens out with a Terminable Offense!

(06:04) *** George failed to beat a ten count


Erick Gibson (3-2) def. George Stevens (0-5) via Last One Standing Terminable Offense) in 6:04.  Rating: **

Changes for Erick Gibson:  OVR + 3.09, XP + 482.91, no notable damage

Changes for George Stevens:  OVR -1.65, XP + 120.73, minor damage to head



OndApuF.jpg vC6SXqZ.jpg (5) Mickey Steele (2-2, OVR 414)


(7) Terra Harding (0-4, OVR 406) uuVaRmi.jpg



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:03) Steele hit a Forearm Blow

(00:07) Steele hit a Headbutt

(00:11) Steele hit a Stomp

(00:20) Terra Harding moved out of the way from a Knee Drop.

(00:25) Steele fought back against being picked up

(00:29) Terra countered a Bell Clap with a Knife Edge Chop

(00:33) Terra hit an Eye Poke

(00:37) Terra hit a Slap To Chest

(00:41) Terra hit a Kick To Thigh

(00:48) Terra hit a Running Clothesline

(00:57) Steele avoided a Stomp Flurry.

(01:00) Steele hit a Kick To Gut

(01:07) Steele hit a Running Forearm Blow

(01:17) Terra Harding moved out of the way from a Half Senton.

(01:24) Mickey Steele easily moved out of the way from a Snap Driving Elbow.

(01:30) Terra avoided a Seated Dropkick.

(01:35) Steele broke a Women's DDT

(01:41) Steele hit a Roundhouse Punch

(01:48) Steele hit a Running Forearm Blow

(01:56) Terra Harding moved out of the way from a Senton.

(02:03) Terra hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(02:07) Terra hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(02:26) Terra applied a Rope-Assisted Double Footed Choke

(02:26) The referee gave Terra a stern warning

(02:39) Terra hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(02:48) Mickey Steele easily moved out of the way from a Running Half Senton.

(02:56) Terra Harding easily moved out of the way from a Posing Elbow Drop.

(03:00) Terra hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(03:07) Terra hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(03:22) Terra hit a Stomp Flurry

(03:29) Terra hit a Seated Back Dropkick

(03:36) Steele avoided a Seated Dropkick.

(03:39) Steele hit a Bell Clap

(03:42) Steele hit a Forearm Blow

(03:46) Steele hit a Kick To Thigh

(03:49) Steele hit a Punch

(03:52) Steele hit a Bell Clap

(03:56) Steele hit an Open Handed Slap

(04:00) Steele hit a Kick To Arm

(04:07) Steele hit a Running Clothesline

(04:15) Terra Harding moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop.

(04:20) Terra leapt up to the top turnbuckle

(04:29) Terra hit a Top Rope Fist Drop

(04:34) Steele stopped a Stalk Grounded Enemy by rushing Terra

(04:37) Steele hit a Forearm Blow

(04:40) Steele hit a Punch

(04:43) Steele hit a Throat Thrust

(04:49) Steele hit a Roundhouse Body Punch

(04:55) Steele hit a Spinning Back Fist

(05:02) Steele hit a Seated Back Dropkick

(05:07) Terra blocked a Kneeling Kick Rush

(05:13) Steele picked up Terra

(05:19) The impact of that Steele Scissor just cut right through Terra Harding!

(05:26) Steele picked up Terra

(05:40) Steele hit a Running Knee Strike

(05:52) Steele hit a Kneeling Kick Rush

(05:59) Steele picked up Terra

(06:06) Steele hit a Mafia Kick

(06:13) Steele picked up Terra

(06:22) Terra avoided a Mickey Finn.

(06:26) Terra hit a Slap To Chest

(06:29) Terra hit a Kick To Gut

(06:33) Terra hit an Eye Poke

(06:37) Terra hit an Open Handed Chop

(06:43) Steele very easily avoided a Punch.

(06:49) Say good night, Terra! The Mickey Finn connects!

(06:54) *** Steele got a three count on Terra


Mickey Steele (3-2) def. Terra Harding (0-5) via Pinfall (Mickey Finn) in 6:54.  Rating: **

Changes for Mickey Steele:  OVR + 2.45, XP + 483.31, no notable damage

Changes for Terra Harding:  OVR -2.01, XP + 120.83, moderate damage to head



fTtB0pK.jpg fYy1oxq.jpg (1) Scott Stevens (3-1, OVR 404)


(4) "Dirty" John Murdoch (3-1, OVR 416) dw4KJ41.jpg



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:04) Scott hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(00:14) Murdoch avoided a Slap To Chest.

(00:17) Murdoch hit a Handshake Kick To Gut

(00:21) Murdoch hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(00:25) Scott blocked a Single Leg Trip

(00:30) Scott blocked a Drop Toe Hold

(00:34) Scott hit an Eye Poke

(00:37) Scott hit a Kick To Gut

(00:44) Scott hit a Running Clothesline

(00:51) Scott picked up Murdoch

(00:55) Scott hit an Eye Poke

(00:58) Scott hit a Punch

(01:05) Scott hit a Running Clothesline

(01:09) Murdoch blocked a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry

(01:15) Scott hit a Strong Open Handed Chop

(01:30) Scott hit a Stomp Flurry

(01:49) Scott hit a Cage Rake

(01:56) Scott hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(02:11) Scott hit a Stomp Flurry

(02:19) Scott hit a Splash

(02:28) "Dirty" John Murdoch moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(02:32) Murdoch hit an Elbow Drop

(02:39) Murdoch hit a Knee Drive To Arm

(02:46) Murdoch hit a Knee Pull

(02:50) Murdoch hit a Stomp

(02:54) Scott blocked a Headbutt To Groin

(03:01) Scott avoided a Face Rake.

(03:13) Scott hit a Cage Ram

(03:23) "Dirty" John Murdoch moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(03:28) Scott blocked a Headbutt To Groin

(03:47) Murdoch hit a Cage Rake

(03:51) Murdoch hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(03:58) Murdoch hit a Legdrop To Groin

(04:08) Scott very easily avoided a Stomp Flurry.

(04:11) Scott hit a Begging Off Sucker Punch

(04:17) Murdoch avoided a Handshake Kick To Gut.

(04:21) Scott broke an One Foot in the Grave

(04:37) Scott hit a Cage Snake Eyes

(04:37) Murdoch started to bleed

(04:41) Scott hit a Measured Knee Drop

(04:46) Murdoch broke a Cage Rake

(04:51) Scott slipped out the front of an One Foot in the Grave

(04:57) Scott hit a Begging Off Low Blow

(05:01) Murdoch blocked a Cage Rake

(05:05) Murdoch fought back against being picked up

(05:12) Murdoch hit a Double Leg Trip

(05:16) Murdoch hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(05:20) Scott blocked a Legdrop To Groin

(05:36) Murdoch hit a Spinning Arm Breaker

(05:46) Scott Stevens very easily moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(05:50) Scott hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(06:07) Scott hit a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry

(06:17) Scott picked up Murdoch

(06:21) Murdoch broke a Deep in the Heart of Texas

(06:28) Murdoch hit a Single Leg Trip

(06:33) Scott blocked a Knee Pull

(06:40) Murdoch hit a Drop Toe Hold

(06:50) Murdoch hit a Headbutt To Groin

(07:05) Murdoch hit a Stomp Flurry

(07:11) Scott very easily avoided a Stomp.

(07:23) "Dirty" John Murdoch just felt the Toxic Sting of Scott Stevens!

(07:38) Scott narrowly failed to escape the cage

(07:41) Murdoch hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(07:46) Scott blocked a Standing Spinebuster

(07:51) Scott broke a Knee Plant

(07:56) Murdoch blocked a Cage Ram

(08:03) Murdoch broke a Powerbomb by falling on top of Scott

(08:19) Murdoch hit a Spinning Arm Breaker

(08:27) Murdoch hit a Stomp To Groin

(08:37) Murdoch picked up Scott

(08:42) Scott slipped out of the back of a Stump Piledriver

(08:46) Murdoch blocked a Double Axe Handle Blow

(08:50) Scott hit a Forearm To Back Of Head

(08:54) Murdoch broke a Full Nelson Bomb

(09:04) Murdoch hit a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(09:08) Scott broke a Cage Rake

(09:15) Scott hit a Running Forearm Blow

(09:23) Murdoch avoided a Seated Back Kick after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(09:27) Scott broke a Stump Piledriver

(09:31) Murdoch blocked a Toxic Sting

(09:43) Scott hit a Cage Ram

(09:43) Murdoch began bleeding quite heavily

(09:47) Scott hit a Seated Back Kick

(09:54) Scott picked up Murdoch

(10:10) Scott Stevens lands that piledriver from Deep in the Heart of Texas!

(10:25) *** Scott escaped the cage


Scott Stevens (4-1) def. "Dirty" John Murdoch (3-2) via Cage Escape (Deep in the Heart of Texas) in 10:25.  Rating: **

Changes for Scott Stevens:  OVR + 3.02, XP + 485.00, no notable damage

Changes for "Dirty" John Murdoch:  OVR -1.91, XP + 121.25, minor damage to head



9q89H6M.jpg (4) Lance Heartilly (2-2, OVR 433)


(8) Nocturne (0-4, OVR 407) BEVGy0x.jpg



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:14) Nocturne applied a Side Headlock

(00:28) Nocturne applied a Front Facelock

(00:31) Nocturne hit a Kick To Gut

(00:45) Nocturne applied a Front Facelock

(00:52) Nocturne applied a Standing Arm Bar

(00:59) Nocturne hit a Running Clothesline

(01:03) Nocturne hit a Fist Drop

(01:11) Nocturne picked up Heartilly

(01:14) Nocturne hit a Punch

(01:21) Nocturne hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(01:25) Nocturne hit a Knee Drop

(01:29) Nocturne hit a Fist Drop

(01:33) Nocturne hit a Knee Drop

(01:47) Nocturne applied a Body Scissors

(02:01) Nocturne applied an Arm Bar

(02:07) Lance Heartilly moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(02:21) Heartilly applied a Knee Bar

(02:41) Heartilly applied a Rear Chinlock

(02:45) Nocturne blocked a Knee Pull

(02:52) Heartilly applied a Standing Arm Bar

(02:55) Heartilly hit a Jab Punch

(02:58) Heartilly hit a Punch

(03:01) Heartilly hit a Jab Punch

(03:04) Heartilly hit a Handshake Kick To Gut

(03:07) Heartilly hit a Jab Punch

(03:11) Nocturne blocked a Piledriver

(03:16) Nocturne blocked a Belly To Belly Suplex

(03:19) Nocturne hit a Forearm Blow

(03:26) Nocturne hit a Women's DDT

(03:34) Lance Heartilly moved out of the way from a Knee Drop.

(03:48) Heartilly applied a Single Leg Grapevine

(04:10) Heartilly hit a Belly To Belly Suplex

(04:14) Heartilly hit a Running Knee Drop

(04:23) Nocturne very easily avoided a Stomp Flurry.

(04:30) Nocturne hit a Women's DDT

(04:44) Nocturne applied a Body Scissors

(04:48) Nocturne hit an Elbow Drop

(04:53) Heartilly fought back against being picked up from behind

(05:09) Heartilly hit a Piledriver

(05:13) Heartilly hit a Running Knee Drop

(05:32) Heartilly applied a Rope-Assisted Double Footed Choke

(05:32) The referee gave Heartilly a stern warning

(05:38) Heartilly picked up Nocturne

(05:41) Nocturne countered a Heartilly Arm Breaker with a Forearm Blow

(05:48) Nocturne hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(05:52) Nocturne hit a Knee Drop

(05:59) Nocturne hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(06:03) Nocturne hit a Running Knee Drop

(06:17) Nocturne applied a Body Scissors

(06:21) Nocturne hit a Measured Knee Drop

(06:41) Nocturne applied a Rear Chinlock

(06:45) Nocturne hit an Elbow Drop

(06:59) Nocturne applied an Arm Bar

(07:03) Nocturne hit a Measured Knee Drop

(07:07) Nocturne hit a Knee Drop

(07:14) Nocturne picked up Heartilly

(07:19) Heartilly blocked a Seated Face Plant

(07:23) Heartilly broke a Knee Plant

(07:27) Heartilly hit an Eye Poke

(07:30) Heartilly hit a Punch

(07:33) Heartilly hit a Begging Off Sucker Punch

(07:36) Heartilly hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(07:43) Heartilly applied a Standing Arm Bar

(07:48) Nocturne broke a Front Facelock

(08:04) Nocturne hit a Spinning Arm Breaker

(08:14) Nocturne picked up Heartilly from behind

(08:20) Nocturne hit a Blindside High Knee

(08:35) Nocturne failed to get a count out

(08:42) Nocturne hit a Women's DDT

(08:49) Nocturne hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(08:53) Heartilly fought back against being picked up from behind

(08:57) Nocturne rolled through a Heartilly Arm Breaker

(09:13) Nocturne hit a Spinning Arm Breaker

(09:17) Nocturne hit a Running Knee Drop

(09:21) Nocturne hit a Measured Knee Drop

(09:28) Nocturne picked up Heartilly from behind

(09:33) Heartilly blocked a Diving Reverse DDT

(09:37) Heartilly blocked a Neckbreaker

(09:44) Heartilly hit a Single Leg Trip

(09:51) Heartilly hit a Knee Pull

(10:11) Heartilly applied a Rear Chinlock

(10:17) Nocturne very easily avoided a Stomp.

(10:26) Lance Heartilly moved out of the way from a Flying Forearm.

(10:36) Heartilly picked up Nocturne

(10:56) Heartilly gets his Arm Breaker cinched in tight on Nocturne here, will it be enough for the submission?

(11:10) Heartilly got a near submission

(11:20) Heartilly hit an Inverted Russian Legsweep

(11:40) Heartilly applied a Straightjacket Surfboard

(12:02) Nocturne got a rope break to stop a Heartilly Arm Breaker

(12:09) Nocturne got a rope break to stop a Heartilly Arm Breaker

(12:16) Heartilly hit a DDT

(12:20) Nocturne slipped out the front of a Hellacious Leglock

(12:27) Nocturne hit a Single Leg Trip

(12:33) Nocturne picked up Heartilly

(12:43) Nocturne hit a Seated Face Plant

(12:52) Nocturne picked up Heartilly from behind

(12:56) Heartilly blocked a Diving Reverse DDT

(13:01) Heartilly slipped out of the back of a Sleeper Hold

(13:08) Heartilly hit a Chop Block

(13:34) Heartilly applied a STF

(13:49) *** Heartilly submitted Nocturne


Lance Heartilly (3-2) def. Nocturne (0-5) via Submission (STF) in 13:49.  Rating: ***

Changes for Lance Heartilly:  OVR + 3.77, XP + 606.26, no notable damage

Changes for Nocturne:  OVR + 0.38, XP + 151.57, minor damage to head



N0Y594C.jpg (5) Markus Clay (2-2, OVR 446)


(7) Rock Sheridan (1-3, OVR 417) 5vWV1hg.jpg



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:04) Sheridan hit a Slap To Chest

(00:11) Sheridan hit a Running Body Smash

(00:18) Sheridan picked up Clay

(00:21) Sheridan hit a Punch

(00:30) Sheridan hit a Punch Flurry

(00:40) Sheridan picked up Clay

(00:44) Sheridan hit a Slap To Chest

(00:48) Sheridan hit an Open Handed Chop

(00:53) Clay fought back against being picked up

(01:07) Clay applied a Side Headlock

(01:14) Clay hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(01:21) Sheridan got a rope break to stop a Choke Hold

(01:25) Clay hit a Face Rake

(01:34) Sheridan avoided an Eye Poke.

(01:43) Clay very easily avoided a Roundhouse Body Punch.

(01:57) Clay applied a Front Facelock

(02:03) Sheridan countered an Open Handed Chop with a Roundhouse Punch

(02:07) Clay fought back against being picked up

(02:11) Clay hit a Face Rake

(02:11) The referee warned Clay

(02:14) Clay hit a Punch

(02:21) Clay hit a Legsweep Kick

(02:25) Clay hit an Elbow Drop

(02:29) Clay hit a Stomp

(02:43) Clay applied a Choke Hold

(02:43) The referee gave Clay a stern warning

(02:47) Clay hit a Running Knee Drop

(02:51) Clay hit a Measured Knee Drop

(02:58) Clay used a Face Rub Taunt

(03:04) Rock Sheridan moved out of the way from a Half Senton.

(03:08) Clay broke a Stomp To Groin

(03:18) Clay hit a Discus Punch

(03:22) Sheridan broke a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(03:29) Clay countered a Headbutt with a Side Headlock Takedown

(03:36) Rock Sheridan moved out of the way from a Half Senton.

(03:42) Sheridan picked up Clay

(03:46) Sheridan hit a Slap To Chest

(03:50) Sheridan hit an Open Handed Chop

(03:54) Sheridan hit a Stomp

(04:03) Sheridan picked up Clay

(04:12) Clay avoided a Roundhouse Punch after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(04:22) Clay hit a Springboard Clothesline

(04:29) Clay hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(04:44) Clay hit a Stomp Flurry

(04:51) Rock Sheridan moved out of the way from a Running Senton.

(04:59) Sheridan hit a Double Axe Handle Smash

(05:09) Sheridan hit a Big Man Stand-On

(05:17) Sheridan hit a Stomp To Groin

(05:27) Sheridan hit a Big Man Stand-On

(05:35) Sheridan hit a Stomp To Groin

(05:40) Clay stopped a Power Taunt by rushing Sheridan

(05:44) Clay hit an Eye Poke

(05:58) Clay applied a Side Headlock

(06:03) Sheridan slipped out of the back of a Side Headlock Takedown

(06:08) Clay slipped out the front of a Side Bear Hug

(06:13) Clay leapt up to the top turnbuckle

(06:23) Clay hit a Top Rope Flying Forearm Strike

(06:32) Rock Sheridan moved out of the way from a Springboard Splash.

(06:40) Sheridan hit a Stomp To Groin

(06:48) Sheridan picked up Clay

(06:54) What a spinning backfist! Markus Clay, Welcome to Tacoma!

(07:04) Sheridan picked up Clay

(07:08) Clay countered a Shoulder Breaker with an Eye Poke

(07:15) Clay hit a Legsweep Kick

(07:19) Clay hit a Knee Drop

(07:23) Clay hit a Stomp

(07:27) Clay leapt up to the top turnbuckle

(07:31) Sheridan shook the ropes to stop a Top Rope Missile Dropkick

(07:35) Clay kicked Sheridan away

(07:51) Clay hit a Moonsault Press

(08:10) Clay hit a Springboard Legdrop

(08:15) *** Clay got a three count on Sheridan


Markus Clay (3-2) def. Rock Sheridan (1-4) via Pinfall (springboard legdrop) in 8:15.  Rating: **

Changes for Markus Clay:  OVR + 2.99, XP + 556.55, no notable damage

Changes for Rock Sheridan:  OVR -1.56, XP + 139.14, minor damage to head



zd1WDAc.jpg (6) Daniel Simmons (1-3, OVR 447)


(1) Leon de Ramos (4-0, OVR 433) zBWrwLg.jpg

Match of the Night 3rd-place finisher!



