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Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm Mean Gene Okerlund bringing you this week's WCW Hotline Report!


In the fallout from World War 3, several temporary contracts have become expired. Kaz Hayashi, both Villano's, Ice Train, Jimmy Del Ray, Super Calo, Hector Guerrero, Silver King, and Konnan are all gone from WCW. Sgt. Craig Pittman also had his contract expire this week and WCW opted not to renew the deal.


The Great Muta's loan period from NJPW has also expired and he will no longer be seen in WCW, at least for the time being. I've heard rumors that when his current deal is up, WCW may be putting an offer in for his services full time.


Steve Regal has been cleared to return to in-ring action following his injury. He tore his ACL back in September and was initially expected to be out of action for 6 months. Regal opted for surgery which drastically cut his time away down. He will return on this week's Monday Nitro in his first match back!


Congratulations to Bob Backlund, as he announced his retirement last week!


There could be trouble in the water for the World Wrestling Council, as it was announced this week that they have "fallen in size" and look to be doing some big cut backs. Insiders now view WWC as being "small."


Jim Ross is said to be "extremely happy" at signing his new WCW contract. This couldn't come at a better time for the reigning best announcer in the world. The WWF's In Your House PPV is this weekend headlined by Goldust defending the Intercontinental title against Henry Godwinn.


Fans were shocked earlier this week on Nitro when Steve Austin came to Lex Luger's rescue as he was being beaten down by the NWO's Kevin Nash. Many were under the impression that Austin was turning a new leaf, however, he made it very clear on Saturday Night this weekend that he didn't help the Total Package because he likes him. Austin said he's tired of the NWO sticking their nose in business that doesn't concern them and he's not afraid of anyone, including the NWO. Austin stated he was angry that Nash interfered in their match and caused the disqualification loss for him. Austin also said he's razor sharp focused for Starrcade and his 60-minute Iron Man match against Ric Flair and will not hold back on the Nature Boy.


This week's Monday Nitro is oddly again held in the Kiel Center but is sure to be hectic, as it is the final Nitro before WCW's biggest Pay Per View of the year - Starrcade!



Week 4, December 1996

LIVE from Kiel Center - St. Louis, MO (Again...)


Paul Levesque vs Scott Steiner


Lex Luger vs Alex Wright


Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Lord Steven Regal


Bunkhouse Buck & Dirty Dick Slater vs Blue Bloods (Robert Eaton & Dave Taylor)


Fit Finlay vs Jacques Rougeau


Carl Oulette vs Arn Anderson

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Paul Levesque vs Scott Steiner


Lex Luger vs Alex Wright


Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Lord Steven Regal


Bunkhouse Buck & Dirty Dick Slater vs Blue Bloods (Robert Eaton & Dave Taylor)


Fit Finlay vs Jacques Rougeau


Carl Oulette vs Arn Anderson

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Week 4, December 1996

LIVE from Kiel Center - St. Louis, MO

Attendance: 16,110


Monday Nitro kicks off tonight, strangely, in the same arena as last week. Things look much the same though there is several hundred more fans in attendance. Jim Ross welcomes everyone who is tuning in and says who knows what will happen tonight after the wild show they had last week. Steve Austin unexpectedly came to Lex Luger's rescue last week but quickly stated this weekend on Saturday Night that it was out of no love or respect for Luger. Ross think's Austin's focus is locked in towards the Nature Boy Ric Flair and their upcoming Iron Man match this Sunday at Starrcade. He also says the NWO have been working overtime lately to ensure that the challenger to the world heavyweight title, Scott Steiner, walks into Starrcade a beaten and broken man. Tonight will be the final chance for the competitors to gain the momentum headed into the biggest show of the year, so you can bet that everyone will be in rare form tonight! Music hits the arena as we begin our first match of the evening!


Carl Oulette vs Arn Anderson

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The Enforcer was indeed in rare form tonight as well as a no-nonsense approach to this match. He didn't give one half of the French Canadians any opportunity to mount an offense and methodically broke down his opponent move by move. Following his signature Spinebuster, Arn got the pinfall at 9:47 with a DDT.

Winner: Arn Anderson

Rating: 78



Following the bell, Mean Gene steps into the ring as the Enforcer celebrates his win. The music dies off and Mean Gene tells everyone that Anderson requested an interview following his match tonight and wanted to know what he had to say. Double A said that a couple weeks ago, he stopped Eddie Guerrero from picking on a guy who can't win a match. Before that, he was puffing his chest out to Ricky Steamboat. Anderson said he isn't close to riding off in the sunset, not by a long shot, but he's sick and tired of guys like Guerrero who want to throw their weight around like they're somebody. Anderson challenges Eddie Guerrero to a match at Starrcade and he says after that, we'll all see who walks away with a smile on their face.

Rating: 91




A confrontation ensues backstage between Diamond Dallas Page and Paul Levesque. The two are nose to nose and on the verge of escalating into a full on fight. Levesque says if DDP has a problem with him, then they can settle things this Sunday at Starrcade. DDP says that's fine with him before they finally go their own way.

Rating: 73



Fit Finlay vs Jacques Rougeau

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Jacques was hoping to reverse the fortune of his team but it wasn't meant to be. Finlay put this away at 7:21 with a Tombstone in a not-very-exciting matchup.

Winner: Fit Finlay

Rating: 60



tHe FolLoWInG AnnOunCEmENT hAs BeEn PAiD fOr BY tHe



Next is an NWO promo where Hollywood Hogan, Kevin Nash, and Brian Pillman spend the time taunting and making fun of their opponents for this Sunday. Scott Steiner, Lex Luger, and Diamond Dallas Page is also the brunt of all of their jokes. The trio all say that the NWO is riding high on a wave and can't be stopped. The only question for this Sunday is; who else might end up hopping on the NWO train?

Rating: 94



Nitro returns from a commercial and Ross says we're going straight to our next match before some trumpets begin to play over the arena speakers. All the announcers look confused before someone not seen for awhile walks out onto the stage, along with the tag team in this next match.



Regal has that contemptuous look on his face, as usual, and Squire Dave Taylor and Earl Robert Eaton follow behind him out onto the stage. 


Mean Gene also greets Regal at the base of the ramp as he says "welcome back" as he's been away for the last several months with an injury. Mean Gene also says that it appears that the Blue Bloods are back to their full strength. Regal, in his utmost disgust, says he doesn't need a peasant like Gene Okerlund to welcome him back to WCW. Regal says when he was forced away due to injury, he was the Television champion and he's the best Television champion in WCW's history. Regal never lost the title so in his view, he's still rightfully the champion. Regal says he's noticed Dean Malenko walking around with the title and calling himself the champion, so he see's a problem. The Blue Bloods are indeed back to full strength and he promises 1997 will be a big year for the group. Regal says that all starts tonight, as up next, the Blue Bloods will take on a washed up tag team and easily beat them, Regal will also return to action tonight and easily win his match. Regal says that he will then go on to Starrcade this Sunday because he's issuing a challenge for Dean Malenko. Regal wants his title back and he's going to get it back to its rightful owner this Sunday.

Rating: 99



Bunkhouse Buck & Dirty Dick Slater vs Blue Bloods (Taylor & Eaton)

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The Blue Bloods must have had some extra motivation with Regal's return, as well as his presence at ringside. They took the fight to Buck and Slater but also had some help along the way from Regal, as he did his best to get plenty of cheap shots in. The match itself wasn't very good though Eaton had a decent performance. Taylor got the pin at 8:17 with a Northern Lights Suplex.

Winners: Blue Bloods

Rating: 51



Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Steven Regal

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Regal was able to move around the ring with an heir of confidence, clearly showing he's back to 100% from his injury with little lasting effect. It was also clear as day that he was rejuvenated from his time off as he floated around the ring and took plenty of time to stall, waiving Chavo off only to strut around the ring. The match was given a good bit of time, but what wasn't spent stalling by Regal was filled with total domination from Regal. He finally locked in the Regal stretch at 14:44 for the submission victory.

Winner: Steven Regal

Rating: 65




Jim Ross, Bobby Heenan, and Dusty Rhodes all begin to discuss the events thus far for tonight and also start to hype up Starrcade before the crowd starts to come to life. Again, all three announcers look confused as they turn toward the stage, only to see the Macho Man Randy Savage come walking out, with no announcement, no music, and no warning. Savage goes straight for the ring as they all wonder what Savage plans on doing.


Savage: I said it a few weeks ago when I returned, and I'll say it again for everyone here tonight; The Macho Man is back and I've got a lot of things need changin'....Yeah....


