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The League, Redux: Seasons 8 and Beyond Game Thread

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FIRST BLOOD MATCH: (7) Christian Priest (2-5, OVR 575) vs. (1) Brandy McDonald (6-1, OVR 573)* [Career: Brandy McDonald, 1 – 0. Career in First Blood Matches: Priest 1 – 0, McDonald 1 – 2]

(2) Nuclear Templeton (5-2, OVR 612)* vs. (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-6, OVR 527) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 3 - 0]

HARDCORE MATCH: (5) Reverend Johnny Gross (3-4, OVR 521) vs. (3) George Mastachas (4-3, OVR 580)* [Career: George Mastachas, 4 – 1. Career in Hardcore Matches: Gross 2 – 0, Mastachas 1 – 0]

(6) Lucas Molina (3-4, OVR 493) vs. (4) Brian Blackfield (4-3, OVR 579)* [Career: Brian Blackfield, 1 - 0]


(2) Monty Dhillon (5-2, OVR 530) vs. (5) Billy Norris (4-3, OVR 541)* [Career: Billy Norris, 1 - 0]

(1) Kichi Hida (6-1, OVR 467)* vs. (3) De'siree Mitchell (4-3, OVR 520) [Career: Kichi Hida, 1 - 0]

EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (4) Diego Rodriguez (4-3, OVR 497) vs. (6) Yoshii Nakamatsu (3-4, OVR 507)* [Career: Yoshii Nakamatsu, 4 – 1. Career in European Rules Matches: Rodriguez 1 – 1, Nakamatsu N/A]

(8) Pulsar (0-7, OVR 473) vs. (7) Angela Wassermann (2-5, OVR 450)* [Career: Angela Wassermann, 5 - 0]


TABLES MATCH: (2) Leon de Ramos (5-2, OVR 435) vs. (1) Indigo Rose (5-2, OVR 482)* [Career: Indigo Rose, 1 – 0. Career in Tables Matches: de Ramos 1 – 0, Rose N/A]

(4) Markus Clay (4-3, OVR 452)* vs. (6) Daniel Simmons (3-4, OVR 452) [Career: Daniel Simmons, 3 - 2]

(8) Nocturne (1-6, OVR 408)* vs. (5) Blood River (3-4, OVR 473) [Career: Nocturne, 1 - 0]

(7) Rock Sheridan (2-5, OVR 418) vs. (3) Lance Heartilly (5-2, OVR 443)* [Career: Lance Heartilly, 1 - 0]


SUBMISSION MATCH: (7) Terra Harding (1-6, OVR 406) vs. (1) Diamond (6-1, OVR 455)* [Career: Diamond, 1 – 0. Career in Submission Matches: Harding N/A, Diamond 2 – 2]

(6) "Dirty" John Murdoch (4-3, OVR 417) vs. (5) Terrance Stevens (4-3, OVR 445)* [Career: Terrance Stevens, 1 - 0]

(2) Erick Gibson (5-2, OVR 434)* vs. (3) Scott Stevens (4-3, OVR 405) [Career: Erick Gibson, 1 - 0]

FIRST BLOOD MATCH: (8) George Stevens (0-7, OVR 383) vs. (4) Mickey Steele (4-3, OVR 418)* [Career: Mickey Steele, 3 – 0. Career in First Blood Matches: G. Stevens N/A, Steele 1 – 0]



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FIRST BLOOD MATCH: (7) Christian Priest (2-5, OVR 575) vs. (1) Brandy McDonald (6-1, OVR 573)*

- Basing this pick on match type.

(2) Nuclear Templeton (5-2, OVR 612)* vs. (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-6, OVR 527)

- I hope JPO's health insurance is paid up!

HARDCORE MATCH: (5) Reverend Johnny Gross (3-4, OVR 521) vs. (3) George Mastachas (4-3, OVR 580)*

- I'm not nearly so confident in this pick as I would have been seven weeks ago.

(6) Lucas Molina (3-4, OVR 493) vs. (4) Brian Blackfield (4-3, OVR 579)*

- He beat him last time?



(2) Monty Dhillon (5-2, OVR 530) vs. (5) Billy Norris (4-3, OVR 541)*

- Does the Hammer get his win back, or does his painfully 'meh' season continue to be painfully meh?

(1) Kichi Hida (6-1, OVR 467)* vs. (3) De'siree Mitchell (4-3, OVR 520)

- She beat her last time?

EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (4) Diego Rodriguez (4-3, OVR 497) vs. (6) Yoshii Nakamatsu (3-4, OVR 507)*

- Sometimes I forget that Yoshii is actually quite good.

(8) Pulsar (0-7, OVR 473) vs. (7) Angela Wassermann (2-5, OVR 450)*

- A very one-sided rivalry.



TABLES MATCH: (2) Leon de Ramos (5-2, OVR 435) vs. (1) Indigo Rose (5-2, OVR 482)*

- Yes, a Tables match is exactly the right vehicle to showcase these two gifted technicians!

(4) Markus Clay (4-3, OVR 452)* vs. (6) Daniel Simmons (3-4, OVR 452)

- Iffy pick. Maybe I just don't like Clay?

(8) Nocturne (1-6, OVR 408)* vs. (5) Blood River (3-4, OVR 473)

- Sure, why not?

(7) Rock Sheridan (2-5, OVR 418) vs. (3) Lance Heartilly (5-2, OVR 443)*

- The Heartilly redemption season continues.



SUBMISSION MATCH: (7) Terra Harding (1-6, OVR 406) vs. (1) Diamond (6-1, OVR 455)*

- I'm as certain Diamond will win as I am that this will not be a technical masterclass.

(6) "Dirty" John Murdoch (4-3, OVR 417) vs. (5) Terrance Stevens (4-3, OVR 445)*

- A lot on the line here. The winner remains in contention for promotion, the loser drops into the pack.

(2) Erick Gibson (5-2, OVR 434)* vs. (3) Scott Stevens (4-3, OVR 405)

- Gibson's a little too good for Delta.

FIRST BLOOD MATCH: (8) George Stevens (0-7, OVR 383) vs. (4) Mickey Steele (4-3, OVR 418)*

- I gotta stick with my guy, but my gut is telling me Stevens gets his first win here.


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Another update: can officially confirm that we’re not skipping a week in the second half of the season. Trip to Maryland RennFest is scheduled for the weekend after Week 14. So barring injury, illness, more stair attacks, or the like, the season proper ends the weekend of September 14.

I’ve also decided that for Season 13, I will be expanding the stipulation matches and slightly adjusting the odds of each being rolled for a given match. Not by numbers—each wrestler still gets two per season—but by match types. I’ve decided that I will be adding both Hardcore European and 2/3 Falls to the lineup.

The adjusted odds for random determination will be shifted slightly. Hardcore will have a 3% chance to be picked, Cage/First Blood/Table/Submission/Last One Standing are at 2.5% each, 2/3 Falls is at 2%, European at 1.5%, and Hardcore European at 1%. 80% of the roll is for a normal match.

Ultimate Submission will remain unused, unless I throw together an off-season special with Diego, Indigo, Lance, and Molina involved in some manner as a technician showcase. Iron Man will remain strictly for TTT finals under the current format of The League.

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Sorry, hectic week so quick one from me





Christian Priest

Nuclear Templeton

George Mastachas

Brian Blackfield


Monty Dhillon

Kichi Hida

Diego Rodriguez

Angela Wassermann


Indigo Rose

Daniel Simmons


Lance Heartilly



"Dirty" John Murdoch

Scott Stevens

Mickey Steele

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fTtB0pK.jpg UOpfoyB.jpg (8) George Stevens (0-7, OVR 383)


(4) Mickey Steele (4-3, OVR 418)* vC6SXqZ.jpg OndApuF.jpg

A bit of a short start to the night, this one degenerated into a brawl early, and spilled to the outside a little over five minutes in. Stevens was already looking winded as he dropped to ringside, but still had enough in him to drill Steele in the back with a chair, hit a stump piledriver, and then throw Steele face-first into the ring post. That sequence was enough to bust Mickey open, and George Stevens starts the second half of his season by putting one in the win column!

George Stevens (1-7) def. Mickey Steele (4-4) via First Blood (ring post smash) in 6:31.  Rating: **

Changes for George Stevens:  OVR + 3.11, XP + 483.13, no notable damage

Changes for Mickey Steele:  OVR -1.55, XP + 120.78, no notable damage



E5dgVEm.jpg O63FjvG.jpg (2) Erick Gibson (5-2, OVR 434)*


(3) Scott Stevens (4-3, OVR 405) fYy1oxq.jpg fTtB0pK.jpg

Bob Sinclair: We stay in the Delta Division for our next match, as the elder of the Stevens brothers, “The Scorpion” Scott Stevens, faces off against Erick Gibson in a match with promotion ramifications, Frankie.

Frankie Garnett: Yeah, I’m not certain anyone had this as a must-see match back when the schedule was released, but Scott’s put together a decent season so far. The only problem is that Gibson is determined to get back into Gamma, and he’s beaten Scott once. I think history repeats tonight, Bob.

Bob Sinclair: We’re going to find out soon enough, as both seconds have left the ring. There’s the bell to get this one started!



(00:07) Gibson hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(00:11) Gibson hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(00:16) Scott blocked a Rear Chinlock

(00:20) Gibson hit a Face Rake

(00:24) Gibson hit an Eye Poke

(00:32) Gibson applied a Hammerlock

(00:39) Gibson hit a Hair Pull Takedown

(00:47) Gibson picked up Scott from behind

(00:57) Erick Gibson looks to mete out some discipline here, as he calls Scott to a Probationary Hearing!


Frankie Garnett: Gibson isn’t wasting any time here, Bob!

Bob Sinclair: I’d say. We all know Delta Division rules make for quick matches but I think that’s a new one on me, seeing a trademark within the first minute!



(01:01) Scott blocked a Face Rub Taunt

(01:20) Gibson applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(01:20) The referee gave Gibson a stern warning

(01:24) Gibson hit a Measured Knee Drop

(01:33) Scott very easily avoided a Stomp Flurry.

(01:36) Scott hit a Handshake Kick To Gut

(01:40) Scott hit a Slap To Chest

(01:48) Gibson avoided a Handshake Sucker Punch.

(01:55) Gibson hit a Running Forearm Blow

(02:01) Scott very easily avoided a Seated Back Kick.

(02:15) Scott applied a Front Facelock

(02:29) Scott applied a Side Headlock

(02:33) Scott hit an Eye Poke

(02:36) Scott hit a Punch

(02:40) Gibson blocked a Jab Punch

(02:47) Gibson avoided a Begging Off Sucker Punch.

(02:51) Scott blocked a Discus Punch

(02:57) Gibson hit a Roundhouse Punch

(03:03) Gibson hit a Roundhouse Body Punch

(03:09) Gibson hit a Strong Open Handed Chop

(03:18) Gibson picked up Scott

(03:24) Gibson hit a Low Blow

(03:44) Gibson applied a Single Leg Boston Crab

(04:04) Gibson hit a Begging Off Low Blow

(04:24) Gibson applied a Single Leg Boston Crab

(04:43) Scott avoided a Spinning Back Fist.

(04:57) Scott applied a Front Facelock

(05:04) Scott hit a Running Clothesline

(05:08) Scott hit a Knee Drop

(05:18) Erick Gibson moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop.

(05:26) Scott very easily avoided a Terminable Offense.


Bob Sinclair: Stevens just gave himself an opening; can the veteran from Texas find a way to get back into this one?

Frankie Garnett: It’s Scott Stevens, Bob. A long-term League veteran. He’s probably setting up Gibson for a bigger fall later in the match.



(05:30) Scott hit a Slap To Chest

(05:33) Scott hit a Forearm Blow

(05:37) Scott hit an Eye Poke

(05:41) Scott hit a Face Rake

(05:41) The referee warned Scott

(05:44) Scott hit a Jab Punch

(05:48) Scott hit a Slap To Chest

(05:52) Scott hit an Open Handed Chop

(06:02) Scott hit a Discus Punch

(06:10) Gibson avoided a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry.

(06:17) Gibson hit a Running Forearm Blow

(06:21) Scott blocked a Single Leg Grapevine

(06:31) Scott very easily avoided a Terminable Offense.

(06:38) Scott hit a Running Forearm Blow

(06:45) Scott hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(07:04) Scott applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(07:04) The referee gave Scott a stern warning

(07:08) Scott hit a Measured Knee Drop

(07:12) Scott hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(07:25) Scott used a Stalk Grounded Enemy

(07:32) Gibson countered a Spinning Elbow Blow with a Side Headlock Takedown

(07:47) Gibson hit a Stomp Flurry

(07:55) Scott Stevens very easily moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(08:08) Scott used a Stalk Grounded Enemy

(08:11) Gibson countered a Hammerlock Powerbomb with a Punch

(08:25) Gibson applied a Front Facelock

(08:29) Gibson hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(08:36) Gibson hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(08:42) Scott Stevens very easily moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(08:48) Scott picked up Gibson

(08:53) Gibson slipped out of the back of a Shoulder Breaker


Bob Sinclair: Gibson is starting to look rather winded out there, and we’re only nine minutes into the match.

Frankie Garnett: Cardio’s the biggest weakness for Gibson. Which, to be fair, is kind of expected. That’s why his underlings do all of the heavy lifting—because he orders them to.

Bob Sinclair: That doesn’t help him in the ring, Frankie.

Frankie Garnett: Fair point.



(08:57) Gibson hit a Forearm To Back Of Head

(09:01) Scott broke a Schoolboy Roll Up

(09:06) Gibson broke a Shoulder Breaker

(09:09) Gibson hit a Handshake Kick To Gut

(09:16) Gibson hit a Knee Plant

(09:19) Scott countered a Roundhouse Punch with a Forearm Blow

(09:25) Gibson avoided a Begging Off Low Blow.

(09:30) Scott blocked a Piledriver

(09:35) Scott broke a Piledriver

(09:42) Scott hit a DDT

(09:50) Scott picked up Gibson

(09:55) Gibson blocked a Stump Piledriver

(09:59) Gibson broke a Toxic Sting

(10:06) Gibson hit a Running Schoolboy Roll Up

(10:10) Gibson got a two count

(10:19) Scott avoided a Spinning Elbow Blow after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(10:26) Scott hit a DDT

(10:26) Gibson started to bleed

(10:35) Scott picked up Gibson

(10:47) Scott hit a Powerbomb

(10:56) Scott picked up Gibson

(11:01) Gibson blocked a Deep in the Heart of Texas

(11:05) Gibson blocked a Deep in the Heart of Texas


Bob Sinclair: Gibson able to escape that piledriver, but that laceration is surely a target for The Scorpion.

Frankie Garnett: Indeed, Bob. Though it’s been a long while since we’ve had a blood stoppage in The League, that’s still another avenue that Stevens can travel down if Gibson continues to be stubborn.



(11:19) Gibson applied a Side Headlock

(11:23) Gibson hit an Eye Poke

(11:33) Gibson hit an Inverted Atomic Drop

(11:39) Scott countered a Spinning Back Fist with a Strong Open Handed Chop

(11:49) Scott picked up Gibson

(11:54) Gibson blocked a Deep in the Heart of Texas

(11:57) Gibson countered a Standing Powerslam with a Kick To Gut

(12:01) Scott blocked a DDT

(12:17) Gibson hit a Stump Piledriver

(12:21) Gibson hit a Measured Knee Drop

(12:25) Scott blocked the Rear Crossface Blows

(12:44) Gibson applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(12:44) The referee gave Gibson a stern warning

(12:49) Scott blocked a Terminable Offense

(12:59) Scott very easily avoided a Terminable Offense.

(13:05) Scott hit a Roundhouse Punch

(13:10) Gibson broke a DDT

(13:16) Scott countered a Spinning Back Fist with a Roundhouse Body Punch

(13:21) Gibson blocked a Deep in the Heart of Texas

(13:27) Scott hit a Low Blow

(13:27) The referee furiously berated Scott

(13:36) Scott picked up Gibson

(13:45) Karen McClure distracted Scott to prevent a Powerbomb


Bob Sinclair: And now his personal assistant is getting involved! I don’t believe Erick Gibson knows what a fair day’s work even looks like!

Frankie Garnett: You don’t have to, when you’re the boss!

Bob Sinclair: Stevens turns around just in time for another cheap shot by Gibson; is this going to be how the match turns in Gibson’s favor in the end?



(13:52) Gibson hit a Running Schoolboy Roll Up

(13:56) Gibson got a two count

(14:08) Scott countered a Spinning Elbow Blow with a Toxic Sting

(14:13) Scott got a two count


Bob Sinclair: Oh, that was close! Gibson somehow got a shoulder up!

Frankie Garnett: Barely, too, by the looks of it. He’s exhausted, Bob. If Stevens keeps up the pressure, this one’s done!



(14:17) Scott irish whipped Gibson into the ropes

(14:27) Scott hit a Sidewalk Slam

(14:36) Scott picked up Gibson

(14:52) Scott hit a Stump Piledriver

(14:52) Gibson began bleeding quite heavily

(14:59) Scott picked up Gibson

(15:04) Gibson blocked a Deep in the Heart of Texas

(15:08) Gibson broke a Deep in the Heart of Texas

(15:18) Gibson hit an Inverted Atomic Drop

(15:25) Gibson hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(15:39) Gibson applied a Single Leg Grapevine

(16:05) Gibson applied a Side Headlock

(16:13) Scott got a rope break to stop a Hammerlock

(16:27) Gibson applied a Front Facelock

(16:31) Scott blocked a Stump Piledriver

(16:47) Gibson hit a Stump Piledriver

(16:56) Scott very easily avoided a Terminable Offense.

(17:01) Gibson slipped out the front of a Powerbomb

(17:08) Gibson hit a DDT

(17:13) Scott blocked a Terminable Offense

(17:20) Erick Gibson just knocked Scott Stevens out with a Terminable Offense!


Bob Sinclair: Gibson collapses into the cover…one, two, three! Some might call this a bit of an upset given the physical disparity between the two but Erick Gibson, by hook and by crook, escapes Week Eight with another win to keep him right on Diamond’s heels for the division lead!

Frankie Garnett: Let’s take nothing away from Stevens, though. By all rights he could have won when he landed the Toxic Sting earlier, Gibson just somehow found the back door to escape the pin.

Bob Sinclair: Regardless, it’s Erick Gibson receiving the winner’s purse tonight in this one!


Erick Gibson (6-2) def. Scott Stevens (4-4) via Pinfall (Terminable Offense) in 17:24.  Rating: ****

Changes for Erick Gibson:  OVR + 4.05, XP + 535.80, minor damage to head

Changes for Scott Stevens:  OVR + 0.82, XP + 242.44, minor damage to head

This was the Match of the Night (3 [2nd this season] for Erick Gibson, 1 [1st this season] for Scott Stevens)



5vWV1hg.jpg (7) Rock Sheridan (2-5, OVR 418)


(3) Lance Heartilly (5-2, OVR 443)* 9q89H6M.jpg

A notable step down from the previous match, Heartilly came into this match with a gameplan clearly in mind—wear down the arm of Sheridan and severely weaken the giant’s power game. Lance would execute that plan to perfection, as while Sheridan did get some offense in, it was nowhere near enough to seriously threaten Lance. It took three applications but Heartilly finally got Sheridan to tap out to the arm breaker to keep his surprising season going on the right track.

Lance Heartilly (6-2) def. Rock Sheridan (2-6) via Submission (Heartilly Arm Breaker) in 10:06.  Rating: **

Changes for Lance Heartilly:  OVR + 3.04, XP + 557.58, no notable damage

Changes for Rock Sheridan:  OVR -1.63, XP + 139.39, no notable damage



dw4KJ41.jpg (6) "Dirty" John Murdoch (4-3, OVR 417)


(5) Terrance Stevens (4-3, OVR 445)* 6r4P9L8.jpg

A crucial match in the midpack of the Delta Division, where relegation back into Omega lurks in the shadows. This was a rather close match throughout, and could have gone either way. The decider was Terrance’s fondness of showmanship, as he seemed to put a little more showboating into a Canuckle Shuffle. That just seemed to rile Murdoch, and the grizzled vet made Stevens pay with a show below the belt before applying the Double Cross. Stevens was unable to make it to the ropes and had to tap, as Murdoch gives himself a little breathing space in the middle of the Delta Division!

"Dirty" John Murdoch (5-3) def. Terrance Stevens (4-4) via Submission (Double Cross) in 11:18.  Rating: ***

Changes for "Dirty" John Murdoch:  OVR + 3.17, XP + 525.88, minor damage to head

Changes for Terrance Stevens:  OVR -0.09, XP + 131.47, minor damage to head



BEVGy0x.jpg (8) Nocturne (1-6, OVR 408)*


(5) Blood River (3-4, OVR 473) hAfQcot.jpg VZFWcYa.jpg

This ended up being the longest match of the night. Yes, even longer than the European Rules match that’s still to come. No, the author is not kidding.

Things went downhill for Nocturne after she rolled away from an attempt at The Sacrifice, and somehow the referee got caught with it instead. League representatives are still unsure how the ref was that badly out of position to get hit with a move that’s focused around the ropes. The ensuing next couple of minutes would see Nocturne’s advantage slowly dwindle away as River brought his arsenal of high-speed offense and strikes into play, nearly getting a countout on two separate occasions thanks to a corkscrew kick he used to great effect. A last-ditch attempt at the Midnight Solstice came up empty for Nocturne, and River would capitalize less than a minute later with Crimson Regret to avenge his loss to Will Prydor’s protégé just three weeks ago.

Blood River (4-4) def. Nocturne (1-7) via Pinfall (Crimson Regret) in 20:59.  Rating: ***

Changes for Blood River:  OVR + 4.04, XP + 610.55, moderate damage to head

Changes for Nocturne:  OVR + 0.33, XP + 152.64, major damage to head, minor damage to body



uuVaRmi.jpg (7) Terra Harding (1-6, OVR 406)


(1) Diamond (6-1, OVR 455)* 0rDaDU8.jpg

This went pretty much how everyone expected it to go. Terra got just enough offense to avoid this match being labeled a squash, but she was never really a factor in this one as Diamond’s lone attempt at the Florentine was enough. The Delta Division leader continues her winning ways, with eyes set on returning to the Gamma Division.

