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The League, Redux: Seasons 8 and Beyond Game Thread

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(6) Reverend Johnny Gross (6-7, OVR 534) vs. (1) Brandy McDonald (10-3, OVR 592)*

- It will be a golden night for Brandy as she becomes the second multiple-time champion in the modern League.

(3) George Mastachas (8-5, OVR 596) vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (9-4, OVR 634)*

- Retaining the championship may be out of Nuke's hands, but he's not going to give it away.

(5) Christian Priest (6-7, OVR 589) vs. (4) Brian Blackfield (6-7, OVR 588)*

- It's time to finally slay the dragon, my brother.

(7) Lucas Molina (6-7, OVR 508)* vs. (z-8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-12, OVR 522)

- One of these men will remain in Alpha. The other one is JPO.



(2) Monty Dhillon (8-5, OVR 544)* vs. (5) De'siree Mitchell (7-6, OVR 533)

- Unexpectedly, Monty's fate is now in his own hands.

(6) Billy Norris (7-6, OVR 554)* vs. (4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-6, OVR 527)

- This just seems to be a bad match-up for Yoshii.

(z-8) Pulsar (0-13, OVR 473) vs. (3) Diego Rodriguez (8-5, OVR 511)*

- How bad is Pulsar's season? Consider this: If Wassermann somehow beats Hida, that means the entire rest of the division will finish with .500 or better records.

(7) Angela Wassermann (6-7, OVR 463) vs. (x-1) Kichi Hida (9-4, OVR 481)*

- Yeah, what I just said above this? Not happening.



(x-1) Lance Heartilly (11-2, OVR 461)* vs. (x-2) Indigo Rose (10-3, OVR 497)

- Picking with my head and not my heart on this one.

(6) Rock Sheridan (5-8, OVR 428)* vs. (4) Blood River (7-6, OVR 485)

- Not a lock, but Sheridan beat him before and Blood River is nothing if not unreliable.

(5) Markus Clay (5-8, OVR 450) vs. (3) Leon de Ramos (8-5, OVR 439)*

- No reason not to go with de Ramos.

(7) Daniel Simmons (4-9, OVR 446)* vs. (z-8) Nocturne (2-11, OVR 405)

- Too little, too late, but it feels like Simmons has finally figured things out.



(5) Scott Stevens (7-6, OVR 412) vs. (y-1) Diamond (12-1, OVR 471)*

- This is Diamond's season.

EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (3) Erick Gibson (9-4, OVR 444)* vs. (4) Terrance Stevens (7-6, OVR 449)

- Any other match type I'd have picked Gibson.

(6) Mickey Steele (5-8, OVR 412) vs. (2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (9-4, OVR 433)*

- Homer pick.

(8) George Stevens (1-12, OVR 380) vs. (z-7) Terra Harding (2-11, OVR 407)*

- Harding goes out on a high note.

Edited by Croquemitaine
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6 hours ago, Croquemitaine said:

(6) Reverend Johnny Gross (6-7, OVR 534) vs. (1) Brandy McDonald (10-3, OVR 592)*

- It will be a golden night for Brandy as she becomes the second multiple-time champion in the modern League.

You might want to bold and/or underline the pick to make it official. Sure, I can read the context but fair is fair. 🙂

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fTtB0pK.jpg UOpfoyB.jpg (8) George Stevens (1-12, OVR 380)


(z-7) Terra Harding (2-11, OVR 407)* uuVaRmi.jpg

This was as standard an opening match as one could get. Nothing too drastic, nothing too crazy, just a much smaller person trying to throw herself at the big man. Unlike the last time these tow met, however, Stevens was ready for Terra, and took just seven minutes to put her down with the falling front powerslam, which ultimately was the tiebreaker in the division. George Stevens will not finish last in Delta this season; that dubious honor goes to “Twilight” Terra Harding.

George Stevens (2-12) def. Terra Harding (2-12) via Pinfall (Texas Size Slam) in 7:03.  Rating: **

Changes for George Stevens:  OVR + 2.46, XP + 483.38, no notable damage

Changes for Terra Harding:  OVR -2.01, XP + 120.85, no notable damage



OndApuF.jpg vC6SXqZ.jpg (6) Mickey Steele (5-8, OVR 412)


(2) "Dirty" John Murdoch (9-4, OVR 433)* dw4KJ41.jpg

A definite step up from the opening contest, this one had some stakes involved. While Steele was fighting just for pride, Murdoch came in to this match with a point to prove, and he proceeded to do just that. Avoiding a desperation Mickey Finn attempt, Murdoch landed the screw legwhip and quickly transitioned it into the Double Cross for the submission victory, and clinching the second promotion spot out of Delta!

"Dirty" John Murdoch (10-4) def. Mickey Steele (5-9) via Submission (Double Cross) in 9:35.  Rating: ***

Changes for "Dirty" John Murdoch:  OVR + 3.11, XP + 524.98, minor damage to head

Changes for Mickey Steele:  OVR -0.08, XP + 131.25, no notable damage



fTtB0pK.jpg fYy1oxq.jpg (5) Scott Stevens (7-6, OVR 412)


(y-1) Diamond (12-1, OVR 471)* 0rDaDU8.jpg

Diamond did not show up to The Aerie to waste time this week. A six-minute demolition of Scott Stevens was on her agenda, and in a flash, Diamond becomes just the fifth person in the modern era to finish a season with 13 or more wins, joining Brian Blackfield (twice), Christian Priest, and Monty Dhillon in that exclusive club!

Diamond (13-1) def. Scott Stevens (7-7) via Pinfall (Jawjacker) in 6:09.  Rating: *

Changes for Diamond:  OVR + 2.15, XP + 442.71, no notable damage

Changes for Scott Stevens:  OVR -3.36, XP + 110.68, no notable damage



E5dgVEm.jpg O63FjvG.jpg (3) Erick Gibson (9-4, OVR 444)*


(4) Terrance Stevens (7-6, OVR 449) 6r4P9L8.jpg

The last time the Delta Division played host to a European Rules match, that match became the match most talked about in League forums for almost a year: Christian Priest versus Sterling Silver. Yes, The League’s first-ever *****, Match of the Year candidate.

This was not going to live up to that expectation. It was still a legit Match of the Night contender, however, still with stakes involved as Stevens could be relegated with a loss here (he’d lose the tiebreaker o Scott Stevens).

It only took two rounds for someone to start looking to end the match, as Gibson lined up a Terminable Offense early only for Stevens to avoid it. Stevens nearly stole the first fall right at the end of the second round, as an Implant DDT had Gibson laid out. Terrance went for the cover, got two, but before the ref’s hand fell the third time the bell sounded to end the round. It threw him a little off-kilter, and less than a minute into the third round, Gibson scored the first fall with a low blow followed by a Terminable Offense. Undaunted, Stevens mentally got himself back into the fight, taking less than a minute to even the match up with a superkick of his own. After these two falls, the poor official ended up getting caught by a straight punch to the groin courtesy of Gibson, as Terrance jumped out of the way of the blow, and neither man was able to take advantage before the third round ended.

Gibson looked gassed by the start of the fourth, though nowhere near as bad as fifteen minutes straight without a break. Stevens was the fresher of the two men, and proved it by hitting another Meltdown just two minutes into the fourth round to pick up the victory and definitively finished outside of the relegation zone into Omega!

