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The League, Redux: Seasons 8 and Beyond Game Thread

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Christian Priest

Nuclear Templeton

Lucas Molina

Brian Blackfield


Billy Norris

Monty Dhillon

Yoshii Nakamatsu

Kichi Hida


Blood River

Daniel Simmons

Leon de Ramos



Mickey Steele

Scott Stevens

Erick Gibson

"Dirty" John Murdoch



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fTtB0pK.jpg UOpfoyB.jpg (8) George Stevens (1-9, OVR 384)


(5) "Dirty" John Murdoch (6-4, OVR 424)* dw4KJ41.jpg

A decent opening match to start Week Twelve, this one came down basically to “who could cheat better?” The answer to that, by a clear margin, was Murdoch. After all, a man of George’s size is rather difficult to hide any sort of shenanigans one may be doing. Murdoch simply didn’t care, with a pair of low blows not doing the trick, but instead softening George up for the deadly spinning toe hold submission to keep him in the hunt for the second promotion spot out of Delta.

"Dirty" John Murdoch (7-4) def. George Stevens (1-10) via Submission (Double Cross) in 13:10.  Rating: ***

Changes for "Dirty" John Murdoch:  OVR + 3.24, XP + 526.85, no notable damage

Changes for George Stevens:  OVR -0.11, XP + 131.71, minor damage to head



E5dgVEm.jpg O63FjvG.jpg (2) Erick Gibson (7-3, OVR 440)*


(z-7) Terra Harding (1-9, OVR 403) uuVaRmi.jpg

Gibson nearly made the classic mistake of letting his opponent stay around too long. Harding got a fair bit of offense in over the course of ten minutes, and then it all went away in a flash as her attempt at Burn with Me missed. It took Gibson less than ninety seconds after that to land a Terminable Offense and remain within sight of the division lead.

Erick Gibson (8-3) def. Terra Harding (1-10) via Pinfall (Terminable Offense) in 12:14.  Rating: ***

Changes for Erick Gibson:  OVR + 3.21, XP + 526.36, moderate damage to head

Changes for Terra Harding:  OVR -0.10, XP + 131.59, moderate damage to head



N0Y594C.jpg (5) Markus Clay (5-5, OVR 452)*


(8) Nocturne (1-9, OVR 404) BEVGy0x.jpg

Bob Sinclair: We switch gears for our next match, heading into the Gamma Division and a tale of two wrestlers who are surely asking “what could have been” about their respective seasons, Frankie.

Frankie Garnett: Markus Clay for certain is asking that. He surely thought his season would have been better than 5 wins at this point. As for Nocturne…I’d read on The League’s fan forums that the injury promotion she got was probably the worst thing she could have received, and the Gamma Division as a whole has shown her that, student of Will Prydor’s or not, she isn’t quite ready for that level of competition.

Bob Sinclair: Being a little rough on the young woman, aren’t you?

Frankie Garnett: Truth hurts, Bob. I think it’s a fair point to say that Nocturne has been a massive disappointment this season and she may even agree with me on that. It may take Prydor literally stacking the deck in her favor to give her another win this season.

Bob Sinclair: I’m certain there is no “deck-stacking” at play here, Frankie. Regardless, we’re about ready to get this submission match underway, as both competitors signal that they’re ready…and we are underway with our third match of the evening!



(00:08) Clay applied a Hammerlock

(00:15) Nocturne very easily avoided a Kick To Knee.

(00:23) Nocturne applied a Hammerlock

(00:28) Clay blocked a Rear Amateur Takedown

(00:33) Clay slipped out the front of a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(00:36) Clay hit a Jab Punch

(00:45) Nocturne very easily avoided a Begging Off Eye Poke.

(00:53) Nocturne applied a Hammerlock

(01:07) Nocturne applied an Arm Wringer

(01:21) Nocturne applied a Front Facelock

(01:28) Nocturne hit a Single Leg Trip

(01:48) Nocturne applied a Rear Chinlock

(01:57) Markus Clay very easily moved out of the way from a Knee Drop.

(02:01) Nocturne escaped a Choke Hold

(02:10) Nocturne very easily avoided a Jab Punch.

(02:13) Nocturne hit a Forearm Blow

(02:29) Nocturne applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(02:33) Clay broke an Arm Wringer Takedown

(02:41) Clay applied a Hammerlock

(02:46) Nocturne slipped out of the back of a Running Face Smash

(02:54) Nocturne applied a Hammerlock

(02:58) Clay broke a Russian Legsweep

(03:03) Nocturne blocked a Punch

(03:07) Nocturne blocked a Handshake Sucker Punch

(03:23) Nocturne hit a Spinning Arm Breaker

(03:27) Nocturne hit an Elbow Drop

(03:32) Clay escaped an Arm Bar

(03:39) Nocturne hit a Women's DDT

(03:46) Nocturne hit a Snap Driving Elbow


Bob Sinclair: Nocturne appears to have surprised Clay here, wrestling a little more of an up-tempo match instead of the technical game many associate with her.

Frankie Garnett: I’m still not convinced that she can go between a speed wrestler and a technical one that easily, Bob. There’s a big gap in the skill sets.

Bob Sinclair: That might be the influence of The Aerie’s second-in-command, Frankie. Season Seven’s runner-up, Amelia Midnight, also works with Prydor here at The Aerie.

Frankie Garnett: …you know, now that makes me wonder. Has anyone heard from Wallbanger Jones recently? I think he and Templeton could tear the house down!

Bob Sinclair: Please tell me you don’t mean that literally, Frankie.

Frankie Garnett: ….no comment?



(03:53) Nocturne picked up Clay

(03:58) Clay broke a Women's DDT

(04:02) Clay hit an Eye Poke

(04:05) Clay hit a Begging Off Sucker Punch

(04:14) Clay hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(04:22) Clay applied a Hammerlock

(04:26) Clay hit a Kick To Thigh

(04:29) Clay hit a Punch

(04:36) Clay hit a Running Clothesline

(04:49) Clay hit a Running Half Senton

(04:56) Clay hit a Seated Back Dropkick

(05:05) Nocturne moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(05:10) Clay escaped a Body Scissors

(05:17) Nocturne hit a Knee Plant

(05:22) Clay escaped an Arm Bar

(05:27) Clay broke a Spinning Arm Breaker

(05:31) Nocturne broke a Seated Face Plant

(05:36) Clay blocked a Seated Face Plant

(05:43) Nocturne applied a Standing Arm Bar

(05:53) Nocturne hit a Kneeling Jaw Breaker

(05:58) Clay escaped a Front Facelock

(06:06) Nocturne applied a Hammerlock

(06:10) Clay slipped out the front of a Top Wrist Lock

(06:13) Clay hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(06:17) Clay hit an Eye Poke

(06:21) Nocturne blocked a Spinning Head Scissors

(06:27) Clay hit an Enzuigiri Kick

(06:34) Nocturne moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop.

(06:38) Nocturne hit an Elbow Drop

(06:52) Nocturne applied a Body Scissors


Bob Sinclair: And now Nocturne’s slowing the pace down some. Trying to keep Clay guessing which gear she’s going to be in, either high-speed or slow and methodical.

Frankie Garnett: It’s not going to last, Bob. 1-9 kind of speaks for itself.

Bob Sinclair: And her exploits in Omega and Delta?

Frankie Garnett: We both know Omega doesn’t really count. As for Delta…did she advance on her own merits as a top-two finisher? No? Prosecution rests.



(07:01) Nocturne picked up Clay

(07:08) Nocturne hit a Women's DDT

(07:16) Markus Clay very easily moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop.

(07:25) Nocturne moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop.

(07:29) Nocturne hit a Running Knee Drop

(07:36) Nocturne hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(07:40) Clay fought back against being picked up from behind

(07:43) Clay hit a Punch

(07:57) Clay applied a Front Facelock

(08:05) Clay applied a Hammerlock

(08:11) Clay hit a Dropkick To Outside

(08:16) Nocturne fought back as Clay tried to climb the turnbuckles

(08:20) Clay blocked a Knee Plant

(08:30) Nocturne hit a Seated Face Plant

(08:40) Nocturne picked up Clay from behind

(08:47) Nocturne hit a Neckbreaker

(08:54) Markus Clay very easily moved out of the way from a Snap Driving Elbow.

(09:01) Clay hit a Knee Pull

(09:05) Clay hit a Fist Drop

(09:10) Nocturne broke a Choke Hold

(09:26) Nocturne applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(09:33) Nocturne hit a Chop Block

(09:40) Clay countered a Measured Knee Drop with a Legsweep Kick

(09:47) Clay hit a Half Senton

(09:51) Clay hit a Stomp

(09:58) Clay hit a Seated Back Dropkick

(10:02) Clay leapt up to the top turnbuckle

(10:07) Nocturne shook the ropes to stop a Top Rope Legdrop

(10:12) Clay kicked Nocturne away

(10:22) Clay hit a Top Rope Cross Body Press

(10:30) Nocturne moved out of the way from a Springboard Legdrop.

(10:35) Clay rolled through a Midnight Solstice


Bob Sinclair: Nocturne almost caught him napping there!

Frankie Garnett: That needs to be Clay’s wake up call, Bob. He’s let Nocturne stick around long enough to give a good showing, now put her away!



(10:41) Clay hit a Dropkick To Knee

(10:58) Clay hit a Slingshot Moonsault

(11:02) Nocturne fought back against being picked up from behind

(11:09) Nocturne applied a Standing Arm Bar

(11:16) Nocturne hit a Women's DDT

(11:20) Clay broke a Midnight Solstice

(11:27) Clay hit a Running Forearm Blow

(11:31) Nocturne broke a Rope-Assisted Double Footed Choke

(11:36) Clay broke a Knee Plant

(11:45) Nocturne avoided a Springboard Rana.

(11:55) Nocturne hit a Seated Face Plant

(12:00) Clay slipped out the front of a Midnight Solstice

(12:04) Nocturne blocked a Flying Rana

(12:21) Clay hit a Springboard Rana

(12:32) Clay got a near submission

(12:46) Nocturne applied a Top Wrist Lock

(12:50) Clay broke a Kneeling Jaw Breaker

(12:58) Clay hit a Flying Rana

(13:11) Clay got a near submission

(13:18) Nocturne hit a Single Leg Trip

(13:22) Nocturne hit a Measured Knee Drop

(13:26) Clay blocked a Midnight Solstice

(13:41) Nocturne got a near submission

(13:45) Clay leapt up to the top turnbuckle

(14:01) Clay hit a Top Rope Missile Dropkick

(14:13) Clay got a near submission


Bob Sinclair: Nothing Clay is doing seems to be really endangering Nocturne in terms of a submission.

Frankie Garnett: What did you expect? Clay’s an aerial artist. He’s usually several feet above this whole submission grappling thing!



(14:27) Nocturne applied an Arm Wringer

(14:31) Clay broke a Women's DDT

(14:36) Clay leapt up to the top turnbuckle

(14:52) Clay hit a Top Rope Missile Dropkick

(15:03) Clay got a near submission

(15:10) Nocturne hit a Single Leg Trip

(15:17) Nocturne hit a Knee Pull

(15:21) Nocturne hit a Running Knee Drop

(15:28) Nocturne picked up Clay from behind

(15:35) Nocturne hit a Diving Reverse DDT

(15:39) Nocturne hit a Running Knee Drop

(16:08) Shades of her teacher here, as Nocturne applies the Midnight Solstice!


Bob Sinclair: Nocturne immediately drops to the mat, grapevining the leg, and she’s finally managed to get that hold on tight!

Frankie Garnett: Took her long enough…still has a lot to learn.

Bob Sinclair: Clay trying to pull them both to the ropes…but it’s too much! There’s the submission, and Nocturne finally earns her second win of the season!

Frankie Garnett: Won’t matter, she’s still destined for Delta, Bob.

Bob Sinclair: Frankie, why are you so down on Nocturne?

Frankie Garnett: Look, Bob, back in the day I talked a lot of trash towards Will Prydor, even knowing that he was the boss of this place. He turned out pretty well in League competition in the end. I’m just trying to do the same for Nocturne; she’ll need to learn to deal with the negativity from others eventually!

Bob Sinclair: Somehow, Frankie, given who her teachers are, I do not think that is going to be a problem. Nonetheless, a hard-fought win for Nocturne here to open Gamma Division action tonight!


Nocturne (2-9) def. Markus Clay (5-6) via Submission (Midnight Solstice) in 16:23.  Rating: ****

Changes for Nocturne:  OVR + 4.50, XP + 769.55, minor damage to head

Changes for Markus Clay:  OVR + 1.32, XP + 278.64, moderate damage to head

This was the Match of the Night (1 [1st this season] for Nocturne, 3 [1st this season] for Markus Clay)



5vWV1hg.jpg (6) Rock Sheridan (4-6, OVR 424)


(4) Leon de Ramos (6-4, OVR 434)* zBWrwLg.jpg

This match ended up being a contender for Match of the Night, which was welcome after the actual MotN happened so early in the show. Good contrast of styles, with Sheridan showcasing a lot of his power and size advantage (especially with his new clubbing blow, which Frankie Garnett immediately took to calling “Rock Smash” as if Rock was some large, angry green man) in the early going. Once de Ramos could open up a little space and pick up speed, he started to get Sheridan on the back foot, with liberal use of his Whirlwind Flare to keep the giant off-balance. Sure, Leon ate a spinning backfist once or twice, but he still found enough of an opening to keep Sheridan down on the mat long enough for the Iberian Twist, and it was only mere moments before de Ramos would have lost his grip that Sheridan tapped out.

Leon de Ramos (7-4) def. Rock Sheridan (4-7) via Submission (Iberian Twist) in 13:15.  Rating: ***

Changes for Leon de Ramos:  OVR + 3.75, XP + 605.92, minor damage to head

Changes for Rock Sheridan:  OVR + 0.39, XP + 151.48, minor damage to head



6r4P9L8.jpg (3) Terrance Stevens (6-4, OVR 452)*


(4) Scott Stevens (6-4, OVR 411) fYy1oxq.jpg fTtB0pK.jpg

Round five of the “Stevens Cup” wound up being a decent match, and close to boot as both men were jockeying for position to challenge for second place in the Delta Division. By seven minutes in, Terrance was already looking to kick Scott in the head, and The Scorpion did well to avoid the kick on a few occasions. Likewise, Terrance was able to thwart the piledriver attempt from Scott on a few occasions, as well as a Toxic Sting. A low blow from Scott only netted two, much to the dismay of both Scott and Cary Stevens at ringside. Undaunted, Scott charged back into the fight, only to get countered into a schoolboy that netted two for Terrance. The Canadian was on his feet first and also fastest on the trigger, as he caught Scott right as he turned around with the superkick. The count was academic from there, and Terrance Stevens clinches the unofficial "Stevens Cup" by going 4-0 against the Stevens brothers over the season.

Terrance Stevens (7-4) def. Scott Stevens (6-5) via Pinfall (Maple Leaf Meltdown) in 10:45.  Rating: ***

Changes for Terrance Stevens:  OVR + 3.15, XP + 525.59, minor damage to head

Changes for Scott Stevens:  OVR -0.09, XP + 131.40, minor damage to head



OndApuF.jpg vC6SXqZ.jpg (6) Mickey Steele (4-6, OVR 412)


(1) Diamond (9-1, OVR 464)* 0rDaDU8.jpg

It is the author’s firm belief that if he tried to re-read the match play-by-play, summarize it in his head, and then transfer it to the computer for public consumption, that the process would take longer than the actual match went. Diamond was able to land into sixth place (tentatively) in the "fastest regular match win" standings as she put Steele away with her springboard roundhouse (“disaster”) kick in just under four minutes.

Diamond (10-1) def. Mickey Steele (4-7) via Pinfall (Jawjacker) in 3:54.  Rating: **

Changes for Diamond:  OVR + 2.36, XP + 481.87, no notable damage

Changes for Mickey Steele:  OVR -1.90, XP + 120.47, no notable damage



zd1WDAc.jpg (7) Daniel Simmons (3-7, OVR 448)


(2) Indigo Rose (7-3, OVR 487)* 2X2r9qf.jpg

Rose was not to be deterred on this night. Simmons managed some offense, but it was both limited and sparse. Rose had no such issues, taking just a hair over her average victory time this season to put Simmons down with an STF. There are still tiebreakers to take into account (mainly with Heartilly and River still outstanding), but at this point in the season Rose seems Beta-bound for Season Thirteen.

Indigo Rose (8-3) def. Daniel Simmons (3-8) via Submission (STF) in 12:04.  Rating: *

Changes for Indigo Rose:  OVR + 2.80, XP + 512.11, no notable damage

Changes for Daniel Simmons:  OVR -3.20, XP + 128.03, minor damage to head



VfA2MW8.jpg (z-8) Pulsar (0-10, OVR 474)


(1) Kichi Hida (8-2, OVR 477)* 4ZAKk1I.jpg

Speaking of Beta, the first contest in the second division this evening was a slightly extended version of a Kichi Hida special. Yes, it’s hard for her to put together a four-minute demolition in the Beta Division, so a seven-and-a-half minute one would have to suffice. Pulsar barely got a chance to get in the match before his lights got dimmed by a rolling elbow to further showcase the disparity between the top and bottom spots in the Beta Division. And to think that Pulsar actually spent two seasons in the Alpha Division…one would never have guessed it looking at how this season has gone for the luchador.

Kichi Hida (9-2) def. Pulsar (0-11) via Pinfall (UFO Spin Elbow) in 7:30.  Rating: **

Changes for Kichi Hida:  OVR + 3.47, XP + 628.68, no notable damage

Changes for Pulsar:  OVR -1.03, XP + 157.17, minor damage to head



VZFWcYa.jpg hAfQcot.jpg (3) Blood River (6-4, OVR 483)*


(1) Lance Heartilly (8-2, OVR 451) 9q89H6M.jpg

On paper, this favored the masked man. After all, Heartilly is a technical wrestler, in tried-and-true Canadian fashion. What business would he have with tables? Turns out, enough to know that a simple DDT would do the trick when River missed an enzuigiri. River landed hard and Heartilly simply grabbed a still-kneeling River and drove him head-first through the half-open table. Simple, effective, and enough to allow Lance to maintain his Gamma Division lead.

Lance Heartilly (9-2) def. Blood River (6-5) via Table Break (DDT) in 12:14.  Rating: **

Changes for Lance Heartilly:  OVR + 3.23, XP + 558.75, no notable damage

Changes for Blood River:  OVR -1.47, XP + 139.69, no notable damage



aOXlwtV.jpg (7) Angela Wassermann (4-6, OVR 457)


(3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (6-4, OVR 521)* xHVnvxD.jpg

While not directly called a squash by Maven Deltzer, it probably should have been. Yoshii wasted no time and very little effort in putting Wassermann down for the count with his charging knee, putting the pressure on Monty Dhillon to keep pace in the Beta Division.

Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-4) def. Angela Wassermann (4-7) via Pinfall (DEVASTATION Knee) in 9:22.  Rating: *

Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu:  OVR + 3.23, XP + 577.36, no notable damage

Changes for Angela Wassermann:  OVR -2.55, XP + 144.34, minor damage to head



vz0qqDp.jpg (2) Monty Dhillon (6-4, OVR 534)*


(4) Diego Rodriguez (6-4, OVR 503) G4sbiHU.jpg

Similar to what Erick Gibson did earlier in the night, Dhillon let Rodriguez hang around too long. Unlike what happened to Gibson, Monty was made to rue the day as Diego managed to find another gear and methodically tear the imposing figure of Dhillon down. Rodriguez went deep into the playbook, breaking out an octopus stretch on a couple of occasions as well as a judo armlock takedown that Lucas Molina has made famous before the Harmony of Dissonance finally got the submission victory. In one fell swoop, Dhillon goes from the second promotion spot to the outside looking in!

Diego Rodriguez (7-4) def. Monty Dhillon (6-5) via Submission (Harmony of Dissonance) in 14:31.  Rating: ***

Changes for Diego Rodriguez:  OVR + 4.29, XP + 685.81, minor damage to head

Changes for Monty Dhillon:  OVR + 0.88, XP + 171.45, minor damage to head



T7PlxOP.jpg (6) De'siree Mitchell (5-5, OVR 524)


(5) Billy Norris (5-5, OVR 546)* 6fYIC71.jpg

Mitchell, seeing what Diamond had done earlier in the evening, decided to get in on the speed act as well. The result was a sub-six-minute annihilation of Billy Norris, with a spinning elbow followed by the Blitz being enough to do the trick. Mitchell still needs a lot of help to be in contention to promotion back to Alpha, but the win gives her a little breathing room from the relegation zone.

De'siree Mitchell (6-5) def. Billy Norris (5-6) via Pinfall (All Out Blitz) in 5:42.  Rating: **

Changes for De'siree Mitchell:  OVR + 3.42, XP + 627.56, no notable damage

Changes for Billy Norris:  OVR -0.96, XP + 156.89, minor damage to head



hYlEAC2.jpg p1IFTGG.jpg (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-9, OVR 524)


(4) Brian Blackfield (5-5, OVR 586)* Lp89uMT.jpg

Not really much to report here. Ouilette managed some token offense but that’s about it, as Blackfield was never really in danger. In fact, he wouldn’t even need his biggest weapons to put Ouilette down, needing just a touch over thirteen minutes to pin Ouilette and keep himself on the farthest fringes of the championship hunt. The loss officially confirms what most everyone in The League knew since Tag Team Turmoil as JPO is officially locked into relegation.