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:07) Leon hit a Single Leg Trip

(00:11) Leon hit a Stomp

(00:25) Leon applied a Western Spinning Toe Hold

(00:39) Leon applied an Arm Bar

(00:43) Leon hit an Elbow Drop

(00:47) Leon hit a Stomp

(00:52) Simmons broke a Knee Bar

(00:59) Simmons hit a Single Leg Trip

(01:06) Leon got a rope break to stop a Knee Bar

(01:20) Simmons applied a Front Facelock

(01:27) Simmons hit a Running Clothesline

(01:41) Simmons applied a Body Scissors

(01:59) Simmons hit a Slingshot To Corner

(02:06) Simmons hit a Turnbuckle Smash

(02:26) Simmons applied a Rear Chinlock

(02:44) Simmons hit a Slingshot To Corner

(02:48) Leon blocked a Corner Elbow

(02:55) Simmons hit a Corner Knife Edge Chop

(03:02) Simmons hit a Corner Elbow

(03:09) Simmons hit a Corner Forearm Blow

(03:16) Simmons hit a Corner Knife Edge Chop

(03:34) Simmons hit a Corner Stomp Flurry

(03:38) Simmons hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(03:45) Simmons hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(03:49) Simmons hit a Measured Knee Drop

(03:57) Leon very easily avoided a Seated Back Kick.

(04:11) Leon applied a Front Facelock

(04:25) Leon applied a Cravate

(04:32) Leon hit a Snap Mare Takedown

(04:36) Leon hit a Fist Drop

(04:50) Leon applied an Arm Bar

(04:58) Simmons avoided a Stomp Flurry.

(05:03) Leon slipped out of the back of a Short Arm Back Elbow

(05:19) Leon applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock Roll

(05:40) Leon De Ramos looking to hyperextend a ligament with that Sevillian Stretch...

(05:59) Leon hit a Neckbreaker

(06:05) Simmons got a rope break to stop a Sevillian Stretch

(06:09) Simmons broke a Seated Face Plant

(06:14) Leon slipped out the front of the Trapping Headbutts

(06:21) Simmons countered a Whirlwind Flare with a Clothesline

(06:25) Simmons hit a Seated Back Kick

(06:32) Leon De Ramos very easily moved out of the way from a Snap Driving Elbow.

(06:36) Leon hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(06:42) Daniel Simmons very easily moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop.

(06:46) Simmons hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(06:55) Leon De Ramos easily moved out of the way from a Snap Driving Elbow.

(07:02) Leon hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(07:07) Simmons broke a Rope-Assisted Knee Breaker

(07:14) Simmons hit a Single Leg Trip

(07:18) Simmons hit a Measured Knee Drop

(07:22) Simmons hit a Running Knee Drop

(07:36) Simmons hit Rear Crossface Blows

(07:42) Simmons picked up Leon from behind

(07:52) Simmons hit a Lung Blower

(07:56) Leon stopped a Stalk Grounded Enemy by rushing Simmons

(08:10) Leon applied a Side Headlock

(08:15) Simmons broke a Standing Arm Bar

(08:20) Leon blocked a DDT

(08:27) Simmons hit a Strong Charging Forearm

(08:50) Simmons almost got a count out

(09:06) Simmons hit a Stump Piledriver

(09:11) Leon slipped out of the back of the Rear Crossface Blows

(09:25) Leon applied an Arm Wringer

(09:29) Simmons broke a Snap Mare Takedown

(09:33) Leon slipped out the front of a Stump Piledriver

(09:47) Leon applied a Side Headlock

(09:57) Simmons got a rope break to stop a Kneeling Cravate

(10:01) Simmons blocked a Front Facelock

(10:08) Leon hit a Single Leg Trip

(10:28) Leon applied a Rear Chinlock

(10:43) Leon applied MMA Top Control

(10:47) Leon hit a Running Knee Drop

(11:02) Leon applied MMA Top Control

(11:23) Leon De Ramos looking to hyperextend a ligament with that Sevillian Stretch...

(11:45) Leon De Ramos caught Daniel Simmons napping with a Whirlwind Flare!

(11:52) Simmons got a rope break to stop a Heel Hook Leg Grapevine

(11:57) Simmons broke a Knee Plant

(12:07) Leon avoided a Roundhouse Body Punch.

(12:24) Leon applied a Kneeling Cravate

(12:42) Simmons slipped out the front of a Spinning Arm Breaker

(12:46) Leon broke a Stump Piledriver

(12:51) Simmons broke a DDT

(12:55) Leon broke a Standing Hot Shot

(13:11) Leon hit a Spinning Arm Breaker

(13:16) Simmons blocked a Stump Puller

(13:22) Daniel Simmons easily moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop.

(13:26) Simmons hit a Measured Knee Drop

(13:30) Simmons hit a Running Knee Drop

(13:34) Simmons hit a Seated Back Kick

(13:48) Simmons hit Rear Crossface Blows

(13:55) Simmons picked up Leon

(13:58) Leon countered a Spear with a Kick To Gut

(14:03) Simmons broke an Arm Wringer

(14:06) Leon countered a Strong Charging Forearm with a Kick To Gut

(14:13) Leon hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(14:17) Leon hit a Stomp

(14:21) Leon hit a Fist Drop

(14:35) Leon applied an Arm Bar

(14:55) Leon applied a Boston Crab

(15:13) Simmons blocked a Seated Face Plant

(15:27) Leon applied a Cravate

(15:44) Leon applied a Kneeling Cravate

(16:02) Leon De Ramos caught Daniel Simmons napping with a Whirlwind Flare!

(16:08) Leon picked up Simmons

(16:30) Leon applied a Kneeling Cravate

(16:49) Simmons broke an Iberian Twist

(16:56) Simmons hit a DDT

(17:22) Daniel Simmons seems to think this match is over; is it Quitting Time for Leon De Ramos?

(17:33) *** Simmons submitted Leon


Daniel Simmons (2-3) def. Leon de Ramos (4-1) via Submission (Quitting Time) in 17:33.  Rating: ***

Changes for Daniel Simmons:  OVR + 3.91, XP + 608.49, minor damage to head

Changes for Leon de Ramos:  OVR + 0.35, XP + 152.12, minor damage to head



6r4P9L8.jpg (3) Terrance Stevens (3-1, OVR 447)


(2) Diamond (3-1, OVR 448) 0rDaDU8.jpg



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:04) Diamond blocked a Punch

(00:08) T. Stevens hit a Comedy Foot Stomp

(00:15) T. Stevens hit a Comedy Tickle

(00:19) Diamond blocked a Jab Punch

(00:24) Diamond blocked a Jab Punch

(00:29) T. Stevens broke a Cravate

(00:35) Diamond avoided a Kick To Gut.

(00:49) Diamond applied a Cravate

(00:53) Diamond hit an Open Handed Chop

(01:03) T. Stevens got a rope break to stop a Front Facelock

(01:17) Diamond applied a Cravate

(01:21) Diamond hit an Open Handed Slap

(01:25) Diamond hit an Open Handed Chop

(01:32) Diamond applied a Standing Arm Bar

(01:40) Terrance Stevens moved out of the way from a Running Dropkick.

(01:44) T. Stevens hit a Knee Drop

(01:48) T. Stevens hit a Fist Drop

(01:52) Diamond blocked a Rear Chinlock

(01:55) T. Stevens hit a Kick To Gut

(01:59) Diamond blocked a Seated Face Plant

(02:04) Diamond stopped a Short Arm Back Elbow by rushing T. Stevens

(02:11) Diamond hit a Knee Plant

(02:21) Diamond hit a Seated Face Plant

(02:26) T. Stevens broke a Face Rub Taunt

(02:29) T. Stevens hit a Bell Clap

(02:33) Diamond broke a Seated Face Plant

(02:43) Diamond hit a Discus Punch

(02:56) Diamond hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(03:03) Diamond hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(03:10) Diamond hit a Half Senton

(03:25) Diamond hit a Stomp Flurry

(03:38) Diamond hit a Running Senton

(03:42) Diamond leapt up to the top turnbuckle

(03:51) Diamond hit a Top Rope Elbow Drop

(03:58) Diamond hit a Running Seated Dropkick

(04:05) Diamond hit a Seated Back Dropkick

(04:09) T. Stevens stopped a Stalk Grounded Enemy by rushing Diamond

(04:12) T. Stevens hit a Jab Punch

(04:16) T. Stevens hit an Open Handed Chop

(04:19) T. Stevens hit a Punch

(04:23) T. Stevens hit a Comedy Foot Stomp

(04:26) T. Stevens hit a Kick To Gut

(04:30) T. Stevens hit an Open Handed Chop

(04:37) T. Stevens hit a Running Clothesline

(04:41) T. Stevens hit a Knee Drop

(04:45) T. Stevens hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(04:54) Diamond very easily moved out of the way from a Half Senton.

(04:58) Diamond hit a Measured Knee Drop

(05:03) T. Stevens fought back against being picked up

(05:10) T. Stevens hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(05:14) T. Stevens hit a Running Knee Drop

(05:21) Diamond very easily moved out of the way from a Half Senton.

(05:47) Diamond has T. Stevens wrapped up in the Florentine!

(06:01) *** Diamond submitted T. Stevens


Diamond (4-1) def. Terrance Stevens (3-2) via Submission (Florentine) in 6:01.  Rating: *

Changes for Diamond:  OVR + 2.15, XP + 442.65, no notable damage

Changes for Terrance Stevens:  OVR -3.35, XP + 110.66, minor damage to head



aOXlwtV.jpg (7) Angela Wassermann (1-3, OVR 449)


(4) Diego Rodriguez (2-2, OVR 491) G4sbiHU.jpg



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:05) Rodriguez blocked a Standing Arm Bar

(00:10) Rodriguez slipped out of the back of a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(00:17) Rodriguez hit a Rear Amateur Takedown

(00:27) Angela Wassermann easily moved out of the way from a Knee Drop.

(00:31) Rodriguez blocked an Elbow Drop On Knee

(00:45) Wassermann applied a Western Spinning Toe Hold

(00:49) Rodriguez broke an Elbow Drop On Knee

(00:53) Wassermann rolled through a Standing Arm Bar

(00:57) Wassermann hit a Slap To Chest

(01:11) Wassermann applied a Side Headlock

(01:25) Wassermann applied a Front Facelock

(01:33) Rodriguez avoided a Straight Right.

(01:47) Rodriguez applied a Side Headlock

(01:50) Rodriguez hit a Forearm Blow

(01:57) Rodriguez applied a Standing Arm Bar

(02:11) Rodriguez applied a Cravate

(02:20) Rodriguez hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(02:27) Rodriguez applied a Standing Arm Bar

(02:41) Rodriguez applied a Side Headlock

(02:48) Rodriguez applied a Standing Arm Bar

(02:55) Rodriguez hit a Running Clothesline

(03:15) Rodriguez applied a Rear Chinlock

(03:29) Rodriguez applied a Western Spinning Toe Hold

(03:36) Angela Wassermann very easily moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(03:41) Rodriguez blocked a Rear Chinlock

(03:48) Wassermann hit a Legdrop To Arm

(03:53) Rodriguez blocked the MMA Top Control

(03:57) Rodriguez fought back against being picked up

(04:06) Rodriguez hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(04:13) Wassermann easily avoided a Punch.

(04:27) Wassermann applied a Side Headlock

(04:32) Rodriguez rolled through a Standing Arm Bar

(04:36) Wassermann blocked a Swinging Neckbreaker

(04:52) Rodriguez hit a Swinging Neckbreaker

(04:59) Wassermann got a rope break to stop a Boston Crab

(05:15) Rodriguez hit a Spinning Arm Breaker

(05:29) Rodriguez applied a Single Leg Grapevine

(05:47) Wassermann broke a Belly To Belly Suplex

(06:01) Wassermann applied a Side Headlock

(06:05) Rodriguez blocked a Front Facelock

(06:12) Wassermann hit a Single Leg Trip

(06:28) Wassermann hit MMA Top Control Jabs

(06:32) Wassermann hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(06:48) Wassermann hit MMA Top Control Jabs

(06:52) Wassermann hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(07:06) Wassermann applied a Western Spinning Toe Hold

(07:15) Diego Rodriguez very easily moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(07:24) Angela Wassermann moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(07:29) Rodriguez broke a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(07:34) Wassermann blocked a Kneeling Jaw Breaker

(07:38) Wassermann broke a Knee Plant

(07:44) Wassermann hit a Scything Leg Kick

(07:51) Wassermann hit a Running Forearm Blow

(07:55) Wassermann hit a Running Knee Drop

(08:05) Rodriguez easily avoided a Stomp Flurry.

(08:08) Rodriguez hit a Punch

(08:22) Rodriguez applied a Cravate

(08:32) Rodriguez hit a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(08:46) Rodriguez applied a Single Leg Grapevine

(09:16) Rodriguez hit a Piledriver

(09:20) Wassermann slipped out of the back of a STF

(09:36) Wassermann applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock Roll

(09:40) Wassermann hit a Seated Back Kick

(09:59) Wassermann hit MMA Top Control Punches

(10:06) Rodriguez countered a Snap Driving Elbow with a Small Package

(10:11) Rodriguez got a two count

(10:27) Rodriguez hit a Swinging Neckbreaker

(10:36) Rodriguez picked up Wassermann

(10:52) The sounds of dissonance seem to be gathering...Diego Rodriguez hits the Prelude to Dissonance on Wassermann!

(11:12) Rodriguez applied a Boston Crab

(11:31) Wassermann blocked a Judo Arm Lock Takedown

(11:35) Wassermann broke a Stump Piledriver

(11:42) Wassermann hit a Single Leg Trip

(11:46) Wassermann hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(11:50) Rodriguez broke the MMA Top Control Punches

(12:06) Rodriguez hit a Piledriver

(12:11) Wassermann slipped out of the back of a STF

(12:16) Rodriguez slipped out the front of a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(12:42) Rodriguez applied a Judo Arm Lock Takedown

(12:53) Rodriguez got a near submission

(13:03) Rodriguez hit a Shoot-In Double Leg Takedown

(13:08) Wassermann blocked a Stump Puller

(13:34) Rodriguez applied a Stump Puller

(13:45) Rodriguez got a near submission

(14:11) Rodriguez applied a Judo Rolling Leglock

(14:22) Rodriguez got a near submission

(14:38) Rodriguez hit a Stump Piledriver

(14:58) Rodriguez has Angela Wassermann's voice crying out in a Discordant Melody!

(15:13) *** Rodriguez submitted Wassermann


Diego Rodriguez (3-2) def. Angela Wassermann (1-4) via Submission (Discordant Melody) in 15:13.  Rating: **

Changes for Diego Rodriguez:  OVR + 3.69, XP + 633.50, no notable damage

Changes for Angela Wassermann:  OVR -1.32, XP + 158.37, minor damage to head



VZFWcYa.jpg hAfQcot.jpg (3) Blood River (3-1, OVR 476)


(2) Indigo Rose (3-1, OVR 477) 2X2r9qf.jpg



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:14) Rose applied an Arm Wringer

(00:28) Rose applied a Front Facelock

(00:32) Rose hit an Open Handed Chop

(00:46) Rose applied a Cravate

(00:50) Rose hit a Headbutt

(00:57) Rose applied a Standing Arm Bar

(01:05) Blood River very easily avoided a Running Clothesline.

(01:09) Blood River hit an Eye Poke

(01:12) Blood River hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(01:22) Rose avoided a Begging Off Eye Poke.

(01:29) Rose hit a Running Clothesline

(01:33) Rose hit a Knee Drop

(01:53) Rose applied a Rear Chinlock

(02:00) Blood River very easily moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(02:05) Rose fought back against being picked up

(02:09) Blood River blocked a Screw Legwhip

(02:15) Blood River very easily avoided a Vertical Body Press.

(02:18) Blood River hit a Punch

(02:24) Rose got a rope break to stop a Front Facelock

(02:27) Blood River hit a Kick To Gut

(02:31) Blood River hit an Eye Poke

(02:35) Blood River hit an Open Handed Chop

(02:38) Blood River hit a Kick To Gut

(02:52) Blood River applied a Front Facelock

(02:59) Blood River hit a Legsweep Kick

(03:08) Rose got a rope break to stop a Forehead Bite

(03:15) Blood River hit a Running Clothesline

(03:28) Blood River hit a Running Half Senton

(03:32) Blood River hit a Seated Back Kick

(03:51) Blood River applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(03:51) The referee gave Blood River a stern warning

(03:58) Blood River hit a Senton

(04:11) Blood River hit a Running Half Senton

(04:15) Blood River hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(04:22) Blood River used a Face Rub Taunt

(04:37) Blood River hit a Stomp Flurry

(04:44) Blood River hit a Half Senton

(04:51) Blood River used a Face Rub Taunt

(05:06) Blood River hit a Stomp Flurry

(05:13) Blood River hit a Half Senton

(05:18) Rose blocked a Face Rub Taunt

(05:22) Blood River hit a Seated Back Kick

(05:35) Blood River hit a Running Half Senton

(05:40) Rose stopped a Springboard Senton Bomb by rushing Blood River

(05:47) Rose applied a Standing Arm Bar

(05:55) Rose applied a Hammerlock

(05:59) Rose hit a Forearm To Back Of Head

(06:06) Rose applied a Standing Arm Bar

(06:23) Rose applied a Kneeling Cravate

(06:47) Rose hit a Fireman's Carry Takedown

(07:01) Rose applied a Western Spinning Toe Hold

(07:15) Rose applied a Single Leg Grapevine

(07:38) The Acolyte tripped Rose to prevent a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(07:47) Indigo Rose moved out of the way from a Springboard Legdrop.

(07:53) Blood River very easily moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop.

(08:03) Indigo Rose moved out of the way from a Springboard Legdrop.

(08:07) Rose hit a Measured Knee Drop

(08:15) Rose hit a Stomp To Groin

(08:28) Rose hit a Rope-Assisted Knee Breaker

(08:35) Rose hit a Knee Pull

(08:42) Blood River very easily moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(08:52) Indigo Rose moved out of the way from a Slingshot Legdrop.

(08:58) Rose picked up Blood River

(09:03) Blood River blocked a Blood From a Rose

(09:08) Blood River blocked a Knee Plant DDT

(09:22) Blood River applied a Front Facelock

(09:34) Blood River hit a Running Clothesline To The Outside

(09:47) Blood River hit a Running Senton

(09:56) Rose avoided a Kneeling Kick Rush.

(10:01) Blood River slipped out of the back of a Stump Piledriver

(10:06) Rose slipped out of the back of a Running Neck Snap

(10:13) Rose hit a Neckbreaker

(10:28) Rose hit a Stomp Flurry

(10:37) Rose picked up Blood River

(10:46) The Acolyte attacked Rose to prevent a Blood From a Rose

(10:46) The referee sent The Acolyte back to the locker room

(10:50) Rose countered a Running Clothesline with a Slap To Chest

(10:50) Both wrestlers return to the ring before they get counted out

(10:57) Indigo Rose grabs hold of Blood River...and there's the Blood From a Rose DDT!

(11:02) Rose got a one count

(11:06) Blood River slipped out the front of a Stump Piledriver

(11:11) Rose blocked a Jab Punch

(11:14) Blood River hit a Handshake Kick To Gut

(11:18) Blood River hit an Open Handed Chop

(11:22) Blood River hit a Knee Drop

(11:26) Rose blocked a Choke Hold

(11:36) Rose got a rope break to stop a Front Facelock

(11:39) Blood River hit a Forearm Blow

(11:43) Blood River hit a Kick To Thigh

(11:50) Rose countered a Bell Clap with a Side Headlock Takedown

(12:00) Rose picked up Blood River

(12:07) Indigo Rose grabs hold of Blood River...and there's the Blood From a Rose DDT!