Terrance Stevens (8-6) def. Erick Gibson (9-5), Two Falls to One, in 17:01.  Rating: ****

Fall 1: Gibson pinned Stevens, 10:53 (Terminable Offense)

Fall 2: Stevens pinned Gibson, 11:49 (Malpe Leaf Meltdown)

Fall 3: Stevens pinned Gibson, 17:01 (Maple Leaf Meltdown)

Changes for Terrance Stevens:  OVR + 4.29, XP + 569.53, major damage to head

Changes for Erick Gibson:  OVR + 0.56, XP + 113.91, major damage to head



N0Y594C.jpg (5) Markus Clay (5-8, OVR 450)


(3) Leon de Ramos (8-5, OVR 439)* zBWrwLg.jpg

Into the Gamma Division now, and a match that would only be relevant for tiebreaking purposes should it become necessary. The author is also going to break the fourth wall for a minute to talk about this match and its result.

…Okay, so I’ve run 1,120 main roster singles matches in The League during the last two years, counting this week’s slate of sixteen matches. I cannot think of a single one, other than this one, that ended the way it did: with a small package. It caught me off-guard when I was running the card, and I had to open the match play-by-play to confirm what I thought I saw. And sure enough…



(10:19) Clay broke an Iberian Twist

(10:33) Clay applied a Side Headlock

(10:36) Clay hit a Punch

(10:43) Leon got a rope break to stop a Front Facelock

(10:50) Leon avoided an Eye Poke.

(10:59) Markus Clay very easily moved out of the way from a Whirlwind Flare.

(11:06) Leon countered a Running Senton with a Small Package

(11:10) *** Leon got a three count on Clay


So mark this one in the books—a bog-issue small package was enough to score a pinfall victory and create an audible “WTF” moment in the living room of the League Commissioner. 

The author will now replace the fourth wall and resume with the rest of the show write-up as it should be done.

Leon de Ramos (9-5) def. Markus Clay (5-9) via Pinfall (small package) in 11:10.  Rating: **

Changes for Leon de Ramos:  OVR + 3.08, XP + 558.16, no notable damage

Changes for Markus Clay:  OVR -1.67, XP + 139.54, minor damage to head



zd1WDAc.jpg (7) Daniel Simmons (4-9, OVR 446)*


(z-8) Nocturne (2-11, OVR 405) BEVGy0x.jpg

This was Daniel Simmons’ season at stake. A win over the protégé of Will Prydor, and the pressure was on Rock Sheridan. A loss, and he would be joining Nocturne in the Delta Division next season. This was another Match of the Night contender, largely due to the stakes involved. Simmons was first to go for the ankle, which Nocturne easily got free of about nine minutes deep. She then picked up the speed a little, forcing Simmons to spread his defense to multiple angles, and it paid off as Nocturne got the Midnight Solstice locked in. It took Simmons much longer than he’d have liked before he found a way out of the grapevine—back kicking the knee of Nocturne seemed to do it—and Nocturne’s best chance for a victory slipped out of her hands. A minute later, sore ankle and all, Simmons landed a top rope dropkick that caught Nocturne flush. He went for the cover, and the official missed Nocturne’s foot under the bottom rope. What should have been a broken pin instead turns into a win for Simmons, perhaps a win he didn’t truly deserve given the controversy!

Daniel Simmons (5-9) def. Nocturne (2-12) via Pinfall (Working Man’s Dropkick) in 13:36.  Rating: ****

Changes for Daniel Simmons:  OVR + 4.37, XP + 652.76, moderate damage to head

Changes for Nocturne:  OVR + 1.31, XP + 163.19, moderate damage to head



5vWV1hg.jpg (6) Rock Sheridan (5-8, OVR 428)*


(4) Blood River (7-6, OVR 485) hAfQcot.jpg VZFWcYa.jpg

All the pressure here is on the giant from Tacoma. With Simmons stealing the win just moments ago, he needs to win here to avoid relegation. River was not going to simply let Rock have it, though, and surprised the big man early with a flurry of offense. Sheridan bulldozed his way back into the advantage, and seemed to have soften River up considerably with a Hilltop Fall or three along the way. Sheridan went for a press powerslam, but had to stop as The Acolyte jumped on the apron to distract Rock. The ref did his job and tossed The Acolyte after that bit of chicanery, and it only took Rock about thirty seconds to force River back on the defensive with a Tacoma Choke Slam that got a long two. Sheridan then went to end things with his lariat, but got punched in the gut to halt his momentum. River then went low, hit a slingshot moonsault, and still only got two. Frustrated, River went low again, this time earning serious telling off from the official, but it was enough to keep Rock down for three. It took some massively underhanded tactics, but River succeeds in knocking Rock Sheridan down to the Delta Division!

Blood River (8-6) def. Rock Sheridan (5-9) via Pinfall (low blow) in 12:53.  Rating: **

Changes for Blood River:  OVR + 3.13, XP + 447.29, minor damage to head and body

Changes for Rock Sheridan:  OVR -1.73, XP + 139.78, minor damage to body



9q89H6M.jpg (x-1) Lance Heartilly (11-2, OVR 461)*


(2) Indigo Rose (10-3, OVR 497) 2X2r9qf.jpg

The onus was on Rose here. She needed to win, and win fast. Heartilly knew this and deliberately spent the bulk of his time on offense with rest holds and grapples that ultimately served to burn time off the clock. Rose had trouble breaking Lance’s defense to get in any offense of her own, and by the time she managed to get enough in to establish some momentum, her time to beat had already passed. She was unable to get any of her major offensive weapons into play, and in the end it only took a front legsweep from Heartilly to seal the deal, push win to 12 wins on the season, and emerge as the undisputed Gamma Division champion!

Lance Heartilly (12-2) def. Indigo Rose (10-4) via Pinfall (forward Russian legsweep) in 15:25.  Rating: **

Changes for Lance Heartilly:  OVR + 3.20, XP + 560.51, no notable damage

Changes for Indigo Rose:  OVR -1.83, XP + 140.13, moderate damage to head



VfA2MW8.jpg (z-8) Pulsar (0-13, OVR 473)


(3) Diego Rodriguez (8-5, OVR 511)* G4sbiHU.jpg

Pulsar was desperately trying to avoid being the first member of The League to go winless for a season. Diego was having none of that. Rodriguez stayed a step ahead of Pulsar’s speedy offense and wore down the luchador enough that a armlock takedown was enough. Pulsar was forced to submit before something dislocated, and Pulsar enters the record books with an entry he would much rather have not been a part of.

Diego Rodriguez (9-5) def. Pulsar (0-14) via Submission (judo arm lock takedown) in 12:29.  Rating: **

Changes for Diego Rodriguez:  OVR + 3.61, XP + 631.79, no notable damage

Changes for Pulsar:  OVR -1.22, XP + 157.95, minor damage to legs






Norris + Wassermann + Monty = Diego/Hida, Wassermann

Norris + Wassermann + Mitchell = Diego/Hida, Wassermann

Norris + Hida + Monty = Hida/Monty, Wassermann

Norris + Hida + Mitchell = Hida/Diego, Wassermann

Yoshii + Wassermann + Monty = Diego/Hida, Norris

Yoshii + Wassermann + Mitchell = Diego/Hida, Norris

Yoshii + Hida + Monty = Hida/Monty, Wassermann

Yoshii + Hida + Mitchell = Hida/Diego, Wassermann




6fYIC71.jpg (6) Billy Norris (7-6, OVR 554)*


(4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-6, OVR 527) xHVnvxD.jpg

Must-win for Norris here; a loss would still leave him vulnerable to fall into seventh. Yoshii’s only role was potentially as a tiebreaker modification, and it seemed like he simply wasn’t up to snuff tonight. Nakamatsu seemed a step slower than normal, and Norris made sure to take advantage of it. After spearing Yoshii out of his boots to stop a DEVASTATION Knee, Norris took to the ropes and one springboard senton later, Norris had secured his spot in Beta for Season Thirteen, as Angela Wassermann couldn’t catch him in the standings to bring a tiebreaker into play.