Brian Blackfield (6-5) def. Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-10) via Pinfall (full nelson legsweep) in 13:33.  Rating: **

Changes for Brian Blackfield:  OVR + 4.15, XP + 729.76, minor damage to head

Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette:  OVR -0.76, XP + 182.44, minor damage to head



oYmq2Bu.jpg LG3TCXf.jpg (7) Lucas Molina (4-6, OVR 500)


(1) Brandy McDonald (8-2, OVR 582)* gGexPKo.jpg

Molina had a fair bit of offense, nearly getting the submission victory a couple of times with his variety of holds. However, the division leader was simply too much for Lucas. McDonald absorbed everything Molina could dish out, gave it back in kind, and likely surprised Lucas when she transitioned a DDT directly into the bulldog choke. She had the leverage and the element of surprise in her favor, and Molina tapped after about fifteen seconds of struggling to break the hold. While the title is not hers yet, Brandy is right on the cusp of it, with only a tiebreaker still to be resolved with Nuclear Templeton keeping her from her second reign as champion at this very moment.

Brandy McDonald (9-2) def. Lucas Molina (4-7) via Submission (Hair of the Dog) in 14:12.  Rating: **

Changes for Brandy McDonald:  OVR + 4.16, XP + 730.22, no notable damage

Changes for Lucas Molina:  OVR -0.78, XP + 182.56, minor damage to head



d7FEgH5.jpg (6) Reverend Johnny Gross (5-5, OVR 530)*


(2) Nuclear Templeton (6-4, OVR 620) FqeSGy6.jpg KufawJO.jpg

Speaking of Nuclear, he managed to take care of his own business as well, though the fans in The Aerie got to see Tony Mortis take on a role he hadn’t been quite accustomed to in the past: peacekeeper. There were a few times where Templeton’s anger was about to get the better of him, only for Mortis to call from ringside “four weeks.” No more and no less was said, but the reminder of what Templeton had to look forward to was enough to keep him from doing something ruinous. The closing moments of the match were a “greatest hits” of Nuclear’s, with the Tactical Nuke followed immediately by the Armageddon Lariat. Templeton remains alive in the chase for the championship, but with one more misstep it could all come crashing down around him with three weeks and counting until the season's end…

Nuclear Templeton (7-4) def. Reverend Johnny Gross (5-6) via Pinfall (Armageddon Lariat) in 16:53.  Rating: ***

Changes for Nuclear Templeton:  OVR + 4.88, XP + 793.17, minor damage to head

Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross:  OVR + 1.36, XP + 198.29, moderate damage to head



MZ2VDcB.jpg YICOeYe.jpg (5) Christian Priest (5-5, OVR 589)*


(3) George Mastachas (6-4, OVR 586) FXyrc6C.jpg

The evening’s main event was a touch underwhelming, though for George Mastachas, he could not care any less. He still got the win, as ugly as it may have been over Christian Priest, and also keeps pace with Nuclear to remain in the title hunt. Unlike Nuclear, though, Mastachas will need to win outright as he’s lost one tiebreaker and is behind in the other. On the other side of the ring, Priest finds himself one match out of the relegation zone, and the looming specter of a Week Thirteen submission match against Lucas Molina on the horizon…

George Mastachas (7-4) def. Christian Priest (5-6) via Pinfall (Wrath of Zeus) in 17:37.  Rating: **

Changes for George Mastachas:  OVR + 4.26, XP + 732.68, minor damage to head

Changes for Christian Priest:  OVR -0.91, XP + 183.17, moderate damage to head






X – clinched promotion

Y – clinched division title

Z – clinched relegation



1.  Brandy McDonald:  9-2, ATV 14:22 (AMR 2.182), OVR 586.09

2.  Nuclear Templeton:  7-4, ATV 18:35 (AMR 2.818), OVR 624.83

3.  George Mastachas:  7-4, ATV 15:06 (AMR 2.273), OVR 590.21

4.  Brian Blackfield:  6-5, ATV 16:22 (AMR 2.909), OVR 589.76

5.  Christian Priest:  5-6, ATV 16:11 (AMR 2.909), OVR 588.06

6.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  5-6, ATV 17:34 (AMR 2.364), OVR 531.40

7.  Lucas Molina:  4-7, ATV 18:41 (AMR 2.636), OVR 499.20

z-8.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  1-10, ATV 19:42 (AMR 2.455), OVR 523.74

Brandy McDonald clinches League Championship with: win AND Nuclear Templeton loss

Both ties in this division are broken by simple head-to-head.



1.  Kichi Hida:  9-2, ATV 11:35 (AMR 2.909), OVR 480.17

2.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  7-4, ATV 15:47 (AMR 2.273), OVR 524.47

3.  Diego Rodriguez:  7-4, ATV 13:01 (AMR 2.273), OVR 507.06

4.  Monty Dhillon:  6-5, ATV 9:18 (AMR 2.364), OVR 534.59

5.  De'siree Mitchell:  6-5, ATV 10:08 (AMR 2.364), OVR 527.78

6.  Billy Norris:  5-6, ATV 11:32 (AMR 2.364), OVR 545.19

7.  Angela Wassermann:  4-7, ATV 12:13 (AMR 2.182), OVR 454.81

z-8.  Pulsar:  0-11, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.545), OVR 473.38

Kichi Hida clinches division title with: win.

Both ties in this division are broken by simple head-to-head



1.  Lance Heartilly:  9-2, ATV 10:38 (AMR 1.818), OVR 454.50

2.  Indigo Rose:  8-3, ATV 11:45 (AMR 1.909), OVR 489.60

3.  Leon de Ramos:  7-4, ATV 12:54 (AMR 2.182), OVR 437.68

4.  Blood River:  6-5, ATV 11:20 (AMR 2.364), OVR 481.34

5.  Markus Clay:  5-6, ATV 11:35 (AMR 2.455), OVR 453.47

6.  Rock Sheridan:  4-7, ATV 12:50 (AMR 2.182), OVR 424.37

7.  Daniel Simmons:  3-8, ATV 12:43 (AMR 2.000), OVR 444.70

8.  Nocturne:  2-9, ATV 14:36 (AMR 2.182), OVR 408.93

Nocturne clinches relegation with: loss.



1.  Diamond:  10-1, ATV 8:19 (AMR 2.273), OVR 466.59

2.  Erick Gibson:  8-3, ATV 10:03 (AMR 3.000), OVR 443.48

3.  "Dirty" John Murdoch:  7-4, ATV 12:03 (AMR 3.091), OVR 426.93

4.  Terrance Stevens:  7-4, ATV 11:39 (AMR 2.636), OVR 454.71

5.  Scott Stevens:  6-5, ATV 9:14 (AMR 2.636), OVR 411.25

6.  Mickey Steele:  4-7, ATV 8:47 (AMR 2.545), OVR 410.05

z-7.  Terra Harding:  1-10, ATV 12:04 (AMR 2.909), OVR 403.13

8.  George Stevens:  1-10, ATV 6:31 (AMR 2.364), OVR 384.29

Diamond clinches division title with: win.

7-4: broken by victory time over opponent (Murdoch 11:18, T. Stevens 11:35)



As the season is now in the second half, the “proper” scores will be shown with the bottom two weeks removed, and players ranked accordingly.

1. Derek B: 101 [total: 118—drop weeks 9 {9} and 7 {8}. This week: 11]

2. Croquemitaine: 99 [total: 117—drop weeks 2 {9} and 4 {9}. This week: 11]

3. Eternal Phoenix: 97 [total: 113—drop weeks 6 {8} and 7 {8}. This week: 11]

4. Jman2k3: 94 [total: 102—drop weeks 2 {8} and 9 {0}. This week: 11]

5. SeanMcG: 92 [total: 92—drop weeks 6 {0} and 9 {0}. This week: 8]




(4) Brian Blackfield (6-5, OVR 590) vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (7-4, OVR 625)* [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 3 - 0]

(6) Reverend Johnny Gross (5-6, OVR 531) vs. (5) Christian Priest (5-6, OVR 588)* [Career: Christian Priest, 2 - 1]

(1) Brandy McDonald (9-2, OVR 586)* vs. (z-8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-10, OVR 524) [Career: Brandy McDonald, 2 - 1]

(3) George Mastachas (7-4, OVR 590)* vs. (7) Lucas Molina (4-7, OVR 499) [Career: George Mastachas, 1 - 0]


(2) Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-4, OVR 524) vs. (4) Monty Dhillon (6-5, OVR 535)* [Career: Monty Dhillon, 1 - 0]

(1) Kichi Hida (9-2, OVR 480) vs. (3) Diego Rodriguez (7-4, OVR 507)* [Career: Diego Rodriguez, 2 - 1]

(6) Billy Norris (5-6, OVR 545)* vs. (z-8) Pulsar (0-11, OVR 473) [Career: Billy Norris, 3 - 2]

(7) Angela Wassermann (4-7, OVR 455) vs. (5) De'siree Mitchell (6-5, OVR 528)* [Career: De'siree Mitchell, 1 - 0]


(1) Lance Heartilly (9-2, OVR 455)* vs. (5) Markus Clay (5-6, OVR 453) [Career: Lance Heartilly, 2 - 1]

(2) Indigo Rose (8-3, OVR 490)* vs. (6) Rock Sheridan (4-7, OVR 424) [Career: Indigo Rose, 1 - 0]

(7) Daniel Simmons (3-8, OVR 445) vs. (4) Blood River (6-5, OVR 481)* [Career: Daniel Simmons, 2 - 1]

(8) Nocturne (2-9, OVR 409) vs. (3) Leon de Ramos (7-4, OVR 438)* [Career: Leon de Ramos, 3 - 0]


(1) Diamond (10-1, OVR 467) vs. (2) Erick Gibson (8-3, OVR 443)* [Career: Erick Gibson, 4 - 3]

(6) Mickey Steele (4-7, OVR 410)* vs. (4) Terrance Stevens (7-4, OVR 455) [Career: Mickey Steele, 1 - 0]

(3) "Dirty" John Murdoch (7-4, OVR 427)* vs. (z-7) Terra Harding (1-10, OVR 403) [Career: "Dirty" John Murdoch, 1 - 0]

(5) Scott Stevens (6-5, OVR 411)* vs. (8) George Stevens (1-10, OVR 384) [Career: Scott Stevens, 3 - 0]



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Nuclear Templeton

Christian Priest

Brandy McDonald

George Mastachas


Monty Dhillon

Kichi Hida

Billy Norris

De'siree Mitchell


Lance Heartilly

Indigo Rose

Daniel Simmons

Leon de Ramos



Mickey Steele

"Dirty" John Murdoch

Scott Stevens

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Getting down to the wire here in Alpha. I can't say that there's one or two headline matches this time, either. The reason this time, however, is because three out of four have implications. Nuke is fighting for his title chase life. Blackfield wants to prove he belongs here. Priest and Gross each have something similar to prove. A loss for either (especially Priest) puts them in striking range of Molina and the relegation zone. Meanwhile, Molina makes an attempt to get out of it himself against Mastachas.

(4) Brian Blackfield (6-5, OVR 590) vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (7-4, OVR 625)* [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 3 - 0]

Bluntly, a loss for Nuke here effectively hands the title over to Brandy. Fortunately, Blackfield's never been able to hang with him.

(6) Reverend Johnny Gross (5-6, OVR 531) vs. (5) Christian Priest (5-6, OVR 588)* [Career: Christian Priest, 2 - 1]

This is a homer pick so Molina's best no relegation scenario can come to pass. The Submission match between the two is the week after this one, and then Molina wraps his season against JPO, of all division members. So, a loss here lets Molina stay in striking distance to sweep and then maintain.

(1) Brandy McDonald (9-2, OVR 586)* vs. (z-8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-10, OVR 524) [Career: Brandy McDonald, 2 - 1]

JPO would probably like to forget this season ever happened.

(3) George Mastachas (7-4, OVR 590)* vs. (7) Lucas Molina (4-7, OVR 499) [Career: George Mastachas, 1 - 0]

Playing the odds here. I've improved Molina significantly since the start of the season, but I can't do a thing about that 100ish OVR disparity or Mastachas doing more damage per move than Molina does. A win would be nice, and it's not impossible. Molina does have the tools to take advantage of Mastachas's vulnerable legs. But it's unlikely.


Two headline matches this week. that's what happens when the top four square off. Yoshii and Monty clash with Monty's promotion dreams on the line and arguably Yoshii's too. And Diego makes an attempt to drag Kichi into catchin' range.

(2) Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-4, OVR 524) vs. (4) Monty Dhillon (6-5, OVR 535)* [Career: Monty Dhillon, 1 - 0]

C'mon, Monty. You can do this. Kichi's cheering for her promotion buddy.

(1) Kichi Hida (9-2, OVR 480) vs. (3) Diego Rodriguez (7-4, OVR 507)* [Career: Diego Rodriguez, 2 - 1]

I've believed from the start that Diego is Kichi's kryptonite this season. This shouldn't change here. Though I do doubt Norris and especially Wasserman can do anything to stop her in the remaining two matches.

(6) Billy Norris (5-6, OVR 545)* vs. (z-8) Pulsar (0-11, OVR 473) [Career: Billy Norris, 3 - 2]

Let's keep Pulsar chasing history, okay?

(7) Angela Wassermann (4-7, OVR 455) vs. (5) De'siree Mitchell (6-5, OVR 528)* [Career: De'siree Mitchell, 1 - 0]

De'siree is far more dangerous than Angela.


Bit of a mixed bag this week in Gamma. No real big time headline matches, as the standings go. That'll happen when the top four face the bottom four. Doesn't mean there's no excitement to be found. The top four (Heartilly, Rose, Leon, and River) would like to maintain their positions in the rapidly shrinking promotion window, and the bottom four (Clay, Sheridan, Simmons, and Nocturne) would like to escape the relegation zone if they can.

(1) Lance Heartilly (9-2, OVR 455)* vs. (5) Markus Clay (5-6, OVR 453) [Career: Lance Heartilly, 2 - 1]

The moveset reset really revitalized Heartilly, and I expect him to take Gamma's title at this rate.

(2) Indigo Rose (8-3, OVR 490)* vs. (6) Rock Sheridan (4-7, OVR 424) [Career: Indigo Rose, 1 - 0]

The Rose Back to Beta train ought to roll on. Bit of a lost season for my Rock, but I expected this when he promoted.

(7) Daniel Simmons (3-8, OVR 445) vs. (4) Blood River (6-5, OVR 481)* [Career: Daniel Simmons, 2 - 1]

Poor Simmons. He's just...behind the meta now, somehow. Or maybe he's got Rock's basic problem. Too vulernable to being out grappled and out speeded, which is every other member of the division, more or less. Dunno, really.

(8) Nocturne (2-9, OVR 409) vs. (3) Leon de Ramos (7-4, OVR 438)* [Career: Leon de Ramos, 3 - 0]

Leon is not Clay and this is not a submission match.


Delta, on the other hand, has just one big time headline match. The top two in the division square off, and it's anybody's game. But the division title isn't on the line and even with a loss Diamond should comfortably win it. A Gibson loss, however, throws the second promotion slot into potentially a three way tie, depending on results this week.

(1) Diamond (10-1, OVR 467) vs. (2) Erick Gibson (8-3, OVR 443)* [Career: Erick Gibson, 4 - 3]

Telling the truth? He did it before, and as the only one to beat her this season he deserves the benefit of the doubt on this one.

(6) Mickey Steele (4-7, OVR 410)* vs. (4) Terrance Stevens (7-4, OVR 455) [Career: Mickey Steele, 1 - 0]

Honestly? I think Steele got a little lucky last time. Terrance sits in the grey area between Delta's finest and Gamma jobber. Steele doesn't appear to have what it takes to get out of the division just yet.

(3) "Dirty" John Murdoch (7-4, OVR 427)* vs. (z-7) Terra Harding (1-10, OVR 403) [Career: "Dirty" John Murdoch, 1 - 0]

Jobbers gonna job.

(5) Scott Stevens (6-5, OVR 411)* vs. (8) George Stevens (1-10, OVR 384) [Career: Scott Stevens, 3 - 0]

No signs of George winning this matchup any time soon, alas for him.

Edited by Eternal Phoenix
Laptop V key not working as well as it CV used to, also formatting.
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How am I even remotely in contention for the predictions contest, I am terrible at these things and have been in every season! 😛 Now I gotta resist the urge to pick against Brandy for fun even though she's so obviously going to win her match this week..... meanwhile, Nuclear... less than four weeks now.... breathe deep.... breathe fire.... fire at will...





(4) Brian Blackfield (6-5, OVR 590) vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (7-4, OVR 625)* [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 3 - 0]

(6) Reverend Johnny Gross (5-6, OVR 531) vs. (5) Christian Priest (5-6, OVR 588)* [Career: Christian Priest, 2 - 1]

(1) Brandy McDonald (9-2, OVR 586)* vs. (z-8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-10, OVR 524) [Career: Brandy McDonald, 2 - 1]

(3) George Mastachas (7-4, OVR 590)* vs. (7) Lucas Molina (4-7, OVR 499) [Career: George Mastachas, 1 - 0]


(2) Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-4, OVR 524) vs. (4) Monty Dhillon (6-5, OVR 535)* [Career: Monty Dhillon, 1 - 0]

(1) Kichi Hida (9-2, OVR 480) vs. (3) Diego Rodriguez (7-4, OVR 507)* [Career: Diego Rodriguez, 2 - 1]

(6) Billy Norris (5-6, OVR 545)* vs. (z-8) Pulsar (0-11, OVR 473) [Career: Billy Norris, 3 - 2]

(7) Angela Wassermann (4-7, OVR 455) vs. (5) De'siree Mitchell (6-5, OVR 528)* [Career: De'siree Mitchell, 1 - 0]


(1) Lance Heartilly (9-2, OVR 455)* vs. (5) Markus Clay (5-6, OVR 453) [Career: Lance Heartilly, 2 - 1]

(2) Indigo Rose (8-3, OVR 490)* vs. (6) Rock Sheridan (4-7, OVR 424) [Career: Indigo Rose, 1 - 0]

(7) Daniel Simmons (3-8, OVR 445) vs. (4) Blood River (6-5, OVR 481)* [Career: Daniel Simmons, 2 - 1]

(8) Nocturne (2-9, OVR 409) vs. (3) Leon de Ramos (7-4, OVR 438)* [Career: Leon de Ramos, 3 - 0]


(1) Diamond (10-1, OVR 467) vs. (2) Erick Gibson (8-3, OVR 443)* [Career: Erick Gibson, 4 - 3]

(6) Mickey Steele (4-7, OVR 410)* vs. (4) Terrance Stevens (7-4, OVR 455) [Career: Mickey Steele, 1 - 0]

(3) "Dirty" John Murdoch (7-4, OVR 427)* vs. (z-7) Terra Harding (1-10, OVR 403) [Career: "Dirty" John Murdoch, 1 - 0]

(5) Scott Stevens (6-5, OVR 411)* vs. (8) George Stevens (1-10, OVR 384) [Career: Scott Stevens, 3 - 0]



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It is my intent to post the clinch simulation report tonight, as well as the OVR changes from Season Nine, around running the bulk of this week’s show.

In the meantime, something I’m intending on working on over the extended break is the continued fight against power creep in terms of OVRs. I have an idea I want to workshop yet, and I’ll want to finish this season for the extra data before really diving into it, but I’m not going to be completely idle during the extended offseason. But the idea percolating right now may have some merits if I can find the right balance to keep.

Anywho, more relevant update to come later today if all goes well.

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After Season Twelve, Week Eleven: Three weeks remaining




AUTHOR’S NOTE: When I mention “tied for second” or “tied for seventh”, I mean any scenarios where whomever wins/loses the tiebreaker would be in second or seventh place in the standings, respectively. As an example: if the bottom of a division had 5-9, 5-9, 5-9, 1-13 for positions five through eight, all those 5-9 records would be considered “tied for seventh” and thus at risk of relegation depending on who lost the tiebreakers, even though the common parlance is “tied for fifth” as that’s the highest one could reach. On the upper half, a look of 9-5, 9-5, 9-5. 6-8 would have the top three positions technically “tied for second” in my outlooks below, even if whoever lost the tiebreakers would not be promoted. Keep this in mind especially for Delta Division, as the drop to Omega happens from fifth-place on down for GMPCs and tertiary PCs.



Brandy McDonald’s march to the League Championship continues on, with an even stronger chance to finish the job. The field has officially shrunk to four people, and only three of those can win without tiebreakers. But again, barring a three-week collapse the championship is Brandy’s to lose.

BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where wrestler is at least tied for the division lead):

Brandy McDonald: 95.313% (+4.3) chance of finishing with a share of the lead, 76.953% (+6.7) of finishing with the outright lead.

Nuclear Templeton: 14.844% (-1.3) chance of finishing with a share of the lead, 3.125% (-1.4) of finishing with the outright lead.

George Mastachas: 10.156% (-2.3) chance of finishing with a share of the lead, 1.563% (-1.1) of finishing with the outright lead.

Brian Blackfield: 1.563% (-0.9) chance of finishing with a share of the lead, unable to finish with outright lead.