(12:07) Blood River started to bleed

(12:11) *** Rose got a three count on Blood River


Indigo Rose (4-1) def. Blood River (3-2) via Pinfall (Blood From a Rose) in 12:11.  Rating: **

Changes for Indigo Rose:  OVR + 3.11, XP + 558.73, minor damage to head

Changes for Blood River:  OVR -1.71, XP + 111.75, minor damage to head



Previously announced:

Angela Wassermann & Diamond

Baptism of Violence—Reverend Johnny Gross & Brian Blackfield

Aria of Thorns—Indigo Rose/Nocturne

Confirmed over the past week:

San Juan Carnival—Kichi Hida & Lucas Molina

High Velocity—Billy Norris & Markus Clay

Hearts of the Zodiac—Pulsar & Jean-Paul Ouilette

Steel Devastation—Yoshii Nakamatsu & Mickey Steele

The First Church—Monty Dhillon & Christian Priest (defending champions)

Still rumored for this season:

The Stevens Dynasty—Scott & George Stevens

Nuclear Templeton & no one, he’ll beat everyone in a handicap match if he has to (per Nuclear’s “friends,” not official League sources)


More teams to be announced next week.

(For those players keeping count, the following GMPCs are still not spoken for:  De’siree Mitchell, Lance Heartilly, Terra Harding, Blood River, Daniel Simmons, Brandy McDonald, Erick Gibson, Diego Rodriguez, Terrance Stevens, and George Mastachas.)




VfA2MW8.jpg (8) Pulsar (0-4, OVR 477)


(1) Monty Dhillon (3-1, OVR 522) vz0qqDp.jpg



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:03) Pulsar hit a Forearm Blow

(00:13) Dhillon avoided an Estacas.

(00:16) Dhillon hit a Begging Off Sucker Punch

(00:22) Pulsar easily avoided a Begging Off Eye Poke.

(00:26) Pulsar hit a Kick To Knee

(00:34) Dhillon avoided a Legsweep Kick.

(00:48) Dhillon applied a Front Facelock

(00:51) Dhillon hit a Punch

(00:55) Dhillon hit an Eye Poke

(01:05) Pulsar avoided a Jab Punch.

(01:12) Pulsar hit a Running Clothesline

(01:16) Pulsar hit a Guillotina

(01:20) Pulsar hit an Elbow Drop

(01:24) Dhillon fought back against being picked up

(01:28) Pulsar blocked a Handshake Sucker Punch

(01:31) Dhillon hit a Punch

(01:34) Dhillon hit a Forearm Blow

(01:37) Dhillon hit a Jab Punch

(01:41) Dhillon hit an Open Handed Chop

(01:48) Dhillon hit a Knee Pull

(01:54) Pulsar moved out of the way from a Knee Drop after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(01:59) Dhillon fought back against being picked up from behind

(02:03) Pulsar blocked a Jab Punch

(02:06) Dhillon hit a Jab Punch

(02:16) Pulsar easily avoided an Open Handed Chop.

(02:23) Pulsar hit a Legsweep Kick

(02:32) Pulsar hit a Rope-Assisted Knee Drop

(02:41) Monty Dhillon moved out of the way from a Knee Drop.

(02:45) Dhillon hit a Stomp

(02:49) Dhillon hit an Elbow Drop

(02:53) Pulsar blocked a Double Axe Handle Smash

(03:00) Dhillon hit a Running Clothesline

(03:26) Dhillon leans back, pulls, and lifts Pulsar into the 1346!

(03:43) Dhillon hit a Roundhouse Punch

(03:50) Pulsar countered a 1346 with a Legsweep Kick

(04:10) Pulsar applied a Rear Chinlock

(04:19) Pulsar hit a Rope-Assisted Knee Drop

(04:28) Monty Dhillon moved out of the way from a Running Half Senton.

(04:47) Dhillon applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(04:47) The referee gave Dhillon a stern warning

(05:00) Dhillon hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(05:07) Dhillon used a Power Taunt

(05:33) Dhillon leans back, pulls, and lifts Pulsar into the 1346!

(05:54) Dhillon hit a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(06:02) Pulsar got a rope break to stop a Wheel-Lock

(06:18) Dhillon hit a Side Explosion Suplex

(06:25) Dhillon picked up Pulsar

(06:30) Pulsar blocked a Strong Gut Buster

(06:35) Pulsar blocked a Western Brainbuster Suplex

(06:43) Pulsar climbed the turnbuckles

(06:48) Dhillon shook the ropes to stop a Top Rope Corkscrew Leg Lariat

(06:52) Pulsar kicked Dhillon away

(07:02) Pulsar hit a Top Rope Flying Forearm Strike

(07:06) Pulsar hit a Fist Drop

(07:12) Monty Dhillon moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(07:20) Dhillon picked up Pulsar

(07:36) Dhillon hit a Strong Gut Buster

(07:43) Dhillon picked up Pulsar

(07:59) Dhillon hit a Western Brainbuster Suplex

(08:04) Dhillon got a two count

(08:28) Monty Dhillon is looking for a submission here as Pulsar is caught in a Blockade Lock!

(08:42) *** Dhillon submitted Pulsar


Monty Dhillon (4-1) def. Pulsar (0-5) via Submission (Blockade Lock) in 8:42.  Rating: **

Changes for Monty Dhillon:  OVR + 3.50, XP + 629.43, no notable damage

Changes for Pulsar:  OVR -1.08, XP + 157.36, minor damage to head



6fYIC71.jpg (6) Billy Norris (2-2, OVR 534)


(3) Kichi Hida (3-1, OVR 456) 4ZAKk1I.jpg



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:04) Hida hit a Face Rake

(00:08) Hida hit an Eye Poke

(00:11) Hida hit a Punch

(00:11) Norris shrugged off the blow

(00:27) Norris applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(00:41) Norris applied a Top Wrist Lock

(00:45) Hida blocked a Jab Punch

(00:49) Hida broke a Standing Arm Bar

(00:53) Hida hit an Eye Poke

(00:53) The referee warned Hida

(01:01) Hida hit a Punch

(01:05) Norris blocked a Knee Lift

(01:12) Norris easily avoided a Running Clothesline.

(01:19) Norris hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(01:39) Norris applied a Rear Chinlock

(01:48) Norris hit a Rope-Assisted Knee Drop

(01:52) Norris hit a Knee Drop

(02:00) Hida got a rope break to stop a Knee Pull

(02:09) Hida countered an Open Handed Chop with a Punch Flurry

(02:16) Hida hit a Running Clothesline

(02:16) Norris shrugged off the blow

(02:24) Norris applied a Hammerlock

(02:28) Norris hit a Kick To Thigh

(02:31) Norris hit a Jab Punch

(02:35) Norris hit an Open Handed Slap

(02:43) Hida easily avoided a Forearm Blow.

(02:47) Hida hit a Knee Lift

(02:47) Norris shrugged off the blow

(02:54) Hida got a rope break to stop a Hammerlock

(03:02) Hida got a rope break to stop a Standing Head Scissors Jump

(03:09) Norris hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(03:19) Kichi Hida moved out of the way from a Legdrop.

(03:26) Hida picked up Norris

(03:32) Norris avoided an Eye Poke.

(03:48) Norris applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(03:53) Hida blocked a Standing Arm Bar

(04:02) Norris hit a Leaping Neckbreaker

(04:09) Norris hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(04:22) Norris hit a Running Senton

(04:27) Hida broke a Stomp To Groin

(04:27) Hida irish whipped Norris into the corner

(04:36) Norris blocked a Corner Choke

(04:41) Norris blocked a Corner Ten Punch

(04:45) Hida broke a Short Arm Knee Lift

(04:49) Hida hit an Eye Poke

(04:49) The referee warned Hida

(04:56) Norris easily avoided a Running Clothesline.

(04:59) Hida countered a Running Dropkick with a Kick To Gut

(05:06) Hida hit a Running Clothesline

(05:13) Norris countered a Knee Drop with a Legsweep Kick

(05:17) Norris hit a Running Knee Drop

(05:27) Kichi Hida moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop.

(05:37) Hida picked up Norris from behind

(05:41) Hida hit a Forearm To Back

(05:46) Norris reversed an irish whip

(05:53) Norris hit a Hip Toss

(05:59) Kichi Hida moved out of the way from a Running Senton.

(06:03) Listen to Kichi Hida laugh as she lands the Funhouse Stomp!

(06:10) Hida picked up Norris

(06:16) Billy Norris goes tumbling to ringside after the Mirror Maze Knee Strike!

(06:28) Hida failed to get a count out

(06:34) Hida hit a Roundhouse Punch

(06:38) Norris broke a Face Rub Taunt

(06:46) Norris applied a Hammerlock

(06:56) Hida very easily avoided a Forearm To Back Of Head.

(07:06) Hida hit a Discus Clothesline

(07:10) Listen to Kichi Hida laugh as she lands the Funhouse Stomp!

(07:16) Billy Norris very easily moved out of the way from a Snap Driving Elbow.

(07:25) Kichi Hida moved out of the way from a Running Half Senton.

(07:29) Hida hit a Stomp

(07:37) Hida picked up Norris

(07:43) Norris very easily avoided a Mirror Maze Knee Strike.

(07:47) Hida slipped out the front of a Standing Head Scissors Jump

(07:54) Hida hit a Running Knee Lift

(08:02) Hida picked up Norris

(08:05) Norris countered a Women's Spear with a Forearm Blow

(08:12) Norris applied a Standing Arm Bar

(08:17) Hida broke a Front Facelock

(08:27) Norris very easily avoided a Yakuza Kick.

(08:41) Norris applied a Cravate

(08:55) Norris applied a Front Facelock

(09:01) Norris hit a Dropkick To Knee

(09:11) Kichi Hida moved out of the way from a Senton.

(09:19) Hida picked up Norris

(09:25) Billy Norris goes tumbling to ringside after the Mirror Maze Knee Strike!

(09:45) Hida almost got a count out

(09:49) Norris blocked the Glory in Violence

(09:58) Norris very easily avoided a Running Knee Lift.

(10:05) Norris applied a Standing Arm Bar

(10:19) Norris applied a Side Headlock

(10:27) Norris hit a Flying Rana

(10:33) Hida avoided a Running Seated Dropkick.

(10:39) Billy Norris's brains may be scrambled after that savage Kichi Hida headbutt!

(10:46) Billy Norris easily moved out of the way from a Snap Driving Elbow.

(10:53) Kichi Hida moved out of the way from a Springboard Splash.

(11:03) Hida picked up Norris

(11:13) Billy Norris gets taken for a ride of pain on Hida's UFO Spin Elbow!

(11:18) Hida got a one count

(11:24) Billy Norris goes tumbling to ringside after the Mirror Maze Knee Strike!

(11:47) Hida almost got a count out

(11:54) Norris easily avoided a Women's Spear.

(12:01) Norris hit a Legsweep Kick

(12:05) Norris hit a Fist Drop

(12:12) Norris hit a Knee Pull

(12:16) Norris hit a Fist Drop

(12:20) Norris hit a Knee Drop

(12:27) Norris hit a Knee Pull

(12:31) Norris hit a Legdrop

(12:40) Kichi Hida moved out of the way from a Running Senton.

(12:44) Norris fought back against being picked up

(12:48) Hida broke a Standing Head Scissors Jump

(13:06) Kichi Hida is showing Norris the true meaning of Glory in Violence here!

(13:12) Billy Norris suffers Eternal Violence as Hida connects with the knee!

(13:17) *** Hida got a three count on Norris


Kichi Hida (4-1) def. Billy Norris (2-3) via Pinfall Eternal Violence ) in 13:17.  Rating: **

Changes for Kichi Hida:  OVR + 3.64, XP + 632.29, no notable damage

Changes for Billy Norris:  OVR -1.25, XP + 158.07, minor damage to head

Note from the author: For the sake of transparency, after this match was run I told EP about the quirks of the Mirror Maze Knee Strike. He had stated that his vision was that it would send the opponent outside so that Kichi could put her Anarchist trait to good use, but as seen above she never pursued during the match. So a compromise on the move was made and moving forward, the move will also send Hida outside to “chase” the opponent with the damage of the move being lowered by about 40% to compensate for this.



hYlEAC2.jpg p1IFTGG.jpg (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-4, OVR 519)


(7) Lucas Molina (1-3, OVR 485) LG3TCXf.jpg oYmq2Bu.jpg



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:03) Ouilette hit a Jab Punch

(00:07) Ouilette hit a Slap To Chest

(00:11) Molina blocked a Kick To Gut

(00:19) Molina avoided a Punch.

(00:26) Molina hit a Snap Mare Takedown

(00:40) Molina applied a Body Scissors

(00:45) Ouilette broke an Elbow Drop On Knee

(00:48) Ouilette hit a Jab Punch

(00:51) Ouilette hit a Punch

(00:55) Ouilette hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(00:58) Ouilette hit a Jab Punch

(01:02) Ouilette hit a Slap To Chest

(01:11) Ouilette hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(01:15) Molina blocked a Front Facelock

(01:29) Ouilette hit a Side Headlock Closed Fist

(01:38) Ouilette hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(01:42) Ouilette hit a Slap To Chest

(01:45) Ouilette hit a Forearm Blow

(01:49) Ouilette hit an Eye Poke

(01:49) The referee warned Ouilette

(01:52) Ouilette hit a Kick To Gut

(02:06) Ouilette applied a Side Headlock

(02:10) Ouilette hit an Open Handed Chop

(02:14) Ouilette hit a Slap To Chest

(02:18) Molina slipped out of the back of a Side Headlock

(02:28) Ouilette very easily avoided a Forearm To Back.

(02:31) Ouilette hit a Punch

(02:34) Ouilette hit a Jab Punch

(02:38) Ouilette hit a Slap To Chest

(02:43) Molina blocked a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(02:46) Ouilette hit a Jab Punch

(02:49) Ouilette hit a Forearm Blow

(02:58) Molina avoided an Eye Poke.

(03:14) Molina applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(03:18) Molina hit a Forearm To Back

(03:26) Molina applied a Hammerlock

(03:33) Molina applied a Standing Arm Bar

(03:40) Molina hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(03:47) Molina hit a Knee Pull

(03:54) Molina hit a Legdrop To Arm

(04:04) Jean-Paul Ouilette very easily moved out of the way from a Rope-Assisted Knee Drop.

(04:18) Ouilette applied a Knee Bar

(04:29) Ouilette hit a Mounted Punch Flurry

(04:33) Ouilette hit a Seated Back Kick

(04:44) Ouilette hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(05:03) Ouilette applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(05:03) The referee gave Ouilette a stern warning

(05:08) Molina blocked a Mounted Punch Flurry

(05:14) Lucas Molina moved out of the way from a Snap Driving Elbow.

(05:23) Jean-Paul Ouilette easily moved out of the way from a Knee Drop.

(05:30) Ouilette hit a Knee Pull

(05:36) Molina avoided a Seated Back Kick.

(05:43) Molina hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(05:50) Molina hit a Legdrop To Arm

(05:56) Jean-Paul Ouilette very easily moved out of the way from a Rope-Assisted Knee Drop.

(06:10) Ouilette applied a Single Leg Grapevine

(06:39) Ouilette hit a Piledriver

(06:46) Ouilette picked up Molina

(06:53) Molina countered a Begging Off Low Blow with a Side Headlock Takedown

(07:00) Molina hit a Legdrop To Arm

(07:07) Molina hit a Knee Drive To Arm

(07:12) Ouilette blocked a Legdrop To Arm

(07:19) Molina hit a Single Leg Trip

(07:23) Molina hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(07:31) Jean-Paul Ouilette very easily moved out of the way from a Rope-Assisted Knee Drop.

(07:51) Ouilette applied a Camel Clutch

(08:14) Molina avoided a Begging Off Low Blow after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(08:21) Molina hit a Snap Mare Takedown

(08:35) Molina applied a Body Scissors

(08:42) Molina hit a Knee Drive To Arm

(08:46) Molina hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(09:00) Molina applied a Knee Bar

(09:14) Molina applied a Single Leg Grapevine

(09:39) Molina hit a Kneeling Jaw Breaker

(09:46) Molina applied a Standing Arm Bar

(09:53) Molina hit a Knee Plant

(10:19) Jean-Paul Ouilette gets taken down, and Lucas Molina has that Juey de Tierra locked in...

(10:46) Molina applied a Front Facelock

(10:53) Molina hit a Single Leg Trip

(11:01) Molina picked up Ouilette

(11:11) And Jean-Paul Ouilette gets sent to the canvas courtesy of a Puerto Rican Legsweep!

(11:25) Jean-Paul Ouilette ia feeling the squeeze of the Puerto Rican Pinch!

(11:48) Molina hit a Knee Breaker

(11:56) Molina picked up Ouilette

(12:22) Lucas Molina with a trademark Patillas Leglock, and Jean-Paul Ouilette has to fight to get out if it!

(12:34) Molina got a near submission

(13:00) Jean-Paul Ouilette gets taken down, and Lucas Molina has that Juey de Tierra locked in...

(13:16) Ouilette broke a Swinging Neckbreaker

(13:20) Ouilette hit an Eye Poke

(13:20) The referee warned Ouilette

(13:24) Molina slipped out the front of a Standing Head Scissors Jump

(13:50) Molina with the judo takedown on Ouilette, and he has the Humacao Armlock on tight here!

(14:05) Molina got a near submission

(14:31) Lucas Molina has got Jean-Paul Ouilette held up in the Maunabo Crab!

(14:45) *** Molina submitted Ouilette


Lucas Molina (2-3) def. Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-5) via Submission (Maunabo Crab) in 14:45.  Rating: ***

Changes for Lucas Molina:  OVR + 4.80, XP + 791.51, minor damage to head

Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette:  OVR + 1.38, XP + 197.88, minor damage to legs



T7PlxOP.jpg (2) De'siree Mitchell (3-1, OVR 516)


(5) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-2, OVR 505) xHVnvxD.jpg



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:03) Nakamatsu hit a Punch

(00:03) Mitchell shrugged off the blow

(00:07) Nakamatsu countered an Open Handed Chop with an Open Handed Chop

(00:23) Nakamatsu hit an Arm Wringer Smash

(00:30) Nakamatsu hit a Running Clothesline

(00:34) Nakamatsu hit an Elbow Drop

(00:43) Nakamatsu picked up Mitchell

(00:50) Nakamatsu hit a Drop Toe Hold

(00:54) Nakamatsu hit a Knee Drop

(01:01) Nakamatsu hit a Knee Pull

(01:11) Nakamatsu picked up Mitchell

(01:16) Mitchell slipped out the front of a Side Headlock Takedown

(01:19) Mitchell hit a Punch

(01:26) Mitchell hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(01:31) Nakamatsu escaped a Knee Pull

(01:35) Mitchell hit a Japanese Binta

(01:39) Mitchell hit an Open Handed Chop

(01:46) Mitchell hit a Legdrop To Arm

(01:50) Mitchell hit an Elbow Drop

(02:00) Yoshii Nakamatsu very easily moved out of the way from a Knee Drop.