I've spent my entire career and just about my entire life trying to prove myself to everyone! I've also spent too many times being the door mat for other people around me! I've found that I've spent more time in my life, not doing what I wanna do, but doing what everyone else wants to do! I spent too much time under Hulk Hogan in the WWF, having to tag along with him, not because I wanted to, but because that's what Hulk Hogan wanted! I couldn't branch out on my own and do my own thing!


So I left the WWF and I came to WCW where I was finally able to be my own man and do my own thing! That is, until Hulk Hogan arrived! Once again I, and everyone else had to take a back seat to Hulk Hogan and what Hulk Hogan wanted! He wanted to recreate the Mega Powers. He wanted to team with the Macho Man! He wanted to act like he was my best friend! In reality, I couldn't ever take the spotlight away from Hulk Hogan, not even when I was the heavyweight champion!


So then the NWO came around....I did the right thing and I joined Lex Luger and Sting to take out the intruders! The only thing that cost me was Hulk Hogan turning his back on me once again!! Yeeaaaahhh! Hulk Hogan, I take a look at every big event in your career and the Macho Man has either had something to do with it, or I was close by! So in reality, Hulk Hogan, you owe the Macho Man for the success in your late career!!!


I've spent too much time doing what other people want! Things are gonna change around here and they're gonna start changing this Sunday at Starrcade!! The Macho Man is no longer going to do what everyone else wants! I'm no longer going to rely on "friends" like Lex Luger or Sting! I'm not going to ride anybody's coattails! The Macho Man is gonna do what the Macho Man wants to do!




I see you up there, Stinger! Lemme tell you this!! If you've got a problem with the Macho Man, then you can come and take that problem up with me, face to face! I've realized over the last several months that I was nothing but the punching bag for you and Luger! I was always the fall guy! I was the one put in place to get beat up! If anything, the two of you set me up just as much as the NWO! So c'mon, Sting!!! If you want a fight with the Macho Man, I'm not hard to find! As a matter of fact, if you want to face me in the ring this Sunday at Starrcade, I'll be there!!!



Rating: 100


The Macho Man walks off and heads up the aisle, leaving everyone in stunned silence. Jim Ross and crew all wonder if Savage has gone completely off the hook with his beliefs and accusations. The camera focuses on Sting who, high atop the arena, watches Savage walk off before he also turns and disappears into the shadows.




Following a much-needed break, Nitro returns to the Nature Boy backstage for a promo. Flair is lively as always and hypes up his final battle with Austin this coming Sunday at Starrcade. Flair says over the course of the last couple months, he's managed to rebuild his respect for Austin. He's recognized that they've beaten the hell out of each other but both men are still standing. Despite any newfound respect he's gotten for Austin, that doesn't mean he isn't to make his life hell this Sunday. Flair says, one more time, they'll walk the aisle on Sunday, step in that ring, and give everything they've got. Flair has one advantage over Austin, that he's made his living on 60 minute matches and in his personal life he's also a 60 minute man. He's gonna make Austin bleed, he's gonna make Austin cry, and at the end of those 60 minutes, Austin's gonna call him the Man!


Rating: 100



Lex Luger vs Alex Wright

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There was little to be happy about from the German bratwurst in this match. The Total Package was ultra-focused and wasted little time in messing with Alex Wright. He easily manhandled him before finally locking in the Torture Rack at 8:27 and getting the submission win.

Winner: Lex Luger

Rating: 74





In a quick pre-match interview, Mean Gene asks Steiner about this coming Sunday and if he's ready for a second battle against Hollywood Hogan and the NWO as he tries one more time to capture the world title for the first time in his career. Steiner says the NWO have done everything they could to keep him away from Hogan and that title, and failed. He's still standing and he's still coming for Hogan and that title this Sunday. He's going to make an example out Levesque and give the NWO an early glimpse into Hogan's fate in his next match.

Rating: 100



Paul Levesque vs Scott Steiner

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Steiner wasn't the only one with something on the line in this match, Levesque was also wanting to head into Starrcade with momentum as he takes on Diamond Dallas Page. Steiner was true to his word, however, as he didn't give Levesque an opportunity to breathe, hitting him with repeated suplexes and clotheslines. Steiner also had a good mix of power moves in his offense. It didn't take long before some members of the NWO, like Buff Bagwell, "Sting", and Brian Pillman rushed their way to ringside. They all jumped on the apron in an attempt to interfere, but Steiner was ready for them. With the crowd deafening, Steiner took advantage, clubbing each man as they jumped the apron. They all hoped to cause enough distraction though for Levesque to get back to his feet and attack Steiner from behind. Leveque did get to his feet, but Steiner was also ready for that. He turned and met Levesque trying to throw a punch but Steiner blocked it. He had him reeling back to the ropes and Steiner whipped him to the opposite side. On return, Steiner hit a picture-perfect FrankenSteiner to the crowd's delight and got the pinfall victory at 13:01

Winner: Scott Steiner

Rating: 86



Nitro fades out as Steiner celebrates his win


Jim Ross: The NWO better look out!! By God, Scott Steiner is ready! He's prepared! He's going to take on Hollywood Hogan and the NWO head on at Starrcade, and it looks like he's gonna win! Don't miss Starrcade this Sunday on Pay Per View!!!


Final Show Rating: 90

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I've been enjoying reading this diary over the last few months, and just thought I'd comment to let you know. You've managed to keep the general feel of WCW in this time period, even while doing things quite differently at times. 

Rooting for Scott Steiner at Starrcade. He was one of my favourites in WCW, and his main event push came far too late - even taking his injury issues in 1999 into account - and I like him as a main event babyface. 

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11 hours ago, Wee Bob said:

I've been enjoying reading this diary over the last few months, and just thought I'd comment to let you know. You've managed to keep the general feel of WCW in this time period, even while doing things quite differently at times. 

Rooting for Scott Steiner at Starrcade. He was one of my favourites in WCW, and his main event push came far too late - even taking his injury issues in 1999 into account - and I like him as a main event babyface. 

Thank you and I always appreciate the feedback!


I agree about Steiner's push coming way too late in real life. I was able to turn a complete disaster around (Rick's injury after a dumb auto-book) and hopefully was able to turn it into a positive. I had planned a long tag team run for the Steiner's. There's been a few bumps in the road along the way but Steiner was always one of my favorites!

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WCW Hotline Starrcade 1996 Special Report:


Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Mean Gene Okerlund and welcome to this WCW Hotline Special Report!


We have reached the end of 1996 and WCW has been on a roll the entire year! We have experienced many Earth-shattering events in 1996, such as the arrival of Scott Hall and Kevin Nash to WCW...




To the formation of the NWO and Hulk Hogan's shocking turn at the Bash at the Beach 1996...




We also experienced the collapse of the 4 Horsemen at the hands of the New World Order, as Brian Pillman turned his back on the Horsemen group to join the NWO, which resulted in the rest of the group fracturing and fighting. Steve Austin and Ric Flair began a blood feud which looks to culminate at Starrcade this Sunday.


We also saw the transformation of Sting, once so animated and colorful who is now silent and gray....




We've seen new friendships form and old friendships die, new stars emerge while old careers become resurrected... 






The entire 1996 year will culminate this Sunday at Starrcade, only on Pay Per View!


The only news this week is that the contract of Mr. JL has expired and WCW opted not to renew the deal. We wish him luck in his future. There was no other significant news to take place this final week of 1996. Following Starrcade, there will be a total review of 1996 for another WCW Hotline Special Report where I will list all of the news and notes of the year, year end awards, and major company reviews! I will also highlight for you the most popular wrestlers in the world as well as the major stars for each major company! That's all following Starrcade, so don't miss out on contacting the WCW Hotline Report following the show!



Week 4, December 1996

LIVE from the Louisiana Superdome - New Orleans, LA


World Heavyweight Title:

Scott Steiner vs Hollywood Hogan (c)


Scotty Riggs vs Buff Bagwell


Iron Man Match (60 Minutes):

Steve Austin vs Ric Flair


Tag Team Titles:

Harlem Heat vs Faces of Fear (c)


Kevin Nash vs Lex Luger


Diamond Dallas Page vs Paul Levesque


Eddie Guerrero vs Arn Anderson


Fit Finlay vs Scott Norton


Television Title:

Lord Steven Regal vs Dean Malenko (c)

Edited by Henderson
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World Heavyweight Title:

Scott Steiner vs Hollywood Hogan (c)


Scotty Riggs vs Buff Bagwell


Iron Man Match (60 Minutes):

Steve Austin vs Ric Flair


Tag Team Titles:

Harlem Heat vs Faces of Fear (c)


Kevin Nash vs Lex Luger


Diamond Dallas Page vs Paul Levesque


Eddie Guerrero vs Arn Anderson


Fit Finlay vs Scott Norton


Television Title:

Lord Steven Regal vs Dean Malenko (c)

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World Heavyweight Title:

Scott Steiner vs Hollywood Hogan (c)

It's usually a pain in the ass to get Hogan to lose to anyone and I'm not sure Scotty is popular enough yet to be the one to beat him.