Diamond (7-1) def. Terra Harding (1-7) via Submission (Florentine) in 8:55.  Rating: **

Changes for Diamond:  OVR + 2.51, XP + 484.28, no notable damage

Changes for Terra Harding:  OVR -2.08, XP + 121.07, no notable damage



VfA2MW8.jpg (8) Pulsar (0-7, OVR 473)


(7) Angela Wassermann (2-5, OVR 450)* aOXlwtV.jpg

This one also went the way most people expected. Unlike the previous match, though, Pulsar nearly got a pin on a couple different occasions with his lucha offense. His determination to land a springboard guillotina would do him in at the end, though, as three missed attempts were enough for Wassermann to find an opening to knock Pulsar out with a roundhouse kick. The pin was rather academic from there as Wassermann picks up her sixth win against Pulsar in as many tries.

Angela Wassermann (3-5) def. Pulsar (0-8) via Pinfall (Wassermann Spinning Roundhouse Kick) in 11:35.  Rating: ***

Changes for Angela Wassermann:  OVR + 4.18, XP + 683.83, minor damage to head

Changes for Pulsar:  OVR + 0.90, XP + 170.96, minor damage to head



N0Y594C.jpg (4) Markus Clay (4-3, OVR 452)*


(6) Daniel Simmons (3-4, OVR 452) zd1WDAc.jpg

This was closer than the match rating made it out to be. A lot of broken-up sequences of offense kind of made this match tough to watch live. Much like Pulsar earlier, Clay seemed determined to utilize a springboard legdrop, as he missed it on three separate occasions. Simmons’s lone attempt at a Blue Collar Driver went for naught as Clay slipped out and took out the knees of Simmons, and then finally managed to connect with said springboard legdrop. That was enough to keep Simmons down for three, and Clay manages to keep himself relevant in the upper half of the standings in the Gamma Division.

Markus Clay (5-3) def. Daniel Simmons (3-5) via Pinfall (springboard legdrop) in 12:14.  Rating: **

Changes for Markus Clay:  OVR + 3.11, XP + 558.75, minor damage to head

Changes for Daniel Simmons:  OVR -1.71, XP + 139.69, moderate damage to head



zBWrwLg.jpg (2) Leon de Ramos (5-2, OVR 435)


(1) Indigo Rose (5-2, OVR 482)* 2X2r9qf.jpg

Someone in the League offices must have scheduled this one on purpose, putting two technical wrestlers in a Tables match. This ended up being as ugly as one would expect, as both wrestlers seemed uncomfortable in this one. Leon was the first to introduce a table into the contest at ten minutes in, and the next minute and change was spent with both wrestlers trying their darnedest to somehow drive their opponent through the wood. It would be de Ramos who would manage the feat on his third attempt at a stump piledriver, and the division leader coming in to Week Eight now finds herself near the middle of the standings instead!

Leon de Ramos (6-2) def. Indigo Rose (5-3) via Table Break (stump piledriver) in 11:19.  Rating: **

Changes for Leon de Ramos:  OVR + 3.20, XP + 558.25, no notable damage

Changes for Indigo Rose:  OVR -1.44, XP + 139.56, minor damage to head



G4sbiHU.jpg (4) Diego Rodriguez (4-3, OVR 497)


(6) Yoshii Nakamatsu (3-4, OVR 507)* xHVnvxD.jpg

One would be excused to think that Rodriguez had the advantage here; European Rules seem more his style. But that did not stop Yoshii from essentially controlling this match. Diego would get some offense in to start the rounds, but Nakamatsu would pour in the offense in the later half and basically give himself more than the 60 seconds between rounds to recover. This led to the first fall occurring in the tail end of the fourth round, as Rodriguez was stunned by an implant DDT. The Spaniard never seemed to recover from that, and not even a minute into the fifth round ate a DEVASTATION Knee for the second and deciding fall in what was just barely above a squash match.

Yoshii Nakamatsu (4-4) def. Diego Rodriguez (4-4), Two Falls to Nil, in 20:33.  Rating: **

Fall 1: Nakamatsu pinned Rodriguez (implant DDT), 19:23

Fall 2: Nakamatsu pinned Rodriguez (DEVASTATION Knee), 20:33

Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu:  OVR + 4.39, XP + 636.82, no notable damage

Changes for Diego Rodriguez:  OVR -2.06, XP + 159.21, moderate damage to head



4ZAKk1I.jpg (1) Kichi Hida (6-1, OVR 467)*


(3) De'siree Mitchell (4-3, OVR 520) T7PlxOP.jpg

This was the runner-up for Match of the Night honors. Hida spent a fair bit of time in this contest pressing the attack outside of the ring, starting from roughly the three-and-a-half-minute mark. Mitchell found a way out of a pinning predicament after a UFO Spin Elbow, only for Hida to send them both out of the ring again. On the second trip out of the ring, it was Mitchell who got the better of the exchange, as she threw Hida in at the ref’s count of nine and then followed it up with a yakuza kick to continue the punishment. A Blitz attempt failed leading to even more time on the outside, where Mitchell was busted open by Hida’s UFO Spin Elbow. Mitchell would get back in the ring, counter another attempt at the Mirror Maze Knee with a roundhouse shot to the body, only to eat one herself as she went to line up for the Blitz. Eternal Violence came just a moment later, and Hida escapes Week Eight with a quality win over a worthy challenger in Mitchell!

Kichi Hida (7-1) def. De'siree Mitchell (4-4) via Pinfall (Eternal Violence) in 11:12.  Rating: ****

Changes for Kichi Hida:  OVR + 4.76, XP + 736.15, minor damage to head

Changes for De'siree Mitchell:  OVR + 1.80, XP + 184.04, moderate damage to head



oYmq2Bu.jpg LG3TCXf.jpg (6) Lucas Molina (3-4, OVR 493)


(4) Brian Blackfield (4-3, OVR 579)* Lp89uMT.jpg

To be fair to Lucas Molina, he did try to slow Blackfield down with his grappling offense, sticking to his game plan. The Juggernaut was having none of it on this night and basically steamrolled over Molina’s attempts to break out his submission signatures. It took a touch over twelve minutes for Blackfield to keep Molina down with a simple full nelson legsweep that landed flush. The Juggernaut is quietly building an argument that, even if it's not this season, he’s ready to make a run at the League Championship.

Brian Blackfield (5-3) def. Lucas Molina (3-5) via Pinfall (full nelson legsweep) in 12:28.  Rating: **

Changes for Brian Blackfield:  OVR + 4.11, XP + 728.98, no notable damage

Changes for Lucas Molina:  OVR -0.72, XP + 182.24, minor damage to head



vz0qqDp.jpg (2) Monty Dhillon (5-2, OVR 530)


(5) Billy Norris (4-3, OVR 541)* 6fYIC71.jpg

Monty came into this match looking a little more angry than normal. After all, Norris had beaten him in the first half of the season and Dhillon wanted to repay the favor with interest. What followed was ten minutes of Norris out-speeding Monty for the most part. Yes, Dhillon was able to use his power to his advantage at times, but Norris seemed to attack from every angle all at once to keep the Canadian native off-balance. A Boomerang DDT was enough to keep Dhillon down for 3.01, which was enough. Norris completes the unexpected season sweep and finds himself suddenly faced with a possible path to the Alpha Division over the next several weeks!

Billy Norris (5-3) def. Monty Dhillon (5-3) via Pinfall (Boomerang DDT) in 10:48.  Rating: **

Changes for Billy Norris:  OVR + 3.57, XP + 630.74, no notable damage

Changes for Monty Dhillon:  OVR -1.16, XP + 157.68, minor damage to head



d7FEgH5.jpg (5) Reverend Johnny Gross (3-4, OVR 521)


(3) George Mastachas (4-3, OVR 580)* FXyrc6C.jpg

With the exception of a five-minute stretch that was controlled by the Right Reverend, this was all Mastachas as Gross was still recovering from Tag Team Turmoil. The former League Champion was never in any serious danger, pummeling Gross down without needing to go to the outside and faking the Wrath of Zeus enough that Gross instead fell victim to the Siren’s Call. Mastachas remains within striking distance of the top two in the Alpha Division, and still has a role to play in the weeks ahead!

George Mastachas (5-3) def. Reverend Johnny Gross (3-5) via Submission (Siren’s Call) in 14:22.  Rating: **

Changes for George Mastachas:  OVR + 4.17, XP + 730.34, no notable damage

Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross:  OVR -0.79, XP + 182.59, minor damage to head and body



KufawJO.jpg FqeSGy6.jpg (2) Nuclear Templeton (5-2, OVR 612)*


(8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-6, OVR 527) p1IFTGG.jpg hYlEAC2.jpg

Not even Cecile Corine was able to help Ouilette in this one. His one burst of offense lasted about two minutes, and his scattered strikes otherwise didn’t threaten Templeton at all. It was the finish that was most noteworthy, though. Nuclear had JPO set up for the Armageddon Lariat, but Ouilette ducked the attempt…only for Nuclear to instead sink in the Radiation Leak immediately. There was no escape for JPO, who more and more seems doomed to fall back to Beta after two seasons in the top flight. Templeton wins this one easily, and could be heard after the match shouting into the camera that The League would be his. Not the League Championship, mind you, just The League. Surely someone watching the proceedings would have something to say about that….

Nuclear Templeton (6-2) def. Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-7) via Submission (Radiation Leak) in 15:29.  Rating: **

Changes for Nuclear Templeton:  OVR + 4.20, XP + 731.15, minor damage to head

Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette:  OVR -0.83, XP + 146.23, minor damage to head



MZ2VDcB.jpg YICOeYe.jpg (7) Christian Priest (2-5, OVR 575)


(1) Brandy McDonald (6-1, OVR 573)* gGexPKo.jpg

The main event of the night would have been in the conversation for one of the better matches of the night, if not for the abrupt and poor ending to it. Priest seemed determined to land one of his finishers on McDonald, knowing full well that none of them would bust the former League Champion open but would instead stun her long enough for his knuckles to do the job. McDonald used her speed advantage to thwart the multiple attempts at Canonized, but she found nothing but canvas as Priest avoided a fist drop. Brandy turned onto her stomach to shake off the impact on her hand, and Priest grabbed the back of her head and rubbed her face into the mat. When she raised her face again a few moments later, a small laceration was on her forehead, and the official quickly called for the bell. In one of the more improbable finishes possible, Christian Priest scores the upset by connecting with a taunt!

Christian Priest (3-5) def. Brandy McDonald (6-2) via First Blood (face rub taunt) in 14:22.  Rating: **

Changes for Christian Priest:  OVR + 4.91, XP + 730.34, no notable damage

Changes for Brandy McDonald:  OVR -0.29, XP + 182.59, minor damage to head


I can hear you now. “Shadow, I’m calling bull on this!”  To which I present the PBP in its entirety as proof.



Christian Priest vs. Brandy McDonald


(00:00) *** The match began

(00:10) Priest avoided a Running Clothesline.

(00:14) Priest hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(00:18) Priest hit an Open Handed Chop

(00:23) McDonald fought back against being picked up

(00:30) McDonald hit a Single Leg Trip

(00:40) McDonald picked up Priest

(00:45) Priest slipped out the front of a Side Headlock Takedown

(00:48) Priest hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(00:51) Priest hit a Jab Punch

(00:55) Priest hit an Open Handed Chop

(01:05) Brandy McDonald very easily moved out of the way from a Legdrop.

(01:09) McDonald hit a Stomp

(01:17) McDonald picked up Priest

(01:24) McDonald hit a Single Leg Trip

(01:28) McDonald hit a Legdrop

(01:37) McDonald picked up Priest

(01:42) Priest broke a Side Headlock Takedown

(01:46) Priest hit an Eye Poke

(01:51) McDonald escaped a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(01:55) Priest hit an Open Handed Chop

(02:00) McDonald fought back against being picked up

(02:07) McDonald hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(02:17) McDonald picked up Priest

(02:24) McDonald hit a Snap Mare Takedown

(02:31) McDonald hit a Knee Pull

(02:35) McDonald hit a Knee Drop

(02:40) Priest fought back against being picked up

(02:49) Priest hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(02:52) Priest hit a Jab Punch

(02:55) Priest hit a Forearm Blow

(03:02) Priest hit a Running Clothesline

(03:08) Priest picked up McDonald

(03:11) Priest hit a Punch

(03:20) McDonald avoided an Eye Poke.

(03:28) McDonald climbed the turnbuckles

(03:38) McDonald hit a Top Rope Double Axe Handle

(03:42) Priest broke a Side Headlock Takedown

(03:49) Priest hit a Running Clothesline

(03:57) Brandy McDonald very easily moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(04:03) McDonald picked up Priest

(04:10) McDonald hit a Single Leg Trip

(04:14) McDonald hit an Elbow Drop

(04:23) McDonald picked up Priest

(04:30) McDonald hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(04:37) Christian Priest moved out of the way from a Legdrop.

(04:45) Priest picked up McDonald

(04:49) Priest hit an Eye Poke

(04:56) McDonald avoided a Kick To Knee.

(05:05) McDonald climbed the turnbuckles

(05:15) McDonald hit a Top Rope Double Axe Handle

(05:31) McDonald hit an Arm Wringer Smash

(05:38) McDonald hit a Single Leg Trip

(05:47) McDonald picked up Priest

(05:54) McDonald hit a Drop Toe Hold

(05:58) McDonald hit a Fist Drop

(06:04) McDonald picked up Priest

(06:09) Priest broke an Inverted Drop Toe Hold

(06:12) Priest hit a Begging Off Sucker Punch

(06:15) Priest hit a Kick To Gut

(06:19) Priest hit an Eye Poke

(06:25) McDonald avoided a Jab Punch.

(06:32) McDonald hit an Inverted Drop Toe Hold

(06:37) Priest broke a Knee Pull

(06:40) Priest hit a Punch

(06:44) Priest hit an Open Handed Chop

(06:53) Priest picked up McDonald

(06:58) McDonald blocked a Punch

(07:02) Priest hit a Kick To Thigh

(07:09) Priest hit a Running Clothesline

(07:14) McDonald fought back against being picked up

(07:21) McDonald hit a Snap Mare Takedown

(07:29) McDonald picked up Priest

(07:36) McDonald hit a Drop Toe Hold

(07:44) Christian Priest moved out of the way from a Senton.

(07:48) Priest hit an Elbow Drop

(08:03) Priest hit a Stomp Flurry

(08:13) Brandy McDonald very easily moved out of the way from a Splash.

(08:17) McDonald hit a Seated Back Kick

(08:24) McDonald hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(08:28) McDonald hit a Seated Back Kick

(08:38) Christian Priest moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(08:53) Priest hit a Stomp Flurry

(08:57) Priest hit a Running Knee Drop

(09:14) Priest hit a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry

(09:22) Priest picked up McDonald

(09:28) Christian Priest extracts a Tithe of Pain from Brandy McDonald!

(09:35) McDonald very easily avoided a Seated Back Kick.

(09:42) McDonald hit a Single Leg Trip

(09:49) McDonald hit a Senton

(09:56) Christian Priest moved out of the way from a Running Senton.

(10:09) Priest hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(10:13) McDonald blocked a Face Rub Taunt

(10:17) Priest hit a Running Knee Drop

(10:24) Priest used a Face Rub Taunt

(10:28) Priest hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(10:32) McDonald blocked a Face Rub Taunt

(10:36) Priest hit a Running Knee Drop

(10:41) McDonald stopped a Get Up Taunt by rushing Priest

(10:45) Priest broke a Snap Mare Takedown

(10:55) Brandy McDonald is seeing the stars of Heaven after that Rite of Might!

(11:00) McDonald stopped a Get Up Taunt by rushing Priest

(11:16) McDonald hit an Arm Wringer Smash

(11:20) McDonald hit a Thrust Kick

(11:24) McDonald hit a Thrust Kick To Corner

(11:28) Priest slipped out of the back of a Corner Ten Punch

(11:32) McDonald countered a Full Nelson Bomb with a Kick To Knee

(11:36) Priest broke an Arm Wringer Smash

(11:40) McDonald blocked a Hammerlock Powerbomb

(11:56) Priest hit a Stump Piledriver

(12:06) McDonald very easily avoided a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry.

(12:13) McDonald hit a Single Leg Trip

(12:19) Priest avoided a Running Seated Dropkick.

(12:23) McDonald slipped out of the back of a Penance

(12:33) McDonald hit a Lung Blower

(12:39) Priest avoided a Seated Dropkick.

(12:55) Brandy McDonald is forced to pay Penance as Christian Priest shows off his strength!

(13:01) Priest picked up McDonald

(13:13) Priest hit a Powerbomb

(13:21) Priest picked up McDonald

(13:25) McDonald countered a Canonized with a Kick To Thigh

(13:32) McDonald hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(13:37) Priest broke a Knee Pull

(13:53) Priest hit a Stump Piledriver

(13:59) Priest picked up McDonald

(14:06) McDonald countered a Canonized with a Side Headlock Takedown

(14:15) Christian Priest moved out of the way from a Fist Drop.

(14:22) Priest used a Face Rub Taunt

(14:22) McDonald started to bleed







X – clinched promotion

Y – clinched division title

Z – clinched relegation



1.  Nuclear Templeton:  6-2, ATV 18:52 (AMR 2.625), OVR 616.26

2.  Brandy McDonald:  6-2, ATV 13:44 (AMR 2.250), OVR 573.16

3.  George Mastachas:  5-3, ATV 14:50 (AMR 2.500), OVR 584.26

4.  Brian Blackfield:  5-3, ATV 16:56 (AMR 3.000), OVR 582.91

5.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  3-5, ATV 16:37 (AMR 2.125), OVR 520.12

6.  Lucas Molina:  3-5, ATV 16:25 (AMR 2.500), OVR 492.72

7.  Christian Priest:  3-5, ATV 15:16 (AMR 3.125), OVR 579.78

8.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  1-7, ATV 19:42 (AMR 2.625), OVR 526.08

6-2: Broken by head-to-head (1-0)

5-3: Broken by head-to-head (1-0)

3-5: Gross wins three-way tie via victory time. Then Molina wins the remaining via head-to-head (1-0).



1.  Kichi Hida:  7-1, ATV 12:20 (AMR 3.000), OVR 471.68

2.  Billy Norris:  5-3, ATV 11:32 (AMR 2.250), OVR 544.38

3.  Monty Dhillon:  5-3, ATV 9:22 (AMR 2.250), OVR 528.60

4.  De'siree Mitchell:  4-4, ATV 10:34 (AMR 2.500), OVR 522.06

5.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  4-4, ATV 15:19 (AMR 2.125), OVR 510.95

6.  Diego Rodriguez:  4-4, ATV 12:23 (AMR 2.125), OVR 494.88

7.  Angela Wassermann:  3-5, ATV 11:02 (AMR 2.250), OVR 453.76

8.  Pulsar:  0-8, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.500), OVR 474.36

5-3: Broken by head-to-head (sweep)

4-4: Mitchell has the better combined head-to-head record and wins the initial tie. Nakamatsu then wins the remainder via head-to-head (1-0)



1.  Leon de Ramos:  6-2, ATV 12:51 (AMR 2.250), OVR 438.26

2.  Lance Heartilly:  6-2, ATV 11:25 (AMR 2.000), OVR 445.90

3.  Markus Clay:  5-3, ATV 11:35 (AMR 2.375), OVR 455.47

4.  Indigo Rose:  5-3, ATV 10:25 (AMR 2.000), OVR 480.43

5.  Blood River:  4-4, ATV 13:53 (AMR 2.500), OVR 476.94

6.  Daniel Simmons:  3-5, ATV 12:43 (AMR 2.000), OVR 449.85

7.  Rock Sheridan:  2-6, ATV 9:17 (AMR 1.875), OVR 415.90

8.  Nocturne:  1-7, ATV 12:49 (AMR 2.000), OVR 407.91

6-2: Broken by head-to-head (1-0)

5-3: Broken by head-to-head (1-0)



1.  Diamond:  7-1, ATV 8:12 (AMR 2.125), OVR 457.86

2.  Erick Gibson:  6-2, ATV 10:23 (AMR 3.125), OVR 437.92

3.  "Dirty" John Murdoch:  5-3, ATV 12:24 (AMR 3.000), OVR 419.79

4.  Terrance Stevens:  4-4, ATV 10:16 (AMR 2.500), OVR 444.94

4.  Scott Stevens:  4-4, ATV 8:38 (AMR 2.625), OVR 405.62

5.  Mickey Steele:  4-4, ATV 8:47 (AMR 2.750), OVR 415.97

7.  Terra Harding:  1-7, ATV 12:04 (AMR 2.875), OVR 403.49

8.  George Stevens:  1-7, ATV 6:31 (AMR 2.250), OVR 386.54

4-4: T. Stevens wins the three-way via victory time.  Then S. Stevens wins the remaining via head-to-head (1-0).

1-7: Broken by head-to-head (1-0)



As the season is now in the second half, the “proper” scores will be shown with the bottom two weeks removed, and players ranked accordingly.