Championship-Clinching Scenarios that can happen in Week Eleven:

Brandy McDonald can clinch the League Championship this week. She already has the tiebreaker over Mastachas, and the one against Nuclear is pending the week thirteen rematch. She can go into that match as the definitive League Champion by winning this week against Jean-Paul Ouilette and Templeton taking a loss to Brian Blackfield. Mastachas’s match against Molina would be irrelevant as even with a Mastachas win, Brandy would own the tiebreaker over George. Pushing Templeton out of mathematical range of tying her would ensure that Brandy enters Week Thirteen as a two-time League Champion.



The fight to avoid seventh place is essentially a three-person fight, with everyone up to second place still technically (but not really) at risk. Last place could be clinched this week.


BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where wrestler is tied for seventh or worse):

Jean-Paul Ouilette: Guaranteed to finish tied for seventh or worse.

Lucas Molina: 77.148% chance (+11.4)

Christian Priest: 32.617% chance (+4.8)

Reverend Johnny Gross: 27.930% chance (+3.6)

Brian Blackfield: 5.859% chance (-18.6)

George Mastachas: 0.195% chance (-7.5) *only 8 scenarios

Nuclear Templeton: 0.098% chance (-5.8) *only 4 scenarios


Relegation-Clinching Scenarios that can happen in Week Eleven:

Jean-Paul Ouilette clinches last place with a loss. The seventh-place spot is still in contention given a week thirteen showdown between Priest and Molina that could complicate the algebra a little.



There are only 16 scenarios present in which Kichi Hida does not finish contending for promotion. Second place is a two-horse race with fourth- and fifth-place looking for a way back in, and sixth place needing a minor miracle.


BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where a wrestler is tied for second or better):

Kichi Hida: 99.609% chance (+2.2)

Yoshii Nakamatsu: 58.984% chance (+13.8)

Diego Rodriguez: 57.813% chance (+13.2)

Monty Dhillon: 20.703% chance (-25.2)

De’siree Mitchell: 20.703% chance (+4.9)

Billy Norris: 3.125% chance (-11.7)


Promotion-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Eleven:

Kichi Hida can clinch the Beta Division title with a win against Diego Rodriguez combined with Yoshii Nakamatsu losing to Monty Dhillon. These results would put Hida up three on the tied folks in second place with two weeks remaining, and she would be out of reach. A Hida win and a Yoshii win, and the three-way tiebreaker is still in play that would go to Nakamatsu, pushing a clinch scenario to next week.

The second place spot is still too close to call and will need at least this week to be completed first before any clarity happens.



Pulsar has locked in last place in the division. Despite what the numbers may state, Billy Norris is in far greater trouble than he appears. He loses the solo tiebreaker to Angela Wassermann, so he needs to stay a win ahead of her in the standings to avoid dropping into seventh. His best chance comes this week as he faces Pulsar while Wassermann has De’siree Mitchell awaiting her. Norris cannot fully escape relegation risk this week, but he can get pretty close to it.


BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where wrestler is tied for seventh or worse):

Pulsar: Has clinched last place in the division

Angela Wassermann: 86.719% chance (+16.7)

Billy Norris: 32.617% chance (+5.7)

De’siree Mitchell: 10.938% chance (-19.3)

Monty Dhillon: 7.422% chance (+0.6)

Yoshii Nakamatsu: 1.172% chance (-8.2)

Diego Rodriguez: 0.977% chance (-6.5)


Relegation-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Eleven:

None. As mentioned in the opening of this section, Norris cannot fully escape Angela this week given that she holds the tiebreaker. This won’t be resolved until after week thirteen at the bare minimum.



The top two continue to pull away from the rest of the field. Lance Heartilly still has the edge, and has at least one tiebreaker to his credit, but loses a second one and has a third pending. The calculus makes it hard to see if there’s a clear path for him to lock a spot in Beta next season. Same can be said for Indigo Rose, but they are by the odds still the most likely to move forward.


BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where a wrestler is tied for second or better):

Lance Heartilly: 98.828% chance (+4.0)

Indigo Rose: 87.891% chance (+11.9)

Leon de Ramos: 37.891% chance (+4.5)

Blood River: 12.109% chance (-24.8)

Markus Clay: 0.879% chance (-9.1)


Promotion-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Eleven:

Lance Heartilly clinches promotion with a win against Markus Clay combined with a Leon de Ramos loss to Nocturne. The win would put him out of reach of Blood River, and Nocturne pulling the upset would do the same to de Ramos, He can’t claim the Gamma Division title yet, though, as his rematch with Rose is in week fourteen.

Indigo Rose clinches promotion with a win against Rock Sheridan combined with a Blood River loss to Daniel Simmons.*  The author has asterisked this statement because, while he believes that the math works out that way, there is still a multi-way tiebreaker scenario that could happen that could throw all of this into chaos. But as best as he can tell, this scenario would work as Rose holds the solo tiebreaker over de Ramos, so by dropping River out of the equation she can finish no worse than second.



Nocturne’s chances of avoiding relegation continue to cling to life support. She is down to only 48 scenarios that allow her to escape the bottom two altogether without the mucking about with tiebreakers. Daniel Simmons remains the second-most likely to drop to Delta, but his situation is nowhere near as dire. Simmons does have one bright spot in that he holds the solo tiebreaker over Rock Sheridan, so he is unable to be left behind by Rock this week.

BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where wrestler is tied for seventh or worse):

Nocturne: 98.828% chance (-1.0)

Daniel Simmons: 88.281% chance (+5.3)

Rock Sheridan: 38.281% chance (+2.7)

Markus Clay: 10.156% (-1.1)

Blood River: 1.953% chance (-1.0)


Relegation-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Eleven:

Nocturne clinches relegation with loss to Leon de Ramos, OR with a Rock Sheridan win against Indigo Rose. She loses the tiebreaker to Rock Sheridan, so any results that keeps him two matches up on her means she won’t be able to pass him for sixth place. Her only guaranteed escape is to win out, Sheridan to lose out, and then other matches to fall in specific ways. Note that this doesn’t mean she’s clinched last place, though, just that she’s guaranteed to finish seventh or eighth.



Diamond has already assured she’ll finish at least tied for second. She can put the cherry on top with a win this week to give herself the Delta Division title. Erick Gibson can play spoiler to that and bolster his own chances, but there’s still a lot of uncertainty in the upper parts of the Delta standings.


BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where a wrestler is tied for second or better):

Diamond: Will finish at least tied for second.

Erick Gibson: 78.613% chance (+10.2)

Terrance Stevens: 32.910% chance (+3.1)

“Dirty” John Murdoch: 27.539% (+1.2)

Scott Stevens: 5.762% chance (-22.1)


Promotion-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Eleven:

Diamond clinches the Delta Division title with win against Erick Gibson. Failing that, she still clinches a promotion spot if she loses AND “Dirty” John Murdoch loses to Terra Harding AND Terrance Stevens loses to Mickey Steele.

Second place cannot be clinched at this time due to multi-way tiebreakers.



Competition remains fierce to finish in fourth or better…though with the impending return of Big Scott Weathers into the Delta Division, fourth or even third may not be good enough. But that’s a scenario waiting for Season Thirteen to begin.

BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where GMPC/tertiary PC wrestler is tied for fifth or worse):

“Dirty” John Murdoch: 32.910% chance (-14.3)

Terrance Stevens: 27.539% chance (-19.9)

Erick Gibson: 5.761% chance (-9.2)


Relegation-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Eleven:

None. Still too many moving parts at this point in time, plus you have people exempt from Omega (Scott Stevens, Mickey Steele) who can absolutely throw wrenches into the works. Still far too unsettled to call at this point.



The second season in the new format saw the beginnings of The Oppressor, the continued ascension of The Juggernaut, the worst change in OVR in The League’s history, and an expansion to the promotion/relegation system that remains in place to the present day.



1. Nuclear Templeton: 10-4, +45.04 (Seventh-best in The League’s tenure)

6. Brandy McDonald: 9-5, +37.22

8. De’siree Mitchell: 8-6, +35.59

2. George Mastachas: 8-6, +43.24

3. Mel O’Hallister: 8-6, +41.59

7. The Mastodon: 7-7, +35.62

24. Big Scott Weathers: 3-11, +13.18

22. Pulsar: 3-11, +16.68



4. Reverend Johnny Gross: 11-3, +41.50

9. Daniel Simmons: 10-4, +35.32

12. Jean-Paul Ouilette: 9-5, +28.39

11. Billy Norris: 9-5, +29.45

18. Blood River: 6-8, +17.48

23. Angela Wassermann: 4-10, +11.54

19. Markus Clay: 4-10, +17.07

24. Terrance Stevens: 3-11, +8.52



10. Brian Blackfield: 12-2, +34.07

13. Yoshii Nakamatsu: 10-4, +25.74

16. Diego Rodriguez: 9-5, +20.94

17. Erick Gibson: 8-6, +17.66

27. Indigo Rose: 6-8, +4.43

25. Diamond: 6-8, +7.45

28. Jun Onoo: 4-10, +0.66

32. El Tornado: 1-13, -18.59 (worst in The League’s tenure)



14. Lucas Molina: 11-3, +23.36

5. Christian Priest: 11-3, +38.59

15. Monty Dhillon: 10-4, +21.36

21. Sterling Silver: 7-7, +15.32

26. Kichi Hida: 6-8, +5.04

31. Lord Robert Abernathy: 4-10, -10.33 (fourth-worst in The League’s tenure)

30. Devil’s Delight: 4-10, -9.34 (fifth-worst in The League’s Tenure)

29. Jimmy Anarchy: 3-11, -6.43

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This week I'm just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. There's only six or seven picks here that I have any confidence in.




(4) Brian Blackfield (6-5, OVR 590) vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (7-4, OVR 625)*

(6) Reverend Johnny Gross (5-6, OVR 531) vs. (5) Christian Priest (5-6, OVR 588)*

(1) Brandy McDonald (9-2, OVR 586)* vs. (z-8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-10, OVR 524)

(3) George Mastachas (7-4, OVR 590)* vs. (7) Lucas Molina (4-7, OVR 499)


(2) Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-4, OVR 524) vs. (4) Monty Dhillon (6-5, OVR 535)*

(1) Kichi Hida (9-2, OVR 480) vs. (3) Diego Rodriguez (7-4, OVR 507)*

(6) Billy Norris (5-6, OVR 545)* vs. (z-8) Pulsar (0-11, OVR 473)

(7) Angela Wassermann (4-7, OVR 455) vs. (5) De'siree Mitchell (6-5, OVR 528)*


(1) Lance Heartilly (9-2, OVR 455)* vs. (5) Markus Clay (5-6, OVR 453)

(2) Indigo Rose (8-3, OVR 490)* vs. (6) Rock Sheridan (4-7, OVR 424)

(7) Daniel Simmons (3-8, OVR 445) vs. (4) Blood River (6-5, OVR 481)*

(8) Nocturne (2-9, OVR 409) vs. (3) Leon de Ramos (7-4, OVR 438)*


(1) Diamond (10-1, OVR 467) vs. (2) Erick Gibson (8-3, OVR 443)*

(6) Mickey Steele (4-7, OVR 410)* vs. (4) Terrance Stevens (7-4, OVR 455)

(3) "Dirty" John Murdoch (7-4, OVR 427)* vs. (z-7) Terra Harding (1-10, OVR 403)

(5) Scott Stevens (6-5, OVR 411)* vs. (8) George Stevens (1-10, OVR 384)

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On 8/25/2024 at 7:13 PM, Eternal Phoenix said:

2) Indigo Rose (8-3, OVR 490)* vs. (6) Rock Sheridan (4-7, OVR 424) [Career: Indigo Rose, 1 - 0]

The Rose Back to Beta train ought to roll on. Bit of a lost season for my Rock, but I expected this when he promoted.

Hey, EP—just confirming based on the additional text that Rose is the pick, correct? I know you were fighting formatting issues but wanted to be sure as I’m getting things put together at work today for the show.

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6 hours ago, ShadowedFlames said:

Hey, EP—just confirming based on the additional text that Rose is the pick, correct? I know you were fighting formatting issues but wanted to be sure as I’m getting things put together at work today for the show.

No idea what you're talking about, boss. I absolutely didn't simply forget to bold Rose when I was working on that. No, sir. It didn't happen. See, she's all bold up there on my post. Dunno why your quote looks different. Because she's been bolded the whole time. Yessir. Nothing to see here. Just gonna...go about my business now. My mistake free business. 


(Ran that joke into the ground, as God intended. To be clear, yes my pick is Rose.)

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fTtB0pK.jpg fYy1oxq.jpg (5) Scott Stevens (6-5, OVR 411)*


(8) George Stevens (1-10, OVR 384) UOpfoyB.jpg fTtB0pK.jpg

The opening contest of the week, while not a squash, wasn’t very close. George’s offense was mainly limited to the first two minutes before Scott asserted himself. It took less than four after that for the piledriver to end things, as Scott is now guaranteed to finish with at least an even record on the season.

Scott Stevens (7-5) def. George Stevens (1-11) via Pinfall (Deep in the Heart of Texas) in 5:47.  Rating: **

Changes for Scott Stevens:  OVR + 2.42, XP + 482.78, no notable damage

Changes for George Stevens:  OVR -1.97, XP + 120.69, no notable damage



dw4KJ41.jpg (3) "Dirty" John Murdoch (7-4, OVR 427)*


(z-7) Terra Harding (1-10, OVR 403) uuVaRmi.jpg

This ended up being the runner-up for Match of the Night. This would turn out to be Terra Harding’s best showing to date…and it still wasn’t enough to overcome the vast experience and determination of the Tennessee Outlaw. She had Murdoch in trouble, but seemed reluctant to go upstairs for her 630 senton. She would instead try to finish the match with a spear on a couple of occasions, with none of those attempts getting farther than two-and-a-half. Murdoch had a plan all along to win by submission, it seemed, as he hit several screw legwhips during the course of the match and capped off the night with One Foot in the Grave leading directly into the Double Cross for the submission. Murdoch’s hopes of escaping Delta remain alive after one of the better matches on the card tonight!

"Dirty" John Murdoch (8-4) def. Terra Harding (1-11) via Submission (Double Cross) in 11:28.  Rating: ****

Changes for "Dirty" John Murdoch:  OVR + 3.78, XP + 566.42, no notable damage

Changes for Terra Harding:  OVR + 0.80, XP + 141.61, no notable damage



BEVGy0x.jpg (8) Nocturne (2-9, OVR 409)


(3) Leon de Ramos (7-4, OVR 438)* zBWrwLg.jpg

While this was a competitive match, it was rather uninspired despite the urgency Nocturne seemed to show in trying to escape relegation. When her technical game was stalled, Nocturne tried to pick up the speed only to find that de Ramos was prepared for that, too. In the end, she never got him into range of her ankle lock, but he had no such problems wrapping her up in a tight pinning predicament and scoring the victory. The loss officially seals Nocturne’s fate, as she is dropped back into the Delta Division.

Leon de Ramos (8-4) def. Nocturne (2-10) via Pinfall (Lisbon Prayer) in 15:58.  Rating: **

Changes for Leon de Ramos:  OVR + 3.22, XP + 560.81, minor damage to head

Changes for Nocturne:  OVR -1.85, XP + 140.20, minor damage to head



OndApuF.jpg vC6SXqZ.jpg (6) Mickey Steele (4-7, OVR 410)*


(4) Terrance Stevens (7-4, OVR 455) 6r4P9L8.jpg

Steele was rather indiscriminate on this night about who actually ate a Mickey Finn to the head. At least, that’s how it seemed with how often he went for the move. The first time it landed, though, was on the poor official as Terrance ducked the shot. The next two minutes were filled with strikes from both men, culminating in a second Mickey Finn that this time found its intended target. It connected with enough force that, even with the ref count taking about twice as long, it still kept Stevens down for three. Steele pulls off the upset and throws a wrench in the hopes of Terrance going back to Gamma!

(Author’s Note: the pin happened as the ref recovered, with a 40% reduction in the win chance. 570 or so was still enough on this occasion to score the win.)

Mickey Steele (5-7) def. Terrance Stevens (7-5) via Pinfall (Mickey Finn) in 9:00.  Rating: **

Changes for Mickey Steele:  OVR + 2.51, XP + 484.32, no notable damage

Changes for Terrance Stevens:  OVR -2.09, XP + 121.08, minor damage to head



zd1WDAc.jpg (7) Daniel Simmons (3-8, OVR 445)


(4) Blood River (6-5, OVR 481)* hAfQcot.jpg VZFWcYa.jpg

The author cannot even say that this match was “a whole lot of nothing” as there wasn’t a lot of it to begin with. A seven-minute sprint in the Gamma Division ended with River securing himself at least a .500 record as he puts Simmons down for three. Daniel’s not officially relegated yet, but the odds do not favor him at all with two weeks remaining in the season….

Blood River (7-5) def. Daniel Simmons (3-9) via Pinfall (springboard senton bomb) in 6:50.  Rating: **

Changes for Blood River:  OVR + 2.95, XP + 555.77, no notable damage

Changes for Daniel Simmons:  OVR -1.51, XP + 138.94, no notable damage



2X2r9qf.jpg (2) Indigo Rose (8-3, OVR 490)*


(6) Rock Sheridan (4-7, OVR 424) 5vWV1hg.jpg

In what would be the longest match of the night (by a good five-minute margin) and third-place finisher in the Match of the Night polling, Indigo Rose withstood everything that Sheridan could throw at her over the course of twenty-three minutes. Multiple Grit City Visions, a spinning backfist or two, and a Rock Breaker all came into play at some point during the match. Yet Rose never seemed to wilt, pressing on with a fire that hadn’t been seen from her yet this season. While she couldn’t either a standard STF or her inverted version to get locked in, she did manage to drop Sheridan with a DDT onto her bent knee and that somehow kept Rock down just long enough despite possibly causing Rose’s leg more damage that Rock’s head. Regardless, Rose picks up the win and remains on pace to return to the Beta Division next season!

Indigo Rose (9-3) def. Rock Sheridan (4-8) via Pinfall (knee plant DDT) in 23:04.  Rating: ***

Changes for Indigo Rose:  OVR + 4.12, XP + 611.79, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body

Changes for Rock Sheridan:  OVR + 0.31, XP + 152.95, minor damage to head



9q89H6M.jpg (1) Lance Heartilly (9-2, OVR 455)*


(5) Markus Clay (5-6, OVR 453) N0Y594C.jpg

This is a stretch of matches that Markus Clay would like to forget. Well, either that or just hope for the season to end and all of these technical wrestlers to get out of the division. Heartilly was never in any real danger despite some solid offense from Clay, and his patented figure-four leglock was enough to maintain his Gamma Division lead entering the penultimate week of the season.

Lance Heartilly (10-2) def. Markus Clay (5-7) via Submission (Hellacious Leglock) in 11:24.  Rating: **

Changes for Lance Heartilly:  OVR + 3.08, XP + 558.29, no notable damage

Changes for Markus Clay:  OVR -1.68, XP + 139.57, minor damage to head



0rDaDU8.jpg (1) Diamond (10-1, OVR 467)


(2) Erick Gibson (8-3, OVR 443)* O63FjvG.jpg E5dgVEm.jpg

To say that Diamond came in to this match determined would be a bit of an understatement. She wanted…she needed to avenge the one loss on her season to date, no matter who stood in her way. It took Gibson close to four minutes to get any sort of sustained offense in, and by that point it was already far too late. Diamond simply weathered whatever offense Gibson had for her and finally decided “enough was enough.” One attempt at the cutter was all that she needed, and three seconds later, Diamond had booked herself passage back to the Gamma Division as she clinched the Delta Division title!

Diamond (11-1) def. Erick Gibson (8-4) via Pinfall (24 Karat Kiss) in 7:39.  Rating: **

Changes for Diamond:  OVR + 2.47, XP + 483.67, no notable damage

Changes for Erick Gibson:  OVR -2.04, XP + 120.92, minor damage to head



aOXlwtV.jpg (7) Angela Wassermann (4-7, OVR 455)


(5) De'siree Mitchell (6-5, OVR 528)* T7PlxOP.jpg

Shifting gears to the upper half of The League now, this was a match that Wassermann absolutely had to win if she wanted to somehow keep her spot in Beta for yet another season. Mitchell was simply looking for some sort of momentum to hold on to for next season and her second attempt at returning to the Alpha Division. What followed was thirteen minutes of stiff strikes and harsh takedowns, including the ref actually looking for a flag to throw for Unnecessary Roughness on Mitchell’s part. The closing sequence was what folks would remember about this match, though, as Wassermann caught Mitchell charging in for the Blitz with a straight right to the jaw, followed by a jumping knee to the face and then smoothly turned into a spinning roundhouse kick that knocked Mitchell completely out. The count was academic from there, and Angela Wassermann pulls off what many are calling a huge upset!

Angela Wassermann (5-7) def. De'siree Mitchell (6-6) via Pinfall (Wassermann Spinning Roundhouse Kick) in 13:19.  Rating: ***

Changes for Angela Wassermann:  OVR + 4.25, XP + 685.00, moderate damage to head

Changes for De'siree Mitchell:  OVR + 0.89, XP + 171.25, moderate damage to head



6fYIC71.jpg (6) Billy Norris (5-6, OVR 545)*


(z-8) Pulsar (0-11, OVR 473) VfA2MW8.jpg

Pulsar’s march towards infamy continues. Despite a few flashes of offense, he was still mostly outclassed here as Norris barely broke a sweat. Just one attempt at the springboard 450 was enough for Norris, who despite the victory remains within reach of Angela Wassermann and thus at risk of relegation.