Billy Norris (8-6) def. Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-7) via Pinfall (springboard senton bomb) in 9:20.  Rating: **

Changes for Billy Norris:  OVR + 3.52, XP + 629.82, no notable damage

Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu:  OVR -1.10, XP + 157.46, no notable damage






Wassermann + Monty = Diego/Hida, Wassermann

Wassermann + Mitchell = Diego/Hida, Wassermann

Hida + Monty = Hida/Monty, Wassermann

Hida + Mitchell = Hida/Diego, Wassermann




aOXlwtV.jpg (7) Angela Wassermann (6-7, OVR 463)


(x-1) Kichi Hida (9-4, OVR 481)* 4ZAKk1I.jpg

Wassermann may have had nothing to fight for, and realistically, neither did Kichi. But regardless of each person’s individual thoughts on the match, there were still stakes at play. A Wassermann upset, and Diego Rodriguez would win the Beta Division, pushing Kichi to second and dropping Monty out of the hunt entirely. If Kichi won, Dhillon had a chance to earn his way in with the following match. What followed was a nine-minute strikefest, with both combatants throwing haymakers at will. Hida was the one who managed to outlast her opponent, as Wassermann got caught with a knee to the head and that was enough. After two seasons of being promoted from the third-place spot via injuries, Kichi Hida earns her spot outright as the Beta Division champion, and the Carnival of Violence is guaranteed to call the Alpha Division home next season!

Kichi Hida (10-4) def. Angela Wassermann (6-8) via Pinfall (Freakshow Knee Strike) in 8:52.  Rating: **

Changes for Kichi Hida:  OVR + 3.51, XP + 629.53, no notable damage

Changes for Angela Wassermann:  OVR -1.08, XP + 157.38, moderate damage to head



vz0qqDp.jpg (2) Monty Dhillon (8-5, OVR 544)*


(5) De'siree Mitchell (7-6, OVR 533) T7PlxOP.jpg

Kichi’s victory is what Monty needed. His fate was now in his hands—if he beat Mitchell, he’d finish second in the division via tiebreaker and promote to Alpha alongside Kichi. If Mitchell found a way to win, Diego would be promoted instead. What followed was as close to a squash as one could get without actually calling it a squash. Dhillon left no doubt that, despite a massive comedown from a perfect season just months ago, he was still capable in the ring. A vile powerbomb was enough, and just a touch after nine minutes after it started, Monty Dhillon had punched a ticket to the Alpha Division!

Monty Dhillon (9-5) def. De'siree Mitchell (7-7) via Pinfall (Empire Bomb) in 9:07.  Rating: **

Changes for Monty Dhillon:  OVR + 3.52, XP + 629.69, no notable damage

Changes for De'siree Mitchell:  OVR -1.09, XP + 157.42, minor damage to head



oYmq2Bu.jpg LG3TCXf.jpg (7) Lucas Molina (6-7, OVR 508)*


(z-8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-12, OVR 522) p1IFTGG.jpg hYlEAC2.jpg

Into the top flight now, and a chance for Lucas Molina to further his own cause. He needs to win here to ensure he doesn’t drop back to Beta. A loss, and he’d need Blackfield and Gross both to win to avoid taking the drop. The first ten minutes were almost entirely Molina, as he worked on dissecting Ouilette and trying to create an opening for one of his myriad of submission holds. But Ouilette somehow found a way to fight back despite the signatures Molina threw out like candy. A lucky strike here, a well-timed counter there, and a few minutes later Ouilette was in the midst of a comeback, putting Molina on the back foot. In desperation, Molina went for a PR Legwhip, only for JPO to go for a piledriver. Molina tried to dead-weight himself to block it, and Ouilette changed tactics in a hurry to connect with a Fleur de Lis that somehow, someway kept Molina down for three. In a shocking upset, Jean-Paul Ouilette may have just single-handedly doomed Lucas Molina to another season in the Beta Division!

Jean-Paul Ouilette (2-12) def. Lucas Molina (6-8) via Pinfall (Fleur de Lis) in 17:03.  Rating: ***

Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette:  OVR + 4.89, XP + 793.30, minor damage to head and legs

Changes for Lucas Molina:  OVR + 1.36, XP + 198.32, no notable damage






Priest + Gross = Molina (head-to-head to Blackfield)

Priest + Brandy = Molina (three-way to Blackfield and Gross)

Blackfield + Gross = Priest (head-to-head to Molina)

Blackfield + Brandy = Molina (three-way to Priest and Gross)




MZ2VDcB.jpg YICOeYe.jpg (5) Christian Priest (6-7, OVR 589)


(4) Brian Blackfield (6-7, OVR 588)* Lp89uMT.jpg

With Molina’s shock loss, both Priest and Blackfield were assured another season in the Alpha Division. But whoever lost here would affect the tiebreakers for seventh. What would follow would still be one of the better matches of the night, if not an actual Match of the Night contender, as these two men renewed hostilities that started all the way back in the Delta Division in Season Eight. In three tries, Priest had not been able to find the solution to The Juggernaut. The fourth time was not the charm either, as Blackfield took everything Priest threw at him, avoided Priest’s match-ending maneuvers, and came back with his own greatest hits. A couple of Tartan Effects busted Priest open, and one thwarted attempt at Martrydom later, The Juggernaut locked in Highland’s Wrath, and Priest eventually tapped before passing out. Blackfield finishes his second season in Alpha with an even record, and now Reverend Johnny Gross has a chance to play kingmaker as his match determines whether Christian Priest or Lucas Molina is relegated to the Beta Division!

Brian Blackfield (7-7) def. Christian Priest (6-8) via Submission (Highland’s Wrath) in 19:46.  Rating: ***

Changes for Brian Blackfield:  OVR + 4.99, XP + 795.42, moderate damage to head

Changes for Christian Priest:  OVR + 1.34, XP + 198.85, minor damage to head


The author will now break from tradition and do play-by-play for the final two matches of the season, the first of which is the actual Match of the Night. You will see why this change is being made as we proceed, and please note in advance that the author had several different plans in mind to present these two matches before finally deciding on the following overall narrative.



FXyrc6C.jpg (3) George Mastachas (8-5, OVR 596)


(2) Nuclear Templeton (9-4, OVR 634)* FqeSGy6.jpg KufawJO.jpg

Bob Sinclair: And now we get to probably the two most important matches on the card, Frankie. It’s time to determine the League Champion!

Frankie Garnett: If it’s all the same to you, Bob, I’m going to try to watch my words over the next however long. I really don’t want to end up in the hospital knowing what’s coming in two weeks. I would like to be here to see that in person.

Bob Sinclair: Two of the three people to hold the League Championship since The League restarted are in the ring now, and history favors the two-time champion. Templeton is 6-3 in four-plus seasons against Mastachas; does he make it number seven here, Frankie?

Frankie Garnett: Smart money’s on it, Bob. Nuclear has more to fight for, and we’ve seen how well those who have skin in the fight have been performing tonight.

Bob Sinclair: Senior official Jacob Smalls draws the honor for this one; he calls for the bell and we are underway!



(00:14) Mastachas applied a Side Headlock

(00:21) Nuclear avoided an Eye Poke.

(00:25) Mastachas blocked a Hammerlock

(00:29) Mastachas slipped out of the back of a Side Headlock

(00:34) Nuclear blocked a Rear Amateur Takedown

(00:39) Nuclear broke a Hammerlock

(00:46) Nuclear hit a Toss To Corner

(01:04) Nuclear hit a Corner Ten Punch

(01:11) Nuclear hit a Corner Elbow

(01:18) Nuclear hit a Corner Knife Edge Chop

(01:36) Nuclear hit a Corner Ten Punch

(01:43) Nuclear hit a Corner Open Handed Chop

(01:50) Mastachas very easily avoided a Corner Elbow.