Scotty Riggs vs Buff Bagwell


Iron Man Match (60 Minutes):

Steve Austin vs Ric Flair

I'm split on this one. It makes sense for the younger Austin to go over, but Flair still has a lot left in the tank at this point so it's a tough call.


Tag Team Titles:

Harlem Heat vs Faces of Fear (c)


Kevin Nash vs Lex Luger

Can't go against Big Sexy.


Diamond Dallas Page vs Paul Levesque


Eddie Guerrero vs Arn Anderson


Fit Finlay vs Scott Norton


Television Title:

Lord Steven Regal vs Dean Malenko (c)


You've put together a great card for Starrcade, looking forward to it!

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World Heavyweight Title:

Scott Steiner vs Hollywood Hogan (c)


Scotty Riggs vs Buff Bagwell


Iron Man Match (60 Minutes):

Steve Austin vs Ric Flair


Tag Team Titles:

Harlem Heat vs Faces of Fear (c)


Kevin Nash vs Lex Luger


Diamond Dallas Page vs Paul Levesque


Eddie Guerrero vs Arn Anderson


Fit Finlay vs Scott Norton


Television Title:

Lord Steven Regal vs Dean Malenko (c)


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Steiner wins but by shenanigans so Hogan retains.

Buff Bagwell, Riggs can head back down the card.

Flair gets the win but I think you'll use this match to turn Austin.

I love the Faces of Fear so I'm picking them against my better judgment. 

Nash wins by cheating, maybe Hall finally returns?

Paul Levesque, he needs the momentum and DDP can handle the loss.

Eddie has more upside so picking him.

Scott Norton even though I prefer Findlay in real life. 

Regal rightfully takes back his title.

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World Heavyweight Title:

Scott Steiner 

Buff Bagwell

Iron Man Match (60 Minutes):

Steve Austin

Tag Team Titles:

Harlem Heat 

Kevin Nash 

Diamond Dallas Page 

Eddie Guerrero 

Scott Norton

Television Title:

Lord Steven Regal

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Week 4, December 1996

LIVE from the Louisiana Superdome - New Orleans, LA

Attendance: 70,000 (SELLOUT!)



After a huge 1996, not just for WCW but for the entire world, we've finally made it! Cameras open up to a panoramic shot of the jam-packed arena. The fans are extra rowdy tonight in New Orleans as fireworks explode and we're welcomed by Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Bobby Heenan. Fans who strictly watch Nitro haven't seen Tony in awhile and he mentions how nice it is to get to do announcing duties with Jim Ross again. JR lets Tony do the initial run-down of the matches on tonight's card as they briefly talk about each one, with the 60-minute Iron Man match and the world title match getting the most discussion. The stakes are ultra-high, Ross tells everyone for both of those matches. They also discuss how the United States champion Brian Pillman doesn't have a match tonight, though he's sure to be around with several other NWO members in high profile matches tonight. It doesn't take long for music to start playing over the speakers as we begin our first match of the night!



Television Title:

Lord Steven Regal vs Dean Malenko (c)

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We're treated to quite an interesting matchup in this one. Regal was enjoying his 4th run with the TV title when an injury took him out of action. Expecting to be out of action for over 6 months, Regal was fortunate enough to have a successful surgery which cut that to half the time. During that time, Dean Malenko went to great lengths to finally capture the title and has enjoyed being called the champion for the last month. All three announcers agreed that while neither man is particularly loved by the crowd, Regal might gain some sympathy not only for trying to win back a title he never lost, but also more than likely having to contend with Francine's presence at ringside. The manager for Malenko might not have been predicted, but she's ended up being extremely valuable to the Ice Man. The two men began the match clearly looking to make this a technical masterclass. That didn't seem to translate very well to the sold out arena as the fans appeared to be wanting a more physical matchup. Though there were several pre-show matches, the crowd didn't come off as being warmed up properly. At the end of the match, Regal looked to have things secured. Malenko was down on the mat and it appeared that Regal would be going to lock in the Regal Stretch. Francine also noticed this and became frantic. She quickly jumped on the apron to distract Regal, as well as the referee. Regal's attention naturally turned toward Francine, who began pointing her finger in Regals face and screaming. This text can do no justice for the facial expressions given by Regal, only to say they were immaculate. After listening intently, Regal, without warning, grabbed Francine by her head with both his hands and planted a massive kiss. Not only did Francine come away looking absolutely disgusted, but so did Regal. The referee stood frozen with his arms halfway in the air as he looked on stunned. For this moment and catastrophically for Regal, everyone forgot about Malenko, who crawled to his knees behind Regal and hit a low blow before rolling him up. The referee snapped out of his shock and counted the pin at 16:54.

Winner: Dean Malenko

Rating: 68



Fit Finlay vs Scott Norton

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These two men have had an on-going feud dating back to September of this year. While most of this feud has gone unseen on Saturday Night, they have had some PPV matches. Norton is still intent to prove that he's the toughest man in WCW and Finlay has aimed to challenge that. The two men are looking to have their feud culminate here tonight. Unlike the previous technical-based match, this saw no technical action. There were plenty of stiff shots given by both men but no matter how many they were, both men kept going at the other. Norton was just barely able to get one additional hard hitting move in his offense and put Finlay away at 10:16 with a Powerbomb.

Winner: Scott Norton

Rating: 63




Mean Gene is backstage in the garage area, ready to provide the first update of the evening. As he's going through events later to come, a car comes racing in from the arena entrance and screeches to a halt. Mean Gene rushes to get over to the car just as the driver is exiting..




The Macho Man quickly walks around the car and begins heading toward the inside of the arena. Mean Gene is struggling to keep up with him but he clearly appears focused on something and in a hurry.


Mean Gene: Macho Man!!! Can I get a quick word?!?


Savage doesn't stop, doesn't turn toward Mean Gene, and instead swipes his arm like he doesn't have time for Mean Gene and continues walking inside the arena at a brisk pace. Gene stops trying to keep up with Savage and looks disappointingly into the camera.


Mean Gene: It appears that the Macho Man Randy Savage isn't interested in an interview....Guys, back to you!

Rating: 71



Eddie Guerrero vs Arn Anderson

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There wasn't much more than a couple weeks of buildup to this match. The Enforcer came to the aid of Chavo Guerrero Jr, after being on the receiving end of a beating by his uncle Eddie. He challenged him to try picking on someone his own size which lead to this match. Both men put on stellar performances and took their time with this one. While Eddie maintained his speed and used fast paced moves to keep Anderson reeling, he also slowed the match down plenty just like his opponent. Anderson didn't use as much quickness but also appeared to break down his opponent methodically. Double A had Eddie right where he wanted him. He planted him with his signature Spine Buster and looked to end things with a DDT. They were too close to the ropes though and Eddie held on to the ropes while Anderson dropped back, taking the brunt of the impact. In a swift move, Eddie folded Anderson up for a pin and for extra leverage, propped his feet on the ropes. The referee didn't see the blatant cheating and counted the pin at 16:53.

Winner: Eddie Guerrero

Rating: 77





Mean Gene was able to secure a pre-match interview with Paul Levesque. He compared DDP to a third-rate actor who always thinks they're a bigger star than they really are. In reality, his movies go straight to VHS tape. Levesque said Page can stay a top star in his own head and even prance around that "pretty little wife" of his, but he'll never amount to anything. He said he'll prove that to everyone in their match tonight and afterwards? He might even take that two-bit tramp of his...

Rating: 72





It's been a little while since we've seen the Living Legend. He's managed to get Harlem Heat for an interview head of their match tonight. Sensuous Sherri keeps distracting Larry by adjusting his tie as he tries to ask Harlem Heat about their upcoming match. Booker says that Harlem Heat's more focused than ever and the only thing they're concerned about is getting their tag team titles back tonight. Stevie Ray says they've had so many matches against the Faces of Fear, they know each other better than a book. It's all gonna come down to who the toughest team is and Stevie says there's no tougher team than the one from the Harlem Streets. Can you dig that?!?