1. Derek B: 71 [total: 89—drop weeks 4 {10} and 7 {8}. This week: 12]

2. Croquemitaine: 67 [total: 85—drop weeks 2 {9} and 4 {9}. This week: 10]

3. SeanMcG: 65 [total: 73—drop weeks 4 {8} and 6 {0}. This week: 9]

4. Jman2k3: 64 [total: 80—drop weeks 2 {8} and 6 {8}. This week: 11]

5. Eternal Phoenix: 62 [total: 78—drop weeks 6 {8} and 7 {8}. This week: 10]





(1) Nuclear Templeton (6-2, OVR 616)* vs. (7) Christian Priest (3-5, OVR 580) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 1 - 0]

(2) Brandy McDonald (6-2, OVR 573)* vs. (4) Brian Blackfield (5-3, OVR 583) [Career: Brandy McDonald, 3 - 0]

(3) George Mastachas (5-3, OVR 584)* vs. (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-7, OVR 526) [Career: George Mastachas, 3 - 0]

(5) Reverend Johnny Gross (3-5, OVR 520)* vs. (6) Lucas Molina (3-5, OVR 493) [Career: Reverend Johnny Gross, 2 - 1]


(1) Kichi Hida (7-1, OVR 472)* vs. (3) Monty Dhillon (5-3, OVR 529) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 4 - 3]

SUBMISSION MATCH: (4) De'siree Mitchell (4-4, OVR 522)* vs. (6) Diego Rodriguez (4-4, OVR 495) [Career: De'siree Mitchell, 1 – 0. Career in Submission Matches: Mitchell 1 – 0, Rodriguez 2 – 1]

(2) Billy Norris (5-3, OVR 544) vs. (7) Angela Wassermann (3-5, OVR 454)* [Career: Billy Norris, 6 - 3]

EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (5) Yoshii Nakamatsu (4-4, OVR 511)* vs. (8) Pulsar (0-8, OVR 474) [Career: Yoshii Nakamatsu, 5 – 0. Career in European Rules Matches: Nakamatsu 1 – 0, Pulsar N/A]


(4) Indigo Rose (5-3, OVR 480) vs. (3) Markus Clay (5-3, OVR 455)* [Career: Indigo Rose, 4 - 3]

(5) Blood River (4-4, OVR 477) vs. (1) Leon de Ramos (6-2, OVR 438)* [Career: Leon de Ramos, 1 - 0]

(2) Lance Heartilly (6-2, OVR 446)* vs. (6) Daniel Simmons (3-5, OVR 450) [Career: Lance Heartilly, 1 - 0]

(8) Nocturne (1-7, OVR 408) vs. (7) Rock Sheridan (2-6, OVR 416)* [Career: Nocturne, 2 - 1]


(3) "Dirty" John Murdoch (5-3, OVR 420)* vs. (2) Erick Gibson (6-2, OVR 438) [Career: "Dirty" John Murdoch, 1 - 0]

(1) Diamond (7-1, OVR 458)* vs. (8) George Stevens (1-7, OVR 387) [Career: Diamond, 3 - 0]

(3) Terrance Stevens (4-4, OVR 445)* vs. (7) Terra Harding (1-7, OVR 403) [Career: Terrance Stevens, 1 - 0]

(4) Scott Stevens (4-4, OVR 406)* vs. (5) Mickey Steele (4-4, OVR 416) [Career: Scott Stevens, 2 - 1]



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Nuclear promo hopefully coming later in the week if I can find some more time to do things :)





(1) Nuclear Templeton (6-2, OVR 616)* vs. (7) Christian Priest (3-5, OVR 580) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 1 - 0]

(2) Brandy McDonald (6-2, OVR 573)* vs. (4) Brian Blackfield (5-3, OVR 583) [Career: Brandy McDonald, 3 - 0]

(3) George Mastachas (5-3, OVR 584)* vs. (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-7, OVR 526) [Career: George Mastachas, 3 - 0]

(5) Reverend Johnny Gross (3-5, OVR 520)* vs. (6) Lucas Molina (3-5, OVR 493) [Career: Reverend Johnny Gross, 2 - 1]


(1) Kichi Hida (7-1, OVR 472)* vs. (3) Monty Dhillon (5-3, OVR 529) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 4 - 3]

SUBMISSION MATCH: (4) De'siree Mitchell (4-4, OVR 522)* vs. (6) Diego Rodriguez (4-4, OVR 495) [Career: De'siree Mitchell, 1 – 0. Career in Submission Matches: Mitchell 1 – 0, Rodriguez 2 – 1]

(2) Billy Norris (5-3, OVR 544) vs. (7) Angela Wassermann (3-5, OVR 454)* [Career: Billy Norris, 6 - 3]

EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (5) Yoshii Nakamatsu (4-4, OVR 511)* vs. (8) Pulsar (0-8, OVR 474) [Career: Yoshii Nakamatsu, 5 – 0. Career in European Rules Matches: Nakamatsu 1 – 0, Pulsar N/A]


(4) Indigo Rose (5-3, OVR 480) vs. (3) Markus Clay (5-3, OVR 455)* [Career: Indigo Rose, 4 - 3]

(5) Blood River (4-4, OVR 477) vs. (1) Leon de Ramos (6-2, OVR 438)* [Career: Leon de Ramos, 1 - 0]

(2) Lance Heartilly (6-2, OVR 446)* vs. (6) Daniel Simmons (3-5, OVR 450) [Career: Lance Heartilly, 1 - 0]

(8) Nocturne (1-7, OVR 408) vs. (7) Rock Sheridan (2-6, OVR 416)* [Career: Nocturne, 2 - 1]


(3) "Dirty" John Murdoch (5-3, OVR 420)* vs. (2) Erick Gibson (6-2, OVR 438) [Career: "Dirty" John Murdoch, 1 - 0]

(1) Diamond (7-1, OVR 458)* vs. (8) George Stevens (1-7, OVR 387) [Career: Diamond, 3 - 0]

(3) Terrance Stevens (4-4, OVR 445)* vs. (7) Terra Harding (1-7, OVR 403) [Career: Terrance Stevens, 1 - 0]

(4) Scott Stevens (4-4, OVR 406)* vs. (5) Mickey Steele (4-4, OVR 416) [Career: Scott Stevens, 2 - 1]



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What? I stopped doing overviews here? Well, not anymore. Headline match is Brandy v. Blackfield. Both are doing quite well, and this is big for the standings. Nuke v. Priest is also a big deal in that it's going to be outstandingly violent. Meanwhile, Gross v. Molina has deep relegation implications. Also JPO's weekly asskicking, probably.

(1) Nuclear Templeton (6-2, OVR 616)* vs. (7) Christian Priest (3-5, OVR 580) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 1 - 0]

Never bet against the champ, but...if anyone can beat him at his own game, Priest can. Is it likely? No. Can it happen? Yes.

(2) Brandy McDonald (6-2, OVR 573)* vs. (4) Brian Blackfield (5-3, OVR 583) [Career: Brandy McDonald, 3 - 0]

Only a fool picks against that record, but this is Blackfield's opportunity to take a step up and actually contend. Let's see if he blows it.

(3) George Mastachas (5-3, OVR 584)* vs. (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-7, OVR 526) [Career: George Mastachas, 3 - 0]

If anyone can snatch defeat from the jaws of sure victory, it's ol' George. On the other hand, JPO is just not Alpha material. Skipping last week, he's 3-11 in nonconsecutive season halves up here. Nasty.

(5) Reverend Johnny Gross (3-5, OVR 520)* vs. (6) Lucas Molina (3-5, OVR 493) [Career: Reverend Johnny Gross, 2 - 1]

C'mon, Lucas. Show me something that says "I'm not getting relegated so easily." I'm losing faith over here.


Beta's headline is obvious. Kichi v. Monty, round EIGHT. Do we know what's going to happen? No. Kichi's suprisingly dominant this season. De'siree's promotion chase is likely ending this week. While Norris's is just getting started. Nakamatsu, on the other hand, basically has the night off. Jeez, Pulsar.

(1) Kichi Hida (7-1, OVR 472)* vs. (3) Monty Dhillon (5-3, OVR 529) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 4 - 3]

Apparently this is more even of a match then I thought. Seriously, Kichi nabbed the first two, then lost four straight. I thought it was over. But apparently not. However, this is also Monty's chance to get ahead of Norris, De'siree, and Diego. There may actually be an escape for Monty from Kichi, but perhaps not in the way that he would prefer. Oh, dear.

SUBMISSION MATCH: (4) De'siree Mitchell (4-4, OVR 522)* vs. (6) Diego Rodriguez (4-4, OVR 495) [Career: De'siree Mitchell, 1 – 0. Career in Submission Matches: Mitchell 1 – 0, Rodriguez 2 – 1]

Why on earth would anyone bet against the submission technician in a submission match? Ugh, De'siree so did not need this right now. Barring some weirdness, her promotion chase ends here. But not her chase to end up with a winning record for the first time probably ever.

(2) Billy Norris (5-3, OVR 544) vs. (7) Angela Wassermann (3-5, OVR 454)* [Career: Billy Norris, 6 - 3]

Wasserman is actually trying to make a comback in this long running rivalry. But we know how I feel about her, so nah.

EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (5) Yoshii Nakamatsu (4-4, OVR 511)* vs. (8) Pulsar (0-8, OVR 474) [Career: Yoshii Nakamatsu, 5 – 0. Career in European Rules Matches: Nakamatsu 1 – 0, Pulsar N/A]

Pulsar's bid for perfect failure continues. Seriously, Yoshii's completely owned him.


The headline match in Gamma? Rose v. Clay. Second place on the line here. Otherwise, Leon and Lance look to stay tied for First, and the two on the bottom fight once again to see who's worse.

(4) Indigo Rose (5-3, OVR 480) vs. (3) Markus Clay (5-3, OVR 455)* [Career: Indigo Rose, 4 - 3]

Look, I just want to believe in Rose, okay? She can escape like Diego, too. Otherwise this match is too close to call. Rose should normally beat Clay, but y'know sometimes she get caught with one of those friggin' springboard legdrops and takes an L.

(5) Blood River (4-4, OVR 477) vs. (1) Leon de Ramos (6-2, OVR 438)* [Career: Leon de Ramos, 1 - 0]

Leon handled River just fine before. No reason he shouldn't repeat the performance.

(2) Lance Heartilly (6-2, OVR 446)* vs. (6) Daniel Simmons (3-5, OVR 450) [Career: Lance Heartilly, 1 - 0]

Heartilly is back in promotion wrecking orm, it seems. Good for him.

(8) Nocturne (1-7, OVR 408) vs. (7) Rock Sheridan (2-6, OVR 416)* [Career: Nocturne, 2 - 1]

He beat her before? Also I'd like some win XP, please.


Delta's headline match is Murdoch v. Gibson. Fighting over second place in the division. Meanwhile, First and (that should be Fourth, boss) get to smack around the jobbers again and Five and Six square off with any real hope of promotion probably on the line.

(3) "Dirty" John Murdoch (5-3, OVR 420)* vs. (2) Erick Gibson (6-2, OVR 438) [Career: "Dirty" John Murdoch, 1 - 0]

He beat him before, and there's no reason he shouldn't repeat the performance.

(1) Diamond (7-1, OVR 458)* vs. (8) George Stevens (1-7, OVR 387) [Career: Diamond, 3 - 0]

Man, Diamond is having her best season ever. Good for her.

(3) Terrance Stevens (4-4, OVR 445)* vs. (7) Terra Harding (1-7, OVR 403) [Career: Terrance Stevens, 1 - 0]

Terrance hangs onto the fringes of the promotion race. Real talk, I think he'll not make it and have a run next season like Diamond is in this one. Though Big Scotty is coming back, It's very likely Nocturne and Rock will also be back, and heaven knows who's coming up from Omega.

(4) Scott Stevens (4-4, OVR 406)* vs. (5) Mickey Steele (4-4, OVR 416) [Career: Scott Stevens, 2 - 1]

Coinflip plus Scott can have trouble with speedy guys plus Steele's stamina is a little better. These two looked like he was getting out for a little while there, but it seems like they're dedicated stalwarts for now. Still, the winner here will be hanging onto the fringes of the fringes of the promotion race.

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For some the night is a time to reflect, a quiet time where the world rests for long enough to have the energy to face another day.  But this night is too hot, too close, too stuffy.  The buzz of the city lurks in the background, never fully quiet and never offering peace to anyone nearby.  Some people might even call the inability to get what you need, oppressive.  In the darkness of an old warehouse dubbed the Nuclear Bunker, a nervous cameraman anxiously waits with the camera rolling, waiting an uncomfortably long time in the sticky summer heat for League champion, Nuclear Templeton to finally shove open the double doors and emerge from the shadows, sweating buckets after punching the heavy bag until his anger subsided enough to give something that could be mistaken for a friendly smile.

“I hope my well-dressed friends have told you why I invited you here.”

It’s not a question, Nuclear already knows the answer as the camera silently nods in response.

“Good.  Whether this video is seen by an audience of one, or by everyone who watches The League, welcome to the Nuclear Bunker.  Some people prefer state of the art facilities or specially built gyms in their family homes, but I like to stay close to my roots.  I used to work as a bouncer and having a whole city full of people I’ve punched in the face, thrown out of buildings, choked unconscious and broken their bones… it’s a nice reminder of the damage I can do, when left to my own devices.  Walk with me”

It’s not a request, the camera follows Nuclear through the doors and into the shadows beyond until an old light tube comes to life.  Nuclear steps towards a wall and beckons the camera to come close, bringing into shot a small crack.

“I broke my hand when I punched this wall, lost The League to Brandy MacDonald a couple of years back.  Not the first time I’ve broken my hand of course, but this one hurt differently.  Been told by doctors that I’ll eventually not even be able to hold a pen with all the damage I’ve taken, but I’ve got friends who can help me with that.  They helped me get this place, helped me get better.  This wasn’t even the first time I’ve punched a wall, but it was the first time the wall flinched.  I knew I was on the right path.  And here, you see this?”

The camera moves just a little further as Nuclear takes a step back, revealing an old copper smear on the wall, clearly made by a large hand.

“This was when I, personally, set things right.  I took responsibility for my actions, for my fate, and slowly but surely, I have been setting right every wrong”

Nuclear slowly walks backwards with a smile on his face, no longer imitating friendly, but now cruel and angry.  The camera catches a long series of damage, some to the wall, some to old punchbags, even a heavy bag covered in a worrying amount of blood as lights flick on to highlight the show and off behind the camera once again, the camera swinging left and right to try to catch every display, a couple still noticeably unmarked by blood, until we go through another set of doors, leading to the main floor where Nuclear’s boxing ring, wrestling ring and various equipment has been seen before.

“I’ve sent The League videos from here before, recorded them myself, to allow people a glimpse into what The Oppressor does every day, a gift that I usually only allow my friends to see.  And I can’t help but notice that The League has given me more main events, when I made myself more marketable.  But I am the champion, I am dominant, The Oppressor!  There are no real challengers out there, the double-edged sword of my dominance is that there is only one true star, and The League needs to manufacture hope that there is someone out there that can stop me winning again!”

The camera moves back for a moment, and in that moment Nuclear’s eyes bulge with barely concealed fury, the camera stops moving, frozen.

“The Firebird needs fans to have hope, or The League will crumble.  The League needs people to get lucky against me, in order to give them that hope.  And The Firebird provokes me to do better, to stop choking away wins.  Like so many times before, I will take personal responsibility and do what needs to be done.  Because when you sat at ringside for my match, I could see that you no longer have the heart to run The League.  You’re begging me to end it for you, to take it out of your hands, and me?”

Nuclear beckons the camera around the corner to a never before seen part of the main floor, an entire wall has a massive crack running six feet up it, a crumbled pile of concrete on the floor next to it showing the ongoing growth from being punched time and time again.  Spray painted down either side of the crack are the names “Phoenix” and “Will Prydor”.

“I punch this wall every time I finish my training.  It just needs the right blood to finish the work”

The few lights that were on start to go out.  Nuclear smiles.  The last light goes out.  The camera operator presumably runs away as fast as they can in the dark.

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*For the first time in a while, we return to an obvious carnival setting. You did click on the video, right? "Violent Intermission"? Of course you did. Ah, the Funhouse. Such a lovely place. The UFO Spin! We've had such good times there. And look! New attractions since our last visit! The Mirror Maze and the Freakshow. How nice. As always, the Carnival of Violence is a place of fire, blood, and pain. Workers scatter to and fro, committing felonious assault on each other at every available opportunity. The audience, captive as they may or may not literally be, appears either thrilled to their toes or scared out of their minds. And in the center of such glorious spectacle, conducting everything with waves of her hands as if in a trance, is Kichi Hida. Our Ringmaster is especially resplendent today in her uniform. Never mind those mysterious rips and reddish stains.*

Mooonty-kun. Mooonty-kun. Daisuki. Daisuki.

*Fortunately, whoever's in charge of the subtitles remembers to do their job right after Kichi's little song. Her eyes look about as crazed as when her adrenaline rush triggers in the ring. She does not stop singing.*

<Hammer Mill. Hammer Mill. It's gonna get me. Hammer Mill. Hammer Mill. It's gonna hurt me. Hammer Mill. Hammer Mill.>

*Kichi laughs madly. She's absolutely psychotic today. Then again, what else is new? The camera zooms in from it's wide view to focus squarely on just Kichi.*

<Monty-kun, you silly man. There is no escape from the Carnival.>

*Kichi spreads her arms wide.*

<There is only...INTERMISSION!>

*Kichi laughs madly once more, but she shows no signs of stopping. The camera shakes violently and then falls to the ground. The last thing we see is the thrilled/terrified cameraman being dragged away by Carnival workers, and Kichi's psychotic laughter echoes in the darkness as we fade to black.*

Edited by Eternal Phoenix
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No commentary this week. I'm running on empty.



(1) Nuclear Templeton (6-2, OVR 616)* vs. (7) Christian Priest (3-5, OVR 580)

(2) Brandy McDonald (6-2, OVR 573)* vs. (4) Brian Blackfield (5-3, OVR 583)

(3) George Mastachas (5-3, OVR 584)* vs. (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-7, OVR 526)

(5) Reverend Johnny Gross (3-5, OVR 520)* vs. (6) Lucas Molina (3-5, OVR 493)


(1) Kichi Hida (7-1, OVR 472)* vs. (3) Monty Dhillon (5-3, OVR 529)

SUBMISSION MATCH: (4) De'siree Mitchell (4-4, OVR 522)* vs. (6) Diego Rodriguez (4-4, OVR 495)

(2) Billy Norris (5-3, OVR 544) vs. (7) Angela Wassermann (3-5, OVR 454)*

EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (5) Yoshii Nakamatsu (4-4, OVR 511)* vs. (8) Pulsar (0-8, OVR 474)


(4) Indigo Rose (5-3, OVR 480) vs. (3) Markus Clay (5-3, OVR 455)*

(5) Blood River (4-4, OVR 477) vs. (1) Leon de Ramos (6-2, OVR 438)*

(2) Lance Heartilly (6-2, OVR 446)* vs. (6) Daniel Simmons (3-5, OVR 450)

(8) Nocturne (1-7, OVR 408) vs. (7) Rock Sheridan (2-6, OVR 416)*


(3) "Dirty" John Murdoch (5-3, OVR 420)* vs. (2) Erick Gibson (6-2, OVR 438)

(1) Diamond (7-1, OVR 458)* vs. (8) George Stevens (1-7, OVR 387)

(3) Terrance Stevens (4-4, OVR 445)* vs. (7) Terra Harding (1-7, OVR 403)

(4) Scott Stevens (4-4, OVR 406)* vs. (5) Mickey Steele (4-4, OVR 416)

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BEVGy0x.jpg (8) Nocturne (1-7, OVR 408)


(7) Rock Sheridan (2-6, OVR 416)* 5vWV1hg.jpg

All of Nocturne’s offense seemed rather ineffectual in this one, as Sheridan simply overpowered her. She never got an attempt at the ankle lock, while he needed only one shot at the lariat (after a pair of spinning backfists) to put the youngster down. Nocturne appeared to be visibly upset leaving the ring, even going so far as to shoulder-block one of the training staff away before disappearing backstage.

Rock Sheridan (3-6) def. Nocturne (1-8) via Pinfall (Grit City Lariat) in 11:20.  Rating: **

Changes for Rock Sheridan:  OVR + 3.08, XP + 558.26, no notable damage

Changes for Nocturne:  OVR -1.68, XP + 139.56, minor damage to head



fTtB0pK.jpg fYy1oxq.jpg (4) Scott Stevens (4-4, OVR 406)*


(5) Mickey Steele (4-4, OVR 416) vC6SXqZ.jpg OndApuF.jpg

While even, this match had a bit of a disjointed flow to it, never really seeming to find its rhythm. Steele’s best shot in this one was a spear that landed, but only got a one count as Stevens immediately powered out of the cover. Less than a minute later, Stevens hit the Toxic Sting and his piledriver in succession, and that was enough to keep Steele down for three.  Scott finds himself on the outside looking in, but well within reach of securing promotion if he can capitalize on any mistakes from the top two or three in the division.

Scott Stevens (5-4) def. Mickey Steele (4-5) via Pinfall (Deep in the Heart of Texas) in 8:05.  Rating: **

Changes for Scott Stevens:  OVR + 2.49, XP + 483.88, no notable damage

Changes for Mickey Steele:  OVR -2.05, XP + 120.97, no notable damage



6r4P9L8.jpg (3) Terrance Stevens (4-4, OVR 445)*


(7) Terra Harding (1-7, OVR 403) uuVaRmi.jpg

Harding managed to run Stevens ragged in this one, taking to the skies early and often to try to score a sudden pinfall. Terrance was having none of that, though, as he managed to keep Harding in check enough for her to start getting winded. After all, someone can sprint for only so long before their body tires. It took a bit longer than he may have wanted, but Stevens finally managed to catch Harding gasping for breath and land a Meltdown to pick up the win in this Match of the Night contender.

Terrance Stevens (5-4) def. Terra Harding (1-8) via Pinfall (Maple Leaf Meltdown) in 18:15.  Rating: ***

Changes for Terrance Stevens:  OVR + 3.43, XP + 529.49, major damage to head, minor damage to body

Changes for Terra Harding:  OVR -0.15, XP + 132.37, moderate damage to head



0rDaDU8.jpg (1) Diamond (7-1, OVR 458)*


(8) George Stevens (1-7, OVR 387) UOpfoyB.jpg fTtB0pK.jpg

George did enough to avoid this being a squash, but that’s about it. Otherwise, Diamond did what she’s done all season and put away another opponent quickly, this one taking less than eight minutes. It’s not a foregone conclusion yet, but it’s becoming more and more likely that Diamond finds a way back to Gamma at the end of this season.