(01:57) Mastachas hit a Corner Elbow

(02:01) Nuclear broke the Ten Turnbuckle Smashes

(02:05) Mastachas broke a Toss To Corner

(02:12) Mastachas hit a Single Leg Trip

(02:17) Nuclear blocked a Choke Hold

(02:26) Mastachas hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(02:31) Nuclear broke a Front Facelock

(02:35) Mastachas countered a Bodyslam with a Slap To Chest

(02:35) Nuclear wasn't fazed by it though

(02:40) Nuclear blocked a Single Leg Trip

(02:47) Mastachas hit a Toss To Corner

(02:52) Nuclear broke a Corner Boot Choke

(03:06) Nuclear applied a Side Headlock

(03:09) Nuclear hit a Forearm Blow

(03:16) Nuclear hit a Toss To Corner

(03:21) Mastachas blocked a Corner Open Handed Chop

(03:28) Nuclear hit a Turnbuckle Smash

(03:37) Nuclear picked up Mastachas

(03:46) Mastachas avoided a Punch.

(03:53) Mastachas hit a Toss To Corner

(03:57) Nuclear blocked a Corner Boot Choke

(04:04) Mastachas hit a Corner Knife Edge Chop

(04:08) Nuclear blocked a Corner Open Handed Chop

(04:26) Mastachas hit Ten Turnbuckle Smashes


Frankie Garnett: Does he really think that’s going to bother Nuclear, Bob?

Bob Sinclair: I’m not sure if that’s what he thinks, Frankie. You’d have to ask him. But Mastachas is trying to get some momentum going here, by any means he can.



(04:31) Nuclear broke a Cravate

(04:47) Nuclear hit an Arm Wringer Smash

(04:52) Mastachas reversed an irish whip to the corner

(04:59) Mastachas hit a Corner Knife Edge Chop

(05:03) Nuclear blocked a Turnbuckle Smash

(05:10) Mastachas hit a Corner Forearm Blow

(05:15) Nuclear slipped out of the back of the Corner Repeated Shoulder Rams

(05:19) Mastachas slipped out of the back of an Atomic Drop

(05:33) Mastachas applied an Arm Wringer

(05:40) Mastachas hit a Running Clothesline

(05:54) Mastachas applied a Body Scissors

(06:02) Nuclear got a rope break to stop an Arm Bar

(06:16) Mastachas applied a Cravate

(06:22) Tony Mortis tripped Mastachas to prevent a Running Clothesline

(06:22) The referee sent Tony Mortis back to the locker room


Frankie Garnett: That hardly seems fair!

Bob Sinclair: And that’s why the referee ejected Mortis from ringside, Frankie.

Frankie Garnett: That’s not what I meant! He barely did anything!

Bob Sinclair: The fact remains he did do something, Frankie. Good on Jacob Smalls to do the right thing there!



(06:30) George Mastachas very easily moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(06:44) Mastachas applied a Western Spinning Toe Hold

(06:49) Nuclear broke a Choke Hold

(06:54) Mastachas broke an Arm Wringer Smash

(06:59) Nuclear blocked a Single Leg Trip

(07:02) Mastachas hit a Punch

(07:06) Mastachas hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(07:10) Mastachas hit an Eye Poke

(07:14) Mastachas hit an Open Handed Chop

(07:28) Mastachas applied a Front Facelock

(07:32) Mastachas hit an Open Handed Chop

(07:39) Nuclear got a rope break to stop an Arm Bar

(07:46) Mastachas hit a Single Leg Trip

(08:00) Mastachas applied a Knee Bar

(08:09) Nuclear got a rope break to stop a Choke Hold

(08:13) Mastachas hit a Slap To Chest

(08:16) Mastachas hit a Jab Punch

(08:26) Mastachas hit a Short Arm Back Elbow

(08:33) Nuclear Templeton moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop.


Bob Sinclair: Mastachas with an unforced error there, Frankie. That might be what Nuclear needs to get back into the match.

Frankie Garnett: It’s only going to take one mistake for Nuclear to capitalize. Mastachas needs to focus here, and without Tony Mortis at ringside, Nuclear needs to keep his temper in check.



(08:37) Nuclear hit a Stomp

(08:43) Nuclear picked up Mastachas

(08:57) Nuclear applied a Side Headlock

(09:07) Nuclear hit a Bodyslam

(09:13) George Mastachas very easily moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(09:17) Mastachas hit a Seated Back Kick

(09:34) Mastachas hit a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry

(09:38) Mastachas hit a Measured Knee Drop

(09:47) Nuclear avoided a Stomp Flurry.

(09:51) Nuclear hit an Eye Poke

(09:55) Nuclear irish whipped Mastachas into the ropes

(10:02) Nuclear hit a Clothesline

(10:10) Nuclear picked up Mastachas

(10:14) Mastachas slipped out of the back of a Side Headlock

(10:40) Mastachas applied a Full Nelson

(11:01) Mastachas hit a Russian Legsweep

(11:05) Mastachas hit a Measured Knee Drop

(11:12) Nuclear avoided a Stomp Flurry.

(11:16) Nuclear hit an Eye Poke

(11:32) Nuclear hit an Arm Wringer Smash

(11:36) Nuclear hit an Eye Poke

(11:41) Mastachas blocked an Arm Wringer Smash

(11:48) Nuclear hit a Toss To Corner

(11:55) Nuclear hit a Corner Open Handed Chop

(12:13) Nuclear hit Corner Repeated Shoulder Rams

(12:17) Nuclear hit an Elbow Drop

(12:23) Nuclear picked up Mastachas from behind

(12:33) Mastachas countered a Chop Block with a Judo Sweep

(12:50) Mastachas hit a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry

(13:00) Nuclear Templeton moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(13:04) Nuclear hit a Seated Back Kick

(13:23) Nuclear applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(13:23) The referee gave Nuclear a stern warning


Frankie Garnett: Jacob Smalls doesn’t have any fear tonight, Bob. Most other officials would have been intimidated by Nuclear by now.

Bob Sinclair: This is why he’s the senior official here, Frankie. He’s been around enough to know not to take any guff from anyone. Including Templeton.



(13:29) Mastachas very easily avoided a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry.

(13:35) Mastachas hit a Roundhouse Punch

(13:39) Nuclear broke a Stump Piledriver

(13:48) Mastachas avoided a Forearm Flurry after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(13:52) Nuclear blocked a Dangerous Head Drop Suplex

(14:01) Nuclear countered an Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop with a Punch Flurry

(14:09) Mastachas very easily avoided a Seated Back Kick.

(14:18) Nuclear avoided a Begging Off Low Blow.

(14:23) Mastachas slipped out of the back of a Samoan Drop

(14:27) Nuclear broke a Dangerous Head Drop Suplex

(14:32) Mastachas broke an Overhead Fallaway Slam

(14:48) Mastachas hit an Explosion Suplex

(14:52) Mastachas got a one count

(14:59) Mastachas hit a Single Arm DDT

(15:03) Nuclear stopped a Slit Throat Motion by rushing Mastachas

(15:17) Nuclear applied a Side Headlock

(15:24) Nuclear hit an Inverted Drop Toe Hold

(15:31) Mastachas countered a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold with a Small Package

(15:36) Mastachas got a two count

(15:43) Nuclear countered an Olympus Rises with a Running Forearm Blow

(15:47) Nuclear hit a Fist Drop

(15:51) Mastachas fought back against being picked up from behind

(16:07) Mastachas hit an Explosion Suplex

(16:11) Mastachas got a two count

(16:18) Nuclear broke a Wrath of Zeus by falling on top of Mastachas

(16:22) Nuclear got a one count


Frankie Garnett: That had to wake Mastachas up! He nearly let this one get away from him!