Rating: 68



Diamond Dallas Page vs Paul Levesque

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Levesque was accompanied to the ring with "Sting" and was ultra cocky as he stepped in to meet DDP. Words were exchanged at the beginning of the match and the smirk on Levesque's face quickly vanished as DDP slapped him hard. It was a slugfest from this point forward in the match. DDP had things firmly in control but "Sting" ended up passing some brass knucks that don't look like brass knucks, but we'll call them brass knucks anyway....He hid them until DDP approached him from behind and then Levesque decked him. After that, he picked DDP up and hit the "Apex," which is the new name for the Pedigree at 12:13.

Winner: Paul Levesque

Rating: 70





Cameras go backstage where the video footage becomes black and white, choppy, and Eric Bischoff pretends to be a serious interviewer with Kevin Nash. In reality, it becomes just a sarcastic interview where both make fun of Lex Luger and clearly don't take him as a threat. Nash says he'll finish the match off after showcasing his technical prowess and tenacity.

Rating: 76



 Kevin Nash vs Lex Luger

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In recent weeks, Lex Luger had become much more aggressive in the ring after having enough of the NWO's brutal and constant attacks. That aggression continued as soon as Kevin Nash stepped through the ropes as Luger went right after the co-founder of the New World Order. Luger didn't just have to contend with Nash in this match though, as the US champion accompanied Kevin Nash to the ring. Luger was unstoppable at the beginning of the match which caused Pillman to quickly jump on the apron, though he was promptly put down with a clothesline by Luger. The crowd were on fire for this match and not one seat was filled during this intense but relatively short match. Nash was able to avoid another Luger attack and took the offensive and dumped Luger out of the ring to give himself a much-needed second. Pillman took advantage of Nash distracting the referee to hit Luger a few times and one final time with the US title belt. He tossed Luger back in the ring and Nash went to work, hitting some corner strikes and then a side slam. Nash then sent Luger into the ropes where he attempted a big boot but Luger ducked and on return hit Nash with the Forearm. The crowd came alive but Pillman again jumped on the apron, getting the attention of the referee and Luger. Nash was able to come too and grabbed the US title that was strategically placed near him before Pillman jumped on the apron. Nash got to his feet as Luger turned his attention back to Nash and knocked the Total Package in the head before discarding the title. Nash laid over Luger and the referee turned, counting the pin at 9:37 for another NWO victory.

Winner: Kevin Nash

Rating: 87



Tag Team Titles:

Harlem Heat vs Faces of Fear (c)

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Both teams meet each other for the 5th match between them in 1996. Though each meeting was a physical encounter, Harlem Heat boasted the better record, winning 3 out of 4 contests. In the case of the Faces of Fear, it doesn't matter what happened before because they hold the tag team titles and their last encounter resulted in their win. Harlem Heat clearly wanted nothing more than to take the titles back tonight as Stevie Ray and Meng started things off. Having faced each other so many times, both teams demonstrated how well they knew one another, as several moves were avoided and telegraphed ahead of time. Booker T and Meng stood out as the top performers for each respective team. The match eventually broke down as all four men brawled and the referee lost control. In the midst of the chaos, Meng locked the Tongan Death Grip on Booker T and got the pinfall at 11:29.

Winners: Faces of Fear

Rating: 79





We get a much-needed break in the action as Mean Gene is once again backstage and catches Steve Austin coming out of his dressing room as he is heading to the ring. Austin stops as Mean Gene asks if he's ready for his Iron Man match and how he's prepared against someone who made their career on them. Austin says he doesn't give a damn what Ric Flair's done before, the only thing that matters is what he's going to do tonight. The only thing Flair's going to do tonight is bleed like a stuck pig and get beat in the middle of the ring after 60 minutes. 

Rating: 76



Iron Man Match (60 Minutes):

Steve Austin vs Ric Flair

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The only word to describe the atmosphere for this match is "electric" as the buildup to this match has been months in the making. Fans were also pleased when Arn Anderson lead Ric Flair out and accompanied him to the ring. Jim Ross said that no one knows what lies in store for either man following this match and that neither man really cares, because all that's on their mind at this very moment is the other man standing across from them. The two go nose to nose as the bell rings and the crowd cheer. The two start off with back and forth punches as Heenan says this match is guaranteed to go 60 minutes unless the other man collapses, so they need to pace themselves. Clearly neither one cared about the time limit as they did to get their hands on the other. With each blow, it was clear that months of frustration and hatred between the two released. This wasn't so much as only between Ric Flair and Steve Austin, but also Arn Anderson and the 4 Horsemen. Anderson avoided getting involved in the match and remained outside, supporting his best friend. Austin ended up outside the ring after a series of chops caused him to bail for a second wind and came face to face with the Enforcer. There was no contact between the two, just an intense stare from both men. Once Austin reentered the ring, he took firm control of the match. As 20 minutes approached and the announcer confirmed, Austin continued to work over and wear down the Nature Boy. Flair was down on the mat and Austin went to the second rope to hit a diving elbow. It connected and Flair sat up in the ring, blood trickling down his forehead as Austin's elbow cut Flair open. Austin sent him into the ropes where he hit the Thesz press on return and started raining more punches down on Flair. 25 Minutes were announced as now Flair's hair was completely red and blood continued to paint his entire face. Austin again sent Flair into the ropes and in a nod to his "Stunning" days, hit a Stun Gun on the Nature Boy. He went for the pin but Flair unexpectedly rolled Austin up and scored the first pin of the night!


Flair - 1

Austin - 0


Austin was furious after being caught off guard and immediately went back into his assault. Flair still proved to be the "dirtiest player in the game" though and poked Austin in the eyes. As Austin staggered around the ring and tried to regain his vision, Flair dropped down and hit a blatant low blow. Austin collapsed and Flair then went to work. He hit his patented jumping knees to Austin's head which also cut Austin open. Flair wasn't so subtle with his attacks either as he dropped to the mat and began furiously punching Austin's head, causing the cut to get worse. Suddenly both competitors were covered in blood and both seemed to catch a second wind because of it. Both men got to their feet and again began slugging it out, much to the crowd's delight. Austin punched and Flair chopped and neither man seemed to gain an advantage as 40 minutes were announced to pass. Flair bounced off the ropes and tried to hit a punch on Austin but he blocked it before hitting his own blatant low blow. Flair collapsed and Austin quickly went for the pin and tied things up!


Flair - 1

Austin - 1


With barely 10 minutes to go, things reset and both men got back to their feet. A beaten, bloody, and sweaty mess, the two competitors looked at each other with weary but still intense eyes. Austin wiped the blood from his head and flicked it at Flair. Flair motioned for Austin to bring the fight once more. Things were a bit slower this time, but both were still throwing everything they had behind their strikes. Austin backed Flair into the corner and hit a few kicks before lifting him up to the top rope. To the surprise of the crowd, Austin climbed up as well and then hit a thundering super plex. Both lay on the mat as the referee checked both men. There was no 10 count to start, just everyone checking how much time was left for the match. 5 minutes. The two lay there for what seemed an eternity but they finally began to stir about the same time. Flair and Austin got to their feet roughly at the same moment and were spent. Austin tried to motion to bring it on and Flair, hunched over, loosely held up his fists. 2 minutes were announced as blows were exchanged once more. Flair fought back and had Austin reeling. Flair sent Austin to the opposite ropes but Austin ducked a clothesline attempt. Flair turned and met a kick to the gut, doubling him over before Austin hit the Stunner. Both men again lay on the mat as time is now under 30 seconds. Austin finally managed to drape an arm across the Nature Boy and the referee counted the pin with 5 seconds remaining. 

Winner: Steve Austin

Rating: 95



The bell sounds and both men lay bloodied and exhausted on the mat. Austin is the first to roll and slowly get to his feet while Arn Anderson enters the ring and begins helping Flair to his. Austin's propped himself up in the corner and stares at The Enforcer and the Nature Boy as blood drips down, not only his face, but also Flair's. The Nature Boy is bent over, his peroxide white hair now a red crimson, as Double A holds on to him. Austin's in the corner with his eyes a stark white against the red mask on his face. Austin slowly works his way to the middle of the ring where Anderson and Flair are. Flair begins to straighten up to prepare for a continued fight as Austin reaches them. The three men stand in the ring, staring at each other and not moving an inch. Arn Anderson is the first to say something to Austin and after a moment, Austin is seen slightly nodding his head and saying something in return. It remains a tense scene while words are exchanged a bit more until, finally at one point, Anderson extends his hand to Austin. Austin looks at it before getting a smirk on his face and says something in reply. Anderson nods his head and points to his extended hand before pushing it further toward Austin with more emphasis. Austin takes one step closer to the two, closing the distance between them even more and then slowly extends his own hand before clasping Andersons. The crowd roars in cheers as Austin's music finally plays, during which Flair extends his own hand. Austin shakes Flair's hand a bit more quickly as Anderson and Flair then raise Austin's arms in the air.