(02:04) Nakamatsu hit an Elbow Drop

(02:08) Nakamatsu hit a Measured Knee Drop

(02:12) Mitchell broke a Knee Pull

(02:16) Mitchell hit a Slap To Chest

(02:19) Mitchell hit a Jab Punch

(02:22) Mitchell hit a Punch

(02:29) Mitchell hit a Running Clothesline

(02:36) Mitchell hit a Knee Drive To Arm

(02:40) Mitchell hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(02:48) Yoshii Nakamatsu moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(02:52) Nakamatsu hit a Measured Knee Drop

(02:56) Nakamatsu hit an Elbow Drop

(03:05) Nakamatsu hit a Rope-Assisted Knee Drop

(03:12) Nakamatsu hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(03:22) De'siree Mitchell moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(03:26) Mitchell hit a Seated Back Kick

(03:34) Yoshii Nakamatsu moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(03:38) Nakamatsu hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(03:45) Nakamatsu hit a Knee Pull

(03:49) Nakamatsu hit a Measured Knee Drop

(03:53) Nakamatsu hit an Elbow Drop

(03:57) Mitchell fought back against being picked up from behind

(04:01) Nakamatsu countered a Bell Clap with a Kick To Thigh

(04:06) Mitchell slipped out the front of a Belly To Belly Suplex

(04:09) Mitchell hit a Bell Clap

(04:13) Mitchell hit a Slap To Chest

(04:17) Mitchell hit a Japanese Binta

(04:24) Mitchell hit a Running Clothesline

(04:28) Nakamatsu broke a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(04:32) Mitchell slipped out of the back of a Single Arm DDT

(04:44) Mitchell hit a Kick To Knee Rush

(04:51) Yoshii Nakamatsu moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(04:59) De'siree Mitchell moved out of the way from a Knee Drop.

(05:05) Nakamatsu avoided a Seated Kick.

(05:12) Mitchell avoided a Thrust Kick.

(05:19) Mitchell hit a Running Forearm Blow

(05:23) Mitchell hit a Running Knee Drop

(05:27) Mitchell hit a Seated Back Kick

(05:32) Nakamatsu escaped a Knee Pull

(05:38) Mitchell hit a Roundhouse Body Punch

(05:44) Mitchell hit a Strong Open Handed Chop

(05:55) Mitchell hit a Mounted Punch Flurry

(06:06) Mitchell hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(06:20) Mitchell used a Get Up Taunt

(06:23) Nakamatsu countered a Spinning Elbow Blow with a Forearm Blow

(06:28) Mitchell slipped out the front of a Spinning Arm Breaker

(06:38) Mitchell hit a Spinning Elbow Blow

(06:42) Nakamatsu stopped a Get Up Taunt by rushing Mitchell

(06:49) Nakamatsu hit an Inverted Drop Toe Hold

(06:53) Nakamatsu hit an Elbow Drop

(07:00) Nakamatsu picked up Mitchell

(07:05) Mitchell broke a DDT

(07:10) Nakamatsu blocked a Stump Piledriver

(07:16) Mitchell hit a Spinning Back Fist

(07:20) Nakamatsu blocked the Rear Crossface Blows

(07:31) Mitchell hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(07:36) Nakamatsu stopped a Slit Throat Motion by rushing Mitchell

(07:41) Mitchell blocked an Inverted Drop Toe Hold

(07:48) Nakamatsu hit an Inverted Drop Toe Hold

(07:55) Nakamatsu hit a Knee Pull

(07:59) Nakamatsu hit an Elbow Drop

(08:06) Nakamatsu hit a Knee Pull

(08:10) Nakamatsu hit a Fist Drop

(08:19) Nakamatsu picked up Mitchell

(08:26) Nakamatsu hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(08:32) Nakamatsu picked up Mitchell

(08:37) Mitchell broke a DDT

(08:37) Mitchell irish whipped Nakamatsu into the corner

(08:52) And the defense holds with the Goal Line Stand; De'siree Mitchell has the momentum now!

(09:06) Nakamatsu narrowly beat a ten count

(09:12) Nakamatsu avoided an All Out Blitz after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(09:22) Nakamatsu hit a STO

(09:27) Mitchell fought back against being picked up

(09:43) Mitchell hit a Japanese Power DDT

(09:52) Mitchell picked up Nakamatsu

(10:02) Yoshii Nakamatsu just nearly got cut in half by the All Out Blitz of De'siree Mitchell!

(10:17) *** Nakamatsu failed to beat a ten count


De'siree Mitchell (4-1) def. Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-3) via Last One Standing (All Out Blitz) in 10:17.  Rating: **

Changes for De'siree Mitchell:  OVR + 4.25, XP + 630.42, minor damage to head

Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu:  OVR -0.78, XP + 157.60, minor damage to head



gGexPKo.jpg (3) Brandy McDonald (3-1, OVR 561)


(4) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-2, OVR 517) d7FEgH5.jpg



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:07) McDonald hit a Single Leg Trip

(00:15) McDonald picked up Rev. Gross

(00:22) Rev. Gross got a rope break to stop a Front Facelock

(00:32) McDonald hit a Judo Sweep

(00:36) McDonald hit a Knee Drop

(00:43) McDonald hit a Knee Pull

(00:47) McDonald hit an Elbow Drop

(01:01) McDonald applied a Body Scissors

(01:08) McDonald hit a Knee Pull

(01:12) McDonald hit a Fist Drop

(01:26) McDonald applied a Body Scissors

(01:32) McDonald picked up Rev. Gross

(01:36) Rev. Gross stopped a Single Leg Trip by rushing McDonald

(01:40) Rev. Gross hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(01:45) McDonald stopped a Single Leg Trip by rushing Rev. Gross

(01:48) McDonald hit a Punch

(01:51) McDonald hit a Jab Punch

(01:55) McDonald hit a Kick To Thigh

(02:04) Rev. Gross avoided a Jab Punch.

(02:07) Rev. Gross hit a Begging Off Sucker Punch

(02:11) Rev. Gross hit an Eye Poke

(02:11) The referee warned Rev. Gross

(02:18) Rev. Gross hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(02:32) Rev. Gross applied a Knee Bar

(02:41) Brandy McDonald very easily moved out of the way from a Fist Drop.

(02:51) Rev. Gross got a rope break to stop a Body Scissors

(02:58) McDonald hit a Single Leg Trip

(03:03) Rev. Gross blocked a Body Scissors

(03:11) McDonald applied a Hammerlock

(03:17) McDonald hit a Rolling Wheel Kick

(03:23) McDonald hit a Dropkick

(03:33) McDonald hit a Judo Sweep

(03:53) McDonald applied a Rear Chinlock

(04:06) McDonald hit a Running Senton

(04:10) McDonald hit a Running Knee Drop

(04:25) McDonald hit a Stomp Flurry

(04:29) McDonald hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(04:42) McDonald hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(04:46) McDonald hit a Seated Back Kick

(04:50) McDonald hit a Running Knee Drop

(05:05) McDonald hit a Stomp Flurry

(05:18) McDonald hit a Running Half Senton

(05:26) Rev. Gross avoided a Stomp Flurry.

(05:29) Rev. Gross hit a Handshake Kick To Gut

(05:32) Rev. Gross hit a Forearm Blow

(05:36) Rev. Gross hit a Face Rake

(05:36) The referee warned Rev. Gross

(05:41) McDonald slipped out the front of a Side Headlock Takedown

(05:46) Rev. Gross blocked a Roundhouse Punch

(05:52) McDonald hit a Spinning Back Kick

(06:08) McDonald hit a Piledriver

(06:13) Rev. Gross stopped a Stalk Grounded Enemy by rushing McDonald

(06:16) Rev. Gross hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(06:21) McDonald blocked a Jab Punch

(06:25) Rev. Gross hit a Face Rake

(06:39) Rev. Gross applied a Side Headlock

(06:43) McDonald blocked a Front Facelock

(06:46) Rev. Gross hit a Punch

(06:54) McDonald avoided a Face Rake.

(07:01) McDonald hit a Women's Spear

(07:05) Rev. Gross blocked a Single Leg Boston Crab

(07:09) Rev. Gross stopped a Slit Throat Motion by rushing McDonald

(07:23) Rev. Gross applied a Front Facelock

(07:27) Rev. Gross hit a Face Rake

(07:31) Rev. Gross hit an Eye Poke

(07:35) Rev. Gross hit a Face Rake

(07:39) Rev. Gross hit an Eye Poke

(07:46) Rev. Gross applied a Standing Arm Bar

(07:53) Rev. Gross hit a Single Leg Trip

(08:00) Rev. Gross hit a Knee Pull

(08:14) Rev. Gross applied an Arm Bar

(08:28) Rev. Gross applied a Body Scissors

(08:35) Rev. Gross hit a Legdrop To Arm

(08:43) McDonald very easily avoided a Stomp.

(08:49) McDonald hit a Dropkick To Knee

(08:53) McDonald hit a Thrust Kick To Corner

(08:56) Rev. Gross countered a Corner Spear with a Kick To Gut

(09:00) Rev. Gross hit an Eye Poke

(09:04) McDonald blocked a Front Facelock

(09:13) McDonald avoided a Forearm Blow.

(09:23) Brandy McDonald just put Reverend Johnny Gross through Detox!

(09:27) McDonald got a one count

(09:36) Rev. Gross countered a Springboard Clothesline with a Punch Flurry

(09:50) Rev. Gross applied a Choke Hold

(09:50) The referee gave Rev. Gross a stern warning

(09:54) Rev. Gross hit a Seated Kick

(10:01) Rev. Gross hit a Knee Pull

(10:16) Rev. Gross hit a Stomp Flurry

(10:26) McDonald very easily avoided a Seated Back Kick.

(10:30) Rev. Gross broke a Double Leg Trip

(10:40) Rev. Gross hit a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(10:47) Rev. Gross used a Face Rub Taunt

(10:54) Rev. Gross hit a Legdrop To Groin

(10:54) The referee warned Rev. Gross

(10:58) Rev. Gross hit a Seated Back Kick

(11:09) Rev. Gross hit a Knee Pull

(11:20) Rev. Gross hit a Mounted Punch Flurry

(11:28) Rev. Gross hit a Stomp To Groin

(11:32) McDonald fought back against being picked up

(11:42) McDonald hit a Fireman's Carry Takedown

(11:48) McDonald picked up Rev. Gross

(11:52) Rev. Gross blocked a Detox

(12:06) McDonald applied a Side Headlock

(12:20) McDonald applied an Arm Wringer

(12:27) McDonald hit a Double Leg Trip

(12:34) McDonald hit a Running Seated Dropkick

(13:00) Brandy McDonald has Reverend Johnny Gross trapped and is giving him the Hair of the Dog!

(13:15) *** McDonald submitted Rev. Gross


Brandy McDonald (4-1) def. Reverend Johnny Gross (2-3) via Submission (Hair of the Dog) in 13:15.  Rating: **

Changes for Brandy McDonald:  OVR + 4.14, XP + 729.54, minor damage to head

Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross:  OVR -0.75, XP + 182.39, minor damage to head



Lp89uMT.jpg (6) Brian Blackfield (1-3, OVR 563)


(5) Christian Priest (1-3, OVR 565) YICOeYe.jpg MZ2VDcB.jpg

Frankie Garnett: This is a match I’ve been waiting for since the schedule was released, Bob!

Bob Sinclair: You and many others, Frankie. A Season Eight Delta Division rivalry is about to be renewed, as The First Church’s Christian Priest faces “The Juggernaut” Brian Blackfield. I would not be surprised if this is one of the better matches we’ll see all season, Frankie.

Frankie Garnett: Glorious violence, I can’t wait!

Bob Sinclair: So who’s your pick?

Frankie Garnett: Blackfield. He’s been at this Alpha Division a touch longer, and Alpha’s not the right division for Priest and his sub-15-minute beatdowns that he was known for in the lower divisions. I think Blackfield takes it here.

Bob Sinclair: We’ll find out soon enough, as both men signal that they’re ready, and here’s the bell to get us underway!



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:07) Blackfield hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(00:21) Blackfield applied a Knee Bar

(00:35) Blackfield applied an Arm Bar

(00:49) Blackfield applied a Knee Bar

(00:56) Blackfield hit a Legdrop To Arm

(01:00) Priest broke a Knee Pull

(01:10) Blackfield avoided a Begging Off Eye Poke.

(01:13) Blackfield hit a Jab Punch

(01:20) Blackfield applied a Standing Arm Bar

(01:27) Priest avoided a Forearm Blow.

(01:35) Blackfield avoided a Begging Off Sucker Punch.

(01:41) Priest avoided a Forearm Blow.

(01:55) Priest applied a Cravate

(01:58) Priest hit a Handshake Kick To Gut

(02:02) Priest hit a Slap To Chest

(02:05) Priest hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(02:19) Priest applied a Front Facelock

(02:23) Priest hit a Slap To Chest

(02:26) Priest hit a Jab Punch

(02:35) Blackfield got a rope break to stop a Cravate

(02:44) Blackfield avoided a Punch.

(02:49) Priest broke a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(02:58) Blackfield avoided a Forearm Blow.

(03:12) Blackfield applied a Cravate

(03:15) Blackfield hit a Punch

(03:19) Blackfield hit a Slap To Chest

(03:26) Blackfield hit a Running Clothesline

(03:30) Blackfield hit a Stomp

(03:35) Priest broke an Elbow Drop On Knee

(03:39) Priest hit an Eye Poke

(03:39) The referee warned Priest


Bob Sinclair: This has been surprisingly even so far, Frankie.

Frankie Garnett: “Surprisingly?”

Bob Sinclair: Yes. I expected Priest to run away with this one. He’s evolved his skills since their days in Delta. Blackfield, aside from adding a single submission finisher, has basically stuck with what got him here, and last season showed some cracks in the veneer of The Juggernaut. I was expecting Priest to really put the proof to that.

Frankie Garnett: Hmm. A fair point, Bob. I still believe you’re wrong, but it’s going to be fun watching these two to find out!



(03:43) Priest hit an Open Handed Slap

(03:47) Priest hit an Open Handed Chop

(03:55) Priest picked up Blackfield from behind

(03:59) Priest hit a Forearm To Back Of Head

(04:06) Priest hit a Running Face Smash

(04:10) Priest hit an Elbow Drop

(04:18) Priest hit a Double Axe Handle Smash

(04:22) Priest hit a Fist Drop

(04:26) Priest hit an Elbow Drop

(04:33) Priest picked up Blackfield from behind

(04:37) Priest hit a Forearm To Back Of Head

(04:41) Priest irish whipped Blackfield into the ropes

(04:48) Priest hit a Clothesline

(04:52) Blackfield fought back against being picked up from behind

(04:59) Blackfield hit a Single Leg Trip

(05:03) Priest broke a Rear Chinlock

(05:07) Priest hit an Eye Poke

(05:11) Priest hit a Slap To Chest

(05:15) Priest hit an Open Handed Slap

(05:18) Priest hit a Forearm Blow

(05:22) Priest hit an Open Handed Slap

(05:25) Priest hit a Forearm Blow

(05:37) Priest hit a Triple Forearm Blow

(05:52) Priest hit a Stomp Flurry

(05:57) Blackfield fought back against being picked up

(06:04) Blackfield hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(06:08) Blackfield hit a Fist Drop

(06:12) Blackfield hit a Stomp

(06:20) Christian Priest moved out of the way from a Knee Drop.

(06:37) Priest hit a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry

(06:41) Priest hit a Seated Back Kick

(06:49) Brian Blackfield very easily moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(06:53) Blackfield hit a Stomp

(07:00) Christian Priest moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(07:07) Priest used a Face Rub Taunt

(07:16) Brian Blackfield very easily moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(07:26) Christian Priest moved out of the way from a Fist Drop.

(07:45) Priest applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(07:45) The referee gave Priest a stern warning


Bob Sinclair: If I’m Priest, I’m not sure I’d poke the bear, as it were. Rubbing Blackfield’s face into the mat is just asking for trouble.

Frankie Garnett: Something we agree on, Bob. Though Priest also needs to pay heed to the ref too.



(07:53) Priest picked up Blackfield

(07:56) Blackfield countered a Test of Faith CP with a Throat Thrust

(07:56) Priest wasn't fazed by it though

(08:03) Blackfield applied a Standing Arm Bar

(08:10) Blackfield hit a Single Leg Trip

(08:15) Priest broke a Knee Pull

(08:19) Blackfield countered a Forearm Flurry with a Palm Thrust

(08:24) Priest broke a Fireman's Carry Takedown

(08:36) Priest hit a Forearm Flurry

(08:45) Priest picked up Blackfield

(08:51) Christian Priest extracts a Tithe of Pain from Brian Blackfield!

(08:55) Priest hit a Running Knee Drop

(09:08) Priest used a Stalk Grounded Enemy

(09:13) Blackfield slipped out the front of a Double Underhook Powerbomb

(09:20) Blackfield hit a Snap Mare Takedown

(09:34) Blackfield applied an Arm Bar

(09:38) Blackfield hit a Stomp

(09:58) Blackfield applied a Rear Chinlock

(10:02) Blackfield hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(10:06) Blackfield hit a Measured Knee Drop

(10:21) Blackfield hit a Stomp Flurry

(10:25) Blackfield hit a Measured Knee Drop

(10:29) Blackfield hit a Running Knee Drop

(10:33) Blackfield hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(10:38) Priest blocked a Knee Bar

(10:45) Blackfield hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(10:49) Priest broke a Face Rub Taunt

(10:53) Priest hit an Open Handed Slap

(10:56) Priest hit a Jab Punch

(11:00) Priest hit a Slap To Chest

(11:03) Priest hit a Forearm Blow

(11:19) Brian Blackfield is forced to pay Penance as Christian Priest shows off his strength!

(11:28) Priest picked up Blackfield from behind

(11:54) Christian Priest seems determined to damn Brian Blackfield to Purgatory!

(12:05) Priest got a near submission


Bob Sinclair: And this is what I was mentioning, Frankie. Priest’s got more than one way to submit Blackfield, and avoid the adrenaline rush.

Frankie Garnett: He’s got to get it applied first, Bob. And Blackfield’s not going to let Priest do that all too easily!



(12:09) Priest irish whipped Blackfield into the ropes

(12:19) Priest hit a Sidewalk Slam

(12:23) Blackfield fought back against being picked up

(12:28) Priest broke a Fireman's Carry Takedown

(12:35) Blackfield countered a Begging Off Low Blow with a Side Headlock Takedown

(12:49) Blackfield applied an Arm Bar

(12:56) Blackfield hit a Knee Pull

(13:10) Blackfield applied a Body Scissors

(13:25) Blackfield hit a Stomp Flurry

(13:29) Blackfield hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(13:36) Blackfield picked up Priest from behind

(13:40) Priest broke a Neckbreaker

(13:47) Priest hit a DDT

(13:55) Priest picked up Blackfield from behind

(14:21) Christian Priest seems determined to damn Brian Blackfield to Purgatory!

(14:32) Priest got a near submission

(14:39) Priest hit a Chop Block

(14:44) Blackfield broke a Martrydom

(14:58) Blackfield applied a Top Wrist Lock

(15:12) Blackfield applied an Arm Wringer

(15:17) Priest slipped out the front of a Spinning Arm Breaker

(15:33) Christian Priest delivers his Judgement on Brian Blackfield!