Bob Sinclair: Nuclear’s not worn down enough yet, Frankie. But Mastachas can smell the blood in the water, he’s close, and he knows it!



(16:25) Nuclear hit a Punch

(16:29) Nuclear hit an Eye Poke

(16:41) Nuclear hit a Forearm Flurry

(16:45) Nuclear hit a Seated Back Kick

(16:51) Nuclear picked up Mastachas

(17:03) What a Power Surge by Nuclear Templeton!

(17:11) Nuclear picked up Mastachas

(17:16) Mastachas blocked a Tactical Nuke

(17:25) Mastachas countered a Powerbomb with a Slap To Chest

(17:30) Nuclear blocked a Backbreaker

(17:46) Mastachas hit an Overhead Fallaway Slam

(17:51) Nuclear blocked a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(17:56) Nuclear broke a Mounted Punch Flurry

(18:02) Nuclear hit a Low Blow

(18:02) The referee gave Nuclear a serious telling off

(18:09) Nuclear picked up Mastachas

(18:23) George Mastachas just got laid out with a Radiation Spike!

(18:29) Nuclear picked up Mastachas

(18:41) Nuclear hit a Double Underhook Powerbomb

(18:47) Nuclear picked up Mastachas

(19:03) Nuclear hit a Strong Gut Buster


Frankie Garnett: If Mastachas wants to be a factor in the remainder of this match, he needs to find some offense right here, right now!

Bob Sinclair: Templeton isn’t likely to let him get that opportunity, though!



(19:13) Nuclear picked up Mastachas

(19:23) Mastachas countered a Radiation Leak with a Shoot-In Double Leg Takedown

(19:28) Nuclear blocked a Seated Kick

(19:32) Nuclear blocked a Seated Kick

(19:42) Mastachas countered an Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop with a Seated Face Plant

(19:47) Nuclear blocked a Headbutt To Groin

(19:54) Nuclear Templeton moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(19:59) Mastachas fought back against being picked up

(20:15) Mastachas hit a Swinging Neckbreaker

(20:19) Nuclear blocked a Knee Pull

(20:23) Mastachas hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(20:27) Nuclear broke a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(20:30) Mastachas countered an Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop with a Kick To Gut

(20:46) Mastachas hit an Explosion Suplex

(20:51) Mastachas got a near pinfall

(20:59) Nuclear broke a Wrath of Zeus by falling on top of Mastachas

(21:04) Nuclear got a near pinfall

(21:20) Look out! Nuclear Templeton has deployed a Tactical Nuke!

(21:28) Nuclear picked up Mastachas

(21:38) LAAAAAAAAARIATOOOOOOO!!!!! Armageddon has come for Mastachas!


Bob Sinclair: In one fluid motion, Templeton lands the ripcord lariat, and here’s the cover…one, two, three! Nuclear Templeton earns his seventh win over George Mastachas, and now the pressure is solely on the shoulders of the Season Eight champion, Brandy McDonald! She needs a win to deny Templeton his third championship!

Frankie Garnett: And she’s facing Reverend Johnny Gross, Bob. I have a feeling she might be in the driver’s seat yet…


Nuclear Templeton (10-4) def. George Mastachas (8-6) via Pinfall (Armageddon Lariat) in 21:42.  Rating: ****

Changes for Nuclear Templeton:  OVR + 5.74, XP + 806.58, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body

Changes for George Mastachas:  OVR + 2.34, XP + 364.56, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body

This was the Match of the Night (8 [3rd this season] for Nuclear Templeton, 5 [2nd this season] for George Mastachas)



d7FEgH5.jpg (6) Reverend Johnny Gross (6-7, OVR 534)


(1) Brandy McDonald (10-3, OVR 592)* gGexPKo.jpg

Bob Sinclair: As McDonald and Gross make their way to the ring, I can’t help but notice that Nuclear is staying out in the arena, Frankie.

Frankie Garnett: He’s thankfully in one of the other rings set up here at The Aerie, and he hasn’t moved much since taking up position there to watch the final match of the season. I see Tony Mortis has come back out to keep a rein on him, which might be a good thing for everyone in this building, Bob.

Bob Sinclair: Folks, it’s real simple at this point. If Brandy wins, she’s the League Champion once again, and Lucas Molina is relegated. If Gross wins, Nuclear remains the Champion with a back-to-back reign, and it’s Christian Priest who is relegated.

Frankie Garnett: I would hate to be Gross here, Bob. He’s really in a no-win spot. If he wins, he’s likely angering most of the locker room, Christian Priest especially. If he loses, there are some who’ll think he threw the match to get Molina out of the division. The Right Reverend is between a rock and a hard place, Bob!

Bob Sinclair: We’ll see what happens soon enough, as all the principals are ready. Our official calls for the bell, and the final match of the regular season is underway!



(00:08) McDonald applied a Hammerlock

(00:13) Rev. Gross slipped out the front of a Running Face Smash

(00:17) Rev. Gross hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(00:17) The referee warned Rev. Gross

(00:31) Rev. Gross applied a Side Headlock

(00:37) McDonald avoided a Forearm Blow.

(00:42) Rev. Gross blocked a Monkey Flip

(00:52) McDonald hit a Judo Sweep

(01:00) Rev. Gross got a rope break to stop a Knee Pull

(01:07) McDonald hit a Single Leg Trip

(01:12) Rev. Gross fought back against being picked up

(01:15) Rev. Gross hit a Handshake Kick To Gut

(01:20) McDonald blocked a Single Leg Trip

(01:34) Rev. Gross applied a Side Headlock

(01:41) Rev. Gross applied a Standing Arm Bar

(01:45) Rev. Gross hit an Open Handed Chop

(01:59) Rev. Gross applied a Knee Bar

(02:03) Rev. Gross hit a Fist Drop

(02:07) McDonald broke a Legdrop To Arm

(02:12) Rev. Gross broke a Judo Sweep

(02:22) McDonald avoided a Punch.

(02:36) McDonald applied a Front Facelock

(02:43) McDonald hit a Snap Mare Takedown

(02:57) McDonald applied a Body Scissors

(03:04) McDonald hit a Knee Pull

(03:18) McDonald applied a Body Scissors

(03:38) McDonald applied a Rear Chinlock

(03:52) McDonald applied a Body Scissors

(03:57) Rev. Gross fought back against being picked up

(04:04) Rev. Gross applied a Standing Arm Bar

(04:07) Rev. Gross hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(04:10) Rev. Gross hit a Punch

(04:16) McDonald avoided an Eye Poke.

(04:19) McDonald hit a Jab Punch

(04:26) McDonald hit a Single Leg Trip

(04:31) Rev. Gross broke a Rear Chinlock

(04:34) Rev. Gross hit a Forearm Blow

(04:38) Rev. Gross hit an Eye Poke

(04:52) Rev. Gross applied a Front Facelock

(04:59) Rev. Gross hit a Single Leg Trip

(05:04) McDonald broke an Elbow Drop On Knee

(05:18) McDonald applied a Side Headlock


Frankie Garnett: Hard to tell who’s had the early advantage, Bob.

Bob Sinclair: You’re just looking for any sort of impropriety on Gross’ part, aren’t you?

Frankie Garnett: Well excuse me if I’m worried for all of our physical sakes if Brandy wins, Bob!