Billy Norris (6-6) def. Pulsar (0-12) via Pinfall (Bonzer Splash) in 12:10.  Rating: **

Changes for Billy Norris:  OVR + 3.60, XP + 631.59, minor damage to head

Changes for Pulsar:  OVR -1.21, XP + 157.90, minor damage to head



4ZAKk1I.jpg (1) Kichi Hida (9-2, OVR 480)


(3) Diego Rodriguez (7-4, OVR 507)* G4sbiHU.jpg

Hida’s offense was surprisingly limited in this one, as Diego must have been working on a gameplan for her for weeks before this. If so, it worked to perfection as, in a blistering (for Diego) nine minutes, he had Hida wrapped up in the Harmony of Dissonance. Surprising many, Kichi tapped rather quickly, perhaps recognizing that her efforts would be better served in matches over the next two weeks as her lead in the Beta Division is trimmed to a single match…with Diego holding the tiebreaker.

Diego Rodriguez (8-4) def. Kichi Hida (9-3) via Submission (Harmony of Dissonance) in 8:52.  Rating: **

Changes for Diego Rodriguez:  OVR + 3.51, XP + 629.53, no notable damage

Changes for Kichi Hida:  OVR -1.08, XP + 157.38, no notable damage



xHVnvxD.jpg (2) Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-4, OVR 524)


(4) Monty Dhillon (6-5, OVR 535)* vz0qqDp.jpg

Bob Sinclair: We round out Beta Division action next, as Monty Dhillon attempts to remain within striking distance of Diego Rodriguez for a shot at the second promotion spot.

Frankie Garnett: Bob, did you hear rumors that Monty was seen at a bar somewhere in Baltimore this past week, drowning his sorrows?

Bob Sinclair: I don’t put much stock in rumors, Frankie, but no. I had not heard that.

Frankie Garnett: Well, a hangover might explain why he looks a bit angrier than usual.

Bob Sinclair: I’m going to stop you there before he comes up here and powerbombs you through this table, Frankie. The ref calls for the bell and the fight is on!



(00:03) Dhillon hit a Punch

(00:07) Dhillon hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(00:11) Dhillon hit an Open Handed Chop

(00:31) Dhillon applied a Rear Chinlock

(00:37) Yoshii Nakamatsu very easily moved out of the way from a Knee Drop.

(00:41) Dhillon blocked a Rear Chinlock

(00:51) Monty Dhillon moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(01:05) Dhillon applied a Choke Hold

(01:05) The referee gave Dhillon a stern warning

(01:09) Dhillon hit a Knee Drop

(01:19) Yoshii Nakamatsu very easily moved out of the way from a Fist Drop.

(01:23) Nakamatsu hit a Fist Drop

(01:30) Nakamatsu picked up Dhillon

(01:44) Nakamatsu applied a Front Facelock

(01:48) Nakamatsu hit a Kick To Thigh

(02:02) Nakamatsu applied a Side Headlock

(02:09) Nakamatsu applied a Standing Arm Bar

(02:13) Dhillon blocked a Front Facelock

(02:17) Nakamatsu hit a Kick To Knee

(02:24) Nakamatsu applied a Standing Arm Bar

(02:28) Nakamatsu hit an Open Handed Chop

(02:31) Nakamatsu hit a Punch

(02:38) Nakamatsu hit a Running Clothesline

(02:42) Nakamatsu hit a Legdrop

(02:52) Monty Dhillon moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(03:06) Dhillon applied a Choke Hold

(03:06) The referee gave Dhillon a stern warning

(03:10) Dhillon hit a Legdrop

(03:14) Dhillon hit an Elbow Drop

(03:19) Nakamatsu fought back against being picked up

(03:23) Nakamatsu hit an Open Handed Chop

(03:32) Dhillon avoided a Punch.

(03:38) Dhillon hit a Roundhouse Punch

(03:44) Yoshii Nakamatsu very easily moved out of the way from a Splash.


Bob Sinclair: Not very common to see Monty leave his feet, and Yoshii made him pay for it.

Frankie Garnett: Counterpoint: a man Monty’s size jumping on top of you is going to make you want to give up even if there isn’t a submission hold being applied.

Bob Sinclair: ...fair point, if maybe a bit crude.



(03:53) Monty Dhillon moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(03:57) Dhillon hit a Measured Knee Drop

(04:04) Dhillon picked up Nakamatsu

(04:19) Monty Dhillon is pummeling Yoshii Nakamatsu with the Hammer Mill!

(04:45) Dhillon leans back, pulls, and lifts Nakamatsu into the 1346!

(05:12) Dhillon lifts Nakamatsu up, and... Drop Hammer!

(05:21) Dhillon picked up Nakamatsu

(05:36) Monty Dhillon is pummeling Yoshii Nakamatsu with the Hammer Mill!

(05:40) Nakamatsu blocked a Hammer Press

(05:46) Nakamatsu got a rope break to stop a Wheel-Lock


Bob Sinclair: Dhillon trying to look like Nuclear Templeton here with so many trademark moves chained together!

Frankie Garnett: I mean…it’s a successful tactic, Bob. And Monty does have the most career wins in The League right now, so why not improve your chances?



(05:51) Nakamatsu broke a Strong Gut Buster

(05:58) Nakamatsu hit a Knee Plant

(06:03) Dhillon broke a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(06:08) Nakamatsu broke a Side Explosion Suplex

(06:13) Dhillon slipped out the front of a Spinning Arm Breaker

(06:21) Nakamatsu avoided a Hammer Mill.

(06:35) Nakamatsu applied a Top Wrist Lock

(06:49) Nakamatsu applied a Side Headlock

(06:59) Nakamatsu hit a Short Arm Back Elbow

(07:03) Nakamatsu hit an Elbow Drop

(07:07) Nakamatsu hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(07:14) Nakamatsu hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(07:18) Nakamatsu hit a Measured Knee Drop

(07:22) Nakamatsu hit a Running Knee Drop

(07:27) Dhillon broke a Rear Chinlock

(07:30) Dhillon hit a Punch

(07:34) Nakamatsu countered a Livewire Lariat with a Kick To Knee

(07:44) Nakamatsu hit a Short Arm Back Elbow

(07:52) Monty Dhillon moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(07:59) Dhillon hit a Knee Pull

(08:06) Dhillon picked up Nakamatsu

(08:19) Monty Dhillon gives Nakamatsu a shock to the system with that Livewire Lariat!

(08:23) Dhillon hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(08:28) Nakamatsu fought back against being picked up

(08:33) Dhillon blocked a Thrust Kick

(08:47) Nakamatsu applied a Side Headlock

(08:51) Dhillon blocked a Knee Plant

(08:57) Dhillon avoided a Running Forearm Blow after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(09:06) Nakamatsu countered a Canadian Backbreaker with a Punch Flurry

(09:12) Dhillon avoided a Thrust Kick To Corner.

(09:28) Dhillon hit a Side Explosion Suplex


Bob Sinclair: That one looked sharp! Monty got every inch of that suplex!

Frankie Garnett: I think Yoshii’s still a bit stunned at that, Bob. That was a heck of a ride he just went on!



(09:33) Nakamatsu fought back against being picked up

(09:40) Nakamatsu hit an Inverted Drop Toe Hold

(10:00) Nakamatsu applied a Rear Chinlock

(10:06) Monty Dhillon moved out of the way from a Snap Driving Elbow.

(10:11) Nakamatsu fought back against being picked up

(10:16) Dhillon blocked an Inverted Drop Toe Hold

(10:23) Nakamatsu applied a Standing Arm Bar

(10:27) Nakamatsu hit a Thrust Kick

(10:31) Dhillon stopped a Short Arm Knee Lift by rushing Nakamatsu

(10:47) Dhillon lifts Nakamatsu up, and... Drop Hammer!

(10:55) Dhillon picked up Nakamatsu

(11:00) Nakamatsu broke an Empire Bomb

(11:07) Nakamatsu hit a DDT

(11:14) Monty Dhillon moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(11:18) Nakamatsu slipped out of the back of a Wheel-Lock

(11:28) Nakamatsu hit a Russian Legsweep

(11:32) Nakamatsu hit a Running Knee Drop

(11:38) Nakamatsu picked up Dhillon from behind

(11:42) Dhillon broke a Neckbreaker

(11:58) Dhillon lifts Nakamatsu up, and... Drop Hammer!

(12:02) Dhillon hit a Running Knee Drop

(12:07) Nakamatsu blocked a 1346

(12:14) Yoshii Nakamatsu very easily moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop.

(12:21) Nakamatsu picked up Dhillon

(12:28) Nakamatsu hit a Running Forearm Blow

(12:32) Nakamatsu hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(12:42) Nakamatsu picked up Dhillon

(12:58) Nakamatsu hit a Japanese Power DDT

(13:02) Dhillon slipped out of the back of The Divine Wind

(13:09) Dhillon hit a Chop Block

(13:24) Dhillon hit a Stomp Flurry

(13:36) It's the Hammer Press! Dhillon is really laying those elbows into Nakamatsu's face!

(14:02) Dhillon leans back, pulls, and lifts Nakamatsu into the 1346!


Bob Sinclair: Dhillon’s not going to win with this hold, but it’s going to soften up the back and neck of Nakamatsu for the Empire Bomb.

Frankie Garnett: Yeah, Bob. He might not win with the move, but he certainly isn’t going to lose with it either!



(14:33) Dhillon hit a Side Explosion Suplex

(14:37) Nakamatsu fought back against being picked up

(14:51) Nakamatsu applied a Front Facelock

(14:58) Nakamatsu hit a DDT

(15:05) Nakamatsu picked up Dhillon from behind

(15:12) Nakamatsu hit a Chop Block

(15:38) Is The Divine Wind about to claim another victim in Monty Dhillon?

(15:51) Nakamatsu got a near submission

(16:01) Nakamatsu hit a Sleeper Hold Neckbreaker

(16:05) Dhillon fought back against being picked up

(16:12) Dhillon hit a Running Forearm Blow

(16:38) Dhillon leans back, pulls, and lifts Nakamatsu into the 1346!

(17:00) You can almost hear Nakamatsu's spine crack as he's bent nearly double in the Canadian Backbreaker!

(17:18) Nakamatsu blocked a Blockade Lock

(17:42) Monty Dhillon is looking for a submission here as Yoshii Nakamatsu is caught in a Blockade Lock!


Frankie Garnett: I think this one’s over, Bob! Look at Dhillon shaking Yoshii like a pit bull on a bone!

Bob Sinclair: It doesn’t take long for Nakamatsu to verbally submit, to at least avoid having a shoulder ripped out of socket! It may not seem like it but Nakamatsu made Dhillon work for that win, one that Monty desperately needed!

Frankie Garnett: There’s still hope for Monty yet. Diego putting down Hida earlier has thrown this race open a little wider heading into Week Thirteen!


Monty Dhillon (7-5) def. Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-5) via Submission (Blockade Lock) in 17:53.  Rating: ****

Changes for Monty Dhillon:  OVR + 5.07, XP + 871.02, minor damage to head

Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu:  OVR + 1.82, XP + 315.25, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body and arms

This was the Match of the Night (3 [1st this season] for Monty Dhillon, 2 [2nd this season] for Yoshii Nakamatsu)



FXyrc6C.jpg (3) George Mastachas (7-4, OVR 590)*


(7) Lucas Molina (4-7, OVR 499) LG3TCXf.jpg oYmq2Bu.jpg

While Susana Reyes was not directly responsible for the outcome of this match, there’s no doubt that she influenced it. She had tripped up Mastachas to stop a chop block, and while the ref was ejecting her from ringside, Molina executed a PR Legwhip to perfection on the historically bad leg of Mastachas. While that wasn’t enough to put the former League Champion in danger, it was enough to make George think twice about how to leave himself open against a grappler of Molina’s caliber. He ended up being so focused on defending his legs that Molina ended up going for the right arm instead, and three applications of the Humacao Armlock later, Molina picked up the upset and all but eliminates Mastachas from the League Championship hunt this season!

Lucas Molina (5-7) def. George Mastachas (7-5) via Submission (Humacao Armlock) in 14:50.  Rating: ***

Changes for Lucas Molina:  OVR + 4.81, XP + 633.26, minor damage to head

Changes for George Mastachas:  OVR + 1.38, XP + 197.89, minor damage to legs



gGexPKo.jpg (1) Brandy McDonald (9-2, OVR 586)*


(z-8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-10, OVR 524) p1IFTGG.jpg hYlEAC2.jpg

Cecile Corine was of limited help in this one as her attempts to half Brandy’s match to the League Championship seemingly were in vain. McDonald was not to be deterred, and Ouilette was never in a position to attempt either of his finishers as McDonald put him away with ease with her bulldog choke submission. She had done her part—a Templeton loss in the main event, and the League Championship was hers, otherwise it would be at stake for her next week….

Brandy McDonald (10-2) def. Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-11) via Submission (Hair of the Dog) in 18:13.  Rating: **

Changes for Brandy McDonald:  OVR + 4.28, XP + 733.12, minor damage to head

Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette:  OVR -0.93, XP + 146.62, minor damage to head



d7FEgH5.jpg (6) Reverend Johnny Gross (5-6, OVR 531)


(5) Christian Priest (5-6, OVR 588)* YICOeYe.jpg MZ2VDcB.jpg

Sub-ten minutes in the Alpha Division is a statement. Priest emphatically delivered one here as he basically squashed Gross (as much as a nine-plus-minute match can be called a “squash”) before ending things with a powerbomb. Priest still has a bit of an edge over Molina in avoiding relegation, as next week’s submission match against Molina looms on the horizon.

Christian Priest (6-6) def. Reverend Johnny Gross (5-7) via Pinfall (Judgement) in 9:31.  Rating: *

Changes for Christian Priest:  OVR + 3.74, XP + 666.28, no notable damage

Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross:  OVR -2.06, XP + 166.57, minor damage to head and body



Lp89uMT.jpg (4) Brian Blackfield (6-5, OVR 590)


(2) Nuclear Templeton (7-4, OVR 625)* FqeSGy6.jpg KufawJO.jpg

Viewers expecting to see the barely-hinged, strike-happy Nuclear were surprised when he entered this match determined to put down The Juggernaut with a submission. Normally, Nuclear would just hammer home the strikes, adrenaline be damned, but it seemed like Tony Mortis had been in Nuclear’s ear all week. Granted, Nuclear seemed rather obsessed with locking in the submission, as he never went for the lariat a single time, but enough strikes and throws to wear Blackfield down seemed to be the ticket. On his fourth attempt, Templeton had the guillotine choke locked in, leading to the submission. The last shot of the show this week was Nuclear stalking over to a cameraman in the corner and seething, in barely-contained rage, “Three more weeks, Will…”

Nuclear Templeton (8-4) def. Brian Blackfield (6-6) via Submission (Radiation Leak) in 14:07.  Rating: **

Changes for Nuclear Templeton:  OVR + 4.16, XP + 730.16, no notable damage

Changes for Brian Blackfield:  OVR -0.78, XP + 182.54, minor damage to head






X – clinched promotion

Y – clinched division title

Z – clinched relegation



1.  Brandy McDonald:  10-2, ATV 14:45 (AMR 2.167), OVR 590.37

2.  Nuclear Templeton:  8-4, ATV 18:02 (AMR 2.750), OVR 629.00

3.  George Mastachas:  7-5, ATV 15:06 (AMR 2.333), OVR 591.58

4.  Brian Blackfield:  6-6, ATV 16:22 (AMR 2.833), OVR 588.98

5.  Christian Priest:  6-6, ATV 15:05 (AMR 2.750), OVR 591.80

6.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  5-7, ATV 17:34 (AMR 2.250), OVR 529.35

7.  Lucas Molina:  5-7, ATV 17:55 (AMR 2.667), OVR 504.01

z-8.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  1-11, ATV 19:42 (AMR 2.417), OVR 522.81

Brandy McDonald clinches the League Championship with: win

Lucas Molina clinches relegation with: loss AND Gross win

All ties are broken by simple head-to-head.



1.  Kichi Hida:  9-3, ATV 11:35 (AMR 2.833), OVR 479.09

2.  Diego Rodriguez:  8-4, ATV 12:30 (AMR 2.250), OVR 510.57

3.  Monty Dhillon:  7-5, ATV 10:32 (AMR 2.500), OVR 539.66

4.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  7-5, ATV 15:47 (AMR 2.417), OVR 526.29

5.  De'siree Mitchell:  6-6, ATV 10:08 (AMR 2.417), OVR 528.66

6.  Billy Norris:  6-6, ATV 11:38 (AMR 2.333), OVR 548.79

7.  Angela Wassermann:  5-7, ATV 12:26 (AMR 2.250), OVR 459.06

z-8.  Pulsar:  0-12, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.500), OVR 472.18

Kichi Hida clinches division title with: win AND Rodrguez loss

Diego Rodriguez clinches promotion with: win AND Dhillon loss AND Nakamatsu loss

Angela Wassermann clinches relegation with: loss AND Norris win

7-5: broken by simple head-to-head.

6-6: broken victory time against opponent (Mitchell 5:42, Norris 13:23)



x-1.  Lance Heartilly:  10-2, ATV 10:43 (AMR 1.833), OVR 457.59

2.  Indigo Rose:  9-3, ATV 13:01 (AMR 2.000), OVR 493.71

3.  Leon de Ramos:  8-4, ATV 13:17 (AMR 2.167), OVR 440.89

4.  Blood River:  7-5, ATV 10:41 (AMR 2.333), OVR 484.29

5.  Markus Clay:  5-7, ATV 11:35 (AMR 2.417), OVR 451.79

6.  Rock Sheridan:  4-8, ATV 12:50 (AMR 2.250), OVR 424.68

7.  Daniel Simmons:  3-9, ATV 12:43 (AMR 2.000), OVR 443.20

z-8.  Nocturne:  2-10, ATV 14:36 (AMR 2.167), OVR 407.08

Lance Heartilly clinches division title with: win AND Rose loss

Indigo Rose clinches promotion with: win.

Daniel Simmons clinches relegation with: loss AND Sheridan win.



y-1.  Diamond:  11-1, ATV 8:16 (AMR 2.250), OVR 469.07

2.  "Dirty" John Murdoch:  8-4, ATV 11:59 (AMR 3.167), OVR 430.71

3.  Erick Gibson:  8-4, ATV 10:03 (AMR 2.917), OVR 441.44

4.  Terrance Stevens:  7-5, ATV 11:39 (AMR 2.583), OVR 452.62

5.  Scott Stevens:  7-5, ATV 8:45 (AMR 2.583), OVR 413.67

6.  Mickey Steele:  5-7, ATV 8:50 (AMR 2.500), OVR 412.56

z-7.  Terra Harding:  1-11, ATV 12:04 (AMR 3.000), OVR 403.93

8.  George Stevens:  1-11, ATV 6:31 (AMR 2.333), OVR 382.32

All ties are broken by simple head-to-head.




As the season is now in the second half, the “proper” scores will be shown with the bottom two weeks removed, and players ranked accordingly.

1. Croquemitaine: 114 [total: 132—drop weeks 2 {9} and 4 {9}. This week: 15 (!)]

2. Derek B: 112 [total: 129—drop weeks 9 {9} and 7 {8}. This week: 11]

3. Eternal Phoenix: 108 [total: 124—drop weeks 6 {8} and 7 {8}. This week: 11]

4. Jman2k3: 106 [total: 114—drop weeks 2 {8} and 9 {0}. This week: 12]

5. SeanMcG: 92 [total: 92—drop weeks 4 {8} and 6 {0}. This week: 0]





(2) Nuclear Templeton (8-4, OVR 629)* vs. (1) Brandy McDonald (10-2, OVR 590) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 5 - 4]

(4) Brian Blackfield (6-6, OVR 589) vs. (3) George Mastachas (7-5, OVR 592)* [Career: George Mastachas, 3 - 0]

SUBMISSION MATCH: (7) Lucas Molina (5-7, OVR 504)* vs. (5) Christian Priest (6-6, OVR 592) [Career: Christian Priest, 4 – 3. Career in Submission matches: Molina 2 – 0, Priest 2 – 0]

(z-8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-11, OVR 523) vs. (6) Reverend Johnny Gross (5-7, OVR 529)* [Career: Reverend Johnny Gross, 3 - 0]


(4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-5, OVR 526) vs. (5) De'siree Mitchell (6-6, OVR 529)* [Career: De'siree Mitchell, 1 - 0]

TABLES MATCH: (1) Kichi Hida (9-3, OVR 479)* vs. (6) Billy Norris (6-6, OVR 549) [Career: Kichi Hida, 1 – 0. Career in Tables matches: Hida 1 – 1, Norris 1 – 1]

(3) Monty Dhillon (7-5, OVR 540)* vs. (z-8) Pulsar (0-12, OVR 472) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 1 - 0]

(2) Diego Rodriguez (8-4, OVR 511)* vs. (7) Angela Wassermann (5-7, OVR 459) [Career: Diego Rodriguez, 1 - 0]


(2) Indigo Rose (9-3, OVR 494)* vs. (4) Blood River (7-5, OVR 484) [Career: Indigo Rose, 1 - 0]

(3) Leon de Ramos (8-4, OVR 441) vs. (7) Daniel Simmons (3-9, OVR 443)* [Career: Daniel Simmons, 1 - 0]

(z-8) Nocturne (2-10, OVR 407) vs. (x-1) Lance Heartilly (10-2, OVR 458)* [Career: Nocturne, 2 - 1]

(6) Rock Sheridan (4-8, OVR 425) vs. (5) Markus Clay (5-7, OVR 452)* [Career: Markus Clay, 1 - 0]


(y-1) Diamond (11-1, OVR 469)* vs. (4) Terrance Stevens (7-5, OVR 453) [Career: Terrance Stevens, 2 - 1]

TABLES MATCH: (2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (8-4, OVR 431) vs. (5) Scott Stevens (7-5, OVR 414)* [Career: Scott Stevens, 1 – 0. Career in Tables matches: Murdoch N/A, Stevens 1 – 1.]