Rating: 100



Scotty Riggs vs Buff Bagwell

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Riggs and Bagwell definitely had their work cut out for them trying to follow the previous match. It might have been a better idea to throw an interview or something in between but it wasn't meant to be. Scotty Riggs looked to get some revenge on his former tag team partner for turning his back on him last month to join the NWO. In fairness to Bagwell, Riggs was given the opportunity to also join the group but declined. The match didn't go on for long, which was probably a good idea, as the crowd didn't seem to give much interest. Bagwell toyed and posed around the ring at every opportunity, eventually hitting a new finishing move called the Buff Blockbuster, an impressive second rope flip into a neck breaker, at 8:06.

Winner: Buff Bagwell

Rating: 48




Cameras go off to another part of the arena where Iron Mike Tenay is standing by with that promo/interview segment that probably should've happened before the last match. The crowd is rowdy behind Tenay as he hypes up the next and final match, the WCW world heavyweight title match between champion Hollywood Hulk Hogan and challenger Scott Steiner. Tenay describes the match as a "pivotal defining moment in the on-going war between WCW and the New World Order." He says that a win by Hollywood Hogan would establish the NWO as here to stay while a win for Steiner would declare WCW fighting back from the depths of despair and provide a light at the end of the tunnel. There's much at stake in this match tonight for both competitors and likens it to a situation where "neither man can afford to lose, but someone has to!"

Rating: 70




We're then brought to another backstage segment where the US Champion Brian Pillman, World Champion Hollywood Hogan, and Elizabeth are standing. Pillman laughs as Hogan says he's ready to break Scott Steiner in half like the toothpick he is. Pillman says that Scotty's tried his very best to beat Hogan back at Halloween Havoc and we all saw that his best wasn't good enough. Hogan says the NWO is in charge and in control as they have the top titles in the company and there isn't anything some "curtain jerker" like Scott Steiner can do about it. Tonight is all about the NWO and Hogan says tonight the NWO go undefeated, so Steiner needs to prepare to lose and lose badly!

Rating: 81



World Heavyweight Title:

Scott Steiner vs Hollywood Hogan (c)

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Fewer things could have been done to build this match up any more. The time has finally come and both men made their respective entrances. Hogan strutted out "playing" the world title like a guitar as Brian Pillman walked out behind him, accompanying him to the ring. Hogan appeared ultra-confident upon entering the ring, jogging around the ring, holding up the graffitied world belt before turning and posing to Steiner. When that didn't get a reaction, Hogan took off his bandana and threw it in his face. Steiner at first gave no reaction but then the fire lit and Steiner rushed forward and began hitting Hogan. The crowd burst into cheers as the announcer tried desperately to rush out of the ring. The bell rang while Steiner continued raining down punches to Hogan, causing him to retreat to the corner. Steiner continued the assault as the referee rushed in and tried to separate the two. Bobby Heenan screamed that the referee shouldn't help out Hogan and should just let Steiner continue the attack. Steiner didn't care about the ref though and eventually shoved the referee back, causing him to tumble backward to the mat. The announcers were glad the referee didn't call for the disqualification right there but the distraction was enough for Hogan to poke Steiner in the eye when he turned his attention back to the world champion. 


Things began to slow down from there, as Hogan took control and slowed the match down to his pace. Several clubbing blows and scratching to his back caused Steiner to walk around the ring with Hogan stalking closely behind. Hogan's attack eventually caused Steiner to tumble outside the ring between the ropes and Hogan again followed outside. Hogan used electric cables, guardrails, and ring posts to his advantage as the fight went around the ringside area. Nick Patrick, the referee for the match, continued to warn both men to get back in the ring, though he hadn't bothered to begin a 10-count. Jim Ross said that Patrick has to be very careful about the match as both men couldn't care less about match rules and it's more about inflicting damage on the other. With Steiner weakened, Hogan took the time to jaw back and forth with Patrick before rolling back in the ring. Hogan distracted him to give Pillman time on the outside to attack Steiner, likening this match to be more like a handicap match. Steiner's down on the floor when Hogan gets back outside and shoves Dave Penzer off his chair, grabbing the steel chair and folding it up. Steiner gets back to his feet and Hogan swings the chair, right in front of the referee, and hits Steiner in the head. Jim Ross says that Hogan's doing his best to get disqualified, as he would keep the title, but to Nick Patrick's credit, he doesn't call for the bell, recognizing the easy-out that Hogan's attempting. Patrick climbs to the outside and gets right in Hogan's face, yelling at him and telling him he isn't getting DQ'd. This match appears to have essentially turned into a No-DQ match. Patrick takes the chair from Hogan before putting a finger right in the world champion's face and scolding him. 


Seeing that plan not working, Hogan grabs Steiner to his feet and rolls him back into the ring. Hogan works on a slow-paced but physical offense for awhile, clearly showing that Steiner's been beaten down and weakened. He goes for a few pin attempts that don't work before sending him into the corner. Hogan tries to rush in for a clothesline but Steiner quickly moved out of the way, opening a window to allow Steiner a chance to turn the momentum around. He had Hogan backpedaling and begging him off, but Steiner continued to close in and hit a few clotheslines of his own. The crowd was coming to life and Steiner continued to build momentum off of them. Pillman was outside the ring and recognized the trouble Hogan was finding himself in and grabbed that same steel chair and got on the apron. Nick Patrick quickly saw him and continued to warn him to get down. Pillman eventually did but then slid the chair into the ring toward Hogan. Hogan bent down to pick up the chair but Steiner was ready for it and stepped on the chair as Hogan attempted to lift it up. Hollywood, seeing Steiner's boot on the chair, panicked. His eyes became wide and his mouth open in shock before slowly looking up at Steiner. The crowd were all on their feet as Hogan let go of the chair and held up his hands, begging Steiner off again. Steiner picked the chair up and held it, ready to strike Hogan as the world champion continued to back off. Patrick was warning Steiner to drop the chair but it was clear he'd had enough from trying to fight off Hogan and Pillman and have dirty shots on him during the entire match. After one final warning, Steiner brought the chair back and swung it forward, hitting Hogan on the top of his head and dropping him to the mat. Steiner dropped the chair as Nick Patrick berated Steiner and was in his face, but clearly couldn't DQ him for the shot, after refusing to DQ Hogan for doing the same earlier. It was clear that Steiner wasn't going to capitalize and go for a pin attempt, though it was just as clear that Patrick wouldn't have counted any attempted pin anyway. As Patrick continued to scold Steiner, activity began to stir at the stage entrance...




Kevin Nash, Paul Levesque, and "Sting" all made there way toward the ring. Once all of them got to the apron, Brian Pillman joined them as they all started to climb their way up and on the verge of entering the ring. Steiner obviously saw them and was preparing for the outnumbered assault that's he's been all-too-accustomed to lately. Nick Patrick, for his part, also tried to warn the NWO off but it was never going to be any use. The crowd then suddenly came to life again as more activity stirred at the entrance...




The Macho Man made his way out and he had a steel chair of his own in his hand. Savage quickly made his way down the aisle and to the ring, unbeknownst to the NWO, who's back was to him. Heads then began to look upward and fans began furiously pointing in that direction before the camera went to a split screen..




Sting was standing again high atop the arena as he looked down on the events in the ring. Savage climbed in the ring and had the steel chair ready as the crowd was deafening. Savage appeared ready to rush forward in attack before Kevin Nash turned and saw the Macho Man. He got the attention of the rest of the NWO, as Hogan was now also on his feet. The group was sandwiched in between, Savage on one side with a chair and Scott Steiner on the other. Suddenly Savage rushed forward, steel chair held high above his head and ready to connect, which it did!



Ross: What in God's name?!?!?


Heenan: You've gotta be kidding me!!!!!!