(05:23) Rev. Gross blocked a Punch

(05:27) McDonald hit a Knife Edge Chop

(05:34) McDonald hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(05:38) McDonald hit a Knee Drop

(05:47) Reverend Johnny Gross moved out of the way from a Fist Drop.

(05:54) Rev. Gross hit a Knee Pull

(05:58) Rev. Gross hit a Fist Drop

(06:12) Rev. Gross applied an Arm Bar

(06:19) Rev. Gross hit a Legdrop To Arm

(06:23) Rev. Gross hit a Stomp

(06:33) Brandy McDonald very easily moved out of the way from a Fist Drop.

(06:37) McDonald hit an Elbow Drop

(06:45) McDonald picked up Rev. Gross

(06:59) McDonald applied a Side Headlock

(07:06) McDonald hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(07:16) Rev. Gross got a rope break to stop a Rear Chinlock

(07:19) McDonald hit a Jab Punch

(07:33) McDonald applied a Front Facelock

(07:37) McDonald hit a Knife Edge Chop

(07:51) McDonald applied a Front Facelock

(07:54) McDonald hit a Punch

(07:58) McDonald hit a Kick To Knee

(08:12) McDonald applied a Front Facelock

(08:16) McDonald hit a Kick To Knee

(08:23) McDonald hit a Running Clothesline

(08:30) McDonald hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(08:37) McDonald hit a Half Senton

(08:52) McDonald hit a Stomp Flurry

(08:56) McDonald hit a Seated Back Kick

(09:09) McDonald hit a Running Senton

(09:13) McDonald hit a Seated Back Kick

(09:26) McDonald hit a Running Senton

(09:33) McDonald hit a Half Senton

(09:46) McDonald hit a Rope-Assisted Knee Breaker

(09:58) McDonald hit a Kneeling Kick Rush

(10:05) McDonald used a Top Rope Point Taunt

(10:17) Reverend Johnny Gross has to be feeling the effects of that Hang Over!


Bob Sinclair: Cover by Brandy…one, two, three?! That was it??

Frankie Garnett: Oh, no.

Bob Sinclair: Even Brandy looks surprised at that as she gets to her feet. In one of the faster main events in League history, Brandy McDonald has put away Reverend Johnny Gross and is officially your Season Twelve Champion!

Frankie Garnett: Nuclear looks absolutely livid, Bob. It might be time for us to vacate the premises.

Bob Sinclair: On the flip side, Frankie…how do you think Lucas Molina feels, to be relegated after that sudden a loss by someone other than himself?

Frankie Garnett: Bob, why aren’t you more worried about the inevitable storm that’s about to fall on this entire building?


Brandy McDonald (11-3) def. Reverend Johnny Gross (6-8) via Pinfall (Hang Over) in 10:22.  Rating: *

Changes for Brandy McDonald:  OVR + 3.76, XP + 666.84, no notable damage

Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross:  OVR -2.10, XP + 166.71, no notable damage


Before Bob can reply, in the center of the ring, to the surprise of everyone, Gross kips up to his feet, looking no worse the wear and showing much more athleticism than normal. He looks around for a moment to get his bearings, and sees Nuclear in the ring some distance away. A sly grin crosses Gross’ face, and a slight, mocking bow follows before he leaves the ring, his back turned so he doesn’t see Nuclear being physically restrained by Tony Mortis in the other ring.

Frankie Garnett: Bob. Don’t tell me that Gross actually…

Bob Sinclair: Frankie, I think that is exactly what we just saw. And I’m not sure how to feel about that. Reverend Johnny Gross may have just made a martyr of himself to both Nuclear Templeton and Lucas Molina, as that is how Season Twelve ends!

The camera shot fades from Nuclear still fuming mad at the events that have just transpired to display another still graphic, full-screen:



Nuclear Templeton vs. Will Prydor

Iron Man Rules






X – clinched promotion

Y – clinched division title

Z – clinched relegation



y-1.  Brandy McDonald:  11-3, ATV 14:21 (AMR 2.143), OVR 595.48

2.  Nuclear Templeton:  10-4, ATV 18:22 (AMR 2.857), OVR 639.66

3.  George Mastachas:  8-6, ATV 15:15 (AMR 2.429), OVR 598.15

4.  Brian Blackfield:  7-7, ATV 16:51 (AMR 2.786), OVR 593.11

5.  Christian Priest:  6-8, ATV 15:05 (AMR 2.643), OVR 590.73

6.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  6-8, ATV 17:28 (AMR 2.143), OVR 531.49

z-7.  Lucas Molina:  6-8, ATV 17:32 (AMR 2.571), OVR 509.25

z-8.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  2-12, ATV 18:22 (AMR 2.429), OVR 526.81

6-8: Priest, Gross, and Molina all finished 2-2 against each other. Priest had the better victory time (12:22) in his two wins compared to Gross (15:00.5) and Molina (16:34). Gross swept Molina to win the second tiebreaker, which puts Molina in seventh and thus relegated.



y-1.  Kichi Hida:  10-4, ATV 11:19 (AMR 2.857), OVR 484.67

x-2.  Monty Dhillon:  9-5, ATV 10:45 (AMR 2.500), OVR 547.44

3.  Diego Rodriguez:  9-5, ATV 12:30 (AMR 2.286), OVR 515.07

4.  Billy Norris:  8-6, ATV 11:51 (AMR 2.429), OVR 557.41

5.  De'siree Mitchell:  7-7, ATV 10:26 (AMR 2.429), OVR 531.78

6.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  7-7, ATV 15:47 (AMR 2.429), OVR 526.09

z-7.  Angela Wassermann:  6-8, ATV 12:39 (AMR 2.286), OVR 462.25

z-8.  Pulsar:  0-14, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.500), OVR 471.84

9-5: Monty beat Diego in 7:10, Diego beat Monty in 14:31. Due to the faster win, Monty wins the tiebreaker and thus earns promotion.

7-7 is broken by simple head-to-head.



y-1.  Lance Heartilly:  12-2, ATV 11:00 (AMR 1.857), OVR 463.81

x-2.  Indigo Rose:  10-4, ATV 12:59 (AMR 2.071), OVR 495.61

3.  Leon de Ramos:  9-5, ATV 13:03 (AMR 2.143), OVR 442.16

4.  Blood River:  8-6, ATV 10:58 (AMR 2.357), OVR 487.81

5.  Markus Clay:  5-9, ATV 11:35 (AMR 2.357), OVR 448.57

6.  Daniel Simmons:  5-9, ATV 13:21 (AMR 2.143), OVR 450.76

z-7.  Rock Sheridan:  5-9, ATV 11:53 (AMR 2.214), OVR 425.93

z-8.  Nocturne:  2-12, ATV 14:36 (AMR 2.286), OVR 406.78

5-9: Clay finished 3-1 against Sheridan (2-2) and Simmons (1-3). In the remaining tie, Simmons beat Rock in 6:32, it took Sheridan 21:26 to beat Simmons. Thus, Sheridan falls to seventh and is relegated.



y-1.  Diamond:  13-1, ATV 7:56 (AMR 2.071), OVR 473.37

x-2.  "Dirty" John Murdoch:  10-4, ATV 11:25 (AMR 3.071), OVR 436.44

3.  Erick Gibson:  9-5, ATV 9:57 (AMR 2.929), OVR 444.52

4.  Terrance Stevens:  8-6, ATV 12:19 (AMR 2.571), OVR 453.56

5.  Scott Stevens:  7-7, ATV 8:45 (AMR 2.429), OVR 408.46

6.  Mickey Steele:  5-9, ATV 8:50 (AMR 2.571), OVR 412.40

7.  George Stevens:  2-12, ATV 6:47 (AMR 2.286), OVR 382.69

z-8.  Terra Harding:  2-12, ATV 10:54 (AMR 2.929), OVR 405.03

2-12: Stevens beat Terra in 7:03, Harding beat George in 12:04. Due to the faster win, Stevens wins the tiebreaker.