(3) Erick Gibson (8-4, OVR 441)* vs. (8) George Stevens (1-11, OVR 382) [Career: Erick Gibson, 1 - 0]

(z-7) Terra Harding (1-11, OVR 404) vs. (6) Mickey Steele (5-7, OVR 413)* [Career: Mickey Steele, 1 - 0]



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Nuclear Templeton

George Mastachas

Christian Priest

Reverend Johnny Gross


Yoshii Nakamatsu

Kichi Hida

Monty Dhillon

Diego Rodriguez


Indigo Rose

Leon de Ramos

Lance Heartilly

Markus Clay


Terrance Stevens

Scott Stevens

Erick Gibson

Mickey Steele

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Big night in Alpha. Three out of four matches have deep implications for the title and relegation. Top of the list is obviously Nuke/Brandy. Nuke loses and the title can literally be handed to Brandy right there on the spot. Nuke wins, and the pressure is on for Brandy to win her last match this season or face losing the title to Nuke (if he wins that week). Second is Molina/Priest. A loss for Molina probably cements his relegation. A loss for Priest potentially sets a very messy tie for the last relegation slot. This is because of the third match, Blackfield/Mastachas. There's literally nothing on the line here for George. He's out of the title picture, and relegation isn't on the table except is some extremely specific circumstances. Blackfield, on the other hand, with a loss drops into that potential very messy tie. Blackfield, Molina, Priest, and Gross can all be 6-7 heading into the final week. And, as my picks will show, that's how I think it's gonna go down.

(2) Nuclear Templeton (8-4, OVR 629)* vs. (1) Brandy McDonald (10-2, OVR 590) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 5 - 4]

Nuke still has the edge over Brandy. The people he's lost to this season have been two technician types and an alternate version of himself. So he's still got what it takes to beat her. The question then becomes, "will it matter?", because Brandy will have to lose her last match to even giev him a chance to win the title again.

(4) Brian Blackfield (6-6, OVR 589) vs. (3) George Mastachas (7-5, OVR 592)* [Career: George Mastachas, 3 - 0]

Blackfield has never beaten Mastachas, and neither of the man's finishers can trigger the Juggernaut. They're both grapply types, but George is bigger, stronger, and has superior stamina. So the dominance makes sense.

SUBMISSION MATCH: (7) Lucas Molina (5-7, OVR 504)* vs. (5) Christian Priest (6-6, OVR 592) [Career: Christian Priest, 4 – 3. Career in Submission matches: Molina 2 – 0, Priest 2 – 0]

It is the rule of thumb. Do not bet against the submission specialist in a Submission match. Just don't do it. As I said for the one with Nuke, Priest could simply beat Molina senseless and apply his submission finish, but press X to doubt. Their last encounter was MOTN. How good is this one going to be? Additionally, it's extremely likely to be the last time we see this two clash for at least a season. A loss for Molina basically means relegation, as previously stated. And a loss for Priest gets him in deep trouble as well. Swept by Molina (who has JPO left in the final week), it would come down to his last match and probably some tiebreakers whether or not he got relegated. So enjoy this match, folks. This rivalry may well be on pause for a while.

(z-8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-11, OVR 523) vs. (6) Reverend Johnny Gross (5-7, OVR 529)* [Career: Reverend Johnny Gross, 3 - 0]

What can be said? JPO probably just wants his terrible no good season to be over already. While Gross is still inarguably fighting to stay out of the relegation zone.


A big night in Beta, too. Just...not quite as big. The promotion window has shrunk to the lead, second place, and two third placers fighting to make it maybe. Headline is of couse Kichi Hida in a Tables match. Always chancy things. Then there's finding if Yoshii still has a ghost of a promotion chance. Finally, we'll see if Diego can keep pace/take the lead via tiebreaker, or if Wasserman can make the relegation calculations real interesting for a week (and yes, incidentally handing the division title to Kichi if she wins).

(4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-5, OVR 526) vs. (5) De'siree Mitchell (6-6, OVR 529)* [Career: De'siree Mitchell, 1 - 0]

Well, she beat him before. Bigger, stronger, and superior stamina. And Yoshii really doesn't have an effective defense against eating a Blitz.

TABLES MATCH: (1) Kichi Hida (9-3, OVR 479)* vs. (6) Billy Norris (6-6, OVR 549) [Career: Kichi Hida, 1 – 0. Career in Tables matches: Hida 1 – 1, Norris 1 – 1]

Gotta back my own. Plus she did beat him beore in a regular match. Tables matches are just so chancy, though...

(3) Monty Dhillon (7-5, OVR 540)* vs. (z-8) Pulsar (0-12, OVR 472) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 1 - 0]

Zero shot Monty drops a match against Pulsar. The death march to the futility record will continue.

(2) Diego Rodriguez (8-4, OVR 511)* vs. (7) Angela Wassermann (5-7, OVR 459) [Career: Diego Rodriguez, 1 - 0]

Diego is on fire this season. Easily second place on the "Surprise of the Season" list behind, well, Kichi. Wasserman could technically kick him in the face and win, but eh. Doubt it.


The tension is high in Gamma this week, too. The headline match is Rose/River, where Rose doesn't want to lose her position as number two and River has to win to keep even the slimmest chance of promotion alive. Meanwhile, Leon tries not to drop round 2 against Simmons in a pro-promotion vs anti-relegation battle. Leon wants to stay in the race. Simmons wants to get out of it. Nocturne/Heartilly's hook is that she's beaten him twice, but that was two seasons ago. Sheridan/Clay is an anti-relegation battle.

(2) Indigo Rose (9-3, OVR 494)* vs. (4) Blood River (7-5, OVR 484) [Career: Indigo Rose, 1 - 0]

The Rose Back to Beta train keeps on rolling. Seriously, she beat him before. She can do it again. She may have just about shrugged off her tendency to choke in critical moments. Or not. Litmus test is here.

(3) Leon de Ramos (8-4, OVR 441) vs. (7) Daniel Simmons (3-9, OVR 443)* [Career: Daniel Simmons, 1 - 0]

Since their first encounter, Simmons has tanked and Leon has continued to rise. Not that Simmons can't win, but I thought his initial victory was a little flukey in the first place, and Leon's only gotten better since.

(z-8) Nocturne (2-10, OVR 407) vs. (x-1) Lance Heartilly (10-2, OVR 458)* [Career: Nocturne, 2 - 1]

Love ya, sis, but you're relegation fodder. Lance has thoroughly surpassed you, as indicated in the first match this season.

(6) Rock Sheridan (4-8, OVR 425) vs. (5) Markus Clay (5-7, OVR 452)* [Career: Markus Clay, 1 - 0]

Honestly, if Rock gets another win this season, I'll enjoy the pleasant surprise and additional XP.


If Delta only had a two person relegation zone, then this week would kind of dull compared with the other three divisions. However, it's four wide and that, friends and neighbors, cranks things up a notch. Terrance is screwed. Diamond is utterly unstoppable this season. Thus, it's a matter of if Murdoch/Scott (this week's arguable headline match), can help him out.

(y-1) Diamond (11-1, OVR 469)* vs. (4) Terrance Stevens (7-5, OVR 453) [Career: Terrance Stevens, 2 - 1]

I think we can safely call this season the Diamond Revenge Tour. Because, whew. The Diamond from Seasons Eight through Ten is a thing of the past. All hail the First Lady of the League.

TABLES MATCH: (2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (8-4, OVR 431) vs. (5) Scott Stevens (7-5, OVR 414)* [Career: Scott Stevens, 1 – 0. Career in Tables matches: Murdoch N/A, Stevens 1 – 1.]

I...in a regular match, at this stage I'd bet on Murdoch without hesitation. But Tables matches are chancier things. So Scott could easily take this and throw the second promotion slot into Gibson's hands once again.

(3) Erick Gibson (8-4, OVR 441)* vs. (8) George Stevens (1-11, OVR 382) [Career: Erick Gibson, 1 - 0]

Sorry, George. Also, they're gonna have to mop the sweat off the mat again after this one.

(z-7) Terra Harding (1-11, OVR 404) vs. (6) Mickey Steele (5-7, OVR 413)* [Career: Mickey Steele, 1 - 0]

Jobbers. They're gonna job.

Edited by Eternal Phoenix
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The Labor Day holiday has my schedule thrown a bit off-kilter. So tonight is going to be initial edits and running as much as I can in a single sitting, instead of the usual split of duties.

Also, a heads-up to folks--sometime later this week I will be posting another narrative bit in the lead up to the end of the season. Just not doing it here as there's already a big wall o' text incoming.



After Season Twelve, Week Twelve: Two weeks remaining



AUTHOR’S NOTE: When I mention “tied for second” or “tied for seventh”, I mean any scenarios where whomever wins/loses the tiebreaker would be in second or seventh place in the standings, respectively. As an example: if the bottom of a division had 5-9, 5-9, 5-9, 1-13 for positions five through eight, all those 5-9 records would be considered “tied for seventh” and thus at risk of relegation depending on who lost the tiebreakers, even though the common parlance is “tied for fifth” as that’s the highest one could reach. On the upper half, a look of 9-5, 9-5, 9-5. 6-8 would have the top three positions technically “tied for second” in my outlooks below, even if whoever lost the tiebreakers would not be promoted. Keep this in mind especially for Delta Division, as the drop to Omega happens from fifth-place on down for GMPCs and tertiary PCs.



It has come down to two. This week is a must-win for Nuclear Templeton—a win gives him the season sweep and thus tiebreaker over Brandy McDonald and keeps his dreams alive heading into the season finale. If Brandy wins, she’s the League Champion for a second time.

BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where wrestler is at least tied for the division lead):

Brandy McDonald: 100% (+4.7) chance of finishing with a share of the lead, 87.5% (+10.6) of finishing with the outright lead.

Nuclear Templeton: 12.5% (-2.3) chance of finishing with a share of the lead.


Championship-Clinching Scenarios that can happen in Week Thirteen:

Brandy McDonald clinches the League Championship with a win over Nuclear Templeton. Simple as that. A Templeton win gives him the tiebreaker and keeps the title undecided until week fourteen (Nuclear vs. Mastachas, Brandy vs. Gross), where he would need a win and Brandy to lose in order to give him his third League Championship. As many of you have rightly guessed, this match is the Week Thirteen main event.



Things got interesting in the lower half of the Alpha Division, with five people still capable of falling into a tie for seventh (two scenarios exist for that). Hope still exists for Lucas Molina, and he can drastically further his own cause with a Submission match victory over Christian Priest. He needs to either match Gross with a win or loss, or win while Gross suffers an upset to Ouilette, to remain alive as Gross holds the tiebreaker.


BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where wrestler is tied for seventh or worse):

Jean-Paul Ouilette: Has clinched last place.

Lucas Molina: 64.063% chance (-13.1)

Reverend Johnny Gross: 64.063% chance (+36.1)

Christian Priest: 20.313% chance (-12.3)

Brian Blackfield: 15.625% chance (+9.8)

George Mastachas: 0.781% chance (+0.6) *only 2 scenarios


Relegation-Clinching Scenarios that can happen in Week Thirteen:

Lucas Molina clinches relegation with a loss to Christian Priest AND a Reverend Johnny Gross win (over Jean-Paul Ouilette). Anything else keeps the seventh spot in play through next week.



Despite last week’s loss, Kichi Hida is guaranteed to finish with at least a share of second place. The upset of the division leader sent ripples through the Beta Division standings, and now things are interesting as everyone except for Angela Wassermann and the already-doomed-to-relegation Pulsar are capable of being in position for tiebreakers.


BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where a wrestler is tied for second or better):

Kichi Hida: 100% chance (+0.4)

Diego Rodriguez: 89.063% chance (+31.2)

Monty Dhillon: 29.688% chance (+8.9)

Yoshii Nakamatsu: 29.688% chance (-29.3)

De’siree Mitchell: 6.250% chance (-14.5)

Billy Norris: 4.688% chance (+1.5)


Promotion-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Thirteen:

Kichi Hida can clinch the Beta Division title with a win against Billy Norris AND Diego Rodriguez losing to Angela Wassermann. This would put her out of reach of Diego and ensure that the Carnival of Violence would make its next stop in the Alpha Division.

Diego Rodriguez clinches promotion with a win against Angela Wassermann AND Monty Dhillon losing to Pulsar AND Yoshii Nakamatsu losing to De’siree Mitchell. Similar to the above, this ensures that Diego is out of reach of the current tie for third. Diego loses every tiebreaker to Dhillon, Yoshii, or them both, so he needs to hold second place outright to claim a spot in Alpha.



Don’t sleep on the race to avoid seventh here, folks. Angela Wassermann wins the three-way breaker between her, Billy Norris, and De’siree Mitchell, however she loses the individual breaker to Mitchell. Norris loses all tiebreakers between the three. Nothing is certain yet!


BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where wrestler is tied for seventh or worse):

Pulsar: Has clinched last place in the division

Angela Wassermann: 89.063% chance (+2.3)

Billy Norris: 28.125% chance (-4.5)

De’siree Mitchell: 28.125% chance (+17.2)

Yoshii Nakamatsu: 6.250% chance (+5.1)

Monty Dhillon: 4.688% chance (-2.8)


Relegation-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Thirteen:

Angela Wassermann clinches relegation with a loss to Diego Rodriguez AND a Billy Norris win over Kichi Hida. Since Mitchell has the solo tiebreaker over her, Norris managing to get out of her reach would be enough to condemn Wassermann into a trip to the Gamma Division.



Lance Heartilly has clinched promotion. Sure, the rematch with Indigo Rose is still pending. But in a hypothetical three-way tie with Leon de Ramos (the only other person who can catch Lance), all three are 2-2 against the others. Rose would need to beat Lance in about 7:40 to snag the three-way tiebreaker…and even then, Lance wins the individual breaker against Leon. So regardless of the next two weeks, Lance Heartilly has booked a ticket to the Beta Division. It remains to be seen whether that’s a guaranteed (division champion) or provisional (second-place) ticket. Indigo Rose can do the same thing this week with a win, no outside help required, as she holds the tiebreaker over Leon de Ramos.


BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where a wrestler is tied for second or better):

Lance Heartilly: has clinched promotion

Indigo Rose: 93.750% chance (+5.9)

Leon de Ramos: 34.375% chance (-3.5)

Blood River: 9.375% chance (-2.8)


Promotion-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Thirteen:

Lance Heartilly clinches the division title with a win AND an Indigo Rose loss to Blood River.

Indigo Rose clinches promotion with a win against Blood River, which would make the week fourteen match against Heartilly for the Gamma Division crown.



At the bottom of the division, all eyes turn now to Rock Sheridan and Daniel Simmons. (Technically, Markus Clay as well but he’ll win tiebreakers barring a collapse of disastrous proportions.) Daniel Simmons holds the tiebreaker by roughly fifteen minutes. Sheridan needs to win, and have Simmons lose, to ensure he escapes relegation this week.

BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where wrestler is tied for seventh or worse):

Nocturne: has clinched relegation.

Daniel Simmons: 93.750% chance (+5.5)

Rock Sheridan: 34.375% chance (-3.9)

Markus Clay: 6.250% (-3.9)


Relegation-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Thirteen:

Nocturne clinches last place with a loss AND a Daniel Simmons win over Leon de Ramos. Otherwise their rematch happens in week fourteen.

Daniel Simmons clinches relegation with a loss combined with a Rock Sheridan win.



Diamond’s booked herself a spot back to Gamma after two seasons in Delta. Any of four people could be the one to join her in the move up as the second promotion spot in Delta is closely contested with only two weeks remaining.

BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where a wrestler is tied for second or better):

Diamond: has clinched division title.

“Dirty” John Murdoch: 64.063% chance (+36.5)

Erick Gibson: 64.063% chance (-14.6)

Terrance Stevens: 20.313% chance (-12.6)

Scott Stevens: 20.313% chance (+14.6)


Promotion-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Thirteen:

The author is going to be honest—there’s too many moving parts at play in this one. It is possible that week thirteen ends with a four-way tie at 8-5 in the Delta Division for maximum chaos. Please check back next week when there are only 16 scenarios to work from (barring tiebreakers) and things are a lot easier to chart out.



The tightness in the promotion race means it’s just as close in the back end, given the margin from second to fifth is quite thin in this division.

BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where GMPC/tertiary PC wrestler is tied for fifth or worse):

Terrance Stevens: 64.063% chance (+36.5)

Erick Gibson: 20.313% chance (+14.6)

“Dirty” John Murdoch: 20.313% chance (-12.6)


Relegation-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Thirteen:

See the point above about promotion spots. Same rule applies here.



Season Ten saw our third League Champion in as many seasons, the continued rise of The Juggernaut as he nearly went perfect again, the Gamma Division champion almost running the table as well, and what was at the time the highest single-season OVR change on record in The League along with the second-lowest OVR change.



1. George Mastachas: 11-3, +53.00 (second-best in The League’s tenure)

4. Nuclear Templeton: 11-3, +46.79 (sixth-best in The League’s tenure)

5. The Mastodon: 9-5, +42.81

8. Brandy McDonald: 7-7, +29.91

11. Mel O’Hallister: 6-8, +26.05

13. De’siree Mitchell: 5-9, +22.60

25. Reverend Johnny Gross: 4-10, +7.68

23. Daniel Simmons: 3-11, +10.62



2. Brian Blackfield: 13-1, +48.62 (fourth-best in The League’s tenure)

6. Jean-Paul Ouilette: 8-6, +31.11

12. Yoshii Nakamatsu: 8-6, +23.37

9. Billy Norris: 7-7, +28.56

19. Blood River: 6-8, +15.44

15. Angela Wassermann: 5-9, +17.49

22. Pulsar: 5-9, +12.77

24. Big Scott Weathers: 4-10, +10.44



3. Christian Priest: 13-1, +47.20 (fifth-best in The League’s tenure)

20. Lucas Molina: 8-6, +14.78

14. Indigo Rose: 8-6, +20.88

18. Diego Rodriguez: 7-7, +15.84

21. Erick Gibson: 6-8, +13.09

16. Terrance Stevens: 6-8, +17.13

26. Markus Clay: 4-10, +3.23

29. Diamond: 4-10, +1.24



7. Monty Dhillon: 12-2, +30.24

10. Lance Heartilly: 11-3, +27.24

17. Kichi Hida: 10-4, +5.04

27. Nocturne: 7-7, +2.70

28. Jun Onoo: 6-8, +2.05

30. El Tornado: 4-10, -6.98 (ninth-worst in The League’s tenure)

31. Scott Stevens: 4-10, -7.26 (eighth-worst in The League’s tenure)

32. Devil’s Delight: 2-12, -13.98 (second-worst in The League’s tenure)

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(2) Nuclear Templeton (8-4, OVR 629)* vs. (1) Brandy McDonald (10-2, OVR 590) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 5 - 4]

(4) Brian Blackfield (6-6, OVR 589) vs. (3) George Mastachas (7-5, OVR 592)* [Career: George Mastachas, 3 - 0]

SUBMISSION MATCH: (7) Lucas Molina (5-7, OVR 504)* vs. (5) Christian Priest (6-6, OVR 592) [Career: Christian Priest, 4 – 3. Career in Submission matches: Molina 2 – 0, Priest 2 – 0]

(z-8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-11, OVR 523) vs. (6) Reverend Johnny Gross (5-7, OVR 529)* [Career: Reverend Johnny Gross, 3 - 0]


(4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-5, OVR 526) vs. (5) De'siree Mitchell (6-6, OVR 529)* [Career: De'siree Mitchell, 1 - 0]

TABLES MATCH: (1) Kichi Hida (9-3, OVR 479)* vs. (6) Billy Norris (6-6, OVR 549) [Career: Kichi Hida, 1 – 0. Career in Tables matches: Hida 1 – 1, Norris 1 – 1]

(3) Monty Dhillon (7-5, OVR 540)* vs. (z-8) Pulsar (0-12, OVR 472) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 1 - 0]

(2) Diego Rodriguez (8-4, OVR 511)* vs. (7) Angela Wassermann (5-7, OVR 459) [Career: Diego Rodriguez, 1 - 0]


(2) Indigo Rose (9-3, OVR 494)* vs. (4) Blood River (7-5, OVR 484) [Career: Indigo Rose, 1 - 0]

(3) Leon de Ramos (8-4, OVR 441) vs. (7) Daniel Simmons (3-9, OVR 443)* [Career: Daniel Simmons, 1 - 0]

(z-8) Nocturne (2-10, OVR 407) vs. (x-1) Lance Heartilly (10-2, OVR 458)* [Career: Nocturne, 2 - 1]

(6) Rock Sheridan (4-8, OVR 425) vs. (5) Markus Clay (5-7, OVR 452)* [Career: Markus Clay, 1 - 0]


(y-1) Diamond (11-1, OVR 469)* vs. (4) Terrance Stevens (7-5, OVR 453) [Career: Terrance Stevens, 2 - 1]

TABLES MATCH: (2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (8-4, OVR 431) vs. (5) Scott Stevens (7-5, OVR 414)* [Career: Scott Stevens, 1 – 0. Career in Tables matches: Murdoch N/A, Stevens 1 – 1.]