The arena nearly went silent. Savage rushed forward and as he did, the NWO stepped aside. Steiner never saw it coming as Savage swung the chair and with a loud crack, hit Steiner in the head. He dropped to the mat as the NWO looked down at him. Hogan began laughing hysterically and doubling over before hugging the Macho Man. Nick Patrick was just as stunned as the crowd, standing there in disbelief. The NWO dragged Steiner to the center of the ring, allowing Hogan to hit a leg drop and then draped over Steiner. The NWO threatened Patrick to make the count, which he did, officially ending the match at 15:29.

Winner: Hollywood Hogan

Rating: 91


Following the bell, the NWO all celebrated the win and also celebrated their new member - The Macho Man. Hugs and wolfpac signs were hit all around. Hogan hit a couple more Leg Drops on Steiner before the NWO members motioned for Savage to go to the top rope. Savage obliged them and stood on the top rope, extending his arms high in the air before leaping off and hitting his picture perfect Flying Elbow. As the assault continued, the split screen appeared again with Sting, still watching from atop the arena, seeing the destruction below. Spray paint cans were dispersed as Scott Steiner found himself once more painted with "NWO" on his back, this time done by the newest member.


Ross: Randy Savage did the unthinkable!!! He joined the NWO! Why in God's name, after everything they've put him through, would he join the NWO?!?!?


Heenan: You've got me, Jim. Look at him! He fits right in with the rest of the cowards!!


Ross: After everything!! Everything they've done! He goes and joins the New World Order!!


Tony: Fans, I.....I'm speechless. That doesn't happen very often, but what the Macho Man's done here tonight, I just can't find the words...


Ross: Maybe I can help you there, Tony. I wasn't here for all the dastardly things the NWO did to Randy Savage, so maybe I'm not connected to him as much as you all are....But Randy Savage, you are one selfish son of a bitch! Everything the NWO put you through, everything they've put WCW through in the last several months...Everything you fought for has now all gone to waste! To quote Tony Schiavone from that fateful night at Bash at the Beach 1996,


You can go to hell!


Rating: 89



Final Show Rating: 91 


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WCW Hotline Special Report:

1996 Year In Review


Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm Mean Gene Okerlund here to give you this WCW Hotline Special Report! In this edition, we'll have a year in review for the wrestling world in 1996, so sit back, strap in, and prepare yourself for a massive update!


(In a side note, I've noticed some of my pictures on my end have not been loading properly and I have to refresh my browser. I hope you guys aren't having issues with them.)





Shawn Michaels is the 1996 wrestler of the year. The WWF employee has had a spectacular year, despite his only title reign being the Intercontinental champion, which he lost in February. Michael's averaged a 91 match rating, his highest being several 100 rated matches, with his lowest rating a 76. He boasted a 25-16 win/loss record for the year.




The WWF tag team of the 123 Kid and Ahmed Johnson, named "The Unholy" are the oddball 1996 Tag Team of the year. Despite a record of 1-7 for the year, wrestling critics thought they were the top team of 1996. Thanks to a series of tag team matches involving Bret Hart, usually teaming with the Undertaker, The Unholy boasted a top rated match of 99, averaging an 86 rating, with a lowest of 75. I would argue that WCW had the much better tag teams, but that's my opinion. This team went inactive in November.




The 123 Kid celebrates his second consecutive award for the young wrestler of the year. The 24 year old talent had a 24-20 overall record for 1996, averaging an 81 match rating, peaking at 99, and having a lowest record of 65. He also celebrated capturing the Intercontinental title on two occasions during the year.




WCW finally gets on the books with Ric Flair receiving the veteran wrestler of the year award! The 48 year old has, despite his age, went through a kind of career resurgence during the year. His popularity has continued to increase as he's become one of WCW's top stars once again, with no signs of it slowing down. Despite a 13-11-3 record for the year, the Nature Boy enjoyed quite the success, winning the WCW World Heavyweight title for the 14th time in May and holding it until August. He had an overall match rating of 83. a top of 100, and lowest rating of 74.




Akira Hokuto wins the female wrestler of the year for the second consecutive year. She has split her time between CMLL and AJW but mostly competed in CMLL. Her record was an amazing 110-60 with a 71 average match rating, highest of 85, and low of 55. She is the current WWWA World champion with All Japan Women's Wrestling.




The Sandman wins this years Independent wrestler award, boasting an impressive 30-7 record, all but one match with ECW. Averaging a match rating of 72, highest of 82, and low of 26, the Sandman hopes to continue his momentum for 1997. He lost the ECW World title in April after holding it for a year but then reclaimed the title in August, losing it in November. The 3-time ECW champion is a top star in their company.




In a raw deal, if you ask me, the World Wrestling Federation was voted as the top company of the year for second year in a row. Many had thought WCW had it in the bag this year after a tremendous year, however, it wasn't meant to be. They are rated to be a "Big" size and maintained 85-86 popularity level during the year.




Again thought to be in the bag for WCW, readers were surprised to see this years award go to Smoky Mountain Wrestling for the most-improved company. The medium sized company enjoyed constant popularity of 58-59 in their home South East region for the year and impressed with decent gains in the Mid South region.



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The WWF wins another award, this one being the match of the year. The tag team match, held on an edition of Monday Night Raw, scored an overall rating of 100.




The WWF wins another award, this one being the card of the year for Survivor Series with an average rating of 95. The show was headlined by Psycho Sid defending the WWF World Heavyweight title against Bret Hart, which scored a 99. The show scored a 5.91 buy rate with 57,000 in attendance. Halloween Havoc followed very close in second place with a 94 rating. This is the second year in a row the WWF has scored this award.




Dutch Mantel is this years manager of the year. He has split his time between the WWF and AWF, though his time there ended in September when the company went bankrupt and closed.




Jim Ross retains his title of announcer of the year! JR spent most of the 1996 year employed by the WWF after joining WCW in what can only be described as a steal. WCW looks forward to having the top rated announcer for two years in a row now calling all of the action for 1997.




The USWA booker and color commentator, Jerry Lawler, wins this years color guy of the year award. The USWA has enjoyed renewed success, thanks in large part to "the King", more that I will touch on later. 




WCW referee Charles Robinson enjoys his second year in a row of winning the award for best referee of the year. Congratulations, Charles, on being recognized as the best in the business!




1. Shawn Michaels

2. Bret Hart

3. Owen Hart

4. The Undertaker

5. The Ultimate Warrior

The top 5 were presented for 1996. Kevin Nash was the only WCW performer listed in the top 10, which he was listed at 8.




The WWF ranks in at #1, enjoying the top spot the entire year.



Psycho Sid Vicious has enjoyed his reign as the top champion in the WWF, holding the title since September when he defeated the British Bulldog.




Goldust is the current Intercontinental champion, having won the title in October after defeating the 123 Kid.




Billy Gunn and Jeff Jarrett, also known as Freedom Force, are the current WWF tag team champions. They just reclaimed the titles for the second time a couple of weeks ago from the New Rockers.


The WWF's top stars:

1. The Undertaker

2. Bret Hart

3. Shawn Michaels (Figurehead)

4. The Big Show

5. The Ultimate Warrior





WCW has enjoyed tremendous success during 1996 and an increase in popularity. They increased to "Big" size in January and have steadily been creeping toward becoming "Large." With their ever-growing popularity in Canada, it's only a matter of time before WCW increases in size again.


WCW's Top 5 Stars:

1. Hollywood Hogan (Figurehead)

2. Sting

3. Ric Flair

4. Brian Pillman

5. Kevin Nash





CMLL comes in at the third ranking company in the world. They are currently "medium" in size but are on the verge of becoming a "big" company, thanks in large part to Rey Mysterio Jr. CMLL had high hopes after locking Rey Mysterio as well as Chris Jericho into exclusive contracts, however, things became difficult after Jericho fractured his C7 early in the year, an injury putting him totally out of action for over 1 year. Still though, CMLL has persevered into becoming one of the top wrestling companies in the world. CMLL have way too many title belts to list, though Rey Mysterio is the current NWA Middleweight champion.


CMLL's Top 5 Stars:

1. Rey Mysterio Jr

2. Negro Casas

3. Atlantis

4. Rayo De Jalisco Jr.

5. Super Astro





New Japan Pro Wrestling ranks in at #4. The Big ranked company gives a distant challenge to the WWF and WCW, though they haven't tapped into the North American audience yet to establish a real threat. The only visibility they or any of their roster has had has been through the talent trade agreement by WCW and NJPW. If they're wanting to increase their position, they're going to have to expand into other markets. While they also remain the most popular Japanese promotion, they do not currently air any TV shows.