1. Croquemitaine: 135 [total: 153—drop weeks 2 {9} and 4 {9}. This week: 11]

2. Eternal Phoenix: 132 [total: 148—drop weeks 6 {8} and 7 {8}. This week: 13]

3. Derek B: 131 [total: 137—drop weeks 7 {8} and 13 {8}. This week: 10]

4. Jman2k3: 126 [total: 121—drop weeks 13 {7} and 9 {0}. This week: 12]

5. SeanMcG: 92 [total: 92—drop weeks 4 {8} and 6 {0}. This week: 0]



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Oooooooh, something's gonna get punched so hard for that one!  Can't believe competitors in the League turned this totally legitimate sporting company into a joke! 😛

I also just want to check on the totals for the predictions standings as some of the math is off.  I think the actual final scores are correct but some of the numbers for overall totals are off, so will hold off congratulating anyone for the win there even though I'm fairly sure Croquemitaine has the win :)


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3. Derek B: 131 [total: 137—drop weeks 7 {8} and 13 {8}. This week: 10]

4. Jman2k3: 126 [total: 121—drop weeks 13 {7} and 9 {0}. This week: 12]

Are you sure, chief? 😛 Like... I think my total is 147 minues those drop weeks to tame me to 131, because that adds up.   But I don't know what to make of Jman's scores there!  Is just as well Nuclear is about to bury you under the pasture next week! 😛


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…Dammit, Derek, stop telling your “friends” to mess up my stuff! It was right when I finished the show on my computer originally!

(not even kidding, the numbers were done on Friday that could be changed if Sean got picks in. They were accurate there on my document.)

Edit 2:

Look at the end of the actual show post, not in the beginning of the thread. That’s accurate though I’m still not certain how things got mixed up between here and there. But the numbers in my post just above are correct.

Edited by ShadowedFlames
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The plan when I get home tonight is the following:

1) Re-update the post that Nuclear’s “friends” broke on the first page of the thread to match what’s in the last show post regarding predictions.

2) Update the League Records page to reflect changes after Season Twelve.

3) Make the official rolls for Season Thirteen’s medical and moveset checks, and possibly even get next season’s divisions set up on my end if things are simple enough.

4) Start working on adding a new feature to the spreadsheet as a test for updating OVRs/combating power creep some more. (Derek actually gave me the bones of an idea that I’ve been slowly tweaking and I think I’ve gotten it to an acceptable point. I just need to see how some specific examples that exist in the actual League spreadsheet work with this idea first.)  *This is going to be an ongoing process spanning into next week at the least*

5) Finish my series on the per-season OVR changes, and now that Season Twelve is done I can include that season in as well. So that is going to be a double feature, 2 in 1 post.

6) Continuing the multi-posting (I want to get this stuff in before I’m out of state for the day on Saturday, and tomorrow is terrible for me with regard to free time), post a vignette from Reverend Gross. Then immediately after (in the same post), have one for Will Prydor.


Next week:

I already have an “official” prediction post written that uses history going all the way back to Season One for the upcoming Nuclear/Prydor match. That will likely go up Monday afternoon local time.

The actual match will then be run immediately after, which gives me the rest of the week to do commentary, add plot stuff, and let Derek cowrite/sign off on it before that match gets posted on Saturday (28 Sept) morning local time.

At that point, we will officially be on break until the New Year, with internal expectations that Omega Division stuff will be done during December.

Why not November? Because I have almost a month off coming from the November 9 to December 2, and that is set aside for recovering from burnout. It’s a helluva thing, folks. This is what happens when I go a touch too long before trying to combat it, compounded by dealing with separate burnout due to work and a 250% increase in my weekly workload due to schools being open again.

Edited by ShadowedFlames
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With The League’s first repeat champion sporting the largest OVR increase since the restart of The League, Season Eleven also saw the highest average OVR increase across the roster for a fourteen-week season. Season Eleven also gave rise to The Hammer, the second person to finish a season undefeated.



1. Nuclear Templeton: 12-2, +57.07 (best in The League’s tenure)

5. George Mastachas: 9-5, +38.04

7. Brandy McDonald: 7-7, +36.13

16. Brian Blackfield: 6-8, +22.73

15. Jean-Paul Ouilette: 6-8, +24.40

11. Mel O’Hallister: 6-8, +31.16

8. The Mastodon: 6-8, +35.09

12. De’siree Mitchell: 4-10, +29.04



4. Lucas Molina: 11-3, +40.77

3. Christian Priest: 11-3, +43.52 (tenth-best in The League’s tenure)

6. Reverend Johnny Gross: 10-4, +37.11

13. Yoshii Nakamatsu: 8-6, +26.94

9. Billy Norris: 7-7, +31.74

26. Angela Wassermann: 4-10, +6.78

20. Pulsar: 4-10, +17.94

30. Blood River: 1-13, -1.21



2. Monty Dhillon: 14-0, 44.53 (eighth-best in The League’s tenure)

10. Diego Rodriguez: 9-5, +31.19

17. Kichi Hida: 8-6, +21.27

14. Indigo Rose: 8-6, +25.91

21. Big Scott Weathers: 7-7, +14.98

29. Lance Heartilly: 5-9, +3.29

27. Markus Clay: 4-10, +4.77

32. Terrance Stevens: 1-13, -9.12 (sixth-worst in The League’s tenure)



18. Rock Sheridan: 9-5, +20.47

19. Leon de Ramos: 9-5, +19.72

24. Nocturne: 9-5, +11.99

22. Diamond: 8-6, +14.36

23. Sterling Silver: 7-7, +12.64

28. Scott Stevens: 6-8, +4.22

25. Mickey Steele: 6-8, +8.69

31. George Stevens: 2-12, -6.88 (tenth-worst in The League’s tenure)




One of the more intriguing seasons, this one had promotion and championship races come down to the final week through all four divisions, as well as building tensions between a League Original and the man who founded and runs The League…




2. Brandy McDonald: 11-3, +48.01 (sixth-best in The League’s tenure)

1. Nuclear Templeton: 10-4, +51.36 (third-best in The League’s tenure)

4. George Mastachas: 8-6, +38.65

5. Brian Blackfield: 7-7, +38.32

7. Christian Priest: 6-8, +34.71

20. Reverend Johnny Gross: 6-8, +21.14

13. Lucas Molina: 6-8, +30.35

24. Jean-Paul Ouilette: 2-12, +9.04



3. Kichi Hida: 10-4, +42.49

6. Monty Dhillon: 9-5, +37.43

12. Diego Rodriguez: 9-5, +30.44

10. Billy Norris: 8-6, +32.29

17. De’siree Mitchell: 7-7, +25.51

14. Yoshii Nakamatsu: 7-7, +28.33

22. Angela Wassermann: 6-8, +15.16

30. Pulsar: 0-14, -3.78



9. Lance Heartilly: 12-2, +33.28

15. Indigo Rose: 10-4, +27.49

18. Leon de Ramos: 9-5, +22.43

19. Blood River: 8-6, +22.13

25. Markus Clay: 5-9, +7.58

28. Daniel Simmons: 5-9, +1.96

26. Rock Sheridan: 5-9, +5.46

31. Nocturne: 2-12, -7.90 (eighth-worst in The League’s tenure)



8. Diamond: 13-1, +33.53

11. “Dirty” John Murdoch: 10-4, +31.56

16. Erick Gibson: 9-5, +26.96

21. Terrance Stevens: 8-6, +16.06

23. Scott Stevens: 7-7, +11.50

27. Mickey Steele: 5-9, +3.71

25. George Stevens: 2-12, -10.40 (fourth-worst in The League’s tenure)

29. Terra Harding: 2-12, +0.15

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The Needs of the Many


[FADE IN: CHURCH INTERIOR. As has been done before, the piped-in organ recording of Rescue the Perishing accompanies a view of the pulpit and altar of the Upper Grove Gospel Tabernacle. Also as before, in the center of the shot standing behind the altar is REVEREND JOHNNY GROSS, in full pastoral garb. It is his calm face that the camera focuses on, as the organ music fades to silence. A heartbeat later, he speaks.]