Frankie Garnett: Here we go, end of the match coming right up!

Bob Sinclair: Priest delivers Judgement, but woke up The Juggernaut in the process! Can he weather the storm that’s about to come his way?



(15:40) Blackfield applied a Standing Arm Bar

(15:54) Blackfield applied a Cravate

(16:10) Blackfield hit a Spinning Arm Breaker

(16:16) Blackfield picked up Priest

(16:20) Priest broke a Tartan Effect

(16:24) Blackfield countered a Rite of Might with an Open Handed Chop

(16:24) Priest wasn't fazed by it though

(16:31) Blackfield hit a Knee Plant

(16:35) Priest broke a DDT

(16:39) Blackfield slipped out the front of a Stump Piledriver

(16:49) Blackfield hit a Short Arm Knee Lift

(17:04) Brian Blackfield makes Christian Priest feel the full fury of the Tartan Effect!


Bob Sinclair: Blackfield looks winded as he drops into the cover…one, two, three! Priest gets a shoulder up a fraction too late, and Brian Blackfield survives a war to remain perfect against the head of The First Church!

Frankie Garnett: He most certainly earned that, Bob. Priest did everything right until that powerbomb…and then it was too late. The Juggernaut picks up the win in a match that delivered on the promise that was inherent when the schedule was announced!

Bob Sinclair: And to think, Frankie…there’s a rematch later this season.

Frankie Garnett: Best news I’ve heard all day!


Brian Blackfield (2-3) def. Christian Priest (1-4) via Pinfall (Tartan Effect) in 17:09.  Rating: ****

Changes for Brian Blackfield:  OVR + 5.54, XP + 1,004.41, minor damage to head

Changes for Christian Priest:  OVR + 2.32, XP + 363.60, minor damage to head

This was the Match of the Night (6 [3rd this season] for Brian Blackfield, 13 [2nd this season] for Christian Priest)


Note from the author:

On 7/5/2024 at 1:12 AM, Croquemitaine said:

- Priest finally passes judgement on the juggernaut.

You are technically correct (since Priest did hit the Judgement powerbomb on Blackfield), which is the best kind of correct. However, it still scores you no points in the prediction game as Blackfield won the match. 😛



KufawJO.jpg FqeSGy6.jpg (2) Nuclear Templeton (4-0, OVR 608)


(1) George Mastachas (4-0, OVR 577) FXyrc6C.jpg

Match of the Night Runner-up!



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:14) Nuclear hit a Side Headlock Closed Fist

(00:17) Nuclear hit a Throat Thrust

(00:21) Nuclear hit a Stomp

(00:25) Mastachas fought back against being picked up

(00:32) Mastachas hit a Single Leg Trip

(00:37) Nuclear broke a Knee Bar

(00:41) Mastachas blocked a Side Headlock Closed Fist

(00:55) Nuclear applied a Side Headlock

(00:59) Nuclear hit a Face Rake

(01:06) Nuclear hit a Toss To Corner

(01:24) Nuclear hit Corner Repeated Shoulder Rams

(01:44) Nuclear applied a Rear Chinlock

(01:48) Nuclear hit an Elbow Drop

(02:08) Nuclear applied a Rear Chinlock

(02:13) Mastachas fought back against being picked up

(02:16) Mastachas hit a Handshake Kick To Gut

(02:23) Mastachas hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(02:37) Mastachas applied a Choke Hold

(02:37) The referee gave Mastachas a stern warning

(02:44) Nuclear got a rope break to stop a Rear Chinlock

(02:53) Mastachas hit a Standing Head Scissors Jump

(03:07) Mastachas applied a Front Facelock

(03:14) Nuclear avoided a Jab Punch.

(03:17) Nuclear hit a Jab Punch

(03:21) Nuclear hit a Face Rake

(03:24) Nuclear hit a Throat Thrust

(03:32) Nuclear hit a Double Axe Handle Smash

(03:37) Mastachas fought back against being picked up

(03:41) Nuclear broke a Toss To Corner

(03:45) Nuclear hit an Open Handed Chop

(03:55) Nuclear picked up Mastachas

(03:58) Nuclear hit a Forearm Blow

(04:12) Nuclear applied a Side Headlock

(04:15) Nuclear hit a Throat Thrust

(04:24) Nuclear picked up Mastachas

(04:27) Nuclear hit a Punch

(04:41) Nuclear hit a Side Headlock Closed Fist

(04:53) Nuclear hit a Forearm Flurry

(05:13) Nuclear applied a Rear Chinlock

(05:21) Nuclear picked up Mastachas from behind

(05:26) Mastachas slipped out of the back of a Russian Legsweep

(05:31) Nuclear rolled through an Arm Wringer

(05:37) Nuclear hit a Strong Open Handed Chop

(05:41) Mastachas blocked a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(05:48) Nuclear picked up Mastachas from behind

(05:58) Nuclear hit a Back Suplex

(06:02) Nuclear hit a Stomp

(06:10) Nuclear picked up Mastachas from behind

(06:20) Nuclear hit a Russian Legsweep

(06:28) Nuclear hit a Double Axe Handle Smash

(06:32) Nuclear hit an Elbow Drop

(06:40) Nuclear hit a Double Axe Handle Smash

(06:44) Nuclear hit a Fist Drop

(06:54) Nuclear picked up Mastachas

(07:01) Mastachas countered a Running Forearm Blow with a Clothesline

(07:06) Nuclear broke an Elbow Drop On Knee

(07:13) Nuclear hit a Running Forearm Blow

(07:18) Mastachas broke the Seated Knuckle Punches

(07:21) Mastachas hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(07:25) Nuclear broke a Side Headlock

(07:30) Mastachas broke an Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop

(07:34) Mastachas hit a Face Rake

(07:41) Mastachas hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(07:45) Mastachas hit a Stomp

(07:49) Nuclear broke a Rear Chinlock

(07:54) Mastachas blocked a Press Powerslam

(08:10) Nuclear hit an Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop

(08:14) Nuclear got a one count

(08:26) What a Power Surge by Nuclear Templeton!

(08:36) Nuclear picked up Mastachas

(08:42) Mastachas avoided a Strong Charging Forearm.

(08:49) Mastachas hit a Toss To Corner

(09:07) Mastachas hit Ten Turnbuckle Smashes

(09:21) Mastachas applied a Front Facelock

(09:28) Mastachas hit a Toss To Corner

(09:35) Mastachas hit a Corner Knife Edge Chop

(09:42) Mastachas hit a Corner Slap To Chest

(09:49) Mastachas hit a Corner Elbow

(09:56) Mastachas hit a Corner Knife Edge Chop

(10:03) Nuclear avoided a Corner Open Handed Chop.

(10:07) Mastachas blocked a Corner Stomp Flurry

(10:31) Nuclear hit a Tree Of Woe Stomp Flurry

(10:36) Mastachas blocked the Seated Knuckle Punches

(10:45) Nuclear picked up Mastachas

(10:50) Mastachas blocked a Radiation Spike

(10:55) Mastachas slipped out of the back of an Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop

(11:03) Mastachas applied a Hammerlock

(11:08) Nuclear slipped out the front of a Top Wrist Lock

(11:12) Mastachas blocked a Tactical Nuke

(11:16) Mastachas countered an Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop with a Slap To Chest

(11:30) Mastachas applied a Front Facelock

(11:33) Nuclear wasn't fazed by a Punch

(11:36) Mastachas hit a Jab Punch

(11:40) Nuclear wasn't fazed by a Slap To Chest

(11:44) Mastachas hit a Slap To Chest

(11:56) Mastachas hit a Lifting Spinebuster Pin

(12:00) Mastachas got a two count

(12:16) Mastachas hit a Vertical Suplex

(12:33) Mastachas hit a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry

(12:37) Mastachas hit a Seated Back Kick

(12:45) Nuclear Templeton moved out of the way from a Posing Elbow Drop.

(12:49) Nuclear hit a Stomp

(12:55) Nuclear picked up Mastachas

(12:59) Nuclear hit an Eye Poke

(13:03) Mastachas blocked a Power Surge

(13:07) Nuclear hit an Open Handed Chop

(13:11) Mastachas fought back against being picked up

(13:16) Nuclear blocked a Seated Face Plant

(13:21) Nuclear broke a Lifting Spinebuster Pin

(13:28) Nuclear hit a DDT

(13:32) Mastachas broke the Seated Knuckle Punches

(13:52) Mastachas hit a Standing Spinebuster

(13:57) Nuclear broke a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(14:00) Mastachas countered a Power Surge with a Kick To Gut

(14:05) Nuclear slipped out of the back of a Single Arm DDT

(14:15) Nuclear hit a Backbreaker

(14:23) Nuclear picked up Mastachas

(14:28) Mastachas blocked a DDT

(14:33) Mastachas broke a DDT

(14:49) Mastachas hit Trapping Headbutts

(14:54) Nuclear blocked an Explosion Suplex

(14:58) Nuclear broke a Strong Gut Buster

(15:01) Mastachas countered a Low Blow with a Bell Clap

(15:05) Nuclear blocked a Stump Piledriver

(15:21) Mastachas hit a Head Drop Suplex

(15:34) Mastachas used a Stalk Grounded Enemy

(15:43) Nuclear coming back off the ropes...and Olympus Rises as George Mastachas hits the jumping shoulder block!

(15:48) Mastachas got a one count

(15:54) Nuclear broke a Strong Gut Buster by falling on top of Mastachas

(15:59) Nuclear got a two count

(16:11) What a Power Surge by Nuclear Templeton!

(16:18) Mastachas countered a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry with a Small Package

(16:22) Mastachas got a two count

(16:32) Nuclear avoided a Low Blow.

(16:36) Mastachas slipped out of the back of an Armageddon Lariat

(16:52) Mastachas hit a Head Drop Suplex

(17:02) Nuclear got a rope break to stop a Boston Crab

(17:09) Mastachas hit a Mafia Kick

(17:15) Tony Mortis tripped Mastachas to prevent an Olympus Rises

(17:15) The referee sent Tony Mortis back to the locker room

(17:19) Nuclear hit a Stomp

(17:38) Nuclear applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(17:38) The referee gave Nuclear a stern warning

(17:42) Nuclear hit an Elbow Drop

(17:50) Nuclear picked up Mastachas

(18:06) Look out! Nuclear Templeton has deployed a Tactical Nuke!

(18:16) Nuclear picked up Mastachas

(18:21) Mastachas slipped out of the back of a Power Surge

(18:25) Nuclear blocked a Hammerlock Backdrop Bomb

(18:29) Nuclear broke a Wrist-Clutch Slam

(18:33) Nuclear hit an Eye Poke

(18:39) Nuclear hit a Low Blow

(18:39) The referee gave Nuclear a serious telling off

(18:47) Nuclear picked up Mastachas

(18:51) Mastachas broke a Radiation Leak

(19:00) Nuclear avoided a Mafia Kick after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(19:00) The referee was accidentally knocked out by a stray shot from Mastachas

(19:12) Nuclear hit a DDT

(19:17) Mastachas fought back against being picked up

(19:26) Mastachas hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(19:30) Mastachas hit a Face Rake

(19:36) Nuclear avoided a Begging Off Low Blow.

(19:40) Mastachas countered a Radiation Leak with a Slap To Chest

(19:56) Mastachas hit a Dangerous Head Drop Suplex

(20:02) Mastachas picked up Nuclear from behind

(20:06) Nuclear escaped a Siren's Call

(20:13) Nuclear broke a Wrath of Zeus by falling on top of Mastachas

(20:18) The referee recovers

(20:18) Nuclear got a two count

(20:23) Mastachas slipped out of the back of a Press Powerslam

(20:27) Nuclear broke a Wrist-Clutch Slam

(20:34) Nuclear hit a DDT

(20:39) Mastachas fought back against being picked up

(20:42) Nuclear countered an Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop with a Punch

(20:46) Mastachas countered a Radiation Leak with an Eye Poke

(21:02) Mastachas hit a Head Drop Suplex

(21:09) Mastachas picked up Nuclear

(21:14) Nuclear broke a Dangerous Head Drop Suplex

(21:19) Mastachas blocked a Radiation Spike

(21:35) Look out! Nuclear Templeton has deployed a Tactical Nuke!

(21:45) Nuclear picked up Mastachas

(21:55) LAAAAAAAAARIATOOOOOOO!!!!! Armageddon has come for Mastachas!

(22:00) *** Nuclear got a three count on Mastachas


Nuclear Templeton (5-0) def. George Mastachas (4-1) via Pinfall (Armageddon Lariat) in 22:00.  Rating: ***

Changes for Nuclear Templeton:  OVR + 5.08, XP + 637.73, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body

Changes for George Mastachas:  OVR + 1.32, XP + 199.29, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body







1.  Nuclear Templeton:  5-0, ATV 19:33, (AMR 3.000), OVR 613.21

2.  Brandy McDonald:  4-1, ATV 14:26, (AMR 2.400), OVR 565.23

3.  George Mastachas:  4-1, ATV 14:56, (AMR 2.400), OVR 578.23

4.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  2-3, ATV 15:13, (AMR 2.000), OVR 516.44

5.  Brian Blackfield:  2-3, ATV 18:26, (AMR 3.400), OVR 568.85

6.  Lucas Molina:  2-3, ATV 16:08, (AMR 3.000), OVR 490.23

7.  Christian Priest:  1-4, ATV 15:13, (AMR 3.200), OVR 567.53

8.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  0-5, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.600), OVR 520.58



1.  Monty Dhillon:  4-1, ATV 8:41 (AMR 2.200), OVR 525.25

2.  De'siree Mitchell:  4-1, ATV 10:34 (AMR 2.200), OVR 520.57

3.  Kichi Hida:  4-1, ATV 13:08 (AMR 3.000), OVR 459.15

4.  Diego Rodriguez:  3-2, ATV 12:28 (AMR 2.200), OVR 494.72

5.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  2-3, ATV 11:53 (AMR 2.200), OVR 503.94

6.  Billy Norris:  2-3, ATV 12:03 (AMR 2.200), OVR 533.05

7.  Angela Wassermann:  1-4, ATV 12:51 (AMR 2.200), OVR 447.21

8.  Pulsar:  0-5, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.600), OVR 475.74



1.  Indigo Rose:  4-1, ATV 10:40, (AMR 2.000), OVR 480.50

2.  Leon de Ramos:  4-1, ATV 13:18, (AMR 2.200), OVR 432.94

3.  Blood River:  3-2, ATV 11:31, (AMR 2.400), OVR 474.24

4.  Lance Heartilly:  3-2, ATV 11:58, (AMR 2.000), OVR 436.70

5.  Markus Clay:  3-2, ATV 11:13, (AMR 2.400), OVR 448.87

6.  Daniel Simmons:  2-3, ATV 12:03, (AMR 2.200), OVR 450.41

7.  Rock Sheridan:  1-4, ATV 6:27, (AMR 1.600), OVR 415.51

8.  Nocturne:  0-5, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.000), OVR 407.78



1.  Scott Stevens:  4-1, ATV 8:38 (AMR 2.400), OVR 406.84

2.  Diamond:  4-1, ATV 8:28 (AMR 2.200), OVR 450.42

3.  Mickey Steele:  3-2, ATV 8:19 (AMR 3.000), OVR 416.61

4.  Erick Gibson:  3-2, ATV 8:55 (AMR 3.200), OVR 428.25

5.  Terrance Stevens:  3-2, ATV 9:49 (AMR 2.400), OVR 443.85

6.  "Dirty" John Murdoch:  3-2, ATV 12:45 (AMR 3.200), OVR 414.10

7.  Terra Harding:  0-5, ATV 0:00 (AMR 3.000), OVR 403.88

8.  George Stevens:  0-5, ATV 0:00 (AMR 1.800), OVR 382.72



1. Derek B: 58 [this week: 10]

2. SeanMcG: 55 [this week: 10]

3. Croquemitaine: 53 [this week: 9]

3. Jman2k3: 53 [this week: 11]

5. Eternal Phoenix: 52 [this week: 11]





CAGE MATCH: (2) George Mastachas (4-1, OVR 578) vs. (7) Christian Priest (1-4, OVR 568) [First Career Meeting. RECORDS IN CAGE MATCHES:  Mastachas 0 – 2, Priest 1 – 0.]

(1) Nuclear Templeton (5-0, OVR 613) vs. (4) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-3, OVR 516) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 4 - 0]

(5) Brian Blackfield (2-3, OVR 569) vs. (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-5, OVR 521) [Career: Brian Blackfield, 3 - 1]

(2) Brandy McDonald (4-1, OVR 565) vs. (6) Lucas Molina (2-3, OVR 490) [First Career Meeting]


(6) Billy Norris (2-3, OVR 533) vs. (1) Monty Dhillon (4-1, OVR 525) [First Career Meeting]

(5) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-3, OVR 504) vs. (4) Diego Rodriguez (3-2, OVR 495) [Career: Yoshii Nakamatsu, 3 - 1]

(2) De'siree Mitchell (4-1, OVR 521) vs. (3) Kichi Hida (4-1, OVR 459) [First Career Meeting]

(7) Angela Wassermann (1-4, OVR 447) vs. (8) Pulsar (0-5, OVR 476) [Career: Angela Wassermann, 4 - 0]


(1) Indigo Rose (4-1, OVR 480) vs. (2) Leon de Ramos (4-1, OVR 433) [First Career Meeting]

(6) Daniel Simmons (2-3, OVR 450) vs. (5) Markus Clay (3-2, OVR 449) [Career: Daniel Simmons, 3 - 1]

(3) Blood River (3-2, OVR 474) vs. (8) Nocturne (0-5, OVR 408) [First Career Meeting]

HARDCORE MATCH: (4) Lance Heartilly (3-2, OVR 437) vs. (7) Rock Sheridan (1-4, OVR 416) [First Career Meeting. RECORDS IN HARDCORE MATCHES: Heartilly 0 – 1, Sheridan N/A.]


(5) Terrance Stevens (3-2, OVR 444) vs. (6) "Dirty" John Murdoch (3-2, OVR 414) [First Career Meeting]

(2) Diamond (4-1, OVR 450) vs. (7) Terra Harding (0-5, OVR 404) [First Career Meeting]

(1) Scott Stevens (4-1, OVR 407) vs. (4) Erick Gibson (3-2, OVR 428) [First Career Meeting]

(3) Mickey Steele (3-2, OVR 417) vs. (8) George Stevens (0-5, OVR 383) [Career: Mickey Steele, 2 - 0]



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George Mastachas

Nuclear Templeton

Brian Blackfield

Brandy McDonald


Monty Dhillon

Yoshii Nakamatsu

Kichi Hida

Angela Wassermann


Leon de Ramos

Markus Clay

Blood River

Rock Sheridan


"Dirty" John Murdoch


Scott Stevens

Mickey Steele

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CAGE MATCH: (2) George Mastachas (4-1, OVR 578) vs. (7) Christian Priest (1-4, OVR 568) [First Career Meeting. RECORDS IN CAGE MATCHES:  Mastachas 0 – 2, Priest 1 – 0.]