NJPW's Top 5 Stars:

1. Keiji Mutoh

2. Misawa

3. Shinya Hashimoto

4. Riki Choshu

5. Jushin Thunder Liger





All Japan Pro Wrestling rounds out the top 5 promotions in the world. The distant second place in Japan, they are still well-respected and the 4th most wealthy company. 


AJPW's Top 5 Stars:

1. Giant Baba

2. Masahiro Chono

3. Toshiaki Kawada

4. Stan Hansen

5. Kenta Kobashi


Honorable Mentions:



The USWA has seen tremendous growth during 1996. Their top 5 stars:

1. Jerry Lawler

2. Steve Williams (USWA world champion)

3. Jeff Jarrett

4. Vader

5. Ricky Morton


USWA looks ahead to 1997 with the hopes of continuing their momentum with an impressive roster that they've managed.





The beloved ECW ranks in at #14. Fans are always rooting for the underdog promotion but 1996 was a rough year for them. They thought they found their grove with Raven as world champion until an injury took him out of action for long-term. Since then, they've had an up and down battle, bouncing from Small size to Medium. They're currently medium but on the verge of once again dropping to small. 

ECW's Top 5 Stars:

1. Terry Funk

2. 2 Cold Scorpio

3. The Sandman

4. Tommy Dreamer

5. Raven


Their hope that with Raven now back in the swing of things, they will be able to regain the momentum they had in the beginning of 1996.


I hope you all enjoyed the year in review for 1996 and look ahead to 1997! Once we finish the first quarter of 1997, be on the lookout for another special edition of the WCW Hotline Report to update you on all of the current most popular workers in the world!

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Week 1, January 1997

LIVE from The Pit - Albuquerque, NM

Attendance: 18,000 (SELLOUT!)



Ross: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to WCW Monday Nitro! It's a brand new year and we're fresh off of Starrcade and, Bobby and Mike, what a night it was!


Tenay: That's right Jim Ross. Last night's Starrcade was an unprecedented event that saw a ton of action! Not only did several scores get settled last night but new ones emerged!


Heenan: You know, for as many answers and problems that were solved last night, there were 20 more to take it's place and cause more questions! The question that's been on my mind for the past 24 hours is what in the heck is the deal with the Macho Man Randy Savage?!?!


Ross: For sure, Bobby! Folks, we're gonna show you some still pictures from last night's Starrcade and the main event where Hollywood Hogan defended the world title against Scott Steiner. Fellas, what an effort Scott Steiner gave last night and just when it looked like Randy Savage was there to help, he pulled the wool over everyone's eyes and turned his back on Scott Steiner! He turned his back on him like a damn snake in the grass and cost him winning the world title! 


Heenan: You can't trust Randy Savage and I've known the Macho Man for a very, very long time! Everyone knows he's unhinged and off his rocker. The man's as unpredictable as a hurricane and just as violent too!


Ross: Well I sure as hell hope Randy Savage explains himself because after what he did last night, there's no excuse! He's a no good, low down, untrustworthy SON OF A B----


Heenan: OOooh, oh!!! Hold on now Jim Ross!!! You don't want Savage coming out here and getting in your face do you?!?


Ross: It's just unbelievable to me that Savage would do what he did! He's no doubt going to be here tonight and I hope he tells us all why he did that! It's -


- Ross is cut off as the NWO's music begins playing and they all make their way out onto the stage. Savage is the last to emerge who's also got Elizabeth locked around his arm. The group is all smiles as they make their way to the ring amidst a chorus of boos from the crowd. -






- It seems their numbers grow by the week, Jim Ross comments, as the group enters the ring. While the celebrations continue in a grotesque fashion, some fans are already throwing trash in the ring. Kevin Nash produces an "NWO" t-shirt and gives it to Savage as the music fades out and Eric Bischoff begins things on the microphone. -


Bischoff: Let's give it up for the most valuable player from Starrcade last night - The Macho Man Randy Savage!!!!! On behalf of the entire NWO group, we can now make the Macho Man's membership into the NWO official!!!!


I've heard the buzzing, I've seen all the questions posted, I've seen the news stories, and I've gotta say, everyone wants to know why, just, WHY, did the Macho Man turn his back and join the New World Order!?!? Well unlike some other wrestling companies, you fans don't have to wait to hear the answers and the reasons, because right here, right now, the Macho Man is going to address each and every one of your concerns!!! Ladies and gentlemen, the newest member of the NWO - THE MACHO MAN!!!!


Savage: I like it, I like it, YEAH!!!!!!!


Just a short 24 hours ago, everyone loved the Macho Man Randy Savage! And ever since I did what I did last night, everyone has been asking me one question - WHY?!


I'll tell ya why!!! Because as much as I don't like Hulk Hogan and despite all the grief he's caused me, one thing couldn't be denied....And that's whenever the Macho Man and Hulk Hogan join forces, there's not a single person on Earth that can stop the two of us!!! Despite all the hatred and animosity between me and Hulk Hogan, he always had my back whenever I asked for it!!!! I spent so much of my time last year going against Hulk Hogan and the NWO and what'd I have to show for it?!?! I'd get beat up week after week, I'd been put out of action and stretchered out of arena after arena when I supposedly had guys like Sting and the Total Package Lex Luger watching my back! Well all I was for guys like Sting and Lex Luger was a fall guy! I was just there to get the heat off of them! I'd get beat up and they were nowhere to be found! So why in the hell would I waste my time teaming up with them when Luger couldn't be counted on?!?!? Without Luger, that left Sting! What'd Sting do when things got rough and didn't go his way??? He disappeared!!!! Now he came back but all he does now is stand at a distance and watch everyone! All you people can waste your time looking up at the sky, but he's so much of a coward after what happened last night, he isn't even here tonight!!!!


So after finding myself so often on the receiving end of a beatdown, I had to sit and ask myself, what was the point?!?! There comes a time in life when you have to look at the real priorities and the real opportunities, and there were no opportunities to stay on the side of WCW and rely on cowards like Luger and Sting! Sometimes in life, if ya can't beat em', join em', and that's what I did!!!


There also comes time in your life when you have to look at yourself in the mirror and stop denying fate! Some things are destined to go together! Hulk Hogan and the Macho Man, and the Macho Man and Miss Elizabeth! I couldn't care any less if you people have a problem with it, because you people don't give me nothing! The NWO is here for good and I'd love to see someone try and change it!



Rating: 100



Television Title:

Perry Saturn vs Dean Malenko (c)

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Both men were coming off of victories from the prior night, although Saturn's victory was a tag team win during the pre-show. In any case, he wanted to put on as good a showing as his last TV title opportunity last month. The match just barely was not as good as the prior encounter, but it was still a good one. Saturn used his typical offense, full of suplexes mixed in with a hard-hitting offense, while Malenko utilized technical wrestling and submission holds. Added in between was the typical interference that Francine has provided Malenko in his title matches. Malenko won this one at 11:04 with the Texas Cloverleaf.

Winner: Dean Malenko

Rating: 70



John Tenta vs Brad Armstrong

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Both these men are coming off a pretty solid 1996, where they both saw some success and competed for the TV title. They were hoping to start off 1997 much the same way. There wasn't much to this one and Tenta got the win with the Earthquake Splash at 7:46.

Winner: John Tenta

Rating: 59




We come back from the first commercial break of the night to Mean Gene Okerlund standing in the middle of the ring. He hypes up a few matches from the previous night and focuses on the match that his next guest was involved in - a bloody, long winded affair that saw an unexpected end to many. Please welcome his guest at this time, the 14-time Worlds heavyweight champion, the Nature Boy Ric Flair!



Gene: Nature Boy, it amazes me that after such an intense and grueling matchup just 24 hours ago, that you're out here, not just in one piece aside from that bandage on your head, but smiling ear to ear and in such a great mood!!!


Flair: Well Mean Gene, to get to the level of the Nature Boy Ric Flair, not only do you have to be styling and profiling at every minute of every day, but you've gotta be able to go the 60 minute distance and still have enough energy to party on the town the rest of the night, and then be able to party the rest of the night with all the girls!!!!


As far as last night is concerned, brother, everybody saw Steve Austin and I go the distance! Everybody saw us beat the living hell outta one another, and somewhere in the middle of all that bloodshed, of all the pummeling and taking each other to the limit, Steve Austin and I discovered our newfound respect for one another!