(3) Erick Gibson (8-4, OVR 441)* vs. (8) George Stevens (1-11, OVR 382) [Career: Erick Gibson, 1 - 0]

(z-7) Terra Harding (1-11, OVR 404) vs. (6) Mickey Steele (5-7, OVR 413)* [Career: Mickey Steele, 1 - 0]



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The Aerie School of Professional Wrestling

Bel Air, Maryland

September 4, 2024, 8:15 p.m. local time


He’d been at it for close to an hour, spanning four different opponents. From the power of Mastachas, to the speed of Norris, to the technical wizardry of Rodriguez, and now to the sheer ruggedness of Blackfield. All of them had a goal in common: to put Will Prydor through his paces with only a couple of weeks before his fated showdown with Nuclear Templeton.

Prydor hadn’t been in the ring in a competitive manner for a while, and it showed at first as Norris was able to pick up the pace and keep Prydor winded for the last five minutes of his session. This exhaustion opened Prydor up to a few mistakes that Rodriguez was quick to capitalize on, despite Prydor managing to escape the holds without being submitted. And then it was The Juggernaut coming at him relentlessly, forcing Prydor to wrestle on the defensive for the entirety of the last ten minutes.

Blackfield’s feet were set in a position that Prydor knew the Tartan Effect was coming next. So he let Brian go into the air to attempt it, only for Prydor to wrench a leg out and apply his ankle lock as the pair went to the mat. He had the move on tight—showing people what Nocturne’s version should look like—and Blackfield was crawling to the ropes as the bell sounded at ringside, causing Prydor to drop the hold immediately.

“TIME!” Amelia Warder called. The hour had passed, and despite being weary, Prydor had not surrendered a single fall…not that he had managed to score one himself in that time span, to be fair. It hadn’t been his intent tonight. No…tonight was simply proving to himself that despite the different challenges facing four fresh individuals would entail, he wanted to be sure he was ready both physically and mentally for what was to come.

Not for the first time, he wished that he had thought to invest in a hot tub at his residence. He was going to need it tonight.

Pushing himself slowly to his feet, Will shifted his gaze to the others in the gym—the four men he’d just wrestled, Indigo Rose and Nocturne in the front row of seats, with Brandy McDonald behind them, and off to a side was Daniel Simmons watching with a careful gaze. Others had been here in the last couple of days, still others would come in the days to follow, but at least two dozen members of The League’s roster had banded together to make sure that their boss was ready for the fight of his literal life.

They believed that much in The League and what it represented.

“Bloody ‘ell,” Blackfield said in between breaths. “Ye sure ye be needin’ us to whip ye into shape?”

Will opened his mouth to reply, then paused for a moment as a look crossed his face. This was noticed at ringside by Nocturne, who called out, “You were about to address him as Mister Blackfield, weren’t you?”

Will nodded, grinning sheepishly. “I’ve been a teacher for too long, Dani. Hard habit to break.”

“Ye daft fool. Mister Blackfield’s me da and he’s been gone ten years.”

“Fair enough.” Will shook his head slowly in amusement. “To answer your question, Brian, yes. I need every bit of help I can get to knock off six years of ring rust in just under a month. Why else would I be asking you all to trade off every fifteen minutes to keep a fresh opponent in front of me?”

“Because you don’t want anyone saying you caused them to lose by coming to these extra workouts!” Daniel Simmons’ voice carried a hint of laughter in it, and that was enough to get most of the League members in the room to chuckle.

“Point is,” chimed in George Mastachas from the ringside area, “some of us know what Nuclear’s capable of. It would be wrong of us, despite how we may conduct ourselves in the ring, to simply leave you to his so-called mercy. Helping you helps us in the long run.”

“Exactly,” added Brandy. “Right now, the stability and the lack of travel works well for basically all of us. We know what to expect coming here, under your roof. With these other people, there’s no guarantee that any of it will remain.”

A heavy silence fell at that. It was the elephant in the room that no one wanted to discuss. Finally Will groaned slightly as he pushed himself out of the corner he’d been leaning in. “That’s enough maudlin talk for a night, folks. I’ll see whoever wants to come back to one of these things next Monday; I’m not going to distract any of you from your actual season pursuits by doing these any closer to the show. Get your rest, prepare as you deem fit, and I’ll see y’all back here Friday evening for Week Thirteen.”

Some thirty minutes later, everyone had vacated the premises except for Will, Dani, and Amelia. Together the three of them make sure everything was secured and locked up for the night. Amelia took her leave at this point, saying that her daughter and Terry were waiting for her since it was Melody’s second week of school in Maryland, and then it was just a teacher and his star pupil left in the fading summer twilight.

“So, Will. Be honest with me. Are you sure you’re ready for whatever happens in the next few weeks?”

To Dani’s surprise, Will’s initial response was a heavy sigh. “I honestly don’t know, Dani. Am I mentally ready? Yes. I think I have been for several months now, when I saw the writing on the wall early on. Physically? No. I’m almost expecting to come out of this ordeal a paraplegic. My neck is going to be a target, and a lot of his offense focuses on it. I just simply don’t know how much my body is going to be able to endure, Dani. And that’s the truth.”

“Do you at least have plans in place if Nuclear does take The League from you? Because I assure you that at least half of us are willing to walk if he does force it from you.”

There was another pause. “Dani. Before I answer that, I need your word. This discussion goes no further than us. Not to Amelia, not to Tori, especially not to anyone in The League.”

Dani considered this for all of about five seconds. “Done. I give you my word, this goes no farther than me. Talk to me, Will.”

So he did...and it was good.


An hour later, after a soak in a warm bathtub, Will stood in his den, looking out at the barely-visible silhouette of The Aerie. He was silent, letting his thoughts run ahead of him, as Tori came in to the den and wrapped an arm around his waist from the side. “Penny for them?”

“I’m just going over everything one more time in my head, Tori. Trying to figure out if something got missed somewhere.”

“You’re fine, Will. We’ve had everyone go over all of the fine print. We’re not missing anything. All you need to do is worry about coming back to us in one piece.”

“And if I can’t?”

“Then we cross that bridge after. We both know that trying to predict other people is a fool’s errand. All we can do is set ourselves up in the best possible spot we can and hope plans are enough.”

He sighed, and turned to fully embrace her as she laid her head on his chest. “Those years ago, Tori, when you made the decision to step in as my manager during The League's older days…did you ever think it would lead to this all these years later?”

“No. But I had hopes that I’d end up here one day. Both of us have been forged from flames we don’t speak much of. We are stronger together. And we’ll get through this too. No matter what happens, Will, we’re here for you. Me, the kids, Ames and Terry, everyone. We will survive. We will endure. And you are going to show Nuclear Templeton that no one comes into your home and threatens you without paying the price.”

Will said nothing, instead opting to hold his wife closer to him. For years, he stood alone against the world. Now, he had others to stand with him. There was a great power in numbers.

Come what may, on September 27, he would be ready to face the fallout of the storm Nuclear Templeton was itching to throw at him.

Edited by ShadowedFlames
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(2) Nuclear Templeton (8-4, OVR 629)* vs. (1) Brandy McDonald (10-2, OVR 590)

- Nuke's going to make sure that Week 14 is must-see television!

(4) Brian Blackfield (6-6, OVR 589) vs. (3) George Mastachas (7-5, OVR 592)*

- Blackfield is looking for safety from relegation, but he's not going to find it here.

SUBMISSION MATCH: (7) Lucas Molina (5-7, OVR 504)* vs. (5) Christian Priest (6-6, OVR 592)

- All logical thought says Molina has the advantage, but I believe in the utter perversity of the universe.

(z-8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-11, OVR 523) vs. (6) Reverend Johnny Gross (5-7, OVR 529)*

- A loss here would be disastrous for Gross.



(4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-5, OVR 526) vs. (5) De'siree Mitchell (6-6, OVR 529)*

- She beat him before?

TABLES MATCH: (1) Kichi Hida (9-3, OVR 479)* vs. (6) Billy Norris (6-6, OVR 549)

- Pure speed isn't going to beat Hida.

(3) Monty Dhillon (7-5, OVR 540)* vs. (z-8) Pulsar (0-12, OVR 472)

- Monty's not going to promote, but he still needs to win clear of the coming off-season Beta Relegation Bloodbath.

(2) Diego Rodriguez (8-4, OVR 511)* vs. (7) Angela Wassermann (5-7, OVR 459)

- It's going to take an act of God to prevent Diego from claiming the second promotion slot.



(2) Indigo Rose (9-3, OVR 494)* vs. (4) Blood River (7-5, OVR 484)

- Rose is ready for a return to Beta. Blood is... probably right where he belongs.

(3) Leon de Ramos (8-4, OVR 441) vs. (7) Daniel Simmons (3-9, OVR 443)*

- No. Confidence. In. Simmons.

(z-8) Nocturne (2-10, OVR 407) vs. (x-1) Lance Heartilly (10-2, OVR 458)*

- Between them they've had one good season?

(6) Rock Sheridan (4-8, OVR 425) vs. (5) Markus Clay (5-7, OVR 452)*

- I just feel like now that we're starting to develop some confidence in Clay... he's going to let us down.



(y-1) Diamond (11-1, OVR 469)* vs. (4) Terrance Stevens (7-5, OVR 453)

- It's kind of a bummer that Terrance Stevens' good season is probably going to waste.

TABLES MATCH: (2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (8-4, OVR 431) vs. (5) Scott Stevens (7-5, OVR 414)*

- This could go either way, but I've got to pick at least one Stevens to win this week.

(3) Erick Gibson (8-4, OVR 441)* vs. (8) George Stevens (1-11, OVR 382)

- Delta has become a "promote or die" zone for NPC's, and Gibson's got a lot to live for.

(z-7) Terra Harding (1-11, OVR 404) vs. (6) Mickey Steele (5-7, OVR 413)*

- Both fighting for pride, but Steele fights for JUSTICE!!!

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Show’s going up on Sunday. It was my intent to put most of the show summary/MOTN together today at work, but said work in their infinite wisdom has decided that I am to be too busy being underpaid instead of appealing to a handful of folks on the interwebs.

How dare.

(edited two hours later to add: and no one bothered to tell me that I was going to do the work of two other rank-and-file people in my department as well as reminding my boss of the edicts she’s laid down over the last eight years that I’ve been following that suddenly are being questioned. Last I checked, I’m NOT a supervisor, why is everyone including my actual supervisor treating me like I am?! /end rant)

So tomorrow morning around errands I’ll get the show written up and prepped, and make sure all my extra stuff is good to go with it (clinch reporting, etc). Then on Sunday morning local I’ll get the show up and we can start prepping for the final week of the season.

Other scheduling note: It is also my intent, after week 14, to start further building up the grudge match between Nuclear and Prydor. My narrative above actually has a typo—I meant to say the blowoff match was going to be September 17, not 27 as I posted—but in hindsight I will let it ride. As I will be away from my computer the weekend following Week 14, this will allow the season finale to have a chance to breathe before PLOT(tm) comes crowding in on it.

This also lets me have two weeks to write the thing after I run it (likely the day after the season finale goes up) and allow Derek to add whatever narrative changes he needs for Nuclear outside of the hour-long match before it gets posted to the general public.

Edited by ShadowedFlames
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uuVaRmi.jpg (z-7) Terra Harding (1-11, OVR 404)


(6) Mickey Steele (5-7, OVR 413)* vC6SXqZ.jpg OndApuF.jpg

This one broke out in bloodshed literally two minutes in, when Harding managed to open up Steele with a seated dropkick. While she wouldn’t worsen the laceration during the match, she managed to give Steele enough to handle than even the Steele Assault and Steele Scissor used in tandem were not enough to slow Terra down for long. Sure, Steele shook the ropes a couple of times to slow Terra’s offense, but Harding seemed more determined than ever tonight, and it showed as she broke out her 630 senton and actually connected with it to score the massive upset!

Terra Harding (2-11) def. Mickey Steele (5-8) via Pinfall (Burn With Me) in 9:44.  Rating: ***

Changes for Terra Harding:  OVR + 3.12, XP + 525.06, minor damage to head

Changes for Mickey Steele:  OVR -0.08, XP + 131.27, minor damage to head



E5dgVEm.jpg O63FjvG.jpg (3) Erick Gibson (8-4, OVR 441)*


(8) George Stevens (1-11, OVR 382) UOpfoyB.jpg fTtB0pK.jpg

This match ran a similar length to the previous bout, but was much slower paced due to not only the size of one of the competitors, but also the stamina issues that both men have. Cary Stevens got involved in this match, trying to give his son a helping hand about six minutes in, but that attempt was in vain as Gibson would eventually counter a choke slam attempt with a rake of the face, a drop toe hold that led to some crossface blows from behind, and then the Terminable Offense. Gibson gets the win and the pressure is on “Dirty” John Murdoch to do likewise to keep the fight for second in the Delta Division alive heading into next week’s finale!

Erick Gibson (9-4) def. George Stevens (1-12) via Pinfall (Terminable Offense) in 9:05.  Rating: **

Changes for Erick Gibson:  OVR + 2.51, XP + 484.36, minor damage to head

Changes for George Stevens:  OVR -2.09, XP + 96.87, no notable damage



5vWV1hg.jpg (6) Rock Sheridan (4-8, OVR 425)


(5) Markus Clay (5-7, OVR 452)* N0Y594C.jpg

A vital match for Sheridan here, needing to avenge his loss earlier in the season to maintain the advantage over Daniel Simmons in the race to avoid relegation. Rock certainly seemed like he was aware of this too, as he simply overpowered Clay throughout the course of the following eight minutes. Clay never really got the chance to get up to speed despite some offense, as a one-handed Tacoma Choke Slam put the emphasis on this one. Sheridan’s fate is his to control next week!

Rock Sheridan (5-8) def. Markus Clay (5-8) via Pinfall (Tacoma Choke Slam) in 8:07.  Rating: **

Changes for Rock Sheridan:  OVR + 2.99, XP + 556.48, no notable damage

Changes for Markus Clay:  OVR -1.55, XP + 139.12, minor damage to head



dw4KJ41.jpg (2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (8-4, OVR 431)


(5) Scott Stevens (7-5, OVR 414)* fYy1oxq.jpg fTtB0pK.jpg

The opening five minutes of this contest consisted of these two men trying to beat the stuffing out of each other. Murdoch got a few heavier shots in earlier, and had the advantage at said five-minute mark. It was when he went to leave the ring to get a table that Stevens fought back, and for the next two minutes The Scorpion held the offensive as Murdoch seemed hell-bent on going to ringside to get a table, only to be stymied by Stevens every time. Finally, Stevens had enough and tried to send Murdoch to the outside forcefully with a strong forearm charge, but Murdoch simply ducked, dropping the top rope slightly so that Stevens got himself tangled up in the ropes for a few seconds. This was enough for Murdoch to finally introduce a table into the match, and the last two minutes were for both men trying to find various ways to utilize the table. Murdoch would find paydirt after avoiding a Stevens low blow to quickly hit a snap DDT through the table. The second promotion spot in Delta remains undecided heading into the final week of the season!

"Dirty" John Murdoch (9-4) def. Scott Stevens (7-6) via Table Break (DDT) in 8:46.  Rating: **

Changes for "Dirty" John Murdoch:  OVR + 2.62, XP + 484.21, no notable damage

Changes for Scott Stevens:  OVR -1.85, XP + 121.05, no notable damage



BEVGy0x.jpg (z-8) Nocturne (2-10, OVR 407)


(x-1) Lance Heartilly (10-2, OVR 458)* 9q89H6M.jpg

Last season, it was Nocturne who had swept Heartilly over both matches. This season was the Canadian’s payback tour, as while Nocturne got some offense in it wasn’t nearly enough to put Heartilly within danger of an ankle lock. The same could not be said for Lance’s figure four, which did enough after about thirty seconds to get the victory. Lance has done his part; if Rose loses later on he enters the final week with a guaranteed promotion as the Gamma Division champion!

Lance Heartilly (11-2) def. Nocturne (2-11) via Submission (Hellacious Leglock) in 9:30.  Rating: **

Changes for Lance Heartilly:  OVR + 3.03, XP + 557.24, no notable damage

Changes for Nocturne:  OVR -1.61, XP + 139.31, minor damage to head



zBWrwLg.jpg (3) Leon de Ramos (8-4, OVR 441)


(7) Daniel Simmons (3-9, OVR 443)* zd1WDAc.jpg

A must-win for Leon here if he wanted any hope of overtaking Indigo Rose for second. It was also a must-win for Simmons to keep his dreams of avoiding the Delta Division alive for another week. Leon stuck to his tried-and-true offense of simply wearing down Simmons with holds, but Simmons was having none of it. After all, one of Simmons’ few wins this season came at Leon’s expense, and the working man simply used his power advantage to keep de Ramos at bay. Try as he might, Leon never got his bigger offensive maneuvers in, while Simmons had his ankle lock countered…but not the Blue Collar Driver. That was enough for three, and the second relegation spot in Gamma will also be decided next week!

Daniel Simmons (4-9) def. Leon de Ramos (8-5) via Pinfall (Blue Collar Driver) in 14:59.  Rating: **

Changes for Daniel Simmons:  OVR + 3.19, XP + 560.27, no notable damage

Changes for Leon de Ramos:  OVR -1.81, XP + 140.07, moderate damage to head



0rDaDU8.jpg (y-1) Diamond (11-1, OVR 469)*


(4) Terrance Stevens (7-5, OVR 453) 6r4P9L8.jpg

With victories earlier by both Murdoch and Gibson, Terrance’s chances of leaving Delta in an upwards manner had been dashed. Now he needed to avoid dropping down into fifth if he could. The First Lady was having none of that, as a six-minute squash put an end to those hopes on this occasion, at least. Terrance would need to find a win next week to avoid dropping to Omega for Season Thirteen.

Diamond (12-1) def. Terrance Stevens (7-6) via Pinfall (24 Karat Kiss) in 6:02.  Rating: *

Changes for Diamond:  OVR + 2.15, XP + 442.65, no notable damage

Changes for Terrance Stevens:  OVR -3.35, XP + 110.66, minor damage to head



G4sbiHU.jpg (2) Diego Rodriguez (8-4, OVR 511)*


(7) Angela Wassermann (5-7, OVR 459) aOXlwtV.jpg

Angela was behind the proverbial 8-ball here, needing a win against a promotion contender. If one were to have left at, say, the seven-and-a-half-minute mark to go prepare a snack or something, they could have been excused in thinking they’d be back immediately following a Rodriguez submission victory.  In fact, that’s what should have happened just shy of ten minutes in, as Rodriguez had the Discordant Melody locked in. Yet somehow, Wassermann managed to find an escape before she had to submit. That seemed to throw Diego off—how dare someone escape his submission finishers!—and Angela took full advantage of the emotional upheaval. The remaining four minutes of the match were almost all Wassermann, who surprised Rodriguez with a tight, compact STF in the center of the ring that he simply could not fight his way out of. The tap came seconds later, and Wassermann had pulled an upset from the jaws of defeat, knocking off the submission specialist with a submission of her own!

Angela Wassermann (6-7) def. Diego Rodriguez (8-5) via Submission (STF) in 13:44.  Rating: ***

Changes for Angela Wassermann:  OVR + 4.27, XP + 685.28, minor damage to head

Changes for Diego Rodriguez:  OVR + 0.89, XP + 171.32, minor damage to head



vz0qqDp.jpg (3) Monty Dhillon (7-5, OVR 540)*


(z-8) Pulsar (0-12, OVR 472) VfA2MW8.jpg

Diego’s surprise loss could not have come at a worse time. Not when the man behind Diego in the standings was facing the winless Pulsar. But seeing the upsets earlier in the night seemed to have motivated Pulsar, as he stunned Dhillon in the opening minutes with a barrage of offense that The League had not really seen from the luchador all season. A top rope senton at nine minutes in netted a long two, and Pulsar signaled that he was going up again, this time for his shooting star senton. Monty took that as his cue to finally wake up and assert himself in the contest. The remaining four minutes and change were all Dhillon, as Pulsar never got the chance to launch the Zodiac Implosion. Dhillon’s power finally grounded the luchador enough that an Empire Bomb would suffice to end the match. It took Monty a bit, but he capitalizes on the Rodriguez loss to jump back into the promotion hunt with a week to go!

Monty Dhillon (8-5) def. Pulsar (0-13) via Pinfall (Empire Bomb) in 13:54.  Rating: ***

Changes for Monty Dhillon:  OVR + 4.27, XP + 685.40, minor damage to head and body

Changes for Pulsar:  OVR + 0.88, XP + 171.35, minor damage to head



2X2r9qf.jpg (2) Indigo Rose (9-3, OVR 494)*


(4) Blood River (7-5, OVR 484) hAfQcot.jpg VZFWcYa.jpg

Rose was in control of her own destiny here. A win tonight, and her match next week against Heartilly would be for the Gamma Division crown. River was certainly not going to make it easy on her, as he tried to play keep-away and utilize his speed. The downside, naturally, as that one had to close in on an opponent eventually to do any damage, and that’s when Rose methodically grounded the high-flier with her technical offense. River would find some moments of offense, and around eleven mintues in he had started to pick up the pace, using his speed to hit strikes from different angles. However, Rose is not considered one of the better technical wrestlers in The League for no reason, and showed it here as she turned an attempted corkscrew kick from Blood River into one of the cleanest counter transitions to an STF that one will ever see. The tap came quickly after, and it was official: Rose would be fighting for the Gamma Division title next week to determine the promotion order between her and Lance Heartilly!