(1) Nuclear Templeton (5-0, OVR 613) vs. (4) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-3, OVR 516) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 4 - 0]

(5) Brian Blackfield (2-3, OVR 569) vs. (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-5, OVR 521) [Career: Brian Blackfield, 3 - 1]

(2) Brandy McDonald (4-1, OVR 565) vs. (6) Lucas Molina (2-3, OVR 490) [First Career Meeting]


(6) Billy Norris (2-3, OVR 533) vs. (1) Monty Dhillon (4-1, OVR 525) [First Career Meeting]

(5) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-3, OVR 504) vs. (4) Diego Rodriguez (3-2, OVR 495) [Career: Yoshii Nakamatsu, 3 - 1]

(2) De'siree Mitchell (4-1, OVR 521) vs. (3) Kichi Hida (4-1, OVR 459) [First Career Meeting]

(7) Angela Wassermann (1-4, OVR 447) vs. (8) Pulsar (0-5, OVR 476) [Career: Angela Wassermann, 4 - 0]


(1) Indigo Rose (4-1, OVR 480) vs. (2) Leon de Ramos (4-1, OVR 433) [First Career Meeting]

(6) Daniel Simmons (2-3, OVR 450) vs. (5) Markus Clay (3-2, OVR 449) [Career: Daniel Simmons, 3 - 1]

(3) Blood River (3-2, OVR 474) vs. (8) Nocturne (0-5, OVR 408) [First Career Meeting]

HARDCORE MATCH: (4) Lance Heartilly (3-2, OVR 437) vs. (7) Rock Sheridan (1-4, OVR 416) [First Career Meeting. RECORDS IN HARDCORE MATCHES: Heartilly 0 – 1, Sheridan N/A.]


(5) Terrance Stevens (3-2, OVR 444) vs. (6) "Dirty" John Murdoch (3-2, OVR 414) [First Career Meeting]

(2) Diamond (4-1, OVR 450) vs. (7) Terra Harding (0-5, OVR 404) [First Career Meeting]

(1) Scott Stevens (4-1, OVR 407) vs. (4) Erick Gibson (3-2, OVR 428) [First Career Meeting]

(3) Mickey Steele (3-2, OVR 417) vs. (8) George Stevens (0-5, OVR 383) [Career: Mickey Steele, 2 - 0]



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So as I sit and wait for a verdict on what my contribution will be this year to the Pennsylvania Auto Garage Racketeering Commission (annual vehicle inspection), a couple minor notes and updates.

1) I’ve already received notice for the next rental lease, came in yesterday afternoon after running my roommate to and from Philadelphia for a medical appointment. Only a $35/month increase which is better than expected but still a bit of “really, ain’t I paying enough ($1,500+) already?” So there will be no moving issues to gum up the works for Season 13 in the new year and that particular can has been kicked to Season 15, as the potential moving date would fall around the midpoint of the season if scheduled right after Season 14.

2) Anyone who hasn’t sent a partner for TTT will get one randomly assigned to them by this coming Wednesday. This is so I have time to do my cruddy Paint job and get brackets posted for TTT in the card preview spot in the write up after Week Seven after I do the tournament seeding. Most everyone is already covered but there are a few secondary PCs not accounted for yet, so consider this a friendly nudge.

3) It’s been said that all good lists come in threes.  So this is more of an administrative/backend change that’ll be coming during the extended break after Season 13. I’ll be duplicating the League database in WS3 and giving it a bit of an optimization. Currently, the League database is tacked on to the default C-Verse database, which has caused issues for a few move names (Priest’s Test of Faith and Iconoclasm, Murdoch’s Double Cross, etc). This was by design for balance testing against wrestlers at various levels to try to ensure a comparable experience with the SP Career/RtL modes. It also has moments where it’ll “hang” on my PC and take a bit to process whatever’s next.

The change will be that in the copied version, I’m eliminating the entirety of the C-Verse and the database will be strictly for League infrastructure. This will free up a lot of move names so most of the moves I mentioned above will have the extra things removed (I believe the Iconoclasm will be the exception), and with a smaller database to work with I’m hoping it helps speed up the process each week a little more. The downside is that when I need to do PC movesets, I’ll have to import them to a vanilla database so I don’t have to manually type out their entire moveset, but that’s easily maneuvered around. I’ve had success with a test version of this idea so I’m looking to make that a permanent feature on my end moving forward.

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CAGE MATCH: (2) George Mastachas (4-1, OVR 578) vs. (7) Christian Priest (1-4, OVR 568)

- All rational analysis suggests that Mastachas should take this, but some of us still have faith!

(1) Nuclear Templeton (5-0, OVR 613) vs. (4) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-3, OVR 516)

- Say your prayers, eat your vitamins, and take your beating.

(5) Brian Blackfield (2-3, OVR 569) vs. (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-5, OVR 521)

- Alpha keeps getting tougher, and JPO can't keep up.

(2) Brandy McDonald (4-1, OVR 565) vs. (6) Lucas Molina (2-3, OVR 490)

- Brandy may not be a championship contender anymore, but she's still putting in a resurgent season.



(6) Billy Norris (2-3, OVR 533) vs. (1) Monty Dhillon (4-1, OVR 525)

- I'm a lot less bullish on Norris than I was a few weeks ago. He's got a decent chance here, but Dhillon's still the favourite.

(5) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-3, OVR 504) vs. (4) Diego Rodriguez (3-2, OVR 495)

- History says Yoshi.

(2) De'siree Mitchell (4-1, OVR 521) vs. (3) Kichi Hida (4-1, OVR 459)

- This may all rest on who gets off to the best start.

(7) Angela Wassermann (1-4, OVR 447) vs. (8) Pulsar (0-5, OVR 476)

- Wassermann has owned this match-up.



(1) Indigo Rose (4-1, OVR 480) vs. (2) Leon de Ramos (4-1, OVR 433)

- I expect a close match, but Rose has the experience edge.

(6) Daniel Simmons (2-3, OVR 450) vs. (5) Markus Clay (3-2, OVR 449)

- A winnable match for Simmons to hopefully get his season back on track.

(3) Blood River (3-2, OVR 474) vs. (8) Nocturne (0-5, OVR 408)

- Picking with my heart instead of my head, maybe.

HARDCORE MATCH: (4) Lance Heartilly (3-2, OVR 437) vs. (7) Rock Sheridan (1-4, OVR 416)

- I've been flip-flopping on this pick, but we'll see if the match type throws things Sheridan's way. (In practice, I feel like the Hardcore stipulation hasn't made much difference in League matches)



(5) Terrance Stevens (3-2, OVR 444) vs. (6) "Dirty" John Murdoch (3-2, OVR 414)

- Stevens may be more talented, but Murdoch's more... well... dirty.

(2) Diamond (4-1, OVR 450) vs. (7) Terra Harding (0-5, OVR 404)

- Diamond remains on top.

(1) Scott Stevens (4-1, OVR 407) vs. (4) Erick Gibson (3-2, OVR 428)

- The division is currently split into three easily distinct tiers. Gibson currently has the best chance to muddy those waters.

(3) Mickey Steele (3-2, OVR 417) vs. (8) George Stevens (0-5, OVR 383)

- A must-win for Steele if he wants to stay within striking distance of promotion.


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CAGE MATCH: (2) George Mastachas (4-1, OVR 578) vs. (7) Christian Priest (1-4, OVR 568) [First Career Meeting. RECORDS IN CAGE MATCHES:  Mastachas 0 – 2, Priest 1 – 0.]

Outside of the cage I'd go with Mastachas, but inside of it? His usual finish isn't effective. Priest's still is.


(1) Nuclear Templeton (5-0, OVR 613) vs. (4) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-3, OVR 516) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 4 - 0]

(5) Brian Blackfield (2-3, OVR 569) vs. (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-5, OVR 521) [Career: Brian Blackfield, 3 - 1]

(2) Brandy McDonald (4-1, OVR 565) vs. (6) Lucas Molina (2-3, OVR 490) [First Career Meeting]

Could Molina win? Yeah, sure. Anything's possible. Probable? Eh. Doubt.



(6) Billy Norris (2-3, OVR 533) vs. (1) Monty Dhillon (4-1, OVR 525) [First Career Meeting]

(5) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-3, OVR 504) vs. (4) Diego Rodriguez (3-2, OVR 495) [Career: Yoshii Nakamatsu, 3 - 1]

Everyone seems to be betting on Yoshii when Molina had his number. Diego's significantly improved from those early days.


(2) De'siree Mitchell (4-1, OVR 521) vs. (3) Kichi Hida (4-1, OVR 459) [First Career Meeting]

There will be VIOLENCE.


(7) Angela Wassermann (1-4, OVR 447) vs. (8) Pulsar (0-5, OVR 476) [Career: Angela Wassermann, 4 - 0]



(1) Indigo Rose (4-1, OVR 480) vs. (2) Leon de Ramos (4-1, OVR 433) [First Career Meeting]

Similar skill set and superior stamina, bay bee. I'm probably wrong, though.


(6) Daniel Simmons (2-3, OVR 450) vs. (5) Markus Clay (3-2, OVR 449) [Career: Daniel Simmons, 3 - 1]

(3) Blood River (3-2, OVR 474) vs. (8) Nocturne (0-5, OVR 408) [First Career Meeting]

HARDCORE MATCH: (4) Lance Heartilly (3-2, OVR 437) vs. (7) Rock Sheridan (1-4, OVR 416) [First Career Meeting. RECORDS IN HARDCORE MATCHES: Heartilly 0 – 1, Sheridan N/A.]

I know, brawlers have an advantages i Hardcore matches, but I've kind of lost faith in Rock's season at this point.



(5) Terrance Stevens (3-2, OVR 444) vs. (6) "Dirty" John Murdoch (3-2, OVR 414) [First Career Meeting]

Let's get Funky. My heart pick of the week.


(2) Diamond (4-1, OVR 450) vs. (7) Terra Harding (0-5, OVR 404) [First Career Meeting]

(1) Scott Stevens (4-1, OVR 407) vs. (4) Erick Gibson (3-2, OVR 428) [First Career Meeting]

It's kind of wild to be saying this, but Scott has a legit shot at getting out of Delta this season. Now go exploit Gibson's awful stamina.


(3) Mickey Steele (3-2, OVR 417) vs. (8) George Stevens (0-5, OVR 383) [Career: Mickey Steele, 2 - 0]

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Posted (edited)




OndApuF.jpg vC6SXqZ.jpg (3) Mickey Steele (3-2, OVR 417)


(8) George Stevens (0-5, OVR 383) UOpfoyB.jpg fTtB0pK.jpg

George came into this match looking for his first win of the season. He left still looking for it, but not after absorbing a number of vicious shots to the head from Steele. Admittedly, George had a few openings to try to put Steele away, but not once did he try for the Texas Size Slam—maybe due to the head trauma and blood loss he suffered in the match? Regardless, Steele eventually found an opening for the Mickey Finn, and collects his fourth win of the season to remain a threat in the promotion race out of Delta.

Mickey Steele (4-2) def. George Stevens (0-6) via Pinfall (Mickey Finn) in 10:10.  Rating: ***

Changes for Mickey Steele:  OVR + 3.13, XP + 525.29, no notable damage

Changes for George Stevens:  OVR -0.08, XP + 131.32, moderate damage to head



fTtB0pK.jpg fYy1oxq.jpg (1) Scott Stevens (4-1, OVR 407)


(4) Erick Gibson (3-2, OVR 428) O63FjvG.jpg E5dgVEm.jpg

For a fair bit of the first half of the contest, Scott Stevens had the advantage as he was on the offensive for most of it. Karen McClure played a role in halting that offense by distracting Stevens from hitting a shoulder breaker, and Gibson would seize that opening to fight back into the contest. The second half was more balanced, if slightly in favor of a heavily-winded Gibson, and while Stevens was unable to land his piledriver, Gibson found paydirt with the Terminable Offense and in the process creates a further logjam at the top of the Delta Division standings.

Erick Gibson (4-2) def. Scott Stevens (4-2) via Pinfall (Terminable Offense) in 11:33.  Rating: ***

Changes for Erick Gibson:  OVR + 3.18, XP + 420.80, minor damage to head

Changes for Scott Stevens:  OVR -0.10, XP + 131.50, minor damage to head



0rDaDU8.jpg (2) Diamond (4-1, OVR 450)


(7) Terra Harding (0-5, OVR 404) uuVaRmi.jpg

With the results of the prior two matches, Diamond had a prime opportunity to assume the uncontested lead in the Delta Division with a victory over the still-winless Terra Harding. For Terra, these next two weeks were likely her best opportunity to find a win—here in a sort of mirror match against the First Lady of the League, and next week against the also-winless George Stevens. Diamond ensured it would not be this week, as she weathered what offense Harding managed to push out before landing the 24 Karat Kiss and claiming the best record in the Delta Division heading into Week Seven.

Diamond (5-1) def. Terra Harding (0-6) via Pinfall (24 Karat Kiss) in 9:33.  Rating: **

Changes for Diamond:  OVR + 2.53, XP + 484.58, minor damage to head

Changes for Terra Harding:  OVR -2.11, XP + 121.15, no notable damage



9q89H6M.jpg (4) Lance Heartilly (3-2, OVR 437)


(7) Rock Sheridan (1-4, OVR 416) 5vWV1hg.jpg

A quick stop in the Gamma Division before wrapping up things in Delta finds a Hardcore match on the agenda. On paper, one would think Sheridan was favored—a giant in a match with no rules, what can do wrong? He found out quickly enough that Heartilly was free to crank on his submission holds even when the ropes would normally cause a break, and enough of those wore down Rock that a straight shot to the groin kept Sheridan down when none of Heartilly’s submission holds did the trick this week. A bit underhanded, but in hardcore matches, what do you expect?

Lance Heartilly (4-2) def. Rock Sheridan (1-5) via Pinfall (low blow) in 11:38.  Rating: **

Changes for Lance Heartilly:  OVR + 3.09, XP + 558.42, no notable damage

Changes for Rock Sheridan:  OVR -1.69, XP + 139.61, no notable damage



6r4P9L8.jpg (5) Terrance Stevens (3-2, OVR 444)


(6) "Dirty" John Murdoch (3-2, OVR 414) dw4KJ41.jpg

Finishing off the Delta Division action for the evening was a clash of polar opposites: an old-school, grizzled Southern heel facing a Canadian entertainer. (That certainly was a sentence the author never expected to type before this season.) While Stevens had the lion’s share of offense in this one, Murdoch gave just as good and was actually the first to be looking to finish the match, having no success with either the piledriver or the spinning toe hold. Stevens actually hit the superkick just shy of eleven minutes in, and Murdoch got a shoulder up just before three to thwart the attempt. Undaunted, Stevens found another opening a minute later, and a second Meltdown would be enough to pick up the duke here.

Terrance Stevens (4-2) def. "Dirty" John Murdoch (3-3) via Pinfall (Maple Leaf Meltdown) in 11:35.  Rating: ***

Changes for Terrance Stevens:  OVR + 3.18, XP + 526.02, no notable damage

Changes for "Dirty" John Murdoch:  OVR -0.10, XP + 131.51, minor damage to head



Previously announced:

Angela Wassermann & Diamond

Baptism of Violence—Reverend Johnny Gross & Brian Blackfield

Aria of Thorns—Indigo Rose & Nocturne

San Juan Carnival—Kichi Hida & Lucas Molina

High Velocity—Billy Norris & Markus Clay

Hearts of the Zodiac—Pulsar & Jean-Paul Ouilette

Steel Devastation—Yoshii Nakamatsu & Mickey Steele

The First Church—Monty Dhillon & Christian Priest (defending champions)

Newly added:

Blood River & Terra Harding

De'siree Mitchell & Daniel Simmons


Tournament bracket to be revealed next week.

(For those players keeping count, the following GMPCs are still not spoken for:  Lance Heartilly, Brandy McDonald, Erick Gibson, Diego Rodriguez, Terrance Stevens, and George Mastachas.)



VZFWcYa.jpg hAfQcot.jpg (3) Blood River (3-2, OVR 474)


(8) Nocturne (0-5, OVR 408) BEVGy0x.jpg

In weeks past, Nocturne had come to the ring looking determined no matter how the last stretch of bouts have gone for her. Tonight, she looked almost despondent and resigned to her fate as Blood River stood across the ring from her. For most of the opening ten minutes, River controlled the match, only allowing Nocturne minimal offense. The one sustained line of offense she did have was broken up by The Acolyte right at the ten-minute mark. That seemed to shift Nocturne’s mental state a bit, as she avoided River’s follow-up basement dropkick and took to working on the opposite side of the ring as The Acolyte. This paid off about three minutes later as she locked in the Midnight Solstice and finally notches her first win of the season! Is that going to be the boost in morale she needed to get back into the hunt to avoid relegation?

Nocturne (1-5) def. Blood River (3-3) via Submission (Midnight Solstice) in 12:49.  Rating: **

Changes for Nocturne:  OVR + 3.12, XP + 559.07, no notable damage

Changes for Blood River:  OVR -1.73, XP + 111.81, minor damage to head



zd1WDAc.jpg (6) Daniel Simmons (2-3, OVR 450)


N0Y594C.jpg (5) Markus Clay (3-2, OVR 449)

Simmons made one critical error in his match strategy: he let Clay have room to run. While this was not a squash, it was still decisive and firmly in favor of Markus Clay, who ran circles around Simmons for the majority of the latter half of the match. Clay would not need the Johannesburg Express to seal the victory, choosing instead to utilize a top rope cross body that just got to three after a pair of slingshot legdrops failed to do the deed.

Markus Clay (4-2) def. Daniel Simmons (2-4) via Pinfall (top rope cross body press) in 12:03.  Rating: **

Changes for Markus Clay:  OVR + 3.10, XP + 558.65, minor damage to head

Changes for Daniel Simmons:  OVR -1.70, XP + 139.66, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body



aOXlwtV.jpg (7) Angela Wassermann (1-4, OVR 447)


(8) Pulsar (0-5, OVR 476) VfA2MW8.jpg

It might be a bit of a stretch to say that Pulsar’s Beta Division existence hinged on this one match, but it wouldn’t be much of one. A loss here against the person almost universally agreed to be dropping into Gamma as well would essentially doom Pulsar’s season barring an unlikely 8-match win streak. Turns out, he might need it after all. Wassermann’s perfect record against the luchador holds as a roundhouse kick to the head was all Angela needed to keep Pulsar down for her fifth victory over him in as many tries.

Angela Wassermann (2-4) def. Pulsar (0-6) via Pinfall (Wassermann Spinning Roundhouse Kick) in 8:41.  Rating: **

Changes for Angela Wassermann:  OVR + 3.50, XP + 629.42, minor damage to head

Changes for Pulsar:  OVR -1.08, XP + 157.35, minor damage to head



2X2r9qf.jpg (1) Indigo Rose (4-1, OVR 480)


(2) Leon de Ramos (4-1, OVR 433) zBWrwLg.jpg

With the outright lead in the Gamma Division at stake, this looked to be a preview of the race for the division title. What was billed to be a good technical bout ended abruptly just past the nine-minute mark, however, as Rose landed her variated DDT and immediately went for a high-stack pin instead of the traditional lateral press, looking perhaps to throw Leon off in that manner. It apparently worked, as Leon got a shoulder up a moment too late. It may not have sat well with technical wrestling fans who wanted more out of it, but Rose will take the win as her quest to get back to the Beta Division before her body demands a break continues with her in the driver’s seat!