Diamond (8-1) def. George Stevens (1-8) via Pinfall (24 Karat Kiss) in 7:53.  Rating: **

Changes for Diamond:  OVR + 2.48, XP + 483.78, no notable damage

Changes for George Stevens:  OVR -2.05, XP + 120.95, minor damage to head



dw4KJ41.jpg (3) "Dirty" John Murdoch (5-3, OVR 420)*


(2) Erick Gibson (6-2, OVR 438) O63FjvG.jpg E5dgVEm.jpg

A sprint of a match, Gibson tried to get his licks in before his terrible cardio got the better of him. Murdoch put a stop to that some five minutes in, and proceeded to begin the beatdown. Gibson refused to tap to the spinning toe hold, so instead Murdoch broke out his piledriver to keep the businessman down for the count. Murdoch now finds himself with the tiebreaker over Gibson for the second promotion spot, with a gap between him and the division leader.

"Dirty" John Murdoch (6-3) def. Erick Gibson (6-3) via Pinfall (End of the Line) in 9:10.  Rating: ***

Changes for "Dirty" John Murdoch:  OVR + 3.09, XP + 524.77, minor damage to head

Changes for Erick Gibson:  OVR -0.08, XP + 131.19, minor damage to head



9q89H6M.jpg (2) Lance Heartilly (6-2, OVR 446)*


(6) Daniel Simmons (3-5, OVR 450) zd1WDAc.jpg

Never even close. Simmons was unable to get out of the starting blocks and Heartilly won this one in a total squash, keeping pressure on the entire upper half of the Gamma Division to keep pace with him.

Lance Heartilly (7-2) def. Daniel Simmons (3-6) via Submission (Heartilly Arm Breaker) in 8:48.  Rating: *

Changes for Lance Heartilly:  OVR + 2.72, XP + 510.45, no notable damage

Changes for Daniel Simmons:  OVR -3.01, XP + 127.61, no notable damage



VZFWcYa.jpg hAfQcot.jpg (5) Blood River (4-4, OVR 477)


(1) Leon de Ramos (6-2, OVR 438)* zBWrwLg.jpg

If you blinked, you missed this one. De Ramos had an early start but allowed River enough space to build up some momentum and speed. Leon was unable to slow the alleged cultist down after that. In just under six minutes, a rope-aided senton was enough for River to score the minor upset, and to knock de Ramos out of the Gamma Division lead!

Blood River (5-4) def. Leon de Ramos (6-3) via Pinfall (springboard senton bomb) in 5:46.  Rating: **

Changes for Blood River:  OVR + 2.92, XP + 555.18, no notable damage

Changes for Leon de Ramos:  OVR -1.47, XP + 138.80, no notable damage



2X2r9qf.jpg (4) Indigo Rose (5-3, OVR 480)


(3) Markus Clay (5-3, OVR 455)* N0Y594C.jpg

Crucial match in the top half of the Gamma Division; the loser here would have a tough road trying to claw back into promotion contention. Rose learned from her last encounter with Clay, keeping him close most of the time and slowly grinding his stamina and energy down. In true Indigo Rose fashion, she would eventually win via submission, her inverted STF once more doing the honors as Rose finds herself again within reach of the division lead.

Indigo Rose (6-3) def. Markus Clay (5-4) via Submission (Vite d’Indaco) in 15:02.  Rating: **

Changes for Indigo Rose:  OVR + 3.19, XP + 560.30, minor damage to head

Changes for Markus Clay:  OVR -1.81, XP + 140.07, moderate damage to head



xHVnvxD.jpg (5) Yoshii Nakamatsu (4-4, OVR 511)*


(8) Pulsar (0-8, OVR 474) VfA2MW8.jpg

Bob Sinclair: And now we come to the match that Frankie has been least looking forward to.

Frankie Garnett: Look, Bob, I’m sorry, but The League still has not convinced me that this whole European Rules thing is a good concept.

Bob Sinclair: Never mind that these matches routinely are well-favored and are often the Match of the Night?

Frankie Garnett: Exactly. Most fans these days have short attention spans. Why do you think I’m such a fan of Christian Priest and Kichi Hida? They get stuff done quick!

Bob Sinclair: Nonetheless, we’re ready to kick off this European Rules contest; the official calls for the bell and we are under way from The Aerie!



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:04) Pulsar hit a Knife Edge Chop

(00:07) Pulsar hit a Puñetazo

(00:10) Pulsar hit a Forearm Blow

(00:13) Pulsar hit a Kick To Gut

(00:20) Pulsar hit a Running Clothesline

(00:26) Nakamatsu got a rope break to stop a Rear Chinlock

(00:30) Pulsar hit an Open Handed Chop

(00:40) Pulsar picked up Nakamatsu from behind

(00:44) Pulsar hit a Forearm To Back

(00:50) Pulsar hit a Dropkick

(01:10) Pulsar applied a Rear Chinlock

(01:19) Pulsar hit a Rope-Assisted Knee Drop

(01:26) Yoshii Nakamatsu moved out of the way from a Guillotina.

(01:31) Pulsar fought back against being picked up

(01:38) Pulsar hit a Running Clothesline

(01:47) Yoshii Nakamatsu moved out of the way from a Guillotina.

(01:53) Nakamatsu picked up Pulsar

(01:56) Nakamatsu hit a Punch

(01:59) Nakamatsu hit a Kick To Gut

(02:03) Nakamatsu hit a Japanese Binta

(02:07) Nakamatsu hit an Open Handed Chop

(02:14) Pulsar got a rope break to stop a Standing Arm Bar

(02:18) Pulsar blocked a Punch

(02:25) Pulsar very easily avoided a Punch.

(02:29) Pulsar hit a Kick To Thigh

(02:37) Pulsar hit a Flying Rana

(02:44) Pulsar hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(02:57) Pulsar hit a Running Half Senton

(03:10) Pulsar hit a Running Senton

(03:14) Pulsar hit a Measured Knee Drop

(03:21) Pulsar hit a Corkscrew Legdrop

(03:27) Nakamatsu got a rope break to stop a Knee Pull

(03:30) Pulsar hit a Puñetazo

(03:36) Pulsar hit an Enzuigiri Kick

(03:42) Pulsar hit a Dropkicksault

(03:49) Pulsar climbed the turnbuckles

(03:54) Nakamatsu stopped a Top Rope Flipping Leg Drop by rushing Pulsar

(03:58) Nakamatsu climbed down off the top rope

(04:03) Pulsar kicked Nakamatsu away

(04:19) Pulsar hit a Top Rope Leg Lariat

(04:27) Nakamatsu avoided a Running Seated Dropkick.

(04:31) Nakamatsu hit a Japanese Binta

(04:38) Pulsar very easily avoided an Open Handed Chop.

(04:48) Pulsar climbed the turnbuckles

(04:53) Nakamatsu stopped a Top Rope Cross Body Press by rushing Pulsar

(04:57) Nakamatsu climbed down off the top rope

(05:00) Pulsar kicked Nakamatsu away

(05:00) The round ended


Bob Sinclair: This has been one of the few times this season that we’ve seen Pulsar wrestle with a bit of aggression, Frankie.

Frankie Garnett: Yeah, being the last wrestler in The League to get a win this season has to be eating at him mentally. Granted, he still has a tall task ahead of him, taking two falls off of Yoshii Nakamatsu, but he’s at least showing a fighting chance tonight.



(05:03) Nakamatsu hit a Kick To Gut

(05:06) Nakamatsu hit a Forearm Blow

(05:12) Pulsar easily avoided a Running Clothesline.

(05:20) Nakamatsu avoided a Dropkicksault.

(05:24) Nakamatsu hit a Kick To Knee

(05:31) Nakamatsu hit a Running Clothesline

(05:39) Nakamatsu picked up Pulsar

(05:43) Nakamatsu hit a Japanese Binta

(05:47) Nakamatsu hit an Open Handed Chop

(05:53) Pulsar got a rope break to stop a Standing Arm Bar

(05:56) Nakamatsu hit a Forearm Blow

(06:00) Pulsar blocked a Punch

(06:14) Nakamatsu applied a Side Headlock

(06:22) Pulsar very easily avoided a Kick To Gut.

(06:26) Pulsar hit a Kick To Knee

(06:33) Pulsar hit a Patadas Voladoras

(06:50) Pulsar hit a Quebrada

(06:56) Yoshii Nakamatsu moved out of the way from a Senton.

(07:06) Nakamatsu picked up Pulsar

(07:11) Pulsar blocked a Japanese Binta

(07:14) Nakamatsu hit a Forearm Blow

(07:21) Nakamatsu applied a Standing Arm Bar

(07:24) Nakamatsu hit a Kick To Gut

(07:31) Pulsar very easily avoided a Japanese Binta.

(07:35) Nakamatsu blocked a Flying Inverted Rana

(07:41) Pulsar hit a Dropkick To Knee

(07:48) Pulsar climbed the turnbuckles

(08:04) Pulsar hit a Moonsault Press

(08:12) Yoshii Nakamatsu moved out of the way from a Slingshot Splash.

(08:20) Pulsar very easily moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop.

(08:30) Yoshii Nakamatsu moved out of the way from a Quebrada.

(08:34) Nakamatsu hit a Running Knee Drop

(08:38) Nakamatsu hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(08:45) Nakamatsu hit a Knee Pull

(08:55) Nakamatsu picked up Pulsar

(09:02) Nakamatsu hit a Running Forearm Blow

(09:09) Nakamatsu hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(09:13) Nakamatsu hit a Fist Drop

(09:23) Nakamatsu picked up Pulsar from behind

(09:33) Nakamatsu hit a Russian Legsweep

(09:37) Nakamatsu hit a Knee Drop

(09:44) Pulsar countered a Running Knee Drop with a Legsweep Kick

(09:50) Pulsar climbed the turnbuckles

(10:00) Pulsar hit a Moonsault Press

(10:00) The round ended


Bob Sinclair: That round seemed to be more in favor of Nakamatsu, who seems to have gotten warmed up after that opening round.

Frankie Garnett: Pulsar needs to get back on the offense next round, Bob. He cannot afford to let Yoshii get on the attack if he finally wants to get a one in the win column.



(10:04) Pulsar slipped out of the back of a Spinning Arm Breaker

(10:08) Nakamatsu slipped out of the back of a Running Hot Shot

(10:12) Pulsar countered a Blindside High Knee with a Kick To Thigh

(10:22) Pulsar climbed the turnbuckles

(10:27) Nakamatsu stopped a Top Rope Missile Dropkick by rushing Pulsar

(10:31) Nakamatsu climbed down off the top rope

(10:40) Nakamatsu threw Pulsar off the top rope

(10:46) Pulsar very easily moved out of the way from a Snap Driving Elbow.

(10:54) Yoshii Nakamatsu moved out of the way from a Running Half Senton.

(11:03) Nakamatsu picked up Pulsar

(11:13) Nakamatsu hit a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(11:20) Nakamatsu hit a Knee Pull

(11:29) Pulsar very easily moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(11:37) Yoshii Nakamatsu moved out of the way from a Running Half Senton.

(11:45) Nakamatsu picked up Pulsar from behind

(11:50) Pulsar blocked a Russian Legsweep

(12:00) Nakamatsu hit a Running Bulldog

(12:04) Nakamatsu hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(12:08) Nakamatsu hit a Running Knee Drop

(12:13) Pulsar rolled through The Divine Wind

(12:17) Pulsar hit a Knife Edge Chop

(12:21) Pulsar hit a Knee Drop

(12:28) Pulsar hit a Knee Pull

(12:33) Nakamatsu broke a Rear Chinlock

(12:37) Pulsar slipped out of the back of a Stump Piledriver

(12:41) Pulsar hit a Forearm To Back

(12:45) Nakamatsu slipped out of the back of a Running Hot Shot

(12:55) Nakamatsu hit a Sleeper Hold Neckbreaker

(12:59) Pulsar stopped a Spirit Roar by rushing Nakamatsu

(13:06) Pulsar hit a Running Clothesline

(13:10) Nakamatsu broke a Rear Chinlock

(13:15) Pulsar blocked a DDT

(13:31) Nakamatsu hit a Japanese Power DDT

(13:38) Nakamatsu picked up Pulsar

(13:52) Here comes Nakamatsu on the charge...and there's the DEVASTATION Knee to the head of Pulsar!


Bob Sinclair: Nakamatsu into the cover…one, two, three! First fall to Yoshii Nakamatsu!

Frankie Garnett: I think Pulsar’s chances to win this match just flew out of the building, Bob. He was in enough trouble after letting off the gas in the second round. Now down a fall and likely having to recover on the fly? No chance.



(14:01) Pulsar blocked a DDT

(14:06) Pulsar broke a Piledriver

(14:10) Pulsar hit an European Uppercut

(14:14) Pulsar hit a Fist Drop

(14:18) Nakamatsu fought back as Pulsar tried to climb the turnbuckles

(14:22) Nakamatsu hit a Thrust Kick

(14:29) Pulsar countered a Flying Forearm with a Legsweep Kick

(14:37) Yoshii Nakamatsu moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop.

(14:41) Nakamatsu hit a Running Knee Drop

(14:48) Nakamatsu picked up Pulsar

(15:00) Here comes Nakamatsu on the charge...and there's the DEVASTATION Knee to the head of Pulsar!

(15:00) The round ended


Bob Sinclair: The good for Pulsar as that the bell saved him there; Yoshii was looking to end things right then and there!

Frankie Garnett: The bad news is that it leaves him open to more punishment in about thirty seconds, Bob. Nakamatsu senses the end is close and wants to finish this!



(15:10) Nakamatsu hit a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(15:19) Nakamatsu picked up Pulsar

(15:33) Here comes Nakamatsu on the charge...and there's the DEVASTATION Knee to the head of Pulsar!

(15:38) Nakamatsu got a one count

(15:42) Pulsar blocked a Thrust Kick

(15:46) Pulsar countered a Running Swinging Neckbreaker with an Open Handed Chop

(15:53) Pulsar hit a Senton

(16:13) Pulsar applied a Rear Chinlock

(16:20) Pulsar used a Lucha Senton Pin

(16:24) Pulsar got a two count

(16:33) Pulsar climbed the turnbuckles

(16:37) Nakamatsu stopped a Top Rope Missile Dropkick by rushing Pulsar

(16:41) Nakamatsu climbed down off the top rope

(16:46) Pulsar kicked Nakamatsu away

(16:50) Nakamatsu shook the ropes to stop a Top Rope Leg Lariat

(16:55) Pulsar kicked Nakamatsu away

(17:05) Pulsar hit a Second Rope Flying Rana

(17:14) Pulsar climbed the turnbuckles

(17:30) Pulsar hit a Top Rope Missile Dropkick

(17:36) Pulsar climbed the turnbuckles

(17:48) Pulsar hit a Picture Perfect Moonsault

(17:57) Yoshii Nakamatsu moved out of the way from a Slingshot Splash.

(18:04) Nakamatsu hit a Knee Pull

(18:08) Nakamatsu hit a Knee Drop

(18:15) Pulsar very easily moved out of the way from a Snap Driving Elbow.

(18:23) Yoshii Nakamatsu moved out of the way from a Slingshot Splash.

(18:27) Pulsar fought back against being picked up

(18:33) Pulsar climbed the turnbuckles

(18:43) Pulsar hit a Top Rope Cross Body Press

(18:48) Pulsar got a two count

(18:57) Nakamatsu countered a Springboard Rana with a Punch Flurry

(19:07) Nakamatsu hit a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(19:33) Is The Divine Wind about to claim another victim in Pulsar?

(19:45) Nakamatsu got a near submission

(19:55) Nakamatsu hit a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(20:00) Is The Divine Wind about to claim another victim in Pulsar?

(20:00) Nakamatsu got a near submission

(20:00) The round ended


Bob Sinclair: And again, Pulsar is saved by the bell!

Frankie Garnett: It won’t happen a third time, Bob. Yoshii finishes the match this round, I think.

Bob Sinclair: What makes you say that?

Frankie Garnett: Pulsar’s body language. He’s acting like he’s already said “no mas.” Nakamatsu should have this done in the next five minutes.



(20:10) Nakamatsu hit a Short Arm Back Elbow

(20:14) Nakamatsu hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(20:18) Pulsar fought back against being picked up

(20:22) Pulsar hit a Kick To Thigh

(20:28) Pulsar hit a Dropkick

(20:38) Pulsar hit a Rana Pinfall

(20:43) Pulsar got a two count

(20:55) Pulsar hit a Lucha Spinning DDT

(21:05) Pulsar climbed the turnbuckles

(21:10) Nakamatsu shook the ropes to stop a Zodiac Implosion

(21:19) Nakamatsu threw Pulsar off the top rope

(21:26) Nakamatsu hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(21:33) Nakamatsu picked up Pulsar

(21:39) Pulsar very easily avoided a DEVASTATION Knee.

(21:51) Pulsar hit a Lucha Spinning DDT

(22:01) Yoshii Nakamatsu moved out of the way from a Springboard Guillotina.

(22:27) Is The Divine Wind about to claim another victim in Pulsar?

(22:39) Nakamatsu got a near submission

(22:46) Nakamatsu hit a DDT

(22:53) Nakamatsu picked up Pulsar

(22:58) Pulsar broke an Emperor's Fall

(23:04) Pulsar hit an Enzuigiri Kick

(23:08) Nakamatsu blocked a Flying Inverted Rana

(23:16) Nakamatsu avoided a Kick To Thigh.

(23:20) Pulsar broke an Emperor's Fall

(23:28) Yoshii Nakamatsu moved out of the way from a Patadas Voladoras after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(23:37) Pulsar very easily moved out of the way from a Snap Driving Elbow.

(23:44) Pulsar used an Arabian Press

(23:48) Pulsar got a two count

(23:53) Nakamatsu broke a Lucha Spinning DDT

(24:00) Nakamatsu hit a Running Forearm Blow

(24:08) Nakamatsu picked up Pulsar

(24:24) Nakamatsu hit a Japanese Power DDT

(24:28) Pulsar fought back against being picked up

(24:35) Pulsar hit a Running Clothesline

(24:42) Pulsar hit a Half Senton

(24:50) Yoshii Nakamatsu moved out of the way from a Slingshot Guillotina.

(24:54) Nakamatsu hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(25:00) Nakamatsu picked up Pulsar

(25:00) The round ended


Bob Sinclair: And somehow Pulsar survives the fifth round!

Frankie Garnett: I admit, I didn’t call that one, Bob. But unless Pulsar gets some offense strung together quickly, it’s not going to make any difference.



(25:10) Pulsar hit a Rana Pinfall

(25:14) Pulsar got a near pinfall

(25:17) Nakamatsu countered a Springboard Clothesline with a Punch

(25:33) Nakamatsu hit a Japanese Power DDT

(25:43) Nakamatsu picked up Pulsar

(25:55) Yoshii Nakamatsu delivers the Emperor's Fall; is this the end for Pulsar?

(25:55) Pulsar started to bleed


Bob Sinclair: It’s academic from here…one, two, and three! As most people predicted, Yoshii Nakamatsu wins this one, though it was a bit more difficult that he probably expected, Frankie.

Frankie Garnett: Just a minor speedbump. Pulsar’s got bigger problems, though. There’s a chance come next week that he officially clinches relegation to Gamma!


Yoshii Nakamatsu (5-4) def. Pulsar (0-9), two falls to nil, in 26:00.  Rating: ****

Fall 1: Nakamatsu pinned Pulsar (DEVASTATION Knee), 13:57

Fall 2: Nakamatsu pinned Pulsar (Emperor’s Fall), 26:00

Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu:  OVR + 6.02, XP + 876.93, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body

Changes for Pulsar:  OVR + 1.29, XP + 316.73, major damage to head, minor damage to body

This was the Match of the Night (1 [1st this season] for Yoshii Nakamatsu, 3 [1st this season] for Pulsar)



6fYIC71.jpg (2) Billy Norris (5-3, OVR 544)


(7) Angela Wassermann (3-5, OVR 454)* aOXlwtV.jpg

This was a contender for Match of the Night, something not normally seen immediately after the actual Match of the Night. Both wrestlers played well to their strengths; Norris in particular almost got the win a few times with his rope-assisted offense. Wassermann was determined to have a tiebreaker over at least one person in the division, though, and stubbornly refused to stay down. The ending sequence saw her somehow maneuver from an STO directly into the cross arm breaker, and Norris was quick to tap out. Angela Wassermann completes the sweep of a potential promotion candidate, and may have just sent shocks through the entire Beta Division standings after that one!

Angela Wassermann (4-5) def. Billy Norris (5-4) via Submission (Wassermann Cross Arm Breaker) in 15:44.  Rating: ***

Changes for Angela Wassermann:  OVR + 4.34, XP + 686.64, minor damage to head

Changes for Billy Norris:  OVR + 0.87, XP + 171.66, minor damage to head and body


Tempers Flared

Immediately off the 30-second ad break on YouTube, the camera is shown looking at the closed office door of League Commissioner Will Prydor. Two voices, one male and one female, can be heard indistinctly through the closed door in what sounds like a heated argument. This continues for another few seconds before the door is yanked open from the inside and the voices become clear.

Nocturne: --the person I grew up watching would have something about this by now!

The male voice responds, unseen yet recognizable, from inside the room.

Will Prydor: And what makes you think I haven’t been, Dani?

Nocturne: Because you’re still letting it happen!

Will Prydor: And when are you going to focus more on what you’re letting happen to your career instead of worrying about my business?

Nocturne: My career is part of your business! And if you’re not going to fight to keep it your business, then maybe I need to move my career elsewhere!

Nocturne slams the door closed in a huff, and storms out of the camera shot. There is the sound of something hitting the wall and apparently breaking before the camera cuts back to the ringside area.



d7FEgH5.jpg (5) Reverend Johnny Gross (3-5, OVR 520)*


(6) Lucas Molina (3-5, OVR 493) LG3TCXf.jpg oYmq2Bu.jpg

Another Match of the Night contender, this was a grapple-fest interspersed with strikes from Gross. Those strikes, used at the right times, kept Molina from really getting a lot of momentum under his belt, and Gross took advantage of this fact. The last two minutes were all Gross, as a brainbuster got two, a low blow a few moments later also got two, and finally the Come to Jesus got locked in. Molina was still mentally out of it after the two prior impact moves and weakly tapped out. Gross gets a crucial win in the Alpha Division, pushing Molina into danger with five weeks remaining.