Indigo Rose (10-3) def. Blood River (7-6) via Submission (STF) in 12:45.  Rating: ***

Changes for Indigo Rose:  OVR + 3.73, XP + 605.62, minor damage to head

Changes for Blood River:  OVR + 0.39, XP + 151.41, minor damage to head



hYlEAC2.jpg p1IFTGG.jpg (z-8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-11, OVR 523)


(6) Reverend Johnny Gross (5-7, OVR 529)* d7FEgH5.jpg

A fairly uninspiring match here saw Gross overcome a hot start from Ouilette combined with Cecile Corine interference. Gross would eventually find a way to keep JPO off-balance and methodically take the would-be playboy apart. Corine could only watch as Gross put her fiancé into the dragon sleeper to score the submission victory. Not a very exciting match, but it was still a win that Gross desperately needed, especially with the Priest/Molina match happening later on.

Reverend Johnny Gross (6-7) def. Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-12) via Submission (Come to Jesus) in 17:02.  Rating: **

Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross:  OVR + 4.25, XP + 732.26, no notable damage

Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette:  OVR -0.89, XP + 146.45, minor damage to head



4ZAKk1I.jpg (1) Kichi Hida (9-3, OVR 479)*


(6) Billy Norris (6-6, OVR 549) 6fYIC71.jpg

Bob Sinclair: Back to Beta Division action next, with the high-flying Billy Norris facing The Ringmaster of the Carnival of Violence herself, Kichi Hida, in a Tables Match!

Frankie Garnett: I should be drooling at the thought of what we’re about to see, Bob, but I can’t.

Bob Sinclair: And why is that?

Frankie Garnett: Because we’re sitting at a table, Bob. We might not be safe if Hida goes on a rampage!

Bob Sinclair: Frankie, we’ll be fine. There are plenty of other tables at ringside already.

Frankie Garnett: I see that. But I’m still going to be wary!

Bob Sinclair: As well you should be. We’re ready for this one here in The Aerie, the bell sounds and we are underway!



(00:08) Norris easily avoided an Eye Poke.

(00:13) Hida blocked an Inverted Drop Toe Hold

(00:17) Hida broke an Inverted Drop Toe Hold

(00:21) Hida hit a Face Rake

(00:25) Norris countered a Knee Lift with a Kick To Thigh

(00:32) Norris hit a Monkey Flip

(00:39) Norris picked up Hida from behind

(00:43) Norris hit a Forearm To Back

(00:47) Hida blocked an Arm Wringer Smash

(00:51) Hida blocked an Arm Wringer Smash

(00:55) Hida hit a Face Rake

(00:59) Hida hit a Headbutt

(01:03) Norris fought back against being picked up from behind

(01:12) Norris hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(01:16) Hida slipped out the front of a Standing Head Scissors Jump

(01:19) Hida hit a Kick To Gut

(01:23) Hida hit a Headbutt

(01:32) Hida hit a Punch Flurry

(01:36) Hida hit a Face Rake

(01:39) Hida hit a Kick To Gut

(01:43) Hida hit an Eye Poke

(01:46) Hida hit a Jab Punch

(01:49) Hida hit a Punch

(01:52) Norris countered a Headbutt with a Forearm Blow

(02:01) Norris hit a Standing Head Scissors Jump

(02:08) Norris hit an Arm Drag

(02:12) Norris hit a Knee Drop

(02:21) Norris picked up Hida from behind

(02:25) Norris hit a Forearm To Back Of Head

(02:29) Hida fought back as Norris tried to climb the turnbuckles

(02:32) Hida hit a Jab Punch

(02:36) Hida hit a Headbutt

(02:39) Hida hit a Punch

(02:46) Hida hit a Running Clothesline

(02:50) Hida hit a Stomp

(02:58) Hida picked up Norris

(03:04) Billy Norris goes tumbling to ringside after the Mirror Maze Knee Strike, and Hida comes out after him!


Frankie Garnett: That didn’t take long!

Bob Sinclair: You could tell from how Kichi’s been looking to the ringside area, where tables are already in place. She wanted to drag this to the floor early, and force Norris to fight her on her turf. Major advantage to Hida right now.



(03:13) Hida picked up Norris

(03:19) Hida hit a Roundhouse Body Punch

(03:25) Hida hit a Roundhouse Punch

(03:31) Hida hit a Roundhouse Body Punch

(03:39) Norris easily avoided a Running Knee Lift.

(03:46) Norris hit an Inverted Drop Toe Hold

(03:50) Norris hit a Legdrop

(04:05) Norris hit a Stomp Flurry

(04:12) Norris hit a Knee Pull

(04:19) Hida avoided a Seated Back Dropkick.

(04:25) Hida hit a High Knee

(04:31) Norris easily avoided a Stomp.

(04:45) Norris hit a Cravate Flip

(04:50) Hida blocked a Knee Pull

(04:55) Hida blocked a Flying Inverted Rana

(05:01) Hida hit a High Knee

(05:05) Hida hit a Running Knee Drop

(05:13) Billy Norris very easily moved out of the way from a Knee Drop.

(05:20) Norris hit a Senton

(05:28) Kichi Hida moved out of the way from a Running Senton.

(05:35) Norris countered a Running Knee Drop with a Legsweep Kick

(05:39) Norris hit an Elbow Drop

(05:48) Kichi Hida moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(05:52) Listen to Kichi Hida laugh as she lands the Funhouse Stomp!

(05:58) Hida picked up Norris

(06:08) Billy Norris gets taken for a ride of pain on Hida's UFO Spin Elbow!


Bob Sinclair: Now if this were a normal match, Hida might have had it won right there!

Frankie Garnett: Indeed, Bob. Instead, it looks like more violence is on the menu!



(06:22) Hida used a Get Up Taunt

(06:29) Norris countered a Yakuza Kick with a Clothesline

(06:33) Norris hit a Measured Knee Drop

(06:46) Norris hit a Running Half Senton

(06:50) Norris hit an Elbow Drop

(07:03) Norris hit a Running Half Senton

(07:10) Norris hit a Senton

(07:17) Norris hit a Seated Back Dropkick

(07:24) Norris hit a Half Senton

(07:32) Norris hit a Stomp To Groin

(07:39) Norris used a Slit Throat Motion

(07:43) Hida stopped a Stalk Grounded Enemy by rushing Norris

(07:50) Hida hit a Women's DDT

(07:57) Hida picked up Norris

(08:01) Hida hit an Eye Poke

(08:05) Hida hit a Face Rake

(08:15) Norris countered a Yakuza Kick with a Rana Pinfall

(08:29) Norris used a Get Up Taunt

(08:33) Hida blocked a Flying Rana

(08:37) Hida slipped out the front of a Boomerang DDT

(08:45) Hida hit a Ring Apron Face Slam

(09:03) Kichi Hida is showing Norris the true meaning of Glory in Violence here!

(09:09) Hida hit a Low Blow

(09:16) Hida slid a table into the ring


Frankie Garnett: Kichi, there are plenty of tables out there, why put one in the ring?

Bob Sinclair: I think it’s a smart move, Frankie. If this match ends up back in the ring, you don’t have to go get a table to end it. There’s one already in there.

Frankie Garnett: …Still don’t like it.



(09:22) Hida picked up Norris

(09:29) Norris countered an Eternal Violence with a Legsweep Kick

(09:42) Norris hit a Running Senton

(09:51) Kichi Hida moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(10:05) Kichi Hida welcomes Norris to the Freakshow with that knee strike!

(10:11) Hida picked up Norris

(10:15) Norris countered a Yakuza Kick with a Kick To Thigh

(10:22) Norris hit a DDT

(10:29) Norris hit a Half Senton

(10:36) Norris used a Slit Throat Motion

(10:44) Norris picked up Hida

(10:50) Hida countered a Spear with a Roundhouse Body Punch

(10:57) Hida hit a Women's DDT

(11:04) Hida picked up Norris

(11:11) Hida hit a Yakuza Kick

(11:17) Hida picked up Norris

(11:27) Norris easily avoided an UFO Spin Elbow.

(11:32) Hida slipped out the front of a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(11:50) Kichi Hida is showing Norris the true meaning of Glory in Violence here!

(11:54) Hida hit a Running Knee Drop

(12:02) Hida picked up Norris

(12:08) Billy Norris's brains may be scrambled after that savage Kichi Hida headbutt!

(12:14) Billy Norris suffers Eternal Violence as Hida connects with the knee!

(12:14) Norris started to bleed

(12:24) Hida picked up Norris

(12:30) Billy Norris's brains may be scrambled after that savage Kichi Hida headbutt!

(12:30) Norris began bleeding quite heavily


Frankie Garnett: Bob, has anything about the last couple of minutes struck you as odd?

Bob Sinclair: I’m not sure where you’re going with this.

Frankie Garnett: Kichi has had any number of chances to put Norris through a table. Instead she seems more concerned with making him bleed. Did Kichi somehow revert to thinking this was a First Blood match?

Bob Sinclair: I doubt it, Frankie. I think she’s trying to weaken him with blood loss to that he’s not as resistant to actually being put through a table.



(12:35) Norris fought back against being picked up

(12:42) Norris hit a Monkey Flip

(12:52) Kichi Hida moved out of the way from a Fist Drop.

(13:01) Hida picked up Norris

(13:08) Hida hit a Yakuza Kick

(13:14) Hida hit a Roundhouse Body Punch

(13:21) Kichi Hida is treating the ring like her own personal Bumper Kars circuit here!

(13:31) Hida picked up Norris

(13:40) Norris very easily avoided an Eternal Violence.

(13:49) Norris hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(13:56) Norris hit a DDT

(14:00) Norris hit a Stomp

(14:06) Norris picked up Hida from behind

(14:10) Norris hit a Forearm To Back Of Head

(14:14) Norris hit a Forearm To Back

(14:22) Norris hit a Spinning Arm Drag

(14:29) Norris hit a Chop Block

(14:36) Norris picked up Hida

(14:40) Hida broke a DDT through a table

(14:47) Hida hit a Chair Shot To Knee

(14:54) Hida picked up Norris

(15:12) Kichi Hida is showing Norris the true meaning of Glory in Violence here!

(15:12) Norris began bleeding very heavily

(15:16) Norris countered an Eternal Violence with a Thrust Kick

(15:23) Norris hit a Running Seated Dropkick

(15:29) Norris picked up Hida

(15:36) Norris hit a DDT through a table


Bob Sinclair: The official calls for the bell, and this one is over! A mild upset, but Billy Norris has somehow found a way to put down Kichi Hida tonight!

Frankie Garnett: I still think Hida’s brain got scrambled somewhere and she truly thought this was First Blood. The only thing she did with a table was slide one into the ring!

Bob Sinclair: I’m sure that will be discussed a lot over the coming week, Frankie. In the end, though, Billy Norris denies Hida the Beta Division title on this night!


Billy Norris (7-6) def. Kichi Hida (9-4) via Table Break (DDT) in 15:36.  Rating: ****

Changes for Billy Norris:  OVR + 5.09, XP + 869.36, major damage to head, minor damage to body

Changes for Kichi Hida:  OVR + 2.07, XP + 314.84, minor damage to head

This was the Match of the Night (1 [1st this season] for Billy Norris, 1 [1st this season] for Kichi Hida)



xHVnvxD.jpg (4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-5, OVR 526)


(5) De'siree Mitchell (6-6, OVR 529)* T7PlxOP.jpg

Only a slight comedown after the Match of the Night, this one was hard-hitting throughout. Neither wrestler backed down in their attempts to simply pummel their opponent into unconsciousness, and this match had definite leanings of a Japanese puro match (which given the backgrounds of the wrestlers isn’t all that surprising). One of the highlights of the match was Nakamatsu hitting the charging knee on Mitchell, but only getting a count of one as Mitchell had gotten fired up. A later attempt was avoided and quickly turned into Mitchell’s release German suplex, which took quite a bit of starch out of Yoshii. The Blitz came about ten seconds later, and a slightly increased sense of security with it.

De'siree Mitchell (7-6) def. Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-6) via Pinfall (All Out Blitz) in 12:19.  Rating: ***

Changes for De'siree Mitchell:  OVR + 4.21, XP + 684.33, minor damage to head

Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu:  OVR + 0.90, XP + 171.08, minor damage to head



oYmq2Bu.jpg LG3TCXf.jpg (7) Lucas Molina (5-7, OVR 504)*


(5) Christian Priest (6-6, OVR 592) YICOeYe.jpg MZ2VDcB.jpg

For Lucas Molina, this was a “do or die” moment. He absolutely needed a win here to keep up any chances of staying in the Alpha Division next season. The match type was certainly in his favor as well, though Christian Priest has submissions of his own that he utilizes often enough. Yet despite the stakes in this match, this was not a very compelling contest between the two men. In fact, if not for a four-minute span of offense this would have been completely one-sided. Priest never really found his way out of the starting gates, and Molina, with far more to fight for, executed his game plan to perfection. It wouldn’t take either of Molina’s biggest moves to put Priest down, but a constant grinding between the Humacao Armlock, an application of the Puerto Rican Pinch to add some flavor, and finally the Patillas Leglock that netted the actual submission. Molina is not out of danger yet…but now he has a fighting chance come next week.

Lucas Molina (6-7) def. Christian Priest (6-7) via Submission (Patillas Leglock) in 15:36.  Rating: *

Changes for Lucas Molina:  OVR + 3.89, XP + 670.30, no notable damage

Changes for Christian Priest:  OVR -2.41, XP + 167.57, no notable damage



Lp89uMT.jpg (4) Brian Blackfield (6-6, OVR 589)


(3) George Mastachas (7-5, OVR 592)* FXyrc6C.jpg

Members of The League’s forums had made it a point to note that The Juggernaut had yet to figure out the solution for beating Mastachas. Those woes continued again on this occasion as Blackfield managed to get closer to beating George than he has managed to date…but still fell to the Wrath of Zeus, one of the sudden impact moves that The Juggernaut simply cannot power his way out of.Mastachas remains undefeated against Blackfield, and the end result is a four-way tie for fourth through seventh in the Alpha Division heading into the final week of the season!

George Mastachas (8-5) def. Brian Blackfield (6-7) via Pinfall (Wrath of Zeus) in 16:15.  Rating: **

Changes for George Mastachas:  OVR + 4.22, XP + 731.70, no notable damage

Changes for Brian Blackfield:  OVR -0.86, XP + 182.93, moderate damage to head



KufawJO.jpg FqeSGy6.jpg (2) Nuclear Templeton (8-4, OVR 629)*


(1) Brandy McDonald (10-2, OVR 590) gGexPKo.jpg

The main event of the evening delivered on the promises leading up to it, as it was the runner-up for Match of the Night honors. The premise was simple: Brandy becomes League Champion for the second time with a victory, Nuclear forces the decision to next week with a win of his own. McDonald came out of the gates firing, looking to perhaps derail Templeton early and force the larger man to fight from behind. Nuclear was having none of that, though, and matched Brandy blow for blow, and this continued for roughly the first twelve minutes of the contest, with neither one finding a significant advantage over the other. The first considerable mistake was made by Brandy, who attempted a thrust kick only for Nuclear to lean back just enough to avoid it and land a roundhouse to the body that staggered McDonald. A Radiation Spike followed that, and for three minutes it was the usual procession of Nuclear Templeton’s Greatest Hits that he’s basically become known for: Radiation Spike into Tactical Nuke into Power Surge (or at least some variant of this rotation). The submission follow-up was thwarted by a kick to the leg and a DDT from Brandy, who went for her own submission but had to break due to the ropes. Undaunted, she went to the other side and charged in looking for a dropkick, only to be flattened with a sidewalk slam. Nuclear probably could have won off of that, but instead picked up McDonald and applied the Radiation Leak, getting the submission a few seconds later. Nuclear had done his part this week. Now he had to do it again next week against Mastchas, and hope that Reverend Gross could find a way to beat Brandy, if he wanted to go into his grudge match with Will Prydor as the reigning League Champion.

Nuclear Templeton (9-4) def. Brandy McDonald (10-3) via Submission (Radiation Leak) in 17:46.  Rating: ***

Changes for Nuclear Templeton:  OVR + 4.92, XP + 793.86, minor damage to head

Changes for Brandy McDonald:  OVR + 1.35, XP + 198.46, minor damage to head






X – clinched promotion

Y – clinched division title

Z – clinched relegation



1.  Brandy McDonald:  10-3, ATV 14:45 (AMR 2.231), OVR 591.72

2.  Nuclear Templeton:  9-4, ATV 18:00 (AMR 2.769), OVR 633.91

3.  George Mastachas:  8-5, ATV 15:15 (AMR 2.308), OVR 595.81

4.  Brian Blackfield:  6-7, ATV 16:22 (AMR 2.769), OVR 588.12

5.  Christian Priest:  6-7, ATV 15:05 (AMR 2.615), OVR 589.39

6.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  6-7, ATV 17:28 (AMR 2.231), OVR 533.59

7.  Lucas Molina:  6-7, ATV 17:32 (AMR 2.538), OVR 507.90

z-8.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  1-12, ATV 19:42 (AMR 2.385), OVR 521.92



x-1.  Kichi Hida:  9-4, ATV 11:35 (AMR 2.923), OVR 481.16

2.  Monty Dhillon:  8-5, ATV 10:57 (AMR 2.538), OVR 543.93

3.  Diego Rodriguez:  8-5, ATV 12:30 (AMR 2.308), OVR 511.46

4.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  7-6, ATV 15:47 (AMR 2.462), OVR 527.19

5.  De'siree Mitchell:  7-6, ATV 10:26 (AMR 2.462), OVR 532.88

6.  Billy Norris:  7-6, ATV 12:12 (AMR 2.462), OVR 553.89

7.  Angela Wassermann:  6-7, ATV 12:39 (AMR 2.308), OVR 463.33

z-8.  Pulsar:  0-13, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.538), OVR 473.06



x-1.  Lance Heartilly:  11-2, ATV 10:36 (AMR 1.846), OVR 460.61

x-2.  Indigo Rose:  10-3, ATV 12:59 (AMR 2.077), OVR 497.44

3.  Leon de Ramos:  8-5, ATV 13:17 (AMR 2.154), OVR 439.08

4.  Blood River:  7-6, ATV 10:41 (AMR 2.385), OVR 484.68

5.  Markus Clay:  5-8, ATV 11:35 (AMR 2.385), OVR 450.24

6.  Rock Sheridan:  5-8, ATV 11:53 (AMR 2.231), OVR 427.66

7.  Daniel Simmons:  4-9, ATV 13:17 (AMR 2.000), OVR 446.38

z-8.  Nocturne:  2-11, ATV 14:36 (AMR 2.154), OVR 405.48



y-1.  Diamond:  12-1, ATV 8:04 (AMR 2.154), OVR 471.22

2.  "Dirty" John Murdoch:  9-4, ATV 11:37 (AMR 3.077), OVR 433.33

3.  Erick Gibson:  9-4, ATV 9:57 (AMR 2.846), OVR 443.96

4.  Terrance Stevens:  7-6, ATV 11:39 (AMR 2.462), OVR 449.27

5.  Scott Stevens:  7-6, ATV 8:45 (AMR 2.538), OVR 411.82

6.  Mickey Steele:  5-8, ATV 8:50 (AMR 2.538), OVR 412.48

z-7.  Terra Harding:  2-11, ATV 10:54 (AMR 3.000), OVR 407.05

8.  George Stevens:  1-12, ATV 6:31 (AMR 2.308), OVR 380.23



As the season is now in the second half, the “proper” scores will be shown with the bottom two weeks removed, and players ranked accordingly.