Indigo Rose (5-1) def. Leon de Ramos (4-2) via Pinfall (Blood From a Rose) in 9:25.  Rating: **

Changes for Indigo Rose:  OVR + 3.02, XP + 557.20, minor damage to head

Changes for Leon de Ramos:  OVR -1.60, XP + 139.30, minor damage to head



T7PlxOP.jpg (2) De'siree Mitchell (4-1, OVR 521)


(3) Kichi Hida (4-1, OVR 459) 4ZAKk1I.jpg

The author is going to pull the curtain back for this match because of one sequence of events that occurred around the six-to-seven-minute mark, and he feels that it deserves a call-out of its own. Below is the sequence in question…



(05:46) Kichi Hida is treating the ring like her own personal Bumper Kars circuit here!

(05:52) De'siree Mitchell goes tumbling to ringside after the Mirror Maze Knee Strike, and Hida comes out after her!

(05:57) Mitchell fought back against being picked up

(06:04) Mitchell hit a Women's Face Plant

(06:12) Mitchell picked up Hida

(06:17) Hida slipped out of the back of a Stump Piledriver

(06:24) Hida hit a Violent Hair Grab Takedown

(06:30) Hida picked up Mitchell from behind

(06:40) Mitchell avoided a Forearm To Back.

(06:50) Kichi Hida just nearly got cut in half by the All Out Blitz of De'siree Mitchell!

(06:55) Hida fought back as Mitchell tried to enter the ring

(06:55) Both wrestlers return to the ring before they get counted out


Hida is damn lucky she succeeded in fighting back against Mitchell entering the ring, because as you see the very next action is the normal return of both wrestlers to the ring to beat the ten-count. Mitchell going back into the ring was the very last move that was available in the window, and if the fight back roll had failed Mitchell would have likely won the match with a countout as she would simply wait for her opponent...and as established somewhere a couple of seasons back, count out attempts do NOT necessarily adhere to the 990 maximum chance--they can go over 1000. Instead, I envisioned this in my head as Mitchell prepping to climb onto the apron, but Hida managing to grab an ankle and hang on for dear life. Instead of eating a double countout draw, Mitchell instead threw Hida back into the ring and went in after her…only for Hida to punch Mitchell in the gut and send them both right back outside with another Mirror Maze Knee Strike.

Behind the curtain moments aside, Hida did take advantage of being on the outside far more often here, hammering Mitchell with her usual variety of strikes. Mitchell had a golden opportunity slip past thanks to what was outlined above, and a little over five minutes after the above sequence happened, Hida dimmed Mitchell’s light with a UFO Spin Elbow and took the victory in that manner.

Kichi Hida (5-1) def. De'siree Mitchell (4-2) via Pinfall (UFO Spin Elbow) in 12:23.  Rating: ***

Changes for Kichi Hida:  OVR + 4.21, XP + 684.37, moderate damage to head

Changes for De'siree Mitchell:  OVR + 0.90, XP + 171.09, moderate damage to head



xHVnvxD.jpg (5) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-3, OVR 504)


(4) Diego Rodriguez (3-2, OVR 495) G4sbiHU.jpg

The author felt this match was better than the rating it was given, and was rumored to be writing a strongly-worded letter to Maven Deltzer about this. Fairly even throughout, Diego’s gameplan was to grind Yoshii down and not let Nakamatsu have enough space to throw his bigger strikes. Naturally, Yoshii’s plan was to try to play keep-away and leave himself that room. Neither plan really outshone the other, and in the end it came down to who could capitalize on the right opening. Turns out Yoshii did, with a charging knee that kept Rodriguez down for three and further muddies the waters of the middle of the Beta Division.

Yoshii Nakamatsu (3-3) def. Diego Rodriguez (3-3) via Pinfall (DEVASTATION Knee) in 16:56.  Rating: **

Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu:  OVR + 3.74, XP + 634.57, minor damage to head and legs

Changes for Diego Rodriguez:  OVR -1.39, XP + 158.64, minor damage to head



6fYIC71.jpg (6) Billy Norris (2-3, OVR 533)


(1) Monty Dhillon (4-1, OVR 525) vz0qqDp.jpg

From the opening bell, it was clear to everyone that Norris was taking this match far more seriously than many expected. He took the fight to Monty, who seemed surprised that Norris was showing such ferocity. Sure, Dhillon used his massive strength to his advantage, but Norris kept finding ways to use his speed to keep the division leader off-balance. But when Norris went for a Bonzer Splash and missed, many thought that was the beginning of the end, especially when the Hammer Mill followed the unsuccessful pin attempt. But Norris chained a legsweep into a half senton, and then surprised literally everyone in The Aerie by connecting with the Down Under Disaster. Even the ref took an extra moment to get into position before counting the pin, and Billy Norris throws a gigantic wrench into the natural order of the Beta Division with the upset victory!

Billy Norris (3-3) def. Monty Dhillon (4-2) via Pinfall (Down Under Disaster) in 12:43.  Rating: ***

Changes for Billy Norris:  OVR + 4.23, XP + 684.60, minor damage to head

Changes for Monty Dhillon:  OVR + 0.89, XP + 171.15, minor damage to head and body



gGexPKo.jpg (2) Brandy McDonald (4-1, OVR 565)


(6) Lucas Molina (2-3, OVR 490) LG3TCXf.jpg oYmq2Bu.jpg

A bit of a letdown after the previous match, this one was mostly controlled by the former League Champion. McDonald let Molina have only limited offense and never really found herself in danger. Susanna Reyes once again attempted to play a role in things, while Molina got a few holds in and enough shots to the head to make Brandy feel it for a couple of days afterward, but otherwise McDonald ran away with this one en route to a submission victory over the technician.

Brandy McDonald (5-1) def. Lucas Molina (2-4) via Submission (Hair of the Dog) in 12:26.  Rating: **

Changes for Brandy McDonald:  OVR + 4.11, XP + 728.95, minor damage to head

Changes for Lucas Molina:  OVR -0.72, XP + 145.79, no notable damage



Lp89uMT.jpg (5) Brian Blackfield (2-3, OVR 569)


(8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-5, OVR 521) p1IFTGG.jpg hYlEAC2.jpg

This was low-key one of the better matches of the evening. One could tell that Blackfield had a plan coming in to the match, and a possible backup plan ready, while Ouilette seemed content to use what brought him to the dance. Fairly close and very even match for most of the opening twelve minutes before Blackfield started hitting his bigger moves and opening some distance. A Tartan Effect, landed after taking a lengthy bit of punishment from Ouilette, only netted two, and a few seconds later Blackfield paid for it by getting punched in the groin. Yet Ouilette still could not manage to get Blackfield stunned enough to attempt a finisher, and eventually The Juggernaut found a way to open JPO up for the Highland’s Wrath and the submission victory to even his record on the season.

Brian Blackfield (3-3) def. Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-6) via Submission (Highland’s Wrath) in 18:09.  Rating: ***

Changes for Brian Blackfield:  OVR + 4.93, XP + 794.16, minor damage to head

Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette:  OVR + 1.35, XP + 198.54, minor damage to head



KufawJO.jpg FqeSGy6.jpg (1) Nuclear Templeton (5-0, OVR 613)


(4) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-3, OVR 516) d7FEgH5.jpg

If the author did not have a rule in place where the longest highest-rated match was declared the Match of the Night, this one would have been. The author will provide the full match play-by-play below with an additional call-out or two during it to explain why the author thought this would be the actual MOTN. This is one of the rarer matches that he will insist is better read than summarized.



Nuclear Templeton vs. Reverend Johnny Gross


(00:00) *** The match began

(00:04) Nuclear hit an Eye Poke

(00:07) Nuclear hit a Jab Punch

(00:10) Nuclear hit a Punch

(00:14) Nuclear hit an Eye Poke

(00:18) Nuclear hit an Open Handed Chop

(00:22) Nuclear hit a Fist Drop

(00:32) Nuclear picked up Rev. Gross from behind

(00:36) Nuclear hit a Forearm To Back Of Head

(00:43) Nuclear hit an Inverted Drop Toe Hold

(00:53) Nuclear picked up Rev. Gross from behind

(01:01) Rev. Gross avoided a Forearm To Back Of Head.

(01:09) Nuclear avoided a Handshake Kick To Gut.

(01:12) Nuclear hit a Punch

(01:19) Nuclear hit a Toss To Corner

(01:25) Rev. Gross avoided a Corner Knife Edge Chop.

(01:43) Rev. Gross hit Corner Repeated Shoulder Rams

(02:03) Rev. Gross applied a Rear Chinlock

(02:13) Nuclear avoided a Stomp.

(02:19) Rev. Gross avoided an Eye Poke.

(02:33) Rev. Gross applied a Front Facelock

(02:41) Rev. Gross applied a Hammerlock

(02:45) Rev. Gross hit a Forearm To Back

(02:49) Nuclear rolled through an Arm Wringer Smash

(03:03) Nuclear applied a Side Headlock

(03:10) Nuclear hit a Toss To Corner

(03:17) Nuclear hit a Corner Knife Edge Chop

(03:26) Rev. Gross very easily avoided a Corner Open Handed Chop.

(03:33) Rev. Gross hit a Corner Slap To Chest

(03:38) Nuclear blocked a Corner Elbow

(03:43) Nuclear blocked a Turnbuckle Smash

(03:47) Nuclear hit an Eye Poke

(03:50) Nuclear hit a Punch

(03:54) Nuclear hit an Eye Poke

(03:58) Nuclear hit a Headbutt

(04:02) Nuclear hit a Fist Drop

(04:12) Nuclear picked up Rev. Gross

(04:15) Nuclear hit a Jab Punch

(04:18) Nuclear hit a Throat Thrust

(04:38) Nuclear applied a Rear Chinlock

(04:47) Nuclear picked up Rev. Gross from behind

(04:51) Nuclear hit a Forearm To Back Of Head

(04:55) Nuclear hit a Forearm To Back

(05:09) Nuclear applied an Arm Wringer

(05:13) Nuclear hit a Headbutt

(05:23) Reverend Johnny Gross very easily moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(05:37) Rev. Gross applied a Knee Bar

(05:44) Rev. Gross hit a Knee Pull

(05:58) Rev. Gross applied a Choke Hold

(05:58) The referee gave Rev. Gross a stern warning

(06:12) Rev. Gross applied an Arm Bar

(06:19) Rev. Gross hit a Knee Pull

(06:33) Rev. Gross applied a Body Scissors

(06:39) Nuclear got a rope break to stop a Knee Bar

(06:42) Rev. Gross hit a Jab Punch

(06:46) Nuclear broke a Standing Arm Bar

(06:50) Nuclear hit an Eye Poke

(06:54) Rev. Gross blocked a Headbutt

(06:57) Nuclear hit a Throat Thrust

(07:06) Reverend Johnny Gross very easily moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(07:13) Rev. Gross hit a Knee Pull

(07:27) Rev. Gross applied a Body Scissors

(07:32) Nuclear blocked a Legdrop To Arm

(07:35) Rev. Gross hit a Forearm Blow

(07:38) Rev. Gross hit a Punch

(07:42) Rev. Gross hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(07:49) Nuclear got a rope break to stop a Front Facelock

(07:56) Rev. Gross hit a Single Leg Trip

(08:00) Rev. Gross hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(08:20) Rev. Gross applied a Rear Chinlock

(08:24) Nuclear broke a Mounted Punch Flurry

(08:28) Nuclear hit a Face Rake

(08:28) The referee warned Nuclear

(08:32) Nuclear hit a Knife Edge Chop

(08:41) Rev. Gross very easily avoided a Double Axe Handle Smash.

(08:57) Rev. Gross hit a Gutwrench Suplex

(09:04) Rev. Gross hit a Legdrop To Groin

(09:04) The referee warned Rev. Gross

(09:08) Rev. Gross hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(09:18) Nuclear got a rope break to stop a Knee Pull

(09:28) Rev. Gross hit a Short Arm Knee Lift

(09:33) Nuclear slipped out of the back of a Short Arm Back Elbow

(09:37) Nuclear hit a Forearm To Back Of Head

(09:47) Nuclear hit a Russian Legsweep

(09:55) Nuclear picked up Rev. Gross

(09:59) Nuclear hit an Eye Poke

(09:59) The referee warned Nuclear

(10:07) Nuclear applied a Hammerlock

***It was here that the author stopped speeding through the opening minutes, as the match was close to getting into High-level move territory, and really started to pay attention to things. (Yes, a little dirty secret of The League—I hold down the space bar until one wrestler is close to Low Energy as that’s when the match can start suddenly ending. I’ll then skim the match PBP to see if there’s anything I should note for the summary so I can start crafting it in my head while the rest of the match plays out.)

(10:17) Nuclear hit a Backbreaker

(10:25) Nuclear hit a Double Axe Handle Smash

(10:31) Rev. Gross very easily avoided a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry.

(10:47) Rev. Gross hit a Spinning Arm Breaker

(10:52) Nuclear rolled through a Boston Crab

(10:56) Rev. Gross countered a Power Bodyslam with an Eye Poke

(11:06) Rev. Gross hit a Screw Legwhip

(11:13) Rev. Gross used a Face Rub Taunt

(11:23) Nuclear avoided a Seated Back Kick.

(11:37) Nuclear applied a Side Headlock

(11:44) Nuclear hit a Toss To Corner

(11:48) Rev. Gross stopped a Corner Stomp Flurry by rushing Nuclear

(11:58) Rev. Gross hit a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(12:11) Rev. Gross hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(12:16) Nuclear blocked a Kneeling Kick Rush

(12:28) Rev. Gross hit a Kneeling Kick Rush

(12:33) Nuclear slipped out of the back of the Rear Crossface Blows

(12:37) Nuclear hit a Forearm To Back Of Head

(12:41) Nuclear hit a Forearm To Back

(12:45) Rev. Gross broke a Backbreaker

(13:01) Rev. Gross hit a Piledriver

(13:07) Nuclear avoided a Kneeling Kick Rush.

(13:10) Nuclear hit a Punch

(13:13) Nuclear hit a Forearm Blow

(13:20) Nuclear hit a Toss To Corner

(13:38) Nuclear hit Ten Turnbuckle Smashes

(13:58) Nuclear applied a Rear Chinlock

(14:06) Nuclear picked up Rev. Gross

(14:18) Nuclear hit a Biel Throw To Corner

(14:22) Nuclear hit a Seated Back Kick

(14:27) Rev. Gross broke the Seated Knuckle Punches

(14:34) Rev. Gross hit a Single Leg Trip

(14:38) Nuclear fought back against being picked up from behind

(14:45) Rev. Gross countered a Strong Forearm Strike Flurry with a Side Headlock Takedown

(14:59) Rev. Gross hit Rear Crossface Blows

(15:04) Nuclear blocked a Mounted Punch Flurry

(15:11) Rev. Gross picked up Nuclear

(15:17) Rev. Gross hit a Begging Off Low Blow

(15:17) The referee furiously berated Rev. Gross

***Nuclear still had Poor momentum; he was not considered “vulnerable” yet and that’s why the pin attempt did not follow this when it would have been a good point to try it.

(15:21) Nuclear stopped a Slit Throat Motion by rushing Rev. Gross

(15:24) Nuclear hit a Jab Punch

(15:31) Nuclear hit a Toss To Corner

(15:38) Nuclear hit a Corner Knife Edge Chop

(15:56) Nuclear hit a Corner Stomp Flurry

(16:03) Nuclear picked up Rev. Gross

(16:08) Rev. Gross blocked a Tactical Nuke

(16:24) Nuclear hit a Press Powerslam

(16:29) Nuclear got a one count

***I expected this to be the start of Nuclear’s usual chaining of signatures to wear down the opponent before the Radiation Leak or the Armageddon Lariat. It’s kind of what the AI likes to do with him, and the Tactical Nuke is usually the one that starts the whole process.

(16:34) Rev. Gross slipped out the front of a Strong Gut Buster

(16:38) Rev. Gross hit a Face Rake

(16:38) The referee warned Rev. Gross

(16:42) Nuclear broke an Implant DDT

(16:46) Rev. Gross broke a Tactical Nuke

(16:53) Rev. Gross hit a DDT

(16:59) Nuclear got a rope break to stop a Come to Jesus

(17:08) Nuclear countered a Strong Open Handed Chop with a Punch Flurry

(17:18) Rev. Gross avoided a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry.

(17:34) Rev. Gross hit a Piledriver

(18:00) There's the dragon sleeper!  Reverend Johnny Gross is telling Nuclear Templeton to Come to Jesus!

(18:14) Rev. Gross got a near submission

***Wait, what?! Checking the calculations, Gross had a 990 to finish this, the maximum allowed (unless it’s a countout apparently, as discovered a couple of seasons back). Nuclear rolled a 991. By a single digit, Nuclear got out of the submission finisher and I thought for sure that would be the start of Nuclear’s comeback.


(18:18) Nuclear broke a Stump Piledriver

(18:25) Nuclear hit a Toss To Corner

(18:32) Nuclear hit a Turnbuckle Smash

(18:37) Rev. Gross fought back against being picked up

(18:47) Rev. Gross hit a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(19:13) There's the dragon sleeper!  Reverend Johnny Gross is telling Nuclear Templeton to Come to Jesus!

(19:25) *** Rev. Gross submitted Nuclear

*** The comeback was not to be. Gross kept up the pressure and got it locked in a second time, and this time Nuclear’s roll was only a 977, still needing better than 990.

In what has to be classified as an upset, the Right Reverend derails Nuclear’s bid for perfection and shows the Alpha Division that there IS hope; that Nuclear IS susceptible like anyone else!

Reverend Johnny Gross (3-3) def. Nuclear Templeton (5-1) via Submission (Come to Jesus) in 19:25.  Rating: ***

Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross:  OVR + 4.98, XP + 795.15, no notable damage

Changes for Nuclear Templeton:  OVR + 1.34, XP + 198.79, minor damage to head


It took about a minute for Nuclear to come back to after being legit knocked out by the dragon sleeper. When he did, and was told what happened, no one was safe. The official was assaulted, two more who came from the back met the same fate, one of the turnbuckles was forcibly ripped from the ring post and thrown into the center of the ring (where it stuck in the wood under the canvas, causing it to sit upright), and the announce team had to flee for their lives as Nuclear descended on their position and completely wrecked the announce desk and most everything that was connected to it. The final match of the show would be broadcast with no announcers, but thankfully The Aerie kept three rings up in the building, with the cage permanently erected around one of them, so that the main event of the week wasn’t completely ruined.



FXyrc6C.jpg (3) George Mastachas (4-1, OVR 578)


(7) Christian Priest (1-4, OVR 568) YICOeYe.jpg MZ2VDcB.jpg

So naturally, this would be the Match of the Night. After Nuclear Templeton’s rage led to the decimation of the announce position, this match was broadcast on YouTube with no announcers and only the ambient sounds inside The Aerie. As such, the play-by-play below is kept in a single block, without commentary breaks. #BlameNuke



(00:09) Priest hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(00:14) Mastachas blocked a Standing Head Scissors Jump

(00:18) Priest hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(00:27) Priest hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(00:30) Priest hit a Jab Punch

(00:33) Priest hit a Forearm Blow

(00:33) Mastachas shrugged off the blow

(00:42) Mastachas hit a Standing Head Scissors Jump

(00:49) Mastachas hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(00:53) Mastachas hit a Stomp

(00:57) Priest broke a Legdrop To Arm

(01:00) Priest hit a Handshake Kick To Gut

(01:05) Mastachas blocked a Toss To Corner

(01:12) Mastachas avoided a Jab Punch.