Reverend Johnny Gross (4-5) def. Lucas Molina (3-6) via Submission (Come to Jesus) in 18:22.  Rating: ***

Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross:  OVR + 4.94, XP + 794.33, minor damage to head

Changes for Lucas Molina:  OVR + 1.35, XP + 198.58, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body



T7PlxOP.jpg (4) De'siree Mitchell (4-4, OVR 522)*


(6) Diego Rodriguez (4-4, OVR 495) G4sbiHU.jpg

Did anyone really think a brawler had a chance against a technical master in a submission match? Diego took enough punishment to avoid this becoming a squash, but the combination of an STF, an octopus stretch, and finally the Harmony of Dissonance was enough for Mitchell to give up. That may have torpedoed her chances of climbing back into the Alpha Division, especially with the tear that the current division leader has been on, but she has enough time to turn things around. She just needs to do it immediately.

Diego Rodriguez (5-4) def. De'siree Mitchell (4-5) via Submission (Harmony of Dissonance) in 15:17.  Rating: **

Changes for Diego Rodriguez:  OVR + 3.70, XP + 633.54, minor damage to head

Changes for De'siree Mitchell:  OVR -1.32, XP + 158.38, minor damage to head



4ZAKk1I.jpg (1) Kichi Hida (7-1, OVR 472)*


(3) Monty Dhillon (5-3, OVR 529) vz0qqDp.jpg

Speaking of the division leader, she found herself in a sprint of a MOTN contender against the always-dangerous Hammer, Monty Dhillon. This was in danger of getting away from Dhillon after Hida landed a pair o Scrambler Headbutts, but Kichi’s third attempt at one led to a press powerslam that netted Dhillon a one-count by way of a lackadaisical cover. Monty continued the attack for another two minutes, eventually applying the Blockade Lock…only for Hida to start laughing maniacally as she refused to submit. (Author’s note: she rolled a 999 to escape the hold.) Undaunted, Dhillon went for the Empire Bomb, but Hida slipped out of Monty’s grasp, landed a jab, and then a UFO Spin Elbow that put Monty down for the count. Kichi Hida continues to defy the expectations of nearly every preseason prediction, and may only be a win or two away from clinching promotion this early in the season!

Kichi Hida (8-1) def. Monty Dhillon (5-4) via Pinfall (UFO Spin Elbow) in 10:22.  Rating: ***

Changes for Kichi Hida:  OVR + 4.14, XP + 683.01, minor damage to head

Changes for Monty Dhillon:  OVR + 0.91, XP + 170.75, minor damage to head



FXyrc6C.jpg (3) George Mastachas (5-3, OVR 584)*


(8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-7, OVR 526) p1IFTGG.jpg hYlEAC2.jpg

JPO’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad season continued with a subpar effort against a former League Champion in George Mastachas. Ouilette got a few bits of offense in (as well as an assist from Cecile Corine) but nowhere near enough as Mastachas drove the point home with a Wrath of Zeus that JPO had no hope of kicking out of. Mastachas remains in contention, as his eyes now turn to the top two in the division to see who stumbles first.

George Mastachas (6-3) def. Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-8) via Pinfall (Wrath of Zeus) in 13:57.  Rating: **

Changes for George Mastachas:  OVR + 4.16, XP + 730.04, minor damage to head

Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette:  OVR -0.77, XP + 146.01, minor damage to head



gGexPKo.jpg (2) Brandy McDonald (6-2, OVR 573)*


(4) Brian Blackfield (5-3, OVR 583) Lp89uMT.jpg

Despite having a victory over Blackfield earlier in the season, Brandy knew coming in to this contest that this would likely be one of the more dangerous matches in the second half of the season. She wrestled like it, as well, adapting her offense a little to keep Blackfield guessing. Blackfield got some offense in, including a couple of lengthy stretches, but McDonald stuck to her gameplan well and eschewed her primary finisher knowing it would only trigger The Juggernaut. Instead, she took down Blackfield with her Detox neckbreaker and then laid on a high-stack cover, just managing to keep Blackfield down for the count of three. McDonald escapes with a victory and puts the pressure on The Oppressor to do the same in the main event, coming up next!

Brandy McDonald (7-2) def. Brian Blackfield (5-4) via Pinfall (Detox) in 15:58.  Rating: ***

Changes for Brandy McDonald:  OVR + 4.85, XP + 792.45, no notable damage

Changes for Brian Blackfield:  OVR + 1.37, XP + 198.11, minor damage to head



KufawJO.jpg FqeSGy6.jpg (1) Nuclear Templeton (6-2, OVR 616)*


(7) Christian Priest (3-5, OVR 580) YICOeYe.jpg MZ2VDcB.jpg

Nuclear stormed out of his corner at the opening bell, battering Priest before he could even get his wits about him. It took a few minutes for Priest to start asserting himself in the contest, but Nuclear continued to power through Christian’s offense. When Priest started to find a rhythm some nine minutes in, Tony Mortis decided to interject himself to try to further hamper Priest’s momentum.

It seemed to have the opposite effect, as Priest now seemed more focused on Templeton instead of keeping one eye at ringside at all times. Templeton had to start fighting from the defensive position, a situation he’s not been accustomed to this season, as Priest started to break out his signature offense. A low blow into a Tactical Nuke slowed Priest considerably, but Priest was able to avert a follow-up Tactical Nuke as well as a Radiation Spike, and got himself back into the fight. Purgatory led to a big nothing for Priest, and Templeton again attempted a Tactical Nuke, only for Priest to stagger Templeton with a Test of Faith, and then deliver his Judgement. Priest scrambled into the cover, hooking both legs, and the ref got to three as Templeton got a shoulder up. The official called for the bell, declaring Christian Priest the victor, and a replay showed that indeed the count landed an instant before Nuclear got his shoulder up. Christian Priest scores an upset on the now-former division leader, and Templeton was absolutely furious as the show went off air, screaming into the cameras that this injustice would be answered in kind next week….

Christian Priest (4-5) def. Nuclear Templeton (6-3) via Pinfall (Judgement) in 20:10.  Rating: ***

Changes for Christian Priest:  OVR + 5.01, XP + 795.73, minor damage to head

Changes for Nuclear Templeton:  OVR + 1.33, XP + 159.15, minor damage to head







X – clinched promotion

Y – clinched division title

Z – clinched relegation



1.  Brandy McDonald:  7-2, ATV 14:03 (AMR 2.333), OVR 578.01

2.  Nuclear Templeton:  6-3, ATV 18:52 (AMR 2.667), OVR 617.59

3.  George Mastachas:  6-3, ATV 14:41 (AMR 2.444), OVR 588.42

4.  Brian Blackfield:  5-4, ATV 16:56 (AMR 3.000), OVR 584.28

5.  Christian Priest:  4-5, ATV 16:30 (AMR 3.111), OVR 584.79

6.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  4-5, ATV 17:03 (AMR 2.222), OVR 525.06

7.  Lucas Molina:  3-6, ATV 16:25 (AMR 2.556), OVR 494.06

8.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  1-8, ATV 19:42 (AMR 2.556), OVR 525.31

Both ties in this division are broken by simple head-to-head.



1.  Kichi Hida:  8-1, ATV 12:06 (AMR 3.000), OVR 475.82

2.  Billy Norris:  5-4, ATV 11:32 (AMR 2.333), OVR 545.25

3.  Monty Dhillon:  5-4, ATV 9:22 (AMR 2.333), OVR 529.51

4.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  5-4, ATV 17:27 (AMR 2.333), OVR 516.96

5.  Diego Rodriguez:  5-4, ATV 12:58 (AMR 2.111), OVR 498.57

6.  De'siree Mitchell:  4-5, ATV 10:34 (AMR 2.444), OVR 520.74

7.  Angela Wassermann:  4-5, ATV 12:13 (AMR 2.333), OVR 458.10

8.  Pulsar:  0-9, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.667), OVR 475.64

If Pulsar loses next week, he clinches relegation.

5-4: Norris has the best combined H2H record against Dhillon, Nakamatsu, and Rodriguez. Dhillon then has the best combined head-to-head record against Nakamatsu and Rodriguez. Nakamatsu then beats Rodriguez on simple head-to-head.

4-5: Broken by simple head-to-head.



1.  Lance Heartilly:  7-2, ATV 11:03 (AMR 1.889), OVR 448.62

2.  Indigo Rose:  6-3, ATV 11:11 (AMR 2.000), OVR 483.61

3.  Leon de Ramos:  6-3, ATV 12:51 (AMR 2.222), OVR 436.79

4.  Blood River:  5-4, ATV 12:16 (AMR 2.444), OVR 479.86

5.  Markus Clay:  5-4, ATV 11:35 (AMR 2.333), OVR 453.66

6.  Daniel Simmons:  3-6, ATV 12:43 (AMR 1.889), OVR 446.84

7.  Rock Sheridan:  3-6, ATV 9:58 (AMR 1.889), OVR 418.98

8.  Nocturne:  1-8, ATV 12:49 (AMR 2.000), OVR 406.24

6-3: Broken by head-to-head victory time (Rose 9:25, de Ramos 11:19).

All other ties broken by simple head-to-head.



1.  Diamond:  8-1, ATV 8:10 (AMR 2.111), OVR 460.34

2.  "Dirty" John Murdoch:  6-3, ATV 11:52 (AMR 3.000), OVR 422.88

3.  Erick Gibson:  6-3, ATV 10:23 (AMR 3.111), OVR 437.85

4.  Terrance Stevens:  5-4, ATV 11:52 (AMR 2.556), OVR 448.38

5.  Scott Stevens:  5-4, ATV 8:31 (AMR 2.556), OVR 408.11

6.  Mickey Steele:  4-5, ATV 8:47 (AMR 2.667), OVR 413.92

7.  Terra Harding:  1-8, ATV 12:04 (AMR 2.889), OVR 403.34

8.  George Stevens:  1-8, ATV 6:31 (AMR 2.222), OVR 384.50

All ties in this division broken by simple head-to-head.



As the season is now in the second half, the “proper” scores will be shown with the bottom two weeks removed, and players ranked accordingly.

1. Derek B: 81 [total: 98—drop weeks 9 {9} and 7 {8}. This week: 9]

2. Croquemitaine: 76 [total: 94—drop weeks 2 {9} and 4 {9}. This week: 9]

3. Eternal Phoenix: 73 [total: 89—drop weeks 6 {8} and 7 {8}. This week: 11]

4. SeanMcG: 73 [total: 73—drop weeks 6 {0} and 9 {0}. This week: 0]

5. Jman2k3: 72 [total: 80—drop weeks 2 {8} and 6 {8}. This week: 0]




SUBMISSION MATCH: (7) Lucas Molina (3-6, OVR 494)* vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (6-3, OVR 618) [Career: Lucas Molina, 1 – 0. Career in Submission matches: Molina 1 – 0, Templeton N/A]

(1) Brandy McDonald (7-2, OVR 578)* vs. (3) George Mastachas (6-3, OVR 588) [Career: Brandy McDonald, 5 - 4]

(4) Brian Blackfield (5-4, OVR 584)* vs. (6) Reverend Johnny Gross (4-5, OVR 525) [Career: Brian Blackfield, 1 - 0]

(8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-8, OVR 525)* vs. (5) Christian Priest (4-5, OVR 585) [Career: Jean-Paul Ouilette, 1 - 0]


(5) Diego Rodriguez (5-4, OVR 499)* vs. (2) Billy Norris (5-4, OVR 545) [Career: Diego Rodriguez, 1 - 0]

(1) Kichi Hida (8-1, OVR 476)* vs. (4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (5-4, OVR 517) [Career: Kichi Hida, 1 - 0]

LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (3) Monty Dhillon (5-4, OVR 530)* vs. (7) Angela Wassermann (4-5, OVR 458) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 1 – 0. Career in Last One Standing matches: Dhillon 1 – 0, Wassermann 1 – 0]

(6) De'siree Mitchell (4-5, OVR 521)* vs. (8) Pulsar (0-9, OVR 476) [Career: De'siree Mitchell, 3 - 2]


(4) Blood River (5-4, OVR 480)* vs. (5) Markus Clay (5-4, OVR 454) [Career: Blood River, 2 - 1]

(3) Leon de Ramos (6-3, OVR 437)* vs. (1) Lance Heartilly (7-2, OVR 449) [Career: Leon de Ramos, 1 - 0]

(8) Nocturne (1-8, OVR 406) vs. (2) Indigo Rose (6-3, OVR 484)* [Career: Indigo Rose, 1 - 0]

EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (7) Rock Sheridan (3-6, OVR 419) vs. (6) Daniel Simmons (3-6, OVR 447)* [Career: Daniel Simmons, 1 – 0. Career in European Rules matches: Sheridan N/A, Simmons N/A]


(2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (6-3, OVR 423) vs. (1) Diamond (8-1, OVR 460)* [Career: Diamond, 1 - 0]

(3) Erick Gibson (6-3, OVR 438) vs. (6) Mickey Steele (4-5, OVR 414)* [Career: Mickey Steele, 1 - 0]

(4) Terrance Stevens (5-4, OVR 448)* vs. (8) George Stevens (1-8, OVR 384) [Career: Terrance Stevens, 1 - 0]

(7) Terra Harding (1-8, OVR 403) vs. (5) Scott Stevens (5-4, OVR 408)* [Career: Scott Stevens, 1 - 0]




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Nuclear Templeton

George Mastachas

Brian Blackfield

Christian Priest


Diego Rodriguez

Kichi Hida

Monty Dhillon

De'siree Mitchell


Blood River

Lance Heartilly

Indigo Rose

Rock Sheridan



Mickey Steele

Terrance Stevens

Scott Stevens


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Ah Nuclear, you never fail to keep things interesting by doing things that make The League more unpredictabnle 😛




SUBMISSION MATCH: (7) Lucas Molina (3-6, OVR 494)* vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (6-3, OVR 618) [Career: Lucas Molina, 1 – 0. Career in Submission matches: Molina 1 – 0, Templeton N/A]

(1) Brandy McDonald (7-2, OVR 578)* vs. (3) George Mastachas (6-3, OVR 588) [Career: Brandy McDonald, 5 - 4]

(4) Brian Blackfield (5-4, OVR 584)* vs. (6) Reverend Johnny Gross (4-5, OVR 525) [Career: Brian Blackfield, 1 - 0]

(8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-8, OVR 525)* vs. (5) Christian Priest (4-5, OVR 585) [Career: Jean-Paul Ouilette, 1 - 0]


(5) Diego Rodriguez (5-4, OVR 499)* vs. (2) Billy Norris (5-4, OVR 545) [Career: Diego Rodriguez, 1 - 0]

(1) Kichi Hida (8-1, OVR 476)* vs. (4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (5-4, OVR 517) [Career: Kichi Hida, 1 - 0]

LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (3) Monty Dhillon (5-4, OVR 530)* vs. (7) Angela Wassermann (4-5, OVR 458) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 1 – 0. Career in Last One Standing matches: Dhillon 1 – 0, Wassermann 1 – 0]

(6) De'siree Mitchell (4-5, OVR 521)* vs. (8) Pulsar (0-9, OVR 476) [Career: De'siree Mitchell, 3 - 2]


(4) Blood River (5-4, OVR 480)* vs. (5) Markus Clay (5-4, OVR 454) [Career: Blood River, 2 - 1]

(3) Leon de Ramos (6-3, OVR 437)* vs. (1) Lance Heartilly (7-2, OVR 449) [Career: Leon de Ramos, 1 - 0]

(8) Nocturne (1-8, OVR 406) vs. (2) Indigo Rose (6-3, OVR 484)* [Career: Indigo Rose, 1 - 0]

EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (7) Rock Sheridan (3-6, OVR 419) vs. (6) Daniel Simmons (3-6, OVR 447)* [Career: Daniel Simmons, 1 – 0. Career in European Rules matches: Sheridan N/A, Simmons N/A]


(2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (6-3, OVR 423) vs. (1) Diamond (8-1, OVR 460)* [Career: Diamond, 1 - 0]

(3) Erick Gibson (6-3, OVR 438) vs. (6) Mickey Steele (4-5, OVR 414)* [Career: Mickey Steele, 1 - 0]

(4) Terrance Stevens (5-4, OVR 448)* vs. (8) George Stevens (1-8, OVR 384) [Career: Terrance Stevens, 1 - 0]

(7) Terra Harding (1-8, OVR 403) vs. (5) Scott Stevens (5-4, OVR 408)* [Career: Scott Stevens, 1 - 0]



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Alpha's got two big time matches on theslate. irst up, Brandy and Mastachas duke it out for what's probably George's shot at the title this season. Second, with the pressure very much on with five weeks to go and down one win in the standings, Nuke goes up against the guy who submitted him (look, Nuke, I know you didn't tap, but the record book says what it says) in Submission match. Oh, boy.

SUBMISSION MATCH: (7) Lucas Molina (3-6, OVR 494)* vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (6-3, OVR 618) [Career: Lucas Molina, 1 – 0. Career in Submission matches: Molina 1 – 0, Templeton N/A]

Look, this is gonna go one of two ways. Nuke beats the piss out of Molina and chokes him out. Or Nuke gets drawn into Molina's game and ends up tapping to one of the four holds the man has that can submit him. I know which one I'd prefer, and honestly? Molina's has a long, storied history of making the lives of burly brawlers absolutely miserable. If I'm Nuke, there's one guy in Alpha and arguably the League I don't want to face in a Submission match, and that's Molina. But of course, Nuke is significantly angrier and a hell of a lot more violent that me, so what do I know?

(1) Brandy McDonald (7-2, OVR 578)* vs. (3) George Mastachas (6-3, OVR 588) [Career: Brandy McDonald, 5 - 4]

She beat him last time? And is on one hell of a roll this season. Mastachas keeps on trucking, but Brandy seems to have found an extra gear. Or her Season Eight form, whichever.

(4) Brian Blackfield (5-4, OVR 584)* vs. (6) Reverend Johnny Gross (4-5, OVR 525) [Career: Brian Blackfield, 1 - 0]

This one's interesting. I'm not about to bet against the Juggernaut, not when he won the first go around. That said, Blackfield's last fading hopes of gold are on the line here, and Gross doesn't want to slip back in the relegation zone again.

(8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-8, OVR 525)* vs. (5) Christian Priest (4-5, OVR 585) [Career: Jean-Paul Ouilette, 1 - 0]

That...had to be a fluke, right? JPO's win last time was madness. No way Priest's kryptonite is the otherwise hapless Jean-Paul Ouilette.


Two matches headline Beta, as well. Diego and Billy fight for the last shot at catching the rampaging Kichi Hida. Loser is stuck fighting for second on the backfoot, rather than having any chance at the division title. Meanwhile, Kichi has round two with Yoshii. Round one was violent as hell, and now Yoshii's season is on the line. A loss puts him in the same boat as the loser of Rodriguez/Norris. Not a fun place to be.

(5) Diego Rodriguez (5-4, OVR 499)* vs. (2) Billy Norris (5-4, OVR 545) [Career: Diego Rodriguez, 1 - 0]

He beat him before? Also Technicians are hell on High Flyers, offensively speaking.

(1) Kichi Hida (8-1, OVR 476)* vs. (4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (5-4, OVR 517) [Career: Kichi Hida, 1 - 0]

She beat him before, and if anyone's going to stop Kichi's momentum now, it'll be Diego when they meet again.

LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (3) Monty Dhillon (5-4, OVR 530)* vs. (7) Angela Wassermann (4-5, OVR 458) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 1 – 0. Career in Last One Standing matches: Dhillon 1 – 0, Wassermann 1 – 0]

Poor Angela. Time for her second beating from the Hammer.

(6) De'siree Mitchell (4-5, OVR 521)* vs. (8) Pulsar (0-9, OVR 476) [Career: De'siree Mitchell, 3 - 2]

Seriously, Pulsar just might go winless this season.


Without a shadow of a doubt, the headline match for Gamma this week is de Ramos v. Heartilly. Everything else is overshadowed by 3 vs. 1. Buuuuuut. River and Clay are gonna fight for who's got the ghost of a promotion chance. So there's also that. Also, everyone's favorite match type appears again this season. European Rules! And this time, a winless jobber isn't in it! Ain't that nice? Rock is arguably fighting for his life in the division in this one, so we'll see how it goes.

(4) Blood River (5-4, OVR 480)* vs. (5) Markus Clay (5-4, OVR 454) [Career: Blood River, 2 - 1]

I dunno, man. It's like I said before, I guess? River spent multiple seasons being mid in Beta before washing out while Clay's always been struggling in Gamma. There's still leels to this. Even if this is a nailbiter by the stats and styles.

(3) Leon de Ramos (6-3, OVR 437)* vs. (1) Lance Heartilly (7-2, OVR 449) [Career: Leon de Ramos, 1 - 0]

He beat him last time, and y'know I'm becoming a de Ramos believer. Giving off lots of Molina energy, you dig?

(8) Nocturne (1-8, OVR 406) vs. (2) Indigo Rose (6-3, OVR 484)* [Career: Indigo Rose, 1 - 0]

Nocturne, darlin', that injury promotion was probably the worst thing that could have happened to you.

EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (7) Rock Sheridan (3-6, OVR 419) vs. (6) Daniel Simmons (3-6, OVR 447)* [Career: Daniel Simmons, 1 – 0. Career in European Rules matches: Sheridan N/A, Simmons N/A]

Okay, so we know Daniel can beat Rock first. But can he do it twice without getting clobbered by the giant? I want to believe he cannot.


One headline match in Delta, and that's about it. Gibson/Steele has some implications, but it's not super exciting by the numbers?

(2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (6-3, OVR 423) vs. (1) Diamond (8-1, OVR 460)* [Career: Diamond, 1 - 0]

I like you, John, but Diamond is running away with the division and you ain't stopping her.

(3) Erick Gibson (6-3, OVR 438) vs. (6) Mickey Steele (4-5, OVR 414)* [Career: Mickey Steele, 1 - 0]

I dunno, man. I just got a feelin'. Gibson's just too good for Delta, and Steele seems like he's not quite there yet. Any Given Friday (because that's when the League films the show) rules are in effect, but eh.