1. Croquemitaine: 124 [total: 142—drop weeks 2 {9} and 4 {9}. This week: 10] (clinches with 14 or better next week)

2. Derek B: 121 [total: 137—drop weeks 7 {8} and 13 {8}. This week: 8]

3. Eternal Phoenix: 119 [total: 135—drop weeks 6 {8} and 7 {8}. This week: 11]

4. Jman2k3: 114 [total: 121—drop weeks 13 {7} and 9 {0}. This week: 7]

5. SeanMcG: 92 [total: 92—drop weeks 4 {8} and 6 {0}. This week: 0]





(6) Reverend Johnny Gross (6-7, OVR 534) vs. (1) Brandy McDonald (10-3, OVR 592)* [Career: Brandy McDonald, 4 - 1]

(3) George Mastachas (8-5, OVR 596) vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (9-4, OVR 634)* [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 6 - 3]

(5) Christian Priest (6-7, OVR 589) vs. (4) Brian Blackfield (6-7, OVR 588)* [Career: Brian Blackfield, 3 - 0]

(7) Lucas Molina (6-7, OVR 508)* vs. (z-8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-12, OVR 522) [Career: Lucas Molina, 1 - 0]


(2) Monty Dhillon (8-5, OVR 544)* vs. (5) De'siree Mitchell (7-6, OVR 533) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 1 - 0]

(6) Billy Norris (7-6, OVR 554)* vs. (4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-6, OVR 527) [Career: Billy Norris, 4 - 1]

(z-8) Pulsar (0-13, OVR 473) vs. (3) Diego Rodriguez (8-5, OVR 511)* [Career: Diego Rodriguez, 1 - 0]

(7) Angela Wassermann (6-7, OVR 463) vs. (x-1) Kichi Hida (9-4, OVR 481)* [Career: Kichi Hida, 1 - 0]


(x-1) Lance Heartilly (11-2, OVR 461)* vs. (x-2) Indigo Rose (10-3, OVR 497) [Career: Lance Heartilly, 2 - 1]

(6) Rock Sheridan (5-8, OVR 428)* vs. (4) Blood River (7-6, OVR 485) [Career: Rock Sheridan, 1 - 0]

(5) Markus Clay (5-8, OVR 450) vs. (3) Leon de Ramos (8-5, OVR 439)* [Career: Leon de Ramos, 1 - 0]

(7) Daniel Simmons (4-9, OVR 446)* vs. (z-8) Nocturne (2-11, OVR 405) [Career: Daniel Simmons, 1 - 0]


(5) Scott Stevens (7-6, OVR 412) vs. (y-1) Diamond (12-1, OVR 471)* [Career: Diamond, 2 - 1]

EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (3) Erick Gibson (9-4, OVR 444)* vs. (4) Terrance Stevens (7-6, OVR 449) [Career: Erick Gibson, 3 – 0. Career in European Rules matches: Gibson N/A, Stevens 1 – 0.]

(6) Mickey Steele (5-8, OVR 412) vs. (2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (9-4, OVR 433)* [Career: "Dirty" John Murdoch, 1 - 0]

(8) George Stevens (1-12, OVR 380) vs. (z-7) Terra Harding (2-11, OVR 407)* [Career: Terra Harding, 1 - 0]


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Brandy McDonald

Nuclear Templeton

Brian Blackfield

Lucas Molina


Monty Dhillon

Billy Norris

Diego Rodriguez

Kichi Hida


Lance Heartilly

Blood River

Leon de Ramos

Daniel Simmons


Scott Stevens

Erick Gibson

"Dirty" John Murdoch

Terra Harding

Edited by Jman2k3
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Updated clinch scenarios may be pushed back a day to Tuesday. I had everything written up, with full notes and the works, but the thumb drive I saved out to has gone missing. Going to search the living room thoroughly tonight to see if I can find it; otherwise I’m going to have to redo everything from scratch (and that’s what the main delay reason would be, since I’d have to get another portable drive and store the updated documents on it first to take it to work and have more real estate to work with).

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Good to see Nuclear keeping things interesting until the last week of the season.  Am I going to predict him to win the League one more time?  You're damn right I am 😛 And hopefully a promo coming soon once I get pesky work things out the way and clear the cobwebs out of my brain tomorrow!





(6) Reverend Johnny Gross (6-7, OVR 534) vs. (1) Brandy McDonald (10-3, OVR 592)* [Career: Brandy McDonald, 4 - 1]

(3) George Mastachas (8-5, OVR 596) vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (9-4, OVR 634)* [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 6 - 3]

(5) Christian Priest (6-7, OVR 589) vs. (4) Brian Blackfield (6-7, OVR 588)* [Career: Brian Blackfield, 3 - 0]

(7) Lucas Molina (6-7, OVR 508)* vs. (z-8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-12, OVR 522) [Career: Lucas Molina, 1 - 0]


(2) Monty Dhillon (8-5, OVR 544)* vs. (5) De'siree Mitchell (7-6, OVR 533) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 1 - 0]

(6) Billy Norris (7-6, OVR 554)* vs. (4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-6, OVR 527) [Career: Billy Norris, 4 - 1]

(z-8) Pulsar (0-13, OVR 473) vs. (3) Diego Rodriguez (8-5, OVR 511)* [Career: Diego Rodriguez, 1 - 0]

(7) Angela Wassermann (6-7, OVR 463) vs. (x-1) Kichi Hida (9-4, OVR 481)* [Career: Kichi Hida, 1 - 0]


(x-1) Lance Heartilly (11-2, OVR 461)* vs. (x-2) Indigo Rose (10-3, OVR 497) [Career: Lance Heartilly, 2 - 1]

(6) Rock Sheridan (5-8, OVR 428)* vs. (4) Blood River (7-6, OVR 485) [Career: Rock Sheridan, 1 - 0]

(5) Markus Clay (5-8, OVR 450) vs. (3) Leon de Ramos (8-5, OVR 439)* [Career: Leon de Ramos, 1 - 0]

(7) Daniel Simmons (4-9, OVR 446)* vs. (z-8) Nocturne (2-11, OVR 405) [Career: Daniel Simmons, 1 - 0]


(5) Scott Stevens (7-6, OVR 412) vs. (y-1) Diamond (12-1, OVR 471)* [Career: Diamond, 2 - 1]

EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (3) Erick Gibson (9-4, OVR 444)* vs. (4) Terrance Stevens (7-6, OVR 449) [Career: Erick Gibson, 3 – 0. Career in European Rules matches: Gibson N/A, Stevens 1 – 0.]

(6) Mickey Steele (5-8, OVR 412) vs. (2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (9-4, OVR 433)* [Career: "Dirty" John Murdoch, 1 - 0]

(8) George Stevens (1-12, OVR 380) vs. (z-7) Terra Harding (2-11, OVR 407)* [Career: Terra Harding, 1 - 0]


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After Season Eleven, Week Thirteen: one week remains


AUTHOR’S NOTE: With only 16 scenarios per division, it’s much easier for me to see exactly what will happen. Therefore, for this week’s summary, tiebreakers are taken into effect for projections.



Two matches decide the League Championship.

Brandy McDonald clinches her second League Championship with either a win versus Reverend Johnny Gross, OR a Nuclear Templeton loss to George Mastachas. (This works out to 75% odds.)

For Nuclear Templeton to claim his third League Championship, he must win against Mastachas AND have Brandy lose to Gross. This would give him the title via tiebreaker.


Three of the matches are relevant here (only Mastachas/Nuclear is exempt). Scenarios exist for any of the people currently locked together at 6-7 to be the one to drop.



Lucas Molina: 37.5% chance (3 out of 8 scenarios)

Christian Priest: 25% chance (2 out of 8 scenarios)

Reverend Johnny Gross: 25% chance (2 out of 8 scenarios)

Brian Blackfield: 12.5% chance (1 out of 8 scenarios)


RELEVANT SCENARIOS (presented as: Winners of each match = Seventh place)

For ease of reference, match order is presented in the order I plan to post them in this week’s show.

Molina + Priest + Gross = Blackfield (solo 7th)

Molina + Priest + Brandy = Gross (victory time tiebreaker to Blackfield)

Molina + Blackfield + Gross = Priest (solo 7th)

Molina + Blackfield + Brandy = Gross (head-to-head to Priest)

Ouilette + Priest + Gross = Molina (head-to-head to Blackfield)

Ouilette + Priest + Brandy = Molina (three-way to Blackfield and Gross)

Ouilette + Blackfield + Gross = Priest (head-to-head to Molina)

Ouilette + Blackfield + Brandy = Molina (three-way to Priest and Gross)



It was never called out in the show write-up, and it was a very subtle thing that readers may have missed, but Kichi Hida has clinched promotion to Alpha. While Kichi loses a three-way tiebreaker, and loses individual to Diego Rodriguez, she does have the tiebreaker over Monty Dhillon. So at worst, she finishes second, and that’s a promotion spot. She still has a chance to win the division outright, though, and to be joined by one of only two people.


Kichi Hida: has clinched promotion. 75% to finish as division champion (12 scenarios).

Diego Rodriguez: 50% chance to promote (8 scenarios). 25% to finish as division champion (4 scenarios)

Monty Dhillon: 50% chance to promote (8 scenarios). Cannot win division title.



Angela Wassermann has her work cut out for her. A loss guarantees that she drops. Even with a win, she needs help from others in the division to avoid relegation. The odds are not in her favor, but as we’ve all seen, strange things can happen in the final week of a season.


Angela Wassermann: 75% chance of relegation (12 scenarios)

Billy Norris: 25% chance of relegation (4 scenarios)


RELEVANT SCENARIOS (presented as: Winners of each match = Top two, Seventh Place)

For ease of reference, match order is presented in the order I plan to post them in this week’s show.

Pulsar + Norris + Wassermann + Monty = Hida/Monty, Wassermann

Pulsar + Norris + Wassermann + Mitchell = Hida/Diego, Wassermann

Pulsar + Norris + Hida + Monty = Hida/Monty, Wassermann

Pulsar + Norris + Hida + Mitchell = Hida/Diego, Wassermann

Pulsar + Yoshii + Wassermann + Monty = Hida/Monty, Norris

Pulsar + Yoshii + Wassermann + Mitchell = Hida/Monty, Norris

Pulsar + Yoshii + Hida + Monty = Hida/Monty, Wassermann

Pulsar + Yoshii + Hida + Mitchell = Hida/Diego, Wassermann

Diego + Norris + Wassermann + Monty = Diego/Hida, Wassermann

Diego + Norris + Wassermann + Mitchell = Diego/Hida, Wassermann

Diego + Norris + Hida + Monty = Hida/Monty, Wassermann

Diego + Norris + Hida + Mitchell = Hida/Diego, Wassermann

Diego + Yoshii + Wassermann + Monty = Diego/Hida, Norris

Diego + Yoshii + Wassermann + Mitchell = Diego/Hida, Norris

Diego + Yoshii + Hida + Monty = Hida/Monty, Wassermann

Diego + Yoshii + Hida + Mitchell = Hida/Diego, Wassermann



A single match determines the Gamma Division champion and thus the order of promotion, and has no effect on the fight at the bottom of the division. It’s nice when things come together this way and make things that much easier for the author!


Indigo Rose must win in 10:53 or less to win the Gamma Division championship. Otherwise, Lance Heartilly is the division champion.



While three men may be able to tie at 5-9, only two have to worry about the drop. Despite the algebra and tiebreakers at play, the scenarios can be boiled down into two sentences at most.



Daniel Simmons: 75% chance of relegation (12 scenarios)

Rock Sheridan: 25% chance of relegation (4 scenarios)



Daniel Simmons must defeat Nocturne AND have Rock Sheridan lose to Blood River to escape relegation and force Sheridan to return to Delta.

Any other result, and it’s Simmons taking the drop instead.



Erick Gibson loses the tiebreaker, and thus is the one needing help if he is to return to the Gamma Division alongside Diamond. Smart money is on the Tennessee outlaw, but since when has betting on wrestling ever been a good idea?



“Dirty” John Murdoch: 75% chance of promotion (12 scenarios)

Erick Gibson: 25% chance of promotion (4 scenarios)



“Dirty” John Murdoch clinches promotion with either a win against Mickey Steele OR Erick Gibson losing to Terrance Stevens.

If both of those results differ (Murdoch loses, Gibson wins), Erick Gibson earns promotion.



The only wrestler at risk (barring injuries and such) is Terrance Stevens. He’s got a tough task ahead of him, with Erick Gibson needing a win desperately, and that match will be the most important to the standings in the Delta Division this week.


Terrance Stevens: 25% chance of relegation (4 scenarios)



Terrance Stevens escapes relegation with either a win against Erick Gibson OR Scott Stevens losing to Diamond. Otherwise, 7-7 is not going to be enough to stay out of Omega.

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The last week in Alpha is absolutely stacked. Everyone is fighting for something except JPO and possibly Mastachas. Molina just has to beat him to stay in Alpha. Nuke has to beat Mastachas to have any chance at the title. But that's where we draw the line. Gross/Brandy and Priest/Blackffield are big, big deals. Brandy has to win to not rely on Mastachas winning earlier in the night. But Gross needs the win to get out of the relegation window. And both Priest and Blackfield are fighting over who gets shoved into it. At least one person will be 6-8, with a strong possibility of two and a weak one off three. Everything is still on the line in Alpha, bay bee.

(6) Reverend Johnny Gross (6-7, OVR 534) vs. (1) Brandy McDonald (10-3, OVR 592)* [Career: Brandy McDonald, 4 - 1]

Yeah...he's beaten Brandy once in five tries. No. May well be time for Alpha relegation #3.

(3) George Mastachas (8-5, OVR 596) vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (9-4, OVR 634)* [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 6 - 3]

Ultimately, Nuke falls just a bit short of the title thanks literally entirely to the three new folks in Alpha this season. Each of whom beat him at least once. Seriously, Muke, Molina isn't feeling very Oppressed.

(5) Christian Priest (6-7, OVR 589) vs. (4) Brian Blackfield (6-7, OVR 588)* [Career: Brian Blackfield, 3 - 0]

This is more of a heart pick, I think. Because honestly I don't know. But I want Priest to win so he can stay in Alpha without resorting to tiebreakers and continue the rivalry with Molina. It's been great fun these past four seasons. But if here is where it goes on hiatus, it's been real, bud. See you in a while.

(7) Lucas Molina (6-7, OVR 508)* vs. (z-8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-12, OVR 522) [Career: Lucas Molina, 1 - 0]

Gotta back my guy, and also JPO's beaten one person this season. It was not Lucas.


It's a much calmer night in Beta. Just kidding. There's just as much on the line as it comes down to the last week. Kichi may have her promotion locked in, but the divion title is within her reach. Win, and it's all hers. Conversely, a loss for Wasserman means relegation, so she's got plenty to fight for, as well. De'siree may have nothing left to fight for, but Monty decidedly does. Thanks to Diego's shock loss last week, he's in the driver's seat. Win and get promotion. Lose and count on poor winless Pulsar to make a move. Speaking off, he'd probably like to avoid being the first in League reboot history to go winless. Unfortunately, he's up against Diego, who will make that hard. A win and praying for a Dhillon loss is his only promotion hope now. Do not sleep on Norris/Nakamatsu, either. A loss for Billy means counting on Kichi Hida to win so he can avoid relegation.

(2) Monty Dhillon (8-5, OVR 544)* vs. (5) De'siree Mitchell (7-6, OVR 533) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 1 - 0]

Monty beat her before and he also has much more to fight for.

(6) Billy Norris (7-6, OVR 554)* vs. (4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-6, OVR 527) [Career: Billy Norris, 4 - 1]

Billy beat him before, and he also has much more to fight for. Plus a Beta without Billy Norris would be a strange place, IMO.

(z-8) Pulsar (0-13, OVR 473) vs. (3) Diego Rodriguez (8-5, OVR 511)* [Career: Diego Rodriguez, 1 - 0]

Go forth and set that record, Pulsar. Good lord you've been bad this season.

(7) Angela Wassermann (6-7, OVR 463) vs. (x-1) Kichi Hida (9-4, OVR 481)* [Career: Kichi Hida, 1 - 0]

Someone said last time that Wasserman might be built to beat Kichi, and I had to laugh. Technicians are Kichi's kryptonite, you silly fellow. Anyone who tries to throw hands with her is making a big mistake.


It's Gamma that's less active in the final week. Promotion is entirely settled. The headline match is for the division title, and nothing more. There are two anti-relegation matches on the slate The only way Simmons isn't relegated is with a win and a Sheridan loss. So we'll have to see how that shakes out.

(x-1) Lance Heartilly (11-2, OVR 461)* vs. (x-2) Indigo Rose (10-3, OVR 497) [Career: Lance Heartilly, 2 - 1]

I mean, I guess. He won the first one. Either way, the Rose Back to Beta Train has left the station and is enroute. It can no longer be derailed.

(6) Rock Sheridan (5-8, OVR 428)* vs. (4) Blood River (7-6, OVR 485) [Career: Rock Sheridan, 1 - 0]

Once again, I didn't and still don't expect Rock to win any of his last three. Last week was a nice little surprise, but I expect him to be back in Delta next season.

(5) Markus Clay (5-8, OVR 450) vs. (3) Leon de Ramos (8-5, OVR 439)* [Career: Leon de Ramos, 1 - 0]

He beat him before, and there's literally nothing on the line here but maybe pride.

(7) Daniel Simmons (4-9, OVR 446)* vs. (z-8) Nocturne (2-11, OVR 405) [Career: Daniel Simmons, 1 - 0]

He beat her before, and it's been a season to forget for poor Nocturne.


Delta ramps things back up to fever pitch. Sure, there's one match that doesn't matter at all. But the other three? Important. The second promotion slot is on the line. Murdoch wins and it's all his. A loss and he's depending on just how much Terrance would like not to be relegated, please. And hey, European Rules in Delta. That'll be...something. Fun? I hope so.

(5) Scott Stevens (7-6, OVR 412) vs. (y-1) Diamond (12-1, OVR 471)* [Career: Diamond, 2 - 1]

Diamond is on a full ass rampage. Scott is not stopping her. Her revenge tour carries her to Gamma. Good luck up there.

EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (3) Erick Gibson (9-4, OVR 444)* vs. (4) Terrance Stevens (7-6, OVR 449) [Career: Erick Gibson, 3 – 0. Career in European Rules matches: Gibson N/A, Stevens 1 – 0.]

And I'd like to see Terrance stick around a bit longer. Let's not waste his literal best season ever. Plus Gibson lives and dies on one fall matches (getting that fall before his stamina betrays him), and Euro Rules are best two outta three. Sorry, bud.

(6) Mickey Steele (5-8, OVR 412) vs. (2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (9-4, OVR 433)* [Career: "Dirty" John Murdoch, 1 - 0]

Yeah, truthfully I want to see what Not!Terry Funk can get up to in Gamma. Good luck to you too, sir.

(8) George Stevens (1-12, OVR 380) vs. (z-7) Terra Harding (2-11, OVR 407)* [Career: Terra Harding, 1 - 0]

Congrats to Terra on the win last week, take it and this one with you down to Omega and try again.


Before I go, wanna know something fun? This season, the top three have been pretty competitive, right? Except for that one guy on the bottom, stinking it up. Delta only changed up the formula by having two guys instead of one. JPO, Pulsar, Nocturne, Terra Harding, and George Steens. I dunno, it's interesting to me that all four shook out so similarly in that regard.

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The Aerie stands empty, last week’s show long since finished but the lights are inexplicably still on.  Our cameraperson for the night pans around the venue, showing the entrance way, the ring, the commentary table, the rows of empty seats before they start to walk towards the area the fans enter the building, standing outside on their own is League champion Nuclear Templeton.  He is less angry than usual, but nothing about him could be described as looking happy as the camera shows the date of the next League show outside the building where the League champion will be decided.

“So many times my name has been on the board there, and so many times I’ve beaten whoever was on the other side.  Unstoppable juggernauts, angry Greeks, former champions… people worthy of respect, fighters who put their blood and sweat into the ring and fight to try and claim what is mine, the title of League champion.  And here in The Aerie, no-one has spilled more blood, hurt more people and worked harder to deserve that championship”

Nuclear starts to walk into the building, being suspiciously easy to access for a time when an event isn’t happening.  The camera walks in front of him, marching towards the offices that fans generally have seen very little of other than a sign warning that it’s for League staff only, typically with a security guard blocking the way.  Behind Nuclear, lights shut off as he walks.

“Here in the office, decisions are made about what happens in The League.  What matches get promoted, what stars the hype machine gets behind, who to reward, who to punish.  Someone pushes a pencil so that I can choke out another victim in a main event.  Someone sits behind a desk and reaps the rewards while I do all the real work beating people into a pulp”

No longer looking less angry, Nuclear’s internal fury bubbles to the surface as he balls his fist while he looks at the names on the office door, all too familiar to League fans.  On another day he’s put his fist through the glass just because it felt good, but tonight he closes his eyes for a moment, clenches his jaw and unclenches his fist.  He starts walking again, heading to the more familiar entrance way as the lights behind the scenes shut off one by one.  Emerging from the stage area he looks around the building, taking it all in for a long moment instead of marching to war as he usually does.

“Out here, where I do my best work, I’ve been a celebrated hero and I’ve been public enemy number one.  Cheers… boos… what the fans want doesn’t matter to me, all that matters is winning.  They don’t understand the pain and suffering you have to suffer and inflict on others to win.  They feel safe, watching the violence at a distance where they can play favourites without fearing the consequences.  There was a time where a loss meant I wouldn’t eat one day that week.  There was a time where a loss meant I had to find work at another job just so that I could afford to make the next show.  All while others could afford a comfortable life of their own built on the back of my work.  That’s where my friends helped me”

The screens behind Nuclear turn off.  Seconds later, the League’s logo turns dark.  Nuclear walks to the ring as the crowd lights turn off one by one, the entranceway goes dark too as he walks around the ring, it becomes increasingly clear that in the darkness there are people moving.  Shadowy figures, possibly dressed in fine Italian suits.

“With a little help from my friends, I got security.  I got my Nuclear Bunker where I could train every day in the fine art of hurting people.  They helped me, and I helped them, a fair exchange.  I helped The League, and it prospered.  So now we rapidly approach the time where it becomes a fair exchange.  Like I said before, I respect those who put their blood and sweat into the ring, the fighters who train every day to be better than they were, the challengers who dream of becoming champions.  That I can respect”

The lights on the ring go dark, the announce table falls into darkness as Nuclear paces to the time keeper’s table, often forgotten about but ever-present.

“But then the bell rings”



Ten times

And Nuclear smiles

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