So many have asked the question since last week. “Right Reverend, why?” So many are quick to condemn me, for casting their doubts upon my faith, upon my adherence of the principles of the LORD our God. So many are quick to cast me as a hypocrite, seeing only what they saw in front of the ever-present cameras.

They do not know the reason…yea, they have forgotten that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

Now, I know that those words did not come from the LORD our God, nor did they come from His son. However, I do believe those words are in line with the principles and the tenets set forth by the LORD our God. And it is those words that led to my actions last week.

For you see…The League itself would bow and buckle under the weight of a third Nuclear Templeton reign as champion. It already strains to remain intact with his actions in and out of the ring. So when Nuclear Templeton was victorious, and needed a Brandy McDonald loss to deliver him the League Championship, I knew I had reached a crossroads.

To the left, the needs of the few. Of Nuclear Templeton, who needed another League Championship to make himself feel human for that scant time the accomplishment would hold. Of Lucas Molina, who needed me to win to avoid being cast to the Beta Division, and instead condemn Christian Priest to that fate. And to a limited extent, of myself.

On the right, the needs of the many. Of more than fifty other wrestlers under The League’s umbrella, who may not have a place to ply their trade if Nuclear’s ego and intimidation caused The League to fold. Of the similar amount of production staff who prepares The League’s shows to go onto the airwaves weekly, and the families that rely on the income from this endeavor. Of the followers of The League, who tune in weekly for a change from the “normal” professional wrestling that can be seen in more mainstream media.

When presented with those options…the needs of the many, of the hundreds of people that would be immediately impacted by The League crumbling under the weight of Nuclear Templeton, vastly outweighed the needs of the two or three individuals.

And thus was my decision made, even as I made the walk to the ring for the final match of the season. If an opening were to present itself, to place the needs of the many first, I would take it. Brandy McDonald provided me the opportunity, and as such I seized it. I could easily have kept the match going…but that would be catering to the needs of the few.

The end result is as everyone saw. The needs of the many prevailed, for now. Nuclear Templeton was denied his third reign, a reign that would have inexorably sent The League into decline.

That brings us to the future.

Lucas Molina, I understand that you will condemn me for my actions, for damning you back to the Beta Division without any forethought. I pray that you find the wisdom to see that my actions were indeed for the greater good, for ensuring that you even have a place to wrestle next season.

Nuclear Templeton, I understand that you, more than others, will see what happened as a personal slight, and will want to unleash your aggression on me at first sight. I pray that wisdom also finds you, and that you come to realize that no matter how much vengeance you crave, and consume, you will realize that the void inside you never goes away and you will find that which truly fills that void. I pray you have the patience to find that.

Most of all, William Prydor…I will pray for you, even as you publicly state that you do not believe in the existence of the LORD our God. For you are about to be the recipient of the storm that I may have unleashed in the form of Nuclear Templeton. I will pray for your ongoing health, and that of your family, as you prepare to fight for the livelihoods of many, myself included.

Finally, to everyone else in The League. If you believe that you would have chosen a wiser, better course of action…you know where I am, not only every Sunday morning and evening but also every Friday night. I am not a hard person to find, and I welcome all civil discussions about this matter, or any other.

But know this. If you come to me looking for a fight…remember first, Luke 6:31.

“And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.”

If you come to me looking to fight…you’ll find one of those, too.

[As before, the cold stare of GROSS looks unblinking into the camera as it slowly FADES TO BLACK.]




We Go to War


YouTube video transcript, uploaded to The League's official channel

September 19, 2024, 1:15 p.m. local time


[FADE IN to a dimly lit room, the fading sunlight coming in from a window on the left to shade the room a dark orange. Facing the camera is WILL PRYDOR, with half his body shrouded in darkness. There is just enough light to tell that this is being recorded inside his office within The Aerie, as his display case of title belts is just barely visible with the reflection of the light.]


So it has come to this. One hour to determine the rest of my life.

Yes, I know on the surface it sounds rather grandiose. But that doesn’t make it any less true.

On one side of the coin—a professional future free from the influence of people who are looking to steal my life’s work from my grasp, and the ability to carry on with said life’s work for as long as I am both physically and mentally able to.

On the other side—the unknown. A future filled with pain, of suffering, of possible paralysis or worse. The collapse of my life’s work, and an uncertain future about my ability to provide for my family.

A future with hope for my family. A future filled with despair. A light side and a dark side, balanced on the edge of a single hour.

This is what Nuclear Templeton has driven me to. This is the step I told my wife, and my daughter, that I would never take again. This is a promise I had to break, because of the greed and ego of one man.

And I know that he’ll say that he’s happy. After all, he gets to punch me in the face.

But what then? Let’s just say that you do manage to win, and you do gain my share of The League. What will you do with it? What can you do with it? What good is a League when no one who’s here is willing to stay on should you take control? What good is a League with no wrestlers, no fighters? What good is a League that basically becomes another front for your Italian “friends?”

Ask yourself, Nuclear. What good is a golden goose after you’ve killed it and eaten its flesh?

You see…I don’t believe you’ve thought this through. You’re so hung up on the fact that I single-handedly held you down in The League’s ancient past that you fail to realize that your shortcomings are your own. You’re just a bully, looking to knock down the sand castles of others because you have not been able to figure out why the wind keeps blowing yours away.

And because of that, you’re willing to destroy The League when you’ve finally managed to find even a little success.

Congratulations, Nuclear Templeton. You’ve played yourself, and you’ve walked right into a no-win situation.

If you lose, you’re done. You are excised from The League, you and Tony Mortis both, and everyone associated with The League can breathe easier knowing the poison you’ve been trying to inject has been neutralized permanently.

If you win, you inherit a League with no wrestlers, no production staff, and none of the infrastructure that comes with making this promotion a success. Your victory would be pyrrhic…you would have gained everything, and would have nothing but ashes and scorched earth to show for it.

You still have a chance to back down, Nuclear. You have a chance to save yourself from the nightmare that awaits you on the other end of that hour, no matter which way the coin falls. You can simply walk away, and just wait for next season to start before trying to win your third Championship without undermining my company, destroying my property, and breaking my rules.

But I know you won’t. Bullies never take the enlightened path. They believe in the right of might above everything else. I harbor no doubts you will do the same, not with your short-sighted end goal so close that you can reach out and grasp it.

So come on, Nuclear. Do your worst to me. Just know that with every punch thrown at me, every lariat you connect, you’re just marching to your doom.  No matter what happens, I want to make one thing clear. You see me as a joke after six years out of the ring. Don’t be mistaken, Nuclear.

Your bloody time’s up.

This ain’t no game.

And I’m not here to entertain you.

Welcome to the Armageddon of Nuclear Templeton. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.

[PRYDOR leans back in his seat, eventually swallowed by the shadows in the room, before the video FADES TO BLACK.]

Edited by ShadowedFlames
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