(4) Terrance Stevens (5-4, OVR 448)* vs. (8) George Stevens (1-8, OVR 384) [Career: Terrance Stevens, 1 - 0]

Boot to the head. And one for Jenny and the wimp.

(7) Terra Harding (1-8, OVR 403) vs. (5) Scott Stevens (5-4, OVR 408)* [Career: Scott Stevens, 1 - 0]

It should not take so many piledrivers this time. What flukey luck that was, and she still lost.

Edited by Eternal Phoenix
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BREAKING: Will Prydor to make on-screen announcement on this week’s episode

A press release sent out from The League’s headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland has indicated that the principal owner and founder of The League will be on hand at The Aerie this week to make an important announcement.

When asked to elaborate, Prydor simply said, “The announcement in question will simply be made this Friday during the recording of the episode. I will provide no further comment on this matter.”

Prydor also was reticent when asked about the verbal confrontation with his protégé, Nocturne, during last week’s show, and only stated that “it is being handled internally.”

Members of The League’s discussion forums have remarked that this seems out of character for Prydor, who has generally been open and upfront about the public business of The League. Speculation has gone from Erick Gibson attempting a hostile takeover of The League, to the entire roster threatening to walk due to unsafe working conditions concerning Nuclear Templeton, and even to Prydor preparing to sign The League over to his wife due to medical reasons unrelated to The League.

Whatever Prydor’s announcement is, it won’t be known until Week Ten airs on YouTube Saturday morning barring a leak from The Aerie on Friday night.

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Thursday already? Where does the time go. 🥴




SUBMISSION MATCH: (7) Lucas Molina (3-6, OVR 494)* vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (6-3, OVR 618)

- What's this? The defending champ in a Submission match against the top technician in the League? Hmm, do you think he pissed off someone in management?

(1) Brandy McDonald (7-2, OVR 578)* vs. (3) George Mastachas (6-3, OVR 588)

- A big win here puts Brandy firmly in the driver's seat for the rest of the season.

(4) Brian Blackfield (5-4, OVR 584)* vs. (6) Reverend Johnny Gross (4-5, OVR 525)

- The shine may have worn off, but I think the Juggernaut is still too much for the Reverend.

(8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-8, OVR 525)* vs. (5) Christian Priest (4-5, OVR 585)

- Priest can't afford any mistakes against JPO if he's going to stay out of the relegation zone.



(5) Diego Rodriguez (5-4, OVR 499)* vs. (2) Billy Norris (5-4, OVR 545)

- Based on a sample size of one, statistical analysis shows that Rodriguez has completely dominated this match-up! 🤔

(1) Kichi Hida (8-1, OVR 476)* vs. (4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (5-4, OVR 517)

- Sure, Yoshii could win.

LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (3) Monty Dhillon (5-4, OVR 530)* vs. (7) Angela Wassermann (4-5, OVR 458)

- Match type does Wassermann no favours.

(6) De'siree Mitchell (4-5, OVR 521)* vs. (8) Pulsar (0-9, OVR 476)

- Pulsar might wanna just lay down.



(4) Blood River (5-4, OVR 480)* vs. (5) Markus Clay (5-4, OVR 454)

- River won last time (and the time before that).

(3) Leon de Ramos (6-3, OVR 437)* vs. (1) Lance Heartilly (7-2, OVR 449)

- I'm surprised this wasn't booked as a hardcore or first blood match. 😜

(8) Nocturne (1-8, OVR 406) vs. (2) Indigo Rose (6-3, OVR 484)*

- At least Dani might learn something this week... oh snap!

EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (7) Rock Sheridan (3-6, OVR 419) vs. (6) Daniel Simmons (3-6, OVR 447)*

- Clash of the Shitty Seasons! But seriously, I've lost all faith in Simmons.



- Nothing interesting to say about any of this week's Delta matches. Steele is the only questionable pick but I always stick by my guys.

(2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (6-3, OVR 423) vs. (1) Diamond (8-1, OVR 460)*

(3) Erick Gibson (6-3, OVR 438) vs. (6) Mickey Steele (4-5, OVR 414)*

(4) Terrance Stevens (5-4, OVR 448)* vs. (8) George Stevens (1-8, OVR 384)

(7) Terra Harding (1-8, OVR 403) vs. (5) Scott Stevens (5-4, OVR 408)*

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Lucas Molina

George Mastachas

Brian Blackfield

Christian Priest


Diego Rodriguez

Kichi Hida

Monty Dhillon

De'siree Mitchell


Blood River

Leon de Ramos

Indigo Rose




Mickey Steele

Terrance Stevens

Scott Stevens



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uuVaRmi.jpg (7) Terra Harding (1-8, OVR 403)


(5) Scott Stevens (5-4, OVR 408)* fYy1oxq.jpg fTtB0pK.jpg

Once again, Terra Harding found herself to be a “tough out” for The Scorpion. Unlike last time, where it took multiple piledrivers to put her down, it only took him one to finish the deal…on his seventh attempt, after two Toxic Stings failed to end the match before that. Try as she might, Harding simply couldn’t absorb all the punishment Stevens could dish out, and suffered her ninth loss of the season. This also ensured that her stay on the main roster was a one-and-done deal, and she would be relegated to the Omega Division for Season Thirteen.

Scott Stevens (6-4) def. Terra Harding (1-9) via Pinfall (Deep in the Heart of Texas) in 12:48.  Rating: ***

Changes for Scott Stevens:  OVR + 3.23, XP + 526.66, minor damage to head

Changes for Terra Harding:  OVR -0.11, XP + 131.66, moderate damage to head



6r4P9L8.jpg (4) Terrance Stevens (5-4, OVR 448)*


(8) George Stevens (1-8, OVR 384) UOpfoyB.jpg fTtB0pK.jpg

Terrance managed to keep George off-balance for a fair portion of the match, though the much-larger of the Stevens did manage to get some offense in. But when George decided that he needed to get his wind back after a strong charging forearm that sent Terrance to the outside…twice…that opened the door enough for Terrance to fight his way back. Only one attempt at the Meltdown was needed, and with a boot to the head, Terrance remains in the hunt for a return to the Gamma Division.

Terrance Stevens (6-4) def. George Stevens (1-9) via Pinfall (Maple Leaf Meltdown) in 11:29.  Rating: ***

Changes for Terrance Stevens:  OVR + 3.18, XP + 525.97, minor damage to head

Changes for George Stevens:  OVR -0.10, XP + 131.49, moderate damage to head



5vWV1hg.jpg (7) Rock Sheridan (3-6, OVR 419)


(6) Daniel Simmons (3-6, OVR 447)* zd1WDAc.jpg

The fact that you’re not immediately reading Bob Sinclair’s opening lines shows that this was not the Match of the Night. But only by a margin of four minutes.

Daniel Simmons dominated the first round, only to be immediately slowed down in the second as Sheridan asserted himself with his size and power advantage. Rock also debuted a new move in the second round, a variated full nelson bomb dubbed the Hilltop Fall. Simmons wasn’t sure what else to expect, and less than two minutes into the third round, Sheridan scored the first fall with a Tacoma Choke Slam, but couldn’t find a second before the round ended.

Sheridan looked ready to end it in the fourth, but did not account for Simmons toughing it out through the pain and being ragdolled around the ring. With twenty seconds left in round four, Simmons applied Quitting Time, and Sheridan was saved by the bell as he was ready to tap to concede the second fall. Just thirty-six seconds into the fifth round, Simmons did get his submission victory, but via a sleeper hold when Sheridan simply tapped before he could pass out. Frankie Garnett on commentary questioned this ploy, but was forced to eat his words some forth seconds later as Simmons nearly got turned inside out by a Grit City Lariat for the third and decisive fall. With the win, Sheridan moves at least temporarily out of the relegation zone, although Daniel Simmons holds the tiebreaker between the two and as such that safety is not guaranteed.

Rock Sheridan (4-6) def. Daniel Simmons (3-7), two falls to one. in 21:26.  Rating: ****

Fall 1: Sheridan pinned Simmons (Tacoma Choke Slam), 11:39

Fall 2: Simmons submitted Sheridan (sleeper hold), 20:47

Fall 3: Sheridan pinned Simmons (Grit City Lariat), 21:26

Changes for Rock Sheridan:  OVR + 5.00, XP + 657.80, moderate damage to head

Changes for Daniel Simmons:  OVR + 1.07, XP + 164.45, major damage to head, minor damage to body



E5dgVEm.jpg O63FjvG.jpg (3) Erick Gibson (6-3, OVR 438)


(6) Mickey Steele (4-5, OVR 414)* vC6SXqZ.jpg OndApuF.jpg

Steele barely got enough offense to avoid this being a squash, and interference from Roxy Rose did nothing to help Mickey in this one. Gibson was too much on this occasion, and avenged his loss to Steele earlier this season by laying the detective out with a Terminable Offense.

Erick Gibson (7-3) def. Mickey Steele (4-6) via Pinfall (Terminable Offense) in 5:55.  Rating: **

Changes for Erick Gibson:  OVR + 2.42, XP + 482.84, no notable damage

Changes for Mickey Steele:  OVR -1.97, XP + 96.57, minor damage to head



BEVGy0x.jpg (8) Nocturne (1-8, OVR 406)


(2) Indigo Rose (6-3, OVR 484)* 2X2r9qf.jpg

While this was one of Nocturne’s better showings this season, Rose was simply too experienced for the twenty-year-old protégé of Will Prydor. A stump puller was enough, as Rose made sure to squat down on the back of Nocturne’s neck to increase the pressure to force the submission. Rose did show Nocturne some love after the bell, acknowledging that she was still improving, and told Nocturne that whichever division both of them end up in next season, Rose still intends to join forces with Nocturne for Tag Team Turmoil.

Indigo Rose (7-3) def. Nocturne (1-9) via Submission (stump puller) in 14:53.  Rating: **

Changes for Indigo Rose:  OVR + 3.18, XP + 560.22, minor damage to head

Changes for Nocturne:  OVR -1.81, XP + 140.05, moderate damage to head



zBWrwLg.jpg (3) Leon de Ramos (6-3, OVR 437)*


(1) Lance Heartilly (7-2, OVR 449) 9q89H6M.jpg

Blink, and you miss this one. Despite being in contention for promotion, de Ramos looked severely outclassed as Heartilly basically toyed with the Miracle of Lisbon before a tight STF scored the submission. It took a season for Heartilly to find his footing outside of the Delta Division, but he now finds himself on the brink of moving in to the Beta Division next season.

Lance Heartilly (8-2) def. Leon de Ramos (6-4) via Submission (STF) in 6:09.  Rating: *

Changes for Lance Heartilly:  OVR + 2.65, XP + 509.11, no notable damage

Changes for Leon de Ramos:  OVR -2.86, XP + 127.28, no notable damage



dw4KJ41.jpg (2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (6-3, OVR 423)


(1) Diamond (8-1, OVR 460)* 0rDaDU8.jpg

The third-best match of the night, this was a closely-contested affair between the top two wrestlers in the Delta Division. Diamond in particular was keenly on point this week, limiting Murdoch’s offense to short bursts of high-powered attacks. As such, this match was closer than many would have thought. From about nine-and-a-half minutes in, both wrestlers were looking to execute their finishers to seal the victory, with Murdoch looking for a submission while Diamond seemed ready to land the 24 Karat Kiss. In a move that surprised Murdoch, though, Diamond landed a DDT and immediately went for the Florentine, and Murdoch was stunned enough by the DDT that he didn’t realize he was in danger until it was already too late. Diamond wins another one, and is all but assured a promotion spot with four weeks remaining.

Diamond (9-1) def. "Dirty" John Murdoch (6-4) via Submission (Florentine) in 13:58.  Rating: ****

Changes for Diamond:  OVR + 3.89, XP + 567.82, minor damage to head

Changes for "Dirty" John Murdoch:  OVR + 0.81, XP + 141.96, moderate damage to head



VZFWcYa.jpg hAfQcot.jpg (4) Blood River (5-4, OVR 480)*


(5) Markus Clay (5-4, OVR 454) N0Y594C.jpg

A sprint of a match, this ended rather suddenly when River caught Clay flush on the jaw with a corkscrew kick, knocking Clay unconscious for a good minute or two. Clay was helped back to the locker rooms, and was later cleared from concussion protocol. The sudden ending didn’t help the reception on the contest, though River doesn’t seem to care as he opens the slightest of margins in the middle of the Gamma Division.

Blood River (6-4) def. Markus Clay (5-5) via Pinfall (corkscrew kick) in 6:42.  Rating: **

Changes for Blood River:  OVR + 2.95, XP + 555.70, no notable damage

Changes for Markus Clay:  OVR -1.50, XP + 138.92, minor damage to head



T7PlxOP.jpg (6) De'siree Mitchell (4-5, OVR 521)*


(8) Pulsar (0-9, OVR 476) VfA2MW8.jpg

Pulsar had exactly one chance to finish this with a win, eleven minutes in, when he landed a springboard senton bomb. He didn’t even get a count of two out of it. It was all Mitchell from there, as Pulsar is now four weeks away from ignominy. (And there’s your fifty-cent word of the day, folks!)

De'siree Mitchell (5-5) def. Pulsar (0-10) via Pinfall (All Out Blitz) in 12:48.  Rating: **

Changes for De'siree Mitchell:  OVR + 3.62, XP + 631.99, minor damage to head

Changes for Pulsar:  OVR -1.23, XP + 158.00, moderate damage to head



vz0qqDp.jpg (3) Monty Dhillon (5-4, OVR 530)*


(7) Angela Wassermann (4-5, OVR 458) aOXlwtV.jpg

All right, those of you reading who thought Wassermann stood a chance please raise your hands, then give yourselves a slap on the back of head for thinking that. This was never in any doubt despite some offense from Wassermann, as Monty continues to push his case forward that despite a couple of stumbles he’s ready for a shot in the Alpha Division.

Monty Dhillon (6-4) def. Angela Wassermann (4-6) via Last One Standing (Empire Bomb) in 8:56.  Rating: **

Changes for Monty Dhillon:  OVR + 4.20, XP + 629.57, no notable damage

Changes for Angela Wassermann:  OVR -0.74, XP + 157.39, moderate damage to head



4ZAKk1I.jpg (1) Kichi Hida (8-1, OVR 476)*


(4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (5-4, OVR 517) xHVnvxD.jpg

Nakamatsu had learned a few things since their previous encounter, and also during their short-lived Tag Team Turmoil run. He played the ragdoll for the opening minutes, luring Hida into a false sense of security before storming back into the match. Just shy of nine minutes in, Yoshii connected with the Nakamatsu Driver, only for Hida to pop right back to her feet, screaming something in Japanese that’s best left untranslated, and then immediately hitting a Scrambler headbutt. The adrenaline faded about ninety seconds later with Hida firmly in control of the contest, but one UFO Spin Elbow attempt too many led to Yoshii reclaiming the upper hand…and never letting it go from there. Kichi’s lone attempt at Eternal Violence was avoided and smoothly transitioned into a second Nakamatsu Driver, this one keeping Kichi down for three and breathing new life into the Beta Division promotion hunt!

Yoshii Nakamatsu (6-4) def. Kichi Hida (8-2) via Pinfall (Nakamatsu Driver) in 13:52.  Rating: ***

Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu:  OVR + 4.27, XP + 685.37, moderate damage to head

Changes for Kichi Hida:  OVR + 0.88, XP + 171.34, major damage to head, minor damage to body



G4sbiHU.jpg (5) Diego Rodriguez (5-4, OVR 499)*


(2) Billy Norris (5-4, OVR 545) 6fYIC71.jpg

This match would go a long way to establishing the “second tier” of the Beta Division, as the winner would be two matches behind division leader Kichi Hida with four remaining. To the surprise of many (and if he’s being true to himself, Diego as well), he managed to put Norris down in what was a sprint of a time for the Spanish technician. A submission victory in under twelve minutes in the Beta Division is nothing to sneeze at, as Rodriguez completes the sweep and knocks Norris out of the number-two spot in the division for the moment.

Diego Rodriguez (6-4) def. Billy Norris (5-5) via Submission (Discordant Melody) in 11:49.  Rating: ***

Changes for Diego Rodriguez:  OVR + 4.19, XP + 683.99, minor damage to head

Changes for Billy Norris:  OVR + 0.90, XP + 171.00, minor damage to legs



hYlEAC2.jpg p1IFTGG.jpg (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-8, OVR 525)*


(5) Christian Priest (4-5, OVR 585) YICOeYe.jpg MZ2VDcB.jpg

This match actually had moments where both managers interjected themselves into the contest. Cecile did it first, preventing a Penance from Priest. Ouilette did get some offense in, but not enough to put Christian in any real danger. Pastor Abe Richards would trip up Ouilette to prevent a running forearm, and this drew Corine around to verbally confront Richards. This further distracted Ouilette, and as he shouted at Richards to leave his fiancée alone, Priest chained Penance into Martyrdom for the submission victory. Ouilette is almost doomed to Beta at this point, and needs boatloads of help to avoid relegation after two seasons in Alpha.

Christian Priest (5-5) def. Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-9) via Submission (Martrydom) in 14:58.  Rating: **

Changes for Christian Priest:  OVR + 4.19, XP + 584.62, no notable damage

Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette:  OVR -0.81, XP + 146.16, minor damage to head



Lp89uMT.jpg (4) Brian Blackfield (5-4, OVR 584)*


(6) Reverend Johnny Gross (4-5, OVR 525) d7FEgH5.jpg

With maybe one or two more impactful moments, this would be in contention for match of the night. The two regular partners in Tag Team Turmoil certainly proved their familiarity with each other here, as this was a match that not only featured each man sticking to their strengths, but also working around with defending against their opponent’s preferred offense. Blackfield was first to go for the big guns, but had his Tartan Effect thwarted a couple of times before Gross went for some of the power moves himself. The ending sequence was a sight, as Gross countered a Scotland Destroyer attempt by attempting a backdrop, only for Blackfield to lands on his feet. Almost as if he planned it, Gross turned and caught the Juggernaut with a crisp belly-to-belly suplex that transitioned seamlessly into Come to Jesus for the submission, which Blackfield quickly gave. The two shook hands after the match, both men relishing how competitive this match was between them.

Reverend Johnny Gross (5-5) def. Brian Blackfield (5-5) via Submission (Come to Jesus) in 19:35.  Rating: ***

Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross:  OVR + 4.98, XP + 795.28, minor damage to head

Changes for Brian Blackfield:  OVR + 1.34, XP + 198.82, minor damage to head



gGexPKo.jpg (1) Brandy McDonald (7-2, OVR 578)*


(3) George Mastachas (6-3, OVR 588) FXyrc6C.jpg

The author wishes to note something for the record here. According to the internal algorithm used to determine match order, this should have been the main event. There are two reasons it is not. First, if you haven’t already guessed it by the lack of actual commentary to this point, is that the main event is this week’s Match of the Night. The second is that this match was, to use a cliched expression, “bowling shoe ugly.” Mastachas seemed to falter with a fair bit of his offense and while he got enough in to avoid a squash, it was largely ineffective. McDonald keeps the division lead with a resounding victory, putting even more pressure on Nuclear Templeton in the main event, coming up next!

Brandy McDonald (8-2) def. George Mastachas (6-4) via Pinfall (Brandy with a Twist) in 16:44.  Rating: *

Changes for Brandy McDonald:  OVR + 3.92, XP + 671.04, minor damage to head

Changes for George Mastachas:  OVR -2.48, XP + 167.76, minor damage to head and body



oYmq2Bu.jpg LG3TCXf.jpg (7) Lucas Molina (3-6, OVR 494)*


(2) Nuclear Templeton (6-3, OVR 618) FqeSGy6.jpg KufawJO.jpg

Bob Sinclair: It’s main event time here at The Aerie, in a match with ramifications on both side of the Alpha Division standings!

Frankie Garnett: Indeed, Bob. We just saw Brandy McDonald take care of business to ensure she stays in the Alpha Division lead. Now Nuclear needs to follow suit in a match that’s fraught with peril for him.

Bob Sinclair: Indeed. Contrary to some of his results here, Templeton would rather pummel an opponent into unconsciousness. Molina is one of several competitors in The League to boast a technical background. This has all the makings of Molina completing the sweep in another massive upset, Frankie.

Frankie Garnett: If that happens, Bob, I would suggest leaving. Immediately. Templeton’s not going to be in a mood to be around if Molina gets him a second time this season.

Bob Sinclair: With that said, everyone is in position here in The Aerie. Referee Ed Lewis has the draw for this one, the poor bastard. The bell sounds and this submission match is underway!



(00:07) Molina hit a Single Leg Trip

(00:14) Molina hit a Legdrop To Arm

(00:28) Molina applied a Body Scissors

(00:33) Nuclear broke a Knee Pull

(00:37) Nuclear hit a Face Rake

(00:51) Nuclear applied an Arm Wringer

(00:54) Nuclear hit a Forearm Blow

(01:08) Nuclear hit a Side Headlock Closed Fist

(01:12) Nuclear hit a Face Rake

(01:16) Nuclear hit an Open Handed Chop

(01:26) Nuclear picked up Molina

(01:29) Nuclear hit a Punch

(01:33) Nuclear hit an Open Handed Chop

(01:43) Nuclear picked up Molina

(01:46) Nuclear hit a Punch

(01:49) Nuclear hit a Jab Punch

(02:03) Nuclear applied an Arm Wringer

(02:10) Molina avoided a Punch.

(02:24) Molina applied a Top Wrist Lock

(02:34) Molina hit a Fireman's Carry Takedown

(02:44) Molina picked up Nuclear

(02:49) Nuclear escaped a Standing Arm Bar

(02:54) Nuclear blocked a Snap Mare Takedown

(02:58) Nuclear slipped out the front of a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(03:07) Molina avoided a Forearm Blow.