Now, you probably won't be seeing the two of us teaming up and getting drinks together at the bar, but Steve Austin proved without a doubt that he is a complete badass, he's the real deal, and brother, he proved that he's the MAN! You know why?!?! Because how many times have I said "to be the man, you gotta beat the man" and Gene, last night, I'm not ashamed to say, Steve Austin beat THE MAN!


Austin!!! You proved last night why Double A and I brought you into the Horsemen in the first place! You're legit, nobody can deny that, and you're gonna go as far in this sport as you choose!!!! So as far as I'm concerned pal, things between us is water under the bridge!


This brings me now to that over-inflated egomaniac Hollywood Hogan! Hogan!!! I started something with you last year that ain't over by a long shot, pal!!! You not only cost me my world championship, but you also cost me the 4 Horsemen! I didn't finish things with you and I got pulled to the side by that no-good puissant Brian Pillman and then got tangled up with Austin! Scott Steiner, by God, proved himself to be a pain in your ass and, try as he might, just couldn't overcome the numbers of the NWO!


Hogan!!! You're nothing but a leech on this sport and as soon as you're done sucking and draining the blood out of one organization, you go on to another to do the same! You've taken this sport, you've taken WCW and you've smashed it under your boots and twisted your heel into the ground! You've spat on tradition, you've lowered the standards - not raised them! You've lowered them!!! You're an embarrassment to yourself and to professional wrestling!!! I'm on a mission to restore all the damage you've done to WCW and rebuild everything you've worked so hard to destroy! I'm not afraid of you or that little group of thugs you've got running beside you! I'm not going to hide, and you aren't gonna see me cowering from you or your little band of rejects!! Hogan, your ass, and the world title, is mine!

Rating: 100



Earl Robert Eaton vs Chavo Guerrero Jr.

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Can Chavo change his 1996 fortunes and start 1997 off with a winning record? No.....Eaton won this one at 7:03 with a Flying Body press.

Winner: Earl Robert Eaton

Rating: 57



- After returning from a commercial break, we're backstage in a locker room where Steve Austin is ready to address the crowd. Much like Flair, Austin's also sporting a large bandage on his forehead -



Last night, the Nature Boy Ric Flair and I beat the living hell out of one another for 60 straight minutes! Not only did I do what I said I was gonna do, but I also had to be man enough to shake his hand after it was all said and done with! Some might say that made me less of a cold hearted son of a bitch and made me have a soft side! Well I've got news for those people - Steve Austin ain't soft, and Steve Austin hasn't lost an edge! Ric Flair took a beating and continued to get up and give one back! To me, that showed that he's just as much a tough son of a bitch as me! What I'm not concerned with though, is the past, because it's all over! What I am concerned with, is the future! There's one thing I can guarantee everyone watching right now, and that's the future for Steve Austin has gold in it, and that's gonna be sooner rather than later!

Rating: 100



Booker T vs Paul Levesque

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Booker T entered this match with a great opportunity to showcase his singles ability, the only problem is he had to contend with the NWO. It was a very solid back and forth match between the two but in the end, Booker couldn't keep up with all the underhanded tactics that Levesque brought. The pin fall was counted at 11:24 after hitting the Apex.

Winner: Paul Levesque

Rating: 80





Mean Gene is standing by with Arn Anderson backstage and asks him about his match last night with Eddie Guerrero. Double A says that if Eddie didn't rely on cheating to win matches, he'd have a very terrible win-loss ratio. Arn cryptically tells Eddie to enjoy those questionable victories while he can because he hasn't yet realized he's facing the Enforcer, a man who built his career breaking down opponents and stooping to whatever depths he has to in order to win. Anderson says he invented the very tactics that Guerrero now relies on to win matches. Arn finishes up by saying you can't cheat a cheater.

Rating: 90



Lord Steven Regal vs Steve Austin

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The Lordship had no easy task tonight after coming up short last night in reclaiming the TV title. Austin was completely on fire tonight had firmly had the crowd behind up, the announcers observed on commentary. Regal was able to slow things down briefly after a poke to the eye but it didn't take long for Austin to fire back up and regain control. Austin won at 12:01 with a Stunner.

Winner: Steve Austin

Rating: 75





After the match, Mean Gene catches Regal at the base of the ramp for a quick word. Regal says that he isn't going to let some floozy cost him the Television championship again and he will reclaim the title. Regal says this would start immediately but next week he's going after the tag team titles.

Rating: 99



Ricky Steamboat & Lex Luger vs Kevin Nash & Randy Savage

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The main event was announced during the Levesque/Booker match and JR said that Steamboat personally requested to team with Luger to take on the NWO. The entrances were made and it immediately was a tense atmosphere after the NWO entered the ring. Steamboat tried to start things off with Savage but the Macho Man avoided him like the plague. Savage would enter the ring just to exit again prior to locking up. He did this several times before Luger finally got tired and chased Savage around the ringside area. Savage slid back in and quickly tagged in Nash, who slowly entered the ring with a twinkle in his eye at the opportunity to get Steamboat. Nash immediately took control and had Steamboat reeling. With the NWO firmly in control, Savage was happy to tag in now and cause some damage. Several near falls and several in and out tags, sometimes not even tagging at all, and the NWO had Steamboat in trouble. Luger was anxious to get in as the minutes went by, trying desperately to reach out to the Dragon so he could make the tag. After mustering up some offense, the crowd eagerly cheering him on, Steamboat was able to get a flurry of offense in and make the hot tag to Luger who came in blazing. The crowd was going crazy as Luger cleaned house and had Savage and Nash furiously trying to regain momentum. After hitting the bionic forearm on Nash, Luger signaled it was time for the Torture Rack.



Just as Luger was getting ready to lift Nash, Brian Pillman slid in the ring and blasted Luger from behind with the US title. The referee didn't see this, of course, because Savage had him distracted. Luger dropped to the mat and Pillman slid out of the ring just as fast as he entered. Steamboat was down on the mat, still feeling the effects of being isolated and unable to tag during the majority of the mat. Nash was able to get to his feet and lift Luger, hitting the Jacknife and score the win at 16:26.

Winners: Kevin Nash & Randy Savage

Rating: 97





In typical fashion, once the bell rang, the rest of the NWO made their way to ringside and climbed in. Pillman had already re-entered and started the attack once more as the others made their way in to join. A short attack began but didn't last long though as the crowd came to their feet in unified cheers...





Scott Steiner sprinted to the ring and slid in, hopping to his feet as a brief staredown with the NWO ensued. The crowd erupted once more as Steiner went right after the NWO. Steiner threw punch after punch, changing to a different person as he unloaded on the group. This allowed Luger and Steamboat some time to get back on their feet and join in on the fight. The crowd came unglued as WCW finally begin to fight back against the NWO and the Nitro credits appeared on the screen as an all-out brawl happened in the ring.


Ross: Folks, we're out of time!!!! WCW is finally fighting back against the NWO!!! But we've got to go!!!

Rating: 92


Final Show Rating: 96

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Hello everyone, I'm Mean Gene Okerlund bringing you this week's WCW Hotline Report!


The new year has gotten off to a fast start! The wrestling world was shocked that the Macho Man Randy Savage turned his back on WCW only to join the New World Order. There were many that thought his explanation this past Monday on Nitro for joining the NWO was rather lacking. Could there be more behind the Macho Man joining the group? Only time will tell.


This past week, WCW extended their TV deal with TBS to continue broadcasting Saturday Night. They also signed a new broadcasting deal with ITV - a television broadcaster out of the UK. This deal will provide WCW programming with a "very big" area of coverage, which will only help to expose WCW to more viewers internationally.


Bobby "the Brain" Heenan and Jody Hamilton also extended their contracts with WCW. I'm happy that the Brain will continue being a large part of WCW. Hamilton, not known to many, is a crucial part of the backstage scene in WCW. Both have reportedly signed 3 year deals.


January will not see a  typical Pay Per View by WCW, instead we will have Clash of the Champions 32! This event will happen the second week of the month. With the short turn around, we should see several matches announced during this week's Monday Nitro!


With the big update last week, there isn't much other news in the wrestling world this week! Here is the card for this week's Nitro, which will be held in Canada for the first time!



Week 2, January 1997

LIVE from Corel Centre - Ontario


Buff Bagwell vs Scott Steiner


Blue Bloods (Regal & Dave Taylor) vs Harlem Heat


Wrath vs Fit Finlay


Alex Wright vs Perry Saturn


Lenny Lane vs Randy Savage


Steve Austin vs Big Bubba Rogers

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