(01:16) Priest blocked a Handshake Sucker Punch

(01:20) Mastachas hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(01:30) Mastachas hit a Suplex

(01:38) Mastachas hit a Double Axe Handle Smash

(01:42) Mastachas hit an Elbow Drop

(01:52) Mastachas picked up Priest from behind

(01:59) Priest avoided a Forearm To Back Of Head.

(02:08) Priest hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(02:12) Priest hit an Eye Poke

(02:16) Mastachas escaped a Standing Head Scissors Jump

(02:26) Priest hit a Bodyslam

(02:31) Mastachas fought back against being picked up from behind

(02:38) Mastachas hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(02:42) Mastachas hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(02:46) Priest blocked a Double Axe Handle Smash

(02:56) Mastachas hit a Judo Sweep

(03:00) Mastachas hit an Elbow Drop

(03:04) Mastachas hit a Stomp

(03:08) Mastachas hit an Elbow Drop

(03:15) Mastachas hit a Knee Drive To Arm

(03:19) Mastachas hit a Fist Drop

(03:26) Mastachas hit a Knee Pull

(03:30) Priest fought back against being picked up from behind

(03:40) Priest hit a Bodyslam

(03:47) Priest picked up Mastachas from behind

(03:51) Priest hit a Forearm To Back

(03:51) Priest irish whipped Mastachas into the corner

(04:03) Priest hit a Turnbuckle Smash

(04:10) Priest picked up Mastachas

(04:14) Priest hit an Eye Poke

(04:23) Priest hit a Standing Head Scissors Jump

(04:28) Priest irish whipped Mastachas into the ropes

(04:35) Priest hit a Clothesline

(04:43) Priest picked up Mastachas

(04:52) Priest hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(04:56) Priest hit an Eye Poke

(05:05) Priest hit a Standing Head Scissors Jump

(05:13) Mastachas avoided a Face Rake.

(05:18) Priest blocked a Handshake Sucker Punch

(05:25) Mastachas hit a Snap Mare Takedown

(05:32) Mastachas hit a Legdrop To Arm

(05:43) Mastachas hit a Mounted Punch Flurry

(05:50) Mastachas used a Power Taunt

(05:54) Mastachas hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(06:09) Mastachas hit a Stomp Flurry

(06:13) Mastachas hit a Running Knee Drop

(06:17) Mastachas hit a Seated Back Kick

(06:21) Mastachas hit a Measured Knee Drop

(06:25) Mastachas hit a Seated Back Kick

(06:33) Mastachas hit a Splash

(06:44) Mastachas hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(06:58) Mastachas used a Get Up Taunt

(07:08) Mastachas hit a Spear

(07:20) Mastachas narrowly failed to escape the cage

(07:24) Priest hit a Face Rake

(07:27) Priest hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(07:31) Mastachas countered a Bodyslam with a Slap To Chest

(07:38) Mastachas hit a Single Arm DDT

(07:43) Priest stopped a Stalk Grounded Enemy by rushing Mastachas

(07:48) Mastachas reversed an irish whip

(07:57) Priest broke a Spinebuster by falling on top of Mastachas

(08:07) Priest hit a Bodyslam

(08:11) Priest hit an Elbow Drop

(08:18) Mastachas very easily avoided a Double Axe Handle Smash.

(08:23) Priest blocked a Screw Legwhip

(08:29) Mastachas hit a Low Blow

(08:41) Mastachas narrowly failed to escape the cage

(08:45) Mastachas countered a Bodyslam with an Eye Poke

(08:55) Mastachas hit a Spinning Elbow Blow

(09:07) Mastachas narrowly failed to escape the cage

(09:17) Priest hit a Front Backbreaker

(09:24) Mastachas very easily avoided a Seated Back Kick.

(09:30) Mastachas hit a Low Blow

(09:45) Mastachas narrowly failed to escape the cage

(09:49) Priest irish whipped Mastachas into the ropes

(09:56) Christian Priest delivers Absolution by way of a big boot to Mastachas's face!

(10:03) George Mastachas moved out of the way from a Knee Drop after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(10:10) Mastachas used a Slit Throat Motion

(10:18) Mastachas picked up Priest

(10:22) Priest broke a Dangerous Head Drop Suplex

(10:27) Mastachas broke a Front Backbreaker

(10:31) Priest blocked a Powerbomb

(10:35) Priest countered a Hammerlock Powerbomb with a Slap To Chest

(10:45) Priest hit a Bodyslam

(10:49) Priest hit an Elbow Drop

(10:56) Mastachas countered a Knee Drop with a Small Package

(11:03) Mastachas used a Slit Throat Motion

(11:16) Mastachas used a Stalk Grounded Enemy

(11:20) Priest broke a Dangerous Head Drop Suplex

(11:30) Priest hit a Bodyslam

(11:45) Priest hit a Stomp Flurry

(12:04) Priest hit a Cage Rake

(12:08) Priest hit a Stomp

(12:16) George Mastachas very easily moved out of the way from a Posing Elbow Drop.

(12:25) Mastachas picked up Priest

(12:29) Priest countered a Begging Off Low Blow with a Test of Faith CP

(12:33) Priest hit a Measured Knee Drop

(12:37) Priest hit a Running Knee Drop

(12:46) Priest picked up Mastachas

(13:02) George Mastachas is forced to pay Penance as Christian Priest shows off his strength!

(13:12) Priest picked up Mastachas

(13:22) George Mastachas is seeing the stars of Heaven after that Rite of Might!

(13:26) Mastachas broke the Seated Knuckle Punches

(13:42) Mastachas hit a Swinging Neckbreaker

(13:57) Mastachas hit a Stomp Flurry

(14:03) Christian Priest moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(14:12) Priest picked up Mastachas

(14:28) Priest hit a Shoulder Breaker

(14:33) Mastachas fought back against being picked up

(14:37) Mastachas hit an Eye Poke

(14:40) Mastachas hit a Handshake Kick To Gut

(14:43) Mastachas hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(14:59) Mastachas hit a Head Drop Suplex

(15:03) Priest blocked a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(15:13) Mastachas picked up Priest

(15:29) Priest countered an Olympus Rises with a Penance

(15:34) Mastachas blocked the Seated Knuckle Punches

(16:03) George Mastachas suffers Martrydom as Priest has the hold locked in tight!

(16:14) *** Priest escaped the cage



Christian Priest (2-4) def. George Mastachas (4-2) via Cage Escape (Martyrdom) in 16:14.  Rating: ****

Changes for Christian Priest:  OVR + 6.00, XP + 1,003.64, minor damage to head and body

Changes for George Mastachas:  OVR + 2.57, XP + 363.41, minor damage to head

This was the Match of the Night (14 [3rd this season] for Christian Priest, 4 [1st this season] for George Mastachas)







1.  Nuclear Templeton:  5-1, ATV 19:33, (AMR 3.000), OVR 614.55

2.  Brandy McDonald:  5-1, ATV 14:02, (AMR 2.333), OVR 569.35

3.  George Mastachas:  4-2, ATV 14:56, (AMR 2.667), OVR 580.80

4.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  3-3, ATV 16:37, (AMR 2.167), OVR 521.42

5.  Brian Blackfield:  3-3, ATV 18:20, (AMR 3.333), OVR 573.78

6.  Lucas Molina:  2-4, ATV 16:08, (AMR 2.833), OVR 489.51

7.  Christian Priest:  2-4, ATV 15:44, (AMR 3.333), OVR 573.53

8.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  0-6, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.667), OVR 521.92



1.  Kichi Hida:  5-1, ATV 12:59 (AMR 3.000), OVR 463.37

2.  Monty Dhillon:  4-2, ATV 8:41 (AMR 2.333), OVR 526.15

3.  De'siree Mitchell:  4-2, ATV 10:34 (AMR 2.333), OVR 521.47

4.  Billy Norris:  3-3, ATV 12:17 (AMR 2.333), OVR 537.27

5.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  3-3, ATV 13:34 (AMR 2.167), OVR 507.69

6.  Diego Rodriguez:  3-3, ATV 12:28 (AMR 2.167), OVR 493.33

7.  Angela Wassermann:  2-4, ATV 10:46 (AMR 2.167), OVR 450.71

8.  Pulsar:  0-6, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.500), OVR 474.66



1.  Indigo Rose:  5-1, ATV 10:25, (AMR 2.000), OVR 483.52

2.  Markus Clay:  4-2, ATV 11:26, (AMR 2.333), OVR 451.97

3.  Leon de Ramos:  4-2, ATV 13:18, (AMR 2.167), OVR 431.34

4.  Lance Heartilly:  4-2, ATV 11:53, (AMR 2.000), OVR 439.79

5.  Blood River:  3-3, ATV 11:31, (AMR 2.333), OVR 472.51

6.  Daniel Simmons:  2-4, ATV 12:03, (AMR 2.167), OVR 448.71

7.  Rock Sheridan:  1-5, ATV 6:27, (AMR 1.667), OVR 413.82

8.  Nocturne:  1-5, ATV 12:49, (AMR 2.000), OVR 410.91



1.  Diamond:  5-1, ATV 8:41 (AMR 2.167), OVR 452.95

2.  Scott Stevens:  4-2, ATV 8:38 (AMR 2.500), OVR 406.74

3.  Mickey Steele:  4-2, ATV 8:47 (AMR 3.000), OVR 419.74

4.  Erick Gibson:  4-2, ATV 9:34 (AMR 3.167), OVR 431.43

5.  Terrance Stevens:  4-2, ATV 10:16 (AMR 2.500), OVR 447.03

6.  "Dirty" John Murdoch:  3-3, ATV 12:45 (AMR 3.167), OVR 414.00

7.  Terra Harding:  0-6, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.833), OVR 401.78

8.  George Stevens:  0-6, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.000), OVR 382.64



1. Derek B: 69 [this week: 11]

2. Croquemitaine: 64 [this week: 11]

3. Jman2k3: 61 [this week: 8]

4. Eternal Phoenix: 60 [this week: 8]

5. SeanMcG: 55 [this week: N/A]





(3) George Mastachas (4-2, OVR 581) vs. (2) Brandy McDonald (5-1, OVR 569) [Career: Tied 4 - 4]

(1) Nuclear Templeton (5-1, OVR 615) vs. (6) Lucas Molina (2-4, OVR 490) [First Career Meeting]

LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (4) Reverend Johnny Gross (3-3, OVR 521) vs. (5) Brian Blackfield (3-3, OVR 574) [First Career Meeting. CAREER IN LAST ONE STANDING MATCHES: Blackfield 3 – 0, Gross N/A]

(7) Christian Priest (2-4, OVR 574) vs. (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-6, OVR 522) [First Career Meeting]


(3) De'siree Mitchell (4-2, OVR 521) vs. (2) Monty Dhillon (4-2, OVR 526) [First Career Meeting]

(5) Yoshii Nakamatsu (3-3, OVR 508) vs. (4) Billy Norris (3-3, OVR 537) [Career: Billy Norris, 3 - 1]

(6) Diego Rodriguez (3-3, OVR 493) vs. (8) Pulsar (0-6, OVR 475) [First Career Meeting]

(1) Kichi Hida (5-1, OVR 463) vs. (7) Angela Wassermann (2-4, OVR 451) [First Career Meeting]


(1) Indigo Rose (5-1, OVR 484) vs. (4) Lance Heartilly (4-2, OVR 440) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

(3) Leon de Ramos (4-2, OVR 431) vs. (2) Markus Clay (4-2, OVR 452) [First Career Meeting]DEADLI

(5) Blood River (3-3, OVR 473) vs. (7) Rock Sheridan (1-5, OVR 414) [First Career Meeting]

(8) Nocturne (1-5, OVR 411) vs. (6) Daniel Simmons (2-4, OVR 449) [First Career Meeting]


(5) Terrance Stevens (4-2, OVR 447) vs. (4) Erick Gibson (4-2, OVR 431) [Career: Erick Gibson, 2 - 0]

(1) Diamond (5-1, OVR 453) vs. (2) Scott Stevens (4-2, OVR 407) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

(6) "Dirty" John Murdoch (3-3, OVR 414) vs. (3) Mickey Steele (4-2, OVR 420) [First Career Meeting]

(7) Terra Harding (0-6, OVR 402) vs. (8) George Stevens (0-6, OVR 383) [First Career Meeting]




Edited by ShadowedFlames
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Brandy McDonald

Nuclear Templeton

Brian Blackfield

Christian Priest


Monty Dhillon

illy Norris

Diego Rodriguez

Kichi Hida


Indigo Rose

Markus Clay

Blood River

Daniel Simmons


Terrance Stevens

Scott Stevens

"Dirty" John Murdoch

George Stevens

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(3) George Mastachas (4-2, OVR 581) vs. (2) Brandy McDonald (5-1, OVR 569) [Career: Tied 4 - 4]

Mastachas, generally speaking, can beat Brandy. It's just that she can never be fully counted out of a match. 


(1) Nuclear Templeton (5-1, OVR 615) vs. (6) Lucas Molina (2-4, OVR 490) [First Career Meeting]

One ass whipping, coming right up. 😞


LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (4) Reverend Johnny Gross (3-3, OVR 521) vs. (5) Brian Blackfield (3-3, OVR 574) [First Career Meeting. CAREER IN LAST ONE STANDING MATCHES: Blackfield 3 – 0, Gross N/A]

Blackfield has the better record in and wrestling style for the match type 


(7) Christian Priest (2-4, OVR 574) vs. (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-6, OVR 522) [First Career Meeting]

JPO is having a disastrous season. Priest isn't about to make it any easier. 



(3) De'siree Mitchell (4-2, OVR 521) vs. (2) Monty Dhillon (4-2, OVR 526) [First Career Meeting]

I still believe Monty is the division's #1, but he's got his work cut out for him now. De'siree is not an easy opponent, her career record be damned. 


(5) Yoshii Nakamatsu (3-3, OVR 508) vs. (4) Billy Norris (3-3, OVR 537) [Career: Billy Norris, 3 - 1]

Norris has mostly has his number across two seasons. 


(6) Diego Rodriguez (3-3, OVR 493) vs. (8) Pulsar (0-6, OVR 475) [First Career Meeting]

Speaking of people having disastrous seasons. Pulsar's been out of his depth in Beta for two seasons, and it's finally caught up to him. Diego should handle him with little trouble. 


(1) Kichi Hida (5-1, OVR 463) vs. (7) Angela Wassermann (2-4, OVR 451) [First Career Meeting]

On the same subject, Wasserman is in a similar position, though it's not as dire. Except for this week, when the Carnival of Violence comes to town. Poor Angela. 



(1) Indigo Rose (5-1, OVR 484) vs. (4) Lance Heartilly (4-2, OVR 440) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

I still believe that it's Indigo Rose's time now.


(3) Leon de Ramos (4-2, OVR 431) vs. (2) Markus Clay (4-2, OVR 452) [First Career Meeting]

While Leon had some trouble with River, I think Clay isn't as good. 


(5) Blood River (3-3, OVR 473) vs. (7) Rock Sheridan (1-5, OVR 414) [First Career Meeting]

Rock is trying, but Gamma is bursting with bad matchups for him.


(8) Nocturne (1-5, OVR 411) vs. (6) Daniel Simmons (2-4, OVR 449) [First Career Meeting]

This is the one I think she can pull off. Big guys appear to be her specialty, weirdly. 



(5) Terrance Stevens (4-2, OVR 447) vs. (4) Erick Gibson (4-2, OVR 431) [Career: Erick Gibson, 2 - 0]

Please kick him in the face for all of us blue collar folks, Terrance. 


(1) Diamond (5-1, OVR 453) vs. (2) Scott Stevens (4-2, OVR 407) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

Diamond is my pick for division winner at this stage. 


(6) "Dirty" John Murdoch (3-3, OVR 414) vs. (3) Mickey Steele (4-2, OVR 420) [First Career Meeting]

For once I pick against the Funky one. Striker vs technician in Delta? Bet on the striker.


(7) Terra Harding (0-6, OVR 402) vs. (8) George Stevens (0-6, OVR 383) [First Career Meeting]

This is a match with no heat of any kind. Why Terra? Because George's only career wins are against a guy larger than he is. Terra, at least, beat some massive dudes down in Omega. It's thin, but it's what I got. 


End note. Boss? My phone wouldn't unbold what you had bolded after copy/pasting. So italics take priority where they appear. Gaddang this was hard to do with my huge hands and fingers. 

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(3) George Mastachas (4-2, OVR 581) vs. (2) Brandy McDonald (5-1, OVR 569) [Career: Tied 4 - 4]

- Big match implications, but Mastachas to bounce back

(1) Nuclear Templeton (5-1, OVR 615) vs. (6) Lucas Molina (2-4, OVR 490) [First Career Meeting]

- We're picking the upset this week, Molina's built a career on tapping out larger strikers

LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (4) Reverend Johnny Gross (3-3, OVR 521) vs. (5) Brian Blackfield (3-3, OVR 574) [First Career Meeting. CAREER IN LAST ONE STANDING MATCHES: Blackfield 3 – 0, Gross N/A]

- This seems tailor made for Blackfield

(7) Christian Priest (2-4, OVR 574) vs. (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-6, OVR 522) [First Career Meeting]

- Priest's bounce back continues at JPO's expense


(3) De'siree Mitchell (4-2, OVR 521) vs. (2) Monty Dhillon (4-2, OVR 526) [First Career Meeting]

- Not sure what's happened, but Main Event Monty's bouncing back to form here

(5) Yoshii Nakamatsu (3-3, OVR 508) vs. (4) Billy Norris (3-3, OVR 537) [Career: Billy Norris, 3 - 1]

- Going off the career record

(6) Diego Rodriguez (3-3, OVR 493) vs. (8) Pulsar (0-6, OVR 475) [First Career Meeting]

- Pulsar's not the guy this season

(1) Kichi Hida (5-1, OVR 463) vs. (7) Angela Wassermann (2-4, OVR 451) [First Career Meeting]

- Interesting match-up, but I fear Wassermann's built to beat Hida.


(1) Indigo Rose (5-1, OVR 484) vs. (4) Lance Heartilly (4-2, OVR 440) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

- Rose's division to lose

(3) Leon de Ramos (4-2, OVR 431) vs. (2) Markus Clay (4-2, OVR 452) [First Career Meeting]

- Homer pick, but technicians fair well here

(5) Blood River (3-3, OVR 473) vs. (7) Rock Sheridan (1-5, OVR 414) [First Career Meeting]

- Not Rock's season sadly

(8) Nocturne (1-5, OVR 411) vs. (6) Daniel Simmons (2-4, OVR 449) [First Career Meeting]

- Coin flip honestly


(5) Terrance Stevens (4-2, OVR 447) vs. (4) Erick Gibson (4-2, OVR 431) [Career: Erick Gibson, 2 - 0]

- The boss has got the record on his side

(1) Diamond (5-1, OVR 453) vs. (2) Scott Stevens (4-2, OVR 407) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

- League Royalty clashes here, we'll pick the better record

(6) "Dirty" John Murdoch (3-3, OVR 414) vs. (3) Mickey Steele (4-2, OVR 420) [First Career Meeting]

- I'm so torn, who will prevail? The dastardly, dirty outlaw or STEEEEEEEEEEEEELE justice himself?

(7) Terra Harding (0-6, OVR 402) vs. (8) George Stevens (0-6, OVR 383) [First Career Meeting]





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