(03:12) Nuclear blocked a Front Facelock

(03:19) Molina hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(03:23) Nuclear broke an Elbow Drop On Knee

(03:37) Nuclear applied a Side Headlock

(03:42) Molina slipped out of the back of a Hammerlock

(03:46) Molina hit a Forearm To Back

(03:53) Molina hit an Inverted Drop Toe Hold

(03:58) Nuclear broke an Elbow Drop On Knee

(04:02) Nuclear hit an Open Handed Chop

(04:06) Molina broke a Rear Chinlock

(04:13) Molina hit a Snap Mare Takedown

(04:20) Molina hit a Legdrop To Arm

(04:25) Nuclear broke an Elbow Drop On Knee

(04:29) Nuclear hit an Eye Poke

(04:32) Nuclear hit a Forearm Blow

(04:36) Nuclear hit an Eye Poke

(04:50) Nuclear applied an Arm Wringer

(04:54) Nuclear hit an Eye Poke

(04:58) Nuclear hit a Headbutt

(05:06) Lucas Molina very easily moved out of the way from a Fist Drop.


Bob Sinclair: Molina will be well-served this week to keep his head on a swivel, or maybe use Susana Reyes on the outside as a spotter of sorts.

Frankie Garnett: That's if Nuclear doesn't simply go outside the ring and obliterate Reyes himself, Bob. I wouldn't put it past him.



(05:14) Molina picked up Nuclear

(05:28) Molina applied a Front Facelock

(05:42) Molina applied a Top Wrist Lock

(05:45) Molina hit a Forearm Blow

(05:52) Molina hit a Single Leg Trip

(05:56) Molina hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(06:01) Nuclear broke a Body Scissors

(06:04) Nuclear hit a Punch

(06:07) Nuclear hit a Jab Punch

(06:21) Nuclear applied a Side Headlock

(06:41) Nuclear applied a Side Bear Hug

(07:03) Nuclear hit a Backbreaker

(07:07) Molina blocked a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(07:27) Nuclear applied a Rear Chinlock

(07:34) Nuclear picked up Molina from behind

(08:00) Nuclear applied a Full Nelson

(08:24) Nuclear hit a Russian Legsweep

(08:33) Nuclear picked up Molina

(08:43) Nuclear applied a Backbreaker Hold

(09:00) Molina blocked a Side Bear Hug

(09:06) Nuclear hit a Roundhouse Body Punch

(09:12) Susana Reyes distracted Nuclear to prevent an Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop

(09:12) The referee sent Susana Reyes back to the locker room


Bob Sinclair: The referee was quick to pull the trigger on that one, Frankie. It makes me wonder.

Frankie Garnett: Bob, I’m begging you not to finish that thought. Let’s not draw any extra attention to ourselves here, no matter how blatant you think the scenario is!



(09:26) Molina applied an Arm Wringer

(09:30) Nuclear blocked a Snap Mare Takedown

(09:40) Molina hit a Fireman's Carry Takedown

(09:54) Molina applied a Knee Bar

(09:58) Nuclear blocked a Legdrop To Arm

(10:05) Molina hit a Snap Mare Takedown

(10:15) Molina picked up Nuclear

(10:29) Molina applied a Front Facelock

(10:45) Molina applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(10:52) Molina applied a Standing Arm Bar

(11:08) Molina applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(11:22) Molina applied an Arm Wringer

(11:26) Nuclear escaped a Standing Arm Bar

(11:40) Molina applied a Front Facelock

(11:54) Molina applied a Side Headlock

(11:59) Nuclear slipped out of the back of a Juey de Tierra

(12:15) Nuclear hit a Full Nelson Bomb

(12:19) Nuclear hit a Seated Back Kick

(12:26) Nuclear picked up Molina

(12:31) Molina blocked a Tactical Nuke

(12:36) Molina broke a Strong Gut Buster

(12:41) Nuclear blocked a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(12:46) Nuclear broke a Standing Arm Bar

(12:50) Molina slipped out of the back of a Press Powerslam

(12:54) Nuclear broke a Neckbreaker

(13:20) Nuclear applied an Over Shoulder Backbreaker Hold


Frankie Garnett: There’s no way that this is going to win the match, Bob, but it’s a smart tactic by Nuclear here. Start to wear down the head and body, and that’ll make the Radiation Leak more effective.

Bob Sinclair: Templeton’s got a gleam in his eyes, Frankie. Something tells me that it’s not Molina he’s imagining is in the ring with him.



(13:51) Nuclear hit a Strong Gut Buster

(14:10) Nuclear applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(14:27) Molina broke a Radiation Leak

(14:43) Molina applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(14:57) Molina applied a Top Wrist Lock

(15:13) Molina applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(15:23) And Nuclear Templeton gets sent to the canvas courtesy of a Puerto Rican Legsweep!

(15:27) Nuclear slipped out the front of a Single Leg Boston Crab

(15:39) What a Power Surge by Nuclear Templeton!

(15:43) Molina fought back against being picked up

(15:51) Molina applied a Hammerlock

(16:01) Molina hit a Russian Legsweep

(16:07) Molina picked up Nuclear

(16:17) Molina with the PR Legwhip, he's trying to dislocate Nuclear's knee!

(16:23) Molina picked up Nuclear

(16:33) And Nuclear Templeton gets sent to the canvas courtesy of a Puerto Rican Legsweep!

(16:42) Molina picked up Nuclear

(16:47) Nuclear broke a PR Legwhip

(16:51) Molina blocked a Tactical Nuke

(17:07) Look out! Nuclear Templeton has deployed a Tactical Nuke!

(17:12) Molina fought back against being picked up

(17:19) Molina applied a Standing Arm Bar

(17:29) And Nuclear Templeton gets sent to the canvas courtesy of a Puerto Rican Legsweep!

(17:43) Molina applied a Body Scissors


Frankie Garnett: Molina looking to wear down Nuclear here, but he’s got a way to go with that yet. Nuclear’s stamina is unrivaled in The League.

Bob Sinclair: Even so, Frankie, if you have to carry a second person’s weight around for a long period of time, it’s going to sap you. Molina knows this, and that Puerto Rican Pinch maneuver of his is quite good at sapping an opponent’s energy. He’s probably waiting to set Nuclear up for it.



(17:47) Nuclear escaped a Single Leg Boston Crab

(17:51) Nuclear broke a PR Legwhip

(18:07) Look out! Nuclear Templeton has deployed a Tactical Nuke!

(18:15) Nuclear picked up Molina

(18:22) Molina countered an Armageddon Lariat with a Side Headlock Takedown

(18:27) Nuclear fought back against being picked up

(18:32) Molina blocked a DDT

(18:36) Molina slipped out of the back of an Over Shoulder Backbreaker Hold

(18:46) Molina hit a Russian Legsweep

(18:56) Molina picked up Nuclear

(19:06) Nuclear Templeton just received some cold Greetings from San Juan!

(19:11) Nuclear fought back against being picked up

(19:23) Nuclear hit a Triple Forearm Blow

(19:34) Nuclear got a near submission

(20:00) Lucas Molina with a trademark Patillas Leglock, and Nuclear Templeton has to fight to get out if it!

(20:13) Molina got a near submission

(20:17) Nuclear broke a Humacao Armlock

(20:27) Molina broke a Radiation Spike

(20:53) Nuclear Templeton gets taken down, and Lucas Molina has that Juey de Tierra locked in...


Bob Sinclair: And now we see where Lucas Molina is most dangerous, Frankie.

Frankie Garnett: Unlike Nuclear, Molina has several other holds that can end matches in addition to two big finishing holds. In a match of this type, that’s an advantage that simply cannot be overlooked.



(21:14) Nuclear Templeton just received some cold Greetings from San Juan!

(21:18) Nuclear blocked a Straightjacket Surfboard

(21:22) Nuclear fought back against being picked up

(21:36) Lucas Molina just got laid out with a Radiation Spike!

(21:46) Nuclear picked up Molina

(21:51) Molina blocked a Radiation Leak

(22:01) Molina countered a Radiation Leak with a Greetings from San Juan

(22:05) Nuclear broke a Straightjacket Surfboard

(22:15) Nuclear hit a Short Arm Back Elbow

(22:21) Molina easily avoided a Seated Back Kick.

(22:25) Nuclear broke a PR Legwhip

(22:35) Nuclear applied a Backbreaker Hold

(23:16) Nuclear applied an Over Shoulder Backbreaker Hold

(23:27) Nuclear got a near submission

(23:34) Molina countered a Radiation Leak with a Small Package

(23:38) Nuclear blocked a Stump Puller

(23:43) Nuclear rolled through a Molina Bodylock

(23:47) Molina blocked a DDT

(23:54) Molina countered a Strong Charging Forearm with a Side Headlock Takedown

(23:58) Nuclear fought back against being picked up

(24:03) Molina broke a Radiation Spike

(24:10) Molina applied a Standing Arm Bar

(24:17) Molina hit a DDT

(24:21) Nuclear blocked a Molina Bodylock

(24:41) Molina goes to the leg, and has his patented Heel Hook locked in on Nuclear!

(24:52) Molina got a near submission

(25:18) Lucas Molina has got Nuclear Templeton held up in the Maunabo Crab!


Bob Sinclair: Molina’s got Nuclear stacked up well there, and with a knee on his head, in the middle of the ring!

Frankie Garnett: Templeton’s hands are flying around, trying to find something to grab to give himself some leverage! He’s trying to push the knee off his head, but the bad angle causes his hands to slip; he does it again and the hand again hits the mat…wait, why is the official calling for the bell?!

Bob Sinclair: Oh, no. I think I know, Frankie.

Frankie Garnett: Then enlighten the rest of us!

Bob Sinclair: Let’s look at the reply from the angle of the official here…he heard the hand hitting twice, and looked in time to see the hand actually hit that second time. He though Nuclear tapped out!

Frankie Garnett: But he wasn’t!

Bob Sinclair: I know that, Frankie. You know that. I think even Molina knows that. The ref didn’t.

Frankie Garnett: Then Bob, I’ll leave you to it. I’m getting out of here while I still have the ability to run!

Bob Sinclair: Frankie, get back here!

Frankie’s headset hits the desk, followed a moment later by Bob’s as he tries to corral Frankie into going back to the commentary desk. Molina has gotten out of the ring, well away from the official who is currently being verbally destroyed by Templeton in the ring. The official has made the decision…but at what cost to his health?


Lucas Molina (4-6) def. Nuclear Templeton (6-4) via Submission (Maunabo Crab) in 25:30.  Rating: ****

Changes for Lucas Molina:  OVR + 5.92, XP + 809.14, minor damage to head and body

Changes for Nuclear Templeton:  OVR + 2.36, XP + 365.36, minor damage to head

This was the Match of the Night (4 [3rd this season] for Lucas Molina, 7 [2nd this season] for Nuclear Templeton)


(Author’s note: Susana Reyes’ share of the XP purse for interfering: 202.38 XP. Debate amongst yourselves if that was worth the cost.)



(The author wishes to apologize in advance if his characterization of Nuclear Templeton is off compared to what has been presented previously.)

Referee Ed Lewis is still stating his case when Templeton picks him up into a press position, and then drills the hapless official into the mat with a powerslam. Not satisfied, Templeton then proceeds to clobber the official with an Armageddon Lariat, and the official lies in the ring in a heap, not moving. Templeton shouts in anger, and sees the abandoned commentary table before a gleam gets into his eyes. Nuclear leaves the ring and storms up to the commentary desk, looking for more stuff to break in his displeasure when suddenly…

Will Prydor: Templeton!!

Nuclear stiffens slightly, the cameras catching a sinister grin crossing his face as he turns to face The League’s founder, who is emerging from the locker room with a microphone in hand.

Will Prydor: This has gone on long enough! For the last few months, you have done everything you can to try to run roughshod over The League, the rules be damned! You’ve threatened and harmed non-wrestlers, you’ve destroyed League property, and you’ve made the entire locker room a minefield where people fear to step for risk of your temper blowing up in their faces!

While Prydor has been talking, Nuclear has found a microphone of his own (helpfully provided by Tony Mortis) with which to respond.

Nuclear Templeton: And just what are you planning to do about it, Firebird? You’ve got no power left here, they don’t fear you like they do me!

Prydor pauses for all of a moment before pressing on.

Will Prydor: I’m sure even you have heard of the “carrot or stick” scenario. But just in case, let me spell this out so you and that Italian you call a “friend” can understand. As it stands, there are four weeks left in The League’s season. If at any point between now and then you threaten another person in The League who is not your direct opponent that week, or you destroy any more League property intentionally, or just in general continue to sow discord in The League…then you will leave me no choice. At the end of the season, you and Tony Mortis will be fired, with cause, and I will begin legal proceedings to recover wages and damages from your actions over the last three seasons. In terms even you can understand, Nuclear, I will end your careers, professionally and financially, and your so-called “friends” be damned in the process!

Anything further that he would say is drowned out by the several hundred people in The Aerie cheering this announcement. Prydor waits a few seconds, letting Nuclear’s ire build even more, before he waves for silence to continue.

Will Prydor: So, Nuclear, that’s the stick part of the deal. Here’s the carrot. If you somehow manage to behave yourself for the next month, and that’s a rather big IF…then you’ll get exactly what you want.

Nuclear Templeton: You’re going to hand over The League to my associates since you can’t run it anymore?  It’s about time!

Will Prydor: …you didn’t let me finish, Nuclear. As I was saying…if you manage to go without incident for the entire month, you’ll get exactly what you want: the chance to punch me in the face, and to do it more than once. You see, Nuclear…you and me. Inside that ring there. One hour. And I’ll even sweeten the deal. That one hour? Guaranteed…as an Iron Man match. Should you manage to get more falls on me in that hour, I will surrender my entire stake in The League and give it to you.

The anger originally seen on Nuclear’s face becomes that same sinister grin he was sporting when Prydor first came out.

Nuclear Templeton: So, Let me get this right. You are saying you are going to step in that ring on your own. To fight me. Knowing that I am going to take the entire League from you? Hell, Firebird, if you wanted to leave The League you could just say so!

Prydor lowers the mic and goes to turn towards the locker room, but stops at Templeton’s laugh. When he turns back around to face Nuclear, the look on Prydor’s face is downright murderous.

Will Prydor: Oh, by the way, Templeton…I almost forgot. You see, it’s not really a fair wager if you don’t have some skin in the game, too. I’ve already laid out what I’m putting at stake. Now let me tell you what I demand from you: your contract, and that of Tony Mortis.

The Aerie is completely silent, listening to the drama unfold.

Will Prydor: If I win this Iron Man match, both of you are done. No lawsuits, no damages, nothing like the scorched earth of the “stick” part of this proposal. Think of it as a “Loser Leaves Town” match, if you will. If you lose this match, to someone who has not wrestled a competitive match in over six years, then you and your so-called friends simply…disappear like ash on the wind. Your League careers are over.

The crowd in The Aerie absorbs that bit of news, as Prydor stares at Templeton, unmoving.

Will Prydor: So there are your options, Nuclear. Make your choice. The carrot, or the stick?

There is a lengthy pause as Tony Mortis consults with Templeton, away from the range of the microphone in Nuclear’s hand. Finally, with a nod, Mortis gestures for Nuclear to answer The League’s owner.

Nuclear Templeton: Tell your little girl that in four weeks, she ain’t gonna have a dad anymore. I ACCEPT!

Nuclear slams the microphone to the floor as he stares at the passive face of Will Prydor, who lets out a slight, Mona Lisa smile at what has just happened. It is on that shot of Prydor’s face that the show ends.







X – clinched promotion

Y – clinched division title

Z – clinched relegation



1.  Brandy McDonald:  8-2, ATV 14:23 (AMR 2.200), OVR 581.93

2.  Nuclear Templeton:  6-4, ATV 18:52 (AMR 2.800), OVR 619.95

3.  George Mastachas:  6-4, ATV 14:41 (AMR 2.300), OVR 585.94

4.  Brian Blackfield:  5-5, ATV 16:56 (AMR 3.000), OVR 585.62

5.  Christian Priest:  5-5, ATV 16:11 (AMR 3.000), OVR 588.97

6.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  5-5, ATV 17:34 (AMR 2.300), OVR 530.04

7.  Lucas Molina:  4-6, ATV 18:41 (AMR 2.700), OVR 499.98

8.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  1-9, ATV 19:42 (AMR 2.500), OVR 524.50

Ouilette is relegated with: loss, OR Priest win AND Gross win

6-4 tie is broken by simple head-to-head

5-5: Blackfield has a better combined head-to-head record (2-1) than Priest (1-1) and Gross (1-2). Priest then wins the remainder via simple head-to-head.



1.  Kichi Hida:  8-2, ATV 12:06 (AMR 3.000), OVR 476.70

2.  Monty Dhillon:  6-4, ATV 9:18 (AMR 2.300), OVR 533.71

3.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  6-4, ATV 16:51 (AMR 2.400), OVR 521.23

4.  Diego Rodriguez:  6-4, ATV 12:46 (AMR 2.200), OVR 502.77

5.  Billy Norris:  5-5, ATV 11:32 (AMR 2.400), OVR 546.15

6.  De'siree Mitchell:  5-5, ATV 11:01 (AMR 2.400), OVR 524.36

7.  Angela Wassermann:  4-6, ATV 12:13 (AMR 2.300), OVR 457.36

z-8.  Pulsar:  0-10, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.600), OVR 474.41

6-4: Dhillon has a better combined head-to-head record (2-0) than Nakamatsu (2-1) or Rodriguez (0-3). Nakamatsu then wins the remainder via simple head-to-head.

5-5 tie is broken by simple head-to-head



1.  Lance Heartilly:  8-2, ATV 10:26 (AMR 1.800), OVR 451.28

2.  Indigo Rose:  7-3, ATV 11:43 (AMR 2.000), OVR 486.80

3.  Blood River:  6-4, ATV 11:20 (AMR 2.400), OVR 482.81

4.  Leon de Ramos:  6-4, ATV 12:51 (AMR 2.100), OVR 433.93

5.  Markus Clay:  5-5, ATV 11:35 (AMR 2.300), OVR 452.15

6.  Rock Sheridan:  4-6, ATV 12:50 (AMR 2.100), OVR 423.98

7.  Daniel Simmons:  3-7, ATV 12:43 (AMR 2.100), OVR 447.91

8.  Nocturne:  1-9, ATV 12:49 (AMR 2.000), OVR 404.43

Nocturne is relegated with: loss AND Sheridan win

6-4 tie is broken by victory time against opponent (River 5:46, de Ramos 12:22).



1.  Diamond:  9-1, ATV 8:49 (AMR 2.300), OVR 464.23

2.  Erick Gibson:  7-3, ATV 9:45 (AMR 3.000), OVR 440.27

3.  Terrance Stevens:  6-4, ATV 11:48 (AMR 2.600), OVR 451.56

4.  Scott Stevens:  6-4, ATV 9:14 (AMR 2.600), OVR 411.34

5.  "Dirty" John Murdoch:  6-4, ATV 11:52 (AMR 3.100), OVR 423.69

6.  Mickey Steele:  4-6, ATV 8:47 (AMR 2.600), OVR 411.95

z-7.  Terra Harding:  1-9, ATV 12:04 (AMR 2.900), OVR 403.24

8.  George Stevens:  1-9, ATV 6:31 (AMR 2.300), OVR 384.40

6-4: T. Stevens has a better combined head-to-head record (2-1) than S. Stevens (1-1) and Murdoch (1-2). S. Stevens then wins the remainder via simple head-to-head.

1-9 tie is broken by simple head-to-head



As the season is now in the second half, the “proper” scores will be shown with the bottom two weeks removed, and players ranked accordingly.

1. Derek B: 90 [total: 107—drop weeks 9 {9} and 7 {8}. This week: 9]

2. Croquemitaine: 88 [total: 106—drop weeks 2 {9} and 4 {9}. This week: 12]

3. Eternal Phoenix: 86 [total: 102—drop weeks 6 {8} and 7 {8}. This week: 13]

4. SeanMcG: 84 [total: 84—drop weeks 6 {0} and 9 {0}. This week: 11]

5. Jman2k3: 83 [total: 91—drop weeks 2 {8} and 9 {0}. This week: 11]





(5) Christian Priest (5-5, OVR 589)* vs. (3) George Mastachas (6-4, OVR 586) [Career: Christian Priest, 1 - 0]

(6) Reverend Johnny Gross (5-5, OVR 530)* vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (6-4, OVR 620) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 4 - 1]

(7) Lucas Molina (4-6, OVR 500) vs. (1) Brandy McDonald (8-2, OVR 582)* [Career: Brandy McDonald, 1 - 0]

(8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-9, OVR 524) vs. (4) Brian Blackfield (5-5, OVR 586)* [Career: Brian Blackfield, 4 - 1]


(6) De'siree Mitchell (5-5, OVR 524) vs. (5) Billy Norris (5-5, OVR 546)* [Career: Billy Norris, 1 - 0]

(2) Monty Dhillon (6-4, OVR 534)* vs. (4) Diego Rodriguez (6-4, OVR 503) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 3 - 0]

(7) Angela Wassermann (4-6, OVR 457) vs. (3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (6-4, OVR 521)* [Career: Yoshii Nakamatsu, 5 - 0]

(z-8) Pulsar (0-10, OVR 474) vs. (1) Kichi Hida (8-2, OVR 477)* [Career: Kichi Hida, 1 - 0]


TABLES MATCH: (3) Blood River (6-4, OVR 483)* vs. (1) Lance Heartilly (8-2, OVR 451) [Career: Blood River, 1 – 0. Career in Tables matches: River 2 – 0, Heartilly 0 – 1]

(7) Daniel Simmons (3-7, OVR 448) vs. (2) Indigo Rose (7-3, OVR 487)* [Career: Daniel Simmons, 2 - 1]

(6) Rock Sheridan (4-6, OVR 424) vs. (4) Leon de Ramos (6-4, OVR 434)* [Career: Rock Sheridan, 2 - 1]

SUBMISSION MATCH: (5) Markus Clay (5-5, OVR 452)* vs. (8) Nocturne (1-9, OVR 404) [Career: Markus Clay, 1 – 0. Career record in Submission matches: Clay 2 – 2, Nocturne N/A]


(6) Mickey Steele (4-6, OVR 412) vs. (1) Diamond (9-1, OVR 464)* [Career: Diamond, 2 - 1]

(3) Terrance Stevens (6-4, OVR 452)* vs. (4) Scott Stevens (6-4, OVR 411) [Career: Terrance Stevens, 1 - 0]

(2) Erick Gibson (7-3, OVR 440)* vs. (7) Terra Harding (1-9, OVR 403) [Career: Erick Gibson, 1 - 0]

(8) George Stevens (1-9, OVR 384) vs. (5) "Dirty" John Murdoch (6-4, OVR 424)* [Career: "Dirty" John Murdoch, 1 - 0]



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George Mastachas

Nuclear Templeton

Brandy McDonald

Brian Blackfield


Billy Norris

Monty Dhillon

Yoshii Nakamatsu

Kichi Hida


Lance Heartilly

Indigo Rose

Leon de Ramos

Markus Clay


Mickey Steele

Scott Stevens

Erick Gibson

"Dirty" John Murdoch

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Ah Nukes, you were doing so well in that match and hit so many high level moves.... at least you're keeping things interesting, carrying the whole League here right now! 😮




(5) Christian Priest (5-5, OVR 589)* vs. (3) George Mastachas (6-4, OVR 586) [Career: Christian Priest, 1 - 0]

(6) Reverend Johnny Gross (5-5, OVR 530)* vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (6-4, OVR 620) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 4 - 1]

(7) Lucas Molina (4-6, OVR 500) vs. (1) Brandy McDonald (8-2, OVR 582)* [Career: Brandy McDonald, 1 - 0]

(8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-9, OVR 524) vs. (4) Brian Blackfield (5-5, OVR 586)* [Career: Brian Blackfield, 4 - 1]


(6) De'siree Mitchell (5-5, OVR 524) vs. (5) Billy Norris (5-5, OVR 546)* [Career: Billy Norris, 1 - 0]

(2) Monty Dhillon (6-4, OVR 534)* vs. (4) Diego Rodriguez (6-4, OVR 503) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 3 - 0]

(7) Angela Wassermann (4-6, OVR 457) vs. (3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (6-4, OVR 521)* [Career: Yoshii Nakamatsu, 5 - 0]

(z-8) Pulsar (0-10, OVR 474) vs. (1) Kichi Hida (8-2, OVR 477)* [Career: Kichi Hida, 1 - 0]


TABLES MATCH: (3) Blood River (6-4, OVR 483)* vs. (1) Lance Heartilly (8-2, OVR 451) [Career: Blood River, 1 – 0. Career in Tables matches: River 2 – 0, Heartilly 0 – 1]

(7) Daniel Simmons (3-7, OVR 448) vs. (2) Indigo Rose (7-3, OVR 487)* [Career: Daniel Simmons, 2 - 1]

(6) Rock Sheridan (4-6, OVR 424) vs. (4) Leon de Ramos (6-4, OVR 434)* [Career: Rock Sheridan, 2 - 1]

SUBMISSION MATCH: (5) Markus Clay (5-5, OVR 452)* vs. (8) Nocturne (1-9, OVR 404) [Career: Markus Clay, 1 – 0. Career record in Submission matches: Clay 2 – 2, Nocturne N/A]


(6) Mickey Steele (4-6, OVR 412) vs. (1) Diamond (9-1, OVR 464)* [Career: Diamond, 2 - 1]

(3) Terrance Stevens (6-4, OVR 452)* vs. (4) Scott Stevens (6-4, OVR 411) [Career: Terrance Stevens, 1 - 0]

(2) Erick Gibson (7-3, OVR 440)* vs. (7) Terra Harding (1-9, OVR 403) [Career: Erick Gibson, 1 - 0]

(8) George Stevens (1-9, OVR 384) vs. (5) "Dirty" John Murdoch (6-4, OVR 424)* [Career: "Dirty" John Murdoch, 1 - 0]



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Two-parter of assorted statistical information forthcoming. You have been warned.


After Season Twelve, Week Ten: Four weeks remaining



AUTHOR’S NOTE: When I mention “tied for second” or “tied for seventh”, I mean any scenarios where whomever wins/loses the tiebreaker would be in second or seventh place in the standings, respectively. As an example: if the bottom of a division had 5-9, 5-9, 5-9, 1-13 for positions five through eight, all those 5-9 records would be considered “tied for seventh” and thus at risk of relegation depending on who lost the tiebreakers, even though the common parlance is “tied for fifth” as that’s the highest one could reach. On the upper half, a look of 9-5, 9-5, 9-5. 6-8 would have the top three positions technically “tied for second” in my outlooks below, even if whoever lost the tiebreakers would not be promoted. Keep this in mind especially for Delta Division, as the drop to Omega happens from fifth-place on down for GMPCs and tertiary PCs.



At the moment, the championship is Brandy McDonald’s to lose. She has a 90.97% chance of finishing at least tied for the division lead, with a 70.26% chance of winning outright, with no tiebreakers involved. Lucas Molina’s upset of Nuclear Templeton last week has thrown a huge gap in the percentages, as it’s Brandy at 91%, Nuclear at 16%, George Mastachas at 12%, and everyone else at less than 4%. While nothing can be set in stone yet, the odds are in heavy favor of Brandy becoming a two-time League Champion.

BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where wrestler is at least tied for the division lead):

Brandy McDonald: 90.973% chance of finishing with a share of the lead, 70.258% of finishing with the outright lead.

Nuclear Templeton: 16.162% chance of finishing with a share of the lead, 4.48% of finishing with the outright lead.

George Mastachas: 12.482% chance of finishing with a share of the lead, 2.68% of finishing with the outright lead.

Reverend Johnny Gross: 3.595% chance of finishing with a share of the lead, 0.323% of finishing with the outright lead.

Brian Blackfield: 2.472% chance of finishing with a share of the lead, 0.201% of finishing with the outright lead.

Christian Priest: 2.209% chance of finishing with a share of the lead, 0.159% of finishing with the outright lead.

Lucas Molina: 0.226% chance of finishing with a share of the lead, mathematically unable to capture outright lead.


Championship-Clinching Scenarios that can happen in Week Eleven:

While the author is sure that something exists out there, he is unable to see it at this time given all the potential tiebreakers that are still awaiting closure. Check back next week.



One wrestler is already assured of finishing tied for seventh or worse. Said wrestler is likely finishing last, and could clinch his ticket back down to Beta this week. While there is a sizable gap to the next-highest chance, with four weeks to go there’s a lot that can change over that time.


BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where wrestler is tied for seventh or worse):

Jean-Paul Ouilette: Guaranteed to finish tied for seventh or worse.

Lucas Molina: 65.741% chance

Christian Priest: 27.838% chance

Brian Blackfield: 24.451% chance

Reverend Johnny Gross: 24.323% chance

George Mastachas: 7.733% chance

Nuclear Templeton: 5.945% chance


Relegation-Clinching Scenarios that can happen in Week Ten:

Jean-Paul Ouilette clinches relegation with a loss (to Brian Blackfield). Ouilette clinches last place in the division with a loss AND a Lucas Molina win (over Brandy McDonald).



If you thought Brandy had a clear path to the top of her division, Kichi Hida’s is even clearer than that. Hida, who has surprised everyone this season as the third person promoted from the Gamma Division, sits at over 97% to promote into Alpha for Season Thirteen. Following her is a three-way clash around the 45% mark, then a pair around the 15% mark. Surprisingly, Angela Wassermann, who is four matches behind the lead and only two out of second, still has a chance to be in contention.


BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where a wrestler is tied for second or better):

Kichi Hida: 97.379% chance

Monty Dhillon: 45.929% chance

Yoshii Nakamatsu: 45.139% chance

Diego Rodriguez: 44.623% chance

De’siree Mitchell: 15.808% chance

Billy Norris: 14.825% chance

Angela Wassermann: 3.278% chance


Promotion-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Ten:

None. Two of the competitors at 6-4 face off and barring some sort of double countout chicanery, one of them will still be within striking distance of Hida after this week should she beat the currently-winless Pulsar.



Pulsar has locked in last place in the division. He is four matches behind Wassermann, and has already been swept by her. As such, there is no reprieve on the books for him this time, he is guaranteed a ticket to Gamma. There’s still some jostling for position to account for seventh place at the moment, though.


BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where wrestler is tied for seventh or worse):

Pulsar: Has clinched last place in the division

Angela Wassermann: 69.995% chance

De’siree Mitchell: 30.212% chance

Billy Norris: 26.892% chance

Yoshii Nakamatsu: 9.338% chance

Diego Rodriguez: 7.523% chance

Monty Dhillon: 6.863% chance


Relegation-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Ten:

None. A bit of separation still needs to happen before seventh place can be sorted out. Both wrestlers at 5-5 face off this week, so someone’s being left in reach of being caught by Wassermann. This is likely going to not be predictable until after Week Twelve at the earliest.



This is a clear two-horse race at the top of the standings, with two others who realistically have chances at moving into the upper half of The League…and for one of them, it would be a return to Beta after four seasons toiling away in Gamma.


BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where a wrestler is tied for second or better):

Lance Heartilly: 94.852% chance

Indigo Rose: 76.010% chance

Blood River; 36.899% chance

Leon de Ramos: 33.365% chance

Markus Clay: 9.985% chance

Rock Sheridan: 2.539% chance

Daniel Simmons: 0.027% chance (just 18 scenarios)


Promotion-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Ten:

Nothing that clearly stands out to the author. Sure, if Lance beats River and Rock beats Leon, Heartilly would be up three with three to go…but he loses at least one of those tiebreakers. Better to wait for next week to have more clarity.



Despite being two matches behind seventh place, Nocturne still has a very slim chance to escape relegation. There are 128 scenarios in which she avoids relegation, and that starts with both her and Rock Sheridan winning this week. If either of those two matches vary, Nocturne remains at risk—and if she loses, she’s basically guaranteed relegation especially if Daniel Simmons wins, as she loses the tiebreaker to Rock and would in this instance also lose the tiebreaker to Clay.

BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where wrestler is tied for seventh or worse):

Nocturne: 99.805% chance

Daniel Simmons: 83.008% chance

Rock Sheridan: 35.553% chance

Markus Clay: 11.237%

Leon de Ramos: 3.162% chance

Blood River: 2.911% chance

Indigo Rose: 0.171% chance


Relegation-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Ten:

Technically, none. Realistically, Nocturne will be relegated with a loss, but that is not a full on guarantee at this point due to tiebreakers.



The division leader is up three matches on the third-place logjam with four to go. It would take a massive choke job to squander such an opportunity, but stranger things have happened. The fight for second place is what will be the big draw in the Delta Division over the remaining weeks of the season.

BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where a wrestler is tied for second or better):

Diamond: 99.194% chance

Erick Gibson: 68.380% chance

Terrance Stevens: 29.782% chance

Scott Stevens: 27.866% chance

“Dirty” John Murdoch: 26.364%

Mickey Steele: 0.842% chance


Promotion-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Ten:

None. Two of the people at 6-4 face off, and both have yet to finish their season series with Diamond. So tiebreaker shenanigans are still in play at this point.



Terra Harding is already doomed to return to Omega. Terrance Stevens, Erick Gibson, and “Dirty” John Murdoch (being a third PC for SeanMcG) are at risk. George Stevens, being only the second PC for Jman, is not at risk despite being last in the division.

BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where GMPC/tertiary PC wrestler is tied for fifth or worse):

Terra Harding: Has clinched relegation

Terrance Stevens: 47.427% chance

“Dirty” John Murdoch: 47.247% chance

Erick Gibson: 14.993% chance


Relegation-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Ten:

Check back next week, when the logjam for third place has possibly been broken up a bit.




So for a bit of an exercise in pulling out specific data from my master spreadsheet, I got to wondering who had the best single-season increase in OVR in The League’s four-plus seasons. These figures are using the “new” formula that I retroactively applied at the start of this season. Over the next few weeks I’ll be posting a season’s worth of information, with the intent of culminating with the current season’s numbers after Week Fourteen has been posted.

The figures below are presented as follows:

League-wide Change Rank for season. Wrestler: Season Record, OVR Change



The League’s return season saw the League Champion finish second in net OVR gained during the season, and three out of the 32 participants lose OVR from the start, and have yet to return to the main roster to try to make those losses up.



2. Brandy McDonald: 10-4, +44.22 (Ninth-best in The League’s tenure)

3. Nuclear Templeton: 8-6, +39.39

4. Big Scott Weathers: 8-6, +38.29

12. George Mastachas: 7-7, +25.22

14. The Mastodon: 7-7, +23.99

9. Pulsar: 6-8, +28.23

17. De’siree Mitchell: 5-9, +19.05

13. Reverend Johnny Gross: 5-9, +24.06



5. Mel O’Hallister: 9-5, +36.61

6. Billy Norris: 9-5, +35.36

8. Jean-Paul Ouilette: 8-6, +33.86

10. Daniel Simmons: 8-6, +28.08

27. Angela Wassermann: 6-8, +11.28

16. Terrance Stevens: 6-8, +20.96

22. Markus Clay: 5-9, +15.99

19. Indigo Rose: 5-9, +16.90



7. Blood River: 11-3, +33.96

15. Yoshii Nakamatsu: 9-5, +21.70

20. Diamond: 7-7, +16.79

21. Diego Rodriguez: 7-7, +16.67

18. Jun Onoo: 6-8, +16.98

25. Erick Gibson: 6-8, +11.56

28. El Tornado: 5-9, +8.89

26. Jimmy Anarchy: 5-9, +11.35



1. Brian Blackfield: 14-0, +49.38 (Third-best in the tenure of The League)

11. Christian Priest: 10-4, +26.70

23. Monty Dhillon: 9-5, +13.89

24. Sterling Silver: 7-7, +13.66

29. The Siberian Nightmare: 6-8, +6.97

30. Otto von Schwarz: 4-10, -6.80

31. Sin: 3-11, -7.40 (Seventh-worst in The League’s tenure)

32. Sven Ulafsson: 3-11, -11.75 (Third-worst in The League’s tenure)

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(5) Christian Priest (5-5, OVR 589)* vs. (3) George Mastachas (6-4, OVR 586)

- The championship is probably out of reach, but this is still a defining match for both of these men. Mastachas has lost his hold on the #2 spot and is in danger of falling back into the pack. Priest has had a slow start in Alpha but can prove he belongs with a big win here.

(6) Reverend Johnny Gross (5-5, OVR 530)* vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (6-4, OVR 620)

- An angry, fired-up Nuclear Templeton is a... well, pretty much the normal Nuclear Templeton.

(7) Lucas Molina (4-6, OVR 500) vs. (1) Brandy McDonald (8-2, OVR 582)*

- Brandy having a magical season, although Molina is always a tough out.

(8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-9, OVR 524) vs. (4) Brian Blackfield (5-5, OVR 586)*

- JPO had a respectable run in Alpha. It's just about over.



(6) De'siree Mitchell (5-5, OVR 524) vs. (5) Billy Norris (5-5, OVR 546)*

- Sure, why not?

(2) Monty Dhillon (6-4, OVR 534)* vs. (4) Diego Rodriguez (6-4, OVR 503)

- Dhillon probably has to win out if he wants to promote.

(7) Angela Wassermann (4-6, OVR 457) vs. (3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (6-4, OVR 521)*

- Very one-sided rivalry.

(z-8) Pulsar (0-10, OVR 474) vs. (1) Kichi Hida (8-2, OVR 477)*

- They say that everything's greener in Gamma, Pulsar!



TABLES MATCH: (3) Blood River (6-4, OVR 483)* vs. (1) Lance Heartilly (8-2, OVR 451)

- The combination of match type plus previous win swung this pick.

(7) Daniel Simmons (3-7, OVR 448) vs. (2) Indigo Rose (7-3, OVR 487)*

- Simmons came back too soon, maybe?

(6) Rock Sheridan (4-6, OVR 424) vs. (4) Leon de Ramos (6-4, OVR 434)*

- de Ramos is having the better season and took the win last time, but I feel the momentum shifting and could regret this pick.

SUBMISSION MATCH: (5) Markus Clay (5-5, OVR 452)* vs. (8) Nocturne (1-9, OVR 404)

- It's been a miserable season for Nocturne, but this is a winnable match.



(6) Mickey Steele (4-6, OVR 412) vs. (1) Diamond (9-1, OVR 464)*

- Super Homer Pick!

(3) Terrance Stevens (6-4, OVR 452)* vs. (4) Scott Stevens (6-4, OVR 411)

- Terrance has done fairly well in Delta, but the proliferation of PCs here means he needs to promote or die.

(2) Erick Gibson (7-3, OVR 440)* vs. (7) Terra Harding (1-9, OVR 403)

- Gibson no doubt belongs in Gamma, and this will put him one step closer to locking that down.

(8) George Stevens (1-9, OVR 384) vs. (5) "Dirty" John Murdoch (6-4, OVR 424)*

- Murdoch is still fighting for promotion. Stevens is just marking time.

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Well...no huge matches this week. We're not exactly marking time, but this week feels like it's a lot more about next season than this one. Not that the matches don't matter or don't have implications for the title and relegation, but this is sort of a sneak preview of what next season may look like in Alpha.

(5) Christian Priest (5-5, OVR 589)* vs. (3) George Mastachas (6-4, OVR 586) [Career: Christian Priest, 1 - 0]

Case in point. Priest had a rough start, but he's starting to find his feet in the second half. Mastachas's long reign in the top two may in fact have come to an end.

(6) Reverend Johnny Gross (5-5, OVR 530)* vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (6-4, OVR 620) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 4 - 1]

Nuke, however, isn't about to go away quietly. He's not out of the race yet, with four matches left, including a shot against Brandy, but both Priest and especially Molina may have cost him the title.

(7) Lucas Molina (4-6, OVR 500) vs. (1) Brandy McDonald (8-2, OVR 582)* [Career: Brandy McDonald, 1 - 0]

Yeah...I don't think he can do it. The remainder of the season (JPO, Priest, and Mastachas) he's got a chance. But Brandy totally owned him last time, alas.

(8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-9, OVR 524) vs. (4) Brian Blackfield (5-5, OVR 586)* [Career: Brian Blackfield, 4 - 1]

JPO, you had your chance to make your mark a season ago, and you blew it. Back to Beta with you.


Now, Beta? Beta has a headline match and even a co-main. Monty and Diego fight over who gets to be #2 this season, and De'siree and Norris fight over who's fighting for #3.

(6) De'siree Mitchell (5-5, OVR 524) vs. (5) Billy Norris (5-5, OVR 546)* [Career: Billy Norris, 1 - 0]

A classic outspeeding. And possibly outstamina'ing. Only guy in the League who can go longer than Norris is Nuke, and that change only happened this season. Previously Billy was on top.

(2) Monty Dhillon (6-4, OVR 534)* vs. (4) Diego Rodriguez (6-4, OVR 503) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 3 - 0]

Promotion is effectively on the line here, but Diego's never been able to handle Monty. In fact, I think Monty's about set up to win out and take that second spot behind Kichi.

(7) Angela Wassermann (4-6, OVR 457) vs. (3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (6-4, OVR 521)* [Career: Yoshii Nakamatsu, 5 - 0]

5-0 record, plus Yoshii is better than ever? Yeah, sorry Angela. Take yourself to Gamma.

(z-8) Pulsar (0-10, OVR 474) vs. (1) Kichi Hida (8-2, OVR 477)* [Career: Kichi Hida, 1 - 0]

No such thing as enough VIOLENCE.


One headline tables match, but the rest are a little scatter shot. Again, plenty on the line but by the standings only one is a big deal.

TABLES MATCH: (3) Blood River (6-4, OVR 483)* vs. (1) Lance Heartilly (8-2, OVR 451) [Career: Blood River, 1 – 0. Career in Tables matches: River 2 – 0, Heartilly 0 – 1]

I agree. River beat Heartilly last time, and a Tables match is an unfavorable match type for a technician.

(7) Daniel Simmons (3-7, OVR 448) vs. (2) Indigo Rose (7-3, OVR 487)* [Career: Daniel Simmons, 2 - 1]

All aboard the Rose Back to Beta train. Let's go. I'ev been riding the whole season. 

(6) Rock Sheridan (4-6, OVR 424) vs. (4) Leon de Ramos (6-4, OVR 434)* [Career: Rock Sheridan, 2 - 1]

Let's see if Rock's fortunes are truly starting to shift, or if he's still Delta bound.

SUBMISSION MATCH: (5) Markus Clay (5-5, OVR 452)* vs. (8) Nocturne (1-9, OVR 404) [Career: Markus Clay, 1 – 0. Career record in Submission matches: Clay 2 – 2, Nocturne N/A]

You know the rules, and so do I. Technician with submission hold finish vs. non-technician in a Submission match? Bet on the technician.


(6) Mickey Steele (4-6, OVR 412) vs. (1) Diamond (9-1, OVR 464)* [Career: Diamond, 2 - 1]

I don't know if Diamond loses again all season.

(3) Terrance Stevens (6-4, OVR 452)* vs. (4) Scott Stevens (6-4, OVR 411) [Career: Terrance Stevens, 1 - 0]

Schooled Scott before. No reason it should be any different this time. And y'know, it's kind of ironic that Terrance could have his first genuinly good season in, uh, a while, and still ended up flung down to Omega.

(2) Erick Gibson (7-3, OVR 440)* vs. (7) Terra Harding (1-9, OVR 403) [Career: Erick Gibson, 1 - 0]

Jobbers gonna job + Gibson too good for Delta.

(8) George Stevens (1-9, OVR 384) vs. (5) "Dirty" John Murdoch (6-4, OVR 424)* [Career: "Dirty" John Murdoch, 1 - 0]

As someone else said, George is just marking time. Murdoch is fighting for promotion.

Edited by Eternal Phoenix
Oh god too many typos
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School starts in my area on Monday, so today is a mental health day off from work as a way to enjoy one last day of tranquility before the floodgates of child abuse referrals come pouring in for the next nine months non-stop.

Barring any last-minute trainings, the show is written and ready to be posted in the morning. Match of the Night is the only four-star match on the card this week, and surprisingly it's in the lower half of The League.

Updated clinch scenario report will not happen until at least Monday as my work computer is a touch more powerful and can process that monster of a spreadsheet faster than either of my machines at home.

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